Gesture recognition and handling touch events is an important part of developing user interactions. Handling standard events such as clicks, long clicks, key presses, etc are very basic and handled in other guides. This guide is focused on handling other more specialized gestures such as:
- Swiping in a direction
- Double tapping for zooming
- Pinch to zoom in or out
- Dragging and dropping
- Effects while scrolling a list
You can see a visual guide of common gestures on the gestures design patterns guide. See the new Material Design information about the touch mechanics behind gestures too.
At the heart of all gestures is the onTouchListener and the onTouch
method which has access to MotionEvent data. Every view has an onTouchListener
which can be specified:
myView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
// Interpret MotionEvent data
// Handle touch here
return true;
Each onTouch
event has access to the MotionEvent which describe movements in terms of an action code and a set of axis values. The action code specifies the state change that occurred such as a pointer going down or up. The axis values describe the position and other movement properties:
- Returns an integer constant such asMotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
, andMotionEvent.ACTION_UP
- Returns the x coordinate of the touch eventgetY()
- Returns the y coordinate of the touch event
Note that every touch event can be propagated through the entire affected view hierarchy. Not only can the touched view respond to the event but every layout that contains the view has an opportunity as well. Refer to the [[understanding touch events|Gestures-and-Touch-Events#understanding-touch-events]] section for a detailed overview.
Note that getAction()
normally includes information about both the action as well as the pointer index. In single-touch events, there is only one pointer (set to 0), so no bitmap mask is needed. In multiple touch events (i.e pinch open or pinch close), however, there are multiple fingers involved and a non-zero pointer index may be included when calling getAction()
. As a result, there are other methods that should be used to determine the touch event:
- extract the action event without the pointer indexgetActionIndex()
- extract the pointer index used
The events associated with other pointers usually start with MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER
such as MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
. The getPointerCount()
on the MotionEvent can be used to determine how many pointers are active in this touch sequence.
Within an onTouch
event, we can then use a GestureDetector to understand gestures based on a series of motion events. Gestures are often used for user interactions within an app. Let's take a look at how to implement common gestures.
For easy gesture detection using a third-party library, check out the popular Sensey library which greatly simplifies the process of attaching multiple gestures to your views.
You can enable double tap events for any view within your activity using the OnDoubleTapListener. First, copy the code for OnDoubleTapListener
into your application and then you can apply the listener with:
myView.setOnTouchListener(new OnDoubleTapListener(this) {
public void onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Double Tap", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Now that view will be able to respond to a double tap event and you can handle the event accordingly.
Detecting finger swipes in a particular direction is best done using the built-in [onFling](\(android.view.MotionEvent, android.view.MotionEvent, float, float)) event in the GestureDetector.OnGestureListener
A helper class that makes handling swipes as easy as possible can be found in the OnSwipeTouchListener class. Copy the OnSwipeTouchListener
class to your own application and then you can use the listener to manage the swipe events with:
myView.setOnTouchListener(new OnSwipeTouchListener(this) {
public void onSwipeDown() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Down", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onSwipeLeft() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Left", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onSwipeUp() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Up", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onSwipeRight() {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Right", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
With that code in place, swipe gestures should be easily manageable.
If you intend to implement pull-to-refresh capabilities in your RecyclerView, you can leverage the built-in SwipeRefreshLayout
as described [[here|Implementing-Pull-to-Refresh-Guide#recyclerview-with-swiperefreshlayout]]. If you wish to handle your own swipe detection, you can use the new OnFlingListener
as described in [[this section|Using-the-RecyclerView#swipe-detection]].
If you are interested in having a ListView that recognizes swipe gestures for each item, consider using the popular third-party library android-swipelistview which is a ListView replacement that supports swipe-eable items. Once setup, you can configure a layout that will appear when the item is swiped.
Check out the swipelistview project for more details but the general usage looks like:
and then define the individual list item layout with:
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
Now front
will be displayed by default and if I swipe left on an item, then the back
will be displayed for that item. This simplifies swipes for the common case of menus for a ListView.
Another more recent alternative is the AndroidSwipeLayout library which can be more flexible and is worth checking out as an alternative.
Supporting Pinch to Zoom in and out is fairly straightforward thanks to the ScaleGestureDetector class. Easiest way to manage pinch events is to subclass a view and manage the pinch event from within:
public class ScaleableTextView extends TextView
implements OnTouchListener, OnScaleGestureListener {
ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector =
new ScaleGestureDetector(getContext(), this);
public ScaleableTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
// Code for scale here
return true;
public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
// Code for scale begin here
return true;
public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
// Code for scale end here
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
if (mScaleDetector.onTouchEvent(event))
return true;
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
Using the ScaleGestureDetector
makes managing this fairly straightforward.
One of the most common use cases for a pinch or pannable view is for an ImageView that displays a Photo which can be zoomed or panned around on screen similar to the Facebook client. To achieve the zooming image view, rather than developing this yourself, be sure to check out the PhotoView third-party library. Using the PhotoView just requires the XML:
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
and then in the Java:
// Any implementation of ImageView can be used!
mImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
// Set the image bitmap
// Setup view attacher
PhotoViewAttacher mAttacher = new PhotoViewAttacher(mImageView);
Check out the PhotoView readme and sample for more details. You can also check the TouchImageView library which is a nice alternative.
Scrolling is a common gesture associated with lists of items within a ListView
or RecyclerView
. Often the scrolling is associated with the hiding of certain elements (toolbar) or the shrinking or morphing of elements such as a parallax header. If you are using a RecyclerView
, check out the addOnScrollListener. With a ListView
, we can use the setOnScrollListener instead.
With Android "M" and the release of the [[Design Support Library]], the CoordinatorLayout was introduced which enables handling changes associated with the scrolling of a RecyclerView
. Review the [[Handling Scrolls with CoordinatorLayout]] guide for a detailed breakdown of how to manage scrolls using this new layout to collapse the toolbar or hide and reveal header content.
Dragging and dropping views is not particularly difficult to do thanks to the OnDragListener built in since API 11. Unfortunately, to support gingerbread managing drag and drop becomes much more manual as you have to implement it using the onTouch
handlers. With API 11 and above, you can leverage the built in drag handling.
First, we want to attach an onTouch
handler on the views that are draggable which will start the drag by creating a DragShadow
with the DragShadowBuilder which is then dragged around the Activity once [startDrag](\(android.content.ClipData, android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder, java.lang.Object, int)) is invoked on the view:
// This listener is attached to the view that should be draggable
draggableView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
if (motionEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
// Construct draggable shadow for view
DragShadowBuilder shadowBuilder = new View.DragShadowBuilder(view);
// Start the drag of the shadow
view.startDrag(null, shadowBuilder, view, 0);
// Hide the actual view as shadow is being dragged
return true;
} else {
return false;
If we want to add "drag" or "drop" events, we should create a DragListener
that is attached to a drop zone for the draggable object. We hook up the listener and manage the different dragging and dropping events for the zone:
// This listener is attached to the view that should be a drop target
viewDropZone.setOnDragListener(new OnDragListener() {
// Drawable for when the draggable enters the drop target
Drawable enteredZoneBackground = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.shape_border_green);
// Drawable for the default background of the drop target
Drawable defaultBackground = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.shape_border_red);
public boolean onDrag(View v, DragEvent event) {
// Get the dragged view being dropped over a target view
final View draggedView = (View) event.getLocalState();
switch (event.getAction()) {
// Signals the start of a drag and drop operation.
// Code for that event here
// Signals to a View that the drag point has
// entered the bounding box of the View.
// Signals that the user has moved the drag shadow
// outside the bounding box of the View.
case DragEvent.ACTION_DROP:
// Signals to a View that the user has released the drag shadow,
// and the drag point is within the bounding box of the View.
// Get View dragged item is being dropped on
View dropTarget = v;
// Make desired changes to the drop target below
// Get owner of the dragged view and remove the view (if needed)
ViewGroup owner = (ViewGroup) draggedView.getParent();
// Signals to a View that the drag and drop operation has concluded.
// If event result is set, this means the dragged view was dropped in target
if (event.getResult()) { // drop succeeded
} else { // drop did not occur
// restore the view as visible Runnable() {
public void run() {
// restore drop zone default background
return true;
Check out the vogella dragging tutorial or the javapapers dragging tutorial for a detailed look at handling dragging and dropping. Read the official drag and drop guide for a more detail overview.
Detecting when the device is shaked requires using the sensor data to determine movement. We can whip up a special listener which manages this shake recognition for us. First, copy the ShakeListener into your project. Now, we can implement ShakeListener.Callback
in any activity:
public class MainActivity extends Activity
implements ShakeListener.Callback {
public void shakingStarted() {
// Code on started here
public void shakingStopped() {
// Code on stopped here
Now we just have to implement the expected behavior for the shaking event in the two methods from the callback.
For additional multi-touch events such as "rotation" of fingers, finger movement events, etc., be sure to check out libraries such as Sensey and multitouch-gesture-detectors third-party library. Read the documentation for more details about how to handle multi-touch gestures. Also, for a more generic approach, read the official multitouch guide. See this blog post for more details about how multi-touch events work.
This section briefly summarizes touch propagation within the view hierarchy. There are three distinct touch related methods which will be outlined below:
Order | Method | Invoked On | Description |
1st | dispatchTouchEvent | A, VG, V | Dispatch touch events to affected child views |
2nd | onInterceptTouchEvent | VG | Intercept touch events before passing to children |
3rd | onTouchEvent | VG, V | Handle the touch event and stop propogation |
"Order" above defines which of these methods gets invoked first when a touch is initiated. Note that above in "invoked on" A represents Activity
, VG is ViewGroup
, V is View
describing where the method is invoked during a touch event.
Keep in mind that a gesture is simply a series of touch events as follows:
- DOWN. Begins with a single DOWN event when the user touches the screen
- MOVE. Zero or more MOVE events when the user moves the finger around
- UP. Ends with a single UP (or CANCEL) event when the user releases the screen
These touch events trigger a very particular set of method invocations on affected views. To further illustrate, assume a "View C" is contained within a "ViewGroup B" which is then contained within "ViewGroup A" such as:
Review this example carefully as all sections below will be referring to the example presented here.
When a touch DOWN event occurs on "View C" and the view has registered a touch listener, the following series of actions happens as the onTouchEvent is triggered on the view:
- The DOWN touch event is passed to "View C"
and the boolean result of TRUE or FALSE determines if the action is captured. - Returning TRUE: If the "View C"
returns true then this view captures the gesture- Because "View C" returns true and is handling the gesture, the event is not passed to "ViewGroup B"'s nor "ViewGroup A"'s
methods. - Because View C says it's handling the gesture, any additional events in this gesture will also be passed to "View C"'s
method until the gesture ends with an UP touch event.
- Because "View C" returns true and is handling the gesture, the event is not passed to "ViewGroup B"'s nor "ViewGroup A"'s
- Returning FALSE: If the "View C"
returns false then the gesture is propagated upwards- The DOWN event is passed upward to "ViewGroup B"
method, and the boolean result determines if the event continues to propagate. - If "ViewGroup B" doesn't return true then the event is passed upward to "ViewGroup A"
- The DOWN event is passed upward to "ViewGroup B"
In addition to the onTouchEvent
, there is also a separate onInterceptTouchEvent that exists only on ViewGroups such as layouts. Before the onTouchEvent
is called on any View
, all its ancestors are first given the chance to intercept this event. In other words, a containing layout can choose to steal the event from a touched view before the view even receives the event. With this added in, the series of events from above become:
- The DOWN event on "View C" is first passed to "ViewGroup A"
, which can return false or true depending on if it wants to intercept the touch. - If false, the event is then passed to "ViewGroup B"
can also return false or true depending on if it wants to intercept the touch. - Next the DOWN event is passed to "View C"
which can return true to handle the event. - Additional touch events within the same gesture are still passed to A and B's
before being called on "View C"onTouchEvent
even if the ancestors chose not to previously intercept.
The takeaway here is that any viewgroup can choose to implement onInterceptTouchEvent
and effectively decide to steal touch events from any of the child views. If the children choose not respond to the touch once received, then the touch event is propagated back upwards through the onTouchEvent
of each of the containing ViewGroup
as described in the previous section.
As the chart much earlier shows, all of this above behavior of touch and interception is being managed by "dispatchers" via the dispatchTouchEvent method invoked on each view. Revealing this behavior, as soon as a touch event occurs on top of "View C", the following dispatching occurs:
- The
is called for the current activity containing the view. - If the activity chooses not to "consume" the event (and stop propagation), the event is passed to the "ViewGroup A"
since A is the outermost viewgroup affected by the touch. - "ViewGroup A"
will trigger the "ViewGroup A"onInterceptTouchEvent
first and if that method chooses not to intercept, the touch event is then sent to the "ViewGroup B"dispatchTouchEvent
. - In turn, the "ViewGroup B"
will trigger the "ViewGroup B"onInterceptTouchEvent
and if that method chooses not to intercept, the touch event is then sent to the "ViewGroup C"dispatchTouchEvent
. - "ViewGroup C"
then invokes the "ViewGroup C"onTouchEvent
To recap, the dispatchTouchEvent
is called at every level of the way starting with the Activity
. The dispatcher is responsible for identifying which methods to invoke next. On a ViewGroup
, the dispatcher triggers the onInterceptTouchEvent
, before triggering the dispatchTouchEvent
on the next child in the view hierarchy.
The explanation above has been simplified and abridged for clarity. For additional reading on the touch propagation system, please review this detailed article as well as this doc on ViewGroup touch handling and this useful blog post.
- Sensey - Android library which makes detecting gestures a breeze.
- AndroidSlidingUpPanel - Sliding panel up from the bottom
- PhotoView - ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.
- DraggablePanel - Cool draggable panels like YouTube
- AndroidSwipeLayout
- android-swipelistview - A List View with swipeable cells
- gesticulate - Android swipe detection made simple
- android-gesture-detectors - small framework for gesture detection