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258 lines (204 loc) · 7.47 KB

File metadata and controls

258 lines (204 loc) · 7.47 KB


The way how to get improved creativity and multi-purpose in Discord.

Table of Contents


The project Serium is a framework based on Discord.JS. You can easily do complex( and duplicated) parts of bot development such as parsing the message and calculating the user's permission.


Seia-Soto is holding the copyright of this project.







You need to install the software below before we start over.

  1. Copy the repository address(in HTTPS) using a green button(Clone or download) under the programming language indicator of GitHub and clone the repository using it.
git clone
  1. Go to the directory which you cloned the project and install dependencies using Yarn(package manager)
  1. Initialize the required tables in your database for your bot.
  1. Copy the example file of configuration and edit it for your bot.
cp config.example.js config.js
vi config.js


module.exports = {
  app: {
    token: '', // NOTE: The Discord bot's token
    ux: {
      basicPermissions: [
        // NOTE: The permissions required basically to use bot.
    client: {
      // NOTE: Check the clientOptions( in Discord.JS documentation.
    fork: {
      // NOTE: The options for sharding the bot.
      // WARNING: No support for sharding application yet.
  database: {
    options: {
      // NOTE: Options for knex.
      client: 'mysql2', // WARNING: No support for other DBMS engines.
      connection: {
        host: 'localhost',
        user: '',
        password: '',
        database: ''
      pool: {
        min: 1,
        max: 8
    tables: {
      // NOTE: Name of tables created.
      user: 'user',
      guild: 'guild'
  permissions: [
    // NOTE: You can add or remove permissions here.
      name: 'common', // NOTE: Name of permission
      flag: 0x00, // NOTE: Flag of permission(bit)
      required: {
        // NOTE: Required condition to grant this permission.
        identify: [
          // NOTE: Discord ID.
        roles: [
          // NOTE: Name of required roles.
        permissions: [
          // NOTE: Check the permissionFlags( in Discord.JS documentation.
  defaults: {
    // NOTE: Default values of configuration for each user( or guild, ...).
    settings: {
      // NOTE: Default settings(in database) of user and guild.
      user: {
        index: 0,
        identify: 0,
        language: 'ko'
      guild: {
        index: 0,
        identify: 0,
        prefix: 'se'


You can declare a new event handler just like Message handler.

Add a new event handler from main.

client.once('ready', () => {
  console.log(`[Client] Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`)

  client.on('message', handlers.message.bind(null, client))
  // NOTE: Add new handlers here:


Commands can receive three variables from the message handler.

| Name | Description | |-:-------|-:----------------------------------------------------| | client | Client from Discord.JS lib | | message | Message received and serialized from Message handler | | opts | ETC things like translations |

Check the example command ping included in this project. The basic structure of commands is structured as {category}/{command}.

module.exports.execute = (client, message, opts) => {
    responseTime: Math.round(
} = {
  name: 'ping', // NOTE: Name of command.
  permission: 'dev', // NOTE: Required permission specified in config.js.
  aliases: ['pong'] // NOTE: Aliases of command.


This section is created to describe the variable opts. According to Message handler, the variable opts is including three additional variables.

  permission: {
    // NOTE: Permission specified in configuration file.
  settings: {
    // NOTE: The settings of user and guild( from database, check out the code(/structures/settings/get)).
    user: {
    guild: {
  translations: {
    // NOTE: The commands[commandName] section of translation file.


Adding translations is one of the important features of Discord bot. Check out the Korean example translation file.


Unlike Node.JS's way using Template literals, Serium implemented the Python-like variable binding function to help translations.

pong: '퐁! {responseTime}ms가 소요되었습니다.'

This function extends the String prototype is specified in index.js( or you can see below).

String.prototype.bind = function (parameters) {
  let text = this
  const keys = text.match(/\{(.*?)\}/g)

  if (!keys) return this

  keys.forEach(key => {
    const keyname = key.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')

    text = text.replace(key, parameters[keyname] || '')

  return text