We can use either the curl or wget command line tool to download the content of URLs.
# Create a working directory for a Unix tutorial work.
mkdir unix_tutorial
# Switch to the new directory you will work in.
cd unix_tutorial
# Get the data from SGD.
wget http://data.biostarhandbook.com/data/SGD_features.tab
# Also get the README file.
wget http://data.biostarhandbook.com/data/SGD_features.README
# Quick check. Where are you and what have you got?
A “flag” in Unix terminology is a parameter added to the command.
ls -l
we can use the manual to learn more about a command:
man ls
or we can use the help command if the tool does not have a manual
histat2 --help
read more
more SGD_features.README
The cat command concatenates one or more files and starts producing them.
cat SGD_features.tab
#How many lines does the file have? We can pipe the output into another program rather than the screen. Use the pipe | character to connect the programs. For example, the wc program is the word counter.
cat SGD_features.tab | wc
cat SGD_features.tab | wc -l
cat SGD_features.tab | head
For example, we wanted to find information on gene YAL060W
cat SGD_features.tab | grep YAL060W
cat SGD_features.tab | grep YAL060W > match.tab
#How many lines in the file match the word gene?
cat SGD_features.tab | grep gene | wc -l
Adding the -v flag to grep reverses the action of grep it shows the lines that do not match.
cat SGD_features.tab | -v Dubious | wc -l
It looks like this file uses the feature type (column 2) ORF for protein-coding genes. We will need to cut the second field (by tabs).
cat SGD_features.tab | head
cat SGD_features.tab | cut -f 2 | grep ORF | head
cat SGD_features.tab | cut -f 2,3,4 | grep ORF | head
cat SGD_features.tab | cut -f 2,3,4 | grep ORF | grep -v Dubious | wc -l
We are going to use this data a lot, so place it into a separate file for now.
cat SGD_features.tab | cut -f 2 > types.txt
# Sorting places identical consecutive entries next to one another.
cat type.txt | sort | head
#Find unique words. The uniq command collapses consecutive identical words into one.
cat type.txt | sort | uniq -c | head
#To find out the most frequent unique elements, we need to sort the output of uniq.
cat types.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head
conda install entrez-direct
# Improved pattern.
cat types.txt | sort-uniq-count-rank | head
This tutorial is referred from Biostar