To use ESLint with Vue files, first install the vue-eslint-parser. Then, configure ESLint to use this parser for Vue files.
To enable eslint-plugin-readable-tailwind, you need to add it to the plugins section of your eslint configuration and enable the rules you want to use.
npm i -D vue-eslint-parser
Read more about the new ESLint flat config format
// eslint.config.js
import eslintPluginReadableTailwind from "eslint-plugin-readable-tailwind";
import eslintParserVue from "vue-eslint-parser";
export default [
files: ["**/*.vue"],
languageOptions: {
parser: eslintParserVue
plugins: {
"readable-tailwind": eslintPluginReadableTailwind
rules: {
// enable all recommended rules to warn
// enable all recommended rules to error
// or configure rules individually
"readable-tailwind/multiline": ["warn", { printWidth: 100 }]
// .eslintrc.json
"extends": [
// enable all recommended rules to warn
// enable all recommended rules to error
"parser": "vue-eslint-parser",
"plugins": ["readable-tailwind"],
"rules": {
// or configure rules individually
"readable-tailwind/multiline": ["warn", { "printWidth": 100 }]
To enable the VSCode ESLint plugin to validate Vue files, add the following to your .vscode/settings.json
"eslint.validate": [/* ...other formats */, "vue"]