This server allows to save podcasts (or RSS) content into a database, to update them keeping the new items and to assemble stored items back into the feeds.
It should work with podcast/RSS sources. The URLs of feeds are to be initially put into url field of podcast table. Available endpoints:
/docs - automatically generated Swagger-doc
/sql - [text] automatically generated create SQL
/podcast/all - [JSON] API to get all podcasts or RSS
/podcast/n - [JSON] API to get podcast by id
/podcast/n/items - [JSON] API to get items by podcast by id
/podcast/n/feed - [XML] RSS/podcast feed by podcast id
/podcast/n/update - [text stream] Update RSS/podcast by given id
/podcast/update - [text stream] Update all RSS/podcasts
/channel/all - [JSON] API to get all saved channels (header of feeds)
/channel/n - [JSON] API to get saved channels by id
/item/all - [JSON] API to get all saved items
/item/n - [JSON] API to get saved items by id
/cat = [HTML] Podcasts by channel category (automatic generated catalog)