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README for the script:

APIM Python Script

This Python script is used to automate the process of importing API specifications into Azure API Management (APIM) and adding them to a product.

How it works

  1. The script first retrieves environment variables that contain necessary information such as the client ID, client secret, resource group name, APIM service name, tenant ID, and subscription ID.

  2. It then sets the directory containing the API specifications (apis by default).

  3. The script uses the glob module to recursively find all .yaml and .json files in the apis directory and its subdirectories.

  4. If no API files are found, the script exits.

  5. For each API file found, the script constructs a command to import the API into APIM. This command includes the resource group, service name, API path, API type, API ID, display name, protocols, specification format, and specification path.

  6. The script runs the command using the subprocess module.

  7. After the API is imported, the script constructs another command to add the API to a product in APIM. The product ID is specified in the script.

  8. The script runs the command to add the API to the product.


To use this script, you need to set the environment variables with your Azure credentials and information. You also need to replace 'test-product' with your actual product ID in APIM.

Place your .yaml and .json API specification files in the apis directory (or a subdirectory within apis). Then, simply run the script:


The script will import all API specifications into APIM and add them to the specified product.

In the selected code from the script, the product ID is specified with the product_id variable:

product_id = 'test-product'  # Replace with your actual product ID

To specify your own product ID, replace 'test-product' with the ID of the product in your Azure API Management instance. For example, if your product ID is 'my-product', you would change the line to:

product_id = 'my-product'

This product_id is then used in the command that adds the API to the product:

command = [
    'az', 'apim', 'product', 'api', 'add',
    '--resource-group', resourceGroupName,
    '--service-name', apimServiceName,
    '--product-id', product_id,
    '--api-id', api_name,

In this command, 'az', 'apim', 'product', 'api', 'add' is the Azure CLI command to add an API to a product, and --product-id, product_id specifies the product to which the API should be added.