- Atmosphere-NX
- this page and Sys-patch for sig_patches (only Sys-patch is used now).
- ReiNX
- SX OS and Xecuter's team, also see SX Autoloader module page
- AtlasNX team for the Kosmos project, replaced by Deepsea project.
- Not used anymore; Retroreloaded for the Hekate release for launching Atmosphere with Mariko unit that don't use Spacecraft firmware on SX Core/Lite modchips (replaced by Deejay87 pack Hekate version), also see SX Autoloader module page
- NX-Hbloader
- NX-Hbmenu
- Forwarders to launch the Homebrew Menu
- nx-ovlloader and Tesla-Menu
- FastCFWSwitch
- OvlSysmodules
- QuickNTP
- Status-Monitor-Overlay
- TextReaderOverlay-NX, replaced by this fork
- SaltyNX and SaltyNX-Tool
- ReverseNX, replaced by ReverseNX-RT
- UnityGraphics and UnityGraphicsWarehouse
- NX-FPS, FPSLocker and FPSLocker-Warehouse
- Biskeydump, Memloader, Briccmii, Gptrestore, Romdump, ChoiDuJour, HacDiskMount, PartialAesKeyCrack, ChoiDuJourNX
- EmmcHaccGen, replaced by my version witch return basic error codes, better when using in a script.
- Hekate
- Switchboot
- Fusee_Suite
- Deepsea-toolbox
- Pk1decryptor
- Lockpick-RCM, replaced by Lockpick-RCM
- Lockpick
- Prodinfo_gen
- Udpih_nxpayload, usful payload to launch the Recovery Menu with the Udpih exploit for the Wii U.
- TegraExplorer
- Some Tegraexplorer scripts
- Tegraexplorer scripts to fix joycon synch between sysnand and emunand
- BootSoundNX, replaced by this fork
- Emuiibo and Amiigo
- AmiiSwap
- Freebird
- hid-mitm
- Ldn_mitm
- MissionControl
- Nx-btred
- Slidenx
- SwitchPresence-Rewritten and PresenceClient
- Sys-audioplayer, replaced by Sys-tune
- Sys-botbase replaced by USB-Botbase
- Sys-clk and Sys-clk-Editor
- Sys-con, replaced by ce fork
- Sys-FTPD
- Sys-FTPD-Light
- ftpsrv
- Sys-nxsh, Nxsh
- Triplayer
- uLaunch
- Easyrpg-player
- Flycast
- Khedgb
- MelonDS
- Mgba
- OpenBOR
- Pfba
- Pnes
- Pgen
- Psnes
- Reicast
- RetroArch
- Scummvm
- Uae4all2
- Vba-next
- Homebrew App Store
- AIO-switch-updater
- AtmoXL-Titel-Installer
- Avatool
- Awoo-Installer
- Battery_desync_fix_nx
- BiggestDump
- Checkpoint
- Cling-Wrap and Cling-Wrap-Tesla-Overlay
- DBI, part of Kefir project
- Delve
- EbookViewerNX
- EdiZon, replaced by EdiZon-SE and for the overlay it's replaced by this fork.
- EmuMMC-Toggle
- Fakenews-injector
- Firmware-Dumper
- Fizeau
- Ftpd
- GagOrder
- Gamecard-Installer-NX
- Goldleaf
- Haku33
- Homebrew-Details
- Incognito
- Incognito_RCM
- Ipswitch
- Joycon-Toolbox
- Tinfoil
- Linkalho
- LinkUser
- MiiPort
- mtp-server-nx
- Mod_Plague
- N1dusd
- NX-Activity-Log
- Nxdumptool
- Nx-locale-switcher
- NightFall
- NX-mtpc
- NX-Shell
- N-Xplorer
- SwitchThemeInjector and system patches for it and SwitchLayoutEditor.
- NXTransmission
- Off_switch, founded in the Deejay87 pack
- Payload_Launcher
- Pplay
- Nxmp
- ProdinfoEnabler
- PyNX
- Reset-Parental-Controls-NX
- ShareNX and ShareNX-Overlay
- Sdsetup-switch
- SimpleModDownloader
- SimpleModManager
- Sphaira
- Switch_90DNS_tester
- Switch-90dns-setter
- Switch-cheats-updater
- Switch-ezremote-client
- Switch-ftp-client
- SwitchIdent
- SwitchWave
- Tencent-Switch-switcher and Tencent-switcher-GUI
- Tinleaf
- TinWoo-Installer
- Vgedit
- 7zip
- Aria2
- AutoIPS-Patcher that I have modified
- BOTW_saveconv
- CertNXtractionPack and some other pieces of code that I don't remember where I get them.
- CDmage
- Curl for Windows
- Dd for Windows 0.6beta3
- DS4Windows
- EmuTool
- fat32format 1.08 (compiled and modified by myself)
- Gdisk.
- GameMakerNSPBuilder
- Saturn injection
- Std, Saturn Tribute Decryption tool.
- GNU Win32 tools (Md5sum, Cut, DiffUtils, FindUtils, Grep, Head, Sed, split, Tail, Wc, Dd, Fdisk, Ls): See This page. For Sed, see this page. For Split, dd and ls they come from portable Git, see this page and also thanks to MSYS devs for the GNU tools that they have ported to Windows like fdisk.
- Gw_flash
- Spacecraft-NX projects, replaced by HWFly project
- Piicofly firmware, Picofly files not used anymore, also see this subject on GBATemp and this post to see updates for Picofly files
- Hactool
- HacBrewPack
- ImageMagick
- IPS_Patch_Creator
- Hactoolnet
- Imx_load Windows binary: rajkosto
- Linkle
- This project and This project to create NSP forwarders.
- Megatools
- Ninfs and WinFsp
- NodeJS Portable/
- NSC_Builder
- NSPVerify
- Nstool
- Ns-usbloader and jPortable to execute Java environment
- NsZip
- NVDA and NVDARemote and NVDARemoteServer
- NxFileViewer
- NXNandManager
- Dokan
- Windows-kill
- NS-Usbloader-Mobile
- PayloadChecker
- Rekado
- Renxpack
- Shofel2: fail0verfl0w team.
- SplitNSP
- SSNCpy
- SVN et gitget: this page for SVN 32-bit bundle and this page for gitget but I have modified it to be fully portable with the SVN 32-bit Bundle
- switch-lan-play
- Switch-logo-patcher
- Sx-custom-boot.dat-maker
- TegraRcmSmash
- SXOS licence spoofer
- Wget
- Winpcap
- XCI-Cutter
- XCI Explorer
- Zadig
- Automatic drivers installation file of NS-Usbloader
- All donators, your contributions is greatly appreciated.
- Kate Temkin and (re)switched team for all their unvaluable contributions and work for the Switch, for example this wiki.
- @eliboa of Logic-sunrise forum for his script to load Linux on Windows, his work and his tuto for the Switch and also for the personal help he provided to me ocasionaly.
- PegaSwitch, Caffeine and Nereba, see this for Caffeine, this fork for PegaSwitch and this for Nereba.
- Somsubhra Github-release-stats project
- @Nilecna from Logic-sunrise forum for all his tests and returns, he help me a lot to identify bugs.
- @fabriceunko from Logic-sunrise for his translation of NSC_Builder 0.86 and up.
- @markus95 from Logic-sunrise for his scripts witch configure the Nes Classic Edition and Snes Classic Edition emulators.
- @Loulou7593 of Logic-sunrise who give me some help with the documentation and for some elements update.
- @Leonheart of Logic-sunrise to suggest me some good improvements and for testing the beta of the Unbrick Script.
- All contributors of cheats sharing, see this GBATemp thread to see some of my sources and see this github repository witch is my main ressource.
- And everybody else I might have forgotten.