the deploy_and_bind.js
scripts found in this folder is the first step to deploy all 4 smart contracts and in the project and connect their interfaces. all of the addresses that are deployed are stored in ./DEPLOYED_ADDRESSES for other scripts.
yarn hardhat run deploy/deploy_and_bind.js --network MyBase
after the deployment of the contracts the other steps have no order in excecution and you can run them as you want.
- note that this script is uses hardhat.config.js to conncet to base blockchain stored as
, if you want to change the network add networks in hardhat.config.js.
scripts connects to metadarendererWatchenzRenderer.sol
to store a gene pool for token attributes. for more indepth understanding take a look at{setGene}
in WatchenzDataHandler.sol, also you can find the data in GENE_SOURCE.json
yarn hardhat run deploy/set_genes.js --network MyBase
scripts connects to metadarendererWatchenzRenderer.sol
to store the svg parts that are common among all toknes. for more indepth understanding take a look at{setSVGParts}
in WatchenzDataHandler.sol also you can find the data in SVG_PARTS.json
yarn hardhat run deploy/set_parts.js --network MyBase
scripts connects to metadarendererWatchenzRenderer.sol
to store the svg parts that are corresponding to a specific attribute. for more indepth understanding take a look at{set_svg}
in WatchenzDataHandler.sol also you can find the data in SVG_DATA.json
yarn hardhat run deploy/set_svg.js --network MyBase
scripts connects to metadarendererWatchenzRenderer.sol
to store the some tokenIds that are not non-fungible in the {getGenome} function and will be cast to a new tokenId that are non-fungible. for more indepth understanding take a look at{setExceptionTokens}
in WatchenzDataHandler.sol also you can find the data in exceptional_out.csv
yarn hardhat run deploy/set_safeIds.js --network MyBase
scripts connects to token contractWatchenzToken.sol
to store the list of address that had whitelisted form Watchecks collection for more indepth understanding take a look at{addToWhitelist}
inWhitelist.sol also you can find the data in WhiteListSnapShot.csv
yarn hardhat run deploy/set_whitelist.js --network MyBase