diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index ff49d7cb..8f2af855 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -3,7 +3,32 @@ Changelog
 All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
-## [1.3] - 
+## [1.4] - 2022-09-25
+### Added
+- Export to CSV file option.
+- Fitting: color boxes added to interface, indicating color per site
+- Bruker fid load now works for up to 8 dimensions
+- Custom x-axis can be restored after an operation cleared this
+- Bruker type data from WSolids can now be loaded
+- Fitting: improved parameter save. 
+- Dipolar tool: Now also calculates second moments (credits: Henrik Bradtmüller)
+- Fitting: Include separate Lorentz value for satellite transitions (credits: Julien Trébosc)
+- Fitting: Adds average Pq and peak Cq values to the Czjzek Distribution Plot (credits: Henrik Bradtmüller)
+### Removed
+- Python2 support.
+- Qt4 support.
+### Changed
+- Bruker spectra load: better intensity scaling using NC_proc setting
+- MQMAS fitting: Now has chemical shift distribution settings instead of Gauss
+- Colour plot shading set to 'hanning'
+- Diffusion fit: 2 * pi factor added
+- NMR table: update quadrupolar moments to latest values.
+### Fixed
+- Diagonal projection in 2D plot with a small SW in the indirect dim
+- A bug occurring when switching between 1/2D plots for high dimensional data
+## [1.3] - 2020-10-15
 ### Added
 - Added warning that PyQt4 and python2 support will be dropped soon
 - Extract part function now has step size
diff --git a/DocSrc/ReferenceManual.tex b/DocSrc/ReferenceManual.tex
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index f73c14b4..9f6683a5
--- a/DocSrc/ReferenceManual.tex
+++ b/DocSrc/ReferenceManual.tex
@@ -885,15 +885,6 @@ \subsection{Correct digital filter}
 Bruker and JEOL data, the required phase shift is extracted from the parameters files. Failing to
 use this function for these data leads to a spectrum with a strong first order phasing error.
-\subsection{Scale SW}
-A function to scale the spectra width (i.e. the sweepwidth) of the current dimension. Essentially,
-this can also be done in the main windows, by filling in $a * b$, with $a$ the current SW and $b$
-the multiplication factor. This tool is included for MQMAS data processing, were a scaling of SW of the
-indirect dimension can be used to get a true isotropic dimension (i.e. 1 ppm chemical shift
-corresponds to a 1 ppm peak shift). This scaling factor for this is $Q$ and $I$ dependent, and can be selected in
-this tool via an easy dropdown menu.
 % \subsubsection*{Background}
 % In theory, the recording of an NMR signal starts directly after the excitation point. The signal can then be easily described by a decaying exponential (or another function) and the Fourier transform does not show surprises. NMR data measured on a Bruker device, however, has the peculiar attribute that it starts \textit{before} the physical start of the signal. The origin of this lies in the way Bruker spectrometers use their digital filter, of which the details will not be described here. Direct Fourier transformation of this signal will lead to massive oscillations in the baseline of the resulting spectrum.
@@ -904,6 +895,14 @@ \subsection{Scale SW}
 Using this tool opens a windows, in which you have to open (again) the current Bruker file. ssNake then finds the desired phase correction and applies it to all traces.
+\subsection{Scale SW}
+A function to scale the spectra width (i.e. the sweepwidth) of the current dimension. Essentially,
+this can also be done in the main windows, by filling in $a * b$, with $a$ the current SW and $b$
+the multiplication factor. This tool is included for MQMAS data processing, were a scaling of SW of the
+indirect dimension can be used to get a true isotropic dimension (i.e. 1 ppm chemical shift
+corresponds to a 1 ppm peak shift). This scaling factor for this is $Q$ and $I$ dependent, and can be selected in
+this tool via an easy dropdown menu.
 This is a collection of tools to set the current reference (0 frequency) of the current spectrum.
@@ -1558,7 +1557,8 @@ \subsection{CSA}
 \item The MAS method: static, finite or infinite
 \item The spinning speed in kHz (when MAS is on `finite').
 \item The number of sidebands (when MAS is on `finite'). This value must always be larger then the
-  expected number of spinning sidebands. When too few sidebands are simulated, the sideband intensities will be off. Larger values take more time to simulate. For efficiency powers of two should be used.
+  expected number of spinning sidebands. When too few sidebands are simulated, the sideband intensities will be off. 
+Larger values take more time to simulate. For efficiency powers of two should be used.
 \item The rotor angle in radian (when MAS is not static). Default is the magic angle:
@@ -1567,7 +1567,8 @@ \subsection{CSA}
 \item The three chemical shift values (depend on the definition) in units of the current axis.
 \item Integral: total integral of the lineshape
 \item Lorentz: amount of Lorentzian linebroading in Hz
-\item Gauss: amount of Gaussian linebroading in Hz.
+\item Gauss: amount of Gaussian linebroading in units of the current axis. Note that Gauss in ppm should be used to 
+            describe chemical shift distribution.
 A maximum of 10 sites can be fitted simultaneously.
@@ -1626,18 +1627,22 @@ \subsection{Quadrupole}
 \item The rotor angle in radian (when MAS is not `static'). Default is the magic angle:
 \item The number of sidebands (when MAS is on `finite'). This value must always be larger then the
-  expected number of spinning sidebands. When too few sidebands are simulated, the sideband intensities will be off. Larger values take more time to simulate. For efficiency powers of two should be used.
+  expected number of spinning sidebands. When too few sidebands are simulated, the sideband intensities 
+will be off. Larger values take more time to simulate. For efficiency powers of two should be used.
 \item The spinning speed in kHz (when MAS is on `finite').
 \item The background (constant value added to all data points)
 And for each site:
-\item Position: centre of the lineshape. This value is added to all $x$-values from the simulation. Scale is in Hz.
+\item Position: centre of the lineshape in units of the current axis. This value is added to all 
+          $x$-values from the simulation. 
 \item $C_\text{Q}$: quadrupolar coupling constant in MHz.
 \item $\eta$: the asymmetry parameter
 \item Integral: total integral of the lineshape
-\item Lorentz: amount of Lorentzian linebroading in Hz
-\item Gauss: amount of Gaussian linebroading in Hz.
+\item Lorentz: amount of Lorentzian linebroading of the central transition in Hz
+\item LorentzST: amount of Lorentzian linebroading of satellite transitions in Hz
+\item Gauss: amount of Gaussian linebroading in units of the current axis. In ppm unit Gauss can 
+describe chemical shift distribution
 A maximum of 10 sites can be fitted simultaneously.
@@ -1734,12 +1739,16 @@ \subsubsection*{Equations}
-Quadrupole + CSA fitting combines first and second order quadrupolar effects and chemical shift anisotropy. Both spinning and static spectra can be simulated. For the effects of the individual quadrupole or CSA settings, see above at their respective sections.
+Quadrupole + CSA fitting combines first and second order quadrupolar effects and chemical shift anisotropy. 
+Both spinning and static spectra can be simulated. For the effects of the individual quadrupole or CSA 
+settings, see above at their respective sections.
-Three additional parameters that need to be given are the three angles defining the rotation of the CSA tensor with respect to the EFG tensor ($\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$).
+Three additional parameters that need to be given are the three angles defining the rotation of the CSA 
+tensor with respect to the EFG tensor ($\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$).
 We order the EFG tensor values in the following way: $|V_{zz}|>|V_{xx}|>|V_{yy}|$.
 We define the CSA and quadrupole angles in the same way as SIMPSON does, but we rotate via
-an Z-X-Z euler rotation, while SIMPSON uses Z-Y-Z. This leads to the following conversion table, showing the ssNake angles when using $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$ in another software package:
+an Z-X-Z euler rotation, while SIMPSON uses Z-Y-Z. This leads to the following conversion table, showing 
+the ssNake angles when using $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$ in another software package:
@@ -1812,7 +1821,8 @@ \subsubsection*{Equations}
   \int \int \int \sin(\beta) \text{d}\alpha \text{d}\beta \text{d}\gamma \nonumber \\
   & \exp \left\{ -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \left[ C_\text{Q,0}^2 \left(1 + \frac{\eta_0^2}{3}\right) +
   C_\text{Q}^2 \left(1+ \frac{\eta^2}{3}\right) \right.\right. \\
-  & \left.\vphantom{\frac{a^1}{1}} \left.\vphantom{\frac{a^1}{1}} - \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} C_\text{Q} C_\text{Q,0} \left( \sqrt{3} a_{11} + \eta_0 a_{15} + \eta \left(
+  & \left.\vphantom{\frac{a^1}{1}} \left.\vphantom{\frac{a^1}{1}} - \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} C_\text{Q} C_\text{Q,0} 
+  \left( \sqrt{3} a_{11} + \eta_0 a_{15} + \eta \left(
  a_{51} + \frac{\eta_0 a_{55}}{\sqrt{3}} \right) \right) \right] \right\} \nonumber
@@ -1841,19 +1851,33 @@ \subsubsection*{Equations}
 tests for the \texttt{numba} package itself, so regular installation of this package should be sufficient.
-This fitting routine can be used to fit an MQMAS spectrum. It is a 2D fitting routine, showing a contour plot of the data. The fit result is plot on top of this using a different contour colour. As there are now two plotting dimensions, there are two Lorentz and Gauss broadening settings.
+This fitting routine can be used to fit an MQMAS spectrum. It is a 2D fitting routine, showing a contour plot 
+of the data. The fit result is plot on top of this using a different contour colour. Related to the additional dimension
+a Lorentz1 parameter is added to describe relaxation in D1. Regardin Gaussian broadening, Gauss parameter is used in 
+both dimensions to describe chemical shift distribution.
-For simulation of MQMAS data, we need to define the quadrupolar parameters as before (see the section on fitting of quadrupole lines). In this case, no satellite signals are included. Only infinite MAS spinning speeds are supported (no spinning sidebands are calculated). Moreover, it is an ideal simulation, so no excitation profiles are taken into account.
+For simulation of MQMAS data, we need to define the quadrupolar parameters as before (see the section on fitting 
+of quadrupole lines). In this case, no satellite signals are included. Only infinite MAS spinning speeds are
+ supported (no spinning sidebands are calculated). Moreover, it is an ideal simulation, so no excitation profiles 
+are taken into account.
-Apart from the spin quantum number I, MQMAS simulation also requires selected the multiple quantum transition to be supplied. This is labelled `MQ' in the interface. 
+Apart from the spin quantum number I, MQMAS simulation also requires selected the multiple quantum transition 
+evolving in D1 to be supplied. This is labelled `MQ' in the interface. 
-Two additional parameters that need to be supplied are the shearing and spectral width scale factors. These are required for the processing of MQMAS data, as is also described in our advanced tutorial on MQMAS processing. By default, the shearing is set at 0, and the sw scaling at 1. This results in unsheared data, and can be used to fit experimental data that has also not been sheared.
+Two additional parameters that need to be supplied are the shearing and spectral width scale factors. These allow 
+to model 2D MQMAS spectra processed using diferent shearing schemes. Check our advanced tutorial on MQMAS processing. 
+By default, the shearing is set at 0, and the sw scaling at 1. This results in unsheared data with D1 corresponding 
+to 3Q coherence evolution, and can be used to fit experimental data that has not been sheared.
-The required sharing and sw scaling factors depend on both I and MQ. Using the 'Auto' push button in the interface, the correct values are filled in in the boxes, depending on the current I and MQ setting.
+The required sharing and sw scaling factors depend on both I and MQ. Using the 'Auto' push button in the interface, 
+the correct values are filled in in the boxes, depending on the current I and MQ setting.
 \subsection{Czjzek MQMAS}
-This routine can be used to fit an MQMAS spectrum of a species that is influenced by a Czjzek distribution. The required inputs are describe in the section on 1D Czjzek fitting, and regular MQMAS fitting respectively. Note that this again means that firstly a library needs to be generated of a $C_\text{Q}$ and $\eta$ grid. The spectrum sharing and sw scaling are as described in the MQMAS section.
+This routine can be used to fit an MQMAS spectrum of a species that is influenced by a Czjzek distribution. The 
+required inputs are describe in the section on 1D Czjzek fitting, and regular MQMAS fitting respectively. Note 
+that this again means that firstly a library needs to be generated of a $C_\text{Q}$ and $\eta$ grid. The spectrum 
+sharing and sw scaling are as described in the MQMAS section.
@@ -2119,7 +2143,7 @@ \subsection{Multi plot}
 to add additional data (from other, or the same workspace). Things that can be changed are:
   \item Scale: linear multiplier of the signal ($y$ value)
-  \item Offset: gives an offset to the current data. The step size depends on the data, and is shown between
+  \item Offset: gives a vertical offset to the current data. The step size depends on the data, and is shown between
   \item Shift: horizontal shift in units of the current axis.
   \item Dimension selector: selects the dimension and trace to be shown (as with a regular 1D plot).
diff --git a/DocSrc/Title.tex b/DocSrc/Title.tex
index 4b093feb..9a7bd22a 100755
--- a/DocSrc/Title.tex
+++ b/DocSrc/Title.tex
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 \large Wouter Franssen \& Bas van Meerten
-\large Version 1.4b
+\large Version 1.4
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ea59ee72..be8c6a74 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ Contact
 For question and suggestions mail to: ssnake@science.ru.nl
+Or use the GitHib [discussion forum](https://github.com/smeerten/ssnake/discussions)
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index 63f6ed7a..f6fd5f30 100644
Binary files a/ReferenceManual.pdf and b/ReferenceManual.pdf differ
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Binary files a/Tutorial/Tutorial.pdf and b/Tutorial/Tutorial.pdf differ
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index eb2d413f..c8e61755 100644
--- a/Tutorial/src/Title.tex
+++ b/Tutorial/src/Title.tex
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 \large Wouter Franssen \& Bas van Meerten
-\large Version 1.4b
+\large Version 1.4
diff --git a/src/Czjzek.py b/src/Czjzek.py
index 14ec2871..f60fc657 100644
--- a/src/Czjzek.py
+++ b/src/Czjzek.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
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diff --git a/src/IsotopeProperties b/src/IsotopeProperties
index f009211a..9e85f6ab 100644
--- a/src/IsotopeProperties
+++ b/src/IsotopeProperties
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	SampleCondition	Lifetime(y)
-1	H	Hydrogen	1	0.5	99.9885	26.7522128	-	100.000000	Me<sub>4</sub>Si	CDCl<sub>3</sub>, φ = 1%	-
-1	H	Hydrogen	2	1	0.0115	4.10662791	0.2860	15.350609	(CD<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Si	neat	-
+1	H	Hydrogen	1	0.5	99.9885	26.7522128	0	100.000000	Me<sub>4</sub>Si	CDCl<sub>3</sub>, φ = 1%	-
+1	H	Hydrogen	2	1	0.0115	4.10662791	0.285783	15.350609	(CD<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Si	neat	-
 1	H	Hydrogen	3	0.5	-	28.5349779	0	106.663974	Me<sub>4</sub>Si-t1	-	12.32 y
 2	He	Helium	3	0.5	1.37e-4	-20.3801587	0	76.179437	He	gas	-
 3	Li	Lithium	6	1	7.59	3.9371709	-0.0808	14.716086	LiCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 9.7 m 	-
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 13	Al	Aluminium	27	2.5	100	6.9762715	14.66	26.056859	Al(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 1.1 m	-
 14	Si	Silicon	29	0.5	4.6832	-5.3190	0	19.867187	Me<sub>4</sub>Si	CDCl<sub>3</sub>, φ = 1%	-
 15	P	Phosphorus	31	0.5	100	10.8394	0	40.480742	H<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>	-	-
-16	S	Sulfur	33	1.5	0.76	2.055685	-6.78	7.676000	(NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, sat.	-
-17	Cl	Chlorine	35	1.5	75.78	2.624198	-8.165	9.797909	NaCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
-17	Cl	Chlorine	37	1.5	24.22	2.184368	-6.435	8.155725	NaCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
+16	S	Sulfur	33	1.5	0.76	2.055685	-6.94	7.676000	(NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, sat.	-
+17	Cl	Chlorine	35	1.5	75.78	2.624198	-8.112	9.797909	NaCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
+17	Cl	Chlorine	37	1.5	24.22	2.184368	-6.393	8.155725	NaCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
 18	Ar	Argon	37	1.5	-	3.656	7.6	13.67	-	-	35.0 d
 18	Ar	Argon	39	3.5	-	2.17	-12	8.13	-	-	268 y
-19	K	Potassium	39	1.5	93.2581	1.2500608	5.85	4.666373	KCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
-19	K	Potassium	40	4	0.0117	-1.5542854	-7.3	5.802018	KCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	1.248e9 y
-19	K	Potassium	41	1.5	6.7302	0.68606808	7.11	2.561305	KCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
+19	K	Potassium	39	1.5	93.2581	1.2500608	6.03	4.666373	KCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
+19	K	Potassium	40	4	0.0117	-1.5542854	-7.50	5.802018	KCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	1.248e9 y
+19	K	Potassium	41	1.5	6.7302	0.68606808	7.34	2.561305	KCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
 20	Ca	Calcium	43	3.5	0.135	-1.803069	-4.08	6.730029	CaCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
 21	Sc	Scandium	45	3.5	100	6.5087973	-22.0	24.291747	Sc(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.06 M	-
 22	Ti	Titanium	47	2.5	7.44	-1.5105	30.2	5.637534	TiCl<sub>4</sub>	neat	-
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 28	Ni	Nickel	61	1.5	1.1399	-2.3948	16.2	8.936051	Ni(CO)<sub>4</sub>	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
 29	Cu	Copper	63	1.5	69.17	7.1117890	-22.0	26.515473	[Cu(CH<sub>3</sub>CN)<sub>4</sub>][ClO<sub>4</sub>]	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
 29	Cu	Copper	65	1.5	30.83	7.60435	-20.4	28.403693	[Cu(CH<sub>3</sub>CN)<sub>4</sub>][ClO<sub>4</sub>]	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
-30	Zn	Zinc	67	2.5	4.10	1.676688	15.0	6.256803	Zn(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, sat.	-
+30	Zn	Zinc	67	2.5	4.10	1.676688	12.2	6.256803	Zn(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, sat.	-
 31	Ga	Gallium	69	1.5	60.108	6.438855	17.1	24.001354	Ga(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 1.1 m	-
 31	Ga	Gallium	71	1.5	39.892	8.181171	10.7	30.496704	Ga(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 1.1 m	-
 32	Ge	Germanium	73	4.5	7.73	-0.9360303	-19.6	3.488315	(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Ge	neat	-
-33	As	Arsenic	75	1.5	100	4.596163	31.4	17.122614	NaAsF<sub>6</sub>	CD<sub>3</sub>CN, 0.5 M	-
+33	As	Arsenic	75	1.5	100	4.596163	31.1	17.122614	NaAsF<sub>6</sub>	CD<sub>3</sub>CN, 0.5 M	-
 34	Se	Selenium	77	0.5	7.63	5.1253857	0	19.071513	Me<sub>2</sub>Se	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
-35	Br	Bromine	79	1.5	50.69	6.725616	31.3	25.053980	NaBr	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
-35	Br	Bromine	81	1.5	49.31	7.249776	26.2	27.006518	NaBr	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
+35	Br	Bromine	79	1.5	50.69	6.725616	30.87	25.053980	NaBr	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
+35	Br	Bromine	81	1.5	49.31	7.249776	25.79	27.006518	NaBr	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
 36	Kr	Krypton	83	4.5	11.49	-1.03310	25.9	3.847600	Kr	gas	-
 37	Rb	Rubidium	85	2.5	72.17	2.5927050	27.6	9.654943	RbCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
 37	Rb	Rubidium	87	1.5	27.83	8.786400	13.35	32.720454	RbCl	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	4.97e10 y
-38	Sr	Strontium	87	4.5	7.00	-1.1639376	33.5	4.333822	SrCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.5 M	-
+38	Sr	Strontium	87	4.5	7.00	-1.1639376	30.5	4.333822	SrCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.5 M	-
 39	Y	Yttrium	89	0.5	100	-1.3162791	0	4.900198	Y(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	H<sub>2</sub>O/D<sub>2</sub>O	-
 40	Zr	Zirconium	91	2.5	11.22	-2.49743	-17.6	9.296298	Zr(C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>5</sub>)<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>	CH<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>, sat.	-
 41	Nb	Niobium	93	4.5	100	6.5674	-32.0	24.476170	K[NbCl<sub>6</sub>]	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
@@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 47	Ag	Silver	109	0.5	48.161	-1.2518634	0	4.653533	AgNO<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, sat.	-
 48	Cd	Cadmium	111	0.5	12.80	-5.6983131	0	21.215480	Me<sub>2</sub>Cd	neat	-
 48	Cd	Cadmium	113	0.5	12.22	-5.9609155	0	22.193175	Me<sub>2</sub>Cd	neat	8.04e15 y
-49	In	Indium	113	4.5	4.29	5.8845	79.9	21.865755	In(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
-49	In	Indium	115	4.5	95.71	5.8972	81.0	21.912629	In(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	4.4e14 y
+49	In	Indium	113	4.5	4.29	5.8845	76.1	21.865755	In(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
+49	In	Indium	115	4.5	95.71	5.8972	77.2	21.912629	In(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	4.4e14 y
 50	Sn	Tin	115	0.5	0.34	-8.8013	0	32.718749	Me<sub>4</sub>Sn	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
 50	Sn	Tin	117	0.5	7.68	-9.58879	0	35.632259	Me<sub>4</sub>Sn	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
 50	Sn	Tin	119	0.5	8.59	-10.0317	0	37.290632	Me<sub>4</sub>Sn	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
-51	Sb	Antimony	121	2.5	57.21	6.4435	-36.0	23.930577	KSbCl<sub>6</sub>	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
-51	Sb	Antimony	123	3.5	42.79	3.4892	-49.0	12.959217	KSbCl<sub>6</sub>	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
+51	Sb	Antimony	121	2.5	57.21	6.4435	-54.3	23.930577	KSbCl<sub>6</sub>	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
+51	Sb	Antimony	123	3.5	42.79	3.4892	-69.2	12.959217	KSbCl<sub>6</sub>	CH<sub>3</sub>CN, sat.	-
 52	Te	Tellurium	123	0.5	0.89	-7.059098	0	26.169742	Me<sub>2</sub>Te	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
 52	Te	Tellurium	125	0.5	7.07	-8.5108404	0	31.549769	Me<sub>2</sub>Te	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	-
-53	I	Iodine	127	2.5	100	5.389573	-71.0	20.007486	KI	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
+53	I	Iodine	127	2.5	100	5.389573	-68.822	20.007486	KI	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
 54	Xe	Xenon	129	0.5	26.44	-7.452103	0	27.810186	XeOF<sub>4</sub>	neat	-
-54	Xe	Xenon	131	1.5	21.18	2.209076	-11.4	8.243921	XeOF<sub>4</sub>	neat	-
+54	Xe	Xenon	131	1.5	21.18	2.209076	-11.46	8.243921	XeOF<sub>4</sub>	neat	-
 55	Cs	Cesium	133	3.5	100	3.5332539	-0.343	13.116142	CsNO<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.1 M	-
-56	Ba	Barium	135	1.5	6.592	2.67550	16.0	9.934457	BaCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.5 M	-
-56	Ba	Barium	137	1.5	11.232	2.99295	24.5	11.112928	BaCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.5 M	-
+56	Ba	Barium	135	1.5	6.592	2.67550	15.3	9.934457	BaCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.5 M	-
+56	Ba	Barium	137	1.5	11.232	2.99295	23.6	11.112928	BaCl<sub>2</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.5 M	-
 57	La	Lanthanum	138	5	0.090	3.557239	45.0	13.194300	LaCl<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O/H<sub>2</sub>O	1.06e11 y
-57	La	Lanthanum	139	3.5	99.910	3.8083318	20.0	14.125641	LaCl<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
+57	La	Lanthanum	139	3.5	99.910	3.8083318	20.6	14.125641	LaCl<sub>3</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 0.01 M	-
 58	Ce	Cerium	137	1.5	-	3.07	-	11.5	-	-	9.0 h
 58	Ce	Cerium	139	1.5	-	3.39	-	12.7	-	-	137.6 d
 58	Ce	Cerium	141	3.5	-	1.49	-	5.57	-	-	32.50 d
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 60	Nd	Neodymium	143	3.5	12.2	-1.457	-63.0	5.45	-	-	-
 60	Nd	Neodymium	145	3.5	8.3	-0.898	-33.0	3.36	-	-	-
 61	Pm	Promethium	143	2.5	-	7.282	-	13.2	-	-	265 d
-61	Pm	Promethium	147	3.5	-	3.53	74	21.0	-	-	2.623 y
+61	Pm	Promethium	147	3.5	-	3.53	74.0	21.0	-	-	2.623 y
 62	Sm	Samarium	147	3.5	14.99	-1.115	-25.9	4.17	-	-	1.06e11 y
-62	Sm	Samarium	149	3.5	13.82	-0.9192	7.4	3.44	-	-	1e16 y
+62	Sm	Samarium	149	3.5	13.82	-0.9192	7.5	3.44	-	-	1e16 y
 63	Eu	Europium	151	2.5	47.81	6.6510	90.3	24.86	-	-	5e18 y
 63	Eu	Europium	153	2.5	52.19	2.9369	241.2	10.98	-	-	5.5e17 y
 64	Gd	Gadolinium	155	1.5	14.80	-0.82132	127.0	3.07	-	-	-
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 66	Dy	Dysprosium	163	2.5	24.90	1.289	264.8	4.82	-	-	-
 67	Ho	Holmium	165	3.5	100	5.710	358.0	21.34	-	-	-
 68	Er	Erbium	167	3.5	22.93	-0.77157	356.5	2.88	-	-	-
-69	Tm	Thullum	169	0.5	100	-2.218	-	8.29	-	-	-
-70	Yb	Ytterbium	171	0.5	14.28	4.7288	-	17.499306	Yb(η-C<sub>5</sub>Me<sub>5</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub>	0.171 M in THF	-
+69	Tm	Thullum	169	0.5	100	-2.218	0	8.29	-	-	-
+70	Yb	Ytterbium	171	0.5	14.28	4.7288	0	17.499306	Yb(η-C<sub>5</sub>Me<sub>5</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub>	0.171 M in THF	-
 70	Yb	Ytterbium	173	2.5	16.13	-1.3025	280.0	4.821	-	-	-
 71	Lu	Lutetium	175	3.5	97.41	3.0552	349.0	11.404	-	-	-
 71	Lu	Lutetium	176	7	2.59	2.1684	497.0	8.131	-	-	3.73e10 y
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 78	Pt	Platinum	195	0.5	33.832	5.8385	0	21.496784	Na<sub>2</sub>PtCl<sub>6</sub>	D<sub>2</sub>O, 1.2 M	7.3e18 y
 79	Au	Gold	197	1.5	100	0.473060	54.7	1.729	-	-	-
 80	Hg	Mercury	199	0.5	16.87	4.8457916	0	17.910822	Me<sub>2</sub>Hg	neat	-
-80	Hg	Mercury	201	1.5	13.18	-1.788769	38.6	6.611583	C(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>Hg	neat	-
+80	Hg	Mercury	201	1.5	13.18	-1.788769	38.7	6.611583	C(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>Hg	neat	-
 81	Tl	Thalium	203	0.5	29.524	15.5393338	0	57.123200	Tl(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	-	-
 81	Tl	Thalium	205	0.5	70.476	15.6921808	0	57.683838	Tl(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>	-	-
 82	Pb	Lead	207	0.5	22.1	5.58046	0	20.920599	Me<sub>4</sub>Pb	neat/C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>	>1.9e21 y
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ Atom	Nucleus	Name	Mass	Spin	Abundance(%)	Gamma	Q(fm^2)	FreqRatio	Refsample	Sampl
 87	Fr	Francium	223	1.5	-	3.85	117	14.0	-	-	22.0 m
 88	Ra	Radium	223	1.5	-	0.86369	121	3.2293	-	-	11.43 d
 88	Ra	Radium	225	0.5	-	7.0290	0	26.275	-	-	14.9 d
-89	Ac	Actinium	227	1.5	-	3.5	170	13	-	-	21.77 y
-90	Th	Thorium	229	2.5	-	0.40	430	1.5	-	-	7.93e3 y
-91	Pa	Protactinium	231	1.5	100	3.21	-172	12.0	-	-	3.25e4 y
+89	Ac	Actinium	227	1.5	-	3.5	170.0	13	-	-	21.77 y
+90	Th	Thorium	229	2.5	-	0.40	311.0	1.5	-	-	7.93e3 y
+91	Pa	Protactinium	231	1.5	100	3.21	-172.0	12.0	-	-	3.25e4 y
 92	U	Uranium	235	3.5	0.7200	-0.52	493.6	1.841400	UF<sub>6</sub>	C<sub>6</sub>D<sub>6</sub>, φ = 10% 	7.03e8 y
 93	Np	Neptunium	237	2.5	-	6.01	388.6	22.5	-	-	2.14e6 y
 94	Pu	Plutonium	239	0.5	-	0.974	0	3.63	-	-	2.410e4 y
-95	Am	Amercium	243	2.5	-	1.54	421	5.76	-	-	7.37e3 y
+95	Am	Amercium	243	2.5	-	1.54	420.0	5.76	-	-	7.37e3 y
 96	Cm	Curium	247	4.5	-	0.20	-	0.75	-	-	1.56e7 y
 97	Bk	Berkelium	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
 98	Cf	Californium	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
diff --git a/src/fitting.py b/src/fitting.py
index 7abee08a..5de679c5 100644
--- a/src/fitting.py
+++ b/src/fitting.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
@@ -968,6 +968,10 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
         self.isMain = isMain              # display fitting buttons
         self.ticks = {key: [] for key in self.SINGLENAMES + self.MULTINAMES}
         self.entries = {key: [] for key in self.SINGLENAMES + self.MULTINAMES + self.EXTRANAMES}
+        # sets a default position of MULTINAMES according to their position in definition list
+        self.MULTINAMES_ORDER = {self.MULTINAMES[i]:i for i in range(len(self.MULTINAMES))} 
         tmp = np.array(self.parent.data.shape(), dtype=int)
         tmp = np.delete(tmp, self.parent.axes)
         self.fitParamList = np.zeros(tmp, dtype=object)
@@ -1141,7 +1145,7 @@ def setRMSD(self, val=None):
             self.rmsdEdit.setText(('%#.' + str(self.rootwindow.tabWindow.PRECIS) + 'g') % val)
-    def addMultiLabel(self, name, text, num, tooltip=""):
+    def addMultiLabel(self, name, text, tooltip=""):
         Creates a label for a parameter with multiple sites and adds it to frame3.
@@ -1151,8 +1155,6 @@ def addMultiLabel(self, name, text, num, tooltip=""):
             Name of the parameter.
         text : str
             The text on the label.
-        num : int
-            The column to place the label widget.
         tootip : str
             A description of the parameter to be shown as tooltip.
@@ -1163,13 +1165,14 @@ def addMultiLabel(self, name, text, num, tooltip=""):
             The label.
+        num = self.MULTINAMES_ORDER[name]
         tick = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('')
         tick.stateChanged.connect(lambda state, self=self: self.changeAllTicks(state, name))
-        self.frame3.addWidget(tick, 1, num)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(tick, 1, 2*num+1) # 1st widget is color widget
         label = wc.QLabel(text)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(label, 1, num + 1)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(label, 1, 2*num+2)
         return tick, label
     def changeAllTicks(self, state, name):
@@ -1932,8 +1935,46 @@ def genMask(self):
             if removeLimits['invert']:
                 mask = np.abs(mask-1.0)
             return mask
+    def update_LorentzST_state(self):
+        """ disable/enable LorentzST entries and checkboxes if exist.
+        """
+        if 'LorentzST' in self.MULTINAMES:
+            # OK there should be LorentzST entry
+            if 'satBool' in self.entries.keys():
+                satBool = self.entries['satBool'][-1].isChecked()
+                if satBool :
+                    #update the column labels and global check button
+                    CB = self.frame3.layout().itemAt(2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['LorentzST']+1).widget()
+                    CB.setEnabled(True)
+                    #update the sites widgets
+                    for site in range(self.FITNUM):
+                        self.entries['LorentzST'][site].setEnabled(True)
+                        self.ticks['LorentzST'][site].setEnabled(True)
+                else:
+                    #update the column labels and global check button
+                    CB = self.frame3.layout().itemAt(2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['LorentzST']+1).widget()
+                    CB.setEnabled(False)
+                    CB.setChecked(True)
+                    for site in range(self.FITNUM):
+                        self.entries['LorentzST'][site].setEnabled(False)
+                        self.ticks['LorentzST'][site].setChecked(True)
+                        self.ticks['LorentzST'][site].setEnabled(False)
+    def populates_MULTINAMES_sites(self):
+        """ Add the QTextEdit and QCheckBox widgets to frame3 grid for each site
+        """
+        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
+            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
+            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
+            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
+            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
+            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
+            for name in self.MULTINAMES:
+                self.ticks[name].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
+                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[name][i], i + 2, 2 * self.MULTINAMES_ORDER[name] + 1)
+                self.entries[name].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, name, ''))
+                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[name][i], i + 2, 2 * self.MULTINAMES_ORDER[name] + 2)
 def lstSqrs(dataList, maskList, *args):
@@ -2298,25 +2339,17 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
         self.numExp.addItems([str(x + 1) for x in range(self.FITNUM)])
         self.frame3.addWidget(self.numExp, 0, 0, 1, 2)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Coefficient", "Coefficient:", 1)
-        self.addMultiLabel("T", "T [s]:", 3)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Coefficient", "Coefficient:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("T", "T [s]:")
         self.xlog = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('x-log')
         self.optframe.addWidget(self.xlog, 0, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop)
         self.ylog = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('y-log')
         self.optframe.addWidget(self.ylog, 1, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop)
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j], ('%#.' + str(self.rootwindow.tabWindow.PRECIS) + 'g') % self.fitParamList[locList][self.MULTINAMES[j]][i][0]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
+        # WARNING entries line is different in populates_MULTINAMES_sites (what is the need)
+        #self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j], ('%#.' + str(self.rootwindow.tabWindow.PRECIS) + 'g') % self.fitParamList[locList][self.MULTINAMES[j]][i][0]))
     def reset(self):
@@ -2422,8 +2455,8 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
         self.numExp.addItems([str(x + 1) for x in range(self.FITNUM)])
         self.frame3.addWidget(self.numExp, 0, 0, 1, 2)
-        self.addMultiLabel('Coefficient', "Coefficient:", 1)
-        self.addMultiLabel('D', "D [m^2/s]:", 3)
+        self.addMultiLabel('Coefficient', "Coefficient:")
+        self.addMultiLabel('D', "D [m^2/s]:")
         self.frame3.setColumnStretch(20, 1)
         self.xlog = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('x-log')
@@ -2432,17 +2465,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
         self.ylog = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('y-log')
         self.optframe.addWidget(self.ylog, 1, 0)
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j], ''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def reset(self):
@@ -2609,21 +2632,11 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
         self.numExp.addItems([str(x + 1) for x in range(self.FITNUM)])
         self.frame3.addWidget(self.numExp, 0, 0, 1, 2)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Position", "Position [" + self.axUnit + "]:", 1)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 3)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", 5)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{self.axUnit}]:", 7)
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Position", "Position [" + self.axUnit + "]:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{self.axUnit}]:")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def reset(self):
@@ -2794,56 +2807,46 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
             axUnit = ['Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz'][self.parent.getAxType()]
         # Labels
-        self.addMultiLabel("Definition1", "", 1)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Definition2", "", 3)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Definition3", "", 5)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Definition1", "")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Definition2", "")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Definition3", "")
         self.label11 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>11</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.label22 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>22</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.label33 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>33</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.label11, 1, 2)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.label22, 1, 4)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.label33, 1, 6)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.label11, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition1']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.label22, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition2']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.label33, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition3']+2)
         self.labelxx = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>xx</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.labelyy = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>yy</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.labelzz = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>zz</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelxx, 1, 2)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelyy, 1, 4)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelzz, 1, 6)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelxx, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition1']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelyy, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition2']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelzz, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition3']+2)
         self.labeliso = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>iso</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.labelaniso = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>aniso</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.labeleta = wc.QLabel(u'η:')
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeliso, 1, 2)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelaniso, 1, 4)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeleta, 1, 6)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeliso, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition1']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelaniso, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition2']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeleta, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition3']+2)
         self.labeliso2 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>iso</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.labelspan = wc.QLabel(u'Ω [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.labelskew = wc.QLabel(u'κ:')
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeliso2, 1, 2)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelspan, 1, 4)
-        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelskew, 1, 6)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 7)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", 9, "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", 11, "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeliso2, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition1']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelspan, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition2']+2)
+        self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelskew, 1, 2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Definition3']+2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def MASChange(self, MAStype):
@@ -3153,25 +3156,17 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
             axUnit = ['Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz'][self.parent.getAxType()]
         # Labels
-        self.addMultiLabel("Position", u"Position [" + axUnit + "]:", 1, "Isotropic chemical shift")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Cq", u"C<sub>Q</sub> [MHz]:", 3, "Quadrupolar anisotopy")
-        self.addMultiLabel("eta", u"η:", 5, "Quadrupolar asymmetry (0-1)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 7)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", 9, "Lorentzian broadening of central transition (transverse relaxation rate)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", 11, "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("LorentzST", "ST Lorentz [Hz]:", 13, "Lorentzian broadening of satellite transition(transverse relaxation rate)")
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Position", u"Position [" + axUnit + "]:", "Isotropic chemical shift")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Cq", u"C<sub>Q</sub> [MHz]:", "Quadrupolar anisotopy")
+        self.addMultiLabel("eta", u"η:", "Quadrupolar asymmetry (0-1)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening of central transition (transverse relaxation rate)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("LorentzST", "ST Lorentz [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening of satellite transition(transverse relaxation rate)")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
+        self.entries['satBool'][-1].stateChanged.connect(self.update_LorentzST_state)
+        self.update_LorentzST_state()
     def MASChange(self, MAStype):
@@ -3397,9 +3392,9 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
             axUnit = ['Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz'][self.parent.getAxType()]
         # Labels
-        self.addMultiLabel("Definition1", "", 1, "CSA tensor discontinuity 1")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Definition2", "", 3, "CSA tensor discontinuity 2")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Definition3", "", 5, "CSA tensor discontinuity 3")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Definition1", "", "CSA tensor discontinuity 1")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Definition2", "", "CSA tensor discontinuity 2")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Definition3", "", "CSA tensor discontinuity 3")
         self.label11 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>11</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.label22 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>22</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
         self.label33 = wc.QLabel(u'δ' + '<sub>33</sub> [' + axUnit + '] :')
@@ -3433,27 +3428,19 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
         self.frame3.addWidget(self.labeliso2, 1, 2)
         self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelspan, 1, 4)
         self.frame3.addWidget(self.labelskew, 1, 6)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Cq", u"C<sub>Q</sub> [MHz]:", 7, "Quadrupolar anisotropy")
-        self.addMultiLabel("eta", u"η:", 9, "Quadrupolar asymmetry")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Alpha", u"α [deg]:", 11, "euler angle defining CSA orientation in Quad Frame")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Beta", u"β [deg]:", 13, "euler angle defining CSA orientation in Quad Frame")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gamma", u"γ [deg]:", 15, "euler angle defining CSA orientation in Quad Frame")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 17)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", 19, "Lorentzian broadening of central transition (transverse relaxation rate)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", 21, "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("LorentzST", "LorentzST [Hz]:", 23, "Lorentzian broadening of satellite transitions (transverse relaxation rate)")
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Cq", u"C<sub>Q</sub> [MHz]:", "Quadrupolar anisotropy")
+        self.addMultiLabel("eta", u"η:", "Quadrupolar asymmetry")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Alpha", u"α [deg]:", "euler angle defining CSA orientation in Quad Frame")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Beta", u"β [deg]:", "euler angle defining CSA orientation in Quad Frame")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gamma", u"γ [deg]:", "euler angle defining CSA orientation in Quad Frame")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening of central transition (transverse relaxation rate)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("LorentzST", "LorentzST [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening of satellite transitions (transverse relaxation rate)")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
+        self.entries['satBool'][-1].stateChanged.connect(self.update_LorentzST_state)
+        self.update_LorentzST_state()
     def MASChange(self, MAStype):
@@ -3791,6 +3778,10 @@ def __init__(self, parent, mqmas=False):
         self.saveButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Save", parent=self)
         grid.addWidget(self.saveButton, 14, 5)
+        self.pqCheckBox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Plot PQ')
+        self.pqCheckBox.toggled.connect(self.plotDist)
+        grid.addWidget(self.pqCheckBox, 14, 6)
         grid.addWidget(wc.QLabel("Site:"), 14, 2)
         self.site = QtWidgets.QSpinBox()
@@ -3895,10 +3886,38 @@ def plotDist(self):
             self.czjzek = Czjzek.czjzekIntensities(sigma, d, cq.flatten(), eta.flatten())
             self.czjzek = Czjzek.czjzekIntensities(sigma, d, cq.flatten(), eta.flatten(), cq0, eta0)
         self.czjzek = self.czjzek.reshape(etasteps, cqsteps)
-        self.ax.contour(cq.transpose(), eta.transpose(), self.czjzek.transpose(), 10)
-        self.ax.set_xlabel(u"C$_Q$ [MHz]")
-        self.ax.set_ylabel(u"η")
+        # Calculate average and peak CQ and PQ values
+        # peak CQ is obtained from DMFit
+        PQs = cq * np.sqrt(1 + eta/3)
+        PQavg = np.average(PQs, None, self.czjzek)
+        CQavg = np.average(cq, None, self.czjzek)
+        indices = np.unravel_index(self.czjzek.argmax(), self.czjzek.shape)
+        peakCQ = float(cq[indices])
+        peakPQ = float(PQs[indices])
+        if self.pqCheckBox.isChecked():
+            self.ax.contour(PQs.transpose(), eta.transpose(), self.czjzek.transpose(), 15)
+            self.ax.set_xlabel(u"P$_Q$ [MHz]")
+            self.ax.scatter(peakPQ, eta[indices], color='w', edgecolor = 'k')
+            self.ax.text(peakPQ * 0.92, eta[indices] * 0.95, '$P_{Q,peak}$', color='k', size = 8)
+            self.ax.axvline(x=PQavg, color='k')
+            self.ax.text(PQavg * 1.025, 0.5, '$\overline{P_Q}$', color='k', size = 8)
+        else:
+            self.ax.contour(cqArray, etaArray, self.czjzek, 15)
+            self.ax.set_xlabel(u"C$_Q$ [MHz]")
+            self.ax.scatter(peakCQ, eta[indices], color='w', edgecolor = 'b')
+            self.ax.text(peakCQ * 0.92, eta[indices] * 0.95, '$C_{Q,peak}$', color='b', size = 8)
+            self.ax.axvline(x=CQavg, color='b')
+            self.ax.text(CQavg * 1.025, 0.5, '$\overline{C_Q}$', color='b', size = 8)
+        self.ax.text(0, 1.075, '$\overline{P_Q}$ = ' + str(np.round(PQavg, decimals=3)) 
+                    + ' MHz' + '        $P_{Q,peak}$ = ' + str(np.round(peakPQ, decimals=3)) 
+                    + ' MHz', color='k', size = 9)
+        self.ax.text(0, 1.025, '$\overline{C_Q}$ = ' + str(np.round(CQavg, decimals=3)) 
+                    + ' MHz' + '        $C_{Q,peak}$ = ' + str(np.round(peakCQ, decimals=3)) 
+                    + ' MHz', color='b', size = 9)
     def saveDist(self):
@@ -3979,6 +3998,7 @@ def generate(self, *args):
                 self.father.angle = self.angleEntry.text()
                 self.father.numssb = self.numssbEntry.value()
                 self.father.satBool = self.satBoolEntry.isChecked()
+                # satBool
                 self.father.I = self.Ientry.currentIndex() + 1.5
             inp = safeEval(self.cqmax.text(), Type='FI')
@@ -4127,24 +4147,14 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
             axUnit = 'ppm'
             axUnit = ['Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz'][self.parent.getAxType()]
-        self.addMultiLabel("Position", "Pos [" + axUnit + "]:", 1, "Isotropic chemical shift")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Sigma", u"σ [MHz]:", 3, "Quadrupolar anisotropy variance: most probable (average) Cq is 2*σ")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Cq0", u"C<sub>Q</sub>0 [MHz]:", 5)
-        self.addMultiLabel("eta0", u"η0:", 7)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 9)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", 11, "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", 13, "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution")
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Position", "Pos [" + axUnit + "]:", "Isotropic chemical shift")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Sigma", u"σ [MHz]:", "Quadrupolar anisotropy variance: most probable (average) Cq is 2*σ")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Cq0", u"C<sub>Q</sub>0 [MHz]:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("eta0", u"η0:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"Gauss [{axUnit}]:", "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def reset(self):
@@ -4183,19 +4193,31 @@ def changeType(self, index):
             Czjzek fitting type (0=regular, 1=extended).
         if index == 0:
+            #update the column labels and global check button
+            CB = self.frame3.layout().itemAt(2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Cq0']+1).widget()
+            CB.setEnabled(False)
+            CB.setChecked(True)
+            CB = self.frame3.layout().itemAt(2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['eta0']+1).widget()
+            CB.setEnabled(False)
+            CB.setChecked(True)
             for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-                self.entries['eta0'][i].setEnabled(False)
+                self.entries["eta0"][i].setEnabled(False)
-                self.ticks['eta0'][i].setChecked(True)
+                self.ticks["eta0"][i].setChecked(True)
-                self.ticks['eta0'][i].setEnabled(False)
+                self.ticks["eta0"][i].setEnabled(False)
         elif index == 1:
+            #update the column labels and global check button
+            CB = self.frame3.layout().itemAt(2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['Cq0']+1).widget()
+            CB.setEnabled(True)
+            CB = self.frame3.layout().itemAt(2*self.MULTINAMES_ORDER['eta0']+1).widget()
+            CB.setEnabled(True)
             for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-                self.entries['eta0'][i].setEnabled(True)
+                self.entries["eta0"][i].setEnabled(True)
-                self.ticks['eta0'][i].setEnabled(True)
+                self.ticks["eta0"][i].setEnabled(True)
     def createCzjzekPrefWindow(self, *args):
@@ -4407,6 +4429,7 @@ def analyseScript(self, inFile):
         for name in self.MULTINAMES:
             self.DEFAULTS[name] = [0.0, False]
         self.MULTINAMES.extend(["Integral", "Lorentz", "Gauss"])
+        self.MULTINAMES_ORDER = {self.MULTINAMES[i]:i for i in range(len(self.MULTINAMES))} 
         self.labels = {"Offset": [wc.QLabel("Offset:")], "Multiplier": [wc.QLabel("Multiplier:")]}
         self.ticks = {"Offset": [], "Multiplier": []}
         self.entries = {"Offset": [], "Multiplier": []}
@@ -4422,14 +4445,10 @@ def analyseScript(self, inFile):
         self.frame2.addWidget(self.entries["Multiplier"][-1], 4, 1)
         for i in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
             name = self.MULTINAMES[i]
-            self.labels[name] = self.addMultiLabel(name, name, 2*i+2)
+            self.labels[name] = self.addMultiLabel(name, name)
             self.ticks[name] = []
             self.entries[name] = []
-            for j in range(self.FITNUM):
-                self.ticks[name].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[name][j], 2+j, 2*i+2)
-                self.entries[name].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, name))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[name][j], 2+j, 2*i+3)
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def extraParamToFile(self):
@@ -4556,19 +4575,16 @@ def functionInputSetup(self):
         self.MULTINAMES = [e[1:-1] for e in matches]
         for name in self.MULTINAMES:
             self.DEFAULTS[name] = [0.0, False]
+        self.MULTINAMES_ORDER = {self.MULTINAMES[i]:i for i in range(len(self.MULTINAMES))} 
         self.labels = {}
         self.ticks = {}
         self.entries = {}
         for i in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
             name = self.MULTINAMES[i]
-            self.labels[name] = self.addMultiLabel(name, name, 2*i)
+            self.labels[name] = self.addMultiLabel(name, name)
             self.ticks[name] = []
             self.entries[name] = []
-            for j in range(self.FITNUM):
-                self.ticks[name].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[name][j], 2+j, 2*i)
-                self.entries[name].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, name))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[name][j], 2+j, 2*i+1)
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def extraParamToFile(self):
@@ -4810,26 +4826,16 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
             axUnit = ['Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz'][self.parent.getAxType()]
         # Labels
-        self.addMultiLabel("Position", u"Position [" + axUnit + "]:", 1, "Isotropic chemical shift")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"σ<sub>CS</sub> [{axUnit}]:", 3, "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Cq", u"C<sub>Q</sub> [MHz]:", 5, "Quadrupolar anisotropy")
-        self.addMultiLabel("eta", u"η:", 7, "Quadrupolar asymmetry")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 9)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz 2 [Hz]:", 11, "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in direct dimension")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz1", "Lorentz 1 [Hz]:", 13, "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in indirect dimension")
-#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss2", "Gauss 2 [Hz]:", 15)
-#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss1", "Gauss 1 [Hz]:", 17)
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Position", u"Position [" + axUnit + "]:", "Isotropic chemical shift")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"σ<sub>CS</sub> [{axUnit}]:", "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Cq", u"C<sub>Q</sub> [MHz]:", "Quadrupolar anisotropy")
+        self.addMultiLabel("eta", u"η:", "Quadrupolar asymmetry")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz 2 [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in direct dimension")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz1", "Lorentz 1 [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in indirect dimension")
+#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss2", "Gauss 2 [Hz]:")
+#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss1", "Gauss 1 [Hz]:")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def reset(self):
@@ -5067,27 +5073,17 @@ def __init__(self, parent, rootwindow, isMain=True):
             axUnit = 'ppm'
             axUnit = ['Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz'][self.parent.getAxType()]
-        self.addMultiLabel("Position", "Pos [" + axUnit + "]:", 1, "Isotropic chemical shift")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"σ<sub>CS</sub> [{axUnit}]:", 3, "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Sigma", u"σ<sub>Q<sub> [MHz]:", 5, "Quadrupolar anisotropy variance: most probable (average) Cq is 2*σ")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Cq0", u"C<sub>Q</sub>0 [MHz]:", 7)
-        self.addMultiLabel("eta0", u"η0:", 9)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:", 11)
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz 2 [Hz]:", 13, "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in direct dimension")
-        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz1", "Lorentz 1 [Hz]:", 15, "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in indirect dimension")
-#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss2", "Gauss 2 [Hz]:", 17)
-#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss1", "Gauss 1 [Hz]:", 19)
-        for i in range(self.FITNUM):
-            colorbar = QtWidgets.QWidget()
-            colorbar.setMaximumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setMinimumWidth(5)
-            colorbar.setStyleSheet(f"QWidget {{ background-color : {self.fit_color_list[i%len(self.fit_color_list)]};}}")
-            self.frame3.addWidget(colorbar, i + 2, 0)
-            for j in range(len(self.MULTINAMES)):
-                self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(QtWidgets.QCheckBox(''))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.ticks[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 1)
-                self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]].append(wc.FitQLineEdit(self, self.MULTINAMES[j]))
-                self.frame3.addWidget(self.entries[self.MULTINAMES[j]][i], i + 2, 2 * j + 2)
+        self.addMultiLabel("Position", "Pos [" + axUnit + "]:", "Isotropic chemical shift")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss", f"σ<sub>CS</sub> [{axUnit}]:", "Gaussian broadening (FWHM of chemical shift distribution)")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Sigma", u"σ<sub>Q<sub> [MHz]:", "Quadrupolar anisotropy variance: most probable (average) Cq is 2*σ")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Cq0", u"C<sub>Q</sub>0 [MHz]:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("eta0", u"η0:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Integral", "Integral:")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz", "Lorentz 2 [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in direct dimension")
+        self.addMultiLabel("Lorentz1", "Lorentz 1 [Hz]:", "Lorentzian broadening (transverse relaxation rate) in indirect dimension")
+#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss2", "Gauss 2 [Hz]:")
+#        self.addMultiLabel("Gauss1", "Gauss 1 [Hz]:")
+        self.populates_MULTINAMES_sites()
     def reset(self):
diff --git a/src/functions.py b/src/functions.py
index d069c57e..5565ca54 100644
--- a/src/functions.py
+++ b/src/functions.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/hypercomplex.py b/src/hypercomplex.py
index 24092539..6d93a170 100644
--- a/src/hypercomplex.py
+++ b/src/hypercomplex.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/loadIsotopes.py b/src/loadIsotopes.py
index 2c1baa6c..6c3541d4 100644
--- a/src/loadIsotopes.py
+++ b/src/loadIsotopes.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/nmrTable.py b/src/nmrTable.py
index 8bb813ad..f057773c 100644
--- a/src/nmrTable.py
+++ b/src/nmrTable.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/nus.py b/src/nus.py
index 84174349..da8777fb 100644
--- a/src/nus.py
+++ b/src/nus.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/reimplement.py b/src/reimplement.py
index 9347a95f..b8177ed2 100644
--- a/src/reimplement.py
+++ b/src/reimplement.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/safeEval.py b/src/safeEval.py
index 32d831cc..11ed68c5 100644
--- a/src/safeEval.py
+++ b/src/safeEval.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/saveFigure.py b/src/saveFigure.py
index 680bb441..73c85489 100644
--- a/src/saveFigure.py
+++ b/src/saveFigure.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ def __init__(self, father, oldMainWindow):
         self.dpiEntry = QtWidgets.QSpinBox()
-        self.dpiEntry.setMaximum(1e6)
-        self.dpiEntry.setValue(self.fig.dpi)
+        self.dpiEntry.setMaximum(int(1e6))
+        self.dpiEntry.setValue(int(self.fig.dpi))
         self.dimensionsFrame.addWidget(self.dpiEntry, 2, 1)
diff --git a/src/simFunctions.py b/src/simFunctions.py
index 038a0bfd..e8ddd4bb 100644
--- a/src/simFunctions.py
+++ b/src/simFunctions.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/specIO.py b/src/specIO.py
index 37af6434..d3f71e56 100644
--- a/src/specIO.py
+++ b/src/specIO.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
@@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@ def loadJCAMP(filePath):
         masterData = sc.Spectrum(spectDat, (filePath, None), [freq], [sw], spec=[True], ref=[None])
     return masterData
-def saveASCIIFile(filePath, spectrum, axMult=1):
+def saveASCIIFile(filePath, spectrum, axMult=1, delim = '\t'):
     Save to ASCII format data.
@@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ def saveASCIIFile(filePath, spectrum, axMult=1):
         splitdata[:, line * 2] = np.real(data[:, line])
         splitdata[:, line * 2 + 1] = np.imag(data[:, line])
     data = np.concatenate((axis, splitdata), axis=1)
-    np.savetxt(filePath, data, delimiter='\t')
+    np.savetxt(filePath, data, delimiter=delim)
 def loadAscii(filePath, asciiInfo=None):
diff --git a/src/spectrum.py b/src/spectrum.py
index 57ba5854..5e2f730f 100644
--- a/src/spectrum.py
+++ b/src/spectrum.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/spectrumFrame.py b/src/spectrumFrame.py
index 7f7ac896..46fab746 100644
--- a/src/spectrumFrame.py
+++ b/src/spectrumFrame.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/ssNake.py b/src/ssNake.py
index 3a9e1d5c..b069cada 100644
--- a/src/ssNake.py
+++ b/src/ssNake.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def import_lib(name, nameAs, className, splashStep):
-VERSION = 'v1.4b'
+VERSION = 'v1.4'
 # Required library version
 NPVERSION = '1.11.0'
 MPLVERSION = '1.5.0'
@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ def initToolbar(self):
                                    ['File --> Export --> Figure', self.savefigAct],
                                    ['File --> Export --> Simpson', self.saveSimpsonAct],
                                    ['File --> Export --> ASCII (1D/2D)', self.saveASCIIAct],
+                                   ['File --> Export --> CSV (1D/2D)', self.saveCSVAct],
                                    ['File --> Preferences', self.preferencesAct],
                                    ['File --> Quit', self.quitAct],
                                    ['Workspaces --> Duplicate', self.newAct],
@@ -554,14 +555,16 @@ def initMenu(self):
         self.saveSimpsonAct.setToolTip('Export as Simpson File')
         self.saveASCIIAct = self.exportmenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(IconDirectory + 'ASCII.png'), 'ASCII (1D/2D)', self.saveASCIIFile)
         self.saveASCIIAct.setToolTip('Save as ASCII Text File')
+        self.saveCSVAct = self.exportmenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(IconDirectory + 'CSV.png'),'CSV (1D/2D)', self.saveCSVFile)
+        self.saveCSVAct.setToolTip('Save as CSV Text File')
         self.preferencesAct = self.filemenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(IconDirectory + 'preferences.png'), '&Preferences', lambda: PreferenceWindow(self))
         self.preferencesAct.setToolTip('Open Preferences Window')
         self.quitAct = self.filemenu.addAction(QtGui.QIcon(IconDirectory + 'quit.png'), '&Quit', self.fileQuit, QtGui.QKeySequence.Quit)
         self.quitAct.setToolTip('Close ssNake')
         self.saveActList = [self.saveAct, self.saveMatAct]
-        self.exportActList = [self.savefigAct, self.saveSimpsonAct, self.saveASCIIAct]
+        self.exportActList = [self.savefigAct, self.saveSimpsonAct, self.saveASCIIAct,self.saveCSVAct]
         self.fileActList = [self.openAct, self.saveAct, self.saveMatAct,
-                            self.savefigAct, self.saveSimpsonAct, self.saveASCIIAct,
+                            self.savefigAct, self.saveSimpsonAct, self.saveASCIIAct,self.saveCSVAct,
                             self.combineLoadAct, self.preferencesAct, self.quitAct]
         # Workspaces menu
         self.workspacemenu = QtWidgets.QMenu('&Workspaces', self)
@@ -1556,6 +1559,9 @@ def saveSimpsonFile(self):
     def saveASCIIFile(self):
+    def saveCSVFile(self):
+        self.mainWindow.get_mainWindow().saveCSVFile()
     def saveJSONFile(self):
@@ -1822,6 +1828,19 @@ def saveASCIIFile(self):
         axMult = self.current.getCurrentAxMult()
         io.saveASCIIFile(name, self.masterData, axMult)
+    def saveCSVFile(self):
+        if self.masterData.ndim() > 2:
+            raise SsnakeException('Saving to CSV format only allowed for 1D and 2D data!')
+        WorkspaceName = self.father.workspaceNames[self.father.workspaceNum]  # Set name of file to be saved to workspace name to start
+        name = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File', self.father.lastLocation + os.path.sep + WorkspaceName + '.txt', 'CSV file (*.csv)')
+        if isinstance(name, tuple):
+            name = name[0]
+        if not name:
+            return
+        self.father.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(name)  # Save used path
+        axMult = self.current.getCurrentAxMult()
+        io.saveASCIIFile(name, self.masterData, axMult,delim = ',')
     def reloadLast(self):
@@ -7173,7 +7192,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
         pythonVersion = pythonVersion[:pythonVersion.index(' ')]
         from scipy import __version__ as scipyVersion
         self.text.setText('<p><b>ssNake ' + VERSION + '</b></p>' +
-                          '<p>Copyright (&copy;) 2016&ndash;2021 Bas van Meerten & Wouter Franssen</p>' + '<p>Email: <a href="mailto:ssnake@science.ru.nl" >ssnake@science.ru.nl</a></p>' +
+                          '<p>Copyright (&copy;) 2016&ndash;2022 Bas van Meerten & Wouter Franssen</p>' + '<p>Email: <a href="mailto:ssnake@science.ru.nl" >ssnake@science.ru.nl</a></p>' +
                           '<p>Publication: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2019.02.006" >https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2019.02.006</a></p>' +
                           '<b>Library versions</b>:<br>Python ' + pythonVersion + '<br>numpy ' + np.__version__ +
                           '<br>SciPy ' + scipyVersion +
@@ -7182,7 +7201,9 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
                           '<br>Qt ' + QtCore.QT_VERSION_STR)
         self.thanks = QtWidgets.QTextEdit(self)
-        self.thanks.setHtml('<p><b>The ssNake team wishes to thank:</b></p>Prof. Arno Kentgens<br>Koen Tijssen<br>Ole Brauckmann<br>Merijn Blaakmeer<br>Vincent Breukels<br>Ernst van Eck<br>Fleur van Zelst<br>Sander Lambregts<br>Dr. Andreas Brinkmann')
+        self.thanks.setHtml('<p><b>The ssNake team wishes to thank:</b></p>Prof. Arno Kentgens<br>Koen Tijssen<br>' +
+                            'Ole Brauckmann<br>Merijn Blaakmeer<br>Vincent Breukels<br>Ernst van Eck<br>Fleur van Zelst<br>' +
+                            'Sander Lambregts<br>Dr. Andreas Brinkmann<br>Julien Trébosc<br>Henrik Bradtmüller')
         self.tabs.addTab(self.text, 'Version')
         self.tabs.addTab(self.thanks, 'Thanks')
         self.tabs.addTab(self.license, 'License')
@@ -7560,17 +7581,21 @@ class dipolarDistanceWindow(wc.ToolWindow):
     NAME = "Dipolar Distance Calculation"
     RESIZABLE = True
     MENUDISABLE = False
+    Ioptions = ['1/2','1', '3/2', '2', '5/2', '3', '7/2', '4', '9/2', '5', '6', '7']
+    Ivalues = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
     def __init__(self, parent):
         super(dipolarDistanceWindow, self).__init__(parent)
-        self.comGroup = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Gyromagnetic Ratios:")
+        # Nuclei group
+        self.comGroup = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Gyromagnetic Ratios and Spin Quantum Numbers:")
         self.comFrame = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
         gamma1label = wc.QLabel(u'γ<sub>1</sub> [10<sup>7</sup> rad/s/T]:')
         self.comFrame.addWidget(gamma1label, 0, 0)
         gammaindex = [x for (x, val) in enumerate(ISOTOPES['gamma']) if val is not None]
         self.gammaValues = [0.0] + [val for (x, val) in enumerate(ISOTOPES['gamma']) if x in gammaindex]
-        self.names = ['User'] +  [val for (x, val) in enumerate(ISOTOPES['formatName']) if x in gammaindex]
+        self.spinValues = [0.0] + [val for (x, val) in enumerate(ISOTOPES['spin']) if x in gammaindex]
+        self.names = ['User'] + [val for (x, val) in enumerate(ISOTOPES['formatName']) if x in gammaindex]
         self.gamma1Drop = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
@@ -7583,39 +7608,93 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
         self.comFrame.addWidget(self.gamma1, 2, 0)
+        spin1label = wc.QLabel(u'<i>I</i><sub>1</sub>:')
+        self.comFrame.addWidget(spin1label, 3, 0)
+        self.spin1 = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
+        self.spin1.addItems(self.Ioptions)
+        self.spin1.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.spin1Changed)
+        self.comFrame.addWidget(self.spin1, 4, 0)
         gamma2label = wc.QLabel(u'γ<sub>2</sub> [10<sup>7</sup> rad/s/T]:')
         self.comFrame.addWidget(gamma2label, 0, 1)
         self.gamma2 = wc.QLineEdit("0.0")
         self.comFrame.addWidget(self.gamma2, 2, 1)
+        spin2label = wc.QLabel(u'<i>I</i><sub>2</sub>:')
+        self.comFrame.addWidget(spin2label, 3, 1)
+        self.spin2 = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
+        self.spin2.addItems(self.Ioptions)
+        self.spin2.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.spin2Changed)
+        self.comFrame.addWidget(self.spin2, 4, 1)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.comGroup, 1, 0, 1, 3)
+        #addWidget - fromRow, fromColumn, rowSpan, columnSpan
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.comGroup, 0, 0, 5, 2)
+        # Distance group
         self.distanceGroup = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Distance:")
         self.distanceFrame = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
         distancelabel = wc.QLabel(u'r [Å]')
-        self.distanceFrame.addWidget(distancelabel, 3, 1)
+        self.distanceFrame.addWidget(distancelabel, 0, 1)
         distanceGO = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Go")
-        self.distanceFrame.addWidget(distanceGO, 4, 0)
+        self.distanceFrame.addWidget(distanceGO, 1, 0)
         distanceGO.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Calc(0))
         self.distance = wc.QLineEdit("0")
-        self.distanceFrame.addWidget(self.distance, 4, 1)
+        self.distanceFrame.addWidget(self.distance, 1, 1)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.distanceGroup, 3, 0, 1, 2)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.distanceGroup, 5, 0, 2, 2)
+        # Dipolar coupling group
         self.dipolarGroup = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Dipolar Coupling:")
         self.dipolarFrame = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
         dipolarlabel = wc.QLabel(u'D [kHz]')
-        self.dipolarFrame.addWidget(dipolarlabel, 3, 1)
+        self.dipolarFrame.addWidget(dipolarlabel, 0, 1)
         dipolarGO = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Go")
-        self.dipolarFrame.addWidget(dipolarGO, 4, 0)
+        self.dipolarFrame.addWidget(dipolarGO, 1, 0)
         dipolarGO.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Calc(1))
         self.dipolar = wc.QLineEdit("0")
-        self.dipolarFrame.addWidget(self.dipolar, 4, 1)
+        self.dipolarFrame.addWidget(self.dipolar, 1, 1)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.dipolarGroup, 7, 0, 2, 2)
-        self.grid.addWidget(self.dipolarGroup, 4, 0, 1, 2)
+        # Second-moment group
+        self.M2Group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(u"Second Moments [10⁶ rad²/s²]:")
+        self.M2Frame = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
+        self.M2hetGO = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Go")
+        self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2hetGO, 1, 0)
+        self.M2hetGO.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Calc(2))
+        #M2label1 = wc.QLabel(u'M<sub>2</sub>')
+        #self.M2Frame.addWidget(M2label1, 0, 1)
+        self.M2label = wc.QLabel(u'Heteronuclear')
+        self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2label, 0, 0)
+        self.M2 = wc.QLineEdit("0")
+        self.M2.setMinimumWidth(100)
+        self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2, 1, 1)
+        # self.HetroWidgets = [self.M2hetGO,self.M2hetlabel,self.M2het]
+        # self.M2homGO = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Go")
+        # self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2homGO, 4, 0)
+        # self.M2homGO.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Calc(3))
+        # self.noqplabel = wc.QLabel(u'No quadrupolar interaction')
+        # self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.noqplabel, 2, 1)
+        # self.M2homlabel = wc.QLabel(u'Homonuclear')
+        # self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2homlabel, 2, 0)
+        # self.M2hom = wc.QLineEdit("0")
+        # self.M2hom.setMinimumWidth(100)
+        # self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2hom, 4, 1)
+        # self.HomoWidgets = [self.M2homGO,self.noqplabel,self.M2homlabel,self.M2hom]
+        self.M2SEDGO = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Go")
+        self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2SEDGO, 6, 0)
+        self.M2SEDGO.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Calc(3))
+        self.M2SEDlabel = wc.QLeftLabel(u'Spin Echo Decay Envelope (C<sub>Q</sub> > 0)')
+        self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2SEDlabel, 5, 0,1,2)
+        self.M2SED = wc.QLineEdit("0")
+        self.M2SED.setMinimumWidth(100)
+        self.M2Frame.addWidget(self.M2SED, 6, 1)
+        self.grid.addWidget(self.M2Group, 9, 0, 2, 2)
+        self.M2Group.setLayout(self.M2Frame)
         # Reset
@@ -7625,24 +7704,68 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
+        self.checkHomoHetro()
+    def checkHomoHetro(self):
+        gamma1 = float(safeEval(self.gamma1.text(), Type='FI')) * 1e7
+        gamma2 = float(safeEval(self.gamma2.text(), Type='FI')) * 1e7
+        I1 = self.Ivalues[self.spin1.currentIndex()]
+        I2 = self.Ivalues[self.spin2.currentIndex()]
+        if gamma1 == gamma2 and I1 == I2:
+            self.M2label.setText(u'M₂ Homonuclear')
+            if I1 > 0.5:
+                self.M2SEDGO.show()
+                self.M2SEDlabel.show()
+                self.M2SED.show()
+            else:
+                self.M2SEDGO.hide()
+                self.M2SEDlabel.hide()
+                self.M2SED.hide()
+        else:
+            self.M2label.setText(u'M₂ Hetronuclear')
+            self.M2SEDGO.hide()
+            self.M2SEDlabel.hide()
+            self.M2SED.hide()
+    def spin1Changed(self):
+        self.gamma1Drop.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        self.checkHomoHetro()
+    def spin2Changed(self):
+        self.gamma2Drop.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        self.checkHomoHetro()
     def gamma1Changed(self):
+        self.checkHomoHetro()
     def gamma2Changed(self):
+        self.checkHomoHetro()
     def setGamma1(self, index):
         if index != 0:
+            self.spin1.setCurrentIndex(self.Ivalues.index(self.spinValues[index]))
+            self.gamma1Drop.setCurrentIndex(index) #Needed to avoid resets by other boxes
+            self.checkHomoHetro()
     def setGamma2(self, index):
         if index != 0:
+            self.spin2.setCurrentIndex(self.Ivalues.index(self.spinValues[index]))
+            self.gamma2Drop.setCurrentIndex(index) #Needed to avoid resets by other boxes
+            self.checkHomoHetro()
     def Calc(self, Type):
             gamma1 = float(safeEval(self.gamma1.text(), Type='FI')) * 1e7
             gamma2 = float(safeEval(self.gamma2.text(), Type='FI')) * 1e7
+            I1 = self.Ivalues[self.spin1.currentIndex()]
+            I2 = self.Ivalues[self.spin2.currentIndex()]
+            #spin1 = float(safeEval(self.spin1.text(), Type='FI'))
+            #spin2 = float(safeEval(self.spin2.text(), Type='FI'))
         except Exception:
             raise SsnakeException("Dipolar Distance: Invalid input in gamma values")
         if Type == 0:  # Distance as input
@@ -7650,34 +7773,129 @@ def Calc(self, Type):
                 r = abs(float(safeEval(self.distance.text(), Type='FI')))
             except Exception:
                 raise SsnakeException("Dipolar Distance: Invalid input in r")
-        if Type == 1:
+        if Type == 1:  # Dipolar coupling as input
                 D = abs(float(safeEval(self.dipolar.text(), Type='FI')))
             except Exception:
                 raise SsnakeException("Dipolar Distance: Invalid input in D")
+        if Type == 2:  # Heteronuclear second-moment as input
+            try:
+                M2 = abs(float(safeEval(self.M2.text(), Type='FI'))) 
+            except Exception:
+                raise SsnakeException("Dipolar Distance: Invalid input in M2")
+        if Type == 3: # Homonuclear second-moment from spin echo decay
+            try:
+                M2SED = abs(float(safeEval(self.M2SED.text(), Type='FI'))) 
+            except Exception:
+                raise SsnakeException("Dipolar Distance: Invalid input in M2")
         hbar = 1.054573e-34
+        def wm(m):
+            return (1/2) * np.sqrt(I2 * (I2 + 1) - m * (m + 1))
+        M2_Factor = (2/(9*(2*I2+1))) * (1 + 4*wm(-1/2)**2 + 4*wm(-1/2)**4 + wm(1/2)**4)
         if Type == 0:
             if r == 0.0:
                 D = np.inf
+                M2 = np.inf
+                M2SED = np.inf
                 D = abs(- 1e-7 * gamma1 * gamma2 * hbar / (r * 10**-10) **3 / (2 * np.pi))
                 D /= 1000
+                if gamma1 == gamma2:
+                    M2SED = abs(M2_Factor * (4/5) * (9/4) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    # factor 4/5 results after powder averaging
+                    M2SED /= 1e6
+                    M2 = abs((3/5) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * I2 * (I2 + 1)* hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2 /= 1e6
+                else:
+                    M2 = abs((4/15) * 1e-14 * gamma1**2 * gamma2**2 * I2 * (I2 + 1) * hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2 /= 1e6
+                    M2SED = 0
         if Type == 1:
             if D == 0.0:
                 r = np.inf
+                M2 = 0.0
+                M2SED = 0.0
-                r = 1 / abs(D * 1000 /gamma1 / gamma2 / hbar / 1e-7 * (2 * np.pi))**(1.0/3)
+                r = 1 / abs(D * 1000 / gamma1 / gamma2 / hbar / 1e-7 * (2 * np.pi))**(1.0/3)
                 r *= 1e10
+                if gamma1 == gamma2:
+                    M2SED = abs(M2_Factor * (4/5) * (9/4) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2SED /= 1e6
+                    M2 = abs((3/5) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * I2 * (I2 + 1)* hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2 /= 1e6
+                    #factor 4/5 results after powder averaging
+                else:
+                    M2 = abs((4/15) * 1e-14 * gamma1**2 * gamma2**2 * I2 * (I2 + 1) * hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2 /= 1e6
+                    M2SED = 0.0
+        if Type == 2:
+            if M2 == 0:
+                r = np.inf
+                D = 0.0
+                M2 = 0.0
+            else:
+                if gamma1 == gamma2:
+                    r = abs((3/5) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * I2 * (I2 + 1) * hbar**2 / (M2 * 10**6))
+                    r = r**(1/6)
+                    r *= 10**10
+                    D = abs(- 1e-7 * gamma1 * gamma2 * hbar / (r * 10**-10) **3 / (2 * np.pi))
+                    D /= 1000
+                    M2SED = abs(M2_Factor * (4/5) * (9/4) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2SED /= 1e6
+                else:
+                    r = abs((4/15) * 1e-14 * gamma1**2 * gamma2**2 * I2 * (I2 + 1) * hbar**2 / (M2 * 10**6))
+                    r = r**(1/6)
+                    r *= 10**10
+                    D = abs(- 1e-7 * gamma1 * gamma2 * hbar / (r * 10**-10) **3 / (2 * np.pi))
+                    D /= 1000
+                    M2SED = 0.0
+        if Type == 3:
+            if M2SED == 0:
+                r = np.inf
+                D = 0.0
+                M2 = 0.0
+            else:
+                if gamma1 == gamma2:
+                    r = abs(M2_Factor * (4/5) * (9/4) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * hbar**2 / (M2SED * 10**6))
+                    # factors 4/5 and 9/4 result from powder averaging
+                    r = r**(1/6)
+                    r *= 10**10
+                    D = abs(- 1e-7 * gamma1 * gamma2 * hbar / (r * 10**-10) **3 / (2 * np.pi))
+                    D /= 1000
+                    M2 = abs((3/5) * 1e-14 * gamma1**4 * I2 * (I2 + 1)* hbar**2 / ((r * 10**-10) **6))
+                    M2 /= 1e6
+                else:
+                    raise SsnakeException("Choose two identical nuclei.")
+            # else:
         self.dipolar.setText('%#.5g' % D)
         self.distance.setText('%#.5g' % r)
+        self.M2.setText('%#.5g' % M2)
+        self.M2SED.setText('%#.5g' % M2SED)
+        # Implement FWHM of dipolar line as input
     def valueReset(self):  # Resets all the boxes to 0
+        self.M2het.setText('0.0')
+        self.M2hom.setText('0.0')
+        self.M2SED.setText('0.0')
+        self.spin1.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        self.spin1.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        self.checkHomoHetro()
     def closeEvent(self, *args):
diff --git a/src/updateWindow.py b/src/updateWindow.py
index aef8db31..262c1fdc 100644
--- a/src/updateWindow.py
+++ b/src/updateWindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/views.py b/src/views.py
index 007bb3d5..9bea6181 100644
--- a/src/views.py
+++ b/src/views.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.
diff --git a/src/widgetClasses.py b/src/widgetClasses.py
index 2bc36ca5..9961cd5b 100644
--- a/src/widgetClasses.py
+++ b/src/widgetClasses.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2016 - 2021 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
+# Copyright 2016 - 2022 Bas van Meerten and Wouter Franssen
 # This file is part of ssNake.