A Python package to extract narrative statements from text.
- "relatio" is Latin for "storytelling".
- Motivated, described, and applied in "Text Semantics Capture Political and Economic Narratives" (2021).
- See here for graphical demo of system outputs.
Runs on Linux and macOS (x86 platform) and it requires Python 3.7 (or 3.8) and pip.
It is highly recommended to use a virtual environment (or conda environment) for the installation.
# upgrade pip, wheel and setuptools
python -m pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
# install the package
python -m pip install -U relatio
# download SpaCy and NLTK additional resources
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m nltk.downloader punkt wordnet stopwords averaged_perceptron_tagger
In case you want to use Jupyter make sure that you have it installed in the current environment.
If you are interested in contributing to the project please read the Development Guide.
is brought to you by
- Elliott Ash, ETH Zurich
- Germain Gauthier, CREST
- Andrei Plamada, ETH Zurich
- Philine Widmer, University of St.Gallen
with a special thanks for support of ETH Scientific IT Services.