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OpenSearch Sink

This is the Data Prepper OpenSearch sink plugin that sends records to an OpenSearch cluster via REST client. You can use the sink to send data to OpenSearch, Amazon OpenSearch Service, or Elasticsearch.

The OpenSearch sink plugin supports OpenSearch 1.0 and greater and Elasticsearch 7.3 and greater.


The OpenSearch sink should be configured as part of Data Prepper pipeline yaml file.

Raw span trace analytics

      hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
      cert: path/to/cert
      username: YOUR_USERNAME_HERE
      password: YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
      index_type: trace-analytics-raw
      dlq_file: /your/local/dlq-file
      max_retries: 20
      bulk_size: 4

The OpenSearch sink will reserve otel-v1-apm-span-* as index pattern and otel-v1-apm-span as index alias for record ingestion.

Service map trace analytics

      hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
      cert: path/to/cert
      username: YOUR_USERNAME_HERE
      password: YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
      index_type: trace-analytics-service-map
      dlq_file: /your/local/dlq-file
      bulk_size: 4

The OpenSearch sink will reserve otel-v1-apm-service-map as index for record ingestion.

Log analytics

      hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
      cert: path/to/cert
      username: YOUR_USERNAME_HERE
      password: YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
      index_type: log-analytics
      dlq_file: /your/local/dlq-file
      max_retries: 20
      bulk_size: 4

The OpenSearch sink will reserve logs-otel-v1-* as index pattern and logs-otel-v1 as index alias for record ingestion.

Metric analytics

      hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
      cert: path/to/cert
      username: YOUR_USERNAME_HERE
      password: YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE
      index_type: metric-analytics
      dlq_file: /your/local/dlq-file
      max_retries: 20
      bulk_size: 4

The OpenSearch sink will reserve metrics-otel-v1-* as index pattern and metrics-otel-v1 as index alias for record ingestion.

Amazon OpenSearch Service

The OpenSearch sink can also be configured for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. See security for details.

      hosts: ["https://your-amazon-opensearch-service-endpoint"]
      aws_sigv4: true
      cert: path/to/cert
      insecure: false
      index_type: trace-analytics-service-map
      bulk_size: 4


  • hosts: A list of IP addresses of OpenSearch nodes.

  • cert(optional): CA certificate that is pem encoded. Accepts both .pem or .crt. This enables the client to trust the CA that has signed the certificate that the OpenSearch cluster is using. Default is null.

  • aws_sigv4: A boolean flag to sign the HTTP request with AWS credentials. Only applies to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See security for details. Default to false.

  • aws_region: A String represents the region of Amazon OpenSearch Service domain, e.g. us-west-2. Only applies to Amazon OpenSearch Service. Defaults to us-east-1.

  • aws_sts_role_arn: A IAM role arn which the sink plugin will assume to sign request to Amazon OpenSearch Service. If not provided the plugin will use the default credentials.

  • aws_sts_external_id: An optional external ID to use when assuming an IAM role.

  • aws_sts_header_overrides: An optional map of header overrides to make when assuming the IAM role for the sink plugin.

  • insecure: A boolean flag to turn off SSL certificate verification. If set to true, CA certificate verification will be turned off and insecure HTTP requests will be sent. Default to false.

  • aws (Optional) : AWS configurations. See AWS Configuration for details. SigV4 is enabled by default when this option is used. If this option is present, aws_ options are not expected to be present. If any of aws_ options are present along with this, error is thrown.

  • socket_timeout(optional): An integer value indicates the timeout in milliseconds for waiting for data (or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. If this timeout value is either negative or not set, the underlying Apache HttpClient would rely on operating system settings for managing socket timeouts.

  • connect_timeout(optional): An integer value indicates the timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection from the connection manager. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. If this timeout value is either negative or not set, the underlying Apache HttpClient would rely on operating system settings for managing connection timeouts.

  • username(optional): A String of username used in the internal users of OpenSearch cluster. Default is null.

  • password(optional): A String of password used in the internal users of OpenSearch cluster. Default is null.

  • proxy(optional): A String of the address of a forward HTTP proxy. The format is like ":<port>". Examples: "", "", "". Note: port number cannot be omitted.

  • index_type (optional): a String from the list [custom, trace-analytics-raw, trace-analytics-service-map, metric-analytics, log-analytics, management_disabled], which represents an index type. Defaults to custom if serverless is false in AWS Configuration, otherwise defaults to management_disabled. This index_type instructs Sink plugin what type of data it is handling.

  • enable_request_compression (optional): A boolean that enables or disables request compression when sending requests to OpenSearch. For distribution_version set to es6, default value is false, otherwise default value is true.

    APM trace analytics raw span data type example:

    APM trace analytics service map data type example:
      "hashId": "aQ/2NNEmtuwsGAOR5ntCNwk=",
      "serviceName": "Payment",
      "kind": "Client",
        "domain": "Purchase",
        "resource": "Buy"
        "domain": "Purchase",
        "resource": "Buy"
      "traceGroupName": ""
  • index: A String used as index name for custom data type. Applicable and required only If index_type is explicitly custom or defaults to be custom.

    • This index name can be a plain string, such as application, my-index-name.
    • This index name can also be a plain string with a date-time pattern, such as application-%{yyyy.MM.dd}, my-index-name-%{yyyy.MM.dd.HH}, index-%{yyyy-MM-dd}-dev. When OpenSearch Sink is sending data to OpenSearch, the date-time pattern will be replaced by actual UTC time. The pattern supports all the symbols that represent one hour or above and are listed in Java DateTimeFormatter. For example, with an index pattern like my-index-name-%{yyyy.MM.dd}, a new index is created for each day such as my-index-name-2022.01.25. For another example, with an index pattern like my-index-name-%{yyyy.MM.dd.HH}, a new index is created for each hour such as my-index-name-2022.01.25.13.
    • This index name can also be a formatted string (with or without date-time pattern suffix), such as my-${index}-name. When OpenSearchSink is sending data to OpenSearch, the format portion "${index}" will be replaced by it's value in the event that is being processed. The format may also be like "${index1/index2/index3}" in which case the field "index1/index2/index3" is searched in the event and replaced by its value.
      • Additionally, the formatted string can include expressions to evaluate to format the index name. For example, my-${index}-${getMetadata(\"some_metadata_key\")}-name will inject both the index value from the Event, as well as the value of some_metadata_key from the Event metadata to construct the index name.
  • normalize_index (optional): If true, the plugin will try to make dynamic index names (index names with format options specified in ${}) valid according to index naming restrictions. Any invalid characters will be removed. Default value is false.

  • template_type(optional): Defines what type of OpenSearch template to use. The available options are v1 and index-template. The default value is v1, which uses the original OpenSearch templates available at the _template API endpoints. Select index-template to use composable index templates which are available at OpenSearch's _index_template endpoint. Note: when distribution_version is es6, template_type is enforced into v1.

  • template_file(optional): A json file path or AWS S3 URI to be read as index template for custom data ingestion. The json file content should be the json value of "template" key in the json content of OpenSearch Index templates API, e.g. otel-v1-apm-span-index-template.json

  • number_of_shards (optional): The number of primary shards that an index should have on the destination OpenSearch server. This parameter is effective only when template_file is either explicitly provided in Sink configuration or built-in. If this parameter is set, it would override the value in index template file. OpenSearch documentation has more about this parameter.

  • number_of_replicas (optional): The number of replica shards each primary shard should have on the destination OpenSearch server. For example, if you have 4 primary shards and set number_of_replicas to 3, the index has 12 replica shards. This parameter is effective only when template_file is either explicitly provided in Sink configuration or built-in. If this parameter is set, it would override the value in index template file. OpenSearch documentation has more about this parameter.

  • dlq_file(optional): A String of absolute file path for DLQ failed output records. Defaults to null. If not provided, failed records will be written into the default data-prepper log file (logs/Data-Prepper.log). If the dlq option is present along with this, an error is thrown.

  • action(optional): A string indicating the type of action to be performed. Supported values are "create", "update", "upsert", "delete" and "index". Default value is "index". It also be an expression which evaluates to one of the supported values mentioned earlier.

  • actions(optional): This is an alternative to action. actions can have multiple actions, each with a condition. The first action for which the condition evaluates to true is picked as the action for an event. The action must be one of the supported values mentioned under action field above. Just like in case of action, the type mentioned in actions can be an expression which evaluates to one of the supported values. For example, the following configuration shows different action types for different conditions.

    - opensearch
          - type: "create"
             when: "/some_key == CREATE"
          - type: "index"
             when: "/some_key == INDEX"
          - type: "upsert"
             when: "/some_key == UPSERT"
          - type: "update"
             when: "/some_key == UPDATE"
          - type: "delete"
             when: "/some_key == DELETE"
         # default case
          - type: "index"
  • dlq (optional): DLQ configurations. See DLQ for details. If the dlq_file option is present along with this, an error is thrown.

  • max_retries(optional): A number indicating the maximum number of times OpenSearch Sink should try to push the data to the OpenSearch server before considering it as failure. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE. If not provided, the sink will try to push the data to OpenSearch server indefinitely because default value is very high and exponential backoff would increase the waiting time before retry.

  • bulk_size (optional): A long of bulk size in bulk requests in MB. Default to 5 MB. If set to be less than 0, all the records received from the upstream prepper at a time will be sent as a single bulk request. If a single record turns out to be larger than the set bulk size, it will be sent as a bulk request of a single document.

  • estimate_bulk_size_using_compression (optional): A boolean dictating whether to compress the bulk requests when estimating the size. This option is ignored if request compression is not enabled for the OpenSearch client. This is an experimental feature and makes no guarantees about the accuracy of the estimation. Default is false.

  • max_local_compressions_for_estimation (optional): An integer of the maximum number of times to compress a partially packed bulk request when estimating its size. Bulk size accuracy increases with this value but performance degrades. This setting is experimental and is ignored unless estimate_bulk_size_using_compression is enabled. Default is 2.

  • flush_timeout (optional): A long of the millisecond duration to try packing a bulk request up to the bulk_size before flushing. If this timeout expires before a bulk request has reached the bulk_size, the request will be flushed as-is. Set to -1 to disable the flush timeout and instead flush whatever is present at the end of each batch. Default is 60,000, or one minute.

  • document_id_field (optional) (deprecated) : A string of document identifier which is used as id for the document when it is stored in the OpenSearch. Each incoming record is searched for this field and if it is present, it is used as the id for the document, if it is not present, a unique id is generated by the OpenSearch when storing the document. Standard Data Prepper Json pointer syntax is used for retrieving the value. If the field has "/" in it then the incoming record is searched in the json sub-objects instead of just in the root of the json object. For example, if the field is specified as info/id, then the root of the event is searched for info and if it is found, then id is searched inside it. The value specified for id is used as the document id. This field can also be a Data Prepper expression that is evaluated to determine the document_id_field. For example, setting to getMetadata(\"some_metadata_key\") will use the value of the metadata key as the document_id

  • document_id (optional): A string of document identifier which is used as id for the document when it is stored in the OpenSearch. Each incoming record is searched for this field and if it is present, it is used as the id for the document, if it is not present, a unique id is generated by the OpenSearch when storing the document. Standard Data Prepper Json pointer syntax is used for retrieving the value. If the field has "/" in it then the incoming record is searched in the json sub-objects instead of just in the root of the json object. For example, if the field is specified as info/id, then the root of the event is searched for info and if it is found, then id is searched inside it. The value specified for id is used as the document id. This field can also be a Data Prepper expression that is evaluated to determine the document_id. For example, setting to getMetadata(\"some_metadata_key\") will use the value of the metadata key as the document_id

    • This document_id string can also be a formatted string, such as doc-${docId}-name. When OpenSearchSink is sending data to OpenSearch, the format portion "${docId}" will be replaced by it's value in the event that is being processed. The format may also be like "${docId1/docId2/docId3}" in which case the field "docId1/docId2/docId3" is searched in the event and replaced by its value.
    • Additionally, the formatted string can include expressions to evaluate to format the document id. For example, my-${docId}-${getMetadata(\"some_metadata_key\")}-name will inject both the docId value from the Event, as well as the value of some_metadata_key from the Event metadata to construct the document id.
  • routing_field (optional) (deprecated) : A string of routing field which is used as hash for generating sharding id for the document when it is stored in the OpenSearch. Each incoming record is searched for this field and if it is present, it is used as the routing field for the document, if it is not present, default routing mechanism used by the OpenSearch when storing the document. Standard Data Prepper Json pointer syntax is used for retrieving the value. If the field has "/" in it then the incoming record is searched in the json sub-objects instead of just in the root of the json object. For example, if the field is specified as info/id, then the root of the event is searched for info and if it is found, then id is searched inside it. The value specified for id is used as the routing id

  • routing (optional): A string which is used as hash for generating sharding id for the document when it is stored in the OpenSearch. Each incoming record is searched for this field and if it is present, it is used as the routing field for the document, if it is not present, default routing mechanism used by the OpenSearch when storing the document. Standard Data Prepper Json pointer syntax is used for retrieving the value. If the field has "/" in it then the incoming record is searched in the json sub-objects instead of just in the root of the json object. For example, if the field is specified as info/id, then the root of the event is searched for info and if it is found, then id is searched inside it. The value specified for id is used as the routing id.

    • This routing string can also be a formatted string, such as routing-${rid}-name. When OpenSearchSink is sending data to OpenSearch, the format portion "${rid}" will be replaced by it's value in the event that is being processed. The format may also be like "${rid1/rid2/rid3}" in which case the field "rid1/rid2/rid3" is searched in the event and replaced by its value.
    • Additionally, the formatted string can include expressions to evaluate to format the routing string. For example, my-${rid}-${getMetadata(\"some_metadata_key\")}-name will inject both the rid value from the Event, as well as the value of some_metadata_key from the Event metadata to construct the routing string. Examples:
    1. Routing config with simple strings
      hosts: ["https://your-amazon-opensearch-service-endpoint"]
      aws_sigv4: true
      cert: path/to/cert
      insecure: false
      routing: "test_routing_string"
      bulk_size: 4
  1. Routing config with keys from event
      hosts: ["https://your-amazon-opensearch-service-endpoint"]
      aws_sigv4: true
      cert: path/to/cert
      insecure: false
      routing: "${/info/id}"
      bulk_size: 4
  1. Routing config with more complex expressions
      hosts: ["https://your-amazon-opensearch-service-endpoint"]
      aws_sigv4: true
      cert: path/to/cert
      insecure: false
      routing: '${/info/id}-test-${getMetadata("metadata_key")}'
      bulk_size: 4
  • pipeline (optional): A string which is used to represent the pipeline Id for preprocessing documents. Each incoming record is searched for this field and if it is present, it is used as the pipeline field for the document. Standard Data Prepper Json pointer syntax is used for retrieving the value. If the field has "/" in it then the incoming record is searched in the json sub-objects instead of just in the root of the json object. For example, if the field is specified as info/id, then the root of the event is searched for info and if it is found, then id is searched inside it. The value specified for id is used as the pipeline id. This field can also be a Data Prepper expression that is evaluated to determine the pipeline_id. For example, setting to getMetadata(\"some_metadata_key\") will use the value of the metadata key as the pipeline_id.

  • ism_policy_file (optional): A String of absolute file path or AWS S3 URI for an ISM (Index State Management) policy JSON file. This policy file is effective only when there is no built-in policy file for the index type. For example, custom index type is currently the only one without a built-in policy file, thus it would use the policy file here if it's provided through this parameter. OpenSearch documentation has more about ISM policies.

  • s3_aws_region (optional): A String represents the region of S3 bucket to read template_file or ism_policy_file, e.g. us-west-2. Only applies to Amazon OpenSearch Service. Defaults to us-east-1.

  • s3_aws_sts_role_arn (optional): An IAM role arn which the sink plugin will assume to read template_file or ism_policy_file from S3. If not provided the plugin will use the default credentials.

  • s3_aws_sts_external_id (optional): An external ID that be attached to Assume Role requests.

  • trace_analytics_raw: No longer supported starting Data Prepper 2.0. Use index_type instead.

  • trace_analytics_service_map: No longer supported starting Data Prepper 2.0. Use index_type instead.

  • document_root_key: The key in the event that will be used as the root in the document. The default is the root of the event. If the key does not exist the entire event is written as the document. If the value at the document_root_key is a basic type (ie String, int, etc), the document will have a structure of {"data": <value of the document_root_key>}. For example, If we have the following sample event:

    status: 200,
    message: null,
    metadata: {
        sourceIp: "",
        destinationIp: "",
        bytes: 3545,
        duration: "15 ms"

With the document_root_key set to status. The document structure would be {"data": 200}. Alternatively if, the document_root_key was provided as metadata. The document written to OpenSearch would be:

    sourceIp: ""
    destinationIp: ""
    bytes: 3545,
    duration: "15 ms"
  • include_keys: A list of keys to be included (retained). The key in the list cannot contain '/'. This option can work together with document_root_key.

For example, If we have the following sample event:

    status: 200,
    message: null,
    metadata: {
        sourceIp: "",
        destinationIp: "",
        bytes: 3545,
        duration: "15 ms"

if include_keys is set to ["status", "metadata"], the document written to OpenSearch would be:

    status: 200,
    metadata: {
        sourceIp: ""

if you have also set document_root_key as "metadata", and the include_keys as ["sourceIp, "bytes"], the document written to OpenSearch would be:

   sourceIp: "",
   bytes: 3545
  • exclude_keys: Similar to include_keys except any keys in the list will be excluded. Note that you should not have both include_keys and exclude_keys in the configuration at the same time.

For example, If we have the following sample event:

    status: 200,
    message: null,
    metadata: {
        sourceIp: "",
        destinationIp: "",
        bytes: 3545,
        duration: "15 ms"

if exclude_keys is set to ["message", "status"], the document written to OpenSearch would be:

    metadata: {
        sourceIp: "",
        destinationIp: "",
        bytes: 3545,
        duration: "15 ms"
  • distribution_version: A String indicating whether the sink backend version is Elasticsearch 6 or above (i.e. Elasticsearch 7.x or OpenSearch). es6 represents Elasticsearch 6; default represents latest compatible backend version (Elasticsearch 7.x, OpenSearch 1.x, OpenSearch 2.x). Default to default.
  • region (Optional) : The AWS region to use for credentials. Defaults to standard SDK behavior to determine the region.
  • sts_role_arn (Optional) : The STS role to assume for requests to AWS. Defaults to null, which will use the standard SDK behavior for credentials.
  • sts_header_overrides (Optional): A map of header overrides to make when assuming the IAM role for the sink plugin.
  • serverless (Optional): A boolean flag to indicate the OpenSearch backend is Amazon OpenSearch Serverless. Default to false. Notice that ISM policies. is not supported in Amazon OpenSearch Serverless and thus any ISM related configuration value has no effect, i.e. ism_policy_file.
  • serverless_options (Optional): Additional options you can specify when using serverless.
  • network_policy_name (Optional): The serverless network policy name being used. If both collection_name and vpce_id are specified, then this network policy will be attempted to be created or update. On the managed OpenSearch Ingestion Service, the collection_name and vpce_id fields are automatically set.
  • collection_name (Optional): The serverless collection name.
  • vpce_id (Optional): The VPCE ID connected to Amazon OpenSearch Serverless.


Management Disabled Index Type

Normally Data Prepper manages the indices it needs within OpenSearch. When index_type is set to management_disabled, Data Prepper will not perform any index management on your behalf. You must provide your own mechanism for creating the indices with the correct mappings applied. Data Prepper will not use ISM, create templates, or even validate that the index exists. This setting can be useful when you want to minimize the OpenSearch permissions which you grant to Data Prepper. But, you should only use it if you are proficient with OpenSearch index management.

With management disabled, Data Prepper can run with only being granted the ["indices:data/write/index", "indices:data/write/bulk*", "indices:admin/mapping/put"] permissions on the desired indices. It is strongly recommend to retain the "indices:admin/mapping/put" permission. If Data Prepper lacks this permission, then it cannot write any documents that rely on dynamic mapping. You would need to take great care to ensure that every possible field is explicitly mapped by your index template.


Besides common metrics in AbstractSink, OpenSearch sink introduces the following custom metrics.


  • bulkRequestLatency: measures latency of sending each bulk request including retries.


  • bulkRequestErrors: measures number of errors encountered in sending bulk requests.
  • documentsSuccess: measures number of documents successfully sent to ES by bulk requests including retries.
  • documentsSuccessFirstAttempt: measures number of documents successfully sent to ES by bulk requests on first attempt.
  • documentErrors: measures number of documents failed to be sent by bulk requests.
  • bulkRequestFailed: measures number of bulk requests failed at the request level.
  • bulkRequestNumberOfRetries: measures number of times bulk requests are retried.
  • bulkBadRequestErrors: measures number of errors due to bad bulk requests. RestStatus values of BAD_REQUEST, EXPECTATION_FAILED, UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, FAILED_DEPENDENCY, and NOT_ACCEPTABLE are mapped to this errors counter.
  • bulkRequestNotAllowedErrors: measures number of errors due to requests that are not allowed. RestStatus values of UNAUTHORIZED, FORBIDDEN, PAYMENT_REQUIRED, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, PROXY_AUTHENTICATION, LOCKED, and TOO_MANY_REQUESTS are mapped to this errors counter.
  • bulkRequestInvalidInputErrors: measures number of errors due to requests with invalid input. RestStatus values of REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG, REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIED, LENGTH_REQUIRED, PRECONDITION_FAILED, UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, and CONFLICT are mapped to this errors counter.
  • bulkRequestNotFoundErrors: measures number of errors due to resource/URI not found. RestStatus values of NOT_FOUND and GONE are mapped to this errors counter.
  • bulkRequestTimeoutErrors: measures number of requests failed with timeout error. RestStatus value of REQUEST_TIMEOUT is mapped to this errors counter.
  • bulkRequestServerErrors: measures the number of requests failed with 5xx errors. RestStatus value of 500-599 are mapped to this errors counter.

End-to-End acknowledgements

If the events received by the OpenSearch Sink have end-to-end acknowledgements enabled (which is tracked using the presence of EventHandle in the event received for processing), then upon successful posting to OpenSearch or upon successful write to DLQ, a positive acknowledgement is sent to the acknowledgementSetManager, otherwise a negative acknowledgement is sent.

Distribution Summary

  • bulkRequestSizeBytes: measures the distribution of bulk request's payload sizes in bytes.

Developer Guide

This plugin is compatible with Java 8. See

OpenSearch Source

This is the Date Prepper OpenSearch source plugin that processes indices for either OpenSearch, Elasticsearch, or Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters. It is ideal for migrating index data from a cluster.

Note: Only fully tested versions will be listed below. It is likely many more versions are supported already, but it is untested.

The OpenSearch source is compatible with the following OpenSearch versions:

  • 2.5

And is compatible with the following Elasticsearch versions:

  • 7.10


Minimum required config with username and password

        insecure: true
      hosts: [ "https://localhost:9200" ]
      username: "username"
      password: "password"

Full config example

          - index_name_regex: "test-index-.*"
          - index_name_regex: "test-index-[1-9].*"
        rate: "PT1H"
        start_time: "2023-06-02T22:01:30.00Z"
        job_count: 2
        search_context_type: "none"
        batch_size: 1000
        insecure: false
        cert: "/path/to/cert.crt"
        socket_timeout: "100ms"
        connection_timeout: "100ms"
      hosts: [ "https://localhost:9200" ]
      username: "username"
      password: "password"

Amazon OpenSearch Service

The OpenSearch source can also be configured for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.

        insecure: true
      hosts: [ "" ]
        region: "us-east-1"
        sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-domain-role"

Using Metadata

When the OpenSearch source constructs Data Prepper Events from documents in the cluster, the document index is stored in the EventMetadata with an opensearch-index key, and the document_id is stored in the EventMetadata with a opensearch-document_id key. This allows conditional routing based on the index or document_id, among other things. For example, one could send to an OpenSearch sink and use the same index and document_id from the source cluster in the destination cluster. A full config example for this use case is below

        insecure: true
      hosts: [ "https://source-cluster:9200" ]
      username: "username"
      password: "password"
    - opensearch:
        hosts: [ "https://sink-cluster:9200" ]
        username: "username"
        password: "password"
        document_id_field: "getMetadata(\"opensearch-document_id\")"
        index: "${getMetadata(\"opensearch-index\"}"

MSK source to Opensearch Service pipeline

The following example will read from MSK topic and ingest into OpenSearch Service domain. This example reads the date field from an incoming record and create date based indices based on the specified timestamp.

      acknowledgement: true
        - name: "TestTopic.Name"
          group_id: "group-your-preferred-name"
        sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-domain-role"
        region: "us-east-1"
          arn: "arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/my-cluster-name"
          type: "aws_glue"
          registry_url: "arn:aws:kafka:us-east-1:123456789012:registry/my-schema-registry"

    - date:
          - key: "created_at"
            patterns: ["epoch_milli"]
        destination: "created_at_formatted"
        output_format: "yyyy-MM-dd"

    - opensearch:
        hosts: [ "" ]
          region: "us-east-1"
          sts_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-domain-role"
        index: "index-prefix-${/created_at_formatted}"
        document_id_field: "id"

The above example will parse the created_at timestamp field from the incoming record, parse it in the format yyyy-MM-dd and store it in the field created_at_formatted. You can then use this field to create date based indices by using the field in index: "index-prefix-${/created_at_formatted}". If you have monthly based indices use output_format: "yyyy-MM-dd"

For example, lets say you have following 2 records coming from source:

  "message": "hello",
  "created_at": 1723542856,
  "type": "greeting"
  "message": "how are you",
  "created_at": 1723629256,
  "type": "greeting"

The first record will be ingested into the index with name index-prefix-2024-08-13 and the second record would be indexed into index-prefix-2024-08-13. This could be useful when replaying older data from kafka.


  • hosts (Required) : A list of IP addresses of OpenSearch or Elasticsearch nodes.

  • username (Optional) : A String of username used in the internal users of OpenSearch cluster. Default is null.

  • password (Optional) : A String of password used in the internal users of OpenSearch cluster. Default is null.

  • disable_authentication (Optional) : A boolean that can disable authentication if the cluster supports it. Defaults to false.

  • aws (Optional) : AWS configurations. See AWS Configuration for details. SigV4 is enabled by default when this option is used.

  • search_options (Optional) : See Search Configuration for details

  • indices (Optional): See Indices Configurations for filtering options.

  • scheduling (Optional): See Scheduling Configuration for details

  • connection (Optional): See Connection Configuration

  • search_context_type (Optional) : A direct override for which type of search context should be used to search documents. Options include point_in_time, scroll, or none (just search after). By default, the OpenSearch source will attempt to use point_in_time on a cluster by auto-detecting that the cluster version and distribution supports Point in Time. If the cluster does not support point_in_time, then scroll is the default behavior.

  • batch_size (Optional) : The amount of documents to read in at once while searching. This size is passed to the search requests for all search context types (none (search_after), point_in_time, or scroll). Defaults to 1,000.

Schedule the start time and amount of times an index should be processed. For example, a rate of PT1H and a job_count of 3 would result in each index getting processed 3 times, starting at start_time and then every hour after the first time the index is processed.

  • rate (Optional) : A String that indicates the rate to process an index based on the job_count. Supports ISO_8601 notation Strings ("PT20.345S", "PT15M", etc.) as well as simple notation Strings for seconds ("60s") and milliseconds ("1500ms"). Defaults to 8 hours, and is only applicable when job_count is greater than 1.

  • job_count (Optional) : An Integer that specifies how many times each index should be processed. Defaults to 1.

  • start_time (Optional) : A String in the format of a timestamp that is compatible with Java Instant (i.e. 2023-06-02T22:01:30.00Z). Processing will be delayed until this timestamp is reached. The default start time is to start immediately.

  • insecure (Optional): A boolean flag to turn off SSL certificate verification. If set to true, CA certificate verification will be turned off and insecure HTTP requests will be sent. Default to false.

  • cert (Optional) : CA certificate that is pem encoded. Accepts both .pem or .crt. This enables the client to trust the CA that has signed the certificate that the OpenSearch cluster is using. Default is null.

  • socket_timeout (Optional) : A String that indicates the timeout duration for waiting for data. Supports ISO_8601 notation Strings ("PT20.345S", "PT15M", etc.) as well as simple notation Strings for seconds ("60s") and milliseconds ("1500ms"). If this timeout value not set, the underlying Apache HttpClient would rely on operating system settings for managing socket timeouts.

  • connection_timeout (Optional) : A String that indicates the timeout duration used when requesting a connection from the connection manager. Supports ISO_8601 notation Strings ("PT20.345S", "PT15M", etc.) as well as simple notation Strings for seconds ("60s") and milliseconds ("1500ms"). If this timeout value is either negative or not set, the underlying Apache HttpClient would rely on operating system settings for managing connection timeouts.

Can be used to filter which indices should be processed. An index will be processed if its name matches one of the index_name_regex patterns in the include list, and does not match any of the pattern in the exclude list. The default behavior is to process all indices.

  • include (Optional) : A List of Index Configuration that defines which indices should be processed. Defaults to an empty list.

  • exclude (Optional) : A List of Index Configuration that defines which indices should not be processed.

  • index_name_regex: A regex pattern to represent the index names for filtering

Developer guide

Integration tests

Run OpenSearch

Start an instance of OpenSearch that listens to opens port 9200 with default user admin:admin.

docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "OPENSEARCH_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=yourStrongPassword123!" opensearchproject/opensearch:latest

Run tests

./gradlew data-prepper-plugins:opensearch:integrationTest -Dtests.opensearch.user=admin -Dtests.opensearch.password=yourStrongPassword123!