Ensure that the LAB_ROOT
environment variable points to the exercise's root directory by executing:
export LAB_ROOT=~/cloudify-training-labs/workflows/exercise
is a very simple blueprint, defining a node called lab
Your task consists of:
- Adding an operation to the
node - Binding the operation to the included script,
- Using the
workflow to invoke the script
Grep the blueprint for REPLACE_WITH
. Replace that string with an operation definition.
Install the blueprint on the manager:
cfy install $LAB_ROOT/blueprint/blueprint.yaml -b workflows -d workflows -i ip=<your-app-vm-ip>
Prepare a file, ~/execution-parameters.yaml
, containing parameters to pass to the execute_operation
workflow, such as:
- etc.
Run the execute_operation
workflow, providing the ~/execution-parameters.yaml
file as an input:
cfy executions start execute_operation -d workflows -p ~/execution-parameters.yaml
Tip: Use the execute_operation
workflow documentation.
In this part, we will demonstrate the heal
First, we need to find the instance ID of the node we would like to heal. Remember: the heal
workflow uninstalls, and then reinstalls, the entire Compute node containing the node we wish to heal; therefore, you may either look for the instance ID of the Compute node itself, or of any node which is contained in (directly or indirectly) that Compute node.
To find the node instance, execute the following command (from the CLI VM):
cfy node-instances list -d workflows
The output shows all node instances in the topology. For each node instance, both the instance ID and the node ID are shown. The node ID is the name of the node in the blueprint; the node instance ID is the ID of the particular instance of that node.
Then, execute the heal
workflow. For example:
cfy executions start heal -d workflows -p node_instance_id=lab_vm_a644a
Use the commands learned in previous labs to uninstall the lab application.