[1:1] Subscriptions.
[1:2] I.
[1:3] In Borgian ms.
[1:4] Here endeth the Gospel which Tatianus compiled and named Diatessaron, i-e:, The Fourfold, a compilation from the four Gospels of the holy Apostles, the excellent Evangelists (peace be upon them).
[1:5] It was translated by the excellent and learned priest, Abu'l Faraj 'Abdulla ibn-at-Tayyib (may God grant him favour), from Syriac into Arabic, from an exemplar written by 'Isa ibn-'Ali al-Motatabbib, pupil of Honain ibn-Ishak (God have mercy on them both).
[1:6] Amen.
[1:7] In Vatican ms.
[1:8] Here endeth, by the help of God, the holy Gospel that Titianus compiled from the four Gospels, which is known as Diatessaron.
[1:9] And praise be to God, as he is entitled to it and lord of it! And to him be the glory for ever.