[1:1] Leo the Great — Letters Letter I.
[1:2] To the Bishop of Aquileia.
[1:3] I.
[1:4] Through the negligence of the authorities the Pelagian heresy has been spreading in his province.
[1:5] From the account of our holy brother and fellow-bishop Septimus which is contained in the subjoined letter".
[1:6] , we have understood that certain priests and deacons and clergy of various orders".
[1:7] in your province who have been drawn in by the Pelagian or Caelestian heresy, have attained to catholic communion without any recantation of their peculiar error being required of them; and that, whilst the shepherds set to watch were fast asleep, wolves clothed in sheep-skins but without laying aside their bestial minds have entered into the Lord's sheep-fold: and that they make a practice of what is not allowed even to non-offenders by the injunctions of our canons and decrees".
[1:8] : to wit that they should leave the churches in which they received or regained their office and carry their uncertainty in all directions, loving to continue wandering and never to remain on the foundations of the Apostles.
[1:9] For without being sifted by any test or bound by any previous confession of faith, they make a great point of their right to the privilege of going to one house after another under cover of their being in communion with the Church, and corrupting the hearts of many through men's ignorance".
[1:10] of their false name.
[1:11] And yet I am sure they could not do this, if the rulers of the churches had exercised their rightful diligence in the matter of receiving such, and had not allowed any of them to wander from place to place.
[1:12] II.
[1:13] He orders a provincial synod to be convened to receive the recantation of the heretics in express terms.
[1:14] Accordingly, lest this should be attempted any further, and lest this pernicious habit, which owes its introduction to certain persons' negligence, should result in the overthrow of many souls, by this our authoritative injunction we charge you, brother, to give diligence that a synod of the clergy".
[1:15] of your province be convened, and all, whether priests or deacons or clerics of any rank who have been re-admitted from their alliance with the Pelagians and the Caelestians into catholic communion with such precipitation that they were not first constrained to recant their error, be now at least forced to a true correction, which can advantage themselves and hurt no one, since their deceitfulness has in part been disclosed.
[1:16] Let them by their public confession condemn the authors of this presumptuous".
[1:17] error and renounce all that the universal Church has repudiated in their doctrine: and let them announce by full and open statements, signed by their own hand, that they embrace and entirely approve of all the synodal decrees which the authority of the Apostolic See has ratified to the rooting out of this heresy.
[1:18] Let nothing obscure, nothing ambiguous be found in their words.
[1:19] For we know that their cunning is such that they reckon that the meaning of any particular clause of their execrable doctrine can be defended if they only keep it distinct from the main body of their damnable views".
[1:20] III.
[1:21] The Pelagian view of God's grace is unscriptural.
[1:22] And when they pretend to disapprove of and give up all their definitions to facilitate evasion through their complete art of deception, unless their meaning is detected, they make exception of the dogma that the grace of God is given according to the merits of the recipient.
[1:23] And yet surely, unless it is given freely, it is not a gift".
[1:24] , but a price and compensation for merits: for the blessed Apostle says, "by grace ye have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves but it is the gift of God; not of works lest any should perchance be exalted.
[1:25] For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus in good works, which God prepared that we should walk in them".
[1:26] Thus every bestowal of good works is of God's preparing: because a man is justified by grace rather than by his own excellence: for grace is to every one the source of righteousness, the source of good and the fountain of merit.
[1:27] But these heretics say it is anticipated by men's natural goodness for this reason, that that nature which (in their view) is before grace conspicuous for good desires of its own, may not seem marred by any stain of original sin, and that what the Truth says may be falsified: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost".
[1:28] IV.
[1:29] Prompt measures are essential.
[1:30] You must take heed, therefore, beloved, and with great diligence make provision that offences which have long been removed be not set up again through such men and that no seed of the same evil spring up in your province from a doctrine which has once been uprooted: for not only will it take root and grow, but also will taint the future generations of the Church with its poisonous exhalations.
[1:31] Those who wish to appear corrected must purge themselves of all suspicion: and by obeying us, prove themselves ours.
[1:32] And if any of them decline to satisfy our wholesome injunctions, be he cleric or layman, he must be driven from the society of the Church lest he deal treacherously by others' safety as well as forfeit his own soul.
[1:33] V.
[1:34] The canons must be enforced against clerics who wander from one church to another.
[1:35] We admonish you also to restore to full working that part of the discipline of the Church whereby the holy Fathers and we have often in former times decreed that neither in the grade of the priesthood nor in the order of the diaconate nor in the lower ranks of the clergy, is any one at liberty to migrate from church to church: to the end that each one may persevere where he was ordained without being enticed by ambition, or led astray by greed, or corrupted by men's evil beliefs: and thus that if any one, seeking his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ".
[1:36] , neglect to return to his own people".
[1:37] and church, he may be reckoned out of the pale both in respect of promotion and of the bond of communion.
[1:38] But do not doubt, beloved, that we must be somewhat sorely moved if, as we think not, our decrees for the maintenance of the canons and the integrity of the faith be neglected: because the short-comings of the lower orders".
[1:39] are to be laid at the door of none so much as of those slothful and remiss rulers who often foster much pestilence by shrinking from the application of a stringent remedy.
[2:1] Letter II.
[2:2] To Septimus, Bishop of Altinum.
[2:3] (Caution must be observed in receiving Pelagians back, and clergy must stay in the church of their ordination.
[2:4] ).
[3:1] Letter III.
[3:2] From Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.
[3:3] (About the keeping of Easter in 444; recommending the Alexandrine calculation.
[3:4] ).
[4:1] Letter IV.
[4:2] To the Bishops appointed in Campania, Picenum, Etruria, and all the Provinces.
[4:3] Leo, bishop of the city of Rome, to all the bishops appointed in Campania, Picenum, Etruria, and all the provinces, greeting in the Lord.
[4:4] I.
[4:5] Introduction.
[4:6] As the peaceful settlement of the churches causes us satisfaction, so are we saddened with no slight sorrow whenever we learn that anything has been taken for granted or done contrary to the ordinances of the canons and the discipline of the Church: and if we do not repress such things with the vigilance we ought, we cannot excuse ourselves to Him who intended us to be watchmen".
[4:7] , for permitting the pure body of the Church, which we ought to keep clean from every stain, to be defiled by contact with wicked schemers, since the framework of the members loses its harmony by such dissimulation.
[4:8] II.
[4:9] Slaves and serfs (coloni) are not to be ordained.
[4:10] Men are admitted commonly to the Sacred Order who are not qualified by any dignity of birth or character: even some who have failed to obtain their liberty from their masters are raised to the rank of the priesthood".
[4:11] , as if sorry slaves were fit for that honour; and it is believed that a man can be approved of God who has not yet been able to approve himself to his master.
[4:12] And so the cause for complaint is twofold in this matter, because both the sacred ministry is polluted by such poor partners in it, and the rights of masters are infringed so far as unlawful possession is rashly taken of them".
[4:13] From these men, therefore, beloved brethren, let all the priests of your province keep aloof; and not only from them, but from others also, we wish you to keep, who are under the bond of origin or other condition of service".
[4:14] : unless perchance the request or consent be intimated of those who claim some authority over them.
[4:15] For he who is to be enrolled on the divine service ought to be exempt from others, that he be not drawn away from the Lord's camp in which his name is entered, by any other bonds of duty.
[4:16] III.
[4:17] A man who has married twice or a widow is not eligible as a priest.
[4:18] Again, when each man's respectability of birth and conduct has been established, what sort of person should be associated with the ministry of the Sacred Altar we have learnt both from the teaching of the Apostle and the Divine precepts and the regulations of the canons, from which we find very many of the brethren have turned aside and quite gone out of the way.
[4:19] For it is well known that the husbands of widows have attained to the priesthood: certain, too, who have had several wives, and have led a life given up to all licentiousness, have had all facilities put in their way, and been admitted to the Sacred Order, contrary to that utterance of the blessed Apostle, in which he proclaims and says to such, "the husband of one wife".
[4:20] ," and contrary to that precept of the ancient law which says by way of caution: "Let the priest take a virgin to wife, not a widow, not a divorced woman".
[4:21] All such persons, therefore, who have been admitted we order to be put out of their offices in the church and from the title of priest by the authority of the Apostolic See: for they will have no claim".
[4:22] to that for which they were not eligible, on account of the obstacle in question: and we specially claim for ourselves the duty of settling this, that if any of these irregularities have been committed, they may be corrected and may not be allowed to occur again, and that no excuse may arise from ignorance: although it has never been allowed a priest to be ignorant of what has been laid down by the rules of the canons.
[4:23] These writings, therefore, we have addressed to your provinces by the hand of Innocent, Legitimus and Segetius, our brothers and fellow-bishops: that the evil shoots which are known to have sprung up may be torn out by the roots, and no tares may spoil the Lord's harvest.
[4:24] For thus all that is genuine will bear much fruit, if that which has been wont to kill the growing crop be carefully cleared away.
[4:25] IV.
[4:26] Usurious practices forbidden for clergy and for laity".
[4:27] This point, too, we have thought must not be passed over, that certain possessed with the love of base gain lay out their money at interest, and wish to enrich themselves as usurers.
[4:28] For we are grieved that this is practised not only by those who belong to the clergy, but also by laymen who desire to be called Christians.
[4:29] And we decree that those who have been convicted be punished sharply, that all occasion of sinning be removed.
[4:30] V.
[4:31] A cleric may not make money in another's name any more than in his own.
[4:32] The following warning, also, we have thought fit to give, that no cleric should attempt to make money in another's name any more than in his own: for it is unbecoming to shield one's crime under another man's gains".
[4:33] Nay, we ought to look at and aim at only that usury whereby what we bestow in mercy here we may recover from the Lord, who will restore a thousand fold what will last for ever.
[4:34] VI.
[4:35] Any bishop who refuses consent to these rules must be deposed.
[4:36] This admonition of ours, therefore, proclaims that if any of our brethren endeavour to contravene these rules and dare to do what is forbidden by them, he may know that he is liable to deposition from his office, and that he will not be a sharer in our communion who refuses to be a sharer of our discipline.
[4:37] But lest there be anything which may possibly be thought to be omitted by us, we bid you, beloved, to keep all the decretal rules of Innocent of blessed memory".
[4:38] , and also of all our predecessors, which have been promulgated about the orders of the Church and the discipline of the canons, and to keep them in such wise that if any have transgressed them he may know at once that all indulgence is denied him.
[4:39] Dated 10th of October, in the consulship of the illustrious Maximus (a second time) and Paterius (a.
[4:40] d.
[4:41] 443).
[5:1] Letter V.
[5:2] To the Metropolitan Bishops of Illyricum.
[5:3] (Appointing Anastasius of Thessalonica his Vicar in the province, and expressing his wishes about its government, for which see Letter VI.
[5:4] ).
[6:1] Letter VI.
[6:2] To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
[6:3] Leo to his beloved brother Anastasius.
[6:4] I.
[6:5] He is pleased to have been consulted by the bishops".
[6:6] of Illyricum on important questions.
[6:7] The brotherly love of our colleagues makes us read with grateful mind the letters of all priests".
[6:8] ; for in them we embrace one another in the spirit as if we were face to face, and by the intercourse of such epistles we are associated in mutual converse".
[6:9] But in this present letter the affection displayed seems to us greater than usual: for it informs us of the state of the churches".
[6:10] , and urges us to a vigilant exercise of care by a consideration of our office, so that being placed, as it were, on a watch-tower, according to the will of the Lord, we should both lend our approval to things when they run in accordance with our wishes, and correct, by applying the remedies of compulsion, what we observe gone wrong through any aggression: hoping that abundant fruit will be the result of our sowing the seed, if we do not allow those things to increase which have begun to spring up to the spoiling of the harvest.
[6:11] II.
[6:12] Following the examples of his predecessors he nominates Anastasius Metropolitan of Illyricum.
[6:13] Now therefore, dear brother, that your request has been made known to us through our son Nicolaus the priest, that you, too, like your predecessors, might receive from us in our turn authority over Illyricum for the observance of the rules, we give our consent and earnestly exhort that no concealment and no negligence may be allowed in the management of the churches situated throughout Illyricum, which we commit to you in our stead, following the precedent of Siricius of blessed remembrance, who then, for the first time, acting on a fixed method, entrusted them to your last predecessor but one".
[6:14] , Anysius of holy memory, who had at the time well deserved of the Apostolic See, and was approved by after events: that he might render assistance to the churches situated in that province whom he wished kept up to discipline.
[6:15] Noble precedents must be followed with eagerness that we may show ourselves in all things like those whose privileges we wish to enjoy.
[6:16] We wish you to imitate your last predecessor".
[6:17] but one as well as of your immediate predecessor who is known equally with the former to have both deserved and employed this privilege: so that we may rejoice in the progress of the churches which we commit to you in our stead.
[6:18] For as the conduct of matters progresses creditably when committed to one who acts well and carries out skilfully the duties of the priestly position, so it is found to be only a burden to him who, when power is entrusted to him, uses not the moderation that is due.
[6:19] III.
[6:20] Ordinees must be carefully selected with especial reference to the Canons of the church.
[6:21] And so, dear brother, hold with vigilance the helm entrusted to you, and direct your mind's gaze around on all which you see put in your charge, guarding what will conduce to your reward and resisting those who strive to upset the discipline of the canons.
[6:22] The sanction of God's law must be respected, and the decrees of the canons should be more especially kept.
[6:23] Throughout the provinces committed to thee let such priests be consecrated to the Lord as are commended only by their deserving life and position among the clergy.
[6:24] Permit no licence to personal favour, nor to canvassing, nor to purchased votes.
[6:25] Let the cases of those who are to be ordained be investigated carefully and let them be trained in the discipline of the Church through a considerable period of their life.
[6:26] But if all the requirements of the holy Fathers are found in them, and if they have observed all that we read the blessed Apostle Paul to have enjoined on such, viz.
[6:27] , that he be the husband of one wife, and that she was a virgin when he married her, as the authority of God's law requires, [then ordain them".
[6:28] ].
[6:29] And this we are extremely anxious should be observed, so as to do away with all place for excuses, lest any one should believe himself able to attain to the priesthood who has taken a wife before he obtained the grace of Christ, and on her decease joined himself to another after baptism.
[6:30] Seeing that the former wife cannot be ignored, nor the previous marriage put out of the reckoning, and that he is as much the father of the children whom he begot by that wife before baptism as he is of those whom he is known to have begotten by the second after baptism.
[6:31] For as sins and things which are known to be unlawful are washed away in the font of baptism, so what are allowed or lawful are not done away.
[6:32] IV.
[6:33] The Metropolitans must not ordain hastily nor without consulting their Primate.
[6:34] Let one be ordained a priest".
[6:35] throughout these churches inconsiderately; for by this means ripe judgments will be formed about those to be elected, if your scrutiny, brother, is dreaded.
[6:36] But let any bishop who, contrary to our command, is ordained by his metropolitan without your knowledge, know that he has no assured position with us, and that those who have taken on themselves so to do must render an account of their presumption".
[6:37] But as to each metropolitan is committed such power that he has the right of ordaining in his province, so we wish those metropolitans to be ordained, but not without ripe and well-considered judgment.
[6:38] For although it is seemly that all who are consecrated priests should be approved and well-pleasing to God, yet we wish those to have peculiar excellence whom we know are going to preside over the fellow-priests who are assigned to them.
[6:39] And we admonish you, beloved, to see to this the more diligently and carefully, that you may be proved to keep that precept of the Apostles which runs, "lay hands suddenly on no man".
[6:40] V.
[6:41] Points which cannot be settled at the provincial synod are to be referred to Rome.
[6:42] Any of the brethren who has been summoned to a synod should attend and not deny himself to the holy congregation: for there especially he should know that what will conduce to the good discipline of the Church must be settled.
[6:43] For all faults will be better avoided if more frequent conferences take place between the priests of the Lord, and intimate association is the greatest help alike to improvement and to brotherly love.
[6:44] There, if any questions arise, under the Lord's guidance they will be able to be determined, so that no bad feeling remains, and only a firmer love exists among the brethren.
[6:45] But if any more important question spring up, such as cannot be settled there under your presidency, brother, send your report and consult us, so that we may write back under the revelation of the Lord, of whose mercy it is that we can do ought, because He has breathed favourably upon us".
[6:46] : that by our decision we may vindicate our right of cognizance in accordance with old-established tradition and the respect that is due to the Apostolic See: for as we wish you to exercise your authority in our stead, so we reserve to ourselves points which cannot be decided on the spot and persons who have made appeal to us.
[6:47] VI.
[6:48] Priests and deacons may not be ordained on weekdays any more than bishops.
[6:49] You shall take order that this letter reach the knowledge of all the brethren, so that no one hereafter find an opportunity to excuse himself through ignorance in observing these things which we command.
[6:50] We have directed our letter of admonition".
[6:51] to the metropolitans themselves also of the several provinces, that they may know that they must obey the Apostolic injunctions, and that they obey us in beginning to obey you, brother, our delegate according to what we have written.
[6:52] We hear, indeed, and we cannot pass it over in silence, that only bishops are ordained by certain brethren on Sundays only; but presbyters and deacons, whose consecration should be equally solemn".
[6:53] , receive the dignity of the priestly office indiscriminately on any day, which is a reprehensible practice contrary to the canons and tradition of the Fathers".
[6:54] , since the custom ought by all means to be kept by those who have received it with respect to all the sacred orders: so that after a proper lapse of time he who is to be ordained a priest or deacon".
[6:55] may be advanced through all the ranks of the clerical office, and thus a man may have time to learn that of which he himself also is one day to be a teacher.
[6:56] Dated the 12th of January, in the consulship of Theodosius (18th time) and Albinus (444).
[7:1] Letter VII.
[7:2] To the Bishops throughout Italy.
[7:3] Leo to all the bishops set over the provinces of Italy greeting.
[7:4] I.
[7:5] Many Manichaeans have been discovered in Rome.
[7:6] We call you to a share in our anxiety, that with the diligence of shepherds you may take more careful heed to your flocks entrusted to you that no craft of the devil's be permitted: lest that plague, which by the revealing mercy of the Lord is driven off from our flocks through our care, should spread among your churches before you are forewarned, and are still ignorant of what is happening, and should find means of stealthily burrowing into your midst, and thus what we are checking in the City should take hidden root among you and grow up.
[7:7] Our search has discovered in the City a great many followers and teachers of the Manichaean impiety, our watchfulness has proclaimed them, and our authority and censure has checked them: those whom we could reform we have corrected and driven to condemn Manichaeus with his preachings and teachings by public confession in church, and by the subscription of their own hand, and thus we have lifted those who have acknowledged their fault from the pit of their iniquity by granting them room for repentance".
[7:8] A good many, however, who had so deeply involved themselves that no remedy could assist them, have been subjected to the laws in accordance with the constitutions of our Christian princes, and lest they should pollute the holy flock by their contagion, have been banished into perpetual exile by public judges.
[7:9] And all the profane and disgraceful things which are found as well in their writings as in their secret traditions, we have disclosed and clearly proved to the eyes of the Christian laity".
[7:10] that the people might know what to shrink from or avoid: so that he that was called their bishop was himself tried by us, and betrayed the criminal views which he held in his mystic religion, as the record of our proceedings can show you.
[7:11] For this, too, we have sent you for instruction: and after reading them you will be in a position to understand all the discoveries we have made.
[7:12] II.
[7:13] The bishops of Italy must not allow those Manichaeans who have quitted the city to escape or lie concealed.
[7:14] And because we know that a good many of those who are involved here in too close an accusation for them to clear themselves have escaped, we have sent this letter to you, beloved, by our acolyth: that your holiness, dear brothers, may be informed of this, and see fit to act with diligence and caution, lest the men of the Manichaean error be able to find opportunity of hurting your people and of teaching their impious doctrines.
[7:15] For we cannot otherwise rule those entrusted to us unless we pursue with the zeal of faith in the Lord those who are destroyers and destroyed: and with what severity we can bring to bear, cut them off from intercourse with sound minds, lest this pestilence spread much wider.
[7:16] Wherefore I exhort you, beloved, I beseech and warn you to use such watchful diligence as you ought and can employ in tracking them out, lest they find opportunity of concealment anywhere.
[7:17] For as he will have a due recompense of reward from God, who carries out what conduces to the health of the people committed to him; so before the Lord's judgment-seat no one will be able to excuse himself from a charge of carelessness who has not been willing to guard his people against the propagators of an impious misbelief.
[7:18] Dated 30 January, in the consulship of the illustrious Theodosius Augustus (18th time) and Albinus (444).
[8:1] Letter VIII.
[8:2] The Ordinance of Valentinian III.
[8:3] concerning the Manichaeans.
[8:4] (The Manichaeans are to be turned out of the army and the City, and to lose all their rights as citizens.
[8:5] ).
[9:1] Letter IX.
[9:2] To Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria.
[9:3] Leo, the bishop, to Dioscorus, bishop of Alexandria, greeting.
[9:4] I.
[9:5] The churches of Rome and Alexandria should be at one in everything.
[9:6] How much of the divine love we feel for you, beloved, you will be able to estimate from this, that we are anxious to establish your beginnings on a surer basis, lest anything should seem lacking to the perfection of your love, since your meritorious acts of spiritual grace, as we have proved, are already in your favour.
[9:7] Fatherly and brotherly conference, therefore, ought to be most grateful to you, holy brother, and received by you in the same spirit as you know it is offered by us.
[9:8] For you and we ought to be at one in thought and act, so that as we read".
[9:9] , in us also there may be proved to be one heart and one mind.
[9:10] For since the most blessed Peter received the headship of the Apostles from the Lord, and the church of Rome still abides by His institutions, it is wicked to believe that His holy disciple Mark, who was the first to govern the church of Alexandria".
[9:11] , formed his decrees on a different line of tradition: seeing that without doubt both disciple and master drew but one Spirit from the same fount of grace, and the ordained could not hand on aught else than what he had received from his ordainer.
[9:12] We do not therefore allow it that we should differ in anything, since we confess ourselves to be of one body and faith, nor that the institutions of the teacher should seem different to those of the taught.
[9:13] II.
[9:14] Fixed days should be observed for ordaining priests and deacons.
[9:15] That therefore which we know to have been very carefully observed by our fathers, we wish kept by you also, viz.
[9:16] that the ordination of priests or deacons should not be performed at random on any day: but after Saturday, the commencement of that night which precedes the dawn of the first day of the week should be chosen on which the sacred benediction should be bestowed on those who are to be consecrated, ordainer and ordained alike fasting.
[9:17] This observance will not be violated, if actually on the morning of the Lord's day it be celebrated without breaking the Saturday fast: for the beginning of the preceding night forms part of that period, and undoubtedly belongs to the day of resurrection as is clearly laid down with regard to the feast of Easter".
[9:18] For besides the weight of custom which we know rests upon the Apostles' teaching, Holy Writ also makes this clear, because when the Apostles sent Paul and Barnabas at the bidding of the Holy Ghost to preach the gospel to the nations, they laid hands on them fasting and praying: that we may know with what devoutness both giver and receiver must be on their guard lest so blessed a sacrament should seem to be carelessly performed.
[9:19] And therefore you will piously and laudably follow Apostolic precedents if you yourself also maintain this form of ordaining priests throughout the churches over which the Lord has called you to preside: viz.
[9:20] that those who are to be consecrated should never receive the blessing except on the day of the Lord's resurrection, which is commonly held to begin on the evening of Saturday, and which has been so often hallowed in the mysterious dispensations of God that all the more notable institutions of the Lord were accomplished on that high day.
[9:21] On it the world took its beginning.
[9:22] On it through the resurrection of Christ death received its destruction, and life its commencement.
[9:23] On it the apostles take from the Lord's hands the trumpet of the gospel which is to be preached to all nations, and receive the sacrament of regeneration".
[9:24] which they are to bear to the whole world.
[9:25] On it, as blessed John the Evangelist bears witness when all the disciples were gathered together in one place, and when, the doors being shut, the Lord entered to them, He breathed on them and said: "Receive the Holy Ghost: whose sins ye have remitted they are remitted to them: and whose ye have retained, they shall be retained".
[9:26] On it lastly the Holy Spirit that had been promised to the Apostles by the Lord came: and so we know it to have been suggested and handed down by a kind of heavenly rule, that on that day we ought to celebrate the mysteries of the blessing of priests on which all these gracious gifts were conferred.
[9:27] III.
[9:28] The repetition of the Holy Eucharist on the great festivals is not undesirable.
[9:29] Again, that our usage may coincide at all points, we wish this thing also to be observed, viz.
[9:30] that when any of the greater festivals has brought together a larger congregation than usual, and too great a crowd of the faithful has assembled for one church".
[9:31] to hold them all at once, there should be no hesitation about repeating the oblation of the sacrifice: lest, if those only are admitted to this service who come first, those who flock in afterwards, should seem to be rejected: for it is fully in accordance with piety and reason, that as often as a fresh congregation has filled the church where service is going on, the sacrifice should be offered as a matter of course.
[9:32] Whereas a certain portion of the people must be deprived of their worship, if the custom of only one celebration".
[9:33] be kept, and only those who come early in the day can offer the sacrifice".
[9:34] We admonish you, therefore, beloved, earnestly and affectionately that your carefulness also should not neglect what has become a part of our own usage on the pattern of our fathers' tradition, so that in all things we may agree together in our beliefs and in our performances.
[9:35] Consequently, we have given this letter to our son Possidonius, a presbyter, on his return, that he may bear it to you, brother; he has so often taken part in our ceremonials and ordinations, and has been sent to us so many times that he knows quite well what Apostolic authority we possess in all things.
[9:36] Dated 21 June (? 445).
[10:1] Letter X.
[10:2] To the Bishops of the Province of Vienne.
[10:3] In the matter of Hilary, Bishop of Arles".
[10:4] To the beloved brothers, the whole body of bishops of the province of Vienne, Leo, bishop of Rome.
[10:5] I.
[10:6] The solidarity of the Church built upon the rock of S.
[10:7] Peter must be everywhere maintained.
[10:8] Our Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind, instituted the observance of the Divine religion which He wished by the grace of God to shed its brightness upon all nations and all peoples in such a way that the Truth, which before was confined to the announcements of the Law and the Prophets, might through the Apostles' trumpet blast go out for the salvation of all men".
[10:9] , as it is written: "Their sound has gone out into every land, and their words into the ends of the world".
[10:10] But this mysterious function".
[10:11] the Lord wished to be indeed the concern of all the apostles, but in such a way that He has placed the principal charge on the blessed Peter, chief of all the Apostles".
[10:12] : and from him as from the Head wishes His gifts to flow to all the body: so that any one who dares to secede from Peter's solid rock may understand that he has no part or lot in the divine mystery.
[10:13] For He wished him who had been received into partnership in His undivided unity to be named what He Himself was, when He said: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church".
[10:14] :" that the building of the eternal temple by the wondrous gift of God's grace might rest on Peter's solid rock: strengthening His Church so surely that neither could human rashness assail it nor the gates of hell prevail against it.
[10:15] But this most holy firmness of the rock, reared, as we have said, by the building hand of God, a man must wish to destroy in over-weaning wickedness when he tries to break down its power, by favouring his own desires, and not following what he received from men of old: for he believes himself subject to no law, and held in check by no rules of God's ordinances and breaks away, in his eagerness for novelty, from your use and ours, by adopting illegal practices, and letting what he ought to keep fall into abeyance.
[10:16] II.
[10:17] Hilary is disturbing the peace of the Church by his insubordination.
[10:18] But with the approval, as we believe, of God, and retaining towards you the fulness of our love which the Apostolic See always, as you remember, expends upon you, holy brethren we are striving to correct these things by mature counsel, and to share with you the task of setting your churches in order, not by innovations but by restoration of the old; that we may persevere in the accustomed state which our fathers handed down to us, and please our God through the ministry of a good work by removing the scandals of disturbances.
[10:19] And so we would have you recollect, brethren, as we do, that the Apostolic See, such is the reverence in which it is held, has times out of number been referred to and consulted by the priests of your province as well as others, and in the various matters of appeal, as the old usage demanded, it has reversed or confirmed decisions: and in this way "the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace"".
[10:20] has been kept, and by the interchange of letters, our honourable proceedings have promoted a lasting affection: for "seeking not our own but the things of Christ".
[10:21] ," we have been careful not to do despite to the dignity which God has given both to the churches and their priests.
[10:22] But this path which with our fathers has been always so well kept to and wisely maintained, Hilary has quitted, and is likely to disturb the position and agreement of the priests by his novel arrogance: desiring to subject you to his power in such a way as not to suffer himself to be subject to the blessed Apostle Peter, claiming for himself the ordinations of all the churches throughout the provinces of Gaul, and transferring to himself the dignity which is due to metropolitan priests; he diminishes even the reverence that is paid to the blessed Peter himself with his proud words: for not only was the power of loosing and binding given to Peter before the others, but also to Peter more especially was entrusted the care of feeding the sheep".
[10:23] Yet any one who holds that the headship must be denied to Peter, cannot really diminish his dignity: but is puffed up with the breath of his pride, and plunges himself into the lowest depth.
[10:24] III.
[10:25] Celidonius has been restored to his bishopric, the charges against him having been found false.
[10:26] Accordingly the written record of our proceedings shows what action we have taken in the matter of Celidonius".
[10:27] , the bishop, and what Hilary said in the presence and hearing of the aforesaid bishop.
[10:28] For when Hilary had no reasonable answer to give in the council of the holy priests, "the secrets of his heart"".
[10:29] gave vent to utterances such as no layman could make and no priest listen to.
[10:30] We were grieved, I acknowledge, brothers, and endeavoured to appease the tumult of his mind by patient treatment.
[10:31] For we did not wish to exasperate those wounds which he was inflicting on his soul by his insolent retorts, and strove rather to pacify him whom we had taken up as a brother, although it was he who was entangling himself by his replies, than to cause him pain by our remarks.
[10:32] Celidonius, the bishop, was therefore acquitted, for he had proved himself wrongfully deposed from the priesthood, by the clear replies of his witnesses made in his own presence: so that Hilary, who remained with us, had no opposition to offer.
[10:33] The judgment, therefore, was rescinded, which was brought forward and read to the effect that, as the husband of a widow".
[10:34] , he could not hold the priesthood.
[10:35] Now this rule we, maintaining the legal constitutions".
[10:36] , have wished scrupulously adhered to, not only in respect of priests but also of clergy of the lower ranks: that those who have contracted such a marriage, or those who are proved not to be the husbands of only one wife contrary to the apostle's discipline, should not be suffered to enter the sacred service".
[10:37] But though we decree that those, whom their own acts condemn, must either not be admitted at all, or, if they have, must be removed, so those who are falsely so accused we are bound to clear after examination held, and not allow to lose their office.
[10:38] For the sentence pronounced would have remained against him, if the truth of the charge had been proved.
[10:39] And so Celidonius, our fellow-bishop, was restored to his church and to that dignity which he ought not to have lost, as the course of our proceedings, and the sentence which was pronounced by us after holding the inquiry testifies.
[10:40] IV.
[10:41] Hilary's treatment of Projectus does not redound to his credit.
[10:42] When this business was so concluded, the complaint of our brother and fellow-bishop, Projectus".
[10:43] , next came before us: who addressed us in a tearful and piteous letter, about the ordaining of a bishop over his head.
[10:44] A letter was also brought to us from his own fellow-citizens, corroborated by a great many individual signatures, and full of the most unpleasant complaints against Hilary: to the effect that Projectus, their bishop, was not allowed to be ill, but his priesthood had been transferred to another without their knowledge, and the heir brought into possession by Hilary, the intruder as if to fill up a vacancy, though the possessor was still alive".
[10:45] We should like to hear what you, brothers, think on the point: although we ought not to entertain any doubt about your feelings, when you picture to yourselves a brother lying on a sick-bed and tortured, not so much by his bodily weakness as by pains of another kind.
[10:46] What hope in life is left a man who is visited with despair about his priesthood whilst another is set up in his place? Hilary gives a clear proof of his gentle heart when he believed that the tardiness of a brother's death is but a hindrance to his own ambitious designs.
[10:47] For, as far as in him lay, he quenched the light for him; he robbed him of life by setting up another in his room, and thus causing him such pain as to hinder his recovery.
[10:48] And supposing that his brother's passage from this world was brief, but after the common course of men, what does Hilary seek for himself in another's province, and why does he claim that which none of his predecessors before Patroclus possessed? whereas that very position which seemed to have been temporarily granted to Patroclus by the Apostolic See was afterwards withdrawn by a wiser decision".
[10:49] At least the wishes of the citizens should have been waited for, and the testimony of the people".
[10:50] : the opinion of those held in honour should have been asked, and the choice of the clergy—things which those who know the rules of the fathers are wont to observe in the ordination of priests: that the rule of the Apostle's authority might in all things be kept, which enjoins that one who is to be the priest of a church should be fortified, not only by the attestation of the faithful but also by the testimony of "those who are without".
[10:51] ," and that no occasion for offence be left, when, in peace and in God-pleasing harmony with the full approval of all, one who will be a teacher of peace is ordained.
[10:52] V.
[10:53] Hilary's action was very reprehensible throughout, and we have restored Projectus.
[10:54] But Hilary came upon them unawares and departed no less suddenly, accomplishing many journeys with great speed, as we have ascertained, and traversing distant provinces with such haste that he seems to have coveted a reputation for the swiftness of a courier rather than for the sobriety of a priest".
[10:55] For these are the words of the citizens in the letter that has been addressed to us:—"He departed before we knew he had come".
[10:56] This is not to return but to flee, not to exercise a shepherd's wholesome care, but to employ the violence of a thief and a robber, as saith the Lord: "he that entereth not by the door into the sheep-fold".
[10:57] , but climbeth up some other way, is a thief and a robber".
[10:58] Hilary, therefore, was anxious not so much to consecrate a bishop as to kill him who was sick, and to mislead the man whom he set over his head by wrongful ordination.
[10:59] We, however, have done what, as God is our Judge, we believe you will approve: after holding counsel with all the brethren we have decreed that the wrongfully ordained man should be deposed and the Bishop Projectus abide in his priesthood: with the further provision that when any of our brethren in whatsoever province shall decease, he who has been agreed upon to be metropolitan of that province shall claim for himself the ordination of his successor.
[10:60] These two matters, as we see, have been settled, though there are many other points in them which seem to have violated the principles of the Church, and ought to be visited with just censure and judgment.
[10:61] But we cannot linger on them any further, for we are called off to other matters on which we must carefully confer with you, holy brethren.
[10:62] VI.
[10:63] Hilary's practice of using armed violence must be suppressed.
[10:64] A band of soldiers, as we have learnt, follows the priest through the provinces and helps him who relies upon their armed support in turbulently invading churches, which have lost their own priests.
[10:65] Before this court".
[10:66] are dragged for ordination men who are quite unknown to the cities over which they are to be set.
[10:67] For as one who is well known and approved is sought out in peace, so must one who is unknown, when brought forward, be established by violence.
[10:68] I beg and entreat and beseech you in God's name prevent such things, brethren, and remove all occasion for discord from your provinces.
[10:69] At all events we acquit ourselves before God in beseeching you not to allow this to proceed further.
[10:70] In peace and quietness should they be asked for who are to be priests.
[10:71] The consent of the clergy, the testimony of those held in honour, the approval of the orders and the laity should be required".
[10:72] He who is to govern all, should be chosen by all".
[10:73] As we said before, each metropolitan should keep in his own hands the ordinations that occur in his own province, acting in concert with those who precede the rest in seniority of priesthood, a privilege restored to him through us.
[10:74] No man should claim for himself another's rights.
[10:75] Each should keep within his own limits and boundaries, and should understand that he cannot pass on to another a privilege that belongs to himself.
[10:76] But if any one neglecting the Apostle's prohibitions and paying too much heed to personal favour, wishes to give up his precedence, thinking he can pass his rights on to another, not he to whom he has yielded, but he who ranks before the rest of the priests within the province in episcopal seniority, should claim to himself the power of ordaining.
[10:77] The ordination should be performed not at random but on the proper day: and it should be known that any one who has not been ordained on the evening of Saturday, which precedes the dawn of the first day of the week".
[10:78] , or actually on the Lord's day cannot be sure of his status.
[10:79] For our forefathers judged the day of the Lord's resurrection".
[10:80] as alone worthy of the honour of being the occasion on which those who are to be made priests are given to God.
[10:81] VII.
[10:82] Hilary is deposed not only from his usurped jurisdiction, but also from what of right belongs to him, and is restricted to his own single bishopric.
[10:83] Let each province be content with its own councils, and let not Hilary dare to summon synodal meetings besides, and by his interference disturb the judgments of the Lord's priests.
[10:84] And let him know that he is not only deposed from another's rights, but also deprived of his power over the province of Vienne which he had wrongfully assumed.
[10:85] For it is but fair, brethren, that the ordinances of antiquity should be restored, seeing that he who claimed for himself the ordinations of a province for which he was not responsible, has been shown in a similar way in the present case also to have acted so that, as he has on more than one occasion brought on himself sentence of condemnation by his rash and insolent words, he may now be kept by our command in accordance with the clemency of the Apostolic See".
[10:86] to the priesthood of his own city alone.
[10:87] He is not to be present then at any ordination: he is not to ordain because, conscious of his deserts, when he was required to answer for his action, he trusted to make good his escape by disgraceful flight, and has put himself out of Apostolic communion, of which he did not deserve to be a partaker".
[10:88] : and we believe this was by God's providence, who brought him to our court, though we did not expect him, and caused him to retire by stealth in the midst of holding the inquiry, that he should not be a partner in our communion".
[10:89] VIII.
[10:90] Excommunication should be inflicted only on those who are guilty of some great crime, and even then not hastily.
[10:91] No Christian should lightly be denied communion".
[10:92] , nor should that be done at the will of an angry priest which the judge's mind ought to a certain extent unwillingly and regretfully to carry out for the punishment of a great crime.
[10:93] For we have ascertained that some have been cut off from the grace of communion for trivial deeds and words, and that the soul for which Christ's blood was shed has been exposed to the devil's attacks and wounded, disarmed, so to say, and stript of all defence by the infliction of so savage a punishment as to fall an easy prey to him.
[10:94] Of course if ever a case has arisen of such a kind as in due proportion to the nature of the crime committed to deprive a man of communion, he only who is involved in the accusation must be subjected to punishment: and he who is not shown to be a partner in its commission ought not to share in the penalty.
[10:95] But what wonder that one who is wont to exult over the condemnation of priests, should show himself in the same light towards laymen.
[10:96] IX.
[10:97] Leontius is appointed in Hilary's room.
[10:98] Wherefore, because our desire seems very different to this (for we are anxious that the settled state of all the Churches and the harmony of the priests should be maintained,) exhorting you to unity in the bond of love, we both entreat, and consistently with our affection admonish you, in the interests of your peace and dignity, to keep what has been decreed by us at the inspiration of God and the most blessed Apostle Peter, after sifting and testing all the matters at issue, being assured that what we are known to have decided in this way is not so much to our own advantage as to yours.
[10:99] For we are not keeping in our own hands the ordinations of your provinces, as perhaps Hilary, with his usual untruthfulness, may suggest in order to mislead your minds, holy brethren: but in our anxiety we are claiming for you that no further innovations should be allowed, and that for the future no opportunity should be given for the usurper to infringe your privileges.
[10:100] For we acknowledge that it can only redound to our credit, if the diligence of the Apostolic See be kept unimpaired among you, and if in our maintenance of Apostolic discipline we do not allow what belongs to your position to fall to the ground through unscrupulous aggressions.
[10:101] And since seniority is always to be respected, we wish Leontius".
[10:102] , our brother and fellow-bishop, a priest well approved among you, to be promoted to this dignity, if it please you that without his consent no further council be summoned by you, holy brethren, and that he may be honoured by you all as his age and good fame demands, the metropolitans being secured in their own dignity and rights.
[10:103] For it is but fair, and no injury seems to accrue to any of the brethren, if those who come first in seniority of the priesthood should, as their age deserves, have deference paid to them by the rest of the priests in their own provinces.
[10:104] God keep you safe, beloved brethren.
[11:1] Letter XI.
[11:2] An Ordinance of Valentinianus III.
[11:3] (Confirming Leo's sentence upon Hilary.
[11:4] ).
[12:1] Letter XII.
[12:2] Leo, bishop of the city of Rome, to all the bishops of Mauritania Caesariensis in Africa, greeting the Lord.
[12:3] I.
[12:4] The disorderly appointments of bishops which have been made in the province are reprehensible.
[12:5] Inasmuch as the frequent accounts of those who visited us made mention of certain unlawful practices among you with regard to the ordination of priests, the demands of religion required that we should strive to arrive at the exact state of the case in accordance with that solicitude which by the Divine command we bestow on the whole Church: and so we delegated the charge of this to our brother and fellow-priest, Potentius, who was setting out from us: and who, according to what we wrote and addressed to you by him, was to make inquiry as to the facts about the bishops whose election was said to be faulty, and to report everything faithfully to us.
[12:6] Wherefore, because the same Potentius has most fully disclosed all to our knowledge, and has by his truthful account made clear to us, under what and what manner of governors some of Christ's congregations are placed in certain parts of the province of (Mauritania) Caesariensis, we have found it necessary to open out the grief wherewith our hearts are vexed for the dangers of the Lord's flocks, by sending this letter also to you beloved: for we are surprised that either the over-bearing conduct of intriguers or the rioting of the people had so much weight with you in a time of disorder, that the chief pastorate and governance of the Church was handed over to the unworthiest persons, and such as were farthest removed from the priestly standard.
[12:7] This is not to consult but harm the peoples' interests: and not to enforce discipline but to increase differences.
[12:8] For the integrity of the rulers is the safeguard of those who are under them: and where there is complete obedience, there the form of doctrine is sound.
[12:9] But an appointment which has either been made by sedition or seized by intrigue, even though it offend not in morals or in practice, is nevertheless pernicious from the mere example of its beginning: and it is hard for things to be carried to a good issue which were started with a bad beginning.
[12:10] II.
[12:11] In no case ought bishops to be ordained hastily.
[12:12] But if in every grade of the Church great forethought and knowledge has to be employed, lest there be any thing disorderly or out of place".
[12:13] in the house of the Lord: how much more carefully must we strive to prevent mistakes in the election of him who is set over all the grades? For the peace and order of the Lord's whole household will be shaken, if what is required in the body be not found in the head.
[12:14] Where is that precept of the blessed Apostle Paul uttered through the Spirit of God, whereby in the person of Timothy the whole number of Christ's priests are instructed, and to each one of us is said: "Lay hands hastily on no one, and do not share in other men's sins".
[12:15] ?" What is to lay on hands hastily but to confer the priestly dignity on unproved men before the proper age".
[12:16] , before there has been time to test them, before they have deserved it by their obedience, before they have been tried by discipline? And what is to share in other men's sins but for the ordainer to become such as is he who ought not to have been ordained by him? For just as a man stores up for himself the fruit of his good work, if he maintains a right judgment in choosing a priest: so one who receives an unworthy priest into the number of his colleagues, inflicts grievous loss upon himself.
[12:17] We must not then pass over in the case of any one that which is laid down in the general ordinances: nor is that advancement to be reckoned lawful which has been made contrary to the precepts of God's law.
[12:18] III.
[12:19] The Apostolic precept about the marriage of the clergy based upon the marriage of Christ with the Church of which it is a figure.
[12:20] For as the Apostle says that among other rules for election he shall be ordained bishop who is known to have been or to be "the husband of one wife," this command was always held so sacred that the same condition was understood as necessary to be observed even in the wife".
[12:21] of the priest-elect: lest she should happen to have been married to another man before she entered into wedlock with him, even though he himself had had no other wife.
[12:22] Who then would dare to allow this injury to be perpetrated upon so great a sacrament".
[12:23] , seeing that this great and venerable mystery is not without the support of the statutes of God's law as well, whereby it is clearly laid down that a priest is to marry a virgin, and that she who is to be the wife of a priest".
[12:24] is not to know another husband? For even then in the priests was prefigured the Spiritual marriage of Christ and His Church: so that since "the man is the head of the woman".
[12:25] ," the spouse of the Word may learn to know no other man but Christ, who did rightly choose her only, loves her only, and takes none but her into His alliance.
[12:26] If then even in the Old Testament this kind of marriage among priests is adhered to, how much more ought we who are placed under the grace of the Gospel to conform to the Apostle's precepts: so that though a man be found endowed with good character, and furnished with holy works, he may nevertheless in no wise ascend either to the grade of deacon, or the dignity of the presbytery, or to the highest rank of the bishopric, if it has been spread abroad either that he himself is not the husband of one wife, or that his wife is not the wife of one husband.
[12:27] IV.
[12:28] Premature promotions are to be avoided.
[12:29] But when the Apostle warns and says: "and let these also first be proved, and so let them minister".
[12:30] ," what else do we think must be understood but that in these promotions we should consider not only the chastity of their marriages, but also the deserts of their labours, lest the pastoral office be entrusted to men who are either fresh from baptism, or suddenly diverted from worldly pursuits? for through all the ranks of the Christian army in the matter of promotions it ought to be considered whether a man can manage a greater charge.
[12:31] Rightly did the venerable opinions of the blessed Fathers in speaking of the election of priests reckon those men fit for the administration of sacred things who had been slowly advanced through the various grades of office, and had given such good proof of themselves therein that in each one of them the character of their practices bore witness to their lives".
[12:32] For if it is improper to attain to the world's dignities without the help of time and without the merit of having toiled, and if the seeking of office is branded unless it be supported by proofs of uprightness, how diligently and how carefully ought the dispensing of divine duties and heavenly dignities to be carried out, lest in aught the apostolic and canonical decrees be violated, and the ruling of the Lord's Church be committed to men who being ignorant of the lawful constitutions and devoid of all humility wish not to rise from the lowest grade, but to begin with the highest: for it is extremely unfair and preposterous that the inexpert should be preferred to the expert, the young to the old, the raw recruits to those who have seen much service.
[12:33] In a great house, indeed, as the Apostle explains".
[12:34] , there must needs be divers vessels, some of gold and of silver, and some of wood and of earth: but their purpose varies with the quality of their material, and the use of the precious and of the cheap kinds is not the same.
[12:35] For everything will be in disorder if the earthen ware be preferred to the golden, or the wooden to the silver.
[12:36] And as the wooden or earthen vessels are a figure of those men who are hitherto conspicuous for no virtues; so in the golden or silver vessels they no doubt are represented who, having passed through the fire of long experience, and through the furnace of protracted toil have deserved to be tried gold and pure silver.
[12:37] And if such men get no reward for their devotion, all the discipline of the Church is loosened, all order is disturbed, while men who have undergone no service obtain undeserved preferment by the wrongful choice of the electing body.
[12:38] V.
[12:39] He distinguishes between laymen who have been raised to the bishoprics and digamous clerks, forgiving the former and not the latter.
[12:40] Since then either the eager wishes of the people or the intrigues of the ambitious have had so much weight among you that we understand not only laymen, but even husbands of second wives or widows have been promoted to the pastoral office, are there not the clearest reasons for requiring that the churches in which such things have been done should be cleansed by a severer judgment than usual, and that not only the rulers themselves, but also those who ordained them should receive condign punishment? But there stand on our one hand the gentleness of mercy, on our other the strictness of justice.
[12:41] And because "all the paths of the Lord are loving-kindness and truth".
[12:42] ," we are forced according to our loyalty to the Apostolic See so to moderate our opinion as to weigh men's misdeeds in the balance (for of course they are not all of one measure), and to reckon some as to a certain extent".
[12:43] pardonable, but others as altogether to be repressed.
[12:44] For they who have either entered into second marriages or joined themselves in wedlock with widows are not allowed to hold the priesthood, either by the apostolic or legal authority: and much more is this the case with him who, as it was reported to us, is the husband of two wives at once, or him who being divorced by his wife is said to have married another, that is, supposing these charges are in your judgment proved.
[12:45] But the rest, whose preferment only so far incurs blame that they have been chosen to the episcopal function from among the laity, and are not culpable in the matter of their wives, we allow to retain the priesthood upon which they have entered, without prejudice to the statutes of the Apostolic See, and without breaking the rules of the blessed Fathers, whose wholesome ordinance it is that no layman, whatever amount of support he may receive, shall ascend to the first, second, or third rank in the Church until he reach that position by the legitimate steps".
[12:46] For what we now suffer to be to a certain extent".
[12:47] venial, cannot hereafter pass unpunished, if any one perpetrates what we altogether forbid: because the forgiveness of a sin does not grant a licence to do wrong, nor will it be right to repeat an offence with impunity which has partly".
[12:48] been condoned.
[12:49] VI.
[12:50] Donatus, a converted Novatian, and Maximus, an ex-Donatist, are retained in their episcopal office.
[12:51] Donatus of Salacia, who, as we learn, has been converted from the Novatians".
[12:52] with his people, we wish to preside over the Lord's flock, on condition that he remembers he must send a certificate of his faith to us, in which he not only condemns the error of the Novatian dogma, but also unreservedly confesses the catholic truth.
[12:53] Maximus, also, although he was culpably ordained when a layman, yet if he is now no longer a Donatist, and has abjured the spirit of schismatic depravity, we do not depose from his episcopal dignity, which he has obtained irregularly, on condition that he declare himself a catholic by drawing up a certificate for us.
[12:54] VII.
[12:55] The case of Aggarus and Tyberianus (ordained with tumult) is referred to the bishops.
[12:56] But concerning Aggarus and Tyberianus, whose case is different from the others who were ordained from among the laity, in this that their ordination is reported to have been accompanied by fierce riots and savage disturbances, we have entrusted the whole matter to your judgment, that relying upon your investigation of the case, we may know what to decide about them.
[12:57] VIII.
[12:58] Maidens who have suffered violence are not to compare themselves with others.
[12:59] Those handmaids of God who have lost their chastity by the violence of barbarians, will be more praiseworthy in their humility and shame-fastness, if they do not venture to compare themselves to undefiled virgins.
[12:60] For although every sin springs from the desire, and the will may have remained unconquered and unpolluted by the fall of the flesh, still this will be less to their detriment, if they grieve over losing even in the body what they did not lose in spirit.
[12:61] IX.
[12:62] These injunctions to be carried out without contentiousness.
[12:63] And so now that you see yourselves, beloved, fully instructed through David, our brother and fellow-bishop, who is approved to us both by his personal character and his priestly worth, on [nearly]".
[12:64] all the points which our brother Potentius' account contained, it remains, brothers, that you receive our healthful exhortations harmoniously, and that doing nothing in rivalry, but acting unanimously with entire devotion and zeal, you obey the constitution of God and His Apostles, and in nothing suffer the well-considered decrees of the canons to be violated.
[12:65] For what we from the consideration of certain reasons have now relaxed must henceforward be guarded by the ancient rules, lest, what we have on this occasion with merciful lenity conceded, we may hereafter have to visit with condign punishment".
[12:66] , acting with special and direct vigour against those who in ordaining bishops have neglected the statutes of the holy fathers, and have consecrated men whom they ought to have rejected.
[12:67] Wherefore if any bishops have consecrated such an one priest as ought not to be, even though in some measure they have escaped any loss of their personal dignity, yet they shall have no further right of ordination, nor shall ever be present at that sacrament which, neglecting the judgment of God, they have improperly conferred.
[12:68] X.
[12:69] The appointment of bishops over too small places is inexpedient and must be discontinued.
[12:70] That of course which pertains to the priestly dignity we wish to be observed in common with all the statutes of the canons, viz.
[12:71] , that bishops be not consecrated in any place nor in any hamlet".
[12:72] , nor where they have not been consecrated before; for where the flocks are small and the congregations small, the care of the presbyters may suffice, whereas the episcopal authority ought to preside only over larger flocks and more crowded cities, lest contrary to the divinely-inspired decrees of the holy Fathers the priestly office be assigned over villages and rural estates".
[12:73] or obscure and thinly-populated townships, and the position of honour, to which only the more important charges should be given, be held cheap from the very number of these that hold it.
[12:74] And this bishop Restitutus has reported to have been done in his own diocese, and he has with good reason requested that when the bishops of those places where they ought not to have been ordained die in the natural course, the places themselves should revert to the jurisdiction of the same prelate to whom they formerly belonged and were attached.
[12:75] It is indeed useless for the priestly dignity to be diminished by the superfluous multiplications of the office through the inconsiderate complaisance of the ordainer.
[12:76] XI.
[12:77] Virgins violated against their will are to be treated as somewhat different to the others, but not to be denied Communion.
[12:78] Now concerning those who, having made a holy vow of virginity [as we said above, chap.
[12:79] viii.
[12:80] ], have suffered the violence of barbarians, and have lost their spotless purity not in spirit but in body, we consider such mode ration ought to be observed that they should be neither degraded to the rank of widows".
[12:81] nor yet reckoned in the number of holy and undefiled virgins: yet, if they persevere in the virgin life, and in heart and mind guard the reality of chastity, participation in the sacraments is not to be denied them, because it is unfair that they should be accused or branded for what their wishes did not surrender, but was stolen by the violence of foes.
[12:82] XII.
[12:83] The care of Lupicinus is in part dealt with and in part referred to them.
[12:84] The case also of bishop Lupicinus".
[12:85] we order to be heard there, but at his urgent and frequent entreaties we have restored him to communion for this reason, that, as he had appealed to our judgment, we saw that while the matter was pending he had been undeservedly suspended from communion.
[12:86] Moreover there is this also in addition, that it was clearly rash to ordain one over his head who ought not to have been ordained until Lupicinus, having been placed before you or convicted, or having at least confessed, had opportunity to submit to a just sentence, so that, according to the requirements of ecclesiastical discipline, he who was consecrated might receive his vacant place.
[12:87] XIII.
[12:88] All disputes to be dealt with on the spot first and then referred to the Apostolic See.
[12:89] But whenever other cases arise which concern the state of the Church and the harmony of priests, we wish them to be first sifted by yourselves in the fear of the Lord, and a full account of all matters settled or needing settlement sent to us, that those things which have been properly and reasonably decided, according to the usage of the Church, may receive our corroborative sanction also.
[12:90] Dated 10th August.
[13:1] Letter XIII.
[13:2] To the Metropolitan Bishops in the Provinces of Illyricum.
[13:3] Leo congratulates them on accepting the authority of Anastasius over them (given in Lett.
[13:4] IV.
[13:5] ).
[14:1] Letter XIV.
[14:2] To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
[14:3] Leo, bishop of the City of Rome, to Anastasius, bishop of Thessalonica.
[14:4] I.
[14:5] Prefatory.
[14:6] If with true reasoning you perceived all that has been committed to you, brother, by the blessed apostle Peter's authority, and what has also been entrusted to you by our favour, and would weigh it fairly, we should be able greatly to rejoice at your zealous discharge of the responsibility imposed on you".
[14:7] II.
[14:8] Anastasius is taxed with exceeding the limits of his vicariate, especially in his violent and unworthy treatment of Atticus.
[14:9] Seeing that, as my predecessors acted towards yours, so too I, following their example, have delegated my authority to you".
[14:10] , beloved: so that you, imitating our gentleness, might assist us in the care which we owe primarily to all the churches by Divine institution, and might to a certain extent make up for our personal presence in visiting those provinces which are far off from us: for it would be easy for you by regular and well-timed inspection to tell what and in what cases you could either, by your own influence, settle or reserve for our judgment.
[14:11] For as it was free for you to suspend the more important matters and the harder issues while you awaited our opinion, there was no reason nor necessity for you to go out of your way to decide what was beyond your powers.
[14:12] For you have numerous written warnings of ours in which we have often instructed you to be temperate in all your actions: that with loving exhortations you might provoke the churches of Christ committed to you to healthy obedience.
[14:13] Because, although as a rule there exist among careless or slothful brethren things which demand a strong hand in rectifying them; yet the correction ought to be so applied as ever to keep love inviolate.
[14:14] Wherefore also it is that the blessed Apostle Paul, in instructing Timothy upon the ruling of the Church, says: "an elder rebuke not, but intreat him as a father: the young men as brethren: old women as mothers: young women as sisters in all purity".
[14:15] And if this moderation is due by the Apostle's precept to all and any of the lower members, how much more is it to be paid without offence to our brethren and fellow-bishops? in order that although things sometimes happen which have to be reprimanded in the persons of priests, yet kindness may have more effect on those who are to be corrected than severity: exhortation than perturbation: love than power.
[14:16] But they who "seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's".
[14:17] ," easily depart from this law, and finding pleasure rather in domineering over their subjects than in consulting their interests, are swoln with the pride of their position, and thus what was provided to secure harmony ministers to mischief.
[14:18] That we are obliged to speak thus causes us no small grief.
[14:19] For I feel myself in a certain measure drawn into blame, on discovering you to have so immoderately departed from the rules handed down to you.
[14:20] If you were careless of your own reputation, you ought at least to have spared my good name: lest what only your own mind prompted should seem done with our approval.
[14:21] Do but read, brother, our pages with care, and peruse all the letters sent by holders of the Apostolic See to your predecessors, and you will find injunctions either from me or from my predecessors on that in which we learn you have presumed.
[14:22] For there has come to us our brother Atticus, the metropolitan".
[14:23] bishop of Old Epirus, with the bishops of his province, and with tearful pleading has complained of the undeserved contumely he has suffered, in the presence of your own deacons who, by giving no contradiction to these woeful complaints, showed that what was impressed upon us did not want for truth.
[14:24] We read also in your letter, which those same deacons of yours brought, that brother Atticus had come to Thessalonica, and that he had also sealed his agreement in a written profession, so that we could not but understand concerning him that it was of his own will and free devotion that he had come, and that he had composed the statement of his promise of obedience, although in the very mention of this statement a sign of injury was betrayed.
[14:25] For it was not necessary that he should be bound in writing, who was already proving his obedience by the very dutifulness of his voluntary coming.
[14:26] Wherefore these words in your letter bore witness to the bewailings of the aforesaid, and through his outspoken account that which had been passed over in silence is laid bare, namely that the Praefecture of Illyricum had been approached, and the most exalted functionary among the potentates of the world".
[14:27] had been set in motion to expose an innocent prelate: so that a company was sent to carry out the aweful deed who were to enlist all the public servants in giving effect to their orders, and from the church's holy sanctuary charged with no crime, or at best a false one, was dragged a priest, to whom no truce was granted in consideration of his grievous ill-health or the cruel winter weather: but he was forced to take a journey full of hardships and dangers through the pathless snows.
[14:28] And this was a task of such toil and peril that some of those who accompanied the bishop are said to have succumbed".
[14:29] I am quite dumb-founded, beloved brother, yea and I am also sore grieved that you brought yourself to be so savagely and violently moved against one about whom you had laid no further information than that when summoned to appear he put off and excused himself on the grounds of illness; especially when, even if he deserved any such treatment, you should have waited till I had replied to your consulting letter.
[14:30] But, as I perceive, you thought too well of my habits, and most truly foresaw how fair-minded".
[14:31] an answer I was likely to make to preserve harmony among priests: and therefore you made haste to carry out your movements without concealment, lest when you had received the letter of our forbearance dictating another course, you should have no licence to do that which is done.
[14:32] Or perhaps some crime had reached your ears, and metropolitan".
[14:33] bishop that you are, the weight of some new charge pressed you hard? But that this is not consistent with the fact, you yourself make certain by laying nothing against him.
[14:34] Yet even if he had committed some grave and intolerable misdemeanour, you should have waited for our opinion: so as to arrive at no decision by yourself until you knew our pleasure.
[14:35] For we made you our deputy, beloved, on the understanding that you were engaged to share our responsibility, not to take plenary powers on yourself.
[14:36] Wherefore as what you bestow a pious care on delights us much, so your wrongful acts grieve us sorely.
[14:37] And after experience in many cases we must show greater foresight, and use more diligent precaution: to the end that through the spirit of love and peace all matter of offence may be removed from the Lord's churches, which we have commended to you: the pre-eminence of your bishopric being retained in the provinces, but all your usurping excesses being shorn off.
[14:38] III.
[14:39] The rights of the metropolitans under the vicariate of Anastasius are to be observed.
[14:40] Therefore according to the canons of the holy Fathers, which are framed by the spirit of God and hollowed by the whole world's reverence, we decree that the metropolitan bishops of each province over which your care, brother, extends by our delegacy, shall keep untouched the rights of their position which have been handed down to them from olden times: but on condition that they do not depart from the existing regulations by any carelessness or arrogance.
[14:41] IV.
[14:42] The negative qualifications of a bishop determined.
[14:43] In cities whose governors".
[14:44] have died let this form be observed in filling up their place: he, who is to be ordained, even though his good life be not attested, shall be not a layman, not a neophyte, nor yet the husband of a second wife, or one who, though he has or has had but one, married a widow.
[14:45] For the choosing of priests is of such surpassing importance that things which in other members of the Church are not blame-worthy, are yet held unlawful in them.
[14:46] V.
[14:47] Continence is required even in sub-deacons.
[14:48] For although they who are not within the ranks of the clergy are free to take pleasure in the companionship of wedlock and the procreation of children, yet for the exhibiting of the purity of complete continence, even sub-deacons are not allowed carnal marriage: that "both those that have, may be as though they had not".
[14:49] ," and those who have not, may remain single.
[14:50] But if in this order, which is the fourth from the Head".
[14:51] , this is worthy to be observed, how much more is it to be kept in the first, or second, or third, lest any one be reckoned fit for either the deacon's duties or the presbyter's honourable position, or the bishop's pre-eminence, who is discovered not yet to have bridled his uxorious desires.
[14:52] VI.
[14:53] The election of a bishop must proceed by the wishes of the clergy and people.
[14:54] When therefore the choice of the chief priest is taken in hand, let him be preferred before all whom the unanimous consent of clergy and people demands, but if the votes chance to be divided between two persons, the judgment of the metropolitan should prefer him who is supported by the preponderance of votes and merits: only let no one be ordained against the express wishes of the place: lest a city should either despise or hate a bishop whom they did not choose, and lamentably fall away from religion because they have not been allowed to have whom they wished.
[14:55] VII.
[14:56] Metropolitans are to refer to their Vicar: the mode of electing metropolitans is laid down.
[14:57] However the metropolitan bishop should refer to you, brother, about the person to be consecrated bishop, and about the consent of the clergy and people: and he should acquaint you with the wishes of the province: that the due celebration of the ordination may be strengthened by your authority also.
[14:58] But to right selections it will be your duty to cause no delay or hindrance, lest the Lord's flocks should remain too long with their shepherd's care.
[14:59] Moreover when a metropolitan is defunct and another has to be elected in to his place, the bishops of the province must meet together in the metropolitical city: that after the wishes of all the clerics and all the citizens have been sifted, the best man may be chosen from the presbyters of that same church or from the deacons, and you are to be informed of his name by the priests of the province, who will carry out the wishes of his supporters on ascertaining that you agree with their choice".
[14:60] For whilst we desire proper elections to be hampered by no delays, we yet allow nothing to be done presumptuously without your knowledge.
[14:61] VIII.
[14:62] Bishops are to hold provincial councils twice a year.
[14:63] Concerning councils of bishops we give no other instructions than those laid down for the Church's health by the holy Fathers".
[14:64] : to wit that two meetings should be held a year, in which judgment should be passed upon all the complaints which are wont to arise between the various ranks of the Church.
[14:65] But if perchance among the rulers themselves a cause arise (which God forbid) concerning one of the greater sins, such as cannot be decided by a provincial trial, the metropolitan shall take care to inform you, brother, concerning the nature of the whole matter, and if, after both parties have come before you, the thing be not set at rest even by your judgment, whatever it be, let it be transferred to our jurisdiction.
[14:66] IX.
[14:67] Translation from one see to another is to be prohibited.
[14:68] If any bishop, despising the insignificance of his city, shall intrigue for the government of a more populous place, and transfer himself by whatever means to a larger flock, he shall first be driven from the chair he has usurped, and also shall be deprived of his own: so shall he preside neither over those whom in his greed he coveted, nor over those whom in his arrogance he spurned.
[14:69] Therefore let each be content with his own bounds, and not seek to be raised above the limits of his present post.
[14:70] X.
[14:71] Bishops are not to entice or receive the clergy of another diocese.
[14:72] A cleric from another diocese let no (bishop) accept or invite against the wishes of his own bishop: but only when giver and receiver agree together thereupon by friendly compact.
[14:73] For a man is guilty of a serious injury who ventures either to entice or withhold from a brother's church that which is of great use or high value.
[14:74] And so, if such a thing happen within the province, the metropolitan shall force the deserting cleric to return to his church: but if he has withdrawn himself still further off, he shall be recalled by your authoritative command: so that no occasion be left for either desire of gain or intrigue.
[14:75] XI.
[14:76] When the Vicar shall require a meeting of bishops, two from each province will be sufficient.
[14:77] In summoning bishops to your presence, we wish you to show great forbearance: lest under a show of much diligence you seem to exult in your brethren's injuries.
[14:78] Wherefore if any greater case arise for which it is reasonable and necessary to convene a meeting of brethren, it may suffice, brother, that two bishops should attend from each province, whom the metropolitans shall think proper to be sent, on the understanding that those who answer the summons be not detained longer than fifteen days from the time fixed.
[14:79] XII.
[14:80] In case of difference of opinion between the Vicar and the bishops, the bishop of Rome must be consulted.
[14:81] The subordination of authorities in the Church expounded.
[14:82] But if in that which you believed necessary to be discussed and settled with the brethren, their opinion differs from your own wishes, let all be referred to us, with the minutes of your proceedings attested, that all ambiguities may be removed, and what is pleasing to God decided.
[14:83] For to this end we direct all our desires and pains, that what conduces to our harmonious unity and to the protection of discipline may be marred by no dissension and neglected by no slothfulness.
[14:84] Therefore, dearly beloved brother, you and those our brethren who are offended at your extravagant conduct (though the matter of complaint is not the same with all), we exhort and warn not to disturb by any wrangling what has been rightfully ordained and wisely settled.
[14:85] Let none "seek what is his own, but what is another's," as the Apostle says: "Let each one of you please his neighbour for his good unto edifying".
[14:86] For the cementing of our unity cannot be firm unless we be bound by the bond of love into an inseparable solidity: because "as in one body we have many members, but all the members have not the same office; so we being many are one body in Christ, and all of us members one of another".
[14:87] The connexion of the whole body makes all alike healthy, all alike beautiful: and this connexion requires the unanimity indeed of the whole body, but it especially demands harmony among the priests.
[14:88] And though they have a common dignity, yet they have not uniform rank; inasmuch as even among the blessed Apostles, notwithstanding the similarity of their honourable estate, there was a certain distinction of power, and while the election of them all was equal, yet it was given to one".
[14:89] to take the lead of the rest.
[14:90] From which model has arisen a distinction between bishops also, and by an important ordinance it has been provided".
[14:91] that every one should not claim everything for himself: but that there should be in each province one whose opinion should have the priority among the brethren: and again that certain whose appointment is in the greater cities should undertake a fuller responsibility, through whom the care of the universal Church should converge towards Peter's one seat, and nothing anywhere should be separated from its Head.
[14:92] Let not him then who knows he has been set over certain others take it ill that some one has been set over him, but let him himself render the obedience which he demands of them: and as he does not wish to bear a heavy load of baggage, so let him not dare to place on another's shoulders a weight that is insupportable.
[14:93] For we are disciples of the humble and gentle Master who says: "Learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and ye shall find rest for your souls.
[14:94] For My yoke is easy and My burden light".
[14:95] And how shall we experience this, unless this too comes to our remembrance which the same Lord says: "He that is greater among you, shall be your servant.
[14:96] But he that exalteth himself, shall be humbled: and he that humbleth himself, shall be exalted".
[15:1] Letter XV.
[15:2] To Turribius, Bishop of Asturia".
[15:3] , upon the errors of the Priscillianists.
[15:4] Leo, bishop, to Turribius, bishop, greeting.
[15:5] I.
[15:6] Introductory.
[15:7] Your laudable zeal for the truth of the catholic Faith, and the painstaking devotion you expend in the exercise of your pastoral office upon the Lord's flock is proved by your letter, brother, which your deacon has handed to us, in which you have taken care to bring to our knowledge the nature of the disease which has burst forth in your district from the remnants of an ancient plague.
[15:8] For the language of your letter, and your detailed statement, and the text of your pamphlet".
[15:9] , explains clearly that the filthy puddle of the Priscillianists again teems with life amongst you".
[15:10] For there is no dirt which has not flowed into this dogma from the notions of all sorts of heretics: since they have scraped together the motley dregs from the mire of earthly opinions and made for themselves a mixture".
[15:11] which they alone may swallow whole, though others have tasted little portions of it.
[15:12] In fact, if all the heresies which have arisen before the time of Priscillian were to be studied carefully, hardly any mistake will be discovered with which this impiety has not been infected: for not satisfied with accepting the falsehoods of those who have departed from the Gospel under the name of Christ, it has plunged itself also in the shades of heathendom, so as to rest their religious faith and their moral conduct upon the power of demons and the influences of the stars through the blasphemous secrets of the magic arts and the empty lies of astrologers.
[15:13] But if this may be believed and taught, no reward will be due for virtues, no punishment for faults, and all the injunctions not only of human laws but also of the Divine constitutions will be broken down: because there will be no criterion of good or bad actions possible, if a fatal necessity drives the impulses of the mind to either side, and all that men do is through the agency not of men but of stars.
[15:14] To this madness belongs that monstrous division of the whole human body among the twelve signs of the zodiac, so that each part is ruled by a different power: and the creature, whom God made in His own image, is as much under the domination of the stars as his limbs are connected one with the other.
[15:15] Rightly then our fathers, in whose times this abominable heresy sprung up, promptly pursued it throughout the world, that the blasphemous error might everywhere be driven from the Church: for even the leaders of the world so abhorred this profane folly that they laid low its originator, with most of his disciples, by the sword of the public laws.
[15:16] For they saw that all desire for honourable conduct was removed, all marriage-ties undone, and the Divine and the human law simultaneously undermined, if it were allowed for men of this kind to live anywhere under such a creed.
[15:17] And this rigourous treatment was for long a help to the Church's law of gentleness which, although it relies upon the priestly judgment, and shuns blood-stained vengeance, yet is assisted by the stern decrees of Christian princes at times when men, who dread bodily punishment, have recourse to merely spiritual correction.
[15:18] But since many provinces have been taken up with the invasions of the enemy".
[15:19] , the carrying out of the laws also has been suspended by these stormy wars.
[15:20] And since intercourse came to be difficult among God's priests and meetings rare, secret treachery was free to act through the general disorder, and was roused to the upsetting of many minds by those very ills which ought to have counteracted it.
[15:21] But which of the peoples and how many of them are free from the contagion of this plague in a district where, as you point out, dear brother, the minds even of certain priests have sickened of this deadly disease: and they who were believed the necessary quellers of falsehood and champions of the Truth are the very ones through whom the Gospel of God is enthralled to the teaching of Priscillian: so that the fidelity of the holy volumes being distorted to profane meanings, under the names of prophets and apostles, is proclaimed not that which the Holy Spirit has taught, but what the devil's servant has inserted.
[15:22] Therefore as you, beloved, with all the faithful diligence in your power, have dealt under 16 heads with these already condemned opinions".
[15:23] , we also subject them once more to a strict examination; lest any of these blasphemies should be thought either bearable or doubtful.
[15:24] II.
[15:25] (1) The Priscillianists' denial of the Trinity refuted.
[15:26] And so under the first head is shown what unholy views they hold about the Divine Trinity: they affirm that the person of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost is one and the same, as if the same God were named now Father, now Son, and now Holy Ghost: and as if He who begot were not one, He who was begotten, another, and He who proceeded from both, yet another; but an undivided unity must be understood, spoken of under three names, indeed, but not consisting of three persons.
[15:27] This species of blasphemy they borrowed from Sabellius, whose followers were rightly called Patripassians also: because if the Son is identical with the Father, the Son's cross is the Father's passion (patris-passio): and the Father took on Himself all that the Son took in the form of a slave, and in obedience to the Father.
[15:28] Which without doubt is contrary to the catholic faith, which acknowledges the Trinity of the Godhead to be of one essence (ὁμοούσιον) in such a way that it believes the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost indivisible without confusion, eternal without time, equal without difference: because it is not the same person but the same essence which fills the Unity in Trinity.
[15:29] III.
[15:30] (2) Their fancy about virtues proceeding from God refuted.
[15:31] Under the second head is displayed their foolish and empty fancy about the issue of certain virtues from God which he began to possess, and which were posterior to God Himself in His own essence.
[15:32] In this again they support the Arians' mistake, who say that the Father is prior to the Son, because there was a time when He was without the Son: and became the Father then when He begot the Son.
[15:33] But as the catholic Church abhors them, so also does it abhor these who think that what is of the same essence was ever wanting to God.
[15:34] For it is as wicked to speak of Him as progressing as it is to call Him changeable.
[15:35] For increase implies change as much as does decrease.
[15:36] IV.
[15:37] (3) Their account of the epithet "Only Begotten" refuted.
[15:38] Again the third head is concerned with these same folk's impious assertion that the Son of God is called "only-begotten" for this reason that He alone was born of a virgin.
[15:39] To be sure they would not have dared to say this, had they not drunk the poison of Paul of Samosata and Photinus: who said that our Lord Jesus Christ did not exist till He was born of the virgin Mary.
[15:40] But if they wish something else to be understood by their tenet, and do not date Christ's beginning from His mother's womb, they must necessarily assert that there is not one Son of God, but others also were begotten of the most High Father, of whom this one is born of a woman, and therefore called only-begotten, because no other of God's sons underwent this condition of being born.
[15:41] Therefore, whithersoever they betake themselves, they fall into an abyss of great impiety, if they either maintain that Christ the Lord took His beginning from His mother, or do not believe Him to be the only-begotten of God the Father: since He who was God was born of a mother, and no one was born of the Father except the Word.
[15:42] V.
[15:43] (4) Their fasting on the Nativity and Sunday disapproved of.
[15:44] The fourth head deals with the fact that the Birth-day of Christ, which the catholic Church thinks highly of as the occasion of His taking on Him true man, because "the Word became flesh and dwelt in us".
[15:45] ," is not truly honoured by these men, though they make a show of honouring it, for they fast on that day, as they do also on the Lord's day, which is the day of Christ's resurrection.
[15:46] No doubt they do this, because they do not believe that Christ the Lord was born in true man's nature, but maintain that by a sort of illusion there was an appearance of what was not a reality, following the views of Cerdo and Marcion, and being in complete agreement with their kinsfolk, the Manichaeans.
[15:47] For as our examination has disclosed and brought home to them, they".
[15:48] drag out in mournful fasting the Lord's day which for us is hallowed by the resurrection of our Saviour: devoting this abstinence, as the explanation goes, to the worship of the sun: so that they are throughout out of harmony with the unity of our faith, and the day which by us is spent in gladness is past in self-affliction by them.
[15:49] Whence it is fitting that these enemies of Christ's cross and resurrection should accept an opinion (like this) which tallies with the doctrine they have selected.
[15:50] VI.
[15:51] (5) Their view that the soul is part of the Divine being refuted.
[15:52] The fifth head refers to their assertion that man's soul is part of the Divine being".
[15:53] , and that the nature of our human state does not differ from its Creator's nature.
[15:54] This impious view has its source in the opinions of certain philosophers, and the Manichaeans and the catholic Faith condemns it: knowing that nothing that is made is so sublime and so supreme as that its nature should be itself God.
[15:55] For that which is part of Himself is Himself, and none other than the Son and Holy Spirit.
[15:56] And besides this one consubstantial, eternal, and unchangeable Godhead of the most high Trinity there is nothing in all creation which, in its origin, is not created out of nothing.
[15:57] Besides anything that surpasses its fellow-creatures is not ipso facto God, nor, if a thing is great and wonderful, is it identical with Him "who alone doeth great wonders".
[15:58] No man is truth, wisdom, justice; but many are partakers of truth, wisdom, and justice.
[15:59] But God alone is exempt from any participating: and anything which is in any degree worthily predicated of Him is not an attribute, but His very essence.
[15:60] For in the Unchangeable there is nothing added, there is nothing lost: because "to be"".
[15:61] is ever His peculiar property, and that is eternity.
[15:62] Whence abiding in Himself He renews all things".
[15:63] , and receives nothing which He did not Himself give.
[15:64] Accordingly they are over-proud and stone-blind who, when they say the soul is part of the Divine Being, do not understand that they merely assert that God is changeable, and Himself suffers anything that may be inflicted upon His nature.
[15:65] VII.
[15:66] (6) Their view that the devil was never good, and is therefore not God's creation, refuted.
[15:67] The sixth notice points out that they say the devil never was good, and that his nature is not God's handiwork, but he came forth out of chaos and darkness: because I suppose he has no instigator, but is himself the source and substance of all evil: whereas the true Faith, which is the catholic, acknowledges that the substance of all creatures spiritual or corporeal is good, and that evil has no positive existence".
[15:68] ; because God, who is the Maker of the Universe, made nothing that was not good.
[15:69] Whence the devil also would be good, if he had remained as he was made.
[15:70] But because he made a bad use of his natural excellence, and "stood not in the truth".
[15:71] ," he did not pass into the opposite substance, but revolted from the highest good to which he owed adherence: just as they themselves who make such assertions run headlong from truth into falsehood, and accuse nature of their own spontaneous delinquencies, and are condemned for their voluntary perversity: though of course this evil is in them, but is itself not a substance but a penalty inflicted on substance.
[15:72] VIII.
[15:73] (7) Their rejection of marriage condemned.
[15:74] In the seventh place follows their condemnation of marriages and their horror of begetting children: in which, as in almost all points, they agree with the Manichaeans' impiety.
[15:75] But it is for this reason, as their own practices prove, that they detest the marriage tie, because there is no liberty for lewdness where the chastity of wedlock and of offspring is preserved.
[15:76] IX.
[15:77] (8) Their disbelief in the resurrection of the body has been already condemned by the Church.
[15:78] Their eighth point is that the formation".
[15:79] of men's bodies is the device of the devil, and that the seed of conception is shaped by the aid of demons in the wombs of women: and that for this reason the resurrection of the flesh is not to be believed because the stuff of which the body is made is not consistent with the dignity of the soul.
[15:80] This falsehood is without doubt the devil's work, and such monstrous opinions are the devices of demons who do not mould men in women's bellies, but concoct such errors in heretics' hearts.
[15:81] This unclean poison which flows especially from the fount of the Manichaean wickedness has been already".
[15:82] arraigned and condemned by the catholic Faith.
[15:83] X.
[15:84] (9) Their notion that "the children of promise" are conceived by the Holy Ghost is utterly unscriptural and uncatholic.
[15:85] The ninth notice declares that they say the sons of promise are born indeed of women but conceived by the Holy Spirit: lest that offspring which is born of carnal seed should seem to share in God's estate.
[15:86] This is repugnant and contrary to the catholic Faith which acknowledges every man to be formed by the Maker of the Universe in the substance of his body and soul, and to receive the breath of life within his mother's womb: though that taint of sin and liability to die remains which passed from the first parent into his descendants; until the sacrament of Regeneration comes to succour him, whereby through the Holy Spirit we are re-born the sons of promise, not in the fleshly womb, but in the power of baptism.
[15:87] Whence David also, who certainly was a son of promise, says to God: "Thy hands have made me and fashioned me".
[15:88] And to Jeremiah says the Lord, "Before I formed thee in the womb I knew thee, and in thy mother's belly I sanctified thee".
[15:89] XI.
[15:90] (10) Their theory that souls have a previous existence before entering man refuted.
[15:91] Under the tenth head they are reported as asserting that the souls which are placed in men's bodies have previously been without body and have sinned in their heavenly habitation, and for this reason having fallen from their high estate to a lower one alight upon ruling spirits".
[15:92] of divers qualities, and after passing through a succession of powers of the air and stars, some fiercer, some milder, are enclosed in bodies of different sorts and conditions, so that whatever variety and inequality is meted out to us in this life, seems the result of previous causes.
[15:93] This blasphemous fable they have woven for themselves out of many persons' errors".
[15:94] : but all of them the catholic Faith cuts off from union with its body, persistently and truthfully proclaiming that men's souls did not exist until they were breathed into their bodies, and that they were not there implanted by any other than God, who is the creator both of the souls and of the bodies.
[15:95] And because through the transgression of the first man the whole stock of the human race was tainted, no one can be set free from the state of the old Adam save through Christ's sacrament of baptism, in which there are no distinctions between the re-born, as says the Apostle: "For as many of you as were baptized in Christ did put on Christ: there is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus".
[15:96] What then have the course of the stars to do with it, or the devices of destiny? what the changing state of mundane things and their restless diversity? Behold how the grace of God makes all these unequals equal, who, whatever their labours in this life, if they abide faithful, cannot be wretched, for they can say with the Apostle in every trial: "who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, 'For thy sake we are killed all the day long, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
[15:97] ' (Ps.
[15:98] xliv.
[15:99] 22.
[15:100] ) But in all these things we overcome through Him that loved us".
[15:101] And therefore the Church, which is the body of Christ, has no fear about the inequalities of the world, because she has no desire for temporal goods: nor does she dread being overwhelmed by the empty threats of destiny, for she knows she is strengthened by patience in tribulations.
[15:102] XII.
[15:103] (11) Their astrological notions condemned.
[15:104] Their eleventh blasphemy is that in which they suppose that both the souls and bodies of men are under the influence of fatal stars: this folly compels them to become entangled in all the errors of the heathen, and to strive to attract stars that are as they think favourable to them, and to soften those that are against them.
[15:105] But for those who follow such pursuits there is no place in the catholic Church; a man who gives himself up to such convictions separates himself from the body of Christ altogether.
[15:106] XIII.
[15:107] (12) Their belief that certain powers rule the soul and the stars the body, is unscriptural and preposterous.
[15:108] The twelfth of these points is this, that they map out the parts of the soul under certain powers, and the limbs of the body under others: and they suggest the characters of the inner powers that rule the soul by giving them the names of the patriarchs, and on the contrary they attribute the signs of the stars to those under which they put the body.
[15:109] And in all these things they entangle themselves in an inextricable maze, not listening to the Apostle when he says, "See that no one deceive you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ; for in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, and in Him ye are made full, who is the head of every principality and power".
[15:110] And again: "let no man beguile you by a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, treading on things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by the senses of his flesh, not holding fast the Head from whom all the body, being supplied and knit together through the joints and bands, increaseth with the increase of God".
[15:111] What then is the use of admitting into the heart what the law has not taught, prophecy has not sung, the truth of the Gospel has not proclaimed, the Apostles' teaching has not handed down? But these things are suited to the minds of those of whom the Apostle speaks, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts: and will turn away indeed their hearing from the truth, and turn aside unto fables".
[15:112] And so we can have nothing in common with men who dare to teach or believe such things, and strive by any means in their power to persuade men that the substance of flesh is foreign to the hope of resurrection, and so break down the whole mystery of Christ's incarnation: because it was wrong for Christ to take upon Him complete manhood if it was wrong for Him to emancipate complete manhood.
[15:113] XIV.
[15:114] (13) Their fanciful division of the Scriptures rejected.
[15:115] In the thirteenth place comes their assertion that the whole body of the canonical Scriptures is to be accepted, under the names of the patriarchs".
[15:116] : because those twelve virtues which work the reformation of the inner man are pointed out in their names, and without this knowledge no soul can effect its reformation, and return to that substance from which it came forth.
[15:117] But this wicked delusion the Christian wisdom holds in disdain, for it knows that the nature of the true Godhead is inviolable and immutable: but the soul, whether living in the body or separated from the body, is subject to many passions: whereas, of course, if it were part of the divine essence, no adversity could happen to it.
[15:118] And therefore there is no comparison between them: One is the Creator, the other is the creature.
[15:119] For He is always the same, and suffers no change: but the soul is changeable, even if not changed, because its power of not changing is a gift, and not a property.
[15:120] XV.
[15:121] (14) Their idea that the Scriptures countenance their subjecting of the body to the starry influences denied.
[15:122] Under the fourteenth heading their sentiments upon the state of the body are stated, viz.
[15:123] , that it is, on account of its earthly properties, held under the power of stars and constellations, and that many things are found in the holy books which have reference to the outer man with this object, that in the Scriptures themselves a certain opposition may be seen at work between the divine and the earthly nature: and that which the powers that rule the soul claim for themselves may be distinguished from that which the fashioners of the body claim.
[15:124] These stories are invented that the soul may be maintained to be part of the divine substance, and the flesh believed to belong to the bad nature: since the world itself, with its elements, they hold to be not the work of the good God, but the outcome of an evil author: and that they might disguise these sacrilegious lies under a fair cloak, they have polluted almost all the divine utterances with the colouring of their unholy notions.
[15:125] XVI.
[15:126] (15) Their falsified copies of the Scriptures, and their apocryphal books prohibited.
[15:127] And on this subject your remarks under the fifteenth head make a complaint, and express a well-deserved abhorrence of their devilish presumption, for we too have ascertained this from the accounts of trustworthy witnesses, and have found many of their copies most corrupt, though they are entitled canonical.
[15:128] For how could they deceive the simple-minded unless they sweetened their poisoned cups with a little honey, lest what was meant to be deadly should be detected by its over-nastiness? Therefore care must be taken, and the priestly diligence exercised to the uttermost, to prevent falsified copies that are out of harmony with the pure Truth being used in reading.
[15:129] And the apocryphal scriptures, which, under the names of Apostles".
[15:130] , form a nursery-ground for many falsehoods, are not only to be proscribed, but also taken away altogether and burnt to ashes in the fire.
[15:131] For although there are certain things in them which seem to have a show of piety, yet they are never free from poison, and through the allurements of their stories they have the secret effect of first beguiling men with miraculous narratives, and then catching them in the noose of some error.
[15:132] Wherefore if any bishop has either not forbidden the possession of apocryphal writings in men's houses, or under the name of being canonical has suffered those copies to be read in church which are vitiated with the spurious alterations of Priscillian, let him know that he is to be accounted heretic, since he who does not reclaim others from error shows that he himself has gone astray.
[15:133] XVII.
[15:134] (16) About the writings of Dictinius".
[15:135] Under the last head a just complaint was made that the treatises of Dictinius which he wrote in agreement with Priscillian's tenets were read by many with veneration: for if they think any respect is due to Dictinius' memory, they ought to admire his restoration rather than his fall.
[15:136] Accordingly it is not Dictinius but Priscillian that they read: and they approve of what he wrote in error, not what he preferred after recantation.
[15:137] But let no one venture to do this with impunity, nor let any one be reckoned among catholics who makes use of writings that have been condemned not by the catholic Church alone but by the author himself as well.
[15:138] Let not those who have gone astray be allowed to make a fictitious show, and under the veil of the Christian name shirk the provisions of the imperial decrees.
[15:139] For they attach themselves to the catholic Church with all this difference of opinion in their heart, with the object of both making such converts as they can, and escaping the rigour of the law by passing themselves off as ours.
[15:140] This is done by Priscillianists and Manichaeans alike; for there is such a close bond of union between the two that they are distinct only in name, but in their blasphemies are found at one: because although the Manichaeans reject the Old Testament which the others pretend to accept, yet the purpose of both tends to the same end, seeing that the one side corrupts while receiving what the other assails and rejects.
[15:141] But in their abominable mysteries, which the more unclean they are, are so much the more carefully concealed, their crime is but one, their filthy-mindedness one, and their foul conduct similar.
[15:142] And although we blush to speak so plainly, yet we have tracked it out with the most painful searches, and exposed it by the confession of Manichaeans who have been arrested, and thus brought it to the public knowledge: lest by any means it might seem matter of doubt, although it has been disclosed by the mouth of the men themselves, who had performed the crime, in our court, which was attended not only by a large gathering of priests, but also by men of repute and dignity, and a certain number of the senate and the people, even as the missive which we have addressed to you, beloved, shows to have been done.
[15:143] And there has been found out and widely published about the immoral practices of the Priscillianists just what was also found out about the foul wickedness of the Manichaeans.
[15:144] For they who are throughout on a level of depravity in their ideas, cannot be unlike in their religious matters.
[15:145] So having run through all that the detailed refutation contains, with which the contents of the memorial of their views does not disagree, we have, I think, satisfactorily shown what our opinion on the matters which you, brother, have referred to us, and how unbearable it is if such blasphemous errors find acceptance in the hearts even of some priests, or to put it more mildly, are not actively opposed by them.
[15:146] With what conscience can they maintain the honourable position which has been given them, who do not labour for the souls entrusted to them? Beasts rush in, and they do not close the fold.
[15:147] Robbers lay wait, and they set no watch.
[15:148] Diseases multiply, and they seek out no remedies.
[15:149] But when in addition they refuse assent to those who act more warily, and shrink from anathematizing by their written confession blasphemies which the whole world has already condemned, what do they wish men to understand except that they are not of the number of the brethren, but on the enemy's side? XVIII.
[15:150] The body of Christ really rested in the tomb, and really rose again.
[15:151] Furthermore in the matter which you placed last in your confidential letter, I am surprised that any intelligent Christian should be in difficulty as to whether when Christ descended to the realms below, his flesh rested in the tomb: for as it truly died and was buried, so it was truly raised the third day.
[15:152] For this the Lord Himself also had announced, saying to the Jews, "destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up".
[15:153] Where the evangelist adds this comment: "but this He spake of the temple of His body".
[15:154] The truth of which the prophet David also had predicted, speaking in the person of the Lord and Saviour, and saying: "Moreover my flesh also shall rest in hope; because Thou wilt not leave my soul in Hades, nor give Thy Holy One to see corruption".
[15:155] From these words surely it is clear that the Lord's flesh being buried, both truly rested and did not undergo corruption: because it was quickly revived by the return of the soul, and rose again.
[15:156] Not to believe this is blasphemous enough, and is undoubtedly of a piece with the doctrine of Manichaeus and Priscillian, who with their blasphemous conceptions pretend to confess Christ, but only in such a way as to destroy the reality of His incarnation, and death, and resurrection.
[15:157] Therefore let a council of bishops be held among you, and let the priests of neighbouring provinces meet at a place suitable to all: that, on the lines of our reply to your request for advice, a full inquiry may be made as to whether here are any of the bishops who are tainted with the contagion of this heresy: for they must without doubt be cut off from communion, if they refuse to condemn this most unrighteous sect with all its wrongful conceptions.
[15:158] For it can nohow be permitted that one who has undertaken the duty of preaching the Faith should dare to maintain opinions contrary to Christ's gospel and the creed of the universal Church.
[15:159] What kind of disciples will there be in a place where such masters teach? What will the people's religion, or the salvation of the laity be, where against the interests of human society the holiness of chastity is uprooted, the marriage-bond overthrown, the propagation of children forbidden, the nature of the flesh condemned, and, in opposition to the true worship of the true God, the Trinity of the Godhead is denied, the individuality of the persons confounded, man's soul declared to be the Divine essence, and enclosed in flesh at the Devil's will, the Son of God proclaimed only-begotten in right of being born of a Virgin, not begotten of the Father, and at the same time maintained to be neither true offspring of God, nor true child of the virgin: so that after a false passion and an unreal death, even the resurrection of the flesh reassumed out of the tomb should be considered fictitious? But it is vain for them to adopt the name of catholic, as they do not oppose these blasphemies: they must believe them, if they can listen so patiently to such words.
[15:160] And so we have sent a letter to our brethren and fellow-bishops of the provinces of Tarraco, Carthago, Lusitania and Gallicia, enjoining a meeting of the general synod.
[15:161] It will be yours, beloved, to take order that our authoritative instructions be conveyed to the bishops of the aforesaid provinces.
[15:162] But should anything, which God forbid, hinder the coming together of a general council of Gallicia".
[15:163] , at least let the priests come together, the assembling of whom our brothers Idacius and Ceponius shall look to, assisted by your own strenuous efforts to hasten the applying of remedies to these serious wounds by a provincial synod also.
[15:164] Dated July 21, in the consulship of the illustrious Calipius and Ardaburis (447).
[16:1] Letter XVI.
[16:2] To the Bishops of Sicily.
[16:3] Leo the bishop to all the bishops throughout Sicily greeting in the Lord.
[16:4] I.
[16:5] Introductory.
[16:6] By God's precepts and the Apostle's admonitions we are incited to keep a careful watch over the state of all the churches: and, if anywhere ought is found that needs rebuke, to recall men with speedy care either from the stupidity of ignorance or from forwardness and presumption.
[16:7] For inasmuch as we are warned by the Lord's own command whereby the blessed Apostle Peter had the thrice repeated mystical injunction pressed upon him, that he who loves Christ should feed Christ's sheep, we are compelled by reverence for that see which, by the abundance of the Divine Grace, we hold, to shun the danger of sloth as much as possible: lest the confession of the chief Apostle whereby he testified that he loved God be not found in us: because if he (through us) carelessly feed the flock so often commended to him he is proved not to love the chief Shepherd.
[16:8] II.
[16:9] Baptism is to be administered at Easter-tide and not on the Epiphany.
[16:10] Accordingly when it reached my ears on reliable testimony (and I already felt a brother's affectionate anxiety about your acts, beloved) that in what is one of the chief sacraments of the Church you depart from the practice of the Apostles' constitution".
[16:11] by administering the sacrament of baptism to greater numbers on the feast of the Epiphany than at Easter-tide, I was surprised that you or your predecessors could have introduced so unreasonable an innovation as to confound the mysteries of the two festivals and believe there was no difference between the day on which Christ was worshipped by the wise men and that on which He rose again from the dead.
[16:12] You could never have fallen into this fault, if you had taken the whole of your observances from the source whence you derive your consecration to the episcopate; and if the see of the blessed Apostle Peter, which is the mother of your priestly dignity, were the recognized teacher of church-method.
[16:13] We could indeed have endured your departure from its rules with less equanimity, if you had received any previous rebuke by way of warning from us.
[16:14] But now as we do not despair of correcting you, we must show gentleness.
[16:15] And although an excuse which affects ignorance is scarce tolerable in priests, yet we prefer to moderate our needful rebuke and to instruct you plainly in the true method of the Church.
[16:16] III.
[16:17] One must distinguish one festival from another in respect of dignity and occasion.
[16:18] The restoration of mankind has indeed ever remained immutably fore-ordained in God's eternal counsel: but the series of events which had to be accomplished in time through Jesus Christ our Lord was begun at the Incarnation of the Word.
[16:19] Hence there is one time when at the angel's announcement the blessed Virgin Mary believed she was to be with child through the Holy Ghost and conceived: another, when without loss of her virgin purity the Boy was born and shown to the shepherds by the exulting joy of the heavenly attendants: another, when the Babe was circumcised: another, when the victim required by the Law is offered for him: another, when the three wise men attracted by the brightness of the new star".
[16:20] arrive at Bethlehem from the East and worship the Infant with the mystic offering of Gifts.
[16:21] And again the days are not the same on which by the divinely appointed passage into Egypt He was withdrawn from wicked Herod, and on which He was recalled from Egypt into Galilee on His pursuer's death.
[16:22] Among these varieties of circumstance must be included His growth of body: the Lord increases, as the evangelist bears witness, with the progress of age and grace: at the time of the Passover He comes to the temple at Jerusalem with His parents, and when He was absent from the returning company, He is found sitting with the elders and disputing among the wondering masters and rendering an account of His remaining behind: "why is it," He says, "that ye sought Me? did ye not know that I must be in that which is My Father's".
[16:23] ," signifying that He was the Son of Him whose temple He was in.
[16:24] Once more when in later years He was to be declared more openly and sought out the baptism of His forerunner John, was there any doubt of His being God remaining when after the baptism of the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit in form of a dove descended and rested upon Him, and the Father's voice was heard from the skies, "Thou art My beloved Son: in Thee I am well pleased".
[16:25] ?" All these things we have alluded to with as much brevity as possible for this reason, that you may know, beloved, that though all the days of Christ's life were hallowed by many mighty works of His".
[16:26] , and though in all His actions mysterious sacraments".
[16:27] shone forth, yet at one time intimations of events were given by signs, and at one time fulfilment realized: and that all the Saviour's works that are recorded are not suitable to the time of baptism.
[16:28] For if we were to commemorate with indiscriminate honour these things also which we know to have been done by the Lord after His baptism by the blessed John, His whole lifetime would have to be observed in a continuous succession of festivals, because all His acts were full of miracles.
[16:29] But because the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge so instructed the Apostles and teachers of the whole Church as to allow nothing disordered or confused to exist in our Christian observances, we must discern the relative importance of the various solemnities and observe a reasonable distinction in all the institutions of our fathers and rulers: for we cannot otherwise "be one flock and one shepherd".
[16:30] ," except as the Apostle teaches us, "that we all speak the same thing: and that we be perfected in the same mind and in the same judgment".
[16:31] IV.
[16:32] The reason explained why Easter and Whitsuntide are the proper seasons for baptism.
[16:33] Although, therefore, both these things which are connected with Christ's humiliation and those which are connected with His exaltation meet in one and the same Person, and all that is in Him of Divine power and human weakness conduces to the accomplishment of our restoration: yet it is appropriate that the power of baptism should change the old into the new creature on the death-day of the Crucified and the Resurrection-day of the Dead: that Christ's death and His resurrection may operate in the re-born".
[16:34] , as the blessed Apostle says: "Are ye ignorant that all we who were baptized in Christ Jesus, were baptized in His death? We were buried with Him through baptism into death; that as Christ rose from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also should walk in newness of life.
[16:35] For if we have become united with the likeness of His death, we shall be also (with the likeness) of His resurrection".
[16:36] ," and the rest which the Teacher of the Gentiles discusses further in recommending the sacrament of baptism: that it might be seen from the spirit of this doctrine that that is the day, and that the time chosen for regenerating the sons of men and adopting them among the sons of God, on which by a mystical symbolism and form".
[16:37] , what is done in the limbs coincides with what was done in the Head Himself, for in the baptismal office death ensues through the slaying of sin, and threefold immersion imitates the lying in the tomb three days, and the raising out of the water is like Him that rose again from the tomb".
[16:38] The very nature, therefore of the act teaches us that that is the recognized day for the general reception of the grace".
[16:39] , on which the power of the gift and the character of the action originated.
[16:40] And this is strongly corroborated by the consideration that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, after He rose from the dead, handed on both the form and power of baptizing to His disciples, in whose person all the chiefs of the churches received their instructions with these words, "Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost".
[16:41] On which of course He might have instructed them even before His passion, had He not especially wished it to be understood that the grace of regeneration began with His resurrection.
[16:42] It must be added, indeed, that the solemn season of Pentecost, hallowed by the coming of the Holy Ghost is also allowed, being as it were, the sequel and completion of the Paschal feast.
[16:43] And while other festivals are held on other days of the week, this festival (of Pentecost) always occurs on that day, which is marked by the Lord's resurrection: holding out, so to say, the hand of assisting grace and inviting those, who have been cut off from the Easter feast by disabling sickness or length of journey or difficulties of sailing, to gain the purpose that they long for through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
[16:44] For the Only-begotten of God Himself wished no difference to be felt between Himself and the Holy Spirit in the Faith of believers and in the efficacy of His works: because there is no diversity in their nature, as He says, "I will ask the Father and He shall give you another Comforter that He may be with you for ever, even the Spirit of Truth".
[16:45] ;" and again: "But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you".
[16:46] ;" and again: "When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He shall guide you into all the Truth".
[16:47] And thus, since Christ is the Truth, and the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth, and the name of "Comforter" appropriate to both, the two festivals are not dissimilar, where the sacrament is the same".
[16:48] V.
[16:49] S.
[16:50] Peter's example as an authority for Whitsuntide baptisms.
[16:51] And that we do not contend for this on our own conviction but retain it on Apostolic authority, we prove by a sufficiently apt example, following the blessed Apostle Peter, who, on the very day on which the promised coming of the Holy Ghost filled up the number of those that believed, dedicated to God in the baptismal font three thousand of the people who had been converted by his preaching.
[16:52] The Holy Scripture, which contains the Acts of Apostles".
[16:53] , teaches this in its faithful narrative, saying, "Now when they heard this they were pricked in the heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, what shall we do, brethren? But Peter said unto them, Repent ye and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, unto the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
[16:54] For to you is the promise, and to your children and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call unto Him.
[16:55] With many other words also he testified and exhorted them saying, Save yourselves from this crooked generation.
[16:56] They then that received his word were baptized, and there were added in that day about three thousand".
[16:57] VI.
[16:58] In cases of urgency other times are allowable for baptism.
[16:59] Wherefore, as it is quite clear that these two seasons of which we have been speaking are the rightful ones for baptizing the chosen in Church, we admonish you, beloved, not to add other days to this observance.
[16:60] Because, although there are other festivals also to which much reverence is due in God's honour, yet we must rationally guard this principal and greatest sacrament as a deep mystery and not part of the ordinary routine".
[16:61] : not, however, prohibiting the licence to succour those who are in danger by administering baptism to them at any time.
[16:62] For whilst we put off the vows of those who are not pressed by ill health and live in peaceful security to those two closely connected and cognate festivals, we do not at any time refuse this which is the only safeguard of true salvation to any one in peril of death, in the crisis of a siege, in the distress of persecution, in the terror of shipwreck.
[16:63] VII.
[16:64] Our Lord's baptism by John very different to the baptism of believers.
[16:65] But if any one thinks the feast of the Epiphany, which in proper degree is certainly to be held in due honour, claims the privilege of baptism because, according to some the Lord came to St.
[16:66] John's baptism on the same day, let him know that the grace of that baptism and the reason of it were quite different, and is not on an equal footing with the power by which they are re-born of the Holy Ghost, of whom it is said, "which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God".
[16:67] For the Lord who needed no remission of sin and sought not the remedy of being born again, desired to be baptized just as He desired to be circumcised, and to have a victim offered for His purification: that He, who had been "made of a woman".
[16:68] ," as the Apostle says, might become also "under the law" which He had come, "not to destroy but to fulfil".
[16:69] ," and by fulfilling to end, as the blessed Apostle proclaims, saying: "but Christ is the end of the law unto righteousness to every one that believeth".
[16:70] But the sacrament of baptism He founded in His own person".
[16:71] , because "in all things having the pre-eminence".
[16:72] ," He taught that He Himself was the Beginning.
[16:73] And He ratified the power of re-birth on that occasion, when from His side flowed out the blood of ransom and the water of baptism".
[16:74] As, therefore, the Old Testament was the witness to the new, and "the law was given by Moses: but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ".
[16:75] ;" as the divers sacrifices prefigured the one Victim, and the slaughter of many lambs was ended by the offering up of Him, of whom it is said, "Behold the Lamb of God; behold Him that taketh away the sin of the world".
[16:76] ;" so too John, not Christ, but Christ's forerunner, not the bridegroom, but the friend of the bridegroom, was so faithful in seeking, "not His own, but the things which are Jesus Christ's".
[16:77] ," as to profess himself unworthy to undo the shoes of His feet: seeing that He Himself indeed baptized "in water unto repentance," but He who with twofold power should both restore life and destroy sins, was about to "baptize in the Holy Ghost and fire".
[16:78] As then, beloved brethren, all these distinct proofs come before you, whereby to the removal of all doubt you recognize that in baptizing the elect who, according to the Apostolic rule have to be purged by exorcisms, sanctified by fastings and instructed by frequent sermons, two seasons only are to be observed, viz.
[16:79] Easter and Whitsuntide: we charge you, brother, to make no further departure from the Apostolic institutions.
[16:80] Because hereafter no one who thinks the Apostolic rules can be set at defiance will go unpunished.
[16:81] VIII.
[16:82] The Sicilian bishops are to send three of their number to each of the half-yearly meetings of bishops at Rome.
[16:83] Wherefore we require this first and foremost for the keeping of perfect harmony, that, according to the wholesome rule of the holy Fathers that there should be two meetings of bishops every year".
[16:84] , three of you should appear without fail each time, on the 29th of September, to join in the council of the brethren: for thus, by the aid of God's grace, we shall the easier guard against the rise of offences and errors in Christ's Church: and this council must always meet and deliberate in the presence of the blessed Apostle Peter, that all his constitutions and canonical decrees may remain inviolate with all the Lord's priests.
[16:85] These matters, upon which we thought it necessary to instruct you by the inspiration of the Lord, we wish brought to your knowledge by our brothers and fellow-bishops, Bacillus and Paschasinus.
[16:86] May we learn by their report that the institutions of the Apostolic See are reverently observed by you.
[16:87] Dated 21 Oct.
[16:88] , in the consulship of the illustrious Alipius and Ardaburis (447).
[17:1] Letter XVII".
[17:2] To All the Bishops of Sicily.
[17:3] (Forbidding the sale of church property except for the advantage of the church).
[17:4] Leo, the pope".
[17:5] , to all the bishops of Sicily.
[17:6] The occasion of specific complaints claims our attention as having "the care of all the churches," that we should make a perpetual decree precluding all bishops from adopting as a practice what in two churches of your province has been unscrupulously suggested and wrongfully carried out.
[17:7] Upon the clergy of the church in Tauromenium deploring the destitution they were in from the bishop having squandered all its estates by selling, giving away, and otherwise disposing of them, the clergy of Panormus, who have lately had a new bishop, raised a similar complaint about the misgovernment of the former bishop in the holy synod, at which we were presiding.
[17:8] Although, therefore, we have already given instructions as to what is for the advantage of both Churches, yet lest this vicious example of abominable plundering should hereafter be taken as a precedent, we wish to make this our formal command binding on you, beloved, for ever.
[17:9] We decree, therefore, that no bishop without exception shall dare to give away, or to exchange, or to sell any of the property of his church: unless he foresees an advantage likely to accrue from so doing, and after consultation with the whole of the clergy, and with their consent he decides upon what will undoubtedly profit that church.
[17:10] For presbyters, or deacons, or clerics of any rank who have connived at the churches losses, must know that they will be deprived of both rank and communion: because it is absolutely fair, beloved brethren, that not only the bishop, but also the whole of the clergy should advance the interests of their church and keep the gifts unimpaired of those who have contributed their own substance to the churches for the salvation of their souls.
[17:11] Dated 20 Oct.
[17:12] , in the consulship of the illustrious Calepius (447).
[18:1] Letter XVIII.
[18:2] To Januarius, Bishop of Aquileia".
[18:3] Leo, bishop of the city of Rome, to Januarius, bishop of Aquileia.
[18:4] Those who renounce heresy and schism and return to the Church must make their recantation very clear: those who are clerics may retain their rank but not be promoted.
[18:5] On reading your letter, brother, we recognized the vigour of your faith, which we already were aware of, and congratulate you on the watchful care you bestow as pastor, on the keeping of Christ's flock: lest the wolves, that enter in under guise of sheep, should tear the simple ones to pieces in their bestial fierce ness, and not only themselves run riot without restraint, but also spoil those which are sound.
[18:6] And lest the vipery deceit should effect this, we have thought it meet to warn you, beloved, reminding you that it is at the peril of his soul, for any one of them who has fallen away from us into a sect of heretics and schismatics".
[18:7] , and stained himself to whatever extent with the pollution of heretical communion, to be received into catholic communion on coming to his senses without making legitimate and express satisfaction.
[18:8] For it is most wholesome and full of all the benefits of spiritual healing that presbyters or deacons, or sub-deacons or clerics of any rank, who wish to appear reformed, and entreat to return once more to the catholic Faith which they had long ago lost, should first confess without ambiguity that their errors and the authors of the errors themselves are condemned by them, that their base opinions may be utterly destroyed, and no hope survive of their recurrence, and that no member may be harmed by contact with them, every point having been met with its proper recantation.
[18:9] With regard to them we also order the observance of this regulation of the canons".
[18:10] , that they consider it a great indulgence, if they be allowed to remain undisturbed in their present rank without any hope of further advancement: but only on consideration of their not being defiled with second baptism".
[18:11] No slight penalty does he incur from the Lord, who judges any such person fit to be advanced to Holy Orders.
[18:12] If advancement is granted to those who are without blame, only after full examination, how much more ought it to be refused to those who are under suspicion.
[18:13] Accordingly, beloved brother, in whose devotion we rejoice, bestow your care on our directions, and take order for the circumspect and speedy carrying out of these laudable suggestions and wholesome injunctions, which affect the welfare of the whole Church.
[18:14] But do not doubt, beloved, that, if what we decree for the observance of the canons, and the integrity of the Faith be neglected (which we do not anticipate), we shall be strongly moved: because the faults of the lower orders are to be referred to none more than to slothful and careless governors, who often foster much disease by refusing to apply the needful remedy.
[18:15] Dated 30 Dec.
[18:16] , in the consulship of the illustrious Calepius and Ardaburis (447).
[19:1] Letter XIX.
[19:2] To Dorus, Bishop of Beneventum.
[19:3] Leo, bishop, to Dorus his well-beloved brother.
[19:4] I.
[19:5] He rebukes Dorus for allowing a junior presbyter to be promoted over the heads of the seniors, and the first and second in seniority for acquiescing.
[19:6] We grieve that the judgment, which we hoped to entertain of you, has been frustrated by our ascertaining that you have done things which by their blame-worthy novelty infringe the whole system of Church discipline: although you know full well with what care we wish the provisions of the canons to be kept through all the churches of the Lord, and the priests of all the peoples to consider it their especial duty to prevent the violation of the rules of the holy constitutions by any extravagances.
[19:7] We are surprised, therefore, that you who ought to have been a strict observer of the injunctions of the Apostolic See have acted so carelessly, or rather so contumaciously, as to show yourself not a guardian, but a breaker of the laws handed on to you.
[19:8] For from the report of your presbyter, Paul, which is subjoined, we have learnt that the order of the presbyterate has been thrown into confusion with you by strange intrigues and vile collusion; in such a way that one man has been hastily and prematurely promoted, and others passed over whose advancement was recommended by their age, and who were charged with no fault.
[19:9] But if the eagerness of an intriguer or the ignorant zeal of his supporters demanded that which custom never allowed, viz.
[19:10] , that a beginner should be preferred to veterans, and a mere boy to men of years, it was your duty by diligence and teaching to check the improper desires of the petitioners with all reasonable authority: lest he whom you advanced hastily to the priestly rank should enter on his office to the detriment of those with whom he associated and become demoralized by the growth within him, not of the virtue of humility, but of the vice of conceit".
[19:11] For you were not unaware that the Lord had said that "he that humbleth himself shall be exalted: but he that exalteth himself shall be humbled".
[19:12] ," and also had said, "but ye seek from little to increase, and from the greater to be less".
[19:13] For both actions are out of order and out of place".
[19:14] : and all the fruit of men's labours is lost, all the measure of their deserts is rendered void, if the gaining of dignity is proportioned to the amount of flattery used: so that the eagerness to be eminent belittles not only the aspirer himself, but also him that connives at him.
[19:15] But if, as is asserted, the first and second presbyter were so agreeable to Epicarpius being put over their heads as to demand his being honoured to their own disgrace, that which they wished ought not to have been granted them when they were voluntarily degrading themselves: because it would have been worthier of you to oppose than to yield to such a pitiable wish.
[19:16] But their base and cowardly submission could not be to the prejudice of others whose consciences were good, and who had not done despite to God's grace; so that, whatever the transaction was whereby they gave up their precedence to another, they could not lower the dignity of those that came next to them, nor because they had placed the last above themselves, could he take precedence of the rest.
[19:17] II.
[19:18] The presbyters, who gave way, to be degraded with the usurper to the bottom: the rest to keep their places.
[19:19] The aforesaid presbyters, therefore, who have declared themselves unworthy of their proper rank, though they even deserved to be deprived of their priesthood; yet, that we may show the gentleness of the Apostolic See in sparing them, are to be put last of all the presbyters of the Church: and that they may bear their own sentence, they shall be below him also whom they preferred to themselves by their own judgment: all the other presbyters remaining in the order which the time of his ordination assigns to each.
[19:20] And let none except the two aforesaid suffer any loss of dignity, but let this disgrace attach to those only who chose to put themselves below a junior who had only lately been ordained: that they may feel that that sentence of the gospels applies to themselves when it is said: "with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, the same shall be measured unto you".
[19:21] But let Paul the presbyter retain his place from which with praiseworthy firmness he did not budge: and let no further encroachments be made to any one's harm: so that you, beloved, who not undeservedly get the discredit of the whole matter, may with all speed take measures to cure it at least by putting these our injunctions into effect; lest, if a second time a just complaint be lodged with us, we be forced into stronger displeasure: for we would rather restore discipline by correcting what is done wrong, than increase the punishment.
[19:22] Know that we have entrusted the carrying out of our commands to our brother and fellow-bishop Julius, that all things may straightway be established, as we have ordained.
[19:23] Dated 8th March, in the consulship of the illustrious Postumianus (448).
[20:1] Letter XX.
[20:2] To Eutyches, an Abbot of Constantinople.
[20:3] Leo, the bishop, to his dearly-beloved son, Eutyches, presbyter.
[20:4] He thanks him for his information about the revival of Nestorianism and commends his zeal.
[20:5] You have brought to our knowledge, beloved, by your letter that through the activity of some".
[20:6] the heresy of Nestorius has been again reviving.
[20:7] We reply that your solicitude in this matter has pleased us, since the remarks we have received are an indication of your mind.
[20:8] Wherefore do not doubt that the Lord, the Founder of the catholic Faith, will befriend you in all things.
[20:9] And when we have been able to ascertain more fully by whose wickedness this happens, we must make provision with the help of God for the complete uprooting of this poisonous growth which has long ago been condemned.
[20:10] God keep thee safe, my beloved son.
[20:11] Dated 1st June, in the consulship of the illustrious Postumianus and Zeno (448).
[21:1] Letter XXI.
[21:2] From Eutyches to Leo".
[21:3] I.
[21:4] He states his account of the proceedings at the Synod.
[21:5] God the Word is before all else my witness, being confident of my hope and faith in Christ the Lord and God of all, and discerning the proof of my holding the truth in these matters: but I call on your holiness, too, to bear witness to my heart and to the reasonableness of my opinions and words.
[21:6] But the wicked devil has exercised his evil influence upon my zeal and determination, whereby his power ought to have been destroyed.
[21:7] Whereupon he has exerted all his proper power and aroused Eusebius, bishop of the town of Dorylaeum, against me, who presented an allegation".
[21:8] to the holy bishop of the church in Constantinople, Flavian, and to certain others whom he found in the same city assembled on various matters of their own: in this he called me heretic, not raising any true accusation but contriving destruction for me and disturbance for the churches of God.
[21:9] Their holinesses summoned me to reply to his accusation: but though I was delayed by a serious illness besides my advanced age, I came to clear myself, knowing well that a faction had been formed against my safety.
[21:10] And, indeed, together with a writ of appeal".
[21:11] to which my signature was appended, I offered them a statement showing my confession upon the holy Faith.
[21:12] But when the holy Flavian did not receive the document, nor order it to be read, yet heard me in reply utter word for word that Faith which was put forth at Nicaea by the holy Synod, and confirmed at Ephesus, I was required to acknowledge two natures, and to anathematize those who denied this.
[21:13] But I, fearing the decision of the synod, and not wishing either to take away or to add one word contrary to the Faith put forth by the holy Synod of Nicaea, knowing, too, that our holy and blessed fathers and bishops Julius, Felix, Athanasius, and Gregorius".
[21:14] rejected the phrase "two natures," and not daring to discuss the nature of God the Word, who came into flesh in the last days entering the womb of the holy virgin Mary unchangeably as he willed and knew, becoming man in reality, not in fancy, nor yet venturing to anathematize our aforesaid Fathers, I asked them to let your holiness know these things, that you might judge what seemed right to you, undertaking by all means to follow your ruling.
[21:15] II.
[21:16] His explanations were allowed no hearing.
[21:17] But without listening to any thing which I said, they broke up the Synod and published the sentence of my degradation, which they were getting ready against me before the inquiry.
[21:18] So much slander were they factiously making up against me that even my safety would have been endangered had not the help of God at the intercession of your holiness quickly snatched me from the assault of military force.
[21:19] Then they began to force the heads of other monasteries".
[21:20] to subscribe to my degradation (a thing which was never done either towards those who have professed themselves heretics, nor even against Nestorius himself), insomuch that when to reassure the people I tried to set forth".
[21:21] statements of my faith, not only did they, who were plotting the aforesaid faction against me, prevent them being heard, but also seized them that straightway I might be held a heretic before all.
[21:22] III.
[21:23] He appeals to Leo for protection.
[21:24] I take refuge, therefore, with you the defender of religion and abhorrer of such factions, bringing in even still nothing strange against the faith as it was originally handed down to us, but anathematizing Apollinaris, Valentinus, Manes, and Nestorius, and those who say that the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour, descended from heaven and not from the Holy Ghost and from the holy Virgin, along with all heresies down to Simon Magus.
[21:25] Yet nevertheless I stand in jeopardy of my life as a heretic.
[21:26] I beseech you not to be prejudiced against me by their insidious designs about me, but to pronounce the sentence which shall seem to you right upon the Faith, and in future not to allow any slander to be uttered against me by this faction, nor let one be expelled and banished from the number of the orthodox who has spent his seventy years of life in continence and all chastity, so that at the very end of life he should suffer shipwreck.
[21:27] I have subjoined to this my letter both documents, that which was presented by my accuser at the Synod, and that which was brought by me but not received, as well as the statement of my faith and those things which have been decreed upon the two natures by our holy Fathers".
[21:28] Eutyches' Confession of Faith.
[21:29] I call upon you before God, who gives life to all things, and Christ Jesus, who witnessed that good confession under Pontius Pilate, that you do nothing by favour.
[21:30] For I have held the same as my forefathers and from my boyhood have been illuminated by the same Faith as that which was laid down by the holy Synod of 318 most blessed bishops who were gathered at Nicaea from the whole world, and which was confirmed and ratified afresh for sole acceptance by the holy Synod assembled at Ephesus: and I have never thought otherwise than as the right and only true orthodox Faith has enjoined.
[21:31] And I agree to everything that was laid down about the same Faith by the same holy Synod: of which Synod the leader and chief was Cyril of blessed memory bishop of the Alexandrians, the partner and sharer in the preaching and in the Faith of those saints and elect of God, Gregory the greater, and the other Gregory".
[21:32] , Basil, Athanasius, Atticus and Proclus.
[21:33] Him and all of them I have held orthodox and faithful, and have honoured as saints, and have esteemed my masters.
[21:34] But I utter an anathema on Nestorius, Apollinaris, and all heretics down to Simon, and those who say that the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ came down from heaven.
[21:35] For He who is the Word of God came down from heaven without flesh and was made flesh in the holy Virgin's womb unchangeably and unalterably as He Himself knew and willed.
[21:36] And He who was always perfect God before the ages, was also made perfect man in the end of the days for us and for our salvation.
[21:37] This my full profession may your holiness consider.
[21:38] I, Eutyches, presbyter and archimandrite, have subscribed to this statement with my own hand.
[22:1] Letter XXII".
[22:2] The first from Flavian, Bp.
[22:3] of Constantinople to Pope Leo.
[22:4] To the most holy and God-loving father and fellow-bishop, Leo, Flavian greeting in theLord.
[22:5] I.
[22:6] The designs of the devil have led Eutyches astray.
[22:7] There is nothing which can stay the devil's wickedness, that "restless evil, full of deadly poison".
[22:8] Above and below it "goes about," seeking "whom it may" strike, dismay, and "devour".
[22:9] Whence to watch, to be sober unto prayer, to draw near to God, to eschew foolish questionings, to follow the fathers and not to go beyond the eternal bounds, this we have learnt from Holy Writ.
[22:10] And so I give up the excess of grief and abundant tears over the capture of one of the clergy who are under me, and whom I could not save nor snatch from the wolf, although I was ready to lay down my life for him.
[22:11] How was he caught, how did he leap away, hating the voice of the caller and turning aside also from the memory of the Fathers and thoroughly detesting their paths.
[22:12] And thus I proceed with my account.
[22:13] II.
[22:14] The seductions of heretics capture the unwary.
[22:15] There are some "in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves".
[22:16] :" whom we know by their fruit.
[22:17] These men seem indeed at first to be of us, but they are not of us: "for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us".
[22:18] But when they have spewed out their impiety, throwing out the guile that is in them, and seizing the weaker ones, and those who have their senses unpractised in the divine utterances, they carry them along with themselves to destruction, wresting and doing despite to the Fathers' doctrines, just as they do the Holy Scriptures also to their own destruction: whom we must be forewarned of and take heed lest some should be misled by their wickedness and shaken in their firmness.
[22:19] "For they have sharpened their tongues like serpents: adder's poison is under their lips".
[22:20] ," as the prophet has cried out about them.
[22:21] III.
[22:22] Eutyches' heresy stated.
[22:23] Such a one, therefore, has now shown himself amongst us, Eutyches, for many years a presbyter and archimandrite".
[22:24] , pretending to hold the same belief as ours, and to have the right Faith in him: indeed he resists the blasphemy of Nestorius, and feigns a controversy with him, but the exposition of the Faith composed by the 318 holy fathers, and the letter that Cyril of holy memory wrote to Nestorius, and one by the same author on the same subject to the Easterns, these writings, to which all have given their assent, he has tried to upset, and revive the old evil dogmas of the blasphemous Valentinus and Apollinaris.
[22:25] He has not feared the warning of the True King: "Whoso shall cause one of the least of these little ones to stumble, it was better that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be sunk in the depth of the sea".
[22:26] But casting away all shame, and shaking off the cloak which covered his error".
[22:27] , he openly in our holy synod persisted in saying that our Lord Jesus Christ ought not to be understood by us as having two natures after His incarnation in one substance and in one person: nor yet that the Lord's flesh was of the same substance with us, as if assumed from us and united to God the Word hypostatically: but he said that the Virgin who bare him was indeed of the same substance with us according to the flesh, but the Lord Himself did not assume from her flesh of the same substance with us: but the Lord's body was not a man's body, although that which issued from the Virgin was a human body, resisting all the expositions of the holy Fathers.
[22:28] IV.
[22:29] He has sent Leo the minutes of their proceedings that he may see all the details.
[22:30] But not to make my letter too long by detailing everything, we have sent your holiness the proceedings which some time since we took in the matter: therein we deprived him as convicted on these charges, of his priesthood, of the management of his monastery and of our communion: in order that your holiness also knowing the facts of his case may make his wickedness manifest to all the God-loving bishops who are under your reverence; lest perchance if they do not know the views which he holds, and of which he has been openly convicted, they may be found to be in correspondence with him as a fellow-believer by letter or by other means.
[22:31] I and those who are with me give much greeting to you and to all the brotherhood in Christ.
[22:32] The Lord keep you in safety and prayer for us, O most God-Loving Father".
[23:1] Letter XXIII.
[23:2] To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
[23:3] To his well-beloved brother Flavian the bishop, Leo the bishop.
[23:4] I.
[23:5] He complains that Flavian has not sent him a full account of Eutyches' case.
[23:6] Seeing that our most Christian and merciful Emperor, in his holy and praiseworthy faith and anxiety for the peace of the Catholic Church, has sent us a letter".
[23:7] upon the matters which have roused the din of disturbance among you, we wonder, brother, that you have been able to keep silence to us upon the scandal that has been caused, and that you did not rather take measures for our being at once informed by your own report, that we might not have any doubt about the truth of the case.
[23:8] For we have received a document from the presbyter Eutyches".
[23:9] , who complains that on the accusation of bishop Eusebius he has been wrongfully deprived of communion, notwithstanding that he says he attended your summons and did not refuse his presence: and moreover asserts that he presented a deed of appeal in the very court, which was however not accepted: whereupon he was forced to put forth letters of defence".
[23:10] in the city of Constantinople.
[23:11] Pending which matter we do not yet know with what justice he has been separated from the communion of the Church.
[23:12] But having regard to the importance of the matter, we wish to know the reason of your action and to have the whole thing brought to our knowledge: for we, who desire the judgments of the Lord's priests to be deliberate, cannot without information decide one way or another, until we have all the proceedings accurately before us.
[23:13] II.
[23:14] And now demands it.
[23:15] And therefore, brother, signify to us in a full account by the hand of the most fit and competent person, what innovation has arisen against the ancient faith, which needed to be corrected by so severe a sentence.
[23:16] For both the moderation of the Church and the devout faith of our most godly prince insist upon our showing much anxiety for the peace of Christendom: that dissensions may be cleared away and the Catholic Faith kept unimpaired, and that those whose faith has been proved may be fortified by our authority, when those who maintain what is wrong have been recalled from their error.
[23:17] And no difficulty can arise on this side, since the said presbyter has professed himself by his own statement, ready to be corrected if anything be found in him worthy of rebuke.
[23:18] For it beseems us in such matters to take every precaution that charity be kept and the Truth defended without the din of strife.
[23:19] And therefore because you see, beloved, that we are anxious about so great a matter, hasten to inform us of everything in as full and clear a manner as possible (for this ought to have been done before), lest in the cross-statements of both sides we be misled by some uncertainty, and the dissension, which ought to be stifled in its infancy, be fostered: for our heart is impressed by God's inspiration with the need of saving from violation by anyone's misinterpretation those constitutions of the venerable fathers which have received Divine ratification and belong to the groundwork of the Faith.
[23:20] God keep thee safe, dear brother.
[23:21] Dated 18 February (449), in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes.
[24:1] Letter XXIV.
[24:2] To Theodosius Augustus II.
[24:3] Leo the bishop, to Theodosius Augustus.
[24:4] I.
[24:5] He praises the Emperor's piety and mentions Eutyches' appeal.
[24:6] How much protection the Lord has vouchsafed His Church through your clemency and faith, is shown again by this letter which you have sent me: so that we rejoice at there being not only a kingly, but also a priestly mind within you.
[24:7] Seeing that, besides your imperial and public cares, you have a most devout anxiety for the Christian religion, lest schisms or heresies or other offences should grow up among God's people.
[24:8] For your realm is then in its best state when men serve the eternal and unchangeable Trinity by the confession of one Godhead".
[24:9] What the disturbance was which occurred in the Church of Constantinople, and which could have so moved my brother and fellow-bishop Flavian, that he deprived Eutyches, the presbyter, of communion, I have not yet been able to understand clearly.
[24:10] For although the aforesaid presbyter sent in writing a complaint concerning his trouble to the Apostolic See, yet he only briefly touched on some points, asserting that he kept the constitutions of the Nicene synod and had been vainly blamed for difference of faith.
[24:11] II.
[24:12] He finds fault with Flavian's silence.
[24:13] But the statement of bishop Eusebius, his accuser, copies of which the said presbyter has sent us, contained nothing clear about his objections, and though he charged a presbyter with heresy, he did not say expressly what opinion he disapproved of in him: although the bishop himself also professed that he adhered to the decrees of the Nicene synod: for which reason we had no means of learning anything more fully.
[24:14] And because the method of our Faith and the laudable anxiety shown by your piety requires the merits of the case to be known, there must now be no place allowed for deception, but we must be informed of the points on which he considers him unsound, that the right judgment may be passed after full information.
[24:15] I have sent a letter to the aforesaid bishop, from which he may gather that I am displeased at his still keeping silence upon what has been done in so grave a matter, when he ought to have been forward in disclosing all to us at the outset: and we believe that even after the reminder he will acquaint us with the whole, in order that, when what now seems obscure, has been brought into the light, judgment may be passed agreeably to the teaching of the Gospels and the Apostles.
[24:16] Dated the 18th of February".
[24:17] , in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[25:1] Letter XXV.
[25:2] From Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, to Eutyches, the Presbyter.
[25:3] [In answer to a letter from Eutyches, he urges him to accept the decisions of the Church on the Faith in fear and without too close inquiry, and to abide by the ruling of the bishop of Rome.
[25:4] ].
[26:1] Letter XXVI".
[26:2] A Second One from Flavian to Leo.
[26:3] To the most holy and blessed father and fellow-minister Leo, Flavian greeting in the Lord.
[26:4] I.
[26:5] Eutyches' heresy restated.
[26:6] Nothing, as you know, most beloved of God, is more precious to priests than piety and the right dividing of the word of truth.
[26:7] For all our hope and safety, and the recompense of promised good depend thereon.
[26:8] For this reason we must take all pains about the true Faith, and those things which have been set forth and decreed by the holy Fathers, that always, and in all circumstances, they may be kept and guarded whole and uninjured.
[26:9] And so it was necessary on the present occasion for us, who see the orthodox Faith suffering harm, and the heresy of Apollinaris and Valentinus being revived by the wicked monk Eutyches, not to overlook it, but publicly to disclose it for the people's safety.
[26:10] For this man: this Eutyches, keeping his diseased and sickly opinion hid within him, has dared to attack our gentleness, and unblushingly and shamelessly to instil his own blasphemy into many minds: saying that before the Incarnation indeed, our Saviour Jesus Christ had two natures, Godhead and manhood: but that after the union they became one nature; not knowing".
[26:11] what he says, or on what he is speaking so decidedly.
[26:12] For even the union of the two natures that came together in Christ did not, as your piety knows, confuse their properties in the process: but the properties of the two natures remain entire even in the union.
[26:13] And he added another blasphemy also, saying that the Lord's body which sprang from Mary was not of our substance, nor of human matter: but, though he calls it human, he refuses to say it was consubstantial with us or with her who bare him, according to the flesh".
[26:14] II.
[26:15] The means Eutyches has taken to circumvent the Synod.
[26:16] And this notwithstanding that the acts of Ephesus".
[26:17] , in the letter written by the holy and ecumenical synod to the wicked and deposed Nestorius, contain these express words: "the natures which came together to form true unity are indeed different: and yet from them both there is but one Christ and Son.
[26:18] Not as if the difference between the two natures was done away with through the union, but rather that these same natures, His Godhead and His Manhood perfected for us one Lord Jesus Christ, through an ineffable and incomprehensible meeting which resulted in unity".
[26:19] And this does not escape your holiness, who have no doubt read the record of what was done at Ephesus.
[26:20] Yet this same Eutyches attaching no weight to these words, thinks he is not liable to the penalties fixed by that holy and ecumenical synod.
[26:21] For this reason, finding that many of the simpler-minded folk were injured in their faith by his contention, upon his being accused by the devout Bishop Eusebius, and upon his attending at the holy council, and with his own mouth declaring what he thought to the members of the synod, we have deposed him for his estrangement from the true Faith, as your holiness will learn from the resolutions passed about him: which we have sent with this our letter.
[26:22] Moreover, it is fair in my opinion that you should be told this also that this same Eutyches, after suffering just and canonical deposition, instead of making amends for his earlier by his later conduct".
[26:23] , and appeasing God by careful penitence and many tears, and by a true repentance, comforting our heart which was greatly saddened at his fall: not only did not do so, but even made every effort to throw the most holy church of this place into confusion: setting up in public placards full of insults and maledictions, and beyond this addressing his entreaties to our most religious and Christ-loving Emperor, and these too over-flowing with arrogance and sauciness, whereby he tried to override the divine canons in everything.
[26:24] III.
[26:25] He acknowledges the receipt of Leo's letter.
[26:26] But after all this had occurred, your holiness' letter was conveyed to us by the most honourable count Pansophius: and from it we learnt that the same Eutyches had sent you a letter full of falsehood and cunning, saying that at the time of trial he had presented letters of appeal to us, and to the holy synod of bishops who were then present, and had appealed to your holiness: this he certainly never did, but in this matter, too, he has been guilty of deceit, like the father of lies, thinking to gain your ear.
[26:27] Therefore, most holy father, being stirred by all that he has ventured, and by what has been done, and is being done against us and the most holy Church, use your accustomed promptitude as becomes the priesthood, and in defending the commonweal and peace of the holy churches, consent by your own letter".
[26:28] to endorse the resolution that has been canonically passed against him, and to confirm the faith of our most religious and Christ-loving Emperor.
[26:29] For the matter only requires your weight and support, which through your wisdom will at once bring about general peace and quietness.
[26:30] For thus both the heresy which has arisen, and the disorder it has excited, will easily be appeased by God's assistance through a letter from you: and the rumoured synod will also be prevented, and so the most holy churches throughout the world need not be disturbed.
[26:31] I and all that are with me salute all the brethren that are with you.
[26:32] May you be granted to us safe in the Lord, and still praying for us, O most God-Loving and Holy Father.
[27:1] Letter XXVII.
[27:2] To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
[27:3] Leo to Flavian, bishop of Constantinople.
[27:4] An acknowledgment of Flavian's first letter and a promise of a fuller reply.
[27:5] On the first opportunity we could find, which was the coming of our honourable son Rodanus, we acknowledge, beloved, the arrival of your packet".
[27:6] , which was to give us information about the case which has been stirred up to our grief among you by misguided error.
[27:7] Since this man, who has long seemed to be religiously disposed, has expressed himself in the Faith otherwise than is right, though he never ought to have departed from the catholic tradition, but to have persevered in the same belief as is held by all.
[27:8] But on this matter we are replying more fully".
[27:9] by him who brought your letter to us, beloved: that we may give you all necessary instructions, beloved, on the whole matter.
[27:10] For we do not allow either him to persist in his perverse conviction; or you, beloved, who with such faithful zeal are resisting his wrong and foolish error to be long disturbed by the adversary's opposition.
[27:11] Our aforesaid son, by whom we are sending this letter, we desire you to receive with the affection he deserves, and to reply when he returns to us.
[27:12] Dated 21st May in the consulship of Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[28:1] Letter XXVIII.
[28:2] To Flavian commonly called "the Tome".
[28:3] I.
[28:4] Eutyches has been driven into his error by presumption and ignorance".
[28:5] Having read your letter, beloved, at the late arrival of which we are surprised".
[28:6] , and having perused the detailed account of the bishops' acts".
[28:7] , we have at last found out what the scandal was which had arisen among you against the purity of the Faith: and what before seemed concealed has now been unlocked and laid open to our view: from which it is shown that Eutyches, who used to seem worthy of all respect in virtue of his priestly office, is very unwary and exceedingly ignorant, so that it is even of him that the prophet has said: "he refused to understand so as to do well: he thought upon iniquity in his bed".
[28:8] But what more iniquitous than to hold blasphemous opinions".
[28:9] , and not to give way to those who are wiser and more learned than ourself.
[28:10] Now into this unwisdom fall they who, finding themselves hindered from knowing the truth by some obscurity, have recourse not to the prophets' utterances, not to the Apostles' letters, nor to the injunctions of the Gospel but to their own selves: and thus they stand out as masters of error because they were never disciples of truth.
[28:11] For what learning has he acquired about the pages of the New and Old Testament, who has not even grasped the rudiments of the Creed? And that which, throughout the world, is professed by the mouth of every one who is to be born again".
[28:12] , is not yet taken in by the heart of this old man.
[28:13] II.
[28:14] Concerning the twofold nativity and nature of Christ.
[28:15] Not knowing, therefore, what he was bound to think concerning the incarnation of the Word of God, and not wishing to gain the light of knowledge by researches through the length and breadth of the Holy Scriptures, he might at least have listened attentively to that general and uniform confession, whereby the whole body of the faithful confess that they believe in God the Father Almighty, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son".
[28:16] , our Lord, who was born of the Holy Spirit and".
[28:17] the Virgin Mary.
[28:18] By which three statements the devices of almost all heretics are overthrown.
[28:19] For not only is God believed to be both Almighty and the Father, but the Son is shown to be co-eternal with Him, differing in nothing from the Father because He is God from God".
[28:20] , Almighty from Almighty, and being born from the Eternal one is co-eternal with Him; not later in point of time, not lower in power, not unlike in glory, not divided in essence: but at the same time the only begotten of the eternal Father was born eternal of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.
[28:21] And this nativity which took place in time took nothing from, and added nothing to that divine and eternal birth, but expended itself wholly on the restoration of man who had been deceived".
[28:22] : in order that he might both vanquish death and overthrow by his strength".
[28:23] , the Devil who possessed the power of death.
[28:24] For we should not now be able to overcome the author of sin and death unless He took our nature on Him and made it His own, whom neither sin could pollute nor death retain.
[28:25] Doubtless then, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit within the womb of His Virgin Mother, who brought Him forth without the loss of her virginity, even as she conceived Him without its loss.
[28:26] But if he could not draw a rightful understanding (of the matter) from this pure source of the Christian belief, because he had darkened the brightness of the clear truth by a veil of blindness peculiar to himself, he might have submitted himself to the teaching of the Gospels.
[28:27] And when Matthew speaks of "the Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham".
[28:28] ," he might have also sought out the instruction afforded by the statements of the Apostles.
[28:29] And reading in the Epistle to the Romans, "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called an Apostle, separated unto the Gospel of God, which He had promised before by His prophets in the Holy Scripture concerning His son, who was made unto Him".
[28:30] of the seed of David after the flesh".
[28:31] ," he might have bestowed a loyal carefulness upon the pages of the prophets.
[28:32] And finding the promise of God who says to Abraham, "In thy seed shall all nations be blest".
[28:33] ," to avoid all doubt as to the reference of this seed, he might have followed the Apostle when He says, "To Abraham were the promises made and to his seed.
[28:34] He saith not and to seeds, as if in many, but as it in one, and to thy seed which is Christ".
[28:35] Isaiah's prophecy also he might have grasped by a closer attention to what he says, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is interpreted "God with us".
[28:36] And the same prophet's words he might have read faithfully.
[28:37] "A child is born to us, a Son is given to us, whose power is upon His shoulder, and they shall call His name the Angel of the Great Counsel, Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace, the Father of the age to come".
[28:38] And then he would not speak so erroneously as to say that the Word became flesh in such a way that Christ, born of the Virgin's womb, had the form of man, but had not the reality of His mother's body".
[28:39] Or is it possible that he thought our Lord Jesus Christ was not of our nature for this reason, that the angel, who was sent to the blessed Mary ever Virgin, says, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: and therefore that Holy Thing also that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".
[28:40] ," on the supposition that as the conception of the Virgin was a Divine act, the flesh of the conceived did not partake of the conceiver's nature? But that birth so uniquely wondrous and so wondrously unique, is not to be understood in such wise that the properties of His kind were removed through the novelty of His creation.
[28:41] For though the Holy Spirit imparted fertility to the Virgin, yet a real body was received from her body; and, "Wisdom building her a house".
[28:42] ," "the Word became flesh and dwelt in us".
[28:43] ," that is, in that flesh which he took from man and which he quickened with the breath of a higher life".
[28:44] III.
[28:45] The Faith and counsel of God in regard to the incarnation of the Word are set forth.
[28:46] Without detriment therefore to the properties of either nature and substance which then came together in one person".
[28:47] , majesty took on humility, strength weakness, eternity mortality: and for the paying off of the debt belonging to our condition inviolable nature was united with possible nature, so that, as suited the needs of our case".
[28:48] , one and the same Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, could both die with the one and not die with the other.
[28:49] ".
[28:50] Thus in the whole and perfect nature of true man was true God born, complete in what was His own, complete in what was ours.
[28:51] And by "ours" we mean what the Creator formed in us from the beginning and what He undertook to repair.
[28:52] For what the Deceiver brought in and man deceived committed, had no trace in the Saviour.
[28:53] Nor, because He partook of man's weaknesses, did He therefore share our faults.
[28:54] He took the form of a slave".
[28:55] without stain of sin, increasing the human and not diminishing the divine: because that emptying of Himself whereby the Invisible made Himself visible and, Creator and Lord of all things though He be, wished to be a mortal, was the bending down".
[28:56] of pity, not the failing of power.
[28:57] Accordingly He who while remaining in the form of God made man, was also made man in the form of a slave.
[28:58] For both natures retain their own proper character without loss: and as the form of God did not do away with the form of a slave, so the form of a slave did not impair the form of God.
[28:59] For inasmuch as the Devil used to boast that man had been cheated by his guile into losing the divine gifts, and bereft of the boon of immortality had undergone sentence of death, and that he had found some solace in his troubles from having a partner in delinquency".
[28:60] , and that God also at the demand of the principle of justice had changed His own purpose towards man whom He had created in such honour: there was need for the issue of a secret counsel, that the unchangeable God whose will cannot be robbed of its own kindness, might carry out the first design of His Fatherly care".
[28:61] towards us by a more hidden mystery".
[28:62] ; and that man who had been driven into his fault by the treacherous cunning of the devil might not perish contrary to the purpose of God".
[28:63] IV.
[28:64] The properties of the twofold nativity and nature of Christ are weighed one against another.
[28:65] There enters then these lower parts of the world the Son of God, descending from His heavenly home and yet not quitting His Father's glory, begotten in a new order by a new nativity.
[28:66] In a new order, because being invisible in His own nature, He became visible in ours, and He whom nothing could contain was content to be contained".
[28:67] : abiding before all time He began to be in time: the Lord of all things, He obscured His immeasurable majesty and took on Him the form of a servant: being God that cannot suffer, He did not disdain to be man that can, and, immortal as He is, to subject Himself to the laws of death.
[28:68] The Lord assumed His mother's nature without her faultiness: nor in the Lord Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin's womb, does the wonderfulness of His birth make His nature unlike ours.
[28:69] For He who is true God is also true man: and in this union there is no lie".
[28:70] , since the humility of manhood and the loftiness of the Godhead both meet there.
[28:71] For as God is not changed by the showing of pity, so man is not swallowed up by the dignity.
[28:72] For each form does what is proper to it with the co-operation of the other".
[28:73] ; that is the Word performing what appertains to the Word, and the flesh carrying out what appertains to the flesh.
[28:74] One of them sparkles with miracles, the other succumbs to injuries.
[28:75] And as the Word does not cease to be on an equality with His Father's glory, so the flesh does not forego the nature of our race.
[28:76] For it must again and again be repeated that one and the same is truly Son of God and truly son of man.
[28:77] God in that "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".
[28:78] ;" man in that "the Word became flesh and dwelt in us".
[28:79] God in that "all things were made by Him".
[28:80] , and without Him was nothing made:" man in that "He was made of a woman, made under law".
[28:81] The nativity of the flesh was the manifestation of human nature: the childbearing of a virgin is the proof of Divine power.
[28:82] The infancy of a babe is shown in the humbleness of its cradle".
[28:83] : the greatness of the Most High is proclaimed by the angels' voices".
[28:84] He whom Herod treacherously endeavours to destroy is like ourselves in our earliest stage".
[28:85] : but He whom the Magi delight to worship on their knees is the Lord of all.
[28:86] So too when He came to the baptism of John, His forerunner, lest He should not be known through the veil of flesh which covered His Divinity, the Father's voice thundering from the sky, said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".
[28:87] And thus Him whom the devil's craftiness attacks as man, the ministries of angels serve as God.
[28:88] To be hungry and thirsty, to be weary, and to sleep, is clearly human: but to satisfy 5,000 men with five loaves, and to bestow on the woman of Samaria living water, droughts of which can secure the drinker from thirsting any more, to walk upon the surface of the sea with feet that do not sink, and to quell the risings of the waves by rebuking the winds, is, without any doubt, Divine.
[28:89] Just as therefore, to pass over many other instances, it is not part of the same nature to be moved to tears of pity for a dead friend, and when the stone that closed the four-days' grave was removed, to raise that same friend to life with a voice of command: or, to hang on the cross, and turning day to night, to make all the elements tremble: or, to be pierced with nails, and yet open the gates of paradise to the robber's faith: so it is not part of the same nature to say, "I and the Father are one," and to say, "the Father is greater than I".
[28:90] For although in the Lord Jesus Christ God and man is one person, yet the source of the degradation, which is shared by both, is one, and the source of the glory, which is shared by both, is another.
[28:91] For His manhood, which is less than the Father, comes from our side: His Godhead, which is equal to the Father, comes from the Father.
[28:92] V.
[28:93] Christ's flesh is proved real from Scripture.
[28:94] Therefore in consequence of this unity of person which is to be understood in both natures".
[28:95] , we read of the Son of Man also descending from heaven, when the Son of God took flesh from the Virgin who bore Him.
[28:96] And again the Son of God is said to have been crucified and buried, although it was not actually in His Divinity whereby the Only-begotten is co-eternal and con-substantial with the Father, but in His weak human nature that He suffered these things.
[28:97] And so it is that in the Creed also we all confess that the Only-begotten Son of God was crucified and buried, according to that saying of the Apostle: "for if they had known, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory".
[28:98] But when our Lord and Saviour Himself would instruct His disciples' faith by His questionings, He said, "Whom do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" And when they had put on record the various opinions of other people, He said, "But ye, whom do ye say that I am?" Me, that is, who am the Son of Man, and whom ye see in the form of a slave, and in true flesh, whom do ye say that I am? Whereupon blessed Peter, whose divinely inspired confession was destined to profit all nations, said, "Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God".
[28:99] And not undeservedly was he pronounced blessed by the Lord, drawing from the chief corner-stone".
[28:100] the solidity of power which his name also expresses, he, who, through the revelation of the Father, confessed Him to be at once Christ and Son of God: because the receiving of the one of these without the other was of no avail to salvation, and it was equally perilous to have believed the Lord Jesus Christ to be either only God without man, or only man without God.
[28:101] But after the Lord's resurrection (which, of course, was of His true body, because He was raised the same as He had died and been buried), what else was effected by the forty days' delay than the cleansing of our faith's purity from all darkness? For to that end He talked with His disciples, and dwelt and ate with them, He allowed Himself to be handled with diligent and curious touch by those who were affected by doubt, He entered when the doors were shut upon the Apostles, and by His breathing upon them gave them the Holy Spirit".
[28:102] , and bestowing on them the light of understanding, opened the secrets of the Holy Scriptures".
[28:103] So again He showed the wound in His side, the marks of the nails, and all the signs of His quite recent suffering, saying, "See My hands and feet, that it is I.
[28:104] Handle Me and see that a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have".
[28:105] ;" in order that the properties of His Divine and human nature might be acknowledged to remain still inseparable: and that we might know the Word not to be different from the flesh, in such a sense as also to confess that the one Son of God is both the Word and flesh".
[28:106] Of this mystery of the faith".
[28:107] your opponent Eutyches must be reckoned to have but little sense if he has recognized our nature in the Only-begotten of God neither through the humiliation of His having to die, nor through the glory of His rising again.
[28:108] Nor has he any fear of the blessed apostle and evangelist John's declaration when he says, "every spirit which confesses Jesus Christ to have come in the flesh, is of God: and every spirit which destroys Jesus is not of God, and this is Antichrist".
[28:109] But what is "to destroy Jesus," except to take away the human nature from Him, and to render void the mystery, by which alone we were saved, by the most barefaced fictions.
[28:110] The truth is that being in darkness about the nature of Christ's body, he must also be befooled by the same blindness in the matter of His sufferings.
[28:111] For if he does not think the cross of the Lord fictitious, and does not doubt that the punishment He underwent to save the world is likewise true, let him acknowledge the flesh of Him whose death he already believes: and let him not disbelieve Him man with a body like ours, since he acknowledges Him to have been able to suffer: seeing that the denial of His true flesh is also the denial of His bodily suffering.
[28:112] If therefore he receives the Christian faith, and does not turn away his ears from the preaching of the Gospel: let him see what was the nature that hung pierced with nails on the wooden cross, and, when the side of the Crucified was opened by the soldier's spear, let him understand whence it was that blood and water flowed, that the Church of God might be watered from the font and from the cup".
[28:113] Let him hear also the blessed Apostle Peter, proclaiming that the sanctification of the Spirit takes place through the sprinkling of Christ's blood".
[28:114] And let him not read cursorily the same Apostle's words when he says, "Knowing that not with corruptible things, such as silver and gold, have ye been redeemed from your vain manner of life which is part of your fathers' tradition, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ as of a lamb without spot and blemish".
[28:115] Let him not resist too the witness of the blessed Apostle John, who says: "and the blood of Jesus the Son of God cleanseth us from all sin".
[28:116] And again: "this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith".
[28:117] And "who is He that overcometh the world save He that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.
[28:118] This is He that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ: not by water only, but by water and blood.
[28:119] And it is the Spirit that testifieth, because the Spirit is the truth".
[28:120] , because there are three that bear witness, the Spirit, the water and the blood, and the three are one".
[28:121] The Spirit, that is, of sanctification, and the blood of redemption, and the water of baptism: because the three are one, and remain undivided, and none of them is separated from this connection; because the catholic Church lives and progresses by this faith, so that in Christ Jesus neither the manhood without the true Godhead nor the Godhead without the true manhood is believed in.
[28:122] VI.
[28:123] The wrong and mischievous concession of Eutyches.
[28:124] The terms on which he may be restored to Communion.
[28:125] The sending of deputies to the east.
[28:126] But when during your cross-examination Eutyches replied and said, "I confess that our Lord had two natures before the union but after the union I confess but one".
[28:127] ," I am surprised that so absurd and mistaken a statement of his should not have been criticised and rebuked by his judges, and that an utterance which reaches the height of stupidity and blasphemy should be allowed to pass as if nothing offensive had been heard: for the impiety of saying that the Son of God was of two natures before His incarnation is only equalled by the iniquity of asserting that there was but one nature in Him after "the Word became flesh".
[28:128] And to the end that Eutyches may not think this a right or defensible opinion because it was not contradicted by any expression of yourselves, we warn you beloved brother, to take anxious care that if ever through the inspiration of God's mercy the case is brought to a satisfactory conclusion, his ignorant mind be purged from this pernicious idea as well as others.
[28:129] He was, indeed, just beginning to beat a retreat from his erroneous conviction, as the order of proceedings shows".
[28:130] , in so far as when hemmed in by your remonstrances he agreed to say what he had not said before and to acquiesce in that belief to which before he had been opposed.
[28:131] However, when he refused to give his consent to the anathematizing of his blasphemous dogma, you understood, brother".
[28:132] , that he abode by his treachery and deserved to receive a verdict of condemnation.
[28:133] And yet, if he grieves over it faithfully and to good purpose, and, late though it be, acknowledges how rightly the bishops' authority has been set in motion; or if with his own mouth and hand in your presence he recants his wrong opinions, no mercy that is shown to him when penitent can be found fault with".
[28:134] : because our Lord, that true and "good shepherd" who laid down His life for His sheep".
[28:135] and who came to save not lose men's souls".
[28:136] , wishes us to imitate His kindness".
[28:137] ; in order that while justice constrains us when we sin, mercy may prevent our rejection when we have returned.
[28:138] For then at last is the true Faith most profitably defended when a false belief is condemned even by the supporters of it.
[28:139] Now for the loyal and faithful execution of the whole matter, we have appointed to represent us our brothers Julius".
[28:140] Bishop and Renatus".
[28:141] priest [of the Title of S.
[28:142] Clement], as well as my son Hilary".
[28:143] , deacon.
[28:144] And with them we have associated Dulcitius our notary, whose faith is well approved: being sure that the Divine help will be given us, so that he who had erred may be saved when the wrongness of his view has been condemned.
[28:145] God keep you safe, beloved brother.
[28:146] The 13 June, 449, in the consulship of the most illustrious Asturius and Protogenes.
[29:1] Letter XXIX.
[29:2] To Theodosius Augustus.
[29:3] To Caesar Theodosius, the most religious and devout Augustus Leo pope of the CatholicChurch of the city of Rome".
[29:4] He notifies the appointment of his representatives at the Council of Ephesus.
[29:5] How much God's providence vouchsafes to consult for the interests of men is shown by your merciful care which, incited by God's Spirit, is unwilling that there should be any disturbance or difference: since the Faith, which is absolutely one, cannot be different from itself in any thing.
[29:6] Hence although Eutyches, as the minutes of the bishops' proceeds reveals, has been detected in an ignorant and unwise error, and ought to have withdrawn from his conviction which is rightly condemned, yet since your piety which loves the Catholic Truth with great jealousy for God's honour, has determined on a synodal judgment at Ephesus, that that Truth on which he is blind may be brought home to the ignorant old man; I have sent my brothers Julius the Bishop, Renatus the presbyter, and my son Hilary the deacon to act as my representatives as the matter requires, and they shall bring with them such a spirit of justice and kindness that while the whole misguided error is condemned (for there can be no doubt as to what is the integrity of the Christian Faith), yet if he who has gone astray repents and entreats for pardon, he may receive the succour of priestly indulgence: seeing that in his appeal".
[29:7] which he sent us, he reserved to himself the right of earning our forgiveness by promising to correct whatever our opinion disapproved of in his opinion.
[29:8] But what the catholic Church universally believes and teaches on the mystery of the Lord's Incarnation is contained more fully in the letter which I have sent to my brother and fellow-bishop Flavian.
[29:9] Dated 13th June in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[30:1] Letter XXX.
[30:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[30:3] Much shorter than, but to nearly the same effect as, xxxi.
[30:4] , which was written on the same day as this.
[30:5] As xxx.
[30:6] has a Greek translation accompanying it and is duly dated, whereas xxxi.
[30:7] has neither, the Ballerinii would seem to be correct in thinking that xxx.
[30:8] was despatched but did not reach Pulcheria (cf.
[30:9] Lett.
[30:10] xlv.
[30:11] i.
[30:12] ) and that xxxi.
[30:13] was for some reason never used.
[30:14] Of the two we have printed xxxi.
[30:15] by preference, as being the fuller discussion of the subject.
[31:1] Letter XXXI.
[31:2] To Pulcheria Augusta".
[31:3] Leo to Pulcheria Augusta.
[31:4] I.
[31:5] He reminds Pulcheria of her former services to the Church, and suggests her interference in the Eutychian controversy.
[31:6] How much protection the Lord has extended to His Church through your clemency, we have often tested by many signs.
[31:7] And whatever stand the strenuousness of the priesthood has made in our times against the assailers of the catholic Truth, has redounded chiefly to your glory: seeing that, as you have learnt from the teaching of the Holy Spirit, you submit your authority in all things to Him, by whose favour and under whose protection you reign.
[31:8] Wherefore, because I have ascertained from my brother and fellow-bishop Flavian's report, that a certain dispute has been raised through the agency of Eutyches in the church of Constantinople against the integrity of the Christian faith (and the text of the synod's minutes has shown me the exact nature of the whole matter), it is worthy of your great name that the error which in my opinion proceeds rather from ignorance than ingenuity, should be dispelled before, with the pertinacity of wrong-headedness, it gains any strength from the support of the unwise.
[31:9] Because even ignorance sometimes falls into serious mistakes, and very frequently the simple-minded rush through unwariness into the devil's pit: and it is thus, I believe, that the spirit of falsehood has crept over Eutyches: so that, whilst he imagines himself to appreciate the majesty of the Son of God more devoutly, by denying in Him the real presence of our nature, he came to the conclusion that the whole of that Word which "became flesh" was of one and the same essence.
[31:10] And greatly as Nestorius fell away from the Truth, in asserting that Christ was only born man of His mother, this man also departs no less far from the catholic path, who does not believe that our substance was brought forth from the same Virgin: wishing it of course to be understood as belonging to His Godhead only; so that that which took the form of a slave, and was like us and of the same form".
[31:11] , was a kind of image, not the reality of our nature.
[31:12] II.
[31:13] Man's salvation required the union of the two natures in Christ.
[31:14] But it is of no avail to say that our Lord, the Son of the blessed Virgin Mary, was true and perfect man, if He is not believed to be Man of that stock which is attributed to Him in the Gospel.
[31:15] For Matthew says, "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham".
[31:16] :" and follows the order of His human origin, so as to bring the lines of His ancestry down to Joseph to whom the Lord's mother was espoused.
[31:17] Whereas Luke going backwards step by step traces His succession to the first of the human race himself, to show that the first Adam and the last Adam were of the same nature.
[31:18] No doubt the Almighty Son of God could have appeared for the purpose of teaching, and justifying men in exactly the same way that He appeared both to patriarchs and prophets in the semblance of flesh".
[31:19] ; for instance, when He engaged in a struggle, and entered into conversation (with Jacob), or when He refused not hospitable entertainment, and even partook of the food set before Him.
[31:20] But these appearances were indications of that Man whose reality it was announced by mystic predictions would be assumed from the stock of preceding patriarchs.
[31:21] And the fulfilment of the mystery of our atonement, which was ordained from all eternity, was not assisted by any figures because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon the Virgin, and the power of the Most High had not over-shadowed her: so that "Wisdom building herself a house"".
[31:22] within her undefiled body, "the Word became flesh;" and the form of God and the form of a slave coming together into one person, the Creator of times was born in time; and He Himself through whom all things were made, was brought forth in the midst of all things.
[31:23] For if the New Man had not been made in the likeness of sinful flesh, and taken on Him our old nature, and being consubstantial with the Father, had deigned to be consubstantial with His mother also, and being alone free from sin, had united our nature to Him the whole human race would be held in bondage beneath the Devil's yoke".
[31:24] , and we should not be able to make use of the Conqueror's victory, if it had been won outside our nature.
[31:25] III.
[31:26] From the union of the two natures flows the grace of baptism.
[31:27] He makes a direct appeal to Pulcheria for her help.
[31:28] But from Christ's marvellous sharing of the two natures, the mystery of regeneration shone upon us that through the self-same spirit, through whom Christ was conceived and born, we too, who were born through the desire of the flesh, might be born again from a spiritual source: and consequently, the Evangelist speaks of believers as those "who were born not of bloods, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God".
[31:29] And of this unutterable grace no one is a partaker, nor can be reckoned among the adopted sons of God, who excludes from his faith that which is the chief means of our salvation.
[31:30] Wherefore, I am much vexed and saddened that this man, who seemed before so laudably disposed towards humility, dares to make these empty and stupid attacks on the one Faith of ourselves and of our fathers.
[31:31] When he saw that his ignorant notion offended the ears of catholics, he ought to have withdrawn from his opinion, and not to have so disturbed the Church's rulers, as to deserve a sentence of condemnation: which, of course, no one will be able to remit, if he is determined to abide by his notion.
[31:32] For the moderation of the Apostolic See uses its leniency in such a way as to deal severely with the contumacious, while desiring to offer pardon to those who accept correction.
[31:33] Seeing then that I possess great confidence in your lofty faith and piety, I entreat your illustrious clemency, that, as the preaching of the catholic Faith has always been aided by your holy zeal, so now, also, you will maintain its free action.
[31:34] Perchance the Lord allowed it to be thus assailed for this reason that we might discover what sort of persons lurked within the Church.
[31:35] And clearly, we must not neglect to look after such, lest we be afflicted with their actual loss.
[31:36] IV.
[31:37] His personal presence at the council must be excused.
[31:38] The question at issue is a very grave one.
[31:39] But the most august and Christian Emperor, being anxious that the disturbances may be set at rest with all speed, has appointed too short and early a date for the council of bishops, which he wishes held at Ephesus, in fixing the first of August for the meeting: for from the fifth of May, on which we received His Majesty's letter, most of the time remaining has to be spent in making complete arrangements for the journey of such priests as are competent to represent me.
[31:40] For as to the necessity of my attending the council also, which his piety suggested, even if there were any precedent for the request, it could by no means be managed now: for the very uncertain state of things at present would not permit my absence from the people of this great city: and the minds of the riotously-disposed might be driven to desperate deeds, if they were to think that I took occasion of ecclesiastical business to desert my country".
[31:41] and the Apostolic See.
[31:42] As then you recognize that it concerns the public weal that with your merciful indulgence I should not deny myself to the affectionate prayers of my people, consider that in these my brethren, whom I have sent in my stead, I also am present with the rest who appear: to them I have clearly and fully explained what is to be maintained in view of the satisfactory exposition of the case which has been given me by the detailed report, and by the defendant's own statement to me.
[31:43] For the question is not about some small portion of our Faith on which no very distinct declaration has been made: but the foolish opposition that is raised ventures to impugn that which our Lord desired no one of either sex in the Church to be ignorant of.
[31:44] For the short but complete confession of the catholic creed which contains the twelve sentences of the twelve apostles".
[31:45] is so well furnished with the heavenly panoply, that all the opinions of heretics can receive their death-blow from that one weapon.
[31:46] And if Eutyches had been content to receive that creed in its entirety with a pure and simple heart, he would at no point go astray from the decrees of the most sacred council of Nicaea, and he would understand that the holy Fathers laid this down, to the end that no mental or rhetorical ingenuity should lift itself up against the Apostolic Faith which is absolutely one.
[31:47] Deign then, with your accustomed piety to do your best endeavour, that this blasphemous and foolish attack upon the one and only sacrament of man's salvation may be driven from all men's minds.
[31:48] And if the man himself, who has fallen into this temptation, recover his senses, so as to condemn his own error by a written recantation, let him not be denied communion with his order".
[31:49] Your clemency is to know that I have written in the same strain to the holy bishop Flavian also: that loving-kindness be not lost sight of, if the error be dispelled.
[31:50] Dated 13 June in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[32:1] Letter XXXII.
[32:2] To the Archimandrites of Constantinople".
[32:3] To his well-beloved sons Faustus, Martinus, and the rest of the archimandrites, Leo the bishop.
[32:4] He acknowledges their zeal and refers them to the Tome.
[32:5] As on behalf of the faith which Eutyches has tried to disturb, I was sending legates de latere".
[32:6] to assist the defence of the Truth, I thought it fitting that I should address a letter to you also, beloved: whom I know for certain to be so zealous in the cause of religion that you can by no means listen calmly to such blasphemous and profane utterances: for the Apostle's command lingers in your hearts, in which it is said, "If any man hath preached unto you any gospel other than that which he received, let him be anathema".
[32:7] And we also decide that the opinion of the said Eutyches is to be rejected, which, as we have learnt from perusing the proceedings, has been deservedly condemned: so that, if its foolish maintainer will abide by his perverseness, he may have fellowship with those whose error he has followed.
[32:8] For one who says that Christ had not a human, that is our, nature, is deservedly put out of Christ's Church.
[32:9] But, if he be corrected through the pity of God's Spirit and acknowledge his wicked error, so as to condemn unreservedly what catholics reject, we wish him not to be denied mercy, that the Lord's Church may suffer no loss: for the repentant can always be readmitted, it is only error that must be shut out.
[32:10] Upon the mystery of great godliness".
[32:11] , whereby through the Incarnation of the Word of God comes our justification and redemption, what is our opinion, drawn from the tradition of the fathers, is now sufficiently explained according to my judgment in the letter which I have sent to our brother Flavian the bishop".
[32:12] : so that through the declaration of your chief you may know what, according to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, we desire to be fixed in the hearts of all the faithful.
[32:13] Dated 13th June, in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[33:1] Letter XXXIII.
[33:2] To the Synod of Ephesus".
[33:3] Leo, bishop, to the holy Synod which is assembled at Ephesus.
[33:4] I.
[33:5] He commends the Emperor's appeal to the chair of Peter.
[33:6] The devout faith of our most clement prince, knowing that it especially concerns his glory to prevent any seed of error from springing up within the catholic Church, has paid such deference to the Divine institutions as to apply to the authority of the Apostolic See for a proper settlement: as if he wished it to be declared by the most blessed Peter himself what was praised in his confession, when the Lord said, "whom do men say that I, the Son of man, am".
[33:7] ?" and the disciples mentioned various people's opinion: but, when He asked what they themselves believed, the chief of the apostles, embracing the fulness of the Faith in one short sentence, said, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God".
[33:8] :" that is, Thou who truly art Son of man art also truly Son of the living God: Thou, I say, true in Godhead, true in flesh and one altogether".
[33:9] , the properties of the two natures being kept intact.
[33:10] And if Eutyches had believed this intelligently and thoroughly, he would never have retreated from the path of this Faith.
[33:11] For Peter received this answer from the Lord for his confession.
[33:12] "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is in heaven.
[33:13] And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church: and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it".
[33:14] But he who both rejects the blessed Peter's confession, and gainsays Christ's Gospel, is far removed from union with this building; for he shows himself never to have had any zeal for understanding the Truth, and to have only the empty appearance of high esteem, who did not adorn the hoary hairs of old age with any ripe judgment of the heart.
[33:15] II.
[33:16] The heresy of Eutyches is to be condemned, though his full repentance may lead to his restitution.
[33:17] But because the healing even of such men must not be neglected, and the most Christian Emperor has piously and devoutly desired a council of bishops to be held, that all error may be destroyed by a fuller judgment, I have sent our brothers Julius the bishop, Renatus the presbyter, and my son Hilary the deacon, and with them Dulcitius the notary, whose faith we have proved, to be present in my stead at your holy assembly, brethren, and settle in common with you what is in accordance with the Lord's will.
[33:18] To wit, that the pestilential error may be first condemned, and then the restitution of him, who has so unwisely erred, discussed, but only if embracing the true doctrine he fully and openly with his own voice and signature condemns those heretical opinions in which his ignorance has been ensnared: for this he has promised in the appeal which he sent to us, pledging himself to follow our judgment in all things".
[33:19] On receiving our brother and fellow-bishop Flavian's letter, we have replied to him at some length on the points which he seems to have referred to us".
[33:20] : that when this error which seems to have arisen, has been destroyed, there may be one Faith and one and the same confession throughout the whole world to the praise and glory of God, and that "in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father".
[33:21] Dated 13th June in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[34:1] Letter XXXIV.
[34:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[34:3] Leo, the bishop, to Julian, the bishop, his well-beloved brother.
[34:4] I.
[34:5] Eutyches is now clearly seen to have deviated from the Faith.
[34:6] Your letter, beloved, which has just reached me, shows with what spiritual love of the Catholic Faith you are inspired: and it makes me very glad that devout hearts all agree in the same opinion, so that according to the teaching of the Holy Ghost there may be fulfilled in us what the Apostle says: "Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same things, and there be no divisions among you: but that ye be perfect in the same mind and in the same judgment".
[34:7] But Eutyches has put himself quite outside this unity, if he perseveres in his perversity, and still does not understand the bonds with which the devil has bound him, and thinks any one is to be reckoned among the Lord's priests, who is a party to his ignorance and madness.
[34:8] For some time we were uncertain in what he was displeasing to catholics: and when we received no letter from our brother Flavian, and Eutyches himself complained in his letter".
[34:9] that the Nestorian heresy was being revived, we could not fully learn the source or the motive of so crafty an accusation.
[34:10] But as soon as the minutes of the bishops' proceedings reached us, all those things which were hidden beneath the veil of his deceitful complaints were revealed in their abomination.
[34:11] II.
[34:12] He announces the appointment of legates a latere.
[34:13] And because our most clement Emperor in the loving-kindness and godliness of his mind wished a more careful judgment to be passed about the position of one who hitherto has seemed to be in high esteem, and for this purpose has thought fit to convene a council of bishops, by the hands of our brothers Julius the bishop, and Renatus the presbyter, and also my son Hilary, the deacon whom I have sent ex latere".
[34:14] in my stead, I have addressed a letter suited to the needs of the case to our brother Flavian, from which you also, beloved, and the whole Church may know about the ancient and unique Faith, which this unlearned opponent has assailed, what we hold as handed down from God and what we preach without alteration.
[34:15] Yet, because we must not forget the duty of mercy, we have considered it consonant with our moderation as priests, that, if the condemned presbyter corrects himself unreservedly, the sentence by which he is bound should be remitted: if, however, he chooses to lie in the mire of his foolishness, let the decree remain, and let him have his lot with those whose error he has followed.
[34:16] Dated 13th June in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449)".
[35:1] Letter XXXV.
[35:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos".
[35:3] Leo, bishop of the city of Rome to his well-beloved brother, Julian the bishop.
[35:4] I.
[35:5] Eutyches' heresy involves many other heresies.
[35:6] Although by the hands of our brothers, whom we have despatched from the city on behalf of the Faith, we hare sent a most full refutation of Eutyches' excessive heresy to our brother Flavian, yet because we have received, through our son Basil, your letter, beloved, which has given us much pleasure from the fervour of its catholic spirit, we have added this page also which agrees with the other document, that you may offer a united and strenuous resistance to those who seek to corrupt the gospel of Christ, since the wisdom and the teaching of the Holy Spirit is one and the same in you as in us: and whosoever does not receive it, is not a member of Christ's body and cannot glory in that Head in which he denies the presence of his own nature.
[35:7] What advantage is it to that most unwise old man under the name of the Nestorian heresy to mangle the belief of those, whose most devout faith he cannot tear to pieces: when in declaring the only-begotten Son of God to have been so born of the blessed Virgin's womb that He wore the appearance of a human body without the reality of human flesh being united to the Word, he departs as far from the right path as did Nestorius in separating the Godhead of the Word from the substance of His assumed Manhood".
[35:8] ? From which prodigious falsehood who does not see what monstrous opinions spring? for he who denies the true Manhood of Jesus Christ, must needs be filled with many blasphemies, being claimed by Apollinaris as his own, seized upon by Valentinus, or held fast by Manichaeus: none of whom believed that there was true human flesh in Christ.
[35:9] But, surely, if that is not accepted, not only is it denied that He, who was in the form of God, but yet abode in the form of a slave, was born Man according to the flesh and reasonable soul: but also that He was crucified, dead, and buried, and that on the third day He rose again, and that, sitting at the right hand of the Father, he will come to judge the quick and the dead".
[35:10] in that body in which He Himself was judged: because these pledges".
[35:11] of our redemption are rendered void if Christ is not believed to have the true and whole nature of true Manhood.
[35:12] II.
[35:13] The two natures are to be found in Christ.
[35:14] Or because the signs of His Godhead were undoubted, shall the proof of his having a human body be assumed false, and thus the indications of both natures be accepted to prove Him Creator, but not be accepted for the salvation of the creature".
[35:15] ? No, for the flesh did not lessen what belongs to His Godhead, nor the Godhead destroy what belongs to His flesh.
[35:16] For He is at once both eternal from His Father and temporal from His mother, inviolable in His strength, passible in our weakness: in the Triune Godhead, of one and the same substance with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but in taking Manhood on Himself, not of one substance but of one and the same person [so that He was at once rich in poverty, almighty in submission, impassible in punishment, immortal in death".
[35:17] ].
[35:18] For the Word was not in any part of It turned either into flesh or into soul, seeing that the absolute and unchangeable nature of the Godhead is ever entire in its Essence, receiving no loss nor increase, and so beatifying the nature that It had assumed that that nature remained for ever glorified in the person of the Glorifier.
[35:19] [But why should it seem unsuitable or impossible that the Word and flesh and soul should be one Jesus Christ, and that the Son of God and the Son of Man should be one, if flesh and soul which are of different natures make one person even without the Incarnation of the Word: since it is much easier for the power of the Godhead to produce this union of Himself and man than for the weakness of manhood by itself to effect it in its own substance.
[35:20] ] Therefore neither was the Word changed into flesh nor flesh into the Word: but both remains in one and one is in both, not divided by the diversity and not confounded by intermixture: He is not one by His Father and another by His mother, but the same, in one way by His Father before every beginning, and in another by His mother at the end of the ages: so that He was "mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus".
[35:21] ," in whom dwelt "the fulness of the Godhead bodily".
[35:22] :" because it was the assumed (nature) not the Assuming (nature) which was raised, because God "exalted Him and gave Him the Name which is above every name: that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ the Lord is in the glory of God the Father".
[35:23] III.
[35:24] The soul of Christ and the body of Christ were real in the full human sense, though the circumstances of His birth were unique.
[35:25] [But as to that which Eutyches dared to say in the court of bishops "that before the Incarnation there were two natures in Christ, but after the Incarnation one".
[35:26] ," he ought to have been pressed by the frequent and anxious questions of the judges to render an account of his acknowledgment, lest it should be passed over as something trivial, though it was seen to have issued from the same fount as his other poisonous opinions.
[35:27] For I think that in saying this he was convinced that the soul, which the Saviour assumed, had had its abode in the heavens before He was born of the Virgin Mary, and that the Word joined it to Himself in the womb.
[35:28] But this is intolerable to catholic minds and ears: because the Lord who came down from heaven brought with Him nothing that belonged to our state: for He did not receive either a soul which had existed before nor a flesh which was not of his mother's body.
[35:29] Undoubtedly our nature was not assumed in such a way that it was created first and then assumed, but it was created by the very assumption.
[35:30] And hence that which was deservedly condemned in Origen must be punished in Eutyches also, unless he prefers to give up his opinion, viz.
[35:31] the assertion that souls have had not only a life but also different actions before they were inserted in men's bodies".
[35:32] ].
[35:33] For although the Lord's nativity according to the flesh has certain characteristics wherein it transcends the ordinary beginnings of man's being, both because He alone was conceived and born without concupiscence of a pure Virgin, and because He was so brought forth of His mother's womb that her fecundity bare Him without loss of virginity: yet His flesh was not of another nature to ours: nor was the soul breathed into Him from another source to that of all other men, and it excelled others not in difference of kind but in superiority of power.
[35:34] For He had no opposition in His flesh [nor did the strife of desires give rise to a conflict of wishes".
[35:35] ].
[35:36] His bodily senses were active without the law of sin, and the reality of His emotions being under the control of His Godhead and His mind, was neither assaulted by temptations nor yielded to injurious influences.
[35:37] But true Man was united to God and was not brought down from heaven as regards a pre-existing soul, nor created out of nothing as regards the flesh: it wore the same person in the Godhead of the Word and possessed a nature in common with us in its body and soul.
[35:38] For He would not be "the mediator between God and man," unless God and man had co-existed in both natures forming one true Person.
[35:39] The magnitude of the subject urges us to a lengthy discussion: but with one of your learning there is no need for such copious dissertations, especially as we have already sent a sufficient letter to our brother Flavian by our delegates for the confirmation of the minds, not only of priests but also of the laity.
[35:40] The mercy of God will, we believe, provide that without the loss of one soul the sound may be defended against the devil's wiles, and the wounded healed.
[35:41] Dated 13th June in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[36:1] Letter XXXVI.
[36:2] To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
[36:3] (He acknowledges the receipt of Flavian's second letter (xxvi.
[36:4] ) and protests against the necessity for a general council, though at the same time he acquiesces in it.
[36:5] Dated 21 June, a week after the Tome).
[37:1] Letter XXXVII".
[37:2] To Theodosius Augustus.
[37:3] Leo to Theodosius Augustus.
[37:4] Unity of Faith is essential but the point at issue hardly required a general council, it is so clear.
[37:5] On receiving your clemency's letter, I perceived that the universal Church has much cause for joy, that you will have the Christian Faith, whereby the Divine Trinity is honoured and worshipped, to be different or out of harmony with itself in nothing.
[37:6] For what more effectual support can be given to human affairs in calling upon God's mercy than when one thanksgiving, and the sacrifice of one confession is offered to His majesty by all.
[37:7] Wherein the devotions of the priests and all the faithful will reach at last their completeness, if in what was done for our redemption by God the Word, the only Son of God, nothing else be believed than what He Himself ordered to be preached and believed.
[37:8] Wherefore although every consideration prevents my attendance on the day which your piety has fixed for the councils of bishops".
[37:9] : for there are no precedents for such a thing, and the needs of the times do not allow me to leave the city, especially as the point of Faith at issue is so clear, that it would have been more reasonable to abstain from proclaiming a synod: yet as far as the Lord vouchsafes to help me, I have bestowed my zeal upon obeying your clemency's commands, by appointing my brethren who are competent to act as the case requires in removing offences, and who can represent me: because no question has arisen on which there can or ought to be any doubt.
[37:10] Dated 21st of June, in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes, (449).
[38:1] Letter XXXVIII".
[38:2] To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
[38:3] Leo to Flavian, bishop of Constantinople.
[38:4] He acknowledges the receipt of a letter and advises mercy if Eutyches will recant.
[38:5] When our brethren had already started whom we despatched to you in the cause of the Faith, we received your letter, beloved, by our son Basil the deacon, in which you rightly said very little on the subject of our common anxiety, both because the accounts which had already arrived had given us full information on every thing, and because for purposes of private inquiry it was easy to converse with the aforesaid Basil, by whom now through the grace of God, in whom we trust, we exhort you, beloved, in reply, using the Apostle's words, and saying: "Be ye in nothing affrighted by the adversaries; which is for them a cause of perdition, but to you of salvation".
[38:6] For what is so calamitous as to wish to destroy all hope of man's salvation by denying the reality of Christ's Incarnation, and to contradict the Apostle who says distinctly: "great is the mystery of Godliness which was manifest in the flesh".
[38:7] ?" What so glorious as to fight for the Faith of the gospel against the enemies of Christ's nativity and cross? About whose most pure light and unconquered power we have already disclosed what was in our heart, in the letter which has been sent to you beloved".
[38:8] : lest anything might seem doubtful between us on those things which we have learnt, and teach in accordance with the catholic doctrine.
[38:9] But seeing that the testimonies to the Truth are so clear and strong that a man must be reckoned thoroughly blind and stubborn, who does not at once shake himself free from the mists of falsehood in the bright light of reason; we desire you to use the remedy of long-suffering in curing the madness of ignorance that through your fatherly admonitions they who though old in years are infants in mind, may learn to obey their elders.
[38:10] And if they give up the vain conceits of their ignorance and come to their senses, and if they condemn all their errors and receive the one true Faith, do not deny them the mercifulness of a bishop's kind heart: although your judgment must remain, if their impiety which you have deservedly condemned persists in its depravity.
[38:11] Dated 23 July in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[39:1] Letter XXXIX.
[39:2] To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
[39:3] Leo, the bishop, to Flavian, the bishop.
[39:4] He rebukes Flavian for not answering his repeated letters.
[39:5] Our anxiety is increased by your silence, for it is long now since we received a letter from you, beloved: while we who bear a chief share in your cares".
[39:6] , through our anxiety for the defence of the Faith, have several times".
[39:7] , as occasion served, sent letters to you: that we might aid you with the comfort of our exhortations not to yield to the assaults of your adversaries in defence of the Faith, but to feel that we were the sharers in your labour.
[39:8] Some time since we believe our messengers have reached you, brother, through whom you find yourself fully instructed by our writings and injunctions, and we have ourselves sent back Basil to you as you desired".
[39:9] Now, lest you should think we had omitted any opportunity of communicating with you, we have sent this note by our son Eupsychius, a man whom we hold in great honour and affection, asking you to reply to our letter with all speed, and inform us at once about your own actions and those of our representatives, and about the completion of the whole matter: so that we may allay the anxiety which we now feel in defence of the Faith, by happier tidings.
[39:10] Dated 11th August in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[40:1] Letter XL.
[40:2] To the Bishops of the Province of Arles in Gaul.
[40:3] To his well-beloved brethren Constantinus Audentius, Rusticus, Auspicius, Nicetas, Nectarius, Florus, Asclepius, Justus, Augustalis, Ynantius, and Chrysaphius".
[40:4] , Leo the pope.
[40:5] He approves of their having unanimously elected Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
[40:6] We have just and reasonable reason for rejoicing, when we learn that the Lord's priests have done what is agreeable both to the rules of the Father's canons and to the Apostles' institutions.
[40:7] For the whole body of the Church must needs increase with a healthy growth, if the governing members excel in the strength of their authority, and in peaceful management.
[40:8] Accordingly, we ratify with our sanction your good deed, brethren, in unanimously, on the death of Hilary".
[40:9] of holy memory, consecrating our brother Ravennius, a man well approved by us, in the city of Arles, in accordance with the wishes of the clergy, the leading citizens, and the laity.
[40:10] Because a peace-making and harmonious election, where neither personal merits nor the good will of the congregation are wanting, is we believe the expression not only of man's choice, but of God's inspiration.
[40:11] So dearly beloved brethren, let the said priest use God's gift, and understand what self-devotion is expected of him, that by diligently and prudently carrying out the office entrusted to him, he may prove himself equal to your testimony, and fully worthy of our favour.
[40:12] God keep you safe, beloved brethren.
[40:13] Dated 22 August in the consulship of Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[41:1] Letter XLI.
[41:2] To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
[41:3] (He congratulates him on his appointment, exhorts him to firm but gentle government, and advises him frequently to consult the Apostolic See.
[41:4] Undated, but no doubt sent about the same time as XL.
[41:5] ).
[42:1] Letter XLII.
[42:2] To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
[42:3] Leo the Pope to his well-beloved brother Ravennius.
[42:4] He asks him to deal with the imposture of a certain Petronianus.
[42:5] We wish you to be circumspect and careful lest any blameworthy presumption should put forth undue claims: for, when it once finds an entrance by crafty stealth, it spreads itself into greater rashness in the name of the dignity it has assumed.
[42:6] We have learnt, on the trustworthy evidence of your clergy, that a certain wandering and vagabond Petronianus has boasted himself throughout the provinces of Gaul as our deacon, and under cover of this office is going about the various churches of that country.
[42:7] We desire you, beloved brother, so to check his abominable effrontery, as to disclose his imposture, by warning the bishops of the whole district, and to expel him from communion with all the Churches, lest he continue his claim.
[42:8] The Lord keep you safe, dearly beloved brother.
[42:9] Dated 26th, August, in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[43:1] Letter XLIII".
[43:2] To Theodosius Augustus.
[43:3] To the most glorious and serene Emperor Theodosius, Leo the bishop.
[43:4] I.
[43:5] He complains of the conduct of Dioscorus at the Council of Ephesus.
[43:6] Already and from the beginning, in the synods which have been held, we have received such freedom of speech from the most holy Peter, chief of the Apostles, as to have the power both to maintain the Truth in the cause of peace, and to allow no one to disturb it in its firm position, but at once to repel the mischief.
[43:7] Since then the council of bishops which you ordered to be held in the city of Ephesus on account of Flavian, does mischief to the Faith itself and inflicts wounds on all the churches——".
[43:8] ; and this has been brought to our knowledge not by some untrustworthy messenger, but by the most reverend bishops".
[43:9] themselves who were sent by us and by the most trusty Hilarus our deacon, who have narrated to us what took place.
[43:10] And the occurrences are to be put down to the fault of those who met, not having, as is customary, with a pure conscience and right judgment made a definite statement about the faith and those who erred therefrom.
[43:11] For we have learnt that all did not come together in the conference who ought, some being ejected and others received: who were ensnared into an ungodly act of subscription by the designs of the aforesaid priest".
[43:12] For the declaration effected by him is of such a nature as to injure all the churches.
[43:13] For when those who were sent by us saw how exceedingly impious and hostile to the Faith it was, they notified it to us.
[43:14] II.
[43:15] He asks him to restore the ancient catholic doctrine.
[43:16] Wherefore, most peace-loving prince, vouchsafe for the Faith's sake to avert this danger from your Godly conscience, and let not man's presumption use violence upon Christ's Gospel.
[43:17] In my sincere desire, which is shared by the bishops that are with me, that you, most Christian and revered prince, should before all things please God, to whom the prayers of the whole Church are poured with one accord for your empire, I give you counsel, for fear lest, if we keep silence on so great a matter, we incur punishment before the tribunal of Christ.
[43:18] I entreat you therefore before the undivided Trinity of the one Godhead, which is injured by these evil doings, and which is the guardian of your kingdom, and before Christ's holy angels that all things remain intact as they were before the judgment, and that they await the weightier decision of the Synod at which the whole number of the bishops in the whole world is gathered together: and do not allow yourselves to bear the weight of others' misdoing.
[43:19] We are constrained to say this plainly by the fear of a constraining necessity".
[43:20] But keep before your eyes the blessed Peter's glory, and the crowns which all the Apostles have in common with him, and the joys of the martyrs who had no other incentive to suffering but the confession of the true Godhead and the perfect continuance in Christ".
[43:21] III.
[43:22] And asks for another Synod to be summoned.
[43:23] And now that this confession is being godlessly impugned by some few men, all the churches of our parts and all the priests implore your clemency with tears in accordance with the request which Flavian makes in his appeal, to command the assembling together of a special Synod in Italy, in order that all opposition may be expelled or pacified, and that there may be no deviation from or ambiguity in the Faith: and to it should also come the bishops of all the Eastern provinces, that, if any have wandered out of the way of Truth, they may be recalled to their allegiance by wholesome remedies, and they who are under a more grievous charge may either be reduced to submission by counsel or cut off from the one Church.
[43:24] So that we are bound to preserve both what the Nicene canon enjoins and what the definitions of the bishops of the whole world enjoin according to the custom of the catholic Church, and also (to maintain) the freedom of our fathers' Faith, on which your tranquillity rests.
[43:25] For we pray that when those who harm the Church are driven out, and your provinces enjoy the possession of justice, and vengeance has been executed on these heretics your royal power also may be defended by Christ's right hand.
[44:1] Letter XLIV.
[44:2] To Theodosius Augustus.
[44:3] Leo, the bishop, and the holy Synod which is assembled at Rome to Theodosius Augustus.
[44:4] I.
[44:5] He exposes the unscrupulous nature of the proceedings at Ephesus.
[44:6] From your clemency's letter, which in your love of the catholic Faith you sent sometime ago to the see of the blessed Apostle Peter, we drew such confidence in your defence of truth and peace that we thought nothing harmful could happen in so plain and well-ordered a matter; especially when those who were sent to the episcopal council, which you ordered to be held at Ephesus, were so fully instructed that, if the bishop of Alexandria had allowed the letters, which they brought either to the holy synod or to Flavian the bishop, to be read in the ears of the bishops, by the declaration of the most pure Faith, which being Divinely inspired we both have received and hold, all noise of disputings would have been so completely hushed that neither ignorance could any longer disport itself, nor jealousy find occasion to do mischief.
[44:7] But because private interests are consulted under cover of religion, the disloyalty of a few has wrought that which must wound the whole Church.
[44:8] For not from some untrustworthy messenger, but from a most faithful narrator of the things which have been done, Hilary, our deacon, who, lest he should be compelled by force to subscribe to their proceedings, with great difficulty made his escape, we have learnt that a great many priests came together at the synod, whose numbers would doubtless have assisted the debate and decision, if he who claimed for himself the chief place had consented to maintain priestly moderation, in order that, according to custom, when all had freely expressed their opinion, after quiet and fair deliberation, that might be ordained which was both agreeable to the Faith and helpful to those in error.
[44:9] But we have been told that all who had come were not present at the actual decision: for we have learnt that some were rejected while others were admitted, who at the aforesaid priest's requisition surrendered themselves to an unrighteous subscription, knowing they would suffer harm unless they obeyed his commands, and that such a resolution was brought forward by him that in attacking one man he might wreak his fury of the whole Church.
[44:10] Which our delegates from the Apostolic See saw to be so blasphemous and opposed to the catholic Faith that no pressure could force them to assent; for in the same synod they stoutly protested, as they ought, that the Apostolic See would never receive what was being passed: since the whole mystery of the Christian Faith is absolutely destroyed (which Heaven forfend in your Grace's reign), unless this abominable wickedness, which exceeds all former blasphemies, be abolished.
[44:11] II.
[44:12] And entreats the Emperor to help in reversing their decision.
[44:13] But because the devil with wicked subtlety deceives the unwary, and so mocks the imprudence of some by a show of piety as to persuade them to things harmful instead of profitable, we pray your Grace, renounce all complicity in this endangering of religion and Faith, and afford in the treatment of Divine things that which is granted in worldly matters by the equity of your laws, that human presumption may not do violence to Christ's Gospel.
[44:14] Behold, I, O most Christian and honoured Emperor, with my fellow-priests".
[44:15] fulfilling towards your revered clemency the offices of sincere love, and desiring you in all things to please God, to whom prayers are offered for you by the Church, lest before the Lord Christ's tribunal we be judged guilty for our silence,—we beseech you in the presence of the Undivided Trinity of the One Godhead, Whom such an act wrongs (for He is Himself the Guardian and the Author of your empire), and in the presence of Christ's holy angels, order everything to be in the position in which they were before the decision until a larger number of priests be assembled from the whole world.
[44:16] Suffer not yourself to be weighted with another's sin because (and we must say it) we are afraid lest He, Whose religion is being destroyed, be provoked to wrath.
[44:17] Keep before your eyes, and with all your mental vision gaze reverently upon the blessed Peter's glory, and the crowns which all the Apostles have in common with him and the palms of all the martyrs, who had no other reason for suffering than the confession of the true Godhead and the true Manhood in Christ.
[44:18] III.
[44:19] He asks for a Council in Italy.
[44:20] And because this mystery is now being impiously opposed by a few ignorant persons, all the churches of our parts, and all the priests entreat your clemency, with groans and tears seeing that our delegates faithfully protested, and bishop Flavian gave them an appeal in writing, to order a general synod to be held in Italy, which shall either dismiss or appease all disputes in such a way that there be nothing any longer either doubtful in the Faith or divided in love, and to it, of course, the bishops of the Eastern provinces must come, and if any of them were overcome by threats and injury, and deviated from the path of truth, they may be fully restored by health-giving measures, and they themselves, whose case is harder, if they acquiesce in wiser counsels, may not fall from the unity of the Church.
[44:21] And how necessary this request is after the lodging of an appeal is witnessed by the canonical decrees passed at Nicaea by the bishops of the whole world, which are added below".
[44:22] Show favour to the catholics after your own and your parents' custom.
[44:23] Give us such liberty to defend the catholic Faith as no violence, no fear of the world, while your revered clemency is safe, shall be able to take away.
[44:24] For it is the cause not only of the Church but of your Kingdom and prosperity that we plead, that you may enjoy the peaceful sway of your provinces.
[44:25] Defend the Church in unshaken peace against the heretics, that your empire also may be defended by Christ's right hand.
[44:26] Dated the 13th of October, in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[45:1] Letter XLV.
[45:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[45:3] Leo, the bishop, and the holy Synod which is assembled in the City of Rome to Pulcheria Augusta.
[45:4] I.
[45:5] He sends a copy of the former letter which failed to reach her.
[45:6] If the letters respecting the Faith which were despatched to your Grace by the hands of our clergy had reached you, it is certain you would have been able, the Lord helping you, to provide a remedy for these things which have been done against the Faith.
[45:7] For when have you failed either the priests or the religion or the Faith of Christ? But when those who were sent were so completely hindered from reaching your clemency that only one of them, namely Hilary our deacon, with difficulty fled and returned, we thought it necessary to rewrite our letter: and that our prayers may deserve to receive more weight, we have subjoined a copy of the very document which did not reach your clemency, entreating you even more earnestly than before to take under protection that religion in which you excel which will win you the greater glory in proportion to the heinousness of the crimes against which your royal faith requires you to proceed, lest the integrity of the Christian Faith be violated by any plot of man's devising.
[45:8] For the things which were believed to require setting at rest and healing by the meeting of a Synod at Ephesus, have not only resulted in still greater disturbances of peace but, which is the more to be regretted, even in the overthrow of the very Faith whereby we are Christians.
[45:9] II.
[45:10] He also sends a copy of his letter to the Emperor and explains its contents.
[45:11] And they indeed, who were sent, and one of whom, escaping the violence of the bishop of Alexandria who claims everything for himself, faithfully reported to us what took place in the Synod, opposed, as it became them, what I will call the frenzy not the judgment of one man, protesting that those things which were being carried through by violence and fear could not reverse the mysteries of the Church and the Creed itself composed by the Apostles, and that no injuries could sever them from that Faith which they had brought fully set forth and expounded from the See of the blessed Apostle Peter to the holy synod.
[45:12] And since this statement was not allowed to be read out at the bishop's request, in order forsooth that by the rejection of that Faith which has crowned patriarchs, prophets, apostles and martyrs, the birth according to the flesh of Jesus Christ our Lord and the confession of His true Death and Resurrection (we shudder to say it) might be overthrown, we have written".
[45:13] on this matter according to our ability, to our most glorious and (what is far greater) our Christian Prince, and at the same time have subjoined a copy of the letter to you to the end that he may not allow the Faith, in which he was re-born and reigns through God's grace, to be corrupted by any innovation, since Bishop Flavian continues in communion with us all, and that which has been done without regard to justice and contrary to all the teaching of the canons can, under no consideration, be held valid.
[45:14] And because the Synod of Ephesus has not removed but increased the scandal of disagreement (I have asked him) to appoint a place and time for holding a council within Italy, all quarrels and prejudices on both sides being suspended, that everything which has engendered offence may be the more diligently reconsidered and without wounding the Faith, without injuring religion those priests may return into the peace of Christ, who through irresolution were forced to subscribe, and only their errors be removed.
[45:15] III.
[45:16] He asks her to assist his petition with the Emperor.
[45:17] And that we may be worthy to obtain this, let your well-tried faith and protection, which has always helped the Church in her labours, deign to advance our petition with our most clement Prince, under a special commission so to act from the blessed Apostle Peter; so that before this civil and destructive war gains strength within the Church, he may grant opportunity of restoring unity by God's aid, knowing that the strength of his empire will be increased by every extension of catholic freedom that his kindly will affects.
[45:18] Dated 13th of October in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes (449).
[46:1] Letter XLVI.
[46:2] From Hilary, then Deacon (afterwards Bishop of Rome) to Pulcheria Augusta.
[46:3] (Describing his ill-treatment, as Leo's delegate, by Dioscorus.
[46:4] ).
[47:1] Letter XLVII.
[47:2] To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica.
[47:3] (Congratulating him on being present at the synod of Ephesus.
[47:4] ).
[48:1] Letter XLVIII.
[48:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[48:3] (Consoling him after the riots at Ephesus and exhorting him to stand firm.
[48:4] ).
[49:1] Letter XLIX.
[49:2] To Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople.
[49:3] (Whose death he is unaware of, promising him all the support in his power.
[49:4] ).
[50:1] Letter L.
[50:2] To the people of Constantinople, by the hand of Epiphanius and Dionysius, Notary of the Church of Rome.
[50:3] (Exhorting them to stand firm and consoling them for Flavian's deposition.
[50:4] ).
[51:1] Letter LI.
[51:2] To Faustus and other Presbyters and Archimandrites in Constantinople.
[51:3] (With the same purport as the last.
[51:4] ).
[52:1] Letter LII.
[52:2] From Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, to Leo.
[52:3] (See vol.
[52:4] iii.
[52:5] of this Series, p.
[52:6] 293.
[52:7] ) To Leo, bishop of Rome.
[52:8] I.
[52:9] If Paul appealed to Peter how much more must ordinary folk have recourse to his successor.
[52:10] If Paul, the herald of the Truth, the trumpet of the Holy Ghost, had recourse to the great Peter, in order to obtain a decision from him for those at Antioch who were disputing about living by the Law, much more do we small and humble folk run to the Apostolic See to get healing from you for the sores of the churches.
[52:11] For it is fitting that you should in all things have the pre-eminence, seeing that your See possesses many peculiar privileges.
[52:12] For other cities get a name for size or beauty or population, and some that are devoid of these advantages are compensated by certain spiritual gifts: but your city has the fullest abundance of good things from the Giver of all good.
[52:13] For she is of all cities the greatest and most famous, the mistress of the world and teeming with population.
[52:14] And besides this she has created an empire which is still predominant and has imposed her own name upon her subjects.
[52:15] But her chief decoration is her Faith, to which the Divine Apostle is a sure witness when he exclaims "your faith is proclaimed in all the world".
[52:16] ;" and if immediately after receiving the seeds of the saving Gospel she bore such a weight of wondrous fruit, what words are sufficient to express the piety which is now found in her? She has, too, the tombs of our common fathers and teachers of the Truth, Peter and Paul".
[52:17] , to illumine the souls of the faithful.
[52:18] And this blessed and divine pair arose indeed in the East, and shed its rays in all directions, but voluntarily underwent the sunset of life in the West, from whence now it illumines the whole world.
[52:19] These have rendered your See so glorious: this is the chief of all your goods.
[52:20] And their See is still blest by the light of their God's presence, seeing that therein He has placed your Holiness to shed abroad the rays of the one true Faith.
[52:21] II.
[52:22] He commends Leo's zeal against the Manichees, and latterly against Eutychianism, as evidenced especially in the Tome.
[52:23] Of which thing indeed, though there are many other proofs to be found, your zeal against the ill-famed Manichaeans is proof enough, that zeal which your holiness has of late years displayed".
[52:24] , thereby revealing the intensity of your devotion to God in things Divine.
[52:25] Proof enough, too, of your Apostolic character is what you have now written.
[52:26] For we have met with what your holiness has written about the Incarnation of our God and Saviour, and have admired the careful diligence of the work".
[52:27] For it has proved both points equally well, viz.
[52:28] , the Eternal Godhead of the Only-begotten of the Eternal Father, and at the same time His manhood of the seed of Abraham and David, and His assumption of a nature in all things like ours, except in this one thing, that He remained free from all sin: for sin is engendered not of nature, but of free will".
[52:29] This also was contained in your letter, that the only-begotten Son of God is One and His Godhead impassible, irreversible, unchangeable even as the Father who begat Him and the All-holy Spirit.
[52:30] And since the Divine nature could not suffer, He took the nature that could suffer to this end, that by the suffering of His own Flesh He might give exemption from suffering to those that believed on Him.
[52:31] These points, and all that is akin thereto, the letter contained.
[52:32] And we, admiring your spiritual wisdom, extolled the grace of the Holy Ghost which spoke through you, and ask and pray, and beg and beseech your holiness to come to the rescue of the churches of God that are now tempest tossed.
[52:33] III.
[52:34] He complains of Dioscorus' ill-treatment of himself.
[52:35] For when we expected a stilling of the waves through those who were sent to Ephesus from your holiness, we have fallen into yet worse storm.
[52:36] For the most righteous".
[52:37] prelate of Alexandria was not satisfied with the illegal and most unrighteous deposition of the Lord's most holy and God-loving bishop of Constantinople, Flavian, nor was his wrath appeased by the slaughter of the other bishops likewise.
[52:38] But me, too, he murdered with his pen in my absence, without calling me to judgment, without passing judgment on me in person, without questioning me on what I hold about the Incarnation of our God and Saviour.
[52:39] But even murderers, tomb-breakers, and ravishers of other men's beds, those who sit in judgment do not condemn until they either themselves corroborate the accusations by their confessions, or are clearly convicted by others.
[52:40] But us, when five and thirty days' journey distant, he, though brought up on Divine laws, has condemned at his will.
[52:41] And not now only has he done this, but also last year, after that two persons infected with the Apollinarian disorder had come hither and laid false information against us, he rose up in church and anathematized us, and that when I had written to him and expressed what I hold in a letter.
[52:42] IV.
[52:43] This ill-treatment has come after 20 years' good work in his diocese of Cyrus.
[52:44] I bemoan the distress of the Church and yearn after its peace.
[52:45] For having ruled through your prayers the church committed to me by the God of the universe for 20 years, neither in the time of the blessed Theodotus, president of the East, nor in the time of those who have succeeded him in the See of Antioch, have I received the slightest blame, but, the Divine Grace working with me, have freed more than 1,000 souls from the disease of Marcion, and have won over many others from the company of Arius and Eunomius to the Master, Christ.
[52:46] And 800 churches have I had to shepherd: for that is the number of parishes in Cyrus, in which not a single tare through your prayers has lingered.
[52:47] But our flock has been freed from every heretical error.
[52:48] He that sees all things knows how I have been stoned by the ill-famed heretics that have been sent against me, and what struggles I have had in many cities of the East against Greeks, Jews, and every heretical error.
[52:49] And after all these toils and troubles, I have been condemned without a hearing.
[52:50] V.
[52:51] He appeals to the Apostolic See with confidence.
[52:52] I however await the verdict of your Apostolic See, and beg and pray your Holiness to succour me when I appeal to your upright and just tribunal, and bid me come to you and show that my teaching follows in the track of the Apostles.
[52:53] For there are writings of mine some 20 years ago, some 18, some 15, and some 12, some again against the Arians and Eunomians, some against the Jews and Greeks some against the Magi in Persia, some also about the universal Providence, others about the nature of God and about the Divine Incarnation.
[52:54] I have interpreted, through the Divine grace, both the Apostolic writings and the prophetic utterances, and it is easy therefrom to gather whether I have kept unswervingly the standard of the Faith, or have turned aside from its straight path.
[52:55] And I beg you not to spurn my petition, nor to overlook the insults heaped on my poor white hairs.
[52:56] VI.
[52:57] Ought he to acquiesce in his deposition? First of all, I beg you to tell me, whether I ought to acquiesce in this unrighteous deposition or not.
[52:58] For I await your verdict and, if you bid me abide by my condemnation, I will abide by it, and will trouble no one hereafter, but await the unerring verdict of our God and Saviour.
[52:59] I indeed, the Master God is my witness, care nought for honour and glory, but only for the stumbling-block that is put in men's way: because many of the simpler folk, and especially those who have been rescued by us from divers heresies, will give credence to those who have condemned us, and perchance reckon us heretics, not being able to discern the exact truth of the dogma, and because, after my long episcopate, I have acquired neither house, nor land, nor obol, nor tomb, only a voluntary poverty, having straightway distributed even what came to me from my fathers after their death, as all know who live in the East.
[52:60] VII.
[52:61] Being prevented himself, he has sent delegates to plead his cause.
[52:62] And before all things I entreat you, holy and God-loved brother, render assistance to my prayers.
[52:63] These things I have brought to your Holiness' knowledge, by the most religious and God-beloved presbyters, Hypatius and Abramius the chorepiscopi".
[52:64] , and Alypius, superintendent".
[52:65] of the monks in our district: seeing that I was hindered from coming to you myself by the Emperor's restraining letter, and likewise the others.
[52:66] And I entreat your holiness both to look on them with fatherly regard, and to lend them your ears in sincere kindness, and also to deem my slandered and falsely attacked position worthy of your protection, and above all to defend with all your might the Faith that is now plotted against, and to keep the heritage of the fathers intact for the churches, so shall your holiness receive from the Bountiful Master a full reward.
[52:67] (Date about the end of 449.
[52:68] ).
[53:1] Letter LIII.
[53:2] A fragment of a letter from Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo (about his consecration).
[54:1] Letter LIV.
[54:2] To Theodosius Augustus (asking for a synod in Italy).
[54:3] > A series of Letters.
[54:4] (1) From Valentinian the Emperor to Theodosius Augustus.
[54:5] (2) From Galla Placidia Augusta to Theodosius Augustus.
[54:6] (3) From Licinia Eudoxia Augusta to Theodosius Augustus.
[54:7] (4) From Galla Placidia Augusta to Pulcheria Augusta, all graphically describing how Leo had appealed to them in public to press his suit with Theodosius.
[54:8] Of these, LVI.
[54:9] is subjoined as perhaps the most interesting specimen.
[55:1] Letter LVI.
[55:2] (From Galla Placidia Augusta to Theodosius).
[55:3] To the Lord Theodosius, Conqueror and Emperor, her ever august son, Galla Placidia, most pious and prosperous, perpetual Augusta and mother.
[55:4] When on our very arrival in the ancient city, we were engaged in paying our devotion to the most blessed Apostle Peter, at the martyr's very altar, the most reverend Bishop Leo waiting behind awhile after the service uttered laments over the catholic Faith to us, and taking to witness the chief of the Apostles himself likewise, whom we had just approached, and surrounded by a number of bishops whom he had brought together from numerous cities in Italy by the authority and dignity of his position, adding also tears to his words, called upon us to join our moans to his own.
[55:5] For no slight harm has arisen from those occurrences, whereby the standard of the catholic Faith so long guarded since the days of our most Divine father Constantine, who was the first in the palace to stand out as a Christian, has been recently disturbed by the assumption of one man, who in the synod held at Ephesus is alleged to have rather stirred up hatred and contention, intimidating by the presence of soldiers, Flavianus, the bishop of Constantinople, because he had sent an appeal to the Apostolic See, and to all the bishops of these parts by the hands of those who had been deputed to attend the Synod by the most reverend Bishop of Rome, who have been always wont so to attend, most sacred Lord and Son and adored King, in accordance with the provisions of the Nicene Synod".
[55:6] For this cause we pray your clemency to oppose such disturbances with the Truth, and to order the Faith of the catholic religion to be preserved without spot, in order that according to the standard and decision of the Apostolic See, which we likewise revere as pre-eminent, Flavianus may remain altogether uninjured in his priestly office, and the matter be referred to the Synod of the Apostolic See, wherein assuredly he first adorned the primacy, who was deemed worthy to receive the keys of heaven: for it becomes us in all things to maintain the respect due to this great city, which is the mistress of all the earth; and this too we must most carefully provide that what in former times our house guarded seem not in our day to be infringed, and that by the present example schisms be not advanced either between the bishops or the most holy churches.
[56:1] Letter LIX.
[56:2] To the Clergy and People of the City of Constantinople.
[56:3] Leo the bishop to the clergy, dignitaries, and people, residing at Constantinople.
[56:4] I.
[56:5] He congratulates them on their outspoken resistance to error.
[56:6] Though we are greatly grieved at the things reported to have been done recently in the council of priests at Ephesus, because, as is consistently rumoured, and also demonstrated by results, neither due moderation nor the strictness of the Faith was there observed, yet we rejoice in your devoted piety and in the acclamations of the holy people".
[56:7] , instances of which have been brought to our notice, we have approved of the right feeling of you all; because there lives and abides in good sons due affection for their excellent Father, and because you suffer the fulness of catholic teaching to be in no part corrupted.
[56:8] For undoubtedly, as the Holy Spirit has unfolded to you, they are leagued with the Manichaeans' error, who deny that the only-begotten Son of God took our nature's true Manhood, and maintain that all His bodily actions were the actions of a false apparition.
[56:9] And lest you should in aught give your assent to this blasphemy, we have now sent you, beloved, by my son Epiphanius and Dionysius, notary of the Roman Church, letters of exhortation wherein we have of our own accord rendered you the assistance which you sought, that you may not doubt of our bestowing all a father's care on you, and labouring in every way, by the help of God's mercy, to destroy all the stumbling-blocks which ignorant and foolish men have raised.
[56:10] And let no one venture to parade his priestly dignity who can be convicted of holding such detestably blasphemous opinions.
[56:11] For if ignorance seems hardly tolerable in laymen, how much less excusable or pardonable is it in those who govern; especially when they dare even to defend their mendacious and perverse views, and persuade the unsteadfast to agree with them either by intimidation or by cajoling.
[56:12] II.
[56:13] They are to be rejected who deny the truth of Christ's flesh, a truth repeated by every recipient at the Holy Eucharist.
[56:14] Let such men be rejected by the holy members of Christ's Body, and let not catholic liberty suffer the yoke of the unfaithful to be laid upon it.
[56:15] For they are to be reckoned outside the Divine grace, and outside the mystery of man's salvation, who, denying the nature of our flesh in Christ, gainsay the Gospel and oppose the Creed.
[56:16] Nor do they perceive that their blindness leads them into such an abyss that they have no sure footing in the reality either of the Lord's Passion or His Resurrection: because both are discredited in the Saviour, if our fleshly nature is not believed in Him.
[56:17] In what density of ignorance, in what utter sloth must they hitherto have lain, not to have learnt from hearing, nor understood from reading, that which in God's Church is so constantly in men's mouths, that even the tongues of infants do not keep silence upon the truth of Christ's Body and Blood at the rite of Holy Communion".
[56:18] ? For in that mystic distribution of spiritual nourishment, that which is given and taken is of such a kind that receiving the virtue of the celestial food we pass into the flesh of Him, Who became our flesh".
[56:19] Hence to confirm you, beloved, in your laudably faithful resistance to the foes of Truth, I shall fully and opportunely use the language and sentiments of the Apostle, and say: "Therefore I also hearing of your faith, which is in the Lord Jesus, and love towards all saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your hearts being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance among the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power in us, who believed according to the working of His mighty power which he has wrought in Christ, raising Him from the dead, and setting Him at His right hand in heavenly places above every principality, and power, and strength, and dominion, and every name which is named not only in this age, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under His feet, and given Him to be the head over all the Church which is His body, and the fulness of Him Who filleth all in all".
[56:20] III.
[56:21] Perfect God and perfect Man were united in Christ.
[56:22] In this passage let the adversaries of the Truth say when or according to what nature did the Almighty Father exalt His Son above all things, or to what substance did He subject all things.
[56:23] For the Godhead of the Word is equal in all things, and consubstantial with the Father, and the power of the Begetter and the Begotten is one and the same always and eternally.
[56:24] Certainly, the Creator of all natures, since "through Him all things were made, and without Him was nothing made".
[56:25] ," is above all things which He created, nor were the things which He made ever not subject to their Creator, Whose eternal property it is, to be from none other than the Father, and in no way different to the Father.
[56:26] If greater power, grander dignity, more exalted loftiness was granted Him, then was He that was so increased less than He that promoted Him, and possessed not the full riches of His nature from Whose fulness He received.
[56:27] But one who thinks thus is hurried off into the society of Arius, whose heresy is much assisted by this blasphemy which denies the existence of human nature in the Word of God, so that, in rejecting the combination of humility with majesty in God, it either asserts a false phantom-body in Christ, or says that all His bodily actions and passions belonged to the Godhead rather than to the flesh.
[56:28] But everything he ventures to uphold is absolutely foolish: because neither our religious belief nor the scope of the mystery admits either of the Godhead suffering anything or of the Truth belying Itself in anything.
[56:29] The impassible Son of God, therefore, whose perpetually it is with the Father and with the Holy Spirit to be what He is in the one essence of the Unchangeable Trinity, when the fullness of time had come which had been fore-ordained by an eternal purpose, and promised by the prophetic significance of words and deeds, became man not by conversion of His substance but by assumption of our nature, and "came to seek and to save that which was lost".
[56:30] But He came not by local approach nor by bodily motion, as if to be present where He had been absent, or to depart where He had come: but He came to be manifested to onlookers by that which was visible and common to others, receiving, that is to say, human flesh and soul in the Virgin mother's womb, so that, abiding in the form of God, He united to Himself the form of a slave, and the likeness of sinful flesh, whereby He did not lessen the Divine by the human, but increased the human by the Divine.
[56:31] IV.
[56:32] The Sacrament of Baptism typifies and realizes this union to each individual believer.
[56:33] For such was the state of all mortals resulting from our first ancestors that, after the transmission of original sin to their descendants, no one would have escaped the punishment of condemnation, had not the Word become flesh and dwelt in us, that is to say, in that nature which belonged to our blood and race.
[56:34] And accordingly, the Apostle says: "As by one man's sin (judgment passed) upon all to condemnation, so also by one man's righteousness (it) passed upon all to justification of life.
[56:35] For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man's obedience shall many be made righteous".
[56:36] ;" and again, "For because by man (came) death, by man also (came) the resurrection of the dead.
[56:37] And as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive".
[56:38] All they to wit who though they be born in Adam, yet are found reborn in Christ, having a sure testimony both to their justification by grace, and to Christ's sharing in their nature".
[56:39] ; for he who does not believe that God's only-begotten Son did assume our nature in the womb of the Virgin-daughter of David, is without share in the Mystery of the Christian religion, and, as he neither recognizes the Bridegroom nor knows the Bride, can have no place at the wedding-banquet.
[56:40] For the flesh of Christ is the veil of the Word, wherewith every one is clothed who confesses Him unreservedly.
[56:41] But he that is ashamed of it and rejects it as unworthy, shall have no adornment from Him, and though he present himself at the Royal feast, and unseasonably join in the sacred banquet, yet the intruder will not be able to escape the King's discernment, but, as the Lord Himself asserted, will be taken, and with hands and feet bound, be cast into outer darkness; where will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
[56:42] Hence whosoever confesses not the human body in Christ, must know that he is unworthy of the mystery of the Incarnation, and has no share in that sacred union of which the Apostle speaks, saying, "For we are His members, of His flesh and of His bones.
[56:43] For this cause a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and there shall be two in one flesh".
[56:44] And explaining what was meant by this, he added, "This mystery is great, but I speak in respect of Christ and the Church".
[56:45] Therefore, from the very commencement of the human race, Christ is announced to all men as coming in the flesh.
[56:46] In which, as was said, "there shall be two in one flesh," there are undoubtedly two, God and man, Christ and the Church, which issued from the Bridegroom's flesh, when it received the mystery of redemption and regeneration, water and blood flowing from the side of the Crucified.
[56:47] For the very condition of a new creature which at baptism puts off not the covering of true flesh but the taint of the old condemnation, is this, that a man is made the body of Christ, because Christ also is the body of a man".
[56:48] V.
[56:49] The true doctrine of the Incarnation restated and commended to their keeping.
[56:50] Wherefore we call Christ not God only, as the Manichaean heretics, nor Man only, as the Photinian".
[56:51] heretics, nor man in such a way that anything should be wanting in Him which certainly belongs to human nature, whether soul or reasonable mind or flesh which was not derived from woman, but made from the Word turned and changed into flesh; which three false and empty propositions have been variously advanced by the three sections of the Apollinarian heretics".
[56:52] Nor do we say that the blessed Virgin Mary conceived a Man without Godhead, Who was created by the Holy Ghost and afterwards assumed by the Word, which we deservedly and properly condemned Nestorius for preaching: but we call Christ the Son of God, true God, born of God the Father without any beginning in time, and likewise true Man, born of a human Mother, at the ordained fulness of time, and we say that His Manhood, whereby the Father is the greater, does not in anything lessen that nature whereby He is equal with the Father.
[56:53] But these two natures form one Christ, Who has said most truly both according to His Godhead: "I and the Father are one".
[56:54] ," and according to His manhood "the Father is greater than I".
[56:55] This true and indestructible Faith, dearly-beloved, which alone makes us true Christians, and which, as we hear with approval, you are defending with loyal zeal and praiseworthy affection, hold fast and maintain boldly.
[56:56] And since, besides God's aid, you must win the favour of catholic Princes also, humbly and wisely make request that the most clement Emperor be pleased to grant our petition, wherein we have asked for a plenary synod to be convened; that by the aid of God's mercy the sound may be increased in courage, and the sick, if they consent to be treated, have the remedy applied.
[56:57] (Dated October 15, in the consulship of the illustrious Asturius and Protogenes, 449.
[56:58] ).
[57:1] Letter LX.
[57:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[57:3] (He hopes for her intercession to procure the condemnation of Eutyches.
[57:4] ).
[58:1] Letter LXI.
[58:2] To Martinus and Faustus, Presbyters.
[58:3] (Reminding them of a former letter he has written to them, viz.
[58:4] Lett.
[58:5] LI.
[58:6] ) (Letters LXII.
[58:7] , LXIII.
[58:8] , LXIV.
[58:9] , are the Emperor Theodosius' answers (a) to Valentinian, (b) to Galla Placidia, and (c) to Licinia Eudoxia (assuring them of his orthodoxy and care for the Faith.
[58:10] ).
[59:1] Letter LXV.
[59:2] From the Bishops of the Province of Arles.
[59:3] (Asking Leo to confirm the privileges of that city, which they allege date from the mission of Trophimus, by S.
[59:4] Peter, and more recently ratified by the Emperor Constantine.
[59:5] ).
[60:1] Letter LXVI.
[61:1] Leo's Reply to Letter LXV.
[61:2] Leo, the pope, to the dearly-beloved brethren Constantinus, Armentarius, Audientius, Severianus, Valerianus, Ursus, Stephanus, Nectarius, Constantius, Maximus, Asclepius, Theodorus, Justus Ingenuus, Augustalis, Superventor, Ynantius, Fonteius, and Palladius.
[61:3] I.
[61:4] The Bishop of Vienne has anticipated their appeal.
[61:5] He proposes to arbitrate with impartiality.
[61:6] When we read your letter, beloved, which was brought to us by our sons Petronius the presbyter and Regulus the deacon, we recognized how affectionate is the regard in which you hold our brother and fellow-bishop, Ravennius: for your request is that what his predecessor".
[61:7] deservedly lost for his excessive presumption may be restored to him.
[61:8] But your petition, brothers, was forestalled by the bishop of Vienne, who sent a letter and legates with the complaint that the bishop of Arles had unlawfully claimed the ordination of the bishop of Vasa.
[61:9] Accordingly, as we had to show such respect both for the canons of the fathers and for your good opinion of us, that in the matter of the churches' privileges we should allow no infringement or deprivation, it were incumbent on us to preserve the peace within the province of Vienne by employing such righteous moderation as should disregard neither ancient usage nor your desires.
[61:10] II.
[61:11] The bishop of Vienne is to retain jurisdiction over four neighbouring cities: the rest to belong to Arles.
[61:12] For after considering the arguments advanced by the clergy present on either side, we find that the cities of Vienne and Arles within your province have always been so famous, that in certain matters of ecclesiastical privilege, now one, now the other, has alternately taken precedence, though the national tradition is that formerly they had community of rights.
[61:13] And hence we suffer not the city of Vienne to be altogether without honour, so far as concerns ecclesiastical jurisdiction, especially as it already possesses the authority of our decree for the enjoyment of its privilege: to wit the power which, when taken away from Hilary, we thought proper to confer on the bishop of Vienne.
[61:14] And that he seem not suddenly and unduly lowered, he shall hold rule over the four neighbouring towns, that is, Valentia, Tarantasia, Genava and Gratianopolis, with Vienne herself for the fifth, to the bishop of which shall belong the care of all the said churches.
[61:15] But the other churches of the same province shall be placed under the authority and management of the bishop of Arles, who from his temperate moderation we believe will be so anxious for love and peace as by no means to consider himself deprived of that which he sees conceded to his brother.
[61:16] Dated 5th of May, in the consulship of Valentinianus Augustus (7th time), and the most famous Avienus (450.
[61:17] ).
[62:1] Letter LXVII".
[62:2] To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
[62:3] To his dearly-beloved brother Ravennius, Leo the pope.
[62:4] We have kept our sons Petronius the presbyter, and Regulus the deacon, long in the City, both because they deserved this from their favour in our eyes, and because the needs of the Faith, which is now being assailed by the error of some, demanded it.
[62:5] For we wished them to be present when we discussed the matter, and to ascertain everything which we desire through you, beloved, should reach the knowledge of all our brethren and fellow-bishops, specially deputing this to you, dear brother, that through your watchful diligence our letter, which we have issued to the East in defence of the Faith, or else".
[62:6] that of Cyril of blessed memory, which agrees throughout with our views, may become known to all the brethren; in order that being furnished with arguments they may fortify themselves with spiritual strength against those who think fit to insult the Lord's Incarnation with their misbeliefs.
[62:7] You have a favourable opportunity, beloved brother, of recommending the commencement of your episcopacy to all the churches and to our God, if you will carry out these things in the way we have charged and enjoined you.
[62:8] But the matters which were not to be committed to paper, in reliance on God's aid, you shall carry out effectually, as we have said, and laudably, when you have learnt about them from the mouths of our aforesaid sons.
[62:9] God keep you safe, dearest brother.
[62:10] Dated 5th of May, in the consulship of the most glorious Valentinianus (for the 7th time) and of the famous Avienus (450).
[63:1] Letter LXVIII.
[63:2] From Three Gallic Bishops to St.
[63:3] Leo.
[63:4] Ceretius, Salonius and Veranus to the holy Lord, most blessed father, and pope most worthy of the Apostolic See, Leo.
[63:5] I.
[63:6] They congratulate and thank Leo for the Tome.
[63:7] Having perused your Excellency's letter, which you composed for instruction in the Faith, and sent to the bishop of Constantinople, we thought it our duty, being enriched with so great a wealth of doctrine, to pay our debt of thanks by at least inditing you a letter.
[63:8] For we appreciate your fatherly solicitude on our behalf, and confess that we are the more indebted to your preventing care because we now have the benefit of the remedy before experiencing the evils.
[63:9] For knowing that those remedies are well-nigh too late which are applied after the infliction of the wounds, you admonish us with the voice of loving forethought to arm ourselves with those Apostolic means of defence.
[63:10] We acknowledge frankly, most blessed pope".
[63:11] , with what singular loving-kindness you have imparted to us the innermost thoughts of your breast, by the efficacy of which you secure the safety of others: and while you extract the old Serpent's infused poison from the hearts of others, standing as it were on the watch-tower of Love, with Apostolic care and watchfulness you cry aloud, lest the enemy come on us unawares and off our guard, lest careless security expose us to attack, O holy Lord, most blessed father and pope, most worthy of the Apostolic See.
[63:12] Moreover we, who specially belong to you".
[63:13] , are filled with a great and unspeakable delight, because this special statement of your teaching is so highly regarded wherever the Churches meet together, that the unanimous opinion is expressed that the primacy of the Apostolic See is rightfully there assigned, from whence the oracles of the Apostolic Spirit still receive their interpretations.
[63:14] II.
[63:15] They ask him to correct or add to their copy of the Tome.
[63:16] Therefore, if you deem it worth while, we entreat your holiness to run through and correct any mistake of the copyist in this work, so valuable both now and in the future, which we have had committed to parchment".
[63:17] , in our desire to preserve it, or if you have devised anything further in your zeal, which will profit all who read, give orders in your loving care that it be added to this copy, so that not only many holy bishops our brethren throughout the provinces of Gaul, but also many of your sons among the laity, who greatly desire to see this letter for the revelation of the Truth, may be permitted, when it is sent back to us, corrected by your holy hand, to transcribe, read and keep it.
[63:18] If you think fit, we are anxious that our messengers should return soon, in order that we may the speedier have an account of your good health over which to rejoice: for your well-being is our joy and health.
[63:19] May Christ the Lord long keep your eminence mindful of our humility, O holy Lord, most blessed father and pope most worthy of the Apostolic See.
[63:20] I, Ceretius, your adopted (son?), salute your apostleship, commending me to your prayers.
[63:21] I, Salonius, your adorer, salute your apostleship, entreating the aid of your prayers.
[63:22] I, Veranus, the worshipper of your apostleship, salute your blessedness, and beseech you to pray for me.
[64:1] Letter LXIX.
[64:2] (To Theodosius Augustus.
[64:3] ) Leo, the bishop, to Theodosius ever Augustus.
[64:4] I.
[64:5] He suspends his opinion on the appointment of Anatolius till he has made open confession of the catholic Faith.
[64:6] In all your piously expressed letters amid the anxieties, which we suffer for the Faith, you have afforded us hope of security by supporting the Council of Nicaea so loyally as not to allow the priests of the Lord to budge from it, as you have often written us already.
[64:7] But lest I should seem to have done anything prejudicial to the catholic defence, I thought nothing rash on either side ought meanwhile to be written back on the ordination of him who has begun to preside over the church of Constantinople, and this not through want of loving interest, but waiting for the catholic Truth to be made clear.
[64:8] And I beg your clemency to bear this with equanimity that when he has proved himself such as we desire towards the catholic Faith, we may the more fully and safely rejoice over his sincerity.
[64:9] But that no evil suspicion may assail him about our disposition towards him, I remove all occasion of difficulty, and demand nothing which may seem either hard or controvertible but make an invitation which no catholic would decline.
[64:10] For they are well known and renowned throughout the world, who before our time have shone in preaching the catholic Truth whether in the Greek or the Latin tongue, to whose learning and teaching some even of our own day have recourse, and from whose writings a uniform and manifold statement of doctrine is produced: which, as it has pulled down the heresy of Nestorius, so has it cut off this error too which is now sprouting out again.
[64:11] Let him then read again what is the belief on the Lord's Incarnation which the holy fathers guarded and has always been similarly preached, and when he has perceived that the letter of Cyril of holy memory, bishop of Alexandria, agrees with the view of those who preceded him [wherein he wished to correct and cure Nestorius, refuting his wrong statements and setting out more clearly the Faith as defined at Nicaea, and which was sent by him and placed in the library of the Apostolic See".
[64:12] ], let him further reconsider the proceedings of the Ephesian Synod".
[64:13] wherein the testimonies of catholic priests on the Lord's Incarnation are inserted and maintained by Cyril of holy memory.
[64:14] Let him not scorn also to read my letter".
[64:15] over, which he will find to agree throughout with the pious belief of the fathers.
[64:16] And when he has realized that that is required and desired from him which shall serve the same good end, let him give his hearty assent to the judgment of the catholics, so that in the presence of all the clergy and the whole people he may without any reservation declare his sincere acknowledgment of the common Faith, to be communicated to the Apostolic See and all the Lord's priests and churches, and thus the world being at peace through the one Faith, we may all be able to say what the angels sang at the Saviour's birth of the Virgin Mary, "Glory in the highest to God and on earth peace to men of good will".
[64:17] II.
[64:18] He promises to accept Anatolius on making this confession, and asks for a council in Italy to finally define the Faith.
[64:19] But because both we and our blessed fathers, whose teaching we revere and follow, are in concord on the one Faith, as the bishops of all the provinces attest, let your clemency's most devout faith see to it that such a document as is due may reach us as soon as may be from the bishop of Constantinople, as from an approved and catholic priest, that is, openly and distinctly affirming that he will separate from his communion any one who believes or maintains any other view about the Incarnation of the Word of God than my statement and that of all catholics lays down, that we may fairly be able to bestow on him brotherly love in Christ.
[64:20] And that swifter and fuller effect, God aiding us, may be given through your clemency's faith to our wholesome desires, I have sent to your piety my brethren and fellow-bishops Abundius and Asterius, together with Basilius and Senator presbyters, whose devotion is well proved to me, through whom, when they have displayed the instructions which we have sent, you may be able properly to apprehend what is the standard of our faith, so that, if the bishop of Constantinople gives his hearty assent to the same confession, we may securely, as is due, rejoice over the peace of the Church and no ambiguity may seem to lurk behind which may trouble us with perhaps ungrounded suspicions.
[64:21] But if any dissent from the purity of our Faith and from the authority of the Fathers, the Synod which has met at Rome for that purpose joins with me in asking your clemency to permit a universal council within the limits of Italy; so that, if all those come together in one place who have fallen either through ignorance or through fear, measures may be taken to correct and cure them, and no one any longer may be allowed to quote the Synod of Nicaea in a way which shall prove him opposed to its Faith; since it will be of advantage both to the whole Church and to your rule, if one God, one Faith and one mystery of man's Salvation, be held by the one confession of the whole world.
[64:22] Dated 17th July in the consulship of the illustrious Valentinianus for the seventh time) and Avienus (450).
[65:1] Letter LXX.
[65:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[65:3] (In which he again says he is waiting for Anatolius' acceptance of Cyril's and his own statement of the Faith, and looks forward to a Synod in Italy.
[65:4] ).
[66:1] Letter LXXI.
[66:2] To the Archimandrites of Constantinople.
[66:3] (Complaining of Anatolius' silence.
[66:4] ).
[67:1] Letter LXXII.
[67:2] To Faustus, One of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.
[67:3] (Commending his faith and exhorting him to steadfastness.
[67:4] ).
[68:1] Letter LXXIII.
[68:2] From Valentinian and Marcian.
[68:3] (Announcing their election as Emperors".
[68:4] (a.
[68:5] d.
[68:6] 450), and asking his prayers that (per celebrandam synodum, te auctore), peace may be restored to the Church.
[68:7] ).
[69:1] Letter LXXIV.
[69:2] To Martinus, Another of the Archimandrites at Constantinople.
[69:3] (Commending his steadfastness in the Faith.
[69:4] ).
[70:1] Letter LXXV.
[70:2] To Faustus and Martinus Together.
[70:3] (Condemning the Latrocinium and maintaining that Eutyches equally with Nestorius promotes the cause of Antichrist.
[70:4] ).
[71:1] Letter LXXVI.
[71:2] From Marcianus Augustus to Leo.
[71:3] (Proposing that he should either attend a Synod at Constantinople or help in arranging some other more convenient place of meeting.
[71:4] ).
[72:1] Letter LXXVII.
[72:2] From Pulcheria Augusta to Leo.
[72:3] (In which she expresses her assurance that Anatolius is orthodox, and begs him to assist her husband in arranging for the Synod, and announces that Flavian's body has been buried in the Basilica of the Apostles at Constantinople and the exiled bishops restored.
[72:4] ).
[73:1] Letter LXXVIII.
[73:2] Leo's Answer to Marcianus.
[73:3] (Briefly thanking him.
[73:4] ).
[74:1] Letter LXXIX.
[74:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[74:3] Leo, bishop of the city of Rome to Pulcheria Augusta.
[74:4] I.
[74:5] He rejoices at Pulcheria's zeal both against Nestorius and Eutyches.
[74:6] That which we have always anticipated concerning your Grace's holy purposes, we have now proved fully true, viz.
[74:7] that, however varied may be the attacks of wicked men upon the Christian Faith, yet when you are present and prepared by the Lord for its defence, it cannot be disturbed.
[74:8] For God will not forsake either the mystery of His mercy or the deserts of your labours, whereby you long ago repelled the crafty foe of our holy religion from the very vitals of the Church: when the impiety of Nestorius failed to maintain his heresy because it did not escape you the handmaid and pupil of the Truth, how much poison was instilled into simple folk by the coloured falsehoods of that glib fellow.
[74:9] And the sequel to that mighty struggle was that through your vigilance the things which the devil contrived by means of Eutyches, did not escape detection, and they who had chosen to themselves one side in the twofold heresy, were overthrown by the one and undivided power of the catholic Faith.
[74:10] This then is your second victory over the destruction of Eutyches' error: and, if he had had any soundness of mind, that error having been once and long ago routed and put to confusion in the person of his instigators, he would easily have been able to avoid the attempt to rekindle into life the smouldering ashes, and thus only share the lot of those, whose example he had followed, most glorious Augusta.
[74:11] We desire, therefore, to leap for joy and to pay due vows for your clemency's prosperity to God, who has already bestowed on you a double palm and crown through all the parts of the world, in which the Lord's Gospel is proclaimed.
[74:12] II.
[74:13] He thanks her for her aid to the catholic cause, and explains his wishes about the restoration of the lapsed bishops.
[74:14] Your clemency must know, therefore, that the whole church of Rome is highly grateful for all your faithful deeds, whether that you have with pious zeal helped our representatives throughout and brought back the catholic priests, who had been expelled from their churches by an unjust sentence, or that you have procured the restoration with due honour of the remains of that innocent and holy priest, Flavian, of holy memory, to the church, which he ruled so well.
[74:15] In all which things assuredly your glory is increased manifold, so long as you venerate the saints according to their deserts, and are anxious that the thorns and weeds should be removed from the Lord's field.
[74:16] But we learn as well from the account of our deputies as from that of my brother and fellow-bishop, Anatolius, whom you graciously recommend to me, that certain bishops crave reconciliation for those who seem to have given their consent to matters of heresy, and desire catholic communion for them: to whose request we grant effect on condition that the boon of peace should not be vouchsafed them till, our deputies acting in concert with the aforesaid bishop, they are corrected, and with their own hand condemn their evil doings; because our Christian religion requires both that true justice should constrain the obstinate, and love not reject the penitent.
[74:17] III.
[74:18] He commends certain bishops and churches to her care.
[74:19] And because we know how much pious care your Grace deigns to bestow on catholic priests, we have ordered that you should be informed that my brother and fellow-bishop, Eusebius, is living with us, and sharing our communion, whose church we commend to you; for he that is improperly asserted to have been elected in his place, is said to be ravaging it.
[74:20] And this too we ask of your Grace, which we doubt not you will do of your own free will, to extend the favour which is due as well to my brother and fellow-bishop, Julian, as to the clergy of Constantinople, who clung to the holy Flavian with faithful loyalty.
[74:21] On all things we have instructed your Grace by our deputies as to what ought to be done or arranged.
[74:22] Dated April 13, in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[75:1] Letter LXXX.
[75:2] (To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[75:3] ) Leo, the bishop, to Anatolius, the bishop.
[75:4] I.
[75:5] He rejoices at Anatolius having proved himself orthodox.
[75:6] We rejoice in the Lord and glory in the gift of His Grace, Who has shown you a follower of Gospel-teaching as we have found from your letter, beloved, and our brothers' account whom we sent to Constantinople: for now through the approved faith of the priest, we are justifying in presuming that the whole church committed to him will have no wrinkle nor spot of error, as says the Apostle, "for I have espoused you to one husband to present you a pure virgin to Christ".
[75:7] For that virgin is the Church, the spouse of one husband Christ, who suffers herself to be corrupted by no error, so that through the whole world we have one entire and pure communion in which we now welcome you as a fellow, beloved, and give our approval to the order of proceedings which we have received, ratified, as was proper, with the necessary signatures.
[75:8] In order, therefore, that your spirit in turn, beloved, might be strengthened by words of ours, we sent back after the Easter festival with our letters, our sons, Casterius, the Presbyter, and Patricius and Asclepias, the Deacons, who brought your writings to us, informing you, as we said above, that we rejoice at the peace of the church of Constantinople, on which we have ever spent such care that we wish it to be polluted by no heretical deceit.
[75:9] II.
[75:10] The penitents among the backsliding bishops are to be received back into full communion upon some plan to be settled by Anatolius and Leo's delegates.
[75:11] But concerning the brethren whom we learn from your letters, and from our delegates' account, to be desirous of communion with us, on the ground of their sorrow that they did not remain constant against violence and intimidation, but gave their assent to another's crime when terror had so bewildered them, that with hasty acquiescence they ministered to the condemnation of the catholic and guiltless bishop (Flavian), and to the acceptance of the detestable heresy (of Eutyches), we approve of that which was determined upon in the presence and with the co-operation of our delegates, viz.
[75:12] , that they should be content meanwhile with the communion of their own churches, but we wish our delegates whom we have sent to consult with you, and come to some arrangement whereby those who condemn their ill-doings with full assurances of penitence, and choose rather to accuse than to defend themselves, may be gladdened by being at peace and in communion with us; on condition that what has been received against the catholic Faith is first condemned with complete anathema.
[75:13] For otherwise in the Church of God, which is Christ's Body, there are neither valid priesthoods nor true sacrifices, unless in the reality of our nature the true High Priest makes atonement for us, and the true Blood of the spotless Lamb makes us clean.
[75:14] For although He be set on the Father's right hand, yet in the same flesh which He took from the Virgin, he carries on the mystery of propitiation, as says the Apostle, "Christ Jesus Who died, yea, Who also rose, Who is on the right hand of God, Who also maketh intercession for us".
[75:15] For our kindness cannot be blamed in any case where we receive those who give assurance of penitence, and at whose deception we were grieved.
[75:16] The boon of communion with us, therefore, must neither harshly be withheld nor rashly granted, because as it is fully consistent with our religion to treat the oppressed with a Christlike charity, so it is fair to lay the full blame upon the authors of the disturbance.
[75:17] III.
[75:18] The Names of Dioscorus, Juvenal, and Eustathius are not to be read aloud at the holy altar.
[75:19] Concerning the reading out of the names of Dioscorus, Juvenal, and Eustathius".
[75:20] at the holy altar, it beseems you, beloved, to observe that which our friends who were there present said ought to be done, and which is consistent with the honourable memory of S.
[75:21] Flavian, and will not turn the minds of the laity away from you.
[75:22] For it is very wrong and unbecoming that those who have harassed innocent catholics with their attacks, should be mingled indiscriminately with the names of the saints, seeing that by not forsaking their condemned heresy, they condemn themselves by their perversity: such men should either be chastised for their unfaithfulness; or strive hard after forgiveness.
[75:23] IV.
[75:24] One or two instructions about individuals.
[75:25] But our brother and fellow-bishop, Julian, and the clergy who adhered to Flavian of holy memory, rendering him faithful service, we wish to adhere to you also beloved, that they may know him who we are sure lives by the merits of his faith with our God to be present with them in you.
[75:26] We wish you to know this too, beloved, that our brother and fellow-bishop Eusebius".
[75:27] , who for the Faith's sake endured many dangers and toils, is at present staying with us and continuing in our communion; whose church we would that your care should protect, that nothing may be destroyed in his absence, and no one may venture to injure him in anything until he come to you bearing a letter from us.
[75:28] And that our or rather all Christian people's affection for you may be stirred up in greater measure, we wish this that we have written to you, beloved, to come to all men's knowledge, that they who serve our God may give thanks for the consummation of the peace of the Apostolic See with you.
[75:29] But on other matters and persons you will be more fully instructed, beloved, by the letter you will have received through our delegates.
[75:30] Dated 13 April, in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[76:1] Letter LXXXI.
[76:2] To Bishop Julian.
[76:3] (Warning him to be circumspect in receiving the lapsed.
[76:4] ).
[77:1] Letter LXXXII.
[77:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[77:3] I.
[77:4] After congratulating the Emperor on his noble conduct, he deprecates random inquiries into the tenets of the Faith.
[77:5] Although I have replied".
[77:6] already to your Grace by the hand of the Constantinopolitan clergy, yet on receiving your clemency's mercy through the illustrious prefect of the city, my son Tatian, I found still greater cause for congratulation, because I have learnt your strong eagerness for the Church's peace.
[77:7] And this holy desire as in fairness it deserves, secures for your empire the same happy condition as you seek for religion.
[77:8] For when the Spirit of God establishes harmony among Christian princes, a twofold confidence is produced throughout the world, because the progress of love and faith makes the power of their arms in both directions unconquerable, so that God being propitiated by one confession, the falseness of heretics and the enmity of barbarians are simultaneously overthrown, most glorious Emperor.
[77:9] The hope, therefore, of heavenly aid being increased through the Emperor's friendship, I venture with the greater confidence to appeal to your Grace on behalf of the mystery of man's salvation, not to allow any one in vain and presumptuous craftiness to inquire what must be held, as if it were uncertain.
[77:10] And although we may not in a single word dissent from the teaching of the Gospels and Apostles, nor entertain any opinion on the Divine Scriptures different to what the blessed Apostles and our Fathers learnt and taught, now in these latter days unlearned and blasphemous inquiries are set on foot, which of old the Holy Spirit crushed by the disciples of the Truth, so soon as the devil aroused them in hearts which were suited to his purpose.
[77:11] II.
[77:12] The points to be settled are only which of the lapsed shall be restored, and on what terms.
[77:13] But it is most inopportune that through the foolishness of a few we should be brought once more into hazardous opinions, and to the warfare of carnal disputes, as if the wrangle was to be revived, and we had to settle whether Eutyches held blasphemous views, and whether Dioscorus gave wrong judgment, who in condemning Flavian of holy memory struck his own death-blow, and involved the simpler folk in the same destruction.
[77:14] And now that many, as we have ascertained, have betaken themselves to the means of amendment, and entreat forgiveness for their weak hastiness, we have to determine not the character of the Faith, but whose prayers we shall receive, and on what terms.
[77:15] And hence that most religious anxiety which you deign to feel for the proclamation of a Synod, shall have fully and timely put before it all that I judge pertinent to the needs of the case, by means of the deputies who will with all speed, if God permit, reach your Grace.
[77:16] Dated the 23rd of April in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[78:1] Letter LXXXIII.
[78:2] To the Same Marcian.
[78:3] (Congratulating him on his benefits to the Church, and deprecating a Synod as inopportune.
[78:4] ).
[79:1] Letter LXXXIV.
[79:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[79:3] (Announcing the despatch of his legates to deal with the lapsed, and asking that Eutyches should be superseded in his monastery by a catholic, and dismissed from Constantinople.
[79:4] ).
[80:1] Letter LXXXV.
[80:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[80:3] Leo, the bishop, to the bishop Anatolius.
[80:4] I.
[80:5] Anatolius with Leo's delegates is to settle the question of the receiving back of those who had temporarily gone astray after Eutyches.
[80:6] Although I hope, beloved, you are devoted to every good work, yet that your activity may be rendered the more effective, it was needful and fitting to despatch my brothers Lucentius the bishop and Basil the presbyter, as we".
[80:7] promised, to ally themselves with you, beloved, that nothing may be done either indecisively or lazily in matters, which concern the welfare of the universal Church; for as long as you are on the spot, to whom we have entrusted the carrying out of our will, all things can be conducted with such moderation that the claims of neither kindness nor justice may be neglected, but without the accepting of persons, the Divine judgment may be considered in everything.
[80:8] But that this may be properly observed and guarded, the integrity of the catholic Faith must first of all be preserved, and, because in all cases "narrow" and steep "is the way that leadeth unto life".
[80:9] ," there must be no deviation from its track, either to the right hand or to the left.
[80:10] And because the evangelical and Apostolic Faith has to combat all errors, on the one side casting down Nestorius, on the other crushing Eutyches and his accomplices, remember the need of observing this rule, that all those who in that synod".
[80:11] , which cannot, and does not deserve to have the name of Synod, and in which Dioscorus displayed his bad feeling, and Juvenal".
[80:12] his ignorance, grieve as we learn from your account, beloved, that they were conquered by fear, and being overcome with terror, were able to be forced to assent to that iniquitous judgment, and who now desire to obtain catholic communion, are to receive the peace of the brethren after due assurance of repentance, on condition that in no doubtful terms they anathematize, execrate and condemn Eutyches and his dogma and his adherents.
[80:13] II.
[80:14] The case of the more serious offenders must be reserved for the present.
[80:15] But concerning those who have sinned more gravely in this matter, and claimed for themselves a higher place in the same unhappy synod, in order to irritate the simple minds of their lowlier brethren by their pernicious arrogance, if they return to their right mind, and ceasing to defend their action, turn themselves to the condemnation of their particular error, if these men give such assurance of penitence as shall seem indisputable, let their case be reserved for the maturer deliberations of the Apostolic See, that when all things have been sifted and weighed, the right conclusion may be arrived at about their real actions.
[80:16] And in the Church over which the Lord has willed you to rule, let none such as we have already written".
[80:17] have their names read at the altar until the course of events shows what ought to be determined concerning them.
[80:18] III.
[80:19] Anatolius is requested to co-operate loyally with Leo's delegates.
[80:20] But concerning the address".
[80:21] presented to us by your clergy, beloved, there is no need to put my sentiments into a letter: it is sufficient to entrust all to my delegates, whose words shall carefully instruct you on every point.
[80:22] And so, dearest brother, do you endeavour with these brethren whom we have chosen as suitable agents in so great a matter faithfully and effectually to carry out what is agreeable to the Church of God: especially as the very nature of the case, and the promise of Divine aid incite you, and our most gracious princes show such holy faith, such religious devotion, that we find in them not only the general sympathy of Christians, but even that of the priesthood.
[80:23] Who assuredly in accordance with that piety, whereby they boast themselves to be servants of God, will receive all your suggestions for the benefit of the catholic Faith in a worthy spirit, so that by their aid also the peace of Christendom can be restored and wicked error destroyed.
[80:24] And if on any points more advice is needed, let word be quickly sent to us, that after investigating the nature of the case, we may carefully prescribe the rightful measures.
[80:25] Dated 9th of June in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[81:1] Letter LXXXVI.
[81:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[81:3] (Begging him for friendship's and the Church's sake to assist his legates in quelling the remnants of heresy.
[81:4] ).
[82:1] Letter LXXXVII.
[82:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[82:3] (Commending to him two presbyters, Basil and John, who being accused of heresy had come to Rome, and quite convinced Leo of their orthodoxy.
[82:4] ).
[83:1] Letter LXXXVIII.
[83:2] To Paschasinus, Bishop of Lilybaeum.
[83:3] Leo, the bishop, to Paschasinus, bishop of Lilybaeum.
[83:4] I.
[83:5] He sends a copy of the Tome and still further explains the heterodoxy of Eutyches.
[83:6] Although I doubt not all the sources of scandal are fully known to you, brother, which have arisen in the churches of the East about the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, yet, lest anything might have chanced to escape your care, I have despatched for your attentive perusal and study our letter".
[83:7] , which deals with this matter in the fullest way, which we sent to Flavian of holy memory, and which the universal Church has accepted; in order that, understanding how completely this whole blasphemous error has with God's aid been destroyed, you yourself also in your love towards God may show the same spirit, and know that they are utterly to be abhorred, who, following the blasphemy and madness of Eutyches, have dared to say there are not two natures, i-e: perfect Godhead and perfect manhood, in our Lord, the only-begotten Son of God, who took upon Himself to restore mankind; and think they can deceive our wariness by saying they believe the one nature of the Word to be Incarnate, whereas the Word of God in the Godhead of the Father, and of Himself, and of the Holy Spirit has indeed one nature; but when He took on Him the reality of our flesh, our nature also was united to His unchangeable substance: for even Incarnation could not be spoken of, unless the Word took on Him the flesh.
[83:8] And this taking on of flesh forms so complete a union, that not only in the blessed Virgin's child-bearing, but also in her conception, no division must be imagined between the Godhead and the life-endowed flesh".
[83:9] , since in the unity of person the Godhead and the manhood came together both in the conception and in the childbearing of the Virgin.
[83:10] II.
[83:11] Eutyches might have been warned by the fate of former heretics.
[83:12] A like blasphemy, therefore, is to be abhorred in Eutyches, as was once condemned and overthrown by the Fathers in former heretics: and their example ought to have benefited this foolish fellow, in putting him on his guard against that which he could not grasp by his own sense, lest he should render void the peerless mystery of our salvation by denying the reality of human flesh in our Lord Jesus Christ.
[83:13] For, if there is not in Him true and perfect human nature, there is no taking of us upon Him, and the whole of our belief and teaching according to his heresy is emptiness and lying.
[83:14] But because the Truth does not lie and the Godhead is not passible, there abides in God the Word both substances in one Person, and the Church confesses her Saviour in such a way as to acknowledge Him both impassible in Godhead and passible in flesh, as says the Apostle, "although He was crucified through (our) weakness, yet He lives by the power of God".
[83:15] III.
[83:16] He sends quotations from the Fathers, and announces that the churches of the East have accepted the Tome.
[83:17] And in order that you may be the fuller instructed in all things, beloved, I have sent you certain quotations from our holy Fathers, that you may clearly gather what they felt and what they preached to the churches about the mystery of the Lord's Incarnation, which quotations our deputies produced at Constantinople also together with our epistle.
[83:18] And you must understand that the whole church of Constantinople, with all the monasteries and many bishops, have given their assent to it, and by their subscription have anathematized Nestorius and Eutyches with their dogmas.
[83:19] You must also understand that I have recently received the bishop of Constantinople's letter, which states that the bishop of Antioch has sent instructions to all the bishops throughout his provinces, and gained their assent to my epistle, and their condemnation of Nestorius and Eutyches in like manner.
[83:20] IV.
[83:21] He asks him to settle the discrepancy between the Alexandrine and the Roman calculation of Easter for 455, by consulting the proper authority.
[83:22] This also we think necessary to enjoin upon your care that you should diligently inquire in those quarters where you are sure of information concerning that point in the reckoning of Easter, which we have found in the table".
[83:23] of Theophilus, and which greatly exercises us, and that you should discuss with those who are learned in such calculations, as to the date, when the day of the Lord's resurrection should be held four years hence.
[83:24] For, whereas the next Easter is to be held by God's goodness on March 23rd, the year after on April 12th, the year after that on April 4th, Theophilus of holy memory has fixed April 24th to be observed in 455, which we find to be quite contrary to the rule of the Church; but in our Easter cycles".
[83:25] as you know very well, Easter that year is set down to be kept on April 17th.
[83:26] And therefore, that all our doubts may be removed, we beg you carefully to discuss this point with the best authorities, that for the future we may avoid this kind of mistake.
[83:27] Dated June 24th in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[84:1] Letter LXXXIX.
[84:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[84:3] (Appointing Paschasinus the bishop and Boniface a presbyter, and Julian the bishop, his representatives at the Synod, as the Emperor is determined it should be held at once.
[84:4] ).
[85:1] Letter XC.
[85:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[85:3] (Assenting perforce to the meeting of the Synod, but begging him to see that the Faith be not discussed as doubtful.
[85:4] ).
[86:1] Letter XCI.
[86:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[86:3] (Telling him that he has appointed Paschasinus, Boniface, and Julian, bishop of Cos, to represent him at the Synod.
[86:4] ).
[87:1] Letter XCII.
[87:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[87:3] (Asking him to act as one of his representatives at the Synod.
[87:4] ).
[88:1] Letter XCIII.
[88:2] To the Synod of Chalcedon.
[88:3] Leo, the bishop of the city of Rome, to the holy Synod, assembled at Nicaea".
[88:4] I.
[88:5] He excuses his absence from the Synod, and introduces his representatives.
[88:6] I had indeed prayed, dearly beloved, on behalf of my dear colleagues that all the Lord's priests would persist in united devotion to the catholic Faith, and that no one would be misled by favour or fear of secular powers into departure from the way of Truth; but because many things often occur to produce penitence and God's mercy transcends the faults of delinquents, and vengeance is postponed in order that reformation may have place, we must make much of our most merciful prince's piously intentioned Council, in which he has desired your holy brotherhood to assemble for the purpose of destroying the snares of the devil and restoring the peace of the Church, so far respecting the rights and dignity of the most blessed Apostle Peter as to invite us too by letter to vouchsafe our presence at your venerable Synod.
[88:7] That indeed is not permitted either by the needs of the times or by any precedent.
[88:8] Yet in these brethren, that is Paschasinus and Lucentius, bishops, Boniface and Basil, presbyters, who have been deputed by the Apostolic See, let your brotherhood reckon that I am presiding".
[88:9] at the Synod; for my presence is not withdrawn from you, who am now represented by my vicars, and have this long time been really with you in the proclaiming of the catholic Faith: so that you who cannot help knowing what we believe in accordance with ancient tradition, cannot doubt what we desire.
[88:10] II.
[88:11] He entreats them to re-State the Faith as laid down in the Tome.
[88:12] Wherefore, brethren most dear, let all attempts at impugning the Divinely-inspired Faith be entirely put down, and the vain unbelief of heretics be laid to rest: and let not that be defended which may not be believed: since in accordance with the authoritative statements of the Gospel, in accordance with the utterances of the prophets, and the teaching of the Apostles, with the greatest fulness and clearness in the letter which we sent to bishop Flavian of happy memory, it has been laid down what is the loyal and pure confession upon the mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ's Incarnation.
[88:13] III.
[88:14] The ejected bishops must be restored, and the Nestorian canons retain their force.
[88:15] But because we know full well that through evil jealousies the state of many churches has been disturbed, and a large number of bishops have been driven from their Sees for not receiving the heresy and conveyed into exile, while others have been put into their places though yet alive, to these wounds first of all must the healing of justice be applied, nor must any one be deprived of his own possession that some one else may enjoy it: for if, as we desire, all forsake their error, no one need lose his present rank, and those who have laboured for the Faith ought to have their rights restored with every privilege.
[88:16] Let the decrees specially directed against Nestorius of the former Synod of Ephesus, at which bishop Cyril of holy memory presided, still retain their force, lest the heresy then condemned flatter itself in aught because Eutyches is visited with condign execration.
[88:17] For the purity of the Faith and doctrine which we proclaim in the same spirit as our holy Fathers, equally condemns and impugns the Nestorian and the Eutychian misbelief with its supporters.
[88:18] Farewell in the Lord, brethren most dear.
[88:19] Dated 26th".
[88:20] of June, in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[89:1] Letter XCIV.
[89:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[89:3] (Commending his legates to him and praying for the full success of the Synod, if it adhere to the Faith once delivered to the saints.
[89:4] ).
[90:1] Letter XCV.
[90:2] To Pulcheria Augusta by the Hand of Theoctistus the Magistrian".
[90:3] Leo, the bishop to Pulcheria Augusta.
[90:4] I.
[90:5] He informs the Empress that he has loyally recognized the Council ordered by her, and sent representatives with letters to it.
[90:6] Your clemency's religious care which you unceasingly bestow on the catholic Faith, I recognize in everything, and give God thanks at seeing you take such interest in the universal Church, that I can confidently suggest what I think agreeable to justice and kindness, and so what thus far your pious zeal through the mercy of Christ has irreproachably accomplished, may the more speedily be brought to an issue which we shall be thankful for, O most noble Augusta.
[90:7] Your clemency's command, therefore, that a Synod should be held at Nicaea".
[90:8] , and your gently expressed refusal of my request that it should be held in Italy, so that all the bishops in our parts might be summoned and assemble, if the state of affairs had permitted them, I have received in a spirit so far removed from scorn as to nominate two of my fellow-bishops and fellow-presbyters respectively to represent me, sending also to the venerable synod an appropriate missive from which the brotherhood therein assembled might learn the standard necessary to be maintained in their decision, lest any rashness should do detriment either to the rules of the Faith, or to the provisions of the canons, or to the remedies required by the spirit of loving kindness.
[90:9] II.
[90:10] In the settlement of this matter that moderation must be observed which was entirely absent at Ephesus.
[90:11] For, as I have very often stated in letters from the beginning of this matter, I have desired that such moderation should be observed in the midst of discordant views and carnal jealousies that, whilst nothing should be allowed to be wrested from or added to the purity of the Faith, yet the remedy of pardon should be granted to those who return to unity and peace.
[90:12] Because the works of the devil are then more effectually destroyed when men's hearts are recalled to the love of God and their neighbours.
[90:13] But how contrary to my warnings and entreaties were their actions then, it is a long story to explain, nor is the need to put down in the pages of a letter all that was allowed to be perpetrated in that meeting, not of judges but of robbers, at Ephesus; where the chief men of the synod spared neither those brethren who opposed them nor those who assented to them, seeing that for the breaking down of the catholic Faith and the strengthening of execrable heresy, they stripped some of their rightful rank and tainted others with complicity in guilt; and surely their cruelty was worse to those whom by persuasion they divorced from innocence, than to those whom by persecution they made blessed confessors.
[90:14] III.
[90:15] Those who recant their error must be treated with forbearance.
[90:16] And yet because such men have harmed themselves most by their wrong-doing, and because the greater the wounds, the more careful must be the application of the remedy, I have never in any letter maintained that pardon must be withheld even from them if they came to their right mind.
[90:17] And although we unchangeably abhor their heresy, which is the greatest enemy of Christian religion, yet the men themselves, if they without any doubt amend their ways and clear themselves by full assurances of repentance, we do not judge to be outcasts from the unspeakable mercy of God: but rather we lament with those that lament, "we weep with those that weep".
[90:18] ," and obey the requirements of justice in deposing without neglecting the remedies of loving-kindness: and this, as your piety knows, is not a mere word-promise, but is also borne out by our actions, inasmuch as nearly all who had been either misled or forced into assenting to the presiding bishops, by rescinding what they had decreed and by condemning what they had written, have obtained complete acquittal from guilt and the boon of Apostolic peace.
[90:19] IV.
[90:20] Even the authors of the mischief may find room for forgiveness by repentance.
[90:21] If, therefore, your clemency deigns to reflect upon my motives, it will be satisfied that I have acted throughout with the design of bringing about the abolition of the heresy without the loss of one soul; and that in the case of the authors of these cruel disturbances I have modified my practice somewhat in order that their slow minds might be aroused by some feelings of compunction to ask for lenient treatment.
[90:22] For although since their decision, which is no less blasphemous than unjust, they cannot be held in such honour by the catholic brotherhood as they once were, yet they still retain their sees and their rank as bishops, with the prospect either of receiving the peace of the whole Church, after true and necessary signs of repentance or, if (which God forbid) they persist in their heresy, of reaping the reward of their misbelief.
[90:23] Dated 20th of July, in the consulship of the illustrious Adelfius (451).
[91:1] Letter XCVI.
[91:2] To Ravennius, Bishop of Arles.
[91:3] (Requesting him to keep Easter on March 23 in 452.
[91:4] ).
[92:1] Letter XCVII.
[92:2] From Eusebius, Bishop of Milan, to Leo.
[92:3] (Informing him that the Tome has been approved by the Synod of Milan, and containing the subscriptions of the bishops there assembled.
[92:4] ).
[93:1] Letter XCVIII.
[93:2] From the Synod of Chalcedon to Leo.
[93:3] The great and holy and universal Synod, which by the grace of God and the sanction of our most pious and Christ-loving Emperors has been gathered together in the metropolis of Chalcedon in the province of Bithynia, to the most holy and blessed archbishop of Rome, Leo.
[93:4] I.
[93:5] They congratulate Leo on taking the foremost part in maintaining the Faith.
[93:6] "Our mouth was filled with joy and our tongue with exultation".
[93:7] This prophecy grace has fitly appropriated to us for whom the security of religion is ensured.
[93:8] For what is a greater incentive to cheerfulness than the Faith? what better inducement to exultation than the Divine knowledge which the Saviour Himself gave us from above for salvation, saying, "go ye and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things that I have enjoined you".
[93:9] And this golden chain leading down from the Author of the command to us, you yourself have stedfastly preserved, being set as the mouthpiece unto all of the blessed Peter, and imparting the blessedness of his Faith unto all.
[93:10] Whence we too, wisely taking you as our guide in all that is good, have shown to the sons of the Church their inheritance of Truth, not giving our instruction each singly and in secret, but making known our confession of the Faith in conceit, with one consent and agreement.
[93:11] And we were all delighted, revelling, as at an imperial banquet, in the spiritual food, which Christ supplied to us through your letter: and we seemed to see the Heavenly Bridegroom actually present with us.
[93:12] For if "where two or three are gathered together in His name," He has said that "there He is in the midst of them".
[93:13] ," must He not have been much more particularly present with 520 priests, who preferred the spread of knowledge concerning Him to their country and their ease? Of whom you were chief, as the head to the members, showing your goodwill".
[93:14] in the person of those who represented you; whilst our religious Emperors presided to the furtherance of due order, inviting us to restore the doctrinal fabric of the Church, even as Zerubbabel invited Joshua to rebuild Jerusalem".
[93:15] II.
[93:16] They detail Dioscorus' wicked acts.
[93:17] And the adversary would have been like a wild beast outside the fold, roaring to himself and unable to seize any one, had not the late bishop of Alexandria thrown himself for a prey to him, who, though he had done many terrible things before, eclipsed the former by the latter deeds; for contrary to all the injunctions of the canons, he deposed that blessed shepherd of the saints at Constantinople, Flavian, who displayed such Apostolic faith, and the most pious bishop Eusebius, and acquitted by his terror-won votes Eutyches, who had been condemned for heresy, and restored to him the dignity which your holiness had taken away from him as unworthy of it, and like the strangest of wild beasts, falling upon the vine which he found in the finest condition, he uprooted it and brought in that which had been cast away as unfruitful, and those who acted like true shepherds he cut off, and set over the flocks those who had shown themselves wolves: and besides all this he stretched forth his fury even against him who had been charged with the custody of the vine by the Saviour, we mean of course your holiness, and purposed excommunication against one who had at heart the unifying of the Church.
[93:18] And instead of showing penitence for this, instead of begging mercy with tears, he exulted as if over virtuous actions, rejecting your holiness' letter and resisting all the dogmas of the Truth.
[93:19] III.
[93:20] We have deposed Eutyches, treating him as mercifully as we could.
[93:21] And we ought to have left him in the position where he had placed himself: but, since we profess the teaching of the Saviour "who wishes all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the Truth".
[93:22] ," as a fact we took pains to carry out this merciful policy towards him, and called him in brotherly fashion to judgment, not as if trying to cut him off but affording him room for defence and healing; and we prayed that he might be victorious over the many charges they had brought against him, in order that we might conclude our meeting in peace and happiness and Satan might gain no advantage over us.
[93:23] But he, being absolutely convicted by his own conscience".
[93:24] , by shirking the trial gave countenance to the accusations and rejected the three lawful summonses he received.
[93:25] In consequence of which, we ratified with such moderation as we could the vote which he had passed against himself by his blunders, stripping the wolf of his shepherd's skin, which he had long been convicted of wearing for a pretence.
[93:26] Thereupon our troubles ceased and straightway a time of welcome happiness set in: and having pulled up one tare, we filled the whole world to our delight with pure grain: and having received, as it were, full power to root up and to plant, we limited the up-rooting to one and carefully plant a crop of good fruit.
[93:27] For it was God who worked, and the triumphant Euphemia who crowned the meeting as for a bridal".
[93:28] , and who, taking our definition of the Faith as her own confession, presented it to her Bridegroom by our most religious Emperor and Christ-loving Empress, appeasing all the tumult of opponents and establishing our confession of the Truth as acceptable to Him, and with hand and tongue setting her seal".
[93:29] to the votes of us all in proclamation thereof.
[93:30] These are the things we have done, with you present in the spirit and known to approve of us as brethren, and all but visible to us through the wisdom of your representatives.
[93:31] IV.
[93:32] They announce their decision that Constantinople should take precedence next to Rome, and ask Leo's consent to it.
[93:33] And we further inform you that we have decided on other things also for the good management and stability of church matters, being persuaded that your holiness will accept and ratify them, when you are told.
[93:34] The long prevailing custom, which the holy Church of God at Constantinople had of ordaining metropolitans for the provinces of Asia, Pontus and Thrace, we have now ratified by the votes of the Synod, not so much by way of conferring a privilege on the See of Constantinople as to provide for the good government of those cities, because of the frequent disorders that arise on the death of their bishops, both clergy and laity being then without a leader and disturbing church order.
[93:35] And this has not escaped your holiness, particularly in the case of Ephesus, which has often caused you annoyance".
[93:36] We have ratified also the canon of the 150 holy Fathers who met at Constantinople in the time of the great Theodosius of holy memory, which ordains that after your most holy and Apostolic See, the See of Constantinople shall take precedence, being placed second: for we are persuaded that with your usual care for others you have often extended that Apostolic prestige which belongs to you, to the church in Constantinople also, by virtue of your great disinterestedness in sharing all your own good things with your spiritual kinsfolk.
[93:37] Accordingly vouchsafe most holy and blessed father to accept as your own wish, and as conducing to good government the things which we have resolved on for the removal of all confusion and the confirmation of church order.
[93:38] For your holiness' delegates, the most pious bishops Paschasinus and Lucentius, and with them the right Godly presbyter Boniface, attempted vehemently to resist these decisions, from a strong desire that this good work also should start from your foresight, in order that the establishment of good order as well as of the Faith should be put to your account.
[93:39] For we duly regarding our most devout and Christ loving Emperors, who delight therein, and the illustrious senate and, so to say, the whole imperial city, considered it opportune to use the meeting of this ecumenical Synod for the ratification of your honour, and confidently corroborated this decision as if it were initiated by you with your customary fostering zeal, knowing that every success of the children rebounds to the parent's glory.
[93:40] Accordingly, we entreat you, honour our decision by your assent, and as we have yielded to the head our agreement on things honourable, so may the head also fulfil for the children what is fitting.
[93:41] For thus will our pious Emperors be treated with due regard, who have ratified your holiness' judgment as law, and the See of Constantinople will receive its recompense for having always displayed such loyalty on matters of religion towards you, and for having so zealously linked itself to you in full agreement.
[93:42] But that you may know that we have done nothing for favour or in hatred, but as being guided by the Divine Will, we have made known to you the whole scope of our proceedings to strengthen our position and to ratify and establish what we have done".
[94:1] Letter XCIX.
[94:2] From Ravennus and Other Gallic Bishops.
[94:3] (Announcing that the Tome has been accepted in Gaul also as a definitive statement of the Faith, with the bishops' subscriptions.
[94:4] ).
[95:1] Letter C.
[95:2] From the Emperor Marcian.
[95:3] (Dealing much more briefly with the same subjects as Letter XCVIII.
[95:4] above.
[95:5] ).
[96:1] Letter CI.
[96:2] From Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo.
[96:3] (Dealing with much the same subjects as Letter XCVIII.
[96:4] from Anatolius' own standpoint: Chap.
[96:5] iii.
[96:6] is translated in extenso as illustrating XCVIII.
[96:7] , chap.
[96:8] iii.
[96:9] ) III.
[96:10] He describes the circumstances under which the doctrine of the Incarnation had been formulated by the Synod.
[96:11] But since after passing judgment upon him we had to come to an agreement with prayers and tears upon a definition of the right Faith; for that was the chief reason for the Emperor's summoning the holy Synod, at which your holiness was present in the spirit with us, and wrought with us by the God-fearing men who were sent from you; we, having the protection of the most holy and beautiful martyr Euphemia, have all given ourselves to this important matter with all deliberateness.
[96:12] And as the occasion demanded that all the assembled holy bishops should publish a unanimous decision for clearness and for an explicit statement of the Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord God who is found and revealed even to those who seek Him not, yes, even to those who ask not for Him".
[96:13] , in spite of some attempts to resist at first, nevertheless showed us His Truth, and ordained that it should be written down and proclaimed by all unanimously and without gainsaying, which thus confirmed the souls of the strong, and invited into the way of Truth all who were swerving therefrom.
[96:14] And, indeed, after unanimously setting our names to this document, we who have assembled in this ecumenical Synod in the name of the Faith of the same most holy and triumphant martyr, Euphemia, and of our most religious and Christ-loving Emperor Marcian, and our most religious and in all things most faithful daughter the Empress Pulcheria Augusta, with prayer and joy and happiness, having laid on the holy altar the definition written in accordance with your holy epistle for the confirmation of our Fathers' Faith, presented it to their pious care; for thus they had asked to receive it, and, having received it, they glorified with us their Master Christ, who had driven away all the mist of heresy and had graciously made clear the word of Truth.
[96:15] And in this way was simultaneously established the peace of the Church and the agreement of the priests concerning the pure Faith by the Saviour's mercy.
[97:1] Letter CII.
[97:2] To the Gallic Bishops.
[97:3] (Thanking them for their letter (viz.
[97:4] XCIX.
[97:5] ) to him, and announcing the result of the Synod of Chalcedon.
[97:6] ).
[98:1] Letter CIII.
[98:2] To the Gallic Bishops.
[98:3] (Written later: enclosing a copy of the sentence against Eutyches and Dioscorus.
[98:4] ).
[99:1] Letter CIV.
[99:2] Leo, the Bishop, to Marcian Augustus.
[99:3] (To Marcian Augustus, about the presumption of Anatolius, by the hand of Lucian the bishop and Basil the deacon.
[99:4] ) I.
[99:5] He congratulates the Emperor on his share in the triumph of the catholic Faith.
[99:6] By the great bounty of God's mercy the joys of the whole catholic Church were multiplied when through your clemency's holy and glorious zeal the most pestilential error was abolished among us; so that our labours the more speedily reached their desired end, because your God-serving Majesty had so faithfully and powerfully assisted them.
[99:7] For although the liberty of the Gospel had to be defended against certain dissentients in the power of the Holy Ghost, and through the instrumentality of the Apostolic See, yet God's grace has shown itself more manifestly (than we could have hoped) by vouchsafing to the world that in the victory of the Truth only the authors of the violation of the Faith should perish".
[99:8] and the Church restored to her soundness.
[99:9] Accordingly the war which the enemy of our peace had stirred up, was so happily ended, the Lord's right hand fighting for us, that when Christ triumphed all His priests shared in the one victory, and when the light of Truth shone forth, only the shades of error, with its champions, were dispelled.
[99:10] For as in believing the Lord's own resurrection, with a view to strengthen the beginnings of Faith, confidence was much increased by the fact that certain Apostles doubted of the bodily reality of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by examining the prints of the nails and the wound of the spear with sight and touch removed the doubts of all by doubting; so now, too, while the misbelief of some is refuted, the hearts of all hesitaters are strengthened, and that which caused blindness to some few avails for the enlightenment of the whole body.
[99:11] In which work your clemency duly and rightly rejoices, having faithfully and properly provided that the devil's snares should do no hurt to the Eastern churches, but that to propitiate God everywhere more acceptable holocausts should be offered; seeing that through the mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus, one and the self-same creed is held by people, priests, and princes, O most glorious son and most clement Augustus.
[99:12] II.
[99:13] Considering all the circumstances Anatolius might have been expected to show more modesty.
[99:14] But now that these things, about which so great a concourse of priests assembled, have been brought to a good and desirable conclusion, I am surprised and grieved that the peace of the universal Church which had been divinely restored is again being disturbed by a spirit of self-seeking.
[99:15] For although my brother Anatolius seems necessarily to have consulted his own interest in forsaking the error of those who ordained him, and with salutary change of mind accepting the catholic Faith, yet he ought to have taken care not to mar by any depravity of desire that which he is known to have obtained through your means".
[99:16] For we, having regard to your faith and intervention, though his antecedents were suspicious on account of those who consecrated him".
[99:17] , wished to be kind rather than just towards him, that by the use of healing measures we might assuage all disturbances which through the operations of the devil had been excited; and this ought to have made him modest rather than the opposite.
[99:18] For even if he had been lawfully and regularly ordained for conspicuous merit, and by the wisest selection yet without respect to the canons of the Fathers, the ordinances of the Holy Ghost, and the precedents of antiquity, no votes could have availed in his favour.
[99:19] I speak before a Christian and a truly religious, truly orthodox prince (when I say that) Anatolius the bishop detracts greatly from his proper merits in desiring undue aggrandizement.
[99:20] III.
[99:21] The city of Constantinople, royal though it be, can never be raised to Apostolic rank.
[99:22] Let the city of Constantinople have, as we desire, its high rank, and under the protection of God's right hand, long enjoy your clemency's rule.
[99:23] Yet things secular stand on a different basis from things divine: and there can be no sure building save on that rock which the Lord has laid for a foundation.
[99:24] He that covets what is not his due, loses what is his own.
[99:25] Let it be enough for Anatolius that by the aid of your piety and by my favour and approval he has obtained the bishopric of so great a city.
[99:26] Let him not disdain a city which is royal, though he cannot make it an Apostolic See".
[99:27] ; and let him on no account hope that he can rise by doing injury to others.
[99:28] For the privileges of the churches determined by the canons of the holy Fathers, and fixed by the decrees of the Nicene Synod, cannot be overthrown by any unscrupulous act, nor disturbed by any innovation.
[99:29] And in the faithful execution of this task by the aid of Christ I am bound to display an unflinching devotion; for it is a charge entrusted to me, and it tends to my condemnation if the rules sanctioned by the Fathers and drawn up under the guidance of God's Spirit at the Synod of Nicaea for the government of the whole Church are violated with my connivance (which God forbid), and if the wishes of a single brother have more weight with me than the common good of the Lord's whole house.
[99:30] IV.
[99:31] He asks the Emperor to express his disapproval of Anatolius' self-seeking spirit.
[99:32] And therefore knowing that your glorious clemency is anxious for the peace of the Church and extends its protection and approval to those measures which conduce to pacific unity, I pray and beseech you with earnest entreaty to refuse all sanction and protection to these unscrupulous attempts against Christian unity and peace, and put a salutary check upon my brother Anatolius' desires, which will only injure himself, if he persists: that he may not desire things which are opposed to your glory and the needs of the times, and wish to be greater than his predecessors, and that it may be free for him to be as pre-eminent as he can in virtues, in which he will be partaker only if he prefer to be adorned with love rather than puffed up with ambition.
[99:33] The conception of this unwarrantable wish he ought indeed never to have received within the secret of his heart, but when my brothers and fellow-bishops who were there to represent me withstood him, he might at least have desisted from his unlawful self-seeking at their wholesome opposition.
[99:34] For both your gracious Majesty and his own letter affirm that the legates of the Apostolic See opposed him as they ought with the most justifiable resistance, so that his presumption was the less excusable in that not even when rebuked did it restrain itself.
[99:35] V.
[99:36] And to try to bring him to a right mind.
[99:37] And hence, because it becomes your glorious faith that, as heresy was overthrown, God acting through you, so now all self-seeking should be defeated, do that which beseems both your Christian and your kingly goodness, so that the said bishop may obey the Fathers, further the cause of peace, and not think he had any right to ordain a bishop".
[99:38] for the Church of Antioch, as he presumed to do without any precedent and contrary to the provisions of the canons: an act which from a longing to re-establish the Faith and in the interests of peace we have determined not to cancel.
[99:39] Let him abstain therefore from doing despite to the rules of the Church and shun unlawful excesses, lest in attempting things unfavourable to peace he cut himself off from the universal Church.
[99:40] I had much liefer love him for acting blamelessly than find him persist in this presumptuous frame of mind which may separate him from us all.
[99:41] My brother and fellow-bishop, Lucian, who with my son, Basil the deacon, brought your clemency's letter to me, has fulfilled the duties he undertook as legate with all devotion: for he must not be reckoned to have failed in his mission, the course of events having rather failed him.
[99:42] Dated the 22nd of May in the consulship of the illustrious Herculanus (452).
[100:1] Letter CV.
[100:2] (To Pulcheria Augusta about the self-seeking of Anatolius.
[100:3] ) Leo the bishop to Pulcheria Augusta.
[100:4] I.
[100:5] He congratulates the Empress on the triumph of the Faith, but regrets the introduction of a new controversy into the Church.
[100:6] We rejoice ineffably with your Grace that the catholic Faith has been defended against heretics and peace restored to the whole Church through your clemency's holy and God-pleasing zeal: giving thanks to the Merciful and Almighty God that He has suffered none save those who loved darkness rather than light to be defrauded of the gospel-truth: so that by the removal of the mists of error the purest light might arise in the hearts of all, and that darkness-loving foe might not triumph over certain weak souls, whom not only those who stood unhurt but also those whom he had made to totter have overcome, and that by the abolition of error the true Faith might reign throughout the world, and "every tongue might confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father".
[100:7] But when the whole world had been confirmed in the unity of the Gospel, and the hearts of all priests had been guided into the same belief, it had been better that besides those matters for which the holy Synod was assembled, and which were brought to a satisfactory agreement through your Grace's zeal, nothing should be introduced to counteract so great an advantage, and that a council of bishops should not be made an occasion for the inopportune advancing of an illegitimate desire.
[100:8] II.
[100:9] The Nicene canons are unalterable and binding universally.
[100:10] For my brother and fellow-bishop Anatolius not sufficiently considering your Grace's kindness and the favour of my assent, whereby he gained the priesthood of the church of Constantinople, instead of rejoicing at what he has gained, has been inflamed with undue desires beyond the measure of his rank, believing that his intemperate self-seeking could be advanced by the assertion that certain persons had signified their assent thereto by an extorted signature: notwithstanding that my brethren and fellow-bishops, who represented me, faithfully and laudably expressed their dissent from these attempts which are doomed to speedy failure.
[100:11] For no one may venture upon anything in opposition to the enactments of the Fathers' canons which many long years ago in the city of Nicaea were founded upon the decrees of the Spirit, so that any one who wishes to pass any different decree injures himself rather than impairs them.
[100:12] And if all pontiffs will but keep them inviolate as they should, there will be perfect peace and complete harmony through all the churches: there will be no disagreements about rank, no disputes about ordinations, no controversies about privileges, no strifes about taking that which is another's; but by the fair law of love a reasonable order will be kept both in conduct and in office, and he will be truly great who is found free from all self-seeking, as the Lord says, "Whosoever will become greater among you, let him be your minister, and whosoever will be first among you shall be your slave; even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister".
[100:13] And yet these precepts were at the time given to men who wished to rise from a mean estate and to pass from the lowest to the highest things; but what more does the ruler of the church of Constantinople covet than he has gained? or what will satisfy him, if the magnificence and renown of so great a city is not enough? It is too arrogant and intemperate thus to step beyond all proper bounds and trampling on ancient custom to wish to seize another's right: to increase one man's dignity at the expense of so many metropolitans' primacy, and to carry a new war of confusion into peaceful provinces which were long ago set at rest by the enactments of the holy Nicene Synod: to break through the venerable Fathers' decrees by alleging the consent of certain bishops, which even the course of so many years has not rendered effective.
[100:14] For it is boasted that this has been winked at for almost 60 years now, and the said bishop thinks that he is assisted thereby; but it is vain for him to look for assistance from that which, even if a man dared to wish for it, yet he could never obtain.
[100:15] III.
[100:16] Only by imitating his predecessor will he regain Leo's confidence: the assent of the bishops is declared null and void.
[100:17] Let him realize what a man he has succeeded, and expelling all the spirit of pride let him imitate Flavian's faith, Flavian's modesty, Flavian's humility, which has raised him right to a confessor's glory.
[100:18] If he will shine with his virtues, he will merit all praise, and in all quarters he will win an abundance of love not by seeking human advancement but by deserving Divine favour.
[100:19] And by this careful course I promise he will bind my heart also to him, and the love of the Apostolic See, which we have ever bestowed on the church of Constantinople, shall never be violated by any change.
[100:20] Because if sometimes rulers fall into errors through want of moderation, yet the churches of Christ do not lose their purity.
[100:21] But the bishops' assents, which are opposed to the regulations of the holy canons composed at Nicaea in conjunction with your faithful Grace, we do not recognize, and by the blessed Apostle Peter's authority we absolutely dis-annul in comprehensive terms, in all ecclesiastical cases obeying those laws which the Holy Ghost set forth by the 318 bishops for the pacific observance of all priests in such sort that even if a much greater number were to pass a different decree to theirs, whatever was opposed to their constitution would have to be held in no respect.
[100:22] IV.
[100:23] He requests the Empress to give his letter her favourable consideration.
[100:24] And so I request your Grace to receive in a worthy spirit this lengthy letter, in which I had to explain my views, at the hands of my brother and fellow-bishop Lucianus, who, as far as in him lies, has faithfully executed the anxious duties of his undertaking as my delegate, and of my son Basil, the deacon.
[100:25] And because it is your habit to labour for the peace and unity of the Church, for his soul's health keep my brother Anatolius the bishop, to whom I have extended my love by your advice, within those limits which shall be profitable to him, that as your clemency's glory is magnified already for the restoration of the Faith, so it may be published abroad for the restraint of self-seeking.
[100:26] Dated the 22nd of May, in the consulship of the illustrious Herculanus (452).
[101:1] Letter CVI.
[101:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, in rebuke of his self-seeking.
[101:3] Leo, the bishop, to Anatolius, the bishop.
[101:4] I.
[101:5] He commends Anatolius for his orthodoxy, but condemns him for his presumption.
[101:6] Now that the light of Gospel Truth has been manifested, as we wished, through God's grace, and the night of most pestilential error has been dispelled from the universal Church, we are unspeakably glad in the Lord, because the difficult charge entrusted to us has been brought to the desired conclusion, even as the text of your letter announces, so that, according to the Apostle's teaching, "we all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among us: but that we be perfect in the same mind and in the same knowledge".
[101:7] In devotion to which work we commend you, beloved, for taking part: for thus you benefited those who needed correction by your activity, and purged yourself from all complicity with the transgressors.
[101:8] For when your predecessor Flavian, of happy memory, was deposed for his defence of catholic Truth, not unjustly it was believed that your ordainers seemed to have consecrated one like themselves, contrary to the provision of the holy canons.
[101:9] But God's mercy was present in this, directing and confirming you, that you might make good use of bad beginnings, and show that you were promoted not by men's judgment, but by God's loving-kindness: and this may be accepted as true, on condition that you lose not the grace of this Divine gift by another cause of offence.
[101:10] For the catholic, and especially the Lord's priest, must not only be entangled in no error, but also be corrupted by no covetousness; for, as says the Holy Scripture, "Go not after thy lusts, and decline from thy desire".
[101:11] Many enticements of this world, many vanities must be resisted, that the perfection of true self-discipline may be attained the first blemish of which is pride, the beginning of transgression and the origin of sin.
[101:12] For the mind greedy of power knows not either how to abstain from things forbidden nor to enjoy things permitted, so long as transgressions go unpunished and run into undisciplined and wicked excesses, and wrong doings are multiplied, which were only endured in our zeal for the restoration of the Faith and love of harmony".
[101:13] II.
[101:14] Nothing can cancel or modify the Nicene canons.
[101:15] And so after the not irreproachable beginning of your ordination, after the consecration of the bishop of Antioch, which you claimed for yourself contrary to the regulations of the canons, I grieve, beloved, that you have fallen into this too, that you should try to break down the most sacred constitutions of the Nicene canons".
[101:16] : as if this opportunity had expressly offered itself to you for the See of Alexandria to lose its privilege of second place, and the church of Antioch to forego its right to being third in dignity, in order that when these places had been subjected to your jurisdiction, all metropolitan bishops might be deprived of their proper honour.
[101:17] By which unheard of and never before attempted excesses you went so far beyond yourself as to drag into an occasion of self-seeking, and force connivance from that holy Synod which the zeal of our most Christian prince had convened, solely to extinguish heresy and to confirm the catholic Faith: as if the unlawful wishes of a multitude could not be rejected, and that state of things which was truly ordained by the Holy Spirit in the canon of Nicaea could in any part be overruled by any one.
[101:18] Let no synodal councils flatter themselves upon the size of their assemblies, and let not any number of priests, however much larger, dare either to compare or to prefer themselves to those 318 bishops, seeing that the Synod of Nicaea is hallowed by God with such privilege, that whether by fewer or by more ecclesiastical judgments are supported, whatever is opposed to their authority is utterly destitute of all authority.
[101:19] III.
[101:20] The Synod of Chalcedon, which met for one purpose, ought never to have been used for another.
[101:21] Accordingly these things which are found to be contrary to those most holy canons are exceedingly unprincipled and misguided.
[101:22] This haughty arrogance tends to the disturbance of the whole Church, which has purposed so to misuse a synodal council, as by wicked arguments to over-persuade, or by intimidation to compel, the brethren to agree with it, when they had been summoned simply on a matter of Faith, and had come to a decision on the subject which was to engage their care.
[101:23] For it was on this ground that our brothers sent by the Apostolic see, who presided in our stead at the synod with commendable firmness, withstood their illegal attempts, openly protesting against the introduction of any reprehensible innovation contrary to the enactments of the Council of Nicaea.
[101:24] And there can be no doubt about their opposition, seeing that you yourself in your epistle complain of their wish to contravene your attempts.
[101:25] And therein indeed you greatly commend them to me by thus writing, whereas you accuse yourself in refusing to obey them concerning your unlawful designs, vainly seeking what cannot be granted, and craving what is bad for your soul's health, and can never win our consent.
[101:26] For may I never be guilty of assisting so wrong a desire, which ought rather to be subverted by my aid, and that of all who think not high things, but agree with the lowly.
[101:27] IV.
[101:28] The Nicene Canons are for universal application and not to be wrested to private interpretations.
[101:29] These holy and venerable fathers who in the city of Nicaea, after condemning the blasphemous Arius with his impiety, laid down a code of canons for the Church to last till the end of the world, survive not only with us but with the whole of mankind in their constitutions; and, if anywhere men venture upon what is contrary to their decrees, it is ipso facto null and void; so that what is universally laid down for our perpetual advantage can never be modified by any change, nor can the things which were destined for the common good be perverted to private interests; and thus so long as the limits remain, which the Fathers fixed, no one may invade another's right but each must exercise himself within the proper and lawful bounds, to the extent of his power, in the breadth of love; of which the bishop of Constantinople may reap the fruits richly enough, if he rather relies on the virtue of humility than is puffed up with the spirit of self-seeking.
[101:30] V.
[101:31] The sanction alleged to have been accorded 60 years ago to the supremacy of Constantinople over Alexandria and Antioch is worthless.
[101:32] "Be not highminded," brother, "but fear".
[101:33] ," and cease to disquiet with unwarrantable demands the pious ears of Christian princes, who I am sure will be better pleased by your modesty than by your pride.
[101:34] For your purpose is in no way whatever supported by the written assent of certain bishops given, as you allege, 60 years ago".
[101:35] , and never brought to the knowledge of the Apostolic See by your predecessors; and this transaction, which from its outset was doomed to fall through and has now long done so, you now wish to bolster up by means that are too late and useless, viz.
[101:36] , by extracting from the brethren an appearance of consent which their modesty from very weariness yielded to their own injury.
[101:37] Remember what the Lord threatens him with, who shall have caused one of the little ones to stumble, and get wisdom to understand what a judgment of God he will have to endure who has not feared to give occasion of stumbling to so many churches and so many priests.
[101:38] For I confess I am so fast bound by love of the whole brotherhood that I will not agree with any one in demands which are against his own interests, and thus you may clearly perceive that my opposition to you, beloved, proceeds from the kindly intention to restrain you from disturbing the universal Church by sounder counsel.
[101:39] The rights of provincial primates may not be overthrown nor metropolitan bishops be defrauded of privileges based on antiquity.
[101:40] The See of Alexandria may not lose any of that dignity which it merited through S.
[101:41] Mark, the evangelist and disciple of the blessed Peter, nor may the splendour of so great a church be obscured by another's clouds, Dioscorus having fallen through his persistence in impiety.
[101:42] The church of Antioch too, in which first at the preaching of the blessed Apostle Peter the Christian name arose".
[101:43] , must continue in the position assigned it by the Fathers, and being set in the third place must never be lowered therefrom.
[101:44] For the See is on a different footing to the holders of it; and each individual's chief honour is his own integrity.
[101:45] And since that does not lose its proper worth in any place, how much more glorious must it be when placed in the magnificence of the city of Constantinople, where many priests may find both a defence of the Fathers' canons and an example of uprightness in observing you? VI.
[101:46] Christian love demands self-denial not self-seeking.
[101:47] In thus writing to you, brother, I exhort and admonish you in the Lord, laying aside all ambitious desires to cherish rather a spirit of love and to adorn yourself to your profit with the virtues of love, according to the Apostle's teaching.
[101:48] For love "is patient and kind, and envies not, acts not iniquitously, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, seeks not its own".
[101:49] Hence if love seeks not its own, how greatly does he sin who covets another's? From which I desire you to keep yourself altogether, and to remember that sentence which says, "Hold what thou hast, that no other take thy crown".
[101:50] For if you seek what is not permitted, you will deprive yourself by your own action and judgment of the peace of the universal Church.
[101:51] Our brother and fellow-bishop Lucian and our son Basil the deacon, attended to your injunctions with all the zeal they possessed, but justice refused to give effect to their pleadings.
[101:52] Dated the 22nd of May in the consulship of the illustrious Herculanus (452).
[102:1] Letter CVII.
[102:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[102:3] (Expostulating with him for putting personal considerations before the good of the Church in the matter of the precedence of the See of Constantinople.
[102:4] ).
[103:1] Letter CVIII.
[103:2] To Theodore, Bishop of Forum Julii.
[103:3] Leo, the bishop, to Theodore, bishop of Forum Julii.
[103:4] I.
[103:5] Theodorus should not have approached him except through his metropolitan.
[103:6] Your first proceeding, when anxious, should have been to have consulted your metropolitan on the point which seemed to need inquiry, and if he too was unable to help you, beloved, you should both have asked to be instructed (by us); for in matters, which concern all the Lord's priests as a whole, no inquiry ought to be made without the primates.
[103:7] But in order that the consulter's doubts may in any case be set at rest, I will not keep back the Church's rules about the state of penitents.
[103:8] II.
[103:9] The grace of penitence is for those who fall after baptism.
[103:10] The manifold mercy of God so assists men when they fall, that not only by the grace of baptism but also by the remedy of penitence is the hope of eternal life revived, in order that they who have violated the gifts of the second birth, condemning themselves by their own judgment, may attain to remission of their crimes, the provisions of the Divine Goodness having so ordained that God's indulgence cannot be obtained without the supplications of priests.
[103:11] For the Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, has transmitted this power to those that are set over the Church that they should both grant a course of penitence".
[103:12] to those who confess, and, when they are cleansed by wholesome correction admit them through the door of reconciliation to communion in the sacraments.
[103:13] In which work assuredly the Saviour Himself unceasingly takes part and is never absent from those things, the carrying out of which He has committed to His ministers, saying: "Lo, I am with you all the days even to the completion of the age".
[103:14] :" so that whatever is accomplished through our service in due order and with satisfactory results we doubt not to have been vouchsafed through the Holy Spirit.
[103:15] III.
[103:16] Penitence is sure only in this life.
[103:17] But if any one of those for whom we entreat God be hindered by some obstacle and lose the benefit of immediate absolution, and before he attain to the remedies appointed, end his days in the course of nature, he will not be able when stripped of the flesh to gain that which when yet in the body he did not receive.
[103:18] And there will be no need for us to weigh the merits and acts of those who have thus died, seeing that the Lord our God, whose judgments cannot be found out, has reserved for His own decision that which our priestly ministry could not complete: for He wishes His power to be so feared that this fear may benefit all, and every one may dread that which happens to the lukewarm or careless.
[103:19] For it is most expedient and essential that the guilt of sins should be loosed by priestly supplication before the last day of life.
[103:20] IV.
[103:21] And yet penitence and reconciliation must not be refused to men in extremis.
[103:22] But to those who in time of need and in urgent danger implore the aid first of penitence, then of reconciliation, must neither means of amendment nor reconciliation be forbidden: because we cannot place limits to God's mercy nor fix times for Him with whom true conversion suffers no delay of forgiveness, as says God's Spirit by the prophet, "when thou hast turned and lamented, then shalt thou be saved".
[103:23] ;" and elsewhere, "Declare thou thy iniquities beforehand, that thou may'st be justified".
[103:24] ;" and again, "For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption".
[103:25] And so in dispensing God's gifts we must not be hard, nor neglect the tears and groans of self-accusers, seeing that we believe the very feeling of penitence springs from the inspiration of God, as says the Apostle, "lest perchance God will give them repentance that they may recover themselves from the snares of the devil, by whom they are held captive at his will".
[103:26] V.
[103:27] Hazardous as deathbed repentance is, the grace of absolution must not be refused even when it can be asked for only by signs.
[103:28] Hence it behoves each individual Christian to listen to the judgment of his own conscience, lest he put off the turning to God from day to day and fix the time of his amendment at the end of his life; for it is most perilous for human frailty and ignorance to confine itself to such conditions as to be reduced to the uncertainty of a few hours, and instead of winning indulgence by fuller amendment, to choose the narrow limits of that time when space is scarcely found even for the penitent's confession or the priest's absolution.
[103:29] But, as I have said, even such men's needs must be so assisted that the free action of penitence and the grace of communion be not denied them, if they demand it even when their voice is gone, by the signs of a still clear intellect.
[103:30] And if they be so overcome by the stress of their malady that they cannot signify in the priest's presence what just before they were asking for, the testimony of believers standing by must prevail for them, that they may obtain the benefit of penitence and reconciliation simultaneously, so long as the regulations of the Fathers' canons be observed in reference to those persons who have sinned against God by forsaking the Faith.
[103:31] VI.
[103:32] He is to bring this letter to the notice of the metropolitan.
[103:33] These answers, brother, which I have given to your questions in order that nothing different be done under the excuse of ignorance, you shall bring to the notice of your metropolitan; that if there chance to be any of the brethren who before now have thought there was any doubt about these points, they may be instructed by him concerning what I have written to you.
[103:34] Dated June 11th in the consulship of the illustrious Herculanus (452).
[104:1] Letter CIX.
[104:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[104:3] Leo, the pope, to Julian, the bishop.
[104:4] I.
[104:5] He laments over the recent rioting in Palestine.
[104:6] The information which you give, brother, about the riotous doings of the false monks".
[104:7] is serious and to no slight degree lamentable; for they are due to the war which the wicked Eutyches by the madness of deceivers is waging against the preaching of the Gospel and the Apostles, though it will end in his own destruction and that of his followers: but this is delayed by the long-suffering of God, in order that it may appear how greatly the enemies of the cross of Christ are enslaved to the devil; because heretical depravity, breaking through its ancient veil of pretence can no longer restrain itself within the limits of its hypocrisy, and has poured forth all its long-concealed poison, raging against the disciples of the Truth not only with pen but also with deeds of violence".
[104:8] , in order to wrest consent from unlearned simplicity or from panic-stricken faith.
[104:9] But the sons of light ought not to be so afraid of the sons of darkness, as being sane to acquiesce in the ideas of madmen or to think that any respect should be shown to men of this kind; for, if they would rather perish than recover their senses, provision must be made lest their escape from punishment should do wider harm, and long toleration of them should lead to the destruction of many.
[104:10] II.
[104:11] The ringleaders must be removed to a distance.
[104:12] I am not unaware what love and favour is due to our sons, those holy and true monks, who forsake not the moderation of their profession, and carry into practice what they promised by their vows.
[104:13] But these insolent disturbers, who boast of their insults and injuries to priests".
[104:14] , are to be held not the slaves of Christ, but the soldiers of Antichrist, and must be chiefly humiliated in the person of their leaders, who incite the ignorant mob to uphold their insubordination.
[104:15] And hence, seeing that our most merciful Prince loves the catholic Faith with all the devotion of a religious heart, and is greatly offended at the effrontery of these rebel heretics, as is everywhere reported, we must appeal to his clemency that the instigators of these seditions be removed from their mad congregations; and not only Eutyches and Dioscorus but also any who have been forward in aiding their wrongheaded madness, be placed where they can hold no intercourse with their partners in blasphemy: for the simpleness of some may chance to be healed by this method, and men will be more easily recalled to soundness of mind, if they be set free from the incitements of pestilential teachers.
[104:16] III.
[104:17] He sends a letter of S.
[104:18] Athanasius to show that the present heresy is only a revival of former exploded heresies.
[104:19] But lest the instruction necessary for the confirmation of faithful spirits or the refutation of heretics should be wanting or not expressed, I have sent the letter of bishop Athanasius of holy memory addressed to bishop Epictetus".
[104:20] , whose testimony Cyril of holy memory made use of at the Synod of Ephesus against Nestorius, because it has so clearly and carefully set forth the Incarnation of the Word, as to overthrow both Nestorius and Eutyches by anticipation in the heresies of those times.
[104:21] Let the followers of Eutyches and Dioscorus dare to accuse such an authority as this of ignorance or of heresy, who assert that our preaching goes astray from the teaching and the knowledge of the Fathers.
[104:22] But it ought to avail for the confirmation of the minds of all the Lord's priests, who, having been already detected and condemned of heresy in respect of the authorities they followed, now begin more openly to set forth their blasphemous dogma, lest, if their meaning were hid beneath the cloke of silence it might still be doubtful whether the triple error of Apollinaris".
[104:23] , and the mad notion of the Manichees was really revived in them.
[104:24] And as they no longer seek to hide themselves but rise boldly against the churches of Christ, must we not take care to destroy all the strength of their attempts, observing, as I have said, such discrimination as to separate the incorrigible from the more docile spirits: for "evil conversations corrupt good manners".
[104:25] ," and "the wise man will be sharper than the pestilent person who is chastised".
[104:26] ;" in order that in whatever way the society of the wicked is broken up, some vessels may be snatched from the devil's hand? For we ought not to be so offended at scurrilous and empty words as to have no care for their correction.
[104:27] IV.
[104:28] He expresses a hope that Juvenal's timely acknowledgment of error will be imitated by the rest.
[104:29] But bishop Juvenal, whose injuries are to be lamented, joined himself too rashly to those blasphemous heretics, and by embracing Eutyches and Dioscorus, drove many ignorant folk headlong by his example, albeit he afterwards corrected himself by wiser counsels.
[104:30] These men, however, who drank in more greedily the wicked poison, have become the enemies of him, whose disciples they had been before, so that the very food he had supplied them was turned to his own ruin: and yet it is to be hoped they will imitate him in amending his ways, if only the holy associations of the neighbourhood in which they dwell will help them to recover their senses.
[104:31] But the character of him".
[104:32] who has usurped the place of a bishop still living cannot be doubted from the character of his actions, nor is it to be disputed that he who is loved by the assailants of the Faith must be a misbeliever.
[104:33] Meanwhile, brother, do not hesitate to continue with anxious care to keep me acquainted with the course of events by more frequent letters.
[104:34] Dated November 25th in the consulship of Herculanus (452).
[105:1] Letter CX.
[105:2] From Marcian Augustus.
[105:3] (Expressing surprise that Leo has not by now confirmed the acts of the Synod, and asking for a speedy confirmation.
[105:4] ).
[106:1] Letter CXI.
[106:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[106:3] (About Anatolius' mistake in deposing Actions from the office of archdeacon and putting in Andrew instead.
[106:4] ).
[107:1] Letter CXII.
[107:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[107:3] (On the same subject more briefly.
[107:4] ).
[108:1] Letter CXIII.
[108:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[108:3] Leo, bishop of Rome, to Julian, bishop of Cos.
[108:4] I.
[108:5] After thanks for Julian's sympathy he complains of the deposition of Aetius from the archdeaconry.
[108:6] I acknowledge in your letter, beloved, the feelings of brotherly love, in that you sympathize with us in true grief at the many grievous evils we have borne.
[108:7] But we pray that these things which the Lord has either allowed or wished us to suffer, may avail to the correction of those who live through them".
[108:8] , and that adversities may cease through the cessation of offences.
[108:9] Both which results will follow through the mercy of God, if only He remove the scourge and turn the hearts of His people to Himself.
[108:10] But as you, brother, are saddened by the hostilities which have raged around us, so I am made anxious because, as your letter indicates, the treacherous attacks of heretics are not set at rest in the church of Constantinople, and men seek occasion to persecute those who have been the defenders of the catholic Faith.
[108:11] For so long as Aetius is removed from his office of archdeacon under pretence of promotion".
[108:12] and Andrew is taken into his place, who had been cast off for associating with heretics; so long as respect is shown to the accusers of Flavian of holy memory, and the partners or disciples of that most pious confessor are put down, it is only too clearly shown what pleases the bishop of the church itself.
[108:13] Towards whom I put off taking action till I hear the merits of the case and await his own dealing with me in the letter our son Aetius tells me he will send, giving opportunity for voluntary correction, whereby I desire my vexation to be appeased.
[108:14] Nevertheless, I have written to our most clement Prince and the most pious Augusta about these things which concern the peace of the Church; and I do not doubt they will in the devoutness of their faith take heed lest a heresy already condemned should succeed in springing up again to the detriment of their own glorious work.
[108:15] II.
[108:16] He asks Julian to act for him as Anatolius is deficient in vigour.
[108:17] See then, beloved brother, that you bestow the necessary thought on the cares of the Apostolic See, which by her rights as your mother commends to you, who were nourished at her breast, the defence of the catholic Truth against Nestorians and Eutychians, in order that, supported by the Divine help, you may not cease to watch the interests of the city of Constantinople, lest at any time the storms of error arise within her.
[108:18] And because the faith of our glorious Princes is so great that you may confidently suggest what is necessary to them, use their piety for the benefit of the universal Church.
[108:19] But if ever you consult me, beloved, on things which you think doubtful, my reply shall not fail to supply instruction, so that, apart from cases which ought to be decided by the inquiries of the bishops of each particular church, you may act as my legate and undertake the special charge of preventing the Nestorian or Eutychian heresy reviving in any quarter; because the bishop of Constantinople does not possess catholic vigour, and is not very jealous either for the mystery of man's salvation or for his own reputation: whereas if he had any spiritual activity, he ought to have considered by whom he was ordained, and whom he succeeded in such a way as to follow the blessed Flavian rather than the instruments of his promotion.
[108:20] And, therefore, when our most religious Princes deign in accordance with my entreaties to reprimand our brother Anatolius on those matters, which deservedly come under blame, join your diligence to theirs, beloved, that all causes of offences may be removed by the application of the fullest correction and he cease from injuring our son Aetius.
[108:21] For with a catholic-minded bishop even though there was something which seemed calculated to annoy in his archdeacon, it ought to have been passed over from regard for the Faith, rather than that the most worthless heretic should take the place of a catholic.
[108:22] And so when I have learnt the rest of the story, I shall then more clearly gather what ought to be done.
[108:23] For, meanwhile, I have thought better to restrain my vexation and to exercise patience that there might be room for forgiveness.
[108:24] III.
[108:25] He asks for further information about the rioting in Palestine and in Egypt.
[108:26] But with regard to the monks of Palestine, who are said this long time to be in a state of mutiny, I know not by what spirit they are at present moved.
[108:27] Nor has any one yet explained to me what reasons they seem to bring forward for their discontent: whether for instance, they wish to serve the Eutychian heresy by such madness, or whether they are irreconcilably vexed that their bishop could have been misled into that blasphemy, whereby, in spite of the very associations of the holy spots, from which issued instruction for the whole world, he has alienated himself from the Truth of the Lord's Incarnation, and in their opinion that cannot be venial in him which in others had to be wiped out by absolution.
[108:28] And therefore I desire to be more fully informed about these things that proper means may be taken for their correction; because it is one thing to arm oneself wickedly against the Faith, and another thing to be immoderately disturbed on behalf of it.
[108:29] You must know, too, that the documents which Aetius the presbyter told me before had been dispatched, and the epitome of the Faith which you say you have sent, have not yet arrived.
[108:30] Hence, if an opportunity offers itself of a more expeditious messenger, I shall be glad for any information that may seem expedient to be sent me as soon as possible.
[108:31] I am anxious to know about the monks of Egypt".
[108:32] , whether they have regained their peacefulness and their faith, and about the church of Alexandria, what trustworthy tidings reaches you: I wish you to know what I wrote to its bishop or his ordainers, or the clergy, and have therefore sent you a copy of the letter.
[108:33] You will learn also what I have said to our most clement Prince and our most religious Empress from the copies sent.
[108:34] IV.
[108:35] He asks for a Latin translation of the acts of Chalcedon.
[108:36] I wish to know whether my letter".
[108:37] has been delivered to you, brother, which I sent you by Basil the deacon, upon the Faith of the Lord's Incarnation, while Flavian of holy memory was still alive; for I fancy you have never made any comment on its contents.
[108:38] We have no very clear information about the acts of the Synod, which were drawn up at the time of the council at Chalcedon, on account of the difference of language".
[108:39] And therefore I specially enjoin upon you, brother, that you have the whole collected into one volume, accurately translated of course into Latin, that we may not be in doubt on any portion of the proceedings, and that there may be no manner of uncertainty after you have taken pains to bring it fully within my understanding.
[108:40] Dated March 11th, in the consulship of the illustrious Opilio (453).
[109:1] Letter CXIV.
[109:2] To the Bishops Assembled in Synod at Chalcedon.
[109:3] (In answer to their Letter (XCVIII.
[109:4] ), approving of their acts in the general so long as nothing is contrary to the canons of Nicaea.
[109:5] ).
[110:1] Letter CXV.
[110:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[110:3] (Congratulating him upon the restoration of peace to the Church, and the suppression of the riotous monks; giving his consent also, as a liege subject of the Emperor's, to the acts of Chalcedon, and asking him to make this known to the Synod.
[110:4] ).
[111:1] Letter CXVI.
[111:2] To Pulcheria Augusta.
[111:3] (Commending her pious zeal and informing her of his assent to the acts of Chalcedon.
[111:4] ).
[112:1] Letter CXVII.
[112:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[112:3] Leo to Julian the bishop.
[112:4] I.
[112:5] He wishes his assent to the acts of Chalcedon to be widely known.
[112:6] How watchfully and how devotedly you guard the catholic Faith, brother, the tenor of your letter shows, and my anxiety is greatly relieved by the information it contains; supplemented as it is by the most religious piety of our religious Emperor, which is clearly shown to be prepared by the Lord for the confirmation of the whole Church; so that, whilst Christian princes act for the Faith with holy zeal, the priests of the Lord may confidently pray for their realm.
[112:7] What therefore our most clement Emperor deemed needful I have willingly complied with, by sending letters to all the brethren who were present at the Synod of Chalcedon, in which to show that I approved of what was resolved upon by our holy brethren about the Rule of Faith; on their account to wit, who in order to cloke their own treachery, pretend to consider invalid or doubtful such conciliar ordinances as are not ratified by my assent: albeit, after the return of the brethren whom I had sent in my stead, I dispatched a letter to the bishop of Constantinople; so that, if he had been minded to publish it, abundant proof might have been furnished thereby how gladly I approved of what the synod had passed concerning the Faith.
[112:8] But, because it contained such an answer as would have run counter to his self-seeking, he preferred my acceptance of the brethren's resolutions to remain unknown, lest at the same time my reply should become known on the absolute authority of the Nicene canons.
[112:9] Wherefore take heed, beloved, that you warn our most gracious prince by frequent reminders that he add his words to ours and order the letter of the Apostolic See to be sent round to the priests of each single province, that hereafter no enemy of the Truth may venture to excuse himself under cover of my silence.
[112:10] II.
[112:11] He expresses his thanks for the zeal shown by the Emperor and the Empress.
[112:12] And as to the edict of the most Christian Emperor, in which he has shown what the ignorant folly of certain monks deserved and as to the reply of the most gracious Augusta, in which she rebuked the heads of the monasteries, I wish my great rejoicing to be known, being assured that this fervour of faith is bestowed upon them by Divine inspiration, in order that all men may acknowledge their superiority to rest not only on their royal state but also on their priestly holiness: whom both now and formerly I have asked to treat you with full confidence, being assured of their good will, and that they will not refuse to give ear to necessary suggestions.
[112:13] III.
[112:14] He wishes to know the effect of his letter to the Empress Eudocia.
[112:15] And, because the most clement Emperor has been pleased to charge me secretly by our son Paulus with the task of admonishing our daughter the most clement Augusta Eudocia".
[112:16] , I have done what he wished, in order that from my letter she may learn how profitable it will be to her if she espouses the cause of the catholic Faith, and have managed that she should further be admonished by a letter from that most clement prince her son; nothing doubting that she herself, too, will set to work with pious zeal to bring the leaders of sedition to a knowledge of the consequences of their action, and, if they understand not the utterances of those who teach them, to make them at least afraid of the powers of those who will punish them.
[112:17] And so what effect this care of ours produces, I wish to know at once by a letter from you, beloved, and whether their ignorant contumacy has at length subsided: as to which if they think there is any doubt about our teaching, let them at least not reject the writings of such holy priests as Athanasius, Theophilus and Cyril of Alexandria, with whom our statement of the Faith so completely harmonizes that any one who professes consent to them disagrees in nothing with us.
[112:18] IV.
[112:19] Aetius must be content at present with the Emperor's favour.
[112:20] With our son Aetius".
[112:21] the presbyter we sympathize in his sorrow; and, as one has been put into his place who had previously been judged worthy of censure, there is no doubt that this change tends to the injury of catholics.
[112:22] But these things must be borne patiently meanwhile, lest we should be thought to exceed the measure of our usual moderation, and for the present Aetius must be content with the encouragement of our most clement prince's favour, to whom I have but lately so commended him by letter that I doubt not his good repute has been increased in their most religious minds.
[112:23] V.
[112:24] Anatolius shows no contrition in his subsequent acts.
[112:25] This too we would have you know, that bishop Anatolius after our prohibition so persisted in his rash presumption as to call upon the bishops of Illyricum to subscribe their names: this news was brought us by the bishop who was sent by the bishop of Thessalonica".
[112:26] to announce his consecration.
[112:27] We have declined to write to Anatolius about this, although you might have expected us to do so, because we perceived he did not wish to be reformed.
[112:28] I have made two versions of my letter to the Synod, one with a copy of my letter to Anatolius subjoined, one without it; leaving it to your judgment to deliver the one which you think ought to be given to our most clement prince and to keep the other.
[112:29] Dated 21st March, in the consulship of the illustrious Opilio (453).
[113:1] Letter CXVIII.
[113:2] To the Same Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[113:3] (In which, after speaking of his own efforts for the Faith, he objects to monks being permitted to preach, especially if heretically inclined, and asks Julian to stir up the Emperor's zeal for the Faith.
[113:4] ).
[114:1] Letter CXIX.
[114:2] To Maximus, Bishop of Antioch, by the hand of Marian the Presbyter, and Olympius the Deacon.
[114:3] Leo to Maximus of Antioch.
[114:4] I.
[114:5] The Faith is the mean between the two extremes of Eutyches and Nestorius.
[114:6] How much, beloved, you have at heart the most sacred unity of our common Faith and the tranquil harmony of the Church's peace, the substance of your letter shows, which was brought me by our sons, Marian the presbyter and Olympius the deacon, and which was the more welcome to us because thereby we can join as it were in conversation, and thus the grace of God becomes more and more known and greater joy is felt through the whole world over the revelation of catholic Truth.
[114:7] And yet we are sore grieved at some who still (so your messengers indicate) love their darkness; and though the brightness of day has arisen everywhere, even still delight in the obscurity of their blindness, and abandoning the Faith, remain Christians in only the empty name, without knowledge to discern one error from another, and to distinguish the blasphemy of Nestorius from the impiety of Eutyches.
[114:8] For no delusion of theirs can appear excusable, because they contradict themselves in their perverseness.
[114:9] For, though Eutyches' disciples abhor Nestorius, and the followers of Nestorius anathematize Eutyches, yet in the judgment of catholics both sides are condemned and both heresies alike are cut away from the body of the Church: because neither falsehood can be in unison with us.
[114:10] Nor does it matter in which direction of blasphemy they disagree with the truth of the Lord's Incarnation, since their erroneous opinions hold neither with the authority of the Gospel nor with the significance of the mystery".
[114:11] II.
[114:12] Maximus is to keep the churches of the East free from these two opposite heresies.
[114:13] And therefore, beloved brother, you must with all your heart consider over which church the Lord has set you to preside, and remember that system of doctrine of which the chief of all the Apostles, the blessed Peter, laid the foundation, not only by his uniform preaching throughout the world, but especially by his teaching in the cities of Antioch and Rome: so that you may understand that he demands of him who is set over the home of his own renown those institutions which he handed down, as he received them from the Truth Itself, which he confessed.
[114:14] And in the churches of the East, and especially in those which the canons of the most holy Fathers at Nicaea".
[114:15] assigned to the See of Antioch, you must not by any means allow unscrupulous heretics to make assaults on the Gospel, and the dogmas of either Nestorius or Eutyches to be maintained by any one.
[114:16] Since, as I have said, the rock (petra) of the catholic Faith, from which the blessed Apostle Peter took his name at the Lord's hands, rejects every trace of either heresy; for it openly and clearly anathematizes Nestorius for separating the nature of the Word and of the flesh in the blessed Virgin's conception, for dividing the one Christ into two, and for wishing to distinguish between the person of the Godhead and the person of the Manhood: because He is altogether one and the same who in His eternal Deity was born of the Father without time, and in His true flesh was born of His mother in time; and similarly it eschews Eutyches for ignoring the reality of the human flesh in the Lord Jesus Christ, and asserting the transformation of the Word Himself into flesh, so that His birth, nurture, growth, suffering, death and burial, and resurrection on the third day, all belonged to His Deity only, which put on not the reality but the semblance of the form of a slave.
[114:17] III.
[114:18] Antioch as the third See in Christendom is to retain her privileges.
[114:19] And so it behoves you to use the utmost vigilance, lest these depraved heretics dare to assert themselves; for you must resist them with all the authority of priests, and frequently inform us by your reports what is being done for the progress of the churches.
[114:20] For it is right that you should share this responsibility with the Apostolic See, and realize that the privileges of the third See in Christendom".
[114:21] give you every confidence in action, privileges which no intrigues shall in any way impair: because my respect for the Nicene canons is such that I never have allowed nor ever will the institutions of the holy Fathers to be violated by any innovation.
[114:22] For different sometimes as are the deserts of individual prelates, yet the rights of their Sees are permanent: and although rivalry may perchance cause some disturbance about them, yet it cannot impair their dignity.
[114:23] Wherefore, brother, if ever you consider any action ought to be taken to uphold the privileges of the church of Antioch, be sure to explain it in a letter of your own, that we may be able to reply to your application completely and appropriately.
[114:24] IV.
[114:25] Anatolius' attempts to subvert the decisions of Nicaea are futile.
[114:26] But at the present time let it be enough to make a general proclamation on all points, that if in any synod any one makes any attempt upon or seems to take occasion of wresting an advantage against the provisions of the Nicene canons, he can inflict no discredit upon their inviolable decrees: and it will be easier for the compacts of any conspiracy to be broken through than for the regulations of the aforesaid canons to be in any particular invalidated.
[114:27] For intrigue loses no opportunity of stealing an advantage, and whenever the course of things brings about a general assembly of priests, it is difficult for the greediness of the unscrupulous not to try to gain some unfair point: just as in the Synod of Ephesus which overthrew the blasphemous Nestorius with his dogma, bishop Juvenal believed that he was capable of holding the presidency of the province of Palestine, and ventured to rally the insubordinate by a lying letter".
[114:28] At which Cyril of blessed memory, bishop of Alexandria, being properly dismayed, pointed out in his letter to me".
[114:29] to what audacity the other's cupidity had led him: and with anxious entreaty begged me hard that no assent should be given his unlawful attempts.
[114:30] For be it known to you that we found the original document of Cyril's letter which was sought for in our book-case, and of which you sent us copies.
[114:31] On this, however, my judgment lays especial stress that, although a majority of priests through the wiliness of some came to a decision which is found opposed to those constitutions of the 318 fathers, it must be considered void on principles of justice: since the peace of the whole Church cannot otherwise be preserved, except due respect be invariably shown to the canons.
[114:32] V.
[114:33] If Leo's legates in any way exceeded their instructions, they did so ineffectually.
[114:34] Of course, if anything is alleged to have been done by those brethren whom I sent in my stead to the holy Synod, beyond that which was germane to the Faith, it shall be of no weight at all: because they were sent by the Apostolic See only for the purpose of extirpating heresy and upholding the catholic Faith.
[114:35] For whatever is laid before bishops for inquiry beyond the particular subjects which come before synodal councils may admit of a certain amount of free discussion, if the holy Fathers have laid down nothing thereon at Nicaea.
[114:36] For anything that is not in agreement with their rules and constitutions can never obtain the assent of the Apostolic See.
[114:37] But how great must be the diligence with which this rule is kept, you will gather from the copies of the letter which we sent to the bishop of Constantinople, restraining his cupidity; and you shall take order that it reach the knowledge of all our brethren and fellow-priests.
[114:38] VI.
[114:39] No one but priests are allowed to preach.
[114:40] This too it behoves you, beloved, to guard against, that no one except those who are the Lord's priests dare to claim the right of teaching or preaching, be he monk or layman".
[114:41] , who boasts himself of some knowledge.
[114:42] Because although it is desirable that all the Church's sons should understand the things which are right and sound, yet it is permitted to none outside the priestly rank to assume the office of preacher, since in the Church of God all things ought to be orderly, that in Christ's one body the more excellent members should fulfil their own duties, and the lower not resist the higher.
[114:43] Dated the 11th of June, in the consulship of the illustrious Opilio (453).
[115:1] Letter CXX.
[115:2] To Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, on Perseverance in the Faith.
[115:3] Leo, the bishop, to his beloved brother Theodoret, the bishop.
[115:4] I.
[115:5] He congratulates Theodoret on their joint victory, and expresses his approval of an honest inquiry which leads to good results.
[115:6] On the return of our brothers and fellow-priests, whom the See of the blessed Peter sent to the holy council, we ascertained, beloved, the victory you and we together had won by assistance from on high over the blasphemy of Nestorius, as well as over the madness of Eutyches.
[115:7] Wherefore we make our boast in the Lord, singing with the prophet: "our help is in the name of the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth".
[115:8] :" who has suffered us to sustain no harm in the person of our brethren, but has corroborated by the irrevocable assent of the whole brotherhood what He had already laid down through our ministry: to show that, what had been first formulated by the foremost See of Christendom, and then received by the judgment of the whole Christian world, had truly proceeded from Himself: that in this, too, the members may be at one with the Head.
[115:9] And herein our cause for rejoicing grows greater when we see that the more fiercely the foe assailed Christ's servants, the more did he afflict himself.
[115:10] For lest the assent of other Sees to that which the Lord of all has appointed to take precedence of the rest might seem mere complaisance, or lest any other evil suspicion might creep in, some were found to dispute our decisions before they were finally accepted".
[115:11] And while some, instigated by the author of the disagreement, rush forward into a warfare of contradictions, a greater good results through his fall under the guiding hand of the Author of all goodness.
[115:12] For the gifts of God's grace are sweeter to us when they are gained with mighty efforts: and uninterrupted peace is wont to seem a lesser good than one that is restored by labours.
[115:13] Moreover, the Truth itself shines more brightly, and is more bravely maintained when what the Faith had already taught is afterwards confirmed by further inquiry.
[115:14] And still further, the good name of the priestly office gains much in lustre where the authority of the highest is preserved without it being thought that the liberty of the lower ranks has been at all infringed.
[115:15] And the result of a discussion contributes to the greater glory of God when the debaters exert themselves with confidence in overcoming the gainsayers: that what of itself is shown wrong may not seem to be passed over in prejudicial silence.
[115:16] II.
[115:17] Christ's victory has won back many to the Faith.
[115:18] Exult therefore, beloved brother, yes, exult triumphantly in the only-begotten Son of God.
[115:19] Through us He has conquered for Himself the reality of Whose flesh was denied.
[115:20] Through us and for us He has conquered, in whose cause we have conquered.
[115:21] This happy day ranks next to the Lord's Advent for the world.
[115:22] The robber is laid low, and there is restored to our age the mystery of the Divine Incarnation which the enemy of mankind was obscuring with his chicaneries, because the facts would not let him actually destroy it.
[115:23] Nay, the immortal mystery had perished from the hearts of unbelievers, because so great salvation is of no avail to unbelievers, as the Very Truth said to His disciples: "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned".
[115:24] The rays of the Sun of Righteousness which were obscured throughout the East by the clouds of Nestorius and Eutyches, have shone out brightly from the West, where it has reached its zenith in the Apostles and teachers of the Church.
[115:25] And yet not even in the East is it to be believed that it was ever eclipsed where noble confessors".
[115:26] have been found among your ranks: so that, when the old enemy was trying afresh, through the impenitent heart of a modern Pharaoh".
[115:27] , to blot out the seed of faithful Abraham and the sons of promise, he grew weary, through God's mercy, and could harm no one save himself.
[115:28] And in regard to him the Almighty has worked this wonder also, in that He has not overwhelmed with the founder of the tyranny those who were associated with him in the slaughter of the people of Israel, but has gathered them into His own people; and as the Source of all mercy knew to be worthy of Himself and possible for Himself alone, He has made them conquerors with us who were conquered by us.
[115:29] For whilst the spirit of falsehood is the only true enemy of the human race, it is undoubted that all whom the Truth has won over to His side share in His triumph over that enemy.
[115:30] Assuredly it now is clear how divinely authorized are these words of our Redeemer, which are so applicable to the enemies of the Faith that one may not doubt they were said of them: "You," He says, "are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to fulfil.
[115:31] He was a murderer from the beginning and stood not in the truth, because the truth is not in him.
[115:32] When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father thereof".
[115:33] III.
[115:34] Dioscorus, who in his madness has attacked even the bishop of Rome, has shown himself the instrument of Satan.
[115:35] It is not to be wondered, then, that they who have accepted a delusion as to our nature in the true God agree with their father on these points also, maintaining that what was seen, heard, and in fact, by the witness of the gospel, touched and handled in the only Son of God, belonged not to that to which it was proved to belong".
[115:36] , but to an essence co-eternal and consubstantial with the Father: as if the nature of the Godhead could have been pierced on the Cross, as if the Unchangeable could grow from infancy to manhood, or the eternal Wisdom could progress in wisdom, or God, who is a Spirit, could thereafter be filled with the Spirit.
[115:37] In this, too, their sheer madness betrayed its origin, because, as far as it could, it attempted to injure everybody.
[115:38] For he, who afflicted you with his persecutions, led others wrong by driving them to consent to his wickedness.
[115:39] Yea, even us too, although he had wounded us in each one of the brethren (for they are our members), even us he did not exempt from special vexation in attempting to inflict an injury upon his Head with strange and unheard of and incredible effrontery".
[115:40] But would that he had recovered his senses even after all these enormities, and had not saddened us by his death and eternal damnation.
[115:41] There was no measure of wickedness that he did not reach: it was not enough for him that, sparing neither living nor dead, and forswearing truth and allying himself with falsehood, he imbrued his hands, that had been already long polluted, in the blood of a guiltless, catholic priest".
[115:42] And since it is written: "he that hateth his brother is a murderer".
[115:43] :" he has actually carried out what he was said already to have done in hate, as if he had never heard of this nor of that which the Lord says, "learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls: for My yoke is easy and My burden is light".
[115:44] A worthy preacher of the devil's errors has been found in this Egyptian plunderer, who, like the cruellest tyrant the Church has had, forced his villainous blasphemies on the reverend brethren through the violence of riotous mobs and the blood-stained hands of soldiers.
[115:45] And when our Redeemer's voice assures us that the author of murder and of lying is one and the same, He has carried out both equally: as if these things were written not to be avoided but to be perpetrated: and thus does he apply to the completion of his destruction the salutary warnings of the Son of God, and turns a deaf ear to what the same Lord has said, "I speak that which I have seen with My Father; and ye do that which ye have seen with your father".
[115:46] IV.
[115:47] Those who undertake to speak authoritatively on doctrine, must preserve the balance between the extremes.
[115:48] Accordingly while he strove to cut short Flavian of blessed memory's life in the present world, he has deprived himself of the light of true life.
[115:49] While he tried to drive you out of your churches, he has cut off himself from fellowship with Christians.
[115:50] While he drags and drives many into agreement with error, he has stabbed his own soul with many a wound, a solitary convicted offender beyond all, and through all and for all, for he was the cause of all men's being accused.
[115:51] But, although, brother, you who are nurtured on solid food, have little need of such reminders, yet that we may fulfil what belongs to our position according to that utterance of the Apostle who says, "Besides these things that are without, that which presseth on me daily, anxiety for all the churches.
[115:52] Who is weakened and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble and I burn not".
[115:53] ?" we believe this admonition ought to be given especially on the present occasion, that whenever by the ministration of the Divine grace we either overwhelm or cleanse those who are without, in the pool of doctrine, we go not away in aught from those rules of Faith which the Godhead of the Holy Ghost brought forward at the Council of Chalcedon, and weigh our words with every caution so as to avoid the two extremes of new false doctrine".
[115:54] : not any longer (God forbid it) as if debating what is doubtful, but with full authority laying down conclusions already arrived at; for in the letter which we issued from the Apostolic See, and which has been ratified by the assent of the entire holy Synod, we know that so many divinely authorised witnesses are brought together, that no one can entertain any further doubt, except one who prefers to enwrap himself in the clouds of error, and the proceedings of the Synod whether those in which we read the formulating of the definition of Faith, or those in which the aforesaid letter of the Apostolic See was zealously supported by you, brother, and especially the address of the whole Council to our most religious Princes, are corroborated by the testimonies of so many fathers in the past that they must persuade any one, however unwise and stubborn his heart, so long as he be not already joined with the devil in damnation for his wickedness.
[115:55] V.
[115:56] Theodoret's orthodoxy has been happily and thoroughly vindicated.
[115:57] Wherefore this, too, it is our duty to provide against the Church's enemies, that, as far as in us lies, we leave them no occasion for slandering us, nor yet, in acting against the Nestorians or Eutychians, ever seem to have retreated before the other side, but that we shun and condemn both the enemies of Christ in equal measure, so that whenever the interests of the hearers in any way require it, we may with all promptitude and clearness strike down them and their doctrines with the anathema that they deserve, lest if we seem to do this doubtfully or tardily, we be thought to act against our will".
[115:58] And although the facts themselves are sufficient to remind your wisdom of this, yet now actual experience has brought the lesson home.
[115:59] But blessed be our God, whose invincible Truth has shown you free from all taint of heresy in the judgment of the Apostolic See".
[115:60] To whom you will repay due thanks for all these labours, if you keep yourself such a defender of the universal Church as we have proved and do still prove you.
[115:61] For that God has dispelled all calumnious fallacies, we attribute to the blessed Peter's wondrous care of us all, for after sanctioning the judgment of his See in defining the Faith, he allowed no sinister imputation to rest on any of you, who have laboured with us for the catholic Faith: because the Holy Spirit adjudged that no one could fail to come out conqueror of those whose Faith had now conquered.
[115:62] VI.
[115:63] He asks Theodoret for his continued cooperation, and refers him to a letter which he has written to the bishop of Antioch.
[115:64] It remains that we exhort you to continue your co-operation with the Apostolic See, because we have learnt that some remnants of the Eutychian and Nestorian error still linger amongst you.
[115:65] For the victory which Christ our Lord has vouchsafed to His Church, although it increases our confidence, does not yet entirely destroy our anxiety, nor is it granted us to sleep but to work on more calmly.
[115:66] Hence it is we wish to be assisted in this too by your watchful care, that you hasten to inform the Apostolic See by your periodic reports what progress the Lord's teaching makes in those regions; to the end that we may assist the priests of that district in whatever way experience suggests.
[115:67] On those matters which were mooted in the often-quoted council, in unlawful opposition to the venerable canons of Nicaea, we have written to our brother and fellow-bishop, the occupant of the See of Antioch".
[115:68] , adding that too which you had given us verbal information about by your delegates with reference to the unscrupulousness of certain monks, and laying down strict injunctions that no one, be he monk".
[115:69] or layman, that boasts himself of some knowledge, should presume to preach except the Lord's priests.
[115:70] That letter, however, we wish to reach all men's knowledge for the benefit of the universal Church through our aforesaid brother and fellow-bishop Maximus; and for that reason we have not thought fit to add a copy of it to this; because we have no doubt of the due carrying out of our injunctions to our aforesaid brother and fellow-bishop.
[115:71] (In another hand.
[115:72] ) God keep thee safe, beloved brother.
[115:73] Dated 11 June in the consulship of the illustrious Opilio (453).
[115:74] Letters CXXI.
[115:75] and CXXII.
[115:76] The former to Marcian Augustus, and the other to Julian the Bishop.
[115:77] Asking him for further inquiries and information about the proper date for Easter in 455; cf.
[115:78] Letter LXXXVIII.
[115:79] chap.
[115:80] 4, above.
[116:1] Letter CXXIII.
[116:2] To Eudocia Augusta".
[116:3] , about the Monks of Palestine".
[116:4] Leo, the bishop, to Eudocia Augusta.
[116:5] I.
[116:6] A request that she should use her influence with the monks of Palestine in reducing them to order.
[116:7] I do not doubt that your piety is aware how great is my devotion to the catholic Faith, and with what care I am bound, God helping me, to guard against the Gospel of truth being withstood at any time by ignorant or disloyal men.
[116:8] And, therefore, after expressing to you my dutiful greetings which your clemency is ever bound to receive at my hands, I entreat the Lord to gladden me with the news of your safety, and to bring aid evermore and more by your means to the maintenance of that article of the Faith over which the minds of certain monks within the province of Palestine have been much disturbed; so that to the best of your pious zeal all confidence in such heretical perversity may be destroyed.
[116:9] For what but sheer destruction was to be feared by men who were not moved either by the principles of God's mysteries".
[116:10] , or by the authority of the Scriptures, or by the evidence of the sacred places themselves".
[116:11] May it advantage then the Churches, as by God's favour it does advantage them, and may it advantage the human race itself which the Word of God adopted at the Incarnation, that you have conceived the wish to take up your abode in that country".
[116:12] where the proofs of His wondrous acts and the signs of His sufferings speak to you of our Lord Jesus Christ as not only true God but also true Man.
[116:13] II.
[116:14] They are to be told that the catholic Faith rejects both the Eutychian and the Nestorian extremes.
[116:15] He wishes to be informed how far she succeeds.
[116:16] If then the aforesaid revere and love the name of "catholic," and wish to be numbered among the members of the Lord's body, let them reject the crooked errors which in their rashness they have committed, and let them show penitence".
[116:17] for their wicked blasphemies and deeds of bloodshed".
[116:18] For the salvation of their souls let them yield to the synodal decrees which have been confirmed in the city of Chalcedon.
[116:19] And because nothing but true faith and quiet humility attains to the understanding of the mystery of man's salvation, let them believe what they read in the Gospel, what they confess in the Creed, and not mix themselves up with unsound doctrines.
[116:20] For as the catholic Faith condemns Nestorius, who dared to maintain two persons in our one Lord Jesus Christ, so does it also condemn Eutyches and Dioscorus".
[116:21] who deny that the true human flesh was assumed in the Virgin Mother's womb by the only-begotten Word of God.
[116:22] If your exhortations have any success in convincing these persons, which will win for you eternal glory, I beseech your clemency to inform me of it by letter; that I may have the joy of knowing that you have reaped the fruit of your good work, and that they through the Lord's mercy have not perished.
[116:23] Dated the 15th of June, in the consulship of the illustrious Opilio (453).
[117:1] Letter CXXIV.
[117:2] To the Monks of Palestine.
[117:3] Leo, the bishop, to the whole body of monks settled throughout Palestine.
[117:4] I.
[117:5] They have possibly been misled by a wrong translation of his letter on the Incarnation to Flavian.
[117:6] The anxious care, which I owe to the whole Church and to all its sons, has ascertained from many sources that some offence has been given to your minds, beloved, through my interpreters".
[117:7] , who being either ignorant, as it appears, or malicious, have made you take some of my statements in a different sense to what I meant, not being capable of turning the Latin into Greek with proper accuracy, although in the explanation of subtle and difficult matters, one who undertakes to discuss them can scarcely satisfy himself even in his own tongue.
[117:8] And yet this has so far been of advantage to me, that by your disapproving of what the catholic Faith rejects, we know you are greater friends to the true than to the false: and that you quite properly refuse to believe what I myself also abhor, in accordance with ancient doctrine".
[117:9] For although my letter addressed to bishop Flavian, of holy memory, is of itself sufficiently explicit, and stands in no need either of correction or explanation, yet other of my writings harmonize with that letter, and in them my position will be found similarly set forth.
[117:10] For necessity was laid upon me to argue against the heretics who have thrown many of Christ's peoples into confusion, both before our most merciful princes and the holy synodal Council, and the church of Constantinople, and thus I have laid down what we ought to think and feel on the Incarnation of the Word according to the teaching of the Gospel and Apostles, and in nothing have I departed from the creed of the holy Fathers: because the Faith is one, true, unique, catholic, and to it nothing can be added, nothing taken away: though Nestorius first, and now Eutyches, have endeavoured to assail it from an opposite standpoint, but with similar disloyalty, and have tried to impose on the Church of God two contradictory heresies, which has led to their both being deservedly condemned by the disciples of the Truth; because the false view which they both held in different ways was exceedingly mad and sacrilegious.
[117:11] II.
[117:12] Eutyches, who confounds the persons, is as much to be rejected as Nestorius, who separates them".
[117:13] Nestorius, therefore, must be anathematized for believing the Blessed Virgin Mary to be mother of His manhood only, whereby he made the person of His flesh one thing, and that of His Godhead another, and did not recognize the one Christ in the Word of God and in the flesh, but spoke of the Son of God as separate and distinct from the son of man: although, without losing that unchangeable essence which belongs to Him together with the Father and the Holy Spirit from all eternity and without respect of time, the "Word became flesh" within the Virgin's womb in such wise that by that one conception and one parturition she was at the same time, in virtue of the union of the two substances, both handmaid and mother of the Lord.
[117:14] This Elizabeth also knew, as Luke the evangelist declares, when she said: "Whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me".
[117:15] ?" But Eutyches also must be stricken with the same anathema, who, becoming entangled in the treacherous errors of the old heretics, has chosen the third dogma of Apollinaris".
[117:16] : so that he denies the reality of his human flesh and soul, and maintains the whole of our Lord Jesus Christ to be of one nature, as if the Godhead of the Word had turned itself into flesh and soul: and as if to be conceived and born, to be nursed and grow, to be crucified and die, to be buried and rise again, and to ascend into heaven and to sit on the Father's right hand, from whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead—as if all those things belonged to that essence only which admits of none of them without the reality of the flesh: seeing that the nature of the Only-begotten is the nature of the Father, the nature of the Holy Spirit, and that the undivided unity and consubstantial equality of the eternal Trinity is at once impassible and unchangeable.
[117:17] But if".
[117:18] this heretic withdraws from the perverse views of Apollinaris, lest he be proved to hold that the Godhead is passible".
[117:19] and mortal: and yet dares to pronounce the nature of the Incarnate Word that is of the Word made Flesh one, he undoubtedly crosses over into the mad view of Manichaeus".
[117:20] and Marcion".
[117:21] , and believes that the man Jesus Christ, the mediator between God and men, did all things in an unreal way, and had not a human body, but that a phantom-like apparition presented itself to the beholders' eyes.
[117:22] III.
[117:23] The acknowledgment of our nature in Christ is necessary to orthodoxy.
[117:24] As these iniquitous lies were once rejected by the catholic Faith, and such men's blasphemies condemned by the unanimous votes of the blessed Fathers throughout the world, whoever these are that are so blinded and strange to the light of truth as to deny the presence of human, that is our, nature in the Word of God from the time of the Incarnation, they must show on what ground they claim the name of Christian, and in what way they harmonize with the true Gospel, if the child-bearing of the blessed Virgin produced either the flesh without the Godhead or the Godhead without the flesh.
[117:25] For as it cannot be denied that "the Word became flesh and dwelt in us".
[117:26] ," so it cannot be denied that "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself".
[117:27] But what reconciliation can there be, whereby God might be propitiated for the human race, unless the mediator between God and man took up the cause of all? And in what way could He properly fulfil His mediation, unless He who in the form of God was equal to the Father, were a sharer of our nature also in the form of a slave: so that the one new Man might effect a renewal of the old: and the bond of death fastened on us by one man's wrong-doing".
[117:28] might be loosened by the death of the one Man who alone owed nothing to death.
[117:29] For the pouring out of the blood of the righteous on behalf of the unrighteous was so powerful in its effect".
[117:30] , so rich a ransom that, if the whole body of us prisoners only believed in their Redeemer, not one would be held in the tyrant's bonds: since as the Apostle says, "where sin abounded, grace also did much more abound".
[117:31] And since we, who were born under the imputation".
[117:32] of sin, have received the power of a new birth unto righteousness, the gift of liberty has become stronger than the debt of slavery.
[117:33] IV.
[117:34] They only benefit by the blood of Christ who truly share in His death and resurrection.
[117:35] What hope then do they, who deny the reality of the human person in our Saviour's body, leave for themselves in the efficacy of this mystery? Let them say by what sacrifice they have been reconciled, by what blood-shedding brought back.
[117:36] Who is He "who gave Himself for us an offering and a victim to God for a sweet smell".
[117:37] :" or what sacrifice was ever more hallowed than that which the true High priest placed upon the altar of the cross by the immolation of His own flesh? For although in the sight of the Lord the death of many of His saints has been precious".
[117:38] , yet no innocent's death was the propitiation of the world.
[117:39] The righteous have received, not given, crowns: and from the endurance of the faithful have arisen examples of patience, not the gift of justification.
[117:40] For their deaths affected themselves alone, and no one has paid off another's debt by his own death".
[117:41] : one alone among the sons of men, our Lord Jesus Christ, stands out as One in whom all are crucified, all dead, all buried, all raised again.
[117:42] Of them He Himself said "when I am lifted from the earth, I will draw all (things) unto Me".
[117:43] True faith also, that justifies the transgressors and makes them just, is drawn to Him who shared their human natures and wins salvation in Him, in whom alone man finds himself not guilty; and thus is free to glory in the power of Him who in the humiliation of our flesh engaged in conflict with the haughty foe, and shared His victory with those in whose body He had triumphed.
[117:44] V.
[117:45] The actions of Christ's two natures must be kept distinct.
[117:46] Although therefore in our one Lord Jesus Christ, the true Son of God and man, the person of the Word and of the flesh is one, and both beings have their actions in common".
[117:47] : yet we must understand the character of the acts themselves, and by the contemplation of sincere faith distinguish those to which the humility of His weakness is brought from those to which His sublime power is inclined: what it is that the flesh without the Word or the Word without the flesh does not do.
[117:48] For instance, without the power of the Word the Virgin would not have conceived nor brought forth: and without the reality of the flesh His infancy would not have laid wrapt in swaddling clothes.
[117:49] Without the power of the Word the Magi would not have adored the Child that a new star had pointed out to them: and without the reality of the flesh that Child would not have been ordered to be carried away into Egypt and withdrawn from Herod's persecution.
[117:50] Without the power of the Word the Father's voice uttered from the sky would not have said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".
[117:51] :" and without the reality of the flesh John would not have been able to point to Him and say: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him that beareth away the sins of the world".
[117:52] Without the power of the Word there would have been no restoring of the sick to health, no raising of the dead to life: and without the reality of the flesh He would not have hungered and needed food, nor grown weary and needed rest.
[117:53] Lastly, without the power of the Word, the Lord would not have professed Himself equal to the Father, and without the reality of the flesh He would not also have said that the Father was greater than He: for the catholic Faith upholds and defends both positions, believing the only Son of God to be both Man and the Word according to the distinctive properties of His divine and human substance.
[117:54] VI.
[117:55] There is no confusion of the two natures in Christ".
[117:56] Although therefore from that beginning whereby in the Virgin's womb "the Word became flesh," no sort of division ever arose between the Divine and the human substance, and through all the growth and changes of His body, the actions were of one Person the whole time, yet we do not by any mixing of them up confound those very acts which were done inseparably: and from the character of the acts we perceive what belonged to either form.
[117:57] For neither do His Divine acts affect".
[117:58] His human, nor His human acts His Divine, since both concur in this way and to this very end that in their operation His twofold qualities be not absorbed the one by the other, nor His individuality doubled.
[117:59] Therefore let those Christian phantom-mongers".
[117:60] tell us, what nature of the Saviour's it was that was fastened to the wood of the Cross, that lay in the tomb, and that on the third day rose in the flesh when the stone was rolled away from the grave: or what kind of body Jesus presented to His disciples' eyes entering when the doors were shut upon them: seeing that to drive away the beholders' disbelief, He required them to inspect with their eyes and to handle with their hands the still open prints of the nails and the flesh wound of His pierced side.
[117:61] But if in spite of the truth being so clear, their persistence in heresy will not abandon their position in the darkness, let them show whence they promise themselves the hope of eternal life, which no one can attain to, save through the mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ.
[117:62] For "there is not another name given to men under heaven, in which they must be saved".
[117:63] Neither is there any ransoming of men from captivity, save in His blood, "who gave Himself a ransom for all".
[117:64] :" who, as the blessed apostle proclaims, "when He was in the form of God, thought it not robbery that He was equal with God; but emptied Himself, receiving the form of a slave, being made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man He humbled Himself, being made obedient even unto death, the death of the cross.
[117:65] For which reason God also exalted Him, and gave Him a name which is above every name: that in the name of Jesus every knee may bow of things in heaven, of things on the earth, and of things under the earth, and that every tongue may confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father".
[117:66] VII.
[117:67] It was as being "in form of a slave," not as Son of God that he was exalted.
[117:68] ".
[117:69] Although therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is one, and the true Godhead and true Manhood in Him forms absolutely one and the same person, and the entirety of this union cannot be separated by any division, yet the exaltation wherewith "God exalted Him," and "gave Him a name which excels every name," we understand to belong to that form which needed to be enriched by this increase of glory".
[117:70] Of course "in the form of God" the Son was equal to the Father, and between the Father and the Only-begotten there was no distinction in point of essence, no diversity in point of majesty: nor through the mystery".
[117:71] of the Incarnation had the Word been deprived of anything which should be restored Him by the Father's gift.
[117:72] But "the form of a slave" by which the impassible Godhead fulfilled a pledge of mighty loving-kindness".
[117:73] , is human weakness which was lifted up into the glory of the divine power, the Godhead and the manhood being right from the Virgin's conception so completely united that without the manhood the divine acts, and without the Godhead the human acts were not performed.
[117:74] For which reason as the Lord of majesty is said to have been crucified, so He who from eternity is equal with God is said to have been exalted.
[117:75] Nor does it matter by which substance Christ is spoken of, since the unity of His person inseparably remaining He is at once both wholly Son of man according to the flesh and wholly Son of God according to His Godhead, which is one with the Father.
[117:76] Whatever therefore Christ received in time, He received in virtue of His manhood, on which are conferred whatsoever it had not.
[117:77] For according to the power of the Word, "all things that the Father hath" the Son also hath indiscriminately, and what "in the form of a slave" He received from the Father, He also Himself gave in the form of the Father.
[117:78] He is in Himself at once both rich and poor; rich, because "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.
[117:79] This was in the beginning with God.
[117:80] All things were made through Him, and without Him was made nothing:" and poor because "the Word became flesh and dwelt in us".
[117:81] But what is that emptying of Himself, or that poverty except the receiving of the form of a slave by which the majesty of the Word was veiled, and the scheme for man's redemption carried out? For as the original chains of our captivity could not be loosed, unless a man of our race and of our nature appeared who was not under the prejudice of the old debt, and who with his untainted blood might blot out the bond of death".
[117:82] , as it had from the beginning been divinely fore-ordained, so it came to pass in the fulness of the appointed time that the promise which had been proclaimed in many ways might reach its long expected fulfilment, and that thus, what had been frequently announced by one testimony after another, might have all doubtfulness removed.
[117:83] VIII.
[117:84] A protest against their faithlessness and inconsistency in this matter.
[117:85] And so, as all these heresies have been destroyed, which through the holy devotion of the presiding Fathers have been cut off from the body of the catholic unity, and which deserved to be exiles from Christ, because they have made the Incarnation of the Word, which is the one salvation of those who believe aright, a stone of offence and a stumbling-block to themselves, I am surprised that you, beloved, have any difficulty in discerning the light of the Truth.
[117:86] And since it has been made clear by numerous explanations that the Christian Faith was right in condemning both Nestorius and Eutyches with Dioscorus, and that a man cannot be called a Christian who gives his assent to the blasphemous opinion of either the one or the other, I am grieved that you are, as I hear, doing despite to the teaching of the Gospel and the Apostles by stirring up the various bodies of citizens with seditions, by disturbing the churches, and by inflicting not only insults, but even death, upon priests and bishops, so that you lose sight of your resolves and profession".
[117:87] through your fury and cruelty.
[117:88] Where is your rule of meekness and quietness? where is the long-suffering of patience? where the tranquillity of peace? where the firm foundation of love and courage of endurance? what evil persuasion has carried you off, what persecution has separated you from the gospel of Christ? or what strange craftiness of the Deceiver has shown itself that, forgetting the prophets and apostles, forgetting the health-giving creed and confession which you pronounced before many witnesses when you received the sacrament of baptism you should give yourselves up to the Devil's deceits? what effect would "the Claws"".
[117:89] and other cruel tortures have had on you if the empty comments of heretics have had so much weight in taking the purity of your faith by storm? you think you are acting for the Faith and yet you go against the Faith.
[117:90] You arm yourselves in the name of the Church and yet fight against the Church.
[117:91] Is this what you have learnt from prophets, evangelists, and apostles? to deny the true flesh of Christ, to subject the very essence of the Word to suffering and death, to make our nature different from His who repaired it, and to reckon all that the cross uplifted, that the spear pierced, that the stone on the tomb received and gave back, to be only the work of Divine power, and not also of human humility? It is in reference to this humility that the Apostle says, "For I do not blush for the Gospel".
[117:92] ," inasmuch as he knew what a slur was cast upon Christians by their enemies.
[117:93] And, therefore, the Lord also made proclamation, saying: "he that shall confess Me before men him will I also confess before My Father".
[117:94] For these will not be worthy of the Son and the Father's acknowledgment in whom the flesh of Christ awakens no respect: and they will prove themselves to have gained no virtue from the sign of the cross".
[117:95] who blush to avow with their lips what they have consented to bear upon their brows.
[117:96] IX.
[117:97] An exhortation to accept the catholic view of the Incarnation.
[117:98] Give up, my sons, give up these suggestions of the devil.
[117:99] God's Truth nothing can impair, but the Truth does not save us except in our flesh.
[117:100] For, as the prophet says, "truth is sprung out of the earth".
[117:101] ," and the Virgin Mary conceived the Word in such wise that she ministered flesh of her substance to be united to Him without the addition of a second person, and without the disappearance of her nature: seeing that He who was in the form of God took the form of a slave in such wise that Christ is one and the same in both forms: God bending Himself to the weak things of man, and man rising up to the high things of the Godhead, as the Apostle says, "whose are the fathers, and from whom, according to the flesh is Christ, who is above all things God blessed for ever.
[117:102] Amen".
[118:1] Letter CXXV.
[118:2] To Julian, the Bishop, by Count Rodanus.
[118:3] (Asking him to write quickly, and not keep him in suspense.
[118:4] ).
[119:1] Letter CXXVI.
[119:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[119:3] (Congratulating him on the restoration of peace in Palestine.
[119:4] ).
[120:1] Letter CXXVII.
[120:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[120:3] (About (1) affairs in Palestine, (2) a letter from Proterius, (3) the date of Easter, (4) his reply to the Synod of Chalcedon, (5) the deposition of Aetius.
[120:4] ).
[121:1] Letter CXXVIII.
[121:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[121:3] (Professing readiness to be reconciled to Anatolius if he will abide by the canons and not infringe the prerogatives of others.
[121:4] ).
[122:1] Letter CXXIX.
[122:2] To Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria.
[122:3] Leo to Proterius, bishop of Alexandria.
[122:4] I.
[122:5] He commends his persistent loyalty to the Faith.
[122:6] Your letter, beloved, which our brother and fellow-bishop Nestorius duly brought us, has caused me great joy.
[122:7] For it was seemly that such an epistle should be sent by the head of the church of Alexandria to the Apostolic See, as showed that the Egyptians had from the first learnt from the teaching of the most blessed Apostle Peter through his blessed disciple Mark".
[122:8] , that which it is agreed the Romans have believed, that beside the Lord Jesus Christ "there is no other name given to men under heaven, in which they must be saved".
[122:9] But because "all men have not faith"".
[122:10] and the crafty Tempter never delights so much in wounding the hearts of men as when he can poison their unwary minds with errors that are opposed to Gospel Truth, we must strive by the mighty teaching of the Holy Ghost to prevent Christian knowledge from being perverted by the devil's falsehoods.
[122:11] And against this danger it behoves the rulers of the churches especially to guard and to avert from the minds of simple folk lies which are coloured by a certain show of truth".
[122:12] "For narrow and steep is the way which leads to life".
[122:13] And they seek to entrap men not so much by watching their actions as by nice distinctions of meaning, corrupting the force of sentences by some very slight addition or alteration, whereby sometimes a statement, which made for salvation, by a subtle change is turned to destruction.
[122:14] But since the Apostle says, "there must be heresies, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you".
[122:15] ," it tends to the progress of the whole Church, that, whenever wickedness reveals itself in setting forth wrong opinions, the things which are harmful be not concealed, and that what will inevitably end in ruin may not injure the innocence of others.
[122:16] Wherefore they must put down their blind wanderings and downfalls to themselves, who with rash obstinacy prefer to glory in their shame than to accept the offered remedy.
[122:17] You do right, brother, to be displeased at their stubbornness, and we commend you for holding fast that teaching which has come down to us from the blessed Apostles and the holy Fathers.
[122:18] II.
[122:19] Let him fortify the faithful by the public reading aloud of quotations from the Fathers bearing on the question and of the Tome.
[122:20] For there is no new preaching in the letter which I wrote in reply to Flavian of holy memory, when he consulted me about the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ; for in nothing did I depart from that rule of Faith which was outspokenly maintained by your ancestors and ours.
[122:21] And if Dioscorus had been willing to follow and imitate them, he would have abided in the Body of Christ, having in the works of Athanasius".
[122:22] of blessed memory the materials for instruction, and in the discourses of Theophilus".
[122:23] and Cyril".
[122:24] of holy remembrance the means rather of praise-worthily opposing the already condemned dogma than of choosing to consort with Eutyches in his blasphemy.
[122:25] This therefore, beloved brother, I advise in my anxiety for our common Faith that, because the enemies of Christ's cross lie in watch for all our words and syllables, we give them not the slightest occasion for falsely asserting that we agree with the Nestorian doctrine.
[122:26] And you must so diligently exhort the laity and clergy and all the brotherhood to advance in the Faith as to show that you teach nothing new but instil into all men's breasts those things, which the Fathers of revered memory have with harmony of statement taught, and with which in all things our epistle agrees.
[122:27] And this must be shown not only by your words but also by the actually reading aloud of previous statements, that God's people may know that what the Fathers received from their predecessors and handed on to their descendants, is still instilled into them in the present day.
[122:28] And to this end, when the statements of the aforesaid priests have first been read, then lastly let my writings also be recited, that the ears of the faithful may attest that we preach nothing else than what we received from our forefathers.
[122:29] And because their understandings are but little practised in discerning these things, let them at least learn from the letters of the Fathers, how ancient this evil is, which is now condemned by us in Nestorius as well as in Eutyches, who have both been ashamed to preach the gospel of Christ according to the Lord's own teaching.
[122:30] III.
[122:31] The ancient precedents are to be maintained throughout.
[122:32] Accordingly, both in the rule of Faith and in the observance of discipline, let the standard of antiquity be maintained throughout, and do thou, beloved, display the firmness of a prudent ruler, that the church of Alexandria may get the benefit of my earnest resistance to the unprincipled ambition of certain people in maintaining its ancient privileges, and of my determination that all metropolitans should retain their dignity undiminished, as you will ascertain from the tenor of my letters, which I have addressed, whether to the holy Synod or to the most Christian Emperor, or to the Bishop of Constantinople; for you will perceive that I have made it my special care to allow no deviation from the rule of Faith in the Lord's churches, nor any diminution of their privileges through any individual's unscrupulousness.
[122:33] And as this is so, hold fast, brother, to the custom of your predecessors, and keep due authority over your comprovincial bishops, who by ancient constitution are subject to the See of Alexandria; so that they resist not ecclesiastical usage, and refuse not to meet together under your presidency, either at fixed times or when any reasonable cause demands it: and that if anything has to be discussed in a general meeting which will be to the benefit of the Church, when the brethren have thus met together, they may unanimously come to some resolution thereupon.
[122:34] For there is nothing which ought to recall them from this obedience, seeing that both for faith and conduct we have such good knowledge of you, brother, that we will not allow you to lose any of your predecessor's authority, nor to be slighted with impunity.
[122:35] Dated March 10th, in the consulship of the illustrious Aetius and Studius (454).
[123:1] Letter CXXX.
[123:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[123:3] (Praising the orthodoxy of Proterius, advocating the public recital by him of passages bearing on the present controversy from the writings of Athanasius and others, and also of the Tome itself in a new Greek translation.
[123:4] ).
[124:1] Letter CXXXI.
[124:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[124:3] (Telling him he has received Proterius' letter, and asking for (1) a new Greek translation of the Tome; (2) a report on the Easter difficulty of the next year (455)).
[125:1] Letter CXXXII.
[125:2] From Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople, to Leo.
[125:3] (In which he complains of the intermission in their correspondence, maintains his allegiance to Rome, announces the restitution of Aetius, deprecates the charge of personal ambition, and remits the proceedings of Chalcedon for his approval.
[125:4] ).
[126:1] Letter CXXXIII.
[126:2] From Proterius, Bishop of Alexandria, to Leo.
[126:3] (Upon the Easter difficulty of 455.
[126:4] ).
[127:1] Letter CXXXIV.
[127:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[127:3] (Suggesting that Eutyches should be banished to a still remoter place, where he cannot do so much harm by his false teaching.
[127:4] ).
[128:1] Letter CXXXV.
[128:2] To Anatolius.
[128:3] (In Answer to CXXXII.
[128:4] ).
[129:1] Letter CXXXVI.
[129:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[129:3] (Simultaneously with CXXXV.
[129:4] , on the subject of his reconciliation with Anatolius.
[129:5] ).
[130:1] Letter CXXXVII.
[130:2] To the same, and on the same day.
[130:3] (On the subject of Easter, acknowledging the trouble Proterius has taken,—to which is joined a request that the accounts of the oeconomi".
[130:4] should be audited by priests, not lay persons.
[130:5] ).
[131:1] Letter CXXXVIII.
[131:2] To the Bishops of Gaul and Spain.
[131:3] (On Easter.
[131:4] ).
[132:1] Letter CXXXIX.
[132:2] To Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem.
[132:3] Leo, bishop of the city of Rome, to Juvenal, bishop of Jerusalem.
[132:4] I.
[132:5] He rejoices over Juvenal's return to orthodoxy, though chiding him for having gone astray.
[132:6] When I received your letter, beloved, which our sons Andrew the presbyter and Peter the deacon brought me, I rejoiced indeed that you had been allowed to return to the seat of your bishopric; but when all the reasons came to my remembrance, which brought you into such excessive troubles, I grieved to think you had been yourself the source of your adversities by failing in persistency of opposition to the heretics: for men can but think you were not bold enough to refute those with whom when in error you professed yourself satisfied.
[132:7] For the condemnation of Flavian of blessed memory, and the acceptance of the most unholy Eutyches, what was it but the denial of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh? which He Himself of His great mercy caused to be overthrown, when by the authority of the holy Council of Chalcedon He brought to nought that accursed judgment of the Synod of Ephesus without debarring any of the attainted from being healed by correction.
[132:8] And therefore, because in the time of long-suffering, you have chosen return to wisdom rather than persistency in folly, I rejoice that you have so sought the heavenly remedies as at last to have become a defender of the Faith which is assailed by heretics.
[132:9] For, though no priest ought to be ignorant of that which he preaches".
[132:10] , yet any Christian living at Jerusalem is more inexcusable than all the ignorant, seeing that he is taught to understand the power of the Gospel, not only by the written word but by the witness of the places themselves, and what elsewhere may not be disbelieved, cannot there remain unseen.
[132:11] Why is the understanding in difficulty, where the eyes are its instructors? And why are things read or heard doubtful, where all the mysteries of man's salvation obtrude themselves upon the sight and touch? As if to each individual doubter the Lord still used His human voice and said, why are "ye disturbed and why do thoughts arise into your hearts? see My hands and My feet that it is I myself.
[132:12] Handle Me and see because (or that) a spirit hath not bones and flesh, as ye see Me have".
[132:13] II.
[132:14] Let him be strengthened in his faith by the holy associations of the place where he lives.
[132:15] Make use, therefore, beloved brother, of these incontrovertible proofs of the catholic Faith and support the preaching of the Evangelists by the testimony of the holy places in which you live.
[132:16] In your country is Bethlehem, in which the Light of Salvation sprang from the womb of the Virgin of the house of David".
[132:17] , whom wrapped in swaddling clothes the manger of the crowded inn received.
[132:18] In your country was the Saviour's infancy announced by angels, adored by magi, sought by Herod through the death of many infants.
[132:19] In your country was it that His boyhood grew, His youth ripened, and His true man's nature reached to perfect manhood by the increase of the body, not without food for hunger, not without sleep for rest, not without tears of pity, not without fear and dread: for He is one and the same Person, who in the form of God wrought great miracles of power, and in the form of a slave underwent the cruelty of the passion.
[132:20] This the very cross unceasingly says to you: this the stone of the sepulchre cries out, under which the Lord in human condition lay, and from which by Divine power He rose.
[132:21] And when you approach the mount of Olivet, to venerate the place of the Ascension, does not the angel's voice ring in your ears, which says to those who were dumb-founded at the Lord's uplifting, "ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing into heaven? this Jesus, Who was taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, as ye saw Him going into heaven".
[132:22] III.
[132:23] The facts of the Gospel attest the Incarnation.
[132:24] The true birth of Christ, therefore, is confirmed by the true cross; since He is Himself born in our flesh, Who is crucified in our flesh, which, as no sin entered into it, could not have been mortal, unless it had been that of our race.
[132:25] But in order that He might restore life to all, He undertook the cause of all and rendered void the force of the old bond, by paying it for all, because He alone of us all did not owe it: that, as by one man's guilt all had become sinners, so by one man's innocence all might become innocent, righteousness being bestowed upon men by Him Who had undertaken man's nature.
[132:26] For in no way is He outside our true bodily nature, of Whom the Evangelist in beginning his story says, "the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham".
[132:27] ," with which the blessed Apostle Paul's teaching agrees, when he says "whose are the fathers and of whom is Christ according to the flesh, Who is above all God blessed for ever".
[132:28] ," and so to Timothy "remember," he says, "that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, of the seed of David".
[132:29] IV.
[132:30] Those who are still in error must be thoroughly instructed in the historic Faith.
[132:31] But how many are the authorities, both in the New and Old Testaments, by which this truth is declared, as befits the antiquity of your See, you clearly understand, seeing that the belief of the Fathers and my letter written to Flavian, of holy memory, of which you yourself made mention, confirmed, as they have been, by the universal synod, are sufficient for you.
[132:32] And therefore it behoves you, beloved, to take heed that no one raise a murmur against the unspeakable mystery of our Redemption and Hope.
[132:33] But if there are any who are still in the darkness of ignorance or the discord of perversity, let them be instructed by the authority of those whose doctrine in God's Church was apostolical and clear, that they may recognize that on the Incarnation of God's Word we believe what they did, and may not by their obstinacy place themselves outside the Body of Christ, in which we died and rose with Him: because neither loyalty to the Faith nor the plan of the mystery admits that either the Godhead should be possible in its own essence, or the reality be falsified in His taking on Him of our flesh.
[132:34] Dated 4th September, in the consulship of the illustrious Aetius and Studius (454).
[133:1] Letter CXL.
[133:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[133:3] (Now that Dioscorus is dead, the peace of the Church will be more easily restored.
[133:4] ).
[134:1] Letter CXLI.
[134:2] To the Same.
[134:3] (On several minor points of detail.
[134:4] ).
[135:1] Letter CXLII.
[135:2] To Marcian Augustus.
[135:3] (Inter alia thanking him for the trouble he has taken about the Easter of 455.
[135:4] ).
[136:1] Letter CXLIII.
[136:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[136:3] (Briefly asking him to extirpate all remains of heresy.
[136:4] ).
[137:1] Letter CXLIV.
[137:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[137:3] (Speaking of rumours which have reached him of disturbances at Alexandria, and begging of him to be on the alert.
[137:4] ).
[138:1] Letter CXLV.
[138:2] To Leo Augustus".
[138:3] (Asking him to help the church of Alexandria in appointing a good bishop in place of the murdered Proterius".
[138:4] ).
[139:1] Letter CXLVI.
[139:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[139:3] (Begging him to take precautions lest the change of Emperor should be made the occasion for fresh outbreaks of heresy.
[139:4] ).
[140:1] Letter CXLVII.
[140:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos, and Aetius, the Presbyter.
[140:3] (Charging him to uphold the acts of Chalcedon, and to help in choosing a good successor to Proterius.
[140:4] ).
[141:1] Letter CXLVIII.
[141:2] To Leo Augustus.
[141:3] (Thanking him for assurances made that he would guard the interests of the Church.
[141:4] ).
[142:1] Letter CXLIX.
[142:2] To Basil, Bishop of Antioch.
[142:3] (Asking him to give no countenance to the demand for a new Synod.
[142:4] ).
[143:1] Letter CL.
[143:2] To Euxitheus, Bishop of Thessalonica (and Others).
[143:3] (To the same effect.
[143:4] ).
[144:1] Letter CLI.
[144:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[144:3] (He is to keep the church of Constantinople free from all heresy.
[144:4] ).
[145:1] Letter CLII.
[145:2] To Julian, Bishop of Cos.
[145:3] (Charging him to see that the preceding letters reach their destination.
[145:4] ).
[146:1] Letter CLIII.
[146:2] To Aetius, Presbyter of Constantinople.
[146:3] (Asking him to assist in the distribution of these letters.
[146:4] ).
[147:1] Letter CLIV.
[147:2] To the Egyptian Bishops.
[148:1] (See Letter CLVIII.
[148:2] ).
[149:1] Letter CLV.
[149:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[149:3] (In which he incites him to watchfulness, and complains that certain of the clergy in Constantinople are in collusion with the adversary.
[149:4] ).
[150:1] Letter CLVI.
[150:2] To Leo Augustus.
[150:3] Leo, the bishop, to Leo Augustus.
[150:4] I.
[150:5] There is no need to open the question of doctrine again now.
[150:6] Your clemency's letter, which was full of vigorous faith and of the light of truth, I have respectfully received, which I wish I could obey, even in the matter of my personal attendance, which your Majesty thinks necessary; for then I should gain the greater advantage from the sight of your splendour.
[150:7] But I believe you will approve of my view when reason has shown it preferable.
[150:8] For since with holy and spiritual zeal you consistently maintain the Church's peace, and nothing is more conducive to the defence of the Faith than to adhere to those things which have been incontrovertibly defined under the unceasing guidance of the Holy Spirit, we shall seem".
[150:9] to be doing our best to upset the decrees, and at the bidding of a heretic's petition to overthrow the authorities which the universal Church has adopted, and thus to remove all limits from the conflicts of Churches, and giving full rein to rebellion, to extend rather than appease contentions.
[150:10] And hence because after the disgraceful scenes at the synod of Ephesus, whereat through the wickedness of Dioscorus the catholic Faith was rejected, and Eutyches' heresy accepted, nothing more useful could be devised for the preservation of the Christian Faith than that the holy Synod of Chalcedon should rescind his wicked acts, and that such care should be bestowed thereat on heavenly doctrine, that nothing should linger in any one's mind in disagreement with the utterances of either the Prophets or the Apostles, such moderation of course being observed that only the persistent rebels should be cast off from the unity of the Church, and no one who was penitent should be denied pardon, what more in accordance with men's expectations or with religion will your Majesty be able to decree, than that no one henceforth be permitted to attack what has been determined by decrees which are Divine rather than human, lest they be truly worthy but to lose God's gift, who have dared to doubt concerning His Truth? II.
[150:11] The proposal to reconsider the question proceeds from Antichrist or the Devil himself.
[150:12] Since, therefore, the universal Church has become a rock (petra) through the building up of that original Rock".
[150:13] , and the first of the Apostles, the most blessed Peter, heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock (petra) I will build My Church".
[150:14] ," who is there who dare assail such impregnable strength, unless he be either antichrist or the devil, who, abiding unconverted in his wickedness, is anxious to sow lies by the vessels of wrath which are suited to his treachery, whilst under the false name of diligence he pretends to be in search of the Truth.
[150:15] And his unrestrained madness and blind wickedness has deservedly brought contempt and disrepute on himself, so that while he rages against the holy church of Alexandria with diabolical purpose, men may learn the character of those who desire to reconsider the Synod of Chalcedon.
[150:16] For it cannot possibly have been that an opinion was there expressed contrary to the holy Synod of Nicaea, as the heretics falsely maintain, who pretend that they hold the faith of the Nicene Council, in which our holy and venerable fathers, being assembled against Arius, affirmed not that the Lord's Flesh, but that the Son's Godhead was homoousion with the Father, whereas in the Council of Chalcedon against the blasphemy of Eutyches, it was defined that the Lord Jesus Christ took the reality of our body from the substance of the Virgin-mother.
[150:17] III.
[150:18] All the bishops of Christendom agree with him in this.
[150:19] Therefore in addressing our most Christian Emperor, who is worthy to be classed among the champions of Christ, I use the freedom of the catholic Faith and fearlessly exhort you to throw in your lot with Apostles and Prophets; firmly to despise and reject those who have deprived themselves of their Christian name, and not to let blasphemous parricides, who, it is agreed, wish to annul the Faith, discuss that Faith under treacherous pretexts.
[150:20] For since the Lord has enriched your clemency with such insight into His mystery, you ought unhesitatingly to consider that the kingly power has been conferred on you not for the governance of the world alone but more especially for the guardianship of the Church: that by quelling wicked attempts you may both defend that which has been rightly decreed, and restore true peace where there has been disturbance, that is to say by deposing usurpers".
[150:21] of the rights of others and reinstating the ancient Faith in the See of Alexandria, that by your reforms God's wrath may be appeased, and so He take not vengeance for their doings on a people hitherto religious, but forgive them.
[150:22] Set before the eyes of your heart, venerable Emperor, the fact that all the Lord's priests which are in all the world, are beseeching you on behalf of that Faith, wherein is Redemption for the whole world.
[150:23] In which those maintainers of the Apostolic Faith more particularly appeal to you who have presided over the Church of Alexandria, entreating your Majesty not to allow heretics who have rightfully been condemned for their perversity, to continue in their usurpation".
[150:24] ; for, whether you look at the wickedness of their error or consider the deed which their madness has perpetrated, not only are they unable to be admitted to the dignity of the priesthood, but they even deserve to be cut off from the name of Christian.
[150:25] For—and I entreat your Majesty's forgiveness for saying so—they to some extent dim your own splendour, most glorious Emperor, when such treacherous parricides dare to ask for that which even the guiltless could not lawfully obtain.
[150:26] IV.
[150:27] The difference between the two petitions which have been presented to the Emperor.
[150:28] Petitions have been presented to your Majesty".
[150:29] , copies of which you subjoined to your letter.
[150:30] But in that which comes in deprecation from the catholics, a list of signatures is contained: and because their case had good reason in it, the names of individuals, and even their dignified rank is confidently disclosed.
[150:31] But in that, which heretical intrusion has not feared to offer to our orthodox Emperor under the vague sanction of a motley body, all particular names are withheld for this reason, lest not only the paucity of members but also their worth might be discovered.
[150:32] For they think it expedient to conceal their number, though their quality is indicated, and not improperly they are afraid to proclaim their position, seeing that they deserve to be condemned.
[150:33] In the one document therefore is contained the petition of catholics, in the other the fictions of heretics are set forth.
[150:34] Here the overthrow of the Lord's priests, of the whole Christian people, and of the monasteries is bemoaned: there is displayed the continuance of gigantic wrongs, so that what ought never to have been heard of".
[150:35] is allowed to be widely extended.
[150:36] V.
[150:37] It is a great opportunity for the Emperor to show his faith.
[150:38] Is it not clear which side you ought to support and which to oppose, if the Church of Alexandria, which has always been the "house of prayer," is not now to be "a den of robbers".
[150:39] ?" For surely it is manifest that through the cruellest and maddest savagery all the light of the heavenly mysteries is extinguished.
[150:40] The offering of the sacrifice is cut off, the hallowing of the chrism has failed".
[150:41] , and from the murderous hands of wicked men all the mysteries have withdrawn themselves.
[150:42] Nor can there be any manner of doubt what decree ought to be passed on these then, who after unutterable acts of sacrilege, after shedding the blood of a most highly reputed priest, and scattering the ashes of his burnt body to be the sport of the winds of heaven, dare to demand for themselves the rights of a usurped dignity and to arraign before councils the inviolable Faith of the Apostolic teaching.
[150:43] Great, therefore, is the opportunity for you to add to your diadem from the Lord's hand the crown of faith also, and to triumph over the Church's foes: for, if it be matter of praise to you to vanquish the armies of opposing nations, how great will be the glory of freeing from its mad tyrant the church of Alexandria, the affliction of which is an injury to all Christians? VI.
[150:44] He promises more detailed statements on the Faith subsequently, and begs him to correct certain things in which Anatolius is remiss.
[150:45] But in order that my correspondence may have the effect on your Majesty of a mouth to mouth colloquy, I have seen that whatever suggestions I would make about our common Faith, must be conveyed in subsequent communications".
[150:46] And lest the pages of this epistle reach too great a length, I have comprised in another letter what is agreeable to the maintenance of the catholic Faith, in order that, though the published statements of the Apostolic See were sufficient, yet these additional statements might also break down the snares of the heretics.
[150:47] For your Majesty's priestly and Apostolic mind ought to be still further kindled to righteous vengeance by this pestilential evil, which mars the purity of the church of Constantinople, in which are found certain clerics, who agree with the interpretations of the heretics and within the very heart of the Church assist them by their support".
[150:48] In removing whom if my brother Anatolius is found remiss through too good-natured leniency, vouchsafe to show your faith by administering this remedy also to the Church, that such men be driven not only from the ranks of the clergy, but also from dwelling in the city.
[150:49] I commend to you your Majesty's loyal subjects, bishop Julian and presbyter Aetius, with a request that you will deign to listen quietly to their suggestions in defence of the catholic Faith, because they are in good truth men who may be found helpful to your faith in all things.
[150:50] Dated the 1st of Dec.
[150:51] in the consulship of the illustrious Constantine and Rufus (457).
[151:1] Letter CLVII.
[151:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[151:3] (Urging him to active measures in certain specified matters.
[151:4] ).
[152:1] Letter CLVIII".
[152:2] To the Catholic Bishops of Egypt Sojourning in Constantinople.
[152:3] Leo to the catholic Egyptian bishops sojourning in Constantinople.
[152:4] He encourages them in their sufferings for the Faith, and in their entreaties for redress to the Emperor.
[152:5] I have before now been so saddened by tidings of the crimes committed in Alexandria, and my spirit has been so wounded by the atrocity of the deed itself, that I know not what tears to show and what lamentation to utter over it, and am fain to use the prophet's language, "who will give waters to my head and a fountain of tears to my eyes".
[152:6] ?" Yet anticipating your complaint, beloved, I have entreated our most clement and Christian Emperor for a remedy of these great evils, and by our sons and assistants Gerontius and Olympius have at a different time demanded that he should make haste to purge of a heresy already condemned the church of that city, in which so many Catholic teachers have flourished, and not allow murderous spirits whom no reverence for place or time".
[152:7] could deter from shedding their ruler's blood, to gain anything from his clemency, more particularly when they desire to reconsider the council of Chalcedon to the overthrow of the Faith.
[152:8] Accordingly the same reason, beloved, which drove you from your own Sees, ought to console you for your sufferings; for it is certain that afflicted souls, that suffer adversity for His name, are in no wise deprived of the Lord's protection.
[152:9] Bear it therefore bravely, and mindful of that country which is yours, rejoice over your present sojourn in a strange land.
[152:10] Abstain from grieving over your exile and indulge not in sorrow for your present weariness, ye who know that the Apostle glories even in his many perils on behalf of the Lord's Faith.
[152:11] You have One who knows your conflicts and has prepared the rewards of recompense.
[152:12] Let no one shrink from this labour, whose guerdon is to reign and".
[152:13] live for ever.
[152:14] Let the feet of all who fight be fixed in the halls of Jerusalem; for in the hope of that retribution they will have no cause to fear the camp nor the onsets of the enemy.
[152:15] Victory is never hard nor triumph difficult over the remnants of an abject foe who has been routed by the whole world alike, especially over those whose ringleaders you see already prostrate.
[152:16] With unceasing prayers, therefore (even as I also have not failed to do), entreat the favour of the most Christian Emperor, who in God's mercy is ready to hear: that in accordance with the letter I have sent".
[152:17] , he may strengthen the cause of the common Faith with that devotion of mind, which we are well assured he possesses, and in his piety may remove all the harmful charges which the madness of heretics has invented, and arrange for your return, beloved, and so may cause each several province and all the churches with their priests to rejoice in the unshaken peace of Christ.
[152:18] Dated the 1st of Dec.
[152:19] in the consulship of Constantine and Rufus (457).
[153:1] Letter CLIX.
[153:2] To Nicaetas, Bishop of Aquileia.
[153:3] (Leo, the bishop, to Nicaetas, bishop of Aquileia, greeting.
[153:4] ) I.
[153:5] Prefatory.
[153:6] My son Adeodatus, deacon of our See, on returning to us has delivered your request, beloved, to receive from us the authority of the Apostolic See upon matters which seem indeed to be hard to decide, but which we must make provision for with a view to the necessities of the times that the wounds which have been inflicted by the attacks of the enemy may be healed chiefly by the agency of religion.
[153:7] II.
[153:8] About the women who married again when their husbands were taken prisoners.
[153:9] As then you say that through the disasters of war and through the grievous inroads of the enemy families have in certain cases been so broken up that the husbands have been carried off into captivity and their wives remain forsaken, and these latter thinking their own husbands either dead or never likely to be freed from their masters, have contracted another marriage under stress of loneliness, and as, now that the state of things has im proved through the Lord's help, some of those who were thought to have perished have returned, you seem, dear brother, naturally to be in doubt what ought to be settled by us about women thus joined to other husbands.
[153:10] But because we know it is written that "a woman is joined to a man by God".
[153:11] ," and again, we are aware of the precept that "what God hath joined, man may not put asunder".
[153:12] ," we are bound to hold that the compact of the lawful marriage must be renewed, and after the removal of the evils inflicted by the enemy, what each lawfully had must be restored to him; and we must take every pains that each should recover what is his own.
[153:13] III.
[153:14] Whether he is blameable who has taken the prisoner's wife? But notwithstanding let him not be held blameable and treated as the invader of another's right, who took the place of the husband, who was thought no longer alive.
[153:15] For thus many things which belonged to those led into captivity happened to pass into the possession of others, and yet it is altogether fair that on their return their property should be restored.
[153:16] And if this is duly observed in the case of slaves or of lands, or even of houses and personal goods, how much more ought it to be done in the restoration of wives, that what has been disturbed by the necessities of war may be restored by the remedy of peace? IV.
[153:17] The wife must be restored to her first husband.
[153:18] And, therefore, if husbands who have returned after a long captivity still feel such affection for their wives as to desire them to return to partnership".
[153:19] , that, which necessity brought about, must be passed over and judged blameless and the demands of fidelity satisfied.
[153:20] V.
[153:21] Women must be excommunicated who refuse to return.
[153:22] And if any women are so possessed by love of their later husbands as to prefer to remain with them than to return to their lawful partners, they are deservedly to be branded: so that they be even deprived of the Church's communion; for in a pardonable matter they have chosen to taint themselves with crime, showing that they have sought their own pleasure in their incontinence, when a rightful restitution could have obtained their forgiveness.
[153:23] Let them return then to their former state and make voluntary reparation, nor let that which a condition of necessity extorted from them be by any means turned into disgrace through evil desires; because, as those women who refuse to return to their husbands are to be held unholy, so they who return to an affection entered on with God's sanction are deservedly to be praised.
[153:24] VI.
[153:25] About captives, who were compelled to eat of sacrificial food.
[153:26] Concerning those Christians who are asserted to have been polluted with sacrificial food, while among those by whom they were taken prisoners, we have thought it right to make this reply to your enquiry, dear brother, that they be purged by a satisfactory penitence which is to be measured not so much by the duration of the process as by the intensity of the feeling.
[153:27] And whether their compliance was wrung from them by terror or hunger, there need be no hesitation at acquitting them, since the food was taken from fear or want, not from superstitious reverence.
[153:28] VII.
[153:29] About those who in fear or by mistake were re-baptized.
[153:30] But as to those about whom you thought, beloved, we ought likewise to be consulted who were either forced by fear or led by mistake to repeat their baptism, and now understand that they acted contrary to the ordinances of the catholic Faith, such moderation must be observed towards them that they be received into full communion with us, but not without the healing of penitence and the imposition of the bishop's hands, the length of the penance (with due regard to moderation) being left to your judgment, as you shall perceive the minds of the penitents to be disposed: in which you must not forget to consider old age, illness, and other risks.
[153:31] For if a man be in so dangerous a case that his life is despaired of, while he is still under penance, he should receive the gracious aid of communion by the priest's tender care.
[153:32] VIII.
[153:33] About baptism by heretics.
[153:34] For they who have received baptism from heretics, not having been previously baptized, are to be confirmed by imposition of hands with only the invocation of the Holy Ghost, because they have received the bare form of baptism without the power of sanctification".
[153:35] And this regulation, as you know, we require to be kept in all the churches, that the font once entered may not be defiled by repetition, as the Lord says, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism".
[153:36] And that washing may not be polluted by repetition, but, as we have said, only the sanctification of the Holy Ghost invoked, that what no one can receive from heretics may be obtained from catholic priests.
[153:37] This letter of ours, which we have sent in reply to the inquiries of the brotherhood you shall bring to the knowledge of all your brethren and fellow-bishops of the province, that our authority, now that it is given, may avail for the general observance.
[153:38] Dated 21st March, in the consulship of Majorian Augustus (458).
[154:1] Letter CLX.
[154:2] (See Letter CLVIII.
[154:3] ).
[155:1] Letter CLXI.
[155:2] To the Presbyters, Deacons and Clergy of the Church of Constantinople.
[155:3] (Exhorting them to remain stedfast in the Faith as fixed at Chalcedon, and to have no dealings with Atticus and Andrew unless they recant.
[155:4] ).
[156:1] Letter CLXII.
[156:2] To Leo Augustus.
[156:3] By the hand of Philoxenus agens in rebus".
[156:4] Leo the Bishop to Leo Augustus.
[156:5] I.
[156:6] The decrees of Chalcedon and Nicaea are identical and final.
[156:7] With much joy my mind exults in the Lord, and great is my cause for thankfulness, now that I perceive your clemency's most excellent faith to be in all things enlarged by the gifts of heavenly grace, and I experience by increased diligence the devotion of a priestly mind in you.
[156:8] For in your Majesty's communications it is beyond doubt revealed what the Holy Spirit is working through you for the good of the whole Church, and how greatly it is to be desired by the prayers of all the faithful that your empire may be everywhere extended with glory, seeing that besides your care for things temporal you so perseveringly exercise a religious foresight in the service of what is divine and eternal: to wit that the catholic Faith, which alone gives life to and alone hallows mankind, may abide in the one confession, and the dissensions which spring from the variety of earthly opinions may be driven away, most glorious Emperor, from that solid Rock, on which the city of God is built.
[156:9] And these gifts of God will at last be granted us from Him, if we be not found ungrateful for what has been vouchsafed, and as though what we have gained were naught, we seek not rather the very opposite.
[156:10] For to seek what has been discovered, to reconsider what has been completed, and to demolish what has been defined, what else is it but to return no thanks for things gained and to indulge the unholy longings of deadly lust on the food of the forbidden tree? And hence by deigning to show a more careful regard for the peace of the universal Church, you manifestly recognize what is the design of the heretics' mighty intrigues that a more careful discussion should take place between the disciples of Eutyches and Dioscorus and the emissary of the Apostolic See, as if nothing had already been defined, and that what with the glad approval of the catholic priests of the whole world was determined at the holy Synod of Chalcedon should be rendered invalid to the detriment also of the most sacred Council of Nicaea.
[156:11] For what in our own days at Chalcedon was determined concerning our Lord Jesus Christ's Incarnation, was also so defined at Nicaea by that mystic number of Fathers".
[156:12] , lest the confession of catholics should believe that God's Only-begotten Son was in aught unequal to the Father, or that when He was made Son of man He had not the true nature of our flesh and soul.
[156:13] II.
[156:14] The wicked designs of heretics must be stedfastly resisted.
[156:15] Therefore we must abhor and persistently avoid what heretical deceit is striving to obtain, nor must what has been well and fully defined be brought again under discussion, lest we ourselves should seem at the will of condemned men to have doubts concerning things which it is clear agree throughout with the authority of Prophets, Evangelists, and Apostles.
[156:16] And hence, if there are any who disagree with these heaven-inspired decisions, let them be left to their own opinions and depart from the unity of the Church with that perverse sect which they have chosen.
[156:17] For it can in no wise be that men who dare to speak against divine mysteries are associated in any communion with us.
[156:18] Let them pride themselves on the emptiness of their talk and boast of the cleverness of their arguments against the Faith: we are pleased to obey the Apostle's precepts, where he says, "See that no one deceive you with philosophy and vain seductions of men".
[156:19] For according to the same Apostle, "if I build up those things which I destroyed, I prove myself a transgressor".
[156:20] ," and subject myself to those conditions of punishment which not only the authority of Prince Marcian of blessed memory, but I myself also by my consent have accepted.
[156:21] Because as you have justly and truthfully maintained perfection admits of no increase nor fulness of addition.
[156:22] And hence, since I know you, venerable Prince, imbued as you are with the purest light of truth, waver in no part of the Faith, but with just and perfect judgment distinguish right from wrong, and separate what is to be embraced from what is to be rejected, I beseech you not to think that my humility is to be blamed for want of confidence, since my cautiousness is not only in the interests of the universal Church but also for the furtherance of your own glory, that under your reign the unscrupulousness of heretics may not seem to be advanced and the security of catholics disturbed.
[156:23] III.
[156:24] He promises to send envoys not to discuss with the Eutychians, but to explain the Faith to the Emperor.
[156:25] Although, therefore, I am very confident of the piety of your heart in all things, and perceive that through the Spirit of God dwelling in you, you are sufficiently instructed, nor can any error delude your faith, yet I will endeavour to follow your bidding so far as to send certain of my brothers to represent my person before you, and to set forth what the Apostolic rule of Faith is, although, as I have said, it is well known to you, in all things making it clear and certain that they are not in any way to be reckoned among catholics, who do not accept the definitions of the venerable Synod of Nicaea or the ordinances of the holy Council of Chalcedon, inasmuch as it is evident the holy decrees of both proceed from the Evangelical and Apostolical source, and whatever is not of Christ's watering is like a snake-poisoned draught".
[156:26] Your Majesty should understand beforehand, most venerable Emperor, that those whom I undertake to send will come from the Apostolic See, not to fight with the enemies of the Faith nor to strive against any, because of matters already settled as it has pleased God both at Nicaea and at Chalcedon we dare not enter upon any discussion, as if what so great an authority has fixed by the Holy Spirit were doubtful or weak.
[156:27] IV.
[156:28] The heretics must be forced to give up their usurpations and left to the judgment of God.
[156:29] But we do not refuse the assistance of our ministry for the instruction of our little ones, who after being fed with milk desire to be satisfied with more solid food: and as we do not scorn the simple folk, so we will have no dealings with rebel heretics, remembering the Lord's command, who says, "Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine".
[156:30] Surely it is altogether unworthy and unjust to admit to freedom of discussion men whom the Holy Spirit describes in the words of the prophet, "the sons of the stranger have lied unto me".
[156:31] For even though they resist not the Gospel, yet they have shown themselves to be of those of whom it is written "they profess that they know God but by their deeds they deny Him".
[156:32] ," while the blood of just Abel".
[156:33] still cries against wicked Cain".
[156:34] , who being rebuked by the Lord did not set quietly about his repentance but burst forth into murder.
[156:35] Whose punishment we wish to be reserved for the Lord's judgment in such a way that, unprincipled plunderer and blood-thirsty murderer as he is, he may be thrown back upon himself and relinquish what is ours.
[156:36] We pray you also not to suffer the lamentable captivity of the holy church of Alexandria to be any further prolonged, which by the help of your faith and Justice ought to be restored to its liberty, that through all the cities of Egypt the dignity of the Fathers and their priestly rights may be restored.
[156:37] Dated 21st of March in the consulship of Leo and Majorian Augusti (458).
[157:1] Letter CLXIII.
[157:2] To Anatolius, Bishop of Constantinople.
[157:3] By Patritius the Deacon the Deacon.
[157:4] (Glorying over the harshness of his former letter, to which Anatolius had objected, but persisting that he is not satisfied with the explanation Atticus had furnished of his orthodoxy.
[157:5] ).
[158:1] Letter CLXIV".
[158:2] To Leo Augustus.
[158:3] Leo, the bishop, to Leo Augustus.
[158:4] I.
[158:5] He sends envoys but deprecates any fresh discussion of the Faith.
[158:6] Rejoicing that it has been proved to me by many clear proofs with what earnestness you consult the interests of the universal Church, I have not delayed to obey your Majesty's commands on the first opportunity, by despatching Domitian and Geminian my brothers and fellow-bishops, who in furtherance of my earnest prayers, shall entreat you for the peaceful acceptance of the gospel-teaching and obtain the liberty of the Faith in which through the instruction of the Holy Spirit you yourself are so conspicuously eminent, now that the enemies of Christ are driven far away, who even if they had wished to conceal their madness, could not lie hid, because the holy simplicity of the Lord's flock is very different from the pretences of beasts who hide themselves in sheeps' clothing, nor can they creep in by hypocrisy now that their exceeding madness has revealed them.
[158:7] Recognize, therefore, august and venerable Emperor, how that you are called by Divine providence to the guardianship of the whole world, and understand what aid you owe to your Mother, the Church, who makes especial boast of you.
[158:8] Disputes that are ended must not be allowed to rise with renewed vigour against the triumphs of the Almighty's right hand, especially when this can in no wise be allowed to heretics, whose attempts have long ago been condemned and the labours of the faithful have a just claim to this result, that all the fulness of the Church shall remain secure in the completeness of her unity, and that nothing whatever of what has been well laid down shall be reconsidered, because, after constitutions have been legitimately framed under Divine guidance, to wish still to wrangle is the sign not of a peace-making but of a rebellious spirit, as says the Apostle, "for to strive with words is profitable for nothing, but for the subverting of them that hear".
[158:9] II.
[158:10] In matters of Faith human rhetoric is out of place.
[158:11] For if it be always free for human fancies to assert themselves in dispute, there never will be wanting men who will dare to oppose the Truth, and to put their trust in the glib utterances of this world's wisdom, whereas the Christian Faith and wisdom knows from the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself how strictly it ought to shun this most harmful vanity.
[158:12] For when Christ was about to summon all nations to the illumination of the Faith, He chose those who were to devote themselves to the preaching of the Gospel not from among philosophers or orators, but took humble fishermen as the instruments by which He would reveal Himself, lest the heavenly teaching, which was of itself full of mighty power, should seem to need the aid of words.
[158:13] And hence the Apostle protests and says, "For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the Gospel, not in wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made void; for the word of the cross is to them indeed that perish foolishness, but to those which are being saved it is the power of God.
[158:14] For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the prudence of the prudent will I reject.
[158:15] Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the inquirer of this age? has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world".
[158:16] ?" For rhetorical arguments and clever debates of man's device make their chief boast in this, that in doubtful matters which are obscured by the variety of opinions they can induce their hearers to accept that view which each has chosen for his own genius and eloquence to bring forward; and thus it happens that what is maintained with the greatest eloquence is reckoned the truest.
[158:17] But Christ's Gospel needs not this art; for in it the true teaching stands revealed by its own light: nor is there any seeking for that which shall please the ear, when to know Who is the Teacher is sufficient for true faith.
[158:18] III.
[158:19] Eutyches' dogma is condemned by the testimony of Scripture and cannot further be entertained.
[158:20] But nothing severs those who are deceived by their own inventions, from the light of the Gospel so much as their not thinking that the Lord's Incarnation appertains in a true sense to man's, that is, our, nature: as if it were unworthy of God's glory that the majesty of the impassible Word should have taken the reality of human flesh, whereas men's salvation could not otherwise have been restored had not He Who is in the form of God deigned also to take the form of a slave.
[158:21] And hence since the holy Synod of Chalcedon, which was attended by all the provinces of the Roman world and obtained universal acceptance for its decisions, and is in complete harmony therein with the most sacred council of Nicaea, has cut off all the wicked followers of the Eutychian dogma from the body of the catholic communion, how shall any of the lapsed regain the peace of the church, without purging himself by a full course of penitence? For what licence can be granted them for discussing, when they have deserved to be condemned by a just and holy judgment, so that they might most truly fall under that sentence of the blessed Apostle, wherewith at the very outset of the infant Church he overthrew the enemies of Christ's cross, saying: "every spirit which confesses Jesus Christ to have come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which dissolves Jesus is not of God, but this is antichrist".
[158:22] And this pre-existent teaching of the Holy Ghost we must faithfully and stedfastly make use of, lest, by admitting the discussions of such men the authority of the divinely inspired decrees be diminished, when in all parts of your kingdom and in all borders of the earth that Faith which was confirmed at Chalcedon is being established on the surest basis of peace, nor is any one worthy of the name of Christian who cuts himself off from communion with us.
[158:23] Of whom the Apostle says, "a man that is heretical after a first and a second admonition, avoid, knowing that such a one is perverse and condemned by his own judgment".
[158:24] IV.
[158:25] If the Divine mercy is to be exercised, the heretics must cease entirely from the error of their ways.
[158:26] What therefore the unholy parricide has perpetrated by seizing on the holy Church and cruelly murdering its very ruler, cannot be expiated by man's forgiveness, unless He Who alone can rightly punish such things, and alone can of His unspeakable mercy remit them, be propitiated.
[158:27] But though we are not anxious for vengeance, we cannot in any way be allied with the devil's servants.
[158:28] Yet if we learn they are quitting the ranks of heresy, repenting them of their error and turning from the weapons of discord to the lamentations of sorrow, we also can intercede for them, lest they perish for ever, thus following the example of the Lord's loving-kindness, who, when nailed to the wood of the cross prayed for His persecutors, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do".
[158:29] And that Christian love may do this profitably for its enemies, wicked heretics must cease to harass God's ever religious and ever devout Church; they must not dare to disturb the souls of the simple by their falsehoods, to the end that, where in all former times the purest faith has flourished, the teaching of the Gospel and of the Apostles may now also have free course; because we also imitating, so far as we can, the Divine mercy desire no one to be punished by justice, but all to be released by mercy.
[158:30] V.
[158:31] Let him restore the refugee clergy and laity and utterly reject those who persist in heresy.
[158:32] I entreat your clemency, listen to the suggestions of my brethren already mentioned, whom, as I some time ago have said in a former letter".
[158:33] , I have sent not to wrangle with the condemned, but merely to intercede with you for the stability of the catholic Faith.
[158:34] And in accordance with your faith in and regard for the Divine Majesty this especially you should grant, that completely setting aside the contentions of heretics you should deign to bestow a merciful attention on those who have fallen upon such evil days, and, after restoring the liberty of the church of Alexandria to its pristine state, should set up there a bishop who, upholding the decrees of the Synod of Chalcedon and agreeing with the ordinances of the Gospel, shall be able to restore peace among that greatly disturbed people.
[158:35] Those bishops and clergy also whom the unholy parricide has driven out of their churches, should be recalled at your Majesty's command, all others also, whom a like maliciousness has banished from their dwellings, being restored to their former estate, to the end that we may have due cause fully and perfectly to rejoice in the grace of God and your faith without any further noise of strife.
[158:36] For if any one is so forgetful of the Christian hope and his own salvation as to venture by any dispute to assail the Evangelical and Apostolical decrees of the holy Synod of Chalcedon, thus overthrowing the most sacred Council of Nicaea also, him with all heretics who have held blasphemous and abominable views on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ we condemn by a like anathema and equal curse, so that, without refusing the remedy of repentance to those who make full and legitimate atonement, the sentence of the Synod, which is based on truth, may rest upon those who still resist.
[158:37] Dated 17th of August, in the consulship of Leo and Majorian Augusti (458).
[159:1] Letter CLXV.
[159:2] To Leo Augustus.
[159:3] [This letter, which is sometimes called the Second Tome, contains the detailed statement of the catholic doctrine of the Incarnation, which Leo had promised the Emperor in Letter CLVI.
[159:4] It consists of 9 chapters, but, as chaps.
[159:5] iii.
[159:6] to viii.
[159:7] and parts of ii.
[159:8] and ix.
[159:9] are almost identical in language with Letter CXXIV.
[159:10] , already given in full, I have not thought it necessary to reproduce the letter here.
[159:11] At the end a long series of quotations from Hilary, Ambrose and other Fathers bearing upon the doctrine are also added, but these also are dispensed with in accordance with our general practice, as we are now presenting Leo and no one else to the reader.
[159:12] ].
[160:1] Letter CLXVI.
[160:2] To Neo, Bishop of Ravenna.
[160:3] Leo, the bishop, to Neo, bishop of Ravenna, greeting.
[160:4] I.
[160:5] Those, who being taken captives in infancy cannot remember or bring witnesses of their baptism, must not be denied this sacrament.
[160:6] We have indeed frequently, God's Spirit instructing us, steadied the brethren's hearts, when they were tottering on the slippery places of doubtful questions, by formulating an answer either out of the teaching of the Holy Scriptures or from the rules of the Fathers: but lately in Synod a new and hitherto unheard-of subject of debate has arisen.
[160:7] For at the instance of certain brethren we have discovered that some of the prisoners of war, on their free return to their own homes, such to wit as went into captivity at an age when they could have no sure knowledge of anything, crave the healing waters of baptism, but in the ignorance of infancy cannot remember whether they have received the mystery and rites of baptism, and that therefore in this uncertainty of defective recollection their souls are brought into jeopardy, so long as under a show of caution they are denied a grace, which is withheld, because it is thought to have been bestowed.
[160:8] And so, since certain brethren in a not unjustifiable fear have hesitated to perform the rites of the Lord's mystery, at a synodal meeting, as we have said, we have received a formal request for advice on this matter, and in carefully discussing it, we have desired to weigh each members opinion, and to handle it in so cautious a manner as to arrive with certainty at the truth by making use of the knowledge of many.
[160:9] Consequently the same things, which have come into our mind by the Divine inspiration, have received the assent and confirmation of a large number of the brethren.
[160:10] And so we are bound before all things to take heed lest, while we hold fast to a certain show of caution, we incur a loss of souls who are to be regenerated.
[160:11] For who is so given over to suspicions as to decide that to be true which without any evidence he suspects by mere guesswork? And so wherever the man himself who is anxious for the new birth does not recollect his baptism, and no one can bear witness about him being unaware of his consecration to God, there is no possibility for sin to creep in, seeing that, so far as their knowledge goes, neither the bestower or receiver of the consecration is guilty.
[160:12] We know indeed that an unpardonable offence is committed, whenever in accordance with the institutions of heretics which the holy Fathers have condemned, any one is forced twice to enter the font, which is but once available for those who are to be reborn, in opposition to the Apostle's teaching".
[160:13] , which speaks to us of One Godhead in Trinity, one confession in Faith, one sacrament in Baptism.
[160:14] But in this nothing similar is to be apprehended, since, what is not known to have been done at all, cannot come under the charge of repetition.
[160:15] And so, whenever such a case occurs, first sift it by careful investigation, and spend a considerable time, unless his last end is near, in inquiring whether there be absolutely no one who by his testimony can assist the other's ignorance.
[160:16] And when it is established that the man who requires the sacrament of baptism is prevented by a mere baseless suspicion, let him come boldly to obtain the grace, of which he is conscious of no trace in himself.
[160:17] Nor need we fear thus to open the door of salvation which has not been shown to have been entered before.
[160:18] II.
[160:19] Baptism by heretics must not be invalidated by second baptism.
[160:20] But if it is established that a man has been baptized by heretics, on him the mystery of regeneration must in no wise be repeated, but only that conferred which was wanting before, so that he may obtain the power of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the Bishop's hands".
[160:21] This decision, beloved brother, we wish to be brought to the knowledge of you all generally, to the end that God's mercy may not be refused to those who desire to be saved through undue timidity.
[160:22] Dated the 24th of Oct.
[160:23] , in the consulship of Majorian Augustus (458).
[161:1] Letter CLXVII".
[161:2] To Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, with the replies to his Questions on various points.
[161:3] Leo, the bishop, to Rusticus, bishop of Gallia Narbonensis.
[161:4] I.
[161:5] He exhorts him to act with moderation towards two bishops who have offended him.
[161:6] Your letter, brother, which Hermes your archdeacon".
[161:7] brought, I have gladly received; the number of different matters it contains makes it indeed lengthy, but not so tedious to me on a patient perusal that any point should be passed over, amid the cares that press upon me from all sides.
[161:8] And hence having grasped the gist of your allegation and reviewed what took place at the inquiry of the bishops and leading men".
[161:9] , we gather that Sabinian and Leo, presbyters, lacked confidence in your".
[161:10] action, and that they have no longer any just cause for complaint, seeing that of their own accord they withdrew from the discussion that had been begun.
[161:11] What form or what measure of justice you ought to mete out to them I leave to your own discretion advising you, however, with the exhortation of love that to the healing of the sick you ought to apply spiritual medicine, and that remembering the Scripture which says "be not over just".
[161:12] ," you should act with mildness towards these who in zeal for chastity seem to have exceeded the limits of vengeance, lest the devil, who deceived the adulterers, should triumph over the avengers of the adultery.
[161:13] II.
[161:14] He expostulates with him for wishing to give up his office, which would imply distrust of God's promises.
[161:15] But I am surprised, beloved, that you are so disturbed by opposition in consequence of offences, from whatever cause arising, as to say you would rather be relieved of the labours of your bishopric, and live in quietness and ease than continue in the office committed to you.
[161:16] But since the Lord says, "blessed is he who shall persevere unto the end".
[161:17] ," whence shall come this blessed perseverance, except from the strength of patience? For as the Apostle proclaims, "All who would live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution".
[161:18] And it is not only to be reckoned persecution, when sword or fire or other active means are used against the Christian religion; for the direst persecution is often inflicted by nonconformity of practice and persistent disobedience and the barbs of ill-natured tongues: and since all the members of the Church are always liable to these attacks, and no portion of the faithful are free from temptation, so that a life neither of ease nor of labour is devoid of danger, who shall guide the ship amidst the waves of the sea, if the helmsman quit his post? Who shall guard the sheep from the treachery of wolves, if the shepherd himself be not on the watch? Who, in fine, shall resist the thieves and robbers, if love of quietude draw away the watchman that is set to keep the outlook from the strictness of his watch? One must abide, therefore, in the office committed to him and in the task undertaken.
[161:19] Justice must be stedfastly upheld and mercy lovingly extended.
[161:20] Not men, but their sins must be hated".
[161:21] The proud must be rebuked, the weak must be borne with; and those sins which require severer chastisement must be dealt with in the spirit not of vindictiveness but of desire to heal.
[161:22] And if a fiercer storm of tribulation fall upon us, let us not be terror-stricken as if we had to overcome the disaster in our own strength, since both our Counsel and our Strength is Christ, and through Him we can do all things, without Him nothing, Who, to confirm the preachers of the Gospel and the ministers of the mysteries, says, "Lo, I am with you all the days even to the consummation of the age".
[161:23] And again He says, "these things I have spoken unto you that in me ye may have peace.
[161:24] In this world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, because I have overcome the world".
[161:25] The promises, which are as plain as they can be, we ought not to let any causes of offence to weaken, lest we should seem ungrateful to God for making us His chosen vessels, since His assistance is powerful as His promises are true.
[161:26] III.
[161:27] Many of the questions raised could be more easily settled in a personal interview than on paper.
[161:28] On those points of inquiry, beloved, which your archdeacon has brought me separately written out, it would be easier to arrive at conclusions on each point face to face, if you could grant us the advantage of your presence.
[161:29] For since some questions seem to exceed the limits of ordinary diligence, I perceive that they are better suited to conversation than to writing: for as there are certain things which can in no wise be controverted, so there are many things which require to be modified either by considerations of age or by the necessities of the case; always provided that we remember in things which are doubtful or obscure, that must be followed which is found to be neither contrary to the commands of the Gospel nor opposed to the decrees of the holy Fathers.
[161:30] Question I.
[161:31] Concerning a presbyter or deacon who falsely claims to be a bishop, and those whom they have ordained.
[161:32] Reply.
[161:33] No consideration permits men to be reckoned among bishops who have not been elected by the clergy, demanded by the laity, and consecrated by the bishops of the province with the assent of the metropolitan".
[161:34] And hence, since the question often arises concerning advancement unduly obtained, who need doubt that that can in no wise be which is not shown to have been conferred on them.
[161:35] And if any clerics have been ordained by such false bishops in those churches which have bishops of their own, and their ordination took place with the consent and approval of the proper bishops, it may be held valid on condition that they continue in the same churches.
[161:36] Otherwise it must be held void, not being connected with any place nor resting on any authority.
[161:37] Question II.
[161:38] Concerning a presbyter or deacon, who on his crime being known asks for public penance, whether it is to be granted him by laying on of hands? Reply.
[161:39] It is contrary to the custom of the Church that they who have been dedicated to the dignity of the presbyterate or the rank of the diaconate, should receive the remedy of penitence by laying on of hands for any crime; which doubtless descends from the Apostles' tradition, according to what is written, "If a priest shall have sinned, who shall pray for him".
[161:40] ?" And hence such men when they have lapsed in order to obtain God's mercy must seek private retirement, where their atonement may be profitable as well as adequate.
[161:41] Question III.
[161:42] Concerning those who minister at the altar and have wives, whether they may lawfully cohabit with them? Reply.
[161:43] The law of continence is the same for the ministers".
[161:44] of the altar as for bishops and priests, who when they were laymen or readers, could lawfully marry and have offspring.
[161:45] But when they reached to the said ranks, what was before lawful ceased to be so.
[161:46] And hence, in order that their wedlock may become spiritual instead of carnal, it behoves them not to put away their wives but to "have them as though they had them not".
[161:47] ," whereby both the affection of their wives may be retained and the marriage functions cease.
[161:48] Question IV.
[161:49] Concerning a presbyter or deacon who has given his unmarried daughter in marriage to a man who already had a woman joined to him, by whom he had also had children.
[161:50] Reply.
[161:51] Not every woman that is joined to a man is his wife, even as every son is not his father's heir.
[161:52] But the marriage bond is legitimate between the freeborn and between equals: this was laid down by the Lord long before the Roman law had its beginning.
[161:53] And so a wife is different from a concubine, even as a bondwoman from a freewoman.
[161:54] For which reason also the Apostle in order to show the difference of these persons quotes from Genesis, where it is said to Abraham, "Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with my son Isaac".
[161:55] And hence, since the marriage tie was from the beginning so constituted as apart from the joining of the sexes to symbolize the mystic union of Christ and His Church, it is undoubted that that woman has no part in matrimony, in whose case it is shown that the mystery of marriage has not taken place.
[161:56] Accordingly a clergyman of any rank who has given his daughter in marriage to a man that has a concubine, must not be considered to have given her to a married man, unless perchance the other woman should appear to have become free, to have been legitimately dowered and to have been honoured by public nuptials.
[161:57] Question V.
[161:58] Concerning young women who have married men that have concubines.
[161:59] Reply.
[161:60] Those who are joined to husbands by their fathers' will are free from blame, if the women whom their husbands had were not in wedlock.
[161:61] Question VI.
[161:62] Concerning those who leave the women by whom they have children and take wives.
[161:63] Reply.
[161:64] Seeing that the wife is different from the concubine, to turn a bondwoman from one's couch and take a wife whose free birth is assured, is not bigamy but an honourable proceeding.
[161:65] Question VII.
[161:66] Concerning those who in sickness accept terms of penitence, and when they have recovered, refuse to keep them.
[161:67] Reply.
[161:68] Such men's neglect is to be blamed but not finally to be abandoned, in order that they may be incited by frequent exhortations to carry out faithfully what under stress of need they asked for.
[161:69] For no one is to be despaired of so long as he remain in this body, because sometimes what the diffidence of age puts off is accomplished by maturer counsels.
[161:70] Question VIII.
[161:71] Concerning those who on their deathbed promise repentance and die before receiving communion.
[161:72] Reply.
[161:73] Their cause is reserved for the judgment of God, in Whose hand it was that their death was put off until the very time of communion.
[161:74] But we cannot be in communion with those, when dead, with whom when alive we were not in communion.
[161:75] Question IX.
[161:76] Concerning those who under pressure of great pain ask for penance to be granted them, and when the presbyter has come to give what they seek, if the pain has abated somewhat, make excuses and refuse to accept what is offered.
[161:77] Reply.
[161:78] This tergiversation cannot proceed from contempt of the remedy but from fear of falling into worse sin.
[161:79] Hence the penance which is put off, when it is more earnestly sought must not be denied in order that the wounded soul may in whatever way attain to the healing of absolution.
[161:80] Question X.
[161:81] Concerning those who have professed repentance, if they begin to go to law in the forum.
[161:82] Reply.
[161:83] To demand just debts is indeed one thing and to think nothing of one's own property from the perfection of love is another.
[161:84] But one who craves pardon for unlawful doings ought to abstain even from many things that are lawful, as says the Apostle, "all things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient".
[161:85] Hence, if the penitent has a matter which perchance he ought not to neglect, it is better for him to have recourse to the judgment of the Church than of the forum.
[161:86] Question XI.
[161:87] Concerning those who during or after penance transact business.
[161:88] Reply.
[161:89] The nature of their gains either excuses or condemns the trafficker, because there is an honourable and a base kind of profit.
[161:90] Notwithstanding it is more expedient for the penitent to suffer loss than to be involved in the risks of trafficking, because it is hard for sin not to come into transactions between buyer and seller.
[161:91] Question XII.
[161:92] Concerning those who return to military service after doing penance.
[161:93] Reply.
[161:94] It is altogether contrary to the rules of the Church to return to military service in the world after doing penance, as the Apostle says, "No soldier in God's service entangles himself in the affairs of the world".
[161:95] Hence he is not free from the snares of the devil who wishes to entangle himself in the military service of the world.
[161:96] Question XIII.
[161:97] Concerning those who after penance take wives or join themselves to concubines.
[161:98] Reply.
[161:99] If a young man under fear of death or the dangers of captivity has done penance, and afterwards fearing to fall into youthful incontinence has chosen to marry a wife lest he should be guilty of fornication, he seems to have committed a pardonable act, so long as he has known no woman whatever save his wife.
[161:100] Yet herein we lay down no rule, but express an opinion as to what is less objectionable.
[161:101] For according to a true view of the matter nothing better suits him who has done penance than continued chastity both of mind and body.
[161:102] Question XIV.
[161:103] Concerning monks who take to military service or to marriage.
[161:104] Reply.
[161:105] The monk's vow being undertaken of his own will or wish cannot be given up without sin.
[161:106] For that which a man has vowed to God, he ought also to pay.
[161:107] Hence he who abandons his profession of a single life and betakes himself to military service or to marriage, must make atonement and clear himself publicly, because although such service may be innocent and the married state honourable, it is transgression to have forsaken the higher choice.
[161:108] Question XV.
[161:109] Concerning young women who have worn the religious habit for some time but have not been dedicated, if they afterwards marry.
[161:110] Reply.
[161:111] Young women, who without being forced by their parents' command but of their own free-will have taken the vow and habit of virginity, if afterwards they choose wedlock, act wrongly, even though they have not received dedication: of which they would doubtless not have been defrauded, if they had abided by their vow.
[161:112] Question XVI.
[161:113] Concerning those who have been left as infants by christian parents, if no proof of their baptism can be found whether they ought to be baptized? Reply.
[161:114] If no proof exist among their kinsfolk and relations, nor among the clergy or neighbours whereby those, about whom the question is raised, may be proved to have been baptized, steps must be taken for their regeneration: lest they evidently perish; for in their case reason does not allow that what is not shown to have been done should seem to be repeated.
[161:115] Question XVII.
[161:116] Concerning those who have been captured by the enemy and are not aware whether they have been baptized but know they were several times taken to church by their parents, whether they can or ought to be baptized when they come back to Roman territory".
[161:117] ? Reply.
[161:118] Those who can remember that they used to go to church with their parents can remember whether they received what used to be given to their parents".
[161:119] But if this also has escaped their memory, it seems that that must be bestowed on them which is not known to have been bestowed because there can be no presumptuous rashness where the most loyal carefulness has been exercised.
[161:120] Question XVIII.
[161:121] Concerning those who have come from Africa or Mauretania and know not in what sect they were baptized, what ought to be done in their case".
[161:122] ? Reply.
[161:123] These persons are not doubtful of their baptism, but profess ignorance as to the faith of those who baptized them: and hence since they have received the form of baptism in some way or other, they are not to be baptized but are to be united to the catholics by imposition of hands, after the invocation of the Holy Spirit's power, which they could not receive from heretics.
[161:124] Question XIX.
[161:125] Concerning those who after being baptized in infancy were captured by the Gentiles, and lived with them after the manner of the Gentiles, when they come back to Roman territory as still young men, if they seek Communion, what shall be done? Reply.
[161:126] If they have only lived with Gentiles and eaten sacrificial food, they can be purged by fasting and laying on of hands, in order that for the future abstaining from things offered to idols, they may be partakers of Christ's mysteries.
[161:127] But if they have either worshipped idols or been polluted with manslaughter or fornication, they must not be admitted to communion, except by public penance.
[162:1] Letter CLXVIII.
[162:2] To all the Bishops of Campania, Samnium and Picenum.
[162:3] (Rebuking them first for performing baptisms without due preparation or sufficient cause on ordinary saints'-days (Easter and Whitsuntide being the only recognized times), and secondly for requiring from penitents that a list of their offences should be read out publicly, a practice which is in many ways objectionable.
[162:4] ).
[163:1] Letter CLXIX.
[163:2] To Leo Augustus.
[163:3] Leo, the bishop, to Leo Augustus.
[163:4] I.
[163:5] He heartily thanks the Emperor for what he has done, and asks him to complete the work in any way he can.
[163:6] If we should seek to reward your Majesty's glorious resolution in defence of the Faith with all the praise that the greatness of the issue demands, we should be found unequal to the task of giving thanks and celebrating the joy of the universal Church with our feeble tongue.
[163:7] But His worthier recompense awaits your acts and deserts, in whose cause you have shown so excellent a zeal, and are now triumphing gloriously over the attainment of the wished-for end.
[163:8] Your clemency must know therefore that all the churches of God join in praising you and rejoicing that the unholy parricide has been cast off from the neck of the Alexandrine church, and that God's people, on whom the abominable robber has been so great a burden, restored to the ancient liberty of the Faith, can now be recalled into the way of salvation by the preaching of faithful priests, when it sees the whole hotbed of pestilence done away with in the person of the originator himself.
[163:9] Now therefore, because you have accomplished this by firm resolution and stedfast will, complete your tale of work for the Faith by passing such decrees as shall be well-pleasing to God in favour of this city's catholic ruler".
[163:10] , who is tainted by no trace of the heresy now so often condemned: lest, perchance, the wound apparently healed but still lurking beneath the scar should grow, and the Christian laity, which by your public action has been freed from the perversity of heretics, should again fall a prey to deadly poison.
[163:11] II.
[163:12] Good works as well as integrity of faith is required in a priest.
[163:13] But you see, venerable Emperor, and clearly understand, that in the person, whose excommunication is contemplated, it is not only the integrity of his faith that must be considered; for even if that could be purged by any punishments and confessions, and completely restored by any conditions, yet the wicked and bloody deeds that have been committed can never be done away by the protestations of plausible words: because in God's pontiff, and particularly in the priest of so great a church, the sound of the tongue and the utterance of the lips is not enough, and nothing is of avail, if God makes proclamation with His voice and the mind is convicted of blasphemy.
[163:14] For of such the Holy Ghost speaks by the Apostle, "having an appearance of godliness, but denying the power thereof," and again elsewhere, "they profess that they know God, but in deeds they deny Him".
[163:15] And hence, since in every member of the Church both the integrity of the true Faith and abundance of good works is looked for, how much more ought both these things to predominate in the chief pontiff, because the one without the other cannot be in union with the Body of Christ.
[163:16] III.
[163:17] Timothy's request for indulgence on the score of orthodoxy must not be allowed.
[163:18] Nor need we now state all that makes Timothy accursed, since what has been done through him and on his account, has abundantly and conspicuously come to the knowledge of the whole world, and whatever has been perpetrated by an unruly mob against justice, all rests on his head, whose wishes were served by its mad hands.
[163:19] And hence, even if in his profession of faith he neglects nothing, and deceives us in nothing, it best consorts with your glory absolutely to exclude him from this design of his".
[163:20] , because in the bishop of so great a city the universal Church ought to rejoice with holy exultation, so that the true peace of the Lord may be glorified not only by the preaching of the Faith, but also by the example of men's conduct.
[163:21] Dated 17th of June, in the consulship of Magnus and Apollonius (460).
[163:22] (By the hand of Philoxenus agens in rebus".
[163:23] ).
[164:1] Letter CLXX.
[164:2] To Gennadius, Bishop of Constantinople".
[164:3] (Complaining of Timothy aelurus having been allowed to come to Constantinople, and saying that there is no hope of his restitution.
[164:4] ).
[165:1] Letter CLXXI.
[165:2] To Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria.
[165:3] Leo, the bishop, to Timothy, catholic bishop of the church of Alexandria.
[165:4] I.
[165:5] He congratulates him on his election, and bids him win back wanderers to the fold.
[165:6] It is clearly apparent from the brightness of the sentiment quoted by the Apostle, that "all things work together for good to them that love God".
[165:7] ," and by the dispensation of God's pity, where adversities are received, there also prosperity is given.
[165:8] This the experience of the Alexandrine church shows, in which the moderation and long suffering of the humble has laid up for themselves great store in return for their patience: because "the Lord is nigh them that are of a contrite heart, and shall save those that are humble in spirit".
[165:9] ," our noble Prince's faith being glorified in all things, through whom "the right-hand of the Lord hath done great acts".
[165:10] ," in preventing the abomination of antichrist any longer occupying the throne of the blessed Fathers; whose blasphemy has hurt no one more than himself, because although he has induced some to be partners of his guilt, yet he has inexpiably stained himself with blood.
[165:11] And hence concerning that which under the direction of Faith your election, brother, by the clergy, and the laity, and all the faithful, has brought about, I assure you that the whole of the Lord's Church rejoices with me, and it is my strong desire that the Divine pity will in its loving-kindness confirm this joy with manifold signs of grace, your own devotion ministering thereto in all things, so that you may sedulously win over, through the Church's prayers, those also who have hitherto resisted the Truth, to reconciliation with God, and, as a zealous ruler, bring them into union with the mystic body of the catholic Faith, whose entirety admits of no division, imitating that true and gentle Shepherd, who laid down His life for His sheep, and, when one sheep wandered, drove it not back with the lash, but carried it back to the fold on His own shoulders.
[165:12] II.
[165:13] Let him be watchful against heresy and send frequent reports to Rome.
[165:14] Take heed, then, dearly beloved brother, lest any trace of either Nestorius' or Eutyches' error be found in God's people: because "no one can lay any foundation except that which is laid, which is Christ Jesus".
[165:15] ;" who would not have reconciled the whole world to God the Father, had He not by the regeneration of Faith adopted us all in the reality of our flesh".
[165:16] Whenever, therefore, opportunities arise which you can use for writing, brother, even as you necessarily and in accordance with custom have done in sending a report of your ordination to us by our sons, Daniel the presbyter and Timothy the deacon, so continue to act at all times and send us, who will be anxious for them, as frequent accounts as possible of the progress of peace, in order that by regular intercourse we may feel that "the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us".
[165:17] Dated the 18th of August, in the consulship of Magnus and Apollonius (460).
[166:1] Letter CLXXII.
[166:2] To the Presbyters and Deacons of the Church of Alexandria.
[166:3] (Inviting them to aid in confirming the peace of the Church, and in winning those who had given way to heresy.
[166:4] ).
[167:1] Letter CLXXIII.
[167:2] To Certain Egyptian Bishops.
[167:3] (Congratulating them on the election of Timothy, and begging them to assist in maintaining unity and bringing back wanderers to the fold.
[167:4] ).