- Paying the restaurant bill
- Monthly budget calculator (food, parties, bills, etc)
- ClojureBridge London event management - register coaches and attendees and try match them up based on skills & experiences (webapp using ring / compojure - alternative to practicalli, webapps ?)
- Currency converter: compare the current value of currencies (given one currency, show its value in one or more other currencies); track currency changes; compare currency changes over time. (find a suitable api with currency data)
- Practicalli, Clojure WebApps - Serverside web application with Ring, Compojure and PostgresQL database
- Tic-tac-toe game - create the game using clojurescript and reagent
- Personal Website using reagent
- Social Network profile with friends
- Snowflakes Animation
- Land of Quil Several Quil examples you can try out
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Making sounds with Overtone
- Global Growth Web app with REST api
- Caesar Cipher Mini exercise of Strings and Characters
- Turtles Walk More function study
- Paying the restaurant bill (re-word to make the problem clearer)
- Monthly budget calculator (food, parties, bills, etc)
- ClojureBridge London event management - register coaches and attendees and try match them up based on skills & experiences (webapp using ring / compojure - alternative to practicalli, webapps ?)
- Currency converter: compare the current value of currencies (given one currency, show its value in one or more other currencies); track currency changes; compare currency changes over time. (find a suitable api with currency data)
- managing your favourite songs with Clojure and the Spotify API
####TODO::Review suitablity of these projects for Clojurebridge London
- Tic-tac-toe game - create the game using clojurescript and reagent
- Personal Website using reagent
- Social Network profile with friends
- Snowflakes Animation
- Land of Quil Several Quil examples you can try out
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Making sounds with Overtone
- Global Growth Web app with REST api
- Caesar Cipher Mini exercise of Strings and Characters
- Turtles Walk More function study