Classic Counter-Strike maps from earlier versions including their dependencies!
hint for mapcycle.txt in alphabetical order on linux: maps$ ls *.bsp | sort | rev | cut -c 5- | rev > ../mapcycle.txt
as_forest as_highrise as_riverside as_tundra cs_alley1 cs_arabstreets cs_bunker cs_desert cs_docks cs_facility cs_hideout cs_iraq cs_mansion cs_prison cs_ship cs_station cs_thunder cs_tire cs_wpndepot cs_zoption de_fang de_foption de_jeepathon2k de_railroad de_rotterdam de_vegas es_frantic es_jail es_trinity
extracted from the various beta installers and scattered around the interwebs.
sync everything to your cstrike folder or the game might crash on map change if files are missing, especially on the client side!
to all y'all sneaky deagle headshooterz: leave an issue if you find something missing here!