2.1.0 (2019-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add image size property to action items #203
Merged pull requests:
- Support dark mode in example project #217
- Update configuration example in README and example project #215
- Make image sizes configurable #213 [added]
- Fix an issue where special action item configuration would not work #212 [fixed]
- Update dependencies #210
- Get ready for Xcode 11/iOS 13 #209
2.0.0 (2019-04-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Swift 5 support #197
Merged pull requests:
1.2.0 (2019-02-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrade to circleci 2.1 #183
Fixed bugs:
- Button size changes with rotation/transition #191
Merged pull requests:
- Add swiftformat configuration file #194
- Prevent images to change button/item size #193 [changed] [fixed]
- Update project dependencies #189
- Make default button size configurable #188 [added]
- Add license title to LICENSE file #187
- Upgrade circleci config to version 2.1 #185
1.1.0 (2019-01-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add convenience initializer for single item button #138
Merged pull requests:
- Add convenience initializer for floating action button with single item #178 [added]
- Disable redundant_objc_attribute rule in swiftlint configuration #177
1.0.0 (2018-11-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Swift 4.2 support #159
Fixed bugs:
- Item tap area overlaps in circular pop up style #170
Merged pull requests:
- Update dependencies #173
- Update README #172
- Fix item layout in circular pop up style #171 [fixed]
- Add convenience method to action item that calls it's action #169 [added]
- Update tests for iOS 12.1 and new devices #163
- Migrate to swift 4.2 #161 [changed]
0.10.0 (2018-09-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Make spacing between the titleLabel and circleView configurable #154
Merged pull requests:
- Update dependencies #156
- Make title spacing configurable #155 [added]
- Add example for downward animation #153
- Add example on how to change size of action button #152
- Update dependencies and circleci configuration #148
0.9.2 (2018-06-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- View inset for bottom and trailing separately #144
Merged pull requests:
0.9.1 (2018-03-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Recreate preview gifs on iPhone 8 #139
0.9.0 (2018-03-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- Add App Icon to example project #136
- Improve configurability of animations #134 [added] [changed]
- Add codeclimate configuration #133
- Configure swift version in pod spec #131
- Make position of action item title configurable #130 [added]
- Update dependencies #129
- Revert default color for item title and item circle to white #126 [changed]
0.8.0 (2018-01-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- remove shadow properties and handle directly #118
- Configure default item with public function #117
- Split preview gifs #114
- Use swift enum (handle objc in extension) #59
Merged pull requests:
- Define default item configuration on item directly #121 [added] [changed] [removed]
- Split preview gif and update readme #120
- Add circular opening style #119 [added] [removed]
- Improve image drawing #116 [updated]
- Update dependencies (jazzy, xcpretty) #115
0.7.2 (2018-01-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Placement methods not accessible from objective-c #111
Merged pull requests:
- Rename placement methods to fix objc issues #112 [changed]
- Create release pull requests with octokit.rb #110
0.7.1 (2018-01-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve Example #105
Merged pull requests:
- Rename methods for placing button in view or view controller #107 [changed]
- Improve example #106
- Add task for updating releases on GitHub #104
- Add rake task for creating releases on GitHub #103
0.7.0 (2018-01-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add test for documentation coverage #98
- Handle actions instantly upon tap #71
- Handle placement in view controller #57
- Add tests for delegate calls #42
- Support UIAppearance #30
Fixed bugs:
- Documentation for placement missing #94
Merged pull requests:
- Add test for documentation coverage #101
- Handle new github labels in change log #100
- Fix exception when loading button from xib during tests #99
- Add documentation and improve tests for button placement #97
- User Xcode 9.1 on CircleCI #96
- Improve labels in change log #93
- Extension for placing action button in view or view controller #92 [added]
- Use xcpretty in CI builds #91
- Better support for UIAppearance #90 [updated]
- Add delegate calls to example #89
- Handle tasks with rake #88
- Handle action directly when item is tapped #86 [changed]
- Add tests for delegate calls #85
0.6.4 (2018-01-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Update readme and changelog #83
0.6.3 (2018-01-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Define file header template (MIT License) #81
- Remove author from pull requests in changelog #80
- Add screenshot and documentation url to podspec #79
- Explicit anchors in readme #78
0.6.2 (2018-01-02)
Merged pull requests:
0.6.1 (2018-01-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update preview #72
Merged pull requests:
- Update preview #73
0.6.0 (2017-12-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Remove unnecessary properties #63
- Document functions/properties from superclasses #61
- Improve README #60
- Check RTL Languages #55
- Handle hidden action items #36
- Support Swift Package Manager #27
- Draw default button image #17
Merged pull requests:
- Add license to each file #69
- Improve Readme #68
- Improve documentation #67
- Investigate swift package manager support #66
- Draw assets (remove assets bundle) #65 [updated]
- Expose overlay view as read only property #64 [added]
- RTL language support #58 [added]
- Add documentation for github pages #54
- Improve release script #53
- Handle hidden items #52 [added]
- Handle open/close animations in separate classes #51 [updated]
- Continuous integration improvements #50
0.5.0 (2017-12-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Check if imageView and openImageView can be merged into one #45
- Make single action configurable #39
- Improve Documentation #4
Merged pull requests:
- Add documentation #47
- Add image transition when button opens/closes #46 [updated]
- Make single action handling configurable #44 [added]
- Add swiftlint to CircleCi workflow #43
0.4.0 (2017-12-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Animate change to open button image #35
- Make properties IB designable #3
- Improve configurability of action items #1
Merged pull requests:
- Move tests to CircleCi #40
- Animate open image changes #37 [updated]
- Add swiftlint configuration #34
- Make IBDesignable #32 [added]
- Test improvements #31
- Refactoring #29 [updated]
- Remove UITests #26
0.3.1 (2017-11-30)
Fixed bugs:
- wrong item position during first open animation #23
Merged pull requests:
0.3.0 (2017-11-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Button should have configurable image for open state #18
Merged pull requests:
- Add optional open button image #21 [added]
- Improve preview in readme #20
- Handle touches with UIControl #19 [updated]
- Improve test coverage #16
0.2.1 (2017-11-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Snapshot tests not working correctly #33
0.2.0 (2017-11-16)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- Improve travis configuration #15
- Add codecov configuration #14
- Improve example #13
- Improve test coverage #12
- Restructure project folder #9
0.1.2 (2017-11-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- remove SnapKit dependency #2
Merged pull requests:
0.1.1 (2017-11-06)
0.1.0 (2017-11-06)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator