diff --git a/admin/modules/bibliography/iframe_biblio_rel.php b/admin/modules/bibliography/iframe_biblio_rel.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a18f586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/modules/bibliography/iframe_biblio_rel.php
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ echo 'alert(\''.__('Biblio relation succesfully removed!').'\');';
+ echo 'location.href = \'iframe_biblio_rel.php\';';
+ echo '';
+if (isset($_POST['remove'])) {
+ $id = (integer)$_POST['remove'];
+ $bid = (integer)$_POST['bid'];
+ $sql_op = new simbio_dbop($dbs);
+ $sql_op->delete('biblio_relation', 'biblio_id='.$bid.' AND rel_biblio_id='.$id);
+ echo '';
+// if biblio ID is set
+if ($biblioID) {
+ $table = new simbio_table();
+ $table->table_attr = 'align="center" style="width: 100%;" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"';
+ // database list
+ $biblio_relation_q = $dbs->query("SELECT b2.title, b2.edition, b2.publish_year, ba.rel_biblio_id FROM biblio_relation AS ba
+ LEFT JOIN biblio AS b2 ON ba.rel_biblio_id=b2.biblio_id
+ WHERE ba.biblio_id=$biblioID ORDER BY rel_type ASC");
+ $row = 1;
+ while ($biblio_relation_d = $biblio_relation_q->fetch_assoc()) {
+ // alternate the row color
+ $row_class = ($row%2 == 0)?'alterCell':'alterCell2';
+ // remove link
+ $remove_link = 'Delete ';
+ $title = $biblio_relation_d['title'];
+ $publish_year = $biblio_relation_d['publish_year'];
+ $edition = $biblio_relation_d['edition'];
+ $table->appendTableRow(array($remove_link, $title, $publish_year, $edition));
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 0, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="font-weight: bold; width: 10%;"');
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 1, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="width: 50%;"');
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 2, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="width: 20%;"');
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 3, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="width: 20%;"');
+ $row++;
+ }
+ echo $table->printTable();
+ // hidden form
+ echo '
+} else {
+ if ($_SESSION['biblioToBiblio']) {
+ $table = new simbio_table();
+ $table->table_attr = 'align="center" style="width: 100%;" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"';
+ $row = 1;
+ $row_class = 'alterCell2';
+ foreach ($_SESSION['biblioToBiblio'] as $biblio_session) {
+ // remove link
+ $remove_link = 'Remove ';
+ if ($biblio_session) {
+ $title_q = $dbs->query("SELECT title, publish_year, edition FROM biblio
+ WHERE biblio_id=".$biblio_session[0]);
+ $title_d = $title_q->fetch_row();
+ $title = $title_d[0];
+ $publish_year = $title_d[1];
+ $edition = $title_d[2];
+ }
+ $table->appendTableRow(array($remove_link, $title, $publish_year, $edition));
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 0, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #ffc466; width: 10%;"');
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 1, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="background-color: #ffc466; width: 50%;"');
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 2, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="background-color: #ffc466; width: 20%;"');
+ $table->setCellAttr($row, 3, 'valign="top" class="'.$row_class.'" style="background-color: #ffc466; width: 20%;"');
+ $row++;
+ }
+ echo $table->printTable();
+ }
+/* main content end */
+$content = ob_get_clean();
+// include the page template
+require SB.'/admin/'.$sysconf['admin_template']['dir'].'/notemplate_page_tpl.php';
diff --git a/admin/modules/bibliography/index.php b/admin/modules/bibliography/index.php
index a4408254..6a31b287 100755
--- a/admin/modules/bibliography/index.php
+++ b/admin/modules/bibliography/index.php
@@ -277,6 +277,12 @@
$sql_op->insert('biblio_attachment', array('biblio_id' => $last_biblio_id, 'file_id' => $attachment['file_id'], 'access_type' => $attachment['access_type']));
+ // biblio to biblio
+ if ($_SESSION['biblioToBiblio']) {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['biblioToBiblio'] as $rel_biblio_id) {
+ $sql_op->insert('biblio_relation', array('biblio_id' => $last_biblio_id, 'rel_biblio_id' => $rel_biblio_id[0]));
+ }
+ }
// insert custom data
if ($custom_data) {
$custom_data['biblio_id'] = $last_biblio_id;
@@ -291,6 +297,7 @@
$_SESSION['biblioAuthor'] = array();
$_SESSION['biblioTopic'] = array();
$_SESSION['biblioAttach'] = array();
+ $_SESSION['biblioToBiblio'] = array();
// update index
// auto insert catalog to UCS if enabled
@@ -359,6 +366,7 @@
$sql_op->delete('biblio_topic', "biblio_id=$itemID");
$sql_op->delete('biblio_author', "biblio_id=$itemID");
$sql_op->delete('biblio_attachment', "biblio_id=$itemID");
+ $sql_op->delete('biblio_relation', "biblio_id=$itemID");
$sql_op->delete('search_biblio', "biblio_id=$itemID");
// add to http query for UCS delete
$http_query .= "itemID[]=$itemID&";
@@ -473,6 +481,8 @@
$_sql_rec_cust_q = sprintf('SELECT * FROM biblio_custom WHERE biblio_id=%d', $itemID);
$rec_cust_q = $dbs->query($_sql_rec_cust_q);
$rec_cust_d = $rec_cust_q->fetch_assoc();
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['biblioToBiblio'] = array();
// include custom fields file
@@ -640,6 +650,11 @@
$str_input .= '';
$form->addAnything(__('File Attachment'), $str_input);
+ // biblio relation
+ $str_input = '
+ $str_input .= '';
+ $form->addAnything(__('Related Biblio Data'), $str_input);
* Custom fields
diff --git a/admin/modules/bibliography/pop_biblio_rel.php b/admin/modules/bibliography/pop_biblio_rel.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd21de0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/modules/bibliography/pop_biblio_rel.php
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ // create new sql op object
+ $sql_op = new simbio_dbop($dbs);
+ // check if biblioID POST var exists
+ if (isset($_POST['biblioID']) AND !empty($_POST['biblioID'])) {
+ $data['rel_biblio_id'] = intval($_POST['relBiblioID']);
+ $data['biblio_id'] = intval($_POST['biblioID']);
+ if ($sql_op->insert('biblio_relation', $data)) {
+ echo '';
+ } else {
+ utility::jsAlert(__('Biblio relation FAILED to Add. Please Contact System Administrator')."\n".$sql_op->error);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isset($_POST['relBiblioID']) AND !empty($_POST['relBiblioID'])) {
+ // add to current session
+ $_SESSION['biblioToBiblio'][$_POST['relBiblioID']] = array($_POST['relBiblioID']);
+ echo '';
+ }
+ }
+wsClients[$clientID][6] );
+ // check if message length is 0
+ if ($messageLength == 0) {
+ $Server->wsClose($clientID);
+ return;
+ }
+ //The speaker is the only person in the room. Don't let them feel lonely.
+ if ( sizeof($Server->wsClients) == 1 )
+ $Server->wsSend($clientID, "There isn't anyone else in the room, but I'll still listen to you. --Your Trusty Server");
+ else
+ //Send the message to everyone but the person who said it
+ foreach ( $Server->wsClients as $id => $client )
+ if ( $id != $clientID )
+ $Server->wsSend($id, "Visitor $clientID ($ip) said \"$message\"");
+// when a client connects
+function wsOnOpen($clientID)
+ global $Server;
+ $ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );
+ $Server->log( "$ip ($clientID) has connected." );
+ //Send a join notice to everyone but the person who joined
+ foreach ( $Server->wsClients as $id => $client )
+ if ( $id != $clientID )
+ $Server->wsSend($id, "Visitor $clientID ($ip) has joined the room.");
+// when a client closes or lost connection
+function wsOnClose($clientID, $status) {
+ global $Server;
+ $ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );
+ $Server->log( "$ip ($clientID) has disconnected." );
+ //Send a user left notice to everyone in the room
+ foreach ( $Server->wsClients as $id => $client )
+ $Server->wsSend($id, "Visitor $clientID ($ip) has left the room.");
+// start the server
+$Server = new PHPWebSocket();
+$Server->bind('message', 'wsOnMessage');
+$Server->bind('open', 'wsOnOpen');
+$Server->bind('close', 'wsOnClose');
+// for other computers to connect, you will probably need to change this to your LAN IP or external IP,
+// alternatively use: gethostbyaddr(gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
+$Server->wsStartServer($sysconf['chat_system']['server'], $sysconf['chat_system']['server_port']);
diff --git a/lib/biblio_list_model.inc.php b/lib/biblio_list_model.inc.php
index 1ef99f35..e281fcba 100755
--- a/lib/biblio_list_model.inc.php
+++ b/lib/biblio_list_model.inc.php
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public function XMLresult() {
$_image = '';
if (!empty($_biblio_d['image'])) {
$_image = urlencode($_biblio_d['image']);
- $_buffer .= ''.$_image.' '."\n";
+ $_buffer .= ''.$_image.' '."\n";
$_buffer .= ''."\n";
diff --git a/lib/contents/cite.inc.php b/lib/contents/cite.inc.php
index 063ca054..bf9644cd 100644
--- a/lib/contents/cite.inc.php
+++ b/lib/contents/cite.inc.php
@@ -55,8 +55,20 @@
// Pre-proccess author
$authors_string = '';
$author_list = array();
+$last_author = '';
+$a = 0;
foreach ($authors as $auth) {
- $author_list[] = $auth['author_name'];
+ // invert first author name if it is not inverted
+ if ($a == 0 && stripos($auth['author_name'], ',', 2) === false) {
+ $last_name = strrpos($auth['author_name'], ' ') + 1;
+ $name = substr($auth['author_name'], $last_name);
+ die($name);
+ $author_list[] = $name;
+ } else {
+ $author_list[] = $auth['author_name'];
+ }
+ $last_author = $auth['author_name'];
+ $a++;
$authors_string = implode(', ', $author_list);
@@ -72,4 +84,5 @@
$main_content = ob_get_clean();
// page title
echo $main_content;
+echo '
diff --git a/sysconfig.inc.php b/sysconfig.inc.php
index ea371745..f924b790 100755
--- a/sysconfig.inc.php
+++ b/sysconfig.inc.php
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ function stripslashes_deep($value)
if (file_exists(SB.'config'.DS.'sysconfig.local.inc.php')) {
include SB.'config'.DS.'sysconfig.local.inc.php';
} else {
- header("location: install/index.php");
- exit;
+ header("location: install/index.php");
+ exit;
@@ -598,6 +598,12 @@ function stripslashes_deep($value)
$sysconf['chat_system']['enabled'] = true;
$sysconf['chat_system']['vendors'] = 'phpwebscoketchat';
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+$sysconf['chat_system']['opac'] = TRUE;
+$sysconf['chat_system']['librarian'] = TRUE;
+$sysconf['chat_system']['server'] = '';
+$sysconf['chat_system']['server_port'] = 9300;
$sysconf['chat_system']['opac'] = false;
$sysconf['chat_system']['librarian'] = false;
$sysconf['chat_system']['librarian'] = '/usr/local/bin/php';
@@ -605,6 +611,7 @@ function stripslashes_deep($value)
$sysconf['chat_system']['port'] = '9300'; // set Chat port
+>>>>>>> 350294370b8751288e55357911b8c562dc726034
// redirect to mobile template on mobile mode
if (defined('LIGHTWEIGHT_MODE') AND !isset($_COOKIE['FULLSITE_MODE']) AND $sysconf['template']['responsive'] === false) {
diff --git a/sysconfig.inc.php~ b/sysconfig.inc.php~
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f54eaec..00000000
--- a/sysconfig.inc.php~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
- .' ';
-/* XML */
-$sysconf['enable_xml_detail'] = true;
-$sysconf['enable_xml_result'] = true;
-/* JSON LD */
-$sysconf['jsonld_result'] = true;
-$sysconf['jsonld_detail'] = true;
-/* DATABASE BACKUP config */
-// specify the full path of mysqldump binary
-$sysconf['mysqldump'] = '/usr/bin/mysqldump';
-// backup location (make sure it is accessible and rewritable to webserver!)
-$sysconf['temp_dir'] = '/tmp';
-$sysconf['backup_dir'] = UPLOAD.'backup'.DS;
-$sysconf['allow_file_download'] = false;
-/* WEBCAM feature */
-$sysconf['webcam'] = 'html5'; //enabled this feature by changed to 'html5' or 'flex'. Default is false
-/* SCANNER feature */
-$sysconf['scanner'] = false;
-// Zend Barcode Engine
-$sysconf['zend_barcode_engine'] = true;
-// Zend Barcode Engine Encoding selection
-// $barcodes_encoding['CODE25'] = array('code25', 'Code 2 or 5 Industrial (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['CODE25I'] = array('code25interleaved', 'Code 2 or 5 Interleaved (may result in barcode creation error)');
-$barcodes_encoding['CODE39'] = array('code39', 'Code 39');
-$barcodes_encoding['CODE128'] = array('code128', 'Code 128');
-// $barcodes_encoding['EAN2'] = array('ean2', 'Ean 2 (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['EAN5'] = array('ean5', 'Ean 5 (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['EAN8'] = array('ean8', 'Ean 8');
-// $barcodes_encoding['EAN13'] = array('ean13', 'Ean 13 (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['IDENTCODE'] = array('identcode', 'Identcode (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['ITF14'] = array('itf14', 'ITF-14 (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['LEITCODE'] = array('leitcode', 'Leitcode (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['PLANET'] = array('planet', 'Planet (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['POSTNET'] = array('postnet', 'Postnet (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['ROYALMAIL'] = array('royalmail', 'Royalmail (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['UPCA'] = array('upca', 'UPC-A (may result in barcode creation error)');
-// $barcodes_encoding['UPCE'] = array('upce', 'UPC-E (may result in barcode creation error)');
-$sysconf['barcode_encoding'] = $barcodes_encoding['CODE128'];
-$sysconf['quick_return'] = true;
-$sysconf['loan_limit_override'] = false;
-$sysconf['allow_loan_date_change'] = false;
-$sysconf['circulation_receipt'] = false;
-$sysconf['transaction_finished_notification'] = false;
-$sysconf['bibliography_update_notification'] = true;
-$sysconf['bibliography_item_update_notification'] = true;
-$sysconf['login_message'] = false;
-$sysconf['logout_message'] = false;
-$sysconf['max_upload'] = intval(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'))*1024;
-$post_max_size = intval(ini_get('post_max_size'))*1024;
-if ($sysconf['max_upload'] > $post_max_size) {
- $sysconf['max_upload'] = $post_max_size-1024;
-$sysconf['max_image_upload'] = 500;
-// allowed image file to upload
-$sysconf['allowed_images'] = array('.jpeg', '.jpg', '.gif', '.png', '.JPEG', '.JPG', '.GIF', '.PNG');
-// allowed file attachment to upload
-$sysconf['allowed_file_att'] = array('.pdf', '.rtf', '.txt',
- '.odt', '.odp', '.ods', '.doc', '.xls', '.ppt',
- '.avi', '.mpeg', '.mp4', '.flv', '.mvk',
- '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif',
- '.docx', '.pptx', '.xlsx',
- '.ogg', '.mp3', '.xml', '.mrc');
-$sysconf['allowed_images_mimetype'] = array(
- 'image/jpeg', 'image/png',
-$sysconf['mimetype']['docx'] = 'application/msword';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['js'] = 'application/javascript';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['json'] = 'application/json';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['doc'] = 'application/msword';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['dot'] = 'application/msword';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['ogg'] = 'application/ogg';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['pdf'] = 'application/pdf';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['rdf'] = 'application/rdf+xml';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['rss'] = 'application/rss+xml';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['rtf'] = 'application/rtf';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['xls'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['xlt'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['chm'] = 'application/vnd.ms-htmlhelp';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['ppt'] = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['pps'] = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['odc'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['odf'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['odg'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['odi'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['odp'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['ods'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['odt'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['swf'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['zip'] = 'application/zip';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['mp3'] = 'audio/mpeg';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['gif'] = 'image/gif';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['png'] = 'image/png';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['flv'] = 'video/x-flv';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['mp4'] = 'video/mp4';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['xml'] = 'text/xml';
-$sysconf['mimetype']['mrc'] = 'text/marc';
-$sysconf['currencies'] = array( array('0', 'NONE'), 'Rupiah', 'USD', 'Euro', 'DM', 'Pounds', 'Yen', 'Won', 'Yuan', 'SGD', 'Bath', 'Ruppee', 'Taka', 'AUD');
-/* RESERVE PERIODE (In Days) */
-$sysconf['reserve_expire_periode'] = 7;
-/* CONTENT */
-$sysconf['library_name'] = 'Senayan';
-$sysconf['library_subname'] = 'Open Source Library Management System';
-$sysconf['page_footer'] = ' SENAYAN Library Automation System (SLiMS) - SLiMS Developer Community - Released Under GNU GPL License';
-/* HTTPS Setting */
-$sysconf['https_enable'] = false;
-$sysconf['https_port'] = 443;
-/* Date Format Setting for OPAC */
-$sysconf['date_format'] = 'Y-m-d'; /* Produce 2009-12-31 */
-// $sysconf['date_format'] = 'd-M-Y'; /* Produce 31-Dec-2009 */
-// template info config
-if (!file_exists($sysconf['template']['dir'].'/'.$sysconf['template']['theme'].'/tinfo.inc.php')) {
- $sysconf['template']['base'] = 'php'; /* html OR php */
-} else {
- require $sysconf['template']['dir'].'/'.$sysconf['template']['theme'].'/tinfo.inc.php';
-$sysconf['pdf']['viewer'] = 'pdfjs'; # 'pdfjs'
-$sysconf['allow_pdf_download'] = true;
- * UCS global settings
- */
-$sysconf['ucs']['enable'] = false;
-// auto delete same record on UCS?
-$sysconf['ucs']['auto_delete'] = false;
-// auto insert new record to UCS?
-$sysconf['ucs']['auto_insert'] = false;
- * Z39.50 copy cataloguing sources
- */
-$sysconf['z3950_max_result'] = 50;
-$sysconf['z3950_source'][1] = array('uri' => 'z3950.loc.gov:7090/voyager', 'name' => 'Library of Congress Voyager');
-$sysconf['z3950_SRU_source'][1] = array('uri' => 'http://z3950.loc.gov:7090/voyager', 'name' => 'Library of Congress SRU Voyager');
- * Peer to peer server config
- */
-$sysconf['p2pserver'][1] = array('uri' => '', 'name' => 'SLiMS Library');
- * User and member login method
- */
-$sysconf['auth']['user']['method'] = 'native'; // method can be 'native' or 'LDAP'
-$sysconf['auth']['member']['method'] = 'native'; // for library member, method can be 'native' or 'LDAP'
- * LDAP Specific setting for User
- */
-if (($sysconf['auth']['user']['method'] === 'LDAP') OR ($sysconf['auth']['member']['method'] === 'LDAP')) {
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_server'] = ''; // LDAP server
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_base_dn'] = 'ou=slims,dc=diknas,dc=go,dc=id'; // LDAP base DN
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_suffix'] = ''; // LDAP user suffix
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_bind_dn'] = 'uid=#loginUserName,'.$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_base_dn']; // Binding DN
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_port'] = null; // optional LDAP server connection port, use null or false for default
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_options'] = array(
- ); // optional LDAP server options
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_search_filter'] = '(|(uid=#loginUserName)(cn=#loginUserName*))'; // LDAP search filter, #loginUserName will be replaced by the real login name
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['userid_field'] = 'uid'; // LDAP field for username
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['fullname_field'] = 'cn'; // LDAP field for full name
- $sysconf['auth']['user']['mail_field'] = 'mail'; // LDAP field for e-mail
- /**
- * LDAP Specific setting for member
- * By default same as User
- */
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_server'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_server']; // LDAP server
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_base_dn'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_base_dn']; // LDAP base DN
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_suffix'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_suffix']; // LDAP user suffix
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_bind_dn'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_bind_dn']; // Binding DN
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_port'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_port']; // optional LDAP server connection port, use null or false for default
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_options'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_options']; // optional LDAP server options
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['ldap_search_filter'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['ldap_search_filter']; // LDAP search filter, #loginUserName will be replaced by the real login name
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['userid_field'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['userid_field']; // LDAP field for username
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['fullname_field'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['fullname_field']; // LDAP field for full name
- $sysconf['auth']['member']['mail_field'] = &$sysconf['auth']['user']['mail_field']; // LDAP field for e-mail
- */
-$sysconf['index']['type'] = 'index'; // value can be 'default', 'index' OR 'sphinx'
-$sysconf['index']['sphinx_opts'] = array(
- 'host' => '',
- 'port' => 9312,
- 'index' => 'slims', // name of index in sphinx.conf
- 'mode' => null, 'timeout' => 0, 'filter' => '@last_update desc',
- 'filtervals' => array(), 'groupby' => null, 'groupsort' => null,
- 'sortby' => null, 'sortexpr' => null, 'distinct' => 'biblio_id',
- 'select' => null, 'limit' => 20,
- 'max_limit' => 100000, // must be less or same with max_matches in sphinx.conf
- 'ranker' => null);
- * Captcha Settings
- */
-// Captcha settings for Senayan Management Console (aka Librarian Login)
-$sysconf['captcha']['smc']['enable'] = false; // value can be 'true' or 'false'
-$sysconf['captcha']['smc']['type'] = 'recaptcha'; // value can be 'recaptcha' (at this time)
-if ($sysconf['captcha']['smc']['enable']) {
- include_once LIB.$sysconf['captcha']['smc']['type'].DS.'smc_settings.inc.php';
-// Captcha settings for Member Login
-$sysconf['captcha']['member']['enable'] = false; // value can be 'true' or 'false'
-$sysconf['captcha']['member']['type'] = 'recaptcha'; // value can be 'recaptcha' (at this time)
-if ($sysconf['captcha']['member']['enable']) {
- include_once LIB.$sysconf['captcha']['member']['type'].DS.'member_settings.inc.php';
- * Mailing Settings
- */
-$sysconf['mail']['enable'] = true;
-$sysconf['mail']['server'] = 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465'; // SMTP server
-$sysconf['mail']['server_port'] = 465; // the SMTP port
-$sysconf['mail']['auth_enable'] = true; // enable SMTP authentication
-$sysconf['mail']['auth_username'] = 'admin'; // SMTP account username
-$sysconf['mail']['auth_password'] = 'admin'; // SMTP account password
-$sysconf['mail']['from'] = 'admin@localhost';
-$sysconf['mail']['from_name'] = 'SLiMS Administrator';
-$sysconf['mail']['reply_to'] = &$sysconf['mail']['from'];
-$sysconf['mail']['reply_to_name'] = &$sysconf['mail']['from_name'];
- * Maximum biblio mark for member
- */
-$sysconf['max_biblio_mark'] = 20;
-// Thumbnail Generator
-$sysconf['tg']['relative_url'] = '../../';
-$sysconf['tg']['docroot'] = ''; #usually use this in a virtual or alias based hosting
-$sysconf['tg']['type'] = 'minigalnano'; # minigalnano
-// IP based access limitation
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['general'] = 'all'; // donot change this unless you know what you are doing
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['opac'] = 'all'; // donot change this unless you know what you are doing
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['opac-member'] = 'all'; // donot change this unless you know what you are doing
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-bibliography'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-circulation'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-membership'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-masterfile'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-stocktake'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-system'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-reporting'] = 'all';
-$sysconf['ipaccess']['smc-serialcontrol'] = 'all';
-// OAI-PMH settings
-$sysconf['OAI']['enable'] = false;
-$sysconf['OAI']['identifierPrefix'] = 'oai:slims/';
-$sysconf['OAI']['Identify']['baseURL'] = 'http://'.@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].':'.@$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].SWB.'oai.php';
-$sysconf['OAI']['Identify']['repositoryName'] = 'SLiMS Senayan Library Management System OAI-PMh';
-$sysconf['OAI']['Identify']['adminEmail'] = 'admin@slims.web.id';
-$sysconf['OAI']['Identify']['granularity'] = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ';
-$sysconf['OAI']['Identify']['deletedRecord'] = 'transient';
-$sysconf['OAI']['Identify']['metadataPolicy'] = '';
-$sysconf['OAI']['ListRecords']['RecordPerSet'] = '100';
-$sysconf['OAI']['MetadataFormats']['Dublin Core'] = array(
- 'oai_prefix' => 'oai_dc',
- 'schema_xsd' => 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd',
- 'namespace' => 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/');
-// Search clustering
-$sysconf['enable_search_clustering'] = true;
-// check if session is auto started and then destroy it
-if ($is_auto = @ini_get('session.auto_start')) { define('SESSION_AUTO_STARTED', $is_auto); }
-if (defined('SESSION_AUTO_STARTED')) { @session_destroy(); }
-// check for local sysconfig For Admin (fa) file
-if (defined('DB_ACCESS') && DB_ACCESS == 'fa' && file_exists(SB.'config'.DS.'sysconfig.local.fa.inc.php')) {
- include SB.'sysconfig.local.fa.inc.php';
-} else {
- // check for local sysconfig file
- if (file_exists(SB.'config'.DS.'sysconfig.local.inc.php')) {
- include SB.'config'.DS.'sysconfig.local.inc.php';
- } else {
- header("location: install/index.php");
- exit;
- }
-if (!defined('DB_HOST')) { define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); }
-if (!defined('DB_PORT')) { define('DB_PORT', '3306'); }
-if (!defined('DB_NAME')) { define('DB_NAME', 'senayandb'); }
-if (!defined('DB_USERNAME')) { define('DB_USERNAME', 'senayanuser'); }
-if (!defined('DB_PASSWORD')) { define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_senayanuser'); }
-// database connection
-// we prefer to use mysqli extensions if its available
-if (extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
- /* MYSQLI */
- if (mysqli_connect_error()) {
- die("Error Connecting to Database with message: ".mysqli_connect_error().". Please check your configuration!\n");
- }
-} else {
- /* MYSQL */
- // require the simbio mysql class
- include SIMBIO.'simbio_DB/mysql/simbio_mysql.inc.php';
- // make a new connection object that will be used by all applications
- $dbs = @new simbio_mysql(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_PORT);
-/* Force UTF-8 for MySQL connection */
-$dbs->query('SET NAMES \'utf8\'');
-// load global settings from database. Uncomment below lines if you dont want to load it
-// check for user language selection if we are not in admin areas
-if (stripos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/admin') === false) {
- if (isset($_GET['select_lang'])) {
- $select_lang = trim(strip_tags($_GET['select_lang']));
- // delete previous language cookie
- if (isset($_COOKIE['select_lang'])) {
- @setcookie('select_lang', $select_lang, time()-14400, SWB);
- }
- // create language cookie
- @setcookie('select_lang', $select_lang, time()+14400, SWB);
- $sysconf['default_lang'] = $select_lang;
- } else if (isset($_COOKIE['select_lang'])) {
- $sysconf['default_lang'] = trim(strip_tags($_COOKIE['select_lang']));
- }
- // set back to en_US on XML
- if (isset($_GET['resultXML']) OR isset($_GET['inXML'])) {
- $sysconf['default_lang'] = 'en_US';
- }
-// Apply language settings
-require LANG.'localisation.php';
-$sysconf['authority_type']['p'] = __('Personal Name');
-$sysconf['authority_type']['o'] = __('Organizational Body');
-$sysconf['authority_type']['c'] = __('Conference');
-$sysconf['subject_type']['t'] = __('Topic');
-$sysconf['subject_type']['g'] = __('Geographic');
-$sysconf['subject_type']['n'] = __('Name');
-$sysconf['subject_type']['tm'] = __('Temporal');
-$sysconf['subject_type']['gr'] = __('Genre');
-$sysconf['subject_type']['oc'] = __('Occupation');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][1] = __('Primary Author');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][2] = __('Additional Author');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][3] = __('Editor');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][4] = __('Translator');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][5] = __('Director');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][6] = __('Producer');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][7] = __('Composer');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][8] = __('Illustrator');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][9] = __('Creator');
-$sysconf['authority_level'][10] = __('Contributor');
-// comment
-$sysconf['comment']['enable'] = true;
-// social apps sharing
-$sysconf['social_shares'] = true;
-// system user type
-$sysconf['system_user_type'][1] = __('Librarian');
-$sysconf['system_user_type'][2] = __('Senior Librarian');
-$sysconf['system_user_type'][3] = __('Library Staff');
-// social media for user and member
-$sysconf['social']['fb'] = 'Facebook';
-$sysconf['social']['tw'] = 'Twitter';
-$sysconf['social']['li'] = 'LinkedIn';
-$sysconf['social']['rd'] = 'Reddit';
-$sysconf['social']['pn'] = 'Pinterest';
-$sysconf['social']['gp'] = 'Google Plus+';
-$sysconf['social']['yt'] = 'YouTube';
-$sysconf['social']['bl'] = 'Blog';
-$sysconf['social']['ym'] = 'Yahoo! Messenger';
-$sysconf['chat_system']['enabled'] = FALSE;
-$sysconf['chat_system']['vendors'] = 'freichat';
-$sysconf['chat_system']['opac'] = TRUE;
-$sysconf['chat_system']['librarian'] = TRUE;
-// redirect to mobile template on mobile mode
-if (defined('LIGHTWEIGHT_MODE') AND !isset($_COOKIE['FULLSITE_MODE']) AND $sysconf['template']['responsive'] === false) {
- $sysconf['template']['theme'] = 'lightweight';
- $sysconf['template']['css'] = $sysconf['template']['dir'].'/'.$sysconf['template']['theme'].'/style.css';
- $sysconf['enable_xml_detail'] = false;
- $sysconf['enable_xml_result'] = false;
-/* CHART */
-$sysconf['chart']['mode'] = 'chartjs'; // plot or chartjs. default is plot
-$sysconf['admin_home']['mode'] = 'dashboard'; // set as 'default' or 'dashboard' mode
diff --git a/template/default/citation/turabian_style_template.php b/template/default/citation/turabian_style_template.php
index cb9b346f..0a7fd845 100644
--- a/template/default/citation/turabian_style_template.php
+++ b/template/default/citation/turabian_style_template.php
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
+if ($gmd_name == 'Text') {
+ $gmd_name = 'Print';
Turabian Style
diff --git a/template/default/index_template.inc.php b/template/default/index_template.inc.php
index a6a5559f..536e292e 100644
--- a/template/default/index_template.inc.php
+++ b/template/default/index_template.inc.php
@@ -238,7 +238,11 @@ function send( text ) {
$(document).ready(function() {
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ Server = new FancyWebSocket('ws://:');
Server = new FancyWebSocket("ws://");
+>>>>>>> 350294370b8751288e55357911b8c562dc726034
$('#message').keypress(function(e) {
if ( e.keyCode == 13 && this.value ) {
diff --git a/template/lightweight/citation/mla_style_template.php b/template/lightweight/citation/mla_style_template.php
index 5e102457..b3398492 100644
--- a/template/lightweight/citation/mla_style_template.php
+++ b/template/lightweight/citation/mla_style_template.php
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
+if ($gmd_name == 'Text') {
+ $gmd_name = 'Print';
MLA Style