title |
Gradient Background Themes |
Red (SVG) | Red (CSS3) | Blue
Diagonal | Top Bottom | Left Right | Repeat | Radial | Radial Off Center | Radial Repeat
<iframe id="gallery" name="gallery" src="g/gradient-styles-red.svg" width="100%" height="60%" frameborder="0"></iframe>You can define your gradient background theme in plain text in the slide show source in the header using a simple CSS-style name value pair (if you use the built-in S6 templates).
Example 1: Use top-bottom
gradient background theme with the colors red and black
gradient: top-bottom red black
Themes. The built-in predefined gradient background themes include: diagonal
Colors. You can use whatever colors CSS supports e.g. pre-defined colors such as red
or self-defined colors such as #0e1f5b
, #3b5998
Example 2: Use pre-defined CSS colors (with default diagonal
gradient background theme)
gradient-colors: green lime
Example 3: Use self-defined colors (with default diagonal
gradient background theme)
gradient-colors: #0e1f5b #3b5998
Example 4: Use radial
gradient background theme and facebook colors
gradient: radial #0e1f5b #3b5998
Example 5: Just change gradient background theme and use default colors, that is, red
and orange
gradient-theme: repeat
That's it.