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Lab: Creating a Simple Blueprint

This lab accompanies the "Blueprints" section of the training. It is meant to be completed incrementally, alongside the presentation of the training slide deck.


Create a new directory:

mkdir ~/my_bp
cd ~/my_bp

Copy the contents of the solution/scripts directory into your blueprint's directory:

cp -R ~/cloudify-training-labs/blueprints/solution/scripts ~/my_bp

Now, copy the contents of the solution/resources directory into your blueprint's directory:

cp -R ~/cloudify-training-labs/blueprints/solution/resources ~/my_bp

Create a new file to contain the blueprint:

vi blueprint.yaml

Create the blueprint

TOSCA definitions version

Add the TOSCA definitions version directive at the top of the file:

tosca_definitions_version: <add_version_here>


Add node types

We will create our type definitions in a separate file located in include/type-definitions.yaml relative to the main blueprint file's root. While this is not a requirement, typically, reusable definitions are placed in YAML files external to the main blueprint, and included from there.

  1. Add a node type called apache:

    • Derived from cloudify.nodes.Root.
    • Containing a property called port, of type integer, with the default value of 80.
    • Containing a property called document_root, of type string, with the default value of /var/www/html.
    • Implementing the cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle interface, and:
      • Mapping the create operation to scripts/
      • Mapping the configure operation to scripts/
      • Mapping the start operation to scripts/
      • Mapping the stop operation to scripts/
      • Mapping the delete operation to scripts/
  2. Add a node type called static_web_app:

    • Derived from cloudify.nodes.Root.
    • Containing the following properties:
      • Name: web_page, type: string (no default value)
    • Implementing the cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle interface, and:
      • Mapping the create operation to scripts/
      • Mapping the delete operation to scripts/

VERY IMPORTANT: the script located in scripts/ defines a runtime property called target_dir on the node instance for which the operation is running. You will need this information later.

Add node templates

Back in ~/my_bp/blueprint.yaml, we will now create some node templates.

  1. Add a node template called host, of type cloudify.nodes.Compute.

    • Add a property called ip, with the value being the IP address of your App VM.

    • Add a property called agent_config, with the value being a dictionary containing the following:

      user: centos
      key: /etc/cloudify/cfy-training.pem

      For example:

            user: centos
            key: /etc/cloudify/cfy-training.pem
  2. Add a node template called web_server, of type apache.

    • Provide an override to the port property. The default is 80, but we want port 8080 here.
  3. Add a node template called my_app, of type static_web_app.

    • Provide the following property values:
      • web_page: resources/hello.html

Add relationship type

Back in ~/my_bp/include/type-definitions.yaml, add a relationship type called app_contained_in_apache.

The relationship type should be derived from the built-in cloudify.relationships.contained_in type.

The relationship type will map the establish operation in the cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle source interface, to scripts/

Add relationship instances

Back in ~/my_bp/blueprint.yaml:

  • To the web_server node:
    • Add a relationship where the target is the host node, and the type is the standard containment type (cloudify.relationships.contained_in).
  • To the my_app node:
    • Add a relationship where the target is the web_server node, and the type is app_contained_in_apache.

Add blueprint inputs

(This should be done in ~/my_bp/blueprint.yaml)

  1. Add a blueprint input for the Apache listening port. The input name should be apache_listening_port, the type should be integer, with no default.
  2. Change the web_server node so the value of the port property is taken from the apache_listening_port input.
  3. Add a blueprint input for the App VM's IP address. The input name should be ip, the type should be string, with no default.
  4. Change the host node so the value of the ip property is taken from the ip input.

Add a property reference

Open include/type-definitions.yaml. For the configure operation in the apache node type, add an operation input called port, of type integer. The default value for the input should be defined so the following happens: when the configure operation is called, Cloudify retrieves the value of the port property for the same node instance that the operation runs on.

Edit relationship type

In a previous step, you created a relationship type called app_contained_in_apache. Edit the definition of the establish operation there. The operation should now receive the following inputs:

  • app_dir: the default value should be an attribute reference, retrieving the value of the target_dir attribute from whoever is at the source end of the relationship.
  • document_root: the default value should be a property reference, retrieving the value of the document_root property from whoever is at the target end of the relationship.

Add outputs

Edit the main blueprint file again (blueprint.yaml) and add an outputs section. The outputs section should contain only one item called installation_info. Its value should be a dictionary containing two elements:

  • url: the value should be a string of the form: http://<ip-address>:<port>/app/hello.html, where:

    • ip-address is the IP address of the VM running the example
    • port is the port on which Apache is going to listen (hint: use get_property to obtain the value of the relevant property from web_server)

    (hint: use the concat function)

  • app_dir: the value should be an attribute reference, obtaining the value of the target_dir attribute from my_app.

Run the blueprint

Now that the blueprint is ready, try running it:

cfy install ~/my_bp/blueprint.yaml -i apache_listening_port=8080 -i ip=<your-app-VM-public-IP> -b bp_test -d dep1

(Replace <your-app-VM-IP> with your App VM's IP address)

When installation is done, obtain the outputs:

cfy deployments outputs dep1

You should receive the value of the outputs section defined in the blueprint, with values calculated in real time.

You should now be able to point your browser at http://<app-vm-public-ip>:8080/app/hello.html and get the static app that had just been deployed.

Once done, invoke the uninstall workflow to clean up:

cfy uninstall dep1