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+License notices
+The full ARKref distribution is GPL'd.
+Our original code in ARKref is licensed under the MIT license.
+However, the full system heavily relies on components that are distributed
+under stricter licenses -- in particular, the GPL, and the Alias-i license
+that forces the overall distribution to be freely licensed -- so if you use
+ARKref as-is, with those components included, you have to use the stricter
+In particular, we believe this means the full system cannot be included in
+commercial software. It should only be used for research.
+For ARKref without the components:
+(C) Copyright 2009-2010, Brendan O'Connor and Michael Heilman
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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+Various included components:
+Stanford Parser, NER, and Tregex are under the GPLv2.
+LingPipe is under the Alias-i Royalty Free License, Version 1.
+(Please note LingPipe is used in a fairly limited manner.)
+Apache Commons (langauge) is under the Apache license version 2.0:
+arkref.ext.fig.basic is adapted from Percy Liang's Unsupervised NLP Modeling
+Toolkit (and used in an extremely limited manner), which is MIT-licensed:
+(C) Copyright 2009, Percy Liang
+Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, or modify these programs and
+accompanying documents for purposes of research or education, provided this
+copyright notice is retained, and note is made of any changes that have been
+These programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
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+not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
+application. All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.
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+0 58 kangaroo :For other uses, see kangaroo (disambiguation).
+59 148 A kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (macropods, meaning 'large foot').
+149 337 In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family, the Red Kangaroo, the Antilopine Kangaroo, and the Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroo of the Macropus genus.
+338 498 The family also includes many smaller species which include the wallabies, tree-kangaroos, wallaroos, pademelons and the Quokka, some 63 living species in all.
+499 619 Kangaroos are endemic to the continent of Australia, while the smaller macropods are found in Australia and New Guinea.
+620 807 In general, larger kangaroos have adapted much better to changes wrought to the Australian landscape by humans and though many of their smaller cousins are endangered, they are plentiful.
+808 914 They are not farmed to any extent, but wild kangaroos are shot for meat, over which there is controversy.
+915 961 Steve Dow: "An industry that's under the gun".
+962 1012 Sydney Morning Herald online, September 26, 2007.
+1013 1298 The kangaroo is an Australian icon: it is featured on the Australian coat of arms, Australia's coat of arms URL accessed January 6, 2007. on some of its currency, The Australian currency URL accessed January 6, 2007. and is used by many Australian organisations, including Qantas.
+1299 1351 The Kangaroo symbol URL accessed January 6, 2007.
+1352 1448 The word kangaroo derives from the Guugu Yimidhirr word gangurru, referring to a grey kangaroo.
+1449 1505 Etymology of mammal names URL accessed January 7, 2007.
+1506 1799 The name was first recorded as "Kangooroo or Kanguru" on 4 August,1770, by Lieutenant (later Captain) James Cook on the banks of the Endeavour River at the site of modern Cooktown, when HM Bark Endeavour was beached for almost seven weeks to repair damage sustained on the Great Barrier Reef.
+1800 1919 A common myth about the kangaroo's English name is that it came from the Aboriginal words for "I don't understand you."
+1920 2057 According to this legend, Captain James Cook and naturalist Sir Joseph Banks were exploring Australia when they happened upon the animal.
+2058 2115 They asked a nearby local what the creatures were called.
+2116 2230 The local responded "Kangaroo", meaning "I don't understand you", which Cook took to be the name of the creature.
+2231 2396 Tour lecture, , Dawsonville, GA. Kangaroo soon became adopted into standard English where it has come to mean any member of the family of kangaroos and wallabies.
+2397 2524 Male kangaroos are called bucks, boomers, jacks, or old men; females are does, flyers, or jills, and the young ones are joeys.
+2525 2590 Animal Bytes: Kangaroo and Wallaby URL accessed January 7, 2007.
+2591 2651 The collective noun for kangaroos is a mob, troop, or court.
+2652 2712 Kangaroos are sometimes colloquially referred to as roos.
+2713 2768 A Tasmanian Forester (Eastern Grey) Kangaroo in motion.
+2769 2929 There are four species that are commonly referred to as kangaroos: * The Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) is the largest surviving marsupial anywhere in the world.
+2930 3021 Fewer in numbers, the Red Kangaroo occupies the arid and semi-arid centre of the continent.
+3022 3096 A large male can be 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 90 kg (200 lb).
+3097 3290 * The Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) is less well-known than the red (outside of Australia), but the most often seen, as its range covers the fertile eastern part of the continent.
+3291 3409 * The Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) is slightly smaller again at about 54 kg (119 lb) for a large male.
+3410 3525 It is found in the southern part of Western Australia, South Australia near the coast, and the Darling River basin.
+3526 3662 * The Antilopine Kangaroo (Macropus antilopinus) is, essentially, the far-northern equivalent of the Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroos.
+3663 3743 Like them, it is a creature of the grassy plains and woodlands, and gregarious.
+3744 3856 In addition, there are about 50 smaller macropods closely related to the kangaroo in the family Macropodidae.
+3857 3945 Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus) Europeans have long regarded Kangaroos as strange animals.
+3946 4081 Early explorers described them as creatures that had heads like deer (without antlers), stood upright like men, and hopped like frogs.
+4082 4226 Combined with the two-headed appearance of a mother kangaroo, this led many back home to dismiss them as travellers' tales for quite some time.
+4227 4352 Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs, large feet adapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balance, and a small head.
+4353 4473 Like all marsupials, female kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which joeys complete postnatal development.
+4474 4551 Kangaroos are the only large animals to use hopping as a means of locomotion.
+4552 4787 The comfortable hopping speed for Red Kangaroo is about 20 25 km/h (13 16 mph), but speeds of up to 70 km/h (44 mph) can be attained, over short distances, while it can sustain a speed of 40 km/h (25 mph) for nearly two kilometres.
+4788 4974 This fast and energy-efficient method of travel has evolved because of the need to regularly cover large distances in search of food and water, rather than the need to escape predators.
+4975 5026 Because of its long feet, it cannot walk correctly.
+5027 5108 To move at slow speeds, it uses its tail to form a tripod with its two forelimbs.
+5109 5195 It then raises its hind feet forward, in a form of locomotion called "crawl-walking."
+5196 5260 The average life expectancy of a kangaroo is about 4 6 years.
+5261 5313 Different species of kangaroos eat different diets.
+5314 5514 Eastern grey kangaroos are predominantly grazers eating a wide variety of grasses whereas some other species (e.g. red kangaroos and swamp wallabies) include significant amounts of shrubs in the diet.
+5515 5577 The smaller species of kangaroos also consume hypogeal fungi.
+5578 5828 Many species are nocturnal Archives URL accessed January 7, 2007. and crepuscular, Columbus Zoo article URL accessed January 7, 2007. usually spending the days resting in shade and the cool evenings, nights and mornings moving about and feeding.
+5829 5896 Because of its grazing, kangaroos have developed specialized teeth.
+5897 5994 Its incisors are able to crop grass close to the ground, and its molars chop and grind the grass.
+5995 6128 Since the two sides of the lower jaw are not joined together, the lower incisors are farther apart, giving the kangaroo a wider bite.
+6129 6291 The silica in grass is abrasive, so kangaroo molars move forward as they are ground down, and eventually fall out, replaced by new teeth that grow in the back.
+6292 6470 Despite having a herbivorous diet similar to ruminants such as cattle which release large quantities of methane through exhaling and eructation, kangaroos release virtually none.
+6471 6590 The hydrogen byproduct of fermentation is instead converted into acetate, which is then used to provide further energy.
+6591 6795 Scientists are interested in the possibility of transferring the bacteria responsible from kangaroos to cattle, since the greenhouse gas effect of methane is 23 times greater than that of carbon dioxide.
+6796 6853 Radio Australia - Innovations: "Methane In Agriculture."
+6854 6870 15 August 2004.
+6871 6899 Retrieved 28 August 2007.
+6900 6937 Kangaroos have few natural predators.
+6938 7059 The Thylacine, considered by palaeontologists to have once been a major natural predator of the kangaroo, is now extinct.
+7060 7139 Other extinct predators included the Marsupial Lion, Megalania and the Wonambi.
+7140 7302 However, with the arrival of humans in Australia at least 50,000 years ago and the introduction of the dingo about 5,000 years ago, kangaroos have had to adapt.
+7303 7383 The mere barking of a dog can set a full-grown male boomer into a wild frenzy.
+7384 7451 Wedge-tailed Eagles and other raptors usually eat kangaroo carrion.
+7452 7575 Goannas and other carnivorous reptiles also pose a danger to smaller kangaroo species when other food sources are lacking.
+7576 7700 Along with dingos and other canids, introduced species like foxes and feral cats also pose a threat to kangaroo populations.
+7701 7804 Kangaroos and wallabies are adept swimmers, and often flee into waterways if presented with the option.
+7805 7921 If pursued into the water, a large kangaroo may use its forepaws to hold the predator underwater so as to drown it.
+7922 7989 Canadian Museum of Nature - Kangaroo URL accessed January 6, 2007.
+7990 8131 Another defensive tactic described by witnesses is catching the attacking dog with the forepaws and disembowelling it with the hind legs.
+8132 8283 Newborn joey sucking on a teat in the pouch Kangaroos have developed a number of adaptations to a dry, infertile continent and highly variable climate.
+8284 8398 As with all marsupials, the young are born at a very early stage of development after a gestation of 31 36 days.
+8399 8521 At this stage, only the forelimbs are somewhat developed, to allow the newborn to climb to the pouch and attach to a teat.
+8522 8707 In comparison, a human embryo at a similar stage of development would be about seven weeks old, and premature babies born at less than 23 weeks are usually not mature enough to survive.
+8708 8867 The joey will usually stay in the pouch for about nine months (180 320 days for the Western Grey) before starting to leave the pouch for small periods of time.
+8868 8926 It is usually fed by its mother until reaching 18 months.
+8927 9136 The female kangaroo is usually pregnant in permanence, except on the day she gives birth; however, she has the ability to freeze the development of an embryo until the previous joey is able to leave the pouch.
+9137 9236 This is known as diapause, and will occur in times of drought and in areas with poor food sources.
+9237 9330 The composition of the milk produced by the mother varies according to the needs of the joey.
+9331 9472 In addition, the mother is able to produce two different kinds of milk simultaneously for the newborn and the older joey still in the pouch.
+9473 9645 Unusually, during a dry period, males will not produce sperm, and females will only conceive if there has been enough rain to produce a large quantity of green vegetation.
+9646 9741 Hindleg of a kangaroo Kangaroos and wallabies have large, stretchy tendons in their hind legs.
+9742 9938 They store elastic strain energy in the tendons of their large hind legs, providing most of the energy required for each hop by the spring action of the tendons rather than by any muscular effort.
+9939 10111 This is true in all animal species which have muscles connected to their skeleton through elastic elements such as tendons, but the effect is more pronounced in kangaroos.
+10112 10336 There is also a link between the hopping action and breathing: as the feet leave the ground, air is expelled from the lungs; bringing the feet forward ready for landing refills the lungs, providing further energy efficiency.
+10337 10641 Studies of kangaroos and wallabies have demonstrated that, beyond the minimum energy expenditure required to hop at all, increased speed requires very little extra effort (much less than the same speed increase in, say, a horse, dog or human), and that the extra energy is required to carry extra weight.
+10642 11101 For kangaroos, the key benefit of hopping is not speed to escape predators the top speed of a kangaroo is no higher than that of a similarly-sized quadruped, and the Australian native predators are in any case less fearsome than those of other continents but economy: in an infertile continent with highly variable weather patterns, the ability of a kangaroo to travel long distances at moderately high speed in search of food sources is crucial to survival.
+11102 11293 A sequencing project of the Kangaroo genome was started in 2004 as a collaboration between Australia (mainly funded by the state of Victoria) and the National Institutes of Health in the US.
+11294 11368 Kangaroo hops in line for genome sequencing URL accessed January 6, 2007.
+11369 11669 The genome of a marsupial such as the kangaroo is of great interest to scientists studying comparative genomics because marsupials are at an ideal degree of evolutionary divergence from humans: mice are too close and haven't developed many different functions, while birds are genetically too remote.
+11670 11741 The dairy industry has also expressed some interest in this project.
+11742 11792 Eye disease is rare but not new among kangaroos.
+11793 11889 The first official report of kangaroo blindness took place in 1994, in central New South Wales.
+11890 11979 The following year, reports of blind kangaroos appeared in Victoria and South Australia.
+11980 12054 By 1996, the disease had spread "across the desert to Western Australia".
+12055 12163 Australian authorities were concerned that the disease could spread to other livestock and possibly humans.
+12164 12339 Researchers at the Australian Animal Health Laboratories in Geelong detected a virus called the Wallal virus in two species of midge, believed to have been the carriers.
+12340 12456 Veterinarians also discovered that less than three percent of kangaroos exposed to the virus developed blindness.
+12457 12590 Before European settlement, the kangaroo was a very important animal for Australian Aborigines, for its meat, hide, bones and sinews.
+12591 12681 In addition, there were important Dreaming stories and ceremonies involving the kangaroo.
+12682 12754 Aherrenge is a current kangaroo dreaming site in the Northern Territory.
+12755 12844 The game of Marn grook was played using a ball made from kangaroo by the Kurnai people.
+12845 12935 Unlike many of the smaller macropods, kangaroos have fared well since European settlement.
+12936 13124 European settlers cut down forests to create vast grasslands for sheep and cattle grazing, added stock watering points in arid areas, and have substantially reduced the number of dingoes.
+13125 13223 Kangaroos are shy and retiring by nature, and in normal circumstances present no threat to humans.
+13224 13325 Male kangaroos often "box" amongst each other, playfully, for dominance, or in competition for mates.
+13326 13475 The dexterity of their forepaws is utilised in both punching and grappling with the foe, but the real danger lies in a serious kick with the hindleg.
+13476 13527 The sharpened toenails can disembowel an opponent.
+13528 13727 There are very few records of kangaroos attacking humans without provocation, however several such unprovoked attacks in 2004 spurred fears of a rabies-like disease possibly affecting the marsupials.
+13728 13836 The only reliably documented case of a fatality from a kangaroo attack occurred in New South Wales, in 1936.
+13837 13913 A hunter was killed when he tried to rescue his two dogs from a heated fray.
+13914 14017 Other suggested causes for erratic and dangerous kangaroo behaviour include extreme thirst and hunger.
+14018 14073 In 2003, Lulu, an Eastern Grey, saved a farmer's life.
+14074 14155 She received the RSPCA National Animal Valor Award on May 19 of the next year.
+14156 14208 A "kangaroo crossing" sign on an Australian highway.
+14209 14239 A kangaroo crossing a highway.
+14240 14300 A collision with a vehicle is capable of killing a kangaroo.
+14301 14403 Kangaroos dazzled by headlights or startled by engine noise have been known to leap in front of cars.
+14404 14538 Since kangaroos in mid-bound can reach speeds of around 50 km/h (31 mph) and are relatively heavy, the force of impact can be severe.
+14539 14619 Small vehicles may be destroyed, while larger vehicles may suffer engine damage.
+14620 14721 The risk of harm to vehicle occupants is greatly increased if the windscreen is the point of impact.
+14722 14791 As a result, "kangaroo crossing" signs are commonplace in Australia.
+14792 14944 Vehicles that frequent isolated roads, where roadside assistance may be scarce, are often fitted with "roo bars" to minimise damage caused by collision.
+14945 15076 Bonnet-mounted devices, designed to scare wildlife off the road with ultrasound and other methods, have been devised and marketed.
+15077 15293 If a female is the victim of a collision, animal welfare groups ask that her pouch be checked for any surviving joey, in which case it may be removed to a wildlife sanctuary or veterinary surgeon for rehabilitation.
+15294 15463 Likewise, when an adult kangaroo is injured in a collision, a vet, the RSPCA or the National Parks and Wildlife Service can be consulted for instructions on proper care.
+15464 15555 In New South Wales, rehabilitation of kangaroos is carried out by volunteers from WIRES.
+15556 15638 Occasionally, individuals take on the task of rearing a recovered joey themselves.
+15639 15834 The rule-of-thumb says that if the joey is already covered with fur at the time of the accident (as opposed to still being in its embryonic stage), it stands a good chance of growing up properly.
+15835 15909 Lactose-free milk is required, otherwise the animal may develop blindness.
+15910 16042 They hop readily into a cloth bag when it is lowered in front of them approximately to the height where the mother's pouch would be.
+16043 16254 The joey's instinct is to "cuddle up", thereby endearing themselves to their keepers, but after hand-rearing a joey, it cannot usually be released into the wild and be expected to provide for itself immediately.
+16255 16461 Usually wildlife sanctuaries are willing to adopt kangaroos which are no longer practical, or have grown too large to contain, needing at least 1 acre and 7ft boundary fences for a fully grown kangaroo.
+16462 16544 Kangaroos have been featured on coins, as well as being used as emblems and logos.
+16545 16711 They have also been used as mascots and in the naming of sports teams and are extremely well-represented in films, television, toys and souvenirs around the world.
+16712 16737 *Dawson, Terence J. 1995.
+16738 16783 Kangaroos: Biology of the Largest Marsupials.
+16784 16827 Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.
+16828 16850 Second printing: 1998.
+16851 16870 ISBN 0-8014-8262-3.
+16871 16912 *Flannery, Timothy Fridtjof, et al. 1996.
+16913 16955 Tree Kangaroos: A Curious Natural History.
+16956 16978 Reed Books, Melbourne.
+16979 17017 ISBN 0-7301-0492-3 *Underhill D. 1993.
+17018 17127 Australia's Dangerous Creatures, Reader's Digest, Sydney, New South Wales, ISBN 0-86438-018-6 *Weldon, Kevin.
+17128 17133 1985.
+17134 17147 The Kangaroo.
+17148 17174 Weldons Pty. Ltd., Sydney.
+17175 19836 ISBN 0-949708-22-4 *Embryonic diapause *Kangaroo (meat) *Kangaroo court (mock justice) *Boxing Kangaroo (symbol) *Kangaroo emblems and popular culture * The Kangaroo Genome Project at Australian National University * Courtship and Mating * Prehistoric mammals Related Wikipedia Articles kangaroo (disambiguation) Eastern Grey Kangaroo Joey (marsupial) Animal Chordate Mammal Marsupialia Diprotodontia Macropodiformes Macropodidae Macropus Red Kangaroo Eastern Grey Kangaroo Western Grey Kangaroo Antilopine Kangaroo marsupial Macropodidae species Red Kangaroo Antilopine Kangaroo Eastern Grey Kangaroo Western Grey Kangaroo Macropus wallaby tree-kangaroo wallaroo pademelon Quokka endemic (ecology) continent Australia New Guinea Kangaroo meat Coat of arms of Australia January 6 2007 Australian coins January 6 2007 Qantas January 6 2007 Guugu Yimidhirr language January 7 2007 4 August 1770 Lieutenant Captain James Cook Endeavour River Cooktown, Queensland HM Bark Endeavour Great Barrier Reef Project Gutenberg urban legend James Cook Joseph Banks English language Joey (marsupial) January 7 2007 collective nouns Compact Oxford English Dictionary Tasmania Eastern Grey Kangaroo marsupial Western Australia South Australia Darling River Macropodidae Red Kangaroo tail marsupial pouch (marsupial) postnatal locomotion km/h forelimb life expectancy nocturnal January 7 2007 crepuscular January 7 2007 silica ruminant methane breathing eructation greenhouse gas carbon dioxide predator Thylacine extinction extinction Marsupial Lion Megalania Wonambi dingo Goanna reptile canidae Invasive species, Australia fox feral cat swimming drowning January 6 2007 tactic (method) disembowel marsupial gestation Pouch (marsupial) teat embryo premature birth pregnant Joey (marsupial) embryonic diapause milk tendon sequencing genome 2004 Australia Victoria (Australia) National Institutes of Health United States January 6 2007 comparative genomics mouse bird 1994 New South Wales Victoria (Australia) South Australia 1996 Western Australia Geelong CSIRO Publishing Veterinarians European ethnic groups Australian Aborigines kangaroo (meat) Dreaming (story) Northern Territory Marn grook Kurnai History of Australia Domestic sheep cattle dingo toenail 2004 rabies 1936 RSPCA The Scotsman 2003-09-22 2003-04-10 windscreen Bull bar Hood (vehicle) ultrasound Wildlife rehabilitation Veterinary surgeon RSPCA Australia National Parks and Wildlife Service NSW Wildlife Information and Rescue Service rule of thumb Lactose blindness Embryonic diapause Kangaroo (meat) Kangaroo court Boxing Kangaroo Kangaroo emblems and popular culture Australian National University
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+PARSE -98.02796173095703 (ROOT (NP (NP (NN kangaroo)) (: :) (S (SBAR (IN For) (S (NP (JJ other)) (VP (VBZ uses)))) (, ,) (VP (VB see) (NP (NP (NN kangaroo)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NN disambiguation)) (-RRB- -RRB-))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -142.70343017578125 (ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ marsupial) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN family)))) (NN Macropodidae)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NP (NNS macropods)) (, ,) (NP (JJR meaning) (`` `) (JJ large) (NN foot) ('' '))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -236.10340881347656 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (JJ common) (NN use))) (NP (DT the) (NN term)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN used) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB describe) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (NNS species)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN family)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Red) (NNP Kangaroo)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Antilopine) (NNP Kangaroo)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NNP Eastern))))) (CC and) (NP (NP (NNP Western) (NNP Grey) (NNP Kangaroo)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Macropus) (NNS genus)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -205.08348083496094 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN family)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBZ includes) (NP (NP (NP (JJ many) (JJR smaller) (NNS species)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP include) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS wallabies)) (, ,) (NP (NNS tree-kangaroos)) (, ,) (NP (NNS wallaroos)) (, ,) (NP (NNS pademelons)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NNP Quokka))))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT some) (CD 63) (VBG living) (NNS species)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT all)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -136.80308532714844 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ endemic) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN continent)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Australia)))))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (DT the) (JJR smaller) (NNS macropods)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN found) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Australia) (CC and) (NNP New) (NNP Guinea)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -219.97885131835938 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN general))) (, ,) (NP (JJR larger) (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN adapted) (ADJP (ADJP (RB much) (JJR better)) (PP (TO to) (S (S (NP (NNS changes)) (VP (VBD wrought) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (JJ Australian) (NN landscape))) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNS humans))))) (CC and) (S (SBAR (IN though) (S (NP (NP (JJ many)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJR smaller) (NNS cousins)))) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (VBN endangered))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ plentiful))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -138.3029022216797 (ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBP are) (RB not) (VP (VBN farmed) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT any) (NN extent)))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (JJ wild) (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN shot) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NN meat)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHPP (IN over) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NN controversy)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -85.75231170654297 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Steve) (NNP Dow)) (: :) (S (`` ``) (NP (DT An) (NN industry) (RB that)) (VP (VBZ 's) (PP (IN under) (NP (DT the) (NN gun)))) ('' '')) (. .)))
+PARSE -87.28337860107422 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Sydney) (NNP Morning) (NNP Herald) (NNP online)) (, ,) (NP (NNP September) (CD 26) (, ,) (CD 2007)) (. .)))
+PARSE -400.77325439453125 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ Australian) (NN icon)) (: :) (S (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN featured) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Australian) (NN coat)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS arms)))) (, ,) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Australia) (POS 's)) (NN coat)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS arms) (NN URL)) (ADJP (JJ accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 6) (, ,) (CD 2007)))))) (. .)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT some)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN currency)))))))))) (, ,) (NP (DT The) (JJ Australian) (NN currency) (NN URL)) (VP (VBD accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 6) (, ,) (CD 2007))) (. .)))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN used) (PP (IN by) (NP (JJ many) (JJ Australian) (NNS organizations))))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Qantas)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -85.71212005615234 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNP Kangaroo) (NN symbol) (NN URL)) (VP (VBD accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 6) (, ,) (CD 2007))) (. .)))
+PARSE -142.7255401611328 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN word) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBZ derives) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNP Guugu) (NNP Yimidhirr) (NN word) (NN gangurru))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG referring) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (JJ gray) (NN kangaroo)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -101.0412826538086 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Etymology)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ mammal) (NNS names)))) (VP (VBP URL) (ADJP (JJ accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 7) (, ,) (CD 2007)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -439.4880676269531 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN name)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (ADVP (RB first)) (VBN recorded) (PP (IN as) (`` ``) (NP (NNP Kangooroo) (CC or) (NNP Kanguru)) ('' '')) (PP (IN on) (NP (CD 4))) (NP (NNP August) (CD ,1770)) (, ,) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Lieutenant)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (ADVP (RB later)) (NNP Captain)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (NP (NP (NNP James) (NNP Cook)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS banks)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Endeavour) (NNP River)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN site)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ modern) (NNP Cooktown))))))) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (NNP HM) (NNP Bark) (NNP Endeavour)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN beached) (PP (IN for) (NP (RB almost) (CD seven) (NNS weeks))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB repair) (NP (NP (NN damage)) (VP (VBN sustained) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NNP Great) (NNP Barrier) (NNP Reef))))))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -156.86871337890625 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT A) (JJ common) (NN myth)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo) (POS 's)) (JJ English) (NN name)))) (VP (VBZ is) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD came) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNP Aboriginal) (NNS words))) (SBAR (IN for) (`` ``) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB understand) (NP (PRP you)))))))))) (. .) ('' '')))
+PARSE -173.31790161132812 (ROOT (S (PP (VBG According) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN legend)))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Captain) (NNP James) (NNP Cook) (CC and) (NNP naturalist) (NNP Sir) (NNP Joseph) (NNP Banks)) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBG exploring) (NP (NP (NNP Australia)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD happened) (PP (IN upon) (NP (DT the) (NN animal))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -73.0539779663086 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBD asked) (NP (DT a) (JJ nearby) (JJ local)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS creatures)) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN called)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -163.77508544921875 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ local)) (VP (VBD responded) (S (ADJP (`` ``) (JJ Kangaroo) ('' ''))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG meaning) (S (`` ``) (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n't) (VP (VB understand) (NP (PRP you)))) ('' '')))) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (NP (NNP Cook)) (VP (VBD took) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN name)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN creature))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -232.663330078125 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Tour)) (VP (VBP lecture)) (, ,)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Dawsonville) (, ,) (NNP GA.) (. .) (NNP Kangaroo)) (ADVP (RB soon)) (VP (VBD became) (VP (VBN adopted) (PP (IN into) (NP (JJ standard) (NNP English))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN come) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB mean) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN member)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN family)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS kangaroos) (CC and) (NNS wallabies))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -221.64321899414062 (ROOT (S (S (NP (JJ Male) (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN called) (NP (NP (NNS bucks)) (, ,) (NP (NNS boomers)) (, ,) (NP (NNS jacks)) (, ,) (CC or) (NP (JJ old) (NNS men)))))) (: ;) (S (S (NP (NP (NNS females)) (VP (VBP are))) (VP (VP (VBZ does)) (, ,) (VP (VBZ flyers)) (, ,) (CC or) (VP (VBZ jills)))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ young) (NNS ones)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ joeys))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -118.51737976074219 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Animal) (NNP Bytes)) (: :) (NP (NP (NNP Kangaroo) (CC and) (NNP Wallaby) (NNP URL)) (VP (VBN accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 7) (, ,) (CD 2007)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -95.70369720458984 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ collective) (NN noun)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mob)) (, ,) (NP (NN troop)) (, ,) (CC or) (NP (NN court)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -79.49160766601562 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB sometimes)) (VP (ADVP (RB colloquially)) (VBN referred) (S (VP (TO to))) (PP (IN as) (NP (NNS roos))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -95.42521667480469 (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (DT A) (NNP Tasmanian) (NNP Forester)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Eastern) (NNP Grey)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (NP (NP (NNP Kangaroo)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN motion)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -235.51123046875 (ROOT (S (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (CD four) (NNS species)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB commonly)) (VP (VBN referred) (S (VP (TO to))) (PP (IN as) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))))))))) (: :) (X (X (SYM \*)) (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Red) (NNP Kangaroo)) (SBAR (S (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Macropus) (NNS rufus)) (-RRB- -RRB-) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS largest) (VBG surviving) (NNS marsupial)) (ADVP (RB anywhere) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN world)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -126.50276184082031 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (JJR Fewer)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS numbers)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Red) (NNP Kangaroo))))) (VP (VBZ occupies) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (JJ arid) (CC and) (JJ semi-arid)) (NN center)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN continent))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -194.39137268066406 (ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (JJ large) (NN male)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VP (VB be) (ADJP (NP (NP (CD 2) (NNS metres)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NP (CD 6) (NN ft)) (NP (NP (CD 7)) (PP (IN in)))) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (JJ tall))) (CC and) (VP (VB weigh) (NP (NP (CD 90) (NN kg)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 200) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -271.03887939453125 (ROOT (S (X (SYM \*)) (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Eastern) (NNP Grey) (NNP Kangaroo)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Macropus) (NNS giganteus)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RBR less) (JJ well-known) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN red)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NP (RB outside)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Australia)))) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (CC but) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS most)) (VP (ADVP (RB often)) (VBN seen)))))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP$ its) (NN range)) (VP (VBZ covers) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (JJ fertile)) (JJ eastern) (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN continent)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -203.5276336669922 (ROOT (S (X (SYM \*)) (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Western) (NNP Grey) (NNP Kangaroo)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Macropus) (NNS fuliginosus)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB slightly) (JJR smaller)) (ADVP (RB again)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (QP (RB about) (CD 54)) (NN kg)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (QP (CD 119) (CD lb))) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (JJ large) (NN male)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -139.7250518798828 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN found) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ southern) (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Western) (NNP Australia)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP South) (NNP Australia)) (PP (IN near) (NP (DT the) (NN coast)))) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NNP Darling) (NNP River) (NN basin)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -171.03785705566406 (ROOT (S (X (SYM \*)) (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Antilopine) (NNP Kangaroo)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Macropus) (NNS antilopinus)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBZ is) (, ,) (ADVP (RB essentially)) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ far-northern) (NN equivalent)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Eastern) (CC and) (NNP Western) (NNP Grey) (NNS Kangaroos))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -103.02141571044922 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Like) (NP (PRP them))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN creature)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ grassy) (NNS plains))))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ woodlands)) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBZ gregarious))) (. .)))
+PARSE -121.5087890625 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN addition))) (, ,) (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN about) (NP (CD 50) (JJR smaller) (NNS macropods))) (ADJP (RB closely) (VBN related) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN family) (NN Macropodidae))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -138.19406127929688 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Red) (NNP Kangaroo)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP Macropus) (NNS rufus)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (NNS Europeans)) (VP (VBP have) (ADVP (RB long)) (VP (VBN regarded) (NP (NP (NNP Kangaroos)) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ strange) (NNS animals)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -220.0875701904297 (ROOT (S (NP (JJ Early) (NNS explorers)) (VP (VBD described) (NP (PRP them)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (NNS creatures)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (NNS heads)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP (NN deer)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (PP (IN without) (NP (NNS antlers))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))) (, ,) (VP (VBD stood) (NP (NN upright)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NNS men)))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBD hopped) (PP (IN like) (NP (NNS frogs)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -193.9108428955078 (ROOT (S (PP (VBN Combined) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ two-headed) (NN appearance)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN mother) (NN kangaroo)))))) (, ,) (NP (DT this)) (VP (VBD led) (NP (JJ many) (JJ back) (NN home)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB dismiss) (NP (PRP them)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (NNS travellers) (POS ')) (NNS tales))) (PP (IN for) (NP (PDT quite) (DT some) (NN time))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -193.13999938964844 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (NP (JJ large) (, ,) (JJ powerful) (JJ hind) (NNS legs)) (, ,) (NP (NP (JJ large) (NNS feet)) (VP (VBN adapted) (PP (IN for) (S (VP (VBG leaping))))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ long) (JJ muscular) (NN tail)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN balance)))) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (DT a) (JJ small) (NN head)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -160.74794006347656 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Like) (NP (DT all) (NNS marsupials))) (, ,) (NP (JJ female) (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN pouch)) (VP (VBN called) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN marsupium)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN in) (WHNP (WDT which))) (S (NP (NNS joeys)) (VP (VB complete) (NP (JJ postnatal) (NN development))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -108.40151977539062 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (DT the) (JJ only) (JJ large) (NNS animals) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB use) (S (VP (VBG hopping) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN means)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN locomotion)))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -394.91796875 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (ADJP (JJ comfortable) (JJ hopping)) (NN speed)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Red) (NNP Kangaroo)))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (QP (RB about) (CD 20) (CD 25)) (NN km\/h)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (QP (CD 13) (CD 16)) (NN mph)) (-RRB- -RRB-))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (NP (NNS speeds)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (QP (IN up) (TO to) (CD 70)) (NN km\/h)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 44) (NN mph)) (-RRB- -RRB-))))) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN attained) (, ,) (PP (IN over) (NP (JJ short) (NNS distances))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB sustain) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN speed)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (CD 40) (NN km\/h) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 25) (NN mph)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN for) (NP (QP (RB nearly) (CD two)) (NNS kilometres)))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -219.26785278320312 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT This) (ADJP (JJ fast) (CC and) (JJ energy-efficient)) (NN method)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN travel)))) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN evolved) (PP (RB because) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (ADVP (RB regularly)) (VB cover) (NP (JJ large) (NNS distances)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN search)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN food) (CC and) (NN water)))))))))) (, ,) (RB rather) (PP (IN than) (NP (DT the) (NN need) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB escape) (NP (NNS predators)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -67.94294738769531 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Because) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ long) (NNS feet)))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD can) (RB not) (VP (VB walk) (ADVP (RB correctly)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -127.84367370605469 (ROOT (S (S (VP (TO To) (VP (VB move) (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ slow) (NNS speeds)))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ uses) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN tail) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB form) (NP (DT a) (NN tripod)) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ its) (CD two) (NNS forelimbs)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -128.252197265625 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (ADVP (RB then)) (VP (VBZ raises) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ hind) (NNS feet)) (ADVP (RB forward)) (, ,) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN form)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN locomotion)) (VP (VBN called) (S (`` ``) (ADJP (JJ crawl-walking))))))))) (. .) ('' '')))
+PARSE -80.53557586669922 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ average) (NN life) (NN expectancy)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN kangaroo)))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (QP (RB about) (CD 4) (CD 6)) (NNS years))) (. .)))
+PARSE -75.33515167236328 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (JJ Different) (NNS species)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))) (VP (VBP eat) (NP (JJ different) (NNS diets))) (. .)))
+PARSE -286.707275390625 (ROOT (S (NP (ADJP (NNP Eastern) (JJ gray)) (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB predominantly) (JJ grazers) (S (VP (VBG eating) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ wide) (NN variety)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS grasses))))))) (SBAR (IN whereas) (S (NP (NP (DT some) (JJ other) (NN species)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NP (JJ e.g.) (JJ red) (NNS kangaroos)) (CC and) (NP (JJ swamp) (NNS wallabies))) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBP include) (NP (NP (JJ significant) (NNS amounts)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS shrubs)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN diet)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -87.01563262939453 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJR smaller) (NN species)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBP consume) (NP (JJ hypogeal) (NNS fungi))) (. .)))
+PARSE -401.8662414550781 (ROOT (S (S (NP (JJ Many) (NNS species)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (NNP nocturnal) (NNPS Archives) (NNP URL)) (ADJP (JJ accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 7) (, ,) (CD 2007))))) (. .)) (CC and) (S (NP (NP (NN crepuscular)) (, ,) (FRAG (NP (NP (NNP Columbus) (NNP Zoo) (NN article) (NN URL)) (ADJP (JJ accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 7) (, ,) (CD 2007)))) (. .))) (VP (VP (ADVP (RB usually)) (VBG spending) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS days)) (ADJP (VBG resting) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN shade)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NN cool) (NNS evenings) (, ,) (NNS nights) (CC and) (NNS mornings))))))) (VP (VBG moving) (IN about)) (CC and) (VP (VBG feeding)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -83.24470520019531 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Because) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN grazing)))) (, ,) (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN developed) (NP (JJ specialized) (NNS teeth)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -154.04103088378906 (ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP$ Its) (NNS incisors)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ able) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB crop) (NP (NN grass) (NN close)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN ground))))))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS molars)) (VP (VB chop) (CC and) (VB grind) (NP (DT the) (NN grass)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -176.4931640625 (ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Since) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS sides)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJR lower) (NN jaw)))) (VP (VBP are) (RB not) (VP (VBN joined) (ADVP (RB together)))))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (JJR lower) (NNS incisors)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RBR farther) (RB apart)) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG giving) (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo)) (NP (DT a) (JJR wider) (NN bite))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -237.7047882080078 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN silica)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN grass)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ abrasive)))) (, ,) (IN so) (S (NP (NN kangaroo) (NNS molars)) (VP (VP (VBP move) (PRT (RP forward)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ ground) (IN down)))))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB eventually)) (VB fall) (PRT (RP out))) (, ,) (VP (VBD replaced) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (JJ new) (NNS teeth)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP grow) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN back))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -232.36849975585938 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Despite) (S (VP (VBG having) (S (NP (DT a) (NNS herbivorous) (NN diet)) (ADJP (JJ similar) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS ruminants)) (PP (JJ such) (IN as) (NP (NP (NNS cattle)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP release) (NP (NP (JJ large) (NNS quantities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN methane)))) (PP (IN through) (NP (NN exhaling) (CC and) (NN eructation))))))))))))))) (, ,) (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP release) (NP (RB virtually) (NN none))) (. .)))
+PARSE -135.68905639648438 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN hydrogen) (NN byproduct)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN fermentation)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB instead)) (VP (VBN converted) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (NN acetate)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB then)) (VP (VBN used) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB provide) (NP (JJ further) (NN energy))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -232.09182739257812 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Scientists)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ interested) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN possibility)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG transferring) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS bacteria)) (ADJP (JJ responsible) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS cattle))))))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN since) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN greenhouse) (NN gas) (NN effect)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN methane)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (NP (CD 23) (NNS times)) (JJR greater) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT that)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN carbon) (NN dioxide)))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -94.73764038085938 (ROOT (FRAG (NP (NNP Radio) (NNP Australia) (NNP -) (NNP Innovations)) (: :) (`` ``) (NP (NNP Methane) (NNP In) (NNP Agriculture)) (. .) ('' '')))
+PARSE -37.24939727783203 (ROOT (NP (NP (CD 15)) (NP (NNP August) (CD 2004)) (. .)))
+PARSE -50.85493469238281 (ROOT (S (VP (VBN Retrieved) (NP (CD 28)) (NP (NNP August) (CD 2007))) (. .)))
+PARSE -49.430110931396484 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (JJ few) (JJ natural) (NNS predators))) (. .)))
+PARSE -139.08604431152344 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN Thylacine)) (, ,) (VP (VBN considered) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNS palaeontologists))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB have) (ADVP (RB once)) (VP (VBN been) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ major) (JJ natural) (NN predator)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo))))))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB now)) (ADJP (JJ extinct))) (. .)))
+PARSE -111.42247009277344 (ROOT (S (NP (JJ Other) (NN extinct) (NNS predators)) (VP (VBD included) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Marsupial) (NNP Lion)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Megalania)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (NNP Wonambi)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -191.9910125732422 (ROOT (S (ADVP (RB However)) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN arrival)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS humans)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Australia))) (ADVP (NP (QP (IN at) (JJS least) (CD 50,000)) (NNS years)) (RB ago))))) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN introduction)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN dingo)) (ADVP (NP (RB about) (CD 5,000) (NNS years)) (RB ago))))))) (, ,) (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN had) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB adapt)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -123.46248626708984 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ mere) (NN barking)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN dog)))) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB set) (NP (DT a) (JJ full-grown) (JJ male) (NN boomer)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (JJ wild) (NN frenzy))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -101.4144058227539 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (JJ Wedge-tailed) (NNPS Eagles)) (CC and) (NP (JJ other) (NNS raptors))) (ADVP (RB usually)) (VP (VBP eat) (NP (JJ kangaroo) (NN carrion))) (. .)))
+PARSE -164.93678283691406 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNS Goannas)) (CC and) (NP (JJ other) (NNS carnivorous))) (VP (VBZ reptiles) (RB also) (VP (VB pose) (NP (DT a) (NN danger)) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJR smaller) (NN kangaroo) (NNS species))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (JJ other) (NN food) (NNS sources)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG lacking))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -191.74461364746094 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Along) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNS dingos)) (CC and) (NP (JJ other) (NNS canids))))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBN introduced) (NP (NNS species)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP (NNS foxes)) (CC and) (NP (JJ feral) (NNS cats)))))) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBP pose) (NP (DT a) (NN threat)) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ kangaroo) (NNS populations)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -148.48214721679688 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos) (CC and) (NNS wallabies)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ adept) (S (S (VP (VBZ swimmers))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (VP (ADVP (RB often)) (VB flee) (PP (IN into) (NP (NNS waterways))) (SBAR (IN if) (S (VP (VBN presented) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN option))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -162.53787231445312 (ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (VP (VBN pursued) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN water)))))) (, ,) (NP (DT a) (JJ large) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB use) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS forepaws)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hold) (NP (DT the) (NN predator) (NN underwater)) (ADVP (RB so) (RB as) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB drown) (NP (PRP it))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -112.20954132080078 (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (NNP Canadian) (NNP Museum)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Nature)))) (: -) (NP (NP (NNP Kangaroo) (NNP URL)) (ADJP (JJ accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 6) (, ,) (CD 2007)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -169.05601501464844 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT Another) (JJ defensive) (NN tactic)) (VP (VBN described) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNS witnesses))))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VP (VBG catching) (NP (DT the) (VBG attacking) (NN dog)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NNS forepaws)))) (CC and) (VP (VBG disembowelling) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (VBN hind) (NNS legs)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -223.99884033203125 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NN Newborn) (NN joey)) (VP (VBG sucking) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN teat)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJ pouch) (NNPS Kangaroos))))))) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN developed) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS adaptations)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ dry) (, ,) (JJ infertile) (NN continent)) (CC and) (NP (RB highly) (JJ variable) (NN climate)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -152.17434692382812 (ROOT (S (PP (IN As) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT all) (NNS marsupials)))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (JJ young)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN born) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ early)) (NN stage)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN development))))) (PP (IN after) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN gestation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (CD 31))) (NP (CD 36) (NNS days)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -161.1708221435547 (ROOT (S (PP (IN At) (NP (DT this) (NN stage))) (, ,) (NP (RB only) (DT the) (NNS forelimbs)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB somewhat) (JJ developed)) (, ,) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB allow) (NP (DT the) (NN newborn) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VP (VB climb) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN pouch)))) (CC and) (VP (VB attach) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN teat)))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -223.20916748046875 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN comparison))) (, ,) (S (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ human) (NN embryo)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ similar) (NN stage)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN development)))))) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (NP (QP (RB about) (CD seven)) (NNS weeks)) (JJ old))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (NP (JJ premature) (NNS babies)) (VP (VBN born) (PP (IN at) (NP (QP (JJR less) (IN than) (CD 23)) (NNS weeks))))) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB usually)) (RB not) (ADJP (JJ mature) (RB enough) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB survive))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -212.82135009765625 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN joey)) (VP (MD will) (ADVP (RB usually)) (VP (VB stay) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN pouch)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (QP (RB about) (CD nine)) (NNS months)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NP (QP (CD 180) (CD 320)) (NNS days)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNP Western) (NNP Grey)))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))) (PP (IN before) (S (VP (VBG starting) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB leave) (NP (DT the) (NN pouch)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (JJ small) (NNS periods)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN time))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -76.49811553955078 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB usually)) (VP (VBN fed) (PP (IN by) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN mother))) (PP (IN until) (S (VP (VBG reaching) (NP (CD 18) (NNS months))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -266.31268310546875 (ROOT (S (S (NP (DT The) (JJ female) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB usually) (JJ pregnant) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN permanence)))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN except) (S (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN day))) (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBZ gives) (NP (NN birth))))))) (: ;) (S (ADVP (RB however)) (, ,) (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT the) (NN ability) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB freeze) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN development)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT an) (NN embryo)))) (SBAR (IN until) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ previous) (NN joey)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ able) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB leave) (NP (DT the) (NN pouch))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -131.26223754882812 (ROOT (S (NP (DT This)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN known) (PP (IN as) (NP (NN diapause))))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB occur) (PP (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS times)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN drought))))) (CC and) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNS areas)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ poor) (NN food) (NNS sources))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -108.67840576171875 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN composition)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN milk)) (VP (VBN produced) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NN mother))))))) (VP (VBZ varies) (PP (VBG according) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS needs)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN joey))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -169.86727905273438 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN addition))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN mother)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ able) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB produce) (NP (NP (CD two) (JJ different) (NNS kinds)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN milk)))) (PP (ADVP (RB simultaneously)) (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN newborn)) (CC and) (NP (DT the) (JJR older) (NN joey)))) (PP (ADVP (RB still)) (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN pouch)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -220.14979553222656 (ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Unusually)) (, ,) (S (PP (IN during) (NP (DT a) (JJ dry) (NN period))) (, ,) (NP (NNS males)) (VP (MD will) (RB not) (VP (VB produce) (NP (NN sperm))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (NNS females)) (VP (MD will) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VB conceive) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (NP (JJ enough) (NN rain) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB produce) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ large) (NN quantity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ green) (NN vegetation))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -148.23385620117188 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NN Hindleg)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN kangaroo) (NNS Kangaroos) (CC and) (NNS wallabies)))) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NP (JJ large) (, ,) (JJ stretchy) (NNS tendons)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ hind) (NNS legs))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -262.9416198730469 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBP store) (NP (JJ elastic) (NN strain) (NN energy)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS tendons)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ large) (JJ hind) (NNS legs))))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG providing) (NP (NP (JJS most)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN energy)) (VP (VBN required) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT each) (NN hop))) (PP (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN spring) (NN action)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS tendons))))) (CONJP (RB rather) (IN than)) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT any) (JJ muscular) (NN effort))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -215.8000946044922 (ROOT (S (S (NP (DT This)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ true) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT all) (NN animal) (NN species)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP have) (ADVP (RB muscles)) (VP (VBN connected) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN skeleton))) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (JJ elastic) (NNS elements)) (PP (JJ such) (IN as) (NP (NNS tendons)))))))))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (DT the) (NN effect)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RBR more) (JJ pronounced) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -301.6303405761719 (ROOT (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB also)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN link)) (PP (IN between) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ hopping) (NN action)) (CC and) (S (S (VP (VBG breathing))) (: :) (S (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS feet)) (VP (VBP leave) (NP (DT the) (NN ground))))) (, ,) (NP (NN air)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN expelled) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNS lungs)))))) (: ;) (S (VP (VBG bringing) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS feet)) (ADVP (RB forward)) (ADJP (JJ ready) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NN landing) (NNS refills)) (NP (DT the) (NNS lungs)))))))) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG providing) (NP (JJ further) (NN energy) (NN efficiency))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -394.9755859375 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNS Studies)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS kangaroos) (CC and) (NNS wallabies)))) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN demonstrated) (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (PRN (, ,) (PP (IN beyond) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ minimum) (NN energy) (NN expenditure)) (VP (VBN required) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NN hop)) (ADVP (IN at) (DT all))))))) (, ,)) (S (VP (VBD increased) (SBAR (S (NP (NN speed)) (VP (VBZ requires) (FRAG (NP (ADJP (RB very) (JJ little)) (JJ extra) (NN effort))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (PP (ADVP (RB much) (JJR less)) (IN than) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ same) (NN speed) (NN increase)) (PP (IN in) (PRN (, ,) (INTJ (VB say)) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN horse)) (, ,) (NP (NN dog)) (CC or) (NP (JJ human)))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))))) (, ,) (CC and) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ extra) (NN energy)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN required) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB carry) (NP (JJ extra) (NN weight)))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -598.8235473632812 (ROOT (S (S (S (PP (IN For) (NP (NNS kangaroos))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ key) (NN benefit)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP hopping)))) (VP (VBZ is) (RB not) (NP (NN speed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB escape) (NP (NP (NNS predators)) (SBAR (S (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ top) (NN speed)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN kangaroo)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (DT no) (JJR higher)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT that)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ similarly-sized) (NN quadruped))))))))))))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ Australian) (JJ native) (NNS predators)) (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN case)) (ADJP (RBR less) (JJ fearsome)))) (PP (IN than) (NP (NP (DT those)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ other) (NNS continents)))))))) (CC but) (FRAG (NP (NN economy)) (: :) (S (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ infertile) (NN continent)) (PP (IN with) (NP (RB highly) (JJ variable) (NN weather) (NNS patterns))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN ability)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN kangaroo) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB travel) (NP (JJ long) (NNS distances)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (ADJP (RB moderately) (JJ high)) (NN speed)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN search)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN food) (NNS sources))))))))))))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ crucial) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN survival))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -228.72296142578125 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT A) (NN sequencing) (NN project)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Kangaroo) (NN genome)))) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN started) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 2004))) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (NP (DT a) (NN collaboration)) (PP (IN between) (NP (NNP Australia)))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (VP (ADVP (RB mainly)) (VBN funded) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN state)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Victoria)))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP National) (NNPS Institutes)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Health)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP US)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -128.1600341796875 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Kangaroo)) (VP (VBZ hops) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN line)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NN genome) (NN sequencing) (NN URL)) (ADJP (JJ accessed) (NP (NNP January) (CD 6) (, ,) (CD 2007)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -371.9019470214844 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN genome)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN marsupial)) (PP (JJ such) (IN as) (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo)))))) (VP (VBZ is) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ great) (NN interest))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS scientists)) (VP (VBG studying) (NP (JJ comparative) (NNS genomics)) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (NNS marsupials)) (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ ideal) (NN degree)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ evolutionary) (NN divergence))))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNS humans))))))))))) (: :) (S (NP (NNS mice)) (VP (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB too) (JJ close))) (CC and) (VP (VBP have) (RB n't) (VP (VBN developed) (NP (JJ many) (JJ different) (NNS functions)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (NNS birds)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB genetically) (RB too) (JJ remote))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -69.3859634399414 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN dairy) (NN industry)) (VP (VBZ has) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBN expressed) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN interest)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN project)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -81.34398651123047 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Eye) (NN disease)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ rare) (CC but) (RB not) (JJ new)) (PP (IN among) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -128.464599609375 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (JJ first) (NN official) (NN report)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN kangaroo) (NN blindness)))) (VP (VBD took) (NP (NN place)) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1994))) (, ,) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ central) (NNP New) (NNP South) (NNP Wales)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -103.74800872802734 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJ following) (NN year)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNS reports)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ blind) (NNS kangaroos)))) (VP (VBD appeared) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Victoria) (CC and) (NNP South) (NNP Australia)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -94.79214477539062 (ROOT (S (PP (IN By) (NP (CD 1996))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN disease)) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN spread) (`` ``) (ADVP (IN across) (NP (DT the) (NN desert)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP Western) (NNP Australia)))) ('' ''))) (. .)))
+PARSE -108.38558197021484 (ROOT (S (NP (JJ Australian) (NNS authorities)) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN concerned) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (NN disease)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB spread) (NP (UCP (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ other) (NN livestock))) (CC and) (ADVP (RB possibly))) (NNS humans)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -213.79653930664062 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNS Researchers)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Australian) (NNP Animal) (NNP Health) (NNP Laboratories)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Geelong)))))) (VP (VBD detected) (SBAR (S (NP (DT a) (NN virus)) (VP (VBD called) (NP (DT the) (NNP Wallal) (NN virus)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (CD two) (NNS species)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN midge))) (, ,) (VP (VBN believed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB have) (VP (VBN been) (NP (DT the) (NNS carriers))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -129.86392211914062 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Veterinarians)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBD discovered) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NP (QP (JJR less) (IN than) (CD three)) (NN percent)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBN exposed) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN virus))))))) (VP (VBD developed) (NP (NN blindness)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -166.12591552734375 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Before) (NP (JJ European) (NN settlement))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ important)) (NN animal)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ Australian) (NNS Aborigines)))) (, ,) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN meat) (, ,) (NNS hide) (, ,) (NNS bones) (CC and) (NNS sinews)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -99.41090393066406 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NN addition))) (, ,) (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBD were) (NP (NP (JJ important) (NN Dreaming) (NNS stories) (CC and) (NNS ceremonies)) (VP (VBG involving) (NP (DT the) (NN kangaroo))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -95.8746109008789 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Aherrenge)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ current) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBG dreaming) (NP (NP (NN site)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP Northern) (NNP Territory))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -135.1715087890625 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN game)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Marn) (NN grook)))) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN played) (S (VP (VBG using) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN ball)) (VP (VBN made) (PP (IN from) (NP (NN kangaroo))) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNP Kurnai) (NNS people))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -105.65826416015625 (ROOT (S (PP (IN Unlike) (NP (NP (JJ many)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJR smaller) (NNS macropods))))) (, ,) (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN fared) (ADVP (RB well)) (PP (IN since) (NP (JJ European) (NN settlement))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -250.18075561523438 (ROOT (S (NP (JJ European) (NNS settlers)) (VP (VP (VBD cut) (PRT (RP down)) (NP (NNS forests) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB create) (NP (JJ vast) (NNS grasslands)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN sheep) (CC and) (NNS cattle) (NN grazing) (, ,) (JJ added) (NN stock) (NN watering) (NNS points))))))) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ arid) (NNS areas)))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBP have) (ADVP (RB substantially)) (VP (VBN reduced) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS dingoes))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -133.13815307617188 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP are) (UCP (ADJP (JJ shy)) (CC and) (VP (VBG retiring) (PP (PP (IN by) (NP (NN nature))) (, ,) (CC and) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ normal) (NNS circumstances)))) (S (VP (VB present) (NP (DT no) (NN threat)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS humans)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -164.13844299316406 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Male)) (VP (VBZ kangaroos) (ADVP (RB often)) (NP (`` ``) (NP (NN box)) ('' '') (PP (PP (IN amongst) (NP (NP (DT each) (JJ other) (, ,) (NN playfully) (, ,)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN dominance))))) (, ,) (CC or) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN competition)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNS mates)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -197.7522735595703 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN dexterity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS forepaws)))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN utilised) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT both) (NN punching) (CC and) (NN grappling)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN foe)))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (DT the) (JJ real) (NN danger)) (VP (VBZ lies) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ serious) (NN kick)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN hindleg))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -67.47672271728516 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (VBN sharpened) (NNS toenails)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB disembowel) (NP (DT an) (NN opponent)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -253.12255859375 (ROOT (S (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB very) (NP (NP (JJ few) (NNS records)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS kangaroos))))) (VP (VBG attacking) (NP (NNS humans)) (PP (IN without) (NP (NN provocation)))))) (, ,) (ADVP (RB however)) (S (NP (NP (JJ several) (JJ such) (JJ unprovoked) (NNS attacks)) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 2004)))) (VP (VBD spurred) (NP (NP (NNS fears)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ rabies-like) (NN disease)) (VP (ADVP (RB possibly)) (VBG affecting) (NP (DT the) (NNS marsupials)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -155.4154052734375 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (RB only) (JJ reliably) (JJ documented) (NN case)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN fatality)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT a) (JJ kangaroo) (NN attack)))))) (VP (VBD occurred) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP New) (NNP South) (NNP Wales))) (, ,) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1936)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -114.16798400878906 (ROOT (S (NP (DT A) (NN hunter)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN killed) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD tried) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB rescue) (NP (PRP$ his) (CD two) (NNS dogs)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT a) (VBN heated) (NN fray))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -133.02586364746094 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (JJ Other) (JJ suggested) (NNS causes)) (PP (IN for) (NP (ADJP (JJ erratic) (CC and) (JJ dangerous)) (NN kangaroo) (NN behavior)))) (VP (VBP include) (NP (JJ extreme) (NN thirst) (CC and) (NN hunger))) (. .)))
+PARSE -94.80994415283203 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (CD 2003))) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP Lulu)) (, ,) (NP (DT an) (NNP Eastern) (NNP Grey)) (, ,)) (VP (VBD saved) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN farmer) (POS 's)) (NN life))) (. .)))
+PARSE -116.04779815673828 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP She)) (VP (VBD received) (NP (DT the) (NNP RSPCA) (NNP National) (NNP Animal) (NNP Valor) (NNP Award)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNP May) (CD 19)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ next) (NN year)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -83.33171081542969 (ROOT (NP (NP (DT A) (`` ``) (NN kangaroo) (NN crossing) ('' '') (NN sign)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT an) (JJ Australian) (NN highway))) (. .)))
+PARSE -47.83714294433594 (ROOT (NP (NP (DT A) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBG crossing) (NP (DT a) (NN highway))) (. .)))
+PARSE -79.5224380493164 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT A) (NN collision)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN vehicle)))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ capable) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG killing) (NP (DT a) (NN kangaroo))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -145.7786865234375 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VP (VBN dazzled) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNS headlights)))) (CC or) (VP (VBN startled) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN engine) (NN noise)))))) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN known) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB leap) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN front)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS cars))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -192.20086669921875 (ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Since) (S (NP (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN mid-bound)))) (VP (VP (MD can) (VP (VB reach) (NP (NP (NNS speeds)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (QP (RB around) (CD 50)) (NN km\/h)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 31) (NN mph)) (-RRB- -RRB-))))))) (CC and) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB relatively) (JJ heavy)))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN force)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN impact)))) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ severe)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -97.00045013427734 (ROOT (S (NP (JJ Small) (NNS vehicles)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN destroyed) (, ,) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (JJR larger) (NNS vehicles)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB suffer) (NP (NN engine) (NN damage))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -122.8724594116211 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN risk)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN harm)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN vehicle) (NNS occupants)))))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB greatly)) (VP (VBN increased) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (DT the) (NN windscreen)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN point)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN impact))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -96.19247436523438 (ROOT (S (PP (IN As) (NP (DT a) (NN result))) (, ,) (NP (`` ``) (NN kangaroo) (NN crossing) ('' '') (NNS signs)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ commonplace) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Australia))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -220.91815185546875 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNPS Vehicles)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NP (JJ frequent) (JJ isolated) (NNS roads)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (JJ roadside) (NN assistance)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ scarce)))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBP are) (ADVP (RB often)) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (IN with) (`` ``) (NP (NN roo) (NNS bars)) ('' '')) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB minimize) (NP (NN damage)))))))))) (VP (VBD caused) (PP (IN by) (NP (NN collision)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -146.87522888183594 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (JJ Bonnet-mounted) (NNS devices)) (, ,) (VP (VBN designed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB scare) (NP (NN wildlife)) (PP (IN off) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN road)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN ultrasound) (CC and) (JJ other) (NNS methods))))))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN devised) (CC and) (VBN marketed)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -288.02386474609375 (ROOT (S (SBAR (IN If) (S (NP (DT a) (NN female)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN victim)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN collision))))))) (, ,) (NP (NN animal) (NN welfare) (NNS groups)) (VP (VBP ask) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP$ her) (NN pouch)) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN checked) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT any) (VBG surviving) (NN joey)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHPP (IN in) (WHNP (WDT which) (NN case))) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN removed) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN wildlife) (NN sanctuary)) (CC or) (NP (JJ veterinary) (NN surgeon)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN rehabilitation))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -217.26072692871094 (ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Likewise)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (DT an) (JJ adult) (NN kangaroo)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN injured) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN collision))))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN vet)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NN RSPCA)) (CC or) (NP (DT the) (NNP National) (NNP Parks) (CC and) (NNP Wildlife) (NNP Service))) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN consulted) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNS instructions)) (PP (IN on) (NP (JJ proper) (NN care)))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -114.99149322509766 (ROOT (S (PP (IN In) (NP (NNP New) (NNP South) (NNP Wales))) (, ,) (NP (NP (NN rehabilitation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS kangaroos)))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN carried) (PRT (RP out)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NNS volunteers)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNS WIRES))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -106.7840576171875 (ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Occasionally)) (, ,) (NP (NNS individuals)) (VP (VBP take) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN task)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG rearing) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ recovered)) (NN joey)) (ADVP (PRP themselves))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -248.1124725341797 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN rule-of-thumb)) (VP (VBZ says) (SBAR (IN that) (S (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (DT the) (NN joey)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB already)) (VP (VBN covered) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN fur))) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN time)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN accident)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (SBAR (IN as) (S (VP (VBN opposed) (PP (IN to) (S (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (VBG being) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ embryonic) (NN stage))))))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ stands) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ good) (NN chance)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG growing) (PRT (RP up)) (ADVP (RB properly)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -93.33187866210938 (ROOT (S (S (NP (JJ Lactose-free) (NN milk)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN required)))) (, ,) (ADVP (RB otherwise)) (S (NP (DT the) (NN animal)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB develop) (NP (NN blindness))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -188.81065368652344 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBD hop) (ADVP (RB readily)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN cloth) (NN bag))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN lowered) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NN front)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP them))))) (ADVP (RB approximately) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN height)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mother) (POS 's)) (NN pouch)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB be))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -273.419189453125 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN joey) (POS 's)) (NN instinct)) (VP (VBZ is) (S (VP (VP (TO to) (`` ``) (VP (VB cuddle) (PRT (RP up))) ('' '')) (, ,) (S (VP (ADVP (RB thereby)) (VBG endearing) (NP (PRP themselves)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS keepers))))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (PP (IN after) (S (VP (VBG hand-rearing) (NP (DT a) (NN joey))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD can) (RB not) (ADVP (RB usually)) (VP (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN released) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (JJ wild))))) (CC and) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN expected) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB provide) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP itself))) (ADVP (RB immediately)))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -287.7305908203125 (ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Usually)) (NP (NN wildlife) (NNS sanctuaries)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ willing) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB adopt) (NP (NP (NNS kangaroos)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (ADVP (RB no) (RBR longer)) (JJ practical)) (PRN (, ,) (CC or) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN grown) (ADJP (RB too) (JJ large) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB contain))))))) (, ,)) (S (VP (VBG needing) (NP (NP (QP (IN at) (JJS least) (CD 1)) (NN acre) (CC and) (JJ 7ft) (NN boundary) (NNS fences)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (RB fully) (JJ grown) (NN kangaroo))))))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -108.29057312011719 (ROOT (S (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN featured) (PP (IN on) (S (VP (VP (VBG coins)) (, ,) (CONJP (RB as) (RB well) (IN as)) (VP (VBG being) (VP (VBN used) (PP (IN as) (NP (NNS emblems) (CC and) (NNS logos))))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -192.04574584960938 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VP (VBP have) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN used) (PP (PP (IN as) (NP (NNS mascots))) (CC and) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN naming)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS sports) (NNS teams))))))))) (CC and) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (RB extremely) (JJ well-represented)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNS films) (, ,) (NN television) (, ,) (NNS toys) (CC and) (NNS souvenirs))) (PP (IN around) (NP (DT the) (NN world))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -70.14946746826172 (ROOT (S (FRAG (X (SYM \*)) (NP (NNP Dawson))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Terence) (NNP J.)) (VP (VBZ 1995)) (. .)))
+PARSE -66.45226287841797 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNS Kangaroos)) (: :) (NP (NP (NNP Biology)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Largest) (NNPS Marsupials)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -66.01084899902344 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Cornell) (NNP University) (NNP Press)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP Ithaca)) (, ,) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))) (. .)))
+PARSE -40.67322540283203 (ROOT (NP (LST (JJ Second)) (NP (NN printing)) (: :) (NP (CD 1998)) (. .)))
+PARSE -34.74050521850586 (ROOT (NP (NNS ISBN) (CD 0-8014-8262-3) (. .)))
+PARSE -107.28361511230469 (ROOT (FRAG (X (X (SYM \*)) (NP (NP (NNP Flannery)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Timothy) (NNP Fridtjof)) (, ,) (NP (NNP et) (NNP al) (. .)))) (VP (VBZ 1996)) (. .)))
+PARSE -78.13999938964844 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Tree) (NNP Kangaroos)) (: :) (NP (DT A) (NNP Curious) (NNP Natural) (NN History)) (. .)))
+PARSE -45.37902069091797 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Reed) (NNPS Books)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Melbourne)) (. .)))
+PARSE -85.36267852783203 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP ISBN) (NNP 0-7301-0492-3)) (VP (VBZ \*) (NP (NNP Underhill) (NNP D.) (CD 1993))) (. .)))
+PARSE -195.37124633789062 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Australia)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (JJ Dangerous) (NNS Creatures)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NNP Reader) (POS 's)) (NNP Digest)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Sydney)) (, ,) (NP (NNP New) (NNP South) (NNP Wales)) (, ,) (NP (NNP ISBN) (NNP 0-86438-018-6) (NNP \*) (NNP Weldon)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Kevin)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -20.057207107543945 (ROOT (FRAG (NP (CD 1985)) (. .)))
+PARSE -28.949382781982422 (ROOT (NP (NNP The) (NNP Kangaroo) (. .)))
+PARSE -59.938636779785156 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Weldons) (NNP Pty.) (. .) (NNP Ltd.)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Sydney)) (. .)))
+ERROR -99999.0 (ROOT (. .))
diff --git a/Question_Answer_Dataset_v1.1/S08/data/set1/a1.sst b/Question_Answer_Dataset_v1.1/S08/data/set1/a1.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d1084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Question_Answer_Dataset_v1.1/S08/data/set1/a1.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+kangaroo/noun.animal :/0 For/0 other/0 uses/verb.consumption ,/0 see/verb.perception kangaroo/noun.animal -LRB-/0 disambiguation/noun.communication -RRB-/0 ./0
+A/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/verb.stative a/0 marsupial/0 from/0 the/0 family/noun.animal Macropodidae/noun.animal -LRB-/0 macropods/noun.person ,/0 meaning/0 `/0 large/0 foot/noun.quantity '/0 -RRB-/0 ./0
+In/0 common/0 use/noun.act the/0 term/noun.communication is/0 used/verb.consumption to/0 describe/verb.communication the/0 largest/0 species/noun.group from/0 this/0 family/noun.group ,/0 the/0 Red/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person ,/0 the/0 Antilopine/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person ,/0 and/0 the/0 Eastern/noun.person and/0 Western/noun.person Grey/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person of/0 the/0 Macropus/noun.animal genus/noun.body ./0
+The/0 family/noun.group also/0 includes/verb.stative many/0 smaller/0 species/noun.group which/0 include/verb.stative the/0 wallabies/noun.person ,/0 tree-kangaroos/noun.person ,/0 wallaroos/noun.person ,/0 pademelons/noun.person and/0 the/0 Quokka/noun.person ,/0 some/0 63/0 living/verb.stative species/noun.group in/0 all/0 ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person are/verb.stative endemic/0 to/0 the/0 continent/noun.object of/0 Australia/noun.location ,/0 while/0 the/0 smaller/0 macropods/noun.person are/0 found/verb.possession in/0 Australia/noun.location and/0 New/noun.location Guinea/noun.location ./0
+In/0 general/0 ,/0 larger/0 kangaroos/noun.person have/0 adapted/verb.change much/0 better/0 to/0 changes/noun.act wrought/verb.social to/0 the/0 Australian/0 landscape/noun.location by/0 humans/noun.person and/0 though/0 many/0 of/0 their/0 smaller/0 cousins/noun.person are/0 endangered/verb.stative ,/0 they/0 are/verb.stative plentiful/0 ./0
+They/0 are/0 not/0 farmed/verb.social to/0 any/0 extent/noun.state ,/0 but/0 wild/0 kangaroos/noun.person are/0 shot/verb.cognition for/0 meat/noun.food ,/0 over/0 which/0 there/0 is/verb.stative controversy/noun.communication ./0
+Steve/noun.person Dow/noun.person :/0 ``/0 An/0 industry/noun.group that/0 's/0 under/0 the/0 gun/noun.artifact ''/0 ./0
+Sydney/0 Morning/noun.time Herald/noun.person online/noun.person ,/0 September/noun.time 26/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0
+The/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/verb.stative an/0 Australian/0 icon/noun.communication :/0 it/0 is/0 featured/verb.stative on/0 the/0 Australian/0 coat/noun.artifact of/0 arms/noun.body ,/0 Australia/noun.location 's/0 coat/noun.artifact of/0 arms/noun.body URL/noun.communication accessed/0 January/noun.time 6/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0 on/0 some/0 of/0 its/0 currency/noun.possession ,/0 The/0 Australian/0 currency/noun.possession URL/noun.communication accessed/0 January/noun.time 6/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0 and/0 is/0 used/verb.consumption by/0 many/0 Australian/0 organizations/noun.group ,/0 including/verb.stative Qantas/noun.person ./0
+The/0 Kangaroo/0 symbol/noun.communication URL/noun.communication accessed/0 January/noun.time 6/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0
+The/0 word/noun.communication kangaroo/noun.animal derives/verb.cognition from/0 the/0 Guugu/0 Yimidhirr/0 word/noun.communication gangurru/0 ,/0 referring/verb.communication to/0 a/0 gray/0 kangaroo/noun.animal ./0
+Etymology/noun.communication of/0 mammal/0 names/noun.communication URL/0 accessed/0 January/noun.time 7/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0
+The/0 name/noun.communication was/0 first/0 recorded/verb.communication as/0 ``/0 Kangooroo/0 or/0 Kanguru/noun.person ''/0 on/0 4/0 August/noun.time ,1770/0 ,/0 by/0 Lieutenant/noun.person -LRB-/0 later/0 Captain/noun.person -RRB-/0 James/noun.person Cook/noun.person on/0 the/0 banks/noun.group of/0 the/0 Endeavour/noun.location River/noun.location at/0 the/0 site/noun.location of/0 modern/0 Cooktown/noun.person ,/0 when/0 HM/0 Bark/0 Endeavour/noun.act was/0 beached/0 for/0 almost/0 seven/0 weeks/noun.time to/0 repair/verb.change damage/noun.event sustained/verb.stative on/0 the/0 Great/noun.object Barrier/noun.object Reef/noun.object ./0
+A/0 common/0 myth/noun.communication about/0 the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal 's/0 English/0 name/noun.communication is/verb.stative that/0 it/0 came/verb.motion from/0 the/0 Aboriginal/noun.person words/noun.communication for/0 ``/0 I/0 do/0 n't/0 understand/verb.cognition you/0 ./0 ''/0
+According/0 to/0 this/0 legend/noun.communication ,/0 Captain/noun.person James/noun.person Cook/noun.person and/0 naturalist/noun.person Sir/noun.person Joseph/noun.person Banks/noun.person were/0 exploring/verb.cognition Australia/noun.location when/0 they/0 happened/verb.possession upon/verb.possession the/0 animal/noun.animal ./0
+They/0 asked/verb.communication a/0 nearby/0 local/0 what/0 the/0 creatures/noun.animal were/0 called/verb.communication ./0
+The/0 local/0 responded/verb.cognition ``/0 Kangaroo/0 ''/0 ,/0 meaning/verb.communication ``/0 I/0 do/0 n't/0 understand/verb.cognition you/0 ''/0 ,/0 which/0 Cook/noun.person took/verb.cognition to/verb.cognition be/verb.cognition the/0 name/noun.communication of/0 the/0 creature/noun.animal ./0
+Tour/noun.act lecture/verb.communication ,/0 ,/0 Dawsonville/noun.person ,/0 GA./noun.person ./noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person soon/0 became/verb.change adopted/0 into/0 standard/0 English/noun.communication where/0 it/0 has/0 come/verb.change to/0 mean/verb.communication any/0 member/noun.person of/0 the/0 family/noun.group of/0 kangaroos/noun.person and/0 wallabies/noun.person ./0
+Male/0 kangaroos/noun.artifact are/verb.stative called/0 bucks/noun.artifact ,/0 boomers/noun.person ,/0 jacks/noun.artifact ,/0 or/0 old/noun.person men/noun.person ;/0 females/noun.animal are/verb.stative does/0 ,/0 flyers/0 ,/0 or/0 jills/0 ,/0 and/0 the/0 young/0 ones/0 are/verb.stative joeys/0 ./0
+Animal/noun.animal Bytes/0 :/0 Kangaroo/noun.animal and/0 Wallaby/0 URL/0 accessed/0 January/noun.time 7/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0
+The/0 collective/noun.communication noun/noun.communication for/0 kangaroos/noun.person is/verb.stative a/0 mob/noun.group ,/0 troop/noun.group ,/0 or/0 court/noun.group ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person are/verb.stative sometimes/0 colloquially/0 referred/verb.communication to/0 as/0 roos/noun.person ./0
+A/0 Tasmanian/noun.person Forester/noun.person -LRB-/0 Eastern/noun.person Grey/noun.person -RRB-/0 Kangaroo/noun.animal in/0 motion/0 ./0
+There/0 are/verb.stative four/0 species/noun.group that/0 are/0 commonly/0 referred/verb.cognition to/0 as/0 kangaroos/noun.person :/0 \*/0 The/0 Red/noun.group Kangaroo/noun.group -LRB-/0 Macropus/noun.animal rufus/noun.animal -RRB-/0 is/verb.stative the/0 largest/0 surviving/verb.stative marsupial/noun.animal anywhere/0 in/0 the/0 world/noun.object ./0
+Fewer/0 in/0 numbers/noun.attribute ,/0 the/0 Red/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person occupies/verb.stative the/0 arid/0 and/0 semi-arid/0 center/noun.location of/0 the/0 continent/noun.object ./0
+A/0 large/0 male/noun.animal can/0 be/verb.stative 2/0 metres/0 -LRB-/0 6/0 ft/noun.quantity 7/0 in/0 -RRB-/0 tall/0 and/0 weigh/verb.stative 90/0 kg/noun.quantity -LRB-/0 200/0 lb/noun.quantity -RRB-/0 ./0
+\*/0 The/0 Eastern/0 Grey/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person -LRB-/0 Macropus/noun.animal giganteus/noun.animal -RRB-/0 is/verb.stative less/0 well-known/0 than/0 the/0 red/noun.attribute -LRB-/0 outside/0 of/0 Australia/noun.location -RRB-/0 ,/0 but/0 the/0 most/0 often/0 seen/verb.perception ,/0 as/0 its/0 range/noun.attribute covers/verb.stative the/0 fertile/0 eastern/0 part/noun.relation of/0 the/0 continent/noun.object ./0
+\*/0 The/0 Western/0 Grey/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person -LRB-/0 Macropus/noun.animal fuliginosus/noun.animal -RRB-/0 is/verb.stative slightly/0 smaller/0 again/0 at/0 about/0 54/0 kg/noun.quantity -LRB-/0 119/0 lb/0 -RRB-/0 for/0 a/0 large/0 male/noun.animal ./0
+It/0 is/0 found/verb.possession in/0 the/0 southern/0 part/noun.relation of/0 Western/noun.location Australia/noun.location ,/0 South/noun.location Australia/noun.location near/0 the/0 coast/noun.object ,/0 and/0 the/0 Darling/noun.object River/noun.object basin/noun.artifact ./0
+\*/0 The/0 Antilopine/0 Kangaroo/noun.animal -LRB-/0 Macropus/noun.animal antilopinus/noun.animal -RRB-/0 is/verb.stative ,/0 essentially/0 ,/0 the/0 far-northern/0 equivalent/noun.cognition of/0 the/0 Eastern/noun.person and/0 Western/noun.person Grey/noun.person Kangaroos/noun.person ./0
+Like/0 them/0 ,/0 it/0 is/verb.stative a/0 creature/noun.animal of/0 the/0 grassy/0 plains/noun.object and/0 woodlands/0 ,/0 and/0 gregarious/0 ./0
+In/0 addition/0 ,/0 there/0 are/verb.stative about/0 50/0 smaller/0 macropods/noun.person closely/0 related/0 to/0 the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal in/0 the/0 family/noun.animal Macropodidae/noun.animal ./0
+Red/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person -LRB-/0 Macropus/noun.animal rufus/noun.animal -RRB-/0 Europeans/noun.person have/0 long/0 regarded/verb.cognition Kangaroos/noun.person as/0 strange/0 animals/noun.animal ./0
+Early/0 explorers/noun.person described/verb.communication them/0 as/0 creatures/noun.animal that/0 had/0 heads/noun.body like/0 deer/noun.animal -LRB-/0 without/0 antlers/noun.person -RRB-/0 ,/0 stood/verb.contact upright/noun.artifact like/0 men/noun.person ,/0 and/0 hopped/verb.motion like/0 frogs/noun.animal ./0
+Combined/verb.change with/0 the/0 two-headed/0 appearance/noun.attribute of/0 a/0 mother/noun.person kangaroo/noun.animal ,/0 this/0 led/verb.stative many/0 back/0 home/noun.artifact to/0 dismiss/verb.communication them/0 as/0 travellers/noun.person '/0 tales/noun.communication for/0 quite/0 some/0 time/noun.time ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person have/verb.stative large/0 ,/0 powerful/0 hind/noun.animal legs/noun.animal ,/0 large/0 feet/noun.body adapted/verb.change for/0 leaping/verb.motion ,/0 a/0 long/0 muscular/0 tail/noun.animal for/0 balance/noun.state ,/0 and/0 a/0 small/0 head/noun.body ./0
+Like/0 all/0 marsupials/0 ,/0 female/0 kangaroos/noun.person have/verb.possession a/0 pouch/noun.artifact called/verb.communication a/0 marsupium/noun.body in/0 which/0 joeys/0 complete/verb.change postnatal/0 development/noun.process ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person are/verb.stative the/0 only/0 large/0 animals/noun.animal to/0 use/verb.consumption hopping/verb.motion as/0 a/0 means/noun.act of/0 locomotion/noun.attribute ./0
+The/0 comfortable/0 hopping/0 speed/noun.time for/0 Red/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person is/verb.stative about/0 20/0 25/0 km\/h/0 -LRB-/0 13/0 16/0 mph/noun.time -RRB-/0 ,/0 but/0 speeds/noun.time of/0 up/0 to/0 70/0 km\/h/0 -LRB-/0 44/0 mph/noun.time -RRB-/0 can/0 be/0 attained/verb.social ,/0 over/0 short/0 distances/noun.attribute ,/0 while/0 it/0 can/0 sustain/verb.stative a/0 speed/noun.time of/0 40/0 km\/h/0 -LRB-/0 25/0 mph/noun.time -RRB-/0 for/0 nearly/0 two/0 kilometres/noun.quantity ./0
+This/0 fast/0 and/0 energy-efficient/0 method/noun.cognition of/0 travel/noun.act has/0 evolved/verb.creation because/0 of/0 the/0 need/noun.state to/0 regularly/0 cover/verb.stative large/0 distances/noun.attribute in/0 search/noun.act of/0 food/noun.food and/0 water/noun.substance ,/0 rather/0 than/0 the/0 need/noun.state to/0 escape/verb.motion predators/noun.person ./0
+Because/0 of/0 its/0 long/0 feet/noun.quantity ,/0 it/0 can/0 not/0 walk/verb.motion correctly/0 ./0
+To/0 move/verb.motion at/0 slow/0 speeds/noun.time ,/0 it/0 uses/verb.consumption its/0 tail/noun.animal to/0 form/verb.stative a/0 tripod/noun.artifact with/0 its/0 two/0 forelimbs/noun.person ./0
+It/0 then/0 raises/verb.change its/0 hind/0 feet/noun.body forward/0 ,/0 in/0 a/0 form/noun.cognition of/0 locomotion/noun.attribute called/0 ``/0 crawl-walking/0 ./0 ''/0
+The/0 average/0 life/noun.time expectancy/noun.time of/0 a/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/verb.stative about/0 4/0 6/0 years/noun.time ./0
+Different/0 species/noun.group of/0 kangaroos/noun.person eat/verb.consumption different/0 diets/noun.food ./0
+Eastern/0 gray/0 kangaroos/noun.person are/verb.stative predominantly/0 grazers/0 eating/verb.consumption a/0 wide/0 variety/noun.group of/0 grasses/noun.plant whereas/0 some/0 other/0 species/noun.group -LRB-/0 e.g./0 red/noun.body kangaroos/noun.body and/0 swamp/0 wallabies/noun.group -RRB-/0 include/verb.stative significant/0 amounts/noun.attribute of/0 shrubs/noun.plant in/0 the/0 diet/noun.food ./0
+The/0 smaller/0 species/noun.group of/0 kangaroos/noun.person also/0 consume/verb.consumption hypogeal/0 fungi/noun.plant ./0
+Many/0 species/noun.group are/verb.stative nocturnal/0 Archives/noun.communication URL/noun.communication accessed/0 January/noun.time 7/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0 and/0 crepuscular/noun.person ,/0 Columbus/noun.location Zoo/noun.location article/noun.communication URL/noun.communication accessed/0 January/noun.time 7/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0 usually/0 spending/verb.stative the/0 days/noun.time resting/verb.contact in/0 shade/noun.state and/0 the/0 cool/noun.attribute evenings/noun.time ,/0 nights/noun.time and/0 mornings/noun.time moving/verb.motion about/0 and/0 feeding/verb.consumption ./0
+Because/0 of/0 its/0 grazing/noun.act ,/0 kangaroos/noun.person have/0 developed/verb.change specialized/0 teeth/noun.body ./0
+Its/0 incisors/noun.group are/verb.stative able/0 to/0 crop/0 grass/noun.plant close/0 to/0 the/0 ground/noun.object ,/0 and/0 its/0 molars/noun.body chop/verb.contact and/0 grind/verb.contact the/0 grass/noun.plant ./0
+Since/0 the/0 two/0 sides/noun.location of/0 the/0 lower/0 jaw/noun.body are/0 not/0 joined/verb.social together/0 ,/0 the/0 lower/0 incisors/noun.person are/verb.stative farther/0 apart/0 ,/0 giving/verb.possession the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal a/0 wider/0 bite/noun.state ./0
+The/0 silica/noun.substance in/0 grass/noun.plant is/verb.stative abrasive/0 ,/0 so/0 kangaroo/noun.animal molars/noun.body move/verb.motion forward/0 as/0 they/0 are/verb.stative ground/0 down/0 ,/0 and/0 eventually/0 fall/verb.communication out/verb.communication ,/0 replaced/verb.change by/0 new/0 teeth/noun.body that/0 grow/verb.change in/0 the/0 back/noun.body ./0
+Despite/0 having/verb.possession a/0 herbivorous/noun.person diet/noun.food similar/0 to/0 ruminants/verb.social such/0 as/0 cattle/noun.animal which/0 release/verb.stative large/0 quantities/noun.quantity of/0 methane/noun.substance through/0 exhaling/0 and/0 eructation/noun.state ,/0 kangaroos/noun.person release/verb.contact virtually/0 none/0 ./0
+The/0 hydrogen/noun.substance byproduct/noun.phenomenon of/0 fermentation/noun.process is/0 instead/0 converted/verb.change into/0 acetate/noun.substance ,/0 which/0 is/0 then/0 used/verb.consumption to/0 provide/verb.possession further/0 energy/noun.phenomenon ./0
+Scientists/noun.person are/verb.stative interested/0 in/0 the/0 possibility/noun.cognition of/0 transferring/verb.motion the/0 bacteria/noun.animal responsible/0 from/0 kangaroos/noun.person to/0 cattle/noun.animal ,/0 since/0 the/0 greenhouse/noun.substance gas/noun.substance effect/noun.phenomenon of/0 methane/noun.substance is/verb.stative 23/0 times/noun.time greater/0 than/0 that/0 of/0 carbon/noun.substance dioxide/noun.substance ./0
+Radio/noun.group Australia/noun.group -/noun.group Innovations/noun.group :/0 ``/0 Methane/0 In/0 Agriculture/0 ./0 ''/0
+15/0 August/noun.time 2004/0 ./0
+Retrieved/verb.possession 28/0 August/noun.time 2007/0 ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person have/verb.possession few/0 natural/0 predators/noun.person ./0
+The/0 Thylacine/noun.animal ,/0 considered/verb.cognition by/0 palaeontologists/noun.person to/0 have/0 once/0 been/verb.stative a/0 major/0 natural/0 predator/noun.person of/0 the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal ,/0 is/verb.stative now/0 extinct/0 ./0
+Other/0 extinct/0 predators/noun.person included/verb.stative the/0 Marsupial/noun.location Lion/noun.location ,/0 Megalania/noun.person and/0 the/0 Wonambi/noun.person ./0
+However/0 ,/0 with/0 the/0 arrival/noun.act of/0 humans/noun.person in/0 Australia/noun.location at/0 least/0 50,000/0 years/noun.time ago/0 and/0 the/0 introduction/noun.communication of/0 the/0 dingo/noun.animal about/0 5,000/0 years/noun.time ago/0 ,/0 kangaroos/noun.person have/0 had/0 to/0 adapt/verb.change ./0
+The/0 mere/0 barking/noun.person of/0 a/0 dog/noun.animal can/0 set/verb.cognition a/0 full-grown/0 male/0 boomer/noun.person into/0 a/0 wild/0 frenzy/noun.state ./0
+Wedge-tailed/0 Eagles/noun.group and/0 other/0 raptors/noun.animal usually/0 eat/verb.consumption kangaroo/0 carrion/noun.food ./0
+Goannas/noun.person and/0 other/0 carnivorous/noun.person reptiles/0 also/0 pose/verb.stative a/0 danger/noun.state to/0 smaller/0 kangaroo/noun.animal species/noun.group when/0 other/0 food/noun.food sources/noun.location are/0 lacking/verb.stative ./0
+Along/0 with/0 dingos/noun.person and/0 other/0 canids/noun.person ,/0 introduced/verb.communication species/noun.group like/0 foxes/noun.animal and/0 feral/0 cats/noun.animal also/0 pose/verb.stative a/0 threat/noun.state to/0 kangaroo/0 populations/noun.group ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person and/0 wallabies/noun.person are/verb.stative adept/0 swimmers/0 ,/0 and/0 often/0 flee/verb.motion into/0 waterways/noun.object if/0 presented/verb.perception with/0 the/0 option/noun.possession ./0
+If/0 pursued/verb.social into/0 the/0 water/noun.substance ,/0 a/0 large/0 kangaroo/noun.animal may/0 use/verb.consumption its/0 forepaws/noun.animal to/0 hold/verb.contact the/0 predator/noun.person underwater/0 so/0 as/0 to/0 drown/verb.contact it/0 ./0
+Canadian/noun.person Museum/noun.person of/0 Nature/0 -/0 Kangaroo/0 URL/0 accessed/0 January/noun.time 6/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0
+Another/0 defensive/0 tactic/noun.cognition described/verb.communication by/0 witnesses/noun.person is/0 catching/verb.cognition the/0 attacking/noun.animal dog/noun.animal with/0 the/0 forepaws/noun.animal and/0 disembowelling/0 it/0 with/0 the/0 hind/noun.animal legs/noun.animal ./0
+Newborn/noun.person joey/noun.person sucking/verb.consumption on/0 a/0 teat/noun.body in/0 the/0 pouch/0 Kangaroos/noun.person have/0 developed/verb.creation a/0 number/noun.attribute of/0 adaptations/noun.communication to/0 a/0 dry/0 ,/0 infertile/0 continent/noun.object and/0 highly/0 variable/0 climate/noun.state ./0
+As/0 with/0 all/0 marsupials/noun.person ,/0 the/0 young/0 are/0 born/verb.possession at/0 a/0 very/0 early/0 stage/noun.time of/0 development/noun.process after/0 a/0 gestation/noun.time of/0 31/0 36/0 days/noun.time ./0
+At/0 this/0 stage/noun.time ,/0 only/0 the/0 forelimbs/noun.body are/verb.stative somewhat/0 developed/0 ,/0 to/0 allow/verb.social the/0 newborn/noun.person to/0 climb/verb.motion to/0 the/0 pouch/noun.artifact and/0 attach/verb.contact to/0 a/0 teat/noun.body ./0
+In/0 comparison/0 ,/0 a/0 human/0 embryo/noun.plant at/0 a/0 similar/0 stage/noun.time of/0 development/noun.process would/0 be/verb.stative about/0 seven/0 weeks/noun.time old/0 ,/0 and/0 premature/noun.person babies/noun.person born/verb.stative at/0 less/0 than/0 23/0 weeks/noun.time are/verb.stative usually/0 not/0 mature/0 enough/0 to/0 survive/verb.stative ./0
+The/0 joey/noun.person will/0 usually/0 stay/verb.change in/0 the/0 pouch/noun.artifact for/0 about/0 nine/0 months/noun.time -LRB-/0 180/0 320/0 days/noun.time for/0 the/0 Western/0 Grey/noun.person -RRB-/0 before/0 starting/verb.change to/0 leave/verb.motion the/0 pouch/noun.artifact for/0 small/0 periods/noun.time of/noun.time time/noun.time ./0
+It/0 is/0 usually/0 fed/verb.consumption by/0 its/0 mother/noun.person until/0 reaching/verb.motion 18/0 months/noun.time ./0
+The/0 female/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/verb.stative usually/0 pregnant/0 in/0 permanence/noun.attribute ,/0 except/0 on/0 the/0 day/noun.time she/0 gives/verb.body birth/verb.body ;/0 however/0 ,/0 she/0 has/verb.possession the/0 ability/noun.attribute to/0 freeze/verb.change the/0 development/noun.process of/0 an/0 embryo/noun.plant until/0 the/0 previous/0 joey/noun.person is/verb.stative able/0 to/0 leave/verb.motion the/0 pouch/noun.artifact ./0
+This/0 is/0 known/verb.cognition as/0 diapause/0 ,/0 and/0 will/0 occur/verb.change in/0 times/noun.time of/0 drought/noun.state and/0 in/0 areas/noun.location with/0 poor/0 food/noun.food sources/noun.location ./0
+The/0 composition/noun.attribute of/0 the/0 milk/noun.food produced/verb.creation by/0 the/0 mother/noun.person varies/verb.change according/0 to/0 the/0 needs/noun.object of/0 the/0 joey/0 ./0
+In/0 addition/0 ,/0 the/0 mother/noun.person is/verb.stative able/0 to/0 produce/verb.creation two/0 different/0 kinds/noun.cognition of/0 milk/noun.food simultaneously/0 for/0 the/0 newborn/noun.person and/0 the/0 older/0 joey/noun.person still/0 in/0 the/0 pouch/noun.artifact ./0
+Unusually/0 ,/0 during/0 a/0 dry/0 period/noun.time ,/0 males/noun.animal will/0 not/0 produce/verb.creation sperm/noun.body ,/0 and/0 females/noun.animal will/0 only/0 conceive/verb.creation if/0 there/0 has/0 been/verb.stative enough/0 rain/noun.phenomenon to/0 produce/verb.creation a/0 large/0 quantity/noun.quantity of/0 green/0 vegetation/noun.group ./0
+Hindleg/noun.person of/0 a/0 kangaroo/noun.animal Kangaroos/noun.person and/0 wallabies/noun.person have/verb.stative large/0 ,/0 stretchy/0 tendons/noun.body in/0 their/0 hind/noun.animal legs/noun.animal ./0
+They/0 store/verb.possession elastic/0 strain/noun.phenomenon energy/noun.phenomenon in/0 the/0 tendons/noun.body of/0 their/0 large/0 hind/noun.animal legs/noun.animal ,/0 providing/verb.possession most/0 of/0 the/0 energy/noun.phenomenon required/verb.stative for/0 each/0 hop/noun.act by/0 the/0 spring/noun.time action/noun.act of/0 the/0 tendons/noun.body rather/0 than/0 by/0 any/0 muscular/0 effort/noun.act ./0
+This/0 is/verb.stative true/0 in/0 all/0 animal/noun.animal species/noun.group which/0 have/0 muscles/0 connected/0 to/0 their/0 skeleton/noun.quantity through/0 elastic/0 elements/noun.cognition such/0 as/0 tendons/noun.body ,/0 but/0 the/0 effect/noun.phenomenon is/verb.stative more/0 pronounced/0 in/0 kangaroos/0 ./0
+There/0 is/verb.stative also/0 a/0 link/noun.relation between/0 the/0 hopping/0 action/noun.act and/0 breathing/verb.body :/0 as/0 the/0 feet/noun.body leave/verb.motion the/0 ground/noun.object ,/0 air/noun.substance is/0 expelled/verb.social from/0 the/0 lungs/noun.body ;/0 bringing/verb.motion the/0 feet/noun.body forward/0 ready/0 for/0 landing/noun.artifact refills/noun.person the/0 lungs/noun.body ,/0 providing/verb.possession further/0 energy/noun.phenomenon efficiency/noun.relation ./0
+Studies/noun.act of/0 kangaroos/noun.food and/0 wallabies/noun.person have/0 demonstrated/verb.cognition that/0 ,/0 beyond/0 the/0 minimum/0 energy/noun.phenomenon expenditure/noun.possession required/verb.stative to/0 hop/noun.act at/0 all/0 ,/0 increased/verb.change speed/noun.time requires/verb.stative very/0 little/0 extra/0 effort/noun.act -LRB-/0 much/0 less/0 than/0 the/0 same/0 speed/0 increase/noun.quantity in/0 ,/0 say/verb.communication ,/0 a/0 horse/noun.animal ,/0 dog/noun.animal or/0 human/0 -RRB-/0 ,/0 and/0 that/0 the/0 extra/0 energy/noun.phenomenon is/0 required/verb.stative to/0 carry/verb.stative extra/0 weight/noun.attribute ./0
+For/0 kangaroos/noun.person ,/0 the/0 key/0 benefit/noun.attribute of/0 hopping/noun.person is/verb.stative not/0 speed/noun.time to/0 escape/verb.motion predators/noun.person the/0 top/0 speed/noun.time of/0 a/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/verb.stative no/0 higher/0 than/0 that/0 of/0 a/0 similarly-sized/0 quadruped/noun.animal ,/0 and/0 the/0 Australian/0 native/0 predators/noun.person are/verb.stative in/0 any/0 case/noun.state less/0 fearsome/0 than/0 those/0 of/0 other/0 continents/noun.object but/0 economy/noun.group :/0 in/0 an/0 infertile/0 continent/noun.object with/0 highly/0 variable/0 weather/noun.phenomenon patterns/noun.cognition ,/0 the/0 ability/noun.attribute of/0 a/0 kangaroo/noun.animal to/0 travel/verb.motion long/0 distances/noun.attribute at/0 moderately/0 high/0 speed/noun.time in/0 search/noun.act of/0 food/noun.food sources/noun.location is/verb.stative crucial/0 to/0 survival/noun.state ./0
+A/0 sequencing/0 project/noun.act of/0 the/0 Kangaroo/noun.animal genome/noun.group was/0 started/verb.change in/0 2004/0 as/0 a/0 collaboration/noun.act between/0 Australia/noun.location -LRB-/0 mainly/0 funded/verb.possession by/0 the/0 state/noun.location of/0 Victoria/noun.person -RRB-/0 and/0 the/0 National/noun.group Institutes/noun.group of/noun.group Health/noun.group in/0 the/0 US/noun.location ./0
+Kangaroo/noun.animal hops/verb.motion in/0 line/noun.communication for/0 genome/0 sequencing/0 URL/noun.communication accessed/0 January/noun.time 6/0 ,/0 2007/0 ./0
+The/0 genome/noun.group of/0 a/0 marsupial/noun.animal such/0 as/0 the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/verb.stative of/0 great/0 interest/noun.attribute to/0 scientists/noun.person studying/verb.cognition comparative/0 genomics/noun.cognition because/0 marsupials/noun.person are/verb.stative at/0 an/0 ideal/0 degree/noun.attribute of/0 evolutionary/0 divergence/noun.act from/0 humans/noun.person :/0 mice/noun.animal are/verb.stative too/0 close/0 and/0 have/0 n't/0 developed/verb.change many/0 different/0 functions/noun.relation ,/0 while/0 birds/noun.animal are/verb.stative genetically/0 too/0 remote/0 ./0
+The/0 dairy/noun.artifact industry/noun.group has/0 also/0 expressed/verb.communication some/0 interest/noun.cognition in/0 this/0 project/noun.act ./0
+Eye/noun.state disease/noun.state is/verb.stative rare/0 but/0 not/0 new/0 among/0 kangaroos/noun.person ./0
+The/0 first/0 official/0 report/noun.communication of/0 kangaroo/noun.animal blindness/noun.state took/verb.change place/verb.change in/0 1994/0 ,/0 in/0 central/0 New/noun.location South/noun.location Wales/noun.location ./0
+The/0 following/0 year/noun.time ,/0 reports/noun.communication of/0 blind/0 kangaroos/noun.person appeared/verb.change in/0 Victoria/noun.person and/0 South/noun.location Australia/noun.location ./0
+By/0 1996/0 ,/0 the/0 disease/noun.state had/0 spread/verb.contact ``/0 across/0 the/0 desert/noun.location to/0 Western/noun.location Australia/noun.location ''/0 ./0
+Australian/0 authorities/noun.person were/0 concerned/verb.stative that/0 the/0 disease/noun.state could/0 spread/verb.contact to/0 other/0 livestock/noun.animal and/0 possibly/0 humans/noun.person ./0
+Researchers/noun.person at/0 the/0 Australian/0 Animal/noun.group Health/noun.group Laboratories/noun.group in/0 Geelong/0 detected/verb.perception a/0 virus/noun.animal called/verb.communication the/0 Wallal/0 virus/noun.animal in/0 two/0 species/noun.group of/0 midge/noun.animal ,/0 believed/verb.cognition to/0 have/0 been/verb.stative the/0 carriers/noun.person ./0
+Veterinarians/noun.person also/0 discovered/verb.cognition that/0 less/0 than/0 three/0 percent/noun.relation of/0 kangaroos/0 exposed/0 to/0 the/0 virus/noun.animal developed/verb.body blindness/noun.state ./0
+Before/0 European/0 settlement/noun.group ,/0 the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal was/verb.stative a/0 very/0 important/0 animal/noun.animal for/0 Australian/noun.person Aborigines/noun.person ,/0 for/0 its/0 meat/noun.food ,/0 hide/noun.substance ,/0 bones/noun.body and/0 sinews/noun.person ./0
+In/0 addition/0 ,/0 there/0 were/verb.stative important/0 Dreaming/noun.cognition stories/noun.communication and/0 ceremonies/noun.event involving/verb.stative the/0 kangaroo/noun.animal ./0
+Aherrenge/noun.person is/verb.stative a/0 current/0 kangaroo/noun.animal dreaming/verb.creation site/noun.location in/0 the/0 Northern/noun.location Territory/noun.location ./0
+The/0 game/noun.act of/0 Marn/noun.person grook/noun.person was/0 played/verb.competition using/verb.consumption a/0 ball/noun.artifact made/verb.creation from/0 kangaroo/noun.animal by/0 the/0 Kurnai/0 people/noun.group ./0
+Unlike/0 many/0 of/0 the/0 smaller/0 macropods/noun.person ,/0 kangaroos/noun.person have/0 fared/verb.stative well/0 since/0 European/0 settlement/noun.group ./0
+European/0 settlers/noun.person cut/verb.change down/verb.change forests/noun.group to/0 create/verb.creation vast/0 grasslands/noun.person for/0 sheep/noun.animal and/0 cattle/noun.animal grazing/noun.act ,/0 added/0 stock/noun.possession watering/noun.process points/noun.cognition in/0 arid/0 areas/noun.location ,/0 and/0 have/0 substantially/0 reduced/verb.change the/0 number/noun.attribute of/0 dingoes/noun.person ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person are/verb.stative shy/0 and/0 retiring/verb.social by/0 nature/noun.attribute ,/0 and/0 in/0 normal/0 circumstances/noun.state present/verb.perception no/0 threat/noun.state to/0 humans/noun.person ./0
+Male/noun.animal kangaroos/0 often/0 ``/0 box/noun.artifact ''/0 amongst/0 each/0 other/0 ,/0 playfully/noun.person ,/0 for/0 dominance/noun.attribute ,/0 or/0 in/0 competition/noun.relation for/0 mates/noun.person ./0
+The/0 dexterity/noun.cognition of/0 their/0 forepaws/noun.animal is/verb.stative utilised/0 in/0 both/0 punching/0 and/0 grappling/noun.act with/0 the/0 foe/noun.person ,/0 but/0 the/0 real/0 danger/noun.state lies/verb.stative in/verb.stative a/0 serious/0 kick/noun.act with/0 the/0 hindleg/noun.person ./0
+The/0 sharpened/0 toenails/noun.person can/0 disembowel/verb.change an/0 opponent/noun.person ./0
+There/0 are/verb.stative very/0 few/0 records/noun.communication of/0 kangaroos/0 attacking/verb.competition humans/noun.person without/0 provocation/noun.act ,/0 however/0 several/0 such/0 unprovoked/0 attacks/noun.act in/0 2004/0 spurred/verb.social fears/noun.feeling of/0 a/0 rabies-like/0 disease/noun.state possibly/0 affecting/verb.change the/0 marsupials/noun.person ./0
+The/0 only/0 reliably/0 documented/0 case/noun.event of/0 a/0 fatality/noun.event from/0 a/0 kangaroo/0 attack/noun.act occurred/verb.change in/0 New/noun.location South/noun.location Wales/noun.location ,/0 in/0 1936/0 ./0
+A/0 hunter/noun.person was/0 killed/verb.contact when/0 he/0 tried/verb.social to/0 rescue/verb.social his/0 two/0 dogs/noun.animal from/0 a/0 heated/0 fray/noun.act ./0
+Other/0 suggested/0 causes/noun.event for/0 erratic/0 and/0 dangerous/0 kangaroo/noun.animal behavior/noun.act include/verb.stative extreme/0 thirst/noun.state and/0 hunger/noun.state ./0
+In/0 2003/0 ,/0 Lulu/noun.person ,/0 an/0 Eastern/noun.person Grey/noun.person ,/0 saved/verb.social a/0 farmer/noun.person 's/0 life/noun.state ./0
+She/0 received/verb.possession the/0 RSPCA/0 National/noun.group Animal/noun.group Valor/noun.group Award/noun.group on/0 May/noun.time 19/0 of/0 the/0 next/0 year/noun.time ./0
+A/0 ``/0 kangaroo/noun.animal crossing/noun.act ''/0 sign/noun.communication on/0 an/0 Australian/0 highway/noun.artifact ./0
+A/0 kangaroo/noun.animal crossing/verb.motion a/0 highway/noun.artifact ./0
+A/0 collision/noun.event with/0 a/0 vehicle/noun.artifact is/verb.stative capable/0 of/0 killing/verb.contact a/0 kangaroo/noun.animal ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person dazzled/verb.perception by/0 headlights/noun.artifact or/0 startled/verb.emotion by/0 engine/noun.artifact noise/noun.event have/0 been/0 known/verb.cognition to/0 leap/verb.motion in/0 front/0 of/0 cars/noun.artifact ./0
+Since/0 kangaroos/noun.person in/0 mid-bound/0 can/0 reach/verb.motion speeds/noun.time of/0 around/0 50/0 km\/h/0 -LRB-/0 31/0 mph/noun.time -RRB-/0 and/0 are/verb.stative relatively/0 heavy/0 ,/0 the/0 force/noun.attribute of/0 impact/noun.phenomenon can/0 be/verb.stative severe/0 ./0
+Small/0 vehicles/noun.artifact may/0 be/0 destroyed/verb.creation ,/0 while/0 larger/0 vehicles/noun.artifact may/0 suffer/verb.perception engine/noun.artifact damage/noun.event ./0
+The/0 risk/noun.state of/0 harm/noun.state to/0 vehicle/noun.artifact occupants/noun.person is/verb.stative greatly/0 increased/verb.change if/0 the/0 windscreen/noun.artifact is/verb.stative the/0 point/noun.cognition of/0 impact/noun.phenomenon ./0
+As/0 a/0 result/noun.phenomenon ,/0 ``/0 kangaroo/noun.animal crossing/noun.act ''/0 signs/noun.communication are/verb.stative commonplace/0 in/0 Australia/noun.location ./0
+Vehicles/noun.person that/0 frequent/0 isolated/0 roads/noun.artifact ,/0 where/0 roadside/0 assistance/noun.act may/0 be/verb.stative scarce/0 ,/0 are/0 often/0 fitted/verb.stative with/0 ``/0 roo/0 bars/noun.artifact ''/0 to/0 minimize/verb.change damage/noun.event caused/verb.creation by/0 collision/noun.event ./0
+Bonnet-mounted/0 devices/noun.artifact ,/0 designed/verb.creation to/0 scare/verb.emotion wildlife/noun.group off/0 the/0 road/noun.artifact with/0 ultrasound/noun.phenomenon and/0 other/0 methods/noun.cognition ,/0 have/0 been/0 devised/verb.creation and/0 marketed/verb.possession ./0
+If/0 a/0 female/noun.animal is/verb.stative the/0 victim/noun.person of/0 a/0 collision/noun.event ,/0 animal/noun.animal welfare/noun.act groups/noun.group ask/verb.communication that/0 her/0 pouch/noun.artifact be/0 checked/verb.cognition for/0 any/0 surviving/0 joey/noun.person ,/0 in/0 which/0 case/noun.state it/0 may/0 be/0 removed/verb.change to/0 a/0 wildlife/noun.group sanctuary/noun.artifact or/0 veterinary/noun.person surgeon/noun.person for/0 rehabilitation/noun.act ./0
+Likewise/0 ,/0 when/0 an/0 adult/0 kangaroo/noun.animal is/0 injured/verb.body in/0 a/0 collision/noun.event ,/0 a/0 vet/noun.person ,/0 the/0 RSPCA/0 or/0 the/0 National/noun.person Parks/noun.person and/0 Wildlife/noun.group Service/noun.group can/0 be/0 consulted/verb.communication for/0 instructions/noun.communication on/0 proper/0 care/noun.act ./0
+In/0 New/noun.location South/noun.location Wales/noun.location ,/0 rehabilitation/noun.act of/0 kangaroos/noun.person is/0 carried/verb.creation out/verb.creation by/0 volunteers/noun.person from/0 WIRES/noun.artifact ./0
+Occasionally/0 ,/0 individuals/noun.person take/verb.change on/verb.change the/0 task/noun.act of/0 rearing/verb.motion a/0 recovered/0 joey/noun.person themselves/0 ./0
+The/0 rule-of-thumb/0 says/verb.communication that/0 if/0 the/0 joey/noun.person is/0 already/0 covered/verb.stative with/0 fur/noun.substance at/0 the/0 time/noun.time of/0 the/0 accident/noun.event -LRB-/0 as/0 opposed/0 to/0 still/0 being/verb.stative in/0 its/0 embryonic/0 stage/noun.time -RRB-/0 ,/0 it/0 stands/verb.stative a/0 good/0 chance/noun.state of/0 growing/verb.social up/verb.social properly/0 ./0
+Lactose-free/0 milk/noun.food is/0 required/verb.stative ,/0 otherwise/0 the/0 animal/noun.animal may/0 develop/verb.change blindness/noun.state ./0
+They/0 hop/verb.motion readily/0 into/0 a/0 cloth/noun.artifact bag/noun.artifact when/0 it/0 is/0 lowered/verb.motion in/0 front/0 of/0 them/0 approximately/0 to/0 the/0 height/noun.attribute where/0 the/0 mother/noun.person 's/0 pouch/noun.artifact would/0 be/verb.stative ./0
+The/0 joey/noun.person 's/0 instinct/noun.cognition is/verb.stative to/0 ``/0 cuddle/verb.contact up/0 ''/0 ,/0 thereby/0 endearing/0 themselves/0 to/0 their/0 keepers/noun.person ,/0 but/0 after/0 hand-rearing/noun.act a/0 joey/noun.person ,/0 it/0 can/0 not/0 usually/0 be/0 released/verb.contact into/0 the/0 wild/0 and/0 be/0 expected/verb.cognition to/0 provide/verb.possession for/0 itself/0 immediately/0 ./0
+Usually/0 wildlife/noun.group sanctuaries/noun.person are/verb.stative willing/0 to/0 adopt/verb.possession kangaroos/noun.possession which/0 are/verb.stative no/0 longer/0 practical/0 ,/0 or/0 have/0 grown/verb.change too/0 large/0 to/0 contain/verb.stative ,/0 needing/verb.consumption at/0 least/0 1/0 acre/noun.quantity and/0 7ft/0 boundary/noun.location fences/noun.artifact for/0 a/0 fully/0 grown/0 kangaroo/noun.animal ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person have/0 been/0 featured/verb.stative on/0 coins/0 ,/0 as/0 well/0 as/0 being/0 used/verb.consumption as/0 emblems/noun.artifact and/0 logos/noun.communication ./0
+They/0 have/0 also/0 been/0 used/verb.consumption as/0 mascots/noun.person and/0 in/0 the/0 naming/noun.communication of/0 sports/noun.act teams/noun.group and/0 are/verb.stative extremely/0 well-represented/0 in/0 films/noun.communication ,/0 television/noun.communication ,/0 toys/noun.artifact and/0 souvenirs/noun.artifact around/0 the/0 world/noun.object ./0
+\*/0 Dawson/noun.location ,/0 Terence/noun.person J./noun.person 1995/noun.person ./0
+Kangaroos/noun.person :/0 Biology/noun.cognition of/0 the/0 Largest/noun.group Marsupials/noun.group ./0
+Cornell/noun.group University/noun.group Press/noun.group ,/0 Ithaca/noun.location ,/0 New/noun.location York/noun.location ./0
+Second/0 printing/noun.communication :/0 1998/0 ./0
+ISBN/0 0-8014-8262-3/0 ./0
+\*/0 Flannery/noun.person ,/0 Timothy/noun.person Fridtjof/noun.person ,/0 et/0 al/noun.substance ./0 1996/0 ./0
+Tree/noun.plant Kangaroos/0 :/0 A/0 Curious/0 Natural/noun.cognition History/noun.cognition ./0
+Reed/noun.person Books/noun.person ,/0 Melbourne/noun.location ./0
+ISBN/0 0-7301-0492-3/0 \*/0 Underhill/noun.person D./noun.person 1993/0 ./0
+Australia/noun.location 's/0 Dangerous/0 Creatures/noun.person ,/0 Reader/noun.person 's/0 Digest/noun.communication ,/0 Sydney/noun.location ,/0 New/noun.location South/noun.location Wales/noun.location ,/0 ISBN/0 0-86438-018-6/0 \*/noun.person Weldon/noun.person ,/0 Kevin/noun.person ./0
+1985/0 ./0
+The/noun.person Kangaroo/noun.person ./0
+Weldons/noun.person Pty./noun.person ./0 Ltd./noun.group ,/0 Sydney/noun.location ./0
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+kangaroo : For other uses , see kangaroo -LRB- disambiguation -RRB- .
+A kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae -LRB- macropods , meaning ` large foot ' -RRB- .
+In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family , the Red Kangaroo , the Antilopine Kangaroo , and the Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroo of the Macropus genus .
+The family also includes many smaller species which include the wallabies , tree-kangaroos , wallaroos , pademelons and the Quokka , some 63 living species in all .
+Kangaroos are endemic to the continent of Australia , while the smaller macropods are found in Australia and New Guinea .
+In general , larger kangaroos have adapted much better to changes wrought to the Australian landscape by humans and though many of their smaller cousins are endangered , they are plentiful .
+They are not farmed to any extent , but wild kangaroos are shot for meat , over which there is controversy .
+Steve Dow : `` An industry that 's under the gun '' .
+Sydney Morning Herald online , September 26 , 2007 .
+The kangaroo is an Australian icon : it is featured on the Australian coat of arms , Australia 's coat of arms URL accessed January 6 , 2007 . on some of its currency , The Australian currency URL accessed January 6 , 2007 . and is used by many Australian organizations , including Qantas .
+The Kangaroo symbol URL accessed January 6 , 2007 .
+The word kangaroo derives from the Guugu Yimidhirr word gangurru , referring to a gray kangaroo .
+Etymology of mammal names URL accessed January 7 , 2007 .
+The name was first recorded as `` Kangooroo or Kanguru '' on 4 August ,1770 , by Lieutenant -LRB- later Captain -RRB- James Cook on the banks of the Endeavour River at the site of modern Cooktown , when HM Bark Endeavour was beached for almost seven weeks to repair damage sustained on the Great Barrier Reef .
+A common myth about the kangaroo 's English name is that it came from the Aboriginal words for `` I do n't understand you . ''
+According to this legend , Captain James Cook and naturalist Sir Joseph Banks were exploring Australia when they happened upon the animal .
+They asked a nearby local what the creatures were called .
+The local responded `` Kangaroo '' , meaning `` I do n't understand you '' , which Cook took to be the name of the creature .
+Tour lecture , , Dawsonville , GA. . Kangaroo soon became adopted into standard English where it has come to mean any member of the family of kangaroos and wallabies .
+Male kangaroos are called bucks , boomers , jacks , or old men ; females are does , flyers , or jills , and the young ones are joeys .
+Animal Bytes : Kangaroo and Wallaby URL accessed January 7 , 2007 .
+The collective noun for kangaroos is a mob , troop , or court .
+Kangaroos are sometimes colloquially referred to as roos .
+A Tasmanian Forester -LRB- Eastern Grey -RRB- Kangaroo in motion .
+There are four species that are commonly referred to as kangaroos : \* The Red Kangaroo -LRB- Macropus rufus -RRB- is the largest surviving marsupial anywhere in the world .
+Fewer in numbers , the Red Kangaroo occupies the arid and semi-arid center of the continent .
+A large male can be 2 metres -LRB- 6 ft 7 in -RRB- tall and weigh 90 kg -LRB- 200 lb -RRB- .
+\* The Eastern Grey Kangaroo -LRB- Macropus giganteus -RRB- is less well-known than the red -LRB- outside of Australia -RRB- , but the most often seen , as its range covers the fertile eastern part of the continent .
+\* The Western Grey Kangaroo -LRB- Macropus fuliginosus -RRB- is slightly smaller again at about 54 kg -LRB- 119 lb -RRB- for a large male .
+It is found in the southern part of Western Australia , South Australia near the coast , and the Darling River basin .
+\* The Antilopine Kangaroo -LRB- Macropus antilopinus -RRB- is , essentially , the far-northern equivalent of the Eastern and Western Grey Kangaroos .
+Like them , it is a creature of the grassy plains and woodlands , and gregarious .
+In addition , there are about 50 smaller macropods closely related to the kangaroo in the family Macropodidae .
+Red Kangaroo -LRB- Macropus rufus -RRB- Europeans have long regarded Kangaroos as strange animals .
+Early explorers described them as creatures that had heads like deer -LRB- without antlers -RRB- , stood upright like men , and hopped like frogs .
+Combined with the two-headed appearance of a mother kangaroo , this led many back home to dismiss them as travellers ' tales for quite some time .
+Kangaroos have large , powerful hind legs , large feet adapted for leaping , a long muscular tail for balance , and a small head .
+Like all marsupials , female kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which joeys complete postnatal development .
+Kangaroos are the only large animals to use hopping as a means of locomotion .
+The comfortable hopping speed for Red Kangaroo is about 20 25 km\/h -LRB- 13 16 mph -RRB- , but speeds of up to 70 km\/h -LRB- 44 mph -RRB- can be attained , over short distances , while it can sustain a speed of 40 km\/h -LRB- 25 mph -RRB- for nearly two kilometres .
+This fast and energy-efficient method of travel has evolved because of the need to regularly cover large distances in search of food and water , rather than the need to escape predators .
+Because of its long feet , it can not walk correctly .
+To move at slow speeds , it uses its tail to form a tripod with its two forelimbs .
+It then raises its hind feet forward , in a form of locomotion called `` crawl-walking . ''
+The average life expectancy of a kangaroo is about 4 6 years .
+Different species of kangaroos eat different diets .
+Eastern gray kangaroos are predominantly grazers eating a wide variety of grasses whereas some other species -LRB- e.g. red kangaroos and swamp wallabies -RRB- include significant amounts of shrubs in the diet .
+The smaller species of kangaroos also consume hypogeal fungi .
+Many species are nocturnal Archives URL accessed January 7 , 2007 . and crepuscular , Columbus Zoo article URL accessed January 7 , 2007 . usually spending the days resting in shade and the cool evenings , nights and mornings moving about and feeding .
+Because of its grazing , kangaroos have developed specialized teeth .
+Its incisors are able to crop grass close to the ground , and its molars chop and grind the grass .
+Since the two sides of the lower jaw are not joined together , the lower incisors are farther apart , giving the kangaroo a wider bite .
+The silica in grass is abrasive , so kangaroo molars move forward as they are ground down , and eventually fall out , replaced by new teeth that grow in the back .
+Despite having a herbivorous diet similar to ruminants such as cattle which release large quantities of methane through exhaling and eructation , kangaroos release virtually none .
+The hydrogen byproduct of fermentation is instead converted into acetate , which is then used to provide further energy .
+Scientists are interested in the possibility of transferring the bacteria responsible from kangaroos to cattle , since the greenhouse gas effect of methane is 23 times greater than that of carbon dioxide .
+Radio Australia - Innovations : `` Methane In Agriculture . ''
+15 August 2004 .
+Retrieved 28 August 2007 .
+Kangaroos have few natural predators .
+The Thylacine , considered by palaeontologists to have once been a major natural predator of the kangaroo , is now extinct .
+Other extinct predators included the Marsupial Lion , Megalania and the Wonambi .
+However , with the arrival of humans in Australia at least 50,000 years ago and the introduction of the dingo about 5,000 years ago , kangaroos have had to adapt .
+The mere barking of a dog can set a full-grown male boomer into a wild frenzy .
+Wedge-tailed Eagles and other raptors usually eat kangaroo carrion .
+Goannas and other carnivorous reptiles also pose a danger to smaller kangaroo species when other food sources are lacking .
+Along with dingos and other canids , introduced species like foxes and feral cats also pose a threat to kangaroo populations .
+Kangaroos and wallabies are adept swimmers , and often flee into waterways if presented with the option .
+If pursued into the water , a large kangaroo may use its forepaws to hold the predator underwater so as to drown it .
+Canadian Museum of Nature - Kangaroo URL accessed January 6 , 2007 .
+Another defensive tactic described by witnesses is catching the attacking dog with the forepaws and disembowelling it with the hind legs .
+Newborn joey sucking on a teat in the pouch Kangaroos have developed a number of adaptations to a dry , infertile continent and highly variable climate .
+As with all marsupials , the young are born at a very early stage of development after a gestation of 31 36 days .
+At this stage , only the forelimbs are somewhat developed , to allow the newborn to climb to the pouch and attach to a teat .
+In comparison , a human embryo at a similar stage of development would be about seven weeks old , and premature babies born at less than 23 weeks are usually not mature enough to survive .
+The joey will usually stay in the pouch for about nine months -LRB- 180 320 days for the Western Grey -RRB- before starting to leave the pouch for small periods of time .
+It is usually fed by its mother until reaching 18 months .
+The female kangaroo is usually pregnant in permanence , except on the day she gives birth ; however , she has the ability to freeze the development of an embryo until the previous joey is able to leave the pouch .
+This is known as diapause , and will occur in times of drought and in areas with poor food sources .
+The composition of the milk produced by the mother varies according to the needs of the joey .
+In addition , the mother is able to produce two different kinds of milk simultaneously for the newborn and the older joey still in the pouch .
+Unusually , during a dry period , males will not produce sperm , and females will only conceive if there has been enough rain to produce a large quantity of green vegetation .
+Hindleg of a kangaroo Kangaroos and wallabies have large , stretchy tendons in their hind legs .
+They store elastic strain energy in the tendons of their large hind legs , providing most of the energy required for each hop by the spring action of the tendons rather than by any muscular effort .
+This is true in all animal species which have muscles connected to their skeleton through elastic elements such as tendons , but the effect is more pronounced in kangaroos .
+There is also a link between the hopping action and breathing : as the feet leave the ground , air is expelled from the lungs ; bringing the feet forward ready for landing refills the lungs , providing further energy efficiency .
+Studies of kangaroos and wallabies have demonstrated that , beyond the minimum energy expenditure required to hop at all , increased speed requires very little extra effort -LRB- much less than the same speed increase in , say , a horse , dog or human -RRB- , and that the extra energy is required to carry extra weight .
+For kangaroos , the key benefit of hopping is not speed to escape predators the top speed of a kangaroo is no higher than that of a similarly-sized quadruped , and the Australian native predators are in any case less fearsome than those of other continents but economy : in an infertile continent with highly variable weather patterns , the ability of a kangaroo to travel long distances at moderately high speed in search of food sources is crucial to survival .
+A sequencing project of the Kangaroo genome was started in 2004 as a collaboration between Australia -LRB- mainly funded by the state of Victoria -RRB- and the National Institutes of Health in the US .
+Kangaroo hops in line for genome sequencing URL accessed January 6 , 2007 .
+The genome of a marsupial such as the kangaroo is of great interest to scientists studying comparative genomics because marsupials are at an ideal degree of evolutionary divergence from humans : mice are too close and have n't developed many different functions , while birds are genetically too remote .
+The dairy industry has also expressed some interest in this project .
+Eye disease is rare but not new among kangaroos .
+The first official report of kangaroo blindness took place in 1994 , in central New South Wales .
+The following year , reports of blind kangaroos appeared in Victoria and South Australia .
+By 1996 , the disease had spread `` across the desert to Western Australia '' .
+Australian authorities were concerned that the disease could spread to other livestock and possibly humans .
+Researchers at the Australian Animal Health Laboratories in Geelong detected a virus called the Wallal virus in two species of midge , believed to have been the carriers .
+Veterinarians also discovered that less than three percent of kangaroos exposed to the virus developed blindness .
+Before European settlement , the kangaroo was a very important animal for Australian Aborigines , for its meat , hide , bones and sinews .
+In addition , there were important Dreaming stories and ceremonies involving the kangaroo .
+Aherrenge is a current kangaroo dreaming site in the Northern Territory .
+The game of Marn grook was played using a ball made from kangaroo by the Kurnai people .
+Unlike many of the smaller macropods , kangaroos have fared well since European settlement .
+European settlers cut down forests to create vast grasslands for sheep and cattle grazing , added stock watering points in arid areas , and have substantially reduced the number of dingoes .
+Kangaroos are shy and retiring by nature , and in normal circumstances present no threat to humans .
+Male kangaroos often `` box '' amongst each other , playfully , for dominance , or in competition for mates .
+The dexterity of their forepaws is utilised in both punching and grappling with the foe , but the real danger lies in a serious kick with the hindleg .
+The sharpened toenails can disembowel an opponent .
+There are very few records of kangaroos attacking humans without provocation , however several such unprovoked attacks in 2004 spurred fears of a rabies-like disease possibly affecting the marsupials .
+The only reliably documented case of a fatality from a kangaroo attack occurred in New South Wales , in 1936 .
+A hunter was killed when he tried to rescue his two dogs from a heated fray .
+Other suggested causes for erratic and dangerous kangaroo behavior include extreme thirst and hunger .
+In 2003 , Lulu , an Eastern Grey , saved a farmer 's life .
+She received the RSPCA National Animal Valor Award on May 19 of the next year .
+A `` kangaroo crossing '' sign on an Australian highway .
+A kangaroo crossing a highway .
+A collision with a vehicle is capable of killing a kangaroo .
+Kangaroos dazzled by headlights or startled by engine noise have been known to leap in front of cars .
+Since kangaroos in mid-bound can reach speeds of around 50 km\/h -LRB- 31 mph -RRB- and are relatively heavy , the force of impact can be severe .
+Small vehicles may be destroyed , while larger vehicles may suffer engine damage .
+The risk of harm to vehicle occupants is greatly increased if the windscreen is the point of impact .
+As a result , `` kangaroo crossing '' signs are commonplace in Australia .
+Vehicles that frequent isolated roads , where roadside assistance may be scarce , are often fitted with `` roo bars '' to minimize damage caused by collision .
+Bonnet-mounted devices , designed to scare wildlife off the road with ultrasound and other methods , have been devised and marketed .
+If a female is the victim of a collision , animal welfare groups ask that her pouch be checked for any surviving joey , in which case it may be removed to a wildlife sanctuary or veterinary surgeon for rehabilitation .
+Likewise , when an adult kangaroo is injured in a collision , a vet , the RSPCA or the National Parks and Wildlife Service can be consulted for instructions on proper care .
+In New South Wales , rehabilitation of kangaroos is carried out by volunteers from WIRES .
+Occasionally , individuals take on the task of rearing a recovered joey themselves .
+The rule-of-thumb says that if the joey is already covered with fur at the time of the accident -LRB- as opposed to still being in its embryonic stage -RRB- , it stands a good chance of growing up properly .
+Lactose-free milk is required , otherwise the animal may develop blindness .
+They hop readily into a cloth bag when it is lowered in front of them approximately to the height where the mother 's pouch would be .
+The joey 's instinct is to `` cuddle up '' , thereby endearing themselves to their keepers , but after hand-rearing a joey , it can not usually be released into the wild and be expected to provide for itself immediately .
+Usually wildlife sanctuaries are willing to adopt kangaroos which are no longer practical , or have grown too large to contain , needing at least 1 acre and 7ft boundary fences for a fully grown kangaroo .
+Kangaroos have been featured on coins , as well as being used as emblems and logos .
+They have also been used as mascots and in the naming of sports teams and are extremely well-represented in films , television , toys and souvenirs around the world .
+\* Dawson , Terence J. 1995 .
+Kangaroos : Biology of the Largest Marsupials .
+Cornell University Press , Ithaca , New York .
+Second printing : 1998 .
+ISBN 0-8014-8262-3 .
+\* Flannery , Timothy Fridtjof , et al . 1996 .
+Tree Kangaroos : A Curious Natural History .
+Reed Books , Melbourne .
+ISBN 0-7301-0492-3 \* Underhill D. 1993 .
+Australia 's Dangerous Creatures , Reader 's Digest , Sydney , New South Wales , ISBN 0-86438-018-6 \* Weldon , Kevin .
+1985 .
+The Kangaroo .
+Weldons Pty. . Ltd. , Sydney .
diff --git a/README.log b/README.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/answer b/answer
index e81f669..9cfca64 100755
--- a/answer
+++ b/answer
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Useful tools which should be pre-installed
import os, sys, errno
+import subprocess
import re
import itertools
import nltk
@@ -17,6 +18,10 @@ import sourceContentSelector
def contains_negative(sent):
return "no" in sent or "not" in sent or "n't" in sent
+def coref(path_to_article):
+ #subprocess.call(["./arkref.sh", "-input", path_to_article])
+ return open(path_to_article).read()
# picks the sentence that has the most keywords in common with the question
def answer(question, article):
question = question.strip()
@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if end == -1: continue
question = line[:end+1].strip()
line = line[end+1:].split()
- path_to_article = line.pop()
+ path_to_article = prefix+line.pop()+".txt"
difficulty_answerer = line.pop()
difficulty_questioner = line.pop()
correct_answer = " ".join(line)
@@ -57,7 +62,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Difficulty from questioner:", difficulty_questioner
# Open the question file and start answering questions.
- article = open(prefix+path_to_article+".txt").read()
+ article = coref(path_to_article)
print "Our answer:", answer(question, article)
print "Correct answer:", correct_answer
diff --git a/arkref.jar b/arkref.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65ac643
Binary files /dev/null and b/arkref.jar differ
diff --git a/arkref.sh b/arkref.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ccbc674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arkref.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+h=$(dirname $0)
+java -mx1g -ea -cp $h/bin:$h/arkref.jar:$(print $h/lib/**/*.jar | tr ' ' :) arkref.analysis.ARKref "$@"
diff --git a/arkref/.classpath b/arkref/.classpath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6968d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arkref/.classpath
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/arkref/README.md b/arkref/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5881b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arkref/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+* Website: http://www.ark.cs.cmu.edu/ARKref/
+* Mike Heilman (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mheilman/)
+* Brendan O'Connor (http://anyall.org/)
+ARKref is a basic implementation of a syntactically rich, rule-based
+coreference system very similar to (the syntactic components of) Haghighi and
+Klein (2009). We find it is useful as a starting point to be adapted into
+larger information extraction and natural language processing systems. For
+example, by tweaking the gazetteers, customizing mention extraction, turning
+the syntactic rules into log-linear features, etc., it can be made useful for
+a variety of applications.
+Technical requirements
+Only Java is required, probably version 1.6. Various libraries (e.g. GraphViz,
+Hpricot) are necessary for the various development support scripts.
+How to run
+To get started, the following command runs ARKref on a demo document included
+with the code. We start with just one file, the document text:
+ $ ls demo/
+ lee_example.txt
+ $ cat demo/lee_example.txt
+ This film should be brilliant. It sounds like a great plot, the actors are
+ first grade, and the supporting cast is good as well, and Stallone is
+ attempting to deliver a good performance. However, it can't hold up.
+Run ARKref like so, creating intermediate files and output:
+ $ ./arkref.sh -input demo/lee_example.txt
+ ...
+ $ ls demo/
+ lee_example.ner
+ lee_example.osent
+ lee_example.parse
+ lee_example.tagged
+ lee_example.txt
+The file `.tagged` file is the final output, in a mention/entity-tagged pseudo-xml format.
+ $ cat demo/lee_example.tagged
+ This film should be brilliant .
+ It sounds like a great plot , the actors are first grade , and the supporting cast is good as well , and Stallone is attempting to deliver a good performance .
+ However , it ca n't hold up .
+During development, since it takes a while to load the parser and supersense tagger,
+it can be convenient to run them as background servers. If they're running, ARKref will
+automatically use them. Start them in a new terminal window with:
+ $ ./servers.sh
+Please see `./arkref.sh -help` for more options.
+Seeing what's going on
+The debug output is designed to make it as easy as possible to understand why
+the algorithm is making its decisions. This is possible since the approach is
+strongly procedural and rule-oriented. See it with:
+ $ ./arkref.sh -debug -input demo/lee_example.txt
+Various development utility scripts are included. (They may require libraries
+to be installed; see their comments.) For example, streamlined tagging view:
+ $ cat demo/lee_example.tagged | ./tagviz.rb
+ *This film*_1 should be brilliant .
+ *It*_1 sounds like *a great plot* , *the actors*_4 are *first grade*_4 ,
+ and *the supporting cast* is good as well , and *Stallone* is attempting
+ to deliver *a good performance* .
+ However , *it*_1 ca n't hold up .
+This makes obvious the false positive "4" cluster, resulting from a
+predicate-nominative construction. It's often useful to check for parsing
+errors by looking at the (raw, pre-surgery) trees as PDF or PNG images:
+ $ cat demo/lee_example.parse | ./treeviz.py
+Evaluation: there is code that loads ACE Phase 2 datasets and evaluates on
+them. Unfortunately, this data cannot be freely redistributed. If you can get
+a copy of it, evaluation can be run something like this:
+ $ ./arkref.sh -ace -input ace_rothdev/*.txt | tee log | ./score-micro-average.sh
+ ....................................................................
+ PRECISION: 0.657617
+ RECALL: 0.552433
+ F1: 0.600454
+More information
+We are working on a real tech report for this, but in the meantime, a
+preliminary class project report is available with the code:
+`notes/class_paper/coref_final_for_rtw.pdf`. Please first read:
+* Aria Haghighi and Dan Klein. _Simple Coreference Resolution with Rich
+ Syntactic and Semantic Features_. EMNLP 2009.
+ http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D/D09/D09-1120.pdf
+Out of the box, ARKref is roughly equivalent to H&K's system. On
+the dev data set, its F-score is about the same, though the precision/recall
+tradeoff is different.
+This approach depends on having a supersense tagger and a syntactic
+constituency parser. ARKref is written to use a reimplementation of the system
+described by Ciaramita and Altun (EMNLP 2006) and the Stanford
+Parser, which are included in this download. ARKref also makes heavy use of
+the Stanford Tregex library for implementation of syntactic rules. Please see
+the file LICENSE.txt for information on implications for redistribution.
+M. Ciaramita and Y. Altun. 2006. _Broad-coverage sense disambiguation and
+information extraction with a supersense sequence tagger_. In Proc. EMNLP.
diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d4960ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+# quite obviously this is not a proper build system. but if it compiles
+# correctly inside eclipse, it should work here.
+# REV=$( (svn info; git svn info) | perl -ne 'print $1 if /^Revision: (\d+)/')
+# if [[ "$REV" == "" ]]; then
+# exit -1
+# fi
+# TARGET=arkref-r${REV}.jar
+set -eux
+rm -rf build
+mkdir -p build
+javac -cp $(print $(dirname $0)/lib/**/*.jar | tr ' ' :) -d build src/**/*.java
+(cd build && jar cf $TARGET arkref)
+mv build/$TARGET arkref.jar
diff --git a/config/MORPH_CACHE.gz b/config/MORPH_CACHE.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edaf21
Binary files /dev/null and b/config/MORPH_CACHE.gz differ
diff --git a/config/NOUNS_WS_SS_P.gz b/config/NOUNS_WS_SS_P.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d93b4a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/config/NOUNS_WS_SS_P.gz differ
diff --git a/config/VERBS_WS_SS.gz b/config/VERBS_WS_SS.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87cabf0
Binary files /dev/null and b/config/VERBS_WS_SS.gz differ
diff --git a/config/arkref.properties b/config/arkref.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12bb6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/arkref.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+parserServerPort = 5556
+parserGrammarFile = lib/englishPCFG.ser.gz
+parserMaxLength = 150
+parserMinLength = 5
+#supersense tagger properties
+supersenseServerPort = 5557
+supersenseModelFile = config/superSenseModelAllSemcor.ser.gz
diff --git a/config/dist.female.first b/config/dist.female.first
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d534d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/dist.female.first
@@ -0,0 +1,4275 @@
+MARY 2.629 2.629 1
+PATRICIA 1.073 3.702 2
+LINDA 1.035 4.736 3
+BARBARA 0.980 5.716 4
+ELIZABETH 0.937 6.653 5
+JENNIFER 0.932 7.586 6
+MARIA 0.828 8.414 7
+SUSAN 0.794 9.209 8
+MARGARET 0.768 9.976 9
+DOROTHY 0.727 10.703 10
+LISA 0.704 11.407 11
+NANCY 0.669 12.075 12
+KAREN 0.667 12.742 13
+BETTY 0.666 13.408 14
+HELEN 0.663 14.071 15
+SANDRA 0.629 14.700 16
+DONNA 0.583 15.282 17
+CAROL 0.565 15.848 18
+RUTH 0.562 16.410 19
+SHARON 0.522 16.932 20
+MICHELLE 0.519 17.451 21
+LAURA 0.510 17.961 22
+SARAH 0.508 18.469 23
+KIMBERLY 0.504 18.973 24
+DEBORAH 0.494 19.467 25
+JESSICA 0.490 19.958 26
+SHIRLEY 0.482 20.439 27
+CYNTHIA 0.469 20.908 28
+ANGELA 0.468 21.376 29
+MELISSA 0.462 21.839 30
+BRENDA 0.455 22.293 31
+AMY 0.451 22.745 32
+ANNA 0.440 23.185 33
+REBECCA 0.430 23.615 34
+VIRGINIA 0.430 24.044 35
+KATHLEEN 0.424 24.468 36
+PAMELA 0.416 24.884 37
+MARTHA 0.412 25.297 38
+DEBRA 0.408 25.704 39
+AMANDA 0.404 26.108 40
+STEPHANIE 0.400 26.508 41
+CAROLYN 0.385 26.893 42
+CHRISTINE 0.382 27.275 43
+MARIE 0.379 27.655 44
+JANET 0.379 28.034 45
+CATHERINE 0.373 28.408 46
+FRANCES 0.370 28.777 47
+ANN 0.364 29.141 48
+JOYCE 0.364 29.505 49
+DIANE 0.359 29.864 50
+ALICE 0.357 30.221 51
+JULIE 0.348 30.568 52
+HEATHER 0.337 30.905 53
+TERESA 0.336 31.241 54
+DORIS 0.335 31.577 55
+GLORIA 0.335 31.912 56
+EVELYN 0.322 32.233 57
+JEAN 0.315 32.548 58
+CHERYL 0.315 32.863 59
+MILDRED 0.313 33.176 60
+KATHERINE 0.313 33.489 61
+JOAN 0.306 33.795 62
+ASHLEY 0.303 34.098 63
+JUDITH 0.297 34.395 64
+ROSE 0.296 34.691 65
+JANICE 0.285 34.975 66
+KELLY 0.283 35.258 67
+NICOLE 0.281 35.539 68
+JUDY 0.276 35.815 69
+CHRISTINA 0.275 36.090 70
+KATHY 0.272 36.362 71
+THERESA 0.271 36.633 72
+BEVERLY 0.267 36.900 73
+DENISE 0.264 37.164 74
+TAMMY 0.259 37.423 75
+IRENE 0.252 37.675 76
+JANE 0.250 37.925 77
+LORI 0.248 38.173 78
+RACHEL 0.242 38.415 79
+MARILYN 0.241 38.657 80
+ANDREA 0.236 38.893 81
+KATHRYN 0.234 39.127 82
+LOUISE 0.229 39.356 83
+SARA 0.229 39.584 84
+ANNE 0.228 39.812 85
+JACQUELINE 0.228 40.040 86
+WANDA 0.226 40.266 87
+BONNIE 0.223 40.489 88
+JULIA 0.223 40.711 89
+RUBY 0.221 40.932 90
+LOIS 0.220 41.153 91
+TINA 0.220 41.372 92
+PHYLLIS 0.219 41.591 93
+NORMA 0.218 41.809 94
+PAULA 0.217 42.026 95
+DIANA 0.216 42.242 96
+ANNIE 0.216 42.458 97
+LILLIAN 0.211 42.669 98
+EMILY 0.208 42.877 99
+ROBIN 0.208 43.085 100
+PEGGY 0.208 43.293 101
+CRYSTAL 0.207 43.500 102
+GLADYS 0.205 43.705 103
+RITA 0.204 43.908 104
+DAWN 0.202 44.111 105
+CONNIE 0.200 44.311 106
+FLORENCE 0.200 44.511 107
+TRACY 0.197 44.708 108
+EDNA 0.197 44.904 109
+TIFFANY 0.195 45.100 110
+CARMEN 0.195 45.295 111
+ROSA 0.194 45.489 112
+CINDY 0.192 45.681 113
+GRACE 0.189 45.869 114
+WENDY 0.185 46.055 115
+VICTORIA 0.180 46.235 116
+EDITH 0.179 46.414 117
+KIM 0.178 46.592 118
+SHERRY 0.178 46.770 119
+SYLVIA 0.177 46.947 120
+JOSEPHINE 0.177 47.123 121
+THELMA 0.175 47.298 122
+SHANNON 0.175 47.473 123
+SHEILA 0.175 47.648 124
+ETHEL 0.174 47.822 125
+ELLEN 0.173 47.995 126
+ELAINE 0.173 48.168 127
+MARJORIE 0.173 48.341 128
+CARRIE 0.171 48.512 129
+CHARLOTTE 0.169 48.680 130
+MONICA 0.166 48.847 131
+ESTHER 0.166 49.013 132
+PAULINE 0.165 49.178 133
+EMMA 0.165 49.342 134
+JUANITA 0.164 49.506 135
+ANITA 0.162 49.669 136
+RHONDA 0.162 49.830 137
+HAZEL 0.161 49.991 138
+AMBER 0.160 50.151 139
+EVA 0.159 50.310 140
+DEBBIE 0.157 50.467 141
+APRIL 0.154 50.621 142
+LESLIE 0.154 50.775 143
+CLARA 0.153 50.928 144
+LUCILLE 0.153 51.081 145
+JAMIE 0.153 51.235 146
+JOANNE 0.150 51.385 147
+ELEANOR 0.150 51.535 148
+VALERIE 0.149 51.684 149
+DANIELLE 0.149 51.833 150
+MEGAN 0.147 51.981 151
+ALICIA 0.146 52.126 152
+SUZANNE 0.145 52.272 153
+MICHELE 0.145 52.417 154
+GAIL 0.145 52.562 155
+BERTHA 0.143 52.704 156
+DARLENE 0.142 52.847 157
+VERONICA 0.142 52.989 158
+JILL 0.142 53.131 159
+ERIN 0.141 53.272 160
+GERALDINE 0.141 53.413 161
+LAUREN 0.137 53.550 162
+CATHY 0.137 53.687 163
+JOANN 0.136 53.823 164
+LORRAINE 0.135 53.958 165
+LYNN 0.135 54.093 166
+SALLY 0.135 54.228 167
+REGINA 0.133 54.360 168
+ERICA 0.130 54.490 169
+BEATRICE 0.130 54.620 170
+DOLORES 0.129 54.749 171
+BERNICE 0.128 54.877 172
+AUDREY 0.127 55.003 173
+YVONNE 0.126 55.129 174
+ANNETTE 0.125 55.255 175
+JUNE 0.125 55.380 176
+SAMANTHA 0.124 55.504 177
+MARION 0.122 55.626 178
+DANA 0.122 55.748 179
+STACY 0.121 55.869 180
+ANA 0.120 55.989 181
+RENEE 0.120 56.109 182
+IDA 0.118 56.227 183
+VIVIAN 0.118 56.346 184
+ROBERTA 0.117 56.463 185
+HOLLY 0.117 56.580 186
+BRITTANY 0.117 56.697 187
+MELANIE 0.116 56.813 188
+LORETTA 0.115 56.928 189
+YOLANDA 0.115 57.043 190
+JEANETTE 0.115 57.158 191
+LAURIE 0.114 57.271 192
+KATIE 0.113 57.385 193
+KRISTEN 0.111 57.496 194
+VANESSA 0.111 57.607 195
+ALMA 0.111 57.718 196
+SUE 0.111 57.829 197
+ELSIE 0.110 57.939 198
+BETH 0.110 58.049 199
+JEANNE 0.109 58.158 200
+VICKI 0.109 58.267 201
+CARLA 0.107 58.374 202
+TARA 0.107 58.482 203
+ROSEMARY 0.107 58.589 204
+EILEEN 0.105 58.694 205
+TERRI 0.105 58.799 206
+GERTRUDE 0.103 58.902 207
+LUCY 0.103 59.005 208
+TONYA 0.102 59.107 209
+ELLA 0.101 59.208 210
+STACEY 0.101 59.308 211
+WILMA 0.099 59.408 212
+GINA 0.099 59.506 213
+KRISTIN 0.099 59.605 214
+JESSIE 0.098 59.703 215
+NATALIE 0.098 59.801 216
+AGNES 0.098 59.899 217
+VERA 0.098 59.997 218
+WILLIE 0.097 60.094 219
+CHARLENE 0.097 60.191 220
+BESSIE 0.096 60.287 221
+DELORES 0.095 60.382 222
+MELINDA 0.094 60.477 223
+PEARL 0.094 60.571 224
+ARLENE 0.094 60.665 225
+MAUREEN 0.092 60.757 226
+COLLEEN 0.092 60.849 227
+ALLISON 0.092 60.941 228
+TAMARA 0.092 61.033 229
+JOY 0.091 61.124 230
+GEORGIA 0.091 61.215 231
+CONSTANCE 0.091 61.305 232
+LILLIE 0.090 61.396 233
+CLAUDIA 0.090 61.485 234
+JACKIE 0.090 61.575 235
+MARCIA 0.090 61.665 236
+TANYA 0.089 61.754 237
+NELLIE 0.089 61.843 238
+MINNIE 0.089 61.931 239
+MARLENE 0.088 62.020 240
+HEIDI 0.088 62.108 241
+GLENDA 0.088 62.195 242
+LYDIA 0.086 62.281 243
+VIOLA 0.086 62.367 244
+COURTNEY 0.086 62.453 245
+MARIAN 0.086 62.539 246
+STELLA 0.085 62.623 247
+CAROLINE 0.085 62.708 248
+DORA 0.084 62.792 249
+JO 0.083 62.875 250
+VICKIE 0.082 62.957 251
+MATTIE 0.081 63.038 252
+TERRY 0.080 63.118 253
+MAXINE 0.079 63.198 254
+IRMA 0.079 63.277 255
+MABEL 0.078 63.355 256
+MARSHA 0.078 63.434 257
+MYRTLE 0.078 63.511 258
+LENA 0.077 63.589 259
+CHRISTY 0.077 63.665 260
+DEANNA 0.076 63.742 261
+PATSY 0.076 63.818 262
+HILDA 0.075 63.893 263
+GWENDOLYN 0.074 63.967 264
+JENNIE 0.073 64.040 265
+NORA 0.073 64.113 266
+MARGIE 0.072 64.185 267
+NINA 0.072 64.257 268
+CASSANDRA 0.072 64.329 269
+LEAH 0.072 64.401 270
+PENNY 0.071 64.472 271
+KAY 0.071 64.543 272
+PRISCILLA 0.071 64.614 273
+NAOMI 0.071 64.684 274
+CAROLE 0.071 64.755 275
+BRANDY 0.070 64.825 276
+OLGA 0.070 64.895 277
+BILLIE 0.069 64.964 278
+DIANNE 0.069 65.033 279
+TRACEY 0.069 65.102 280
+LEONA 0.069 65.171 281
+JENNY 0.068 65.239 282
+FELICIA 0.068 65.307 283
+SONIA 0.068 65.374 284
+MIRIAM 0.066 65.440 285
+VELMA 0.066 65.506 286
+BECKY 0.066 65.572 287
+BOBBIE 0.065 65.637 288
+VIOLET 0.065 65.702 289
+KRISTINA 0.065 65.767 290
+TONI 0.064 65.831 291
+MISTY 0.063 65.894 292
+MAE 0.063 65.957 293
+SHELLY 0.062 66.019 294
+DAISY 0.062 66.081 295
+RAMONA 0.062 66.143 296
+SHERRI 0.062 66.205 297
+ERIKA 0.061 66.267 298
+KATRINA 0.061 66.328 299
+CLAIRE 0.061 66.388 300
+LINDSEY 0.060 66.448 301
+LINDSAY 0.060 66.507 302
+GENEVA 0.059 66.567 303
+GUADALUPE 0.059 66.626 304
+BELINDA 0.059 66.685 305
+MARGARITA 0.059 66.743 306
+SHERYL 0.059 66.802 307
+CORA 0.058 66.860 308
+FAYE 0.058 66.917 309
+ADA 0.057 66.975 310
+NATASHA 0.057 67.032 311
+SABRINA 0.057 67.089 312
+ISABEL 0.057 67.146 313
+MARGUERITE 0.056 67.202 314
+HATTIE 0.056 67.257 315
+HARRIET 0.056 67.313 316
+MOLLY 0.055 67.368 317
+CECILIA 0.055 67.424 318
+KRISTI 0.055 67.479 319
+BRANDI 0.055 67.534 320
+BLANCHE 0.055 67.589 321
+SANDY 0.055 67.644 322
+ROSIE 0.055 67.699 323
+JOANNA 0.055 67.754 324
+IRIS 0.055 67.808 325
+EUNICE 0.054 67.863 326
+ANGIE 0.054 67.917 327
+INEZ 0.053 67.970 328
+LYNDA 0.053 68.023 329
+MADELINE 0.052 68.075 330
+AMELIA 0.052 68.127 331
+ALBERTA 0.052 68.179 332
+GENEVIEVE 0.051 68.230 333
+MONIQUE 0.051 68.282 334
+JODI 0.051 68.333 335
+JANIE 0.051 68.385 336
+MAGGIE 0.051 68.436 337
+KAYLA 0.051 68.487 338
+SONYA 0.051 68.538 339
+JAN 0.051 68.589 340
+LEE 0.051 68.641 341
+KRISTINE 0.051 68.691 342
+CANDACE 0.051 68.742 343
+FANNIE 0.050 68.792 344
+MARYANN 0.050 68.843 345
+OPAL 0.050 68.893 346
+ALISON 0.050 68.943 347
+YVETTE 0.050 68.993 348
+MELODY 0.050 69.043 349
+LUZ 0.049 69.092 350
+SUSIE 0.049 69.142 351
+OLIVIA 0.049 69.191 352
+FLORA 0.049 69.240 353
+SHELLEY 0.049 69.288 354
+KRISTY 0.048 69.337 355
+MAMIE 0.048 69.385 356
+LULA 0.048 69.433 357
+LOLA 0.048 69.482 358
+VERNA 0.048 69.530 359
+BEULAH 0.048 69.577 360
+ANTOINETTE 0.048 69.625 361
+CANDICE 0.046 69.671 362
+JUANA 0.046 69.717 363
+JEANNETTE 0.046 69.763 364
+PAM 0.046 69.809 365
+KELLI 0.046 69.854 366
+HANNAH 0.045 69.899 367
+WHITNEY 0.045 69.944 368
+BRIDGET 0.045 69.989 369
+KARLA 0.044 70.034 370
+CELIA 0.044 70.078 371
+LATOYA 0.043 70.121 372
+PATTY 0.043 70.165 373
+SHELIA 0.043 70.208 374
+GAYLE 0.043 70.251 375
+DELLA 0.043 70.294 376
+VICKY 0.043 70.336 377
+LYNNE 0.043 70.379 378
+SHERI 0.042 70.421 379
+MARIANNE 0.042 70.463 380
+KARA 0.041 70.504 381
+JACQUELYN 0.041 70.544 382
+ERMA 0.041 70.585 383
+BLANCA 0.041 70.626 384
+MYRA 0.040 70.666 385
+LETICIA 0.040 70.706 386
+PAT 0.040 70.746 387
+KRISTA 0.040 70.786 388
+ROXANNE 0.040 70.826 389
+ANGELICA 0.039 70.865 390
+JOHNNIE 0.039 70.905 391
+ROBYN 0.039 70.944 392
+FRANCIS 0.039 70.983 393
+ADRIENNE 0.039 71.022 394
+ROSALIE 0.039 71.061 395
+ALEXANDRA 0.039 71.100 396
+BROOKE 0.039 71.139 397
+BETHANY 0.039 71.177 398
+SADIE 0.039 71.216 399
+BERNADETTE 0.039 71.254 400
+TRACI 0.038 71.293 401
+JODY 0.038 71.331 402
+KENDRA 0.038 71.369 403
+JASMINE 0.038 71.407 404
+NICHOLE 0.038 71.445 405
+RACHAEL 0.038 71.483 406
+CHELSEA 0.038 71.520 407
+MABLE 0.038 71.558 408
+ERNESTINE 0.038 71.596 409
+MURIEL 0.038 71.634 410
+MARCELLA 0.037 71.671 411
+ELENA 0.037 71.708 412
+KRYSTAL 0.037 71.745 413
+ANGELINA 0.037 71.781 414
+NADINE 0.036 71.818 415
+KARI 0.036 71.853 416
+ESTELLE 0.036 71.889 417
+DIANNA 0.036 71.925 418
+PAULETTE 0.036 71.961 419
+LORA 0.036 71.996 420
+MONA 0.035 72.032 421
+DOREEN 0.035 72.067 422
+ROSEMARIE 0.035 72.102 423
+ANGEL 0.035 72.137 424
+DESIREE 0.035 72.172 425
+ANTONIA 0.035 72.207 426
+HOPE 0.034 72.241 427
+GINGER 0.034 72.274 428
+JANIS 0.034 72.308 429
+BETSY 0.034 72.342 430
+CHRISTIE 0.034 72.375 431
+FREDA 0.034 72.409 432
+MERCEDES 0.033 72.442 433
+MEREDITH 0.033 72.475 434
+LYNETTE 0.033 72.508 435
+TERI 0.033 72.541 436
+CRISTINA 0.033 72.573 437
+EULA 0.033 72.606 438
+LEIGH 0.032 72.638 439
+MEGHAN 0.032 72.670 440
+SOPHIA 0.032 72.702 441
+ELOISE 0.032 72.734 442
+ROCHELLE 0.032 72.766 443
+GRETCHEN 0.032 72.798 444
+CECELIA 0.032 72.829 445
+RAQUEL 0.031 72.860 446
+HENRIETTA 0.031 72.891 447
+ALYSSA 0.031 72.922 448
+JANA 0.031 72.953 449
+KELLEY 0.031 72.983 450
+GWEN 0.031 73.014 451
+KERRY 0.031 73.044 452
+JENNA 0.030 73.075 453
+TRICIA 0.030 73.105 454
+LAVERNE 0.030 73.135 455
+OLIVE 0.030 73.165 456
+ALEXIS 0.030 73.195 457
+TASHA 0.030 73.225 458
+SILVIA 0.029 73.254 459
+ELVIRA 0.029 73.284 460
+CASEY 0.029 73.313 461
+DELIA 0.029 73.342 462
+SOPHIE 0.029 73.372 463
+KATE 0.029 73.401 464
+PATTI 0.029 73.430 465
+LORENA 0.029 73.459 466
+KELLIE 0.029 73.488 467
+SONJA 0.029 73.517 468
+LILA 0.029 73.546 469
+LANA 0.029 73.575 470
+DARLA 0.029 73.604 471
+MAY 0.029 73.633 472
+MINDY 0.029 73.661 473
+ESSIE 0.029 73.690 474
+MANDY 0.029 73.719 475
+LORENE 0.028 73.747 476
+ELSA 0.028 73.775 477
+JOSEFINA 0.028 73.804 478
+JEANNIE 0.028 73.832 479
+MIRANDA 0.028 73.860 480
+DIXIE 0.028 73.888 481
+LUCIA 0.028 73.916 482
+MARTA 0.028 73.944 483
+FAITH 0.028 73.972 484
+LELA 0.028 73.999 485
+JOHANNA 0.028 74.027 486
+SHARI 0.028 74.055 487
+CAMILLE 0.028 74.082 488
+TAMI 0.027 74.110 489
+SHAWNA 0.027 74.137 490
+ELISA 0.027 74.164 491
+EBONY 0.027 74.192 492
+MELBA 0.027 74.219 493
+ORA 0.027 74.246 494
+NETTIE 0.027 74.273 495
+TABITHA 0.027 74.300 496
+OLLIE 0.027 74.327 497
+JAIME 0.027 74.354 498
+WINIFRED 0.027 74.381 499
+KRISTIE 0.027 74.408 500
+MARINA 0.027 74.435 501
+ALISHA 0.027 74.462 502
+AIMEE 0.027 74.488 503
+RENA 0.027 74.515 504
+MYRNA 0.026 74.541 505
+MARLA 0.026 74.567 506
+TAMMIE 0.026 74.593 507
+LATASHA 0.026 74.619 508
+BONITA 0.026 74.645 509
+PATRICE 0.026 74.671 510
+RONDA 0.026 74.697 511
+SHERRIE 0.026 74.722 512
+ADDIE 0.026 74.748 513
+FRANCINE 0.025 74.773 514
+DELORIS 0.025 74.799 515
+STACIE 0.025 74.824 516
+ADRIANA 0.025 74.849 517
+CHERI 0.025 74.874 518
+SHELBY 0.025 74.899 519
+ABIGAIL 0.025 74.924 520
+CELESTE 0.025 74.949 521
+JEWEL 0.025 74.974 522
+CARA 0.025 74.999 523
+ADELE 0.025 75.024 524
+REBEKAH 0.025 75.048 525
+LUCINDA 0.025 75.073 526
+DORTHY 0.025 75.097 527
+CHRIS 0.024 75.122 528
+EFFIE 0.024 75.146 529
+TRINA 0.024 75.171 530
+REBA 0.024 75.195 531
+SHAWN 0.024 75.219 532
+SALLIE 0.024 75.244 533
+AURORA 0.024 75.268 534
+LENORA 0.024 75.292 535
+ETTA 0.024 75.317 536
+LOTTIE 0.024 75.341 537
+KERRI 0.024 75.365 538
+TRISHA 0.024 75.389 539
+NIKKI 0.024 75.413 540
+ESTELLA 0.024 75.438 541
+FRANCISCA 0.024 75.461 542
+JOSIE 0.024 75.485 543
+TRACIE 0.024 75.509 544
+MARISSA 0.024 75.533 545
+KARIN 0.024 75.557 546
+BRITTNEY 0.024 75.580 547
+JANELLE 0.024 75.604 548
+LOURDES 0.024 75.628 549
+LAUREL 0.024 75.651 550
+HELENE 0.024 75.675 551
+FERN 0.024 75.698 552
+ELVA 0.024 75.722 553
+CORINNE 0.024 75.745 554
+KELSEY 0.024 75.769 555
+INA 0.023 75.792 556
+BETTIE 0.023 75.816 557
+ELISABETH 0.023 75.839 558
+AIDA 0.023 75.862 559
+CAITLIN 0.023 75.886 560
+INGRID 0.023 75.909 561
+IVA 0.023 75.932 562
+EUGENIA 0.023 75.955 563
+CHRISTA 0.023 75.978 564
+GOLDIE 0.023 76.000 565
+CASSIE 0.023 76.023 566
+MAUDE 0.023 76.046 567
+JENIFER 0.023 76.068 568
+THERESE 0.022 76.091 569
+FRANKIE 0.022 76.113 570
+DENA 0.022 76.136 571
+LORNA 0.022 76.158 572
+JANETTE 0.022 76.180 573
+LATONYA 0.022 76.202 574
+CANDY 0.022 76.224 575
+MORGAN 0.022 76.247 576
+CONSUELO 0.022 76.269 577
+TAMIKA 0.022 76.291 578
+ROSETTA 0.022 76.313 579
+DEBORA 0.022 76.334 580
+CHERIE 0.022 76.356 581
+POLLY 0.022 76.378 582
+DINA 0.022 76.400 583
+JEWELL 0.021 76.421 584
+FAY 0.021 76.442 585
+JILLIAN 0.021 76.464 586
+DOROTHEA 0.021 76.485 587
+NELL 0.021 76.506 588
+TRUDY 0.021 76.527 589
+ESPERANZA 0.021 76.548 590
+PATRICA 0.021 76.570 591
+KIMBERLEY 0.021 76.591 592
+SHANNA 0.021 76.611 593
+HELENA 0.021 76.632 594
+CAROLINA 0.021 76.653 595
+CLEO 0.021 76.674 596
+STEFANIE 0.021 76.694 597
+ROSARIO 0.020 76.715 598
+OLA 0.020 76.735 599
+JANINE 0.020 76.756 600
+MOLLIE 0.020 76.776 601
+LUPE 0.020 76.796 602
+ALISA 0.020 76.816 603
+LOU 0.020 76.836 604
+MARIBEL 0.020 76.856 605
+SUSANNE 0.020 76.875 606
+BETTE 0.019 76.895 607
+SUSANA 0.019 76.914 608
+ELISE 0.019 76.933 609
+CECILE 0.019 76.953 610
+ISABELLE 0.019 76.972 611
+LESLEY 0.019 76.991 612
+JOCELYN 0.019 77.010 613
+PAIGE 0.019 77.030 614
+JONI 0.019 77.049 615
+RACHELLE 0.019 77.068 616
+LEOLA 0.019 77.087 617
+DAPHNE 0.019 77.106 618
+ALTA 0.019 77.125 619
+ESTER 0.019 77.144 620
+PETRA 0.019 77.162 621
+GRACIELA 0.019 77.181 622
+IMOGENE 0.019 77.200 623
+JOLENE 0.019 77.219 624
+KEISHA 0.019 77.237 625
+LACEY 0.018 77.256 626
+GLENNA 0.018 77.274 627
+GABRIELA 0.018 77.293 628
+KERI 0.018 77.311 629
+URSULA 0.018 77.329 630
+LIZZIE 0.018 77.347 631
+KIRSTEN 0.018 77.366 632
+SHANA 0.018 77.384 633
+ADELINE 0.018 77.402 634
+MAYRA 0.018 77.420 635
+JAYNE 0.018 77.438 636
+JACLYN 0.018 77.456 637
+GRACIE 0.018 77.474 638
+SONDRA 0.018 77.492 639
+CARMELA 0.018 77.509 640
+MARISA 0.018 77.527 641
+ROSALIND 0.018 77.545 642
+CHARITY 0.018 77.563 643
+TONIA 0.018 77.580 644
+BEATRIZ 0.018 77.598 645
+MARISOL 0.018 77.616 646
+CLARICE 0.018 77.633 647
+JEANINE 0.017 77.651 648
+SHEENA 0.017 77.668 649
+ANGELINE 0.017 77.685 650
+FRIEDA 0.017 77.703 651
+LILY 0.017 77.720 652
+ROBBIE 0.017 77.737 653
+SHAUNA 0.017 77.754 654
+MILLIE 0.017 77.771 655
+CLAUDETTE 0.017 77.788 656
+CATHLEEN 0.017 77.805 657
+ANGELIA 0.017 77.822 658
+GABRIELLE 0.017 77.839 659
+AUTUMN 0.017 77.856 660
+KATHARINE 0.017 77.873 661
+SUMMER 0.017 77.890 662
+JODIE 0.017 77.907 663
+STACI 0.017 77.923 664
+LEA 0.017 77.940 665
+CHRISTI 0.017 77.957 666
+JIMMIE 0.017 77.974 667
+JUSTINE 0.017 77.990 668
+ELMA 0.017 78.007 669
+LUELLA 0.017 78.023 670
+MARGRET 0.017 78.040 671
+DOMINIQUE 0.016 78.056 672
+SOCORRO 0.016 78.073 673
+RENE 0.016 78.089 674
+MARTINA 0.016 78.105 675
+MARGO 0.016 78.122 676
+MAVIS 0.016 78.138 677
+CALLIE 0.016 78.154 678
+BOBBI 0.016 78.170 679
+MARITZA 0.016 78.186 680
+LUCILE 0.016 78.202 681
+LEANNE 0.016 78.219 682
+JEANNINE 0.016 78.235 683
+DEANA 0.016 78.251 684
+AILEEN 0.016 78.267 685
+LORIE 0.016 78.282 686
+LADONNA 0.016 78.298 687
+WILLA 0.016 78.314 688
+MANUELA 0.016 78.330 689
+GALE 0.016 78.346 690
+SELMA 0.016 78.361 691
+DOLLY 0.016 78.377 692
+SYBIL 0.016 78.393 693
+ABBY 0.016 78.408 694
+LARA 0.016 78.424 695
+DALE 0.016 78.440 696
+IVY 0.016 78.455 697
+DEE 0.016 78.471 698
+WINNIE 0.016 78.486 699
+MARCY 0.016 78.502 700
+LUISA 0.016 78.517 701
+JERI 0.015 78.533 702
+MAGDALENA 0.015 78.548 703
+OFELIA 0.015 78.563 704
+MEAGAN 0.015 78.579 705
+AUDRA 0.015 78.594 706
+MATILDA 0.015 78.609 707
+LEILA 0.015 78.624 708
+CORNELIA 0.015 78.639 709
+BIANCA 0.015 78.654 710
+SIMONE 0.015 78.669 711
+BETTYE 0.015 78.684 712
+RANDI 0.015 78.699 713
+VIRGIE 0.015 78.713 714
+LATISHA 0.015 78.728 715
+BARBRA 0.015 78.743 716
+GEORGINA 0.015 78.758 717
+ELIZA 0.015 78.772 718
+LEANN 0.015 78.787 719
+BRIDGETTE 0.015 78.801 720
+RHODA 0.014 78.816 721
+HALEY 0.014 78.830 722
+ADELA 0.014 78.845 723
+NOLA 0.014 78.859 724
+BERNADINE 0.014 78.873 725
+FLOSSIE 0.014 78.887 726
+ILA 0.014 78.902 727
+GRETA 0.014 78.916 728
+RUTHIE 0.014 78.930 729
+NELDA 0.014 78.944 730
+MINERVA 0.014 78.958 731
+LILLY 0.014 78.973 732
+TERRIE 0.014 78.987 733
+LETHA 0.014 79.001 734
+HILARY 0.014 79.015 735
+ESTELA 0.014 79.029 736
+VALARIE 0.014 79.043 737
+BRIANNA 0.014 79.057 738
+ROSALYN 0.014 79.071 739
+EARLINE 0.014 79.085 740
+CATALINA 0.014 79.099 741
+AVA 0.014 79.113 742
+MIA 0.014 79.127 743
+CLARISSA 0.014 79.141 744
+LIDIA 0.014 79.155 745
+CORRINE 0.014 79.169 746
+ALEXANDRIA 0.014 79.183 747
+CONCEPCION 0.014 79.196 748
+TIA 0.014 79.210 749
+SHARRON 0.014 79.224 750
+RAE 0.014 79.238 751
+DONA 0.014 79.251 752
+ERICKA 0.014 79.265 753
+JAMI 0.014 79.278 754
+ELNORA 0.014 79.292 755
+CHANDRA 0.014 79.306 756
+LENORE 0.014 79.319 757
+NEVA 0.013 79.333 758
+MARYLOU 0.013 79.346 759
+MELISA 0.013 79.360 760
+TABATHA 0.013 79.373 761
+SERENA 0.013 79.386 762
+AVIS 0.013 79.400 763
+ALLIE 0.013 79.413 764
+SOFIA 0.013 79.426 765
+JEANIE 0.013 79.439 766
+ODESSA 0.013 79.453 767
+NANNIE 0.013 79.466 768
+HARRIETT 0.013 79.479 769
+LORAINE 0.013 79.492 770
+PENELOPE 0.013 79.505 771
+MILAGROS 0.013 79.518 772
+EMILIA 0.013 79.531 773
+BENITA 0.013 79.544 774
+ALLYSON 0.013 79.557 775
+ASHLEE 0.013 79.570 776
+TANIA 0.013 79.583 777
+TOMMIE 0.013 79.596 778
+ESMERALDA 0.013 79.608 779
+KARINA 0.013 79.621 780
+EVE 0.013 79.634 781
+PEARLIE 0.013 79.647 782
+ZELMA 0.013 79.659 783
+MALINDA 0.013 79.672 784
+NOREEN 0.013 79.684 785
+TAMEKA 0.013 79.697 786
+SAUNDRA 0.013 79.710 787
+HILLARY 0.013 79.722 788
+AMIE 0.013 79.735 789
+ALTHEA 0.012 79.747 790
+ROSALINDA 0.012 79.760 791
+JORDAN 0.012 79.772 792
+LILIA 0.012 79.784 793
+ALANA 0.012 79.797 794
+GAY 0.012 79.809 795
+CLARE 0.012 79.821 796
+ALEJANDRA 0.012 79.834 797
+ELINOR 0.012 79.846 798
+MICHAEL 0.012 79.858 799
+LORRIE 0.012 79.870 800
+JERRI 0.012 79.882 801
+DARCY 0.012 79.895 802
+EARNESTINE 0.012 79.907 803
+CARMELLA 0.012 79.919 804
+TAYLOR 0.012 79.931 805
+NOEMI 0.012 79.943 806
+MARCIE 0.012 79.954 807
+LIZA 0.012 79.966 808
+ANNABELLE 0.012 79.978 809
+LOUISA 0.012 79.990 810
+EARLENE 0.012 80.002 811
+MALLORY 0.012 80.014 812
+CARLENE 0.012 80.025 813
+NITA 0.012 80.037 814
+SELENA 0.012 80.049 815
+TANISHA 0.012 80.060 816
+KATY 0.012 80.072 817
+JULIANNE 0.012 80.083 818
+JOHN 0.012 80.095 819
+LAKISHA 0.011 80.106 820
+EDWINA 0.011 80.118 821
+MARICELA 0.011 80.129 822
+MARGERY 0.011 80.141 823
+KENYA 0.011 80.152 824
+DOLLIE 0.011 80.164 825
+ROXIE 0.011 80.175 826
+ROSLYN 0.011 80.187 827
+KATHRINE 0.011 80.198 828
+NANETTE 0.011 80.209 829
+CHARMAINE 0.011 80.221 830
+LAVONNE 0.011 80.232 831
+ILENE 0.011 80.243 832
+KRIS 0.011 80.255 833
+TAMMI 0.011 80.266 834
+SUZETTE 0.011 80.277 835
+CORINE 0.011 80.288 836
+KAYE 0.011 80.300 837
+JERRY 0.011 80.311 838
+MERLE 0.011 80.322 839
+CHRYSTAL 0.011 80.333 840
+LINA 0.011 80.344 841
+DEANNE 0.011 80.355 842
+LILIAN 0.011 80.366 843
+JULIANA 0.011 80.377 844
+ALINE 0.011 80.388 845
+LUANN 0.011 80.399 846
+KASEY 0.011 80.410 847
+MARYANNE 0.011 80.421 848
+EVANGELINE 0.011 80.432 849
+COLETTE 0.011 80.443 850
+MELVA 0.011 80.453 851
+LAWANDA 0.011 80.464 852
+YESENIA 0.011 80.475 853
+NADIA 0.011 80.486 854
+MADGE 0.011 80.497 855
+KATHIE 0.011 80.507 856
+EDDIE 0.011 80.518 857
+OPHELIA 0.011 80.529 858
+VALERIA 0.011 80.539 859
+NONA 0.011 80.550 860
+MITZI 0.011 80.561 861
+MARI 0.011 80.571 862
+GEORGETTE 0.011 80.582 863
+CLAUDINE 0.011 80.592 864
+FRAN 0.011 80.603 865
+ALISSA 0.011 80.613 866
+ROSEANN 0.010 80.624 867
+LAKEISHA 0.010 80.634 868
+SUSANNA 0.010 80.645 869
+REVA 0.010 80.655 870
+DEIDRE 0.010 80.665 871
+CHASITY 0.010 80.676 872
+SHEREE 0.010 80.686 873
+CARLY 0.010 80.697 874
+JAMES 0.010 80.707 875
+ELVIA 0.010 80.717 876
+ALYCE 0.010 80.728 877
+DEIRDRE 0.010 80.738 878
+GENA 0.010 80.748 879
+BRIANA 0.010 80.758 880
+ARACELI 0.010 80.769 881
+KATELYN 0.010 80.779 882
+ROSANNE 0.010 80.789 883
+WENDI 0.010 80.799 884
+TESSA 0.010 80.810 885
+BERTA 0.010 80.820 886
+MARVA 0.010 80.830 887
+IMELDA 0.010 80.840 888
+MARIETTA 0.010 80.850 889
+MARCI 0.010 80.860 890
+LEONOR 0.010 80.870 891
+ARLINE 0.010 80.880 892
+SASHA 0.010 80.890 893
+MADELYN 0.010 80.900 894
+JANNA 0.010 80.910 895
+JULIETTE 0.010 80.920 896
+DEENA 0.010 80.929 897
+AURELIA 0.010 80.939 898
+JOSEFA 0.010 80.949 899
+AUGUSTA 0.010 80.959 900
+LILIANA 0.010 80.968 901
+YOUNG 0.010 80.978 902
+CHRISTIAN 0.010 80.988 903
+LESSIE 0.010 80.997 904
+AMALIA 0.010 81.007 905
+SAVANNAH 0.010 81.017 906
+ANASTASIA 0.010 81.026 907
+VILMA 0.010 81.036 908
+NATALIA 0.010 81.045 909
+ROSELLA 0.010 81.055 910
+LYNNETTE 0.010 81.064 911
+CORINA 0.010 81.074 912
+ALFREDA 0.009 81.083 913
+LEANNA 0.009 81.093 914
+CAREY 0.009 81.102 915
+AMPARO 0.009 81.112 916
+COLEEN 0.009 81.121 917
+TAMRA 0.009 81.131 918
+AISHA 0.009 81.140 919
+WILDA 0.009 81.149 920
+KARYN 0.009 81.159 921
+CHERRY 0.009 81.168 922
+QUEEN 0.009 81.177 923
+MAURA 0.009 81.187 924
+MAI 0.009 81.196 925
+EVANGELINA 0.009 81.205 926
+ROSANNA 0.009 81.214 927
+HALLIE 0.009 81.224 928
+ERNA 0.009 81.233 929
+ENID 0.009 81.242 930
+MARIANA 0.009 81.251 931
+LACY 0.009 81.260 932
+JULIET 0.009 81.270 933
+JACKLYN 0.009 81.279 934
+FREIDA 0.009 81.288 935
+MADELEINE 0.009 81.297 936
+MARA 0.009 81.306 937
+HESTER 0.009 81.315 938
+CATHRYN 0.009 81.324 939
+LELIA 0.009 81.333 940
+CASANDRA 0.009 81.343 941
+BRIDGETT 0.009 81.352 942
+ANGELITA 0.009 81.361 943
+JANNIE 0.009 81.370 944
+DIONNE 0.009 81.379 945
+ANNMARIE 0.009 81.388 946
+KATINA 0.009 81.397 947
+BERYL 0.009 81.405 948
+PHOEBE 0.009 81.414 949
+MILLICENT 0.009 81.423 950
+KATHERYN 0.009 81.432 951
+DIANN 0.009 81.441 952
+CARISSA 0.009 81.450 953
+MARYELLEN 0.009 81.459 954
+LIZ 0.009 81.468 955
+LAURI 0.009 81.476 956
+HELGA 0.009 81.485 957
+GILDA 0.009 81.494 958
+ADRIAN 0.009 81.503 959
+RHEA 0.009 81.511 960
+MARQUITA 0.009 81.520 961
+HOLLIE 0.009 81.529 962
+TISHA 0.009 81.538 963
+TAMERA 0.009 81.546 964
+ANGELIQUE 0.009 81.555 965
+FRANCESCA 0.009 81.564 966
+BRITNEY 0.009 81.573 967
+KAITLIN 0.009 81.581 968
+LOLITA 0.009 81.590 969
+FLORINE 0.009 81.599 970
+ROWENA 0.009 81.607 971
+REYNA 0.009 81.616 972
+TWILA 0.009 81.624 973
+FANNY 0.009 81.633 974
+JANELL 0.009 81.641 975
+INES 0.009 81.650 976
+CONCETTA 0.009 81.658 977
+BERTIE 0.009 81.667 978
+ALBA 0.009 81.676 979
+BRIGITTE 0.009 81.684 980
+ALYSON 0.009 81.693 981
+VONDA 0.008 81.701 982
+PANSY 0.008 81.710 983
+ELBA 0.008 81.718 984
+NOELLE 0.008 81.726 985
+LETITIA 0.008 81.735 986
+KITTY 0.008 81.743 987
+DEANN 0.008 81.752 988
+BRANDIE 0.008 81.760 989
+LOUELLA 0.008 81.769 990
+LETA 0.008 81.777 991
+FELECIA 0.008 81.786 992
+SHARLENE 0.008 81.794 993
+LESA 0.008 81.802 994
+BEVERLEY 0.008 81.811 995
+ROBERT 0.008 81.819 996
+ISABELLA 0.008 81.827 997
+HERMINIA 0.008 81.836 998
+TERRA 0.008 81.844 999
+CELINA 0.008 81.852 1000
+TORI 0.008 81.861 1001
+OCTAVIA 0.008 81.869 1002
+JADE 0.008 81.877 1003
+DENICE 0.008 81.885 1004
+GERMAINE 0.008 81.894 1005
+SIERRA 0.008 81.902 1006
+MICHELL 0.008 81.910 1007
+CORTNEY 0.008 81.918 1008
+NELLY 0.008 81.926 1009
+DORETHA 0.008 81.934 1010
+SYDNEY 0.008 81.943 1011
+DEIDRA 0.008 81.951 1012
+MONIKA 0.008 81.959 1013
+LASHONDA 0.008 81.967 1014
+JUDI 0.008 81.975 1015
+CHELSEY 0.008 81.983 1016
+ANTIONETTE 0.008 81.991 1017
+MARGOT 0.008 81.999 1018
+BOBBY 0.008 82.007 1019
+ADELAIDE 0.008 82.015 1020
+NAN 0.008 82.023 1021
+LEEANN 0.008 82.030 1022
+ELISHA 0.008 82.038 1023
+DESSIE 0.008 82.046 1024
+LIBBY 0.008 82.054 1025
+KATHI 0.008 82.062 1026
+GAYLA 0.008 82.070 1027
+LATANYA 0.008 82.078 1028
+MINA 0.008 82.086 1029
+MELLISA 0.008 82.093 1030
+KIMBERLEE 0.008 82.101 1031
+JASMIN 0.008 82.109 1032
+RENAE 0.008 82.117 1033
+ZELDA 0.008 82.125 1034
+ELDA 0.008 82.132 1035
+MA 0.008 82.140 1036
+JUSTINA 0.008 82.148 1037
+GUSSIE 0.008 82.156 1038
+EMILIE 0.008 82.163 1039
+CAMILLA 0.008 82.171 1040
+ABBIE 0.008 82.179 1041
+ROCIO 0.008 82.186 1042
+KAITLYN 0.008 82.194 1043
+JESSE 0.008 82.202 1044
+EDYTHE 0.008 82.209 1045
+ASHLEIGH 0.008 82.217 1046
+SELINA 0.008 82.225 1047
+LAKESHA 0.008 82.232 1048
+GERI 0.008 82.240 1049
+ALLENE 0.008 82.248 1050
+PAMALA 0.008 82.255 1051
+MICHAELA 0.008 82.263 1052
+DAYNA 0.008 82.270 1053
+CARYN 0.008 82.278 1054
+ROSALIA 0.008 82.286 1055
+SUN 0.007 82.293 1056
+JACQULINE 0.007 82.301 1057
+REBECA 0.007 82.308 1058
+MARYBETH 0.007 82.315 1059
+KRYSTLE 0.007 82.323 1060
+IOLA 0.007 82.330 1061
+DOTTIE 0.007 82.338 1062
+BENNIE 0.007 82.345 1063
+BELLE 0.007 82.353 1064
+AUBREY 0.007 82.360 1065
+GRISELDA 0.007 82.367 1066
+ERNESTINA 0.007 82.375 1067
+ELIDA 0.007 82.382 1068
+ADRIANNE 0.007 82.390 1069
+DEMETRIA 0.007 82.397 1070
+DELMA 0.007 82.404 1071
+CHONG 0.007 82.412 1072
+JAQUELINE 0.007 82.419 1073
+DESTINY 0.007 82.427 1074
+ARLEEN 0.007 82.434 1075
+VIRGINA 0.007 82.441 1076
+RETHA 0.007 82.448 1077
+FATIMA 0.007 82.456 1078
+TILLIE 0.007 82.463 1079
+ELEANORE 0.007 82.470 1080
+CARI 0.007 82.478 1081
+TREVA 0.007 82.485 1082
+BIRDIE 0.007 82.492 1083
+WILHELMINA 0.007 82.499 1084
+ROSALEE 0.007 82.506 1085
+MAURINE 0.007 82.514 1086
+LATRICE 0.007 82.521 1087
+YONG 0.007 82.528 1088
+JENA 0.007 82.535 1089
+TARYN 0.007 82.542 1090
+ELIA 0.007 82.549 1091
+DEBBY 0.007 82.556 1092
+MAUDIE 0.007 82.564 1093
+JEANNA 0.007 82.571 1094
+DELILAH 0.007 82.578 1095
+CATRINA 0.007 82.585 1096
+SHONDA 0.007 82.592 1097
+HORTENCIA 0.007 82.599 1098
+THEODORA 0.007 82.606 1099
+TERESITA 0.007 82.613 1100
+ROBBIN 0.007 82.620 1101
+DANETTE 0.007 82.627 1102
+MARYJANE 0.007 82.634 1103
+FREDDIE 0.007 82.641 1104
+DELPHINE 0.007 82.648 1105
+BRIANNE 0.007 82.655 1106
+NILDA 0.007 82.662 1107
+DANNA 0.007 82.669 1108
+CINDI 0.007 82.676 1109
+BESS 0.007 82.683 1110
+IONA 0.007 82.690 1111
+HANNA 0.007 82.697 1112
+ARIEL 0.007 82.704 1113
+WINONA 0.007 82.711 1114
+VIDA 0.007 82.718 1115
+ROSITA 0.007 82.725 1116
+MARIANNA 0.007 82.731 1117
+WILLIAM 0.007 82.738 1118
+RACHEAL 0.007 82.745 1119
+GUILLERMINA 0.007 82.752 1120
+ELOISA 0.007 82.759 1121
+CELESTINE 0.007 82.766 1122
+CAREN 0.007 82.773 1123
+MALISSA 0.007 82.780 1124
+LONA 0.007 82.786 1125
+CHANTEL 0.007 82.793 1126
+SHELLIE 0.007 82.800 1127
+MARISELA 0.007 82.807 1128
+LEORA 0.007 82.814 1129
+AGATHA 0.007 82.820 1130
+SOLEDAD 0.007 82.827 1131
+MIGDALIA 0.007 82.834 1132
+IVETTE 0.007 82.840 1133
+CHRISTEN 0.007 82.847 1134
+ATHENA 0.007 82.854 1135
+JANEL 0.007 82.861 1136
+CHLOE 0.007 82.867 1137
+VEDA 0.007 82.874 1138
+PATTIE 0.007 82.881 1139
+TESSIE 0.007 82.887 1140
+TERA 0.007 82.894 1141
+MARILYNN 0.007 82.901 1142
+LUCRETIA 0.007 82.907 1143
+KARRIE 0.007 82.914 1144
+DINAH 0.007 82.920 1145
+DANIELA 0.007 82.927 1146
+ALECIA 0.007 82.934 1147
+ADELINA 0.007 82.940 1148
+VERNICE 0.007 82.947 1149
+SHIELA 0.007 82.953 1150
+PORTIA 0.007 82.960 1151
+MERRY 0.007 82.967 1152
+LASHAWN 0.007 82.973 1153
+DEVON 0.007 82.980 1154
+DARA 0.007 82.986 1155
+TAWANA 0.007 82.993 1156
+OMA 0.007 82.999 1157
+VERDA 0.007 83.006 1158
+CHRISTIN 0.007 83.012 1159
+ALENE 0.007 83.019 1160
+ZELLA 0.006 83.025 1161
+SANDI 0.006 83.032 1162
+RAFAELA 0.006 83.038 1163
+MAYA 0.006 83.045 1164
+KIRA 0.006 83.051 1165
+CANDIDA 0.006 83.058 1166
+ALVINA 0.006 83.064 1167
+SUZAN 0.006 83.071 1168
+SHAYLA 0.006 83.077 1169
+LYN 0.006 83.083 1170
+LETTIE 0.006 83.090 1171
+ALVA 0.006 83.096 1172
+SAMATHA 0.006 83.103 1173
+ORALIA 0.006 83.109 1174
+MATILDE 0.006 83.115 1175
+MADONNA 0.006 83.122 1176
+LARISSA 0.006 83.128 1177
+VESTA 0.006 83.134 1178
+RENITA 0.006 83.141 1179
+INDIA 0.006 83.147 1180
+DELOIS 0.006 83.153 1181
+SHANDA 0.006 83.159 1182
+PHILLIS 0.006 83.166 1183
+LORRI 0.006 83.172 1184
+ERLINDA 0.006 83.178 1185
+CRUZ 0.006 83.185 1186
+CATHRINE 0.006 83.191 1187
+BARB 0.006 83.197 1188
+ZOE 0.006 83.203 1189
+ISABELL 0.006 83.210 1190
+IONE 0.006 83.216 1191
+GISELA 0.006 83.222 1192
+CHARLIE 0.006 83.228 1193
+VALENCIA 0.006 83.235 1194
+ROXANNA 0.006 83.241 1195
+MAYME 0.006 83.247 1196
+KISHA 0.006 83.253 1197
+ELLIE 0.006 83.259 1198
+MELLISSA 0.006 83.266 1199
+DORRIS 0.006 83.272 1200
+DALIA 0.006 83.278 1201
+BELLA 0.006 83.284 1202
+ANNETTA 0.006 83.290 1203
+ZOILA 0.006 83.296 1204
+RETA 0.006 83.302 1205
+REINA 0.006 83.308 1206
+LAURETTA 0.006 83.315 1207
+KYLIE 0.006 83.321 1208
+CHRISTAL 0.006 83.327 1209
+PILAR 0.006 83.333 1210
+CHARLA 0.006 83.339 1211
+ELISSA 0.006 83.345 1212
+TIFFANI 0.006 83.351 1213
+TANA 0.006 83.357 1214
+PAULINA 0.006 83.363 1215
+LEOTA 0.006 83.369 1216
+BREANNA 0.006 83.375 1217
+JAYME 0.006 83.381 1218
+CARMEL 0.006 83.387 1219
+VERNELL 0.006 83.393 1220
+TOMASA 0.006 83.399 1221
+MANDI 0.006 83.405 1222
+DOMINGA 0.006 83.411 1223
+SANTA 0.006 83.417 1224
+MELODIE 0.006 83.423 1225
+LURA 0.006 83.429 1226
+ALEXA 0.006 83.435 1227
+TAMELA 0.006 83.441 1228
+RYAN 0.006 83.447 1229
+MIRNA 0.006 83.453 1230
+KERRIE 0.006 83.458 1231
+VENUS 0.006 83.464 1232
+NOEL 0.006 83.470 1233
+FELICITA 0.006 83.476 1234
+CRISTY 0.006 83.482 1235
+CARMELITA 0.006 83.488 1236
+BERNIECE 0.006 83.494 1237
+ANNEMARIE 0.006 83.500 1238
+TIARA 0.006 83.505 1239
+ROSEANNE 0.006 83.511 1240
+MISSY 0.006 83.517 1241
+CORI 0.006 83.523 1242
+ROXANA 0.006 83.529 1243
+PRICILLA 0.006 83.535 1244
+KRISTAL 0.006 83.540 1245
+JUNG 0.006 83.546 1246
+ELYSE 0.006 83.552 1247
+HAYDEE 0.006 83.558 1248
+ALETHA 0.006 83.564 1249
+BETTINA 0.006 83.569 1250
+MARGE 0.006 83.575 1251
+GILLIAN 0.006 83.581 1252
+FILOMENA 0.006 83.586 1253
+CHARLES 0.006 83.592 1254
+ZENAIDA 0.006 83.598 1255
+HARRIETTE 0.006 83.603 1256
+CARIDAD 0.006 83.609 1257
+VADA 0.006 83.615 1258
+UNA 0.006 83.620 1259
+ARETHA 0.006 83.626 1260
+PEARLINE 0.006 83.632 1261
+MARJORY 0.006 83.637 1262
+MARCELA 0.006 83.643 1263
+FLOR 0.006 83.648 1264
+EVETTE 0.006 83.654 1265
+ELOUISE 0.006 83.659 1266
+ALINA 0.006 83.665 1267
+TRINIDAD 0.006 83.671 1268
+DAVID 0.006 83.676 1269
+DAMARIS 0.006 83.682 1270
+CATHARINE 0.006 83.687 1271
+CARROLL 0.006 83.693 1272
+BELVA 0.006 83.698 1273
+NAKIA 0.005 83.704 1274
+MARLENA 0.005 83.709 1275
+LUANNE 0.005 83.715 1276
+LORINE 0.005 83.720 1277
+KARON 0.005 83.726 1278
+DORENE 0.005 83.731 1279
+DANITA 0.005 83.737 1280
+BRENNA 0.005 83.742 1281
+TATIANA 0.005 83.748 1282
+SAMMIE 0.005 83.753 1283
+LOUANN 0.005 83.759 1284
+LOREN 0.005 83.764 1285
+JULIANNA 0.005 83.770 1286
+ANDRIA 0.005 83.775 1287
+PHILOMENA 0.005 83.780 1288
+LUCILA 0.005 83.786 1289
+LEONORA 0.005 83.791 1290
+DOVIE 0.005 83.797 1291
+ROMONA 0.005 83.802 1292
+MIMI 0.005 83.808 1293
+JACQUELIN 0.005 83.813 1294
+GAYE 0.005 83.818 1295
+TONJA 0.005 83.824 1296
+MISTI 0.005 83.829 1297
+JOE 0.005 83.835 1298
+GENE 0.005 83.840 1299
+CHASTITY 0.005 83.845 1300
+STACIA 0.005 83.851 1301
+ROXANN 0.005 83.856 1302
+MICAELA 0.005 83.861 1303
+NIKITA 0.005 83.867 1304
+MEI 0.005 83.872 1305
+VELDA 0.005 83.877 1306
+MARLYS 0.005 83.882 1307
+JOHNNA 0.005 83.888 1308
+AURA 0.005 83.893 1309
+LAVERN 0.005 83.898 1310
+IVONNE 0.005 83.903 1311
+HAYLEY 0.005 83.909 1312
+NICKI 0.005 83.914 1313
+MAJORIE 0.005 83.919 1314
+HERLINDA 0.005 83.924 1315
+GEORGE 0.005 83.930 1316
+ALPHA 0.005 83.935 1317
+YADIRA 0.005 83.940 1318
+PERLA 0.005 83.945 1319
+GREGORIA 0.005 83.950 1320
+DANIEL 0.005 83.955 1321
+ANTONETTE 0.005 83.961 1322
+SHELLI 0.005 83.966 1323
+MOZELLE 0.005 83.971 1324
+MARIAH 0.005 83.976 1325
+JOELLE 0.005 83.981 1326
+CORDELIA 0.005 83.986 1327
+JOSETTE 0.005 83.992 1328
+CHIQUITA 0.005 83.997 1329
+TRISTA 0.005 84.002 1330
+LOUIS 0.005 84.007 1331
+LAQUITA 0.005 84.012 1332
+GEORGIANA 0.005 84.017 1333
+CANDI 0.005 84.022 1334
+SHANON 0.005 84.027 1335
+LONNIE 0.005 84.032 1336
+HILDEGARD 0.005 84.037 1337
+CECIL 0.005 84.042 1338
+VALENTINA 0.005 84.047 1339
+STEPHANY 0.005 84.052 1340
+MAGDA 0.005 84.057 1341
+KAROL 0.005 84.062 1342
+GERRY 0.005 84.067 1343
+GABRIELLA 0.005 84.072 1344
+TIANA 0.005 84.077 1345
+ROMA 0.005 84.082 1346
+RICHELLE 0.005 84.087 1347
+RAY 0.005 84.092 1348
+PRINCESS 0.005 84.097 1349
+OLETA 0.005 84.102 1350
+JACQUE 0.005 84.107 1351
+IDELLA 0.005 84.112 1352
+ALAINA 0.005 84.117 1353
+SUZANNA 0.005 84.122 1354
+JOVITA 0.005 84.127 1355
+BLAIR 0.005 84.132 1356
+TOSHA 0.005 84.137 1357
+RAVEN 0.005 84.142 1358
+NEREIDA 0.005 84.147 1359
+MARLYN 0.005 84.152 1360
+KYLA 0.005 84.157 1361
+JOSEPH 0.005 84.162 1362
+DELFINA 0.005 84.167 1363
+TENA 0.005 84.172 1364
+STEPHENIE 0.005 84.177 1365
+SABINA 0.005 84.182 1366
+NATHALIE 0.005 84.186 1367
+MARCELLE 0.005 84.191 1368
+GERTIE 0.005 84.196 1369
+DARLEEN 0.005 84.201 1370
+THEA 0.005 84.206 1371
+SHARONDA 0.005 84.211 1372
+SHANTEL 0.005 84.216 1373
+BELEN 0.005 84.221 1374
+VENESSA 0.005 84.225 1375
+ROSALINA 0.005 84.230 1376
+ONA 0.005 84.235 1377
+GENOVEVA 0.005 84.240 1378
+COREY 0.005 84.245 1379
+CLEMENTINE 0.005 84.250 1380
+ROSALBA 0.005 84.254 1381
+RENATE 0.005 84.259 1382
+RENATA 0.005 84.264 1383
+MI 0.005 84.269 1384
+IVORY 0.005 84.274 1385
+GEORGIANNA 0.005 84.278 1386
+FLOY 0.005 84.283 1387
+DORCAS 0.005 84.288 1388
+ARIANA 0.005 84.293 1389
+TYRA 0.005 84.298 1390
+THEDA 0.005 84.302 1391
+MARIAM 0.005 84.307 1392
+JULI 0.005 84.312 1393
+JESICA 0.005 84.317 1394
+DONNIE 0.005 84.321 1395
+VIKKI 0.005 84.326 1396
+VERLA 0.005 84.331 1397
+ROSELYN 0.005 84.336 1398
+MELVINA 0.005 84.340 1399
+JANNETTE 0.005 84.345 1400
+GINNY 0.005 84.350 1401
+DEBRAH 0.005 84.355 1402
+CORRIE 0.005 84.359 1403
+ASIA 0.005 84.364 1404
+VIOLETA 0.005 84.369 1405
+MYRTIS 0.005 84.374 1406
+LATRICIA 0.005 84.378 1407
+COLLETTE 0.005 84.383 1408
+CHARLEEN 0.005 84.388 1409
+ANISSA 0.005 84.392 1410
+VIVIANA 0.005 84.397 1411
+TWYLA 0.005 84.402 1412
+PRECIOUS 0.005 84.406 1413
+NEDRA 0.005 84.411 1414
+LATONIA 0.005 84.416 1415
+LAN 0.005 84.420 1416
+HELLEN 0.005 84.425 1417
+FABIOLA 0.005 84.430 1418
+ANNAMARIE 0.005 84.435 1419
+ADELL 0.005 84.439 1420
+SHARYN 0.005 84.444 1421
+CHANTAL 0.005 84.448 1422
+NIKI 0.005 84.453 1423
+MAUD 0.005 84.458 1424
+LIZETTE 0.005 84.462 1425
+LINDY 0.005 84.467 1426
+KIA 0.005 84.472 1427
+KESHA 0.005 84.476 1428
+JEANA 0.005 84.481 1429
+DANELLE 0.005 84.485 1430
+CHARLINE 0.005 84.490 1431
+CHANEL 0.005 84.495 1432
+CARROL 0.005 84.499 1433
+VALORIE 0.005 84.504 1434
+LIA 0.005 84.508 1435
+DORTHA 0.005 84.513 1436
+CRISTAL 0.005 84.518 1437
+SUNNY 0.005 84.522 1438
+LEONE 0.005 84.527 1439
+LEILANI 0.005 84.531 1440
+GERRI 0.005 84.536 1441
+DEBI 0.005 84.540 1442
+ANDRA 0.005 84.545 1443
+KESHIA 0.005 84.549 1444
+IMA 0.005 84.554 1445
+EULALIA 0.005 84.558 1446
+EASTER 0.005 84.563 1447
+DULCE 0.005 84.568 1448
+NATIVIDAD 0.004 84.572 1449
+LINNIE 0.004 84.577 1450
+KAMI 0.004 84.581 1451
+GEORGIE 0.004 84.586 1452
+CATINA 0.004 84.590 1453
+BROOK 0.004 84.594 1454
+ALDA 0.004 84.599 1455
+WINNIFRED 0.004 84.603 1456
+SHARLA 0.004 84.608 1457
+RUTHANN 0.004 84.612 1458
+MEAGHAN 0.004 84.617 1459
+MAGDALENE 0.004 84.621 1460
+LISSETTE 0.004 84.626 1461
+ADELAIDA 0.004 84.630 1462
+VENITA 0.004 84.635 1463
+TRENA 0.004 84.639 1464
+SHIRLENE 0.004 84.643 1465
+SHAMEKA 0.004 84.648 1466
+ELIZEBETH 0.004 84.652 1467
+DIAN 0.004 84.657 1468
+SHANTA 0.004 84.661 1469
+MICKEY 0.004 84.666 1470
+LATOSHA 0.004 84.670 1471
+CARLOTTA 0.004 84.674 1472
+WINDY 0.004 84.679 1473
+SOON 0.004 84.683 1474
+ROSINA 0.004 84.687 1475
+MARIANN 0.004 84.692 1476
+LEISA 0.004 84.696 1477
+JONNIE 0.004 84.701 1478
+DAWNA 0.004 84.705 1479
+CATHIE 0.004 84.709 1480
+BILLY 0.004 84.714 1481
+ASTRID 0.004 84.718 1482
+SIDNEY 0.004 84.722 1483
+LAUREEN 0.004 84.726 1484
+JANEEN 0.004 84.731 1485
+HOLLI 0.004 84.735 1486
+FAWN 0.004 84.739 1487
+VICKEY 0.004 84.744 1488
+TERESSA 0.004 84.748 1489
+SHANTE 0.004 84.752 1490
+RUBYE 0.004 84.756 1491
+MARCELINA 0.004 84.761 1492
+CHANDA 0.004 84.765 1493
+CARY 0.004 84.769 1494
+TERESE 0.004 84.774 1495
+SCARLETT 0.004 84.778 1496
+MARTY 0.004 84.782 1497
+MARNIE 0.004 84.786 1498
+LULU 0.004 84.790 1499
+LISETTE 0.004 84.795 1500
+JENIFFER 0.004 84.799 1501
+ELENOR 0.004 84.803 1502
+DORINDA 0.004 84.807 1503
+DONITA 0.004 84.812 1504
+CARMAN 0.004 84.816 1505
+BERNITA 0.004 84.820 1506
+ALTAGRACIA 0.004 84.824 1507
+ALETA 0.004 84.829 1508
+ADRIANNA 0.004 84.833 1509
+ZORAIDA 0.004 84.837 1510
+RONNIE 0.004 84.841 1511
+NICOLA 0.004 84.845 1512
+LYNDSEY 0.004 84.850 1513
+KENDALL 0.004 84.854 1514
+JANINA 0.004 84.858 1515
+CHRISSY 0.004 84.862 1516
+AMI 0.004 84.867 1517
+STARLA 0.004 84.871 1518
+PHYLIS 0.004 84.875 1519
+PHUONG 0.004 84.879 1520
+KYRA 0.004 84.883 1521
+CHARISSE 0.004 84.887 1522
+BLANCH 0.004 84.892 1523
+SANJUANITA 0.004 84.896 1524
+RONA 0.004 84.900 1525
+NANCI 0.004 84.904 1526
+MARILEE 0.004 84.908 1527
+MARANDA 0.004 84.912 1528
+CORY 0.004 84.916 1529
+BRIGETTE 0.004 84.921 1530
+SANJUANA 0.004 84.925 1531
+MARITA 0.004 84.929 1532
+KASSANDRA 0.004 84.933 1533
+JOYCELYN 0.004 84.937 1534
+IRA 0.004 84.941 1535
+FELIPA 0.004 84.945 1536
+CHELSIE 0.004 84.949 1537
+BONNY 0.004 84.954 1538
+MIREYA 0.004 84.958 1539
+LORENZA 0.004 84.962 1540
+KYONG 0.004 84.966 1541
+ILEANA 0.004 84.970 1542
+CANDELARIA 0.004 84.974 1543
+TONY 0.004 84.978 1544
+TOBY 0.004 84.982 1545
+SHERIE 0.004 84.986 1546
+OK 0.004 84.990 1547
+MARK 0.004 84.994 1548
+LUCIE 0.004 84.998 1549
+LEATRICE 0.004 85.002 1550
+LAKESHIA 0.004 85.006 1551
+GERDA 0.004 85.010 1552
+EDIE 0.004 85.014 1553
+BAMBI 0.004 85.018 1554
+MARYLIN 0.004 85.023 1555
+LAVON 0.004 85.027 1556
+HORTENSE 0.004 85.031 1557
+GARNET 0.004 85.035 1558
+EVIE 0.004 85.039 1559
+TRESSA 0.004 85.043 1560
+SHAYNA 0.004 85.047 1561
+LAVINA 0.004 85.051 1562
+KYUNG 0.004 85.055 1563
+JEANETTA 0.004 85.059 1564
+SHERRILL 0.004 85.062 1565
+SHARA 0.004 85.066 1566
+PHYLISS 0.004 85.070 1567
+MITTIE 0.004 85.074 1568
+ANABEL 0.004 85.078 1569
+ALESIA 0.004 85.082 1570
+THUY 0.004 85.086 1571
+TAWANDA 0.004 85.090 1572
+RICHARD 0.004 85.094 1573
+JOANIE 0.004 85.098 1574
+TIFFANIE 0.004 85.102 1575
+LASHANDA 0.004 85.106 1576
+KARISSA 0.004 85.110 1577
+ENRIQUETA 0.004 85.114 1578
+DARIA 0.004 85.117 1579
+DANIELLA 0.004 85.121 1580
+CORINNA 0.004 85.125 1581
+ALANNA 0.004 85.129 1582
+ABBEY 0.004 85.133 1583
+ROXANE 0.004 85.137 1584
+ROSEANNA 0.004 85.141 1585
+MAGNOLIA 0.004 85.145 1586
+LIDA 0.004 85.148 1587
+KYLE 0.004 85.152 1588
+JOELLEN 0.004 85.156 1589
+ERA 0.004 85.160 1590
+CORAL 0.004 85.164 1591
+CARLEEN 0.004 85.168 1592
+TRESA 0.004 85.172 1593
+PEGGIE 0.004 85.175 1594
+NOVELLA 0.004 85.179 1595
+NILA 0.004 85.183 1596
+MAYBELLE 0.004 85.187 1597
+JENELLE 0.004 85.191 1598
+CARINA 0.004 85.195 1599
+NOVA 0.004 85.198 1600
+MELINA 0.004 85.202 1601
+MARQUERITE 0.004 85.206 1602
+MARGARETTE 0.004 85.210 1603
+JOSEPHINA 0.004 85.214 1604
+EVONNE 0.004 85.217 1605
+DEVIN 0.004 85.221 1606
+CINTHIA 0.004 85.225 1607
+ALBINA 0.004 85.229 1608
+TOYA 0.004 85.233 1609
+TAWNYA 0.004 85.236 1610
+SHERITA 0.004 85.240 1611
+SANTOS 0.004 85.244 1612
+MYRIAM 0.004 85.248 1613
+LIZABETH 0.004 85.251 1614
+LISE 0.004 85.255 1615
+KEELY 0.004 85.259 1616
+JENNI 0.004 85.263 1617
+GISELLE 0.004 85.266 1618
+CHERYLE 0.004 85.270 1619
+ARDITH 0.004 85.274 1620
+ARDIS 0.004 85.278 1621
+ALESHA 0.004 85.282 1622
+ADRIANE 0.004 85.285 1623
+SHAINA 0.004 85.289 1624
+LINNEA 0.004 85.293 1625
+KAROLYN 0.004 85.297 1626
+HONG 0.004 85.300 1627
+FLORIDA 0.004 85.304 1628
+FELISHA 0.004 85.308 1629
+DORI 0.004 85.311 1630
+DARCI 0.004 85.315 1631
+ARTIE 0.004 85.319 1632
+ARMIDA 0.004 85.323 1633
+ZOLA 0.004 85.326 1634
+XIOMARA 0.004 85.330 1635
+VERGIE 0.004 85.334 1636
+SHAMIKA 0.004 85.338 1637
+NENA 0.004 85.341 1638
+NANNETTE 0.004 85.345 1639
+MAXIE 0.004 85.349 1640
+LOVIE 0.004 85.352 1641
+JEANE 0.004 85.356 1642
+JAIMIE 0.004 85.360 1643
+INGE 0.004 85.363 1644
+FARRAH 0.004 85.367 1645
+ELAINA 0.004 85.371 1646
+CAITLYN 0.004 85.375 1647
+STARR 0.004 85.378 1648
+FELICITAS 0.004 85.382 1649
+CHERLY 0.004 85.386 1650
+CARYL 0.004 85.389 1651
+YOLONDA 0.004 85.393 1652
+YASMIN 0.004 85.397 1653
+TEENA 0.004 85.400 1654
+PRUDENCE 0.004 85.404 1655
+PENNIE 0.004 85.407 1656
+NYDIA 0.004 85.411 1657
+MACKENZIE 0.004 85.415 1658
+ORPHA 0.004 85.418 1659
+MARVEL 0.004 85.422 1660
+LIZBETH 0.004 85.426 1661
+LAURETTE 0.004 85.429 1662
+JERRIE 0.004 85.433 1663
+HERMELINDA 0.004 85.436 1664
+CAROLEE 0.004 85.440 1665
+TIERRA 0.004 85.444 1666
+MIRIAN 0.004 85.447 1667
+META 0.004 85.451 1668
+MELONY 0.004 85.454 1669
+KORI 0.004 85.458 1670
+JENNETTE 0.004 85.462 1671
+JAMILA 0.004 85.465 1672
+ENA 0.004 85.469 1673
+ANH 0.004 85.472 1674
+YOSHIKO 0.004 85.476 1675
+SUSANNAH 0.004 85.479 1676
+SALINA 0.004 85.483 1677
+RHIANNON 0.004 85.486 1678
+JOLEEN 0.004 85.490 1679
+CRISTINE 0.004 85.494 1680
+ASHTON 0.004 85.497 1681
+ARACELY 0.004 85.501 1682
+TOMEKA 0.004 85.504 1683
+SHALONDA 0.004 85.508 1684
+MARTI 0.004 85.511 1685
+LACIE 0.004 85.515 1686
+KALA 0.004 85.518 1687
+JADA 0.004 85.522 1688
+ILSE 0.004 85.525 1689
+HAILEY 0.004 85.529 1690
+BRITTANI 0.004 85.532 1691
+ZONA 0.003 85.536 1692
+SYBLE 0.003 85.539 1693
+SHERRYL 0.003 85.543 1694
+RANDY 0.003 85.546 1695
+NIDIA 0.003 85.550 1696
+MARLO 0.003 85.553 1697
+KANDICE 0.003 85.557 1698
+KANDI 0.003 85.560 1699
+DEB 0.003 85.564 1700
+DEAN 0.003 85.567 1701
+AMERICA 0.003 85.571 1702
+ALYCIA 0.003 85.574 1703
+TOMMY 0.003 85.578 1704
+RONNA 0.003 85.581 1705
+NORENE 0.003 85.585 1706
+MERCY 0.003 85.588 1707
+JOSE 0.003 85.591 1708
+INGEBORG 0.003 85.595 1709
+GIOVANNA 0.003 85.598 1710
+GEMMA 0.003 85.602 1711
+CHRISTEL 0.003 85.605 1712
+AUDRY 0.003 85.609 1713
+ZORA 0.003 85.612 1714
+VITA 0.003 85.616 1715
+VAN 0.003 85.619 1716
+TRISH 0.003 85.622 1717
+STEPHAINE 0.003 85.626 1718
+SHIRLEE 0.003 85.629 1719
+SHANIKA 0.003 85.633 1720
+MELONIE 0.003 85.636 1721
+MAZIE 0.003 85.639 1722
+JAZMIN 0.003 85.643 1723
+INGA 0.003 85.646 1724
+HOA 0.003 85.650 1725
+HETTIE 0.003 85.653 1726
+GERALYN 0.003 85.657 1727
+FONDA 0.003 85.660 1728
+ESTRELLA 0.003 85.663 1729
+ADELLA 0.003 85.667 1730
+SU 0.003 85.670 1731
+SARITA 0.003 85.674 1732
+RINA 0.003 85.677 1733
+MILISSA 0.003 85.680 1734
+MARIBETH 0.003 85.684 1735
+GOLDA 0.003 85.687 1736
+EVON 0.003 85.691 1737
+ETHELYN 0.003 85.694 1738
+ENEDINA 0.003 85.697 1739
+CHERISE 0.003 85.701 1740
+CHANA 0.003 85.704 1741
+VELVA 0.003 85.708 1742
+TAWANNA 0.003 85.711 1743
+SADE 0.003 85.714 1744
+MIRTA 0.003 85.718 1745
+LI 0.003 85.721 1746
+KARIE 0.003 85.724 1747
+JACINTA 0.003 85.728 1748
+ELNA 0.003 85.731 1749
+DAVINA 0.003 85.734 1750
+CIERRA 0.003 85.738 1751
+ASHLIE 0.003 85.741 1752
+ALBERTHA 0.003 85.744 1753
+TANESHA 0.003 85.748 1754
+STEPHANI 0.003 85.751 1755
+NELLE 0.003 85.754 1756
+MINDI 0.003 85.758 1757
+LU 0.003 85.761 1758
+LORINDA 0.003 85.764 1759
+LARUE 0.003 85.768 1760
+FLORENE 0.003 85.771 1761
+DEMETRA 0.003 85.774 1762
+DEDRA 0.003 85.778 1763
+CIARA 0.003 85.781 1764
+CHANTELLE 0.003 85.784 1765
+ASHLY 0.003 85.788 1766
+SUZY 0.003 85.791 1767
+ROSALVA 0.003 85.794 1768
+NOELIA 0.003 85.798 1769
+LYDA 0.003 85.801 1770
+LEATHA 0.003 85.804 1771
+KRYSTYNA 0.003 85.808 1772
+KRISTAN 0.003 85.811 1773
+KARRI 0.003 85.814 1774
+DARLINE 0.003 85.817 1775
+DARCIE 0.003 85.821 1776
+CINDA 0.003 85.824 1777
+CHEYENNE 0.003 85.827 1778
+CHERRIE 0.003 85.831 1779
+AWILDA 0.003 85.834 1780
+ALMEDA 0.003 85.837 1781
+ROLANDA 0.003 85.840 1782
+LANETTE 0.003 85.844 1783
+JERILYN 0.003 85.847 1784
+GISELE 0.003 85.850 1785
+EVALYN 0.003 85.854 1786
+CYNDI 0.003 85.857 1787
+CLETA 0.003 85.860 1788
+CARIN 0.003 85.863 1789
+ZINA 0.003 85.867 1790
+ZENA 0.003 85.870 1791
+VELIA 0.003 85.873 1792
+TANIKA 0.003 85.876 1793
+PAUL 0.003 85.880 1794
+CHARISSA 0.003 85.883 1795
+THOMAS 0.003 85.886 1796
+TALIA 0.003 85.889 1797
+MARGARETE 0.003 85.892 1798
+LAVONDA 0.003 85.896 1799
+KAYLEE 0.003 85.899 1800
+KATHLENE 0.003 85.902 1801
+JONNA 0.003 85.905 1802
+IRENA 0.003 85.908 1803
+ILONA 0.003 85.912 1804
+IDALIA 0.003 85.915 1805
+CANDIS 0.003 85.918 1806
+CANDANCE 0.003 85.921 1807
+BRANDEE 0.003 85.924 1808
+ANITRA 0.003 85.928 1809
+ALIDA 0.003 85.931 1810
+SIGRID 0.003 85.934 1811
+NICOLETTE 0.003 85.937 1812
+MARYJO 0.003 85.940 1813
+LINETTE 0.003 85.944 1814
+HEDWIG 0.003 85.947 1815
+CHRISTIANA 0.003 85.950 1816
+CASSIDY 0.003 85.953 1817
+ALEXIA 0.003 85.956 1818
+TRESSIE 0.003 85.959 1819
+MODESTA 0.003 85.962 1820
+LUPITA 0.003 85.966 1821
+LITA 0.003 85.969 1822
+GLADIS 0.003 85.972 1823
+EVELIA 0.003 85.975 1824
+DAVIDA 0.003 85.978 1825
+CHERRI 0.003 85.981 1826
+CECILY 0.003 85.984 1827
+ASHELY 0.003 85.988 1828
+ANNABEL 0.003 85.991 1829
+AGUSTINA 0.003 85.994 1830
+WANITA 0.003 85.997 1831
+SHIRLY 0.003 86.000 1832
+ROSAURA 0.003 86.003 1833
+HULDA 0.003 86.006 1834
+EUN 0.003 86.009 1835
+BAILEY 0.003 86.013 1836
+YETTA 0.003 86.016 1837
+VERONA 0.003 86.019 1838
+THOMASINA 0.003 86.022 1839
+SIBYL 0.003 86.025 1840
+SHANNAN 0.003 86.028 1841
+MECHELLE 0.003 86.031 1842
+LUE 0.003 86.034 1843
+LEANDRA 0.003 86.037 1844
+LANI 0.003 86.040 1845
+KYLEE 0.003 86.043 1846
+KANDY 0.003 86.046 1847
+JOLYNN 0.003 86.049 1848
+FERNE 0.003 86.053 1849
+EBONI 0.003 86.056 1850
+CORENE 0.003 86.059 1851
+ALYSIA 0.003 86.062 1852
+ZULA 0.003 86.065 1853
+NADA 0.003 86.068 1854
+MOIRA 0.003 86.071 1855
+LYNDSAY 0.003 86.074 1856
+LORRETTA 0.003 86.077 1857
+JUAN 0.003 86.080 1858
+JAMMIE 0.003 86.083 1859
+HORTENSIA 0.003 86.086 1860
+GAYNELL 0.003 86.089 1861
+CAMERON 0.003 86.092 1862
+ADRIA 0.003 86.095 1863
+VINA 0.003 86.098 1864
+VICENTA 0.003 86.101 1865
+TANGELA 0.003 86.104 1866
+STEPHINE 0.003 86.107 1867
+NORINE 0.003 86.110 1868
+NELLA 0.003 86.113 1869
+LIANA 0.003 86.116 1870
+LESLEE 0.003 86.119 1871
+KIMBERELY 0.003 86.122 1872
+ILIANA 0.003 86.125 1873
+GLORY 0.003 86.128 1874
+FELICA 0.003 86.131 1875
+EMOGENE 0.003 86.134 1876
+ELFRIEDE 0.003 86.137 1877
+EDEN 0.003 86.140 1878
+EARTHA 0.003 86.144 1879
+CARMA 0.003 86.147 1880
+BEA 0.003 86.150 1881
+OCIE 0.003 86.153 1882
+MARRY 0.003 86.156 1883
+LENNIE 0.003 86.158 1884
+KIARA 0.003 86.161 1885
+JACALYN 0.003 86.164 1886
+CARLOTA 0.003 86.167 1887
+ARIELLE 0.003 86.170 1888
+YU 0.003 86.173 1889
+STAR 0.003 86.176 1890
+OTILIA 0.003 86.179 1891
+KIRSTIN 0.003 86.182 1892
+KACEY 0.003 86.185 1893
+JOHNETTA 0.003 86.188 1894
+JOEY 0.003 86.191 1895
+JOETTA 0.003 86.194 1896
+JERALDINE 0.003 86.197 1897
+JAUNITA 0.003 86.200 1898
+ELANA 0.003 86.203 1899
+DORTHEA 0.003 86.206 1900
+CAMI 0.003 86.209 1901
+AMADA 0.003 86.212 1902
+ADELIA 0.003 86.215 1903
+VERNITA 0.003 86.218 1904
+TAMAR 0.003 86.221 1905
+SIOBHAN 0.003 86.223 1906
+RENEA 0.003 86.226 1907
+RASHIDA 0.003 86.229 1908
+OUIDA 0.003 86.232 1909
+ODELL 0.003 86.235 1910
+NILSA 0.003 86.238 1911
+MERYL 0.003 86.241 1912
+KRISTYN 0.003 86.244 1913
+JULIETA 0.003 86.247 1914
+DANICA 0.003 86.250 1915
+BREANNE 0.003 86.253 1916
+AUREA 0.003 86.256 1917
+ANGLEA 0.003 86.259 1918
+SHERRON 0.003 86.261 1919
+ODETTE 0.003 86.264 1920
+MALIA 0.003 86.267 1921
+LORELEI 0.003 86.270 1922
+LIN 0.003 86.273 1923
+LEESA 0.003 86.276 1924
+KENNA 0.003 86.279 1925
+KATHLYN 0.003 86.282 1926
+FIONA 0.003 86.285 1927
+CHARLETTE 0.003 86.287 1928
+SUZIE 0.003 86.290 1929
+SHANTELL 0.003 86.293 1930
+SABRA 0.003 86.296 1931
+RACQUEL 0.003 86.299 1932
+MYONG 0.003 86.302 1933
+MIRA 0.003 86.305 1934
+MARTINE 0.003 86.307 1935
+LUCIENNE 0.003 86.310 1936
+LAVADA 0.003 86.313 1937
+JULIANN 0.003 86.316 1938
+JOHNIE 0.003 86.319 1939
+ELVERA 0.003 86.322 1940
+DELPHIA 0.003 86.325 1941
+CLAIR 0.003 86.327 1942
+CHRISTIANE 0.003 86.330 1943
+CHAROLETTE 0.003 86.333 1944
+CARRI 0.003 86.336 1945
+AUGUSTINE 0.003 86.339 1946
+ASHA 0.003 86.342 1947
+ANGELLA 0.003 86.345 1948
+PAOLA 0.003 86.347 1949
+NINFA 0.003 86.350 1950
+LEDA 0.003 86.353 1951
+LAI 0.003 86.356 1952
+EDA 0.003 86.359 1953
+SUNSHINE 0.003 86.361 1954
+STEFANI 0.003 86.364 1955
+SHANELL 0.003 86.367 1956
+PALMA 0.003 86.370 1957
+MACHELLE 0.003 86.373 1958
+LISSA 0.003 86.375 1959
+KECIA 0.003 86.378 1960
+KATHRYNE 0.003 86.381 1961
+KARLENE 0.003 86.384 1962
+JULISSA 0.003 86.387 1963
+JETTIE 0.003 86.389 1964
+JENNIFFER 0.003 86.392 1965
+HUI 0.003 86.395 1966
+CORRINA 0.003 86.398 1967
+CHRISTOPHER 0.003 86.401 1968
+CAROLANN 0.003 86.403 1969
+ALENA 0.003 86.406 1970
+TESS 0.003 86.409 1971
+ROSARIA 0.003 86.412 1972
+MYRTICE 0.003 86.414 1973
+MARYLEE 0.003 86.417 1974
+LIANE 0.003 86.420 1975
+KENYATTA 0.003 86.423 1976
+JUDIE 0.003 86.426 1977
+JANEY 0.003 86.428 1978
+IN 0.003 86.431 1979
+ELMIRA 0.003 86.434 1980
+ELDORA 0.003 86.437 1981
+DENNA 0.003 86.439 1982
+CRISTI 0.003 86.442 1983
+CATHI 0.003 86.445 1984
+ZAIDA 0.003 86.448 1985
+VONNIE 0.003 86.450 1986
+VIVA 0.003 86.453 1987
+VERNIE 0.003 86.456 1988
+ROSALINE 0.003 86.459 1989
+MARIELA 0.003 86.461 1990
+LUCIANA 0.003 86.464 1991
+LESLI 0.003 86.467 1992
+KARAN 0.003 86.469 1993
+FELICE 0.003 86.472 1994
+DENEEN 0.003 86.475 1995
+ADINA 0.003 86.478 1996
+WYNONA 0.003 86.480 1997
+TARSHA 0.003 86.483 1998
+SHERON 0.003 86.486 1999
+SHASTA 0.003 86.488 2000
+SHANITA 0.003 86.491 2001
+SHANI 0.003 86.494 2002
+SHANDRA 0.003 86.497 2003
+RANDA 0.003 86.499 2004
+PINKIE 0.003 86.502 2005
+PARIS 0.003 86.505 2006
+NELIDA 0.003 86.507 2007
+MARILOU 0.003 86.510 2008
+LYLA 0.003 86.513 2009
+LAURENE 0.003 86.515 2010
+LACI 0.003 86.518 2011
+JOI 0.003 86.521 2012
+JANENE 0.003 86.524 2013
+DOROTHA 0.003 86.526 2014
+DANIELE 0.003 86.529 2015
+DANI 0.003 86.532 2016
+CAROLYNN 0.003 86.534 2017
+CARLYN 0.003 86.537 2018
+BERENICE 0.003 86.540 2019
+AYESHA 0.003 86.542 2020
+ANNELIESE 0.003 86.545 2021
+ALETHEA 0.003 86.548 2022
+THERSA 0.003 86.551 2023
+TAMIKO 0.003 86.553 2024
+RUFINA 0.003 86.556 2025
+OLIVA 0.003 86.559 2026
+MOZELL 0.003 86.561 2027
+MARYLYN 0.003 86.564 2028
+MADISON 0.003 86.567 2029
+KRISTIAN 0.003 86.569 2030
+KATHYRN 0.003 86.572 2031
+KASANDRA 0.003 86.575 2032
+KANDACE 0.003 86.577 2033
+JANAE 0.003 86.580 2034
+GABRIEL 0.003 86.583 2035
+DOMENICA 0.003 86.585 2036
+DEBBRA 0.003 86.588 2037
+DANNIELLE 0.003 86.591 2038
+CHUN 0.003 86.593 2039
+BUFFY 0.003 86.596 2040
+BARBIE 0.003 86.599 2041
+ARCELIA 0.003 86.601 2042
+AJA 0.003 86.604 2043
+ZENOBIA 0.003 86.607 2044
+SHAREN 0.003 86.609 2045
+SHAREE 0.003 86.612 2046
+PATRICK 0.003 86.614 2047
+PAGE 0.003 86.617 2048
+MY 0.003 86.620 2049
+LAVINIA 0.003 86.622 2050
+KUM 0.003 86.625 2051
+KACIE 0.003 86.628 2052
+JACKELINE 0.003 86.630 2053
+HUONG 0.003 86.633 2054
+FELISA 0.003 86.636 2055
+EMELIA 0.003 86.638 2056
+ELEANORA 0.003 86.641 2057
+CYTHIA 0.003 86.644 2058
+CRISTIN 0.003 86.646 2059
+CLYDE 0.003 86.649 2060
+CLARIBEL 0.003 86.651 2061
+CARON 0.003 86.654 2062
+ANASTACIA 0.003 86.657 2063
+ZULMA 0.003 86.659 2064
+ZANDRA 0.003 86.662 2065
+YOKO 0.003 86.665 2066
+TENISHA 0.003 86.667 2067
+SUSANN 0.003 86.670 2068
+SHERILYN 0.003 86.672 2069
+SHAY 0.003 86.675 2070
+SHAWANDA 0.003 86.678 2071
+SABINE 0.003 86.680 2072
+ROMANA 0.003 86.683 2073
+MATHILDA 0.003 86.685 2074
+LINSEY 0.003 86.688 2075
+KEIKO 0.003 86.691 2076
+JOANA 0.003 86.693 2077
+ISELA 0.003 86.696 2078
+GRETTA 0.003 86.698 2079
+GEORGETTA 0.003 86.701 2080
+EUGENIE 0.003 86.704 2081
+DUSTY 0.003 86.706 2082
+DESIRAE 0.003 86.709 2083
+DELORA 0.003 86.711 2084
+CORAZON 0.003 86.714 2085
+ANTONINA 0.003 86.717 2086
+ANIKA 0.003 86.719 2087
+WILLENE 0.003 86.722 2088
+TRACEE 0.003 86.724 2089
+TAMATHA 0.003 86.727 2090
+REGAN 0.003 86.730 2091
+NICHELLE 0.003 86.732 2092
+MICKIE 0.003 86.735 2093
+MAEGAN 0.003 86.737 2094
+LUANA 0.003 86.740 2095
+LANITA 0.003 86.742 2096
+KELSIE 0.003 86.745 2097
+EDELMIRA 0.003 86.748 2098
+BREE 0.003 86.750 2099
+AFTON 0.003 86.753 2100
+TEODORA 0.003 86.755 2101
+TAMIE 0.003 86.758 2102
+SHENA 0.003 86.760 2103
+MEG 0.003 86.763 2104
+LINH 0.003 86.765 2105
+KELI 0.003 86.768 2106
+KACI 0.003 86.771 2107
+DANYELLE 0.003 86.773 2108
+BRITT 0.003 86.776 2109
+ARLETTE 0.003 86.778 2110
+ALBERTINE 0.003 86.781 2111
+ADELLE 0.003 86.783 2112
+TIFFINY 0.003 86.786 2113
+STORMY 0.003 86.788 2114
+SIMONA 0.003 86.791 2115
+NUMBERS 0.003 86.793 2116
+NICOLASA 0.003 86.796 2117
+NICHOL 0.003 86.798 2118
+NIA 0.003 86.801 2119
+NAKISHA 0.003 86.803 2120
+MEE 0.003 86.806 2121
+MAIRA 0.003 86.808 2122
+LOREEN 0.003 86.811 2123
+KIZZY 0.003 86.813 2124
+JOHNNY 0.003 86.816 2125
+JAY 0.003 86.818 2126
+FALLON 0.003 86.821 2127
+CHRISTENE 0.003 86.823 2128
+BOBBYE 0.003 86.826 2129
+ANTHONY 0.003 86.828 2130
+YING 0.002 86.831 2131
+VINCENZA 0.002 86.833 2132
+TANJA 0.002 86.836 2133
+RUBIE 0.002 86.838 2134
+RONI 0.002 86.841 2135
+QUEENIE 0.002 86.843 2136
+MARGARETT 0.002 86.846 2137
+KIMBERLI 0.002 86.848 2138
+IRMGARD 0.002 86.851 2139
+IDELL 0.002 86.853 2140
+HILMA 0.002 86.856 2141
+EVELINA 0.002 86.858 2142
+ESTA 0.002 86.861 2143
+EMILEE 0.002 86.863 2144
+DENNISE 0.002 86.866 2145
+DANIA 0.002 86.868 2146
+CARL 0.002 86.871 2147
+CARIE 0.002 86.873 2148
+ANTONIO 0.002 86.876 2149
+WAI 0.002 86.878 2150
+SANG 0.002 86.881 2151
+RISA 0.002 86.883 2152
+RIKKI 0.002 86.885 2153
+PARTICIA 0.002 86.888 2154
+MUI 0.002 86.890 2155
+MASAKO 0.002 86.893 2156
+MARIO 0.002 86.895 2157
+LUVENIA 0.002 86.898 2158
+LOREE 0.002 86.900 2159
+LONI 0.002 86.903 2160
+LIEN 0.002 86.905 2161
+KEVIN 0.002 86.907 2162
+GIGI 0.002 86.910 2163
+FLORENCIA 0.002 86.912 2164
+DORIAN 0.002 86.915 2165
+DENITA 0.002 86.917 2166
+DALLAS 0.002 86.920 2167
+CHI 0.002 86.922 2168
+BILLYE 0.002 86.925 2169
+ALEXANDER 0.002 86.927 2170
+TOMIKA 0.002 86.929 2171
+SHARITA 0.002 86.932 2172
+RANA 0.002 86.934 2173
+NIKOLE 0.002 86.937 2174
+NEOMA 0.002 86.939 2175
+MARGARITE 0.002 86.942 2176
+MADALYN 0.002 86.944 2177
+LUCINA 0.002 86.946 2178
+LAILA 0.002 86.949 2179
+KALI 0.002 86.951 2180
+JENETTE 0.002 86.954 2181
+GABRIELE 0.002 86.956 2182
+EVELYNE 0.002 86.958 2183
+ELENORA 0.002 86.961 2184
+CLEMENTINA 0.002 86.963 2185
+ALEJANDRINA 0.002 86.966 2186
+ZULEMA 0.002 86.968 2187
+VIOLETTE 0.002 86.971 2188
+VANNESSA 0.002 86.973 2189
+THRESA 0.002 86.975 2190
+RETTA 0.002 86.978 2191
+PIA 0.002 86.980 2192
+PATIENCE 0.002 86.982 2193
+NOELLA 0.002 86.985 2194
+NICKIE 0.002 86.987 2195
+JONELL 0.002 86.990 2196
+DELTA 0.002 86.992 2197
+CHUNG 0.002 86.994 2198
+CHAYA 0.002 86.997 2199
+CAMELIA 0.002 86.999 2200
+BETHEL 0.002 87.002 2201
+ANYA 0.002 87.004 2202
+ANDREW 0.002 87.006 2203
+THANH 0.002 87.009 2204
+SUZANN 0.002 87.011 2205
+SPRING 0.002 87.013 2206
+SHU 0.002 87.016 2207
+MILA 0.002 87.018 2208
+LILLA 0.002 87.020 2209
+LAVERNA 0.002 87.023 2210
+KEESHA 0.002 87.025 2211
+KATTIE 0.002 87.028 2212
+GIA 0.002 87.030 2213
+GEORGENE 0.002 87.032 2214
+EVELINE 0.002 87.035 2215
+ESTELL 0.002 87.037 2216
+ELIZBETH 0.002 87.039 2217
+VIVIENNE 0.002 87.042 2218
+VALLIE 0.002 87.044 2219
+TRUDIE 0.002 87.046 2220
+STEPHANE 0.002 87.049 2221
+MICHEL 0.002 87.051 2222
+MAGALY 0.002 87.053 2223
+MADIE 0.002 87.056 2224
+KENYETTA 0.002 87.058 2225
+KARREN 0.002 87.060 2226
+JANETTA 0.002 87.063 2227
+HERMINE 0.002 87.065 2228
+HARMONY 0.002 87.067 2229
+DRUCILLA 0.002 87.069 2230
+DEBBI 0.002 87.072 2231
+CELESTINA 0.002 87.074 2232
+CANDIE 0.002 87.076 2233
+BRITNI 0.002 87.079 2234
+BECKIE 0.002 87.081 2235
+AMINA 0.002 87.083 2236
+ZITA 0.002 87.086 2237
+YUN 0.002 87.088 2238
+YOLANDE 0.002 87.090 2239
+VIVIEN 0.002 87.093 2240
+VERNETTA 0.002 87.095 2241
+TRUDI 0.002 87.097 2242
+SOMMER 0.002 87.099 2243
+PEARLE 0.002 87.102 2244
+PATRINA 0.002 87.104 2245
+OSSIE 0.002 87.106 2246
+NICOLLE 0.002 87.109 2247
+LOYCE 0.002 87.111 2248
+LETTY 0.002 87.113 2249
+LARISA 0.002 87.116 2250
+KATHARINA 0.002 87.118 2251
+JOSELYN 0.002 87.120 2252
+JONELLE 0.002 87.122 2253
+JENELL 0.002 87.125 2254
+IESHA 0.002 87.127 2255
+HEIDE 0.002 87.129 2256
+FLORINDA 0.002 87.132 2257
+FLORENTINA 0.002 87.134 2258
+FLO 0.002 87.136 2259
+ELODIA 0.002 87.138 2260
+DORINE 0.002 87.141 2261
+BRUNILDA 0.002 87.143 2262
+BRIGID 0.002 87.145 2263
+ASHLI 0.002 87.148 2264
+ARDELLA 0.002 87.150 2265
+TWANA 0.002 87.152 2266
+THU 0.002 87.154 2267
+TARAH 0.002 87.157 2268
+SUNG 0.002 87.159 2269
+SHEA 0.002 87.161 2270
+SHAVON 0.002 87.163 2271
+SHANE 0.002 87.166 2272
+SERINA 0.002 87.168 2273
+RAYNA 0.002 87.170 2274
+RAMONITA 0.002 87.173 2275
+NGA 0.002 87.175 2276
+MARGURITE 0.002 87.177 2277
+LUCRECIA 0.002 87.179 2278
+KOURTNEY 0.002 87.182 2279
+KATI 0.002 87.184 2280
+JESUS 0.002 87.186 2281
+JESENIA 0.002 87.188 2282
+DIAMOND 0.002 87.191 2283
+CRISTA 0.002 87.193 2284
+AYANA 0.002 87.195 2285
+ALICA 0.002 87.197 2286
+ALIA 0.002 87.200 2287
+VINNIE 0.002 87.202 2288
+SUELLEN 0.002 87.204 2289
+ROMELIA 0.002 87.206 2290
+RACHELL 0.002 87.209 2291
+PIPER 0.002 87.211 2292
+OLYMPIA 0.002 87.213 2293
+MICHIKO 0.002 87.215 2294
+KATHALEEN 0.002 87.217 2295
+JOLIE 0.002 87.220 2296
+JESSI 0.002 87.222 2297
+JANESSA 0.002 87.224 2298
+HANA 0.002 87.226 2299
+HA 0.002 87.229 2300
+ELEASE 0.002 87.231 2301
+CARLETTA 0.002 87.233 2302
+BRITANY 0.002 87.235 2303
+SHONA 0.002 87.238 2304
+SALOME 0.002 87.240 2305
+ROSAMOND 0.002 87.242 2306
+REGENA 0.002 87.244 2307
+RAINA 0.002 87.246 2308
+NGOC 0.002 87.249 2309
+NELIA 0.002 87.251 2310
+LOUVENIA 0.002 87.253 2311
+LESIA 0.002 87.255 2312
+LATRINA 0.002 87.257 2313
+LATICIA 0.002 87.260 2314
+LARHONDA 0.002 87.262 2315
+JINA 0.002 87.264 2316
+JACKI 0.002 87.266 2317
+HOLLIS 0.002 87.268 2318
+HOLLEY 0.002 87.271 2319
+EMMY 0.002 87.273 2320
+DEEANN 0.002 87.275 2321
+CORETTA 0.002 87.277 2322
+ARNETTA 0.002 87.279 2323
+VELVET 0.002 87.281 2324
+THALIA 0.002 87.284 2325
+SHANICE 0.002 87.286 2326
+NETA 0.002 87.288 2327
+MIKKI 0.002 87.290 2328
+MICKI 0.002 87.292 2329
+LONNA 0.002 87.294 2330
+LEANA 0.002 87.297 2331
+LASHUNDA 0.002 87.299 2332
+KILEY 0.002 87.301 2333
+JOYE 0.002 87.303 2334
+JACQULYN 0.002 87.305 2335
+IGNACIA 0.002 87.307 2336
+HYUN 0.002 87.310 2337
+HIROKO 0.002 87.312 2338
+HENRY 0.002 87.314 2339
+HENRIETTE 0.002 87.316 2340
+ELAYNE 0.002 87.318 2341
+DELINDA 0.002 87.320 2342
+DARNELL 0.002 87.323 2343
+DAHLIA 0.002 87.325 2344
+COREEN 0.002 87.327 2345
+CONSUELA 0.002 87.329 2346
+CONCHITA 0.002 87.331 2347
+CELINE 0.002 87.333 2348
+BABETTE 0.002 87.336 2349
+AYANNA 0.002 87.338 2350
+ANETTE 0.002 87.340 2351
+ALBERTINA 0.002 87.342 2352
+SKYE 0.002 87.344 2353
+SHAWNEE 0.002 87.346 2354
+SHANEKA 0.002 87.349 2355
+QUIANA 0.002 87.351 2356
+PAMELIA 0.002 87.353 2357
+MIN 0.002 87.355 2358
+MERRI 0.002 87.357 2359
+MERLENE 0.002 87.359 2360
+MARGIT 0.002 87.361 2361
+KIESHA 0.002 87.363 2362
+KIERA 0.002 87.366 2363
+KAYLENE 0.002 87.368 2364
+JODEE 0.002 87.370 2365
+JENISE 0.002 87.372 2366
+ERLENE 0.002 87.374 2367
+EMMIE 0.002 87.376 2368
+ELSE 0.002 87.378 2369
+DARYL 0.002 87.381 2370
+DALILA 0.002 87.383 2371
+DAISEY 0.002 87.385 2372
+CODY 0.002 87.387 2373
+CASIE 0.002 87.389 2374
+BELIA 0.002 87.391 2375
+BABARA 0.002 87.393 2376
+VERSIE 0.002 87.395 2377
+VANESA 0.002 87.398 2378
+SHELBA 0.002 87.400 2379
+SHAWNDA 0.002 87.402 2380
+SAM 0.002 87.404 2381
+NORMAN 0.002 87.406 2382
+NIKIA 0.002 87.408 2383
+NAOMA 0.002 87.410 2384
+MARNA 0.002 87.412 2385
+MARGERET 0.002 87.414 2386
+MADALINE 0.002 87.417 2387
+LAWANA 0.002 87.419 2388
+KINDRA 0.002 87.421 2389
+JUTTA 0.002 87.423 2390
+JAZMINE 0.002 87.425 2391
+JANETT 0.002 87.427 2392
+HANNELORE 0.002 87.429 2393
+GLENDORA 0.002 87.431 2394
+GERTRUD 0.002 87.433 2395
+GARNETT 0.002 87.435 2396
+FREEDA 0.002 87.438 2397
+FREDERICA 0.002 87.440 2398
+FLORANCE 0.002 87.442 2399
+FLAVIA 0.002 87.444 2400
+DENNIS 0.002 87.446 2401
+CARLINE 0.002 87.448 2402
+BEVERLEE 0.002 87.450 2403
+ANJANETTE 0.002 87.452 2404
+VALDA 0.002 87.454 2405
+TRINITY 0.002 87.456 2406
+TAMALA 0.002 87.459 2407
+STEVIE 0.002 87.461 2408
+SHONNA 0.002 87.463 2409
+SHA 0.002 87.465 2410
+SARINA 0.002 87.467 2411
+ONEIDA 0.002 87.469 2412
+MICAH 0.002 87.471 2413
+MERILYN 0.002 87.473 2414
+MARLEEN 0.002 87.475 2415
+LURLINE 0.002 87.477 2416
+LENNA 0.002 87.479 2417
+KATHERIN 0.002 87.481 2418
+JIN 0.002 87.483 2419
+JENI 0.002 87.485 2420
+HAE 0.002 87.488 2421
+GRACIA 0.002 87.490 2422
+GLADY 0.002 87.492 2423
+FARAH 0.002 87.494 2424
+ERIC 0.002 87.496 2425
+ENOLA 0.002 87.498 2426
+EMA 0.002 87.500 2427
+DOMINQUE 0.002 87.502 2428
+DEVONA 0.002 87.504 2429
+DELANA 0.002 87.506 2430
+CECILA 0.002 87.508 2431
+CAPRICE 0.002 87.510 2432
+ALYSHA 0.002 87.512 2433
+ALI 0.002 87.514 2434
+ALETHIA 0.002 87.517 2435
+VENA 0.002 87.519 2436
+THERESIA 0.002 87.521 2437
+TAWNY 0.002 87.523 2438
+SONG 0.002 87.525 2439
+SHAKIRA 0.002 87.527 2440
+SAMARA 0.002 87.529 2441
+SACHIKO 0.002 87.531 2442
+RACHELE 0.002 87.533 2443
+PAMELLA 0.002 87.535 2444
+NICKY 0.002 87.537 2445
+MARNI 0.002 87.539 2446
+MARIEL 0.002 87.541 2447
+MAREN 0.002 87.543 2448
+MALISA 0.002 87.545 2449
+LIGIA 0.002 87.547 2450
+LERA 0.002 87.549 2451
+LATORIA 0.002 87.551 2452
+LARAE 0.002 87.553 2453
+KIMBER 0.002 87.555 2454
+KATHERN 0.002 87.557 2455
+KAREY 0.002 87.559 2456
+JENNEFER 0.002 87.561 2457
+JANETH 0.002 87.563 2458
+HALINA 0.002 87.566 2459
+FREDIA 0.002 87.568 2460
+DELISA 0.002 87.570 2461
+DEBROAH 0.002 87.572 2462
+CIERA 0.002 87.574 2463
+CHIN 0.002 87.576 2464
+ANGELIKA 0.002 87.578 2465
+ANDREE 0.002 87.580 2466
+ALTHA 0.002 87.582 2467
+YEN 0.002 87.584 2468
+VIVAN 0.002 87.586 2469
+TERRESA 0.002 87.588 2470
+TANNA 0.002 87.590 2471
+SUK 0.002 87.592 2472
+SUDIE 0.002 87.594 2473
+SOO 0.002 87.596 2474
+SIGNE 0.002 87.598 2475
+SALENA 0.002 87.600 2476
+RONNI 0.002 87.602 2477
+REBBECCA 0.002 87.604 2478
+MYRTIE 0.002 87.606 2479
+MCKENZIE 0.002 87.608 2480
+MALIKA 0.002 87.610 2481
+MAIDA 0.002 87.612 2482
+LOAN 0.002 87.614 2483
+LEONARDA 0.002 87.616 2484
+KAYLEIGH 0.002 87.618 2485
+FRANCE 0.002 87.620 2486
+ETHYL 0.002 87.622 2487
+ELLYN 0.002 87.624 2488
+DAYLE 0.002 87.626 2489
+CAMMIE 0.002 87.628 2490
+BRITTNI 0.002 87.630 2491
+BIRGIT 0.002 87.632 2492
+AVELINA 0.002 87.634 2493
+ASUNCION 0.002 87.636 2494
+ARIANNA 0.002 87.638 2495
+AKIKO 0.002 87.640 2496
+VENICE 0.002 87.642 2497
+TYESHA 0.002 87.644 2498
+TONIE 0.002 87.646 2499
+TIESHA 0.002 87.648 2500
+TAKISHA 0.002 87.650 2501
+STEFFANIE 0.002 87.652 2502
+SINDY 0.002 87.654 2503
+SANTANA 0.002 87.656 2504
+MEGHANN 0.002 87.658 2505
+MANDA 0.002 87.660 2506
+MACIE 0.002 87.662 2507
+LADY 0.002 87.664 2508
+KELLYE 0.002 87.666 2509
+KELLEE 0.002 87.668 2510
+JOSLYN 0.002 87.670 2511
+JASON 0.002 87.672 2512
+INGER 0.002 87.674 2513
+INDIRA 0.002 87.676 2514
+GLINDA 0.002 87.678 2515
+GLENNIS 0.002 87.680 2516
+FERNANDA 0.002 87.682 2517
+FAUSTINA 0.002 87.684 2518
+ENEIDA 0.002 87.686 2519
+ELICIA 0.002 87.688 2520
+DOT 0.002 87.690 2521
+DIGNA 0.002 87.692 2522
+DELL 0.002 87.694 2523
+ARLETTA 0.002 87.696 2524
+ANDRE 0.002 87.698 2525
+WILLIA 0.002 87.699 2526
+TAMMARA 0.002 87.701 2527
+TABETHA 0.002 87.703 2528
+SHERRELL 0.002 87.705 2529
+SARI 0.002 87.707 2530
+REFUGIO 0.002 87.709 2531
+REBBECA 0.002 87.711 2532
+PAULETTA 0.002 87.713 2533
+NIEVES 0.002 87.715 2534
+NATOSHA 0.002 87.717 2535
+NAKITA 0.002 87.719 2536
+MAMMIE 0.002 87.721 2537
+KENISHA 0.002 87.723 2538
+KAZUKO 0.002 87.725 2539
+KASSIE 0.002 87.727 2540
+GARY 0.002 87.729 2541
+EARLEAN 0.002 87.731 2542
+DAPHINE 0.002 87.733 2543
+CORLISS 0.002 87.735 2544
+CLOTILDE 0.002 87.736 2545
+CAROLYNE 0.002 87.738 2546
+BERNETTA 0.002 87.740 2547
+AUGUSTINA 0.002 87.742 2548
+AUDREA 0.002 87.744 2549
+ANNIS 0.002 87.746 2550
+ANNABELL 0.002 87.748 2551
+YAN 0.002 87.750 2552
+TENNILLE 0.002 87.752 2553
+TAMICA 0.002 87.754 2554
+SELENE 0.002 87.756 2555
+SEAN 0.002 87.758 2556
+ROSANA 0.002 87.760 2557
+REGENIA 0.002 87.762 2558
+QIANA 0.002 87.763 2559
+MARKITA 0.002 87.765 2560
+MACY 0.002 87.767 2561
+LEEANNE 0.002 87.769 2562
+LAURINE 0.002 87.771 2563
+KYM 0.002 87.773 2564
+JESSENIA 0.002 87.775 2565
+JANITA 0.002 87.777 2566
+GEORGINE 0.002 87.779 2567
+GENIE 0.002 87.781 2568
+EMIKO 0.002 87.783 2569
+ELVIE 0.002 87.785 2570
+DEANDRA 0.002 87.786 2571
+DAGMAR 0.002 87.788 2572
+CORIE 0.002 87.790 2573
+COLLEN 0.002 87.792 2574
+CHERISH 0.002 87.794 2575
+ROMAINE 0.002 87.796 2576
+PORSHA 0.002 87.798 2577
+PEARLENE 0.002 87.800 2578
+MICHELINE 0.002 87.802 2579
+MERNA 0.002 87.804 2580
+MARGORIE 0.002 87.805 2581
+MARGARETTA 0.002 87.807 2582
+LORE 0.002 87.809 2583
+KENNETH 0.002 87.811 2584
+JENINE 0.002 87.813 2585
+HERMINA 0.002 87.815 2586
+FREDERICKA 0.002 87.817 2587
+ELKE 0.002 87.819 2588
+DRUSILLA 0.002 87.820 2589
+DORATHY 0.002 87.822 2590
+DIONE 0.002 87.824 2591
+DESIRE 0.002 87.826 2592
+CELENA 0.002 87.828 2593
+BRIGIDA 0.002 87.830 2594
+ANGELES 0.002 87.832 2595
+ALLEGRA 0.002 87.834 2596
+THEO 0.002 87.836 2597
+TAMEKIA 0.002 87.837 2598
+SYNTHIA 0.002 87.839 2599
+STEPHEN 0.002 87.841 2600
+SOOK 0.002 87.843 2601
+SLYVIA 0.002 87.845 2602
+ROSANN 0.002 87.847 2603
+REATHA 0.002 87.849 2604
+RAYE 0.002 87.850 2605
+MARQUETTA 0.002 87.852 2606
+MARGART 0.002 87.854 2607
+LING 0.002 87.856 2608
+LAYLA 0.002 87.858 2609
+KYMBERLY 0.002 87.860 2610
+KIANA 0.002 87.861 2611
+KAYLEEN 0.002 87.863 2612
+KATLYN 0.002 87.865 2613
+KARMEN 0.002 87.867 2614
+JOELLA 0.002 87.869 2615
+IRINA 0.002 87.871 2616
+EMELDA 0.002 87.873 2617
+ELENI 0.002 87.874 2618
+DETRA 0.002 87.876 2619
+CLEMMIE 0.002 87.878 2620
+CHERYLL 0.002 87.880 2621
+CHANTELL 0.002 87.882 2622
+CATHEY 0.002 87.884 2623
+ARNITA 0.002 87.886 2624
+ARLA 0.002 87.887 2625
+ANGLE 0.002 87.889 2626
+ANGELIC 0.002 87.891 2627
+ALYSE 0.002 87.893 2628
+ZOFIA 0.002 87.895 2629
+THOMASINE 0.002 87.897 2630
+TENNIE 0.002 87.898 2631
+SON 0.002 87.900 2632
+SHERLY 0.002 87.902 2633
+SHERLEY 0.002 87.904 2634
+SHARYL 0.002 87.906 2635
+REMEDIOS 0.002 87.908 2636
+PETRINA 0.002 87.909 2637
+NICKOLE 0.002 87.911 2638
+MYUNG 0.002 87.913 2639
+MYRLE 0.002 87.915 2640
+MOZELLA 0.002 87.917 2641
+LOUANNE 0.002 87.918 2642
+LISHA 0.002 87.920 2643
+LATIA 0.002 87.922 2644
+LANE 0.002 87.924 2645
+KRYSTA 0.002 87.926 2646
+JULIENNE 0.002 87.928 2647
+JOEL 0.002 87.929 2648
+JEANENE 0.002 87.931 2649
+JACQUALINE 0.002 87.933 2650
+ISAURA 0.002 87.935 2651
+GWENDA 0.002 87.937 2652
+EARLEEN 0.002 87.939 2653
+DONALD 0.002 87.940 2654
+CLEOPATRA 0.002 87.942 2655
+CARLIE 0.002 87.944 2656
+AUDIE 0.002 87.946 2657
+ANTONIETTA 0.002 87.948 2658
+ALISE 0.002 87.949 2659
+ALEX 0.002 87.951 2660
+VERDELL 0.002 87.953 2661
+VAL 0.002 87.955 2662
+TYLER 0.002 87.957 2663
+TOMOKO 0.002 87.958 2664
+THAO 0.002 87.960 2665
+TALISHA 0.002 87.962 2666
+STEVEN 0.002 87.964 2667
+SO 0.002 87.966 2668
+SHEMIKA 0.002 87.967 2669
+SHAUN 0.002 87.969 2670
+SCARLET 0.002 87.971 2671
+SAVANNA 0.002 87.973 2672
+SANTINA 0.002 87.975 2673
+ROSIA 0.002 87.976 2674
+RAEANN 0.002 87.978 2675
+ODILIA 0.002 87.980 2676
+NANA 0.002 87.982 2677
+MINNA 0.002 87.983 2678
+MAGAN 0.002 87.985 2679
+LYNELLE 0.002 87.987 2680
+LE 0.002 87.989 2681
+KARMA 0.002 87.991 2682
+JOEANN 0.002 87.992 2683
+IVANA 0.002 87.994 2684
+INELL 0.002 87.996 2685
+ILANA 0.002 87.998 2686
+HYE 0.002 88.000 2687
+HONEY 0.002 88.001 2688
+HEE 0.002 88.003 2689
+GUDRUN 0.002 88.005 2690
+FRANK 0.002 88.007 2691
+DREAMA 0.002 88.009 2692
+CRISSY 0.002 88.010 2693
+CHANTE 0.002 88.012 2694
+CARMELINA 0.002 88.014 2695
+ARVILLA 0.002 88.016 2696
+ARTHUR 0.002 88.017 2697
+ANNAMAE 0.002 88.019 2698
+ALVERA 0.002 88.021 2699
+ALEIDA 0.002 88.023 2700
+AARON 0.002 88.025 2701
+YEE 0.002 88.026 2702
+YANIRA 0.002 88.028 2703
+VANDA 0.002 88.030 2704
+TIANNA 0.002 88.032 2705
+TAM 0.002 88.033 2706
+STEFANIA 0.002 88.035 2707
+SHIRA 0.002 88.037 2708
+PERRY 0.002 88.039 2709
+NICOL 0.002 88.040 2710
+NANCIE 0.002 88.042 2711
+MONSERRATE 0.002 88.044 2712
+MINH 0.002 88.046 2713
+MELYNDA 0.002 88.048 2714
+MELANY 0.002 88.049 2715
+MATTHEW 0.002 88.051 2716
+LOVELLA 0.002 88.053 2717
+LAURE 0.002 88.055 2718
+KIRBY 0.002 88.056 2719
+KACY 0.002 88.058 2720
+JACQUELYNN 0.002 88.060 2721
+HYON 0.002 88.062 2722
+GERTHA 0.002 88.063 2723
+FRANCISCO 0.002 88.065 2724
+ELIANA 0.002 88.067 2725
+CHRISTENA 0.002 88.069 2726
+CHRISTEEN 0.002 88.070 2727
+CHARISE 0.002 88.072 2728
+CATERINA 0.002 88.074 2729
+CARLEY 0.002 88.076 2730
+CANDYCE 0.002 88.077 2731
+ARLENA 0.002 88.079 2732
+AMMIE 0.002 88.081 2733
+YANG 0.002 88.083 2734
+WILLETTE 0.002 88.084 2735
+VANITA 0.002 88.086 2736
+TUYET 0.002 88.088 2737
+TINY 0.002 88.090 2738
+SYREETA 0.002 88.091 2739
+SILVA 0.002 88.093 2740
+SCOTT 0.002 88.095 2741
+RONALD 0.002 88.096 2742
+PENNEY 0.002 88.098 2743
+NYLA 0.002 88.100 2744
+MICHAL 0.002 88.102 2745
+MAURICE 0.002 88.103 2746
+MARYAM 0.002 88.105 2747
+MARYA 0.002 88.107 2748
+MAGEN 0.002 88.109 2749
+LUDIE 0.002 88.110 2750
+LOMA 0.002 88.112 2751
+LIVIA 0.002 88.114 2752
+LANELL 0.002 88.115 2753
+KIMBERLIE 0.002 88.117 2754
+JULEE 0.002 88.119 2755
+DONETTA 0.002 88.121 2756
+DIEDRA 0.002 88.122 2757
+DENISHA 0.002 88.124 2758
+DEANE 0.002 88.126 2759
+DAWNE 0.002 88.128 2760
+CLARINE 0.002 88.129 2761
+CHERRYL 0.002 88.131 2762
+BRONWYN 0.002 88.133 2763
+BRANDON 0.002 88.134 2764
+ALLA 0.002 88.136 2765
+VALERY 0.002 88.138 2766
+TONDA 0.002 88.140 2767
+SUEANN 0.002 88.141 2768
+SORAYA 0.002 88.143 2769
+SHOSHANA 0.002 88.145 2770
+SHELA 0.002 88.146 2771
+SHARLEEN 0.002 88.148 2772
+SHANELLE 0.002 88.150 2773
+NERISSA 0.002 88.151 2774
+MICHEAL 0.002 88.153 2775
+MERIDITH 0.002 88.155 2776
+MELLIE 0.002 88.157 2777
+MAYE 0.002 88.158 2778
+MAPLE 0.002 88.160 2779
+MAGARET 0.002 88.162 2780
+LUIS 0.002 88.163 2781
+LILI 0.002 88.165 2782
+LEONILA 0.002 88.167 2783
+LEONIE 0.002 88.168 2784
+LEEANNA 0.002 88.170 2785
+LAVONIA 0.002 88.172 2786
+LAVERA 0.002 88.173 2787
+KRISTEL 0.002 88.175 2788
+KATHEY 0.002 88.177 2789
+KATHE 0.002 88.179 2790
+JUSTIN 0.002 88.180 2791
+JULIAN 0.002 88.182 2792
+JIMMY 0.002 88.184 2793
+JANN 0.002 88.185 2794
+ILDA 0.002 88.187 2795
+HILDRED 0.002 88.189 2796
+HILDEGARDE 0.002 88.190 2797
+GENIA 0.002 88.192 2798
+FUMIKO 0.002 88.194 2799
+EVELIN 0.002 88.196 2800
+ERMELINDA 0.002 88.197 2801
+ELLY 0.002 88.199 2802
+DUNG 0.002 88.201 2803
+DOLORIS 0.002 88.202 2804
+DIONNA 0.002 88.204 2805
+DANAE 0.002 88.206 2806
+BERNEICE 0.002 88.207 2807
+ANNICE 0.002 88.209 2808
+ALIX 0.002 88.211 2809
+VERENA 0.002 88.212 2810
+VERDIE 0.002 88.214 2811
+TRISTAN 0.002 88.216 2812
+SHAWNNA 0.002 88.217 2813
+SHAWANA 0.002 88.219 2814
+SHAUNNA 0.002 88.221 2815
+ROZELLA 0.002 88.222 2816
+RANDEE 0.002 88.224 2817
+RANAE 0.002 88.226 2818
+MILAGRO 0.002 88.227 2819
+LYNELL 0.002 88.229 2820
+LUISE 0.002 88.231 2821
+LOUIE 0.002 88.232 2822
+LOIDA 0.002 88.234 2823
+LISBETH 0.002 88.236 2824
+KARLEEN 0.002 88.237 2825
+JUNITA 0.002 88.239 2826
+JONA 0.002 88.241 2827
+ISIS 0.002 88.242 2828
+HYACINTH 0.002 88.244 2829
+HEDY 0.002 88.246 2830
+GWENN 0.002 88.247 2831
+ETHELENE 0.002 88.249 2832
+ERLINE 0.002 88.251 2833
+EDWARD 0.002 88.252 2834
+DONYA 0.002 88.254 2835
+DOMONIQUE 0.002 88.256 2836
+DELICIA 0.002 88.257 2837
+DANNETTE 0.002 88.259 2838
+CICELY 0.002 88.261 2839
+BRANDA 0.002 88.262 2840
+BLYTHE 0.002 88.264 2841
+BETHANN 0.002 88.266 2842
+ASHLYN 0.002 88.267 2843
+ANNALEE 0.002 88.269 2844
+ALLINE 0.002 88.271 2845
+YUKO 0.002 88.272 2846
+VELLA 0.002 88.274 2847
+TRANG 0.002 88.276 2848
+TOWANDA 0.002 88.277 2849
+TESHA 0.002 88.279 2850
+SHERLYN 0.002 88.281 2851
+NARCISA 0.002 88.282 2852
+MIGUELINA 0.002 88.284 2853
+MERI 0.002 88.285 2854
+MAYBELL 0.002 88.287 2855
+MARLANA 0.002 88.289 2856
+MARGUERITA 0.002 88.290 2857
+MADLYN 0.002 88.292 2858
+LUNA 0.002 88.294 2859
+LORY 0.002 88.295 2860
+LORIANN 0.002 88.297 2861
+LIBERTY 0.002 88.298 2862
+LEONORE 0.002 88.300 2863
+LEIGHANN 0.002 88.302 2864
+LAURICE 0.002 88.303 2865
+LATESHA 0.002 88.305 2866
+LARONDA 0.002 88.307 2867
+KATRICE 0.002 88.308 2868
+KASIE 0.002 88.310 2869
+KARL 0.002 88.312 2870
+KALEY 0.002 88.313 2871
+JADWIGA 0.002 88.315 2872
+GLENNIE 0.002 88.316 2873
+GEARLDINE 0.002 88.318 2874
+FRANCINA 0.002 88.320 2875
+EPIFANIA 0.002 88.321 2876
+DYAN 0.002 88.323 2877
+DORIE 0.002 88.325 2878
+DIEDRE 0.002 88.326 2879
+DENESE 0.002 88.328 2880
+DEMETRICE 0.002 88.330 2881
+DELENA 0.002 88.331 2882
+DARBY 0.002 88.333 2883
+CRISTIE 0.002 88.334 2884
+CLEORA 0.002 88.336 2885
+CATARINA 0.002 88.338 2886
+CARISA 0.002 88.339 2887
+BERNIE 0.002 88.341 2888
+BARBERA 0.002 88.343 2889
+ALMETA 0.002 88.344 2890
+TRULA 0.002 88.346 2891
+TEREASA 0.002 88.347 2892
+SOLANGE 0.002 88.349 2893
+SHEILAH 0.002 88.351 2894
+SHAVONNE 0.002 88.352 2895
+SANORA 0.002 88.354 2896
+ROCHELL 0.002 88.355 2897
+MATHILDE 0.002 88.357 2898
+MARGARETA 0.002 88.359 2899
+MAIA 0.002 88.360 2900
+LYNSEY 0.002 88.362 2901
+LAWANNA 0.002 88.363 2902
+LAUNA 0.002 88.365 2903
+KENA 0.002 88.367 2904
+KEENA 0.002 88.368 2905
+KATIA 0.002 88.370 2906
+JAMEY 0.002 88.371 2907
+GLYNDA 0.002 88.373 2908
+GAYLENE 0.002 88.375 2909
+ELVINA 0.002 88.376 2910
+ELANOR 0.002 88.378 2911
+DANUTA 0.002 88.379 2912
+DANIKA 0.002 88.381 2913
+CRISTEN 0.002 88.383 2914
+CORDIE 0.002 88.384 2915
+COLETTA 0.002 88.386 2916
+CLARITA 0.002 88.387 2917
+CARMON 0.002 88.389 2918
+BRYNN 0.002 88.391 2919
+AZUCENA 0.002 88.392 2920
+AUNDREA 0.002 88.394 2921
+ANGELE 0.002 88.395 2922
+YI 0.002 88.397 2923
+WALTER 0.002 88.399 2924
+VERLIE 0.002 88.400 2925
+VERLENE 0.002 88.402 2926
+TAMESHA 0.002 88.403 2927
+SILVANA 0.002 88.405 2928
+SEBRINA 0.002 88.406 2929
+SAMIRA 0.002 88.408 2930
+REDA 0.002 88.410 2931
+RAYLENE 0.002 88.411 2932
+PENNI 0.002 88.413 2933
+PANDORA 0.002 88.414 2934
+NORAH 0.002 88.416 2935
+NOMA 0.002 88.417 2936
+MIREILLE 0.002 88.419 2937
+MELISSIA 0.002 88.421 2938
+MARYALICE 0.002 88.422 2939
+LARAINE 0.002 88.424 2940
+KIMBERY 0.002 88.425 2941
+KARYL 0.002 88.427 2942
+KARINE 0.002 88.428 2943
+KAM 0.002 88.430 2944
+JOLANDA 0.002 88.432 2945
+JOHANA 0.002 88.433 2946
+JESUSA 0.002 88.435 2947
+JALEESA 0.002 88.436 2948
+JAE 0.002 88.438 2949
+JACQUELYNE 0.002 88.439 2950
+IRISH 0.002 88.441 2951
+ILUMINADA 0.002 88.443 2952
+HILARIA 0.002 88.444 2953
+HANH 0.002 88.446 2954
+GENNIE 0.002 88.447 2955
+FRANCIE 0.002 88.449 2956
+FLORETTA 0.002 88.450 2957
+EXIE 0.002 88.452 2958
+EDDA 0.002 88.454 2959
+DREMA 0.002 88.455 2960
+DELPHA 0.002 88.457 2961
+BEV 0.002 88.458 2962
+BARBAR 0.002 88.460 2963
+ASSUNTA 0.002 88.461 2964
+ARDELL 0.002 88.463 2965
+ANNALISA 0.002 88.465 2966
+ALISIA 0.002 88.466 2967
+YUKIKO 0.002 88.468 2968
+YOLANDO 0.002 88.469 2969
+WONDA 0.002 88.471 2970
+WEI 0.002 88.472 2971
+WALTRAUD 0.002 88.474 2972
+VETA 0.002 88.475 2973
+TEQUILA 0.002 88.477 2974
+TEMEKA 0.002 88.478 2975
+TAMEIKA 0.002 88.480 2976
+SHIRLEEN 0.002 88.481 2977
+SHENITA 0.002 88.483 2978
+PIEDAD 0.002 88.485 2979
+OZELLA 0.002 88.486 2980
+MIRTHA 0.002 88.488 2981
+MARILU 0.002 88.489 2982
+KIMIKO 0.002 88.491 2983
+JULIANE 0.002 88.492 2984
+JENICE 0.002 88.494 2985
+JEN 0.002 88.495 2986
+JANAY 0.002 88.497 2987
+JACQUILINE 0.002 88.498 2988
+HILDE 0.002 88.500 2989
+FE 0.002 88.502 2990
+FAE 0.002 88.503 2991
+EVAN 0.002 88.505 2992
+EUGENE 0.002 88.506 2993
+ELOIS 0.002 88.508 2994
+ECHO 0.002 88.509 2995
+DEVORAH 0.002 88.511 2996
+CHAU 0.002 88.512 2997
+BRINDA 0.002 88.514 2998
+BETSEY 0.002 88.515 2999
+ARMINDA 0.002 88.517 3000
+ARACELIS 0.002 88.518 3001
+APRYL 0.002 88.520 3002
+ANNETT 0.002 88.522 3003
+ALISHIA 0.002 88.523 3004
+VEOLA 0.002 88.525 3005
+USHA 0.002 88.526 3006
+TOSHIKO 0.002 88.528 3007
+THEOLA 0.002 88.529 3008
+TASHIA 0.002 88.531 3009
+TALITHA 0.002 88.532 3010
+SHERY 0.002 88.534 3011
+RUDY 0.002 88.535 3012
+RENETTA 0.002 88.537 3013
+REIKO 0.002 88.538 3014
+RASHEEDA 0.002 88.540 3015
+OMEGA 0.002 88.541 3016
+OBDULIA 0.002 88.543 3017
+MIKA 0.002 88.544 3018
+MELAINE 0.002 88.546 3019
+MEGGAN 0.002 88.547 3020
+MARTIN 0.002 88.549 3021
+MARLEN 0.002 88.550 3022
+MARGET 0.002 88.552 3023
+MARCELINE 0.002 88.553 3024
+MANA 0.002 88.555 3025
+MAGDALEN 0.002 88.556 3026
+LIBRADA 0.002 88.558 3027
+LEZLIE 0.002 88.559 3028
+LEXIE 0.002 88.561 3029
+LATASHIA 0.002 88.562 3030
+LASANDRA 0.002 88.564 3031
+KELLE 0.002 88.565 3032
+ISIDRA 0.002 88.567 3033
+ISA 0.002 88.568 3034
+INOCENCIA 0.002 88.570 3035
+GWYN 0.002 88.571 3036
+FRANCOISE 0.002 88.573 3037
+ERMINIA 0.002 88.574 3038
+ERINN 0.002 88.576 3039
+DIMPLE 0.002 88.577 3040
+DEVORA 0.002 88.579 3041
+CRISELDA 0.002 88.580 3042
+ARMANDA 0.002 88.582 3043
+ARIE 0.002 88.583 3044
+ARIANE 0.002 88.585 3045
+ANGELO 0.002 88.586 3046
+ANGELENA 0.002 88.588 3047
+ALLEN 0.002 88.589 3048
+ALIZA 0.002 88.591 3049
+ADRIENE 0.002 88.592 3050
+ADALINE 0.002 88.594 3051
+XOCHITL 0.001 88.595 3052
+TWANNA 0.001 88.597 3053
+TRAN 0.001 88.598 3054
+TOMIKO 0.001 88.600 3055
+TAMISHA 0.001 88.601 3056
+TAISHA 0.001 88.603 3057
+SUSY 0.001 88.604 3058
+SIU 0.001 88.606 3059
+RUTHA 0.001 88.607 3060
+ROXY 0.001 88.609 3061
+RHONA 0.001 88.610 3062
+RAYMOND 0.001 88.612 3063
+OTHA 0.001 88.613 3064
+NORIKO 0.001 88.615 3065
+NATASHIA 0.001 88.616 3066
+MERRIE 0.001 88.618 3067
+MELVIN 0.001 88.619 3068
+MARINDA 0.001 88.620 3069
+MARIKO 0.001 88.622 3070
+MARGERT 0.001 88.623 3071
+LORIS 0.001 88.625 3072
+LIZZETTE 0.001 88.626 3073
+LEISHA 0.001 88.628 3074
+KAILA 0.001 88.629 3075
+KA 0.001 88.631 3076
+JOANNIE 0.001 88.632 3077
+JERRICA 0.001 88.634 3078
+JENE 0.001 88.635 3079
+JANNET 0.001 88.637 3080
+JANEE 0.001 88.638 3081
+JACINDA 0.001 88.640 3082
+HERTA 0.001 88.641 3083
+ELENORE 0.001 88.643 3084
+DORETTA 0.001 88.644 3085
+DELAINE 0.001 88.646 3086
+DANIELL 0.001 88.647 3087
+CLAUDIE 0.001 88.649 3088
+CHINA 0.001 88.650 3089
+BRITTA 0.001 88.651 3090
+APOLONIA 0.001 88.653 3091
+AMBERLY 0.001 88.654 3092
+ALEASE 0.001 88.656 3093
+YURI 0.001 88.657 3094
+YUK 0.001 88.659 3095
+WEN 0.001 88.660 3096
+WANETA 0.001 88.662 3097
+UTE 0.001 88.663 3098
+TOMI 0.001 88.665 3099
+SHARRI 0.001 88.666 3100
+SANDIE 0.001 88.667 3101
+ROSELLE 0.001 88.669 3102
+REYNALDA 0.001 88.670 3103
+RAGUEL 0.001 88.672 3104
+PHYLICIA 0.001 88.673 3105
+PATRIA 0.001 88.675 3106
+OLIMPIA 0.001 88.676 3107
+ODELIA 0.001 88.678 3108
+MITZIE 0.001 88.679 3109
+MITCHELL 0.001 88.680 3110
+MISS 0.001 88.682 3111
+MINDA 0.001 88.683 3112
+MIGNON 0.001 88.685 3113
+MICA 0.001 88.686 3114
+MENDY 0.001 88.688 3115
+MARIVEL 0.001 88.689 3116
+MAILE 0.001 88.691 3117
+LYNETTA 0.001 88.692 3118
+LAVETTE 0.001 88.693 3119
+LAURYN 0.001 88.695 3120
+LATRISHA 0.001 88.696 3121
+LAKIESHA 0.001 88.698 3122
+KIERSTEN 0.001 88.699 3123
+KARY 0.001 88.701 3124
+JOSPHINE 0.001 88.702 3125
+JOLYN 0.001 88.704 3126
+JETTA 0.001 88.705 3127
+JANISE 0.001 88.706 3128
+JACQUIE 0.001 88.708 3129
+IVELISSE 0.001 88.709 3130
+GLYNIS 0.001 88.711 3131
+GIANNA 0.001 88.712 3132
+GAYNELLE 0.001 88.714 3133
+EMERALD 0.001 88.715 3134
+DEMETRIUS 0.001 88.717 3135
+DANYELL 0.001 88.718 3136
+DANILLE 0.001 88.719 3137
+DACIA 0.001 88.721 3138
+CORALEE 0.001 88.722 3139
+CHER 0.001 88.724 3140
+CEOLA 0.001 88.725 3141
+BRETT 0.001 88.727 3142
+BELL 0.001 88.728 3143
+ARIANNE 0.001 88.730 3144
+ALESHIA 0.001 88.731 3145
+YUNG 0.001 88.732 3146
+WILLIEMAE 0.001 88.734 3147
+TROY 0.001 88.735 3148
+TRINH 0.001 88.737 3149
+THORA 0.001 88.738 3150
+TAI 0.001 88.739 3151
+SVETLANA 0.001 88.741 3152
+SHERIKA 0.001 88.742 3153
+SHEMEKA 0.001 88.744 3154
+SHAUNDA 0.001 88.745 3155
+ROSELINE 0.001 88.747 3156
+RICKI 0.001 88.748 3157
+MELDA 0.001 88.749 3158
+MALLIE 0.001 88.751 3159
+LAVONNA 0.001 88.752 3160
+LATINA 0.001 88.754 3161
+LARRY 0.001 88.755 3162
+LAQUANDA 0.001 88.756 3163
+LALA 0.001 88.758 3164
+LACHELLE 0.001 88.759 3165
+KLARA 0.001 88.761 3166
+KANDIS 0.001 88.762 3167
+JOHNA 0.001 88.763 3168
+JEANMARIE 0.001 88.765 3169
+JAYE 0.001 88.766 3170
+HANG 0.001 88.768 3171
+GRAYCE 0.001 88.769 3172
+GERTUDE 0.001 88.771 3173
+EMERITA 0.001 88.772 3174
+EBONIE 0.001 88.773 3175
+CLORINDA 0.001 88.775 3176
+CHING 0.001 88.776 3177
+CHERY 0.001 88.778 3178
+CAROLA 0.001 88.779 3179
+BREANN 0.001 88.780 3180
+BLOSSOM 0.001 88.782 3181
+BERNARDINE 0.001 88.783 3182
+BECKI 0.001 88.785 3183
+ARLETHA 0.001 88.786 3184
+ARGELIA 0.001 88.788 3185
+ARA 0.001 88.789 3186
+ALITA 0.001 88.790 3187
+YULANDA 0.001 88.792 3188
+YON 0.001 88.793 3189
+YESSENIA 0.001 88.794 3190
+TOBI 0.001 88.796 3191
+TASIA 0.001 88.797 3192
+SYLVIE 0.001 88.799 3193
+SHIRL 0.001 88.800 3194
+SHIRELY 0.001 88.801 3195
+SHERIDAN 0.001 88.803 3196
+SHELLA 0.001 88.804 3197
+SHANTELLE 0.001 88.806 3198
+SACHA 0.001 88.807 3199
+ROYCE 0.001 88.808 3200
+REBECKA 0.001 88.810 3201
+REAGAN 0.001 88.811 3202
+PROVIDENCIA 0.001 88.812 3203
+PAULENE 0.001 88.814 3204
+MISHA 0.001 88.815 3205
+MIKI 0.001 88.817 3206
+MARLINE 0.001 88.818 3207
+MARICA 0.001 88.819 3208
+LORITA 0.001 88.821 3209
+LATOYIA 0.001 88.822 3210
+LASONYA 0.001 88.824 3211
+KERSTIN 0.001 88.825 3212
+KENDA 0.001 88.826 3213
+KEITHA 0.001 88.828 3214
+KATHRIN 0.001 88.829 3215
+JAYMIE 0.001 88.830 3216
+JACK 0.001 88.832 3217
+GRICELDA 0.001 88.833 3218
+GINETTE 0.001 88.835 3219
+ERYN 0.001 88.836 3220
+ELINA 0.001 88.837 3221
+ELFRIEDA 0.001 88.839 3222
+DANYEL 0.001 88.840 3223
+CHEREE 0.001 88.841 3224
+CHANELLE 0.001 88.843 3225
+BARRIE 0.001 88.844 3226
+AVERY 0.001 88.846 3227
+AURORE 0.001 88.847 3228
+ANNAMARIA 0.001 88.848 3229
+ALLEEN 0.001 88.850 3230
+AILENE 0.001 88.851 3231
+AIDE 0.001 88.853 3232
+YASMINE 0.001 88.854 3233
+VASHTI 0.001 88.855 3234
+VALENTINE 0.001 88.857 3235
+TREASA 0.001 88.858 3236
+TORY 0.001 88.859 3237
+TIFFANEY 0.001 88.861 3238
+SHERYLL 0.001 88.862 3239
+SHARIE 0.001 88.863 3240
+SHANAE 0.001 88.865 3241
+SAU 0.001 88.866 3242
+RAISA 0.001 88.867 3243
+PA 0.001 88.869 3244
+NEDA 0.001 88.870 3245
+MITSUKO 0.001 88.871 3246
+MIRELLA 0.001 88.873 3247
+MILDA 0.001 88.874 3248
+MARYANNA 0.001 88.875 3249
+MARAGRET 0.001 88.877 3250
+MABELLE 0.001 88.878 3251
+LUETTA 0.001 88.880 3252
+LORINA 0.001 88.881 3253
+LETISHA 0.001 88.882 3254
+LATARSHA 0.001 88.884 3255
+LANELLE 0.001 88.885 3256
+LAJUANA 0.001 88.886 3257
+KRISSY 0.001 88.888 3258
+KARLY 0.001 88.889 3259
+KARENA 0.001 88.890 3260
+JON 0.001 88.892 3261
+JESSIKA 0.001 88.893 3262
+JERICA 0.001 88.894 3263
+JEANELLE 0.001 88.896 3264
+JANUARY 0.001 88.897 3265
+JALISA 0.001 88.898 3266
+JACELYN 0.001 88.900 3267
+IZOLA 0.001 88.901 3268
+IVEY 0.001 88.902 3269
+GREGORY 0.001 88.904 3270
+EUNA 0.001 88.905 3271
+ETHA 0.001 88.907 3272
+DREW 0.001 88.908 3273
+DOMITILA 0.001 88.909 3274
+DOMINICA 0.001 88.911 3275
+DAINA 0.001 88.912 3276
+CREOLA 0.001 88.913 3277
+CARLI 0.001 88.915 3278
+CAMIE 0.001 88.916 3279
+BUNNY 0.001 88.917 3280
+BRITTNY 0.001 88.919 3281
+ASHANTI 0.001 88.920 3282
+ANISHA 0.001 88.921 3283
+ALEEN 0.001 88.923 3284
+ADAH 0.001 88.924 3285
+YASUKO 0.001 88.925 3286
+WINTER 0.001 88.927 3287
+VIKI 0.001 88.928 3288
+VALRIE 0.001 88.929 3289
+TONA 0.001 88.931 3290
+TINISHA 0.001 88.932 3291
+THI 0.001 88.933 3292
+TERISA 0.001 88.935 3293
+TATUM 0.001 88.936 3294
+TANEKA 0.001 88.937 3295
+SIMONNE 0.001 88.939 3296
+SHALANDA 0.001 88.940 3297
+SERITA 0.001 88.941 3298
+RESSIE 0.001 88.943 3299
+REFUGIA 0.001 88.944 3300
+PAZ 0.001 88.945 3301
+OLENE 0.001 88.947 3302
+NA 0.001 88.948 3303
+MERRILL 0.001 88.949 3304
+MARGHERITA 0.001 88.950 3305
+MANDIE 0.001 88.952 3306
+MAN 0.001 88.953 3307
+MAIRE 0.001 88.954 3308
+LYNDIA 0.001 88.956 3309
+LUCI 0.001 88.957 3310
+LORRIANE 0.001 88.958 3311
+LORETA 0.001 88.960 3312
+LEONIA 0.001 88.961 3313
+LAVONA 0.001 88.962 3314
+LASHAWNDA 0.001 88.964 3315
+LAKIA 0.001 88.965 3316
+KYOKO 0.001 88.966 3317
+KRYSTINA 0.001 88.968 3318
+KRYSTEN 0.001 88.969 3319
+KENIA 0.001 88.970 3320
+KELSI 0.001 88.972 3321
+JUDE 0.001 88.973 3322
+JEANICE 0.001 88.974 3323
+ISOBEL 0.001 88.976 3324
+GEORGIANN 0.001 88.977 3325
+GENNY 0.001 88.978 3326
+FELICIDAD 0.001 88.979 3327
+EILENE 0.001 88.981 3328
+DEON 0.001 88.982 3329
+DELOISE 0.001 88.983 3330
+DEEDEE 0.001 88.985 3331
+DANNIE 0.001 88.986 3332
+CONCEPTION 0.001 88.987 3333
+CLORA 0.001 88.989 3334
+CHERILYN 0.001 88.990 3335
+CHANG 0.001 88.991 3336
+CALANDRA 0.001 88.993 3337
+BERRY 0.001 88.994 3338
+ARMANDINA 0.001 88.995 3339
+ANISA 0.001 88.997 3340
+ULA 0.001 88.998 3341
+TIMOTHY 0.001 88.999 3342
+TIERA 0.001 89.000 3343
+THERESSA 0.001 89.002 3344
+STEPHANIA 0.001 89.003 3345
+SIMA 0.001 89.004 3346
+SHYLA 0.001 89.006 3347
+SHONTA 0.001 89.007 3348
+SHERA 0.001 89.008 3349
+SHAQUITA 0.001 89.010 3350
+SHALA 0.001 89.011 3351
+SAMMY 0.001 89.012 3352
+ROSSANA 0.001 89.013 3353
+NOHEMI 0.001 89.015 3354
+NERY 0.001 89.016 3355
+MORIAH 0.001 89.017 3356
+MELITA 0.001 89.019 3357
+MELIDA 0.001 89.020 3358
+MELANI 0.001 89.021 3359
+MARYLYNN 0.001 89.022 3360
+MARISHA 0.001 89.024 3361
+MARIETTE 0.001 89.025 3362
+MALORIE 0.001 89.026 3363
+MADELENE 0.001 89.028 3364
+LUDIVINA 0.001 89.029 3365
+LORIA 0.001 89.030 3366
+LORETTE 0.001 89.031 3367
+LORALEE 0.001 89.033 3368
+LIANNE 0.001 89.034 3369
+LEON 0.001 89.035 3370
+LAVENIA 0.001 89.037 3371
+LAURINDA 0.001 89.038 3372
+LASHON 0.001 89.039 3373
+KIT 0.001 89.040 3374
+KIMI 0.001 89.042 3375
+KEILA 0.001 89.043 3376
+KATELYNN 0.001 89.044 3377
+KAI 0.001 89.046 3378
+JONE 0.001 89.047 3379
+JOANE 0.001 89.048 3380
+JI 0.001 89.049 3381
+JAYNA 0.001 89.051 3382
+JANELLA 0.001 89.052 3383
+JA 0.001 89.053 3384
+HUE 0.001 89.055 3385
+HERTHA 0.001 89.056 3386
+FRANCENE 0.001 89.057 3387
+ELINORE 0.001 89.058 3388
+DESPINA 0.001 89.060 3389
+DELSIE 0.001 89.061 3390
+DEEDRA 0.001 89.062 3391
+CLEMENCIA 0.001 89.064 3392
+CARRY 0.001 89.065 3393
+CAROLIN 0.001 89.066 3394
+CARLOS 0.001 89.067 3395
+BULAH 0.001 89.069 3396
+BRITTANIE 0.001 89.070 3397
+BOK 0.001 89.071 3398
+BLONDELL 0.001 89.073 3399
+BIBI 0.001 89.074 3400
+BEAULAH 0.001 89.075 3401
+BEATA 0.001 89.076 3402
+ANNITA 0.001 89.078 3403
+AGRIPINA 0.001 89.079 3404
+VIRGEN 0.001 89.080 3405
+VALENE 0.001 89.082 3406
+UN 0.001 89.083 3407
+TWANDA 0.001 89.084 3408
+TOMMYE 0.001 89.085 3409
+TOI 0.001 89.087 3410
+TARRA 0.001 89.088 3411
+TARI 0.001 89.089 3412
+TAMMERA 0.001 89.090 3413
+SHAKIA 0.001 89.092 3414
+SADYE 0.001 89.093 3415
+RUTHANNE 0.001 89.094 3416
+ROCHEL 0.001 89.095 3417
+RIVKA 0.001 89.097 3418
+PURA 0.001 89.098 3419
+NENITA 0.001 89.099 3420
+NATISHA 0.001 89.100 3421
+MING 0.001 89.102 3422
+MERRILEE 0.001 89.103 3423
+MELODEE 0.001 89.104 3424
+MARVIS 0.001 89.105 3425
+LUCILLA 0.001 89.107 3426
+LEENA 0.001 89.108 3427
+LAVETA 0.001 89.109 3428
+LARITA 0.001 89.110 3429
+LANIE 0.001 89.112 3430
+KEREN 0.001 89.113 3431
+ILEEN 0.001 89.114 3432
+GEORGEANN 0.001 89.115 3433
+GENNA 0.001 89.117 3434
+GENESIS 0.001 89.118 3435
+FRIDA 0.001 89.119 3436
+EWA 0.001 89.120 3437
+EUFEMIA 0.001 89.122 3438
+EMELY 0.001 89.123 3439
+ELA 0.001 89.124 3440
+EDYTH 0.001 89.126 3441
+DEONNA 0.001 89.127 3442
+DEADRA 0.001 89.128 3443
+DARLENA 0.001 89.129 3444
+CHANELL 0.001 89.131 3445
+CHAN 0.001 89.132 3446
+CATHERN 0.001 89.133 3447
+CASSONDRA 0.001 89.134 3448
+CASSAUNDRA 0.001 89.136 3449
+BERNARDA 0.001 89.137 3450
+BERNA 0.001 89.138 3451
+ARLINDA 0.001 89.139 3452
+ANAMARIA 0.001 89.141 3453
+ALBERT 0.001 89.142 3454
+WESLEY 0.001 89.143 3455
+VERTIE 0.001 89.144 3456
+VALERI 0.001 89.146 3457
+TORRI 0.001 89.147 3458
+TATYANA 0.001 89.148 3459
+STASIA 0.001 89.149 3460
+SHERISE 0.001 89.150 3461
+SHERILL 0.001 89.152 3462
+SEASON 0.001 89.153 3463
+SCOTTIE 0.001 89.154 3464
+SANDA 0.001 89.155 3465
+RUTHE 0.001 89.157 3466
+ROSY 0.001 89.158 3467
+ROBERTO 0.001 89.159 3468
+ROBBI 0.001 89.160 3469
+RANEE 0.001 89.161 3470
+QUYEN 0.001 89.163 3471
+PEARLY 0.001 89.164 3472
+PALMIRA 0.001 89.165 3473
+ONITA 0.001 89.166 3474
+NISHA 0.001 89.168 3475
+NIESHA 0.001 89.169 3476
+NIDA 0.001 89.170 3477
+NEVADA 0.001 89.171 3478
+NAM 0.001 89.172 3479
+MERLYN 0.001 89.174 3480
+MAYOLA 0.001 89.175 3481
+MARYLOUISE 0.001 89.176 3482
+MARYLAND 0.001 89.177 3483
+MARX 0.001 89.179 3484
+MARTH 0.001 89.180 3485
+MARGENE 0.001 89.181 3486
+MADELAINE 0.001 89.182 3487
+LONDA 0.001 89.183 3488
+LEONTINE 0.001 89.185 3489
+LEOMA 0.001 89.186 3490
+LEIA 0.001 89.187 3491
+LAWRENCE 0.001 89.188 3492
+LAURALEE 0.001 89.190 3493
+LANORA 0.001 89.191 3494
+LAKITA 0.001 89.192 3495
+KIYOKO 0.001 89.193 3496
+KETURAH 0.001 89.195 3497
+KATELIN 0.001 89.196 3498
+KAREEN 0.001 89.197 3499
+JONIE 0.001 89.198 3500
+JOHNETTE 0.001 89.199 3501
+JENEE 0.001 89.201 3502
+JEANETT 0.001 89.202 3503
+IZETTA 0.001 89.203 3504
+HIEDI 0.001 89.204 3505
+HEIKE 0.001 89.206 3506
+HASSIE 0.001 89.207 3507
+HAROLD 0.001 89.208 3508
+GIUSEPPINA 0.001 89.209 3509
+GEORGANN 0.001 89.210 3510
+FIDELA 0.001 89.212 3511
+FERNANDE 0.001 89.213 3512
+ELWANDA 0.001 89.214 3513
+ELLAMAE 0.001 89.215 3514
+ELIZ 0.001 89.217 3515
+DUSTI 0.001 89.218 3516
+DOTTY 0.001 89.219 3517
+CYNDY 0.001 89.220 3518
+CORALIE 0.001 89.221 3519
+CELESTA 0.001 89.223 3520
+ARGENTINA 0.001 89.224 3521
+ALVERTA 0.001 89.225 3522
+XENIA 0.001 89.226 3523
+WAVA 0.001 89.228 3524
+VANETTA 0.001 89.229 3525
+TORRIE 0.001 89.230 3526
+TASHINA 0.001 89.231 3527
+TANDY 0.001 89.232 3528
+TAMBRA 0.001 89.233 3529
+TAMA 0.001 89.235 3530
+STEPANIE 0.001 89.236 3531
+SHILA 0.001 89.237 3532
+SHAUNTA 0.001 89.238 3533
+SHARAN 0.001 89.239 3534
+SHANIQUA 0.001 89.241 3535
+SHAE 0.001 89.242 3536
+SETSUKO 0.001 89.243 3537
+SERAFINA 0.001 89.244 3538
+SANDEE 0.001 89.245 3539
+ROSAMARIA 0.001 89.247 3540
+PRISCILA 0.001 89.248 3541
+OLINDA 0.001 89.249 3542
+NADENE 0.001 89.250 3543
+MUOI 0.001 89.251 3544
+MICHELINA 0.001 89.253 3545
+MERCEDEZ 0.001 89.254 3546
+MARYROSE 0.001 89.255 3547
+MARIN 0.001 89.256 3548
+MARCENE 0.001 89.257 3549
+MAO 0.001 89.259 3550
+MAGALI 0.001 89.260 3551
+MAFALDA 0.001 89.261 3552
+LOGAN 0.001 89.262 3553
+LINN 0.001 89.263 3554
+LANNIE 0.001 89.265 3555
+KAYCE 0.001 89.266 3556
+KAROLINE 0.001 89.267 3557
+KAMILAH 0.001 89.268 3558
+KAMALA 0.001 89.269 3559
+JUSTA 0.001 89.270 3560
+JOLINE 0.001 89.272 3561
+JENNINE 0.001 89.273 3562
+JACQUETTA 0.001 89.274 3563
+IRAIDA 0.001 89.275 3564
+GERALD 0.001 89.276 3565
+GEORGEANNA 0.001 89.278 3566
+FRANCHESCA 0.001 89.279 3567
+FAIRY 0.001 89.280 3568
+EMELINE 0.001 89.281 3569
+ELANE 0.001 89.282 3570
+EHTEL 0.001 89.284 3571
+EARLIE 0.001 89.285 3572
+DULCIE 0.001 89.286 3573
+DALENE 0.001 89.287 3574
+CRIS 0.001 89.288 3575
+CLASSIE 0.001 89.290 3576
+CHERE 0.001 89.291 3577
+CHARIS 0.001 89.292 3578
+CAROYLN 0.001 89.293 3579
+CARMINA 0.001 89.294 3580
+CARITA 0.001 89.296 3581
+BRIAN 0.001 89.297 3582
+BETHANIE 0.001 89.298 3583
+AYAKO 0.001 89.299 3584
+ARICA 0.001 89.300 3585
+AN 0.001 89.301 3586
+ALYSA 0.001 89.303 3587
+ALESSANDRA 0.001 89.304 3588
+AKILAH 0.001 89.305 3589
+ADRIEN 0.001 89.306 3590
+ZETTA 0.001 89.307 3591
+YOULANDA 0.001 89.309 3592
+YELENA 0.001 89.310 3593
+YAHAIRA 0.001 89.311 3594
+XUAN 0.001 89.312 3595
+WENDOLYN 0.001 89.313 3596
+VICTOR 0.001 89.314 3597
+TIJUANA 0.001 89.316 3598
+TERRELL 0.001 89.317 3599
+TERINA 0.001 89.318 3600
+TERESIA 0.001 89.319 3601
+SUZI 0.001 89.320 3602
+SUNDAY 0.001 89.321 3603
+SHERELL 0.001 89.323 3604
+SHAVONDA 0.001 89.324 3605
+SHAUNTE 0.001 89.325 3606
+SHARDA 0.001 89.326 3607
+SHAKITA 0.001 89.327 3608
+SENA 0.001 89.328 3609
+RYANN 0.001 89.330 3610
+RUBI 0.001 89.331 3611
+RIVA 0.001 89.332 3612
+REGINIA 0.001 89.333 3613
+REA 0.001 89.334 3614
+RACHAL 0.001 89.335 3615
+PARTHENIA 0.001 89.336 3616
+PAMULA 0.001 89.338 3617
+MONNIE 0.001 89.339 3618
+MONET 0.001 89.340 3619
+MICHAELE 0.001 89.341 3620
+MELIA 0.001 89.342 3621
+MARINE 0.001 89.343 3622
+MALKA 0.001 89.345 3623
+MAISHA 0.001 89.346 3624
+LISANDRA 0.001 89.347 3625
+LEO 0.001 89.348 3626
+LEKISHA 0.001 89.349 3627
+LEAN 0.001 89.350 3628
+LAURENCE 0.001 89.352 3629
+LAKENDRA 0.001 89.353 3630
+KRYSTIN 0.001 89.354 3631
+KORTNEY 0.001 89.355 3632
+KIZZIE 0.001 89.356 3633
+KITTIE 0.001 89.357 3634
+KERA 0.001 89.359 3635
+KENDAL 0.001 89.360 3636
+KEMBERLY 0.001 89.361 3637
+KANISHA 0.001 89.362 3638
+JULENE 0.001 89.363 3639
+JULE 0.001 89.364 3640
+JOSHUA 0.001 89.366 3641
+JOHANNE 0.001 89.367 3642
+JEFFREY 0.001 89.368 3643
+JAMEE 0.001 89.369 3644
+HAN 0.001 89.370 3645
+HALLEY 0.001 89.371 3646
+GIDGET 0.001 89.373 3647
+GALINA 0.001 89.374 3648
+FREDRICKA 0.001 89.375 3649
+FLETA 0.001 89.376 3650
+FATIMAH 0.001 89.377 3651
+EUSEBIA 0.001 89.378 3652
+ELZA 0.001 89.379 3653
+ELEONORE 0.001 89.381 3654
+DORTHEY 0.001 89.382 3655
+DORIA 0.001 89.383 3656
+DONELLA 0.001 89.384 3657
+DINORAH 0.001 89.385 3658
+DELORSE 0.001 89.386 3659
+CLARETHA 0.001 89.388 3660
+CHRISTINIA 0.001 89.389 3661
+CHARLYN 0.001 89.390 3662
+BONG 0.001 89.391 3663
+BELKIS 0.001 89.392 3664
+AZZIE 0.001 89.393 3665
+ANDERA 0.001 89.395 3666
+AIKO 0.001 89.396 3667
+ADENA 0.001 89.397 3668
+YER 0.001 89.398 3669
+YAJAIRA 0.001 89.399 3670
+WAN 0.001 89.400 3671
+VANIA 0.001 89.401 3672
+ULRIKE 0.001 89.403 3673
+TOSHIA 0.001 89.404 3674
+TIFANY 0.001 89.405 3675
+STEFANY 0.001 89.406 3676
+SHIZUE 0.001 89.407 3677
+SHENIKA 0.001 89.408 3678
+SHAWANNA 0.001 89.409 3679
+SHAROLYN 0.001 89.410 3680
+SHARILYN 0.001 89.412 3681
+SHAQUANA 0.001 89.413 3682
+SHANTAY 0.001 89.414 3683
+SEE 0.001 89.415 3684
+ROZANNE 0.001 89.416 3685
+ROSELEE 0.001 89.417 3686
+RICKIE 0.001 89.418 3687
+REMONA 0.001 89.420 3688
+REANNA 0.001 89.421 3689
+RAELENE 0.001 89.422 3690
+QUINN 0.001 89.423 3691
+PHUNG 0.001 89.424 3692
+PETRONILA 0.001 89.425 3693
+NATACHA 0.001 89.426 3694
+NANCEY 0.001 89.427 3695
+MYRL 0.001 89.429 3696
+MIYOKO 0.001 89.430 3697
+MIESHA 0.001 89.431 3698
+MERIDETH 0.001 89.432 3699
+MARVELLA 0.001 89.433 3700
+MARQUITTA 0.001 89.434 3701
+MARHTA 0.001 89.435 3702
+MARCHELLE 0.001 89.436 3703
+LIZETH 0.001 89.438 3704
+LIBBIE 0.001 89.439 3705
+LAHOMA 0.001 89.440 3706
+LADAWN 0.001 89.441 3707
+KINA 0.001 89.442 3708
+KATHELEEN 0.001 89.443 3709
+KATHARYN 0.001 89.444 3710
+KARISA 0.001 89.446 3711
+KALEIGH 0.001 89.447 3712
+JUNIE 0.001 89.448 3713
+JULIEANN 0.001 89.449 3714
+JOHNSIE 0.001 89.450 3715
+JANEAN 0.001 89.451 3716
+JAIMEE 0.001 89.452 3717
+JACKQUELINE 0.001 89.453 3718
+HISAKO 0.001 89.455 3719
+HERMA 0.001 89.456 3720
+HELAINE 0.001 89.457 3721
+GWYNETH 0.001 89.458 3722
+GLENN 0.001 89.459 3723
+GITA 0.001 89.460 3724
+EUSTOLIA 0.001 89.461 3725
+EMELINA 0.001 89.462 3726
+ELIN 0.001 89.464 3727
+EDRIS 0.001 89.465 3728
+DONNETTE 0.001 89.466 3729
+DONNETTA 0.001 89.467 3730
+DIERDRE 0.001 89.468 3731
+DENAE 0.001 89.469 3732
+DARCEL 0.001 89.470 3733
+CLAUDE 0.001 89.472 3734
+CLARISA 0.001 89.473 3735
+CINDERELLA 0.001 89.474 3736
+CHIA 0.001 89.475 3737
+CHARLESETTA 0.001 89.476 3738
+CHARITA 0.001 89.477 3739
+CELSA 0.001 89.478 3740
+CASSY 0.001 89.479 3741
+CASSI 0.001 89.481 3742
+CARLEE 0.001 89.482 3743
+BRUNA 0.001 89.483 3744
+BRITTANEY 0.001 89.484 3745
+BRANDE 0.001 89.485 3746
+BILLI 0.001 89.486 3747
+BAO 0.001 89.487 3748
+ANTONETTA 0.001 89.488 3749
+ANGLA 0.001 89.490 3750
+ANGELYN 0.001 89.491 3751
+ANALISA 0.001 89.492 3752
+ALANE 0.001 89.493 3753
+WENONA 0.001 89.494 3754
+WENDIE 0.001 89.495 3755
+VERONIQUE 0.001 89.496 3756
+VANNESA 0.001 89.497 3757
+TOBIE 0.001 89.498 3758
+TEMPIE 0.001 89.500 3759
+SUMIKO 0.001 89.501 3760
+SULEMA 0.001 89.502 3761
+SPARKLE 0.001 89.503 3762
+SOMER 0.001 89.504 3763
+SHEBA 0.001 89.505 3764
+SHAYNE 0.001 89.506 3765
+SHARICE 0.001 89.507 3766
+SHANEL 0.001 89.508 3767
+SHALON 0.001 89.509 3768
+SAGE 0.001 89.511 3769
+ROY 0.001 89.512 3770
+ROSIO 0.001 89.513 3771
+ROSELIA 0.001 89.514 3772
+RENAY 0.001 89.515 3773
+REMA 0.001 89.516 3774
+REENA 0.001 89.517 3775
+PORSCHE 0.001 89.518 3776
+PING 0.001 89.519 3777
+PEG 0.001 89.520 3778
+OZIE 0.001 89.522 3779
+ORETHA 0.001 89.523 3780
+ORALEE 0.001 89.524 3781
+ODA 0.001 89.525 3782
+NU 0.001 89.526 3783
+NGAN 0.001 89.527 3784
+NAKESHA 0.001 89.528 3785
+MILLY 0.001 89.529 3786
+MARYBELLE 0.001 89.530 3787
+MARLIN 0.001 89.531 3788
+MARIS 0.001 89.533 3789
+MARGRETT 0.001 89.534 3790
+MARAGARET 0.001 89.535 3791
+MANIE 0.001 89.536 3792
+LURLENE 0.001 89.537 3793
+LILLIA 0.001 89.538 3794
+LIESELOTTE 0.001 89.539 3795
+LAVELLE 0.001 89.540 3796
+LASHAUNDA 0.001 89.541 3797
+LAKEESHA 0.001 89.542 3798
+KEITH 0.001 89.544 3799
+KAYCEE 0.001 89.545 3800
+KALYN 0.001 89.546 3801
+JOYA 0.001 89.547 3802
+JOETTE 0.001 89.548 3803
+JENAE 0.001 89.549 3804
+JANIECE 0.001 89.550 3805
+ILLA 0.001 89.551 3806
+GRISEL 0.001 89.552 3807
+GLAYDS 0.001 89.553 3808
+GENEVIE 0.001 89.555 3809
+GALA 0.001 89.556 3810
+FREDDA 0.001 89.557 3811
+FRED 0.001 89.558 3812
+ELMER 0.001 89.559 3813
+ELEONOR 0.001 89.560 3814
+DEBERA 0.001 89.561 3815
+DEANDREA 0.001 89.562 3816
+DAN 0.001 89.563 3817
+CORRINNE 0.001 89.564 3818
+CORDIA 0.001 89.566 3819
+CONTESSA 0.001 89.567 3820
+COLENE 0.001 89.568 3821
+CLEOTILDE 0.001 89.569 3822
+CHARLOTT 0.001 89.570 3823
+CHANTAY 0.001 89.571 3824
+CECILLE 0.001 89.572 3825
+BEATRIS 0.001 89.573 3826
+AZALEE 0.001 89.574 3827
+ARLEAN 0.001 89.575 3828
+ARDATH 0.001 89.577 3829
+ANJELICA 0.001 89.578 3830
+ANJA 0.001 89.579 3831
+ALFREDIA 0.001 89.580 3832
+ALEISHA 0.001 89.581 3833
+ADAM 0.001 89.582 3834
+ZADA 0.001 89.583 3835
+YUONNE 0.001 89.584 3836
+XIAO 0.001 89.585 3837
+WILLODEAN 0.001 89.586 3838
+WHITLEY 0.001 89.587 3839
+VENNIE 0.001 89.588 3840
+VANNA 0.001 89.589 3841
+TYISHA 0.001 89.591 3842
+TOVA 0.001 89.592 3843
+TORIE 0.001 89.593 3844
+TONISHA 0.001 89.594 3845
+TILDA 0.001 89.595 3846
+TIEN 0.001 89.596 3847
+TEMPLE 0.001 89.597 3848
+SIRENA 0.001 89.598 3849
+SHERRIL 0.001 89.599 3850
+SHANTI 0.001 89.600 3851
+SHAN 0.001 89.601 3852
+SENAIDA 0.001 89.602 3853
+SAMELLA 0.001 89.603 3854
+ROBBYN 0.001 89.604 3855
+RENDA 0.001 89.606 3856
+REITA 0.001 89.607 3857
+PHEBE 0.001 89.608 3858
+PAULITA 0.001 89.609 3859
+NOBUKO 0.001 89.610 3860
+NGUYET 0.001 89.611 3861
+NEOMI 0.001 89.612 3862
+MOON 0.001 89.613 3863
+MIKAELA 0.001 89.614 3864
+MELANIA 0.001 89.615 3865
+MAXIMINA 0.001 89.616 3866
+MARG 0.001 89.617 3867
+MAISIE 0.001 89.618 3868
+LYNNA 0.001 89.619 3869
+LILLI 0.001 89.620 3870
+LAYNE 0.001 89.622 3871
+LASHAUN 0.001 89.623 3872
+LAKENYA 0.001 89.624 3873
+LAEL 0.001 89.625 3874
+KIRSTIE 0.001 89.626 3875
+KATHLINE 0.001 89.627 3876
+KASHA 0.001 89.628 3877
+KARLYN 0.001 89.629 3878
+KARIMA 0.001 89.630 3879
+JOVAN 0.001 89.631 3880
+JOSEFINE 0.001 89.632 3881
+JENNELL 0.001 89.633 3882
+JACQUI 0.001 89.634 3883
+JACKELYN 0.001 89.635 3884
+HYO 0.001 89.636 3885
+HIEN 0.001 89.638 3886
+GRAZYNA 0.001 89.639 3887
+FLORRIE 0.001 89.640 3888
+FLORIA 0.001 89.641 3889
+ELEONORA 0.001 89.642 3890
+DWANA 0.001 89.643 3891
+DORLA 0.001 89.644 3892
+DONG 0.001 89.645 3893
+DELMY 0.001 89.646 3894
+DEJA 0.001 89.647 3895
+DEDE 0.001 89.648 3896
+DANN 0.001 89.649 3897
+CRYSTA 0.001 89.650 3898
+CLELIA 0.001 89.651 3899
+CLARIS 0.001 89.652 3900
+CLARENCE 0.001 89.654 3901
+CHIEKO 0.001 89.655 3902
+CHERLYN 0.001 89.656 3903
+CHERELLE 0.001 89.657 3904
+CHARMAIN 0.001 89.658 3905
+CHARA 0.001 89.659 3906
+CAMMY 0.001 89.660 3907
+BEE 0.001 89.661 3908
+ARNETTE 0.001 89.662 3909
+ARDELLE 0.001 89.663 3910
+ANNIKA 0.001 89.664 3911
+AMIEE 0.001 89.665 3912
+AMEE 0.001 89.666 3913
+ALLENA 0.001 89.667 3914
+YVONE 0.001 89.668 3915
+YUKI 0.001 89.670 3916
+YOSHIE 0.001 89.671 3917
+YEVETTE 0.001 89.672 3918
+YAEL 0.001 89.673 3919
+WILLETTA 0.001 89.674 3920
+VONCILE 0.001 89.675 3921
+VENETTA 0.001 89.676 3922
+TULA 0.001 89.677 3923
+TONETTE 0.001 89.678 3924
+TIMIKA 0.001 89.679 3925
+TEMIKA 0.001 89.680 3926
+TELMA 0.001 89.681 3927
+TEISHA 0.001 89.682 3928
+TAREN 0.001 89.683 3929
+TA 0.001 89.684 3930
+STACEE 0.001 89.685 3931
+SHIN 0.001 89.686 3932
+SHAWNTA 0.001 89.687 3933
+SATURNINA 0.001 89.688 3934
+RICARDA 0.001 89.689 3935
+POK 0.001 89.690 3936
+PASTY 0.001 89.691 3937
+ONIE 0.001 89.692 3938
+NUBIA 0.001 89.693 3939
+MORA 0.001 89.694 3940
+MIKE 0.001 89.695 3941
+MARIELLE 0.001 89.696 3942
+MARIELLA 0.001 89.697 3943
+MARIANELA 0.001 89.699 3944
+MARDELL 0.001 89.700 3945
+MANY 0.001 89.701 3946
+LUANNA 0.001 89.702 3947
+LOISE 0.001 89.703 3948
+LISABETH 0.001 89.704 3949
+LINDSY 0.001 89.705 3950
+LILLIANA 0.001 89.706 3951
+LILLIAM 0.001 89.707 3952
+LELAH 0.001 89.708 3953
+LEIGHA 0.001 89.709 3954
+LEANORA 0.001 89.710 3955
+LANG 0.001 89.711 3956
+KRISTEEN 0.001 89.712 3957
+KHALILAH 0.001 89.713 3958
+KEELEY 0.001 89.714 3959
+KANDRA 0.001 89.715 3960
+JUNKO 0.001 89.716 3961
+JOAQUINA 0.001 89.717 3962
+JERLENE 0.001 89.718 3963
+JANI 0.001 89.719 3964
+JAMIKA 0.001 89.720 3965
+JAME 0.001 89.721 3966
+HSIU 0.001 89.722 3967
+HERMILA 0.001 89.723 3968
+GOLDEN 0.001 89.724 3969
+GENEVIVE 0.001 89.725 3970
+EVIA 0.001 89.727 3971
+EUGENA 0.001 89.728 3972
+EMMALINE 0.001 89.729 3973
+ELFREDA 0.001 89.730 3974
+ELENE 0.001 89.731 3975
+DONETTE 0.001 89.732 3976
+DELCIE 0.001 89.733 3977
+DEEANNA 0.001 89.734 3978
+DARCEY 0.001 89.735 3979
+CUC 0.001 89.736 3980
+CLARINDA 0.001 89.737 3981
+CIRA 0.001 89.738 3982
+CHAE 0.001 89.739 3983
+CELINDA 0.001 89.740 3984
+CATHERYN 0.001 89.741 3985
+CATHERIN 0.001 89.742 3986
+CASIMIRA 0.001 89.743 3987
+CARMELIA 0.001 89.744 3988
+CAMELLIA 0.001 89.745 3989
+BREANA 0.001 89.746 3990
+BOBETTE 0.001 89.747 3991
+BERNARDINA 0.001 89.748 3992
+BEBE 0.001 89.749 3993
+BASILIA 0.001 89.750 3994
+ARLYNE 0.001 89.751 3995
+AMAL 0.001 89.752 3996
+ALAYNA 0.001 89.753 3997
+ZONIA 0.001 89.754 3998
+ZENIA 0.001 89.755 3999
+YURIKO 0.001 89.756 4000
+YAEKO 0.001 89.757 4001
+WYNELL 0.001 89.758 4002
+WILLOW 0.001 89.759 4003
+WILLENA 0.001 89.760 4004
+VERNIA 0.001 89.761 4005
+TU 0.001 89.762 4006
+TRAVIS 0.001 89.764 4007
+TORA 0.001 89.765 4008
+TERRILYN 0.001 89.766 4009
+TERICA 0.001 89.767 4010
+TENESHA 0.001 89.768 4011
+TAWNA 0.001 89.769 4012
+TAJUANA 0.001 89.770 4013
+TAINA 0.001 89.771 4014
+STEPHNIE 0.001 89.772 4015
+SONA 0.001 89.773 4016
+SOL 0.001 89.774 4017
+SINA 0.001 89.775 4018
+SHONDRA 0.001 89.776 4019
+SHIZUKO 0.001 89.777 4020
+SHERLENE 0.001 89.778 4021
+SHERICE 0.001 89.779 4022
+SHARIKA 0.001 89.780 4023
+ROSSIE 0.001 89.781 4024
+ROSENA 0.001 89.782 4025
+RORY 0.001 89.783 4026
+RIMA 0.001 89.784 4027
+RIA 0.001 89.785 4028
+RHEBA 0.001 89.786 4029
+RENNA 0.001 89.787 4030
+PETER 0.001 89.788 4031
+NATALYA 0.001 89.789 4032
+NANCEE 0.001 89.790 4033
+MELODI 0.001 89.791 4034
+MEDA 0.001 89.792 4035
+MAXIMA 0.001 89.793 4036
+MATHA 0.001 89.794 4037
+MARKETTA 0.001 89.795 4038
+MARICRUZ 0.001 89.796 4039
+MARCELENE 0.001 89.797 4040
+MALVINA 0.001 89.798 4041
+LUBA 0.001 89.799 4042
+LOUETTA 0.001 89.800 4043
+LEIDA 0.001 89.801 4044
+LECIA 0.001 89.802 4045
+LAURAN 0.001 89.803 4046
+LASHAWNA 0.001 89.804 4047
+LAINE 0.001 89.805 4048
+KHADIJAH 0.001 89.806 4049
+KATERINE 0.001 89.807 4050
+KASI 0.001 89.808 4051
+KALLIE 0.001 89.809 4052
+JULIETTA 0.001 89.810 4053
+JESUSITA 0.001 89.811 4054
+JESTINE 0.001 89.812 4055
+JESSIA 0.001 89.813 4056
+JEREMY 0.001 89.814 4057
+JEFFIE 0.001 89.815 4058
+JANYCE 0.001 89.816 4059
+ISADORA 0.001 89.817 4060
+GEORGIANNE 0.001 89.818 4061
+FIDELIA 0.001 89.819 4062
+EVITA 0.001 89.820 4063
+EURA 0.001 89.821 4064
+EULAH 0.001 89.822 4065
+ESTEFANA 0.001 89.823 4066
+ELSY 0.001 89.824 4067
+ELIZABET 0.001 89.825 4068
+ELADIA 0.001 89.826 4069
+DODIE 0.001 89.827 4070
+DION 0.001 89.828 4071
+DIA 0.001 89.829 4072
+DENISSE 0.001 89.830 4073
+DELORAS 0.001 89.831 4074
+DELILA 0.001 89.832 4075
+DAYSI 0.001 89.833 4076
+DAKOTA 0.001 89.834 4077
+CURTIS 0.001 89.835 4078
+CRYSTLE 0.001 89.836 4079
+CONCHA 0.001 89.837 4080
+COLBY 0.001 89.838 4081
+CLARETTA 0.001 89.839 4082
+CHU 0.001 89.840 4083
+CHRISTIA 0.001 89.841 4084
+CHARLSIE 0.001 89.842 4085
+CHARLENA 0.001 89.843 4086
+CARYLON 0.001 89.844 4087
+BETTYANN 0.001 89.845 4088
+ASLEY 0.001 89.846 4089
+ASHLEA 0.001 89.847 4090
+AMIRA 0.001 89.848 4091
+AI 0.001 89.849 4092
+AGUEDA 0.001 89.850 4093
+AGNUS 0.001 89.851 4094
+YUETTE 0.001 89.852 4095
+VINITA 0.001 89.853 4096
+VICTORINA 0.001 89.854 4097
+TYNISHA 0.001 89.855 4098
+TREENA 0.001 89.856 4099
+TOCCARA 0.001 89.857 4100
+TISH 0.001 89.858 4101
+THOMASENA 0.001 89.859 4102
+TEGAN 0.001 89.860 4103
+SOILA 0.001 89.861 4104
+SHILOH 0.001 89.862 4105
+SHENNA 0.001 89.863 4106
+SHARMAINE 0.001 89.864 4107
+SHANTAE 0.001 89.865 4108
+SHANDI 0.001 89.866 4109
+SEPTEMBER 0.001 89.867 4110
+SARAN 0.001 89.867 4111
+SARAI 0.001 89.868 4112
+SANA 0.001 89.869 4113
+SAMUEL 0.001 89.870 4114
+SALLEY 0.001 89.871 4115
+ROSETTE 0.001 89.872 4116
+ROLANDE 0.001 89.873 4117
+REGINE 0.001 89.874 4118
+OTELIA 0.001 89.875 4119
+OSCAR 0.001 89.876 4120
+OLEVIA 0.001 89.877 4121
+NICHOLLE 0.001 89.878 4122
+NECOLE 0.001 89.879 4123
+NAIDA 0.001 89.880 4124
+MYRTA 0.001 89.881 4125
+MYESHA 0.001 89.882 4126
+MITSUE 0.001 89.883 4127
+MINTA 0.001 89.884 4128
+MERTIE 0.001 89.885 4129
+MARGY 0.001 89.886 4130
+MAHALIA 0.001 89.887 4131
+MADALENE 0.001 89.888 4132
+LOVE 0.001 89.889 4133
+LOURA 0.001 89.890 4134
+LOREAN 0.001 89.891 4135
+LEWIS 0.001 89.892 4136
+LESHA 0.001 89.893 4137
+LEONIDA 0.001 89.894 4138
+LENITA 0.001 89.895 4139
+LAVONE 0.001 89.896 4140
+LASHELL 0.001 89.897 4141
+LASHANDRA 0.001 89.898 4142
+LAMONICA 0.001 89.899 4143
+KIMBRA 0.001 89.900 4144
+KATHERINA 0.001 89.901 4145
+KARRY 0.001 89.902 4146
+KANESHA 0.001 89.903 4147
+JULIO 0.001 89.903 4148
+JONG 0.001 89.904 4149
+JENEVA 0.001 89.905 4150
+JAQUELYN 0.001 89.906 4151
+HWA 0.001 89.907 4152
+GILMA 0.001 89.908 4153
+GHISLAINE 0.001 89.909 4154
+GERTRUDIS 0.001 89.910 4155
+FRANSISCA 0.001 89.911 4156
+FERMINA 0.001 89.912 4157
+ETTIE 0.001 89.913 4158
+ETSUKO 0.001 89.914 4159
+ELLIS 0.001 89.915 4160
+ELLAN 0.001 89.916 4161
+ELIDIA 0.001 89.917 4162
+EDRA 0.001 89.918 4163
+DORETHEA 0.001 89.919 4164
+DOREATHA 0.001 89.920 4165
+DENYSE 0.001 89.921 4166
+DENNY 0.001 89.922 4167
+DEETTA 0.001 89.923 4168
+DAINE 0.001 89.924 4169
+CYRSTAL 0.001 89.925 4170
+CORRIN 0.001 89.926 4171
+CAYLA 0.001 89.927 4172
+CARLITA 0.001 89.928 4173
+CAMILA 0.001 89.929 4174
+BURMA 0.001 89.930 4175
+BULA 0.001 89.931 4176
+BUENA 0.001 89.932 4177
+BLAKE 0.001 89.933 4178
+BARABARA 0.001 89.934 4179
+AVRIL 0.001 89.935 4180
+AUSTIN 0.001 89.936 4181
+ALAINE 0.001 89.937 4182
+ZANA 0.001 89.938 4183
+WILHEMINA 0.001 89.938 4184
+WANETTA 0.001 89.939 4185
+VIRGIL 0.001 89.940 4186
+VI 0.001 89.941 4187
+VERONIKA 0.001 89.942 4188
+VERNON 0.001 89.943 4189
+VERLINE 0.001 89.944 4190
+VASILIKI 0.001 89.945 4191
+TONITA 0.001 89.946 4192
+TISA 0.001 89.947 4193
+TEOFILA 0.001 89.948 4194
+TAYNA 0.001 89.949 4195
+TAUNYA 0.001 89.950 4196
+TANDRA 0.001 89.951 4197
+TAKAKO 0.001 89.952 4198
+SUNNI 0.001 89.953 4199
+SUANNE 0.001 89.954 4200
+SIXTA 0.001 89.954 4201
+SHARELL 0.001 89.955 4202
+SEEMA 0.001 89.956 4203
+RUSSELL 0.001 89.957 4204
+ROSENDA 0.001 89.958 4205
+ROBENA 0.001 89.959 4206
+RAYMONDE 0.001 89.960 4207
+PEI 0.001 89.961 4208
+PAMILA 0.001 89.962 4209
+OZELL 0.001 89.963 4210
+NEIDA 0.001 89.964 4211
+NEELY 0.001 89.965 4212
+MISTIE 0.001 89.966 4213
+MICHA 0.001 89.967 4214
+MERISSA 0.001 89.968 4215
+MAURITA 0.001 89.969 4216
+MARYLN 0.001 89.970 4217
+MARYETTA 0.001 89.971 4218
+MARSHALL 0.001 89.971 4219
+MARCELL 0.001 89.972 4220
+MALENA 0.001 89.973 4221
+MAKEDA 0.001 89.974 4222
+MADDIE 0.001 89.975 4223
+LOVETTA 0.001 89.976 4224
+LOURIE 0.001 89.977 4225
+LORRINE 0.001 89.978 4226
+LORILEE 0.001 89.979 4227
+LESTER 0.001 89.980 4228
+LAURENA 0.001 89.981 4229
+LASHAY 0.001 89.982 4230
+LARRAINE 0.001 89.983 4231
+LAREE 0.001 89.984 4232
+LACRESHA 0.001 89.985 4233
+KRISTLE 0.001 89.986 4234
+KRISHNA 0.001 89.987 4235
+KEVA 0.001 89.987 4236
+KEIRA 0.001 89.988 4237
+KAROLE 0.001 89.989 4238
+JOIE 0.001 89.990 4239
+JINNY 0.001 89.991 4240
+JEANNETTA 0.001 89.992 4241
+JAMA 0.001 89.993 4242
+HEIDY 0.001 89.994 4243
+GILBERTE 0.001 89.995 4244
+GEMA 0.001 89.996 4245
+FAVIOLA 0.001 89.997 4246
+EVELYNN 0.001 89.998 4247
+ENDA 0.001 89.999 4248
+ELLI 0.001 90.000 4249
+ELLENA 0.001 90.001 4250
+DIVINA 0.001 90.002 4251
+DAGNY 0.001 90.003 4252
+COLLENE 0.001 90.003 4253
+CODI 0.001 90.004 4254
+CINDIE 0.001 90.005 4255
+CHASSIDY 0.001 90.006 4256
+CHASIDY 0.001 90.007 4257
+CATRICE 0.001 90.008 4258
+CATHERINA 0.001 90.009 4259
+CASSEY 0.001 90.010 4260
+CAROLL 0.001 90.011 4261
+CARLENA 0.001 90.012 4262
+CANDRA 0.001 90.013 4263
+CALISTA 0.001 90.014 4264
+BRYANNA 0.001 90.015 4265
+BRITTENY 0.001 90.016 4266
+BEULA 0.001 90.017 4267
+BARI 0.001 90.018 4268
+AUDRIE 0.001 90.019 4269
+AUDRIA 0.001 90.019 4270
+ARDELIA 0.001 90.020 4271
+ANNELLE 0.001 90.021 4272
+ANGILA 0.001 90.022 4273
+ALONA 0.001 90.023 4274
+ALLYN 0.001 90.024 4275
diff --git a/config/dist.female.first.80percent b/config/dist.female.first.80percent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13ed77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/dist.female.first.80percent
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+MARY 2.629 2.629 1
+PATRICIA 1.073 3.702 2
+LINDA 1.035 4.736 3
+BARBARA 0.980 5.716 4
+ELIZABETH 0.937 6.653 5
+JENNIFER 0.932 7.586 6
+MARIA 0.828 8.414 7
+SUSAN 0.794 9.209 8
+MARGARET 0.768 9.976 9
+DOROTHY 0.727 10.703 10
+LISA 0.704 11.407 11
+NANCY 0.669 12.075 12
+KAREN 0.667 12.742 13
+BETTY 0.666 13.408 14
+HELEN 0.663 14.071 15
+SANDRA 0.629 14.700 16
+DONNA 0.583 15.282 17
+CAROL 0.565 15.848 18
+RUTH 0.562 16.410 19
+SHARON 0.522 16.932 20
+MICHELLE 0.519 17.451 21
+LAURA 0.510 17.961 22
+SARAH 0.508 18.469 23
+KIMBERLY 0.504 18.973 24
+DEBORAH 0.494 19.467 25
+JESSICA 0.490 19.958 26
+SHIRLEY 0.482 20.439 27
+CYNTHIA 0.469 20.908 28
+ANGELA 0.468 21.376 29
+MELISSA 0.462 21.839 30
+BRENDA 0.455 22.293 31
+AMY 0.451 22.745 32
+ANNA 0.440 23.185 33
+REBECCA 0.430 23.615 34
+VIRGINIA 0.430 24.044 35
+KATHLEEN 0.424 24.468 36
+PAMELA 0.416 24.884 37
+MARTHA 0.412 25.297 38
+DEBRA 0.408 25.704 39
+AMANDA 0.404 26.108 40
+STEPHANIE 0.400 26.508 41
+CAROLYN 0.385 26.893 42
+CHRISTINE 0.382 27.275 43
+MARIE 0.379 27.655 44
+JANET 0.379 28.034 45
+CATHERINE 0.373 28.408 46
+FRANCES 0.370 28.777 47
+ANN 0.364 29.141 48
+JOYCE 0.364 29.505 49
+DIANE 0.359 29.864 50
+ALICE 0.357 30.221 51
+JULIE 0.348 30.568 52
+HEATHER 0.337 30.905 53
+TERESA 0.336 31.241 54
+DORIS 0.335 31.577 55
+GLORIA 0.335 31.912 56
+EVELYN 0.322 32.233 57
+JEAN 0.315 32.548 58
+CHERYL 0.315 32.863 59
+MILDRED 0.313 33.176 60
+KATHERINE 0.313 33.489 61
+JOAN 0.306 33.795 62
+ASHLEY 0.303 34.098 63
+JUDITH 0.297 34.395 64
+ROSE 0.296 34.691 65
+JANICE 0.285 34.975 66
+KELLY 0.283 35.258 67
+NICOLE 0.281 35.539 68
+JUDY 0.276 35.815 69
+CHRISTINA 0.275 36.090 70
+KATHY 0.272 36.362 71
+THERESA 0.271 36.633 72
+BEVERLY 0.267 36.900 73
+DENISE 0.264 37.164 74
+TAMMY 0.259 37.423 75
+IRENE 0.252 37.675 76
+JANE 0.250 37.925 77
+LORI 0.248 38.173 78
+RACHEL 0.242 38.415 79
+MARILYN 0.241 38.657 80
+ANDREA 0.236 38.893 81
+KATHRYN 0.234 39.127 82
+LOUISE 0.229 39.356 83
+SARA 0.229 39.584 84
+ANNE 0.228 39.812 85
+JACQUELINE 0.228 40.040 86
+WANDA 0.226 40.266 87
+BONNIE 0.223 40.489 88
+JULIA 0.223 40.711 89
+RUBY 0.221 40.932 90
+LOIS 0.220 41.153 91
+TINA 0.220 41.372 92
+PHYLLIS 0.219 41.591 93
+NORMA 0.218 41.809 94
+PAULA 0.217 42.026 95
+DIANA 0.216 42.242 96
+ANNIE 0.216 42.458 97
+LILLIAN 0.211 42.669 98
+EMILY 0.208 42.877 99
+ROBIN 0.208 43.085 100
+PEGGY 0.208 43.293 101
+CRYSTAL 0.207 43.500 102
+GLADYS 0.205 43.705 103
+RITA 0.204 43.908 104
+DAWN 0.202 44.111 105
+CONNIE 0.200 44.311 106
+FLORENCE 0.200 44.511 107
+TRACY 0.197 44.708 108
+EDNA 0.197 44.904 109
+TIFFANY 0.195 45.100 110
+CARMEN 0.195 45.295 111
+ROSA 0.194 45.489 112
+CINDY 0.192 45.681 113
+GRACE 0.189 45.869 114
+WENDY 0.185 46.055 115
+VICTORIA 0.180 46.235 116
+EDITH 0.179 46.414 117
+KIM 0.178 46.592 118
+SHERRY 0.178 46.770 119
+SYLVIA 0.177 46.947 120
+JOSEPHINE 0.177 47.123 121
+THELMA 0.175 47.298 122
+SHANNON 0.175 47.473 123
+SHEILA 0.175 47.648 124
+ETHEL 0.174 47.822 125
+ELLEN 0.173 47.995 126
+ELAINE 0.173 48.168 127
+MARJORIE 0.173 48.341 128
+CARRIE 0.171 48.512 129
+CHARLOTTE 0.169 48.680 130
+MONICA 0.166 48.847 131
+ESTHER 0.166 49.013 132
+PAULINE 0.165 49.178 133
+EMMA 0.165 49.342 134
+JUANITA 0.164 49.506 135
+ANITA 0.162 49.669 136
+RHONDA 0.162 49.830 137
+HAZEL 0.161 49.991 138
+AMBER 0.160 50.151 139
+EVA 0.159 50.310 140
+DEBBIE 0.157 50.467 141
+APRIL 0.154 50.621 142
+LESLIE 0.154 50.775 143
+CLARA 0.153 50.928 144
+LUCILLE 0.153 51.081 145
+JAMIE 0.153 51.235 146
+JOANNE 0.150 51.385 147
+ELEANOR 0.150 51.535 148
+VALERIE 0.149 51.684 149
+DANIELLE 0.149 51.833 150
+MEGAN 0.147 51.981 151
+ALICIA 0.146 52.126 152
+SUZANNE 0.145 52.272 153
+MICHELE 0.145 52.417 154
+GAIL 0.145 52.562 155
+BERTHA 0.143 52.704 156
+DARLENE 0.142 52.847 157
+VERONICA 0.142 52.989 158
+JILL 0.142 53.131 159
+ERIN 0.141 53.272 160
+GERALDINE 0.141 53.413 161
+LAUREN 0.137 53.550 162
+CATHY 0.137 53.687 163
+JOANN 0.136 53.823 164
+LORRAINE 0.135 53.958 165
+LYNN 0.135 54.093 166
+SALLY 0.135 54.228 167
+REGINA 0.133 54.360 168
+ERICA 0.130 54.490 169
+BEATRICE 0.130 54.620 170
+DOLORES 0.129 54.749 171
+BERNICE 0.128 54.877 172
+AUDREY 0.127 55.003 173
+YVONNE 0.126 55.129 174
+ANNETTE 0.125 55.255 175
+JUNE 0.125 55.380 176
+SAMANTHA 0.124 55.504 177
+MARION 0.122 55.626 178
+DANA 0.122 55.748 179
+STACY 0.121 55.869 180
+ANA 0.120 55.989 181
+RENEE 0.120 56.109 182
+IDA 0.118 56.227 183
+VIVIAN 0.118 56.346 184
+ROBERTA 0.117 56.463 185
+HOLLY 0.117 56.580 186
+BRITTANY 0.117 56.697 187
+MELANIE 0.116 56.813 188
+LORETTA 0.115 56.928 189
+YOLANDA 0.115 57.043 190
+JEANETTE 0.115 57.158 191
+LAURIE 0.114 57.271 192
+KATIE 0.113 57.385 193
+KRISTEN 0.111 57.496 194
+VANESSA 0.111 57.607 195
+ALMA 0.111 57.718 196
+SUE 0.111 57.829 197
+ELSIE 0.110 57.939 198
+BETH 0.110 58.049 199
+JEANNE 0.109 58.158 200
+VICKI 0.109 58.267 201
+CARLA 0.107 58.374 202
+TARA 0.107 58.482 203
+ROSEMARY 0.107 58.589 204
+EILEEN 0.105 58.694 205
+TERRI 0.105 58.799 206
+GERTRUDE 0.103 58.902 207
+LUCY 0.103 59.005 208
+TONYA 0.102 59.107 209
+ELLA 0.101 59.208 210
+STACEY 0.101 59.308 211
+WILMA 0.099 59.408 212
+GINA 0.099 59.506 213
+KRISTIN 0.099 59.605 214
+JESSIE 0.098 59.703 215
+NATALIE 0.098 59.801 216
+AGNES 0.098 59.899 217
+VERA 0.098 59.997 218
+WILLIE 0.097 60.094 219
+CHARLENE 0.097 60.191 220
+BESSIE 0.096 60.287 221
+DELORES 0.095 60.382 222
+MELINDA 0.094 60.477 223
+PEARL 0.094 60.571 224
+ARLENE 0.094 60.665 225
+MAUREEN 0.092 60.757 226
+COLLEEN 0.092 60.849 227
+ALLISON 0.092 60.941 228
+TAMARA 0.092 61.033 229
+JOY 0.091 61.124 230
+GEORGIA 0.091 61.215 231
+CONSTANCE 0.091 61.305 232
+LILLIE 0.090 61.396 233
+CLAUDIA 0.090 61.485 234
+JACKIE 0.090 61.575 235
+MARCIA 0.090 61.665 236
+TANYA 0.089 61.754 237
+NELLIE 0.089 61.843 238
+MINNIE 0.089 61.931 239
+MARLENE 0.088 62.020 240
+HEIDI 0.088 62.108 241
+GLENDA 0.088 62.195 242
+LYDIA 0.086 62.281 243
+VIOLA 0.086 62.367 244
+COURTNEY 0.086 62.453 245
+MARIAN 0.086 62.539 246
+STELLA 0.085 62.623 247
+CAROLINE 0.085 62.708 248
+DORA 0.084 62.792 249
+JO 0.083 62.875 250
+VICKIE 0.082 62.957 251
+MATTIE 0.081 63.038 252
+TERRY 0.080 63.118 253
+MAXINE 0.079 63.198 254
+IRMA 0.079 63.277 255
+MABEL 0.078 63.355 256
+MARSHA 0.078 63.434 257
+MYRTLE 0.078 63.511 258
+LENA 0.077 63.589 259
+CHRISTY 0.077 63.665 260
+DEANNA 0.076 63.742 261
+PATSY 0.076 63.818 262
+HILDA 0.075 63.893 263
+GWENDOLYN 0.074 63.967 264
+JENNIE 0.073 64.040 265
+NORA 0.073 64.113 266
+MARGIE 0.072 64.185 267
+NINA 0.072 64.257 268
+CASSANDRA 0.072 64.329 269
+LEAH 0.072 64.401 270
+PENNY 0.071 64.472 271
+KAY 0.071 64.543 272
+PRISCILLA 0.071 64.614 273
+NAOMI 0.071 64.684 274
+CAROLE 0.071 64.755 275
+BRANDY 0.070 64.825 276
+OLGA 0.070 64.895 277
+BILLIE 0.069 64.964 278
+DIANNE 0.069 65.033 279
+TRACEY 0.069 65.102 280
+LEONA 0.069 65.171 281
+JENNY 0.068 65.239 282
+FELICIA 0.068 65.307 283
+SONIA 0.068 65.374 284
+MIRIAM 0.066 65.440 285
+VELMA 0.066 65.506 286
+BECKY 0.066 65.572 287
+BOBBIE 0.065 65.637 288
+VIOLET 0.065 65.702 289
+KRISTINA 0.065 65.767 290
+TONI 0.064 65.831 291
+MISTY 0.063 65.894 292
+MAE 0.063 65.957 293
+SHELLY 0.062 66.019 294
+DAISY 0.062 66.081 295
+RAMONA 0.062 66.143 296
+SHERRI 0.062 66.205 297
+ERIKA 0.061 66.267 298
+KATRINA 0.061 66.328 299
+CLAIRE 0.061 66.388 300
+LINDSEY 0.060 66.448 301
+LINDSAY 0.060 66.507 302
+GENEVA 0.059 66.567 303
+GUADALUPE 0.059 66.626 304
+BELINDA 0.059 66.685 305
+MARGARITA 0.059 66.743 306
+SHERYL 0.059 66.802 307
+CORA 0.058 66.860 308
+FAYE 0.058 66.917 309
+ADA 0.057 66.975 310
+NATASHA 0.057 67.032 311
+SABRINA 0.057 67.089 312
+ISABEL 0.057 67.146 313
+MARGUERITE 0.056 67.202 314
+HATTIE 0.056 67.257 315
+HARRIET 0.056 67.313 316
+MOLLY 0.055 67.368 317
+CECILIA 0.055 67.424 318
+KRISTI 0.055 67.479 319
+BRANDI 0.055 67.534 320
+BLANCHE 0.055 67.589 321
+SANDY 0.055 67.644 322
+ROSIE 0.055 67.699 323
+JOANNA 0.055 67.754 324
+IRIS 0.055 67.808 325
+EUNICE 0.054 67.863 326
+ANGIE 0.054 67.917 327
+INEZ 0.053 67.970 328
+LYNDA 0.053 68.023 329
+MADELINE 0.052 68.075 330
+AMELIA 0.052 68.127 331
+ALBERTA 0.052 68.179 332
+GENEVIEVE 0.051 68.230 333
+MONIQUE 0.051 68.282 334
+JODI 0.051 68.333 335
+JANIE 0.051 68.385 336
+MAGGIE 0.051 68.436 337
+KAYLA 0.051 68.487 338
+SONYA 0.051 68.538 339
+JAN 0.051 68.589 340
+LEE 0.051 68.641 341
+KRISTINE 0.051 68.691 342
+CANDACE 0.051 68.742 343
+FANNIE 0.050 68.792 344
+MARYANN 0.050 68.843 345
+OPAL 0.050 68.893 346
+ALISON 0.050 68.943 347
+YVETTE 0.050 68.993 348
+MELODY 0.050 69.043 349
+LUZ 0.049 69.092 350
+SUSIE 0.049 69.142 351
+OLIVIA 0.049 69.191 352
+FLORA 0.049 69.240 353
+SHELLEY 0.049 69.288 354
+KRISTY 0.048 69.337 355
+MAMIE 0.048 69.385 356
+LULA 0.048 69.433 357
+LOLA 0.048 69.482 358
+VERNA 0.048 69.530 359
+BEULAH 0.048 69.577 360
+ANTOINETTE 0.048 69.625 361
+CANDICE 0.046 69.671 362
+JUANA 0.046 69.717 363
+JEANNETTE 0.046 69.763 364
+PAM 0.046 69.809 365
+KELLI 0.046 69.854 366
+HANNAH 0.045 69.899 367
+WHITNEY 0.045 69.944 368
+BRIDGET 0.045 69.989 369
+KARLA 0.044 70.034 370
+CELIA 0.044 70.078 371
+LATOYA 0.043 70.121 372
+PATTY 0.043 70.165 373
+SHELIA 0.043 70.208 374
+GAYLE 0.043 70.251 375
+DELLA 0.043 70.294 376
+VICKY 0.043 70.336 377
+LYNNE 0.043 70.379 378
+SHERI 0.042 70.421 379
+MARIANNE 0.042 70.463 380
+KARA 0.041 70.504 381
+JACQUELYN 0.041 70.544 382
+ERMA 0.041 70.585 383
+BLANCA 0.041 70.626 384
+MYRA 0.040 70.666 385
+LETICIA 0.040 70.706 386
+PAT 0.040 70.746 387
+KRISTA 0.040 70.786 388
+ROXANNE 0.040 70.826 389
+ANGELICA 0.039 70.865 390
+JOHNNIE 0.039 70.905 391
+ROBYN 0.039 70.944 392
+FRANCIS 0.039 70.983 393
+ADRIENNE 0.039 71.022 394
+ROSALIE 0.039 71.061 395
+ALEXANDRA 0.039 71.100 396
+BROOKE 0.039 71.139 397
+BETHANY 0.039 71.177 398
+SADIE 0.039 71.216 399
+BERNADETTE 0.039 71.254 400
+TRACI 0.038 71.293 401
+JODY 0.038 71.331 402
+KENDRA 0.038 71.369 403
+JASMINE 0.038 71.407 404
+NICHOLE 0.038 71.445 405
+RACHAEL 0.038 71.483 406
+CHELSEA 0.038 71.520 407
+MABLE 0.038 71.558 408
+ERNESTINE 0.038 71.596 409
+MURIEL 0.038 71.634 410
+MARCELLA 0.037 71.671 411
+ELENA 0.037 71.708 412
+KRYSTAL 0.037 71.745 413
+ANGELINA 0.037 71.781 414
+NADINE 0.036 71.818 415
+KARI 0.036 71.853 416
+ESTELLE 0.036 71.889 417
+DIANNA 0.036 71.925 418
+PAULETTE 0.036 71.961 419
+LORA 0.036 71.996 420
+MONA 0.035 72.032 421
+DOREEN 0.035 72.067 422
+ROSEMARIE 0.035 72.102 423
+ANGEL 0.035 72.137 424
+DESIREE 0.035 72.172 425
+ANTONIA 0.035 72.207 426
+HOPE 0.034 72.241 427
+GINGER 0.034 72.274 428
+JANIS 0.034 72.308 429
+BETSY 0.034 72.342 430
+CHRISTIE 0.034 72.375 431
+FREDA 0.034 72.409 432
+MERCEDES 0.033 72.442 433
+MEREDITH 0.033 72.475 434
+LYNETTE 0.033 72.508 435
+TERI 0.033 72.541 436
+CRISTINA 0.033 72.573 437
+EULA 0.033 72.606 438
+LEIGH 0.032 72.638 439
+MEGHAN 0.032 72.670 440
+SOPHIA 0.032 72.702 441
+ELOISE 0.032 72.734 442
+ROCHELLE 0.032 72.766 443
+GRETCHEN 0.032 72.798 444
+CECELIA 0.032 72.829 445
+RAQUEL 0.031 72.860 446
+HENRIETTA 0.031 72.891 447
+ALYSSA 0.031 72.922 448
+JANA 0.031 72.953 449
+KELLEY 0.031 72.983 450
+GWEN 0.031 73.014 451
+KERRY 0.031 73.044 452
+JENNA 0.030 73.075 453
+TRICIA 0.030 73.105 454
+LAVERNE 0.030 73.135 455
+OLIVE 0.030 73.165 456
+ALEXIS 0.030 73.195 457
+TASHA 0.030 73.225 458
+SILVIA 0.029 73.254 459
+ELVIRA 0.029 73.284 460
+CASEY 0.029 73.313 461
+DELIA 0.029 73.342 462
+SOPHIE 0.029 73.372 463
+KATE 0.029 73.401 464
+PATTI 0.029 73.430 465
+LORENA 0.029 73.459 466
+KELLIE 0.029 73.488 467
+SONJA 0.029 73.517 468
+LILA 0.029 73.546 469
+LANA 0.029 73.575 470
+DARLA 0.029 73.604 471
+MAY 0.029 73.633 472
+MINDY 0.029 73.661 473
+ESSIE 0.029 73.690 474
+MANDY 0.029 73.719 475
+LORENE 0.028 73.747 476
+ELSA 0.028 73.775 477
+JOSEFINA 0.028 73.804 478
+JEANNIE 0.028 73.832 479
+MIRANDA 0.028 73.860 480
+DIXIE 0.028 73.888 481
+LUCIA 0.028 73.916 482
+MARTA 0.028 73.944 483
+FAITH 0.028 73.972 484
+LELA 0.028 73.999 485
+JOHANNA 0.028 74.027 486
+SHARI 0.028 74.055 487
+CAMILLE 0.028 74.082 488
+TAMI 0.027 74.110 489
+SHAWNA 0.027 74.137 490
+ELISA 0.027 74.164 491
+EBONY 0.027 74.192 492
+MELBA 0.027 74.219 493
+ORA 0.027 74.246 494
+NETTIE 0.027 74.273 495
+TABITHA 0.027 74.300 496
+OLLIE 0.027 74.327 497
+JAIME 0.027 74.354 498
+WINIFRED 0.027 74.381 499
+KRISTIE 0.027 74.408 500
+MARINA 0.027 74.435 501
+ALISHA 0.027 74.462 502
+AIMEE 0.027 74.488 503
+RENA 0.027 74.515 504
+MYRNA 0.026 74.541 505
+MARLA 0.026 74.567 506
+TAMMIE 0.026 74.593 507
+LATASHA 0.026 74.619 508
+BONITA 0.026 74.645 509
+PATRICE 0.026 74.671 510
+RONDA 0.026 74.697 511
+SHERRIE 0.026 74.722 512
+ADDIE 0.026 74.748 513
+FRANCINE 0.025 74.773 514
+DELORIS 0.025 74.799 515
+STACIE 0.025 74.824 516
+ADRIANA 0.025 74.849 517
+CHERI 0.025 74.874 518
+SHELBY 0.025 74.899 519
+ABIGAIL 0.025 74.924 520
+CELESTE 0.025 74.949 521
+JEWEL 0.025 74.974 522
+CARA 0.025 74.999 523
+ADELE 0.025 75.024 524
+REBEKAH 0.025 75.048 525
+LUCINDA 0.025 75.073 526
+DORTHY 0.025 75.097 527
+CHRIS 0.024 75.122 528
+EFFIE 0.024 75.146 529
+TRINA 0.024 75.171 530
+REBA 0.024 75.195 531
+SHAWN 0.024 75.219 532
+SALLIE 0.024 75.244 533
+AURORA 0.024 75.268 534
+LENORA 0.024 75.292 535
+ETTA 0.024 75.317 536
+LOTTIE 0.024 75.341 537
+KERRI 0.024 75.365 538
+TRISHA 0.024 75.389 539
+NIKKI 0.024 75.413 540
+ESTELLA 0.024 75.438 541
+FRANCISCA 0.024 75.461 542
+JOSIE 0.024 75.485 543
+TRACIE 0.024 75.509 544
+MARISSA 0.024 75.533 545
+KARIN 0.024 75.557 546
+BRITTNEY 0.024 75.580 547
+JANELLE 0.024 75.604 548
+LOURDES 0.024 75.628 549
+LAUREL 0.024 75.651 550
+HELENE 0.024 75.675 551
+FERN 0.024 75.698 552
+ELVA 0.024 75.722 553
+CORINNE 0.024 75.745 554
+KELSEY 0.024 75.769 555
+INA 0.023 75.792 556
+BETTIE 0.023 75.816 557
+ELISABETH 0.023 75.839 558
+AIDA 0.023 75.862 559
+CAITLIN 0.023 75.886 560
+INGRID 0.023 75.909 561
+IVA 0.023 75.932 562
+EUGENIA 0.023 75.955 563
+CHRISTA 0.023 75.978 564
+GOLDIE 0.023 76.000 565
+CASSIE 0.023 76.023 566
+MAUDE 0.023 76.046 567
+JENIFER 0.023 76.068 568
+THERESE 0.022 76.091 569
+FRANKIE 0.022 76.113 570
+DENA 0.022 76.136 571
+LORNA 0.022 76.158 572
+JANETTE 0.022 76.180 573
+LATONYA 0.022 76.202 574
+CANDY 0.022 76.224 575
+MORGAN 0.022 76.247 576
+CONSUELO 0.022 76.269 577
+TAMIKA 0.022 76.291 578
+ROSETTA 0.022 76.313 579
+DEBORA 0.022 76.334 580
+CHERIE 0.022 76.356 581
+POLLY 0.022 76.378 582
+DINA 0.022 76.400 583
+JEWELL 0.021 76.421 584
+FAY 0.021 76.442 585
+JILLIAN 0.021 76.464 586
+DOROTHEA 0.021 76.485 587
+NELL 0.021 76.506 588
+TRUDY 0.021 76.527 589
+ESPERANZA 0.021 76.548 590
+PATRICA 0.021 76.570 591
+KIMBERLEY 0.021 76.591 592
+SHANNA 0.021 76.611 593
+HELENA 0.021 76.632 594
+CAROLINA 0.021 76.653 595
+CLEO 0.021 76.674 596
+STEFANIE 0.021 76.694 597
+ROSARIO 0.020 76.715 598
+OLA 0.020 76.735 599
+JANINE 0.020 76.756 600
+MOLLIE 0.020 76.776 601
+LUPE 0.020 76.796 602
+ALISA 0.020 76.816 603
+LOU 0.020 76.836 604
+MARIBEL 0.020 76.856 605
+SUSANNE 0.020 76.875 606
+BETTE 0.019 76.895 607
+SUSANA 0.019 76.914 608
+ELISE 0.019 76.933 609
+CECILE 0.019 76.953 610
+ISABELLE 0.019 76.972 611
+LESLEY 0.019 76.991 612
+JOCELYN 0.019 77.010 613
+PAIGE 0.019 77.030 614
+JONI 0.019 77.049 615
+RACHELLE 0.019 77.068 616
+LEOLA 0.019 77.087 617
+DAPHNE 0.019 77.106 618
+ALTA 0.019 77.125 619
+ESTER 0.019 77.144 620
+PETRA 0.019 77.162 621
+GRACIELA 0.019 77.181 622
+IMOGENE 0.019 77.200 623
+JOLENE 0.019 77.219 624
+KEISHA 0.019 77.237 625
+LACEY 0.018 77.256 626
+GLENNA 0.018 77.274 627
+GABRIELA 0.018 77.293 628
+KERI 0.018 77.311 629
+URSULA 0.018 77.329 630
+LIZZIE 0.018 77.347 631
+KIRSTEN 0.018 77.366 632
+SHANA 0.018 77.384 633
+ADELINE 0.018 77.402 634
+MAYRA 0.018 77.420 635
+JAYNE 0.018 77.438 636
+JACLYN 0.018 77.456 637
+GRACIE 0.018 77.474 638
+SONDRA 0.018 77.492 639
+CARMELA 0.018 77.509 640
+MARISA 0.018 77.527 641
+ROSALIND 0.018 77.545 642
+CHARITY 0.018 77.563 643
+TONIA 0.018 77.580 644
+BEATRIZ 0.018 77.598 645
+MARISOL 0.018 77.616 646
+CLARICE 0.018 77.633 647
+JEANINE 0.017 77.651 648
+SHEENA 0.017 77.668 649
+ANGELINE 0.017 77.685 650
+FRIEDA 0.017 77.703 651
+LILY 0.017 77.720 652
+ROBBIE 0.017 77.737 653
+SHAUNA 0.017 77.754 654
+MILLIE 0.017 77.771 655
+CLAUDETTE 0.017 77.788 656
+CATHLEEN 0.017 77.805 657
+ANGELIA 0.017 77.822 658
+GABRIELLE 0.017 77.839 659
+AUTUMN 0.017 77.856 660
+KATHARINE 0.017 77.873 661
+SUMMER 0.017 77.890 662
+JODIE 0.017 77.907 663
+STACI 0.017 77.923 664
+LEA 0.017 77.940 665
+CHRISTI 0.017 77.957 666
+JIMMIE 0.017 77.974 667
+JUSTINE 0.017 77.990 668
+ELMA 0.017 78.007 669
+LUELLA 0.017 78.023 670
+MARGRET 0.017 78.040 671
+DOMINIQUE 0.016 78.056 672
+SOCORRO 0.016 78.073 673
+RENE 0.016 78.089 674
+MARTINA 0.016 78.105 675
+MARGO 0.016 78.122 676
+MAVIS 0.016 78.138 677
+CALLIE 0.016 78.154 678
+BOBBI 0.016 78.170 679
+MARITZA 0.016 78.186 680
+LUCILE 0.016 78.202 681
+LEANNE 0.016 78.219 682
+JEANNINE 0.016 78.235 683
+DEANA 0.016 78.251 684
+AILEEN 0.016 78.267 685
+LORIE 0.016 78.282 686
+LADONNA 0.016 78.298 687
+WILLA 0.016 78.314 688
+MANUELA 0.016 78.330 689
+GALE 0.016 78.346 690
+SELMA 0.016 78.361 691
+DOLLY 0.016 78.377 692
+SYBIL 0.016 78.393 693
+ABBY 0.016 78.408 694
+LARA 0.016 78.424 695
+DALE 0.016 78.440 696
+IVY 0.016 78.455 697
+DEE 0.016 78.471 698
+WINNIE 0.016 78.486 699
+MARCY 0.016 78.502 700
+LUISA 0.016 78.517 701
+JERI 0.015 78.533 702
+MAGDALENA 0.015 78.548 703
+OFELIA 0.015 78.563 704
+MEAGAN 0.015 78.579 705
+AUDRA 0.015 78.594 706
+MATILDA 0.015 78.609 707
+LEILA 0.015 78.624 708
+CORNELIA 0.015 78.639 709
+BIANCA 0.015 78.654 710
+SIMONE 0.015 78.669 711
+BETTYE 0.015 78.684 712
+RANDI 0.015 78.699 713
+VIRGIE 0.015 78.713 714
+LATISHA 0.015 78.728 715
+BARBRA 0.015 78.743 716
+GEORGINA 0.015 78.758 717
+ELIZA 0.015 78.772 718
+LEANN 0.015 78.787 719
+BRIDGETTE 0.015 78.801 720
+RHODA 0.014 78.816 721
+HALEY 0.014 78.830 722
+ADELA 0.014 78.845 723
+NOLA 0.014 78.859 724
+BERNADINE 0.014 78.873 725
+FLOSSIE 0.014 78.887 726
+ILA 0.014 78.902 727
+GRETA 0.014 78.916 728
+RUTHIE 0.014 78.930 729
+NELDA 0.014 78.944 730
+MINERVA 0.014 78.958 731
+LILLY 0.014 78.973 732
+TERRIE 0.014 78.987 733
+LETHA 0.014 79.001 734
+HILARY 0.014 79.015 735
+ESTELA 0.014 79.029 736
+VALARIE 0.014 79.043 737
+BRIANNA 0.014 79.057 738
+ROSALYN 0.014 79.071 739
+EARLINE 0.014 79.085 740
+CATALINA 0.014 79.099 741
+AVA 0.014 79.113 742
+MIA 0.014 79.127 743
+CLARISSA 0.014 79.141 744
+LIDIA 0.014 79.155 745
+CORRINE 0.014 79.169 746
+ALEXANDRIA 0.014 79.183 747
+CONCEPCION 0.014 79.196 748
+TIA 0.014 79.210 749
+SHARRON 0.014 79.224 750
+RAE 0.014 79.238 751
+DONA 0.014 79.251 752
+ERICKA 0.014 79.265 753
+JAMI 0.014 79.278 754
+ELNORA 0.014 79.292 755
+CHANDRA 0.014 79.306 756
+LENORE 0.014 79.319 757
+NEVA 0.013 79.333 758
+MARYLOU 0.013 79.346 759
+MELISA 0.013 79.360 760
+TABATHA 0.013 79.373 761
+SERENA 0.013 79.386 762
+AVIS 0.013 79.400 763
+ALLIE 0.013 79.413 764
+SOFIA 0.013 79.426 765
+JEANIE 0.013 79.439 766
+ODESSA 0.013 79.453 767
+NANNIE 0.013 79.466 768
+HARRIETT 0.013 79.479 769
+LORAINE 0.013 79.492 770
+PENELOPE 0.013 79.505 771
+MILAGROS 0.013 79.518 772
+EMILIA 0.013 79.531 773
+BENITA 0.013 79.544 774
+ALLYSON 0.013 79.557 775
+ASHLEE 0.013 79.570 776
+TANIA 0.013 79.583 777
+TOMMIE 0.013 79.596 778
+ESMERALDA 0.013 79.608 779
+KARINA 0.013 79.621 780
+EVE 0.013 79.634 781
+PEARLIE 0.013 79.647 782
+ZELMA 0.013 79.659 783
+MALINDA 0.013 79.672 784
+NOREEN 0.013 79.684 785
+TAMEKA 0.013 79.697 786
+SAUNDRA 0.013 79.710 787
+HILLARY 0.013 79.722 788
+AMIE 0.013 79.735 789
+ALTHEA 0.012 79.747 790
+ROSALINDA 0.012 79.760 791
+JORDAN 0.012 79.772 792
+LILIA 0.012 79.784 793
+ALANA 0.012 79.797 794
+GAY 0.012 79.809 795
+CLARE 0.012 79.821 796
+ALEJANDRA 0.012 79.834 797
+ELINOR 0.012 79.846 798
+MICHAEL 0.012 79.858 799
+LORRIE 0.012 79.870 800
+JERRI 0.012 79.882 801
+DARCY 0.012 79.895 802
+EARNESTINE 0.012 79.907 803
+CARMELLA 0.012 79.919 804
+TAYLOR 0.012 79.931 805
+NOEMI 0.012 79.943 806
+MARCIE 0.012 79.954 807
+LIZA 0.012 79.966 808
+ANNABELLE 0.012 79.978 809
+LOUISA 0.012 79.990 810
+EARLENE 0.012 80.002 811
diff --git a/config/dist.male.first b/config/dist.male.first
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31b458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/dist.male.first
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
+JAMES 3.318 3.318 1
+JOHN 3.271 6.589 2
+ROBERT 3.143 9.732 3
+MICHAEL 2.629 12.361 4
+WILLIAM 2.451 14.812 5
+DAVID 2.363 17.176 6
+RICHARD 1.703 18.878 7
+CHARLES 1.523 20.401 8
+JOSEPH 1.404 21.805 9
+THOMAS 1.380 23.185 10
+CHRISTOPHER 1.035 24.220 11
+DANIEL 0.974 25.194 12
+PAUL 0.948 26.142 13
+MARK 0.938 27.081 14
+DONALD 0.931 28.012 15
+GEORGE 0.927 28.939 16
+KENNETH 0.826 29.766 17
+STEVEN 0.780 30.546 18
+EDWARD 0.779 31.325 19
+BRIAN 0.736 32.061 20
+RONALD 0.725 32.787 21
+ANTHONY 0.721 33.508 22
+KEVIN 0.671 34.179 23
+JASON 0.660 34.839 24
+MATTHEW 0.657 35.496 25
+GARY 0.650 36.147 26
+TIMOTHY 0.640 36.786 27
+JOSE 0.613 37.399 28
+LARRY 0.598 37.997 29
+JEFFREY 0.591 38.588 30
+FRANK 0.581 39.169 31
+SCOTT 0.546 39.715 32
+ERIC 0.544 40.259 33
+STEPHEN 0.540 40.799 34
+ANDREW 0.537 41.335 35
+RAYMOND 0.488 41.824 36
+GREGORY 0.441 42.265 37
+JOSHUA 0.435 42.700 38
+JERRY 0.432 43.132 39
+DENNIS 0.415 43.547 40
+WALTER 0.399 43.946 41
+PATRICK 0.389 44.335 42
+PETER 0.381 44.716 43
+HAROLD 0.371 45.087 44
+DOUGLAS 0.367 45.454 45
+HENRY 0.365 45.819 46
+CARL 0.346 46.165 47
+ARTHUR 0.335 46.500 48
+RYAN 0.328 46.828 49
+ROGER 0.322 47.150 50
+JOE 0.321 47.471 51
+JUAN 0.316 47.786 52
+JACK 0.315 48.102 53
+ALBERT 0.314 48.415 54
+JONATHAN 0.313 48.729 55
+JUSTIN 0.311 49.040 56
+TERRY 0.311 49.351 57
+GERALD 0.309 49.660 58
+KEITH 0.308 49.968 59
+SAMUEL 0.306 50.274 60
+WILLIE 0.302 50.576 61
+RALPH 0.282 50.859 62
+LAWRENCE 0.282 51.141 63
+NICHOLAS 0.275 51.415 64
+ROY 0.273 51.688 65
+BENJAMIN 0.270 51.958 66
+BRUCE 0.263 52.221 67
+BRANDON 0.260 52.480 68
+ADAM 0.259 52.740 69
+HARRY 0.251 52.991 70
+FRED 0.251 53.241 71
+WAYNE 0.249 53.490 72
+BILLY 0.248 53.738 73
+STEVE 0.246 53.984 74
+LOUIS 0.243 54.227 75
+JEREMY 0.242 54.469 76
+AARON 0.240 54.710 77
+RANDY 0.232 54.942 78
+HOWARD 0.230 55.172 79
+EUGENE 0.230 55.402 80
+CARLOS 0.229 55.630 81
+RUSSELL 0.224 55.854 82
+BOBBY 0.223 56.077 83
+VICTOR 0.222 56.299 84
+MARTIN 0.216 56.515 85
+ERNEST 0.215 56.730 86
+PHILLIP 0.213 56.942 87
+TODD 0.213 57.155 88
+JESSE 0.209 57.364 89
+CRAIG 0.206 57.570 90
+ALAN 0.204 57.774 91
+SHAWN 0.200 57.973 92
+CLARENCE 0.197 58.170 93
+SEAN 0.197 58.368 94
+PHILIP 0.197 58.565 95
+CHRIS 0.197 58.761 96
+JOHNNY 0.195 58.957 97
+EARL 0.193 59.149 98
+JIMMY 0.191 59.340 99
+ANTONIO 0.190 59.531 100
+DANNY 0.190 59.720 101
+BRYAN 0.190 59.910 102
+TONY 0.190 60.100 103
+LUIS 0.189 60.289 104
+MIKE 0.189 60.478 105
+STANLEY 0.186 60.665 106
+LEONARD 0.186 60.850 107
+NATHAN 0.185 61.035 108
+DALE 0.184 61.219 109
+MANUEL 0.181 61.400 110
+RODNEY 0.180 61.581 111
+CURTIS 0.180 61.761 112
+NORMAN 0.177 61.938 113
+ALLEN 0.174 62.112 114
+MARVIN 0.171 62.283 115
+VINCENT 0.168 62.450 116
+GLENN 0.167 62.617 117
+JEFFERY 0.166 62.783 118
+TRAVIS 0.166 62.949 119
+JEFF 0.166 63.114 120
+CHAD 0.165 63.279 121
+JACOB 0.165 63.444 122
+LEE 0.162 63.606 123
+MELVIN 0.162 63.768 124
+ALFRED 0.162 63.930 125
+KYLE 0.160 64.090 126
+FRANCIS 0.160 64.250 127
+BRADLEY 0.159 64.409 128
+JESUS 0.155 64.564 129
+HERBERT 0.155 64.719 130
+FREDERICK 0.154 64.873 131
+RAY 0.153 65.026 132
+JOEL 0.152 65.177 133
+EDWIN 0.148 65.326 134
+DON 0.145 65.471 135
+EDDIE 0.144 65.615 136
+RICKY 0.141 65.756 137
+TROY 0.138 65.895 138
+RANDALL 0.138 66.032 139
+BARRY 0.134 66.167 140
+ALEXANDER 0.132 66.299 141
+BERNARD 0.127 66.427 142
+MARIO 0.125 66.552 143
+LEROY 0.125 66.676 144
+FRANCISCO 0.124 66.801 145
+MARCUS 0.124 66.925 146
+MICHEAL 0.123 67.048 147
+THEODORE 0.123 67.171 148
+CLIFFORD 0.123 67.293 149
+MIGUEL 0.122 67.415 150
+OSCAR 0.122 67.538 151
+JAY 0.118 67.656 152
+JIM 0.118 67.773 153
+TOM 0.117 67.890 154
+CALVIN 0.115 68.006 155
+ALEX 0.115 68.120 156
+JON 0.115 68.235 157
+RONNIE 0.113 68.348 158
+BILL 0.112 68.461 159
+LLOYD 0.112 68.573 160
+TOMMY 0.112 68.685 161
+LEON 0.112 68.797 162
+DEREK 0.112 68.908 163
+WARREN 0.110 69.018 164
+DARRELL 0.108 69.126 165
+JEROME 0.108 69.234 166
+FLOYD 0.107 69.340 167
+LEO 0.106 69.446 168
+ALVIN 0.105 69.551 169
+TIM 0.104 69.656 170
+WESLEY 0.104 69.760 171
+GORDON 0.104 69.864 172
+DEAN 0.104 69.968 173
+GREG 0.104 70.071 174
+JORGE 0.104 70.175 175
+DUSTIN 0.103 70.278 176
+PEDRO 0.103 70.381 177
+DERRICK 0.103 70.484 178
+DAN 0.101 70.585 179
+LEWIS 0.099 70.684 180
+ZACHARY 0.099 70.782 181
+COREY 0.098 70.880 182
+HERMAN 0.097 70.977 183
+MAURICE 0.097 71.074 184
+VERNON 0.097 71.171 185
+ROBERTO 0.097 71.268 186
+CLYDE 0.095 71.363 187
+GLEN 0.094 71.457 188
+HECTOR 0.094 71.551 189
+SHANE 0.093 71.645 190
+RICARDO 0.093 71.738 191
+SAM 0.092 71.830 192
+RICK 0.091 71.921 193
+LESTER 0.091 72.011 194
+BRENT 0.090 72.102 195
+RAMON 0.090 72.192 196
+CHARLIE 0.090 72.281 197
+TYLER 0.089 72.371 198
+GILBERT 0.089 72.460 199
+GENE 0.087 72.547 200
+MARC 0.087 72.634 201
+REGINALD 0.084 72.717 202
+RUBEN 0.082 72.800 203
+BRETT 0.082 72.882 204
+ANGEL 0.082 72.964 205
+NATHANIEL 0.081 73.045 206
+RAFAEL 0.081 73.126 207
+LESLIE 0.081 73.207 208
+EDGAR 0.080 73.287 209
+MILTON 0.080 73.367 210
+RAUL 0.079 73.446 211
+BEN 0.078 73.524 212
+CHESTER 0.078 73.602 213
+CECIL 0.078 73.680 214
+DUANE 0.077 73.757 215
+FRANKLIN 0.077 73.834 216
+ANDRE 0.076 73.910 217
+ELMER 0.074 73.984 218
+BRAD 0.073 74.057 219
+GABRIEL 0.073 74.130 220
+RON 0.072 74.202 221
+MITCHELL 0.072 74.274 222
+ROLAND 0.072 74.347 223
+ARNOLD 0.072 74.419 224
+HARVEY 0.072 74.491 225
+JARED 0.071 74.562 226
+ADRIAN 0.069 74.631 227
+KARL 0.069 74.699 228
+CORY 0.068 74.767 229
+CLAUDE 0.068 74.835 230
+ERIK 0.068 74.903 231
+DARRYL 0.067 74.970 232
+JAMIE 0.066 75.037 233
+NEIL 0.066 75.102 234
+JESSIE 0.065 75.168 235
+CHRISTIAN 0.065 75.233 236
+JAVIER 0.065 75.297 237
+FERNANDO 0.065 75.362 238
+CLINTON 0.065 75.427 239
+TED 0.064 75.491 240
+MATHEW 0.064 75.555 241
+TYRONE 0.064 75.619 242
+DARREN 0.064 75.683 243
+LONNIE 0.064 75.746 244
+LANCE 0.063 75.810 245
+CODY 0.063 75.873 246
+JULIO 0.063 75.936 247
+KELLY 0.063 75.998 248
+KURT 0.062 76.061 249
+ALLAN 0.061 76.122 250
+NELSON 0.061 76.182 251
+GUY 0.060 76.243 252
+CLAYTON 0.060 76.303 253
+HUGH 0.060 76.363 254
+MAX 0.059 76.421 255
+DWAYNE 0.059 76.480 256
+DWIGHT 0.058 76.538 257
+ARMANDO 0.058 76.596 258
+FELIX 0.058 76.654 259
+JIMMIE 0.058 76.711 260
+EVERETT 0.057 76.768 261
+JORDAN 0.056 76.824 262
+IAN 0.056 76.880 263
+WALLACE 0.056 76.936 264
+KEN 0.055 76.991 265
+BOB 0.055 77.047 266
+JAIME 0.055 77.102 267
+CASEY 0.054 77.156 268
+ALFREDO 0.054 77.210 269
+ALBERTO 0.053 77.263 270
+DAVE 0.053 77.316 271
+IVAN 0.053 77.369 272
+JOHNNIE 0.052 77.421 273
+SIDNEY 0.052 77.474 274
+BYRON 0.052 77.526 275
+JULIAN 0.052 77.578 276
+ISAAC 0.051 77.629 277
+MORRIS 0.051 77.680 278
+CLIFTON 0.050 77.730 279
+WILLARD 0.050 77.780 280
+DARYL 0.050 77.831 281
+ROSS 0.050 77.880 282
+VIRGIL 0.049 77.929 283
+ANDY 0.049 77.979 284
+MARSHALL 0.049 78.028 285
+SALVADOR 0.049 78.077 286
+PERRY 0.049 78.126 287
+KIRK 0.049 78.175 288
+SERGIO 0.049 78.224 289
+MARION 0.048 78.272 290
+TRACY 0.048 78.320 291
+SETH 0.048 78.368 292
+KENT 0.048 78.416 293
+TERRANCE 0.048 78.464 294
+RENE 0.048 78.512 295
+EDUARDO 0.047 78.559 296
+TERRENCE 0.047 78.606 297
+ENRIQUE 0.046 78.652 298
+FREDDIE 0.046 78.698 299
+WADE 0.045 78.743 300
+AUSTIN 0.044 78.786 301
+STUART 0.044 78.830 302
+FREDRICK 0.043 78.873 303
+ARTURO 0.043 78.917 304
+ALEJANDRO 0.043 78.960 305
+JACKIE 0.043 79.002 306
+JOEY 0.043 79.045 307
+NICK 0.043 79.088 308
+LUTHER 0.043 79.130 309
+WENDELL 0.042 79.172 310
+JEREMIAH 0.042 79.215 311
+EVAN 0.042 79.257 312
+JULIUS 0.042 79.298 313
+DANA 0.042 79.340 314
+DONNIE 0.041 79.381 315
+OTIS 0.041 79.422 316
+SHANNON 0.040 79.462 317
+TREVOR 0.040 79.503 318
+OLIVER 0.040 79.543 319
+LUKE 0.040 79.583 320
+HOMER 0.040 79.623 321
+GERARD 0.040 79.663 322
+DOUG 0.040 79.703 323
+KENNY 0.039 79.742 324
+HUBERT 0.039 79.782 325
+ANGELO 0.039 79.821 326
+SHAUN 0.039 79.859 327
+LYLE 0.038 79.898 328
+MATT 0.038 79.936 329
+LYNN 0.038 79.974 330
+ALFONSO 0.038 80.012 331
+ORLANDO 0.037 80.049 332
+REX 0.037 80.086 333
+CARLTON 0.037 80.123 334
+ERNESTO 0.037 80.160 335
+CAMERON 0.037 80.197 336
+NEAL 0.037 80.233 337
+PABLO 0.036 80.270 338
+LORENZO 0.036 80.306 339
+OMAR 0.036 80.342 340
+WILBUR 0.036 80.378 341
+BLAKE 0.036 80.414 342
+GRANT 0.036 80.450 343
+HORACE 0.036 80.486 344
+RODERICK 0.036 80.521 345
+KERRY 0.036 80.557 346
+ABRAHAM 0.035 80.592 347
+WILLIS 0.035 80.627 348
+RICKEY 0.035 80.662 349
+JEAN 0.035 80.696 350
+IRA 0.035 80.731 351
+ANDRES 0.034 80.766 352
+CESAR 0.034 80.800 353
+JOHNATHAN 0.034 80.834 354
+MALCOLM 0.034 80.868 355
+RUDOLPH 0.034 80.902 356
+DAMON 0.034 80.936 357
+KELVIN 0.034 80.970 358
+RUDY 0.034 81.004 359
+PRESTON 0.034 81.037 360
+ALTON 0.033 81.071 361
+ARCHIE 0.033 81.104 362
+MARCO 0.033 81.137 363
+WM 0.033 81.170 364
+PETE 0.032 81.202 365
+RANDOLPH 0.032 81.234 366
+GARRY 0.032 81.267 367
+GEOFFREY 0.032 81.299 368
+JONATHON 0.032 81.331 369
+FELIPE 0.032 81.363 370
+BENNIE 0.032 81.395 371
+GERARDO 0.032 81.427 372
+ED 0.032 81.458 373
+DOMINIC 0.032 81.490 374
+ROBIN 0.032 81.522 375
+LOREN 0.032 81.553 376
+DELBERT 0.031 81.585 377
+COLIN 0.031 81.616 378
+GUILLERMO 0.031 81.647 379
+EARNEST 0.031 81.678 380
+LUCAS 0.031 81.709 381
+BENNY 0.030 81.739 382
+NOEL 0.030 81.769 383
+SPENCER 0.030 81.799 384
+RODOLFO 0.030 81.828 385
+MYRON 0.030 81.858 386
+EDMUND 0.030 81.887 387
+GARRETT 0.029 81.917 388
+SALVATORE 0.029 81.946 389
+CEDRIC 0.029 81.975 390
+LOWELL 0.029 82.004 391
+GREGG 0.029 82.032 392
+SHERMAN 0.028 82.061 393
+WILSON 0.028 82.089 394
+DEVIN 0.028 82.117 395
+SYLVESTER 0.028 82.145 396
+KIM 0.028 82.173 397
+ROOSEVELT 0.028 82.201 398
+ISRAEL 0.028 82.229 399
+JERMAINE 0.028 82.257 400
+FORREST 0.027 82.284 401
+WILBERT 0.027 82.310 402
+LELAND 0.027 82.337 403
+SIMON 0.026 82.363 404
+GUADALUPE 0.026 82.390 405
+CLARK 0.026 82.416 406
+IRVING 0.026 82.442 407
+CARROLL 0.026 82.468 408
+BRYANT 0.026 82.494 409
+OWEN 0.026 82.519 410
+RUFUS 0.025 82.545 411
+WOODROW 0.025 82.570 412
+SAMMY 0.025 82.595 413
+KRISTOPHER 0.025 82.620 414
+MACK 0.025 82.645 415
+LEVI 0.025 82.670 416
+MARCOS 0.025 82.695 417
+GUSTAVO 0.025 82.720 418
+JAKE 0.025 82.744 419
+LIONEL 0.024 82.769 420
+MARTY 0.024 82.793 421
+TAYLOR 0.024 82.817 422
+ELLIS 0.024 82.842 423
+DALLAS 0.024 82.866 424
+GILBERTO 0.024 82.890 425
+CLINT 0.024 82.914 426
+NICOLAS 0.024 82.938 427
+LAURENCE 0.024 82.962 428
+ISMAEL 0.024 82.985 429
+ORVILLE 0.024 83.009 430
+DREW 0.024 83.033 431
+JODY 0.024 83.056 432
+ERVIN 0.023 83.080 433
+DEWEY 0.023 83.103 434
+AL 0.023 83.126 435
+WILFRED 0.023 83.150 436
+JOSH 0.023 83.173 437
+HUGO 0.023 83.196 438
+IGNACIO 0.023 83.219 439
+CALEB 0.023 83.241 440
+TOMAS 0.023 83.264 441
+SHELDON 0.023 83.287 442
+ERICK 0.023 83.310 443
+FRANKIE 0.023 83.332 444
+STEWART 0.022 83.354 445
+DOYLE 0.022 83.377 446
+DARREL 0.022 83.399 447
+ROGELIO 0.022 83.421 448
+TERENCE 0.022 83.443 449
+SANTIAGO 0.022 83.465 450
+ALONZO 0.022 83.487 451
+ELIAS 0.022 83.508 452
+BERT 0.022 83.530 453
+ELBERT 0.022 83.552 454
+RAMIRO 0.022 83.573 455
+CONRAD 0.022 83.595 456
+PAT 0.022 83.616 457
+NOAH 0.022 83.638 458
+GRADY 0.021 83.659 459
+PHIL 0.021 83.681 460
+CORNELIUS 0.021 83.702 461
+LAMAR 0.021 83.723 462
+ROLANDO 0.021 83.744 463
+CLAY 0.021 83.765 464
+PERCY 0.021 83.786 465
+DEXTER 0.021 83.806 466
+BRADFORD 0.021 83.827 467
+MERLE 0.021 83.848 468
+DARIN 0.020 83.868 469
+AMOS 0.020 83.888 470
+TERRELL 0.020 83.909 471
+MOSES 0.020 83.929 472
+IRVIN 0.020 83.949 473
+SAUL 0.020 83.968 474
+ROMAN 0.020 83.988 475
+DARNELL 0.020 84.008 476
+RANDAL 0.020 84.027 477
+TOMMIE 0.020 84.047 478
+TIMMY 0.019 84.066 479
+DARRIN 0.019 84.086 480
+WINSTON 0.019 84.105 481
+BRENDAN 0.019 84.124 482
+TOBY 0.019 84.144 483
+VAN 0.019 84.163 484
+ABEL 0.019 84.182 485
+DOMINICK 0.019 84.201 486
+BOYD 0.019 84.220 487
+COURTNEY 0.019 84.240 488
+JAN 0.019 84.259 489
+EMILIO 0.019 84.277 490
+ELIJAH 0.019 84.296 491
+CARY 0.019 84.315 492
+DOMINGO 0.019 84.334 493
+SANTOS 0.019 84.353 494
+AUBREY 0.019 84.372 495
+EMMETT 0.019 84.390 496
+MARLON 0.019 84.409 497
+EMANUEL 0.019 84.428 498
+JERALD 0.019 84.446 499
+EDMOND 0.019 84.465 500
+EMIL 0.019 84.483 501
+DEWAYNE 0.018 84.502 502
+WILL 0.018 84.520 503
+OTTO 0.018 84.538 504
+TEDDY 0.018 84.556 505
+REYNALDO 0.018 84.574 506
+BRET 0.018 84.592 507
+MORGAN 0.018 84.610 508
+JESS 0.018 84.628 509
+TRENT 0.018 84.646 510
+HUMBERTO 0.018 84.664 511
+EMMANUEL 0.018 84.681 512
+STEPHAN 0.018 84.699 513
+LOUIE 0.018 84.717 514
+VICENTE 0.017 84.734 515
+LAMONT 0.017 84.751 516
+STACY 0.017 84.769 517
+GARLAND 0.017 84.786 518
+MILES 0.017 84.803 519
+MICAH 0.017 84.820 520
+EFRAIN 0.017 84.837 521
+BILLIE 0.017 84.854 522
+LOGAN 0.017 84.871 523
+HEATH 0.017 84.887 524
+RODGER 0.017 84.904 525
+HARLEY 0.017 84.921 526
+DEMETRIUS 0.017 84.937 527
+ETHAN 0.017 84.954 528
+ELDON 0.017 84.970 529
+ROCKY 0.016 84.987 530
+PIERRE 0.016 85.003 531
+JUNIOR 0.016 85.020 532
+FREDDY 0.016 85.036 533
+ELI 0.016 85.052 534
+BRYCE 0.016 85.068 535
+ANTOINE 0.016 85.084 536
+ROBBIE 0.016 85.100 537
+KENDALL 0.016 85.116 538
+ROYCE 0.016 85.132 539
+STERLING 0.016 85.148 540
+MICKEY 0.016 85.164 541
+CHASE 0.016 85.180 542
+GROVER 0.016 85.196 543
+ELTON 0.016 85.212 544
+CLEVELAND 0.016 85.228 545
+DYLAN 0.016 85.243 546
+CHUCK 0.016 85.259 547
+DAMIAN 0.016 85.274 548
+REUBEN 0.015 85.290 549
+STAN 0.015 85.305 550
+AUGUST 0.015 85.321 551
+LEONARDO 0.015 85.336 552
+JASPER 0.015 85.351 553
+RUSSEL 0.015 85.367 554
+ERWIN 0.015 85.382 555
+BENITO 0.015 85.397 556
+HANS 0.015 85.412 557
+MONTE 0.015 85.427 558
+BLAINE 0.015 85.442 559
+ERNIE 0.015 85.456 560
+CURT 0.015 85.471 561
+QUENTIN 0.015 85.486 562
+AGUSTIN 0.015 85.500 563
+MURRAY 0.015 85.515 564
+JAMAL 0.014 85.529 565
+DEVON 0.014 85.544 566
+ADOLFO 0.014 85.558 567
+HARRISON 0.014 85.573 568
+TYSON 0.014 85.587 569
+BURTON 0.014 85.601 570
+BRADY 0.014 85.616 571
+ELLIOTT 0.014 85.630 572
+WILFREDO 0.014 85.644 573
+BART 0.014 85.658 574
+JARROD 0.014 85.672 575
+VANCE 0.014 85.686 576
+DENIS 0.014 85.700 577
+DAMIEN 0.014 85.714 578
+JOAQUIN 0.014 85.728 579
+HARLAN 0.014 85.742 580
+DESMOND 0.014 85.756 581
+ELLIOT 0.014 85.770 582
+DARWIN 0.014 85.783 583
+ASHLEY 0.014 85.797 584
+GREGORIO 0.014 85.811 585
+BUDDY 0.014 85.824 586
+XAVIER 0.013 85.838 587
+KERMIT 0.013 85.851 588
+ROSCOE 0.013 85.865 589
+ESTEBAN 0.013 85.878 590
+ANTON 0.013 85.891 591
+SOLOMON 0.013 85.904 592
+SCOTTY 0.013 85.917 593
+NORBERT 0.013 85.930 594
+ELVIN 0.013 85.943 595
+WILLIAMS 0.013 85.956 596
+NOLAN 0.013 85.969 597
+CAREY 0.013 85.982 598
+ROD 0.013 85.994 599
+QUINTON 0.013 86.007 600
+HAL 0.013 86.020 601
+BRAIN 0.013 86.033 602
+ROB 0.013 86.045 603
+ELWOOD 0.013 86.058 604
+KENDRICK 0.013 86.070 605
+DARIUS 0.013 86.083 606
+MOISES 0.013 86.096 607
+SON 0.012 86.108 608
+MARLIN 0.012 86.120 609
+FIDEL 0.012 86.133 610
+THADDEUS 0.012 86.145 611
+CLIFF 0.012 86.158 612
+MARCEL 0.012 86.170 613
+ALI 0.012 86.182 614
+JACKSON 0.012 86.195 615
+RAPHAEL 0.012 86.207 616
+BRYON 0.012 86.219 617
+ARMAND 0.012 86.231 618
+ALVARO 0.012 86.244 619
+JEFFRY 0.012 86.256 620
+DANE 0.012 86.268 621
+JOESPH 0.012 86.280 622
+THURMAN 0.012 86.292 623
+NED 0.012 86.304 624
+SAMMIE 0.012 86.316 625
+RUSTY 0.012 86.328 626
+MICHEL 0.012 86.339 627
+MONTY 0.012 86.351 628
+RORY 0.012 86.363 629
+FABIAN 0.012 86.374 630
+REGGIE 0.012 86.386 631
+MASON 0.012 86.397 632
+GRAHAM 0.012 86.409 633
+KRIS 0.011 86.420 634
+ISAIAH 0.011 86.432 635
+VAUGHN 0.011 86.443 636
+GUS 0.011 86.454 637
+AVERY 0.011 86.466 638
+LOYD 0.011 86.477 639
+DIEGO 0.011 86.488 640
+ALEXIS 0.011 86.499 641
+ADOLPH 0.011 86.511 642
+NORRIS 0.011 86.522 643
+MILLARD 0.011 86.533 644
+ROCCO 0.011 86.544 645
+GONZALO 0.011 86.555 646
+DERICK 0.011 86.566 647
+RODRIGO 0.011 86.577 648
+GERRY 0.011 86.588 649
+STACEY 0.011 86.599 650
+CARMEN 0.011 86.610 651
+WILEY 0.011 86.621 652
+RIGOBERTO 0.011 86.632 653
+ALPHONSO 0.011 86.643 654
+TY 0.011 86.654 655
+SHELBY 0.011 86.664 656
+RICKIE 0.011 86.675 657
+NOE 0.011 86.686 658
+VERN 0.010 86.696 659
+BOBBIE 0.010 86.707 660
+REED 0.010 86.717 661
+JEFFERSON 0.010 86.727 662
+ELVIS 0.010 86.738 663
+BERNARDO 0.010 86.748 664
+MAURICIO 0.010 86.758 665
+HIRAM 0.010 86.768 666
+DONOVAN 0.010 86.778 667
+BASIL 0.010 86.789 668
+RILEY 0.010 86.799 669
+OLLIE 0.010 86.809 670
+NICKOLAS 0.010 86.819 671
+MAYNARD 0.010 86.829 672
+SCOT 0.010 86.840 673
+VINCE 0.010 86.850 674
+QUINCY 0.010 86.860 675
+EDDY 0.010 86.870 676
+SEBASTIAN 0.010 86.880 677
+FEDERICO 0.010 86.890 678
+ULYSSES 0.010 86.900 679
+HERIBERTO 0.010 86.910 680
+DONNELL 0.010 86.920 681
+COLE 0.010 86.929 682
+DENNY 0.010 86.939 683
+DAVIS 0.010 86.949 684
+GAVIN 0.010 86.959 685
+EMERY 0.010 86.969 686
+WARD 0.010 86.979 687
+ROMEO 0.010 86.989 688
+JAYSON 0.010 86.998 689
+DION 0.010 87.008 690
+DANTE 0.010 87.018 691
+CLEMENT 0.010 87.028 692
+COY 0.010 87.037 693
+ODELL 0.010 87.047 694
+MAXWELL 0.010 87.057 695
+JARVIS 0.010 87.066 696
+BRUNO 0.010 87.076 697
+ISSAC 0.010 87.086 698
+MARY 0.009 87.095 699
+DUDLEY 0.009 87.104 700
+BROCK 0.009 87.114 701
+SANFORD 0.009 87.123 702
+COLBY 0.009 87.133 703
+CARMELO 0.009 87.142 704
+BARNEY 0.009 87.152 705
+NESTOR 0.009 87.161 706
+HOLLIS 0.009 87.170 707
+STEFAN 0.009 87.180 708
+DONNY 0.009 87.189 709
+ART 0.009 87.198 710
+LINWOOD 0.009 87.208 711
+BEAU 0.009 87.217 712
+WELDON 0.009 87.226 713
+GALEN 0.009 87.235 714
+ISIDRO 0.009 87.244 715
+TRUMAN 0.009 87.253 716
+DELMAR 0.009 87.262 717
+JOHNATHON 0.009 87.271 718
+SILAS 0.009 87.280 719
+FREDERIC 0.009 87.289 720
+DICK 0.009 87.298 721
+KIRBY 0.009 87.307 722
+IRWIN 0.009 87.316 723
+CRUZ 0.009 87.325 724
+MERLIN 0.009 87.334 725
+MERRILL 0.009 87.343 726
+CHARLEY 0.009 87.351 727
+MARCELINO 0.009 87.360 728
+LANE 0.009 87.369 729
+HARRIS 0.009 87.378 730
+CLEO 0.009 87.386 731
+CARLO 0.009 87.395 732
+TRENTON 0.009 87.404 733
+KURTIS 0.009 87.413 734
+HUNTER 0.009 87.421 735
+AURELIO 0.009 87.430 736
+WINFRED 0.009 87.438 737
+VITO 0.009 87.447 738
+COLLIN 0.009 87.456 739
+DENVER 0.009 87.464 740
+CARTER 0.009 87.473 741
+LEONEL 0.008 87.481 742
+EMORY 0.008 87.490 743
+PASQUALE 0.008 87.498 744
+MOHAMMAD 0.008 87.506 745
+MARIANO 0.008 87.514 746
+DANIAL 0.008 87.523 747
+BLAIR 0.008 87.531 748
+LANDON 0.008 87.539 749
+DIRK 0.008 87.548 750
+BRANDEN 0.008 87.556 751
+ADAN 0.008 87.564 752
+NUMBERS 0.008 87.572 753
+CLAIR 0.008 87.581 754
+BUFORD 0.008 87.589 755
+GERMAN 0.008 87.597 756
+BERNIE 0.008 87.605 757
+WILMER 0.008 87.613 758
+JOAN 0.008 87.621 759
+EMERSON 0.008 87.629 760
+ZACHERY 0.008 87.637 761
+FLETCHER 0.008 87.645 762
+JACQUES 0.008 87.653 763
+ERROL 0.008 87.661 764
+DALTON 0.008 87.669 765
+MONROE 0.008 87.676 766
+JOSUE 0.008 87.684 767
+DOMINIQUE 0.008 87.692 768
+EDWARDO 0.008 87.700 769
+BOOKER 0.008 87.708 770
+WILFORD 0.008 87.715 771
+SONNY 0.008 87.723 772
+SHELTON 0.008 87.731 773
+CARSON 0.008 87.739 774
+THERON 0.008 87.746 775
+RAYMUNDO 0.008 87.754 776
+DAREN 0.008 87.762 777
+TRISTAN 0.008 87.769 778
+HOUSTON 0.008 87.777 779
+ROBBY 0.008 87.785 780
+LINCOLN 0.008 87.792 781
+JAME 0.008 87.800 782
+GENARO 0.008 87.807 783
+GALE 0.008 87.815 784
+BENNETT 0.008 87.822 785
+OCTAVIO 0.008 87.830 786
+CORNELL 0.008 87.838 787
+LAVERNE 0.008 87.845 788
+HUNG 0.008 87.853 789
+ARRON 0.008 87.860 790
+ANTONY 0.008 87.868 791
+HERSCHEL 0.007 87.875 792
+ALVA 0.007 87.883 793
+GIOVANNI 0.007 87.890 794
+GARTH 0.007 87.897 795
+CYRUS 0.007 87.905 796
+CYRIL 0.007 87.912 797
+RONNY 0.007 87.920 798
+STEVIE 0.007 87.927 799
+LON 0.007 87.934 800
+FREEMAN 0.007 87.941 801
+ERIN 0.007 87.949 802
+DUNCAN 0.007 87.956 803
+KENNITH 0.007 87.963 804
+CARMINE 0.007 87.970 805
+AUGUSTINE 0.007 87.978 806
+YOUNG 0.007 87.985 807
+ERICH 0.007 87.992 808
+CHADWICK 0.007 87.999 809
+WILBURN 0.007 88.006 810
+RUSS 0.007 88.013 811
+REID 0.007 88.021 812
+MYLES 0.007 88.028 813
+ANDERSON 0.007 88.035 814
+MORTON 0.007 88.042 815
+JONAS 0.007 88.049 816
+FOREST 0.007 88.056 817
+MITCHEL 0.007 88.063 818
+MERVIN 0.007 88.070 819
+ZANE 0.007 88.077 820
+RICH 0.007 88.084 821
+JAMEL 0.007 88.091 822
+LAZARO 0.007 88.098 823
+ALPHONSE 0.007 88.105 824
+RANDELL 0.007 88.112 825
+MAJOR 0.007 88.119 826
+JOHNIE 0.007 88.126 827
+JARRETT 0.007 88.133 828
+BROOKS 0.007 88.140 829
+ARIEL 0.007 88.147 830
+ABDUL 0.007 88.154 831
+DUSTY 0.007 88.161 832
+LUCIANO 0.007 88.168 833
+LINDSEY 0.007 88.174 834
+TRACEY 0.007 88.181 835
+SEYMOUR 0.007 88.188 836
+SCOTTIE 0.007 88.195 837
+EUGENIO 0.007 88.202 838
+MOHAMMED 0.007 88.208 839
+SANDY 0.007 88.215 840
+VALENTIN 0.007 88.222 841
+CHANCE 0.007 88.228 842
+ARNULFO 0.007 88.235 843
+LUCIEN 0.007 88.242 844
+FERDINAND 0.007 88.248 845
+THAD 0.007 88.255 846
+EZRA 0.007 88.262 847
+SYDNEY 0.007 88.268 848
+ALDO 0.007 88.275 849
+RUBIN 0.006 88.281 850
+ROYAL 0.006 88.288 851
+MITCH 0.006 88.294 852
+EARLE 0.006 88.301 853
+ABE 0.006 88.307 854
+WYATT 0.006 88.314 855
+MARQUIS 0.006 88.320 856
+LANNY 0.006 88.326 857
+KAREEM 0.006 88.333 858
+JAMAR 0.006 88.339 859
+BORIS 0.006 88.346 860
+ISIAH 0.006 88.352 861
+EMILE 0.006 88.358 862
+ELMO 0.006 88.365 863
+ARON 0.006 88.371 864
+LEOPOLDO 0.006 88.377 865
+EVERETTE 0.006 88.384 866
+JOSEF 0.006 88.390 867
+GAIL 0.006 88.396 868
+ELOY 0.006 88.403 869
+DORIAN 0.006 88.409 870
+RODRICK 0.006 88.415 871
+REINALDO 0.006 88.421 872
+LUCIO 0.006 88.427 873
+JERROD 0.006 88.434 874
+WESTON 0.006 88.440 875
+HERSHEL 0.006 88.446 876
+BARTON 0.006 88.452 877
+PARKER 0.006 88.458 878
+LEMUEL 0.006 88.464 879
+LAVERN 0.006 88.470 880
+BURT 0.006 88.477 881
+JULES 0.006 88.483 882
+GIL 0.006 88.489 883
+ELISEO 0.006 88.495 884
+AHMAD 0.006 88.501 885
+NIGEL 0.006 88.507 886
+EFREN 0.006 88.513 887
+ANTWAN 0.006 88.519 888
+ALDEN 0.006 88.525 889
+MARGARITO 0.006 88.531 890
+COLEMAN 0.006 88.537 891
+REFUGIO 0.006 88.543 892
+DINO 0.006 88.549 893
+OSVALDO 0.006 88.555 894
+LES 0.006 88.560 895
+DEANDRE 0.006 88.566 896
+NORMAND 0.006 88.572 897
+KIETH 0.006 88.578 898
+IVORY 0.006 88.584 899
+ANDREA 0.006 88.590 900
+TREY 0.006 88.595 901
+NORBERTO 0.006 88.601 902
+NAPOLEON 0.006 88.607 903
+JEROLD 0.006 88.613 904
+FRITZ 0.006 88.619 905
+ROSENDO 0.006 88.624 906
+MILFORD 0.006 88.630 907
+SANG 0.006 88.636 908
+DEON 0.006 88.641 909
+CHRISTOPER 0.006 88.647 910
+ALFONZO 0.006 88.653 911
+LYMAN 0.006 88.658 912
+JOSIAH 0.006 88.664 913
+BRANT 0.006 88.670 914
+WILTON 0.006 88.675 915
+RICO 0.006 88.681 916
+JAMAAL 0.006 88.687 917
+DEWITT 0.006 88.692 918
+CAROL 0.006 88.698 919
+BRENTON 0.006 88.704 920
+YONG 0.006 88.709 921
+OLIN 0.006 88.715 922
+FOSTER 0.006 88.720 923
+FAUSTINO 0.006 88.726 924
+CLAUDIO 0.006 88.731 925
+JUDSON 0.006 88.737 926
+GINO 0.006 88.743 927
+EDGARDO 0.006 88.748 928
+BERRY 0.006 88.754 929
+ALEC 0.006 88.759 930
+TANNER 0.006 88.765 931
+JARRED 0.006 88.770 932
+DONN 0.006 88.776 933
+TRINIDAD 0.005 88.781 934
+TAD 0.005 88.787 935
+SHIRLEY 0.005 88.792 936
+PRINCE 0.005 88.798 937
+PORFIRIO 0.005 88.803 938
+ODIS 0.005 88.809 939
+MARIA 0.005 88.814 940
+LENARD 0.005 88.820 941
+CHAUNCEY 0.005 88.825 942
+CHANG 0.005 88.831 943
+TOD 0.005 88.836 944
+MEL 0.005 88.842 945
+MARCELO 0.005 88.847 946
+KORY 0.005 88.853 947
+AUGUSTUS 0.005 88.858 948
+KEVEN 0.005 88.864 949
+HILARIO 0.005 88.869 950
+BUD 0.005 88.874 951
+SAL 0.005 88.880 952
+ROSARIO 0.005 88.885 953
+ORVAL 0.005 88.891 954
+MAURO 0.005 88.896 955
+DANNIE 0.005 88.901 956
+ZACHARIAH 0.005 88.907 957
+OLEN 0.005 88.912 958
+ANIBAL 0.005 88.917 959
+MILO 0.005 88.923 960
+JED 0.005 88.928 961
+FRANCES 0.005 88.933 962
+THANH 0.005 88.939 963
+DILLON 0.005 88.944 964
+AMADO 0.005 88.949 965
+NEWTON 0.005 88.955 966
+CONNIE 0.005 88.960 967
+LENNY 0.005 88.965 968
+TORY 0.005 88.970 969
+RICHIE 0.005 88.975 970
+LUPE 0.005 88.981 971
+HORACIO 0.005 88.986 972
+BRICE 0.005 88.991 973
+MOHAMED 0.005 88.996 974
+DELMER 0.005 89.001 975
+DARIO 0.005 89.006 976
+REYES 0.005 89.012 977
+DEE 0.005 89.017 978
+MAC 0.005 89.022 979
+JONAH 0.005 89.027 980
+JERROLD 0.005 89.032 981
+ROBT 0.005 89.037 982
+HANK 0.005 89.042 983
+SUNG 0.005 89.047 984
+RUPERT 0.005 89.052 985
+ROLLAND 0.005 89.057 986
+KENTON 0.005 89.062 987
+DAMION 0.005 89.067 988
+CHI 0.005 89.072 989
+ANTONE 0.005 89.077 990
+WALDO 0.005 89.082 991
+FREDRIC 0.005 89.087 992
+BRADLY 0.005 89.092 993
+QUINN 0.005 89.097 994
+KIP 0.005 89.102 995
+BURL 0.005 89.107 996
+WALKER 0.005 89.112 997
+TYREE 0.005 89.117 998
+JEFFEREY 0.005 89.122 999
+AHMED 0.005 89.127 1000
+WILLY 0.005 89.132 1001
+STANFORD 0.005 89.137 1002
+OREN 0.005 89.142 1003
+NOBLE 0.005 89.146 1004
+MOSHE 0.005 89.151 1005
+MIKEL 0.005 89.156 1006
+ENOCH 0.005 89.161 1007
+BRENDON 0.005 89.166 1008
+QUINTIN 0.005 89.171 1009
+JAMISON 0.005 89.176 1010
+FLORENCIO 0.005 89.181 1011
+DARRICK 0.005 89.185 1012
+TOBIAS 0.005 89.190 1013
+MINH 0.005 89.195 1014
+HASSAN 0.005 89.200 1015
+GIUSEPPE 0.005 89.205 1016
+DEMARCUS 0.005 89.210 1017
+CLETUS 0.005 89.214 1018
+TYRELL 0.005 89.219 1019
+LYNDON 0.005 89.224 1020
+KEENAN 0.005 89.229 1021
+WERNER 0.005 89.234 1022
+THEO 0.005 89.238 1023
+GERALDO 0.005 89.243 1024
+LOU 0.005 89.248 1025
+COLUMBUS 0.005 89.253 1026
+CHET 0.005 89.257 1027
+BERTRAM 0.005 89.262 1028
+MARKUS 0.005 89.267 1029
+HUEY 0.005 89.271 1030
+HILTON 0.005 89.276 1031
+DWAIN 0.005 89.281 1032
+DONTE 0.005 89.285 1033
+TYRON 0.005 89.290 1034
+OMER 0.005 89.295 1035
+ISAIAS 0.005 89.299 1036
+HIPOLITO 0.005 89.304 1037
+FERMIN 0.005 89.309 1038
+CHUNG 0.005 89.313 1039
+ADALBERTO 0.005 89.318 1040
+VALENTINE 0.005 89.323 1041
+JAMEY 0.005 89.327 1042
+BO 0.005 89.332 1043
+BARRETT 0.005 89.336 1044
+WHITNEY 0.005 89.341 1045
+TEODORO 0.005 89.345 1046
+MCKINLEY 0.005 89.350 1047
+MAXIMO 0.005 89.355 1048
+GARFIELD 0.005 89.359 1049
+SOL 0.005 89.364 1050
+RALEIGH 0.005 89.368 1051
+LAWERENCE 0.005 89.373 1052
+ABRAM 0.005 89.377 1053
+RASHAD 0.004 89.382 1054
+KING 0.004 89.386 1055
+EMMITT 0.004 89.391 1056
+DARON 0.004 89.395 1057
+CHONG 0.004 89.400 1058
+SAMUAL 0.004 89.404 1059
+PARIS 0.004 89.409 1060
+OTHA 0.004 89.413 1061
+MIQUEL 0.004 89.418 1062
+LACY 0.004 89.422 1063
+EUSEBIO 0.004 89.426 1064
+DONG 0.004 89.431 1065
+DOMENIC 0.004 89.435 1066
+DARRON 0.004 89.440 1067
+BUSTER 0.004 89.444 1068
+ANTONIA 0.004 89.449 1069
+WILBER 0.004 89.453 1070
+RENATO 0.004 89.458 1071
+JC 0.004 89.462 1072
+HOYT 0.004 89.466 1073
+HAYWOOD 0.004 89.471 1074
+EZEKIEL 0.004 89.475 1075
+CHAS 0.004 89.480 1076
+FLORENTINO 0.004 89.484 1077
+ELROY 0.004 89.489 1078
+CLEMENTE 0.004 89.493 1079
+ARDEN 0.004 89.497 1080
+NEVILLE 0.004 89.502 1081
+KELLEY 0.004 89.506 1082
+EDISON 0.004 89.510 1083
+DESHAWN 0.004 89.515 1084
+CARROL 0.004 89.519 1085
+SHAYNE 0.004 89.523 1086
+NATHANIAL 0.004 89.528 1087
+JORDON 0.004 89.532 1088
+DANILO 0.004 89.536 1089
+CLAUD 0.004 89.541 1090
+VAL 0.004 89.545 1091
+SHERWOOD 0.004 89.549 1092
+RAYMON 0.004 89.554 1093
+RAYFORD 0.004 89.558 1094
+CRISTOBAL 0.004 89.562 1095
+AMBROSE 0.004 89.567 1096
+TITUS 0.004 89.571 1097
+HYMAN 0.004 89.575 1098
+FELTON 0.004 89.579 1099
+EZEQUIEL 0.004 89.584 1100
+ERASMO 0.004 89.588 1101
+STANTON 0.004 89.592 1102
+LONNY 0.004 89.596 1103
+LEN 0.004 89.601 1104
+IKE 0.004 89.605 1105
+MILAN 0.004 89.609 1106
+LINO 0.004 89.613 1107
+JAROD 0.004 89.617 1108
+HERB 0.004 89.622 1109
+ANDREAS 0.004 89.626 1110
+WALTON 0.004 89.630 1111
+RHETT 0.004 89.634 1112
+PALMER 0.004 89.638 1113
+JUDE 0.004 89.642 1114
+DOUGLASS 0.004 89.647 1115
+CORDELL 0.004 89.651 1116
+OSWALDO 0.004 89.655 1117
+ELLSWORTH 0.004 89.659 1118
+VIRGILIO 0.004 89.663 1119
+TONEY 0.004 89.667 1120
+NATHANAEL 0.004 89.671 1121
+DEL 0.004 89.675 1122
+BRITT 0.004 89.679 1123
+BENEDICT 0.004 89.684 1124
+MOSE 0.004 89.688 1125
+HONG 0.004 89.692 1126
+LEIGH 0.004 89.696 1127
+JOHNSON 0.004 89.700 1128
+ISREAL 0.004 89.704 1129
+GAYLE 0.004 89.708 1130
+GARRET 0.004 89.712 1131
+FAUSTO 0.004 89.716 1132
+ASA 0.004 89.720 1133
+ARLEN 0.004 89.724 1134
+ZACK 0.004 89.728 1135
+WARNER 0.004 89.732 1136
+MODESTO 0.004 89.736 1137
+FRANCESCO 0.004 89.740 1138
+MANUAL 0.004 89.744 1139
+JAE 0.004 89.748 1140
+GAYLORD 0.004 89.752 1141
+GASTON 0.004 89.756 1142
+FILIBERTO 0.004 89.759 1143
+DEANGELO 0.004 89.763 1144
+MICHALE 0.004 89.767 1145
+GRANVILLE 0.004 89.771 1146
+WES 0.004 89.775 1147
+MALIK 0.004 89.779 1148
+ZACKARY 0.004 89.783 1149
+TUAN 0.004 89.787 1150
+NICKY 0.004 89.790 1151
+ELDRIDGE 0.004 89.794 1152
+CRISTOPHER 0.004 89.798 1153
+CORTEZ 0.004 89.802 1154
+ANTIONE 0.004 89.806 1155
+MALCOM 0.004 89.809 1156
+LONG 0.004 89.813 1157
+KOREY 0.004 89.817 1158
+JOSPEH 0.004 89.821 1159
+COLTON 0.004 89.825 1160
+WAYLON 0.004 89.828 1161
+VON 0.004 89.832 1162
+HOSEA 0.004 89.836 1163
+SHAD 0.004 89.840 1164
+SANTO 0.004 89.843 1165
+RUDOLF 0.004 89.847 1166
+ROLF 0.004 89.851 1167
+REY 0.004 89.855 1168
+RENALDO 0.004 89.858 1169
+MARCELLUS 0.004 89.862 1170
+LUCIUS 0.004 89.866 1171
+LESLEY 0.004 89.870 1172
+KRISTOFER 0.004 89.873 1173
+BOYCE 0.004 89.877 1174
+BENTON 0.004 89.881 1175
+MAN 0.004 89.884 1176
+KASEY 0.004 89.888 1177
+JEWELL 0.004 89.892 1178
+HAYDEN 0.004 89.895 1179
+HARLAND 0.004 89.899 1180
+ARNOLDO 0.004 89.903 1181
+RUEBEN 0.004 89.907 1182
+LEANDRO 0.004 89.910 1183
+KRAIG 0.004 89.914 1184
+JERRELL 0.004 89.918 1185
+JEROMY 0.004 89.921 1186
+HOBERT 0.004 89.925 1187
+CEDRICK 0.004 89.929 1188
+ARLIE 0.004 89.932 1189
+WINFORD 0.004 89.936 1190
+WALLY 0.004 89.939 1191
+PATRICIA 0.004 89.943 1192
+LUIGI 0.004 89.947 1193
+KENETH 0.004 89.950 1194
+JACINTO 0.004 89.954 1195
+GRAIG 0.004 89.958 1196
+FRANKLYN 0.004 89.961 1197
+EDMUNDO 0.004 89.965 1198
+SID 0.004 89.968 1199
+PORTER 0.004 89.972 1200
+LEIF 0.004 89.976 1201
+LAUREN 0.004 89.979 1202
+JERAMY 0.004 89.983 1203
+ELISHA 0.004 89.986 1204
+BUCK 0.004 89.990 1205
+WILLIAN 0.004 89.994 1206
+VINCENZO 0.004 89.997 1207
+SHON 0.004 90.001 1208
+MICHAL 0.004 90.004 1209
+LYNWOOD 0.004 90.008 1210
+LINDSAY 0.004 90.011 1211
+JEWEL 0.004 90.015 1212
+JERE 0.004 90.018 1213
+HAI 0.004 90.022 1214
+ELDEN 0.004 90.026 1215
+DORSEY 0.004 90.029 1216
+DARELL 0.004 90.033 1217
+BRODERICK 0.004 90.036 1218
+ALONSO 0.004 90.040 1219
diff --git a/config/dist.male.first.80percent b/config/dist.male.first.80percent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e2aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/dist.male.first.80percent
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+JAMES 3.318 3.318 1
+JOHN 3.271 6.589 2
+ROBERT 3.143 9.732 3
+MICHAEL 2.629 12.361 4
+WILLIAM 2.451 14.812 5
+DAVID 2.363 17.176 6
+RICHARD 1.703 18.878 7
+CHARLES 1.523 20.401 8
+JOSEPH 1.404 21.805 9
+THOMAS 1.380 23.185 10
+CHRISTOPHER 1.035 24.220 11
+DANIEL 0.974 25.194 12
+PAUL 0.948 26.142 13
+MARK 0.938 27.081 14
+DONALD 0.931 28.012 15
+GEORGE 0.927 28.939 16
+KENNETH 0.826 29.766 17
+STEVEN 0.780 30.546 18
+EDWARD 0.779 31.325 19
+BRIAN 0.736 32.061 20
+RONALD 0.725 32.787 21
+ANTHONY 0.721 33.508 22
+KEVIN 0.671 34.179 23
+JASON 0.660 34.839 24
+MATTHEW 0.657 35.496 25
+GARY 0.650 36.147 26
+TIMOTHY 0.640 36.786 27
+JOSE 0.613 37.399 28
+LARRY 0.598 37.997 29
+JEFFREY 0.591 38.588 30
+FRANK 0.581 39.169 31
+SCOTT 0.546 39.715 32
+ERIC 0.544 40.259 33
+STEPHEN 0.540 40.799 34
+ANDREW 0.537 41.335 35
+RAYMOND 0.488 41.824 36
+GREGORY 0.441 42.265 37
+JOSHUA 0.435 42.700 38
+JERRY 0.432 43.132 39
+DENNIS 0.415 43.547 40
+WALTER 0.399 43.946 41
+PATRICK 0.389 44.335 42
+PETER 0.381 44.716 43
+HAROLD 0.371 45.087 44
+DOUGLAS 0.367 45.454 45
+HENRY 0.365 45.819 46
+CARL 0.346 46.165 47
+ARTHUR 0.335 46.500 48
+RYAN 0.328 46.828 49
+ROGER 0.322 47.150 50
+JOE 0.321 47.471 51
+JUAN 0.316 47.786 52
+JACK 0.315 48.102 53
+ALBERT 0.314 48.415 54
+JONATHAN 0.313 48.729 55
+JUSTIN 0.311 49.040 56
+TERRY 0.311 49.351 57
+GERALD 0.309 49.660 58
+KEITH 0.308 49.968 59
+SAMUEL 0.306 50.274 60
+WILLIE 0.302 50.576 61
+RALPH 0.282 50.859 62
+LAWRENCE 0.282 51.141 63
+NICHOLAS 0.275 51.415 64
+ROY 0.273 51.688 65
+BENJAMIN 0.270 51.958 66
+BRUCE 0.263 52.221 67
+BRANDON 0.260 52.480 68
+ADAM 0.259 52.740 69
+HARRY 0.251 52.991 70
+FRED 0.251 53.241 71
+WAYNE 0.249 53.490 72
+BILLY 0.248 53.738 73
+STEVE 0.246 53.984 74
+LOUIS 0.243 54.227 75
+JEREMY 0.242 54.469 76
+AARON 0.240 54.710 77
+RANDY 0.232 54.942 78
+HOWARD 0.230 55.172 79
+EUGENE 0.230 55.402 80
+CARLOS 0.229 55.630 81
+RUSSELL 0.224 55.854 82
+BOBBY 0.223 56.077 83
+VICTOR 0.222 56.299 84
+MARTIN 0.216 56.515 85
+ERNEST 0.215 56.730 86
+PHILLIP 0.213 56.942 87
+TODD 0.213 57.155 88
+JESSE 0.209 57.364 89
+CRAIG 0.206 57.570 90
+ALAN 0.204 57.774 91
+SHAWN 0.200 57.973 92
+CLARENCE 0.197 58.170 93
+SEAN 0.197 58.368 94
+PHILIP 0.197 58.565 95
+CHRIS 0.197 58.761 96
+JOHNNY 0.195 58.957 97
+EARL 0.193 59.149 98
+JIMMY 0.191 59.340 99
+ANTONIO 0.190 59.531 100
+DANNY 0.190 59.720 101
+BRYAN 0.190 59.910 102
+TONY 0.190 60.100 103
+LUIS 0.189 60.289 104
+MIKE 0.189 60.478 105
+STANLEY 0.186 60.665 106
+LEONARD 0.186 60.850 107
+NATHAN 0.185 61.035 108
+DALE 0.184 61.219 109
+MANUEL 0.181 61.400 110
+RODNEY 0.180 61.581 111
+CURTIS 0.180 61.761 112
+NORMAN 0.177 61.938 113
+ALLEN 0.174 62.112 114
+MARVIN 0.171 62.283 115
+VINCENT 0.168 62.450 116
+GLENN 0.167 62.617 117
+JEFFERY 0.166 62.783 118
+TRAVIS 0.166 62.949 119
+JEFF 0.166 63.114 120
+CHAD 0.165 63.279 121
+JACOB 0.165 63.444 122
+LEE 0.162 63.606 123
+MELVIN 0.162 63.768 124
+ALFRED 0.162 63.930 125
+KYLE 0.160 64.090 126
+FRANCIS 0.160 64.250 127
+BRADLEY 0.159 64.409 128
+JESUS 0.155 64.564 129
+HERBERT 0.155 64.719 130
+FREDERICK 0.154 64.873 131
+RAY 0.153 65.026 132
+JOEL 0.152 65.177 133
+EDWIN 0.148 65.326 134
+DON 0.145 65.471 135
+EDDIE 0.144 65.615 136
+RICKY 0.141 65.756 137
+TROY 0.138 65.895 138
+RANDALL 0.138 66.032 139
+BARRY 0.134 66.167 140
+ALEXANDER 0.132 66.299 141
+BERNARD 0.127 66.427 142
+MARIO 0.125 66.552 143
+LEROY 0.125 66.676 144
+FRANCISCO 0.124 66.801 145
+MARCUS 0.124 66.925 146
+MICHEAL 0.123 67.048 147
+THEODORE 0.123 67.171 148
+CLIFFORD 0.123 67.293 149
+MIGUEL 0.122 67.415 150
+OSCAR 0.122 67.538 151
+JAY 0.118 67.656 152
+JIM 0.118 67.773 153
+TOM 0.117 67.890 154
+CALVIN 0.115 68.006 155
+ALEX 0.115 68.120 156
+JON 0.115 68.235 157
+RONNIE 0.113 68.348 158
+BILL 0.112 68.461 159
+LLOYD 0.112 68.573 160
+TOMMY 0.112 68.685 161
+LEON 0.112 68.797 162
+DEREK 0.112 68.908 163
+WARREN 0.110 69.018 164
+DARRELL 0.108 69.126 165
+JEROME 0.108 69.234 166
+FLOYD 0.107 69.340 167
+LEO 0.106 69.446 168
+ALVIN 0.105 69.551 169
+TIM 0.104 69.656 170
+WESLEY 0.104 69.760 171
+GORDON 0.104 69.864 172
+DEAN 0.104 69.968 173
+GREG 0.104 70.071 174
+JORGE 0.104 70.175 175
+DUSTIN 0.103 70.278 176
+PEDRO 0.103 70.381 177
+DERRICK 0.103 70.484 178
+DAN 0.101 70.585 179
+LEWIS 0.099 70.684 180
+ZACHARY 0.099 70.782 181
+COREY 0.098 70.880 182
+HERMAN 0.097 70.977 183
+MAURICE 0.097 71.074 184
+VERNON 0.097 71.171 185
+ROBERTO 0.097 71.268 186
+CLYDE 0.095 71.363 187
+GLEN 0.094 71.457 188
+HECTOR 0.094 71.551 189
+SHANE 0.093 71.645 190
+RICARDO 0.093 71.738 191
+SAM 0.092 71.830 192
+RICK 0.091 71.921 193
+LESTER 0.091 72.011 194
+BRENT 0.090 72.102 195
+RAMON 0.090 72.192 196
+CHARLIE 0.090 72.281 197
+TYLER 0.089 72.371 198
+GILBERT 0.089 72.460 199
+GENE 0.087 72.547 200
+MARC 0.087 72.634 201
+REGINALD 0.084 72.717 202
+RUBEN 0.082 72.800 203
+BRETT 0.082 72.882 204
+ANGEL 0.082 72.964 205
+NATHANIEL 0.081 73.045 206
+RAFAEL 0.081 73.126 207
+LESLIE 0.081 73.207 208
+EDGAR 0.080 73.287 209
+MILTON 0.080 73.367 210
+RAUL 0.079 73.446 211
+BEN 0.078 73.524 212
+CHESTER 0.078 73.602 213
+CECIL 0.078 73.680 214
+DUANE 0.077 73.757 215
+FRANKLIN 0.077 73.834 216
+ANDRE 0.076 73.910 217
+ELMER 0.074 73.984 218
+BRAD 0.073 74.057 219
+GABRIEL 0.073 74.130 220
+RON 0.072 74.202 221
+MITCHELL 0.072 74.274 222
+ROLAND 0.072 74.347 223
+ARNOLD 0.072 74.419 224
+HARVEY 0.072 74.491 225
+JARED 0.071 74.562 226
+ADRIAN 0.069 74.631 227
+KARL 0.069 74.699 228
+CORY 0.068 74.767 229
+CLAUDE 0.068 74.835 230
+ERIK 0.068 74.903 231
+DARRYL 0.067 74.970 232
+JAMIE 0.066 75.037 233
+NEIL 0.066 75.102 234
+JESSIE 0.065 75.168 235
+CHRISTIAN 0.065 75.233 236
+JAVIER 0.065 75.297 237
+FERNANDO 0.065 75.362 238
+CLINTON 0.065 75.427 239
+TED 0.064 75.491 240
+MATHEW 0.064 75.555 241
+TYRONE 0.064 75.619 242
+DARREN 0.064 75.683 243
+LONNIE 0.064 75.746 244
+LANCE 0.063 75.810 245
+CODY 0.063 75.873 246
+JULIO 0.063 75.936 247
+KELLY 0.063 75.998 248
+KURT 0.062 76.061 249
+ALLAN 0.061 76.122 250
+NELSON 0.061 76.182 251
+GUY 0.060 76.243 252
+CLAYTON 0.060 76.303 253
+HUGH 0.060 76.363 254
+MAX 0.059 76.421 255
+DWAYNE 0.059 76.480 256
+DWIGHT 0.058 76.538 257
+ARMANDO 0.058 76.596 258
+FELIX 0.058 76.654 259
+JIMMIE 0.058 76.711 260
+EVERETT 0.057 76.768 261
+JORDAN 0.056 76.824 262
+IAN 0.056 76.880 263
+WALLACE 0.056 76.936 264
+KEN 0.055 76.991 265
+BOB 0.055 77.047 266
+JAIME 0.055 77.102 267
+CASEY 0.054 77.156 268
+ALFREDO 0.054 77.210 269
+ALBERTO 0.053 77.263 270
+DAVE 0.053 77.316 271
+IVAN 0.053 77.369 272
+JOHNNIE 0.052 77.421 273
+SIDNEY 0.052 77.474 274
+BYRON 0.052 77.526 275
+JULIAN 0.052 77.578 276
+ISAAC 0.051 77.629 277
+MORRIS 0.051 77.680 278
+CLIFTON 0.050 77.730 279
+WILLARD 0.050 77.780 280
+DARYL 0.050 77.831 281
+ROSS 0.050 77.880 282
+VIRGIL 0.049 77.929 283
+ANDY 0.049 77.979 284
+MARSHALL 0.049 78.028 285
+SALVADOR 0.049 78.077 286
+PERRY 0.049 78.126 287
+KIRK 0.049 78.175 288
+SERGIO 0.049 78.224 289
+MARION 0.048 78.272 290
+TRACY 0.048 78.320 291
+SETH 0.048 78.368 292
+KENT 0.048 78.416 293
+TERRANCE 0.048 78.464 294
+RENE 0.048 78.512 295
+EDUARDO 0.047 78.559 296
+TERRENCE 0.047 78.606 297
+ENRIQUE 0.046 78.652 298
+FREDDIE 0.046 78.698 299
+WADE 0.045 78.743 300
+AUSTIN 0.044 78.786 301
+STUART 0.044 78.830 302
+FREDRICK 0.043 78.873 303
+ARTURO 0.043 78.917 304
+ALEJANDRO 0.043 78.960 305
+JACKIE 0.043 79.002 306
+JOEY 0.043 79.045 307
+NICK 0.043 79.088 308
+LUTHER 0.043 79.130 309
+WENDELL 0.042 79.172 310
+JEREMIAH 0.042 79.215 311
+EVAN 0.042 79.257 312
+JULIUS 0.042 79.298 313
+DANA 0.042 79.340 314
+DONNIE 0.041 79.381 315
+OTIS 0.041 79.422 316
+SHANNON 0.040 79.462 317
+TREVOR 0.040 79.503 318
+OLIVER 0.040 79.543 319
+LUKE 0.040 79.583 320
+HOMER 0.040 79.623 321
+GERARD 0.040 79.663 322
+DOUG 0.040 79.703 323
+KENNY 0.039 79.742 324
+HUBERT 0.039 79.782 325
+ANGELO 0.039 79.821 326
+SHAUN 0.039 79.859 327
+LYLE 0.038 79.898 328
+MATT 0.038 79.936 329
+LYNN 0.038 79.974 330
+ALFONSO 0.038 80.012 331
diff --git a/config/superSenseModelAllSemcor.ser.gz b/config/superSenseModelAllSemcor.ser.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32bd5a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/config/superSenseModelAllSemcor.ser.gz differ
diff --git a/data/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.parse b/data/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0f753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.parse
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+PARSE -412.2037353515625 (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Jerusalem) (CD 7-15)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP AFP)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (: -) (NP (NP (DT A) (JJ high) (NN level)) (SBAR (S (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN said) (NP (NN today))))))) (NP (NP (NNP Saturday)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ believes) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Iran)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN set) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB begin) (S (VP (VBG acquiring) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NN capability)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ military) (NNS purposes))) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD 2005)))))))))) (CC and) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN position) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB equip) (NP (NNS missiles)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ capable) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG reaching) (NP (NNP Israel)))))) (, ,)))))) (PP (IN within) (NP (NN ten) (NNS years)))))))))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.sent b/data/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..503c2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.sent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Jerusalem 7-15 (AFP) - A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip missiles with nuclear warheads, capable of reaching Israel, within ten years.
diff --git a/data/David_Beckham.txt b/data/David_Beckham.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 379ef37..0000000
--- a/data/David_Beckham.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-David Beckham
-David Robert Joseph Beckham, OBE (born 2 May 1975) is an English footballer. He has played for Manchester United, Preston North End, Real Madrid, Milan, most recently Los Angeles Galaxy and the England national team for which he holds the appearance record for an outfield player.
-Beckham's professional career began with Manchester United, making his first-team debut in 1992 aged 17. With United, Beckham won the Premier League title six times, the FA Cup twice, and the UEFA Champions League in 1999. He left Manchester United to sign for Real Madrid in 2003, where he remained for four seasons, winning the La Liga championship in his final season with the club. In January 2007, it was announced that Beckham would leave Real Madrid for the Major League Soccer club Los Angeles Galaxy, signing a five-year contract on 1 July 2007. While a Galaxy player, he spent two loan spells in Italy with AC Milan in 2009 and 2010. On 20 November 2011, he joined an elite group of players to have won three league titles in three different countries, when Los Angeles won their third MLS Cup.
-In international football, Beckham made his England debut on 1 September 1996, at the age of 21. He was made captain from 15 November 2000 until the 2006 FIFA World Cup finals, during which he played 58 times. He earned his 100th cap against France on 26 March 2008, and became the all-time outfield player appearance record holder on 28 March 2009, when he surpassed Bobby Moore's total of 108 caps. With 115 career appearances to date, he has stated that he does not intend to retire from international football. Having missed the 2010 World Cup through injury, Beckham has not played for England since 14 October 2009. He remains 10 caps short of the record number of 125 caps by goalkeeper Peter Shilton, for a player of any position.
-Beckham has twice been runner-up for FIFA World Player of the Year and in 2004 was the world's highest-paid footballer when taking into account salary and advertising deals. Beckham was the first British footballer to play 100 Champions League matches. He is third in the Premier League's all time time assist provider chart, with 152 assists in 265 appearances. When joining the MLS in 2007 he was given the highest player salary in the league's history, with his playing contract with the Galaxy over the next three years being worth US$6.5m per year.
-He is married to Victoria Beckham and they have four children – Brooklyn Joseph, Romeo James, Cruz David, and Harper Seven. In 2009, the couple's joint wealth was estimated at £125 million.
-Early life
-Beckham was born at Whipps Cross University Hospital in Leytonstone, London, England. He is the son of Sandra Georgina (née West; b. 1949), a hairdresser, and David Edward Alan "Ted" Beckham (b. Edmonton, London, July–September 1948), a kitchen fitter, who married at the London Borough of Hackney in 1969, He regularly played football in Ridgeway Park, Chingford, as a child, and attended Chase Lane Primary School and Chingford Foundation School. In a 2007 interview, Beckham said that, "At school whenever the teachers asked, 'What do you want to do when you're older?' I'd say, 'I want to be a footballer.' And they'd say, 'No, what do you really want to do, for a job?' But that was the only thing I ever wanted to do." Beckham's maternal grandfather was Jewish, and Beckham has referred to himself as "half Jewish" and wrote in his autobiography "I've probably had more contact with Judaism than with any other religion". In his book Both Feet on the Ground, he stated that growing up he attended church every week with his parents and his older sister, Lynne Georgina and younger sister, Joanne Louise.
-His parents were fanatical Manchester United supporters who would frequently travel to Old Trafford from London to attend the team's home matches. David inherited his parents' love of Manchester United, and his main sporting passion was football. He attended one of Bobby Charlton's football schools in Manchester and won the chance to take part in a training session at FC Barcelona, as part of a talent competition. He played for a local youth team called the Ridgeway Rovers – coached by his father, Stuart Underwood and Steve Kirby. Beckham was a Manchester United mascot for a match against West Ham United in 1986. Young Beckham had trials with his local club Leyton Orient, Norwich City and attended Tottenham Hotspur's school of excellence. Tottenham Hotspur was the first club he played for. During a two-year period in which Beckham played for Brimsdown Rovers' youth team, he was named Under-15 Player of the Year in 1990. He also attended Bradenton Preparatory Academy, but signed schoolboy forms at Manchester United on his 14th birthday, and subsequently signed a Youth Training Scheme contract on 8 July 1991.
-Club career
-Manchester United
-Beckham was part of a group of young players at the club who guided the club to win the FA Youth Cup in May 1992, with Beckham scoring in the second leg of the final against Crystal Palace. He made his first appearance for United's first-team that year, as a substitute in a League Cup match against Brighton & Hove Albion, and signed his first professional contract shortly afterwards. United reached the final of the Youth Cup again the following year, with Beckham playing in their defeat by Leeds United, and he won another medal in 1994 when the club's reserve team won their league, although he did not play in any first team games that season.
-On 7 December 1994, Beckham made his UEFA Champions League debut, scoring a goal in a 4–0 victory at home to Galatasaray in the final game of the group stage. However, this victory was of little use as they finished third out of four in their group behind FC Barcelona on goal difference.
-Preston North End (loan)
-He then went to Preston North End on loan for part of the 1994–95 season to get some first team experience. He impressed, scoring two goals in five appearances, notably scoring directly from a corner kick.
-Return to Manchester United
-Beckham returned to Manchester and finally made his Premier League debut for Manchester United on 2 April 1995, in a goal-less draw against Leeds United. He played four times for United in the league that season, as they finished second behind Blackburn Rovers and missed a third successive Premier League title by a single point. He was not in the squad for United's FA Cup final clash with Everton on 20 May, which they lost 1–0 and were left without a major trophy for the first time since 1989.
-United manager Sir Alex Ferguson had a great deal of confidence in the club's young players. Beckham was part of a group of young talents Ferguson brought in to United in the 1990s (known as "Fergie's Fledglings"), which included Nicky Butt and Gary and Phil Neville. When experienced players Paul Ince, Mark Hughes, and Andrei Kanchelskis left the club after the end of the 1994–95 season, his decision to let youth team players replace them instead of buying star players from other clubs (United had been linked with moves for players including Darren Anderton, Marc Overmars, and Roberto Baggio, but no major signings were made that summer), drew a great deal of criticism. The criticism increased when United started the season with a 3–1 defeat at Aston Villa, with Beckham scoring United's only goal of the game; however, United won their next five matches and the young players performed well.
-Beckham swiftly established himself as United's right-sided midfielder (rather than a right-winger in the style of his predecessor Andrei Kanchelskis) and helped them to win the Premier League title and FA Cup double that season, scoring the winner in the semi-final against Chelsea and also provided the corner that Eric Cantona scored from in the FA Cup Final. Beckham's first title medal had, for a while, looked like it would not be coming that season, as United were still 10 points adrift of leaders Newcastle United at the turn of the new year, but Beckham and his team-mates had overhauled the Tynesiders at the top of the league by mid March and they remained top until the end of the season.
-Despite playing regularly (and to a consistently high standard) for Manchester United, Beckham did not break into the England squad before Euro 96.
-At the beginning of the 1996–97 season David Beckham was given the number 10 shirt that had most recently been worn by Mark Hughes. On 17 August 1996 (the first day of the Premier League season), Beckham became something of a household name when he scored a spectacular goal in a match against Wimbledon. With United leading 2–0, Beckham noticed that Wimbledon's goalkeeper Neil Sullivan was standing a long way out of his goal, and hit a shot from the halfway line that floated over the goalkeeper and into the net. When Beckham scored his famous goal, he did so in shoes custom-made for Charlie Miller ("Charlie" embroidered on boots), which had been given to Beckham by mistake. In a UK poll conducted by Channel 4 in 2002, the British public voted the goal No.18 in the list of the 100 Greatest Sporting Moments. During the 1996–97 season, he became an automatic first-choice player at United helping them to retain the Premier League championship, and being voted PFA Young Player of the Year by his peers.
-On 18 May 1997, Eric Cantona retired as a player and left the coveted number 7 shirt free, and with Teddy Sheringham arriving from Tottenham Hotspur as Cantona's successor, Beckham left his number 10 shirt for Sheringham and picked up the number 7 jersey.
-United started the 1997–98 season well but erratic performances in the second half of the season saw United finish second behind Arsenal.
-In the 1998–99 season, he was part of the United team that won The Treble of the Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League, a unique feat in English football. There had been speculation that the criticism that he had received after being sent off in the World Cup would lead to him leaving England, but he decided to stay at Manchester United.
-To ensure they would win the Premier League title, United needed to win their final league match of the season, at home to Tottenham Hotspur (with reports suggesting that the opposition would allow themselves to be easily beaten to prevent their deadly local rivals Arsenal from retaining the title), but Tottenham took an early lead in the match. Beckham scored the equaliser and United went on to win the match and the league.
-Beckham played centre-midfield in United's win over Bayern Munich in the 1999 UEFA Champions League Final, since United's first string centre-midfielders Paul Scholes and Roy Keane were suspended for the match. United were losing the match 1–0 at the end of normal time, but won the trophy by scoring two goals in injury time. Both of the goals came from corners taken by Beckham. Those crucial assists, coupled with great performances over the rest of the season, led to him finishing runner up to Rivaldo for 1999's European Footballer of the Year and FIFA World Player of the Year awards.
-Despite Beckham's achievements in the 1998–99 season, he was still unpopular among some opposition fans and journalists, and he was criticised after being sent off for a deliberate foul in Manchester United's World Club Championship match against Necaxa. It was suggested in the press that his wife was a bad influence on him, and that it might be in United's interests to sell him, but his manager publicly backed him and he stayed at the club. During the 1999–2000 season, there was a talk of a transfer to Juventus in Italy, but this never happened.
-By the early 2000s, the relationship between Ferguson and Beckham had begun to deteriorate, possibly as a result of Beckham's fame and commitments away from football. In 2000, Beckham was given permission to miss training to look after his son Brooklyn, who had gastroenteritis, but Ferguson was furious when Victoria Beckham was photographed at a London Fashion Week event on the same night, claiming that Beckham would have been able to train if Victoria had looked after Brooklyn that day. He responded by fining Beckham the maximum amount that was permitted (two weeks' wages – then £50,000) and dropping him for a crucial match against United's rivals Leeds United. He later criticised Beckham for this in his autobiography, claiming he had not been "fair to his teammates" Beckham had a good season for his club, though, and helped United to win the Premier League by a record margin.
-"He was never a problem until he got married. He used to go into work with the academy coaches at night time, he was a fantastic young lad. Getting married into that entertainment scene was a difficult thing – from that moment, his life was never going to be the same. He is such a big celebrity, football is only a small part."' – Alex Ferguson speaking about Beckham's marriage in 2007.
-Beckham helped United retain the Premier League title in 1999–2000 by an 18-point margin – after being pushed by Arsenal and Leeds United for much of the season, United won their final 11 league games of the season, with Beckham scoring five goals during this fantastic run of form. He managed six league goals that season, and scored eight goals in all competitions.
-He was a key player in United's third successive league title in 2000–01 – only the fourth time that any club had achieved three league titles in a row. He scored nine goals that season, all in the Premier League.
-On 10 April 2002, Beckham was injured during a Champions League match against Deportivo La Coruña, breaking the second metatarsal bone in his left foot. There was speculation in the British media that the injury might have been caused deliberately, as the player who had injured Beckham was Argentine Aldo Duscher, and England and Argentina were due to meet in that year's World Cup. The injury prevented Beckham from playing for United for the rest of the season and they missed out on the Premier League title to Arsenal (also being knocked out of the Champions League by Bayer Leverkusen on away goals in the semi-finals), but he signed a three-year contract in May, following months of negotiations with the club, mostly concerning extra payments for his image rights. The income from his new contract, and his many endorsement deals, made him the highest-paid player in the world at the time. Despite the injury, 2001–02 was arguably Beckham's best season as a United player; he scored 11 goals in 28 league games, and a total of 16 goals in 42 games in all competitions, the best tally of his career.
-Following an injury early in the 2002–03 season, Beckham was unable to regain his place on the Manchester United team, with Ole Gunnar Solskjær having replaced him on the right side of midfield. His relationship with his manager deteriorated further on 15 February 2003 when, in the changing room following an FA Cup defeat to Arsenal, a furious Alex Ferguson threw or kicked a boot that struck Beckham over the eye, causing a cut that required stitches. The incident led to a great deal of transfer speculation involving Beckham, with bookmakers offering odds on whether he or Ferguson would be first to leave the club. Although the team had started the season badly, their results improved greatly from December onwards and they won the league, with Beckham managing a total of 11 goals in 52 games in all competitions.
-He was still a first-choice player for England, however, and was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for services to football on 13 June 2003.
-Beckham had made 265 Premier league appearances for United and scored 61 goals. He also made 81 Champions league appearances, scoring 15 goals. Beckham won six Premier League titles, two FA Cups, one European Cup, one Intercontinental Cup, and one FA Youth Cup in the space of 12 years. By this stage, he was their joint second longest serving player behind Ryan Giggs (having joined them at the same time as Nicky Butt, Gary Neville and Paul Scholes).
-Real Madrid
-As the summer 2003 transfer window approached, Manchester United appeared keen to sell Beckham to Barcelona and the two clubs even announced that they reached a deal for Beckham's transfer, but instead he joined reigning Spanish champions Real Madrid for €35 million on a four-year contract as the latest of the galáctico signings by club president Florentino Pérez. The news came as a bitter pill to the newly elected Barça president Joan Laporta, who based much of his presidential campaign precisely on signing Beckham. Though announced in mid-June, the transfer was completed on 1 July 2003, making him the third Englishman to play for the club after Laurie Cunningham and Steve McManaman. Following a successful medical on 2 July, Beckham was unveiled in front of 500 accredited journalists from 25 countries at Real's basketball facility, where he was handed the famous white shirt by club legend Alfredo di Stéfano. Although Beckham had worn the number seven shirt for Manchester United and England, he was unable to wear it at Madrid as it was currently assigned to club captain Raúl. The Englishman decided to wear number 23 instead, citing his admiration of basketball player Michael Jordan, who also wore the number 23 shirt, as the reason behind his decision.
-In the week before Beckham presentation, Real named Carlos Queiroz as their new head coach, meaning that Beckham got reunited with a familiar face upon arriving to Madrid since Queiroz spent the previous season as Alex Ferguson's assistant at Manchester United. In late July 2003, the club went on a tour of the Far East as part of the pre-season training, but also to cash in on Beckham's huge marketing appeal in Asia where he enjoyed tremendous following. Real's brand recognition in that part of the globe was already well established as the club made financially successful trips to Asia during previous off-seasons, however the presence of global marketing icon such as Beckham made this particular tour a financial smash for los Merengues.
-Shortly after his Real switch, Beckham also ended his relationship with agent Tony Stephens of SFX Europe who had guided him through his career up until this point, including helping to engineer Beckham's move from Manchester to Madrid. Beckham signed on with Simon Fuller and his company 19 Entertainment that already managed the career of David's wife Victoria. Beckham also appointed close friend Terry Byrne to be his personal manager.
-In late August 2003, Real Madrid won the Spanish Super Cup over two legs versus RCD Mallorca, with Beckham scoring the final goal in a 3–0 return leg win at home, thus setting the stage for the start of the league season. Playing on a star-laden team along with Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, Luis Figo, Roberto Carlos, Raúl, Iker Casillas, etc., Beckham did not require much time to settle in, scoring five times in his first 16 matches (including a goal less than three minutes into his La Liga debut). Queiroz mostly favoured the adaptable 5–3–2 formation with two fullbacks Michel Salgado and Roberto Carlos often joining the attack down the wings, while Beckham quickly found a regular playing spot on the right of the three-man midfield alongside Zidane and Figo.
-Real Madrid were runners-up in the Copa del Rey, were knocked out of the UEFA Champions League at the quarter-final stage and finished the league season in fourth place, meaning the team, whose president Pérez expected them to win either the Spanish league or the Champions League each season, did not match expectations.
-In July 2004, while Beckham was in pre-season training in Spain, an intruder scaled a wall at the Beckham home while carrying a can of petrol. Victoria and their children were in the house at the time, but security guards apprehended the man before he reached the house.
-The league season began with new head coach José Antonio Camacho behind the bench, but he ended up lasting only three matches, handing in his resignation as Real dropped to eighth spot in the La Liga standings. Camacho's assistant Mariano GarcÃa Remón took over on temporary basis as Real leadership scrambled to find a permanent replacement. Beckham made more headlines on 9 October 2004 when he admitted intentionally fouling Ben Thatcher in an England match against Wales in order to get himself booked. Beckham was due to receive a one-match suspension for his next caution, and had picked up an injury, which he knew would keep him out of England's next match, so he deliberately fouled Thatcher in order to serve his suspension in a match that he would have had to miss anyway. The Football Association asked Beckham for an explanation of his actions and he admitted that he had "made a mistake" and apologised. He was sent off shortly afterwards, this time in a league match for Real Madrid against Valencia. Having received a yellow card, he was judged to have sarcastically applauded the referee and was given a second yellow card, causing an automatic dismissal, although the suspension was cancelled on appeal two days later.
-By Christmas 2004, with the team sitting in second league spot, GarcÃa Remón was gone as Vanderlei Luxemburgo became the new head coach. However, the well-traveled Brazilian failed to inspire the team to the title as Real again finished the season in the runner-up spot.
-On 3 December 2005, Beckham was sent off for the third time that season in a league match against Getafe CF. One day later Luxemburgo got the axe and was replaced with Juan Ramón López Caro. By the end of that season, Beckham led La Liga in number of assists.
-During the season, Beckham established football academies in Los Angeles and east London and he was named a judge for the 2006 British Book Awards. Real Madrid finished second to Barcelona in the 2005–06 La Liga, albeit with a large 12-point gap, and reached the last 16 only in the Champions League after losing to Arsenal. The season also marked the end of an era for the club as Pérez resigned his president post in January 2006 with Vicente Boluda named as replacement on interim basis until the end of the season.
-The summer 2006 off-season marked a turbulent time as club president elections were held. Ramón Calderón became the new Real president. As expected, none of the club officials that served under the previous president were kept, including head coach López Caro.
-Initially out of favour with newly arrived head coach Fabio Capello, Beckham started only a few games at the beginning of the season, as the speedier José Antonio Reyes was normally preferred on the right wing. In the first nine matches Beckham started, Real lost seven.
-On 10 January 2007, after prolonged contract negotiations, Real Madrid's sporting director Predrag Mijatović announced that Beckham would not remain at Real Madrid after the end of the season. However, he later claimed that he was mistranslated and that he actually said that Beckham's contract had not yet been renewed.
-On 11 January 2007, Beckham announced that he had signed a five-year deal to play for Los Angeles Galaxy beginning 1 July 2007. On 13 January 2007, Fabio Capello said that Beckham had played his last game for Real Madrid, although he would continue to train with the team. A few days later while speaking to the students at Villanueva University Center in Madrid, club president Calderón said that Beckham is "going to Hollywood to be half a film star", adding "our technical staff were right not to extend his contract, which has been proved by the fact that no other technical staff in the world wanted him except Los Angeles".
-However, about a month later, Capello backtracked on his earlier statement, allowing Beckham to rejoin the team for the match against Real Sociedad on 10 February 2007. The player immediately repaid his head coach's trust by scoring the equalising goal from a 27-yard free kick as Real Madrid eventually recorded a 2–1 victory. In his final UEFA Champions League appearance for the club, Real Madrid were knocked out of the competition by Bayern Munich at the round-of-16 stage (on the away goals rule) on 7 March 2007. The return leg against Bayern was Beckham's 103rd match in the Champions League, at the time placing him third on the all-time appearances list in the competition.
-On 17 June 2007, the last day of the La Liga season, Beckham started in his final match for the club, a 3–1 win over RCD Mallorca, which saw them clinch the title from Barcelona. With Real down 0–1 Beckham limped off the field and was replaced by José Antonio Reyes who scored two goals leading the team to that season's La Liga title, their first since Beckham had signed with them and 30th overall in club's history. Although Real and Barca both finished level on points, Madrid took the title because of superior head-to-head record, capping a remarkable six-month turnaround for Beckham. With his wife and children along with celebrity friends Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes watching from a luxury box at Bernabeu Stadium, it was only Beckham's second piece of silverware since he joined the famous club.
-Towards the end of the season, as Beckham was getting back into Capello's good books after successfully fighting his way back into the first team, Real Madrid announced they would try to untie his transfer to LA Galaxy, but were ultimately unsuccessful. Several weeks before Beckham's scheduled arrival to the United States, Real's management contacted LA Galaxy's ownership group about reacquiring the player, but were quickly turned down.
-A month after the conclusion of Beckham's Real career, Forbes magazine reported that he had been the party primarily responsible for the team's huge increase in merchandise sales, a total reported to top US$600Â million during Beckham's four years at the club.
-Los Angeles Galaxy
-Beckham's involvement with Major League Soccer began while he was still a Real Madrid player when it was confirmed on 11 January 2007 that the world's most famous footballer would be leaving Madrid in six months in order to join MLS' Los Angeles Galaxy. The speculation about his new contract in Madrid was thus put to an end and the following day Beckham's official press conference was held in conjunction with the 2007 MLS SuperDraft.
-Predictably, the announcement made top news all across the globe. Though many worldwide media outlets reported the deal to be worth US$250Â million, the astronomical figure was soon revealed to be something of a PR stunt engineered by Beckham's media handlers (British representative agency 19 Entertainment). In order to maximise the media effect, in the press release they decided to list the potential sum that Beckham could make over the 5-year period from all his revenue sources, which in addition to his Galaxy pay also include his personal endorsements. Beckham's actual deal with the Galaxy was a 5-year contract worth US$32.5Â million in total or $6.5Â million per year.
-The high-profile acquisition paid immediate financial dividends for Galaxy long before Beckham joined the team. On the strength of the signing and the media frenzy it created, the club was able to pull off a new 5-year shirt sponsorship deal with Herbalife nutrition company worth US$20Â million. The gate revenue peaked as well with 11,000 new season tickets holders and sold-out luxury suites (each one of the 42 inside the team's home ground, the Home Depot Center). Even the LA Galaxy owners Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) saw an immediate spike in business. Involved on many business fronts worldwide, AEG was already leveraging its Beckham association in places such as China, where the company had been working aggressively in Shanghai and Beijing for years to receive clearance to build arenas and stadiums. The company's CEO Tim Leiweke put it as follows: "Suddenly, we're known as the company that owns the team that David Beckham is going to play for, so our world changed".
-In the months following the announcement, the additional terms of Beckham's contract became public knowledge. One unique contract provision was giving him the option of buying an MLS expansion franchise at a fixed price whenever he stopped playing in the league – an allowance that the league's owners had never given to a player before. Another provision was the opt-out clause after the 2009 season, meaning that should he decide so, Beckham was free to leave the club after completing year three of his 5-year contract.
-In April 2007, he and wife Victoria bought an $18.2Â million home on San Ysidro Drive in Beverly Hills.
-Beckham's contract with LA Galaxy took effect on 11 July, and on 13 July, the famous Englishman was officially unveiled as a Galaxy player at the Home Depot Center to much fanfare and world media interest in front of more than 5,000 gathered fans and some 700 accredited media members. Beckham chose to wear number 23. It was announced that Galaxy jersey sales had already reached a record figure of over 250,000 prior to this formal introduction.
-In parallel, Beckham's handlers at 19 Entertainment succeeded in putting together an unprecedented US media rollout designed to expand his carefully crafted personal brand in America. He made the cover of Sports Illustrated, a few weeks earlier Adidas launched the extensive 13-part ad campaign "Fútbol meets Football" starring Beckham and NFL running back Reggie Bush, and W magazine published a racy photo spread featuring David and wife Victoria photographed by Steven Klein. Meanwhile, ESPN sports network was running "Hello, Goodbye" promotional campaign and it also agreed to air David Beckham: New Beginnings documentary produced by 19 Entertainment and directed by Gary Brooks before the friendly match versus Chelsea, which was expected to be Beckham's American debut. In addition to popularising soccer, Beckham's arrival was used as platform for entertainment industry endeavours. Since both Beckham's and his wife's often overlapping careers were handled by 19 Entertainment that's owned by Simon Fuller, who in turn has a business relationship with the Creative Artists Agency (CAA), one of Hollywood's most powerful talent agencies, it was important also for CAA that the Beckhams made as big a splash as possible upon their arrival in the United States. On 16 July, CAA had hosted a welcoming bash for David at its new eight-storey, $400 million headquarters in Century City with CAA employees reportedly instructed beforehand to line the staircase and clap for Beckham upon his arrival. That night Victoria's reality show prime-time special Victoria Beckham: Coming to America aired on NBC, drawing negative reviews in the American press and poor US viewership ratings.
-On Saturday afternoon, 21 July, despite still nursing the injured left ankle that he picked up a month earlier during the final match of La Liga's season, Beckham made his Galaxy debut, coming on for Alan Gordon in the 78th minute of a 0–1 friendly loss to Chelsea as part of the World Series of Soccer. With a capacity crowd, along with a long Hollywood celebrity list featuring Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Eva Longoria, Mary-Kate Olsen, governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Alicia Silverstone and Drew Carey among others, present at the Home Depot Center, the match was broadcast live on ESPN's main network. However, the proceedings on the field of play completely took a back seat to the Beckham spectacle, and despite the presence of worldwide football stars Andriy Shevchenko, Didier Drogba, Michael Ballack, Frank Lampard, and John Terry, the US television cameras were firmly focused on Beckham who spent most of the match on the bench. The match's added time featured a scare for already injured Beckham when he got tackled by Steve Sidwell whose cleats struck Beckham's right foot, sending him airborne before he crumpled hard to the ground. Though the existing injury was not aggravated too much, Beckham's recovery process was set back by about a week. ESPN's presentation of Beckham's debut earned a 1.0 TV rating, meaning it was seen in an average of 947,000 television homes in the US – a disappointing figure given the national media buzz and two weeks of constant promotion by ESPN. For comparison ESPN2's weekly MLS broadcasts on Thursdays drew a consistent 0.2 rating on virtually no promotion while Freddy Adu's MLS debut televised on ABC back in 2004 earned a 1.3 rating. As far as sporting events that were televised that weekend in the United States, Beckham's much publicised debut drew less TV viewers than British Open golf tournament, a regular-season national baseball game, and even the Indy Racing League's Honda 200 motor race.
-The day after the made-for-TV debut was reserved for the welcoming party for the Beckhams at LA's Museum of Contemporary Art, formally billed as being hosted by Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Will Smith, and Jada Pinkett Smith though in actuality a CAA-organized event. Attended by many Hollywood A-listers, the lavish bash was big news in the US celebrity tabloid media, including daily entertainment TV magazines such as Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood.
-Back on the soccer front, Beckham missed the next four Galaxy matches – three in the North American SuperLiga and an MLS game away at Toronto FC though he still made the trip with his teammates, sitting on the bench in street clothes. It was in Toronto on 5 August that the team got its first taste of what life would be like on the road with Beckham on the roster. Due to security concerns, it was the first time the team flew on a charter for a road match, rather than flying commercial (MLS normally forbids charter flights for away matches, claiming they provide competitive advantage, but in this case they made an exception due to the frenzy created around Beckham and resulting security issues). Also, instead of the usual MLS-mandated modest hotels, LA Galaxy stayed at the five-star Le Méridien King Edward in downtown Toronto (an expense paid for by the local Toronto promoter), while the glitz and glamour continued with the velvet rope, red carpet party at the Ultra Supper Club with Beckham as the centerpiece guest.
-Two weeks after his 12-minute appearance vs. Chelsea, still not fully healed Beckham finally made his league debut as a substitute on 9 August away versus DC United in front of the sellout crowd of 46,686 (nearly three times the average DC United home crowd) at the RFK Stadium, coming on for Quavas Kirk in the 71st minute. Coming into the nationally televised match on ESPN, played under a heavy downpour with his team down a man and down a goal, even if only 70 percent fit, Beckham left a mark during the remaining twenty plus minutes. He hit a long free kick that Carlos Pavón failed to finish on for the equalizer, and then in the final minutes Beckham served a weighted through ball into Donovan's path that United's keeper Troy Perkins managed to break up in the last moment – the Galaxy lost 1–0. The next match on the road trip was at New England Revolution and Beckham decided to sit it out, fearing further aggrivating his ankle on the Gillette Stadium's artificial surface.
-Beckham returned to the pitch the following week, again facing DC United, in the SuperLiga semi-final on 15 August. During this game he had many firsts with the Galaxy; his first start, first yellow card and first game as team captain. He also scored his first goal for the team, from a free kick, and also made his first assist, for Landon Donovan in the second half. These goals gave the team a 2–0 victory, and a place in the North American SuperLiga final versus Pachuca on 29 August.
-During the SuperLiga final against Pachuca, Beckham injured his right knee, with an MRI scan revealing that he had sprained his medial collateral ligament and would be out for six weeks. He returned to play in the final home match of the season. The Galaxy were eliminated from playoff contention on 21 October, in the final MLS match of the season, a 1–0 loss to the Chicago Fire. Beckham played as a substitute in the match, bringing his season totals to eight matches played (5 league); one goal scored (0 league); and three assists (2 league).
-Beckham trained with Arsenal from 4 January 2008 for three weeks, until he returned to the Galaxy for pre-season training. Beckham scored his first league goal with the Galaxy on 3 April against the San Jose Earthquakes in the ninth minute. On 24 May 2008, the Galaxy defeated the Kansas City Wizards 3–1, giving the Galaxy their first winning record in two years and moving the club into first place in the Western Conference. In the match, Beckham scored an empty-net goal from 70 yards out. The goal marked the second time in Beckham's career that he had scored from his own half, the other being a 1996 goal from the half-way line against Wimbledon at Selhurst Park. Overall, however, the Galaxy had a disappointing year, failing to qualify for the end-of-season play-offs.
-Loan to Milan
-In 2008, Beckham's success in the England national team under Fabio Capello led to speculation that he might return to Europe in order to retain match fitness for the World Cup qualifying matches in 2009. On 30 October 2008, Milan announced that Beckham was to join them on loan from 7 January 2009. Despite this and other speculation, Beckham made it clear that the move in no way signalled his intent to leave MLS and announced his intent to return to the Galaxy in time for the start of the 2009 season in March. Many at Milan both within and outside of the club expressed serious reservations about the transfer, with it considered by some players no more than a marketing move.
-Beckham was unveiled at Milan's training facility by the club's chief executive Adriano Galliani on 20 December 2008. The player chose number 32 shirt previously worn by Christian Vieri, as both the number 7 and 23 shirts were already used by Alexandre Pato and club captain Massimo Ambrosini, respectively. After his physical, Beckham was reportedly told by a club doctor that he believed he could continue playing football for another five years, up to the age of 38. The day after his unveiling, Beckham was brought to San Siro where he got introduced to home fans by walking out on the pitch before the league match versus Udinese and proclaiming 'Forza Milan' over the public address system. Afterwards, he and wife Victoria watched from a luxury box as Milan destroyed their opposition 5-1.
-As the three-week Christmas break began in Serie A, entire Milan team flew to Dubai for winter training. Overcoming several minor fitness issues, Beckham made his debut in a Rossoneri shirt on 6 January 2009 in a friendly against Hamburg at Dubai's Sevens Stadium.
-Playing on the squad led by the 26-year-old superstar Kaká in addition to several other world-class players at or near the peak of their careers – 28-year-old Ronaldinho, and 29-year-old Andrea Pirlo – as well as club veterans Paolo Maldini, Clarence Seedorf, Ambrosini, Giuseppe Favalli, Gianluca Zambrotta, Filippo Inzaghi, and Andriy Shevchenko, Beckham made his competitive debut for the rossoneri in Serie A as a starter away at Roma on 11 January 2009, playing 89 minutes of the 2–2 draw in front of 53,444 at the Stadio Olimpico. Playing his first competitive match in almost three months, Beckham gave a decent performance in right midfield alongside Pirlo. Though clearly lacking match fitness, occasionally struggling to keep up in a high-tempo match, Beckham put in enough useful crosses and corners to justify the coach Carlo Ancelotti's decision to play him from the start. Going into Beckham's home debut versus Fiorentina a week later, all the talk was around Milan's best player Kaká being the target of a reported £100 million transfer bid by Manchester City. Beckham turned in another understated performance on the right side of midfield before advancing into a more active central role in the second half thus effectively taking over Seedorf's role after the Dutch international got subbed off. Milan won 1-0 courtesy of Pato, but the 65,000+ San Siro crowd mostly focused on Kaká, imploring him to stay on.
-A noticeably older team, Ancelotti-coached Milan was proving a good fit for the 33-year-old Englishman. He scored his first goal in Serie A for Milan in a 4–1 victory over Bologna on 25 January, his third appearance for the club. Though Beckham was expected to return to L.A. in March, after impressing at the Italian club, scoring two goals in his first four matches and assisting on several more, rumours began to swirl that Beckham would stay in Milan, with the Italian club reportedly offering to pay a multi-million dollar fee for him. The rumours were confirmed on 4 February, when Beckham stated that he was seeking a permanent transfer to Milan, in a bid to sustain his England career through the 2010 World Cup. However, Milan failed to match Galaxy's valuation of Beckham, in the US$10–15 million range.
-Still, negotiations continued during a month of speculation. On 2 March, the Los Angeles Times reported that Beckham's loan had been extended through mid-July. This was later confirmed by Beckham, revealing what was described as a unique "timeshare" deal, in which Beckham would play with L.A. from mid-July till the end of the 2009 MLS season.
-Return to Galaxy
-After his return from Milan, many LA fans showed dislike and anger towards him as he missed the first half of the season and several held up signs saying "Go home fraud", and "Part time player". However, the Galaxy had a much more successful season than in previous years, rising from third to first in the Western Conference during Beckham's time with them. He remained a key part of the squad which saw Galaxy win the 2009 Western Conference final after a 2–0 overtime victory over the Houston Dynamo. In the final on 22 November 2009, the Galaxy lost to Real Salt Lake by 5–4 in a penalty shoot-out after a 1–1 draw. Beckham also scored in the shootout.
-Second loan spell at Milan
-In November 2009, after the end of 2009 MLS season, it was confirmed that Beckham would return to Milan for a second loan period beginning in January 2010. On 6 January 2010, Beckham made a winning return in a Milan shirt, playing 75 minutes of a 5–2 victory over Genoa. On 16 February 2010, Beckham played against Manchester United for the first time since he left the club in 2003. He played 76 minutes of the match at the San Siro – which ended 3–2 to Manchester United – before being substituted for Clarence Seedorf.
-Beckham returned to Old Trafford for the second leg of the tie on 10 March 2010; he did not start the match, but was brought on for Ignazio Abate in the 64th minute to a positive reception from the Manchester United fans. The score was 3–0 for United at that point and the tie was all but decided. The match was the first time Beckham had played against Manchester United at Old Trafford and saw him create several scoring opportunities via crosses and corner kicks, but Manchester United dominated Milan and beat them 4–0, winning the tie 7–2. Following the final whistle, he aroused a bit of controversy by draping the green-and-gold scarf around his neck that was given to him by the Manchester United supporters protesting against club owner Malcolm Glazer. As the fan protests against Glazer by the people gathered around Manchester United Supporters' Trust gained steam in 2010, the green-and-gold scarf had come to be seen as an anti-Glazer symbol, and by extension many saw Beckham's decision to publicly put it on as gesture of support. However, when asked about it later Beckham responded that protests are not his business.
-In Milan's next game, against ChievoVerona, Beckham suffered a torn left Achilles tendon, causing him to miss the World Cup as well as the MLS season due to the injury, which took him out of action for the next five months. Doctor Sakari Orava performed surgery on Beckham's tendon in Turku, Finland, on 15 March 2010. After the operation, Orava affirmed that "it went quite fine. The prognosis is he needs a rehabilitation for the next few months, and the plaster cast is the next six to eight weeks. I would say that [it will be] maybe four months before he's running, but six months before he's jumping and kicking."
-Second return to Galaxy
-On 11 September 2010, after recovering from his Achilles tendon injury, Beckham returned to the game as a substitute in the 70th minute in the Galaxy's 3–1 win over Columbus Crew. On 4 October, Beckham scored a trademark free kick in a 2–1 win over Chivas to mark his first goal in 2010. On 24 October, Beckham scored his second goal of the season in the Galaxy's 2–1 win over Dallas which secured them their second successive Western Conference title and first MLS Supporters' Shield since 2002.
-During January and February 2011, ahead of the 2011 MLS season, Beckham trained with Tottenham Hotspur. Rumours in the media claimed that the club were in talks with the Galaxy to sign the player on loan, but, according to Spurs manager Harry Redknapp, the move was blocked by Galaxy, who wanted a full final season from their number 23. As a result, he ended up only training with the club as he had done with Arsenal three years earlier. With Beckham playing in the centre of midfield, the Los Angeles Galaxy won the 2011 MLS cup.
-MLS Cup Champion
-On 15 May, Beckham scored his first goal of the season for the Galaxy from a 30-yard free kick, in a 4–1 victory over Sporting Kansas City. On 9 July, Beckham scored directly from a corner in a 2–1 win over Chicago Fire, repeating a feat he also achieved while playing for Preston North End.
-After having his best season with the Galaxy to date and finishing second in the league in assists, Beckham finished his fifth MLS season on a high. On 20 November 2011, he joined an elite group of players to have won three league titles in three different countries, when Los Angeles won their third MLS Cup against Houston Dynamo, winning 1–0 on a goal by captain Landon Donovan, with assists from Beckham and fellow designated player, Robbie Keane. Had it been Beckham's final match for the Galaxy, it would have been the third time he has won a league championship in his final match for a club, repeating the feat he accomplished with Manchester United in 2003 and Real Madrid in 2007.
-Following the 2011 season, in which the Galaxy won their second consecutive Supporters' Shield, having the second most points in MLS history, Beckham's five-year contract with the Galaxy expired on 31 December 2011. Despite being 36, he stated that he did not intend to retire. Beckham was heavily linked with Paris Saint-Germain, but on 18 January 2012, Galaxy announced Beckham had signed a new two-year contract to remain in Los Angeles.
-Final season with LA Galaxy
-Beckham helped the Galaxy to a fourth place finish in the MLS Western Conference 2012 regular season with Beckham scoring seven goals and adding nine assists. The Galaxy defeated Vancouver, San Jose, Seattle and Houston to win the MLS Cup. Beckham had earlier announced that the 2012 MLS Cup Final would be his final game with the Galaxy despite having another year remaining on his contract. Beckham helped the Galaxy retain their championship by winning MLS Cup 2012 and defeating the Houston Dynamo 3-1. He was subbed off in the 89th minute for Marcelo Sarvas and was given a standing ovation at their home venue.
-International career
-Beckham made his first appearance for the England national football team on 1 September 1996, in a World Cup qualifying match against Moldova.
-Beckham had played in all of England's qualifying matches for the 1998 World Cup and was part of the England squad at the World Cup finals in France, but the team's manager Glenn Hoddle publicly accused him of not concentrating on the tournament, and he did not start in either of England's first two matches. He was picked for their third match against Colombia and scored from a long-range free kick in a 2–0 victory, which was his first goal for England.
-In the second round (last 16) of that competition, he received a red card in England's match against Argentina. Beckham, after having been fouled by Diego Simeone, kicked Simeone while lying on the floor, striking him on the calf muscle. Sports Illustrated was critical of the Argentinians' theatrics in that incident, stating that Simeone first delivered a "heavy-handed challenge" on Beckham and then "fell like a ton of bricks" when Beckham retaliated. Simeone later admitted to trying to get Beckham sent off by overreacting to the kick and then, along with other members of his team, urging the referee to send Beckham off. The match finished in a draw and England were eliminated in a penalty shootout. Many supporters and journalists blamed him for England's elimination and he became the target of criticism and abuse, including the hanging of an effigy outside a London pub, and the Daily Mirror printing a dartboard with a picture of him centred on the bullseye. Beckham also received death threats after the World Cup.
-The abuse that Beckham was receiving from English supporters peaked during England's 3–2 defeat by Portugal in Euro 2000, a match where Beckham set up two goals, when a group of England supporters taunted him throughout the match. Beckham responded by raising his middle finger and, while the gesture attracted some criticism, many of the newspapers that had previously encouraged his vilification asked their readers to stop abusing him.
-On 15 November 2000, following Kevin Keegan's resignation as England manager in October, Beckham was promoted to team captain by the caretaker manager Peter Taylor, and then kept the role under new manager Sven-Göran Eriksson. He helped England to qualify for the 2002 World Cup Finals, with their performances including an impressive 5–1 victory over Germany in Munich. The final step in Beckham's conversion from villain to hero happened in England's 2–2 draw against Greece on 6 October 2001. England needed to win or draw the match in order to qualify outright for the World Cup, but were losing 2–1 with little time remaining. When Teddy Sheringham was fouled eight yards (7 metres) outside the Greek penalty area, England were awarded a free-kick and Beckham ensured England's qualification with a curling strike of the kind that had become his trademark. Shortly afterwards, he was voted the BBC Sports Personality of the Year for 2001. He once again finished runner-up, to LuÃs Figo of Portugal, for the FIFA World Player of the Year award.
-Beckham was partially fit by the time of the 2002 World Cup and played in the first match against Sweden. Beckham scored the winning goal of the match against Argentina with a penalty, causing Argentina to fail to qualify for the knockout stage. England were knocked out of the tournament in the quarter-finals by eventual winners Brazil. The following month, at the opening ceremony of the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester, Beckham escorted Kirsty Howard as she presented the Jubilee Baton to the Queen.
-Beckham played in all of England's matches at Euro 2004, but the tournament was a disappointment for him. He had a penalty saved in England's 2–1 defeat to France and missed another in a penalty shootout in the quarter-final match against Portugal. England lost the shootout thus going out of the competition.
-Beckham became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in January 2005 and was involved in promoting London's successful bid for the 2012 Olympic Games. In October 2005, Beckham's sending off against Austria made him the first England captain to be sent off and the first player to be sent off twice while playing for England. He captained England for the 50th time in a friendly international against Argentina the following month.
-In England's opening game at the 2006 World Cup, against Paraguay on 10 June 2006, Beckham's free kick led to an own-goal by Carlos Gamarra as England won 1–0. In England's next match, played against Trinidad and Tobago on 15 June 2006, Beckham's cross in the 83rd minute led to a Peter Crouch goal, which put England into the lead 1–0. Beckham gave another assist to Steven Gerrard. In the end they won 2–0. He was named Man of the Match by tournament sponsor Budweiser for this game.
-During England's second round match against Ecuador, Beckham scored from a free kick in the 59th minute, becoming the first English player to score in three separate World Cups, and giving England a 1–0 victory and a place in the quarter-finals. He was sick before the game and vomited several times as a result of dehydration and illness after he scored the winning goal.
-In the quarter-final against Portugal, Beckham was substituted following an injury shortly after half time and the England team went on to lose the match on penalties (3–1), the score having been 0–0 after extra time. After his substitution, Beckham was visibly shaken and emotional for not being able to play, being in tears at one point.
-A day after England were knocked out of the World Cup, an emotional Beckham made a statement in a news conference saying that he had stepped down as England captain, saying, "It has been an honour and privilege to captain my country but, having been captain for 58 of my 95 games, I feel the time is right to pass on the armband as we enter a new era under Steve McClaren." (Beckham had actually won 94 caps up to that point.) He was succeeded by Chelsea captain John Terry.
-Having stepped down as captain after the World Cup, Beckham was dropped completely from the England national team selected by new coach Steve McClaren on 11 August 2006. McClaren claimed that he was "looking to go in a different direction" with the team, and that Beckham "wasn't included within that." McClaren said Beckham could be recalled in future. Shaun Wright-Phillips, Kieran Richardson, and the World Cup alternative to Beckham, Aaron Lennon, were all included, although McClaren eventually opted to employ Steven Gerrard in that role.
-On 26 May 2007, McClaren announced that Beckham would be recalled to the England squad for the first time since stepping down as their captain. Beckham started against Brazil in England's first match at the new Wembley Stadium and put in a positive performance. In the second half, he set up England's goal converted by captain John Terry. It looked as though England would claim victory over Brazil, but newcomer Diego equalised in the dying seconds. In England's next match, a Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia, Beckham sent two trademark assists for Michael Owen and Peter Crouch, helping England to prevail 3–0.
-Beckham had assisted in three of England's four total goals in those two games, and he stated his desire to continue to play for England after his move to Major League Soccer.
-On 22 August 2007, Beckham played in a friendly for England against Germany, becoming the first to play for England while with a non-European club team. On 21 November 2007, Beckham earned his 99th cap against Croatia, setting up a goal for Peter Crouch to tie the game at 2–2. Following the 2–3 loss, England failed to qualify for the Euro 2008 Finals. Despite this, Beckham said that he has no plans to retire from international football and wanted to continue playing for the national team. After being passed over by new England coach and Beckham's former manager at Real Madrid, Fabio Capello, for a friendly against Switzerland which would have given him his hundredth cap; Beckham admitted that he was not in shape at the time, as he had not played a competitive match in three months.
-On 20 March 2008, Beckham was recalled to the England squad by Capello for the friendly against France in Paris on 26 March. Beckham became only the fifth Englishman to win 100 caps. Capello had hinted on 25 March 2008 that Beckham had a long term future in his side ahead of crucial qualifiers for the 2010 World Cup. On 11 May 2008, Capello included an in-form Beckham in his 31 man England squad to face the United States at Wembley Stadium on 28 May before the away fixture with Trinidad and Tobago on 1 June. Beckham was honoured before the match by receiving an honorary gold cap representing his 100th cap from Bobby Charlton, and was given a standing ovation from the crowd. He played well and assisted John Terry on the match-winning goal. When substituted at half-time for David Bentley, the pro-Beckham crowd booed the decision. In a surprise move, Capello handed Beckham the captaincy for England's friendly against Trinidad and Tobago on 1 June 2008. The match was the first time since the 2006 World Cup that Beckham had skippered England and marked a dramatic turnaround for Beckham. In two years, he had gone from being dropped completely from the England squad to being reinstated (though temporarily) as England captain.
-During the 2010 World Cup Qualifier against Belarus in which England won 3–1 in Minsk, Beckham came off the bench in the 87th minute to earn his 107th cap making him England's third-most-capped player in history, overtaking Bobby Charlton in the process. On 11 February 2009, Beckham drew level with Bobby Moore's record of 108 caps for an English outfield player, coming on as a substitute for Stewart Downing in a friendly match against Spain. On 28 March 2009, Beckham surpassed Moore to hold the record outright when he came on as a substitute in a friendly against Slovakia, providing the assist for a goal from Wayne Rooney in the process.
-In all, Beckham had made 16 appearances out of a possible 20 for England under Capello until his ruptured Achilles tendon of March 2010 ruled him out of selection for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. His last game for England before injury had been on 14 October 2009 as a substitute in England's last World Cup qualifying game, which ended England 3 – 0 Belarus. While unable to play, Beckham still went to the tournament as part of the England back-room staff, acting as a mediator between management and the players.
-After a poor performance from England at the World Cup Capello remained as manager, but was under pressure to revamp the England squad for the imminent UEFA Euro 2012 qualification campaign. He unveiled a new team at the next England match, a home friendly game against Hungary on 11 August 2010, with Beckham still unavailable for selection but aiming for a return to playing in the MLS by the following month. In the post-match interview, Capello said of the prospect of the now 35-year-old Beckham playing any future competitive matches for England, that "I need to change it. David is a fantastic player but I think we need new players for the future", referring to the new players that play in Beckham's right midfield position, including Theo Walcott and Adam Johnson, adding "This is the future of the team under Fabio Capello or another manager." He said that Beckham may be selected for one last friendly game, stating, "If he is fit, I hope we will play one more game here at Wembley so the fans can say goodbye." In response to the comments, Beckham's agent released a statement reiterating Beckham's position that he had no desire to retire from international football, and would always make himself available for selection for England if fit and if needed.
-International goals
-As of 28 October 2009
-Coaching career
-England 2010
-Due to an injury suffered to his torn left Achilles tendon, Beckham was forced to miss the 2010 FIFA World Cup as a player. On 14 May 2010 it was announced that Beckham would work as a mediator between management and the players, and as an English member of the coaching staff for the England national football team at the tournament. As an agreement between Beckham, his representatives, his club, Los Angeles Galaxy and Fabio Capello, the former England captain was on the plane to South Africa on 2 June.
-Former manager Alex Ferguson said that he "practised with a discipline to achieve an accuracy that other players wouldn't care about." He maintained his training routine at Real Madrid and even when his relationship with management was strained in early 2007, Real Madrid president Ramón Calderón and manager Fabio Capello praised Beckham for maintaining his professionalism and commitment to the club.
-Beckham was the first England player ever to collect two red cards and the first England captain to be sent off. Beckham's most notorious red card was during the 1998 FIFA World Cup after Argentina's Diego Simeone had fouled him, Beckham lashed out with his leg and the Argentine fell.
-He amassed 41 yellow cards and four red cards for Real Madrid.
-Manchester United
-Premier League (6): 1995–96, 1996–97, 1998–99, 1999–2000, 2000–01, 2002–03
-FA Cup (2): 1995–96, 1998–99
-FA Community Shield (4): 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997
-FA Youth Cup (1): 1991–92
-UEFA Champions League (1): 1998–99
-Intercontinental Cup (1): 1999
-Real Madrid
-La Liga (1): 2006–07
-Supercopa de España (1): 2003
-Los Angeles Galaxy
-MLS Cup (2): 2011, 2012
-MLS Supporters' Shield (2): 2010, 2011
-MLS Western Conference
-Winners (Regular Season) (3): 2009, 2010, 2011
-Winners (Playoffs) (3): 2009, 2011, 2012
-Tournoi de France: 1997
-FA Summer Tournament: 2004
-Premier League Player of the Month (1): August 1996
-PFA Young Player of the Year (1): 1996–97
-FWA Tribute Award: 2008
-Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year (1): 1996–97
-UEFA Club Footballer of the Year (1): 1998–99
-UEFA Club Midfielder of the Year (1): 1998–99
-Premier League 10 Seasons Awards (1992–93 to 2001–02):
-Domestic & Overall Team of the Decade
-Goal of the Decade (vs. Wimbledon, 17 August 1996)
-BBC Sports Personality of the Year (1): 2001
-UEFA Team of the Year 2003
-Real Madrid Player of the Year (1): 2005–2006
-PFA Team of the Year (4): 1996–197,1997–98,1998–99,1999–2000
-FIFA 100
-ESPY Award – Best Male Soccer Player: 2004
-ESPY Award – Best MLS Player: 2008
-English Football Hall of Fame: 2008
-BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award (1): 2010
-MLS Comeback Player of the Year Award (1): 2011
-Major League Soccer Best XI: 2011
-ESPY Award: Best MLS Player 2011
-Orders and special awards
-Officer of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II: 2003
-England Player of the Year: 2003
-United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Goodwill Ambassador (2005–present)
-"Britain's Greatest Ambassador" – 100 Greatest Britons awards
-The Celebrity 100, number 15 – Forbes, 2007
-Number 1 on the list of the 40 most influential men under the age of 40 in the UK – Arena, 2007
-Time 100: 2008
-Gold Blue Peter Badge winner, 2001
-Do Something Athlete Award, 2011
-Second Englishman after Trevor Francis to win league titles in three different countries (England, Spain, USA)
-First England player to score at three World Cups
-First British footballer to play 100 Champions League games
-Has the joint-second most goal assists in European Championship finals history
-As of 12 November 2012.
-David Beckham Academy
-In 2005, Beckham founded the David Beckham Academy football school, operating from two sites: in London and in Los Angeles, California. It was announced in late 2009 that both would close. A mobile academy is being developed by Beckham, to travel around the UK and further afield.
-Personal life
-In 1997, Beckham started dating Victoria Adams, after she attended a Manchester United match. She was famously known as "Posh Spice" of the pop music group Spice Girls, one of the world's top pop groups at the time, and his team was also enjoying a great run of success. Therefore, their relationship instantly attracted a great deal of media attention. The couple were dubbed "Posh and Becks" by the media. He proposed to her on 24 January 1998 in a restaurant in Cheshunt, England.
-On 4 July 1999, David and Victoria married at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland. The wedding attracted tremendous media coverage. Beckham's teammate Gary Neville was the best man, and the couple's infant son, Brooklyn, was the ring bearer. The media were kept away from the ceremony, as the Beckhams had an exclusive deal with OK! Magazine, but newspapers were still able to obtain photographs showing them sitting on golden thrones. 437 staff were employed for the wedding reception, which was estimated to have cost £500,000.
-In 1999, David and Victoria Beckham purchased their most famous home in Hertfordshire, unofficially dubbed Beckingham Palace, estimated to be worth £7.5 million. David and Victoria Beckham have four children: sons Brooklyn Joseph (born 1999 in London), Romeo James (born 2002 in London), and Cruz David (born 2005 in Madrid; the word "cruz" is Spanish for "cross"); and daughter Harper Seven (born 2011, in Los Angeles).Elton John is godfather to Brooklyn and Romeo Beckham; their godmother is Elizabeth Hurley.
-In April 2007, the family purchased their current main residence, an Italian villa in Beverly Hills, to coincide with Beckham's transfer to the Galaxy that July. The mansion, priced at $22Â million, is near the homes of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and talk-show host Jay Leno, in an exclusive gated community in the hills overlooking the city. The family also owned a home in Dubai.
-Beckham suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), which he says makes him "have everything in a straight line or everything has to be in pairs." Victoria Beckham claims, "If you open our fridge, it's all co-ordinated down either side. We've got three fridges - food in one, salad in another and drinks in the third. In the drinks one, everything is symmetrical. If there's three cans, he'll throw one away because it has to be an even number."
-Affair claims
-In April 2004, the British tabloid News of the World carried claims by Beckham's former personal assistant Rebecca Loos that he and Loos had an extramarital affair. A week later, the Malaysian-born Australian model Sarah Marbeck claimed that she had slept with Beckham on two occasions. Beckham dismissed both accusations as "ludicrous". In an interview with W Magazine, Victoria Beckham told a reporter, "I'm not going to lie: it was a really tough time. It was hard for our entire families. But I realised a lot of people have a price."
-Legal issues
-In December 2008, Beckham and his bodyguard were sued by paparazzi photographer Emicles da Mata, who claimed that he was assaulted by them when attempting to take a picture of Beckham in Beverly Hills. Da Mata is seeking unspecified damages for assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
-In September 2010 Beckham announced that he was pressing charges against prostitute Irma Nici and several others over claims in the magazine In Touch that he had had sex with her. Beckham's court application was dismissed.
-Outside of football
-Beckham's fame extends beyond the pitch; in much of the world his name is "as instantly recognisable as that of multinational companies like Coca-Cola and IBM." Beckham's relationship and marriage to Victoria, who has been famous in her own right as part of the musical group Spice Girls, contributed to David's celebrity beyond football. So gilded has been the career of Beckham that Victoria revealed her nickname for her husband to be "Golden Balls", an epithet he shares with an obscure mediaeval Anglo-Norman knight whose French name was Latinised to de Aureis Testiculis.
-Beckham became known as a fashion icon, and together with Victoria, the couple became lucrative spokespeople sought after by clothing designers, health and fitness specialists, fashion magazines, perfume and cosmetics manufacturers, hair stylists, exercise promoters, and spa and recreation companies. One recent example is a new line of aftershave and fragrances called David Beckham Instinct. In 2002 Beckham was hailed as the ultimate "metrosexual" by the man who invented the term and has been described as such by numerous other articles since. The Beckhams were reportedly paid $13.7Â million in 2007 to launch his fragrance line in the US. In the world of fashion, David has already appeared on the covers of many magazines. U.S. covers have included the men's magazine Details, and with his wife for the August 2007 issue of W. According to Google, "David Beckham" was searched for more than any other sports topic on their site in 2003 and 2004. The search engine Ask Jeeves named Beckham in December 2009 as the third most online searched person in the last decade. The findings are based on online activity by British users of the search engine.
-Upon their arrival in Los Angeles on 12 July 2007, the night before Beckham's formal introduction, Los Angeles International Airport was filled with paparazzi and news reporters. On the next night, Victoria appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to talk about the their move to LA, and presented Leno with a number 23 Galaxy jersey with his own name on the back. Victoria also talked about her NBC TV show Victoria Beckham: Coming to America. On 22 July, a private welcoming party was held for the couple at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. A-list celebrities attending included Steven Spielberg, Jim Carrey, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Oprah Winfrey.
-Beckham's many endorsement deals make him one of the most recognisable athletes throughout the world. On 31 December 2008, it was announced that Pepsi Co. was ending its endorsement deal with the player after a 10-year collaboration. Beckham has several eponymous video games, including Go! Go! Beckham! Adventure on Soccer Island, a platform game for the Game Boy Advance, and David Beckham Soccer, a football game for a number of different platforms. In August 2010, Beckham signed an endorsement deal with EA SPORTS to become brand ambassador for EA SPORTS Active 2.
-Beckham visited Afghanistan in May 2010 for a morale-boosting visit to British troops fighting the Taliban insurgency. The appearance of Beckham as well as British Foreign Secretary William Hague and Defence Secretary Liam Fox was believed to have prompted a Taliban attack on Kandahar airfield. In September, Beckham released Homme by David Beckham.
-Chief executive at LA Galaxy, Tim Leiweke, said on July 2012 that Beckham's fame was so strong that even the then-next Chinese president Xi Jinping's security guards lost focus when the footballer walked into the room at a meeting in February 2012.
-Charitable work
-Beckham has supported UNICEF since his days at Manchester United and in January 2005, the English national team captain became a Goodwill Ambassador with a special focus on UNICEF's Sports for Development program. More recently, Beckham has pledged his support for the current Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS campaign. He is also a patron of the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
-On 17 January 2007, Rebecca Johnstone, a 19-year-old cancer patient from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, received a surprise phone call from Beckham. After the conversation, he sent her a Real Madrid jersey with his signature on it. Rebecca died on 29 January 2007.
-Beckham is a spokesman for Malaria No More, a New York City-based non-profit launched in 2006. Malaria No More's mission is to end deaths caused by malaria in Africa. Beckham appears in a 2007 public service announcement advertising the need for inexpensive bed nets. The TV spot currently airs in the U.S. on Fox Networks, including Fox Soccer Channel, and can also be seen on YouTube.
-Since joining Major League Soccer, Beckham has been a very public advocate in the U.S. for related charities such as "MLS W.O.R.K.S." On 17 August 2007, he conducted a youth clinic in Harlem, along with other current and former MLS players. This was in advance of his first New York City area match the following day against the New York Red Bulls. That team's Jozy Altidore and Juan Pablo Ãngel were also with Beckham, teaching skills to disadvantaged youth to benefit FC Harlem Lions.
-Appearances in films
-Bend It Like Beckham
-Beckham never personally appeared in the 2002 film Bend It Like Beckham, except in archive footage. He and his wife wanted to make cameo appearances, but scheduling proved difficult, so the director used lookalikes instead.
-The Goal! Trilogy
-Beckham makes a cameo appearance with Zinedine Zidane and Raúl, in the 2005 film Goal!: The Dream Begins. Lookalike Andy Harmer, who played him in Bend It Like Beckham, also appears here in one party scene as Beckham. Beckham himself appears in the sequel Goal! 2: Living the Dream... in a larger role, when the film's lead character gets transferred to Real Madrid. This time the story centres around the Real Madrid team, and besides Beckham, other real life Real Madrid players also appear on and off the pitch, alongside the fictional characters. Beckham appeared in Goal! 3: Taking on the World, which was released straight to DVD on 15 June 2009.
-Despite moving to Los Angeles, California, Beckham has expressed no personal interest in pursuit of acting roles, saying he is too "stiff".
-Beckham has captained England 59 times, the fourth highest after Bobby Moore (90), Billy Wright (90) and Bryan Robson (65).
-With his free kick goal against Ecuador in the second round of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Beckham gained membership into two of football's exclusive clubs: he became the only English player – and the 21st player regardless of nationality – to score in three world cups; Real Madrid teammate Raúl also achieved this feat a few days earlier. It also made him only the fifth player in World Cup history to score twice from a direct free kick; the other four were Pelé, Roberto Rivelino, Teófilo Cubillas, and Bernard Genghini (Beckham had previously scored this way against Colombia in the first round of the 1998 FIFA World Cup). All three goals were against South American teams (Colombia, Argentina, and Ecuador) and from set pieces (the two aforementioned free kicks and a penalty against Argentina).
-Beckham has at least 20 tattoos adorning his body, including recent black-and-white image of Christ drawn on his right side, based on a painting called "The Man Of Sorrows" by Catholic artist Matthew R. Brooks done after the death of his grandfather in 2009. There are also names of his sons Romeo, Cruz and Brooklyn, name of his wife Victoria, written in Hindi, because Beckham thought it would be "tacky" to have it in English. On his right shoulder, there's an angel with the text 'In the face of adversity'. Another tattoo is a Bible verse written in Hebrew, reads ×× ×™ לדודי ודודי לי הרעה ×‘×©×•×©× ×™×, translated into: "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine, that shepherds among the lilies." In 2004 Beckham added the four-by-six-inch "winged cross" neck tattoo prior to England's three-nation tournament soccer match against Japan in the City of Manchester Stadium. In his autobiography "David Beckham: My Side", Becks reveals some of his thoughts on tattoos: "The idea came to me much later, a little while after Brooklyn was born. I was talking to Mel B and her then-husband, Jimmy Gulzar, and the subject of tattoos came up. I ended up going to this Dutch guy who'd done all of Jimmy's. I'd finally realised what I wanted a tattoo to represent. Mine are all about the people in my life, my wife and sons, who I want with me always. When you see me, you see the tattoos. You see an expression of how I feel about Victoria and the boys. They're part of me."
-See also
-Franchise player
-List of current MLS players
-Beckham, David (2002). David Beckham: My Side. HarperCollinsWillow. ISBNÂ 0-00-715732-0.
-Beckham, David; Freeman, Dean (2001). Beckham: My World. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBNÂ 978-0-340-79270-4.
-Beckham, David; Watt, Tom (2003). Beckham: Both Feet on the Ground. HarperCollins. ISBNÂ 978-0-06-057093-4.
-Crick, Michael (2003). The Boss – The Many Sides of Alex Ferguson. Pocket Books. ISBN 978-0-7434-2991-7.
-Ferguson, Alex; McIlvanney, Hugh (1999). Managing My Life – My Autobiography. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 978-0-340-72855-0.
-Wahl, Grant (2009). The Beckham Experiment: How the World's Most Famous Athlete Tried to Conquer America. Crown. ISBNÂ 978-0-307-40859-4.
-Further reading
-Wahl, Grant (31 October 2011). "Beckham's Last Stand: In the fifth and final year of his MLS contract, he's back at the top of his game at last. Now, as the 2011 playoffs begin, he and the Galaxy look to stamp his American experiment a success by winning a championship". Sports Illustrated. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1191594/index.htm. Retrieved 28 October 2011. "'In [Major League Soccer] his ability to hold the ball in that position and pass makes him unique,' says [coach Bruce] Arena. 'He's right in the middle of things. In every game, he touches the ball the most of any player.'"
-External links
-Official website
-David Beckham on Facebook
-David Beckham – FIFA competition record
-David Beckham – UEFA competition record
-David Beckham at National-Football-Teams.com
-The David Beckham Academy
-Profile at mlssoccer.com
-Profile at Realmadrid.com
-Profile at ManUtd.com
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diff --git a/data/Latin.txt b/data/Latin.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 60f3bc9..0000000
--- a/data/Latin.txt
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@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-Latin ([Listen]/ˈlætÉ™n/; Latin: lingua latÄ«na; IPA: [ˈlɪŋɡʷa laˈtiËna]) is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. Along with most European languages, it is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. It originated in the Italian peninsula. Although it is considered a dead language, many students, scholars, and members of the Christian clergy speak it fluently, and it is still taught in some primary and secondary and many post-secondary educational institutions around the world. Latin is still used in the creation of new words in modern languages of many different families, including English, and in biological taxonomy. Latin and its daughter Romance languages are the only surviving languages of the Italic language family. Other languages of the Italic branch are attested in the inscriptions of early Italy, but were assimilated to Latin during the Roman Republic.
-The extensive use of elements from vernacular speech by the earliest authors and inscriptions of the Roman Republic make it clear that the original, unwritten language of the Roman Monarchy was an only partially deducible colloquial form, the predecessor to Vulgar Latin. By the late Roman Republic, a standard, literate form had arisen from the speech of the educated, now referred to as Classical Latin. Vulgar Latin, by contrast, is the name given to the more rapidly changing colloquial language spoken throughout the empire. With the Roman conquest, Latin spread to many Mediterranean regions, and the dialects spoken in these areas, mixed to various degrees with the autochthonous languages, developed into the modern Romance tongues. Classical Latin slowly changed with the Decline of the Roman Empire, as education and wealth became ever scarcer. The consequent Medieval Latin, influenced by various Germanic and proto-Romance languages until expurgated by Renaissance scholars, was used as the language of international communication, scholarship and science until well into the 18th century, when it began to be supplanted by vernacular languages.
-Latin is a highly inflected language, with three distinct genders, seven noun cases, four verb conjugations, six tenses, three persons, three moods, two voices, two aspects and two numbers. A dual number ("a pair of") is present in Archaic Latin. One of the rarer of the seven cases is the locative, only marked in proper place names and a few common nouns. Otherwise the locative function ("place where") has merged with the ablative. The vocative, a case of direct address, is marked by an ending only in words of the second declension. Otherwise the vocative has merged with the nominative, except that the particle O typically precedes any vocative, marked or not. There are only five fully productive cases; that is, in the few instances of the formation of a distinct locative or vocative, the endings are specific to those words, and cannot be placed on other stems of the declension to produce a locative or vocative. In contrast, the plural nominative ending of the first declension may be used to form any first declension plural. As a result of this case ambiguity, different authors list different numbers of cases: 5, 6 or 7, which may be confusing. Adjectives and adverbs are compared, and the former are inflected according to case, gender, and number. In view of the fact that adjectives are often used for nouns, the two are termed substantives. Although Classical Latin has demonstrative pronouns indicating different degrees of proximity ("this one here", "that one there"), it does not have articles. Later Romance language articles developed from the demonstrative pronouns; e.g., le and la (French) from ille and illa, su and sa (Sardinian) from ipse and ipsa.
-Latin culture has been passed down through a number of broad genres.
-Most inscriptions have been published in an internationally agreed-upon, monumental, multi-volume series termed the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL). Authors and publishers vary but the format is approximately the same: volumes detailing inscriptions with a critical apparatus stating the provenance and relevant information. The reading and interpretation of these inscriptions is the subject matter of the field of epigraphy. There are approximately 270,000 known inscriptions.
-The works of several hundred ancient authors who wrote in Latin have survived in whole or in part, in substantial works or in fragments to be analyzed in philology. They are in part the subject matter of the field of Classics. Their works were published in manuscript form before the invention of printing and now exist in carefully annotated printed editions such as the Loeb Classical Library, published by Harvard University Press or the Oxford Classical Texts, published by Oxford University Press.
-Latin translations of modern literature such as Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Paddington Bear, Winnie the Pooh, Tintin, Asterix, Harry Potter, Walter the Farting Dog, Le Petit Prince, Max und Moritz, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and The Cat in the Hat and a book of fairy tales, "fabulae mirabiles," are intended to garner popular interest in the language. Additional resources include phrasebooks and resources for rendering everyday phrases and concepts into Latin, such as Meissner's Latin Phrasebook.
-Latin has had a significant influence in the formation of English at all stages of its insular development. In the medieval period, much borrowing from Latin occurred through ecclesiastical usage established by Saint Augustine of Canterbury in the 6th century, or indirectly after the Norman Conquest through the Anglo-Norman language. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, English writers cobbled together huge numbers of new words from Latin and Greek words. These were dubbed inkhorn terms, as if they had spilled from a pot of ink. Many of these words were used once by the author and then forgotten, but some useful ones survived, such as imbibe and extrapolate. Many of the most common polysyllabic English words are of Latin origin, through the medium of Old French.
-Due to the influence of Roman governance and Roman technology on the less developed nations under Roman dominion, those nations adopted Latin phraseology in some specialized areas, such as science, technology, medicine and law. For example, the Linnaean system of plant and animal classification was heavily influenced by Historia Naturalis, an encyclopedia of people, places, plants, animals and things published by Pliny the Elder. Roman medicine, recorded in the works of such physicians as Galen, established that today's medical terminology would be primarily derived from Latin and Greek words, the Greek being filtered through the Latin. Roman engineering had the same effect on scientific terminology as a whole. Latin law principles have survived partly in a long list of legal Latin terms.
-Many international auxiliary languages have been heavily influenced by Latin. Interlingua, which lays claim to a sizeable following, is sometimes considered a simplified, modern version of the language. Latino sine Flexione, popular in the early 20th century, is Latin with its inflections stripped away, among other grammatical changes.
-Throughout European history, an education in the Classics was considered a must for those who wished to join literate circles. Instruction in Latin is an essential aspect of Classics. In today's world, a large number of Latin students in America learn from Wheelock's Latin: The Classic Introductory Latin Course, Based on Ancient Authors. This book, first published in 1956, was written by Frederic M. Wheelock, who received a PhD from Harvard University. Wheelock's Latin has become the standard text for many American introductory Latin courses.
-The Living Latin movement attempts to teach Latin in the same way that living languages are taught, i.e., as a means of both spoken and written communication. It is available at the Vatican, and at some institutions in the U.S., such as the University of Kentucky and Iowa State University. The British Cambridge University Press is a major supplier of Latin textbooks for all levels, such as the Cambridge Latin Course series. It has also published a subseries of children's texts in Latin by Bell & Forte, which recount the adventures of a mouse called Minimus.
-In the United Kingdom, the Classical Association encourages the study of antiquity through various means, such as publications and grants. In the United States and Canada, the American Classical League supports every effort to further the study of classics. Its subsidiaries include: the National Junior Classical League (with more than 50,000 members), which encourages high school students to pursue the study of Latin, and the National Senior Classical League, which encourages students to continue their study of the classics into college. The league also sponsors the National Latin Exam. Classicist Mary Beard wrote in The Times Literary Supplement in 2006 that the reason for learning Latin is because of what was written in it.
-Latin is taught as a mandatory subject in gymnasia and other so-called classical high schools, located chiefly in Europe. Latin grammar has been taught in most Italian schools since the 18th century: for example, in the Liceo classico and Liceo scientifico, Latin is still one of the primary subjects. In the United States, although once offered nearly universally, Latin is limited to elective status in a steadily declining number of grade schools, both public and private. The ordinary student can no longer count on being able to take Latin, but there are extracurricular means. The College Board examinations, which serve as an educational tool for the admission of students into colleges, still feature one Latin examination on a voluntary basis: Advanced Placement Latin: Vergil.
-History of Latin
-A number of historical phases of the language have been recognized, each distinguished by subtle differences in vocabulary, usage, spelling, morphology and syntax. There are no hard and fast rules of classification; different scholars emphasize different features. As a result, the list has variants, as well as alternative names. In addition to the historical phases, Ecclesiastical Latin refers to the styles used by the writers of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as by Protestant scholars, from Late Antiquity onward.
-The generally recognized main phases under their most frequent names are introduced below.
-Archaic Latin
-The earliest known is Old Latin, which was spoken from the Roman Kingdom to the middle Republican period, and is attested both in inscriptions and in some of the earliest extant literary works, such as the comedies of Plautus and Terence. During this period, the Latin alphabet was devised from the Etruscan alphabet. The writing style later changed from an initial right-to-left or boustrophedon to a left-to-right script.
-Classical Latin
-During the late republic and into the first years of the empire, a new Classical Latin arose, a conscious creation of the orators, poets, historians and other literate men, who wrote the great works of classical literature, which were taught in grammar and rhetoric schools. Today's instructional grammars trace their roots to these schools, which served as a sort of informal language academy dedicated to maintaining and perpetuating educated speech.
-Vulgar Latin
-Philological analysis of Archaic Latin works, such as Plautus', which contain snippets of everyday speech, indicates that a spoken language, Vulgar Latin (sermo vulgi ("the speech of the masses") by Cicero), existed at the same time as the literate Classical Latin. This informal language was rarely written, so philologists have been left with only individual words and phrases cited by Classical authors, as well as those found as graffiti.
-As vernacular Latin was free to develop on its own, there is no reason to suppose that the speech was uniform either diachronically or geographically. On the contrary, Romanized European populations developed their own dialects of the language. The Decline of the Roman Empire meant a deterioration in educational standards that brought about Late Latin, a post-classical stage of the language seen in Christian writings of the time. This language was more in line with the everyday speech not only because of a decline in education, but also because of a desire to spread the word to the masses.
-Despite dialect variation (which is found in any sufficiently widespread language) the languages of Spain, France, Portugal and Italy retained a remarkable unity in phonological forms and developments, bolstered by the stabilizing influence of their common Christian culture. It was not until the Moorish conquest of Spain in 711 cut off communications between the major Romance regions that the languages began to diverge seriously.
-One way to determine whether a Romance language feature was in Vulgar Latin is to compare it with its parallel in Classical Latin. If it was not preferred in classical Latin, then it most likely came from the invisible contemporaneous vulgar Latin. For example, Romance "horse" (cavallo/cheval/caballo/cavalo) came from Latin caballus. However, classical Latin used equus. Caballus therefore was most likely the spoken form.
-Vulgar Latin began to diverge into distinct languages by the 9th century at the latest, when the earliest extant Romance writings begin to appear. They were, throughout the Dark Ages, confined to everyday speech, as, subsequent to Late Latin, Medieval Latin was used for writing.
-Medieval Latin
-The term Medieval Latin refers to the written Latin in use during that portion of the post-classical period when no corresponding Latin vernacular existed. The spoken language had developed into the various incipient Romance languages; however, in the educated and official world Latin continued without its natural spoken base. Moreover, this Latin spread into lands that had never spoken Latin, such as the Germanic and Slavic nations. It became useful for international communication between the member states of the Holy Roman Empire and its allies.
-Without the institutions of the Roman empire that had supported its uniformity, medieval Latin lost its linguistic cohesion: for example, in classical Latin sum and eram are used as auxiliary verbs in the perfect and pluperfect passive, which are compound tenses. Medieval Latin might use fui and fueram instead. Furthermore the meanings of many words have been changed and new vocabularies have been introduced from the vernacular. Identifiable individual styles of classically incorrect Latin prevail.
-Renaissance Latin
-The Renaissance briefly reinforced the position of Latin as a spoken language, through its adoption by the Renaissance Humanists. Often led by members of the clergy, they were shocked by the accelerated dismantling of the vestiges of the classical world and the rapid loss of its literature. They strove to preserve what they could. It was they who introduced the practice of producing revised editions of the literary works that remained by comparing surviving manuscripts, and they who attempted to restore Latin to what it had been. They corrected medieval Latin out of existence no later than the 15th century and replaced it with more formally correct versions supported by the scholars of the rising universities, who attempted, through scholarship, to discover what the classical language had been.
-Early modern Latin
-During the Early Modern Age Latin still was the most important language of culture in Europe. Therefore, until the end of the 18th century the majority of books were written in Latin.
-Modern Latin
-The largest organization that retains Latin in official and quasi-official contexts is the Catholic Church. Latin remains the language of the Roman Rite; the Tridentine Mass is celebrated in Latin, and although the Mass of Paul VI is usually celebrated in the local vernacular language, it can be and often is said in Latin, in part or whole, especially at multilingual gatherings. Latin is the official language of the Holy See, the primary language of its public journal, the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, and the working language of the Roman Rota. The Vatican City is also home to the world's only ATM that gives instructions in Latin.
-In the Anglican Church, after the publication of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer of 1559, a 1560 Latin edition was published for use at universities such as Oxford and the leading public schools, where the liturgy was still permitted to be conducted in Latin and there have been several Latin translations since. Most recently a Latin edition of the 1979 USA Anglican Book of Common Prayer has appeared.
-Some films of ancient settings, such as Sebastiane and The Passion of the Christ, have been made with dialogue in Latin for the sake of realism. Occasionally, Latin dialogue is used because of its association with religion or philosophy, in such film/TV series as The Exorcist and Lost ("Jughead"). Subtitles are usually shown for the benefit of those who do not understand Latin. There are also songs written with Latin lyrics. The libretto for the opera-oratorio Oedipus rex (opera) by Igor Stravinsky is in Latin.
-Switzerland adopts the country's Latin short name "Helvetia" on coins and stamps, since there is no room to use all of the nation's four official languages. For a similar reason it adopted the international vehicle and internet code CH, which stands for Confoederatio Helvetica, the country's full Latin name.
-Many organizations today have Latin mottos, such as "Semper paratus" (always ready), the motto of the United States Coast Guard, and "Semper fidelis" (always faithful), the motto of the United States Marine Corps. Several of the states of the United States also have Latin mottos, such as "Montani semper liberi" (Mountaineers are always free), the state motto of West Virginia; "Sic semper tyrannis" (Thus always for tyrants), that of Virginia; "Esse quam videri" (To be rather than to seem), that of North Carolina; "Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice" ("If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you") that of Michigan. Another Latin motto is "Per ardua ad astra" (Through adversity/struggle to the stars), the motto of the RAF. Some schools adopt Latin mottos such as "Disce aut discede" of the Royal College, Colombo.
-Occasionally, some media outlets broadcast in Latin, which is targeted at enthusiasts. Notable examples include Radio Bremen in Germany, YLE radio in Finland and Vatican Radio & Television, all of which broadcast news segments and other material in Latin.
-There are many websites and forums maintained in Latin by enthusiasts. The Latin Wikipedia has more than 70,000 articles written in Latin.
-Latin is still taught in many high schools in Europe and the Americas as complementary teaching. It is still compulsory in few schools, like the Boston Latin School, Boston Latin Academy and the Italian Liceo classico and Liceo scientifico.
-In the pontifical universities postgraduate courses of Canon law are taught in Latin and papers should be written in the same language.
-No inherited verbal knowledge of the ancient pronunciation of Latin exists. It must be reconstructed. Among the data used for reconstruction listed by Allen are explicit statements by ancient authors, especially grammarians, about the pronunciation of a word, puns, ancient etymologies, Latin words stated in other languages, and so on.
-As with any language, pronunciation varied according to historical period. Standard practice in Latin education is to teach the pronunciation of classical Latin first. Most Latinists know the opening words of De Bello Gallico, Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres ... and know that divisa is nowadays most often pronounced as "diwisa". It makes little difference whether the refrain of Oh come all ye faithful is sung as "venite, venite" or "wenite, wenite", although the first is more appropriate to the period. Period differences are generally taught with the works of their authors; however, the classical pronunciation is always generally acceptable.[original research?]
-The main consonant phonemes of classical Latin are shown in the following table. The phonemes given by no means exhaust the number of possible phonemes. For example, distinctions might be made between word-initial and word-final positions, intervocalic, post-consonantal, and so on, which are considerations of linguistic environment. Also, geminate consonants may not be the same phonemes as single ones.
-The period graphemes representing these phonemes are only a partial match to today's English alphabet, which, except for the capital letters, dates to the Middle Ages. Latin texts are nevertheless printed in it. The inscription from the Colosseum shown at the top of the article is a good example of the appearance of native Roman graphemes. Some notes concerning the mapping of Latin phonemes to English graphemes are given below.
-Long consonants are represented by doubled spelling: puella = /pʊˈɛlËa/ ("girl"; similar to Italian nella), littera = /ˈlɪtËÉ›ra/ ("letter", "character"; as in Italian petto), accidere = /akËɪdÉ›rÉ›/ ("to happen"; stress on the second syllable; as in Italian ecco), addere = /ˈadËÉ›rÉ›/ ("to add"), pessime = /ˈpÉ›sËimeË/ ("very/most badly") and the like.
-It is also notable that consonants at the end of syllables close these syllables clearly; that means the latter are pronounced longer: e.g. amare = /aˈmaËrÉ›/ ("to love") has the quantitative structure short-long-short, whereas armare = /arˈmaËrÉ›/ ("to arm") shows long-long-short. This feature of classical Latin is crucial to the understanding and retracing of Latin poetical rhythms of classical and ensuing times, which are mainly based on syllable lengths, less on the word stresses.
-⟨a⟩ = /a/ when short and /aË/ when long ⟨á⟩
-⟨e⟩ = /É›/ (as in pet) when short and /eË/ (somewhat as in English they) when long ⟨é⟩
-⟨i⟩ = /ɪ/ (as in pin) when short and /iË/ (as in machine) when long ⟨ꟾ⟩
-⟨o⟩ = /É”/ (as in British English law) when short and /oË/ (somewhat as in holy) when long ⟨ó⟩
-⟨u⟩ = /ÊŠ/ (as in put) when short and /uË/ (as in true) when long ⟨ú⟩. Also ⟨v⟩.
-In inscriptions, and in upper case in handwriting, the letter u, whether as a consonant or as a vowel, was invariably written as V.
-Classical Latin distinguished between long and short vowels, and the use of the apex, which indicates long vowels, was quite widespread during classical and postclassical times. In modern texts, long vowels are often indicated by a macron ⟨Ä, Ä“, Ä«, Å, ū⟩, and short vowels are sometimes indicated by a breve ⟨ă, Ä•, Ä, Å, Å⟩. The vowel-length distinction began to fade by Late Latin.
-A vowel followed by an ⟨m⟩ or ⟨n⟩ (maintained later by some Romance languages), either at the end of a word (⟨m⟩ only) or before another consonant, is nasal, as in monstrum /mõËstrÅ©Ë/, and in many cases the consonant is not pronounced, as in French and Portuguese.
-Latin was written in the Latin alphabet, derived from the Old Italic alphabet, which was in turn drawn from the Greek and ultimately the Phoenician alphabet. This alphabet has continued to be used over the centuries as the script for the Romance, Celtic, Germanic, Baltic, Finnic, and many Slavic languages (Polish, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian and Czech), as well as for many other languages, such as Indonesian, Vietnamese (previously used Chinese characters), and the Niger–Congo languages.
-The number of letters in the Latin alphabet has varied. When it was first derived from the Etruscan alphabet, it contained only 21. Later, G was added to represent /É¡/, which had previously been spelled C; while Z ceased to be included in the alphabet due to non-use, as the language had no voiced alveolar fricative at the time. The letters Y and Z were later added to represent the Greek letters upsilon and zeta respectively in Greek loanwords.W was created in the 11th century from VV. It represented /w/ in Germanic languages, not in Latin, which still uses V for the purpose. J was distinguished from the original I only during the late Middle Ages, as was the letter U from V. Although some Latin dictionaries use J it is for the most part not used for Latin text as it was not used in classical times, although many other languages use it.
-Classical Latin did not contain sentence punctuation, letter case, or interword spacing, though apices were used to distinguish length in vowels and the interpunct was used at times to separate words. So, a sentence originally written:
-or with interpunct as
-would be rendered in a modern edition as
-Lugete, O Veneres Cupidinesque
-or with macrons
-Lūgēte, Ō Venerēs Cupīdinēsque.
-and translated as
-Mourn, O Venuses and Cupids.
-The Roman cursive script is commonly found on the many wax tablets excavated at sites such as forts, an especially extensive set having been discovered at Vindolanda on Hadrian's Wall in Britain. Curiously enough, most of the Vindolanda tablets show spaces between words, though spaces were avoided in monumental inscriptions from that era.
-Latin is a synthetic, fusional language, in the terminology of linguistic typology. In more traditional terminology, it is an inflected language, although the typologists are apt to say "inflecting". Thus words include an objective semantic element, and also markers specifying the grammatical use of the word. This fusion of root meaning and markers produces very compact sentence elements. For example, amo, "I love," is produced from a semantic element, ama-, "love," to which -o, a first person singular marker, is suffixed. English requires two words to express the same meaning.
-The grammatical function can be changed by changing the markers: the word is "inflected" to express different grammatical functions. The semantic element does not change. Inflection uses affixing and infixing. Affixing is prefixing and suffixing. Latin inflections are never prefixed. For example, amabit, "he or she will love", is formed from the same stem, ama-, to which a future tense marker, -bi-, is suffixed, and a third person singular marker, -t, is suffixed. There is an inherent ambiguity: -t may denote more than one grammatical category, in this case either masculine, feminine, or neuter gender. A major task in understanding Latin phrases and clauses is to clarify such ambiguities by an analysis of context. All natural languages contain ambiguities of one sort or another.
-The inflections express gender, number, and case in adjectives, nouns, and pronouns—a process called declension. Markers are also attached to fixed stems of verbs, to denote person, number, tense, voice, mood, and aspect—a process called conjugation. Some words are uninflected, and do not undergo either process.
-There are seven Latin noun cases, which also apply to adjectives and pronouns. These mark a noun's syntactic role in the sentence, so word order is not as important in Latin as it is in some other languages, such as English. Words can typically be moved around in a sentence without significantly altering its meaning, although the emphasis may have been altered. The cases are:
-Nominative – used when the noun is the subject or a predicate nominative. The thing or person acting; e.g., the girl ran: puella cucurrit, or cucurrit puella
-Genitive – used when the noun is the possessor of or connected with an object (e.g., "the horse of the man", or "the man's horse"—in both of these instances, the word man would be in the genitive case when translated into Latin). Also indicates the partitive, in which the material is quantified (e.g., "a group of people"; "a number of gifts"—people and gifts would be in the genitive case). Some nouns are genitive with special verbs and adjectives too (e.g., The cup is full of wine. Poculum plenum vini est. The master of the slave had beaten him. Dominus servi eum verberaverat.)
-Dative – memorised as "to or for": used when the noun is the indirect object of the sentence, with special verbs, with certain prepositions, and if used as agent, reference, or even possessor. (e.g., The merchant hands over the stola to the woman. Mercator feminae stolam tradit.)
-Accusative – used when the noun is the direct object of the sentence/phrase, with certain prepositions, or as the subject of an infinitive. The thing or person having something done to them. (e.g., The slave woman carries the wine. Ancilla vinum portat.) In addition, there are certain constructions where the accusative can be used for the subject of a clause, one being the indirect statement.
-Vocative – used when the noun is used in a direct address. The vocative form of a noun is the same as the nominative except for second-declension nouns ending in -us. The -us becomes an -e or if it ends in -ius (such as filius) then the ending is just -i (fili) (as distinct from the nominative plural (filii)). (e.g., "Master!" shouted the slave. "Domine!" clamavit servus.)
-Ablative – memorised as "by, with, or from": used when the noun demonstrates separation or movement from a source, cause, agent, or instrument, or when the noun is used as the object of certain prepositions; adverbial. (e.g., You walked with the boy. cum puero ambulavisti.)
-Locative, used to indicate a location (corresponding to the English "in" or "at"). This is far less common than the other six cases of Latin nouns and usually applies to cities, small towns, and islands smaller than the island of Rhodes, along with a few common nouns. In the first and second declension singular, its form coincides with the genitive (Roma becomes Romae, "in Rome"). In the plural, and in the other declensions, it coincides with the ablative (Athenae becomes Athenis, "at Athens"). In the case of the fourth declension word domus, the locative form, domi ("at home") differs from the standard form of all the other cases.
-Latin lacks definite and indefinite articles; thus puer currit can mean either "the boy is running" or "a boy is running".
-A regular verb in Latin belongs to one of four main conjugations. A conjugation is "a class of verbs with similar inflected forms." The conjugations are identified by the last letter of the verb stem, which appears in the active infinitive form if there is one, or the passive infinitive if there is not. The infinitive of the first conjugation ends in -Ä-re or -Ä-ri (active and passive respectively); e.g., amÄre, "to love," hortÄrÄ«, "to exhort"; of the second conjugation by -Ä“-re or -Ä“-rÄ«; e.g., monÄ“re, "to warn", verÄ“rÄ«, "to fear;" of the third conjugation by -ere, -Ä«; e.g., dÅ«cere, "to lead," Å«tÄ«, "to use"; of the fourth by -Ä«-re, -Ä«-rÄ«; e.g., audÄ«re, "to hear," experÄ«rÄ«, "to attempt". Irregular verbs may not follow these types, or may be marked in a different way. The "endings" presented above are not the suffixed infinitive markers. The first letter in each case is the last of the stem, because of which the conjugations are also called the a-conjugation, e-conjugation and i-conjugation. The fused infinitive ending is -re or -rÄ«. Third-conjugation stems end in a consonant: the consonant conjugation. Further, there is a subset of the 3rd conjugation, the i-stems, which behave somewhat like the 4th conjugation, as they are both i-stems, one short and the other long. These stem categories descend from PIE, and can therefore be compared to similar conjugations in other IE languages.
-There are six general tenses in Latin (present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect), three grammatical moods (indicative, imperative and subjunctive, in addition to the infinitive, participle, gerund, gerundive and supine), three persons (first, second, and third), two numbers (singular and plural), two voices (active and passive), and three aspects (perfective, imperfective, and stative). Verbs are described by four principal parts:
-The first principal part is the first person (or third person for impersonal verbs) singular, present tense, indicative mood, active voice form of the verb (or passive voice for verbs lacking an active voice).
-The second principal part is the present infinitive active (or passive for verbs lacking an active) form.
-The third principal part is the first person (or third person for impersonal verbs) singular, perfect indicative active (or passive when there is no active) form.
-The fourth principal part is the supine form, or alternatively, the nominative singular, perfect passive participle form of the verb. The fourth principal part can show either one gender of the participle, or all three genders (-us for masculine, -a for feminine, and -um for neuter). It can also be the future participle when the verb cannot be made passive. Most modern Latin dictionaries, if only showing one gender, tend to show the masculine; however, many older dictionaries will instead show the neuter, as this coincides with the supine. The fourth principal part is sometimes omitted for intransitive verbs, although strictly in Latin these can be made passive if used impersonally, and the supine exists for these verbs.
-There are six tenses in the Latin language: present, future, imperfect, perfect, future perfect, and pluperfect. Each tense has a set of endings corresponding to the person and number referred to. This means that subject pronouns (e.g. ego "I") tend to be included only for emphasis or contrast. The following table lists the endings for the active voice and indicative mood of each of these tenses.
-As Latin is an Italic language, most of its vocabulary is likewise Italic, deriving ultimately from PIE. However, because of close cultural interaction, the Romans not only adapted the Etruscan alphabet to form the Latin alphabet, but also borrowed some Etruscan words into their language, including persona (mask) and histrio (actor). Latin also included vocabulary borrowed from Oscan, another Italic language.
-After the Fall of Tarentum (272 BC), the Romans began hellenizing, or adopting features of Greek culture, including the borrowing of Greek words, such as camera (vaulted roof), sumbolum (symbol), and balineum (bath). This hellenization led to the addition of "Y" and "Z" to the alphabet to represent Greek sounds. Subsequently the Romans transplanted Greek art, medicine, science and philosophy to Italy, paying almost any price to entice Greek skilled and educated persons to Rome, and sending their youth to be educated in Greece. Thus, many Latin scientific and philosophical words were Greek loanwords or had their meanings expanded by association with Greek words, as ars (craft) and Ï„Îχνη.
-Because of the Roman Empire’s expansion and subsequent trade with outlying European tribes, the Romans borrowed some northern and central European words, such as beber (beaver), of Germanic origin, and bracae (breeches), of Celtic origin. The specific dialects of Latin across Latin-speaking regions of the former Roman Empire after its fall were influenced by languages specific to the regions. These spoken Latins evolved into particular Romance languages.
-During and after the adoption of Christianity into Roman society, Christian vocabulary became a part of the language, formed either from Greek or Hebrew borrowings, or as Latin neologisms. Continuing into the Middle Ages, Latin incorporated many more words from surrounding languages, including Old English and other Germanic languages.
-Over the ages, Latin-speaking populations produced new adjectives, nouns, and verbs by affixing or compounding meaningful segments. For example, the compound adjective, omnipotens, "all-powerful," was produced from the adjectives omnis, "all", and potens, "powerful", by dropping the final s of omnis and concatenating. Often the concatenation changed the part of speech; i.e., nouns were produced from verb segments or verbs from nouns and adjectives.
-See also
-External links
-Language tools
-Beginners' Latin on http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
-Grammar and study
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-Lisp (programming language)
-Lisp (historically, LISP) is a family of computer programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized Polish prefix notation. Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today; only Fortran is older (by one year). Like Fortran, Lisp has changed a great deal since its early days, and a number of dialects have existed over its history. Today, the most widely known general-purpose Lisp dialects are Common Lisp and Scheme.
-Lisp was originally created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs, influenced by the notation of Alonzo Church's lambda calculus. It quickly became the favored programming language for artificial intelligence (AI) research. As one of the earliest programming languages, Lisp pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management, dynamic typing, and the self-hosting compiler.
-The name LISP derives from "LISt Processing". Linked lists are one of Lisp language's major data structures, and Lisp source code is itself made up of lists. As a result, Lisp programs can manipulate source code as a data structure, giving rise to the macro systems that allow programmers to create new syntax or even new domain-specific languages embedded in Lisp.
-The interchangeability of code and data also gives Lisp its instantly recognizable syntax. All program code is written as s-expressions, or parenthesized lists. A function call or syntactic form is written as a list with the function or operator's name first, and the arguments following; for instance, a function f that takes three arguments might be called using (f arg1 arg2 arg3).
-Lisp was invented by John McCarthy in 1958 while he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). McCarthy published its design in a paper in Communications of the ACM in 1960, entitled "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I" ("Part II" was never published). He showed that with a few simple operators and a notation for functions, one can build a Turing-complete language for algorithms.
-Information Processing Language was the first AI language, from 1955 or 1956, and already included many of the concepts, such as list-processing and recursion, which came to be used in Lisp.
-McCarthy's original notation used bracketed "M-expressions" that would be translated into S-expressions. As an example, the M-expression car[cons[A,B]] is equivalent to the S-expression (car (cons A B)). Once Lisp was implemented, programmers rapidly chose to use S-expressions, and M-expressions were abandoned. M-expressions surfaced again with short-lived attempts of MLISP by Horace Enea and CGOL by Vaughan Pratt.
-Lisp was first implemented by Steve Russell on an IBM 704 computer. Russell had read McCarthy's paper, and realized (to McCarthy's surprise) that the Lisp eval function could be implemented in machine code. The result was a working Lisp interpreter which could be used to run Lisp programs, or more properly, 'evaluate Lisp expressions.'
-Two assembly language macros for the IBM 704 became the primitive operations for decomposing lists: car (Contents of the Address part of Register number) and cdr (Contents of the Decrement part of Register number). From the context, it is clear that the term "Register" is used here to mean "Memory Register", nowadays called "Memory Location". Lisp dialects still use car and cdr (pron.: /ˈkɑr/ and /ˈkʊdər/) for the operations that return the first item in a list and the rest of the list respectively.
-The first complete Lisp compiler, written in Lisp, was implemented in 1962 by Tim Hart and Mike Levin at MIT. This compiler introduced the Lisp model of incremental compilation, in which compiled and interpreted functions can intermix freely. The language used in Hart and Levin's memo is much closer to modern Lisp style than McCarthy's earlier code.
-Lisp was a difficult system to implement with the compiler techniques and stock hardware of the 1970s. Garbage collection routines, developed by then-MIT graduate student Daniel Edwards, made it practical to run Lisp on general-purpose computing systems, but efficiency was still a problem.[citation needed] This led to the creation of Lisp machines: dedicated hardware for running Lisp environments and programs. Advances in both computer hardware and compiler technology soon made Lisp machines obsolete.[citation needed]
-During the 1980s and 1990s, a great effort was made to unify the work on new Lisp dialects (mostly successors to Maclisp like ZetaLisp and NIL (New Implementation of Lisp)) into a single language. The new language, Common Lisp, was somewhat compatible with the dialects it replaced (the book Common Lisp the Language notes the compatibility of various constructs). In 1994, ANSI published the Common Lisp standard, "ANSI X3.226-1994 Information Technology Programming Language Common Lisp."
-Connection to artificial intelligence
-Since its inception, Lisp was closely connected with the artificial intelligence research community, especially on PDP-10 systems. Lisp was used as the implementation of the programming language Micro Planner which was used in the famous AI system SHRDLU. In the 1970s, as AI research spawned commercial offshoots, the performance of existing Lisp systems became a growing issue.[citation needed]
-Genealogy and variants
-Over its fifty-year history, Lisp has spawned many variations on the core theme of an S-expression language. Moreover, each given dialect may have several implementations—for instance, there are more than a dozen implementations of Common Lisp.
-Differences between dialects may be quite visible—for instance, Common Lisp uses the keyword defun to name a function, but Scheme uses define. Within a dialect that is standardized, however, conforming implementations support the same core language, but with different extensions and libraries.
-Historically significant dialects
-LISP 1 – First implementation.
-LISP 1.5 – First widely distributed version, developed by McCarthy and others at MIT. So named because it contained several improvements on the original "LISP 1" interpreter, but was not a major restructuring as the planned LISP 2 would be.
-Stanford LISP 1.6 – This was a successor to LISP 1.5 developed at the Stanford AI Lab, and widely distributed to PDP-10 systems running the TOPS-10 operating system. It was rendered obsolete by Maclisp and InterLisp.
-MACLISP – developed for MIT's Project MAC (no relation to Apple's Macintosh, nor to McCarthy), direct descendant of LISP 1.5. It ran on the PDP-10 and Multics systems. (MACLISP would later come to be called Maclisp, and is often referred to as MacLisp.)
-InterLisp – developed at BBN Technologies for PDP-10 systems running the Tenex operating system, later adopted as a "West coast" Lisp for the Xerox Lisp machines as InterLisp-D. A small version called "InterLISP 65" was published for Atari's 6502-based computer line. For quite some time Maclisp and InterLisp were strong competitors.
-Franz Lisp – originally a Berkeley project; later developed by Franz Inc. The name is a humorous deformation of the name "Franz Liszt", and does not refer to Allegro Common Lisp, the dialect of Common Lisp sold by Franz Inc., in more recent years.
-XLISP, which AutoLISP was based on.
-Standard Lisp and Portable Standard Lisp were widely used and ported, especially with the Computer Algebra System REDUCE.
-ZetaLisp, also known as Lisp Machine Lisp – used on the Lisp machines, direct descendant of Maclisp. ZetaLisp had big influence on Common Lisp.
-LeLisp is a French Lisp dialect. One of the first Interface Builders was written in LeLisp.
-Common Lisp (1984), as described by Common Lisp the Language – a consolidation of several divergent attempts (ZetaLisp, Spice Lisp, NIL, and S-1 Lisp) to create successor dialects to Maclisp, with substantive influences from the Scheme dialect as well. This version of Common Lisp was available for wide-ranging platforms and was accepted by many as a de facto standard until the publication of ANSI Common Lisp (ANSI X3.226-1994).
-Dylan was in its first version a mix of Scheme with the Common Lisp Object System.
-EuLisp – attempt to develop a new efficient and cleaned-up Lisp.
-ISLISP – attempt to develop a new efficient and cleaned-up Lisp. Standardized as ISO/IEC 13816:1997 and later revised as ISO/IEC 13816:2007:Information technology – Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces – Programming language ISLISP.
-IEEE Scheme – IEEE standard, 1178–1990 (R1995)
-ANSI Common Lisp – an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for Common Lisp, created by subcommittee X3J13, chartered to begin with Common Lisp: The Language as a base document and to work through a public consensus process to find solutions to shared issues of portability of programs and compatibility of Common Lisp implementations. Although formally an ANSI standard, the implementation, sale, use, and influence of ANSI Common Lisp has been and continues to be seen worldwide.
-ACL2 or "A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp", an applicative (side-effect free) variant of Common LISP. ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer systems and a tool to help proving properties of those models.
-Since 2000
-After having declined somewhat in the 1990s, Lisp has recently experienced a resurgence of interest. Most new activity is focused around open source implementations of Common Lisp, and includes the development of new portable libraries and applications. A new print edition of Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel, a tutorial for new Lisp programmers, was published in 2005.
-Many new Lisp programmers were inspired by writers such as Paul Graham and Eric S. Raymond to pursue a language others considered antiquated. New Lisp programmers often describe the language as an eye-opening experience and claim to be substantially more productive than in other languages. This increase in awareness may be contrasted to the "AI winter" and Lisp's brief gain in the mid-1990s.
-Dan Weinreb lists in his survey of Common Lisp implementations eleven actively maintained Common Lisp implementations. Scieneer Common Lisp is a new commercial implementation forked from CMUCL with a first release in 2002.
-The open source community has created new supporting infrastructure: CLiki is a wiki that collects Common Lisp related information, the Common Lisp directory lists resources, #lisp is a popular IRC channel (with support by a Lisp-written Bot), lisppaste supports the sharing and commenting of code snippets, Planet Lisp collects the contents of various Lisp-related blogs, on LispForum users discuss Lisp topics, Lispjobs is a service for announcing job offers and there is a weekly news service, Weekly Lisp News. Common-lisp.net is a hosting site for open source Common Lisp projects.
-50 years of Lisp (1958–2008) has been celebrated at LISP50@OOPSLA. There are regular local user meetings in Boston, Vancouver, and Hamburg. Other events include the European Common Lisp Meeting, the European Lisp Symposium and an International Lisp Conference.
-The Scheme community actively maintains over twenty implementations. Several significant new implementations (Chicken, Gambit, Gauche, Ikarus, Larceny, Ypsilon) have been developed in the last few years. The Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme standard of Scheme was widely accepted in the Scheme community. The Scheme Requests for Implementation process has created a lot of quasi standard libraries and extensions for Scheme. User communities of individual Scheme implementations continue to grow. A new language standardization process was started in 2003 and led to the R6RS Scheme standard in 2007. Academic use of Scheme for teaching computer science seems to have declined somewhat. Some universities are no longer using Scheme in their computer science introductory courses.[citation needed]
-There are several new dialects of Lisp: Arc, Nu, and Clojure.
-Major dialects
-The two major dialects of Lisp used for general-purpose programming today are Common Lisp and Scheme. These languages represent significantly different design choices.
-Common Lisp is a successor to MacLisp. The primary influences were Lisp Machine Lisp, MacLisp, NIL, S-1 Lisp, Spice Lisp, and Scheme. It has many of the features of Lisp Machine Lisp (a large Lisp dialect used to program Lisp Machines), but was designed to be efficiently implementable on any personal computer or workstation. Common Lisp has a large language standard including many built-in data types, functions, macros and other language elements, as well as an object system (Common Lisp Object System or shorter CLOS). Common Lisp also borrowed certain features from Scheme such as lexical scoping and lexical closures.
-Scheme (designed earlier) is a more minimalist design, with a much smaller set of standard features but with certain implementation features (such as tail-call optimization and full continuations) not necessarily found in Common Lisp.
-Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive dialect of the Lisp programming language invented by Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman. It was designed to have exceptionally clear and simple semantics and few different ways to form expressions. A wide variety of programming paradigms, including imperative, functional, and message passing styles, find convenient expression in Scheme. Scheme continues to evolve with a series of standards (Revisedn Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme) and a series of Scheme Requests for Implementation.
-Clojure is a recent dialect of Lisp that principally targets the Java Virtual Machine, as well as the CLR, the Python VM, and compiling to JavaScript. It is designed to be a pragmatic general-purpose language. Clojure draws considerable influences from Haskell and places a very strong emphasis on immutability. Clojure is a compiled language, as it compiles directly to JVM bytecode, yet remains completely dynamic. Every feature supported by Clojure is supported at runtime. Clojure provides access to Java frameworks and libraries, with optional type hints and type inference, so that calls to Java can avoid reflection and enable fast primitive operations.
-In addition, Lisp dialects are used as scripting languages in a number of applications, with the most well-known being Emacs Lisp in the Emacs editor, AutoLisp and later Visual Lisp in AutoCAD, Nyquist in Audacity. The small size of a minimal but useful Scheme interpreter makes it particularly popular for embedded scripting. Examples include SIOD and TinyScheme, both of which have been successfully embedded in the GIMP image processor under the generic name "Script-fu". LIBREP, a Lisp interpreter by John Harper originally based on the Emacs Lisp language, has been embedded in the Sawfish window manager. The Guile interpreter is used in GnuCash. Within GCC, the MELT plugin provides a Lisp-y dialect, translated into C, to extend the compiler by coding additional passes (in MELT).
-Language innovations
-Lisp was the first homoiconic programming language: the primary representation of program code is the same type of list structure that is also used for the main data structures. As a result, Lisp functions can be manipulated, altered or even created within a Lisp program without extensive parsing or manipulation of binary machine code. This is generally considered one of the primary advantages of the language with regard to its expressive power, and makes the language amenable to metacircular evaluation.
-The ubiquitous if-then-else structure, now taken for granted as an essential element of any programming language, was invented by McCarthy for use in Lisp, where it saw its first appearance in a more general form (the cond structure). It was inherited by ALGOL, which popularized it.
-Lisp deeply influenced Alan Kay, the leader of the research on Smalltalk, and then in turn Lisp was influenced by Smalltalk, by adopting object-oriented programming features (classes, instances, etc.) in the late 1970s. The Flavours object system (later CLOS) introduced multiple inheritance.
-Lisp introduced the concept of automatic garbage collection, in which the system walks the heap looking for unused memory. Most of the modern sophisticated garbage collection algorithms such as generational garbage collection were developed for Lisp.
-Largely because of its resource requirements with respect to early computing hardware (including early microprocessors), Lisp did not become as popular outside of the AI community as Fortran and the ALGOL-descended C language. Newer languages such as Java and Python have incorporated some limited versions of some of the features of Lisp, but are necessarily unable to bring the coherence and synergy of the full concepts found in Lisp. Because of its suitability to complex and dynamic applications, Lisp is currently enjoying some resurgence of popular interest.
-Syntax and semantics
-Note: This article's examples are written in Common Lisp (though most are also valid in Scheme).
-Symbolic expressions (S-expressions)
-Lisp is an expression-oriented language. Unlike most other languages, no distinction is made between "expressions" and "statements"; all code and data are written as expressions. When an expression is evaluated, it produces a value (in Common Lisp, possibly multiple values), which then can be embedded into other expressions. Each value can be any data type.
-McCarthy's 1958 paper introduced two types of syntax: S-expressions (Symbolic expressions, also called "sexps"), which mirror the internal representation of code and data; and M-expressions (Meta Expressions), which express functions of S-expressions. M-expressions never found favor, and almost all Lisps today use S-expressions to manipulate both code and data.
-The use of parentheses is Lisp's most immediately obvious difference from other programming language families. As a result, students have long given Lisp nicknames such as Lost In Stupid Parentheses, or Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses. However, the S-expression syntax is also responsible for much of Lisp's power: the syntax is extremely regular, which facilitates manipulation by computer. However, the syntax of Lisp is not limited to traditional parentheses notation. It can be extended to include alternative notations. XMLisp, for instance, is a Common Lisp extension that employs the metaobject-protocol to integrate S-expressions with the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
-The reliance on expressions gives the language great flexibility. Because Lisp functions are themselves written as lists, they can be processed exactly like data. This allows easy writing of programs which manipulate other programs (metaprogramming). Many Lisp dialects exploit this feature using macro systems, which enables extension of the language almost without limit.
-A Lisp list is written with its elements separated by whitespace, and surrounded by parentheses. For example, (1 2 foo) is a list whose elements are three atoms: the values 1, 2, and foo. These values are implicitly typed: they are respectively two integers and a Lisp-specific data type called a "symbolic atoms", and do not have to be declared as such.
-The empty list () is also represented as the special atom nil. This is the only entity in Lisp which is both an atom and a list.
-Expressions are written as lists, using prefix notation. The first element in the list is the name of a form, i.e., a function, operator, macro, or "special operator" (see below.) The remainder of the list are the arguments. For example, the function list returns its arguments as a list, so the expression
-evaluates to the list (1 2 foo). The "quote" before the arguments in the preceding example is a "special operator" which prevents the quoted arguments from being evaluated (not strictly necessary for the numbers, since 1 evaluates to 1, etc.). Any unquoted expressions are recursively evaluated before the enclosing expression is evaluated. For example,
-evaluates to the list (1 2 (3 4)). Note that the third argument is a list; lists can be nested.
-Arithmetic operators are treated similarly. The expression
-evaluates to 10. The equivalent under infix notation would be "1 + 2 + 3 + 4". Arithmetic operators in Lisp are variadic (or n-ary), able to take any number of arguments.
-"Special operators" (sometimes called "special forms") provide Lisp's control structure. For example, the special operator if takes three arguments. If the first argument is non-nil, it evaluates to the second argument; otherwise, it evaluates to the third argument. Thus, the expression
-evaluates to (3 4 "bar"). Of course, this would be more useful if a non-trivial expression had been substituted in place of nil.
-Lambda expressions
-Another special operator, lambda, is used to bind variables to values which are then evaluated within an expression. This operator is also used to create functions: the arguments to lambda are a list of arguments, and the expression or expressions to which the function evaluates (the returned value is the value of the last expression that is evaluated). The expression
-evaluates to a function that, when applied, takes one argument, binds it to arg and returns the number one greater than that argument. Lambda expressions are treated no differently from named functions; they are invoked the same way. Therefore, the expression
-evaluates to 6.
-In the original LISP there were two fundamental data types: atoms and lists. A list was a finite ordered sequence of elements, where each element is in itself either an atom or a list, and an atom was a number or a symbol. A symbol was essentially a unique named item, written as an Alphanumeric string in source code, and used either as a variable name or as a data item in symbolic processing. For example, the list (FOO (BAR 1) 2) contains three elements: the symbol FOO, the list (BAR 1), and the number 2.
-The essential difference between atoms and lists was that atoms were immutable and unique. Two atoms that appeared in different places in source code but were written in exactly the same way represented the same object[citation needed], whereas each list was a separate object that could be altered independently of other lists and could be distinguished from other lists by comparison operators.
-As more data types were introduced in later Lisp dialects, and programming styles evolved, the concept of an atom lost importance.[citation needed] Many dialects still retained the predicate atom for legacy compatibility[citation needed], defining it true for any object which is not a cons.
-Conses and lists
-A Lisp list is a singly linked list. Each cell of this list is called a cons (in Scheme, a pair), and is composed of two pointers, called the car and cdr. These are equivalent to the data and next fields discussed in the article linked list, respectively.
-Of the many data structures that can be built out of cons cells, one of the most basic is called a proper list. A proper list is either the special nil (empty list) symbol, or a cons in which the car points to a datum (which may be another cons structure, such as a list), and the cdr points to another proper list.
-If a given cons is taken to be the head of a linked list, then its car points to the first element of the list, and its cdr points to the rest of the list. For this reason, the car and cdr functions are also called first and rest when referring to conses which are part of a linked list (rather than, say, a tree).
-Thus, a Lisp list is not an atomic object, as an instance of a container class in C++ or Java would be. A list is nothing more than an aggregate of linked conses. A variable which refers to a given list is simply a pointer to the first cons in the list. Traversal of a list can be done by "cdring down" the list; that is, taking successive cdrs to visit each cons of the list; or by using any of a number of higher-order functions to map a function over a list.
-Because conses and lists are so universal in Lisp systems, it is a common misconception that they are Lisp's only data structures. In fact, all but the most simplistic Lisps have other data structures – such as vectors (arrays), hash tables, structures, and so forth.
-S-expressions represent lists
-Parenthesized S-expressions represent linked list structures. There are several ways to represent the same list as an S-expression. A cons can be written in dotted-pair notation as (a . b), where a is the car and b the cdr. A longer proper list might be written (a . (b . (c . (d . nil)))) in dotted-pair notation. This is conventionally abbreviated as (a b c d) in list notation. An improper list may be written in a combination of the two – as (a b c . d) for the list of three conses whose last cdr is d (i.e., the list (a . (b . (c . d))) in fully specified form).
-List-processing procedures
-Lisp provides many built-in procedures for accessing and controlling lists. Lists can be created directly with the list procedure, which takes any number of arguments, and returns the list of these arguments.
-Because of the way that lists are constructed from cons pairs, the [[cons]] procedure can be used to add an element to the front of a list. Note that the cons procedure is asymmetric in how it handles list arguments, because of how lists are constructed.
-The [[append]] procedure appends two (or more) lists to one another. Because Lisp lists are linked lists, appending two lists has asymptotic time complexity [O(n)]
-Shared structure
-Lisp lists, being simple linked lists, can share structure with one another. That is to say, two lists can have the same tail, or final sequence of conses. For instance, after the execution of the following Common Lisp code:
-the lists foo and bar are (a b c) and (x b c) respectively. However, the tail (b c) is the same structure in both lists. It is not a copy; the cons cells pointing to b and c are in the same memory locations for both lists.
-Sharing structure rather than copying can give a dramatic performance improvement. However, this technique can interact in undesired ways with functions that alter lists passed to them as arguments. Altering one list, such as by replacing the c with a goose, will affect the other:
-This changes foo to (a b goose), but thereby also changes bar to (x b goose) – a possibly unexpected result. This can be a source of bugs, and functions which alter their arguments are documented as destructive for this very reason.
-Aficionados of functional programming avoid destructive functions. In the Scheme dialect, which favors the functional style, the names of destructive functions are marked with a cautionary exclamation point, or "bang"—such as set-car! (read set car bang), which replaces the car of a cons. In the Common Lisp dialect, destructive functions are commonplace; the equivalent of set-car! is named rplaca for "replace car." This function is rarely seen however as Common Lisp includes a special facility, setf, to make it easier to define and use destructive functions. A frequent style in Common Lisp is to write code functionally (without destructive calls) when prototyping, then to add destructive calls as an optimization where it is safe to do so.
-Self-evaluating forms and quoting
-Lisp evaluates expressions which are entered by the user. Symbols and lists evaluate to some other (usually, simpler) expression – for instance, a symbol evaluates to the value of the variable it names; (+ 2 3) evaluates to 5. However, most other forms evaluate to themselves: if you enter 5 into Lisp, it returns 5.
-Any expression can also be marked to prevent it from being evaluated (as is necessary for symbols and lists). This is the role of the quote special operator, or its abbreviation ' (a single quotation mark). For instance, usually if you enter the symbol foo you will get back the value of the corresponding variable (or an error, if there is no such variable). If you wish to refer to the literal symbol, you enter (quote foo) or, usually, 'foo.
-Both Common Lisp and Scheme also support the backquote operator (known as quasiquote in Scheme), entered with the ` character. This is almost the same as the plain quote, except it allows expressions to be evaluated and their values interpolated into a quoted list with the comma and comma-at operators. If the variable snue has the value (bar baz) then `(foo ,snue) evaluates to (foo (bar baz)), while `(foo ,@snue) evaluates to (foo bar baz). The backquote is most frequently used in defining macro expansions.
-Self-evaluating forms and quoted forms are Lisp's equivalent of literals. It may be possible to modify the values of (mutable) literals in program code. For instance, if a function returns a quoted form, and the code that calls the function modifies the form, this may alter the behavior of the function on subsequent iterations.
-Modifying a quoted form like this is generally considered bad style, and is defined by ANSI Common Lisp as erroneous (resulting in "undefined" behavior in compiled files, because the file-compiler can coalesce similar constants, put them in write-protected memory, etc.).
-Lisp's formalization of quotation has been noted by Douglas Hofstadter (in Gödel, Escher, Bach) and others as an example of the philosophical idea of self-reference.
-Scope and closure
-The modern Lisp family splits over the use of dynamic or static (aka lexical) scope. Clojure, Common Lisp and Scheme make use of static scoping by default, while Newlisp, Picolisp and the embedded languages in Emacs and AutoCAD use dynamic scoping.
-List structure of program code; exploitation by macros and compilers
-A fundamental distinction between Lisp and other languages is that in Lisp, the textual representation of a program is simply a human-readable description of the same internal data structures (linked lists, symbols, number, characters, etc.) as would be used by the underlying Lisp system.
-Lisp uses this to implement a very powerful macro system. Like other macro languages such as C, a macro returns code that can then be compiled. However, unlike C macros, the macros are Lisp functions and so can exploit the full power of Lisp.
-Further, because Lisp code has the same structure as lists, macros can be built with any of the list-processing functions in the language. In short, anything that Lisp can do to a data structure, Lisp macros can do to code. In contrast, in most other languages, the parser's output is purely internal to the language implementation and cannot be manipulated by the programmer.
-This feature makes it easy to develop efficient languages within languages. For example, the Common Lisp Object System can be implemented cleanly as a language extension using macros. This means that if an application requires a different inheritance mechanism, it can use a different object system. This is in stark contrast to most other languages; for example, Java does not support multiple inheritance and there is no reasonable way to add it.
-In simplistic Lisp implementations, this list structure is directly interpreted to run the program; a function is literally a piece of list structure which is traversed by the interpreter in executing it. However, most substantial Lisp systems also include a compiler. The compiler translates list structure into machine code or bytecode for execution. This code can run as fast as code compiled in conventional languages such as C.
-Macros expand before the compilation step, and thus offer some interesting options. If a program needs a precomputed table, then a macro might create the table at compile time, so the compiler need only output the table and need not call code to create the table at run time. Some Lisp implementations even have a mechanism, eval-when, that allows code to be present during compile time (when a macro would need it), but not present in the emitted module.
-Evaluation and the read–eval–print loop
-Lisp languages are frequently used with an interactive command line, which may be combined with an integrated development environment. The user types in expressions at the command line, or directs the IDE to transmit them to the Lisp system. Lisp reads the entered expressions, evaluates them, and prints the result. For this reason, the Lisp command line is called a "read–eval–print loop", or REPL.
-The basic operation of the REPL is as follows. This is a simplistic description which omits many elements of a real Lisp, such as quoting and macros.
-The read function accepts textual S-expressions as input, and parses them into an internal data structure. For instance, if you type the text (+ 1 2) at the prompt, read translates this into a linked list with three elements: the symbol +, the number 1, and the number 2. It so happens that this list is also a valid piece of Lisp code; that is, it can be evaluated. This is because the car of the list names a function—the addition operation.
-Note that a foo will be read as a single symbol. 123 will be read as the number 123. "123" will be read as the string "123".
-The eval function evaluates the data, returning zero or more other Lisp data as a result. Evaluation does not have to mean interpretation; some Lisp systems compile every expression to native machine code. It is simple, however, to describe evaluation as interpretation: To evaluate a list whose car names a function, eval first evaluates each of the arguments given in its cdr, then applies the function to the arguments. In this case, the function is addition, and applying it to the argument list (1 2) yields the answer 3. This is the result of the evaluation.
-The symbol foo evaluates to the value of the symbol foo. Data like the string "123" evaluates to the same string. The list (quote (1 2 3)) evaluates to the list (1 2 3).
-It is the job of the print function to represent output to the user. For a simple result such as 3 this is trivial. An expression which evaluated to a piece of list structure would require that print traverse the list and print it out as an S-expression.
-To implement a Lisp REPL, it is necessary only to implement these three functions and an infinite-loop function. (Naturally, the implementation of eval will be complicated, since it must also implement all special operators like if or lambda.) This done, a basic REPL itself is but a single line of code: (loop (print (eval (read)))).
-The Lisp REPL typically also provides input editing, an input history, error handling and an interface to the debugger.
-Lisp is usually evaluated eagerly. In Common Lisp, arguments are evaluated in applicative order ('leftmost innermost'), while in Scheme order of arguments is undefined, leaving room for optimization by a compiler.
-Control structures
-Lisp originally had very few control structures, but many more were added during the language's evolution. (Lisp's original conditional operator, cond, is the precursor to later if-then-else structures.)
-Programmers in the Scheme dialect often express loops using tail recursion. Scheme's commonality in academic computer science has led some students to believe that tail recursion is the only, or the most common, way to write iterations in Lisp, but this is incorrect. All frequently seen Lisp dialects have imperative-style iteration constructs, from Scheme's do loop to Common Lisp's complex loop expressions. Moreover, the key issue that makes this an objective rather than subjective matter is that Scheme makes specific requirements for the handling of tail calls, and consequently the reason that the use of tail recursion is generally encouraged for Scheme is that the practice is expressly supported by the language definition itself. By contrast, ANSI Common Lisp does not require the optimization commonly referred to as tail call elimination. Consequently, the fact that tail recursive style as a casual replacement for the use of more traditional iteration constructs (such as do, dolist or loop) is discouraged in Common Lisp is not just a matter of stylistic preference, but potentially one of efficiency (since an apparent tail call in Common Lisp may not compile as a simple jump) and program correctness (since tail recursion may increase stack use in Common Lisp, risking stack overflow).
-Some Lisp control structures are special operators, equivalent to other languages' syntactic keywords. Expressions using these operators have the same surface appearance as function calls, but differ in that the arguments are not necessarily evaluated—or, in the case of an iteration expression, may be evaluated more than once.
-In contrast to most other major programming languages, Lisp allows the programmer to implement control structures using the language itself. Several control structures are implemented as Lisp macros, and can even be macro-expanded by the programmer who wants to know how they work.
-Both Common Lisp and Scheme have operators for non-local control flow. The differences in these operators are some of the deepest differences between the two dialects. Scheme supports re-entrant continuations using the call/cc procedure, which allows a program to save (and later restore) a particular place in execution. Common Lisp does not support re-entrant continuations, but does support several ways of handling escape continuations.
-Frequently, the same algorithm can be expressed in Lisp in either an imperative or a functional style. As noted above, Scheme tends to favor the functional style, using tail recursion and continuations to express control flow. However, imperative style is still quite possible. The style preferred by many Common Lisp programmers may seem more familiar to programmers used to structured languages such as C, while that preferred by Schemers more closely resembles pure-functional languages such as Haskell.
-Because of Lisp's early heritage in list processing, it has a wide array of higher-order functions relating to iteration over sequences. In many cases where an explicit loop would be needed in other languages (like a for loop in C) in Lisp the same task can be accomplished with a higher-order function. (The same is true of many functional programming languages.)
-A good example is a function which in Scheme is called map and in Common Lisp is called mapcar. Given a function and one or more lists, mapcar applies the function successively to the lists' elements in order, collecting the results in a new list:
-This applies the + function to each corresponding pair of list elements, yielding the result (11 22 33 44 55).
-Here are examples of Common Lisp code.
-The basic "Hello world" program:
-Lisp syntax lends itself naturally to recursion. Mathematical problems such as the enumeration of recursively defined sets are simple to express in this notation.
-Evaluate a number's factorial:
-An alternative implementation, often faster than the previous version if the Lisp system has tail recursion optimization:
-Contrast with an iterative version which uses Common Lisp's loop macro:
-The following function reverses a list. (Lisp's built-in reverse function does the same thing.)
-Object systems
-Various object systems and models have been built on top of, alongside, or into Lisp, including:
-The Common Lisp Object System, CLOS, is an integral part of ANSI Common Lisp. CLOS descended from New Flavors and CommonLOOPS. ANSI Common Lisp was the first standardized object-oriented programming language (1994, ANSI X3J13).
-ObjectLisp or Object Lisp, used by Lisp Machines Incorporated and early versions of Macintosh Common Lisp
-LOOPS (Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System) and the later CommonLOOPS
-Flavors, built at MIT, and its descendant New Flavors (developed by Symbolics).
-KR (short for Knowledge Representation), a constraints-based object system developed to aid the writing of Garnet, a GUI library for Common Lisp.
-KEE used an object system called UNITS and integrated it with an inference engine and a truth maintenance system (ATMS).
-See also
-P convention
-Further reading
-External links
-History of Lisp – John McCarthy's history of 12 February 1979
-Lisp History – Herbert Stoyan's history compiled from the documents (acknowledged by McCarthy as more complete than his own, see: McCarthy's history links)
-History of LISP at the Computer History Museum
-Associations and meetings
-Association of Lisp Users
-European Common Lisp Meeting
-European Lisp Symposium
-International Lisp Conference
-Books and tutorials
-Casting SPELs in Lisp, a comic-book style introductory tutorial
-On Lisp, a free book by Paul Graham
-Practical Common Lisp, freeware edition by Peter Seibel
-Oral history interview with John McCarthy at Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. McCarthy discusses his role in the development of time-sharing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also describes his work in artificial intelligence (AI) funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, including logic-based AI (LISP) and robotics.
-Interview with Richard P. Gabriel (Podcast)
-CLiki: the common lisp wiki
-Common Lisp directory
-Lisp FAQ Index
-Planet Lisp
-Weekly Lisp News
-Lisp at the Open Directory Project
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-Orion (constellation)
-Orion, sometimes subtitled The Hunter, is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous, and most recognizable constellations in the night sky. Its name refers to Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology. Its brightest stars are Beta (Rigel) and Alpha (Betelgeuse), a blue-white and red supergiant respectively. Many other of the brightest stars in the constellation are hot blue supergiant stars.
-In artistic renderings, the surrounding constellations are sometimes related to Orion: he is depicted standing next to the river Eridanus with his two hunting dogs Canis Major and Canis Minor, fighting Taurus the bull. He is sometimes depicted hunting Lepus the hare. He also sometimes is depicted to have a lion's hide in his hand.
-There are alternative ways to visualise Orion. From the Southern Hemisphere, Orion is oriented south-upward, and the belt and sword are sometimes called the saucepan or pot in Australia and New Zealand. Orion's Belt is called Drie Konings (Three Kings) or the Drie Susters (Three Sisters) by Afrikaans speakers in South Africa and are referred to as les Trois Rois (the Three Kings) in Daudet's Lettres de Mon Moulin (1866). The appellation Driekoningen (the Three Kings) is also often found in 17th- and 18th-century Dutch star charts and seaman's guides. The same three stars are known in Spain and Latin America as "Las Tres MarÃas".
-Orion can be easily seen in the night sky from November to February of each year – late autumn to winter in the Northern Hemisphere, late spring to summer in the Southern Hemisphere. In the tropics (less than about 8° from the equator) the constellation transits at the zenith.
-In the period May–July (summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern Hemisphere) Orion is in the daytime sky and thus not visible at most latitudes. However for much of Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere's winter months, the Sun is below the horizon even at midday. Stars (and thus Orion) are then visible at twilight for a few hours around local noon, low in the North. At the same time of day at the South Pole itself (Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station), Rigel is only 8° above the horizon and the Belt sweeps just along it. In the Southern Hemisphere's summer months, when Orion is normally visible in the night sky, the constellation is actually not visible in Antarctica because the sun does not set at that time of year south of the Antarctic Circle.
-In countries close to the equator (e.g. Kenya, Indonesia, Colombia, Ecuador) Orion appears overhead in December around midnight and in the February evening sky.
-Navigational aid
-Orion is very useful as an aid to locating other stars. By extending the line of the Belt southeastward, Sirius (α CMa) can be found; northwestward, Aldebaran (α Tau). A line eastward across the two shoulders indicates the direction of Procyon (α CMi). A line from Rigel through Betelgeuse points to Castor and Pollux (α Gem and β Gem). Additionally, Rigel is part of the Winter Circle. Sirius and Procyon, which may be located from Orion by following imaginary lines (see map), also are points in both the Winter Triangle and the Circle.
-Notable features
-Orion's seven brightest stars form a distinctive hourglass-shaped asterism, or pattern, in the night sky. Four stars—Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix and Saiph—form a large roughly rectangular shape, in the centre of which lie the three stars of Orion's Belt—Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Descending from the 'belt' is a smaller line of three stars (the middle of which is in fact not a star but the Orion Nebula), known as the hunter's 'sword'.
-Many of the stars are luminous hot blue supergiants, with the stars of the belt and sword forming the Orion OB1 Association. Standing out by its red hue, Betelgeuse may nevertheless be a runaway member of the same group.
-Betelgeuse, known alternatively by its Bayer designation Alpha Orionis, is a massive M-type red supergiant star nearing the end of its life. When it explodes it will even be visible during the day. It is the second brightest star in Orion, and is a semiregular variable star. It serves as the "right shoulder" of the hunter it represents (assuming that he is facing the observer), and is the eighth brightest star in the night sky.
-Rigel, which is also known as Beta Orionis, is a B-type blue supergiant that is the sixth brightest star in the night sky. Similar to Betelgeuse, Rigel is fusing heavy elements in its core and will pass its supergiant stage soon (on an astronomical timescale), either collapsing in the case of a supernova or shedding its outer layers and turning into a white dwarf. It serves as the left foot of Orion, the hunter.
-Bellatrix was designated Gamma Orionis by Johann Bayer, but is known colloquially as the "Amazon Star". It is the twenty-seventh brightest star in the night sky. Bellatrix is considered a B-type blue giant, though it is too small to explode in a supernova. Bellatrix's luminosity is derived from its high temperature rather than its radius, a factor that defines Betelgeuse. Bellatrix serves as Orion's left shoulder.
-Mintaka garnered the name Delta Orionis from Bayer, even though it is the faintest of the three stars in Orion's Belt. It is a multiple star system, composed of a large B-type blue giant and a more massive O-type white star. The Mintaka system constitutes an eclipsing binary variable star, where the eclipse of one star over the other creates a dip in brightness. Mintaka is the westernmost of the three stars of Orion's Belt.
-Alnilam was named Epsilon Orionis, a consequence of Bayer's wish to name the three stars in Orion's Belt (from north to south) in alphabetical order. Alnilam is a B-type blue supergiant; despite being nearly twice as far from the Sun as Mintaka and Alnitak, the other two belt stars, its luminosity makes it nearly equal in magnitude. Alnilam is losing mass quickly, a consequence of its size; it is approximately four million years old.
-Alnitak was designated Zeta Orionis by Bayer, and is the easternmost star in Orion's Belt. It is a triple star some 800 light years distant, with the primary star being a hot blue supergiant and the brightest class O star in the night sky.
-Saiph was designated Kappa Orionis by Bayer, and serves as Orion's right foot. It is of a similar distance and size to Rigel, but appears much fainter, as its hot surface temperature (46,000°F or 26,000°C) causes it to emit most of its light in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.
-Of the lesser stars, Hatsya (or Iota Orionis) forms the tip of Orion's sword, whilst Meissa (or Lambda Orionis) forms Orion's head. In common with many other bright stars, the names Betelgeuse, Rigel, Saiph, Alnitak, Mintaka, Alnilam, Hatsya, and Meissa originate from the Arabic language.
-Orion's Belt or The Belt of Orion is an asterism within the constellation. It consists of the three bright stars ζ Ori (Alnitak), ε Ori (Alnilam), and δ Ori (Mintaka). Alnitak is approximately 800 light years away from earth and, including ultraviolet radiation, which the human eye cannot see, Alnitak is 100,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Alnilam is approximately 1340 light years away from Earth, shines with magnitude 1.70, and with ultraviolet light is 375,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Mintaka is 915 light years away and shines with magnitude 2.21. It is 90,000 times more luminous than the Sun and is a double star: the two orbit each other every 5.73 days. Looking for Orion's Belt in the night sky is the easiest way to locate the constellation. In the Northern Hemisphere, Orion's Belt is best visible in the night sky during the month of January around 9:00 pm, when it is approximately around the local meridian.
-Just southwest of Alnitak lies Sigma Orionis, a multiple star system composed of five stars which have a combined apparent magnitude of 3.7, and lying 1150 light years distant. Southwest of Mintaka lies the quadruple star Eta Orionis.
-Three stars compose a small triangle which mark the head. The apex is marked by Meissa (Lambda Orionis), a hot blue giant of spectral type O8 III and apparent magnitude 3.54 which lies some 1100 light years distant. Phi-1 and Phi-2 Orionis make up the base. Also nearby is the very young star FU Orionis.
-Stretching north from Betelgeuse are the stars that make up Orion's club. Mu Orionis marks the elbow, Nu and Xi mark the handle of the club, and Chi1 and Chi2 mark the end of the club. Just east of Chi1 is the Mira-type variable red gaint U Orionis.
-West from Bellatrix lie six stars all designated Pi Orionis (π1 Ori,π2 Ori, π3 Ori, π4 Ori, π5 Ori and π6 Ori) which make up Orion's shield.
-Meteor showers
-Around 20 October each year the Orionid meteor shower (Orionids) reaches its peak. Coming from the border with the constellation Gemini as many as 20 meteors per hour can be seen. The shower's parent body is Halley's Comet.
-Deep-sky objects
-Hanging from Orion's belt is his sword, consisting of the multiple stars θ1 and θ2 Orionis, called the Trapezium and the Orion Nebula (M42). This is a spectacular object that can be clearly identified with the naked eye as something other than a star. Using binoculars, its clouds of nascent stars, luminous gas, and dust can be observed. The Trapezium cluster has many newborn stars, including several brown dwarfs, all of which are at an approximate distance of 1,500 light-years. Named for the four bright stars that form a trapezoid, it is largely illuminated by the brightest stars, which are only a few hundred thousand years old. Observations by the Chandra X-ray Observatory show both the extreme temperatures of the main stars—up to 60,000 Kelvin—and the star forming regions still extant in the surrounding nebula.
-M78 (NGC 2068) is a nebula in Orion. With an overall magnitude of 8.0, it is significantly dimmer than the Great Orion Nebula that lies to its south; however, it is at approximately the same distance, at 1600 light-years from Earth. It can easily be mistaken for a comet in the eyepiece of a telescope. M78 is associated with the variable star V351 Orionis, whose magnitude changes are visible in very short periods of time. Another fairly bright nebula in Orion is NGC 1999, also close to the Great Orion Nebula. It has an integrated magnitude of 10.5 and is 1500 light-years from Earth. The variable star V380 Orionis is embedded in NGC 1999.
-Another famous nebula is IC 434, the Horsehead Nebula, near ζ Orionis. It contains a dark dust cloud whose shape gives the nebula its name.
-Besides these nebulae, surveying Orion with a small telescope will reveal a wealth of interesting deep-sky objects, including M43, M78, as well as multiple stars including Iota Orionis and Sigma Orionis. A larger telescope may reveal objects such as Barnard's Loop and the Flame Nebula (NGC 2024), as well as fainter and tighter multiple stars and nebulae.
-All of these nebulae are part of the larger Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, which is located approximately 1,500 light-years away and is hundreds of light-years across. It is one of the most intense regions of stellar formation visible in our galaxy.
-Cultural significance
-The distinctive pattern of Orion has been recognized in numerous cultures around the world, and many myths have been associated with it. It has also been used as a symbol in the modern world.
-Ancient Near East
-The Babylonian star catalogues of the Late Bronze Age name Orion MULSIPA.ZI.AN.NA, "The Heavenly Shepherd" or "True Shepherd of Anu" - Anu being the chief god of the heavenly realms. The Babylonian constellation was sacred to Papshukal and Ninshubur, both minor gods fulfilling the role of 'messenger to the gods'. Papshukal was closely associated with the figure of a walking bird on Babylonian boundary stones, and on the star map the figure of the Rooster was located below and behind the figure of the True Shepherd—both constellations represent the herald of the gods, in his bird and human forms respectively.
-The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.
-Orion has also been identified with the Egyptian Pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty called Unas who, according to the Pyramid Texts, became great by eating the flesh of his mortal enemies and then slaying and devouring the gods themselves. This was based on a belief in contiguous magic whereby consuming the flesh of great people would bring inheritance of their power. After devouring the gods and absorbing their spirits and powers, Unas journeys through the day and night sky to become the star Sahu, or Orion. The Pyramid Texts also show that the dead Pharaoh was identified with the god Osiris, whose form in the stars was often said to be the constellation Orion.
-The Armenians identified their forefather Hayk with Orion. Hayk is also the name of the Orion constellation in the Armenian translation of the Bible.
-The Bible mentions Orion three times, naming it "Kesil" (כסיל, literally - fool). Though, this name perhaps is etymologically connected with "Kislev", the name for the ninth month of the Hebrew calendar (i.e. November–December), which, in turn, may derive from the Hebrew root K-S-L as in the words "kesel, kisla" (כֵּסֶל, כִּסְלָה, hope, positiveness), i.e. hope for winter rains.): Job 9:9 ("He is the maker of the Bear and Orion"), Job 38:31 ("Can you loosen Orion`s belt?"), and Amos 5:8 ("He who made the Pleiades and Orion"). In ancient Aram, the constellation was known as NephîlÄ′, the Nephilim may have been Orion's descendants.
-Greco-Roman antiquity
-Orion's current name derives from Greek mythology, in which Orion was a gigantic hunter of primordial times. Some of these myths relate to the constellation; one story tells that Orion was killed by a giant scorpion; the gods raised him and the Scorpion to the skies, as Scorpio/Scorpius. Yet other stories say Orion was chasing the Pleiades.
-The constellation is mentioned in Horace's Odes (Ode 3.27.18), Homer's Odyssey (Book 5, line 283) and Iliad, and Virgil's Aeneid (Book 1, line 535)
-In ancient Egypt, the constellation of Orion was known to represent Osiris, who, after being killed by his evil brother Set, was revived by his wife Isis to live immortal among the stars.
-Middle East
-In medieval Muslim astronomy, Orion was known as al-jabbar "the giant".[citation needed]
-Asian antiquity
-In China, Orion was one of the 28 lunar mansions Sieu (Xiu) (宿). It is known as Shen (åƒï¼‰, literally meaning "three", for the stars of Orion's Belt. (See Chinese constellations)
-The Chinese character åƒ (pinyin shÄ“n) originally meant the constellation Orion (Chinese: åƒå®¿; pinyin: shÄ“nxiù); its Shang dynasty version, over three millennia old, contains at the top a representation of the three stars of Orion's belt atop a man's head (the bottom portion representing the sound of the word was added later).
-The Rig Veda refers to the Orion Constellation as Mriga (The Deer).
-The Malay called Orion' Belt Bintang Tiga Beradik (the "Three Brother Star").[citation needed]
-European folklore
-In old Hungarian tradition, "Orion" is known as (magic) Archer (Ãjász), or Reaper (Kaszás). In recently rediscovered myths he is called Nimrod (Hungarian "Nimród"), the greatest hunter, father of the twins "Hunor" and "Magor"). The "Ï€" and "o" stars (on upper right) form together the reflex bow or the lifted scythe. In other Hungarian traditions, "Orion's belt" is known as "Judge's stick" (BÃrópálca).
-In Scandinavian tradition, "Orion's belt" was known as Frigg's Distaff (Friggerock) or Freyja's distaff.
-The Finns call the Orion's belt and the stars below it as Väinämöisen viikate (Väinämöinen's scythe). Another name for the asterism of Alnilam, Alnitak and Minkata is Väinämöisen vyö' (Väinämöinen's Belt) and the stars "hanging" from the belt as Kalevanmiekka (Kaleva's sword).
-New World
-The Seri people of northwestern Mexico call the three stars in the belt of this constellation Hapj (a name denoting a hunter) which consists of three stars: Hap (mule deer), Haamoja (pronghorn), and Mojet (bighorn sheep). Hap is in the middle and has been shot by the hunter; its blood has dripped onto Tiburón Island.
-The same three stars are known in Latin America as "The Three Marys."
-The Ojibwa (Chippewa) Native Americans call this constellation Kabibona'kan, the Winter Maker, as its presence in the night sky heralds winter.[citation needed]
-To the Lakota Native Americans, Tayamnicankhu (Orion’s Belt) is the spine of a bison. The great rectangle of Orion are the bison's ribs; Orion's belt forms the bison's spine; The Pleiades star cluster in nearby Taurus is the bison’s head and Sirius in Canis Major, known as Tayamnisinte, is its tail.
-Contemporary symbolism
-The imagery of the belt and sword has found its way into popular western culture, for example in the form of the shoulder insignia of the 27th Infantry Division of the United States Army during both World Wars, probably owing to a pun on the name of the division's first commander, Major General John F. O'Ryan.[citation needed]
-The defunct film distribution company Orion Pictures used the constellation as its logo.[citation needed]
-In fiction
-In J. R. R. Tolkien's mythology surrounding Middle-earth, Orion is known as Menelvagor, which is Sindarin for "The Swordsman in the Sky."
-In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, one of the main Death Eater characters, Bellatrix Lestrange, is named after the gamma star in Orion.[citation needed]
-Orion is located on the celestial equator, but it will not always be so located due to the effects of precession of the Earth's axis. Orion lies well south of the ecliptic, and it only happens to lie on the celestial equator because the point on the ecliptic that corresponds to the June solstice is close to the border of Gemini and Taurus, to the north of Orion. Precession will eventually carry Orion further south, and by AD 14000 Orion will be far enough south that it will become invisible from the latitude of Great Britain.
-Further in the future, Orion's stars will gradually move away from the constellation due to proper motion. However, Orion's brightest stars all lie at a large distance from the Earth on an astronomical scale—much farther away than Sirius, for example. Orion will still be recognizable long after most of the other constellations—composed of relatively nearby stars—have distorted into new configurations, with the exception of a few of its stars eventually exploding as supernovae, for example Betelgeuse, which is predicted to explode sometime in the next million years.
-See also
-EURion constellation
-Orion Nebula in fiction
-Orion correlation theory
-Hubble 3D (2010), an IMAX film with an elaborate CGI "fly-through" of the Orion Nebula
-Explanatory notes
-Levy, David H. (2005). Deep Sky Objects. Prometheus Books. ISBNÂ 1-59102-361-0.
-Ian Ridpath and Wil Tirion (2007). Stars and Planets Guide, Collins, London. ISBN 978-0-00-725120-9. Princeton Universitl Press, Princeton. ISBN 978-0-691-13556-4.
-External links
-The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations: Orion
-Melbourne Planetarium: Orion Sky Tour
-Views of Orion from other places in our Galaxy
-The clickable Orion
-Star Tales – Orion
-Deep Widefield image of Orion
-Constellations of Words. Orion
-Coordinates: [Sky map]05h 30m 00s, +00° 00′ 00″
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-Articles from wikipedia
-Some have corresponding questions
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-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 American epic space opera film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first film released in the Star Wars saga and is the fourth installment in terms of the series' internal chronology. Groundbreaking in its use of special effects, unconventional editing, and science fiction/fantasy storytelling, the original Star Wars is one of the most successful and influential films of all time.
-Set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away", the film follows a group of freedom fighters known as the Rebel Alliance as they plot to destroy the powerful Death Star space station, a devastating weapon created by the evil Galactic Empire. This conflict disrupts the isolated life of farmboy Luke Skywalker when he inadvertently acquires the droids carrying the stolen plans to the Death Star. After the Empire begins a cruel and destructive search for the droids, Skywalker decides to accompany Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi on a daring mission to rescue the owner of the droids, rebel leader Princess Leia, and save the galaxy.
-Produced with a budget of $11 million and released on May 25, 1977, the film earned $460Â million in the United States and $314 million overseas, surpassing Jaws as the nominal highest-grossing film and remained that way until being surpassed by E.T. the Extra Terrestrial in 1982. When adjusted for inflation, it is the second highest grossing film in the US and Canada and is the third highest-grossing in the world as of 2012. Among the many awards the film received, it gained ten Academy Award nominations, winning six; the nominations included Best Supporting Actor for Alec Guinness and Best Picture. The film is often ranked among the best films of all time. Lucas has re-released the film on several occasions, sometimes with significant changes; the most notable versions are the 1997 Special Edition, the 2004 DVD release, and the 2011 Blu-ray release, which have modified computer-generated effects, altered dialogue, and added scenes.
-The film begins with an opening crawl explaining that the galaxy is in a state of civil war and that spies for the Rebel Alliance have stolen plans to the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a heavily armed and armored space station capable of annihilating an entire planet. Rebel leader Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) is in possession of the plans, but her ship is captured by Imperial forces under the command of the evil lord Darth Vader (David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones). Before she is captured, Leia hides the plans in the memory of an astromech droid called R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), along with a holographic recording. The small droid flees to the surface of the desert planet Tatooine with fellow protocol droid C-3PO (Anthony Daniels).
-The droids are quickly captured by Jawa traders, who sell the pair to moisture farmers Owen and Beru Lars (Phil Brown and Shelagh Fraser) and their nephew, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). While Luke is cleaning R2-D2, he accidentally triggers part of Leia's message, in which she requests help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. The only "Kenobi" Luke knows of is an old hermit named Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness) who lives in the nearby hills. The next morning, upon finding R2-D2 after he escapes to seek Obi-Wan, Luke meets Ben Kenobi, who reveals himself to be Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan tells Luke of his days as a Jedi Knight, one of a faction of former galactic peacekeepers who were wiped out by the Empire. Contrary to his uncle's statements, Luke learns that his father Anakin Skywalker fought alongside Obi-Wan as a Jedi Knight before he was betrayed and killed by Vader, Obi-Wan's former pupil who turned to the "dark side of the Force". Ben then gives Luke his father's lightsaber.
-Obi-Wan views Leia's complete message in which she begs him to take the Death Star plans to her home planet of Alderaan for her father to retrieve and analyze. He then asks Luke to accompany him and learn the ways of the Force. Luke initially refuses, but changes his mind after discovering that Imperial stormtroopers have destroyed his home and killed his aunt and uncle in search of C-3PO and R2-D2. Obi-Wan and Luke hire smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his Wookiee first mate Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) to transport them on their ship, the Millennium Falcon.
-Upon the Falcon's arrival at Alderaan, they find that the planet has been destroyed under the orders of the Death Star's commanding officer Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing) to demonstrate the Death Star's power. The Falcon is caught by the nearby Death Star's tractor beam and brought into its hangar bay. While Obi-Wan goes off to disable the tractor beam, Luke discovers that Leia is imprisoned on board and, with the help of Han and Chewbacca, rescues her. After several harrowing escapes, they make their way back to the Falcon, but Obi-Wan sacrifices himself in a lightsaber duel with Vader. The Falcon escapes the Death Star but the Empire has placed a tracking device on the ship to follow them to the rebels' hidden base on Yavin IV.
-The rebels analyze the Death Star plans, disclosing a vulnerable exhaust port leading to the station's main reactor. Luke joins the assault team, but Han collects his reward for the rescue and plans to leave despite Luke asking him to stay. The rebels suffer heavy losses after several failed attack runs, leaving Luke one of the few surviving pilots. Vader and a group of TIE fighters are about to destroy Luke's ship, but Han Solo returns at the last moment and destroys the TIE Fighters and the blast sends Vader spiraling away. Then Luke successfully destroys the Death Star seconds before it can fire on the rebel base. Luke and Han are subsequently awarded medals by Leia for their heroism.
-Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker: Luke is a young man who was raised by his aunt and uncle on the remote, desert world Tatooine. He dreams of something greater than his current position in life and eventually finds it. This is Hamill's film debut.
-Harrison Ford as Han Solo: Han is a cynical smuggler whom Luke and Obi-Wan meet at the Mos Eisley Cantina. They hire him to take them to Alderaan in his ship, the Millennium Falcon, which is co-piloted by Chewbacca.
-Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa: Leia is a member of the Imperial Senate and a leader of the Rebel Alliance. She plans to use the stolen Death Star plans to find the station's weakness.
-Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi: Obi-Wan is an aging man who served as a Jedi Knight and then Jedi Master during the Clone Wars. Early in the film, Kenobi introduces Luke to the Force.
-Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin: Tarkin is the commander of the Death Star and a Regional Governor of the Galaxy. He leads the search for the Rebel Base, hoping to destroy it. He is the main antagonist of the film.
-David Prowse as Darth Vader: Vader is a Dark Lord of the Sith and a prominent figure of the Galactic Empire who hopes to destroy the Rebel Alliance. He is voiced by James Earl Jones.
-Anthony Daniels as C-3PO: 3PO is a protocol and interpreter droid who also falls into Luke's hands. He is rarely without his counterpart droid, R2-D2.
-Kenny Baker as R2-D2: R2 is an astromech droid who is carrying the Death Star plans and a secret message for Obi-Wan from Princess Leia.
-Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca: Chewie is Han Solo's sidekick, a 200 year old Wookiee and first mate of the Millennium Falcon.
-Lucas shared a joint casting session with long-time friend Brian De Palma, who was casting his own film Carrie. As a result, Carrie Fisher and Sissy Spacek auditioned for both films in each other's respective roles. Lucas favored casting young actors without long-time experience. While reading for Luke Skywalker (then known as "Luke Starkiller"), Hamill found the dialogue to be extremely odd because of its universe-embedded concepts. He chose to simply read it sincerely and was selected instead of William Katt, who was subsequently cast in Carrie.
-Lucas initially rejected the idea of using Harrison Ford, as he had previously worked with him on American Graffiti, and instead asked Ford to assist in the auditions by reading lines with the other actors and explaining the concepts and history behind the scenes that they were reading. Lucas was eventually won over by Ford's portrayal and cast him instead of Kurt Russell, Nick Nolte,Sylvester Stallone,Christopher Walken, Billy Dee Williams (who would play Lando Calrissian in the sequels), and Perry King, who wound up playing Solo in the radio plays.
-Many young actresses in Hollywood auditioned for the role of Princess Leia, including Cindy Williams. Carrie Fisher was cast under the condition that she lose 10 pounds for the role. Aware that the studio disagreed with his refusal to cast big-name stars, Lucas signed veteran stage and screen actors Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Peter Cushing as Tarkin. Additional casting took place in London, where Mayhew was cast as Chewbacca after he stood up to greet Lucas. Lucas immediately turned to Gary Kurtz, and requested that Mayhew be cast. Daniels auditioned for and was cast as C-3PO; he has said that he wanted the role after he saw a McQuarrie drawing of the character and was struck by the vulnerability in the robot's face.
-Elements of the history of Star Wars are commonly disputed, as Lucas' statements about it have changed over time. George Lucas completed directing his first full-length feature, THX 1138, in 1971. He has said that it was around this time that he first had the idea for Star Wars, though he has also claimed to have had the idea long before then. One of the most influential works on Lucas's early concepts was the Flash Gordon space adventure comics and serials. Lucas even made an attempt to purchase the rights to remake Flash Gordon at one point, but could not afford them. Friend and collaborator Walter Murch suggested in an interview that Star Wars was Lucas' "transubstantiated version of Apocalypse Now"; at one time, Lucas had planned to direct that film.
-Following the completion of THX 1138, Lucas was granted a two-film development deal with United Artists at the Cannes Film Festival in May of that year for American Graffiti, and an idea for a space opera he called The Star Wars. He showed United Artists the script for American Graffiti, but they passed on the film. Universal Studios picked the film up, and Lucas spent the next two years completing it. Only then did he turn his attention to The Star Wars. He began writing the treatment on April 17, 1973, unsure what would come of Graffiti, and still very much in debt.
-Lucas began his creation process by taking small notes, inventing odd names and assigning them possible characterizations. Lucas would discard many of these by the time the final script was written, but he included several names and places in the final script or its sequels (such as Luke Skywalker and Han Solo). He revived others decades later when he wrote his prequel trilogy (such as Mace Windy, renamed Windu). He used these initial names and ideas to compile a two-page synopsis titled "The Journal of the Whills", which bore little resemblance to the final story. The Journal told the tale of the son of a famous pilot who is trained as a "padawaan" apprentice of a revered "Jedi-Bendu". Frustrated after being told that his story was too difficult to understand, Lucas started again on a completely new outline, this time borrowing heavily from Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress, so much so that he at one time considered buying the rights to the film. He relied on a plot synopsis from Donald Richie's book The Films of Akira Kurosawa and wrote a 14-page draft that paralleled The Hidden Fortress, with names and settings reminiscent of the science fiction genre.
-Both United Artists and Universal passed on their options for the film later that year, citing the risk involved in the project's potentially high budget. Lucas pursued Alan Ladd, Jr., the head of 20th Century Fox, and in June 1973 closed a deal to write and direct the film. Although Ladd did not grasp the technical side of the project, he believed that Lucas was talented. Lucas later stated that Ladd "invested in me, he did not invest in the movie." The deal afforded Lucas $150,000 to write and direct.
-Later that year, Lucas began writing a full script of his synopsis, which he would complete in May 1974. In this script he reintroduced the Jedi, which had been absent in his previous treatment, as well as their enemies, the Sith. He changed the protagonist, who had been a mature General in the treatment, to an adolescent boy, and he shifted the General into a supporting role as a member of a family of dwarfs. Lucas envisioned the Corellian smuggler, Han Solo, as a large, green-skinned monster with gills (this would turn out to be Greedo, whom Han would shoot in the Mos Eisley Cantina when we first meet his character). He based Chewbacca on his Alaskan Malamute dog, Indiana, (whom he would later use as namesake for his next hero Indiana Jones), who often acted as the director's "co-pilot" by sitting in the passenger seat of his car.
-Many of the final elements in the film began to take shape, though the plot was still far removed from the final script. It did, however, begin to diverge from The Hidden Fortress and take on the general story elements that would comprise the final film. Lucas began researching the science fiction genre, both watching films and reading books and comics. His first script incorporated ideas from many new sources. The script would also introduce the concept of a Jedi master father and his son, training to be a Jedi under the father's Jedi friend, which would ultimately form the basis for the film and even the trilogy. However, in this draft, the father is a hero who is still alive at the start of the film. The script was also the first time Darth Vader appeared in the story, though other than being a villain, he bore little resemblance to the final character.
-Lucas grew distracted by other projects, but he would return to complete a second draft of The Star Wars by January 1975; while still having some differences in the characters and relationships. For example, the protagonist Luke (Starkiller in this draft) had several brothers, as well as his father who appears in a minor role at the end of the film. The script became more of a fairy tale quest as opposed to the more grounded action-adventure of the previous versions. This version ended with another text crawl which previewed the next story in the series. This draft was also the first to introduce the concept of a Jedi turning to the dark side; a historical Jedi that became the first to ever fall to the dark side, and then trained the Sith to use it. Lucas hired conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie to create paintings of certain scenes around this time. When Lucas delivered his screenplay to the studio, he included several of McQuarrie's paintings.
-A third draft, dated August 1, 1975, was titled The Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Starkiller which now had most of the elements of the final plot, with only some differences in the characters and settings. Luke was again an only child, and his father was, for the first time, written as dead. This script would be re-written for the fourth and final draft, dated January 1, 1976 as The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from the Journal of the Whills. Saga I: Star Wars. Lucas worked with his friends Gloria Katz and Willard Huyck to revise the fourth draft into the final pre-production script. 20th Century Fox approved a budget of $8,250,000; American Graffiti, having been released in 1973 to positive reviews, allowed Lucas to renegotiate his deal with Alan Ladd, Jr. and request the sequel rights to the film. For Lucas, this deal protected Star Wars' unwritten segments and most of the merchandising profits. Lucas would continue to tweak the script during shooting, most notably adding the death of Kenobi after realizing he served no purpose in the ending of the film.
-Lucas has often stated that the entire original trilogy was, in essence, intended as one film. However, he said that his story material for The Star Wars was too long for one film, so he opted to split the story into multiple films. He also stated the story evolved over time and that "There was never a script completed that had the entire story as it exists now [1983]... As the stories unfolded, I would take certain ideas and save them[...] I kept taking out all the good parts, and I just kept telling myself I would make other movies someday." Lucas's second draft is often cited as the script he is referring to in relation to this issue and in The Secret History of Star Wars, Michael Kaminski argues that this draft is structurally very similar to the final film in plot arrangement, although the only elements from it that were saved for the sequels were an asteroid field space chase (moved to The Empire Strikes Back) and a forest battle involving Wookiees (moved to Return of the Jedi, with Ewoks in place of Wookiees).
-In 1975, Lucas founded the visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) after discovering that 20th Century Fox's visual effects department had been disbanded. ILM began its work on Star Wars in a warehouse in Van Nuys, California. Most of the visual effects used motion control photography, which creates the illusion of size by employing small models and slowly moving cameras. Model spaceships were constructed on the basis of drawings by Joe Johnston, input from Lucas, and paintings by McQuarrie. Lucas opted to abandon the traditional sleekness of science fiction by creating a "used universe" in which all devices, ships, and buildings looked aged and dirty.
-When principal photography began on March 22, 1976 in the Tunisian desert for the scenes on the planet Tatooine, the project faced several problems. Lucas fell behind schedule in the first week of shooting due to a rare Tunisian rainstorm, malfunctioning props, and electronic breakdowns. When actor Anthony Daniels wore the C-3PO outfit for the first time, the left leg piece shattered down through the plastic covering his left foot, stabbing him. After completing filming in Tunisia, production moved into the more controlled environment of Elstree Studios, near London. However, significant problems, such as a crew that had little interest in the film, still arose. Most of the crew considered the project a "children's film", rarely took their work seriously, and often found it unintentionally humorous. Actor Kenny Baker later confessed that he thought the film would be a failure. Harrison Ford found the film "weird" in that there was a Princess with buns for hair and what he called a "giant in a monkey suit" named Chewbacca. Ford also found the dialogue difficult: "George, you can type this shit, but you can't say it!"
-Lucas clashed with cinematographer Gilbert Taylor, BSC, whom producer Gary Kurtz called "old-school" and "crotchety". Moreover, with a background in independent filmmaking, Lucas was accustomed to creating most of the elements of the film himself. His lighting suggestions were rejected by an offended Taylor, who felt that Lucas was overstepping his boundaries by giving specific instructions and sometimes even moving lights and cameras himself. Taylor refused to use the soft-focus lenses and gauze Lucas wanted after Fox executives complained about the look. Lucas eventually became frustrated that the costumes, sets and other elements were not living up to his original vision of Star Wars. He rarely spoke to the actors, who felt that he expected too much of them while providing little direction. His directions to the actors usually consisted of the words "faster" and "more intense".
-Ladd offered Lucas some of the only support from the studio; he dealt with scrutiny from board members over the rising budget and complex screenplay drafts. After production fell two weeks behind schedule, Ladd told Lucas that he had to finish production within a week or he would be forced to shut down production. The crew split into three units, led by Lucas, Kurtz, and production supervisor Robert Watts. Under the new system, the project met the studio's deadline.
-During production, the cast attempted to make Lucas laugh or smile as he often appeared depressed. At one point, the project became so demanding that Lucas was diagnosed with hypertension and exhaustion and was warned to reduce his stress level.Post-production was equally stressful due to increasing pressure from 20th Century Fox. Moreover, Mark Hamill's car accident left his face visibly scarred, which suppressed re-shoots.
-Star Wars was originally slated for release in Christmas 1976; however, delays pushed the film's release to summer 1977. Already anxious about meeting his deadline, Lucas was shocked when editor John Jympson's first cut of the film was a "complete disaster". According to an article in Star Wars Insider No. 41 by David West Reynolds, this first edit of Star Wars contained about 30–40% different footage from the final version. This included scenes that have never been seen elsewhere along with alternate takes of existing scenes. After attempting to persuade Jympson to cut the film his way, Lucas replaced him with Paul Hirsch and Richard Chew. He also allowed his then-wife Marcia Lucas to aid the editing process while she was cutting the film New York, New York with Lucas's friend Martin Scorsese. Richard Chew found the film had an unenergetic pace; it had been cut in a by-the-book manner: scenes were played out in master shots that flowed into close-up coverage. He found that the pace was dictated by the actors instead of the cuts. Hirsch and Chew worked on two reels simultaneously; whoever finished first moved on to the next.
-Meanwhile, Industrial Light & Magic was struggling to achieve unprecedented special effects. The company had spent half of its budget on four shots that Lucas deemed unacceptable. Moreover, theories surfaced that the workers at ILM lacked discipline, forcing Lucas to intervene frequently to ensure that they were on schedule. With hundreds of uncompleted shots remaining, ILM was forced to finish a year's work in six months. Lucas inspired ILM by editing together aerial dogfights from old war films, which enhanced the pacing of the scenes.
-During the chaos of production and post-production, the team made decisions about character voicing and sound effects. Sound designer Ben Burtt had created a library of sounds that Lucas referred to as an "organic soundtrack". Blaster sounds were a modified recording of a steel cable, under tension, being struck. For Chewbacca's growls, Burtt recorded and combined sounds made by dogs, bears, lions, tigers and walruses to create phrases and sentences. Lucas and Burtt created the robotic voice of R2-D2 by filtering their voices through an electronic synthesizer. Darth Vader's breathing was achieved by Burtt breathing through the mask of a scuba regulator implanted with a microphone. Lucas never intended to use the voice of David Prowse, who portrayed Darth Vader in costume, because of Prowse's English West Country accent. He originally wanted Orson Welles to speak for Darth Vader. However, he felt that Welles' voice would be too recognizable, so he cast the lesser-known James Earl Jones. Nor did Lucas intend to use Anthony Daniels' voice for C-3PO. Thirty well-established voice actors read for the voice of the droid. According to Daniels, one of the major voice actors, believed by some sources to be Stan Freberg, recommended Daniels' voice for the role.
-In February 1977 Lucas screened an early cut of the film for several director friends; also present were Ladd and other Fox executives, and Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin of Marvel Comics, which was preparing a Star Wars comic book. The cut had a different crawl from the finished version and used Prowse's voice for Darth Vader. It also lacked most special effects; hand-drawn arrows took the place of blaster beams, and when the Millennium Falcon fought TIE Fighters, the film cut to footage of World War II dogfights. The reactions of the directors present, such as Brian De Palma, John Milius, and Steven Spielberg, disappointed Lucas. Spielberg, who claimed to have been the only person in the audience to have enjoyed the film, believed that the lack of enthusiasm was due to the absence of finished special effects. Lucas later said that the group was honest and seemed bemused by the film. In contrast, Ladd and the other studio executives loved the film: Gareth Wigan told Lucas, "This is the greatest film I've ever seen", and cried during the screening. Lucas found the experience shocking and rewarding, having never gained any approval from studio executives before. The delays increased the budget from $8Â million to $11Â million.
-Cinematic and literary allusions
-According to Lucas, the film was inspired by numerous sources, such as Beowulf and King Arthur for the origins of myth and world religions. Lucas originally wanted to rely heavily on the 1930s Flash Gordon film serials; however, he resorted to Akira Kurosawa's film The Hidden Fortress and Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces because of copyright issues with Flash Gordon.Star Wars features several parallels to Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon, such as the conflict between Rebels and Imperial Forces, the "wipes" between scenes, and the famous opening crawl that begins each film. A concept borrowed from Flash Gordon—a fusion of futuristic technology and traditional magic—was originally developed by one of the founders of science fiction, H. G. Wells. Wells believed the Industrial Revolution had quietly destroyed the idea that fairy-tale magic might be real. Thus, he found that plausibility was required to allow myth to work properly, and substituted elements of the Industrial Era: time machines instead of magic carpets, Martians instead of dragons, and scientists instead of wizards. Wells called his new genre "scientific fantasia".
-Star Wars was influenced by the 1958 Kurosawa film The Hidden Fortress; for instance, the two bickering peasants evolved into C-3PO and R2-D2, and a Japanese family crest seen in the film is similar to the Imperial Crest. Star Wars also borrows heavily from another Kurosawa film, Yojimbo. In both films, several men threaten the hero, bragging how wanted they are by authorities. The situation ends with an arm being cut off by a blade. Kuwabatake Sanjuro (portrayed by ToshirÅ Mifune) is offered "twenty-five ryo now, twenty-five when you complete the mission", whereas Han Solo is offered "Two thousand now, plus fifteen when we reach Alderaan." Lucas's affection for Kurosawa may have influenced his decision to visit Japan in the early 1970s, leading some to believe he borrowed the name "Jedi" from jidaigeki (which in English means "period dramas", and refers to films typically featuring samurai).
-Tatooine is similar to Arrakis from Frank Herbert's book Dune. Arrakis is the only known source of a longevity drug called the Spice Melange. References to "spice", various illegal stimulant drugs, occur throughout the last three films of the Star Wars saga. In the original film, Han Solo is a spice smuggler who has been through the spice mines of Kessel. In the conversation at Obi-Wan Kenobi's home between Obi-Wan and Luke, Luke expresses a belief that his father was a navigator on a spice freighter. Other similarities include those between Princess Leia and Princess Alia (pron.: /əˈliËÉ™/), and between Jedi mind tricks and "The Voice", a controlling ability used by Bene Gesserit. In passing, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are "Moisture Farmers"; in Dune, Dew Collectors are used by Fremen to "provide a small but reliable source of water." Frank Herbert reported that, "David Lynch, [director of 1984 film Dune] had trouble with the fact that Star Wars used up so much of Dune." The pair found "sixteen points of identity" and they calculated that, "the odds against coincidence produced a number larger than the number of stars in the universe."
-The Death Star assault scene was modeled after the film The Dam Busters (1955), in which Royal Air Force Lancaster bombers fly along heavily defended reservoirs and aim "bouncing bombs" at their man-made dams to cripple the heavy industry of the Ruhr. Some of the dialogue in The Dam Busters is repeated in the Star Wars climax; Gilbert Taylor also filmed the special effects sequences in The Dam Busters. In addition, the sequence was partially inspired by the climax of the film 633 Squadron (1964) directed by Walter Grauman, in which RAF Mosquitos attack a German heavy water plant by flying down a narrow fjord to drop special bombs at a precise point while avoiding anti-aircraft guns and German fighters. Clips from both films were included in Lucas's temporary dogfight footage version of the sequence.
-The opening shot of Star Wars, in which a detailed spaceship fills the screen overhead, is a nod to the scene introducing the interplanetary spacecraft Discovery One in Stanley Kubrick's seminal 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The earlier big-budget science fiction film influenced the look of Star Wars in many other ways, including the use of EVA pods and hexagonal corridors. The Death Star has a docking bay reminiscent of the one on the orbiting space station in 2001. The film also draws on The Wizard of Oz (1939): similarities exist between Jawas and Munchkins; the main characters disguise themselves as enemy soldiers; and when Obi-Wan dies, he leaves only his empty robe, similar to the melting of the Wicked Witch of the West. Also of note is that Luke lives on a farm with his uncle and aunt like Dorothy. Although golden and male, C-3PO is inspired by the robot Maria, the Maschinenmensch from Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis. His whirring sounds were speculated to be inspired by the clanking noises of The Wizard of Oz character the Tin Woodsman and C-3PO has an arc throughout the Star Wars saga that is similar to the arc of the Cowardly Lion.
-On the recommendation of his friend Steven Spielberg, Lucas hired composer John Williams, who had worked with Spielberg on the film Jaws, for which he won an Academy Award. Lucas felt that the film would portray visually foreign worlds, but that the musical score would give the audience an emotional familiarity. In March 1977, Williams conducted the London Symphony Orchestra to record the Star Wars soundtrack in twelve days.
-Lucas wanted a grand musical sound for Star Wars, with leitmotifs to provide distinction. Therefore, he assembled his favorite orchestral pieces for the soundtrack, until John Williams convinced him that an original score would be unique and more unified. However, a few of Williams' pieces were influenced by the tracks given to him by Lucas. The "Main Title Theme" was inspired by the theme from the 1942 film Kings Row, scored by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, and the track "Dune Sea of Tatooine" drew from the soundtrack from Bicycle Thieves, scored by Alessandro Cicognini. The American Film Institute's list of best scores lists the Star Wars soundtrack at number one.
-Charles Lippincott was hired by Lucas's production company, Lucasfilm Ltd., as marketing director for Star Wars. As 20th Century Fox gave little support for marketing beyond licensing T-shirts and posters, Lippincott was forced to look elsewhere. He secured deals with Marvel Comics for a comic book adaptation and with Del Rey Books for a novelization. A fan of science fiction, he used his contacts to promote the film at the San Diego Comic-Con and elsewhere within fandom. Worried that Star Wars would be beaten out by other summer films, such as Smokey and the Bandit, 20th Century Fox moved the release date to the Wednesday before Memorial Day: May 25, 1977. However, fewer than forty theaters ordered the film to be shown. In response, 20th Century Fox demanded that theaters order Star Wars if they wanted an eagerly anticipated film based on a best-selling novel titled The Other Side of Midnight. Lucas himself was not able to predict how successful Star Wars would be. After visiting the set of the Steven Spielberg-directed Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Lucas was sure Close Encounters would outperform the yet-to-be-released Star Wars at the box office. Spielberg disagreed, and felt Lucas's Star Wars would be the bigger hit. With each Lucas and Spielberg confident that the other's film would be the bigger hit, Lucas proposed they trade 2.5% of the profit on each other's films. Spielberg took the trade, and still receives 2.5% of the profits from Star Wars.
-Within three weeks of the film's release, 20th Century Fox's stock price doubled to a record high. Before 1977, 20th Century Fox's greatest annual profits were $37,000,000; in 1977, the company earned $79,000,000. Although the film's cultural neutrality helped it to gain international success, Ladd became anxious during the premiere in Japan. After the screening, the audience was silent, leading him to fear that the film would be unsuccessful. Ladd was later told that, in Japan, silence was the greatest honor to a film. When Star Wars made an unprecedented second opening at Mann's Chinese Theatre on August 3, 1977 after Sorcerer failed, thousands of people attended a ceremony in which C-3PO, R2-D2, and Darth Vader placed their footprints in the theater's forecourt. Some cinemas continuously screened the film for more than a year.
-Little Star Wars merchandise was available for several months after the film's debut; only Kenner Toys had accepted Lippincott's licensing offers. Kenner responded to the sudden demand for toys by selling boxed vouchers in its "empty box" Christmas campaign. Television commercials told children and parents that vouchers within a "Star Wars Early Bird Certificate Package" could be redeemed for toys "between February 1 and June 1". In 1978, at the height of the film's popularity, Smith-Hemion Productions approached Lucas with the idea of The Star Wars Holiday Special. The result is often considered a failure; Lucas himself disowned it.
-The film was originally released as Star Wars, without "Episode IV" or the subtitle A New Hope. The 1980 sequel, The Empire Strikes Back, was numbered "Episode V" in the opening crawl. When the original film was re-released on April 10, 1981, Episode IV: A New Hope was added above the original opening crawl. Although Lucas claims that only six films were ever planned, representatives of Lucasfilm discussed plans for nine or twelve possible films in early interviews. The film was re-released theatrically in 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, and with additional scenes and enhanced special effects in 1997.
-On October 30, 2012, The Walt Disney Company announced a deal to acquire Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, with approximately half in cash and half in shares of Disney stock. Although Disney will now own the rights to all Star Wars films, under a previous deal with Lucasfilm, the distribution rights to A New Hope will remain with Fox "in perpetuity" while the distribution arrangements for the remaining films are set to expire in 2020. This could affect future video box set releases unless Disney and Fox come to an arrangement.
-Special Edition
-After ILM used computer-generated effects for Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park, Lucas concluded that digital technology had caught up to his original vision for Star Wars. For the film's 20th anniversary in 1997, A New Hope was digitally remastered and re-released to movie theaters, along with The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, under the campaign title The Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition. The Special Edition versions contained visual shots and scenes that were unachievable in the original release due to financial, technological, and time constraints; one such scene involved a meeting between Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt. The process of creating the new visual effects for A New Hope was featured in the Academy Award-nominated IMAX documentary film, Special Effects: Anything Can Happen, directed by veteran Star Wars sound designer, Ben Burtt. Although most changes were minor or cosmetic in nature, some fans believe that Lucas degraded the movie with the additions. For instance, a particularly controversial change in which a bounty hunter named Greedo shoots first when confronting Han Solo has inspired T-shirts brandishing the phrase "Han Shot First".
-Although the Special Edition's changes were artistic, A New Hope required extensive restoration before Lucas could even attempt his modifications. It had been discovered that in addition to the negative motion picture stocks commonly used on feature films, Lucas had also used internegative film, a reversal stock which deteriorated faster than negative stocks did. This meant that the entire printing negative had to be disassembled, and the CRI (color reversal internegative) portions cleaned separately from the negative portions. Once the cleaning was complete, the film was scanned into the computer for restoration. In many cases, entire scenes had to be reconstructed from their individual elements. Fortunately, digital compositing technology allowed them to correct for problems such as alignment of mattes, "blue-spill", and so forth.
-The film was then color-corrected and digitally printed onto a new negative, from which prints would be struck.
-Home video releases
-The film was released on VHS, Betamax and Laserdisc during the 1980s and 1990s by CBS/Fox Video. The first Star Wars was released on video tape in 1982, but only to rental customers. The first sell through video tapes of Star Wars were released in 1984. A THX remastered tape got on the market in 1995, followed two years later by the reworked versions in a Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition box set.
-A New Hope was released on DVD on September 21, 2004, in a box set with The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and a bonus disc of supplementary material. The movies were digitally restored and remastered, and more changes were made by George Lucas. The DVD features a commentary track from George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren, and Carrie Fisher. The bonus disc contains the documentary Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy, three featurettes, teaser and theatrical trailers, TV spots, still galleries, an exclusive preview of Revenge of the Sith, a playable Xbox demo of the LucasArts game Star Wars: Battlefront, and a "Making Of" documentary on the Episode III video game. The set was reissued in December 2005 as part of a three-disc "limited edition" boxed set without the bonus disc.
-The trilogy was re-released on separate two-disc Limited Edition DVD sets from September 12 to December 31, 2006, and again in a box set on November 4, 2008; the original versions of the films were added as bonus material. Controversy surrounded the release because the unaltered versions were from the 1993 non-anamorphic Laserdisc masters, and were not retransferred with modern video standards.
-All six Star Wars films were released on Blu-ray Disc on September 16, 2011 in three different editions, with A New Hope available in both a box set of the original trilogy, and with the other five films on Star Wars: The Complete Saga, which includes nine discs and over 40 hours of special features. The original theatrical versions of the films were not included in the box set.
-3D re-release
-On September 28, 2010, it was announced that all six films in the series will be converted to stereo 3D. The films are being re-released in internal chronological order beginning with The Phantom Menace on February 10, 2012. A New Hope is scheduled to be re-released in 3D in 2015.
-Star Wars debuted on Wednesday, May 25, 1977, in 32 theaters, and eight more on Thursday and Friday. It immediately broke box-office records, effectively becoming one of the first blockbuster films, and Fox accelerated plans to broaden its release. Lucas spent most of the day in a sound studio in Los Angeles. When he went out for lunch with his then-wife Marcia, they encountered a long queue of people along the sidewalks leading to Mann's Chinese Theatre, waiting to see Star Wars. Even technical crew members, such as model makers, were asked for autographs, and cast members became instant household names.
-Star Wars remains one of the most financially successful films of all time. The film earned $1,554,475 through its opening weekend ($5.96Â million in today's terms), building up to $7 million weekends as it entered wide release ($26.8Â million in today's terms). It replaced Jaws as the highest-earning film in North America just six months into release, eventually earning over $220 million during its initial theatrical run ($844Â million in today's terms).Star Wars entered international release towards the end of the year, and in 1978 added the worldwide record to its domestic one, earning $410 million in total. Reissues in 1978, 1979, 1981, and 1982 brought its cumulative gross in Canada and the U.S. to $323 million, and extended its global earnings to $530 million. The film remained the highest-grossing film of all time until E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial broke that record in 1983.
-Following the release of the Special Edition in 1997,Star Wars briefly reclaimed the North American record before losing it again the following year to Titanic. In total, the film has earned $775,398,007 worldwide (including $460,998,007 in North America alone). Adjusted for inflation, it has earned $2.5 billion worldwide at 2011 prices, making it the most successful franchise film of all-time, the Guinness World Records put it as the third highest grossing film when adjusting for inflation; at the North American box-office it ranks second behind Gone with the Wind on the inflation-adjusted list.
-Critical response
-Star Wars received very positive reviews from film critics. According to review aggregator, Rotten Tomatoes, 94% of 67 reviews assessed are favorable, with an average rating of 8.2/10. Its consensus states in summary, "A legendary expansive and ambitious start to the sci-fi saga, George Lucas opens our eyes to the possibilities of blockbuster film-making and things have never been the same." In his 1977 review, Roger Ebert called the film "an out-of-body experience", compared its special effects to those of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and opined that the true strength of the film was its "pure narrative".Vincent Canby called the film "the movie that's going to entertain a lot of contemporary folk who have a soft spot for the virtually ritualized manners of comic-book adventure". A.D. Murphy of Variety described the film as a "magnificent film" and furthermore claimed that the memories of serials along with older action epics that George Lucas set out to make as one of the biggest possible adventure fantasies as a brilliant success.
-Conversely, Pauline Kael of The New Yorker criticized the film, stating that "there's no breather in the picture, no lyricism", and that it had no "emotional grip".Jonathan Rosenbaum of the Chicago Reader stated, "None of these characters has any depth, and they're all treated like the fanciful props and settings." Peter Keough of the Boston Phoenix said "Star Wars is a junkyard of cinematic gimcracks not unlike the Jawas' heap of purloined, discarded, barely functioning droids."
-Star Wars won six Oscars at the 50th Academy Awards, including Best Art Direction, which went to John Barry, Norman Reynolds, Leslie Dilley and Roger Christian. Best Costume Design was awarded to John Mollo; Best Film Editing went to Paul Hirsch, Marcia Lucas and Richard Chew; John Stears, John Dykstra, Richard Edlund, Grant McCune and Robert Blalack all received awards for Best Visual Effects. John Williams was awarded his third Oscar for Best Original Score; the Best Sound went to Don MacDougall, Ray West, Bob Minkler and Derek Ball; and a Special Achievement for Sound Effects Editing went to Ben Burtt. Additional nominations included Alec Guinness for Best Actor in a Supporting Role, George Lucas for Best Original Screenplay, Best Director, and Best Picture, which instead went to Annie Hall.
-At the 35th Golden Globe Awards, the film was nominated for Best Motion Picture – Drama, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor (Alec Guinness), and it won the award for Best Score. It received six BAFTA nominations: Best Film, Best Editing, Best Costume Design, Best Production/Art Design, Best Sound, and Best Score; the film won in the latter two categories. John Williams' soundtrack album won the Grammy Award for Best Album of Original Score for a Motion Picture or Television Program, and the film was awarded the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. In 1997, the MTV Movie Awards awarded to Chewbacca character the lifetime achievement award for his work in the Star Wars trilogy.
-The film also received twelve nominations at the Saturn Awards, the oldest film-specialized awards to reward science fiction, fantasy, and horror achievements, including a double nomination for Best Actor for Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford and Best Actress for Carrie Fisher. It won nine: Best Science Fiction Film, Best Direction and Best Writing for George Lucas, Best Supporting Actor for Alec Guinness, Best Music for John Williams, Best Costume for John Mollo, Best Make-up for Rick Baker and Stuart Freeborn, Best Special Effects for John Dykstra and John Stears and Outstanding Editing for Paul Hirsch, Marcia Lucas and Richard Chew.
-Cinematic influence
-Critic Roger Ebert wrote, "Like The Birth of a Nation and Citizen Kane, Star Wars was a technical watershed that influenced many of the movies that came after." It began a new generation of special effects and high-energy motion pictures. The film was one of the first films to link genres—such as space opera and soap opera—together to invent a new, high concept genre for filmmakers to build upon. Finally, along with Steven Spielberg's Jaws it shifted the film industry's focus away from personal filmmaking of the 1970s and towards fast-paced big-budget blockbusters for younger audiences.
-After seeing Star Wars, director James Cameron quit his job as a truck driver to enter the film industry. Other filmmakers who have said to have been influenced by Star Wars include Peter Jackson, Dean Devlin, Roland Emmerich, Christopher Nolan, John Lasseter, David Fincher, Kevin Smith, John Singleton, and Ridley Scott. Scott was influenced by the "used future" (where vehicles and culture are obviously dated) and extended the concept for his science fiction horror film Alien and science fiction noir film Blade Runner (which also starred Harrison Ford). Jackson used the concept for his production of The Lord of the Rings trilogy to add a sense of realism and believability. Nolan cited Star Wars as an influence when making the blockbuster Inception.
-Some critics have blamed Star Wars and also Jaws for ruining Hollywood by shifting its focus from sophisticated and relevant films such as The Godfather, Taxi Driver, and Annie Hall to films about spectacle and juvenile fantasy.Peter Biskind complained for the same reason: "When all was said and done, Lucas and Spielberg returned the 1970s audience, grown sophisticated on a diet of European and New Hollywood films, to the simplicities of the pre-1960s Golden Age of movies… They marched backward through the looking-glass."
-In an opposing view, Tom Shone wrote that through Star Wars and Jaws, Lucas and Spielberg "didn't betray cinema at all: they plugged it back into the grid, returning the medium to its roots as a carnival sideshow, a magic act, one big special effect", which was "a kind of rebirth".
-In 1989, the U.S. National Film Registry of the Library of Congress selected the film as a "culturally, historically, or aesthetically important" film. In 2002, Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back were voted as the greatest films ever made on Channel 4's 100 Greatest Films poll. In 2006, Lucas's original screenplay was selected by the Writers Guild of America as the 68th greatest of all time.
-American Film Institute lists:
-AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (1998) – #15
-AFI's 100 Years...100 Thrills (2001) – #27
-AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes and Villains (2003):
-Han Solo – No. 14 Hero
-Obi-Wan Kenobi – No. 37 Hero
-Princess Leia – Nominated Hero
-Luke Skywalker – Nominated Hero
-AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes (2004):
-"May the Force be with you." – #8
-"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." – Nominated
-AFI's 100 Years of Film Scores (2005) – #1
-AFI's 100 Years...100 Cheers (2006) – #39
-AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition) (2007) – #13
-AFI's 10 Top 10 (2008) – No. 2 Sci-Fi Film
-In 2011, ABC aired a primetime special, Best in Film: The Greatest Movies of Our Time, that counted down the best movies chosen by fans based on results of a poll conducted by ABC and People magazine. Star Wars was selected as the No. 1 Best Sci-Fi Film.
-The novelization of the film was published in December 1976, six months before the film was released. The credited author was George Lucas, but the book was revealed to have been ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster, who later wrote the first Expanded Universe novel, Splinter of the Mind's Eye. The book was first published as Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker; later editions were titled simply Star Wars (1995) and, later, Star Wars: A New Hope (1997), to reflect the retitling of the film. Certain scenes deleted from the film (and later restored or archived in DVD bonus features) were always present in the novel (since it had been based on the screenplay), such as Luke at Tosche Station with Biggs and the encounter between Han and Jabba (referred to as "Jabba the Hut") in Docking Bay 94. Other deleted scenes from the movie, such as a close-up of a stormtrooper riding on a Dewback, were included in a photo insert added to later printings of the book.
-Smaller details were also different from the film version; for example, in the Death Star assault, Luke's callsign is Blue Five instead of Red Five as in the film. Also Obi-Wan does not sacrifice himself; Vader actually defeats and executes him in the lightsaber duel. Charles Lippincott secured the deal with Del Rey Books to publish the novelization in November 1976. By February 1977, a half-million copies had been sold.
-Comic book
-Marvel Comics adapted A New Hope as the first six issues of its licensed Star Wars comic book, with the first issue dated May 1977. Roy Thomas was the writer and Howard Chaykin was the artist of the adaptation; like the novelization, it contained certain elements, such as the scene with Luke and Biggs, that appeared in the screenplay but not in the finished film. The book was so successful that, according to Jim Shooter, it "single-handedly saved Marvel".
-Book-and-record sets
-Lucasfilm adapted the story for a children's book-and-record set. Released in 1979, the 24-page Star Wars read-along book was accompanied by a 33â…“ rpm 7-inch gramophone record. Each page of the book contained a cropped frame from the movie with an abridged and condensed version of the story. The record was produced by Buena Vista Records, and its content copyrighted by Black Falcon, Ltd., a subsidiary of Lucasfilm "formed to handle the merchandising for Star Wars".
-The Story of Star Wars was a 1977 record album presenting an abridged version of the events depicted in Star Wars, using dialogue and sound effects from the original film. The recording was produced by George Lucas and Alan Livingston, and was narrated by Roscoe Lee Browne. The script was adapted by E. Jack Kaplan and Cheryl Gard.
-Radio drama
-A radio drama adaptation of the film was written by Brian Daley, directed by John Madden, and produced for and broadcast on the American National Public Radio network in 1981. The adaptation received cooperation from George Lucas, who donated the rights to NPR. John Williams' music and Ben Burtt's sound design were retained for the show; Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) reprised their roles as well. The radio drama featured scenes not seen in the final cut of the film, such as Luke Skywalker's observation of the space battle above Tatooine through binoculars, a skyhopper race, and Darth Vader's interrogation of Princess Leia. In terms of Star Wars canon, the radio drama is given the highest designation (like the screenplay and novelization), G-canon.
-See also
-Hardware Wars, a 1977 low budget parody film.
-Spaceballs, a 1987 comedy film directed by Mel Brooks.
-"Blue Harvest", a 2007 episode of the comedy series Family Guy.
-Baxter, John (1999). Mythmaker: The Life and Work of George Lucas (1st edition). New York: William Morrow. ISBN 978-0-380-97833-5.
-Bouzereau, Laurent (1997). Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays. New York: Del Rey. ISBN 0-345-40981-7.
-Kaminski, Michael (2008). The Secret History of Star Wars: The Art of Storytelling and the Making of a Modern Epic. Kingston, Ont.: Legacy Books Press. ISBN 978-0-9784652-3-0.
-Pollock, Dale (1999). Skywalking: The Life and Films of George Lucas. New York: Da Capo Press. ISBN 0-306-80904-4.
-Rinzler, J. W. (2007). The Making of Star Wars. New York: Ballantine Books. ISBN 978-0-345-49476-4.
-Further reading
-Bailey, T. J. (2005). Devising a Dream: A Book of Star Wars Facts and Production Timeline. Louisville, Ky.: Wasteland Press. ISBN 1-933265-55-8.
-Blackman, W. Haden (2004). The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, Revised Edition (Star Wars). New York: Del Rey. ISBN 0-345-44903-7.
-Sansweet, Stephen (1992). Star Wars: From Concept to Screen to Collectible. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 0-8118-0101-2.
-External links
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope at StarWars.com
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope on Wookieepedia: a Star Wars wiki
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope at the Internet Movie Database
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope at AllRovi
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope at Rotten Tomatoes
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope at Box Office Mojo
-Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope at Metacritic
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/data/adjunctPhrases.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+PARSE -76.77406311035156 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NNS students)) (VP (VBD were) (VP (VBN tired) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG working)))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -96.5121078491211 (ROOT (S (S (VP (TO To) (VP (VB meet) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS friends))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN bar)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -88.22035217285156 (ROOT (S (S (VP (TO To) (VP (VB meet) (NP (JJ new) (NNS people))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD talked) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP them)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -129.16543579101562 (ROOT (S (SBAR (IN Since) (S (NP (NNP Bill)) (VP (VBD wanted) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB talk) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP John))))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD picked) (PRT (RP up)) (NP (DT the) (NN phone))) (. .)))
+PARSE -82.73074340820312 (ROOT (S (PP (TO To) (NP (NNP Susan))) (, ,) (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD seemed) (ADJP (JJ nice))) (. .)))
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/data/adjunctPhrases.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+The students were tired of working.
+To meet their friends, they went to the bar.
+To meet new people, they talked to them.
+Since Bill wanted to talk to John, he picked up the phone.
+To Susan, she seemed nice.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4665555
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+The/0 students/noun.person were/verb.stative tired/0 of/0 working/0 ./0
+To/0 meet/verb.motion their/0 friends/noun.person ,/0 they/0 went/verb.motion to/0 the/0 bar/noun.artifact ./0
+To/0 meet/verb.social new/0 people/noun.group ,/0 they/0 talked/verb.communication to/0 them/0 ./0
+Since/0 Bill/noun.person wanted/verb.emotion to/0 talk/verb.communication to/0 John/noun.person ,/0 he/0 picked/verb.motion up/verb.motion the/0 phone/noun.artifact ./0
+To/0 Susan/noun.person ,/0 she/0 seemed/verb.perception nice/0 ./0
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deleted file mode 100644
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-Aries (constellation)
-Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac, the groups of stars through which the apparent course of the sun passes during the year. It is located in the Northern Hemisphere between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. The name Aries is Latin for ram, and its symbol is [Aries.svg] (Unicode ♈), representing a ram's horns. It is one of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It is a mid-sized constellation, ranking 39th overall size, with an area of 441 square degrees (1.1% of the celestial sphere).
-Although Aries came to represent specifically the ram whose fleece became the Golden Fleece of Ancient Greek mythology, it has represented a ram since late Babylonian times. Before that, the stars of Aries formed a farmhand. Different cultures have incorporated the stars of Aries into different constellations including twin inspectors in China and a porpoise in the Marshall Islands. Aries is a relatively dim constellation, possessing only four bright stars: Hamal (Alpha Arietis, second magnitude), Sheratan (Beta Arietis, third magnitude), Mesartim (Gamma Arietis, fourth magnitude), and 41 Arietis (also fourth magnitude). The few deep-sky objects within the constellation are quite faint and include several pairs of interacting galaxies. Several meteor showers appear to radiate from Aries, including the Daytime Arietids and the Epsilon Arietids.
-History and mythology
-Aries is now recognized as an official constellation, albeit as a specific region of the sky, by the International Astronomical Union. It was originally defined in ancient texts as a specific pattern of stars, and has remained a constellation since ancient times; it now includes the ancient pattern as well as the surrounding stars. In the description of the Babylonian zodiac given in the clay tablets known as the MUL.APIN, the constellation now known as Aries was the final station along the ecliptic. The MUL.APIN was a comprehensive table of the risings and settings of stars, which likely served as an agricultural calendar. Modern-day Aries was known as MULLÚ.ḪUN.GÃ, "The Agrarian Worker" or "The Hired Man". Although likely compiled in the 12th or 11th century BCE, the MUL.APIN reflects a tradition which marks the Pleiades as the vernal equinox, which was the case with some precision at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age. The earliest identifiable reference to Aries as a distinct constellation comes from the boundary stones that date from 1350 to 1000 BCE. On several boundary stones, a zodiacal ram figure is distinct from the other characters present. The shift in identification from the constellation as the Agrarian Worker to the Ram likely occurred in later Babylonian tradition because of its growing association with Dumuzi the Shepherd. By the time the MUL.APIN was created—by 1000 BCE—modern Aries was identified with both Dumuzi's ram and a hired laborer. The exact timing of this shift is difficult to determine due to the lack of images of Aries or other ram figures.
-In ancient Egyptian astronomy, Aries was associated with the god Amon-Ra, who was depicted as a man with a ram's head and represented fertility and creativity. Because it was the location of the vernal equinox, it was called the "Indicator of the Reborn Sun". During the times of the year when Aries was prominent, priests would process statues of Amon-Ra to temples, a practice that was modified by Persian astronomers centuries later. Aries acquired the title of "Lord of the Head" in Egypt, referring to its symbolic and mythological importance.
-Aries was not fully accepted as a constellation until classical times. In Hellenistic astrology, the constellation of Aries is associated with the golden ram of Greek mythology that rescued Phrixos and Helle on orders from Hermes, taking him to the land of Colchis. Phrixos and Helle were the son and daughter of King Athamas and his first wife Nephele. The king's second wife, Ino, was jealous and wished to kill his children. To accomplish this, she induced a famine in Boeotia, then falsified a message from the Oracle of Delphi that said Phrixos must be sacrificed to end the famine. Athamas was about to sacrifice his son atop Mount Laphystium when Aries, sent by Nephele, arrived. Helle fell off of Aries's back in flight and drowned in the Dardanelles, also called the Hellespont in her honor. After arriving, Phrixos sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave the Fleece to Aeëtes of Colchis, who rewarded him with an engagement to his daughter Chalciope. Aeëtes hung its skin in a sacred place where it became known as the Golden Fleece and was guarded by a dragon. In a later myth, this Golden Fleece was stolen by Jason and the Argonauts.
-Historically, Aries has been depicted as a crouched, wingless ram with its head turned towards Taurus. Ptolemy asserted in his Almagest that Hipparchus depicted Alpha Arietis as the ram's muzzle, though Ptolemy did not include it in his constellation figure. Instead, it was listed as an "unformed star", and denoted as "the star over the head". John Flamsteed, in his Atlas Coelestis, followed Ptolemy's description by mapping it above the figure's head. Flamsteed followed the general convention of maps by depicting Aries laying down. Astrologically, Aries has been associated with the head and its humors. It was strongly associated with Mars, both the planet and the god. It was considered to govern Western Europe and Syria, and to indicate a strong temper in a person.
-The First Point of Aries, the location of the vernal equinox, is named for the constellation. This is because the Sun crossed the celestial equator from south to north in Aries more than two millennia ago. Hipparchus defined it in 130 BCE. as a point south of Gamma Arietis. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the First Point of Aries has since moved into Pisces and will move into Aquarius by around 2600 CE. The Sun now appears in Aries from late April through mid May, though the constellation is still associated with the beginning of spring.
-Medieval Muslim astronomers depicted Aries in various ways. Astronomers like al-Sufi saw the constellation as a ram, modeled on the precedent of Ptolemy. However, some Islamic celestial globes depicted Aries as a nondescript four-legged animal with what may be antlers instead of horns. Some early Bedouin observers saw a ram elsewhere in the sky; this constellation featured the Pleiades as the ram's tail. The generally accepted Arabic formation of Aries consisted of thirteen stars in a figure along with five "unformed" stars, four of which were over the animal's hindquarters and one of which was the disputed star over Aries's head. Al-Sufi's depiction differed from both other Arab astronomers' and Flamsteed's, in that his Aries was running and looking behind itself.
-The obsolete constellations introduced in Aries (Musca Borealis, Vespa, and Apis) have all been composed of the northern stars. Musca Borealis was created from the stars 33 Arietis, 35 Arietis, 39 Arietis, and 41 Arietis. In 1612, Petrus Plancius introduced Apis, a constellation representing a bee. In 1624, the same stars were used by Jakob Bartsch to create a constellation called Vespa, representing a wasp. Neither constellation became widely accepted. Johann Hevelius renamed the constellation "Musca" in 1690 in his Firmamentum Sobiescianum. To differentiate it from Musca, the southern fly, it was later renamed Musca Borealis but it did not gain acceptance and its stars were ultimately officially reabsorbed into Aries.
-In 1922, the International Astronomical Union defined its recommended three-letter abbreviation, "Ari". The official boundaries of Aries were defined in 1930 by Eugène Delporte as a polygon of 12 segments. Its right ascension is between 1h 46.4m and 3h 29.4m and its declination is between 10.36° and 31.22° in the equatorial coordinate system.
-In non-Western astronomy
-In traditional Chinese astronomy, stars from Aries were used in several constellations. The brightest stars—Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis—formed a constellation called Lou, variously translated as "bond", "lasso", and "sickle", which was associated with the ritual sacrifice of cattle. This name was shared by the 16th lunar mansion, the location of the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. The lunar mansion represented the area where animals were gathered before sacrifice around that time. This constellation has also been associated with harvest-time as it could represent a woman carrying a basket of food on her head.35, 39, and 41 Arietis were part of a constellation called Wei, which represented a fat abdomen and was the namesake of the 17th lunar mansion, which represented granaries. Delta and Zeta Arietis were a part of the constellation Tianyin, thought to represent the Emperor's hunting partner. Zuogeng (Tso-kang), a constellation depicting a marsh and pond inspector, was composed of Mu, Nu, Omicron, Pi, and Sigma Arietis. He was accompanied by Yeou-kang, a constellation depicting an official in charge of pasture distribution.
-In a similar system to the Chinese, the first lunar mansion in Hindu astronomy was called "Aswini", after the traditional names for Beta and Gamma Arietis, the Aswins. Because the Hindu new year began with the vernal equinox, the Rig Veda contains over 50 new-year's related hymns to the twins, making them some of the most prominent characters in the work. Aries itself was known as "Aja" and "Mesha". In Hebrew astronomy Aries was named "Teli"; it signified either Simeon or Gad, and generally symbolizes the "Lamb of the World". The neighboring Syrians named the constellation "Amru", and the bordering Turks named it "Kuzi". Half a world away, in the Marshall Islands, several stars from Aries were incorporated into a constellation depicting a porpoise, along with stars from Cassiopeia, Andromeda, and Triangulum. Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis formed the head of the porpoise, while stars from Andromeda formed the body and the bright stars of Cassiopeia formed the tail. Other Polynesian peoples recognized Aries as a constellation. The Marquesas islanders called it Na-pai-ka; the Maori constellation Pipiri may correspond to modern Aries as well. In indigenous Peruvian astronomy, a constellation with most of the same stars as Aries existed. It was called the "Market Moon" and the "Kneeling Terrace", as a reminder for when to hold the annual harvest festival, Ayri Huay.
-Notable features
-Aries has three prominent stars forming an asterism, designated Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis by Johann Bayer. All three are commonly used for navigation. There is also one other star above the fourth magnitude, 41 Arietis. α Arietis, called Hamal, is the brightest star in Aries. Its traditional name is derived from the Arabic word for "lamb" or "head of the ram" (ras al-hamal), which references Aries's mythological background. With a spectral class of K2 and a luminosity class of III, it is an orange giant with an apparent visual magnitude of 2.00, which lies 66 light-years from Earth. Hamal has a luminosity of 96 L☉ and its absolute magnitude is −0.1.
-β Arietis, also known as Sheratan, is a blue-white star with an apparent visual magnitude of 2.64. Its traditional name is derived from "sharatayn", the Arabic word for "the two signs", referring to both Beta and Gamma Arietis in their position as heralds of the vernal equinox. The two stars were known to the Bedouin as "qarna al-hamal", "horns of the ram". It is 59 light-years from Earth. It has a luminosity of 11 L☉ and its absolute magnitude is 2.1. It is a spectroscopic binary star, one in which the companion star is only known through analysis of the spectra. The spectral class of the primary is A5.Hermann Carl Vogel determined that Sheratan was a spectroscopic binary in 1903; its orbit was determined by Hans Ludendorff in 1907. It has since been studied for its eccentric orbit.
-γ Arietis, with a common name of Mesartim, is a binary star with two white-hued components, located in a rich field of magnitude 8–12 stars. Its traditional name has conflicting derivations. It may be derived from a corruption of "al-sharatan", the Arabic word meaning "pair" or a word for "fat ram". However, it may also come from the Sanskrit for "first star of Aries" or the Hebrew for "ministerial servants", both of which are unusual languages of origin for star names. Along with Beta Arietis, it was known to the Bedouin as "qarna al-hamal". The primary is of magnitude 4.59 and the secondary is of magnitude 4.68. The system is 164 light-years from Earth. The two components are separated by 7.8 arcseconds, and the system as a whole has an apparent magnitude of 3.9. The primary has a luminosity of 60 L☉ and the secondary has a luminosity of 56 L☉; the primary is an A-type star with an absolute magnitude of 0.2 and the secondary is a B9-type star with an absolute magnitude of 0.4. The angle between the two components is 1°. Mesartim was discovered to be a double star by Robert Hooke in 1664, one of the earliest such telescopic discoveries. The primary, γ1 Arietis, is an Alpha² Canum Venaticorum variable star that has a range of 0.02 magnitudes and a period of 2.607 days. It is unusual because of its strong silicon emission lines.
-The constellation is home to several double stars, including Epsilon, Lambda, and Pi Arietis. ε Arietis is a binary star with two white components. The primary is of magnitude 5.2 and the secondary is of magnitude 5.5. The system is 290 light-years from Earth. Its overall magnitude is 4.63, and the primary has an absolute magnitude of 1.4. Its spectral class is A2. The two components are separated by 1.5 arcseconds.λ Arietis is a wide double star with a white-hued primary and a yellow-hued secondary. The primary is of magnitude 4.8 and the secondary is of magnitude 7.3. The primary is 129 light-years from Earth. It has an absolute magnitude of 1.7 and a spectral class of F0. The two components are separated by 36 arcseconds at an angle of 50°; the two stars are located 0.5° east of 7 Arietis.π Arietis is a close binary star with a blue-white primary and a white secondary. The primary is of magnitude 5.3 and the secondary is of magnitude 8.5. The primary is 776 light-years from Earth. The primary itself is a wide double star with a separation of 25.2 arcseconds; the tertiary has a magnitude of 10.8. The primary and secondary are separated by 3.2 arcseconds.
-Most of the other stars in Aries visible to the naked eye have magnitudes between 3 and 5. δ Ari, called Boteïn, is a star of magnitude 4.35, 170 light-years away. It has an absolute magnitude of −0.1 and a spectral class of K2.ζ Arietis is a star of magnitude 4.89, 263 light-years away. Its spectral class is A0 and its absolute magnitude is 0.0.14 Arietis is a star of magnitude 4.98, 288 light-years away. Its spectral class is F2 and its absolute magnitude is 0.6.39 Arietis is a similar star of magnitude 4.51, 172 light-years away. Its spectral class is K1 and its absolute magnitude is 0.0.35 Arietis is a dim star of magnitude 4.55, 343 light-years away. Its spectral class is B3 and its absolute magnitude is −1.7.41 Arietis, known both as c Arietis and Nair al Butain, is a brighter star of magnitude 3.63, 165 light-years away. Its spectral class is B8 and it has a luminosity of 105 L☉. Its absolute magnitude is −0.2.53 Arietis is a runaway star of magnitude 6.09, 815 light-years away. Its spectral class is B2. It was likely ejected from the Orion Nebula approximately five million years ago, possibly due to supernovae. Finally, Teegarden's Star is the closest star to Earth in Aries. It is a brown dwarf of magnitude 15.14 and spectral class M6.5V. With a proper motion of 5.1 arcseconds per year, it is the 24th closest star to Earth overall.
-Aries has its share of variable stars, including R and U Arietis, Mira-type variable stars, and T Arietis, a semi-regular variable star. R Arietis is a Mira variable star that ranges in magnitude from a minimum of 13.7 to a maximum of 7.4 with a period of 186.8 days. It is 4,080 light-years away.U Arietis is another Mira variable star that ranges in magnitude from a minimum of 15.2 to a maximum of 7.2 with a period of 371.1 days.T Arietis is a semiregular variable star that ranges in magnitude from a minimum of 11.3 to a maximum of 7.5 with a period of 317 days. It is 1,630 light-years away. One particularly interesting variable in Aries is SX Arietis, a rotating variable star considered to be the prototype of its class, helium variable stars. SX Arietis stars have very prominent emission lines of Helium I and Silicon III. They are normally main-sequence B0p—B9p stars, and their variations are not usually visible to the naked eye. Therefore, they are observed photometrically, usually having periods that fit in the course of one night. Similar to Alpha² Canum Venaticorum variables, SX Arietis stars have periodic changes in their light and magnetic field, which correspond to the periodic rotation; they differ from the Alpha² Canum Venaticorum variables in their higher temperature. There are between 39 and 49 SX Arietis variable stars currently known; ten are noted as being "uncertain" in the General Catalog of Variable Stars.
-Deep-sky objects
-The few deep-sky objects in Aries are very dim. Nevertheless, several scientifically interesting galaxies lie within its borders; it has spiral, elliptical, and interacting galaxies.
-NGC 772 is a spiral galaxy with an integrated magnitude of 10.3, located southeast of β Arietis and 15 arcminutes west of 15 Arietis. It is a relatively bright galaxy and shows obvious nebulosity and ellipticity in an amateur telescope. It is 7.2 by 4.2 arcminutes, meaning that its surface brightness, magnitude 13.6, is significantly lower than its integrated magnitude. NGC 772 is a class SA(s)b galaxy, which means that it is an unbarred spiral galaxy without a ring that possesses a somewhat prominent bulge and spiral arms that are wound somewhat tightly. The main arm, on the northwest side of the galaxy, is home to many star forming regions; this is due to previous gravitational interactions with other galaxies. NGC 772 has a small companion galaxy, NGC 770, that is about 113,000 light-years away from the larger galaxy. The two galaxies together are also classified as Arp 78 in the Arp peculiar galaxy catalog. NGC 772 has a diameter of 240,000 light-years and the system is 114 million light-years from Earth. Another spiral galaxy in Aries is NGC 673, a face-on class SAB(s)c galaxy. It is a weakly barred spiral galaxy with loosely wound arms. It has no ring and a faint bulge and is 2.5 by 1.9 arcminutes. It has two primary arms with fragments located farther from the core. 171,000 light-years in diameter, NGC 673 is 235 million light-years from Earth.
-NGC 678 and NGC 680 are a pair of galaxies in Aries that are only about 200,000 light-years apart. Part of the NGC 691 group of galaxies, both are at a distance of approximately 130 million light-years. NGC 678 is an edge-on spiral galaxy that is 4.5 by 0.8 arcminutes. NGC 680, an elliptical galaxy with an asymmetrical boundary, is the brighter of the two at magnitude 12.9; NGC 678 has a magnitude of 13.35. Both galaxies have bright cores, but NGC 678 is the larger galaxy at a diameter of 171,000 light-years; NGC 680 has a diameter of 72,000 light-years. NGC 678 is further distinguished by its prominent dust lane. NGC 691 itself is a spiral galaxy slightly inclined to our line of sight. It has multiple spiral arms and a bright core. Because it is so diffuse, it has a low surface brightness. It has a diameter of 126,000 light-years and is 124 million light-years away.NGC 877 is the brightest member of an 8-galaxy group that also includes NGC 870, NGC 871, and NGC 876, with a magnitude of 12.53. It is 2.4 by 1.8 arcminutes and is 178 million light-years away with a diameter of 124,000 light-years. Its companion is NGC 876, which is about 103,000 light-years from the core of NGC 877. They are interacting gravitationally, as they are connected by a faint stream of gas and dust.Arp 276 is a different pair of interacting galaxies in Aries, consisting of NGC 935 and IC 1801.
-NGC 821 is an E6 elliptical galaxy. It is unusual because it has hints of an early spiral structure, which is normally only found in lenticular and spiral galaxies. NGC 821 is 2.6 by 2.0 arcminutes and has a visual magnitude of 11.3. Its diameter is 61,000 light-years and it is 80 million light-years away. Another unusual galaxy in Aries is Segue 2. Segue 2 is a dwarf galaxy that is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, recently discovered to be a potential relic of the epoch of reionization.
-Meteor showers
-Aries is home to several meteor showers. The Daytime Arietid meteor shower is one of the strongest meteor showers that occurs during the day, lasting from 22 May to 2 June. It is an annual shower associated with the Marsden group of comets that peaks on 7 June with a maximum zenithal hourly rate of 54 meteors. Its parent body may be the asteroid Icarus. The meteors are sometimes visible before dawn, because the radiant is 32 degrees away from the Sun. They usually appear at a rate of 1–2 per hour as "earthgrazers", meteors that last several seconds and often begin at the horizon. Because most of the Daytime Arietids are not visible to the naked eye, they are observed in the radio spectrum. This is possible because of the ionized gas they leave in their wake. Other meteor showers radiate from Aries during the day; these include the Daytime Epsilon Arietids and the Northern and Southern Daytime May Arietids. The Jodrell Bank Observatory discovered the Daytime Arietids in 1947 when James Hey and G.S. Stewart adapted the World War II-era radar systems for meteor observations.
-The Delta Arietids are another meteor shower radiating from Aries. Peaking on 9 December with a low peak rate, the shower lasts from 8 December to 14 January, with the highest rates visible from 8 to 14 December. The average Delta Aquarid meteor is very slow, with an average velocity of 13.2 kilometres (8.2Â mi) per second. However, this shower sometimes produces bright fireballs. This meteor shower has northern and southern components, both of which are likely associated with 1990 HA, a near-earth asteroid.
-The Autumn Arietids also radiate from Aries. The shower lasts from 7 September to 27 October and peaks on 9 October. Its peak rate is low. The Epsilon Arietids appear from 12 to 23 October. Other meteor showers radiating from Aries include the October Delta Arietids, Daytime Epsilon Arietids, Daytime May Arietids, Sigma Arietids, Nu Arietids, and Beta Arietids. The Sigma Arietids, a class IV meteor shower, are visible from 12 to 19 October, with a maximum zenithal hourly rate of less than two meteors per hour on 19 October.
-Planetary systems
-Aries contains several stars with extrasolar planets. HIP 14810, a G5 type star, is orbited by three giant planets (those more than ten times the mass of Earth).HD 12661, like HIP 14810, is a G-type main sequence star, slightly larger than the Sun, with two orbiting planets. One planet is 2.3 times the mass of Jupiter, and the other is 1.57 times the mass of Jupiter.HD 20367 is a G0 type star, approximately the size of the Sun, with one orbiting planet. The planet, discovered in 2002, has a mass 1.07 times that of Jupiter and orbits every 500 days.
-See also
-Aries (astrology)
-Explanatory notes
-Online sources
-External links
-The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations: Aries
-Star Tales – Aries
-[Image] Media related to Aries (constellation) at Wikimedia Commons
-Coordinates: [Sky map]03h 00m 00s, +20° 00′ 00″
diff --git a/data/aries_questions.txt b/data/aries_questions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index af752ec..0000000
--- a/data/aries_questions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Why is unusual about the NGC 821 galaxy?
-What are the stars Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis commonly used for?
-In traditional Chinese astronomy, what constellation was formed from the brightest stars in Aries?
-What is the brightest star in Aries?
-What star in Aries is closest to Earth?
-What was Aries associated with in ancient Egyptian astronomy?
-Are most stars in Aries invisible to the naked eye?
-Is Aries a dim constellation?
-Is Aries an official constellation?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/calverts.parse b/data/calverts.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e428de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/calverts.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN While) (S (VP (VBG establishing) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN refuge)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (NNPS Catholics)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD faced) (NP (NP (VBG increasing) (NN persecution)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Anglican) (NNP England))))))))))))) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Calverts)) (VP (VBD were) (ADVP (RB also)) (ADJP (JJ interested)) (PP (IN in) (S (VP (VBG creating) (NP (JJ profitable) (NNS estates)))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (PP (PP (TO To) (NP (DT this) (NN end))) (, ,) (CC and) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (VB avoid) (NN trouble)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (JJ British) (NN government)))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBD encouraged) (NP (JJ Protestant) (NN immigration))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Maryland) (POS 's)) (NN royal) (NN charter)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mixture)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ feudal) (CC and) (JJ modern) (NNS elements))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (PP (IN On) (NP (DT the) (CD one) (NN hand))) (NP (DT the) (NNP Calvert) (NN family)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (DT the) (NN power) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB create) (NP (JJ manorial) (NNS estates))))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (PP (IN On) (NP (DT the) (JJ other))) (, ,) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (MD could) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VB make) (NP (NNS laws)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN consent)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN freemen)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NN property) (NNS holders)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBD found) (SBAR (IN that) (S (SBAR (IN in) (NN order) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VP (VB attract) (NP (JJ settlers) (NN €”))) (CC and) (VP (VB make) (NP (DT a) (NN profit)) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS holdings) (NN €”)))))))) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD had) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB offer) (NP (NP (NNS people) (NNS farms)) (, ,) (RB not) (RB just) (NP (NP (NN tenancy)) (PP (IN on) (NP (JJ manorial) (NNS estates)))))))))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN number)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ independent) (NNS farms)))) (VP (VBD grew) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN consequence)))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ Their) (NNS owners)) (VP (VBD demanded) (NP (DT a) (NN voice)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS affairs)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN colony)))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Maryland) (POS 's)) (JJ first) (NN legislature)) (VP (VBD met) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 1635)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/calverts.sent b/data/calverts.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c463f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/calverts.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+While establishing a refuge for Catholics, who faced increasing persecution in Anglican England, the Calverts were also interested in creating profitable estates.
+To this end, and to avoid trouble with the British government, they also encouraged Protestant immigration.
+Maryland's royal charter had a mixture of feudal and modern elements.
+On the one hand the Calvert family had the power to create manorial estates.
+On the other, they could only make laws with the consent of freemen (property holders).
+They found that in order to attract settlers — and make a profit from their holdings — they had to offer people farms, not just tenancy on manorial estates.
+The number of independent farms grew in consequence.
+Their owners demanded a voice in the affairs of the colony.
+Maryland's first legislature met in 1635.
diff --git a/data/conjunctionsTest.parse b/data/conjunctionsTest.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8900e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/conjunctionsTest.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -73.10531616210938 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP He) (CC and) (NNP Fred)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN store)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -58.75383758544922 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN library)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/conjunctionsTest.sent b/data/conjunctionsTest.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee058c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/conjunctionsTest.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+He and Fred went to the store.
+They also went to the library.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/conjunctionsTest.sst b/data/conjunctionsTest.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d7ffc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/conjunctionsTest.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+He/0 and/0 Fred/noun.person went/0 to/0 the/0 store/noun.artifact ./0
+They/0 also/0 went/verb.motion to/0 the/0 library/noun.artifact ./0
diff --git a/data/defaultMale1.parse b/data/defaultMale1.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1734050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale1.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -62.223472595214844 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Sally)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN banker)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -45.840965270996094 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBD gave) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN money))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/defaultMale1.sent b/data/defaultMale1.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ae362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale1.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Sally went to the banker.
+He gave her money.
diff --git a/data/defaultMale1.sst b/data/defaultMale1.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb890e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale1.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Sally/noun.person went/0 to/0 the/0 banker/noun.person ./0
+He/0 gave/verb.possession her/0 money/noun.possession ./0
diff --git a/data/defaultMale2.parse b/data/defaultMale2.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..681bddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale2.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -57.34165573120117 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Bob)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN banker)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -53.67909622192383 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBD wanted) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB do) (NP (DT a) (NN transaction)))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/defaultMale2.sent b/data/defaultMale2.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..134ce48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale2.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Bob went to the banker.
+He wanted to do a transaction.
diff --git a/data/defaultMale2.sst b/data/defaultMale2.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfc8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale2.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Bob/noun.person went/verb.motion to/0 the/0 banker/noun.person ./0
+He/0 wanted/verb.emotion to/0 do/verb.social a/0 transaction/noun.act ./0
diff --git a/data/defaultMale3.parse b/data/defaultMale3.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125364b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale3.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -61.83634567260742 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN banker)) (VP (VBD met) (NP (NNP Bob))) (. .)))
+PARSE -63.01122283935547 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG having) (NP (DT a) (JJ busy) (NN day)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/defaultMale3.sent b/data/defaultMale3.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ab362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale3.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The banker met Bob.
+He was having a busy day.
diff --git a/data/defaultMale3.sst b/data/defaultMale3.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ba610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/defaultMale3.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The/0 banker/noun.person met/verb.motion Bob/noun.person ./0
+He/0 was/0 having/verb.possession a/0 busy/0 day/noun.time ./0
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/data/english_language.txt
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@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-English language
-This article is about the language. For other uses, see English (disambiguation).
-English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now the most widely used language in the world. It is spoken as a first language by the majority populations of several sovereign states, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations. It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second language and is an official language of the European Union, many Commonwealth countries and the United Nations, as well as in many world organisations.
-English arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and what is now southeast Scotland. Following the extensive influence of Great Britain and the United Kingdom from the 17th century to the mid-20th century, through the British Empire, and also of the United States since the mid-20th century, it has been widely propagated around the world, becoming the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions.
-Historically, English originated from the fusion of closely related dialects, now collectively termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by Germanic settlers (Anglo-Saxons) by the 5th century – with the word English being derived from the name of the Angles, and ultimately from their ancestral region of Angeln (in what is now Schleswig-Holstein). A significant number of English words are constructed on the basis of roots from Latin, because Latin in some form was the lingua franca of the Christian Church and of European intellectual life. The language was further influenced by the Old Norse language because of Viking invasions in the 8th and 9th centuries.
-The Norman conquest of England in the 11th century gave rise to heavy borrowings from Norman-French, and vocabulary and spelling conventions began to give the appearance of a close relationship with Romance languages to what had then become Middle English. The Great Vowel Shift that began in the south of England in the 15th century is one of the historical events that mark the emergence of Modern English from Middle English.
-Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary, with complex and irregular spelling, particularly of vowels. Modern English has not only assimilated words from other European languages, but from all over the world. The Oxford English Dictionary lists over 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific, and slang terms.
-Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca, is the dominant language or in some instances even the required international language of communications, science, information technology, business, seafaring,aviation,entertainment, radio and diplomacy. Its spread beyond the British Isles began with the growth of the British Empire, and by the late 19th century its reach was truly global. Following British colonisation from the 16th to 19th centuries, it became the dominant language in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The growing economic and cultural influence of the US and its status as a global superpower since World War II have significantly accelerated the language's spread across the planet. English replaced German as the dominant language of science Nobel Prize laureates during the second half of the 20th century. English equalled and may have surpassed French as the dominant language of diplomacy during the last half of the 19th century.
-A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of fields, occupations and professions such as medicine and computing; as a consequence over a billion people speak English to at least a basic level (see English as a foreign or second language). It is one of six official languages of the United Nations.
-One impact of the growth of English is the reduction of native linguistic diversity in many parts of the world. Its influence continues to play an important role in language attrition. Conversely, the natural internal variety of English along with creoles and pidgins have the potential to produce new distinct languages from English over time.
-English originated in those dialects of North Sea Germanic that were carried to Britain by Germanic settlers from various parts of what are now the Netherlands, northwest Germany, and Denmark. Up to that point, in Roman Britain the native population is assumed to have spoken the Celtic language Brythonic alongside the acrolectal influence of Latin, from the 400-year Roman occupation.
-One of these incoming Germanic tribes was the Angles, whom Bede believed to have relocated entirely to Britain. The names 'England' (from Engla land "Land of the Angles") and English (Old English Englisc) are derived from the name of this tribe—but Saxons, Jutes and a range of Germanic peoples from the coasts of Frisia, Lower Saxony, Jutland and Southern Sweden also moved to Britain in this era.
-Initially, Old English was a diverse group of dialects, reflecting the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Great Britain but one of these dialects, Late West Saxon, eventually came to dominate, and it is in this that the poem Beowulf is written.
-Old English was later transformed by two waves of invasion. The first was by speakers of the North Germanic language branch when Halfdan Ragnarsson and Ivar the Boneless started the conquering and colonisation of northern parts of the British Isles in the 8th and 9th centuries (see Danelaw). The second was by speakers of the Romance language Old Norman in the 11th century with the Norman conquest of England. Norman developed into Anglo-Norman, and then Anglo-French – and introduced a layer of words especially via the courts and government. As well as extending the lexicon with Scandinavian and Norman words these two events also simplified the grammar and transformed English into a borrowing language—more than normally open to accept new words from other languages.
-The linguistic shifts in English following the Norman invasion produced what is now referred to as Middle English; Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is its best-known work.
-Throughout all this period Latin in some form was the lingua franca of European intellectual life, first the Medieval Latin of the Christian Church, but later the humanist Renaissance Latin, and those that wrote or copied texts in Latin commonly coined new terms from Latin to refer to things or concepts for which there was no existing native English word.
-Modern English, which includes the works of William Shakespeare and the King James Bible, is generally dated from about 1550, and when the United Kingdom became a colonial power, English served as the lingua franca of the colonies of the British Empire. In the post-colonial period, some of the newly created nations that had multiple indigenous languages opted to continue using English as the lingua franca to avoid the political difficulties inherent in promoting any one indigenous language above the others. As a result of the growth of the British Empire, English was adopted in North America, India, Africa, Australia and many other regions, a trend extended with the emergence of the United States as a superpower in the mid-20th century.
-Classification and related languages
-The English language belongs to the Anglo-Frisian sub-group of the West Germanic branch of the Germanic family, a member of the Indo-European languages. Modern English is the direct descendant of Middle English, itself a direct descendant of Old English, a descendant of Proto-Germanic. Typical of most Germanic languages, English is characterised by the use of modal verbs, the division of verbs into strong and weak classes, and common sound shifts from Proto-Indo-European known as Grimm's Law. The closest living relatives of English are Scots (spoken primarily in Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland where Ulster Scots is spoken) and Frisian (spoken on the southern fringes of the North Sea in Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany).
-After Scots and Frisian come those Germanic languages that are more distantly related: the non-Anglo-Frisian West Germanic languages (Dutch, Afrikaans, Low German, High German), and the North Germanic languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faroese). With the (partial) exception of Scots, none of the other languages is mutually intelligible with English, owing in part to the divergences in lexis, syntax, semantics, and phonology, and to the isolation afforded to the English language by the British Isles, although some, such as Dutch, do show strong affinities with English, especially to earlier stages of the language. Isolation has allowed English and Scots (as well as Icelandic and Faroese) to develop independently of the Continental Germanic languages and their influences over time.
-In addition to isolation, lexical differences between English and other Germanic languages exist due to diachronic change, semantic drift, and to substantial borrowing in English of words from other languages, especially Latin and French (though borrowing is in no way unique to English). For example, compare "exit" (Latin), vs. Dutch uitgang and German Ausgang (literally "out-going", though outgang continues to survive dialectally) and "change" (French) vs. Dutch andering and German Änderung (literally "elsing, othering", i.e. "alteration"); "movement" (French) vs. Dutch beweging and German Bewegung ("beway-ing", i.e. "proceeding along the way"); etc. With the exception of exit (a Modern English borrowing), Middle English had already distanced itself from other Germanic languages, having the terms wharf, schift (="shift"), and wending for "change"; and already by Old English times the word bewegan meant "to cover, envelop", rather than "to move". Preference of one synonym over another also causes differentiation in lexis, even where both words are Germanic, as in English care vs. German Sorge. Both words descend from Proto-Germanic *karŠand *surgŠrespectively, but *karŠhas become the dominant word in English for "care" while in German, Dutch, and Scandinavian languages, the *surgŠroot prevailed. *SurgŠstill survives in English, however, as sorrow.
-Despite extensive lexical borrowing, the workings of the English language are resolutely Germanic, and English remains classified as a Germanic language due to its structure and grammar. Borrowed words get incorporated into a Germanic system of conjugation, declension, and syntax, and behave exactly as though they were native Germanic words from Old English. For example, the word reduce is borrowed from Latin redÅ«cere; however, in English one says "I reduce - I reduced - I will reduce" rather than "redÅ«cÅ - redÅ«xÄ« - redÅ«cam"; likewise, we say: "John's life insurance company" (cf. Dutch "Johns levensverzekeringsmaatschappij" [= leven (life) + verzekering (insurance) + maatschappij (company)] rather than "the company of insurance life of John", cf. the French: la compagnie d'assurance-vie de John). Furthermore, in English, all basic grammatical particles added to nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are Germanic. For nouns, these include the normal plural marker -s/-es (apple - apples; cf. Frisian appel - appels; Dutch appel - appels; Afrikaans appel - appels), and the possessive markers -'s (Brad's hat; German Brads Hut; Danish Brads hat) and -s' . For verbs, these include the third person present ending -s/-es (e.g. he stands/he reaches ), the present participle ending -ing (cf. Dutch -ende; German -end(e)), the simple past tense and past participle ending -ed (Swedish -ade/-ad), and the formation of the English infinitive using to (e.g. "to drive"; cf. Old English tÅ drÄ«fenne; Dutch te drijven; Low German to drieven; German zu treiben). Adverbs generally receive an -ly ending (cf. German -lich; Swedish -ligt), and adjectives and adverbs are inflected for the comparative and superlative using -er and -est (e.g. hard/harder/hardest; cf. Dutch hard/harder/hardst), or through a combination with more and most (cf. Swedish mer and mest). These particles append freely to all English words regardless of origin (tsunamis; communicates; to buccaneer; during; calmer; bizarrely) and all derive from Old English. Even the lack or absence of affixes, known as zero or null (-Ø) affixes, derive from endings which previously existed in Old English (usually -e, -a, -u, -o, -an, etc.), that later weakened to -e, and have since ceased to be pronounced and spelt (e.g. Modern English "I sing" = I sing-Ø < I singe < Old English ic singe; "we thought" = we thought-Ø < we thoughte(n) < Old English wÄ“ þÅhton).
-Due to the Viking colonisation and influence of Old Norse upon Middle English, English syntax follows a pattern similar to that of North Germanic languages (Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, etc.) in contrast to other West Germanic languages, such as Dutch and German. This is especially evident in the order and placement of verbs. For example, English "I will never see you again" = Danish "Jeg vil aldrig se dig igen"; Icelandic "Ég mun aldrei sjá þig aftur", whereas in Dutch and German the main verb is placed at the end (e.g. Dutch "Ik zal je nooit weer zien"; German "Ich werde dich nie wieder sehen", literally, "I will you never again see"). This is also observable in perfect tense constructions, as in English "I have never seen anything in the square" = Danish "Jeg har aldrig set noget på torvet"; Icelandic "Ég hef aldrei séð neitt á torginu", where Dutch and German place the past participle at the end (e.g. Dutch "Ik heb nooit iets op het plein gezien"; German "Ich habe nie etwas auf dem Platz gesehen", literally, "I have never anything in the square seen"). As in most Germanic languages, English adjectives usually come before the noun they modify, even when the adjective is of Latinate origin (e.g. medical emergency, national treasure). Also, English continues to make extensive use of self-explaining compounds (e.g. streetcar, classroom), and nouns which serve as modifiers (e.g. lamp post, life insurance company), traits inherited from Old English (See also Kenning).
-The kinship with other Germanic languages can also be seen in the tensing of English verbs (e.g. English fall/fell/fallen/will or shall fall, West Frisian fal/foel/fallen/sil falle, Dutch vallen/viel/gevallen/zullen vallen, German fallen/fiel/gefallen/werden fallen, Norwegian faller/falt/falt or falne/vil or skal falle), the comparatives of adjectives and adverbs (e.g. English good/better/best, West Frisian goed/better/best, Dutch goed/beter/best, German gut/besser/best), the treatment of nouns (English shoemaker, shoemaker's, shoemakers, shoemakers'; Dutch schoenmaker, schoenmakers, schoenmakers, schoenmakeren; Swedish skomakare, skomakares, skomakare, skomakares), and the large amount of cognates (e.g. English wet, Scots weet, West Frisian wiet, Swedish våt; English send, Dutch zenden, German senden; English meaning, Swedish mening, Icelandic meining, etc.). It also gives rise to false friends (e.g. English time vs Norwegian time, meaning "hour"; English gift vs German Gift, meaning "poison"), while differences in phonology can obscure words that really are related (tooth vs. German Zahn; compare also Danish tand). Sometimes both semantics and phonology are different (German Zeit ("time") is related to English "tide", but the English word, through a transitional phase of meaning "period"/"interval", has come primarily to mean gravitational effects on the ocean by the moon, though the original meaning is preserved in forms like tidings and betide, and phrases such as to tide over).[citation needed]
-Many North Germanic words entered English due to the settlement of Viking raiders and Danish invasions which began around the 9th century (see Danelaw). Many of these words are common words, often mistaken for being native, which shows how close-knit the relations between the English and the Scandinavian settlers were (See below: Old Norse origins). Dutch and Low German also had a considerable influence on English vocabulary, contributing common everyday terms and many nautical and trading terms (See below: Dutch and Low German origins).
-Finally, English has been forming compound words and affixing existing words separately from the other Germanic languages for over 1500 years and has different habits in that regard. For instance, abstract nouns in English may be formed from native words by the suffixes "‑hood", "-ship", "-dom" and "-ness". All of these have cognate suffixes in most or all other Germanic languages, but their usage patterns have diverged, as German "Freiheit" vs. English "freedom" (the suffix "-heit" being cognate of English "-hood", while English "-dom" is cognate with German "-tum"; compare also North Frisian fridoem, Dutch vrijdom, Norwegian fridom, "freedom"). The Germanic languages Icelandic and Faroese also follow English in this respect, since, like English, they developed independent of German influences.
-Many French words are also intelligible to an English speaker, especially when they are seen in writing (as pronunciations are often quite different), because English absorbed a large vocabulary from Norman and French, via Anglo-Norman after the Norman Conquest, and directly from French in subsequent centuries. As a result, a large portion of English vocabulary is derived from French, with some minor spelling differences (e.g. inflectional endings, use of old French spellings, lack of diacritics, etc.), as well as occasional divergences in meaning of so-called false friends: for example, compare "library" with the French librairie, which means bookstore; in French, the word for "library" is bibliothèque. The pronunciation of most French loanwords in English (with the exception of a handful of more recently borrowed words such as mirage, genre, café; or phrases like coup d'état, rendez-vous, etc.) has become largely anglicised and follows a typically English phonology and pattern of stress (compare English "nature" vs. French nature, "button" vs. bouton, "table" vs. table, "hour" vs. heure, "reside" vs. résider, etc.).
-Geographical distribution
-Approximately 375Â million people speak English as their first language. English today is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. However, when combining native and non-native speakers it is probably the most commonly spoken language in the world, though possibly second to a combination of the Chinese languages (depending on whether or not distinctions in the latter are classified as "languages" or "dialects").
-Estimates that include second language speakers vary greatly from 470Â million to over a billion depending on how literacy or mastery is defined and measured. Linguistics professor David Crystal calculates that non-native speakers now outnumber native speakers by a ratio of 3 to 1.
-The countries with the highest populations of native English speakers are, in descending order: the United States (215Â million), the United Kingdom (61Â million), Canada (18.2Â million),Australia (15.5Â million), Nigeria (4Â million), Ireland (3.8Â million), South Africa (3.7Â million), and New Zealand (3.6Â million) in a 2006 Census.
-Countries such as the Philippines, Jamaica and Nigeria also have millions of native speakers of dialect continua ranging from an English-based creole to a more standard version of English. Of those nations where English is spoken as a second language, India has the most such speakers ('Indian English'). Crystal claims that, combining native and non-native speakers, India now has more people who speak or understand English than any other country in the world.
-Countries in order of total speakers
-Countries where English is a major language
-English is the primary language in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey, Guyana, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the United Kingdom and the United States.
-In some countries where English is not the most spoken language, it is an official language; these countries include Botswana, Cameroon, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malta, the Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines (Philippine English), Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Also there are countries where in a part of the territory English became a co-official language, e.g. Colombia's San Andrés y Providencia and Nicaragua's Mosquito Coast. This was a result of the influence of British colonisation in the area.
-It is also one of the 11 official languages that are given equal status in South Africa (South African English). English is also the official language in current dependent territories of Australia (Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos Island) and of the United States (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands), and the former British colony of Hong Kong. (See List of countries where English is an official language for more details.)
-Although the United States federal government has no official languages, English has been given official status by 30 of the 50 state governments. Although falling short of official status, English is also an important language in several former colonies and protectorates of the United Kingdom, such as Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cyprus, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates.
-English as a global language
-Because English is so widely spoken, it has often been referred to as a "world language", the lingua franca of the modern era, and while it is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language. It is, by international treaty, the official language for aeronautical and maritime communications. English is an official language of the United Nations and many other international organizations, including the International Olympic Committee.
-English is the language most often studied as a foreign language in the European Union, by 89% of schoolchildren, ahead of French at 32%, while the perception of the usefulness of foreign languages among Europeans is 68% in favour of English ahead of 25% for French. Among some non-English-speaking EU countries, a large percentage of the adult population claims to be able to converse in English – in particular: 85% in Sweden, 83% in Denmark, 79% in the Netherlands, 66% in Luxembourg and over 50% in Finland, Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, and Germany.
-Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are available in many countries around the world, and English is the most commonly used language in the sciences with Science Citation Index reporting as early as 1997 that 95% of its articles were written in English, even though only half of them came from authors in English-speaking countries.
-This increasing use of the English language globally has had a large impact on many other languages, leading to language shift and even language death, and to claims of linguistic imperialism. English itself has become more open to language shift as multiple regional varieties feed back into the language as a whole.
-Dialects and varieties
-English has been subject to a large degree of regional dialect variation for many centuries. Its global spread now means that a large number of dialects and English-based creole languages and pidgins can be found all over the world.
-Several educated native dialects of English have wide acceptance as standards in much of the world. In the United Kingdom much emphasis is placed on Received Pronunciation, an educated dialect of South East England. General American, which is spread over most of the United States and much of Canada, is more typically the model for the American continents and areas (such as the Philippines) that have had either close association with the United States, or a desire to be so identified. In Oceania, the major native dialect of Australian English is spoken as a first language by the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Australian continent, with General Australian serving as the standard accent. The English of neighbouring New Zealand as well as that of South Africa have to a lesser degree been influential native varieties of the language.
-Aside from these major dialects, there are numerous other varieties of English, which include, in most cases, several subvarieties, such as Cockney, Scouse and Geordie within British English; Newfoundland English within Canadian English; and African American Vernacular English ("Ebonics") and Southern American English within American English. English is a pluricentric language, without a central language authority like France's Académie française; and therefore no one variety is considered "correct" or "incorrect" except in terms of the expectations of the particular audience to which the language is directed.
-Scots has its origins in early Northern Middle English and developed and changed during its history with influence from other sources. However, following the Acts of Union 1707 a process of language attrition began, whereby successive generations adopted more and more features from Standard English. Whether Scots is now a separate language or is better described as a dialect of English (i.e. part of Scottish English) is in dispute, although the UK government accepts Scots as a regional language and has recognised it as such under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. There are a number of regional dialects of Scots, and pronunciation, grammar and lexis of the traditional forms differ, sometimes substantially, from other varieties of English.
-English speakers have many different accents, which often signal the speaker's native dialect or language. For the most distinctive characteristics of regional accents, see Regional accents of English, and for a complete list of regional dialects, see List of dialects of the English language. Within England, variation is now largely confined to pronunciation rather than grammar or vocabulary. At the time of the Survey of English Dialects, grammar and vocabulary differed across the country, but a process of lexical attrition has led most of this variation to die out.
-Just as English itself has borrowed words from many different languages over its history, English loanwords now appear in many languages around the world, indicative of the technological and cultural influence of its speakers. Several pidgins and creole languages have been formed on an English base, such as Jamaican Patois, Nigerian Pidgin, and Tok Pisin. There are many words in English coined to describe forms of particular non-English languages that contain a very high proportion of English words.
-Register effects
-It is well-established that informal speech registers tend to be made up predominantly of words of Anglo-Saxon or Germanic origin, whereas the Latinate vocabulary is usually reserved for more formal uses such as legal, scientific, and otherwise scholarly or academic texts.
-Child-directed speech, which is an informal speech register, also tends to rely heavily on vocabulary rife in words derived from Anglo-Saxon. The speech of mothers to young children has a higher percentage of native Anglo-Saxon verb tokens than speech addressed to adults. In particular, in parents' child-directed speech the clausal core is built in the most part by Anglo-Saxon verbs, namely, almost all tokens of the grammatical relations subject-verb, verb-direct object and verb-indirect object that young children are presented with, are constructed with native verbs. The Anglo-Saxon verb vocabulary consists of short verbs, but its grammar is relatively complex. Syntactic patterns specific to this sub-vocabulary in present-day English include periphrastic constructions for tense, aspect, questioning and negation, and phrasal lexemes functioning as complex predicates, all of which also occur in child-directed speech.
-The historical origin of vocabulary items affects the order of acquisition of various aspects of language development in English-speaking children. Latinate vocabulary is in general a later acquisition in children than the native Anglo-Saxon one. Young children almost exclusively use the native verb vocabulary in constructing basic grammatical relations, apparently mastering its analytic aspects at an early stage.
-Formal written English
-A version of the language almost universally agreed upon by educated English speakers around the world is called formal written English. It takes virtually the same form regardless of where it is written, in contrast to spoken English, which differs significantly between dialects, accents, and varieties of slang and of colloquial and regional expressions. Local variations in the formal written version of the language are quite limited, being restricted largely to minor spelling, lexical and grammatical differences between British, American, and other national varieties of English.
-Simplified and constructed varieties
-Artificially simplified versions of the language have been created that are easier for non-native speakers to read. Basic English is a constructed language, with a restricted number of words, created by Charles Kay Ogden and described in his book Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar (1930). Ogden said that it would take seven years to learn English, seven months for Esperanto, and seven weeks for Basic English.[citation needed] Thus, Basic English may be employed by companies that need to make complex books for international use, as well as by language schools that need to impart some knowledge of English in a short time.
-Ogden did not include any words in Basic English that could be said instead with a combination of other words already in the Basic English lexicon, and he worked to make the vocabulary suitable for speakers of any other language. He put his vocabulary selections through a large number of tests and adjustments. Ogden also simplified the grammar but tried to keep it normal for English users. Although it was not built into a program, similar simplifications were devised for various international uses.
-Simplified English is a controlled language originally developed for aerospace industry maintenance manuals. It employs a carefully limited and standardised subset of English. Simplified English has a lexicon of approved words and those words can only be used in certain ways. For example, the word close can be used in the phrase "Close the door" but not "do not go close to the landing gear".
-Other constructed varieties of English include:
-E-Prime excludes forms of the verb to be.
-English reform is an attempt to improve collectively upon the English language.
-Manually Coded English consists of a variety of systems that have been developed to represent the English language with hand signals, designed primarily for use in deaf education. These should not be confused with true sign languages such as British Sign Language and American Sign Language used in Anglophone countries, which are independent and not based on English.
-Seaspeak and the related Airspeak and PoliceSpeak, all based on restricted vocabularies, were designed by Edward Johnson starting from the 1980s to aid international cooperation and communication in specific areas.
-Special English is a simplified version of English used by the Voice of America. It uses a vocabulary of only 1500 words.
-The phonology (sound system) of English differs between dialects. The descriptions below are most closely applicable to the standard varieties known as Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American. For information concerning a range of other varieties, see IPA chart for English dialects.
-The table below shows the system of consonant phonemes that functions in most major varieties of English. The symbols are from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and are also used in the pronunciation keys of many dictionaries. For more detailed information see English phonology: Consonants.
-Where consonants are given in pairs (as with "p b"), the first is voiceless, the second is voiced. Most of the symbols represent the same sounds as they normally do when used as letters (see Writing system below), but /j/ represents the initial sound of yacht. The symbol /ʃ/ represents the sh sound, /ʒ/ the middle sound of vision, /tʃ/ the ch sound, /dʒ/ the sound of j in jump, /θ/ and /ð/ the th sounds in thing and this respectively, and /ŋ/ the ng sound in sing. The voiceless velar fricative /x/ is not a regular phoneme in most varieties of English, although it is used by some speakers in Scots/Gaelic words such as loch or in other loanwords such as Chanukah.
-Some of the more significant variations in the pronunciation of consonants are these:
-In non-rhotic accents such as Received Pronunciation and Australian English, /r/ can only appear before a vowel (so there is no "r" sound in words like card). The actual pronunciation of /r/ varies between dialects; most common is the alveolar approximant [ɹ].
-In North American English and Australian English, /t/ and /d/ are flapped [ɾ] in many positions between vowels. This means that word pairs such as latter and ladder may become homophones for speakers of these dialects.
-The th sounds /θ/ and /ð/ are sometimes pronounced as /f/ and /v/ in Cockney, and as dental plosives (contrasting with the usual alveolar plosives) in some Irish varieties. In African American Vernacular English, /ð/ has merged with dental /d/.
-A voiceless w, [Ê], sometimes written /hw/, for the wh in words like when and which, is preserved in Scottish and Irish English and by some speakers elsewhere.
-The voiceless plosives /p/, /t/ and /k/ are frequently aspirated, particularly at the start of stressed syllables, but they are not aspirated after an initial /s/, as in spin.
-The system of vowel phonemes and their pronunciation is subject to significant variation between dialects. The table below lists the vowels found in Received Pronunciation (RP) and General American, with examples of words in which they occur. The vowels are represented with symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet; those given for RP are in relatively standard use in British dictionaries and other publications. For more detailed information see English phonology: Vowels.
-Some points to note:
-For words which in RP have /ɒ/, most North American dialects have /ɑ/ (as in the example of box above) or /ɔ/ (as in cloth). However some North American varieties do not have the vowel /ɔ/ at all (except before /r/); see cot–caught merger.
-In present-day Received Pronunciation, the realization of the /æ/ phoneme is more open than the symbol suggests, and is closer to [a], as in most other accents in Britain. The sound [æ] is now found only in conservative RP.
-In General American and some other rhotic accents, the combination of vowel+/r/ is often realized as an r-colored vowel. For example, butter /ˈbÊŒtÉ™r/ is pronounced with an r-colored schwa, [Éš]. Similarly nurse contains the r-colored vowel [É].
-The vowel conventionally written /ÊŒ/ is actually pronounced more centrally, as [É], in RP. In the northern half of England this vowel is replaced by /ÊŠ/ (so cut rhymes with put).
-In unstressed syllables there may or may not be a distinction between /ə/ (schwa) and /ɪ/ (/ɨ/). So for some speakers there is no difference between roses and Rosa's. For more information see Reduced vowels in English.
-The diphthongs /eɪ/ and /əʊ/ (/oÊŠ/) tend towards the monophthongal pronunciations [eË] and [oË] in some dialects, including Canadian, Scottish, Irish and Northern English.
-In parts of North America /aɪ/ is pronounced [ʌɪ] before voiceless consonants. This is particularly true in Canada, where also /aʊ/ is pronounced [ʌʊ] in this position. See Canadian raising.
-The sound /ÊŠÉ™/ is coming to be replaced by /É”Ë/ in many words; for example, sure is often pronounced like shore. See English-language vowel changes before historic r.
-Stress, rhythm and intonation
-English is a strongly stressed language, in which stress is said to be phonemic, i.e. capable of distinguishing words (such as the noun increase, stressed on the first syllable, and the verb increase, stressed on the second syllable; see also Initial-stress-derived noun). In almost any word of more than one syllable there will be one syllable identified as taking the primary stress, and possibly another taking a secondary stress, as in civilization /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn̩/, in which the first syllable carries secondary stress, the fourth syllable carries primary stress, and the other syllables are unstressed.
-Closely related to stress in English is the process of vowel reduction; for example, in the noun contract the first syllable is stressed and contains the vowel /É’/ (in RP), whereas in the verb contract the first syllable is unstressed and its vowel is reduced to /É™/ (schwa). The same process applies to certain common function words like of, which are pronounced with different vowels depending on whether or not they are stressed within the sentence. For more details, see Reduced vowels in English.
-English also has strong prosodic stress – the placing of additional emphasis within a sentence on the words to which a speaker wishes to draw attention, and corresponding weaker pronunciation of less important words. As regards rhythm, English is classed as a stress-timed language – one in which there is a tendency for the time intervals between stressed syllables to become equal, with corresponding faster pronunciation of groups of unstressed syllables.
-As concerns intonation, the pitch of the voice is used syntactically in English; for example, to convey surprise or irony, or to change a statement into a question. Most dialects of English use falling pitch for definite statements, and rising pitch to express uncertainty, as in questions (particularly yes-no questions). There is also a characteristic change of pitch on strongly stressed syllables, particularly on the "nuclear" (most strongly stressed) syllable in a sentence or intonation group. For more details see Intonation (linguistics): Intonation in English.
-English grammar has minimal inflection compared with most other Indo-European languages. For example, Modern English, unlike Modern German or Dutch and the Romance languages, lacks grammatical gender and adjectival agreement. Case marking has almost disappeared from the language and mainly survives in pronouns. The patterning of strong (e.g. speak/spoke/spoken) versus weak verbs (e.g. love/loved or kick/kicked) inherited from its Germanic origins has declined in importance in modern English, and the remnants of inflection (such as plural marking) have become more regular.
-At the same time, the language has become more analytic, and has developed features such as modal verbs and word order as resources for conveying meaning. Auxiliary verbs mark constructions such as questions, negative polarity, the passive voice and progressive aspect.
-English vocabulary has changed considerably over the centuries.
-Like many languages deriving from Proto-Indo-European (PIE), many of the most common words in English can trace back their origin (through the Germanic branch) to PIE. Such words include the basic pronouns I, from Old English ic, (cf. German Ich, Gothic ik, Latin ego, Greek ego, Sanskrit aham), me (cf. German mich, mir, Gothic mik, mÄ«s, Latin mÄ“, Greek eme, Sanskrit mam), numbers (e.g. one, two, three, cf. Dutch een, twee, drie, Gothic ains, twai, threis (þreis), Latin Å«nus, duo, trÄ“s, Greek oinos "ace (on dice)", duo, treis), common family relationships such as mother, father, brother, sister etc. (cf. Dutch moeder, Greek meter, Latin mater, Sanskrit matá¹›; mother), names of many animals (cf. German Maus, Dutch muis, Sanskrit mus, Greek mus, Latin mÅ«s; mouse), and many common verbs (cf. Old High German knÄjan, Old Norse kná, Greek gignÅmi, Latin gnoscere, Hittite kanes; to know).
-Germanic words (generally words of Old English or to a lesser extent Old Norse origin) tend to be shorter than Latinate words, and are more common in ordinary speech, and include nearly all the basic pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, modal verbs etc. that form the basis of English syntax and grammar. The shortness of the words is generally due to syncope in Middle English (e.g. OldEng hÄ“afod > ModEng head, OldEng sÄwol > ModEng soul) and to the loss of final syllables due to stress (e.g. OldEng gamen > ModEng game, OldEng Ç£rende > ModEng errand), not because Germanic words are inherently shorter than Latinate words (the lengthier, higher-register words of Old English were largely forgotten following the subjugation of English after the Norman Conquest, and most of the Old English lexis devoted to literature, the arts, and sciences ceased to be productive when it fell into disuse. Only the shorter, more direct, words of Old English tended to pass into the Modern language.) Consequently, those words which tend to be regarded as elegant or educated in Modern English are usually Latinate. However, the excessive use of Latinate words is considered at times to be either pretentious or an attempt to obfuscate an issue. George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language", considered an important scrutinisation of the English language, is critical of this, as well as other perceived misuses of the language.
-An English speaker is in many cases able to choose between Germanic and Latinate synonyms: come or arrive; sight or vision; freedom or liberty. In some cases, there is a choice between a Germanic derived word (oversee), a Latin derived word (supervise), and a French word derived from the same Latin word (survey); or even Germanic words derived from Norman French (e.g., warranty) and Parisian French (guarantee), and even choices involving multiple Germanic and Latinate sources are possible: sickness (Old English), ill (Old Norse), infirmity (French), affliction (Latin). Such synonyms harbour a variety of different meanings and nuances. Yet the ability to choose between multiple synonyms is not a consequence of French and Latin influence, as this same richness existed in English prior to the extensive borrowing of French and Latin terms. Old English was extremely resourceful in its ability to express synonyms and shades of meaning on its own, in many respects rivaling or exceeding that of Modern English (synonyms numbering in the thirties for certain concepts were not uncommon). Take for instance the various ways to express the word "astronomer" or "astrologer" in Old English: tunglere, tungolcræftiga, tungolwÄ«tega, tÄ«dymbwlÄtend, tÄ«dscÄ“awere. In Modern English, however, the roles of such synonyms have largely been replaced by equivalents taken from Latin, French, and Greek, as English has taken the position of a diminished reliance upon native elements and resources for the creation of new words and terminologies. Familiarity with the etymology of groups of synonyms can give English speakers greater control over their linguistic register. See: List of Germanic and Latinate equivalents in English, Doublet (linguistics).
-An exception to this and a peculiarity perhaps unique to a handful of languages, English included, is that the nouns for meats are commonly different from, and unrelated to, those for the animals from which they are produced, the animal commonly having a Germanic name and the meat having a French-derived one. Examples include: deer and venison; cow and beef; swine/pig and pork; and sheep/lamb and mutton. This is assumed to be a result of the aftermath of the Norman conquest of England, where an Anglo-Norman-speaking elite were the consumers of the meat, produced by lower classes, which happened to be largely Anglo-Saxon, though this same duality can also be seen in other languages like French, which did not undergo such linguistic upheaval (e.g. boeuf "beef" vs. vache "cow"). With the exception of beef and pork, the distinction today is gradually becoming less and less pronounced (venison is commonly referred to simply as deer meat, mutton is lamb, and chicken is both the animal and the meat over the more traditional term poultry. (Use of the term mutton, however, remains, especially when referring to the meat of an older sheep, distinct from lamb; and poultry remains when referring to the meat of birds and fowls in general.)
-There are Latinate words that are used in everyday speech. These words no longer appear Latinate and oftentimes have no Germanic equivalents. For instance, the words mountain, valley, river, aunt, uncle, move, use, and push are Latinate. Likewise, the inverse can occur: acknowledge, meaningful, understanding, mindful, lavish, behaviour, forbearance, behoove, forestall, allay, rhyme, starvation, embodiment come from Anglo-Saxon, and allegiance, abandonment, debutant, feudalism, seizure, guarantee, disregard, wardrobe, disenfranchise, disarray, bandolier, bourgeoisie, debauchery, performance, furniture, gallantry are of Germanic origin, usually through the Germanic element in French, so it is oftentimes impossible to know the origin of a word based on its register.
-English easily accepts technical terms into common usage and often imports new words and phrases. Examples of this phenomenon include contemporary words such as cookie, Internet and URL (technical terms), as well as genre, über, lingua franca and amigo (imported words/phrases from French, German, Italian, and Spanish, respectively). In addition, slang often provides new meanings for old words and phrases. In fact, this fluidity is so pronounced that a distinction often needs to be made between formal forms of English and contemporary usage.
-Number of words in English
-The vocabulary of English is undoubtedly very large, but assigning a specific number to its size is more a matter of definition than of calculation – and there is no official source to define accepted English words and spellings in the way that the French Académie française and similar bodies do for other languages.
-Archaic, dialectal, and regional words might or might not be widely considered as "English", and neologisms are continually coined in medicine, science, technology and other fields, along with new slang and adopted foreign words. Some of these new words enter wide usage while others remain restricted to small circles.
-The General Explanations at the beginning of the Oxford English Dictionary states:
-The Vocabulary of a widely diffused and highly cultivated living language is not a fixed quantity circumscribed by definite limits... there is absolutely no defining line in any direction: the circle of the English language has a well-defined centre but no discernible circumference.
-The current FAQ for the OED further states:
-How many words are there in the English language? There is no single sensible answer to this question. It's impossible to count the number of words in a language, because it's so hard to decide what actually counts as a word.
-The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition (OED2) includes over 600,000 definitions, following a rather inclusive policy:
-It embraces not only the standard language of literature and conversation, whether current at the moment, or obsolete, or archaic, but also the main technical vocabulary, and a large measure of dialectal usage and slang (Supplement to the OED, 1933).
-The editors of Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged include 475,000 main headwords, but in their preface they estimate the true number to be much higher.
-Comparisons of the vocabulary size of English to that of other languages are generally not taken very seriously by linguists and lexicographers. Besides the fact that dictionaries will vary in their policies for including and counting entries, what is meant by a given language and what counts as a word do not have simple definitions. Also, a definition of word that works for one language may not work well in another, with differences in morphology and orthography making cross-linguistic definitions and word-counting difficult, and potentially giving very different results. Linguist Geoffrey K. Pullum has gone so far as to compare concerns over vocabulary size (and the notion that a supposedly larger lexicon leads to "greater richness and precision") to an obsession with penis length.
-In December 2010 a joint Harvard/Google study found the language to contain 1,022,000 words and to expand at the rate of 8,500 words per year. The findings came from a computer analysis of 5,195,769 digitised books. Others have estimated a rate of growth of 25,000 words each year.
-Word origins
-One of the consequences of the French influence is that the vocabulary of English is, to a certain extent, divided between those words that are Germanic (mostly West Germanic, with a smaller influence from the North Germanic branch) and those that are "Latinate" (derived directly from Latin, or through Norman French or other Romance languages). The situation is further compounded, as French, particularly Old French and Anglo-French, were also contributors in English of significant numbers of Germanic words, mostly from the Frankish element in French (see List of English Latinates of Germanic origin).
-The majority (estimates range from roughly 50% to more than 80%) of the thousand most common English words are Germanic. However, the majority of more advanced words in subjects such as the sciences, philosophy and mathematics come from Latin or Greek, with Arabic also providing many words in astronomy, mathematics, and chemistry.
-Numerous sets of statistics have been proposed to demonstrate the proportionate origins of English vocabulary. None, as yet, is considered definitive by most linguists.
-A computerised survey of about 80,000 words in the old Shorter Oxford Dictionary (3rd ed.) was published in Ordered Profusion by Thomas Finkenstaedt and Dieter Wolff (1973) that estimated the origin of English words as follows:
-Langue d'oïl, including French and Old Norman: 28.3%
-Latin, including modern scientific and technical Latin: 28.24%
-Germanic languages (including words directly inherited from Old English; does not include Germanic words coming from the Germanic element in French, Latin or other Romance languages): 25%
-Greek: 5.32%
-No etymology given: 4.03%
-Derived from proper names: 3.28%
-All other languages: less than 1%
-A survey by Joseph M. Williams in Origins of the English Language of 10,000 words taken from several thousand business letters gave this set of statistics:
-French (langue d'oïl): 41%
-"Native" English: 33%
-Latin: 15%
-Old Norse: 2%
-Dutch: 1%
-Other: 10%
-Old Norse origins
-Many words of Old Norse origin have entered the English language, primarily from the Viking colonisation of eastern and northern England between 800–1000 during the Danelaw. These include common words such as anger, awe, bag, big, birth, blunder, both, cake, call, cast, cosy, cross, cut, die, dirt, drag, drown, egg, fellow, flat, flounder, gain, get, gift, give, guess, guest, gust, hug, husband, ill, kid, law, leg, lift, likely, link, loan, loose, low, mistake, odd, race (running), raise, root, rotten, same, scale, scare, score, seat, seem, sister, skill, skin, skirt, skull, sky, stain, steak, sway, take, though, thrive, Thursday, tight, till (until), trust, ugly, want, weak, window, wing, wrong, the pronoun they (and its forms), and even the verb are (the present plural form of to be) through a merger of Old English and Old Norse cognates. More recent Scandinavian imports include angstrom, fjord, geyser, kraken, litmus, nickel, ombudsman, saga, ski, slalom, smorgasbord, and tungsten.
-French origins
-A large portion of English vocabulary is of French or Langues d'oïl origin, and was transmitted to English via the Anglo-Norman language spoken by the upper classes in England in the centuries following the Norman Conquest. Words of Norman-French origin include competition, mountain, art, table, publicity, role, pattern, joust, choice, and force. As a result of the length of time they have been in use in English, these words have been anglicised to fit English rules of phonology, pronunciation and spelling.
-Some French words were adopted during the 17th to 19th centuries, when French was the dominant language of Western international politics and trade. These words can normally be distinguished because they retain French rules for pronunciation and spelling, including diacritics, are often phrases rather than single words, and are sometimes written in italics. Examples include police, routine, machine, façade, table d'hôte and affaire de cœur. These words and phrases retain their French spelling and pronunciation because historically their French origin was emphasised to denote the speaker as educated or well-travelled at a time when education and travelling was still restricted to the middle and upper classes, and so their use implied a higher social status in the user. (See also: French phrases used by English speakers).
-Dutch and Low German origins
-Many words describing the navy, types of ships, and other objects or activities on the water are of Dutch origin. Yacht, skipper, cruiser, flag, freight, furlough, breeze, hoist, iceberg, boom, duck ("fabric, cloth"), and maelstrom are examples. Other words pertain to art and daily life: easel, etch, slim, staple (Middle Dutch stapel "market"), slip (Middle Dutch slippen), landscape, cookie, curl, shock, aloof, boss, brawl (brallen "to boast"), smack (smakken "to hurl down"), shudder, scum, peg, coleslaw, waffle, dope (doop "dipping sauce"), slender (Old Dutch slinder), slight, gas, pump. Dutch has also contributed to English slang, e.g. spook, and the now obsolete snyder (tailor) and stiver (small coin).
-Words from Low German include bluster, cower, dollar, drum, geek, grab, lazy, mate, monkey, mud, ogle, orlop, paltry, poll, poodle, prong, scurvy, smug, smuggle, trade.
-Writing system
-Since around the 9th century, English has been written in the Latin script, which replaced Anglo-Saxon runes. The modern English alphabet contains 26 letters of the Latin script: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z (which also have majuscule, capital or uppercase forms: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z). Other symbols used in writing English include the ligatures, æ and œ (though these are no longer common). There is also some usage of diacritics, mainly in foreign loanwords (like the acute accent in café and exposé), and in the occasional use of a diaeresis to indicate that two vowels are pronounced separately (as in naïve, Zoë). For more information see English terms with diacritical marks.
-The spelling system, or orthography, of English is multilayered, with elements of French, Latin and Greek spelling on top of the native Germanic system; further complications have arisen through sound changes with which the orthography has not kept pace. This means that, compared with many other languages, English spelling is not a reliable indicator of pronunciation and vice versa (it is not, generally speaking, a phonemic orthography).
-Though letters and sounds may not correspond in isolation, spelling rules that take into account syllable structure, phonetics, and accents are 75% or more reliable. Some phonics spelling advocates claim that English is more than 80% phonetic. However, English has fewer consistent relationships between sounds and letters than many other languages; for example, the letter sequence ough can be pronounced in 10 different ways. The consequence of this complex orthographic history is that reading can be challenging. It takes longer for students to become completely fluent readers of English than of many other languages, including French, Greek, and Spanish. English-speaking children have been found to take up to two years longer to learn to read than children in 12 other European countries.
-As regards the consonants, the correspondence between spelling and pronunciation is fairly regular. The letters b, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z represent, respectively, the phonemes /b/, /d/, /f/, /h/, /dʒ/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /v/, /w/, /z/ (as tabulated in the Consonants section above). The letters c and g normally represent /k/ and /g/, but there is also a soft c pronounced /s/, and a soft g pronounced /dʒ/. Some sounds are represented by digraphs: ch for /tʃ/, sh for /ʃ/, th for /θ/ or /ð/, ng for /ŋ/ (also ph is pronounced /f/ in Greek-derived words). Doubled consonant letters (and the combination ck) are generally pronounced as single consonants, and qu and x are pronounced as the sequences /kw/ and /ks/. The letter y, when used as a consonant, represents /j/. However this set of rules is not applicable without exception; many words have silent consonants or other cases of irregular pronunciation.
-With the vowels, however, correspondences between spelling and pronunciation are even more irregular. As can be seen under Vowels above, there are many more vowel phonemes in English than there are vowel letters (a, e, i, o, u, y). This means that diphthongs and other long vowels often need to be indicated by combinations of letters (like the oa in boat and the ay in stay), or using a silent e or similar device (as in note and cake). Even these devices are not used consistently, so consequently vowel pronunciation remains the main source of irregularity in English orthography.
-See also
-Changes to Old English vocabulary
-Comparison of American and British English
-English for academic purposes
-English language in Europe
-Language Report
-Lists of English words
-Teaching English as a foreign language
-The Adventure of English (film)
-The Story of English
-European Society for the Study of English
-Further reading
-Anderson, L.V. "Why Do British Singers Sound American?" Slate. Monday November 19, 2012.
-External links
-Accents of English from Around the World (University of Edinburgh) Hear and compare how the same 110 words are pronounced in 50 English accents from around the world – instantaneous playback online
-Collection of English bilingual dictionaries
-Dictionary of American Regional English
-English language word roots, prefixes and suffixes (affixes) dictionary
-Merriam-Webster's online dictionary
-Macquarie Dictionary Online
diff --git a/data/english_language_questions.txt b/data/english_language_questions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1079ba3..0000000
--- a/data/english_language_questions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-What is the best known work of Middle English?
-Is English related to Dutch?
-How is English written?
-Where did English originate?
-Where was English first spoken?
-How many people speak English as their first language?
-Is English the primary language of Australia?
-Is English one of the official languages of the United Nations?
-Is English the most widely used language in the world?
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index c483ddb..0000000
--- a/data/fake_questions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-How old am I?
-What is this?
-What does it all mean?
-Was John Terry captain of the English National football team?
diff --git a/data/firstPerson1.parse b/data/firstPerson1.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05f139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/firstPerson1.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -71.54743957519531 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP am) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN prince)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS thieves))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -103.07965087890625 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VP (VBP have) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN cake))) (CC and) (VP (VBP am) (VP (VBG eating) (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB too))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/firstPerson1.sent b/data/firstPerson1.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a762584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/firstPerson1.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+I am the prince of thieves.
+I have my cake and am eating it too.
diff --git a/data/firstPerson1.sst b/data/firstPerson1.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e26c1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/firstPerson1.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+I/0 am/verb.stative the/0 prince/noun.person of/0 thieves/noun.person ./0
+I/0 have/verb.possession my/0 cake/noun.artifact and/0 am/0 eating/verb.consumption it/0 too/0 ./0
diff --git a/data/hk07.parse b/data/hk07.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17bd797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/hk07.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Weir) (NNP Group)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP$ whose) (NN headquarters)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP U.S.)))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ large) (, ,) (JJ specialized) (NN corporation)) (, ,) (S (VP (VBG investing) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN area)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN electricity) (NN generation)))))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN power) (NN plant)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN situated) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Rudong) (, ,) (NNP Jiangsu)))))))) (, ,)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ annual) (NN generation) (NN capacity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (QP (CD 2.4) (CD million)) (NNS kilowatts))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/hk07.sent b/data/hk07.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d74d758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/hk07.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The Weir Group, whose headquarters is in the U.S., is a large, specialized corporation, investing in the area of electricity generation.
+The power plant, which will be situated in Rudong, Jiangsu, has an annual generation capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts.
diff --git a/data/indo.parse b/data/indo.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df79286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/indo.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -387.9501953125 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (NNP JAKARTA)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Indonesia)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP AP)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBP _) (NP (NP (DT The) (JJS youngest) (NN son)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN ex-dictator)))))) (NP (NNP Suharto)) (VP (VBD disobeyed) (NP (DT a) (NNS summons)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VP (VB surrender) (NP (PRP himself)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS prosecutors))) (NP (NNP Monday))) (CC and) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN imprisoned) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN corruption))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -382.6541442871094 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Hutomo) (`` ``) (NNP Tommy) ('' '') (NNP Mandala) (NNP Putra)) (, ,) (NP (CD 37)) (, ,)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN sentenced) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (CD 18) (NNS months)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN prison))))) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Sept.) (CD 22))) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Supreme) (NNP Court)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBD overturned) (NP (DT an) (JJR earlier) (NN acquittal)) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT a) (JJR lower) (NN court)))))))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/indo.sent b/data/indo.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ccb424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/indo.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) _ The youngest son of ex-dictator Suharto disobeyed a summons to surrender himself to prosecutors Monday and be imprisoned for corruption.
+Hutomo ``Tommy'' Mandala Putra, 37, was sentenced to 18 months in prison on Sept. 22 by the Supreme Court, which overturned an earlier acquittal by a lower court.
diff --git a/data/indo.sst b/data/indo.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ccd1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/indo.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+JAKARTA/0 ,/0 Indonesia/noun.location -LRB-/0 AP/0 -RRB-/0 _/0 The/0 youngest/0 son/noun.person of/0 ex-dictator/0 Suharto/noun.person disobeyed/verb.social a/0 summons/noun.communication to/0 surrender/verb.competition himself/0 to/0 prosecutors/noun.person Monday/noun.person and/0 be/0 imprisoned/verb.social for/0 corruption/noun.attribute ./0
+Hutomo/0 ``/0 Tommy/0 ''/0 Mandala/noun.person Putra/noun.person ,/0 37/0 ,/0 was/0 sentenced/verb.communication to/0 18/0 months/noun.time in/0 prison/noun.artifact on/0 Sept./noun.time 22/0 by/0 the/0 Supreme/noun.group Court/noun.group ,/0 which/0 overturned/verb.motion an/0 earlier/0 acquittal/noun.act by/0 a/0 lower/0 court/noun.group ./0
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-John Terry
-John George Terry (born 7 December 1980) is an English professional footballer. Terry plays in a centre back position and is the captain of Chelsea in the Premier League. He was also captain of the England national football team, holding the post from August 2006 to February 2010, and again from March 2011 to February 2012.
-Terry was named UEFA Club Defender of the Year in 2005, 2008 and 2009.PFA Players' Player of the Year in 2005, and was included in the FIFPro World XI for four consecutive seasons, from 2005 to 2008. He was also named in the all-star squad for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the only English player to make the team. He wears the number 26 shirt for Chelsea.
-Terry is Chelsea's most successful captain, having led them to three Premier League titles, four FA Cups, two League Cups and a UEFA Champions League since 2004. He is one of five players to have made over 500 appearances for Chelsea and is also the club's all-time highest scoring defender. In 2007, he became the first captain to lift the FA Cup at the new Wembley Stadium in Chelsea's 1–0 win over Manchester United, and also the first player to score an international goal there, scoring a header in England's 1–1 draw with Brazil.
-Club career
-Early career
-Terry was born in Barking, east London, and attended Eastbury Comprehensive School.[citation needed] Terry played initially for Senrab, a side that featured many future stars of the English game, including Premier League players Sol Campbell, Jermain Defoe, Bobby Zamora, Ledley King and Jlloyd Samuel. As a boy he initially was part of West Ham United's youth system, joining them as a midfielder in 1991. He moved to Chelsea at 14, playing for the club's youth and reserve teams. It was due to a shortage of central defenders that he was moved to centre-back, the position he plays today.
-Early time with Chelsea
-Terry made his Chelsea debut on 28 October 1998 as a late substitute in a League Cup tie with Aston Villa; his first start came later that season in an FA Cup third round match, a 2–0 win over Oldham Athletic. He spent a brief period on loan with Nottingham Forest in 2000 to build up his first team experience and was subject to interest from both Forest manager David Platt and Huddersfield Town manager Steve Bruce.
-In 2002 Terry was involved in an incident at a West London nightclub with Chelsea team mate Jody Morris and Wimbledon's Des Byrne. He was charged with assault and affray, but later cleared. During the affair, he was given a temporary ban from the England national side by the FA. Previously, along with Chelsea team-mates Frank Lampard, Jody Morris, Eiður Guðjohnsen and former team-mate Frank Sinclair, in September 2001 Terry was fined two weeks wages by Chelsea after drunkenly harassing grieving American tourists in the immediate aftermath of the 11 September attacks. During his early days at Chelsea, Terry shared a flat with Andrew Crofts.
-First-team regular
-Terry began to establish himself in the Chelsea first team from the 2000–01 season, making 23 starts, and was voted the club's player of the year. He continued his progress during 2001–02, becoming a regular in the defence alongside club captain and French international Marcel Desailly. On 5 December 2001 he captained Chelsea for the first time, in a League match against Charlton Athletic. Chelsea reached the FA Cup final, following wins against London rivals West Ham and Tottenham in the fourth and six rounds respectively, and Fulham in the semi-final – where Terry scored the only goal in a 1–0 victory. A virus denied Terry a place in the starting line-up for the final, although he came on as a second-half substitute as Chelsea lost 2–0 to Arsenal. In season 2003–04, his performances led to him being handed the captain's armband by manager Claudio Ranieri, when Desailly was out of the side. He played well in the absence of the French international, forming a strong defensive partnership with William Gallas.
-2004–05 season
-Following Desailly's retirement, new Chelsea manager José Mourinho chose Terry as his club captain, a choice which was vindicated throughout the 2004–05 season as Chelsea won the Premier League title in record-breaking fashion with the best defensive record in Football League history with the most clean sheets and the most points accrued. He was voted Player of the Year by his fellow professionals in England and scored eight goals, including a late winner against Barcelona, in the UEFA Champions League. He was voted the best defender in the Champions League for the season. In September 2005 he was selected as a member of the World XI at the FIFPro awards. The team was chosen by a vote of professional footballers based in 40 countries.
-2005–06 season
-Chelsea defended their Premier League title in 2005–06, earning 91 points, and confirming the title with a 3–0 victory against Manchester United.
-2006–07 season
-In a match on 14 October 2006 against Reading, Terry had to take over in goal for Chelsea after both of Chelsea's usual keepers, Petr Čech and Carlo Cudicini were injured in the game. He wore the number 40 shirt belonging to third-choice goalkeeper Henrique Hilário. However, as the game continued for only a little over a minute, Terry did not have a single save to make – in fact, his goalkeeping experience was limited to taking a free-kick from inside the penalty area. Chelsea managed to hang on to a one-goal lead and win the game and Terry kept a clean sheet. On 5 November 2006, playing against Tottenham Hotspur, Terry was sent off for the first time in his Chelsea career. He received two yellow cards as Chelsea lost at White Hart Lane for the first time since 1987. Terry was charged with misconduct by the F.A. for questioning the integrity of match referee Graham Poll after the game. On 10 January 2007, John Terry was ordered to pay £10,000 for the inappropriate conduct after he changed his mind and pleaded guilty to the FA.
-In the 2006–2007 season Terry missed matches for Chelsea due to a recurring back problem. After the tie to Reading on 26 December 2006, José Mourinho stated that his captain might require surgery to fix the problem. In the games that he had missed, Chelsea had conceded six goals. On 28 December Chelsea released a press statement saying Terry had had back surgery: "The operation to remove a sequestrated lumbar intervertebral disc was successful." Although he was expected to return at the game against Wigan Athletic, Terry was missing once again, due to the recurring back problem. He made his return against Charlton Athletic on 3 February 2007. He played his first 90 minutes of football for nearly three months against Middlesbrough and received much applause from the Chelsea faithful. Playing in the UEFA Champions league last-sixteen away against Porto, he suffered another injury, this time to his ankle, and was set to miss the 2007 League Cup Final against Arsenal, but managed to recover from the injury within days and played in the final. During the second half of the match, at an attacking corner, he threw himself at the ball with a diving header; Arsenal's Abou Diaby, in an attempt to clear the ball, kicked Terry in the face. Terry was unconscious for several minutes, at which point he nearly swallowed his tongue. He was carried off the field on a stretcher and immediately transferred to the University Hospital of Wales, where he was successfully treated. Terry discharged himself the same day and returned to the Millennium Stadium to celebrate his team's 2–1 win. The only recollection he had of the second half is walking out onto the pitch and he did not remember the 10 minutes he played prior to his injury. Following the incident, Terry thanked the Arsenal physiologist Gary Lewin for saving his life. Lewin was the first medic that rushed over to assist him after his tongue had blocked his airways. After spending two weeks on the sidelines, he made his return to the Chelsea team against Blackburn in March. He went on to lead Chelsea to the semi-finals of the Champions League, the third time in four years that Chelsea had made it to the final four of the competition. In May 2007, Terry captained Chelsea to the FA Cup, in the first final at the new Wembley Stadium.
-Despite failing to agree terms to a new contract immediately following the 2006–2007 season, Terry stated on several occasions that he had no intention of leaving Chelsea. In late July he signed a new five-year contract with a base salary of between £131,000 and £135,000 per week, making him the highest-paid player in the Premier League at the time.Frank Lampard's contract with Chelsea, signed in August 2008, surpassed Terry's with Lampard earning £151,000 a week to become the highest-paid player in the Premier League.
-2007–08 season
-On 16 December 2007 whilst playing against Arsenal, while going to clear a ball Terry's foot was stepped on by Emmanuel Eboué and Terry had suffered 3 broken bones in his foot. He was expected to be out for at least three months but made a speedy recovery and managed to captain Chelsea to the 2008 League Cup final against Tottenham, which Chelsea lost 2–1. On 11 May 2008 whilst playing in the last league game of the season against Bolton, he collided with goalkeeper, Petr Čech, and suffered a partially dislocated elbow which was put back in while in the ambulance on the way to hospital. This injury did not prevent him playing in the Champions League final against Manchester United. The match went to penalties, and Terry missed a penalty which would have won Chelsea the match (and the Champions League). His standing leg slipped as he took his kick, and the ball missed the goal. Chelsea lost the shootout 6–5, which Terry reacted to by breaking down in tears. On 28 August 2008, Terry was awarded the Defender of The Year award from UEFA at the UEFA Champions League Group Stage Draw in Monaco, together with Frank Lampard and Petr Čech who received the award on their respective positions.
-2008–09 season
-On 13 September 2008, Terry received the first straight red card of his career against Manchester City for rugby-tackling Jô. However, this was later rescinded on appeal. Despite being a defender, he occasionally scores important goals for Chelsea, such as in the Champions League Group A home game against A.S. Roma in the 2008–2009 season. However, Chelsea went on to lose the away leg 3–1.
-Along with Frank Lampard, Didier Drogba and Petr ÄŒech, Terry is regarded as a part of the spine of the Chelsea team. He has won seven trophies as Chelsea captain (one more than Dennis Wise) Being an English player who came through the club's youth system, he is especially popular with Chelsea fans.
-In July 2009, Manchester City made a third bid for Terry, but Chelsea coach Carlo Ancelotti has insisted Terry will remain at Chelsea. Before the start of the season, Terry was again awarded with UEFA Defender of the Year, his 3rd time winning the award. John Terry made his debut for the new season against Premier League side Hull City, a match Chelsea won.
-2009–10 season
-On 8 November 2009, Terry scored the decisive goal in Chelsea's match against Manchester United at Stamford Bridge to preserve their perfect home record for the season.
-On 9 May 2010, Terry captained Chelsea as they won their fourth League title after an 8–0 win against Wigan Athletic at Stamford Bridge. A week later on 15 May 2010, Terry captained Chelsea as he won his fourth FA Cup medal, defeating Portsmouth in the final by 1–0 at Wembley.
-2010–11 season
-On 31 December 2011, in a home match against Aston Villa, Terry captained the Chelsea side for the 400th time of his career, a record for the club.
-Terry was the world's third best passer in 2011 for players with over 1000 passes, with a 91.6% pass accuracy rate. Only Barcelona player Xavi (93.0%) and Swansea City player Leon Britton (93.3%) were better.
-2011–12 season
-On 24 April 2012, Terry was sent off for violent conduct after driving a knee into Barcelona's Alexis Sanchez in an off-the-ball incident in the 2011–12 UEFA Champions League semi-final at the Camp Nou. Chelsea's 3–2 aggregate victory over the holders qualified them for the final against Bayern München, for which Terry will be suspended. Terry later apologised for letting his team-mates and Chelsea fans down. Terry scored his sixth league goal of the season, seventh in all competitions, in the final game of the season, a 2–1 victory over relegated Blackburn. The goal meant that it was Terry's most prolific season and he told the Chelsea website "I am delighted with seven… It's always good to end a league season with a win."
-Even though Terry was suspended for the Champions League final along with teammates Ramires, Branislav Ivanovic and Raul Meireles, he took part in celebrations at the final whistle, as Chelsea triumphed 4–3 on penalty kicks with striker Didier Drogba netting the decisive penalty. His celebrations led to a popular internet meme lampooning Terry's behaviour.
-2012–13 season
-Terry was snubbed by Anton Ferdinand in the pre-match handshake against QPR. John Terry was banned for four games when he was found guilty of racially abusing QPR defender Anton Ferdinand.
-On 11 November 2012, in his first game back from the four-match ban, Terry scored his 50th goal for Chelsea against Liverpool. He went off injured in the 39th minute of the same match and was suspected to have ligament damage on his right knee, but a scan the next day showed that there was "no significant damage". On 7 December 2012, new Chelsea manager Rafa BenÃtez confirmed Terry would not be back from injury in time to play in the Club World Cup.
-International career
-Terry made his England debut in June 2003 against Serbia and Montenegro, and started his first game for England on 20 August 2003 at Portman Road, Ipswich, in a friendly against Croatia. England won the game 3–1. His main central defensive partner has been Rio Ferdinand. He played for his country at Euro 2004, and England Manager Sven-Göran Eriksson stated that Terry was the first-choice centre back, ahead of Sol Campbell.[citation needed]
-In a FIFA World Cup Qualifying match against Poland, Terry had the honour of wearing England's captain armband, replacing Michael Owen as captain after the latter was subbed.
-He has cemented his place in the England squad by being selected for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. In a warm-up match for that tournament against Hungary on 30 May 2006, Terry scored his first goal for England, the team's second in a 3–1 victory. Despite an injury scare in a friendly against Jamaica, he recovered to play in England's opening fixture against Paraguay, a 1–0 victory.
-In the next match against Trinidad and Tobago, Carlos Edwards beat England's Paul Robinson to a cross and as Stern John bundled a header towards the goal, Terry cleared the ball off the line with an overhead kick. In the quarter-finals match against Portugal, Terry played the entire match, but England lost on penalties and he was left in tears with his fellow players. Six days later, he was the only English player to be named in the tournament's all-star squad.
-On 10 August 2006, Steve McClaren named John Terry as the England captain, succeeding David Beckham. McClaren said, "Choosing a captain is one of the most important decisions a coach has to make. I'm certain I've got the right man in John Terry. I'm convinced he will prove to be one of the best captains England has ever had." Terry scored a goal on his debut as the England captain, in a friendly international against Greece. This was the first goal of the match and also the first goal during McClaren's reign as manager. When celebrating he kissed his new captain's armband. However, with Terry as captain, England did not qualify for Euro 2008 – their first absence from a tournament finals since the 1994 World Cup. Midway through the qualification campaign, Terry had accepted that he would "bear full responsibility" should England fail to qualify.
-On 1 June 2007, Terry became the first player in the senior England team to score an international goal at the new Wembley Stadium when he scored England's goal in a 1–1 draw with Brazil. He scored from a header in the box after a free kick cross by David Beckham. Almost a year later, he scored a similar headed goal once again from a freekick cross by David Beckham to put England 1–0 up against the USA on 28 May 2008.
-Terry was confirmed as the England captain in August, and captained England in qualifying for the 2010 World Cup. During his first match after being reinstated as the permanent England captain he was given a torrid time by Milan Baroš and was turned far too easily when Baros scored the first goal for the Czech Republic. The match ended 2–2 with Joe Cole scoring a fortunate equaliser for England in the 92nd minute of the game. He scored his first competitive England goal against Ukraine in the qualifiers for the World Cup, grabbing a late winner after earlier giving away a free kick which saw Andriy Shevchenko equalise for Ukraine.
-On 5 February 2010, following allegations regarding Terry's private life, England manager Fabio Capello announced that Terry was removed as the captain of the England team. He was replaced by fellow defender Rio Ferdinand.
-At the 2010 FIFA World Cup finals, England started with two draws against the USA and Algeria which received heavy criticism from the English media.
-Two days after the Algeria game in a media interview, Terry hinted at dissatisfaction with Capello's team selection and stated that the players were bored with little to do in the evenings at their training base; he also said that a clear-the-air team meeting would take place that evening. The next day Capello responded by saying that Terry had made "a very big mistake" in challenging his authority to the media.
-On 19 March 2011, Capello reinstated Terry as England captain following a long term injury to previous captain Rio Ferdinand. On 3 February 2012, with Terry due to stand trial due to allegations that Terry had racially abused Anton Ferdinand of Queens Park Rangers, the FA stripped John Terry of the England captaincy for the second time. This led to Fabio Capello resigning.
-Terry was named in new manager Roy Hodgson's squad for Euro 2012 while Rio Ferdinand was left out, leading to heavy speculation that this was to avoid potential conflict due to Terry's upcoming trial for racially abusing Ferdinand's brother Anton. Terry played 90 minutes in all four of England's matches at the Euros.
-John Terry played the first World Cup Qualifying game against Moldova before leaving the field with an ankle injury meaning he missed the game vs Ukraine.
-Terry announced on 23 September 2012 he had retired from international football.
-International goals
-Terry is the main face alongside Michael Owen for the Umbro sportswear brand often introducing new brand lines and products as well as new England kits. He has also appeared in adverts for Samsung, Nationwide and Swedish betting company Svenska Spel, as well as being in a sponsorship deal with football gaming series Pro Evolution Soccer. On the UK version of Pro Evolution Soccer 6, he appears on the front cover with Brazil international Adriano.
-Family and personal life
-Terry's brother, Paul (born 1979), is also professional footballer currently with Conference South side Thurrock F.C.. Terry currently lives in Oxshott, Surrey. He and his wife Toni (née Poole) are the parents of twins, Georgie John and Summer Rose, born on 18 May 2006 in Westminster, London. Terry celebrated their birth when scoring for England against Hungary, when he performed a baby-rocking celebration. The couple married at Blenheim Palace on 15 June 2007. In 2009, Terry was named "Dad of the Year" after he came top of a poll of UK adults in a Daddies Sauce survey.
-Despite being a one club man with Chelsea in his professional career, Terry was a Manchester United supporter growing up. Terry revealed in a 2005 interview that he has to go through about 50 superstitious rituals before each game.
-Terry is one of a very small group of footballers to have been paid more than £1 million for their autobiography. His deal with publisher Harper Collins was negotiated in 2004 by Chris Nathaniel of NVA Management.
-In September 2001, Terry and three teammates were fined two weeks' wages by Chelsea for an incident involving players and American tourists at a Heathrow airport bar in the immediate aftermath of the 11 September attacks. In January 2002 Terry, Chelsea team mate Jody Morris and Des Byrne of Wimbledon were charged with assault and affray after a confrontation with a nightclub bouncer. Terry was banned from selection for the England team for the duration of the case, though he was ultimately cleared of all charges. In the same month, Terry was fined £60 for parking his Bentley in a disabled bay. In 2009, Terry was investigated by Chelsea and the FA for allegedly taking money from an undercover reporter for a private tour of Chelsea's training ground. The club responded that it was "confident that at no time did Terry ask for or accept money in relation to visits to the training ground."
-Extramarital affair allegations
-In January 2010, a super-injunction was imposed by a High Court judge preventing the media from reporting allegations that Terry had had a four-month affair in late 2009 with Vanessa Perroncel, the former girlfriend of Wayne Bridge, his former Chelsea and England teammate. The injunction was lifted a week later, and the British media – especially the tabloid press – covered the rumours in great detail in the days following.The News of the World and the Mail on Sunday subsequently printed apologies to Perroncel for breaching her privacy and stated that the story was "untrue in any case". Perroncel maintains that the alleged affair never took place. The allegations led to then-England manager Fabio Capello removing Terry from the captaincy on 5 February 2010, replacing him with Rio Ferdinand. Terry was reinstated as captain the following year.
-Racial abuse allegations
-On 2 November 2011, Terry was placed under police investigation following an allegation of racist abuse made at Anton Ferdinand during a match versus Queens Park Rangers. Video footage circulated on the internet led to accusations that Terry called Ferdinand a "fucking black cunt". In response to the video footage, Terry claimed that he was actually asking Ferdinand, "Oi, Anton, do you think I called you a black cunt?" On 25 November 2011, Terry was interviewed under caution by the police. On 21 December 2011, he was charged with using racist language by the Crown Prosecution Service. On 3 February 2012, the FA stripped Terry of his England captaincy for the second time, stating that Terry would not captain the national team until the racial abuse allegations against him were resolved.
-When the trial began in July 2012, Terry entered a not guilty plea and was acquitted of the charge on 13 July 2012. The court established that neither Ferdinand nor anyone else had heard Terry's words, but Terry himself admitted that he had directed the words "fucking black cunt" and "fucking knobhead" at Ferdinand, which was affirmed by two expert lip readers from video evidence. Terry maintained that he used the words when questioning what he thought had been an allegation of racism from Ferdinand; neither lip reader was able to "identify whether the statement was made as a question or in what type of voice it was said". Justice Riddle concluded that while there was no doubt Terry had uttered those words in anger, "it is impossible to be sure exactly what were the words spoken by [Terry] at the relevant time" and that there was a lack of evidence to prove beyond a doubt that Terry had used them as an insult instead of "a challenge to what he believed had been said to him". The court therefore found Terry not guilty.
-On 27 July 2012, the English Football Association charged Terry regarding the incident with "abusive and/or insulting words and/or behaviour" which "included a reference to the ethnic origin and/or colour and/or race of Ferdinand". The FA had delayed the charge until after the conclusion of Terry's criminal trial. Terry denied the charge. On the eve of the FA's hearing, Terry announced his retirement from the English national football team, saying his position had become "untenable" due to the disciplinary charge. On 27 September 2012, the hearing concluded with Terry being found guilty; he was punished with a four match ban and a £220,000 fine.
-The FA later published a 63-page report regarding the disciplinary proceedings conducted by an Independent Regulatory Commission; it labelled Terry's defence as "improbable, implausible and contrived". The Commission concluded that it was "quite satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that there [was] no credible basis for Mr. Terry's defence that his use of the words 'fucking black cunt' were directed at Ferdinand by way of forceful rejection and/or inquiry. Instead, [the Commission was] quite satisfied, and [found] on the balance of probabilities, that the offending words were said by way of insult." The FA commission was also criticized as a "kangaroo court" and the FA for its lack of independence, for failing to disclose all evidence to the police, failing to tape record their interview with key witness Ashley Cole, and for punishing Terry for an offence he had already been cleared of in a criminal court. Terry's four-match ban was also mocked by being contrasted against Luis Suarez's eight-match ban for racially abusing Patrice Evra, and also a 14-year-old schoolboy's five match ban for telling the referee his name was Santa Claus.
-On 18 October 2012, Terry decided not to appeal against the verdict and his four-match ban. He issued an apology for "the language [he] used in the game" and stated that it was "not acceptable on the football field or indeed in any walk of life." Chelsea announced that they had taken further disciplinary action against Terry while keeping the details confidential. However, Terry and Chelsea still faced media condemnation; Terry was criticized for not directly and personally apologizing to Ferdinand, while Chelsea were accused of hypocrisy and double standards by only fining Terry and not stripping him of his captaincy when they have a "zero-tolerance" approach to racism and had previously handed a life ban to a fan who racially abused former Chelsea player Didier Drogba. In a radio interview, Chelsea chairman Bruce Buck and chief executive Ron Gourlay called the incident a "lapse of judgement" and "out of character" from Terry and stated that the club had "taken firm disciplinary action appropriate to the circumstances", adding that "we must not forget he was cleared in a court of law".
-In Popular Culture
-Immediately after Terry's celebration with his Chelsea teammates after their 2012 UEFA Champions League Final victory a popular internet meme lampooning his behaviour appeared on the internet, becoming one of the most popular online jokes in 2012. Terry has been pictured taking part in great moments in history and fiction. These included the fall of the Berlin Wall, the freeing of Nelson Mandela and the triumph of Rocky Balboa. Over the summer of 2012 this developed into his celebrating current sporting achievements such as 2012 Olympics medal wins by Team GB.
-The joke reached its height when in October 2012, a Sligo Rovers fan donned a John Terry mask and full Chelsea kit, invading the pitch at the Showgrounds. The fan was photographed celebrating with his team winning the 2012 League of Ireland.
-Career statistics
-As of 12 January 2013.
-Note: Table excludes the FA Community Shield matches
-See below: List of goals John Terry scored for Chelsea
-See below: List of all John Terry Red Cards while playing for Chelsea
-As of 7 September 2012.
-FA Premier League (3): 2004–05, 2005–06, 2009–10
-FA Cup (5): 1999–00, 2006–07, 2008–09, 2009–10, 2011–12
-Football League Cup (2): 2004–05, 2006–07
-FA Community Shield (2): 2005, 2009
-UEFA Champions League (1): 2011–12
-PFA Player of the Year: 2004–05
-FIFA World Cup Team of the Tournament: 2006
-FIFPro World XI: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
-UEFA Club Football Awards Best Defender: 2005, 2008, 2009
-UEFA Team of the Year: 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009
-Chelsea Player of the Year: 2001, 2006
-^ Charlton won 5–4 on penalties
-^ The red card against Everton was later rescinded.
-External links
-Official Chelsea profile
-John Terry – FIFA competition record
-John Terry career stats at Soccerbase
-Transfermarkt profile
-TheFA.com profile
-BBC profile
-England Profile and Record
diff --git a/data/john_terry_questions.txt b/data/john_terry_questions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf3c2c..0000000
--- a/data/john_terry_questions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-How did Terry prove himself as Chelsea club captain?
-Is Terry still the highest-paid player in the Premier League?
-Where did the incident occur that caused Terry to be charged with assault and affray?
-How many children does Terry have?
-What football position does Terry play?
-When was terry captain of the England national football team?
-Was John Terry captain of the England national football team?
-Did Terry have back problems in 2006-2007?
-Was Terry convicted of the allegations of racist abuse?
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8be98c
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+--- lcross.log.bbn 2009-10-19 23:06:46.000000000 -0400
++++ lcross.log.muc 2009-10-19 23:06:32.000000000 -0400
+@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
+ *** Find Mentions ***
+ MENTION M1 : S1 : O : (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LCROSS)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+-MENTION M2 : S1 : O : (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite))
++MENTION M2 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite))
+ MENTION M4 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft)) (VP (VBN operated) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP NASA)))))
+-MENTION M5 : S1 : PRODUCT_DESC : (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft))
++MENTION M5 : S1 : O : (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft))
+ MENTION M7 : S2 : O : (NP (PRP It))
+ MENTION M8 : S2 : O : (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Reconnaissance) (NNP Orbiter)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LRO)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP June) (CD 18) (, ,) (CD 2009) (, ,))))
+@@ -21,33 +21,33 @@
+ MENTION M13 : S2 : O : (NP (NP (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ shared) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Precursor) (NNP Robotic) (NN Program))))
+ MENTION M14 : S2 : O : (NP (NN part))
+ MENTION M15 : S2 : O : (NP (DT the) (JJ shared) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Precursor) (NNP Robotic) (NN Program))
+-MENTION M16 : S2 : PERSON : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
++MENTION M16 : S2 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
+ MENTION M17 : S2 : O : (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission))
+-MENTION M18 : S2 : PERSON : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
++MENTION M18 : S2 : LOCATION : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
+ MENTION M19 : S2 : DATE : (NP (NN ten) (NNS years))
+ MENTION M20 : S3 : O : (NP (NNS LCROSS))
+ MENTION M21 : S3 : O : (NP (NP (DT the) (NN launch) (NN vehicle) (POS 's)) (JJ spent) (NNP Centaur) (JJ upper) (NN stage))
+ MENTION M22 : S3 : O : (NP (DT the) (NN launch) (NN vehicle) (POS 's))
+-MENTION M23 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))))
++MENTION M23 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))))
+ MENTION M24 : S3 : O : (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass))
+-MENTION M25 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))
++MENTION M25 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))
+ MENTION M26 : S3 : O : (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+ MENTION M27 : S3 : O : (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb))
+-MENTION M28 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))
++MENTION M28 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))
+ MENTION M29 : S3 : O : (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+ MENTION M30 : S3 : O : (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater))
+-MENTION M31 : S3 : CARDINAL : (NP (CD 3))
+-MENTION M32 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
++MENTION M31 : S3 : O : (NP (CD 3))
++MENTION M32 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
+ MENTION M33 : S3 : O : (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole))
+-MENTION M34 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
++MENTION M34 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
+ *** Resolve Pronouns ***
+ yay typematch: M6 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (NNP NASA))
+-yay typematch: M5 : S1 : PRODUCT_DESC : (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft))
++yay typematch: M5 : S1 : O : (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft))
+ yay typematch: M4 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft)) (VP (VBN operated) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP NASA)))))
+ yay typematch: M3 : S1 : O : (NP (NNP LCROSS))
+-yay typematch: M2 : S1 : O : (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite))
++yay typematch: M2 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite))
+ yay typematch: M1 : S1 : O : (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LCROSS)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+ Doing stupid surfaceish-closest resolution
+ RESOLVE M7 -> M6 NP[It] -> NP[NASA]
+@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
+ *** Entity Report ***
+ singleton M1 : S1 : O : (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LCROSS)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+-singleton M2 : S1 : O : (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite))
++singleton M2 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite))
+ singleton M3 : S1 : O : (NP (NNP LCROSS))
+ singleton M4 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft)) (VP (VBN operated) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP NASA)))))
+-singleton M5 : S1 : PRODUCT_DESC : (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft))
++singleton M5 : S1 : O : (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft))
+ entity_6_7 M6 : S1 : ORGANIZATION : (NP (NNP NASA))
+ entity_6_7 M7 : S2 : O : (NP (PRP It))
+ singleton M8 : S2 : O : (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Reconnaissance) (NNP Orbiter)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LRO)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP June) (CD 18) (, ,) (CD 2009) (, ,))))
+@@ -69,22 +69,22 @@
+ singleton M13 : S2 : O : (NP (NP (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ shared) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Precursor) (NNP Robotic) (NN Program))))
+ singleton M14 : S2 : O : (NP (NN part))
+ singleton M15 : S2 : O : (NP (DT the) (JJ shared) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Precursor) (NNP Robotic) (NN Program))
+-singleton M16 : S2 : PERSON : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
++singleton M16 : S2 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
+ singleton M17 : S2 : O : (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission))
+-singleton M18 : S2 : PERSON : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
++singleton M18 : S2 : LOCATION : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
+ singleton M19 : S2 : DATE : (NP (NN ten) (NNS years))
+ singleton M20 : S3 : O : (NP (NNS LCROSS))
+ singleton M21 : S3 : O : (NP (NP (DT the) (NN launch) (NN vehicle) (POS 's)) (JJ spent) (NNP Centaur) (JJ upper) (NN stage))
+ singleton M22 : S3 : O : (NP (DT the) (NN launch) (NN vehicle) (POS 's))
+-singleton M23 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))))
++singleton M23 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))))
+ singleton M24 : S3 : O : (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass))
+-singleton M25 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))
++singleton M25 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))
+ singleton M26 : S3 : O : (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+ singleton M27 : S3 : O : (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb))
+-singleton M28 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))
++singleton M28 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))
+ singleton M29 : S3 : O : (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))
+ singleton M30 : S3 : O : (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater))
+-singleton M31 : S3 : CARDINAL : (NP (CD 3))
+-singleton M32 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
++singleton M31 : S3 : O : (NP (CD 3))
++singleton M32 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))
+ singleton M33 : S3 : O : (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole))
+-singleton M34 : S3 : PERSON : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
++singleton M34 : S3 : LOCATION : (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))
diff --git a/data/lcross.parse b/data/lcross.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2cc4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/lcross.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Lunar) (NNP CRater) (NNP Observation) (CC and) (NNP Sensing) (NNP Satellite)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LCROSS)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ robotic) (NN spacecraft)) (VP (VBN operated) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP NASA)))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN launched) (ADVP (RB together)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Reconnaissance) (NNP Orbiter)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP LRO)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP June) (CD 18) (, ,) (CD 2009) (, ,))))) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJ shared) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Precursor) (NNP Robotic) (NN Program))))) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ first) (JJ American) (NN mission)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon)))) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN over) (NP (NN ten) (NNS years)))))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S (NP (NNS LCROSS)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN designed) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB watch) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN launch) (NN vehicle) (POS 's)) (JJ spent) (NNP Centaur) (JJ upper) (NN stage)))))) (, ,) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ nominal) (NN impact) (NN mass)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (CD 2,305) (NN kg) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 5,081) (NN lb)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (, ,) (VP (VBN struck) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Cabeus) (NN crater)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (CD 3)) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (PP (IN near) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ south) (NN pole)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Moon))))))))))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/lcross.sent b/data/lcross.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0402798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/lcross.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) was a robotic spacecraft operated by NASA.
+It was launched together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on June 18, 2009, as part of the shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, the first American mission to the Moon in over ten years.
+LCROSS was designed to watch as the launch vehicle's spent Centaur upper stage, with a nominal impact mass of 2,305 kg (5,081 lb), struck the Cabeus crater[3] near the south pole of the Moon.
diff --git a/data/lee_example.parse b/data/lee_example.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8cf484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/lee_example.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+PARSE -36.41688919067383 (ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN film)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ brilliant)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -194.14964294433594 (ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBZ sounds) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (JJ great) (NN plot))))) (PRN (, ,) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS actors)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (JJ first) (NN grade)))) (, ,)) (CC and) (S (S (NP (DT the) (JJ supporting) (NN cast)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ good) (PP (IN as) (ADVP (RB well)))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (NNP Stallone)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG attempting) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB deliver) (NP (DT a) (JJ good) (NN performance))))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -32.513492584228516 (ROOT (S (ADVP (RB However)) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (MD ca) (RB n't) (VP (VB hold) (PRT (RP up)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/lee_example.sent b/data/lee_example.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..236f1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/lee_example.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This film should be brilliant.
+It sounds like a great plot, the actors are first grade, and the supporting cast is good as well, and Stallone is attempting to deliver a good performance.
+However, it can't hold up.
diff --git a/data/nativeAmericans.parse b/data/nativeAmericans.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edfb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/nativeAmericans.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -220.36785888671875 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJS earliest) (JJ known) (NNS settlers)) (VP (VBD followed) (NP (NP (NNS herds)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ large) (NN game)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (PP (IN during) (NP (DT the) (JJ last) (JJ glacial) (NN period)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -175.56723022460938 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBN preceded) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Anishinaabe)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Dakota)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (JJ other) (JJ Native) (JJ American) (NNS inhabitants)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/nativeAmericans.sent b/data/nativeAmericans.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d0463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/nativeAmericans.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The earliest known settlers followed herds of large game to the region during the last glacial period.
+They preceded the Anishinaabe, the Dakota, and other Native American inhabitants.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/nativeAmericans.sst b/data/nativeAmericans.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabbe06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/nativeAmericans.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The/0 earliest/0 known/0 settlers/noun.person followed/verb.stative herds/noun.group of/0 large/0 game/noun.act to/0 the/0 region/noun.location during/0 the/0 last/0 glacial/noun.time period/noun.time ./0
+They/0 preceded/verb.stative the/0 Anishinaabe/noun.person ,/0 the/0 Dakota/noun.person ,/0 and/0 other/0 Native/0 American/0 inhabitants/noun.person ./0
diff --git a/data/pathLengthTest.parse b/data/pathLengthTest.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8789cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pathLengthTest.parse
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+PARSE -157.8590545654297 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBD knew) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Bob)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ weird))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (VBD invited) (NP (PRP him)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN party))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/pathLengthTest.sent b/data/pathLengthTest.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c496d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pathLengthTest.sent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+John knew that Bob was weird, but he still invited him to the party.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/pathLengthTest.sst b/data/pathLengthTest.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5230fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pathLengthTest.sst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+John/noun.person knew/verb.cognition that/0 Bob/noun.person was/verb.stative weird/0 ,/0 but/0 he/0 still/0 invited/verb.emotion him/0 to/0 the/0 party/noun.group ./0
diff --git a/data/pathLengthTest2.parse b/data/pathLengthTest2.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e76520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pathLengthTest2.parse
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+PARSE -61.54835891723633 (ROOT (S (NP (NP (NNP Nintendo)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP America)))) (VP (VBD announced) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ new) (NN console))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/pathLengthTest2.sent b/data/pathLengthTest2.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9063e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pathLengthTest2.sent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Nintendo of America announced its new console.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/pathLengthTest2.sst b/data/pathLengthTest2.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f8dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/pathLengthTest2.sst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Nintendo/noun.group of/0 America/noun.location announced/verb.communication its/0 new/0 console/noun.artifact ./0
diff --git a/data/personNounTest.parse b/data/personNounTest.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba6852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/personNounTest.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+PARSE -95.51036071777344 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN astronaut)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN space))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Howard)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -55.78525924682617 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN robot)) (VP (VBD did) (, ,) (ADVP (RB too))) (. .)))
+PARSE -39.69464874267578 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (NN fun))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/personNounTest.sent b/data/personNounTest.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2cc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/personNounTest.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The astronaut went to the space with Howard.
+The robot did, too.
+He had fun.
diff --git a/data/personNounTest.sst b/data/personNounTest.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8549c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/personNounTest.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The/0 astronaut/noun.person went/verb.motion to/0 the/0 space/0 with/0 Howard/noun.person ./0
+The/0 robot/noun.artifact did/0 ,/0 too/0 ./0
+He/0 had/verb.possession fun/noun.act ./0
diff --git a/data/predNomTest.parse b/data/predNomTest.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2a80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/predNomTest.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+PARSE -39.174808502197266 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Lincoln)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NN president))) (. .)))
+PARSE -48.51704788208008 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Lincoln)) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN been) (NP (NN president)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -49.472957611083984 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Lincoln)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG being) (NP (NN president)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -41.42518997192383 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Lincoln)) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (NP (NN president)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/predNomTest.sent b/data/predNomTest.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57ee5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/predNomTest.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Lincoln was president.
+Lincoln had been president.
+Lincoln was being president.
+Lincoln will be president.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/predNomTest.sst b/data/predNomTest.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be860a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/predNomTest.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Lincoln/noun.person was/verb.stative president/noun.person ./0
+Lincoln/noun.person had/0 been/verb.stative president/noun.person ./0
+Lincoln/noun.person was/0 being/verb.stative president/noun.person ./0
+Lincoln/noun.person will/0 be/verb.stative president/noun.person ./0
diff --git a/data/propagate_types.parse b/data/propagate_types.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a66c13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/propagate_types.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(ROOT (S=H (S=H (NP (NNP=H Bob)) (VP=H (VBD=H went) (PP (TO=H to) (NP (DT the) (NN=H store))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (PRP=H it)) (VP=H (VBD=H sucked))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S=H (NP (PRP=H It)) (VP=H (VBD=H was) (VP (VBN=H closed))) (. .)))
+(ROOT (S=H (NP (PRP=H He)) (VP=H (VBD=H looked) (PRT (RP=H around)) (NP (PRP=H it)) (ADVP (RB=H too))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/propagate_types.sent b/data/propagate_types.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ebce9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/propagate_types.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Bob went to the store, and it sucked.
+It was closed.
+He looked around it too.
diff --git a/data/questions_answers b/data/questions_answers
deleted file mode 100644
index 88ccab8..0000000
--- a/data/questions_answers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-John_Terry How did Terry prove himself as Chelsea club captain? False False He won the Premier League title hard
-John_Terry How did Terry prove himself as Chelsea club captain? True False
-John_Terry Is Terry still the highest-paid player in the Premier League? False False No hard
-John_Terry Is Terry still the highest-paid player in the Premier League? False False No medium
-John_Terry Where did the incident occur that caused Terry to be charged with assault and affray? False False A West London nightclub hard
-John_Terry Where did the incident occur that caused Terry to be charged with assault and affray? False False West London nightclub medium
-John_Terry How many children does Terry have? False False Two hard
-John_Terry How many children does Terry have? False False Two hard
-John_Terry What football position does Terry play? False False Centre Back Position medium
-John_Terry What football position does Terry play? False False centre-back medium
-John_Terry When was terry captain of the England national football team? False False From August 2006 to February 2010 medium
-John_Terry When was terry captain of the England national football team? False False August 2006 to February 2010, and again from March 2011 to February 2012 medium
-John_Terry Was John Terry captain of the England national football team? False False Yes easy
-John_Terry Was John Terry captain of the England national football team? False False Yes easy
-John_Terry Did Terry have back problems in 2006-2007? False False Yes medium
-John_Terry Did Terry have back problems in 2006-2007? False False Yes easy
-John_Terry Was Terry convicted of the allegations of racist abuse? False False No too hard
-John_Terry Was Terry convicted of the allegations of racist abuse? False False No easy
-The_Artist_(film) What two events caused the film Valentin produced to fail? False False Peppy's new sound film and the 1929 Stock Market Crash too hard
-The_Artist_(film) What two events caused the film Valentin produced to fail? False False Peppy's film and the 1929 Stock Market Crash. hard
-The_Artist_(film) What was the final incident that pushed Valentin to attempt suicide? False False He learns that it had been Peppy who had purchased all his auctioned effects hard
-The_Artist_(film) What was the final incident that pushed Valentin to attempt suicide? False False Peppy had purchased all his auctioned effects hard
-The_Artist_(film) Who were the two main characters in The Artist? False False George Valentin and Peppy Miller too hard
-The_Artist_(film) Who were the two main characters in The Artist? False False George Valentin and Peppy Miller hard
-The_Artist_(film) How many Academy Awards did The Artist win? False False Five medium
-The_Artist_(film) How many Academy Awards did The Artist win? False False five medium
-The_Artist_(film) Who directed The Artist? False False Michel Hazanavicius medium
-The_Artist_(film) Who directed The Artist? False False Michel Hazanavicius medium
-The_Artist_(film) Which company bought the distribution rights for the United States and Australia? False False The Weinstein Company medium
-The_Artist_(film) Which company bought the distribution rights for the United States and Australia? False False The Weinstein Company medium
-The_Artist_(film) Is The Artist a film? False False Yes easy
-The_Artist_(film) Is The Artist a film? False False Yes easy
-The_Artist_(film) Did Dujardin win the Best Actor Award at Cannes for The Artist? False False Yes easy
-The_Artist_(film) Did Dujardin win the Best Actor Award at Cannes for The Artist? False False Yes easy
-The_Artist_(film) Was Gerard Depardieu a cast member of The Artist? False False No easy
-The_Artist_(film) Was Gerard Depardieu a cast member of The Artist? False False No easy
-English_language What is the best known work of Middle English? False False The Canterbury Tales hard
-English_language What is the best known work of Middle English? False False The Canterbury Tales medium
-English_language Is English related to Dutch? False False Yes hard
-English_language Is English related to Dutch? False False Yes medium
-English_language How is English written? False False Latin script hard
-English_language How is English written? False True Formal written english. medium
-English_language Where did English originate? False False English originated from the fusion of Old English dialects hard
-English_language Where did English originate? False False various parts of what are now the Netherlands, northwest Germany, and Denmark hard
-English_language Where was English first spoken? False False early medieval England medium
-English_language Where was English first spoken? False False early medieval England medium
-English_language How many people speak English as their first language? False False 375 million people medium
-English_language How many people speak English as their first language? False False 375 million people medium
-English_language Is English the primary language of Australia? False False Yes hard
-English_language Is English the primary language of Australia? False False Yes easy
-English_language Is English one of the official languages of the United Nations? False False Yes medium
-English_language Is English one of the official languages of the United Nations? False False Yes easy
-English_language Is English the most widely used language in the world? False False Yes easy
-English_language Is English the most widely used language in the world? False False Yes easy
-Aries_(constellation) Why is unusual about the NGC 821 galaxy? False True
-Aries_(constellation) Why is unusual about the NGC 821 galaxy? False True It has hints of an early spiral structure hard
-Aries_(constellation) What are the stars Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis commonly used for? False False navigation medium
-Aries_(constellation) What are the stars Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis commonly used for? False False Navigation hard
-Aries_(constellation) In traditional Chinese astronomy, what constellation was formed from the brightest stars in Aries? False False Lou hard
-Aries_(constellation) In traditional Chinese astronomy, what constellation was formed from the brightest stars in Aries? False False Lou hard
-Aries_(constellation) What is the brightest star in Aries? False False Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis medium
-Aries_(constellation) What is the brightest star in Aries? False False Hamal medium
-Aries_(constellation) What star in Aries is closest to Earth? False False Teegarden's Star medium
-Aries_(constellation) What star in Aries is closest to Earth? False False Teegarden's Star medium
-Aries_(constellation) What was Aries associated with in ancient Egyptian astronomy? False False the god Amon-Ra medium
-Aries_(constellation) What was Aries associated with in ancient Egyptian astronomy? False False The god Amon-Ra medium
-Aries_(constellation) Are most stars in Aries invisible to the naked eye? False False Yes hard
-Aries_(constellation) Are most stars in Aries invisible to the naked eye? True False No too hard
-Aries_(constellation) Is Aries a dim constellation? False False Yes easy
-Aries_(constellation) Is Aries a dim constellation? False False Yes easy
-Aries_(constellation) Is Aries an official constellation? False False Yes easy
-Aries_(constellation) Is Aries an official constellation? False False Yes easy
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Who starts to fall in love with Aragorn? False False Eowyn hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Who starts to fall in love with Aragorn? False False Eowyn hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Who is shot by Legolas? False False Grima Wormtongue hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Who is shot by Legolas? False False Grima Wormtongue hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the What film tied for largest number of awards won with Ben-Hur and Titanic? False False The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the What film tied for largest number of awards won with Ben-Hur and Titanic? False False The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the When was The Return of the King released? False False 17 December 2003 medium
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the When was The Return of the King released? False False 2003 medium
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the How many Academy Awards did the film win? False False eleven hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the How many Academy Awards did the film win? False False Eleven medium
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Who plays Frodo Baggins? False False Elijah Wood medium
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Who plays Frodo Baggins? False False Elijah Wood medium
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Is �omer the uncle of �owyn? False False No hard
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Is �omer the uncle of �owyn? False False No medium
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Did the film receive critical acclaim? False False Yes easy
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Did the film receive critical acclaim? False False Yes easy
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Do Frodo, Sam and Gollum travel to Minas Morgul? False False Yes easy
-The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the Do Frodo, Sam and Gollum travel to Minas Morgul? False False Yes easy
diff --git a/data/reflexives.parse b/data/reflexives.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d08da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/reflexives.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PARSE -68.11734008789062 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBD bought) (S (NP (PRP himself)) (NP (DT a) (NN book)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -106.14317321777344 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Bob)) (VP (VBD knew) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBD bought) (S (NP (PRP himself)) (NP (DT a) (NN book))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -103.53755187988281 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBD knew) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Bob)) (VP (VBD bought) (S (NP (PRP him)) (NP (DT a) (NN book))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -56.79561996459961 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN company)) (VP (VBN ruined) (NP (PRP itself))) (. .)))
+PARSE -75.21346282958984 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN corporation)) (VP (VBN ruined) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS chances))) (. .)))
+PARSE -53.55070114135742 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN bank)) (VP (VBN ruined) (NP (PRP it))) (. .)))
+PARSE -62.108768463134766 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP James)) (VP (VBD believed) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB win)))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/reflexives.sent b/data/reflexives.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c802d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/reflexives.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+John bought himself a book.
+Bob knew that John bought himself a book.
+John knew that Bob bought him a book.
+The company ruined itself.
+The corporation ruined its chances.
+The bank ruined it.
+James believed that he could win.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/reflexives.sst b/data/reflexives.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..041184e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/reflexives.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+John/noun.person bought/verb.possession himself/0 a/0 book/noun.communication ./0
+Bob/noun.person knew/verb.cognition that/0 John/noun.person bought/verb.possession himself/0 a/0 book/noun.communication ./0
+John/noun.person knew/verb.cognition that/0 Bob/noun.person bought/verb.possession him/0 a/0 book/noun.communication ./0
+The/0 company/noun.group ruined/verb.contact itself/0 ./0
+The/0 corporation/noun.group ruined/verb.contact its/0 chances/noun.state ./0
+The/0 bank/noun.group ruined/verb.contact it/0 ./0
+James/noun.person believed/verb.cognition that/0 he/0 could/0 win/verb.competition ./0
diff --git a/data/roleAppositivesTest.parse b/data/roleAppositivesTest.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..647d770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/roleAppositivesTest.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+PARSE -93.28138732910156 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN author) (NNP John) (NNP Smith)) (VP (VBD wrote) (NP (DT the) (NN book))) (. .)))
+PARSE -165.61993408203125 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBD learned) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ famous) (NN painter) (NNP John) (NNP Smith)) (, ,) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN subject)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN exposition))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -143.2998046875 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (ADJP (VBN shared)) (NNP Lunar) (NNP Precursor) (NNP Robotic) (NNP Program)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ new))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/roleAppositivesTest.sent b/data/roleAppositivesTest.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37cde6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/roleAppositivesTest.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The author John Smith wrote the book.
+I learned about the famous painter John Smith, the subject of the exposition.
+The shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program was new.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/roleAppositivesTest.sst b/data/roleAppositivesTest.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5332d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/roleAppositivesTest.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The/0 author/noun.person John/noun.person Smith/noun.person wrote/verb.creation the/0 book/noun.communication ./0
+I/0 learned/verb.cognition about/0 the/0 famous/0 painter/noun.person John/noun.person Smith/noun.person ,/0 the/0 subject/noun.communication of/0 the/0 exposition/noun.communication ./0
+The/0 shared/0 Lunar/noun.person Precursor/noun.person Robotic/noun.person Program/noun.person was/verb.stative new/0 ./0
diff --git a/data/sameHeadWordTest.parse b/data/sameHeadWordTest.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e84a8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/sameHeadWordTest.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -130.9344024658203 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (ADJP (JJ nice) (, ,) (JJ smart)) (NN boy)) (VP (VBD liked) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB play) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN park))))))) (. .)))
+PARSE -102.54212951660156 (ROOT (S (NP (DT This) (NN boy)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBD liked) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB play) (NP (NN soccer)))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/sameHeadWordTest.sent b/data/sameHeadWordTest.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ba2f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/sameHeadWordTest.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The nice, smart boy liked to play in the park.
+This boy also liked to play soccer.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/sameHeadWordTest.sst b/data/sameHeadWordTest.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bfa3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/sameHeadWordTest.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The/0 nice/0 ,/0 smart/0 boy/noun.person liked/verb.emotion to/0 play/verb.competition in/0 the/0 park/noun.location ./0
+This/0 boy/noun.person also/0 liked/verb.emotion to/0 play/verb.competition soccer/noun.act ./0
diff --git a/data/specialsymbols.parse b/data/specialsymbols.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f0d351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/specialsymbols.parse
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+PARSE -71.86392211914062 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN parser)) (VP (VBD thought) (SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ NP)) (NN book)) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (JJ old)))))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/specialsymbols.sent b/data/specialsymbols.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a0cf8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/specialsymbols.sent
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The parser thought the very NP book was old.
diff --git a/data/specialsymbols.sst b/data/specialsymbols.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbdfd21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/specialsymbols.sst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+The/0 parser/noun.communication thought/verb.cognition the/0 very/0 NP/0 book/noun.communication was/verb.stative old/0 ./0
diff --git a/data/team_qns_ans.txt b/data/team_qns_ans.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d414ef4..0000000
--- a/data/team_qns_ans.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-team_id qns_id article_title path qns_difficulty_by_questioner qns_text is_disfluent? is_bad_qns? answer qns_difficulty_by_answerer
-Ugrad 06 1 John_Terry set1/a10 hard How did Terry prove himself as Chelsea club captain? False False He won the Premier League title hard
-Ugrad 06 1 John_Terry set1/a10 hard How did Terry prove himself as Chelsea club captain? True False
-Ugrad 06 2 John_Terry set1/a10 hard Is Terry still the highest-paid player in the Premier League? False False No hard
-Ugrad 06 2 John_Terry set1/a10 hard Is Terry still the highest-paid player in the Premier League? False False No medium
-Ugrad 06 3 John_Terry set1/a10 hard Where did the incident occur that caused Terry to be charged with assault and affray? False False A West London nightclub hard
-Ugrad 06 3 John_Terry set1/a10 hard Where did the incident occur that caused Terry to be charged with assault and affray? False False West London nightclub medium
-Ugrad 06 4 John_Terry set1/a10 medium How many children does Terry have? False False Two hard
-Ugrad 06 4 John_Terry set1/a10 medium How many children does Terry have? False False Two hard
-Ugrad 06 5 John_Terry set1/a10 medium What football position does Terry play? False False Centre Back Position medium
-Ugrad 06 5 John_Terry set1/a10 medium What football position does Terry play? False False centre-back medium
-Ugrad 06 6 John_Terry set1/a10 medium When was terry captain of the England national football team? False False From August 2006 to February 2010 medium
-Ugrad 06 6 John_Terry set1/a10 medium When was terry captain of the England national football team? False False August 2006 to February 2010, and again from March 2011 to February 2012 medium
-Ugrad 06 7 John_Terry set1/a10 easy Was John Terry captain of the England national football team? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 7 John_Terry set1/a10 easy Was John Terry captain of the England national football team? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 8 John_Terry set1/a10 easy Did Terry have back problems in 2006-2007? False False Yes medium
-Ugrad 06 8 John_Terry set1/a10 easy Did Terry have back problems in 2006-2007? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 9 John_Terry set1/a10 easy Was Terry convicted of the allegations of racist abuse? False False No too hard
-Ugrad 06 9 John_Terry set1/a10 easy Was Terry convicted of the allegations of racist abuse? False False No easy
-Ugrad 06 10 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 hard What two events caused the film Valentin produced to fail? False False Peppy's new sound film and the 1929 Stock Market Crash too hard
-Ugrad 06 10 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 hard What two events caused the film Valentin produced to fail? False False Peppy's film and the 1929 Stock Market Crash. hard
-Ugrad 06 11 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 hard What was the final incident that pushed Valentin to attempt suicide? False False He learns that it had been Peppy who had purchased all his auctioned effects hard
-Ugrad 06 11 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 hard What was the final incident that pushed Valentin to attempt suicide? False False Peppy had purchased all his auctioned effects hard
-Ugrad 06 12 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 hard Who were the two main characters in The Artist? False False George Valentin and Peppy Miller too hard
-Ugrad 06 12 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 hard Who were the two main characters in The Artist? False False George Valentin and Peppy Miller hard
-Ugrad 06 13 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 medium How many Academy Awards did The Artist win? False False Five medium
-Ugrad 06 13 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 medium How many Academy Awards did The Artist win? False False five medium
-Ugrad 06 14 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 medium Who directed The Artist? False False Michel Hazanavicius medium
-Ugrad 06 14 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 medium Who directed The Artist? False False Michel Hazanavicius medium
-Ugrad 06 15 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 medium Which company bought the distribution rights for the United States and Australia? False False The Weinstein Company medium
-Ugrad 06 15 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 medium Which company bought the distribution rights for the United States and Australia? False False The Weinstein Company medium
-Ugrad 06 16 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 easy Is The Artist a film? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 16 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 easy Is The Artist a film? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 17 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 easy Did Dujardin win the Best Actor Award at Cannes for The Artist? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 17 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 easy Did Dujardin win the Best Actor Award at Cannes for The Artist? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 18 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 easy Was Gerard Depardieu a cast member of The Artist? False False No easy
-Ugrad 06 18 The_Artist_(film) set4/a1 easy Was Gerard Depardieu a cast member of The Artist? False False No easy
-Ugrad 06 19 English_language set3/a1 hard What is the best known work of Middle English? False False The Canterbury Tales hard
-Ugrad 06 19 English_language set3/a1 hard What is the best known work of Middle English? False False The Canterbury Tales medium
-Ugrad 06 20 English_language set3/a1 hard Is English related to Dutch? False False Yes hard
-Ugrad 06 20 English_language set3/a1 hard Is English related to Dutch? False False Yes medium
-Ugrad 06 21 English_language set3/a1 hard How is English written? False False Latin script hard
-Ugrad 06 21 English_language set3/a1 hard How is English written? False True Formal written english. medium
-Ugrad 06 22 English_language set3/a1 medium Where did English originate? False False English originated from the fusion of Old English dialects hard
-Ugrad 06 22 English_language set3/a1 medium Where did English originate? False False various parts of what are now the Netherlands, northwest Germany, and Denmark hard
-Ugrad 06 23 English_language set3/a1 medium Where was English first spoken? False False early medieval England medium
-Ugrad 06 23 English_language set3/a1 medium Where was English first spoken? False False early medieval England medium
-Ugrad 06 24 English_language set3/a1 medium How many people speak English as their first language? False False 375 million people medium
-Ugrad 06 24 English_language set3/a1 medium How many people speak English as their first language? False False 375 million people medium
-Ugrad 06 25 English_language set3/a1 easy Is English the primary language of Australia? False False Yes hard
-Ugrad 06 25 English_language set3/a1 easy Is English the primary language of Australia? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 26 English_language set3/a1 easy Is English one of the official languages of the United Nations? False False Yes medium
-Ugrad 06 26 English_language set3/a1 easy Is English one of the official languages of the United Nations? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 27 English_language set3/a1 easy Is English the most widely used language in the world? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 27 English_language set3/a1 easy Is English the most widely used language in the world? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 28 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 hard Why is unusual about the NGC 821 galaxy? False True
-Ugrad 06 28 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 hard Why is unusual about the NGC 821 galaxy? False True It has hints of an early spiral structure hard
-Ugrad 06 29 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 hard What are the stars Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis commonly used for? False False navigation medium
-Ugrad 06 29 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 hard What are the stars Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis commonly used for? False False Navigation hard
-Ugrad 06 30 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 hard In traditional Chinese astronomy, what constellation was formed from the brightest stars in Aries? False False Lou hard
-Ugrad 06 30 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 hard In traditional Chinese astronomy, what constellation was formed from the brightest stars in Aries? False False Lou hard
-Ugrad 06 31 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 medium What is the brightest star in Aries? False False Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Arietis medium
-Ugrad 06 31 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 medium What is the brightest star in Aries? False False Hamal medium
-Ugrad 06 32 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 medium What star in Aries is closest to Earth? False False Teegarden's Star medium
-Ugrad 06 32 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 medium What star in Aries is closest to Earth? False False Teegarden's Star medium
-Ugrad 06 33 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 medium What was Aries associated with in ancient Egyptian astronomy? False False the god Amon-Ra medium
-Ugrad 06 33 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 medium What was Aries associated with in ancient Egyptian astronomy? False False The god Amon-Ra medium
-Ugrad 06 34 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 easy Are most stars in Aries invisible to the naked eye? False False Yes hard
-Ugrad 06 34 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 easy Are most stars in Aries invisible to the naked eye? True False No too hard
-Ugrad 06 35 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 easy Is Aries a dim constellation? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 35 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 easy Is Aries a dim constellation? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 36 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 easy Is Aries an official constellation? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 36 Aries_(constellation) set2/a4 easy Is Aries an official constellation? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 37 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 hard Who starts to fall in love with Aragorn? False False Eowyn hard
-Ugrad 06 37 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 hard Who starts to fall in love with Aragorn? False False Eowyn hard
-Ugrad 06 38 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 hard Who is shot by Legolas? False False Grima Wormtongue hard
-Ugrad 06 38 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 hard Who is shot by Legolas? False False Grima Wormtongue hard
-Ugrad 06 39 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 hard What film tied for largest number of awards won with Ben-Hur and Titanic? False False The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King hard
-Ugrad 06 39 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 hard What film tied for largest number of awards won with Ben-Hur and Titanic? False False The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King hard
-Ugrad 06 40 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 medium When was The Return of the King released? False False 17 December 2003 medium
-Ugrad 06 40 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 medium When was The Return of the King released? False False 2003 medium
-Ugrad 06 41 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 medium How many Academy Awards did the film win? False False eleven hard
-Ugrad 06 41 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 medium How many Academy Awards did the film win? False False Eleven medium
-Ugrad 06 42 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 medium Who plays Frodo Baggins? False False Elijah Wood medium
-Ugrad 06 42 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 medium Who plays Frodo Baggins? False False Elijah Wood medium
-Ugrad 06 43 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 easy Is �omer the uncle of �owyn? False False No hard
-Ugrad 06 43 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 easy Is �omer the uncle of �owyn? False False No medium
-Ugrad 06 44 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 easy Did the film receive critical acclaim? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 44 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 easy Did the film receive critical acclaim? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 45 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 easy Do Frodo, Sam and Gollum travel to Minas Morgul? False False Yes easy
-Ugrad 06 45 The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Return_of_the set4/a5 easy Do Frodo, Sam and Gollum travel to Minas Morgul? False False Yes easy
diff --git a/data/test1.parse b/data/test1.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd66030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/test1.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+PARSE -52.29981994628906 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN store)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -65.29651641845703 (ROOT (S (NP (NNP Bob)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBD went) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN store)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -56.90623474121094 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP It)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (DT a) (NN grocery) (NN store))) (. .)))
+PARSE -50.90569305419922 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBD bought) (NP (DT an) (NN item))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/test1.sent b/data/test1.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ced5f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/test1.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+John went to the store.
+Bob also went to the store.
+It was a grocery store.
+He bought an item.
diff --git a/data/test1.sst b/data/test1.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d472ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/test1.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+John/noun.person went/verb.motion to/0 the/0 store/noun.artifact ./0
+Bob/noun.person also/0 went/0 to/0 the/0 store/noun.artifact ./0
+It/0 was/verb.stative a/0 grocery/noun.artifact store/noun.artifact ./0
+He/0 bought/verb.possession an/0 item/noun.communication ./0
diff --git a/data/the_artist.txt b/data/the_artist.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ede1b90..0000000
--- a/data/the_artist.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-The Artist (film)
-The Artist is a 2011 Frenchromantic comedy-drama film in the style of a black-and-white silent film. The film was written and directed by Michel Hazanavicius and stars Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo. The story takes place in Hollywood, between 1927 and 1932, and focuses on the relationship of an older silent film star and a rising young actress as silent cinema falls out of fashion and is replaced by the "talkies".
-The Artist received strongly positive reviews from critics and won many accolades. Dujardin won the Best Actor Award at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, where the film premiered. The film was nominated for six Golden Globes, the most of any 2011 film, and won three: Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, Best Original Score, and Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for Dujardin. In January 2012, the film was nominated for twelve BAFTAs, also the most of any film from 2011, and won seven, including Best Film, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for Hazanavicius, and Best Actor for Dujardin.
-It was nominated for ten Academy Awards and won five, including Best Picture, Best Director for Hazanavicius, and Best Actor for Dujardin, who was the first French actor ever to win for Best Actor. It was the first French film to ever win Best Picture, and the first mainly silent film to win since 1927's Wings and Sunrise won best picture awards at the 1st Academy Awards in 1929. It was also the first film presented in the 4:3 aspect ratio to win since 1955's Marty, and the first black-and-white film to win since 1993's Schindler's List.
-In France, it was nominated for ten César Awards, winning six, including Best Film, Best Director for Hazanavicius and Best Actress for Bejo. The Artist became the most awarded French film in history.
-In 1927, silent film star George Valentin is posing for pictures outside the premiere of his latest hit film, A Russian Affair, when a young woman, Peppy Miller, accidentally bumps into him. Valentin reacts with humor to the accident and shows off Peppy for the cameras. The next day, Peppy finds herself on the front page of Variety with the headline "Who's That Girl?" Later, Peppy auditions as a dancer and is spotted by Valentin, who insists that she have a part in Kinograph Studios' next production, despite objections from the studio boss, Al Zimmer. While performing a scene together, Valentin and Peppy show great chemistry, despite her being merely an extra. With a little guidance from Valentin (he draws a beauty spot on her, which will eventually be her trademark, after finding her in his dressing room), Peppy slowly rises through the industry, earning more prominent starring roles.
-Two years later, Zimmer announces the end of production of silent films at Kinograph Studios, but Valentin is dismissive, insisting that sound is just a fad. In a dream, Valentin begins hearing sounds from his environment (as does the audience), but cannot speak himself, then wakes up in a sweat. He decides to produce and direct his own silent film, financing it himself. The film opens within a few days of Peppy's new sound film as well as the 1929 Stock Market Crash. Now Valentin's only chance of avoiding bankruptcy is for his film to be a hit. Unfortunately audiences flock to Peppy's film instead and Valentin is ruined. His wife, Doris, kicks him out, and he moves into an apartment with his valet/chauffeur, Clifton, and his dog. Peppy goes on to become a major Hollywood star.
-Later, the bankrupt Valentin is forced to auction off all of his personal effects, and fires Clifton, telling him to get another job. Depressed and drunk, Valentin angrily sets a match to his private collection of his earlier films. As the nitrate film quickly blazes out of control he is overwhelmed by the smoke and passes out inside the burning house, still clutching a single film canister. However, Valentin's dog attracts the help of a nearby policeman, and after being rescued Valentin is hospitalized for injuries suffered in the fire. Peppy visits the hospital and discovers that the film he rescued is the one she was first in. She asks for him to be moved to her house to recuperate. Valentin awakens in a bed at her house, to find that Clifton is now working for Peppy. Valentin seems to remain dismissive of Peppy having taken him in, prompting Clifton to sternly remind Valentin of his changing luck.
-Peppy insists to Zimmer that Valentin co-star in her next film, threatening to quit Kinograph if Zimmer does not agree to her terms. After Valentin learns to his dismay that it had been Peppy who had purchased all his auctioned effects, he returns in despair to his burnt-out apartment. Peppy arrives, panicked, and finds that Valentin is about to attempt suicide. The two reconcile, and remembering Valentin's superb dancing ability, Peppy persuades Zimmer to let them make a musical together.
-Sound finally comes in as the film starts rolling for a dance scene with Peppy and Valentin. Once the choreography is complete, the two dancers are heard panting, and the only time in the film sound is heard coming from Peppy, who otherwise says nothing. The director of the musical calls out audibly, "Cut!" to which Zimmer adds: "Perfect. Beautiful. Could you give me one more?" Valentin, in his only audible line, replies "With pleasure!" revealing his strong French accent. The camera then pulls back to the sounds of the film crew as they prepare to shoot another take.
-Jean Dujardin as George Valentin
-Bérénice Bejo as Peppy Miller
-Uggie as Jack (the dog)
-John Goodman as Al Zimmer
-James Cromwell as Clifton
-Missi Pyle as Constance
-Penelope Ann Miller as Doris Valentin
-Malcolm McDowell as The Butler
-Bitsie Tulloch as Norma
-Beth Grant as Peppy's maid
-Ed Lauter as Peppy's first chauffeur
-Jen Lilley as Onlooker
-Nina Siemaszko as Admiring woman
-Jewel Shepard as Flapper starlet
-Basil Hoffman as Auctioneer
-Ben Kurland as Casting assistant
-Ken Davitian as Pawnbroker
-Bill Fagerbakke as Policeman
-Matt Skollar as Peppy's assistant
-Director Michel Hazanavicius had been fantasizing about making a silent film for many years, both because many filmmakers he admires emerged in the silent era, and because of the image-driven nature of the form. According to Hazanavicius his wish to make a silent film was at first not taken seriously, but after the financial success of his spy-film pastiches OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies and OSS 117: Lost in Rio, producers started to express interest. The forming of the film's narrative started with Hazanavicius' desire to work again with actors Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo, Hazanivicius's wife, who had starred in OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies with Dujardin. Hazanavicius chose the form of the melodrama, mostly because he thought many of the films from the silent era which have aged best are melodramas. He did extensive research about 1920s Hollywood, and studied silent films to find the right techniques to make the story comprehensible without having to use too many intertitles. The screenplay took four months to write.
-The Artist was filmed in thirty-five days, made in the 1.33:1 screen ratio commonly used in the silent film era. Though presented in black-and-white, it was shot in color by cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman. All the technical details, including lenses, lighting and camera moves, were calibrated to get the look just right. To recreate the slightly sped-up look of 1920s silent films, the film was shot at a slightly lower frame rate of 22 fps as opposed to the standard 24 fps. Most of the film is silent, except for two scenes of sound; one being a nightmare sequence and the other being the final scene in the film, where three characters speak, and the non-diegetic soundtrack. Throughout the shoot, Hazanavicius played music from classic Hollywood films while the actors performed.
-The film was produced by La Petite Reine and ARP Sélection for 13.47 million euro, including co-production support from Studio 37 and France 3 Cinéma, and pre-sales investment from Canal+ and CinéCinéma. The cast and the crew included both French and American members. All the scenes were shot in Los Angeles, primarily in Hollywood, but also in downtown theaters, restaurants and houses, including the one in which Mary Pickford lived. Soundstage work was done at Red Studios, and the studio lot itself doubled for part of the fictional Kinograph Studios lot, with Red's Lillian Way entrance doubling as the Kinograph entrance in several sequences. The iconic Bradbury Building in downtown L.A. provided the location for the film's distinctive staircase sequence. The dance sequence that closes the film took seventeen takes, and required Dujardin and Bejo to spend five months studying tap dancing, with Dujardin claiming that "in the first week it's fun, then it gets a little boring, but in the end is thrilling".
-American costume designer Mark Bridges created the wardrobe for the film's cast.
-The film's music was largely composed by Ludovic Bource, but includes works by other composers such as Alberto Ginastera's Estancia. The soundtrack was recorded in Belgium by the Brussels Philharmonic and was conducted by Ernst Van Tiel. The recording took place during six days in April 2011 at Flagey's Studio 4 in Brussels.
-The film's climactic scene is set to Bernard Herrmann's "Scene D'Amour" from his score to Alfred Hitchcock's film Vertigo. In Vertigo, that composition similarly accompanies an extended scene without dialogue. Only one song (sung, with lyrics) is used in the soundtrack, "Pennies from Heaven", sung by Rose "Chi-Chi" Murphy (uncredited). This song was written in 1936 although the film is set between 1927 and 1932.
-The soundtrack was released on 21 October 2011 through Sony Classical Records.
-Track listing
-The film premiered on 15 May in competition at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. It was initially announced as an out of competition entry, but was moved to the competition a week before the festival opened. The French regular release was on 12 October 2011 through Warner Bros. France.The Weinstein Company bought the distribution rights for the United States and Australia and Entertainment Film Distributors bought the UK distribution. The film was initially given limited release in the United States on 23 November 2011.
-Following its wins at the 69th Golden Globe Awards, it was announced Warner Bros. would re-release the film in France in 362 theaters on 25 January 2012. It was also re-released in Belgium on 22 February 2012.
-Box office
-As of 21 June 2012, The Artist has grossed $44,671,682 in North America, along with $88,761,174 in other territories for a worldwide total of $133,432,856. After its success at the Academy Awards, the film saw a moderate boost the following week on the box office in North America. It appeared on the week's top 10 chart and got an increase of 34% while expanding its release from 966 theaters to 1,756.
-Critical reception
-The film received highly positive reviews among critics. Review aggregate Rotten Tomatoes reports that 98% of critics have given The Artist a positive review based on 210 reviews, with an average rating of 8.8/10, making the film a "Certified Fresh" on the website's rating system. At Metacritic, which assigns a weighted mean rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the film received an average score of 89, based on 41 reviews, which indicates "Universal Acclaim". The reviewers at Spill.com gave it their highest rating, a "Better than Sex"
-Mark Adams of Screen Daily called the film "a real pleasure"; "propelled elegantly forward by delightful performances from Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo it is the most unlikely of feel-good movies." He added however: "The film does feel a little sluggish towards the end of the first third as the music is a little repetitive and the intertitles are infrequent, but Hazanavicius manages to give the film a real sense of charm and warmth, and film fans will be competing to spot visual and musical references." Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian described how the film "had me on my feet cheering throughout the final credits" and stated "I can't wait to see it again".
-Geoffrey McNab at The Independent called the film "both a surefire crowdpleaser and a magnificent piece of film-making" in his 5 star review from the Cannes Film Festival. Rick Groen of The Globe and Mail assessed The Artist highly, noting the film "uses old technology to dazzling effect to illustrate the insistent conquest of a new technology." Sukanya Verma for Rediff.com feels The Artist is an extremely well-researched film and is an instant classic. David Thomson of The New Republic called The Artist an "accomplished and witty entertainment" and went on to write, "Whether Hazanavicius can do more things as elegant and touching, without the gimmick of silence, remains to be seen (and heard). Meanwhile, he is to be congratulated on the grounds of pleasure alone. He may be due for much more in the way of rewards."
-Writing for Slant Magazine, Jaime N. Christley gave the film 1.5 out of 4 stars, explaining Michel Hazanavicius ignores "everything that's fascinating and memorable about the era, focusing instead on a patchwork of general knowledge, so eroded of inconvenient facts that it doesn't even qualify as a roman à clef."America Magazine argued that while Jean Dujardin carried the film, Bejo's performance was disappointing.
-Kim Novak controversy
-On 9 January 2012, actress Kim Novak stated that "rape" had been committed in regard to the musical score by Ludovic Bource, which incorporates a portion of Bernard Herrmann's score from Alfred Hitchcock's 1958 film Vertigo (in which Novak had starred). In the article published, by Variety, she stated that "I feel as if my body — or at least my body of work — has been violated by the movie." "This film should've been able to stand on its own without depending on Bernard Herrmann's score from Alfred Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' to provide more drama" and that "It is morally wrong for the artistry of our industry to use and abuse famous pieces of work to gain attention and applause for other than what they were intended", ending her comments with "Shame on them!"
-In response, director Hazanavicius released a statement:
-"The Artist was made as a love letter to cinema, and grew out of my (and all of my cast and crew’s) admiration and respect for movies throughout history. It was inspired by the work of Hitchcock, Lang, Ford, Lubitsch, Murnau and Wilder. I love Bernard Herrmann and his music has been used in many different films and I’m very pleased to have it in mine. I respect Kim Novak greatly and I’m sorry to hear she disagrees."
-Hazanavicius also told CNN "I used music from another movie, but it’s not illegal. We paid for that, we asked for that and we had the permission to do it. For me there is no real controversy.... I feel sorry for her, but there’s a lot of movies with music from other movies, directors do that all the time and I’m not sure it’s a big deal."
-In May 2011, when the film was first shown at the Cannes Festival, Todd McCarthy from The Hollywood Reporter mentioned the use of Herrmann's music, "Hazanavicius and Bource daringly choose to explicitly employ Bernard Herrmann’s love theme from Vertigo, which is dramatically effective in its own right but is so well known that it yanks you out of one film and places you in the mind-set of another. Surely some sort of reworked equivalent would have been a better idea."
-Home media
-The Artist was released in the U.S. on DVD and Blu-ray on 26 June 2012. It was released in the UK on 28 May 2012.
-Top ten lists
-The film has appeared on the following critics' top ten lists for the best films of 2011:
-Awards and nominations
-At the 65th British Academy Film Awards, the film won seven awards, including Best Film, Best Actor for Dujardin, Best Original Screenplay for Hazanavicius, Cinematography for Schiffman, Costume Design for Bridges and Original Score for Ludovic Bource. At the 69th Golden Globe Awards, the film was nominated for six Golden Globes to win three of them; Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for Dujardin and Best Musical Score for Bource.
-At the 84th Academy Awards, The Artist received ten nominations, winning five awards, including Best Picture, Best Director for Hazanavicius, Best Actor for Dujardin, Best Costume Design, and Best Original Score.
-External links
-Website of the Weinstein Company about The Artist
-The Artist at the Internet Movie Database
-The Artist at AllRovi
-The Artist at Box Office Mojo
-The Artist at Rotten Tomatoes
-The Artist at Metacritic
diff --git a/data/the_artist_questions.txt b/data/the_artist_questions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fe92d67..0000000
--- a/data/the_artist_questions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-What two events caused the film Valentin produced to fail?
-What was the final incident that pushed Valentin to attempt suicide?
-Who were the two main characters in The Artist?
-How many Academy Awards did The Artist win?
-Who directed The Artist?
-Which company bought the distribution rights for the United States and Australia?
-Is The Artist a film?
-Did Dujardin win the Best Actor Award at Cannes for The Artist?
-Was Gerard Depardieu a cast member of The Artist?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/the_lord_of_the_rings_questions.txt b/data/the_lord_of_the_rings_questions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bdbcf00..0000000
--- a/data/the_lord_of_the_rings_questions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- Who starts to fall in love with Aragorn?
- Who is shot by Legolas?
- What film tied for largest number of awards won with Ben-Hur and Titanic?
- When was The Return of the King released?
- How many Academy Awards did the film win?
- Who plays Frodo Baggins?
- Is Eomer the uncle of Eowyn?
- Did the film receive critical acclaim?
- Do Frodo, Sam and Gollum travel to Minas Morgul?
diff --git a/data/they1.parse b/data/they1.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edfb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/they1.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -220.36785888671875 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (JJS earliest) (JJ known) (NNS settlers)) (VP (VBD followed) (NP (NP (NNS herds)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ large) (NN game)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (PP (IN during) (NP (DT the) (JJ last) (JJ glacial) (NN period)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -175.56723022460938 (ROOT (S (NP (PRP They)) (VP (VBN preceded) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Anishinaabe)) (, ,) (NP (DT the) (NNP Dakota)) (, ,) (CC and) (NP (JJ other) (JJ Native) (JJ American) (NNS inhabitants)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/they1.sent b/data/they1.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb7c23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/they1.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The earliest known settlers followed herds of large game to the region during the last glacial period.
+They preceded the Anishinaabe, the Dakota, and other Native American inhabitants.
diff --git a/data/they1.sst b/data/they1.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabbe06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/they1.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The/0 earliest/0 known/0 settlers/noun.person followed/verb.stative herds/noun.group of/0 large/0 game/noun.act to/0 the/0 region/noun.location during/0 the/0 last/0 glacial/noun.time period/noun.time ./0
+They/0 preceded/verb.stative the/0 Anishinaabe/noun.person ,/0 the/0 Dakota/noun.person ,/0 and/0 other/0 Native/0 American/0 inhabitants/noun.person ./0
diff --git a/data/they2.parse b/data/they2.parse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f16f397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/they2.parse
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PARSE -144.89173889160156 (ROOT (S (NP (DT The) (NN team)) (VP (VP (VBD practied) (ADJP (RB very) (JJ hard))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (ADVP (RB later) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP they)))) (VBD won) (NP (DT the) (NN game)))) (. .)))
+PARSE -153.26760864257812 (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN herd)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS animals)))) (VP (VBD grazed) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN land))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (ADVP (RB then)) (NP (PRP they)) (VP (VBD moved) (PRT (RP on)))) (. .)))
diff --git a/data/they2.sent b/data/they2.sent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6012e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/they2.sent
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The team practied very hard, and later on they won the game.
+The herd of animals grazed on the land, and then they moved on.
diff --git a/data/they2.sst b/data/they2.sst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03b6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/they2.sst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The/0 team/noun.group practied/0 very/0 hard/0 ,/0 and/0 later/0 on/0 they/0 won/verb.competition the/0 game/noun.act ./0
+The/0 herd/noun.group of/0 animals/noun.animal grazed/verb.contact on/0 the/0 land/noun.object ,/0 and/0 then/0 they/0 moved/verb.motion on/verb.motion ./0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd8f135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/lee_example.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This film should be brilliant. It sounds like a great plot, the actors are first grade, and the supporting cast is good as well, and Stallone is attempting to deliver a good performance. However, it can't hold up.
diff --git a/misc/prepare.sh b/misc/prepare.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd54fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/prepare.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+set -eux
+rm -rf build
+rm -f demo/*.{sst,osent,parse,tagged}
+svn status
+rm -rf **/.svn
diff --git a/misc/smoketest.sh b/misc/smoketest.sh
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+./build.sh && grep '\$' README.md | perl -pe 's/\$//' |grep -Ev -- '-ace|servers' | bash -x -
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+******** 0.001063 ace_rothdev/NBC20001026_1830_0047.txt
+good evening. there isn't a national poll in the race between vice
+president al gore and governor george w. bush that shows a clear
+advantage for one or the other with two weekends to go. according to
+today's msnbc/reuters tracking poll, gore is hanging onto a
+two-point lead over bush for the second day in a row. but all these
+polls, it's important to point out , are within a margin of error
+that could flip the results. what they're really telling us is that
+the race appears to be a dead heat. and with time running short, the
+final strategies are taking a sharper form. nbc's david gregory is
+with the governor again tonight, claire shipman with the vice
+president. claire, the gore campaign worried about ralph nader.
+ reporter:
+tom, the greening of al gore today -- his environmental message
+hasn't always been a priority on the campaign trail, but now, with
+fears of ralph nader's growing support, it could be critical. al
+gore, today hopscotching across the midwest, reminding voters of his
+environmentalist credentials.
+together, we can clean up the environment.
+ reporter:
+seizing on a new u.n. report about global warming, he pitches his
+message in diners.
+one that i've worked on a lot, one people don't talk about, is
+global warming.
+ reporter:
+and even to tv personality queen latifah.
+the environment is at stake in this election.
+ reporter:
+why? it's a message that appeals to those critical undecided voters
+and especially the supporters of this man, ralph nader. once a minor
+distraction, gore aides now fear nader could cost them the election.
+how much can nader hurt? take oregon, a state gore was counting on.
+a recent poll has bush at 45%, gore at 41% and nader at 10%. in
+traditionally democratic minnesota, bush has 44%, gore 41%, nader
+8%. here in wisconsin, gore has an edge in one poll, bush in
+another. nader remains steady at 5%. those statistics have democrats
+cranking up the head on nader supporters. former gore rival bill
+bradley, on the stump today in washington state. pro-choice
+organizations are spending big money for ads like this one to make
+the case that a vote for nader could mean the end of a woman's right
+to choose.
+before voting nader, consider the risk. it's your choice.
+environmental groups are also getting involved. some prominent
+democrats are thinking about a full-page ad in "the new york times."
+and look for states like oregon and minnesota to figure prominently
+on gore's travel schedule in the final week. tom?
+thanks very much, nbc's claire shipman tonight. as for governor
+bush, he had some high-powered help today on the campaign trail and
+a more pointed commentary on the vice president. nbc's david gregory
+with the vice president in pittsburgh tonight.
+ reporter:
+tom, making it abundantly clear that the clinton/gore scandals of
+the past eight years will be a major theme in the closing days of
+this campaign, bush attacks the vice president for being a failed
+leader and promises if he's elected americans will once again be
+able to respect their government. bush campaigns today in this tough
+battleground state alongside the popular retired general colin
+powell and again hints strongly powell will be a member of his
+cabinet if elected. today's address focuses on "responsible
+leadership" and how on issues like social security and medicare, the
+clinton/gore administration has failed to pr
+they are going out as they came in -- their guide, the nightly
+polls. their goal, the morning headlines. their legacy, the
+fruitless search for a legacy.
+ reporter:
+with the race so tight, advisers are hunkered down trying to for the
+final push. plotting out the final push that, aides say, is likely
+to include visits to eight different states bill clinton carried the
+last two elections. tom?
+david gregory tonight with governor bush, not with vice president
+gore, obviously.
+******** 0.001297 ace_rothdev/MNB20001103_2100_0996.txt
+it will be one of the first election returns on tuesday. it will
+also be among the most important. as we continue our coverage of
+presidential politics with a look at the last-minute battle to win a
+crucial swing state, florida. 25 electoral votes. it's being fought
+over hard wsm a look at how the candidates are getting out the vote
+there, here's nbc news correspondent kerry sanders.
+the image of florida, both fact and fiction. a great getaway, a
+state where a mouse wields more power than the a tropical paradise.
+while the mild winters make this comfortable living for almost three
+million seniors, the largest elderly population in the united
+states, this year it is not the weather drawing al gore and george
+w. bush to the sunshine state. both candidates list 25 reasons to
+keep coming back, florida's 25 electoral votes. polls show florida
+is still up for grabs.
+both candidates have been here almost equally. in fact, it's almost
+i dare you politics. each of them dares the other one to spend less
+time, money, and energy than they are at their own peril.
+elderly voters once again in florida, the most important voting bloc
+because they actually vote more than any other group. in this
+election, 45% of those going to the voting booth are expected to be
+over the age of 65. the issue most important to them, social
+pay down the nation's debt, strengthen social security, cut taxes
+for middle class family, save our environment. experience. vision.
+values. al gore.
+why does al gore say one thing when the truth is another? his
+attacks on george bush's social security plan, exaggerations. the
+truth, nonpartisan analysis confirms george bush's plan sets aside
+$2.4 trillion to strengthen social security.
+both candidates repeatedly talking about that one issue. but in
+florida where there are more than 550 children born every day,
+families drive the other campaign issues. polls show education, the
+environment, and the candidate's character will influence who voters
+choose. and in this diverse state with a 15% hispanic population,
+both candidates courting their votes in ways not seen in any
+previous election. following both conventions, gore and bush granted
+their first live tv interviews to this man.
+ speak spanish
+his name, jorge ramos, the tom brokaw of spanish language news.
+the race gets really, really close. and let's suppose that states
+like florida and illinois might decide the election lest maybe,
+maybe hispanic votes might decide, too, who would be the next
+president of the united states. the largest hispanic voting bloc of
+florida, republican voter who is do not seem to be crossing the
+party line. gore wanted the young cuban boy, eli a n gonzalez to
+stay in this country. joe lieberman brings gore's support he
+probably would have gotten here anyway. sizable jewish and
+african-american voting blocs. of the 10 largest states, florida is
+the most republican. the republican governor here, jeb bush was once
+expected to deliver his brother this state. the managers of both
+campaigns saying in the end, the wipper may simply be determined by
+who gets more people to the voting booth. kerry sanders, nbc news,
+******** 0.002494 ace_rothdev/CNN20001219_1400_1513.txt
+the "jingle cats" are putting a new twist on the term "meow mix."
+denise dillon introduces us to a group of singing felines with
+several under their collars. 7777
+if nine caroling cats crooning christmas classics doesn't put you in
+the holiday mood, maybe nothing will. yes, it's that time of year.
+the jingle cats are back, and can be found just about anywhere. they
+have cassettes and and their very own video, which is also out on
+dvd. the man behind the music, creator mike spalla, says he owes it
+all to his cat, cheesepuff, and her finely tuned vocal cords.
+i was hired to do some christmas music, and it was just "jingle
+bells," and i brought my cat with me to the studio, and i was
+working on the song and the cat jumped up into the record booth and
+started meowing along, meowing to me. 7777
+cheesepuff and friends first clawed their way onto the music charts
+in 1993 with the release of their "meowy christmas" cd, featuring 20
+classic christmas hits. it was such a success, the following year,
+the feline group released another holiday song collection, "here
+comes santa claws." spalla says they have a following of some very
+unique fans.
+there's a certain kind of person that's in tune with a cat. they're
+thoughtful. they must be more intelligent or something. 7777
+the cats are such a hit, spalla has taken on a couple of new groups.
+"jingle babies," and, of course, "jingle dogs." denise dillon,
+"headline news."
+now, you know it is the holidays.
+******** 0.002933 ace_rothdev/NBC20001008_1830_0203.txt
+in washington, u.s. officials are working overtime to find some way
+to defuse the volatile situation in the middle east as the two sides
+attack each other. nbc's joe johns reports.
+secretary of state albright today turned up the pressure on
+palestinian leader yasser arafat to stop the violence.
+he has been able in the past to control large portions of this. we
+expect him to be able to control this.
+israelis have long argued that arat can and should do just that.
+so if mr. arafat can in one single word stop the violence and get
+back to the negotiations table, i think he will find readiness and
+willingness on the israeli side to reach a reasonable agreement.
+but as protests in support of the palestinians sprang up from egypt
+to morocco to iraq, arafat's advisers suggested that his power to
+stop the violence may be limited.
+president arafat cannot give orders to a people, to a whole nation,
+that is being killed every day and being asked to lie back and to
+die quietly, not to defend themselves.
+the disagreement over which side should bear the greatest blame
+spilled over to the united nations. a security council resolution
+criticized israel. the u.s. tried to water down the measure, then
+abstained from voting. the administration, hoping to de-escalate the
+violence, is appealing to both sides.
+that requires even greater efforts on the part of the palestinian
+authority to try to control the crowds, to keep them away from
+israeli fixed positions and on the israeli side that would enable
+them to restrain the use of live fire.
+aids to president clinton say he has proposed a middle east summit
+in egypt as early as this week. aids do not rule out the possibility
+of the president attending if israeli and palestinian leaders agree
+to the meeting. joe johns, nbc news, the white house.
+******** 0.003215 ace_rothdev/CNN20001217_1400_0883.txt
+the federal reserve considers interest rates. and some key economic
+reports come out this week. kitty pilgrim has more in today's
+edition of "ahead of the curve."
+wall street will be on fed watch this week. on tuesday, the federal
+reserve open market committee meets for the final time this year to
+discuss interest rates. recent economic reports indicate the economy
+is slowing, leading analysts to believe that the fed will most
+likely ease the inflation-fighting policy and take a more neutral
+stance. now, the fed has held rates steady in its last four
+meetings. also tuesday, october international trade figures are out.
+the deficit is expected to drop from september's record high of
+$34.3 billion, to just over $33 billion. also this week, november
+housing starts, which are forecast to hold steady. and the revised
+third-quarter gross domestic product is expected to remain in line
+with previous figures, up to .4%. rounding out the week, november
+personal income and outlays figures and november durable goods.
+personal income and spending are both expected to rise. and sales of
+durable goods should climb slightly for the month, as well. to stay
+"ahead of the curve" all week long, watch "the moneyline news hour"
+with willow bay and stewart varney, week nights at on cnn. kitty
+pilgrim, "cnn financial news," new york.
+******** 0.003322 ace_rothdev/MNB20001102_2100_2766.txt
+we have a major development to report tonight involving the crash of
+that singapore airlines 747 in taiwan this week. taiwanese officials
+thousand now say, they confirm the pilot made a wrong turn. simply
+down the wrong runway. correspondent ned colt has our report.
+tonight it appears at least 82 are dead from what may have been a
+wrong turn. sources close to the investigation tell nbc news that
+singapore airlines flight 6 tried to take off on a runway closed for
+repairs. she crash site today, the trail of evidence on the closed
+runway. chunks of wreck eage, fuselage, stretching in a straight
+line for hundreds of yards. twisted overturned construct
+construction equipment. this is what the 747 slammed into tuesday
+night in a blinding rain storm. today investigators say the pilot
+had confirmed with pilots the control tower moments before taking
+off he had turned onto the correct runway but pilots behind him say
+he turned onto the wrong runway. they the plane took off, clicking
+the construction equipment, slamming into the ground and then
+breaking up. as the plane taking off this passenger noticed she
+didn't see any runway lights.
+i used to see the lights going bay and by and i looked out and said
+it's pitch black out here. reporter lee, flying in from california,
+unsure if his wife was alive. today, identifying his remains. and
+tonight survivor john diaz begins the long tripe trip him home to
+i just want to get home. never been so ready to get back to the
+united states.
+his flight number a reminder singapore airlines 006. the same flight
+he survived tuesday night.
+******** 0.004329 ace_rothdev/CNN20001203_0900_0606.txt
+americans are slowly finding out there are many health benefits
+associated with soy. holly firfer has details in this edition of
+"feeling fit."
+this little bean native to northern china is a complete protein. a
+main source of protein for millions of asians, soy is also rich in
+vitamin b-6 and dietary fiber. studies have shown it can lower
+cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. and
+just last year, the fda approved labeling on soy products touting
+the benefits in reducing heart disease. many soy products can now be
+found on your local grocer's shelf.
+these are green, immature soybeans in the pod that are known in
+japan as edemame. a bowl of cereal with some soy milk to put on it.
+if someone is allergic to regular milk, soy milk is a wonderful
+some experts also claim soy may slow cancer growth, prevent
+osteoporosis and reduce hot flashes during menopause. experts do
+caution that soy should be eaten in moderation. and, although soy is
+a protein, it can be associated with some food allergies, so check
+with your doctor. for "feeling fit," i'm holy firfer.
+******** 0.007092 ace_rothdev/CNN20001204_1400_0906.txt
+pepsi hopes to take quaker oats to a whole new level. i'm myron
+kandel at the cnnfn newsdesk in new york. pepsi says it expects to
+double quaker's snack food growth rate. after a month-long
+courtship, they agreed to buy quaker oats for $13.4 billion there
+stock, but the assumption of $761 million in debt. that comes to 2%
+less a share than pepsi's original offer. the deal gives pepsi
+access to quaker oats' gatorade sport drink as well as quaker's
+profitable snacks business, which makes up about 60% of its revenue.
+besides gatorade, they make such products as granola bars, captain
+crunch cereal. in addition to soft drink, pepsi also owns tropicana
+juices and frito lay products.
+******** 0.012346 ace_rothdev/ABC20001128_1830_0646.txt
+in the "moneyscope," economic trends. consumer confidence in the
+economy has fallen to its lowest level in more than a year. affected
+by falling stock prices and the undecided presidential election. on
+wall street today, technology stocks dragged the market down,
+particularly the nasdaq. it's lost 19% of its value since election
+******** 0.012346 ace_rothdev/CNN20001205_1400_0960.txt
+the united nations is denying iraqi claims that the two are in
+urgent talks to settle a dispute. iraq halted oil exports five days
+ago. baghdad is insisting that its customers pay a 50 cent surcharge
+on every barrel of oil. it's also threatening to boycott the sale of
+oil to countries it views as hostile. it didn't give any specific
+examples, but the united states is an obvious target. iraq is the
+sixth largest supplier of crude oil to the u.s.
+******** 0.012346 ace_rothdev/CNN20001214_1400_0609.txt
+a survey on hunger finds requests from major cities for food and
+shelter rose this year, in spite of a healthy economy. the u.s.
+conference of mayors found requests for food were up 17% from last
+year. demand for emergency food assistance for families with
+children rose 16%, and shelter requests went up 15%. officials
+expect those trends to continue into next year.
+******** 0.855596 ace_rothdev/NYT20001125_1558_0117.txt
+GROSSE POINTE PARK, Mich. _ It is deer hunting season in Michigan,
+and hunters who climb trees with loaded shotguns have state
+officials redoubling safety education efforts.
+Two men have been killed, and a third has been injured since the
+hunting season opened on Nov. 15. All three accidents involved
+shotguns, elevated platforms and a practice relatively new to
+Michigan hunters _ shooting at deer from trees. The Michigan season,
+one of the busiest, continues through Nov. 30.
+Firearm hunting from elevated platforms has long been legal in other
+states with heavy hunting, like New York and Pennsylvania. But the
+practice is only in its third season in Michigan, and officials say
+it appears that hunters still have a lot to learn about safety. Lt.
+Suzanne Koppelo, hunter safety administrator of the law enforcement
+division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources &UR; , &LR;
+said that since firearm platform hunting began in Michigan there had
+been seven shooting accidents linked to the practice. Three were
+fatal. Two hunters shot themselves on platforms and another was
+killed on the ground by a hunter shooting from a platform. ``If
+hunters exercised the kind of caution one would expect at heights of
+20-some feet, it would be almost a nonissue,'' said Koppelo. ``But
+given human nature, that's not the case.''
+More than 750,000 licensed hunters are taking to the Michigan woods
+this year, where they are expected to kill about 500,000 of the
+state's 1.9 million deer. The numbers reinforce the need to improve
+education about platform hunting with firearms, Koppelo said.
+The practice is more commonly associated with hunters using bows and
+arrows. Instead of hiding on the ground or walking through the
+woods, they wait quietly, typically at a height of 15 to 20 feet,
+and fire down at deer that wander below.
+Despite the hunter killed from the platform, Sgt. Larry D. Sargent,
+hunter education field coordinator for the law enforcement division,
+says the practice does offer one safety advantage: errant shots
+typically thump harmlessly to the ground, rather than whistling
+through the woods and striking other people.
+The problems primarily arise when hunters get in and out of
+``It's kind of hard climbing a tree with a gun,'' Rob Williams said,
+as he and a hunting partner, Art Bush, waited on a recent morning in
+a conventional earthbound hunting blind about 20 miles west of
+For Williams, Rule No. 1 is not to climb a tree with a loaded gun.
+He says that when he hunts from a platform he climbs up with a rope
+dangling from his belt to his gun, which he leaves unloaded on the
+ground. When he is secure in his stand, he pulls his gun up after
+him and loads it. Sargent says this is proper procedure.
+One accident this year, however, illustrates the importance of
+following each step of the safety procedures. A 16-year-old hunter
+used a haul line, but it was tied to the trigger guard and he left
+the gun loaded, Koppelo said. The teen-ager's gun went off and he
+was shot in the foot.
+Others are hurt falling out of trees. Koppelo said that state
+officials were trying to keep count of these injuries but that it
+was difficult, since they relied on hunters reporting minor
+``A lot of guys are embarrassed,'' Sargent said. ``They'll say they
+fell working in the yard or something.''
+Others, Koppelo says, do not want to report accidents for fear the
+law will be changed. And she adds that though anecdotal reports show
+Michigan's large hunting population to be taking slowly to firearm
+deer hunting from platforms, most expect the practice to catch on as
+it has in other states.
+As Peter Thompson, a 16-year-old hunter, said, ``Usually the deer
+don't look up.''
+******** 0.889026 ace_rothdev/APW20001016_1325_0321.txt
+NEW YORK (AP) _ The price of a college degree continues to rise
+faster than inflation, with tuition and fees at public four-year
+colleges up an average 4.4 percent this fall, even more at private
+schools, a new survey has found. And loans provide a growing chunk
+of the extra money students need to pay for those degrees.
+Average in-state tuition and fees at public, four-year schools is
+$3,510 per semester _ $148 more than last year, according to figures
+released Monday by the College Board. On-campus room and board now
+averages $4,960, up 5.1 percent.
+At private four-year colleges, tuition and fees average $16,332, up
+5.2 percent from last year. Room and board on campus is now $6,209,
+a 4.2 percent increase.
+Only public two-year schools, chiefly community colleges, stayed
+below the current inflation rate _ but barely. Tuition rose this
+year to $1,705, up 3.4 percent, the survey found.
+Private two-year schools boosted tuition and fees to $7,458, a 7
+percent rise.
+This pattern follows an old, familiar trend, said Joni Finney, a
+policy analyst at the National Center for Public Policy and Higher
+Education in San Jose, Calif. ``Colleges and universities have a
+very difficult time controlling their costs,'' she said.
+``These institutions were underfunded in the early part of the
+'90s,'' Finney said. ''... But they've more than made up for lost
+But Stanley Eikenberry, president of the American Council on
+Education, an umbrella group for higher education, said in a
+statement, ``Given the large, fixed costs of most campuses, in
+personnel and facilities especially, these numbers show institutions
+are working hard to hold the line on increases.''
+The recent increases push past inflation. The Consumer Price Index
+rose 2.7 percent in 1999; the first eight months of this year,
+consumer prices rose at an annual rate of 3.5 percent. Last year,
+college tuition and fees rose less than 5 percent.
+Despite the increases, college remains affordable and a good
+investment, said College Board President Gaston Caperton in a
+statement with the surveys. ``In both earning potential and learning
+potential, you cannot beat the value of a college education,'' the
+former West Virginia governor said.
+The College Board's figures concern the costs for 6.4 million
+full-time undergraduates _ 54 percent attending four-year public
+institutions, 27 percent at four-year private schools, 17 percent at
+two-year community colleges and 1 percent at private two-year
+A majority of students need grants or loans _ or both _ but their
+exact numbers are unknown, a College Board spokesman said.
+Last school year, loans made up 59 percent of a record $68 billion
+in financial aid. A decade ago, loans made up just over 41 percent
+of student financial help.
+The pool of money from federal, state and school sources last year
+was 4 percent greater than a year earlier, but 88 percent more than
+a decade before, taking inflation into account.
+The New York-based College Board is a nonprofit organization that
+administers the SATs and promotes higher education.
+It surveyed more than 3,000 schools to find out undergraduate
+charges for 2000-2001. The companion survey on financial aid, was
+based on federal, state and school statistics from 1999-2000.
+Current grant and loan figures are not available until the school
+year ends.
+On the Net: http://www.collegeboard.org
+American Council on Education: http://www.acenet.edu
+******** 0.898990 ace_rothdev/APW20001225_2035_0477.txt
+WASHINGTON (AP) _ All else being equal, Duane Roelands would prefer
+to dash off short instant text messages to co-workers and friends
+with the service offered by Microsoft _ the one he finds easiest to
+But for Roelands, all else is not equal: His office, clients and
+nearly everyone else he knows use America Online's messaging system.
+Now, he does too.
+``There are features that I want and I like,'' said Roelands, a Web
+developer, who likens it to the battle between VHS and Beta video
+recorders in the 1980s. ``But the reality is if I use the better
+product, I get less functionality.''
+For this reason, instant messaging rivals like Microsoft, AT&T
+and ExciteAtHome maintain their users ought to be able to send
+messages to anyone else, regardless of what service they happen to
+have. That's not currently possible.
+The companies are lobbying the Federal Communications Commission to
+require AOL to make its product compatible with those offered by
+competitors as a condition of its merger with Time Warner.
+So far, the agency appears to favor a more tailored approach. The
+commission's staff has recommended that AOL be required to make its
+system work with at least one other provider, but the requirement
+would apply only to advanced instant messaging services offered over
+Time Warner's cable lines.
+How the agency defines advanced services is unclear. They could
+refer to features beyond text messaging, such as video
+teleconferencing, the sharing of files or messaging over interactive
+Today, consumers more commonly take advantage of the garden variety
+functions. They type short real-time phrases to others, allowing
+them to ``chat'' back-and-forth using text. Unlike e-mail, it's
+instantaneous and gets the recipient's attention right away.
+People can communicate with international friends without the hefty
+phone bills. And the service has taken hold with those who have
+hearing or speech disabilities.
+Unlike the telephone, people can discreetly interact with others _
+or decide not to.
+``It's communications that can be ignored,'' said Jonathan Sacks, a
+vice president at AOL, which runs the two leading messaging services
+_ ICQ and AIM _ with 140 million users. ``On the telephone, you
+can't see when somebody is near the phone. You can't see when it's
+convenient for them to communicate with you.''
+AOL rivals say that if instant messaging is to be as ubiquitous as
+the phone network, it has to work the same way: People who use
+different providers must still be able to contact one another. They
+continue to lobby the FCC, hoping to see the conditions broadened
+before the agency issues its final decision.
+``It's really important to get this right before innovation is
+squashed because one company has a monopoly,'' said Jon Englund,
+vice president of government affairs for ExciteAtHome. ``It's
+absolutely critical that Internet uses have real choice among
+competing platforms.''
+AOL has said it wants to work toward interoperability, but first
+needs to protect consumer privacy and security to prevent the kinds
+of problems that have emerged in the e-mail world, like spamming _
+unwanted junk messages.
+Company officials disagreed that AOL's market share was keeping out
+competitors. AOL executives cited a recent study by Media Metrix
+indicating that the messaging services offered by Yahoo! and
+Microsoft are the fastest growing in the United States.
+Why all the fuss over a free product that anyone, even those who
+don't subscribe to AOL, can use?
+Some pointed to the recent demise of two instant messaging
+competitors _ iCAST and Tribal Voice _ as evidence that AOL's
+dominance could prevent choices in the market.
+Another concern is that AOL could use its substantial customer base
+to tack on new advanced services and then charge for them.
+Rivals said the ability of various services to work together will
+become increasingly important in the future. For example, as instant
+messaging migrates to cell phones or hand-held computer organizers,
+consumers won't want to have to install multiple services on these
+devices, said Brian Park, senior product for Yahoo! Communications
+``You can have the best service and the coolest features, but nobody
+is going to use it if it doesn't communicate with other services,''
+Park said.
+On the Net:
+America Online corporate site: http://corp.aol.com
+IMUnified, coalition formed by AT&T, ExciteAtHome, Microsoft:
+******** 1.080727 ace_rothdev/APW20001207_2118_0838.txt
+WASHINGTON (AP) _ Fossil remains of a 120 million-year-old bird with
+unique feathers cast doubt on the theory of birds evolving from
+dinosaurs, some experts say, but others disagree.
+Two Chinese researchers report that a fossil called Protopteryx _
+from a group of flying animals called Enantiornithine _ includes
+feathers that are ``different from those of all other known fossil
+and modern feathers.''
+Fucheng Zhang and Zhonghe Zhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
+suggest in the journal Science that the discovery supports the idea
+that feathers evolved from scales, like those found in reptiles. The
+study was to be published Friday.
+Some researchers who oppose the idea that birds evolved from
+dinosaurs embraced the new fossil as proof that birds and dinosaurs
+evolved independently from a common reptilian ancestor.
+But others say Protopteryx adds nothing to the dino-bird debate.
+``There is nothing in the skeleton of this bird that disputes the
+dinosaur origin of birds,'' said Thomas R. Holtz Jr., a University
+of Maryland paleobiologist and specialists on bird evolution. ``The
+fact that this Protopteryx has these weird flat feathers really
+doesn't affect that issue.''
+Alan Feduccia, an evolutionary biologist at the University of North
+Carolina, said the Chinese study of Protopteryx ``is a hot paper ...
+that directly contradicts the idea that birds evolved from
+The new fossil was unveiled the day after researchers announced that
+another ancient Chinese bird, called Microraptor zhaoianus,
+supported the dinosaur origin of birds.
+In the study, Zhang and Zhou described the feather and bone
+structure found in a fossil of a starling-sized bird uncovered in
+northern China, the site of many dinosaur fossil finds.
+The Chinese researchers said the feathers have some of the
+characteristics of modern feathers, but the structure is more
+primitive than feathers found on Archaeopteryx, the earliest known
+Archaeopteryx appeared about 145 million years ago, while
+Protopteryx was dated as more recent, about 120 million years ago.
+Microraptor, which was about the size of a crow, lived about 125
+million years ago.
+Some elements of the Protopteryx wing bone and muscle structure
+match those of modern birds, said Zhang and Zhou, but the wing
+retains a claw found on some primitive birdlike animals. In modern
+birds, that claw has disappeared and been replaced with a structure
+that adds lift to the wing. Nonetheless, Protopteryx is thought to
+have been a competent flier.
+Most dinosaur researchers believe birds evolved 150 to 180 million
+years ago from a dinosaur group called Theropods. Researchers cite
+fundamental skeleton similarities to support the theory. The
+evolution of feathers, however, has been less clear.
+Some experts believe feathers evolved specifically to support
+flight, while others say feathers evolved first to provide warmth or
+protection from water.
+Fossils of three theropods bear hairlike images that some say could
+be the early precursors to feathers.
+But Feduccia dismisses the theropod hair as ``dino fuzz'' and cites
+the Zhang and Zhou paper as proof that feathers evolved from
+reptilian scales and that this could mean that birds evolved
+independent of dinosaurs.
+``Bird feathers are very closely related to scales,'' said Feduccia.
+``It is clear they evolved from elongated scales. Dino fuzz has
+nothing to do with feathers.''
+Larry Martin, a University of Kansas paleontologist, said the
+Chinese researchers' paper ``is the strongest evidence yet that bird
+feathers evolved for flight and that they were derived from
+Holtz, however, notes that Protopteryx, with its primitive feathers,
+lived millions of years after Archaeopteryx, which had feathers
+almost identical to those of modern birds.
+``This means the feathers on Protopteryx were probably an
+evolutionary reversal,'' said Holtz, adding that there are many
+examples where such reversals occur in nature.
+``This just shows that feathers are extremely adaptable
+structures,'' he said.
+Michael Novacek, a dinosaur expert at the American Museum of Natural
+History in New York, says that the Zhang and Zhou study is
+``ambiguous'' on the issue of dinosaurs and birds.
+``The fact that you see a resemblance between scales and feathers
+doesn't eliminate dinosaurs as close relatives to birds,'' said
+Novacek. He, too, said that evolution reversals are not rare. He
+said, for example, that whale ancestors lived on land and had fur,
+but evolution carried the huge mammals back to the sea.
+Holtz said the Zhang and Zhou study is important because it adds new
+understanding about the Enantiornithine, a bird group that dominated
+the latter part of the age of dinosaurs.
+``The Enantiornithine got clobbered in the extinction event'' that
+killed off the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago, he said.
+This was followed by the dominance of another bird group, the
+Ornithurae, which later evolved into modern birds, said Holtz.
+On the Net:
+Science journal: http://www.eurekalert.org
+******** 1.101302 ace_rothdev/NYT20001002_1754_0290.txt
+Swarms of jellyfish consumed so many fish eggs and larvae in the
+Gulf of Mexico this summer that some scientists are talking about
+the potential for serious future threats to commercial and
+recreational fisheries in the northern Gulf.
+The jellyfish, a native species and an invading one, appeared in
+prime spawning areas just as breeding season for many of the Gulf's
+most important species kicked into high gear.
+According to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the number of
+jellyfish in the Gulf has been rising for at least 13 years.
+Scientists say the jellyfish are exploiting three major
+human-induced changes in the environment: thousands of oil rigs and
+artificial reefs established to attract game fish have greatly
+increased the breeding habitat for jellyfish, which need a hard
+surface for spawning; nitrogen pollution from farm runoff and
+industrial sources feeds plankton blooms, providing extra food for
+jellyfish; and commercial fishermen take great numbers of menhaden,
+a soft-finned, bony fish that competes with jellyfish for the
+Dr. Monty Graham, a researcher at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in
+Alabama, worries that with all these advantages jellyfish cannot
+help but multiply at an astonishing rate.
+Making matters much worse, he said, is the advent of Phyllorhiza
+punctata, or Australian spotted jellyfish. The giant species,
+previously unreported in the Gulf, is a 25-pound bruiser of a
+jellyfish native to the Pacific.
+Some time ago the basketball-size jellyfish established themselves
+in the Caribbean. This summer, after apparently riding ocean
+currents north, they concentrated themselves in the passes between
+the barrier islands that separate the Mississippi Sound from the
+Gulf of Mexico.
+The Australian jellyfish have now mostly died off in the Gulf. But
+fishery scientists worry that they may already have affected next
+year's fish populations. And scientists say the animals were
+spawning prodigiously, broadcasting millions of their own eggs as
+they ate the eggs and larvae of native species.
+Popular sport fish, including redfish, speckled trout, white trout
+and Spanish mackerel, as well as commercially important species like
+crabs and menhaden, spawn just outside the barrier islands. This
+year, their eggs and larvae had to drift with tidal currents through
+the jellyfish-choked passes to reach the estuaries that serve as
+nurseries for the baby fish.
+``These things are incredibly efficient at turning the water over,
+cleaning it of everything in it,'' Graham said. ``We're finding them
+with 200 fish eggs in their guts.''
+The newcomers had a frighteningly effective feeding pattern that
+involved swimming to the surface, then diving down to the bottom,
+scouring the water of virtually every living thing smaller than a BB
+pellet. After flowing through the jellyfish gantlet, scientists
+said, the water was almost devoid of living things.
+``You really have two problems in terms of commercially important
+fish,'' said Harriet M. Perry, director of the fisheries section of
+the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Mississippi. ``First the
+jellies are ingesting the larvae and eggs of these commercially
+important species, and then the fish larvae must compete with these
+incredibly efficient jellies for the same food source.''
+Perry said she worried that the Phyllorhiza might become permanent
+residents. Graham said he feared that their offspring might appear
+in larger numbers next spring.
+He noted, though, that the newcomers represented a small threat
+compared with the monstrous herds of native moon jellyfish still
+swarming offshore below Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana in a huge
+swath roughly 100 miles long and 30 miles wide.
+It is these jellyfish that worry Dr. Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz, a
+larval specialist with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
+Lyczkowski-Shultz said the long-term picture might be bleak if the
+jellyfish populations continued to grow at their current pace. ``It
+could be totally devastating,'' she said.
+******** 1.140056 ace_rothdev/NYT20001217_2241_0165.txt
+Booking Your Ticket:
+_ Fly nonstop. The fewer connections you make, the lower the chance
+that you will suffer a delay.
+_ Pick airports with care. If you have to connect, choose the
+least-congested airport possible; some airports, like Chicago O'Hare
+and La Guardia in New York, experience chronic delays. Take into
+consideration the weather and the season; an airport in the South
+might have fewer winter snowstorms but more spring and summer
+_ Check times between connecting flights. Airlines often book tight
+connections and do not take responsibility if you miss yours. Assume
+each leg of your flight will arrive late, and book connections that
+allow ample time.
+_ Check on-time records. The Transportation Department requires
+major domestic airlines to make the on-time record for every flight
+available to consumers. You can check online at
+www.dot.gov/airconsumer. That site also reports each airline's
+on-time record for the previous month.
+_ Travel on off-peak days and at off-peak times. Saturday is usually
+the least-traveled day of the week; so are major holidays. Monday
+mornings and Friday afternoons are peak travel times for business
+travelers. Flights leaving earlier in the day are less likely to be
+delayed, because of the cascading effect that disruptions have on
+airline schedules.
+_ Use smaller airports. Instead of Los Angeles International, for
+example, consider flying into Burbank or John Wayne Airport in
+Orange County, Calif., or use Westchester County Airport instead of
+JFK in New York.
+_ Avoid electronic tickets. Though they are convenient and more
+secure than an easily lost paper ticket, they are not transferable
+between most airlines if you need to switch carriers because of
+_ Watch for labor disruptions. Check newspapers and Web sites like
+www.thenewfoundlandgroup.com to identify airlines experiencing labor
+strife, which often increases cancellations and delays.
+_ Leave a number. Make sure the airline you book with has a phone
+number at which you can be notified of delays or cancellations.
+_ Use a travel agent. A good one can be a great ally in the event of
+a problem _ and may save you time and money.
+Day of Departure:
+_ Be informed. Check your flight's status before heading to the
+airport. Automated telephone services or airline Web sites often
+provide more up-to-date information than do ticket agents. The
+Federal Aviation Administration's Web site, www.fly.faa.gov, has
+real-time information on operations at the biggest airports.
+_ Pack defensively. Take along a change of clothes and a toothbrush
+in your carry-on bag. If traveling with an infant, take 24 hours'
+worth of diapers and extra formula. When possible, avoid checking
+luggage, in case you need to switch flights or carriers. Ship your
+gifts ahead.
+_ Educate yourself. Find out what your airline promises to do for
+passengers in the event of a delay. Print out a copy of the policy
+from the airline's Web site, and carry it with you _ in case the
+airline representatives need a reminder.
+If a Flight Is Delayed:
+_ Keep your cool. Becoming angry at airline personnel is
+counterproductive. Sympathy for their plight will sometimes produce
+_ Don't stand in line. To get on another flight, it is often more
+effective to call the airline from the airport than to wait at the
+ticket counter. Carry a cell phone; if delays are widespread, public
+telephones may be in demand.
+_ Check the competition. If another airline has seats to your
+destination, ask your airline to endorse your ticket to the other
+_ Get what you paid for. If you paid full fare or are a high-mileage
+frequent flier, let the airline know. Your odds of getting a seat on
+the next flight out will increase, or the airline might pay for your
+hotel, if you are delayed overnight.
+_ Consider driving. If the last leg of your flight is a 200-mile
+hop, renting a car might be a better choice than waiting out a
+Getting Even:
+_ Write a letter. The airlines have pledged to respond to consumer
+complaints within 60 days. They almost always offer a refund,
+reimbursement of expenses, a discount on your next ticket _ or all
+three. Be sure to save the relevant paperwork.
+_ Make it a federal case. Send a copy of your letter to Washington.
+Complaints are charged against each airline in the Transportation
+Department's monthly Air Travel Consumer Report and serve as a basis
+for rule making and enforcement action. Write to:
+Aviation Consumer Protection Div. (C-75)
+Department of Transportation
+400 Seventh St. S.W.
+Washington, DC 20590
+******** 1.157687 ace_rothdev/NYT20001106_1705_0187.txt
+CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. _ Nearly 17 months after he first issued his call
+for a ``fresh start after a season of cynicism,'' Gov. George W.
+Bush ended his quest for the presidency Monday on a nearly identical
+note, pledging to purge Washington of what he cast as a crippling
+The course that Bush charted over his final hours on the campaign
+trail, plotted with as much concern for symbolism as for raw
+electoral arithmetic, left no doubt about where he placed the blame
+for that atmosphere. His first major rally was in Tennessee and his
+last was planned for Arkansas, the home states, respectively, of
+Vice President Al Gore and President Clinton.
+The Texas governor's words made equally clear that he saw himself as
+the country's best hope for bridging ideological divides, healing
+partisan wounds and making sure that Americans could gaze upon the
+White House with unfettered respect.
+``There's a better day ahead if we have a leader who's willing to
+unite the country, to bring people together, to elevate the people's
+business above everyday politics,'' Bush said at a rally inside a
+hangar at the airport here, where supporters' chants evoked the
+nearness of the moment of decision.
+``One more day!'' they roared. ``One more day!''
+What the nation needed, Bush told them, was ``a president who can
+unite this nation, a president who puts aside the endless partisan
+bickering that seems to gridlock our nation's capitol, a president
+who puts the people first, a president who lifts this nation's
+``I'll be that president,'' he added, a sentence that was equal
+parts promise and prediction. It underscored the optimism that Bush
+has, from the very beginning, sought to project to voters.
+His schedule over the course of a 16-hour day was also an expression
+of that confidence.
+In between Tennessee and Arkansas, his campaign plane touched down
+in Wisconsin and Iowa, and while any one of those four states could
+wind up providing the key to a Bush victory, none have as many
+electoral votes as such battlegrounds as Michigan and Pennsylvania.
+But they are genuine tossups that were initially predicted to be
+much more hospitable to Gore. By visiting them Monday, Bush
+emphasized the breadth of his appeal and the sometimes surprising
+vulnerability of the vice president.
+He did not let his assertion of strength and confidence distract him
+from the important business of beseeching supporters to grant him
+victory. With just 24 hours before Election Day, Bush in many ways
+stripped campaigning to its essence: coaxing and cajoling, pleading
+and persuading.
+``I want you to understand that I can't win without you,'' Bush told
+a crowd of more than 1,000 people at a convention center in Green
+Bay, Wis. ``I hope you redouble your efforts to make sure people get
+out to the polls.''
+Minutes later, he added: ``When you go out there and tell the folks
+where we stand on the issues and where we stand when it comes to
+bringing people together to get things done, and you tell them that
+the core of this campaign is the inherent trust in the American
+people, I believe it doesn't matter what political party they're in.
+They're going to come our way.''
+In Chattanooga, Bush repeatedly needled Gore, which was much of the
+point of going to Tennessee, where Gore is not at all certain to
+prevail on Tuesday.
+The Texas governor claimed that Gore's decades of experience in
+Washington had estranged him from the rest of the country by making
+him too trusting of federal government and too fond of federal
+``My opponent vows to carry his home state,'' Bush said. ``He may
+win Washington, D.C., but he's not going to win Tennessee.
+``He forgot his roots,'' Bush added. ``He forgot where he's from. He
+trusts Washington. We trust the people.''
+******** 1.193340 ace_rothdev/APW20001017_1313_0396.txt
+ST. LOUIS (AP) _ As Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore
+prepared to perch on stools and take voters' questions in a crucial
+third debate, the sudden death of Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan cast a
+pall over their final meeting.
+After talk of cancellation or a postponement for mourning, plans
+were made early Tuesday to continue the 9 p.m. EDT event on
+schedule, officials of both campaigns said.
+``In the end, there was general agreement that Mel Carnahan would
+have wanted us to go forward,'' a senior Bush campaign official
+said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
+Bush's wife, Laura, canceled plans for a morning rally. Bush
+campaign officials also decided to tone down a post-debate rally,
+and were even considering canceling it. Gore hadn't planned any
+events before the debate.
+Carnahan, a Democrat who was running for the Senate, campaigned with
+Gore whenever the vice president was in Missouri and would have
+accompanied Gore aboard Air Force II to a Kansas City rally on
+Wednesday. Gore called Mrs. Carnahan with his condolences after the
+news broke Monday night, aides said.
+``We're all waking up, honestly, to the tragedy and the pain of it
+and the shock of it,'' Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph
+Lieberman said Tuesday morning on CNN.
+The Bush and Gore campaigns did not talk to each other directly
+about the possibility of postponement, but went through the debate
+commission's director, Janet Brown, in a series of pre-dawn phone
+Eventually, Brown recommended that the debate should go on, and
+neither side objected, according to campaign officials.
+The commission was to announce the plans later Tuesday, with each
+candidate given time at the debate's start to say a few words about
+Carnahan, who died Monday night in the crash of a small plane.
+With the larger bloc of uncommitted voters across the nation
+apparently holding the key to the election, both candidates were
+clearly mindful of the high stakes if the encounter goes forward as
+The informal question-and-answer format is one Gore is comfortable
+with, and he promised on Monday to ``just have an open meeting,'' as
+he had done many times before.
+Bush, who has less formal debate experience than the vice president
+but whose standing in public opinion polls rose after the first two
+face-offs, vowed to ``just tell it like it is.''
+The debate, just three weeks before the Nov. 7 election, will be
+held on the campus of Washington University.
+While the moderator will be the same as in the Boston and
+Winston-Salem, N.C., debates _ Jim Lehrer of PBS _ questions this
+time will come from the audience.
+The Gallup polling organization, assigned by the Commission on
+Presidential Debates to recruit questioners, started with a random
+sample of all registered voters in St. Louis and its suburbs, and
+then screened out all but ``uncommitted voters,'' said Frank
+Newport, Gallup's executive editor.
+The result was a group of area voters who say they could support
+either Gore or Bush _ though they might be leaning one way or the
+The theater-in-the-round stage will be informally set with two
+stools and surrounded by 100 questioners and an additional 500
+Tuesday night's debate marks the beginning of the final stretch.
+And, with polls continuing to show the race to be neck-and-neck, any
+stumble could have major impact on a contest in which both
+candidates are fiercely wooing a dwindling band of undecided voters.
+Gore held a mock debate on Monday, inviting 23 voters to the
+Innsbrook resort outside St. Louis to help him practice.
+``I'm going to do what I've done a lot of times in Tennessee, and
+that is, just have an open meeting,'' Gore said.
+In 16 years in Congress, Gore held some 1,000 town meetings with
+Tennessee constituents, and they've become a regular feature of his
+presidential campaign.
+After an uncharacteristically muted demeanor in last week's debate,
+Gore, was looking to do better this time.
+``I don't think you play it safe,'' said Gore's campaign chairman,
+William Daley, previewing the Tuesday night encounter. ``I think you
+try to be very natural and lay out in a forward way the compelling
+reasons for the election to go your way.''
+Bush had long resisted the town-hall-style session, but in recent
+weeks on the campaign trail has been doing them almost daily.
+``I've felt comfortable about it,'' the Republican said Monday.
+******** 1.209340 ace_rothdev/APW20001218_2221_0727.txt
+The latest in a series of storms spread fresh snow across the upper
+Midwest on Monday, closing schools and disrupting travel.
+Up to 8 inches of snow had fallen by midday at Rockwell, Iowa, and
+more than 4 inches had fallen on southern Minnesota.
+An area of low pressure area over the Midwest carried light to
+moderate snow across parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
+northern Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan.
+Schools and some businesses closed in parts of Nebraska. Snowplows
+were pulled off the roads in northeastern Nebraska's Cuming County
+during the morning because of hazardous driving conditions and
+Travel was discouraged in Minnesota as blowing snow cut visibility
+to less than half a mile and about three dozen school districts
+canceled classes. Wisconsin also had scattered school closings.
+A line of mixed precipitation trailed southward from the storm
+system, spreading scattered show showers and freezing rain into
+western sections of Kentucky and Tennessee.
+Farther south, scattered rain showers extended across Arkansas,
+Mississippi, and Louisiana and into eastern Texas.
+Those showers were expected to move eastward into Alabama, Georgia,
+and northwestern Florida during the night.
+Farther west, isolated snow showers were scattered over parts of
+Wyoming, western South Dakota, eastern Colorado, and western
+sections of Nebraska and Kansas.
+In the Northeast, a few light snow showers were scattered from
+Pennsylvania across upstate New York into northern New England.
+Elsewhere, fog formed in some western parts of Washington, and
+showers were expected to move into the region from the Pacific.
+Monday's temperatures around the Lower 48 ranged from a morning low
+of 11 below zero at Phillips, Wis., to midday readings of 77 at
+Oceanside, Calif., and Brownsville, Texas. The lowest wind chill was
+58 below at Jamestown, N.D.
+On the Net:
+National Weather Service:
+Intellicast: http://www.intellicast.com
+Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com
+******** 1.219561 ace_rothdev/APW20001023_2100_0686.txt
+LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) _ The wife of Patrick Roy, the NHL's
+winningest goalie, called 911 because she was afraid of what her
+husband would do as they argued about in-laws, according to a police
+report released Monday.
+Michele Roy was not hurt during the dispute at their home early
+Sunday, but Roy admitted pulling a bedroom door off its hinges and
+damaging another after his wife called Greenwood Village police and
+hung up without speaking, the report said.
+The somber Colorado Avalanche goalie, accompanied by his parents,
+sister and brother, stood with his hands clasped behind his back
+during a brief court appearance.
+The initial hearing was postponed until Nov. 7. Roy remained free on
+a $750 bail and left by a side door without comment. His wife was
+The judge also issued a restraining order that is standard in
+domestic-dispute cases, which requires Roy to refrain from alcohol
+and illegal drugs and possession of guns or weapons. He was
+permitted to return home to his family and is allowed to travel with
+the team to out-of-state games.
+After the Avalanche's practice, Roy read a brief statement, noting
+that he could not comment on his arrest on the advice of his lawyer.
+He also asked that the public respect his family's privacy.
+``Obviously, this is creating a distraction, and my wish is that
+this distraction will be over soon,'' he said. ``I am thankful for
+the support I am getting from my family and every one of my
+Colorado players showed unified support for Roy, saying they believe
+he will remain focused after an eight-game (6-0-2) unbeaten streak
+to start the season. The team's next game is at home Wednesday
+against Nashville.
+``We've always stuck together and we'll stick by Patrick,''
+defenseman Ray Bourque said. ``We know he is a quality person and a
+great family man.''
+Defenseman Aaron Miller said, ``Until we find out exactly what's
+going on, we're not going to let it bother us or distract us. I
+think I speak for the whole team that we're behind Patty 100
+Roy, 35, was arrested and charged Sunday with misdemeanor criminal
+mischief which occurred during an act of domestic violence.
+If convicted, he faces a maximum of one year in the county jail and
+a $1,000 fine, said a spokesman for the Arapahoe County district
+attorney's office.
+Officers responded to the 911 hang-up call at Roy's residence, where
+Michele Roy told them the two had been arguing.
+Roy was honored Friday night for winning his 448th game three days
+before, a 4-3 victory in overtime against the Washington Capitals.
+He broke the mark set by Terry Sawchuk.
+******** 1.273484 ace_rothdev/NYT20001129_2040_0383.txt
+TALLAHASSEE, Fla. _ Lawyers for Vice President Al Gore said
+Wednesday their only chance for victory in his contest of the
+Florida election would be shattered if they have to wait until
+Saturday to begin counting disputed ballots, and they began an
+appeal to the Florida Supreme Court to do the counting itself,
+The appeal was filed with the District Court of Appeal late
+Wednesday afternoon, and will be submitted to the state's highest
+court early Thursday, Gore's lawyers said. It essentially asks the
+Supreme Court to take over Gore's contest lawsuit from the
+slow-moving trial court, to count the ballots itself, and eventually
+to declare Gore the winner if he wins the recount.
+But lawyers for Gov. George W. Bush said they had no intention of
+allowing any hand counting to begin without a vigorous legal fight.
+To that end, they persuaded Circuit Judge N. Sanders Sauls to order
+1.1 million ballots _ every vote cast in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach
+counties _ brought up from south Florida and placed in the court's
+That represents 83 times the number of disputed ballots that the
+judge had agreed on Tuesday to transport to Tallahassee at the Gore
+team's request. And it could take weeks if not months to count them
+all, the point that Barry Richard, Bush's chief trial lawyer here,
+said he was trying to make in requesting that the ballots be
+transported here.
+``We did it to make a point,'' Richard said in an interview. ``If
+you recount any ballots, you have to recount all of them. Now, we
+don't think any ballots should be counted, because the manual
+recount of ballots is finished. But in the event the court
+determines that some ballots should be counted, we wanted them here
+so they could all be counted.''
+Aware that they could not stop the movement of all the ballots,
+Gore's lawyers barely objected to the move, asking only that the
+disputed ballots that might contain hidden Gore votes be separated
+from the mass.
+``I know when it's futile,'' said David Boies, Gore's chief trial
+lawyer, to Sauls.
+Nonetheless, Gore's lawyers were furious at the move, aware that it
+represents yet another enormous barrier to their hopes for an
+immediate count of the 14,000 disputed ballots in the two counties
+and a quick decision from the judge that Gore really won the
+election. Even if the Florida Supreme Court should swiftly agree to
+their request and orders the counting to begin by Friday, that would
+still put them three days behind their original timetable. And
+facing a Dec. 12 deadline for the state to name electors for the
+Electoral College, Gore has absolutely no days to spare.
+``It's a stunt,'' said Kendall Coffey, one of Gore's election
+lawyers, as he stormed out of Sauls' courtroom Wednesday, referring
+to the request for all the ballots. ``They're trying to bog down the
+case, the system, the clerk's office and everywhere else they can.''
+The decision by Gore's lawyers to appeal the case shows how perilous
+their situation is. By appealing, the lawyers were forced to put on
+paper their fear that their case could be over if they cannot begin
+counting ballots until Saturday.
+The decision to wait until a Saturday hearing ``is effectively a
+final order denying all relief sought by plaintiffs because the
+action now pending below must be completed before Dec. 12, 2000, in
+order to offer any relief,'' said the notice filed with the Court of
+Appeal. It adds, ``the court must allow sufficient time to complete
+an accurate and fair count of the contested ballots, which is
+essential for the proper resolution of the contest action.''
+But the decision to bring up all the ballots means that they will
+not be assembled in Tallahassee until late Friday, a day later than
+planned. And even then, the hurdles are enormous. There will have to
+be another hearing before the Florida Supreme Court, and Gore's
+lawyers will have to refute three arguments to be raised by the Bush
+team: There should be no more counting at all; if there is any
+counting, it will have to include all 1.16 million ballots; and if
+there is any counting of disputed ballots, dimples cannot be counted
+as votes.
+If these issues are heard before Sanders, there will have to be
+briefs, witnesses, and evidence on each point, which could take
+days. If the Supreme Court agrees to short-circuit the process,
+there will still have to be lengthy briefs filed, and the court may
+need to wait several days before finding time for yet another
+momentous hearing in its schedule.
+******** 1.284360 ace_rothdev/APW20001022_1735_0376.txt
+ROME, Italy (AP) _ A little mountain village in northern Italy
+buried five victims of last week's devastating high water and
+mudslides on Sunday, the day a state of emergency finally ran out.
+Floodwaters throughout the region, including the raging Po River,
+have ebbed, emptying into the Adriatic and revealing a rising toll
+of damage. Some roads and bridges are still closed and could remain
+so for some time, officials say.
+The death toll from the raging floodwaters and fearsome mudslides
+reached 37 combined for the Alpine region of northern Italy and
+southern Switzerland. Eighteen of those were from the Valle d'Aosta
+in the Italian Alps.
+At the church of San Maurizio in Fenis, a mountain hamlet near the
+city of Aosta, villagers paid their final respects to five local
+victims. Among them, double losses for two families _ a father and
+son in one, a mother and daughter in another.
+Amid the grief in communities throughout the stricken area, life was
+slowly returning to something resembling normal. But thousands were
+still unable to go back to their drenched or damaged homes and a
+huge task of rebuilding lay ahead. Authorities estimate the damage
+in the hundreds of million of dollars.
+******** 1.370370 ace_rothdev/CHTB_267_ENG.txt
+Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 1st, by reporter Jingcai Wu
+The Weir Group of the US recently signed an implementation agreement
+in Beijing with Jiangsu Province's Electric Power Department to build
+China's first large-capacity power plant with liquefied natural gas
+as fuel.
+Aixing Dan, director of the International Co-operation Department of
+the Electric Power Industry Ministry, on this matter, expressed to
+Xinhua News Agency reporters today that if this power plant is
+successful, it will be a model for similar plants to be built along
+coastal regions.
+Coal, water, oil, etc., are normally used for traditional electricity
+However, using liquefied natural gas as fuel for joint circulatory
+electricity generation has advantages of higher power generation
+efficiency and lower total cost, is beneficial to the environment,
+According to presentations, with this type of electricity generation
+method, a single engine with liquefied natural gas as fuel can
+produce waste gas with temperatures being as high as 500 to 600
+degrees centigrade. This gas in turn can heat a boiler for the
+production of steam to turn a steam turbine which generates
+Because of the efficiency of this construction method, the
+electricity generated is relatively competitive in price.
+At the same time, using natural gas as fuel will also reduce
+environmental pollution along coastal regions.
+The Weir Group, whose headquarters is in the US, is a large,
+specialized corporation investing in the area of electricity
+The installed capacity of electricity it has invested in and
+developed globally has reached 15 million kilowatts.
+Through the contact of the Yizhong Company of the US, the Weir Group
+and the Jiangsu Electric Power Department reached an initial
+agreement on a plan to build a joint circulatory electricity
+generation plant.
+This power plant, which will be situated in Rudong, Jiangsu, has an
+annual generation capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts. The investment
+amount is 2.4 billion US dollars. The Chinese side holds 30% of the
+shares while the Weir Group holds 70%.
+According to the agreement, the Weir Group will be responsible for
+the supply of natural gas from the international market for use by
+the power plant.
+Renzu Luo, managing director of the Weir Group, is optimistic over
+the prospect of using liquefied natural gas as fuel for electricity
+generation along China's coastal regions.
+He holds that according to the experience of Asian energy market
+development, liquefied natural gas has become the main material of
+clean fuel used for electricity generation. When the gross national
+product per capita reached 3000 US dollars in Japan, South Korea and
+Taiwan, etc., environmental protection awareness generally rose, and
+all began to obviously increase usage of electricity generated by
+liquefied natural gas.
+As the gross national product in China's coastal regions begins to
+approach this benchmark, it can be said to have had the conditions
+for electricity generation using natural gas in terms of financial
+John Weir, president of the Weir Group who visited China with US
+Minister Brown and signed this agreement for electricity generation
+plant construction in Jiangsu, held that now is the best time to
+develop a project of joint circulatory electricity generation plant
+with natural gas as fuel in China. Both parties, the US and China,
+will invest more time, money and resources to make this power plant
+project a successful model.
+******** 1.402075 ace_rothdev/NYT20001124_2050_0257.txt
+HONG KONG _ For most of this year, Asia's economies have performed a
+sort of levitating act _ growing by double-digit rates month after
+month even as economists predicted they would fall to earth.
+That dichotomy was on vivid display here Friday: Hong Kong reported
+that its economic output surged 10.4 percent in the third quarter,
+and it raised its projection for full-year growth to 10 percent from
+8.5 percent.
+Yet a block away, the International Monetary Fund warned in a news
+conference that Asian economies could be hit hard by soaring oil
+prices and turmoil in the financial markets. The IMF said a $5
+increase in the price of a barrel of oil could slow the growth rates
+of Asian countries next year.
+``The prospects for growth in 2001 have weakened,'' said David
+Robinson, assistant director of research at the fund. ``There has
+also been increased political instability across the world, not
+least in Asia.''
+Several Asian countries _ notably the Philippines, Taiwan, and
+Indonesia _ have been gripped by political tumult in recent weeks.
+The Philippines president, Joseph Estrada, was impeached last week,
+while Chen Shui-bian, the president of Taiwan, is trying to fend off
+a recall vote.
+Even in more stable countries, like Malaysia and South Korea,
+Robinson said the Fund was concerned by the haphazard pace of
+economic reforms. In many countries, the banks and corporations
+remain financially shaky.
+``We're still seeing chaebols in deep trouble,'' he said, referring
+to Korea's heavily indebted conglomerates.
+But Robinson acknowledged that these weaknesses had not yet been
+reflected in the economic performance of the countries. On Tuesday,
+South Korea reported a 9.2 percent increase in its third-quarter
+output _ beating the estimates of most analysts and extending a
+string of powerful quarters.
+Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore have also beaten expectations,
+while Hong Kong's growth rate was nearly three percentage points
+above a median forecast of 12 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.
+Like other Asian economies, Hong Kong has been buoyed by an
+unquenchable appetite for its exports, principally in the United
+States. Exports surged 17.7 percent in the third quarter. Hong Kong
+has done a particularly booming business in repackaging and shipping
+goods from mainland China.
+Consumer spending rose by a much less impressive 5.6 percent, as
+retail sales slackened from the second quarter. And consumer prices
+fell 2 percent, extending a decline that began during the crisis.
+Ian Perkin, chief economist at the Hong Kong General Chamber of
+Commerce said the double-digit growth in Hong Kong and other Asian
+countries masked their underlying condition. While the region's
+growth in exports has been torrid, domestic demand has remained
+``We haven't built up our domestic economies yet,'' he said. ``The
+recovery has relied almost completely on export growth.
+``If consumer spending slows down in the States, it will have a
+devastating effect on Asia,'' said Perkin. ``2001 could be a crunch
+Robinson of the IMF was similarly wary about next year. In October,
+the IMF projected that the world economy would grow 4.2 percent in
+2001, while Asia as a region would grow 6.6 percent. On Friday,
+Robinson said the growth rate could be lower, though he would not
+say by how much.
+A principal culprit of possibly slower growth is the dependence of
+many Asian countries on imported oil. Oil prices have risen $5 per
+barrel since the IMF issued its semi-annual economic outlook in
+Asia has little control over oil, but Robinson said the region could
+improve its economic prospects by calming its political waters.
+One bright spot in the Asian landscape is China, which is on track
+to record 8 percent growth in 2000. Robinson said the main question
+facing Chinese leaders was whether they need to spend billions of
+dollars in public funds to further stimulate an economy that was
+already expanding.
+Like Perkin, Robinson said Asia's future depended in large part on
+the health of the United States. But he disputed those who predict
+dramatically slowing growth _ the so-called hard landing _ for the
+American economy.
+``The chances of that happening are less than 40 percent,'' he said,
+``substantially less.''
+******** 1.421156 ace_rothdev/NYT20001109_1946_0315.txt
+WASHINGTON _ Ralph Nader may not be feeling any regrets about his
+Green Party presidential campaign, but some visitors to the chat
+room on Nader2000.org, Nader's official campaign website, sounded as
+if a bad hangover had come crashing down on them.
+There was this entry, for instance, posted Thursday morning by a
+writer named ``wreckz'':
+``I, too, feel I should apologize to America. I was duped. Ralph
+Nader's enjoyment of all of this is an indication of a man more
+concerned with vindictive politics than the future of our country
+and planet. I am no longer a member of the Green Party. Instead, I'm
+a member of the green movement _ a movement without Ralph Nader.''
+Or this one, also posted Thursday morning, from ``Noni'':
+``I saw an interview with Ralph Nader today and he seemed to be
+enjoying what has happened! I've never seen him smile so broadly. I
+regret my support. Nader, you're a well-intending man and I agree
+with most of your positions. But the symbolic run for the White
+House has destroyed our Party and our cause. Very bad things are in
+our future. You should not be smiling. And we, the misled, should
+feel shame for what we've done.''
+The remarks expressed fears that votes for Nader may have put Gov.
+George W. Bush in a position to defeat Vice President Al Gore. In
+Florida, where Gore trailed Bush by only a few hundred votes
+Thursday, a shift of just a fraction of Nader's 95,000 votes could
+have given the state, and the White House, to Gore, the most likely
+major-party alternative for Nader's supporters.
+John Ruth, for example, wrote on the Nader2000 site Thursday morning
+that he voted for Nader because he thought they ``shared a common
+goal'' but that he was now regretting it.
+`` Gore (despite what you have said) is NOT an environmental clone
+of G.W. Bush. Because of your actions and statements prior to Nov.
+7th, we are on the brink of a Bush presidency. No money, no support,
+no respect for you, Ralph, ever again!''
+And in Oregon, a state that was still too close to call Thursday
+afternoon, Nader won about 5 percent of the vote _ enough to cause
+some Nader voters to feel morning-after qualms.
+Julie Quastler, 28, who voted for Nader in Portland, said on
+Wednesday that she was feeling ``a little alarmed and disappointed''
+that Bush seemed on the brink of winning the presidency _ suggesting
+that she did not accept Nader's assertion that the two parties were
+equally bad.
+``I'm just so sad,'' she said. ``Bush is probably going to be our
+president and Nader didn't get his 5 percent. It seems like a
+lose-lose end result in some ways.'' Winning 5 percent of the vote
+nationwide would have qualified the Green Party for millions of
+dollars in federal campaign funds in 2004.
+But Quastler, the development director for a nonprofit cafe, said
+she did not feel guilty about her vote.
+``I voted for Nader because he was most aligned with my values,''
+she said.
+Of course, there were also countless verbal high-fives among Nader
+supporters Thursday who felt the Green Party had sent a bracing
+wake-up call to the two major parties.
+``Stand tall and proud, fellow Nader supporters,'' said one message
+on the Nader2000 site signed GO LOOK ELSEWHERE FOR SCAPEGOATS.
+``We fought the good fight for what we believed in. This does not
+make us villains.''
+Such sentiments seemed particularly strong in Florida. Dorothy
+Byrne, a state coordinator for the Florida Green Party, said she had
+been inundated with angry phone calls and e-mails from Democrats,
+but has yet to receive one regretful note from a Nader voter.
+``I can see positives for the Greens with either Bush or Gore being
+president,'' she said. ``If Gore was in, we wouldn't have to worry
+about women's reproductive rights. But his record on the environment
+is so abysmal I don't see how Bush can be any worse.''
+Barbara Lange, the Everglades chairwoman for the Florida chapter of
+the Sierra Club, said she and other environmentalists voted for
+Nader because Gore had not taken a stand against the development of
+a commercial airport near the Everglades.
+``I voted my conscience,'' she said. ``And I'm okay with that.''
+Patricia Newell, an organizer for Nader at the University of Florida
+in Gainesville, said that Nader had won far fewer votes in Florida
+than his supporters had expected _ due, she said, to ``scare
+tactics'' by the Democrats.
+``Anyone who voted with Nader on Tuesday knew exactly what they were
+doing,'' she said. ``On the contrary to feeling guilty, they feel
+very good about sticking with the candidate that they felt was
+******** 1.427960 ace_rothdev/NYT20001101_2212_0429.txt
+Since then, AOL's stock has fallen by almost a third, destroying
+most of the premium the company had offered for control of Time
+Warner. So a Time Warner shareholder might conclude that America
+Online's chairman, Stephen Case, had bamboozled his Time Warner
+counterpart, Gerald Levin, into taking AOL's shares at the worst
+possible time.
+``Short term, anyone objective would say probably Steve got the
+better part of the deal,'' said Larry Haverty, a senior vice
+president at State Street Research in Boston and a longtime media
+But Haverty, like many other Time Warner shareholders and industry
+analysts, hardly cares. With the merger likely to be completed later
+this month, he predicts that the merged company will grow quickly by
+combining AOL's marketing skills and captive base of online users
+with Time Warner's huge library of films, magazines and the like and
+its relationships with major advertisers.
+``The deal strategically and financially makes all the sense in the
+world,'' Haverty said. ``Five years out, if you're a shareholder in
+this company, you're going to be a happy camper.''
+That view is widely shared. ``Strategically, it makes a lot of
+sense,'' said Tom Wolzien of Sanford C. Bernstein. ``These companies
+fill the holes of the other one. They're subscription-advertising
+combo models. The reality is the pieces are very compatible.''
+To be sure, the recent history of big media mergers is hardly
+comforting for shareholders in either AOL or Time Warner. Disney
+stumbled badly after it bought Capital Cities/ABC in 1996, and Time
+Warner stagnated for five years after it was created in 1990 by the
+merger of Time and Warner. ``Huge deals are really hard to do and
+create a lot of uncertainty,'' said Roger McNamee of Integral
+Capital, which sold its 404,000 AOL shares the day the merger was
+But if the merged company can overcome that hurdle, it will have big
+advantages over Disney and other traditional media companies, which
+are still struggling to figure out how they can profit from the
+Internet, said Jessica Reif of Merrill Lynch.
+``Given the multiple distribution platforms that they have, it's
+obviously a very powerful consumer engine,'' Reif said. ``There's a
+reason that you see Disney and to a lesser extent NBC screaming in
+John Schreiber, an assistant portfolio manager at Janus Capital, the
+mutual fund company that is Time Warner's largest shareholder, with
+more than 120 million shares, said the companies had already begun
+to demonstrate how they would work together. For example, AOL has
+pitched Time Warner's magazines to its users, resulting in hundreds
+of thousands of new subscriptions. And the companies are trying to
+sell big advertisers on deals that will reach both America Online
+users and the people who watch Time Warner cable channels and read
+its magazines, Schreiber said.
+``Once the merger closes, I think you'll see some very powerful
+cross-promotional deals across all of Time Warner's advertisers,''
+he said.
+Schreiber also says the risk of cultural clashes between the
+companies is limited, because the companies disclosed publicly where
+top executives would stand in the combined company only a few weeks
+after the merger was announced. So people who feel their
+responsibilities have been diminished have had months to look for
+new jobs, and some have already left, he said.
+Given the strength he sees in the combined company, Schreiber said
+the question of whether Levin could have negotiated a better deal
+with America Online is moot. Shares in cable companies like Comcast
+have fallen 15 percent or more this year, while big media companies
+have been flat or up slightly. So ``it's not as if Time Warner
+shareholders have lost out on a great deal of upside,'' Schreiber
+******** 1.493827 ace_rothdev/CHTB_171_ENG.txt
+The eighth Andes parliament meeting was convened in Lima on the 13th.
+Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru presided over the opening
+President Fujimori appealed at the opening ceremony for the countries
+of the Andes to strive together to achieve local integration, in
+order to shake off the state of being undeveloped.
+He also appealed for all countries to unite as one to deal with
+foreign debt, drug trafficking and violent activities. This session
+of the Andes parliament meeting will last until the 16th.
+******** 1.512821 ace_rothdev/APW20001002_0615_0146.txt
+JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) _ The youngest son of ex-dictator Suharto
+disobeyed a summons to surrender himself to prosecutors Monday and
+be imprisoned for corruption.
+Hutomo ``Tommy'' Mandala Putra, 37, was sentenced to 18 months in
+prison on Sept. 22 by the Supreme Court, which overturned an earlier
+acquittal by a lower court.
+It found him guilty of enriching himself through a property deal
+with the state's main food supply agency. Prosecutors said the 1997
+deal, made when his father was still in power, had cost the
+Indonesian state $10.8 million.
+Tommy, a multimillionaire with a playboy image and love of fast
+cars, is the first member of Suharto's family to be convicted of
+Because the Supreme Court's decision to imprison Tommy did not come
+into immediate effect, prosecutors served a summons on Tommy to be
+taken into custody Monday. He instead sent a legal team to discuss
+whether he would appeal the ruling or admit his guilt and seek a
+presidential pardon.
+The delay of Tommy's arrest comes just days after another court
+dismissed other corruption charges against his 79-year-old father on
+grounds of ill health, enraging pro-democracy activists and
+triggering violent demonstrations.
+Critics of Indonesia's legal system have accused it of going soft on
+the Suharto clan.
+A co-defendant in Tommy's case, businessman Riccardo Gelael,
+separately admitted his guilt Monday to prosecutors and said he
+would appeal to President Abdurrahman Wahid for a pardon.
+Antasari Ashar, chief of South Jakarta Prosecution Office, said
+Tommy would again be summoned to meet prosecutors on Wednesday.
+If Tommy opts for a judicial review of the case, his fate will be
+decided by the same court that last week dismissed graft charges
+against his father.
+The decision to let Suharto off triggered fierce street
+demonstrations, in which one man died and dozens were injured.
+For weeks Suharto's trial had been marred by a series of bombings in
+Jakarta, including a blast at the city's stock exchange building in
+which 15 people were killed.
+Many suspect supporters of Suharto, who ruled for 32 years until his
+ouster in 1998, were behind the attacks.
+******** 1.520984 ace_rothdev/VOA20001129_2000_0364.txt
+Welcome to this hour of VOA News Now. I'm Erin Brumett in
+Washington. The incredibly close Florida vote count for President is
+in the state courts and heading for the US Supreme Court at the end
+of the week. That's virtually unprecedented, as the Federal Courts
+have tended to stay out of elections, which are the responsibility
+of the states. Joe O'Grossman is a professor of constitutional law
+at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University. He says that in this
+instance the Supreme Court probably felt the circumstances were such
+that they had no real alternative but to take the case.
+Well, I think they took the case because it seemed like it was such
+a important issue that it would be kind of unseemly for them to try
+to reject it out of hand. In fact, I think that Lawrence Tribe, the
+Harvard Law School Professor who is arguing for Gore tomorrow, is
+going to ask the court to hold the case, moot and dismiss it. And
+the Bush campaign has brought the case, but recognizes that the
+particular issues that they brought to the court last week are
+really not very relevant anymore. They are going to probably, well,
+I know what they are going to do. They are going to try to broaden
+the case to make it a kind of a general referendum on election
+procedures. So, they are looking for a coronation. And the Gore
+people at this point just want to get rid of this case, because they
+think they have a better chance in the Florida courts.
+Republicans generally support states' rights. So, does it appear
+somewhat ironic that they are going to the Supreme Court in this
+No, I think first of all the notion that Republicans favor states'
+rights and Democrats oppose it, is much too simplistic. That's
+generally true, but it's only true on some issues. And in this case,
+you could argue that the Bush people are going to the Supreme Court
+to preserve the right of Florida, to determine its own electors. So,
+there is a kind of states' rights issue there. But they need, or at
+least they once thought they needed the Supreme Court to endorse it.
+So it goes both ways.
+What are the justices likely looking for?
+Well, I don't know. But I think that - and I think they will be
+divided, I mean I don't think they will be unanimous. Obviously,
+they would like to be able to achieve some kind of resolution of the
+case. American election laws are often challenged at the local level
+and sometimes in the Federal courts, but this is certainly the first
+time we have had a Supreme Court challenge over presidential
+election. So, there is a lot of new law here to be made or at least
+law that hasn't been made yet. It's possible that if the court
+accepts the invitation of the Bush campaign, at least as it is
+expressed in the briefs they submitted yesterday, that the court
+will in the sense, take the entire issue, even - not just the
+specific questions that it was asked last week and try to resolve
+the question. For example, if the court says it is clearly the fact
+that the legislature of the state of Florida can determine for
+itself who its electors will be, that will pretty much end the case,
+because that's what the legislature already plans to do. And that
+doesn't mean the Gore people won't keep trying, because ultimately
+Congress has to decide and only Congress can decide if there are
+competing slates of electors submitted, which slate to accept.
+The Johns Hopkins University constitutional law professor Joe
+O'Grossman says, it's still not certain the Supreme Court will
+actually hear the Florida case. As their first order, business
+Friday, attorneys for Vice President Gore will move to have the
+court dismiss the case brought by Republican George W Bush.
+******** 1.603675 ace_rothdev/APW20001203_1456_0329.txt
+WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. (AP) _ Republican Rep. J.C. Watts joked
+Saturday night that he had revised returns on the presidential
+election: ``Al Gore, 9,834 lawsuits. George W. Bush, 7,652.''
+Watts, chairman of the House Republican Conference, bantered about
+the Florida election dispute in a speech prepared for a dinner of
+The Gridiron Club at the Greenbrier Hotel.
+``I knew things had really deteriorated when Yasser Arafat offered
+to broker a peace between Bush and Gore,'' Watts said.
+The Gridiron Club is an organization of 60 Washington journalists.
+Its dinners feature parodies of politics and government, and
+humorous speeches by political figures.
+Watts noted that the presidential election of 1876 was so disputed
+that a congressional commission was created to settle it. ``I didn't
+know this until Strom Thurmond told me he cast the deciding vote.
+``Strom will be 98 next Tuesday,'' Watts said. ``Of course, he was
+only 67 when the recount of Florida ballots began.''
+Watts said he had fond memories of Florida because he was the
+quarterback when the University of Oklahoma won the Orange Bowl
+there in 1980 and 1981. ``But our victory in '81 was by a single
+point and it was weeks before it was confirmed,'' he said. ``By the
+way, I recently learned Al Gore was pulling for Florida State and
+demanded a recount.''
+As is traditional in Gridiron speeches, Watts concluded on a serious
+note. ``Once-in-a-century oddities may leave an election result up
+in the air for a time, but the fundamental strength of our democracy
+is never in doubt,'' he said.
+``Better a process driven by an army of lawyers than an outrage led
+by an army with guns,'' he said.
+******** 1.607735 ace_rothdev/PRI20001031_2000_1824.txt
+From BBC News in London, I am Gregor Craigy for The World. A
+Singapore Airlines 747 flying from Taiwan to Los Angeles has
+crashed. Flight SQ006 was carrying 179 passengers and crew when it
+crashed in flames shortly after take off. At least 65 people are
+known to have been killed and around 30 passengers remain
+unaccounted for. David Chezan reports.
+Survivors from the Singapore Airlines flight described how the plane
+was taxing down the runway when there was a loud noise and the
+aircraft split in two. An American passenger said he had almost
+decided not to board the plane because of what he called
+unbelievable wind and rain. Survivors described how the tail section
+turned over several times, leaving passengers hanging by their
+safety belts, some were quickly engulfed by flames. One survivor
+described saying a man, as he put it, "lit up like a torch." "Flames
+shot up right next to me and there was jet fuel all over the place,"
+he said. David Chezan, BBC News.
+******** 1.645161 ace_rothdev/VOA20001020_2100_1853.txt
+The US navy now says the USS Cole was being refueled when an
+explosion ripped through it in Yemen last week, killing 17. The
+revised accounting of the incident was given in a navy statement
+Friday raising new questions about how the small boat carrying the
+explosives was able to get near the ship and set off the blast.
+******** 1.723192 ace_rothdev/APW20001130_2108_0849.txt
+LONDON (AP) _ After three defeats in the House of Lords, Britain's
+Labor government resorted to rarely used powers Thursday to pass
+legislation lowering the age of consent for homosexuals from 18 to
+House of Commons speaker Michael Martin said he was invoking the
+Parliament Act to force through a Sexual Offenses Bill that makes
+the age of consent the same for both homosexuals and heterosexuals.
+It became law after being given Royal Assent by Queen Elizabeth II.
+Lawmakers in the House of Commons overwhelmingly approved the bill
+earlier this year, but the House of Lords this month rejected it for
+the third time.
+The Lords' powers, however, are limited to delaying legislation by
+blocking it and bouncing it back to the House of Commons. The
+Parliament Act was created to ensure that the will of the country's
+elected lawmakers prevails.
+The bill brings Britain in line with most other European Union
+``It is a reform which, in my personal view, is long overdue and is
+only right for a country that has a history of reform and
+challenging prejudice,'' said Home Secretary Jack Straw, Britain's
+top law enforcement officer.
+``This act will help us to build a safe, just and tolerant
+society,'' he added.
+Angela Mason, director of the gay rights group Stonewall, said
+Parliament's action was ``a great step toward equality.''
+``When the history books come to be written I believe it will be
+seen as the moment when this country finally began to change, when
+lesbians and gay men started to take our place as equal members of
+society,'' she said.
+Peter Tatchell, of the group OutRage!, said: ``This victory is a
+welcome and historic milestone in the long struggle for gay human
+``My only regret is that it has taken 33 years during which time
+hundreds of gay men have been unjustly jailed for victimless
+However, family values campaigner and Conservative ex-Leader of the
+Lords Baroness Young accused the government of behaving in a
+``completely dictatorial manner'' toward Parliament.
+Straw dismissed the criticism. ``In the circumstances I believe that
+the use of the Parliament Act in this case is proper and
+justified,'' he said.
+Five years ago, Parliament narrowly rejected lowering the age of
+consent for homosexuals to 16, reducing it instead from 21 to 18.
+Homosexual sex between adults ceased to be a crime in Britain three
+decades ago.
+******** 1.823117 ace_rothdev/APW20001001_2021_0521.txt
+CAIRO, Egypt (AP) _ In his foreign policy debut as Syria's
+president, Bashar Assad met Sunday with Egyptian President Hosni
+Mubarak in talks on Mideast peace and the escalating violence in the
+Palestinian territories.
+Assad, on his first trip abroad since becoming president in July,
+also dealt with the issue of Iraq in the talks with Mubarak,
+Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Mussa said.
+The Syrian leader's visit came on a fourth day of clashes that have
+raged in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem, leaving more than
+two dozen Palestinians dead.
+``There is complete agreement (between Mubarak and Assad) as to the
+seriousness of the situation and that the negative repercussions
+would adversely effect the peace process, which is in itself in a
+very precarious state,'' Moussa said.
+Assad, 35, has focused on domestic issues since his father, Hafez
+Assad, died in June after 30 years in power. He has taken steps to
+modernize his nation's bureaucracy and revive its stagnant economy.
+``This was the first meeting of the first visit of President Bashar
+Assad after the funeral of his father, so it was only normal for the
+discussions to have a general tone ... in addition to certain
+specifics of special importance to both countries and the Arab
+world,'' Moussa said.
+The late Syrian president rarely traveled abroad. In his last few
+years, however, he had sent Bashar, educated as an eye doctor, on
+foreign trips as part of his grooming to become president.
+Prospects appear dim for progress on either the Syrian or
+Palestinian peace track. The deadlock in Palestinian-Israeli talks
+is exacerbated by the worst violence in four years. Syria's
+government-run media said last week that no progress could be
+expected now because of the U.S. elections and Israeli Prime
+Minister Ehud Barak's precarious situation as leader of a minority
+Syrian-Israeli peace negotiations broke down in January, with Syria
+demanding a full withdrawal from the Golan Heights, a strategic
+plateau captured by Israel in 1967. Israel insists on waiting to
+settle borders until it knows what it will gain by returning Golan
+Assad has made it clear he intends to follow his father's course in
+any negotiations with Israel.
+Mubarak and Assad met after a week when Russia, France, Jordan and
+Yemen sent planes to Baghdad, challenging U.N. sanctions imposed on
+Iraq after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Iraq is hoping other Arab
+countries will follow, despite U.S. complaints, easing its
+Moussa said the presidents discussed the situation in Iraq and would
+return to it Monday. However, he would not comment on whether Syria
+and Egypt were planning to send planes to Baghdad.
+Egypt and Syria are on good terms, but they have had their
+differences. Hafez Assad's attempts to rally Arab leaders to present
+a unified front against Israel gained little ground. He derided
+Egypt for signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.
+******** 1.826446 ace_rothdev/VOA20001208_2000_1275.txt
+It's now official, former star Mario Lameu is coming out of
+retirement to play for the National Ice Hockey League team that he
+owns, the Pittsburgh Penguins. Lameu was the first NHL player to
+become a team owner. Now, he is the first owner to become a player.
+In a news release, Friday, Lameu said he missed the game and missed
+the challenge of competing. He added that he was excited by the
+challenge of attempting a comeback and looks forward to the chance
+to get back on the ice with the players. The 35-year-old Lameu
+retired as a player three and one half years ago with 613 goals in
+745 regular season games. He won three most valuable player awards
+and led the Penguins to two Stanley Cup Championships in 1991 and
+******** 1.828025 ace_rothdev/APW20001211_0507_0196.txt
+COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) _ Joseph Conrad Parkhurst, who founded the
+motorcycle magazine Cycle World in 1962, has died. He was 74.
+Parkhurst had lung cancer and died Tuesday as a result of a blood
+clot in his lung, his wife Claire Parkhurst told the Los Angeles
+Times for Sunday editions.
+Cycle World brought objective journalism to motorcycle periodicals
+by offering road tests and a more critical eye than other
+fan-oriented magazines, said analyst Don Brown of DJB Associates LLC
+of Irvine.
+In its first year, Cycle World became _ and remains _ the largest
+motorcycle magazine in the world, Brown and others said. It boasts a
+monthly circulation of 315,000 and its closest rival is the German
+magazine Das Motorrad.
+``Joe was a true pioneer in our business,'' said current Cycle World
+publisher Larry Little. ``It was kind of a breaking of a good old
+boy network of American motorcycles. Joe did not shun the Japanese
+Born in Jonesboro, Ark., on Oct. 20, 1926, Parkhurst moved with his
+family to California. He served in 1954-56 as a clerk in an Army
+Reserves office, then took a job as art director of Road & Track
+magazine in Newport Beach.
+He later quit to spend a year traveling in Europe and returned to
+become art director of Carting World, a go-cart magazine, in 1960.
+While working, Parkhurst began dreaming of Cycle World.
+He thought that Road & Track's consumer approach could serve
+motorcyclists, said Joe Rusz, a senior editor at Road & Track.
+Parkhurst also loved riding motorcycles and once told a friend that
+he ``could never find something worthwhile to read about them,''
+Little said.
+Parkhurst later merged with another company that owned Road & Track
+to become Bond/Parkhurst Publishing. He sold both magazines in the
+early 1970s, said his wife of 22 years. Since 1979, he has written
+and published the Motorcycle Business Newsletter, a biweekly for
+industry insiders.
+In addition to his wife, Parkhurst is survived by a brother, John
+Parkhurst of Hemet. A memorial is planned for January.
+******** 1.879121 ace_rothdev/PRI20001122_2000_0320.txt
+The Palestinian faction headed by Yasser Arafat said today that, it
+will avenge the deaths of four of its members who were killed today
+by Israeli soldiers. Later in the day, a car bombing in the Northern
+Israeli town of Hadera, killed two people and injured at least 50.
+Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said he would retaliate. Corey
+Flintoff, NPR news, Washington.
+******** 1.912951 ace_rothdev/PRI20001128_2000_0055.txt
+Documented. From NPR news in Washington, I'm Corey Flintoff. A
+Florida State judge has ordered local election officials to ship
+thousands of ballots to the state capital. The move comes as the
+judge decides whether to order a recount of those ballots in the
+presidential election. NPR's Steve Inski was in the courtroom.
+Steve, what are the issues that came up in this hearing tonight?
+Corey judge N. Sander Sauls is deciding whether to order a recount
+as you said of those ballots, 9000 or more actually from Miami Dade
+County that apparently were never counted at all, at least according
+to the Democrats in the presidential election and about 3300 ballots
+from Palm Beach County that were considered by local officials but
+then thrown out, disallowed. Judge Sauls is deciding whether to
+count those ballots and go through them and perhaps add some votes
+to Al Gore's final total, which is exactly what the Democrats want.
+He is not ready to do that yet. He did not agree to the Democratic
+proposal to begin counting tomorrow morning but he has ordered that
+the ballots be shipped up. Later this week, Miami Police apparently
+are going to escort them upto Tallahassee and they will be ready to
+be counted if the judge decides at a later time to do so.
+Now time is a big consideration from here. What's the judge's
+Not as fast as the Democrats would like, not as slowly as
+Republicans would prefer. He is going to order a major hearing on
+Saturday to review all the legal and evidentiary issues, look at
+evidence, perhaps hear from witnesses and after that the judge will
+decide if there are any ballots to count. It might take another five
+days or so to do it. Neither side seemed particularly pleased by the
+timetable but the judge said, well, I am going to make everybody
+equally unhappy.
+Thank you. NPR's Steven Inksi reporting from Tallahassee, Florida.
+As the battle over votes goes on in Florida, Washington State is in
+the middle of recounting the votes cast in its very tight US Senate
+race. Jennifer Nesan reports from member station KPLU in Seattle.
+The recount of the votes cast for Democrat Maria Catwell and
+Republican Senator Slate Gordon is calm and organized. The State's
+Elections Director Garry Macintosh says the process is about as
+exciting as watching paint dry.
+There are a lot of things about the election's process I think that
+are fairly complex. This isn't probably one of them.
+Catwell leads Republican incumbent Slate Gordon by fewer then 2000
+votes. At this point neither of the candidates plan to contest any
+of the votes. State law requires a recount when the margin of
+victory is less than one half of 1 percent. The recount is expected
+to be completed by the end of the week. No statewide recount in
+Washington has ever changed the initial outcome. For NPR news, I'm
+Jennifer Nesan in Seattle.
+******** 1.916031 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.txt
+Baghdad 11-15 (AFP) -
+The head of the French Interests Section in Baghdad, Ambassador Andre
+Janier, today Wednesday welcomed Iraq's decision to deal in euros and
+said this would encourage relations between the two countries.
+In an interview in today's edition of the official newspaper
+"al-Jamhouriya," Janier said "we French believe this decision is
+positive for the international economy, and this decision encourages
+economic relations, especially in terms of oil, between Iraq and
+The French diplomat carried on to say "we have a vested interest in
+this matter as Europeans and French because all trade payments and
+exchanges are paid in euros and there is no danger to European and
+French companies because of fluctuations in the price of the dollar
+on the stock exchange. This compensates for any loss in buying and
+selling in euros rather than dollars."
+Iraq decided to deal in euros, rather than the dollar, as of the
+sixth of this month for its oil sales and outside trade deals.
+******** 2.038961 ace_rothdev/APW20001219_1316_0416.txt
+DENVER (AP) _ The Denver Broncos and the NFL want a commercial real
+estate agent to take down a sign advertising a site for a potential
+sports bar because it features the team's name.
+John ``Jack'' Hanlon of Coldwell Banker American Spectrum is listing
+an acre of land about a mile from the Broncos' training camp in Dove
+Hanlon, a longtime Broncos fan, thinks it is the perfect place for a
+sports bar and has put up a blue-and-orange sign reading, ``Wanted
+Broncos Sports Bar On This Site.''
+He said that 47,000 cars drive by the site daily and ``because the
+players have to drive by it every day it could become a hangout for
+Hanlon said he never has implied that the future sports bar would be
+called the Broncos Bar, but his company has turned over the matter
+to its legal department.
+``I thought it would be a good idea to have a bar that would
+celebrate the Broncos, emphasizing everything Broncos with pregame
+and postgame activities,'' Hanlon said. ``But I couldn't put that on
+a 4-by-8 sign.''
+He said he will do whatever his lawyer advises, but ``I don't think
+the Broncos own the word 'Broncos.'''
+NFL lawyer David Proper has given Hanlon until Dec. 26 to remove the
+In a Nov. 28 letter, Proper states ``while we have no objection to
+your advertising the property as a location for a sports bar, using
+the Broncos' name and colors gives the false impression that the bar
+is or can be affiliated with the Broncos.''
+The land is valued at $650,000 and the bar could cost about $1
+million to $1.2 million, Hanlon said.
+******** 2.040724 ace_rothdev/APW20001120_1450_0376.txt
+KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) _ The ruling Taliban militia on Monday
+released 137 Shiite Muslim prisoners it had held for nearly two
+years and urged the opposition to follow suit and release government
+prisoners it is holding.
+The freed men, all said to be fighters belonging to the opposition
+alliance, were released ahead of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan,
+when devout Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
+``The prisoners are being released as a gesture of kindness'' by the
+Taliban's supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, said the Taliban's
+Interior Minister Abdul Razzak Akhund. ``We ask the opposition to
+show their heart and release government prisoners in their jails.''
+The opposition alliance, which controls barely five percent of
+Afghanistan and is fighting a war against the dominant Taliban, is
+mostly made up of the country's minority ethnic and religious
+The Taliban are predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the majority
+Islamic sect in the country.
+The Taliban have been accused by international human rights groups
+of mistreating the minority Shiite Muslims, a charge they reject.
+The newly released prisoners were captured when the Taliban took
+control of Afghanistan's central Bamyan province, nearly two years
+ago. The area is largely inhabited by minority Shiite Muslims.
+``I am very happy to be going home,'' said Ali Jan, one of the
+prisoners who said he was a farmer in Bamyan and not a soldier.
+******** 2.041215 ace_rothdev/APW20001127_1346_0419.txt
+ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) _ One of baseball's biggest free-agent prizes,
+Alex Rodriguez is getting red-carpet treatment from the Texas
+And even the Dallas Stars are lending a hand in trying to win over
+the All-Star shortstop.
+Rodriguez and agent Scott Boras were expected to meet Monday with
+Rangers owner Tom Hicks. He will be joined by general manager Doug
+Melvin, manager Johnny Oates and several players.
+The team's bid for Rodriguez hasn't been slowed by the expected
+demand of at least a 10-year contract, in the range of $20 million a
+year, loaded with fringe benefits.
+``We feel at the expense of last year, we have our roster where we
+don't have to trade people to make this work,'' Melvin said in the
+Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Monday. ``I'm not saying we have all the
+money in the world, but we don't have to bust our budget completely.
+We're in a better position than most other clubs.''
+Stars center Mike Modano is being called in to help show Rodriguez
+around the Dallas-Fort Worth area and tell him why it would be a
+great place to play.
+Melvin said he doesn't expect the Rangers to make a formal offer
+until they can gauge the level of interest from Rodriguez.
+The 25-year-old shortstop, who hit .316 with 41 homers and 132 RBIs
+at Seattle last season, also reportedly has been targeted by the
+Chicago White Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Mets and Atlanta
+The Mariners, Rodriguez's team the past six years, also wanted to
+re-sign him.
+``This gives us a chance to tell him about our organization and the
+direction we're going, answer any questions they might have about
+us,'' Melvin said.
+Some even have a neighborhood _ the fashionable Dallas suburb of
+Highland Park _ picked out for Rodriguez. Neighbors of one available
+residence _ a five-bedroom spread worth $11.95 million _ would
+include Hicks, Modano and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.
+``Alex needs to buy this house,'' Ronda Needham, a listing agent,
+told The Dallas Morning News. ``The people who own this house set it
+up around their two baseball-playing sons. It's a very sports-minded
+The Mets, once considered the favorites to get Rodriguez, have
+slowed their chase. General manager Steve Phillips publicly
+criticized some of the demands supposedly made by Boras. But the
+agent says Rodriguez is making no special demands.
+``I can't anticipate any change that would draw us back into it,''
+Phillips said.
+******** 2.042654 ace_rothdev/20000815_AFP_ARB_0071_ENG.txt
+Beirut 8-15 (AFP) -
+Lebanon has asked the international peacekeeping force operating in
+the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is
+penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to
+prevent this from happening.
+According to official sources, the Lebanese authorities contacted the
+peacekeeping high command and asked it to put an end to infringements
+by Israel, which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese
+territory, in particular dumping sand and building slopes.
+The source added that if this is confirmed, then such acts constitute
+a provocation and an infringement of Lebanese sovereignty.
+Witnesses said two Israeli bulldozers started work today Tuesday on a
+slope in the Abbad sector inside Lebanese territory on the border
+between Lebanon and Israel.
+These witnesses told Agence France Presse that an Israeli army patrol
+equipped with ultra-modern binoculars penetrated a few meters into
+Lebanese territory but withdrew back to Israeli territory as soon as
+a peacekeeping patrol arrived.
+Families in southern Lebanon visit this area where, according to
+tradition, the burial site of Sheikh Abbad, who died 500 years ago,
+is located.
+For their part, Israelis also regard the site as a shrine because,
+according to them, Rabbi Ashi lived there in the 5th century.
+The Israeli army had previously carried out operations inside
+Lebanese territory in the same border region on August 11.
+Last Friday, an Israeli bulldozer crossed the wire fence in Wadi
+Marjayoun near the Israeli village of Matla and spread sand over a
+length of hundreds of meters and a width of six meters in order to
+expose the footprints of people crossing the border or tire prints of
+cars from the Lebanese side.
+******** 2.046229 ace_rothdev/APW20001208_1126_0362.txt
+MOSCOW (AP) _ Russian lawmakers on Friday overwhelmingly approved
+the Soviet anthem as Russia's national hymn _ a move praised by some
+as a gesture of reconciliation and denounced by others as a symbolic
+approval of the nation's totalitarian past.
+The State Duma, or lower house of parliament, voted 381-51 to
+approve the bill, which was strongly backed by President Vladimir
+Putin. The move restored the old anthem's music by composer
+Alexander Alexandrov but not the original text that included praise
+for Communist leaders Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin.
+By the same strong majority, the Duma approved legislation formally
+endorsing the country's current white-red-and-blue flag as Russia's
+official flag. That legislation also brings back the Soviet-era red
+banner as the military's flag and retains the Czarist double-headed
+eagle as the state emblem.
+Putin has said the mixture of old Russian and Soviet symbols would
+mend bitter rifts in society by paying tribute to the positive
+heritage of both periods. He referred to opinion polls showing that
+most people prefer Alexandrov's music to a melody by 19th-century
+composer Mikhail Glinka, which has been Russia's anthem since the
+1991 Soviet collapse.
+Liberal politicians and many leading cultural figures have strongly
+opposed the reinstatement of the Soviet anthem, saying it symbolized
+political repression.
+``We strongly protest against the Stalinist anthem, which is stained
+by the blood of millions of victims,'' said Grigory Yavlinsky, the
+head of the liberal Yabloko faction.
+Yabloko and another liberal faction, the Union of Right Forces, said
+they might appeal Friday's vote in the Constitutional Court. The
+Duma usually hears speeches by faction leaders before a vote, but
+this time lawmakers skipped the debate _ a move the liberals
+described as a procedural violation.
+``For the first time, the opposition was refused the right to speak
+out,'' Yavlinsky said. ``The presidential administration and
+Communists were afraid of our arguments against the Soviet anthem.''
+Former President Boris Yeltsin has joined other critics of the move
+to restore the anthem. He said in an interview published Friday in
+the daily Komsomolskaya Pravda that the solemn music recalls
+Communist Party congresses, not Soviet sports victories and
+achievements in space, as Putin had said.
+``I'm categorically against the restoration of the Soviet anthem,''
+Yeltsin said.
+Communists and other hard-liners had opposed the tricolor flag and
+the eagle as a vestige of the Czars, forcing Yeltsin to approve them
+by decree. But they agreed to abandon their criticism and back
+formal approval for the symbols in response to the reintroduction of
+the Soviet anthem.
+No conclusive version of new lyrics for the old music has been
+approved yet. The Duma asked Putin to set up a panel to consider the
+text and submit the final version for its approval.
+During Friday's debate, Duma speaker Gennady Seleznyov said
+officials had received an anonymous telephone call saying a bomb had
+been planted in the building. Lawmakers ignored it and continued
+their session as police officers with sniffer dogs searched the
+******** 2.061093 ace_rothdev/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.txt
+Jerusalem 7-15 (AFP) -
+A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that
+Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for
+military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip
+missiles with nuclear warheads, capable of reaching Israel, within
+ten years.
+The official, who wished to remain anonymous, told journalists: "Iran
+will start accumulating nuclear capability for military purposes from
+2005 and will be in a position, within the space of 10 years, to
+produce nuclear warheads that can be fitted to missiles capable of
+striking Israel."
+The official made these statements after Tehran announced today
+Saturday that it had "successfully" completed a new test on the
+Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a range of 1300 kilometers.
+The official further said: "Iran is not capable of developing a
+nuclear program without Moscow's help."
+He said that according to information obtained by Israel, tests on
+the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile were in fact "successful and
+reached their maximum range of 1300 kilometers which allows them to
+reach strategic centers in Israel."
+The official said that the design of the Shahab missile is based on a
+North Korean missile called Nodong, itself developed from the Soviet
+Scud missile.
+The official also stressed that Iran regards the "destruction of
+Israel as legitimate," saying that "Tehran is embroiled in strategic
+terrorist activities targeting Israel, especially alongside
+Palestinian and Lebanese organizations."
+The official further considered that "the Shahab missile will not
+come into operation for two years and that an improved range of 2000
+kilometers would only be achieved after this period."
+Israel's Deputy Defense Minister, Ephraim Sneh, said today Saturday
+that Israel would "know how to find a suitable response" to the
+Iranian Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a 1300 kilometer range.
+Sneh said on army radio that "Israel will prepare itself to find a
+suitable response to this threat," without giving any further
+The Iranian army announced today Saturday that it had "successfully"
+completed a new test on Shahab 3 ground-ground missiles.
+An official at the Iranian Ministry of Defense told Tehran Radio that
+the "Shahab 3 defense missile was tested a second time to ensure it
+conforms to international standards."
+In July 1998, the first test on this missile was announced. It is
+capable of reaching the majority of countries in the region,
+including Israel.
+******** 2.115538 ace_rothdev/APW20001216_2012_0590.txt
+TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) _ Tornadoes destroyed homes and overturned
+cars in several areas of Alabama on Saturday and more than two dozen
+people were reported injured.
+At least one person was killed in Tuscaloosa, said Debbie Watson,
+spokeswoman for the Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency.
+Twisters struck just before noon in the state's rural southeastern
+corner, then hit Tuscaloosa and the northern part of the state as
+lines of thunderstorms swept across the South.
+The Tuscaloosa twister struck a subdivision, Watson said. The
+National Weather Service said there was extensive damage. Twenty-one
+people were injured, according to broadcast reports.
+Another tornado hit Geneva, near the Alabama-Florida line, said
+Mayor Warren Beck. He said vehicles were overturned and homes were
+Geneva County Emergency Management Agency director Margaret Mixon
+said eight people were injured, two of them severely.
+That tornado also damaged about a half-dozen homes in Dale County,
+destroying a peanut mill at Abbeville and damaging a textile mill,
+authorities said.
+Dale County Commissioner Buddy Stapleton said he counted about a
+half-dozen homes hit near Newton.
+In northern Alabama, about eight homes were reported destroyed and
+trees and power lines were toppled in Limestone County.
+******** 2.194030 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0184_ENG.txt
+Jerusalem 11-15 (AFP) -
+Official Israeli radio reported that the lesser security cabinet
+which met this evening Wednesday has made a series of practical
+decisions pointing to its desire to avoid confrontations with the
+The radio reported "senior political officials" as saying at the
+close of the security cabinet's meeting, chaired by Prime Minister
+Ehud Barak, that the army would continue with the procedure it has
+followed over the past days and that there would be no escalation.
+Military officials who also attended the meeting that Palestinian
+President Yasser Arafat "wants to drag Israel into an escalation
+which would lead to international intervention."
+The head of the prime minister's office, Jalaad Shir, had previously
+said on official television that "a compromise must be found between
+a studied response not leading to escalation and the need to pave the
+way for political openness, on the condition that the Palestinians
+resolutely stop the violence and incitement to violence."
+Shir added "only then will it be possible to think about resuming the
+political process and on what basis."
+The security cabinet was convened to a session with the aim of
+examining new measures to deal with the escalation in attacks against
+Israelis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
+Last week, Barak gave his consent, for the first time since the
+Intifada began, to elimination of Hussein Abiyat the military leader
+of Fatah movement led by Arafat killed when a missile fired from a
+combat helicopter targeted his car.
+Israeli security forces arrested 15 Fatah officials in the West Bank
+on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday.
+In his statement, Barak praised this operation and the elimination of
+Abiyat, stressing that this policy would continue.
+He said "the long arm of our forces will reach those who attack our
+civilians and soldiers."
+******** 2.204188 ace_rothdev/20001015_AFP_ARB_0229_ENG.txt
+London 10-16 (AFP) -
+A Saudi Airways spokesman in London announced that passengers on the
+Saudi 777 Boeing, hijacked to Baghdad on Saturday and which arrived
+in Riyadh yesterday evening Sunday, left the Saudi capital for London
+at 2h43 local time (GMT 22h43), approximately 30 hours after the
+hijacking operation by two Saudi hijackers began.
+The Boeing arrived at Riyadh International Airport at 21h30 yesterday
+Sunday from Baghdad through Jordanian air space with 104 passengers
+on board, including 14 crew members.
+Saudi Airways said Saturday that 40 British, 14 Saudis, 15
+Pakistanis, 4 Yemenis and 4 South Africans, 2 Kenyans and an
+American, Frenchman, Spaniard, Swiss, Swede, Nigerian, Indian, Omani,
+Palestinian and Lebanese were on board the plane.
+******** 2.234568 ace_rothdev/APW20001102_1223_0376.txt
+JERUSALEM (AP) _ A car bomb exploded Thursday in a crowded outdoor
+market in the heart of Jerusalem, killing at least two people,
+police said.
+Ambulances raced to the Mahane Yehuda market, which sells food,
+vegetables and clothing in Jewish west Jerusalem. Huge plumes of
+black smoke rose into the sky.
+The blast came shortly before Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and
+Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat were scheduled to make separate
+announcements of steps toward a cease-fire.
+******** 2.241685 ace_rothdev/CHTB_165_ENG.txt
+Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, April 3rd, by reporter Jierong Zhou
+Recently, HSBC has moved its Shanghai branch to the China Shipping
+Mansion in the Pudong Lujiazui financial trading district, becoming
+the third foreign capital bank to be approved to operate RMB business
+and shift to Pudong.
+At the moment, Shanghai already has 8 foreign capital banks approved
+to operate RMB business. They are the US's Citibank, Hong Kong's
+HSBC, Japan's Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank, Japan's Industrial Bank, the
+Shanghai Branch of the Standard and Chartered Bank, Shanghai's BNP
+Paris Bank, the Shanghai Branch of Japan's Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank and
+the Shanghai Branch of Japan's Sanwa Bank.
+According to regulations, these 8 banks will all move to Pudong soon.
+After the policy was formally announced for the Pudong Lujiazui
+Financial Trade District to allow foreign capital banks to operate
+RMB business, more than 40 foreign capital banks and financial
+institutions have submitted applications to establish branches in
+When selecting locations in Lujiazui, some foreign financial
+institutions do not mind the real estate prices, but focus more on
+whether the class of the building is compatible with the standing of
+the company.
+The Franklin Templeton Company, whose headquarters are in California,
+the US, and has registered capital of 130 billion US dollars all
+around the world, decided to establish its local China headquarters
+in Pudong.
+The president of the company and the Asian regional president
+personally surveyed Pudong and decided to choose office locations in
+the Shanghai Securities Building, which has a floor rate of more than
+2700 US dollars per square meter.
+Now, the Templeton Company has formally signed a contract, and bought
+the floor area of the entire 18th floor of the Securities Building.
+Currently, foreign-capital banks and financial institutions such as
+Hong Kong's HSBC, the Shanghai Branch of the Japan Industrial Bank,
+the Holland Co-operation Bank, Shanghai Branch of the Belgium Credit
+Bank, etc., have successively settled down in the Lujiazui Financial
+Trading District.
+Soon, a large number of domestic and foreign financial institutions,
+and large companies will also come to successively settle down,
+including the finance street which has already formed in the Waitan
+district, and the Shanghai central commercial district framework that
+is forming.
+******** 2.434263 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0065_ENG.txt
+Camp Zeist (Holland) 11-15 (AFP) -
+Today Wednesday, the judges in charge of looking into the Lockerbie
+case in Camp Zeist (Holland) were faced with an awkward problem: how
+to deal with a witness who is refusing to answer questions and who is
+at the same time serving a life sentence and who is not subject to
+Scottish law?
+The problem arose after Palestinian Mahmood Abu Talib, whose
+testimony the court has been hearing since Friday, refused to
+continue answering a question by defense lawyer Richard Keen about
+the detailed reasons for his having lived in the former Soviet Union
+for a period of 18 months in the 70s.
+The lawyer asked the judges to force Abu Talib to answer the question
+aimed at demonstrating the witness's "professional terrorism"
+46-year-old Abu Talib was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1990 in
+Sweden for terrorist acts in Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stockholm
+between 1985 and 1986. The defense council in the Lockerbie court is
+attempting to show his involvement in the Lockerbie attack.
+Based on Scottish law, followed in this court, if Abu Talib insists
+on not responding to the question, this is considered to be "contempt
+of court" and means he may be punished in accordance with Scottish
+law covering such incidents.
+The problem is that the judges may not punish Abu Talib unless Sweden
+hands him over to Scotland after the court case ends to apply the
+punishment for "contempt of court."
+So far, the judges have not asked Abu Talib to answer the defense's
+question in what appears to be a move to avoid a tricky situation if
+the witness refuses to answer.
+The court president, Ronald Sutherland, who adjourned the session for
+a short while in an attempt to find a solution to this dilemma, said
+"this raises an important question of principle."
+The two Libyans, Alameen Khalifa Fahima and Abdulbasit al-Maqrahi,
+are suspected of sending a bomb from Malta which was used to explode
+the Pan Am plane over the Scottish village of Lockerbie on December
+21, 1988 killing 270 people.
+******** 2.642229 ace_rothdev/APW20001202_0257_0120.txt
+PHOENIX (AP) _ Boise State coach Dirk Koetter, who just a day
+earlier was reportedly headed for Oklahoma State, has agreed to a
+contract to coach Arizona State.
+Oklahoma State athletic director Terry Don Phillips confirmed
+Koetter's decision in a news release issued Friday night.
+``Coach Koetter informed me at approximately 7 p.m. (CST) tonight
+that he had been tendered an offer from Arizona State University and
+had accepted,'' Phillips said.
+Koetter, 41, replaces Bruce Snyder, who was fired after nine
+seasons. Snyder will coach Arizona State in a bowl game, most likely
+the Las Vegas Bowl.
+The Daily Oklahoman and several TV and radio stations in Oklahoma
+had reported Thursday and Friday that Koetter had accepted the
+Oklahoma State job.
+But Phillips never confirmed those reports, and Koetter would not
+comment on any job possibilities at Boise State's practice Friday.
+Koetter said earlier in the week he had interviewed with Phillips
+and with Arizona State athletic director Gene Smith.
+Koetter is considered one of the country's top young coaching
+prospects. Using an innovative, wide-open offense, he guided Boise
+State to a 25-10 record in three seasons. His first team went 6-5,
+followed by last year's 10-3 record, which included a 34-31 victory
+over Louisville in the Humanitarian Bowl.
+This year's team is 9-2, with its only losses 38-31 at Arkansas and
+42-25 at Washington State.
+Koetter may not have been Arizona State's top choice.
+Phoenix radio station KMVP reported Friday that Smith had quietly
+been working on a deal with TCU coach Dennis Franchione that would
+have matched the one offered by Alabama. But Franchione apparently
+couldn't resist the lure of one of college football's most storied
+While most of the recent speculation centered on Koetter, there was
+pressure from some Arizona State boosters to hire Danny White, the
+former Arizona State and Dallas Cowboys quarterback who coaches the
+Arizona Rattlers of the Arena Football League.
+Snyder was fired after his teams went 6-6 last year and 6-5 this
+******** 2.711712 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0030_ENG.txt
+Gaza 11-15 (AFP) -
+A Palestinian medical source reported today Wednesday that more than
+fifteen Palestinians were injured this morning in the town of Rafah
+in the southern Gaza Strip in clashes with the Israeli army.
+Medical sources said "at least 15 Palestinians were injured by live
+bullets fired by Israeli soldiers, including six children all shot in
+the head."
+Eyewitnesses said the clashes broke out when the Israeli army began
+bulldozing Palestinian land near the border with Egypt and opened
+fire randomly on Palestinian citizens when they threw stones at the
+soldiers in protest. An Israeli tank also fired a rocket.
+Elsewhere, Israeli bulldozers dug up dozens of hectares of
+Palestinian farmland near the village of Alkarara (near the Kosovim
+checkpoint) last night for the second day in a row, destroying two
+houses and a well, where the army erected a new military camp
+The town's authorities said last night the Israeli army dug up
+several hectares planted with orange trees in southern Gaza
+The bulldozing of land began the night before last when an Israeli
+soldier was killed in a shooting incident in the area.
+******** 2.721854 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0212_ENG.txt
+Washington 11-15 (AFP) -
+Stewart Talbot, America's Assistant Secretary of State and "second in
+charge" at the State Department after Madeleine Albright, has decided
+to resign from the administration to head one of the departments at
+Yale University in the state of Connecticut (northeast).
+Richard Levin, the Chancellor of this prestigious university, said
+Talbot would head the Globalization Studies Center as of next July
+and would also teach at the university.
+Talbot is the second top-ranking American diplomat in a few days to
+announce his intention of resigning at the end of President Bill
+Clinton's second term next January 20.
+The special envoy to the Middle East, Dennis Ross, announced last
+week that he intends to resign from his post, for personal and family
+reasons, once the current administration's term comes to an end.
+Talbot, a Yale graduate and former correspondent with Time magazine,
+was appointed assistant to the Secretary of State in 1994 after
+acting as roving ambassador and special advisor on former Soviet
+Union Affairs.
+******** 2.727749 ace_rothdev/CHTB_227_ENG.txt
+Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, August 31st, by reporter Rong Xie
+Presidents of 3 Baltic Sea countries issued a joint statement on
+August 31st, pointing out that Russia's withdrawal of troops from the
+3 Baltic Sea countries would "strengthen European security".
+The statement emphasized that Russia's completing its troop
+withdrawal should promote the development of relations between
+Russian and Baltic Sea countries.
+This joint statement was issued on the occasion of Russia entirely
+completing its troop withdrawal from the three Baltic Sea countries.
+Russian troops stationed in Lithuania had withdrawn to Russia one
+year earlier.
+On August 31st of this year, Russian troops stationed in Latvia
+withdrew completely and Russian troops stationed in Estonia also
+completed withdrawal on August 29th of this year.
+In an interview with International Correspondence Communication News
+Agency on the 31st, Klelov, vice-minister of Russia's Foreign
+Affairs, pointed out that, although Russia has withdrawn its troops
+from the Baltic Sea countries, if the Baltic Sea countries infringe
+upon the rights of local Russian-speaking residents, the Russian
+government still has measures for exerting influence over these
+countries, which include political, economical and humanitarian
+******** 2.830986 ace_rothdev/VOA20001223_2000_0139.txt
+Reformist allies of Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica have
+scored a decisive victory in today's Serbian parliamentary
+elections. The Democratic opposition of Serbia, which supports the
+President, estimates it has won 65% of the vote. The coalition took
+power after a popular uprising ousted long time Yugoslav President
+Slobodan Milosevic in October. Mr. Milosevic's Socialist Party and
+its allies won about 1/5th of the vote.
+******** 3.094241 ace_rothdev/VOA20001220_2000_0060.txt
+I am David Coler, VOA News. President Elect George W Bush made more
+cabinet appointments Wednesday. He named Al Koha Chairman Paul O'
+Neil as Treasury Secretary and former California Food and
+Agriculture Secretary, Anne Venemon as Secretary of Agriculture. He
+also named an old friend, an oil business associate, Don Evans as
+Secretary of Commerce.
+The promotion of free enterprise first in America and then abroad
+will be our first priority. Free flow of capital, free and open
+competition. We will strive to be an advocate for US businesses
+first in America and also those wading into the waters of the global
+market place.
+Mr. Bush also named former Cuban refugee Mel Martinez as Secretary
+of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Martinez is a close political
+ally of the President Elect's brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
+Mr. Bush says he will step down Thursday as Governor of Texas.
+******** 3.180095 ace_rothdev/PRI20001201_2000_1828.txt
+From BBC News in London, I am Gregor Cragy for The World. The US
+Supreme Court has held a hearing to decide whether to intervene in
+the dispute over the presidential election results. Judith Spencer
+reports on the legal wrangling that is underway.
+Inside the stately Supreme Court building, lawyers for Republican
+George W. Bush and Democrat AL Gore argued over the validity of hand
+re-counts in the crucial state of Florida, just as Ruth Bater
+Ginsburg pressed Bush's lawyer to explain why the Federal High Court
+should intervene in the Florida Supreme Court's move to extend the
+deadline for finishing the re-counts.
+When we read a State court decision, we should read it in the light
+most favorable to the integrity of the State Supreme Court.
+But later on, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor suggested the State court
+might have been out of line.
+The legislature had very clearly said, you know, 7 days after,
+that's the date and it just does look like very dramatic change made
+by the Florida court.
+The US Supreme Court could rule on the matter as early as tomorrow.
+For The World, I am Judith Spencer in Washington.
+Meanwhile, the Florida Supreme Court has rejected an emergency
+appeal from Al Gore for an immediate re-count of thousands of
+disputed ballots from Palm Beach and Miami Dade counties.
+******** 3.183908 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0060_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+A high-level American official announced today Wednesday in the wake
+of the meeting between American President Bill Clinton and his
+Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that Putin's proposals on reducing
+the Russian and American nuclear capability to under 1500 nuclear
+heads does not include "many new elements."
+The official who wished to remain anonymous confirmed "we have paid a
+great deal of attention to President Putin's announcement but it does
+not contain many new elements, in fact just a few new disparities
+which require further examination and discussion by experts."
+Clinton and Putin are taking part in the Asia-Pacific Economic
+Cooperation (APEC) forum in Bandar Seri Begawan the capital of the
+Sultanate of Brunei.
+The presidents met for a working lunch of around 75 minutes.
+The American official stressed that what is important in Putin's
+proposal is that it falls within the "framework adopted by the United
+States and Russia to discuss strategic issues from a defensive and
+offensive point of view."
+Putin proposed limiting the Russian and American nuclear capabilities
+by reducing the number of nuclear heads to under 1500 each, a smaller
+number than that in the Russian-American Start-3 treaty currently
+being negotiated.
+He proposed that the current reduction should be between 2500 to 2000
+nuclear heads.
+Putin said this reduction would depend on compliance with the
+Russian-American anti-ABM missile treaty signed in 1972, which the
+Americans are attempting to amend to set up anti- missile defenses
+Washington has so far confirmed agreeing to the 2000 to 2500 nuclear
+warhead ceiling.
+The United States has not taken a final position on the NMD system
+because Clinton, whose term ends in January, is leaving the decision
+in this matter to his successor.
+In response to a question about Republican presidential candidate
+George Bush Junior's approach to deploying the NMD system, more
+ambitious than the one proposed by the Clinton administration, the
+American official said the United States would continue "complying
+with the present framework" in these strategic discussions.
+He added "while this framework does not reflect the basic interests
+of the United States, we feel it is still a valid approach in our
+discussions with Russia on this matter."
+He also said that Clinton raised the issue of the transfer of
+sensitive Russian technology to Iran, adding "President Putin has
+expressed his agreement that these are real threats and is strongly
+committed to limiting this, but there is still a lot of work to do"
+in this area.
+Clinton also touched on the matter of American Edmond Bob who is
+being tried in a closed court in Russia on charges of spying. The
+United States believes he is innocent of these charges and is
+demanding his release on humanitarian grounds.
+The official said Putin understands our concern and we hope he will
+do something as quickly as possible."
+******** 3.199630 ace_rothdev/NYT20001123_1511_0062.txt
+It's time again to ask 20 questions about advertising, marketing and
+the media.
+_ Will Americans ever refer to the day before Thanksgiving as
+``Thanksgiving Wednesday,'' as ABC did repeatedly this week in
+commercials promoting its Wednesday sitcoms ``The Drew Carey Show''
+and ``Spin City''?
+_ If a Hollywood studio makes a movie about the Florida election
+standoff, would the title be ``It's a Chad, Chad, Chad, Chad
+_ How many readers of The Wall Street Journal noticed that an
+article on Wednesday carrying the headline ``Genetically Altered
+Protein Is Found in Still More Corn'' ran adjacent to an
+advertisement for a golf tournament on Fox Sports sponsored by Sun
+Microsystems that featured a fanciful photograph of a gigantic ear
+of corn as big as a Buick?
+_ Doesn't a new television commercial for Fidelity Investments,
+centered on a telephone conversation between a female employee and a
+male customer, resemble a Citibank campaign from the late 1980s that
+was so brilliantly parodied as the ``First Citiwide Change Bank''
+commercials on ``Saturday Night Live''?
+_ Did shoppers at the New York supermarket chain Gristede's rush to
+take advantage of a recent sale on the ``BIG 150-count box'' of
+Scotties facial tissues, or did they recall that Scotties has
+usually come in a 175-count box?
+_ Can Ocean Spray Cranberries get a refund on a full-page ad that
+ran in newspapers on Nov. 8 and carried the headline ``Now That the
+Election Is Over, You Can Focus on Some Real News''?
+_ Was it a coincidence that an ad for the Carnation Coffee-mate line
+of coffee creamers in the recent issue of In Style Entertaining 2000
+magazine ran opposite an article about ``great trends'' in
+party-giving that began by describing carnations as ``the chic
+flower of the moment''?
+_ Should an English teacher have been consulted before the Tropicana
+division of PepsiCo produced posters that described its Pure Premium
+orange juice as being ``as packed with Vitamin C as a bus on a rainy
+_ Will Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear and James L. Brooks
+complain about an ad from Campbell Soup Co. for Campbell's Cream of
+Mushroom soup that carried the slogan ``As m'm! m'm! good! as it
+_ Now that the Roundabout Theater Company is calling its new
+facility in Times Square the American Airlines Theater, will the
+ushers give out peanuts instead of Playbills?
+_ Why did the Reader's Digest Association go to the trouble of
+airbrushing the identifying information from a label on a pair of
+jeans worn by a man in a photograph featured in an ad for Reader's
+Digest magazine, but leave the red tab on the back pocket that tells
+everyone the pants are Levi's?
+_ Do television commercials for prescription drugs disclose that
+side effects in tests were no worse ``than a sugar pill'' because
+research found that consumers weren't familiar with the word
+_ What was in the zeitgeist that led two disparate advertisers _
+Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield and the MSN network of Microsoft _ to
+introduce about the same time campaigns centered on butterflies?
+_ And what was in the zeitgeist that led two automotive marketers _
+Land Rover and Volvo _ to introduce about the same time commercials
+centered on drivers rescuing animals on rainy roads?
+_ Are folks old enough to remember the heyday of the radio and
+television personality Arthur Godfrey reminded of his longtime
+greeting, ``How are ya?,'' every time they hear the name of the new
+Lucent Technologies spinoff company, Avaya Communication?
+_ How appealing was a recent offer made by Sprint Communications Co.
+to give buyers of a Sprint PCS telephone and a calling plan a free
+``pre-owned phone''?
+_ Was it an inside joke that the name of the character played by
+John Corbett on ``Sex and the City,'' Aidan Shaw, was almost
+identical to the name of a longtime star of gay sex films, Aiden
+_ How many tickets did the Houston Grand Opera sell after mailing
+out a promotional brochure featuring photographs of cattle with
+headlines like ``It's udderly fantastic entertainment!'' and ``Great
+opera. No bull.''?
+_ If CBS shows the first episode of ``Survivor II'' after its
+broadcast of Super Bowl XXXV, will the network someday show the
+first episode of ``Survivor XXXV'' after its broadcast of Super Bowl
+_ Will cheerful chorus members dressed in V-neck sweaters interrupt
+their serenades to online shopping long enough to tell an
+advertising columnist, ``You ask a lot of questions for someone from
+******** 4.036649 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0089_ENG.txt
+Albus (Lebanon) 11-15 (AFP) -
+Thousands of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon commemorated in their
+camps today Wednesday the twelfth anniversary of the symbolic
+announcement of independence by the Palestinian National Council in
+Algeria in 1988.
+Around five thousand Palestinians form the Albus Camp near Souer (83
+km south of Beirut) gathered and followed a march by children dressed
+in military clothing who held stones and raised pictures of Mohamed
+al-Dura, the 12-year-old Palestinian child killed by Israeli army
+bullets in the Palestinian Territories in early October.
+A France Presse correspondent reported that around 200 Palestinians
+marched along the streets of Ayn Alhilwa refugee camp near Saida, one
+of southern Lebanon's main cities, toward the headquarters of the
+Fatah movement led by Palestinian President Yasser Arafat carrying
+the Palestinian flag.
+A group of young people burned the Israeli and American flags outside
+the headquarters.
+Khalid Arif, am official with the Fatah movement in Saida, said the
+Intifada against Israel which started late last September and has
+resulted in over two hundred deaths would "continue until the Israeli
+occupiers and settlers were chased out of the Palestinian
+He added, "The Intifada will continue until a Palestinian state with
+holy Jerusalem as its capital is created and the refugees return to
+their homes."
+In the nearby Ayn Alhilwa refugee camp, students between ages fifteen
+and sixteen marched through the camp's alleyways, chanting "Jerusalem
+is ours" then the burned Israeli and American flags.
+Fatah movement called on Palestinians to declare today Wednesday as a
+day "to embody national independence" and to stop "Israeli occupying
+forces and settler bandits from entering occupied Palestinian
+territory," as a commemoration of the twelfth anniversary of the
+symbolic announcement of Palestinian independence.
+Palestinian President Yasser Arafat had symbolically announced a
+Palestinian state on November 15, 1988 in Algeria when the first
+Palestinian Intifada was at its height and which continued for seven
+years until the Oslo peace accords were signed in 1993.
+******** 4.038674 ace_rothdev/20001015_AFP_ARB_0053_ENG.txt
+Beirut 10-15 (AFP) -
+The Saudi Soccer Federation sacked the team's Czech coach Milan
+Machala from his post today Sunday and appointed his assistant,
+Nasser Jawhar, in his place.
+The title-holding Saudi team suffered a bitter defeat (1-4) against
+its Japanese counterpart in its first match in the championship
+yesterday Saturday.
+The Youth and Sports Bureau in Saudi Arabia released a statement
+saying: "Prince Sultan Ben Fahd, president of the Youth and Sports
+Bureau and president of the Saudi Soccer Federation, has issued a
+decision by order of which Czech coach Machala has been discharged
+and Nasser Jawhar has been placed in charge of training the team
+during the championship."
+He carried on: "This decision is the result of the Saudi Federation
+ensuring the best technical conditions for the team in order to
+reflect the true level of Saudi soccer."
+In a telephone call with Agence France Presse at his hotel, Machala
+refused to give his opinion regarding the decision and said "no
+Machala is the first victim of the 12th Asian Nations Cup finals
+hosted by Lebanon until this October 29 as the Japanese blow was
+fatal, especially since the Saudi team holds the title from the
+previous series in the Emirates in 1996.
+Machala took over training the Saudi team in February 1999 and led it
+in the Continents Championship hosted by Mexico in July of that year.
+Machala is considered one of the best-known coaches in the Gulf
+region and has achieved remarkable results with the Kuwaiti team,
+which he led to win the Gulf Cup on two occasions and to take fourth
+place in the last Asian Nations Championship in the Emirates, as well
+as second place in the Asian Games in Bangkok in late 1998.
+******** 5.144144 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0013_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+American President Bill Clinton attempted today Wednesday to reassure
+money markets about doubts caused by the battle between the
+Republicans and Democrats on the result of the presidential elections
+in the United States, which is still unknown and dependent on the
+results of the recount in the State of Florida.
+Clinton told a group of businessmen on the periphery of the
+Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Brunei that "one of the
+issues both Vice-President Al Gore and Governor George Bush agree on
+in these elections is the need to maintain a strong and pioneering
+role by the United States in order to achieve flourishing trade and
+greater integration for the world's economy [...] and the world
+should not be concerned because the two candidates are strongly
+committed to following this path."
+The American stock market saw an upheaval as a result of the delay in
+announcing the final results of the presidential elections in the
+United States but it improved on Tuesday.
+Initial results in Florida on Tuesday evening showed Republican
+candidate George Bush to be 300 votes ahead of Democrat candidate Al
+Gore but some voting stations were still recounting votes today
+In Brunei, President Clinton refused to make any predications about
+who might win the presidency in this exceptional election battle
+between the Democratic and Republican candidates.
+He said "we must be careful when we talk about predictions; the only
+thing I can predict with confidence is that I will not be taking part
+in the next Apec summit next year and at present, I can't say who
+will be representing the United States."
+******** 5.725275 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0217_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+A Japanese official announced today Wednesday that Japan and Russia
+are to hold a summit before the end of the current year in an attempt
+to find a solution to their dispute about the Coral Islands, which
+has hindered the signing of a peace treaty between the two countries
+since the end of World War II.
+The decision to hold the summit was made during the meeting between
+Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro
+Mori on the periphery of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum
+in Brunei.
+The Japanese official said that those responsible had "agreed to meet
+at Irkotsik (east Russia) before the end of the year.
+In 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Japanese Prime Minister
+Riotaro Hashimoto agreed to sign the peace treaty before the end of
+2000, but negotiations have not progressed much since then.
+Russia and Japan have been unable to sign a peace agreement since
+1945 because of their dispute concerning four of the Coral islands
+located between Russia and Japan and which were invaded by Russian
+forces in the last few days of World War II.
+Putin visited Japan last September but the visit did not produce any
+result on the issue of the islands.
+******** 6.371901 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0093_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+The United States today Wednesday deemed the order issued by
+Palestinian President Yasser Arafat for a ceasefire in territories
+under Palestinian Authority control as a positive gesture but
+considered that it does not release constitute a release form the
+terms of the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement.
+James Stewart, the White House's spokesman in Bandar Seri Begawan,
+the capital of the Sultanate of Brunei which American President Bill
+Clinton is visiting, said "of course we positively welcome the
+announcement aimed at stopping the violence. But the important point
+is that Palestinian and Israeli officials take the right steps to
+provide a safer climate in the whole region."
+Clinton is to take part in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
+forum (APEC) in Brunei.
+The American spokesman said President Bill Clinton spoke to Arafat on
+the telephone after arriving in Brunei yesterday evening Tuesday.
+He said "their conversation focused on ways to stop the violence
+because we believe that it is extremely important for the sides to
+take immediate measures to end the tension and reduce the violence."
+A high-level Palestinian source said today that the Palestinian
+Superior Security Council led by President Yasser Arafat issued
+orders to stop shooting inside area "A" under Palestinian control.
+The source who wished to remain anonymous said that "the Palestinian
+Superior Security Council led by President Yasser Arafat issued
+orders to stop unknown armed persons from shooting inside zone "A"
+under complete Palestinian control and from between buildings and
+civilians in the Palestinian Territories."
+Zone "A" covers areas controlled completely by the Palestinian
+Authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
+******** 7.363636 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0210_ENG.txt
+Tallahassee (United States) 11-15 (AFP) -
+The Supreme Court in Florida today Wednesday refused the application
+by the state's authorities to stop the new hand count of votes in
+some counties.
+******** 11.645161 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0061_ENG.txt
+Gaza 11-15 (AFP) -
+A high-level Palestinian source said today Wednesday that the
+Palestinian Superior Security Council led by President Yasser Arafat
+issued orders to stop shooting inside area "A" under Palestinian
+The source said that "the Palestinian Superior Security Council led
+by President Yasser Arafat issued orders to stop unknown armed
+persons from shooting inside zone "A" under complete Palestinian
+control and between buildings and civilians in the Palestinian
+The Palestinian decision comes a few hours before discussions between
+Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and his top security advisors to
+explore the measures to be taken against Palestinians after four
+Israeli soldiers were shot in Palestinian areas last Monday.
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+11.645161 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0061_ENG.txt
diff --git a/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratio.py b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6291d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import sys,string
+from sane_re import *
+text = sys.stdin.read()
+text = _R(r'<\S+>').gsub(text,'')
+dots = sum(x=='.' for x in text)
+caps = sum(x[0] in string.uppercase for x in text.split())
+print (dots*1.0+1)/(caps+1)
diff --git a/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratios b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratios
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bed5566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratios
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+0.25 ace_rothdev/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.txt
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+0.114285714286 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0061_ENG.txt
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+0.24 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.txt
+0.13698630137 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0089_ENG.txt
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+0.25 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0210_ENG.txt
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+0.25 ace_rothdev/APW20001102_1223_0376.txt
+0.25 ace_rothdev/APW20001120_1450_0376.txt
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+0.287878787879 ace_rothdev/APW20001130_2108_0849.txt
+0.212765957447 ace_rothdev/APW20001202_0257_0120.txt
+0.425925925926 ace_rothdev/APW20001203_1456_0329.txt
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+0.461538461538 ace_rothdev/CHTB_171_ENG.txt
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+15.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001203_0900_0606.txt
+10.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001204_1400_0906.txt
+8.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001205_1400_0960.txt
+7.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001214_1400_0609.txt
+19.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001217_1400_0883.txt
+19.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001219_1400_1513.txt
+22.0 ace_rothdev/MNB20001102_2100_2766.txt
+42.0 ace_rothdev/MNB20001103_2100_0996.txt
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+0.375 ace_rothdev/PRI20001031_2000_1824.txt
+0.263157894737 ace_rothdev/PRI20001122_2000_0320.txt
+0.319587628866 ace_rothdev/PRI20001128_2000_0055.txt
+0.169014084507 ace_rothdev/PRI20001201_2000_1828.txt
+0.375 ace_rothdev/VOA20001020_2100_1853.txt
+0.292452830189 ace_rothdev/VOA20001129_2000_0364.txt
+0.333333333333 ace_rothdev/VOA20001208_2000_1275.txt
+0.225806451613 ace_rothdev/VOA20001220_2000_0060.txt
+0.285714285714 ace_rothdev/VOA20001223_2000_0139.txt
diff --git a/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratios_report.txt b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratios_report.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6797c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/ratios_report.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3436 @@
+********* 0.0479041916168 ace_rothdev/NYT20001123_1511_0062.txt
+It's time again to ask 20 questions about advertising, marketing and
+the media.
+_ Will Americans ever refer to the day before Thanksgiving as
+``Thanksgiving Wednesday,'' as ABC did repeatedly this week in
+commercials promoting its Wednesday sitcoms ``The Drew Carey Show''
+and ``Spin City''?
+_ If a Hollywood studio makes a movie about the Florida election
+standoff, would the title be ``It's a Chad, Chad, Chad, Chad
+_ How many readers of The Wall Street Journal noticed that an
+article on Wednesday carrying the headline ``Genetically Altered
+Protein Is Found in Still More Corn'' ran adjacent to an
+advertisement for a golf tournament on Fox Sports sponsored by Sun
+Microsystems that featured a fanciful photograph of a gigantic ear
+of corn as big as a Buick?
+_ Doesn't a new television commercial for Fidelity Investments,
+centered on a telephone conversation between a female employee and a
+male customer, resemble a Citibank campaign from the late 1980s that
+was so brilliantly parodied as the ``First Citiwide Change Bank''
+commercials on ``Saturday Night Live''?
+_ Did shoppers at the New York supermarket chain Gristede's rush to
+take advantage of a recent sale on the ``BIG 150-count box'' of
+Scotties facial tissues, or did they recall that Scotties has
+usually come in a 175-count box?
+_ Can Ocean Spray Cranberries get a refund on a full-page ad that
+ran in newspapers on Nov. 8 and carried the headline ``Now That the
+Election Is Over, You Can Focus on Some Real News''?
+_ Was it a coincidence that an ad for the Carnation Coffee-mate line
+of coffee creamers in the recent issue of In Style Entertaining 2000
+magazine ran opposite an article about ``great trends'' in
+party-giving that began by describing carnations as ``the chic
+flower of the moment''?
+_ Should an English teacher have been consulted before the Tropicana
+division of PepsiCo produced posters that described its Pure Premium
+orange juice as being ``as packed with Vitamin C as a bus on a rainy
+_ Will Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear and James L. Brooks
+complain about an ad from Campbell Soup Co. for Campbell's Cream of
+Mushroom soup that carried the slogan ``As m'm! m'm! good! as it
+_ Now that the Roundabout Theater Company is calling its new
+facility in Times Square the American Airlines Theater, will the
+ushers give out peanuts instead of Playbills?
+_ Why did the Reader's Digest Association go to the trouble of
+airbrushing the identifying information from a label on a pair of
+jeans worn by a man in a photograph featured in an ad for Reader's
+Digest magazine, but leave the red tab on the back pocket that tells
+everyone the pants are Levi's?
+_ Do television commercials for prescription drugs disclose that
+side effects in tests were no worse ``than a sugar pill'' because
+research found that consumers weren't familiar with the word
+_ What was in the zeitgeist that led two disparate advertisers _
+Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield and the MSN network of Microsoft _ to
+introduce about the same time campaigns centered on butterflies?
+_ And what was in the zeitgeist that led two automotive marketers _
+Land Rover and Volvo _ to introduce about the same time commercials
+centered on drivers rescuing animals on rainy roads?
+_ Are folks old enough to remember the heyday of the radio and
+television personality Arthur Godfrey reminded of his longtime
+greeting, ``How are ya?,'' every time they hear the name of the new
+Lucent Technologies spinoff company, Avaya Communication?
+_ How appealing was a recent offer made by Sprint Communications Co.
+to give buyers of a Sprint PCS telephone and a calling plan a free
+``pre-owned phone''?
+_ Was it an inside joke that the name of the character played by
+John Corbett on ``Sex and the City,'' Aidan Shaw, was almost
+identical to the name of a longtime star of gay sex films, Aiden
+_ How many tickets did the Houston Grand Opera sell after mailing
+out a promotional brochure featuring photographs of cattle with
+headlines like ``It's udderly fantastic entertainment!'' and ``Great
+opera. No bull.''?
+_ If CBS shows the first episode of ``Survivor II'' after its
+broadcast of Super Bowl XXXV, will the network someday show the
+first episode of ``Survivor XXXV'' after its broadcast of Super Bowl
+_ Will cheerful chorus members dressed in V-neck sweaters interrupt
+their serenades to online shopping long enough to tell an
+advertising columnist, ``You ask a lot of questions for someone from
+********* 0.093023255814 ace_rothdev/20001015_AFP_ARB_0229_ENG.txt
+London 10-16 (AFP) -
+A Saudi Airways spokesman in London announced that passengers on the
+Saudi 777 Boeing, hijacked to Baghdad on Saturday and which arrived
+in Riyadh yesterday evening Sunday, left the Saudi capital for London
+at 2h43 local time (GMT 22h43), approximately 30 hours after the
+hijacking operation by two Saudi hijackers began.
+The Boeing arrived at Riyadh International Airport at 21h30 yesterday
+Sunday from Baghdad through Jordanian air space with 104 passengers
+on board, including 14 crew members.
+Saudi Airways said Saturday that 40 British, 14 Saudis, 15
+Pakistanis, 4 Yemenis and 4 South Africans, 2 Kenyans and an
+American, Frenchman, Spaniard, Swiss, Swede, Nigerian, Indian, Omani,
+Palestinian and Lebanese were on board the plane.
+********* 0.114285714286 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0061_ENG.txt
+Gaza 11-15 (AFP) -
+A high-level Palestinian source said today Wednesday that the
+Palestinian Superior Security Council led by President Yasser Arafat
+issued orders to stop shooting inside area "A" under Palestinian
+The source said that "the Palestinian Superior Security Council led
+by President Yasser Arafat issued orders to stop unknown armed
+persons from shooting inside zone "A" under complete Palestinian
+control and between buildings and civilians in the Palestinian
+The Palestinian decision comes a few hours before discussions between
+Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and his top security advisors to
+explore the measures to be taken against Palestinians after four
+Israeli soldiers were shot in Palestinian areas last Monday.
+********* 0.117117117117 ace_rothdev/CHTB_165_ENG.txt
+Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, April 3rd, by reporter Jierong Zhou
+Recently, HSBC has moved its Shanghai branch to the China Shipping
+Mansion in the Pudong Lujiazui financial trading district, becoming
+the third foreign capital bank to be approved to operate RMB business
+and shift to Pudong.
+At the moment, Shanghai already has 8 foreign capital banks approved
+to operate RMB business. They are the US's Citibank, Hong Kong's
+HSBC, Japan's Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank, Japan's Industrial Bank, the
+Shanghai Branch of the Standard and Chartered Bank, Shanghai's BNP
+Paris Bank, the Shanghai Branch of Japan's Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank and
+the Shanghai Branch of Japan's Sanwa Bank.
+According to regulations, these 8 banks will all move to Pudong soon.
+After the policy was formally announced for the Pudong Lujiazui
+Financial Trade District to allow foreign capital banks to operate
+RMB business, more than 40 foreign capital banks and financial
+institutions have submitted applications to establish branches in
+When selecting locations in Lujiazui, some foreign financial
+institutions do not mind the real estate prices, but focus more on
+whether the class of the building is compatible with the standing of
+the company.
+The Franklin Templeton Company, whose headquarters are in California,
+the US, and has registered capital of 130 billion US dollars all
+around the world, decided to establish its local China headquarters
+in Pudong.
+The president of the company and the Asian regional president
+personally surveyed Pudong and decided to choose office locations in
+the Shanghai Securities Building, which has a floor rate of more than
+2700 US dollars per square meter.
+Now, the Templeton Company has formally signed a contract, and bought
+the floor area of the entire 18th floor of the Securities Building.
+Currently, foreign-capital banks and financial institutions such as
+Hong Kong's HSBC, the Shanghai Branch of the Japan Industrial Bank,
+the Holland Co-operation Bank, Shanghai Branch of the Belgium Credit
+Bank, etc., have successively settled down in the Lujiazui Financial
+Trading District.
+Soon, a large number of domestic and foreign financial institutions,
+and large companies will also come to successively settle down,
+including the finance street which has already formed in the Waitan
+district, and the Shanghai central commercial district framework that
+is forming.
+********* 0.125 ace_rothdev/20001015_AFP_ARB_0053_ENG.txt
+Beirut 10-15 (AFP) -
+The Saudi Soccer Federation sacked the team's Czech coach Milan
+Machala from his post today Sunday and appointed his assistant,
+Nasser Jawhar, in his place.
+The title-holding Saudi team suffered a bitter defeat (1-4) against
+its Japanese counterpart in its first match in the championship
+yesterday Saturday.
+The Youth and Sports Bureau in Saudi Arabia released a statement
+saying: "Prince Sultan Ben Fahd, president of the Youth and Sports
+Bureau and president of the Saudi Soccer Federation, has issued a
+decision by order of which Czech coach Machala has been discharged
+and Nasser Jawhar has been placed in charge of training the team
+during the championship."
+He carried on: "This decision is the result of the Saudi Federation
+ensuring the best technical conditions for the team in order to
+reflect the true level of Saudi soccer."
+In a telephone call with Agence France Presse at his hotel, Machala
+refused to give his opinion regarding the decision and said "no
+Machala is the first victim of the 12th Asian Nations Cup finals
+hosted by Lebanon until this October 29 as the Japanese blow was
+fatal, especially since the Saudi team holds the title from the
+previous series in the Emirates in 1996.
+Machala took over training the Saudi team in February 1999 and led it
+in the Continents Championship hosted by Mexico in July of that year.
+Machala is considered one of the best-known coaches in the Gulf
+region and has achieved remarkable results with the Kuwaiti team,
+which he led to win the Gulf Cup on two occasions and to take fourth
+place in the last Asian Nations Championship in the Emirates, as well
+as second place in the Asian Games in Bangkok in late 1998.
+********* 0.12962962963 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0217_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+A Japanese official announced today Wednesday that Japan and Russia
+are to hold a summit before the end of the current year in an attempt
+to find a solution to their dispute about the Coral Islands, which
+has hindered the signing of a peace treaty between the two countries
+since the end of World War II.
+The decision to hold the summit was made during the meeting between
+Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro
+Mori on the periphery of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum
+in Brunei.
+The Japanese official said that those responsible had "agreed to meet
+at Irkotsik (east Russia) before the end of the year.
+In 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Japanese Prime Minister
+Riotaro Hashimoto agreed to sign the peace treaty before the end of
+2000, but negotiations have not progressed much since then.
+Russia and Japan have been unable to sign a peace agreement since
+1945 because of their dispute concerning four of the Coral islands
+located between Russia and Japan and which were invaded by Russian
+forces in the last few days of World War II.
+Putin visited Japan last September but the visit did not produce any
+result on the issue of the islands.
+********* 0.134615384615 ace_rothdev/CHTB_227_ENG.txt
+Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, August 31st, by reporter Rong Xie
+Presidents of 3 Baltic Sea countries issued a joint statement on
+August 31st, pointing out that Russia's withdrawal of troops from the
+3 Baltic Sea countries would "strengthen European security".
+The statement emphasized that Russia's completing its troop
+withdrawal should promote the development of relations between
+Russian and Baltic Sea countries.
+This joint statement was issued on the occasion of Russia entirely
+completing its troop withdrawal from the three Baltic Sea countries.
+Russian troops stationed in Lithuania had withdrawn to Russia one
+year earlier.
+On August 31st of this year, Russian troops stationed in Latvia
+withdrew completely and Russian troops stationed in Estonia also
+completed withdrawal on August 29th of this year.
+In an interview with International Correspondence Communication News
+Agency on the 31st, Klelov, vice-minister of Russia's Foreign
+Affairs, pointed out that, although Russia has withdrawn its troops
+from the Baltic Sea countries, if the Baltic Sea countries infringe
+upon the rights of local Russian-speaking residents, the Russian
+government still has measures for exerting influence over these
+countries, which include political, economical and humanitarian
+********* 0.13698630137 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0089_ENG.txt
+Albus (Lebanon) 11-15 (AFP) -
+Thousands of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon commemorated in their
+camps today Wednesday the twelfth anniversary of the symbolic
+announcement of independence by the Palestinian National Council in
+Algeria in 1988.
+Around five thousand Palestinians form the Albus Camp near Souer (83
+km south of Beirut) gathered and followed a march by children dressed
+in military clothing who held stones and raised pictures of Mohamed
+al-Dura, the 12-year-old Palestinian child killed by Israeli army
+bullets in the Palestinian Territories in early October.
+A France Presse correspondent reported that around 200 Palestinians
+marched along the streets of Ayn Alhilwa refugee camp near Saida, one
+of southern Lebanon's main cities, toward the headquarters of the
+Fatah movement led by Palestinian President Yasser Arafat carrying
+the Palestinian flag.
+A group of young people burned the Israeli and American flags outside
+the headquarters.
+Khalid Arif, am official with the Fatah movement in Saida, said the
+Intifada against Israel which started late last September and has
+resulted in over two hundred deaths would "continue until the Israeli
+occupiers and settlers were chased out of the Palestinian
+He added, "The Intifada will continue until a Palestinian state with
+holy Jerusalem as its capital is created and the refugees return to
+their homes."
+In the nearby Ayn Alhilwa refugee camp, students between ages fifteen
+and sixteen marched through the camp's alleyways, chanting "Jerusalem
+is ours" then the burned Israeli and American flags.
+Fatah movement called on Palestinians to declare today Wednesday as a
+day "to embody national independence" and to stop "Israeli occupying
+forces and settler bandits from entering occupied Palestinian
+territory," as a commemoration of the twelfth anniversary of the
+symbolic announcement of Palestinian independence.
+Palestinian President Yasser Arafat had symbolically announced a
+Palestinian state on November 15, 1988 in Algeria when the first
+Palestinian Intifada was at its height and which continued for seven
+years until the Oslo peace accords were signed in 1993.
+********* 0.13698630137 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0093_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+The United States today Wednesday deemed the order issued by
+Palestinian President Yasser Arafat for a ceasefire in territories
+under Palestinian Authority control as a positive gesture but
+considered that it does not release constitute a release form the
+terms of the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement.
+James Stewart, the White House's spokesman in Bandar Seri Begawan,
+the capital of the Sultanate of Brunei which American President Bill
+Clinton is visiting, said "of course we positively welcome the
+announcement aimed at stopping the violence. But the important point
+is that Palestinian and Israeli officials take the right steps to
+provide a safer climate in the whole region."
+Clinton is to take part in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
+forum (APEC) in Brunei.
+The American spokesman said President Bill Clinton spoke to Arafat on
+the telephone after arriving in Brunei yesterday evening Tuesday.
+He said "their conversation focused on ways to stop the violence
+because we believe that it is extremely important for the sides to
+take immediate measures to end the tension and reduce the violence."
+A high-level Palestinian source said today that the Palestinian
+Superior Security Council led by President Yasser Arafat issued
+orders to stop shooting inside area "A" under Palestinian control.
+The source who wished to remain anonymous said that "the Palestinian
+Superior Security Council led by President Yasser Arafat issued
+orders to stop unknown armed persons from shooting inside zone "A"
+under complete Palestinian control and from between buildings and
+civilians in the Palestinian Territories."
+Zone "A" covers areas controlled completely by the Palestinian
+Authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
+********* 0.142857142857 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0212_ENG.txt
+Washington 11-15 (AFP) -
+Stewart Talbot, America's Assistant Secretary of State and "second in
+charge" at the State Department after Madeleine Albright, has decided
+to resign from the administration to head one of the departments at
+Yale University in the state of Connecticut (northeast).
+Richard Levin, the Chancellor of this prestigious university, said
+Talbot would head the Globalization Studies Center as of next July
+and would also teach at the university.
+Talbot is the second top-ranking American diplomat in a few days to
+announce his intention of resigning at the end of President Bill
+Clinton's second term next January 20.
+The special envoy to the Middle East, Dennis Ross, announced last
+week that he intends to resign from his post, for personal and family
+reasons, once the current administration's term comes to an end.
+Talbot, a Yale graduate and former correspondent with Time magazine,
+was appointed assistant to the Secretary of State in 1994 after
+acting as roving ambassador and special advisor on former Soviet
+Union Affairs.
+********* 0.169014084507 ace_rothdev/PRI20001201_2000_1828.txt
+From BBC News in London, I am Gregor Cragy for The World. The US
+Supreme Court has held a hearing to decide whether to intervene in
+the dispute over the presidential election results. Judith Spencer
+reports on the legal wrangling that is underway.
+Inside the stately Supreme Court building, lawyers for Republican
+George W. Bush and Democrat AL Gore argued over the validity of hand
+re-counts in the crucial state of Florida, just as Ruth Bater
+Ginsburg pressed Bush's lawyer to explain why the Federal High Court
+should intervene in the Florida Supreme Court's move to extend the
+deadline for finishing the re-counts.
+When we read a State court decision, we should read it in the light
+most favorable to the integrity of the State Supreme Court.
+But later on, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor suggested the State court
+might have been out of line.
+The legislature had very clearly said, you know, 7 days after,
+that's the date and it just does look like very dramatic change made
+by the Florida court.
+The US Supreme Court could rule on the matter as early as tomorrow.
+For The World, I am Judith Spencer in Washington.
+Meanwhile, the Florida Supreme Court has rejected an emergency
+appeal from Al Gore for an immediate re-count of thousands of
+disputed ballots from Palm Beach and Miami Dade counties.
+********* 0.169491525424 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0065_ENG.txt
+Camp Zeist (Holland) 11-15 (AFP) -
+Today Wednesday, the judges in charge of looking into the Lockerbie
+case in Camp Zeist (Holland) were faced with an awkward problem: how
+to deal with a witness who is refusing to answer questions and who is
+at the same time serving a life sentence and who is not subject to
+Scottish law?
+The problem arose after Palestinian Mahmood Abu Talib, whose
+testimony the court has been hearing since Friday, refused to
+continue answering a question by defense lawyer Richard Keen about
+the detailed reasons for his having lived in the former Soviet Union
+for a period of 18 months in the 70s.
+The lawyer asked the judges to force Abu Talib to answer the question
+aimed at demonstrating the witness's "professional terrorism"
+46-year-old Abu Talib was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1990 in
+Sweden for terrorist acts in Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stockholm
+between 1985 and 1986. The defense council in the Lockerbie court is
+attempting to show his involvement in the Lockerbie attack.
+Based on Scottish law, followed in this court, if Abu Talib insists
+on not responding to the question, this is considered to be "contempt
+of court" and means he may be punished in accordance with Scottish
+law covering such incidents.
+The problem is that the judges may not punish Abu Talib unless Sweden
+hands him over to Scotland after the court case ends to apply the
+punishment for "contempt of court."
+So far, the judges have not asked Abu Talib to answer the defense's
+question in what appears to be a move to avoid a tricky situation if
+the witness refuses to answer.
+The court president, Ronald Sutherland, who adjourned the session for
+a short while in an attempt to find a solution to this dilemma, said
+"this raises an important question of principle."
+The two Libyans, Alameen Khalifa Fahima and Abdulbasit al-Maqrahi,
+are suspected of sending a bomb from Malta which was used to explode
+the Pan Am plane over the Scottish village of Lockerbie on December
+21, 1988 killing 270 people.
+********* 0.178571428571 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0013_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+American President Bill Clinton attempted today Wednesday to reassure
+money markets about doubts caused by the battle between the
+Republicans and Democrats on the result of the presidential elections
+in the United States, which is still unknown and dependent on the
+results of the recount in the State of Florida.
+Clinton told a group of businessmen on the periphery of the
+Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Brunei that "one of the
+issues both Vice-President Al Gore and Governor George Bush agree on
+in these elections is the need to maintain a strong and pioneering
+role by the United States in order to achieve flourishing trade and
+greater integration for the world's economy [...] and the world
+should not be concerned because the two candidates are strongly
+committed to following this path."
+The American stock market saw an upheaval as a result of the delay in
+announcing the final results of the presidential elections in the
+United States but it improved on Tuesday.
+Initial results in Florida on Tuesday evening showed Republican
+candidate George Bush to be 300 votes ahead of Democrat candidate Al
+Gore but some voting stations were still recounting votes today
+In Brunei, President Clinton refused to make any predications about
+who might win the presidency in this exceptional election battle
+between the Democratic and Republican candidates.
+He said "we must be careful when we talk about predictions; the only
+thing I can predict with confidence is that I will not be taking part
+in the next Apec summit next year and at present, I can't say who
+will be representing the United States."
+********* 0.207317073171 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0060_ENG.txt
+Bandar Seri Begawan 11-15 (AFP) -
+A high-level American official announced today Wednesday in the wake
+of the meeting between American President Bill Clinton and his
+Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that Putin's proposals on reducing
+the Russian and American nuclear capability to under 1500 nuclear
+heads does not include "many new elements."
+The official who wished to remain anonymous confirmed "we have paid a
+great deal of attention to President Putin's announcement but it does
+not contain many new elements, in fact just a few new disparities
+which require further examination and discussion by experts."
+Clinton and Putin are taking part in the Asia-Pacific Economic
+Cooperation (APEC) forum in Bandar Seri Begawan the capital of the
+Sultanate of Brunei.
+The presidents met for a working lunch of around 75 minutes.
+The American official stressed that what is important in Putin's
+proposal is that it falls within the "framework adopted by the United
+States and Russia to discuss strategic issues from a defensive and
+offensive point of view."
+Putin proposed limiting the Russian and American nuclear capabilities
+by reducing the number of nuclear heads to under 1500 each, a smaller
+number than that in the Russian-American Start-3 treaty currently
+being negotiated.
+He proposed that the current reduction should be between 2500 to 2000
+nuclear heads.
+Putin said this reduction would depend on compliance with the
+Russian-American anti-ABM missile treaty signed in 1972, which the
+Americans are attempting to amend to set up anti- missile defenses
+Washington has so far confirmed agreeing to the 2000 to 2500 nuclear
+warhead ceiling.
+The United States has not taken a final position on the NMD system
+because Clinton, whose term ends in January, is leaving the decision
+in this matter to his successor.
+In response to a question about Republican presidential candidate
+George Bush Junior's approach to deploying the NMD system, more
+ambitious than the one proposed by the Clinton administration, the
+American official said the United States would continue "complying
+with the present framework" in these strategic discussions.
+He added "while this framework does not reflect the basic interests
+of the United States, we feel it is still a valid approach in our
+discussions with Russia on this matter."
+He also said that Clinton raised the issue of the transfer of
+sensitive Russian technology to Iran, adding "President Putin has
+expressed his agreement that these are real threats and is strongly
+committed to limiting this, but there is still a lot of work to do"
+in this area.
+Clinton also touched on the matter of American Edmond Bob who is
+being tried in a closed court in Russia on charges of spying. The
+United States believes he is innocent of these charges and is
+demanding his release on humanitarian grounds.
+The official said Putin understands our concern and we hope he will
+do something as quickly as possible."
+********* 0.212765957447 ace_rothdev/APW20001202_0257_0120.txt
+PHOENIX (AP) _ Boise State coach Dirk Koetter, who just a day
+earlier was reportedly headed for Oklahoma State, has agreed to a
+contract to coach Arizona State.
+Oklahoma State athletic director Terry Don Phillips confirmed
+Koetter's decision in a news release issued Friday night.
+``Coach Koetter informed me at approximately 7 p.m. (CST) tonight
+that he had been tendered an offer from Arizona State University and
+had accepted,'' Phillips said.
+Koetter, 41, replaces Bruce Snyder, who was fired after nine
+seasons. Snyder will coach Arizona State in a bowl game, most likely
+the Las Vegas Bowl.
+The Daily Oklahoman and several TV and radio stations in Oklahoma
+had reported Thursday and Friday that Koetter had accepted the
+Oklahoma State job.
+But Phillips never confirmed those reports, and Koetter would not
+comment on any job possibilities at Boise State's practice Friday.
+Koetter said earlier in the week he had interviewed with Phillips
+and with Arizona State athletic director Gene Smith.
+Koetter is considered one of the country's top young coaching
+prospects. Using an innovative, wide-open offense, he guided Boise
+State to a 25-10 record in three seasons. His first team went 6-5,
+followed by last year's 10-3 record, which included a 34-31 victory
+over Louisville in the Humanitarian Bowl.
+This year's team is 9-2, with its only losses 38-31 at Arkansas and
+42-25 at Washington State.
+Koetter may not have been Arizona State's top choice.
+Phoenix radio station KMVP reported Friday that Smith had quietly
+been working on a deal with TCU coach Dennis Franchione that would
+have matched the one offered by Alabama. But Franchione apparently
+couldn't resist the lure of one of college football's most storied
+While most of the recent speculation centered on Koetter, there was
+pressure from some Arizona State boosters to hire Danny White, the
+former Arizona State and Dallas Cowboys quarterback who coaches the
+Arizona Rattlers of the Arena Football League.
+Snyder was fired after his teams went 6-6 last year and 6-5 this
+********* 0.225806451613 ace_rothdev/VOA20001220_2000_0060.txt
+I am David Coler, VOA News. President Elect George W Bush made more
+cabinet appointments Wednesday. He named Al Koha Chairman Paul O'
+Neil as Treasury Secretary and former California Food and
+Agriculture Secretary, Anne Venemon as Secretary of Agriculture. He
+also named an old friend, an oil business associate, Don Evans as
+Secretary of Commerce.
+The promotion of free enterprise first in America and then abroad
+will be our first priority. Free flow of capital, free and open
+competition. We will strive to be an advocate for US businesses
+first in America and also those wading into the waters of the global
+market place.
+Mr. Bush also named former Cuban refugee Mel Martinez as Secretary
+of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Martinez is a close political
+ally of the President Elect's brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
+Mr. Bush says he will step down Thursday as Governor of Texas.
+********* 0.227272727273 ace_rothdev/20000815_AFP_ARB_0071_ENG.txt
+Beirut 8-15 (AFP) -
+Lebanon has asked the international peacekeeping force operating in
+the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is
+penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to
+prevent this from happening.
+According to official sources, the Lebanese authorities contacted the
+peacekeeping high command and asked it to put an end to infringements
+by Israel, which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese
+territory, in particular dumping sand and building slopes.
+The source added that if this is confirmed, then such acts constitute
+a provocation and an infringement of Lebanese sovereignty.
+Witnesses said two Israeli bulldozers started work today Tuesday on a
+slope in the Abbad sector inside Lebanese territory on the border
+between Lebanon and Israel.
+These witnesses told Agence France Presse that an Israeli army patrol
+equipped with ultra-modern binoculars penetrated a few meters into
+Lebanese territory but withdrew back to Israeli territory as soon as
+a peacekeeping patrol arrived.
+Families in southern Lebanon visit this area where, according to
+tradition, the burial site of Sheikh Abbad, who died 500 years ago,
+is located.
+For their part, Israelis also regard the site as a shrine because,
+according to them, Rabbi Ashi lived there in the 5th century.
+The Israeli army had previously carried out operations inside
+Lebanese territory in the same border region on August 11.
+Last Friday, an Israeli bulldozer crossed the wire fence in Wadi
+Marjayoun near the Israeli village of Matla and spread sand over a
+length of hundreds of meters and a width of six meters in order to
+expose the footprints of people crossing the border or tire prints of
+cars from the Lebanese side.
+********* 0.24 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.txt
+Baghdad 11-15 (AFP) -
+The head of the French Interests Section in Baghdad, Ambassador Andre
+Janier, today Wednesday welcomed Iraq's decision to deal in euros and
+said this would encourage relations between the two countries.
+In an interview in today's edition of the official newspaper
+"al-Jamhouriya," Janier said "we French believe this decision is
+positive for the international economy, and this decision encourages
+economic relations, especially in terms of oil, between Iraq and
+The French diplomat carried on to say "we have a vested interest in
+this matter as Europeans and French because all trade payments and
+exchanges are paid in euros and there is no danger to European and
+French companies because of fluctuations in the price of the dollar
+on the stock exchange. This compensates for any loss in buying and
+selling in euros rather than dollars."
+Iraq decided to deal in euros, rather than the dollar, as of the
+sixth of this month for its oil sales and outside trade deals.
+********* 0.244444444444 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0184_ENG.txt
+Jerusalem 11-15 (AFP) -
+Official Israeli radio reported that the lesser security cabinet
+which met this evening Wednesday has made a series of practical
+decisions pointing to its desire to avoid confrontations with the
+The radio reported "senior political officials" as saying at the
+close of the security cabinet's meeting, chaired by Prime Minister
+Ehud Barak, that the army would continue with the procedure it has
+followed over the past days and that there would be no escalation.
+Military officials who also attended the meeting that Palestinian
+President Yasser Arafat "wants to drag Israel into an escalation
+which would lead to international intervention."
+The head of the prime minister's office, Jalaad Shir, had previously
+said on official television that "a compromise must be found between
+a studied response not leading to escalation and the need to pave the
+way for political openness, on the condition that the Palestinians
+resolutely stop the violence and incitement to violence."
+Shir added "only then will it be possible to think about resuming the
+political process and on what basis."
+The security cabinet was convened to a session with the aim of
+examining new measures to deal with the escalation in attacks against
+Israelis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
+Last week, Barak gave his consent, for the first time since the
+Intifada began, to elimination of Hussein Abiyat the military leader
+of Fatah movement led by Arafat killed when a missile fired from a
+combat helicopter targeted his car.
+Israeli security forces arrested 15 Fatah officials in the West Bank
+on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday.
+In his statement, Barak praised this operation and the elimination of
+Abiyat, stressing that this policy would continue.
+He said "the long arm of our forces will reach those who attack our
+civilians and soldiers."
+********* 0.25 ace_rothdev/20000715_AFP_ARB_0072_ENG.txt
+Jerusalem 7-15 (AFP) -
+A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that
+Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for
+military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip
+missiles with nuclear warheads, capable of reaching Israel, within
+ten years.
+The official, who wished to remain anonymous, told journalists: "Iran
+will start accumulating nuclear capability for military purposes from
+2005 and will be in a position, within the space of 10 years, to
+produce nuclear warheads that can be fitted to missiles capable of
+striking Israel."
+The official made these statements after Tehran announced today
+Saturday that it had "successfully" completed a new test on the
+Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a range of 1300 kilometers.
+The official further said: "Iran is not capable of developing a
+nuclear program without Moscow's help."
+He said that according to information obtained by Israel, tests on
+the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile were in fact "successful and
+reached their maximum range of 1300 kilometers which allows them to
+reach strategic centers in Israel."
+The official said that the design of the Shahab missile is based on a
+North Korean missile called Nodong, itself developed from the Soviet
+Scud missile.
+The official also stressed that Iran regards the "destruction of
+Israel as legitimate," saying that "Tehran is embroiled in strategic
+terrorist activities targeting Israel, especially alongside
+Palestinian and Lebanese organizations."
+The official further considered that "the Shahab missile will not
+come into operation for two years and that an improved range of 2000
+kilometers would only be achieved after this period."
+Israel's Deputy Defense Minister, Ephraim Sneh, said today Saturday
+that Israel would "know how to find a suitable response" to the
+Iranian Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a 1300 kilometer range.
+Sneh said on army radio that "Israel will prepare itself to find a
+suitable response to this threat," without giving any further
+The Iranian army announced today Saturday that it had "successfully"
+completed a new test on Shahab 3 ground-ground missiles.
+An official at the Iranian Ministry of Defense told Tehran Radio that
+the "Shahab 3 defense missile was tested a second time to ensure it
+conforms to international standards."
+In July 1998, the first test on this missile was announced. It is
+capable of reaching the majority of countries in the region,
+including Israel.
+********* 0.25 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0210_ENG.txt
+Tallahassee (United States) 11-15 (AFP) -
+The Supreme Court in Florida today Wednesday refused the application
+by the state's authorities to stop the new hand count of votes in
+some counties.
+********* 0.25 ace_rothdev/APW20001102_1223_0376.txt
+JERUSALEM (AP) _ A car bomb exploded Thursday in a crowded outdoor
+market in the heart of Jerusalem, killing at least two people,
+police said.
+Ambulances raced to the Mahane Yehuda market, which sells food,
+vegetables and clothing in Jewish west Jerusalem. Huge plumes of
+black smoke rose into the sky.
+The blast came shortly before Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and
+Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat were scheduled to make separate
+announcements of steps toward a cease-fire.
+********* 0.25 ace_rothdev/APW20001120_1450_0376.txt
+KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) _ The ruling Taliban militia on Monday
+released 137 Shiite Muslim prisoners it had held for nearly two
+years and urged the opposition to follow suit and release government
+prisoners it is holding.
+The freed men, all said to be fighters belonging to the opposition
+alliance, were released ahead of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan,
+when devout Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
+``The prisoners are being released as a gesture of kindness'' by the
+Taliban's supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, said the Taliban's
+Interior Minister Abdul Razzak Akhund. ``We ask the opposition to
+show their heart and release government prisoners in their jails.''
+The opposition alliance, which controls barely five percent of
+Afghanistan and is fighting a war against the dominant Taliban, is
+mostly made up of the country's minority ethnic and religious
+The Taliban are predominantly Sunni Muslim, which is the majority
+Islamic sect in the country.
+The Taliban have been accused by international human rights groups
+of mistreating the minority Shiite Muslims, a charge they reject.
+The newly released prisoners were captured when the Taliban took
+control of Afghanistan's central Bamyan province, nearly two years
+ago. The area is largely inhabited by minority Shiite Muslims.
+``I am very happy to be going home,'' said Ali Jan, one of the
+prisoners who said he was a farmer in Bamyan and not a soldier.
+********* 0.259259259259 ace_rothdev/APW20001216_2012_0590.txt
+TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) _ Tornadoes destroyed homes and overturned
+cars in several areas of Alabama on Saturday and more than two dozen
+people were reported injured.
+At least one person was killed in Tuscaloosa, said Debbie Watson,
+spokeswoman for the Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency.
+Twisters struck just before noon in the state's rural southeastern
+corner, then hit Tuscaloosa and the northern part of the state as
+lines of thunderstorms swept across the South.
+The Tuscaloosa twister struck a subdivision, Watson said. The
+National Weather Service said there was extensive damage. Twenty-one
+people were injured, according to broadcast reports.
+Another tornado hit Geneva, near the Alabama-Florida line, said
+Mayor Warren Beck. He said vehicles were overturned and homes were
+Geneva County Emergency Management Agency director Margaret Mixon
+said eight people were injured, two of them severely.
+That tornado also damaged about a half-dozen homes in Dale County,
+destroying a peanut mill at Abbeville and damaging a textile mill,
+authorities said.
+Dale County Commissioner Buddy Stapleton said he counted about a
+half-dozen homes hit near Newton.
+In northern Alabama, about eight homes were reported destroyed and
+trees and power lines were toppled in Limestone County.
+********* 0.263157894737 ace_rothdev/PRI20001122_2000_0320.txt
+The Palestinian faction headed by Yasser Arafat said today that, it
+will avenge the deaths of four of its members who were killed today
+by Israeli soldiers. Later in the day, a car bombing in the Northern
+Israeli town of Hadera, killed two people and injured at least 50.
+Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said he would retaliate. Corey
+Flintoff, NPR news, Washington.
+********* 0.266666666667 ace_rothdev/20001115_AFP_ARB_0030_ENG.txt
+Gaza 11-15 (AFP) -
+A Palestinian medical source reported today Wednesday that more than
+fifteen Palestinians were injured this morning in the town of Rafah
+in the southern Gaza Strip in clashes with the Israeli army.
+Medical sources said "at least 15 Palestinians were injured by live
+bullets fired by Israeli soldiers, including six children all shot in
+the head."
+Eyewitnesses said the clashes broke out when the Israeli army began
+bulldozing Palestinian land near the border with Egypt and opened
+fire randomly on Palestinian citizens when they threw stones at the
+soldiers in protest. An Israeli tank also fired a rocket.
+Elsewhere, Israeli bulldozers dug up dozens of hectares of
+Palestinian farmland near the village of Alkarara (near the Kosovim
+checkpoint) last night for the second day in a row, destroying two
+houses and a well, where the army erected a new military camp
+The town's authorities said last night the Israeli army dug up
+several hectares planted with orange trees in southern Gaza
+The bulldozing of land began the night before last when an Israeli
+soldier was killed in a shooting incident in the area.
+********* 0.272727272727 ace_rothdev/APW20001211_0507_0196.txt
+COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) _ Joseph Conrad Parkhurst, who founded the
+motorcycle magazine Cycle World in 1962, has died. He was 74.
+Parkhurst had lung cancer and died Tuesday as a result of a blood
+clot in his lung, his wife Claire Parkhurst told the Los Angeles
+Times for Sunday editions.
+Cycle World brought objective journalism to motorcycle periodicals
+by offering road tests and a more critical eye than other
+fan-oriented magazines, said analyst Don Brown of DJB Associates LLC
+of Irvine.
+In its first year, Cycle World became _ and remains _ the largest
+motorcycle magazine in the world, Brown and others said. It boasts a
+monthly circulation of 315,000 and its closest rival is the German
+magazine Das Motorrad.
+``Joe was a true pioneer in our business,'' said current Cycle World
+publisher Larry Little. ``It was kind of a breaking of a good old
+boy network of American motorcycles. Joe did not shun the Japanese
+Born in Jonesboro, Ark., on Oct. 20, 1926, Parkhurst moved with his
+family to California. He served in 1954-56 as a clerk in an Army
+Reserves office, then took a job as art director of Road & Track
+magazine in Newport Beach.
+He later quit to spend a year traveling in Europe and returned to
+become art director of Carting World, a go-cart magazine, in 1960.
+While working, Parkhurst began dreaming of Cycle World.
+He thought that Road & Track's consumer approach could serve
+motorcyclists, said Joe Rusz, a senior editor at Road & Track.
+Parkhurst also loved riding motorcycles and once told a friend that
+he ``could never find something worthwhile to read about them,''
+Little said.
+Parkhurst later merged with another company that owned Road & Track
+to become Bond/Parkhurst Publishing. He sold both magazines in the
+early 1970s, said his wife of 22 years. Since 1979, he has written
+and published the Motorcycle Business Newsletter, a biweekly for
+industry insiders.
+In addition to his wife, Parkhurst is survived by a brother, John
+Parkhurst of Hemet. A memorial is planned for January.
+********* 0.280487804878 ace_rothdev/APW20001208_1126_0362.txt
+MOSCOW (AP) _ Russian lawmakers on Friday overwhelmingly approved
+the Soviet anthem as Russia's national hymn _ a move praised by some
+as a gesture of reconciliation and denounced by others as a symbolic
+approval of the nation's totalitarian past.
+The State Duma, or lower house of parliament, voted 381-51 to
+approve the bill, which was strongly backed by President Vladimir
+Putin. The move restored the old anthem's music by composer
+Alexander Alexandrov but not the original text that included praise
+for Communist leaders Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin.
+By the same strong majority, the Duma approved legislation formally
+endorsing the country's current white-red-and-blue flag as Russia's
+official flag. That legislation also brings back the Soviet-era red
+banner as the military's flag and retains the Czarist double-headed
+eagle as the state emblem.
+Putin has said the mixture of old Russian and Soviet symbols would
+mend bitter rifts in society by paying tribute to the positive
+heritage of both periods. He referred to opinion polls showing that
+most people prefer Alexandrov's music to a melody by 19th-century
+composer Mikhail Glinka, which has been Russia's anthem since the
+1991 Soviet collapse.
+Liberal politicians and many leading cultural figures have strongly
+opposed the reinstatement of the Soviet anthem, saying it symbolized
+political repression.
+``We strongly protest against the Stalinist anthem, which is stained
+by the blood of millions of victims,'' said Grigory Yavlinsky, the
+head of the liberal Yabloko faction.
+Yabloko and another liberal faction, the Union of Right Forces, said
+they might appeal Friday's vote in the Constitutional Court. The
+Duma usually hears speeches by faction leaders before a vote, but
+this time lawmakers skipped the debate _ a move the liberals
+described as a procedural violation.
+``For the first time, the opposition was refused the right to speak
+out,'' Yavlinsky said. ``The presidential administration and
+Communists were afraid of our arguments against the Soviet anthem.''
+Former President Boris Yeltsin has joined other critics of the move
+to restore the anthem. He said in an interview published Friday in
+the daily Komsomolskaya Pravda that the solemn music recalls
+Communist Party congresses, not Soviet sports victories and
+achievements in space, as Putin had said.
+``I'm categorically against the restoration of the Soviet anthem,''
+Yeltsin said.
+Communists and other hard-liners had opposed the tricolor flag and
+the eagle as a vestige of the Czars, forcing Yeltsin to approve them
+by decree. But they agreed to abandon their criticism and back
+formal approval for the symbols in response to the reintroduction of
+the Soviet anthem.
+No conclusive version of new lyrics for the old music has been
+approved yet. The Duma asked Putin to set up a panel to consider the
+text and submit the final version for its approval.
+During Friday's debate, Duma speaker Gennady Seleznyov said
+officials had received an anonymous telephone call saying a bomb had
+been planted in the building. Lawmakers ignored it and continued
+their session as police officers with sniffer dogs searched the
+********* 0.282608695652 ace_rothdev/CHTB_267_ENG.txt
+Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 1st, by reporter Jingcai Wu
+The Weir Group of the US recently signed an implementation agreement
+in Beijing with Jiangsu Province's Electric Power Department to build
+China's first large-capacity power plant with liquefied natural gas
+as fuel.
+Aixing Dan, director of the International Co-operation Department of
+the Electric Power Industry Ministry, on this matter, expressed to
+Xinhua News Agency reporters today that if this power plant is
+successful, it will be a model for similar plants to be built along
+coastal regions.
+Coal, water, oil, etc., are normally used for traditional electricity
+However, using liquefied natural gas as fuel for joint circulatory
+electricity generation has advantages of higher power generation
+efficiency and lower total cost, is beneficial to the environment,
+According to presentations, with this type of electricity generation
+method, a single engine with liquefied natural gas as fuel can
+produce waste gas with temperatures being as high as 500 to 600
+degrees centigrade. This gas in turn can heat a boiler for the
+production of steam to turn a steam turbine which generates
+Because of the efficiency of this construction method, the
+electricity generated is relatively competitive in price.
+At the same time, using natural gas as fuel will also reduce
+environmental pollution along coastal regions.
+The Weir Group, whose headquarters is in the US, is a large,
+specialized corporation investing in the area of electricity
+The installed capacity of electricity it has invested in and
+developed globally has reached 15 million kilowatts.
+Through the contact of the Yizhong Company of the US, the Weir Group
+and the Jiangsu Electric Power Department reached an initial
+agreement on a plan to build a joint circulatory electricity
+generation plant.
+This power plant, which will be situated in Rudong, Jiangsu, has an
+annual generation capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts. The investment
+amount is 2.4 billion US dollars. The Chinese side holds 30% of the
+shares while the Weir Group holds 70%.
+According to the agreement, the Weir Group will be responsible for
+the supply of natural gas from the international market for use by
+the power plant.
+Renzu Luo, managing director of the Weir Group, is optimistic over
+the prospect of using liquefied natural gas as fuel for electricity
+generation along China's coastal regions.
+He holds that according to the experience of Asian energy market
+development, liquefied natural gas has become the main material of
+clean fuel used for electricity generation. When the gross national
+product per capita reached 3000 US dollars in Japan, South Korea and
+Taiwan, etc., environmental protection awareness generally rose, and
+all began to obviously increase usage of electricity generated by
+liquefied natural gas.
+As the gross national product in China's coastal regions begins to
+approach this benchmark, it can be said to have had the conditions
+for electricity generation using natural gas in terms of financial
+John Weir, president of the Weir Group who visited China with US
+Minister Brown and signed this agreement for electricity generation
+plant construction in Jiangsu, held that now is the best time to
+develop a project of joint circulatory electricity generation plant
+with natural gas as fuel in China. Both parties, the US and China,
+will invest more time, money and resources to make this power plant
+project a successful model.
+********* 0.284090909091 ace_rothdev/APW20001127_1346_0419.txt
+ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) _ One of baseball's biggest free-agent prizes,
+Alex Rodriguez is getting red-carpet treatment from the Texas
+And even the Dallas Stars are lending a hand in trying to win over
+the All-Star shortstop.
+Rodriguez and agent Scott Boras were expected to meet Monday with
+Rangers owner Tom Hicks. He will be joined by general manager Doug
+Melvin, manager Johnny Oates and several players.
+The team's bid for Rodriguez hasn't been slowed by the expected
+demand of at least a 10-year contract, in the range of $20 million a
+year, loaded with fringe benefits.
+``We feel at the expense of last year, we have our roster where we
+don't have to trade people to make this work,'' Melvin said in the
+Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Monday. ``I'm not saying we have all the
+money in the world, but we don't have to bust our budget completely.
+We're in a better position than most other clubs.''
+Stars center Mike Modano is being called in to help show Rodriguez
+around the Dallas-Fort Worth area and tell him why it would be a
+great place to play.
+Melvin said he doesn't expect the Rangers to make a formal offer
+until they can gauge the level of interest from Rodriguez.
+The 25-year-old shortstop, who hit .316 with 41 homers and 132 RBIs
+at Seattle last season, also reportedly has been targeted by the
+Chicago White Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Mets and Atlanta
+The Mariners, Rodriguez's team the past six years, also wanted to
+re-sign him.
+``This gives us a chance to tell him about our organization and the
+direction we're going, answer any questions they might have about
+us,'' Melvin said.
+Some even have a neighborhood _ the fashionable Dallas suburb of
+Highland Park _ picked out for Rodriguez. Neighbors of one available
+residence _ a five-bedroom spread worth $11.95 million _ would
+include Hicks, Modano and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.
+``Alex needs to buy this house,'' Ronda Needham, a listing agent,
+told The Dallas Morning News. ``The people who own this house set it
+up around their two baseball-playing sons. It's a very sports-minded
+The Mets, once considered the favorites to get Rodriguez, have
+slowed their chase. General manager Steve Phillips publicly
+criticized some of the demands supposedly made by Boras. But the
+agent says Rodriguez is making no special demands.
+``I can't anticipate any change that would draw us back into it,''
+Phillips said.
+********* 0.285714285714 ace_rothdev/VOA20001223_2000_0139.txt
+Reformist allies of Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica have
+scored a decisive victory in today's Serbian parliamentary
+elections. The Democratic opposition of Serbia, which supports the
+President, estimates it has won 65% of the vote. The coalition took
+power after a popular uprising ousted long time Yugoslav President
+Slobodan Milosevic in October. Mr. Milosevic's Socialist Party and
+its allies won about 1/5th of the vote.
+********* 0.287878787879 ace_rothdev/APW20001130_2108_0849.txt
+LONDON (AP) _ After three defeats in the House of Lords, Britain's
+Labor government resorted to rarely used powers Thursday to pass
+legislation lowering the age of consent for homosexuals from 18 to
+House of Commons speaker Michael Martin said he was invoking the
+Parliament Act to force through a Sexual Offenses Bill that makes
+the age of consent the same for both homosexuals and heterosexuals.
+It became law after being given Royal Assent by Queen Elizabeth II.
+Lawmakers in the House of Commons overwhelmingly approved the bill
+earlier this year, but the House of Lords this month rejected it for
+the third time.
+The Lords' powers, however, are limited to delaying legislation by
+blocking it and bouncing it back to the House of Commons. The
+Parliament Act was created to ensure that the will of the country's
+elected lawmakers prevails.
+The bill brings Britain in line with most other European Union
+``It is a reform which, in my personal view, is long overdue and is
+only right for a country that has a history of reform and
+challenging prejudice,'' said Home Secretary Jack Straw, Britain's
+top law enforcement officer.
+``This act will help us to build a safe, just and tolerant
+society,'' he added.
+Angela Mason, director of the gay rights group Stonewall, said
+Parliament's action was ``a great step toward equality.''
+``When the history books come to be written I believe it will be
+seen as the moment when this country finally began to change, when
+lesbians and gay men started to take our place as equal members of
+society,'' she said.
+Peter Tatchell, of the group OutRage!, said: ``This victory is a
+welcome and historic milestone in the long struggle for gay human
+``My only regret is that it has taken 33 years during which time
+hundreds of gay men have been unjustly jailed for victimless
+However, family values campaigner and Conservative ex-Leader of the
+Lords Baroness Young accused the government of behaving in a
+``completely dictatorial manner'' toward Parliament.
+Straw dismissed the criticism. ``In the circumstances I believe that
+the use of the Parliament Act in this case is proper and
+justified,'' he said.
+Five years ago, Parliament narrowly rejected lowering the age of
+consent for homosexuals to 16, reducing it instead from 21 to 18.
+Homosexual sex between adults ceased to be a crime in Britain three
+decades ago.
+********* 0.29 ace_rothdev/NYT20001101_2212_0429.txt
+Since then, AOL's stock has fallen by almost a third, destroying
+most of the premium the company had offered for control of Time
+Warner. So a Time Warner shareholder might conclude that America
+Online's chairman, Stephen Case, had bamboozled his Time Warner
+counterpart, Gerald Levin, into taking AOL's shares at the worst
+possible time.
+``Short term, anyone objective would say probably Steve got the
+better part of the deal,'' said Larry Haverty, a senior vice
+president at State Street Research in Boston and a longtime media
+But Haverty, like many other Time Warner shareholders and industry
+analysts, hardly cares. With the merger likely to be completed later
+this month, he predicts that the merged company will grow quickly by
+combining AOL's marketing skills and captive base of online users
+with Time Warner's huge library of films, magazines and the like and
+its relationships with major advertisers.
+``The deal strategically and financially makes all the sense in the
+world,'' Haverty said. ``Five years out, if you're a shareholder in
+this company, you're going to be a happy camper.''
+That view is widely shared. ``Strategically, it makes a lot of
+sense,'' said Tom Wolzien of Sanford C. Bernstein. ``These companies
+fill the holes of the other one. They're subscription-advertising
+combo models. The reality is the pieces are very compatible.''
+To be sure, the recent history of big media mergers is hardly
+comforting for shareholders in either AOL or Time Warner. Disney
+stumbled badly after it bought Capital Cities/ABC in 1996, and Time
+Warner stagnated for five years after it was created in 1990 by the
+merger of Time and Warner. ``Huge deals are really hard to do and
+create a lot of uncertainty,'' said Roger McNamee of Integral
+Capital, which sold its 404,000 AOL shares the day the merger was
+But if the merged company can overcome that hurdle, it will have big
+advantages over Disney and other traditional media companies, which
+are still struggling to figure out how they can profit from the
+Internet, said Jessica Reif of Merrill Lynch.
+``Given the multiple distribution platforms that they have, it's
+obviously a very powerful consumer engine,'' Reif said. ``There's a
+reason that you see Disney and to a lesser extent NBC screaming in
+John Schreiber, an assistant portfolio manager at Janus Capital, the
+mutual fund company that is Time Warner's largest shareholder, with
+more than 120 million shares, said the companies had already begun
+to demonstrate how they would work together. For example, AOL has
+pitched Time Warner's magazines to its users, resulting in hundreds
+of thousands of new subscriptions. And the companies are trying to
+sell big advertisers on deals that will reach both America Online
+users and the people who watch Time Warner cable channels and read
+its magazines, Schreiber said.
+``Once the merger closes, I think you'll see some very powerful
+cross-promotional deals across all of Time Warner's advertisers,''
+he said.
+Schreiber also says the risk of cultural clashes between the
+companies is limited, because the companies disclosed publicly where
+top executives would stand in the combined company only a few weeks
+after the merger was announced. So people who feel their
+responsibilities have been diminished have had months to look for
+new jobs, and some have already left, he said.
+Given the strength he sees in the combined company, Schreiber said
+the question of whether Levin could have negotiated a better deal
+with America Online is moot. Shares in cable companies like Comcast
+have fallen 15 percent or more this year, while big media companies
+have been flat or up slightly. So ``it's not as if Time Warner
+shareholders have lost out on a great deal of upside,'' Schreiber
+********* 0.292452830189 ace_rothdev/VOA20001129_2000_0364.txt
+Welcome to this hour of VOA News Now. I'm Erin Brumett in
+Washington. The incredibly close Florida vote count for President is
+in the state courts and heading for the US Supreme Court at the end
+of the week. That's virtually unprecedented, as the Federal Courts
+have tended to stay out of elections, which are the responsibility
+of the states. Joe O'Grossman is a professor of constitutional law
+at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University. He says that in this
+instance the Supreme Court probably felt the circumstances were such
+that they had no real alternative but to take the case.
+Well, I think they took the case because it seemed like it was such
+a important issue that it would be kind of unseemly for them to try
+to reject it out of hand. In fact, I think that Lawrence Tribe, the
+Harvard Law School Professor who is arguing for Gore tomorrow, is
+going to ask the court to hold the case, moot and dismiss it. And
+the Bush campaign has brought the case, but recognizes that the
+particular issues that they brought to the court last week are
+really not very relevant anymore. They are going to probably, well,
+I know what they are going to do. They are going to try to broaden
+the case to make it a kind of a general referendum on election
+procedures. So, they are looking for a coronation. And the Gore
+people at this point just want to get rid of this case, because they
+think they have a better chance in the Florida courts.
+Republicans generally support states' rights. So, does it appear
+somewhat ironic that they are going to the Supreme Court in this
+No, I think first of all the notion that Republicans favor states'
+rights and Democrats oppose it, is much too simplistic. That's
+generally true, but it's only true on some issues. And in this case,
+you could argue that the Bush people are going to the Supreme Court
+to preserve the right of Florida, to determine its own electors. So,
+there is a kind of states' rights issue there. But they need, or at
+least they once thought they needed the Supreme Court to endorse it.
+So it goes both ways.
+What are the justices likely looking for?
+Well, I don't know. But I think that - and I think they will be
+divided, I mean I don't think they will be unanimous. Obviously,
+they would like to be able to achieve some kind of resolution of the
+case. American election laws are often challenged at the local level
+and sometimes in the Federal courts, but this is certainly the first
+time we have had a Supreme Court challenge over presidential
+election. So, there is a lot of new law here to be made or at least
+law that hasn't been made yet. It's possible that if the court
+accepts the invitation of the Bush campaign, at least as it is
+expressed in the briefs they submitted yesterday, that the court
+will in the sense, take the entire issue, even - not just the
+specific questions that it was asked last week and try to resolve
+the question. For example, if the court says it is clearly the fact
+that the legislature of the state of Florida can determine for
+itself who its electors will be, that will pretty much end the case,
+because that's what the legislature already plans to do. And that
+doesn't mean the Gore people won't keep trying, because ultimately
+Congress has to decide and only Congress can decide if there are
+competing slates of electors submitted, which slate to accept.
+The Johns Hopkins University constitutional law professor Joe
+O'Grossman says, it's still not certain the Supreme Court will
+actually hear the Florida case. As their first order, business
+Friday, attorneys for Vice President Gore will move to have the
+court dismiss the case brought by Republican George W Bush.
+********* 0.319587628866 ace_rothdev/PRI20001128_2000_0055.txt
+Documented. From NPR news in Washington, I'm Corey Flintoff. A
+Florida State judge has ordered local election officials to ship
+thousands of ballots to the state capital. The move comes as the
+judge decides whether to order a recount of those ballots in the
+presidential election. NPR's Steve Inski was in the courtroom.
+Steve, what are the issues that came up in this hearing tonight?
+Corey judge N. Sander Sauls is deciding whether to order a recount
+as you said of those ballots, 9000 or more actually from Miami Dade
+County that apparently were never counted at all, at least according
+to the Democrats in the presidential election and about 3300 ballots
+from Palm Beach County that were considered by local officials but
+then thrown out, disallowed. Judge Sauls is deciding whether to
+count those ballots and go through them and perhaps add some votes
+to Al Gore's final total, which is exactly what the Democrats want.
+He is not ready to do that yet. He did not agree to the Democratic
+proposal to begin counting tomorrow morning but he has ordered that
+the ballots be shipped up. Later this week, Miami Police apparently
+are going to escort them upto Tallahassee and they will be ready to
+be counted if the judge decides at a later time to do so.
+Now time is a big consideration from here. What's the judge's
+Not as fast as the Democrats would like, not as slowly as
+Republicans would prefer. He is going to order a major hearing on
+Saturday to review all the legal and evidentiary issues, look at
+evidence, perhaps hear from witnesses and after that the judge will
+decide if there are any ballots to count. It might take another five
+days or so to do it. Neither side seemed particularly pleased by the
+timetable but the judge said, well, I am going to make everybody
+equally unhappy.
+Thank you. NPR's Steven Inksi reporting from Tallahassee, Florida.
+As the battle over votes goes on in Florida, Washington State is in
+the middle of recounting the votes cast in its very tight US Senate
+race. Jennifer Nesan reports from member station KPLU in Seattle.
+The recount of the votes cast for Democrat Maria Catwell and
+Republican Senator Slate Gordon is calm and organized. The State's
+Elections Director Garry Macintosh says the process is about as
+exciting as watching paint dry.
+There are a lot of things about the election's process I think that
+are fairly complex. This isn't probably one of them.
+Catwell leads Republican incumbent Slate Gordon by fewer then 2000
+votes. At this point neither of the candidates plan to contest any
+of the votes. State law requires a recount when the margin of
+victory is less than one half of 1 percent. The recount is expected
+to be completed by the end of the week. No statewide recount in
+Washington has ever changed the initial outcome. For NPR news, I'm
+Jennifer Nesan in Seattle.
+********* 0.323232323232 ace_rothdev/APW20001001_2021_0521.txt
+CAIRO, Egypt (AP) _ In his foreign policy debut as Syria's
+president, Bashar Assad met Sunday with Egyptian President Hosni
+Mubarak in talks on Mideast peace and the escalating violence in the
+Palestinian territories.
+Assad, on his first trip abroad since becoming president in July,
+also dealt with the issue of Iraq in the talks with Mubarak,
+Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Mussa said.
+The Syrian leader's visit came on a fourth day of clashes that have
+raged in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem, leaving more than
+two dozen Palestinians dead.
+``There is complete agreement (between Mubarak and Assad) as to the
+seriousness of the situation and that the negative repercussions
+would adversely effect the peace process, which is in itself in a
+very precarious state,'' Moussa said.
+Assad, 35, has focused on domestic issues since his father, Hafez
+Assad, died in June after 30 years in power. He has taken steps to
+modernize his nation's bureaucracy and revive its stagnant economy.
+``This was the first meeting of the first visit of President Bashar
+Assad after the funeral of his father, so it was only normal for the
+discussions to have a general tone ... in addition to certain
+specifics of special importance to both countries and the Arab
+world,'' Moussa said.
+The late Syrian president rarely traveled abroad. In his last few
+years, however, he had sent Bashar, educated as an eye doctor, on
+foreign trips as part of his grooming to become president.
+Prospects appear dim for progress on either the Syrian or
+Palestinian peace track. The deadlock in Palestinian-Israeli talks
+is exacerbated by the worst violence in four years. Syria's
+government-run media said last week that no progress could be
+expected now because of the U.S. elections and Israeli Prime
+Minister Ehud Barak's precarious situation as leader of a minority
+Syrian-Israeli peace negotiations broke down in January, with Syria
+demanding a full withdrawal from the Golan Heights, a strategic
+plateau captured by Israel in 1967. Israel insists on waiting to
+settle borders until it knows what it will gain by returning Golan
+Assad has made it clear he intends to follow his father's course in
+any negotiations with Israel.
+Mubarak and Assad met after a week when Russia, France, Jordan and
+Yemen sent planes to Baghdad, challenging U.N. sanctions imposed on
+Iraq after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Iraq is hoping other Arab
+countries will follow, despite U.S. complaints, easing its
+Moussa said the presidents discussed the situation in Iraq and would
+return to it Monday. However, he would not comment on whether Syria
+and Egypt were planning to send planes to Baghdad.
+Egypt and Syria are on good terms, but they have had their
+differences. Hafez Assad's attempts to rally Arab leaders to present
+a unified front against Israel gained little ground. He derided
+Egypt for signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.
+********* 0.333333333333 ace_rothdev/APW20001002_0615_0146.txt
+JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) _ The youngest son of ex-dictator Suharto
+disobeyed a summons to surrender himself to prosecutors Monday and
+be imprisoned for corruption.
+Hutomo ``Tommy'' Mandala Putra, 37, was sentenced to 18 months in
+prison on Sept. 22 by the Supreme Court, which overturned an earlier
+acquittal by a lower court.
+It found him guilty of enriching himself through a property deal
+with the state's main food supply agency. Prosecutors said the 1997
+deal, made when his father was still in power, had cost the
+Indonesian state $10.8 million.
+Tommy, a multimillionaire with a playboy image and love of fast
+cars, is the first member of Suharto's family to be convicted of
+Because the Supreme Court's decision to imprison Tommy did not come
+into immediate effect, prosecutors served a summons on Tommy to be
+taken into custody Monday. He instead sent a legal team to discuss
+whether he would appeal the ruling or admit his guilt and seek a
+presidential pardon.
+The delay of Tommy's arrest comes just days after another court
+dismissed other corruption charges against his 79-year-old father on
+grounds of ill health, enraging pro-democracy activists and
+triggering violent demonstrations.
+Critics of Indonesia's legal system have accused it of going soft on
+the Suharto clan.
+A co-defendant in Tommy's case, businessman Riccardo Gelael,
+separately admitted his guilt Monday to prosecutors and said he
+would appeal to President Abdurrahman Wahid for a pardon.
+Antasari Ashar, chief of South Jakarta Prosecution Office, said
+Tommy would again be summoned to meet prosecutors on Wednesday.
+If Tommy opts for a judicial review of the case, his fate will be
+decided by the same court that last week dismissed graft charges
+against his father.
+The decision to let Suharto off triggered fierce street
+demonstrations, in which one man died and dozens were injured.
+For weeks Suharto's trial had been marred by a series of bombings in
+Jakarta, including a blast at the city's stock exchange building in
+which 15 people were killed.
+Many suspect supporters of Suharto, who ruled for 32 years until his
+ouster in 1998, were behind the attacks.
+********* 0.333333333333 ace_rothdev/APW20001219_1316_0416.txt
+DENVER (AP) _ The Denver Broncos and the NFL want a commercial real
+estate agent to take down a sign advertising a site for a potential
+sports bar because it features the team's name.
+John ``Jack'' Hanlon of Coldwell Banker American Spectrum is listing
+an acre of land about a mile from the Broncos' training camp in Dove
+Hanlon, a longtime Broncos fan, thinks it is the perfect place for a
+sports bar and has put up a blue-and-orange sign reading, ``Wanted
+Broncos Sports Bar On This Site.''
+He said that 47,000 cars drive by the site daily and ``because the
+players have to drive by it every day it could become a hangout for
+Hanlon said he never has implied that the future sports bar would be
+called the Broncos Bar, but his company has turned over the matter
+to its legal department.
+``I thought it would be a good idea to have a bar that would
+celebrate the Broncos, emphasizing everything Broncos with pregame
+and postgame activities,'' Hanlon said. ``But I couldn't put that on
+a 4-by-8 sign.''
+He said he will do whatever his lawyer advises, but ``I don't think
+the Broncos own the word 'Broncos.'''
+NFL lawyer David Proper has given Hanlon until Dec. 26 to remove the
+In a Nov. 28 letter, Proper states ``while we have no objection to
+your advertising the property as a location for a sports bar, using
+the Broncos' name and colors gives the false impression that the bar
+is or can be affiliated with the Broncos.''
+The land is valued at $650,000 and the bar could cost about $1
+million to $1.2 million, Hanlon said.
+********* 0.333333333333 ace_rothdev/VOA20001208_2000_1275.txt
+It's now official, former star Mario Lameu is coming out of
+retirement to play for the National Ice Hockey League team that he
+owns, the Pittsburgh Penguins. Lameu was the first NHL player to
+become a team owner. Now, he is the first owner to become a player.
+In a news release, Friday, Lameu said he missed the game and missed
+the challenge of competing. He added that he was excited by the
+challenge of attempting a comeback and looks forward to the chance
+to get back on the ice with the players. The 35-year-old Lameu
+retired as a player three and one half years ago with 613 goals in
+745 regular season games. He won three most valuable player awards
+and led the Penguins to two Stanley Cup Championships in 1991 and
+********* 0.340425531915 ace_rothdev/NYT20001109_1946_0315.txt
+WASHINGTON _ Ralph Nader may not be feeling any regrets about his
+Green Party presidential campaign, but some visitors to the chat
+room on Nader2000.org, Nader's official campaign website, sounded as
+if a bad hangover had come crashing down on them.
+There was this entry, for instance, posted Thursday morning by a
+writer named ``wreckz'':
+``I, too, feel I should apologize to America. I was duped. Ralph
+Nader's enjoyment of all of this is an indication of a man more
+concerned with vindictive politics than the future of our country
+and planet. I am no longer a member of the Green Party. Instead, I'm
+a member of the green movement _ a movement without Ralph Nader.''
+Or this one, also posted Thursday morning, from ``Noni'':
+``I saw an interview with Ralph Nader today and he seemed to be
+enjoying what has happened! I've never seen him smile so broadly. I
+regret my support. Nader, you're a well-intending man and I agree
+with most of your positions. But the symbolic run for the White
+House has destroyed our Party and our cause. Very bad things are in
+our future. You should not be smiling. And we, the misled, should
+feel shame for what we've done.''
+The remarks expressed fears that votes for Nader may have put Gov.
+George W. Bush in a position to defeat Vice President Al Gore. In
+Florida, where Gore trailed Bush by only a few hundred votes
+Thursday, a shift of just a fraction of Nader's 95,000 votes could
+have given the state, and the White House, to Gore, the most likely
+major-party alternative for Nader's supporters.
+John Ruth, for example, wrote on the Nader2000 site Thursday morning
+that he voted for Nader because he thought they ``shared a common
+goal'' but that he was now regretting it.
+`` Gore (despite what you have said) is NOT an environmental clone
+of G.W. Bush. Because of your actions and statements prior to Nov.
+7th, we are on the brink of a Bush presidency. No money, no support,
+no respect for you, Ralph, ever again!''
+And in Oregon, a state that was still too close to call Thursday
+afternoon, Nader won about 5 percent of the vote _ enough to cause
+some Nader voters to feel morning-after qualms.
+Julie Quastler, 28, who voted for Nader in Portland, said on
+Wednesday that she was feeling ``a little alarmed and disappointed''
+that Bush seemed on the brink of winning the presidency _ suggesting
+that she did not accept Nader's assertion that the two parties were
+equally bad.
+``I'm just so sad,'' she said. ``Bush is probably going to be our
+president and Nader didn't get his 5 percent. It seems like a
+lose-lose end result in some ways.'' Winning 5 percent of the vote
+nationwide would have qualified the Green Party for millions of
+dollars in federal campaign funds in 2004.
+But Quastler, the development director for a nonprofit cafe, said
+she did not feel guilty about her vote.
+``I voted for Nader because he was most aligned with my values,''
+she said.
+Of course, there were also countless verbal high-fives among Nader
+supporters Thursday who felt the Green Party had sent a bracing
+wake-up call to the two major parties.
+``Stand tall and proud, fellow Nader supporters,'' said one message
+on the Nader2000 site signed GO LOOK ELSEWHERE FOR SCAPEGOATS.
+``We fought the good fight for what we believed in. This does not
+make us villains.''
+Such sentiments seemed particularly strong in Florida. Dorothy
+Byrne, a state coordinator for the Florida Green Party, said she had
+been inundated with angry phone calls and e-mails from Democrats,
+but has yet to receive one regretful note from a Nader voter.
+``I can see positives for the Greens with either Bush or Gore being
+president,'' she said. ``If Gore was in, we wouldn't have to worry
+about women's reproductive rights. But his record on the environment
+is so abysmal I don't see how Bush can be any worse.''
+Barbara Lange, the Everglades chairwoman for the Florida chapter of
+the Sierra Club, said she and other environmentalists voted for
+Nader because Gore had not taken a stand against the development of
+a commercial airport near the Everglades.
+``I voted my conscience,'' she said. ``And I'm okay with that.''
+Patricia Newell, an organizer for Nader at the University of Florida
+in Gainesville, said that Nader had won far fewer votes in Florida
+than his supporters had expected _ due, she said, to ``scare
+tactics'' by the Democrats.
+``Anyone who voted with Nader on Tuesday knew exactly what they were
+doing,'' she said. ``On the contrary to feeling guilty, they feel
+very good about sticking with the candidate that they felt was
+********* 0.349514563107 ace_rothdev/NYT20001129_2040_0383.txt
+TALLAHASSEE, Fla. _ Lawyers for Vice President Al Gore said
+Wednesday their only chance for victory in his contest of the
+Florida election would be shattered if they have to wait until
+Saturday to begin counting disputed ballots, and they began an
+appeal to the Florida Supreme Court to do the counting itself,
+The appeal was filed with the District Court of Appeal late
+Wednesday afternoon, and will be submitted to the state's highest
+court early Thursday, Gore's lawyers said. It essentially asks the
+Supreme Court to take over Gore's contest lawsuit from the
+slow-moving trial court, to count the ballots itself, and eventually
+to declare Gore the winner if he wins the recount.
+But lawyers for Gov. George W. Bush said they had no intention of
+allowing any hand counting to begin without a vigorous legal fight.
+To that end, they persuaded Circuit Judge N. Sanders Sauls to order
+1.1 million ballots _ every vote cast in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach
+counties _ brought up from south Florida and placed in the court's
+That represents 83 times the number of disputed ballots that the
+judge had agreed on Tuesday to transport to Tallahassee at the Gore
+team's request. And it could take weeks if not months to count them
+all, the point that Barry Richard, Bush's chief trial lawyer here,
+said he was trying to make in requesting that the ballots be
+transported here.
+``We did it to make a point,'' Richard said in an interview. ``If
+you recount any ballots, you have to recount all of them. Now, we
+don't think any ballots should be counted, because the manual
+recount of ballots is finished. But in the event the court
+determines that some ballots should be counted, we wanted them here
+so they could all be counted.''
+Aware that they could not stop the movement of all the ballots,
+Gore's lawyers barely objected to the move, asking only that the
+disputed ballots that might contain hidden Gore votes be separated
+from the mass.
+``I know when it's futile,'' said David Boies, Gore's chief trial
+lawyer, to Sauls.
+Nonetheless, Gore's lawyers were furious at the move, aware that it
+represents yet another enormous barrier to their hopes for an
+immediate count of the 14,000 disputed ballots in the two counties
+and a quick decision from the judge that Gore really won the
+election. Even if the Florida Supreme Court should swiftly agree to
+their request and orders the counting to begin by Friday, that would
+still put them three days behind their original timetable. And
+facing a Dec. 12 deadline for the state to name electors for the
+Electoral College, Gore has absolutely no days to spare.
+``It's a stunt,'' said Kendall Coffey, one of Gore's election
+lawyers, as he stormed out of Sauls' courtroom Wednesday, referring
+to the request for all the ballots. ``They're trying to bog down the
+case, the system, the clerk's office and everywhere else they can.''
+The decision by Gore's lawyers to appeal the case shows how perilous
+their situation is. By appealing, the lawyers were forced to put on
+paper their fear that their case could be over if they cannot begin
+counting ballots until Saturday.
+The decision to wait until a Saturday hearing ``is effectively a
+final order denying all relief sought by plaintiffs because the
+action now pending below must be completed before Dec. 12, 2000, in
+order to offer any relief,'' said the notice filed with the Court of
+Appeal. It adds, ``the court must allow sufficient time to complete
+an accurate and fair count of the contested ballots, which is
+essential for the proper resolution of the contest action.''
+But the decision to bring up all the ballots means that they will
+not be assembled in Tallahassee until late Friday, a day later than
+planned. And even then, the hurdles are enormous. There will have to
+be another hearing before the Florida Supreme Court, and Gore's
+lawyers will have to refute three arguments to be raised by the Bush
+team: There should be no more counting at all; if there is any
+counting, it will have to include all 1.16 million ballots; and if
+there is any counting of disputed ballots, dimples cannot be counted
+as votes.
+If these issues are heard before Sanders, there will have to be
+briefs, witnesses, and evidence on each point, which could take
+days. If the Supreme Court agrees to short-circuit the process,
+there will still have to be lengthy briefs filed, and the court may
+need to wait several days before finding time for yet another
+momentous hearing in its schedule.
+********* 0.36 ace_rothdev/APW20001218_2221_0727.txt
+The latest in a series of storms spread fresh snow across the upper
+Midwest on Monday, closing schools and disrupting travel.
+Up to 8 inches of snow had fallen by midday at Rockwell, Iowa, and
+more than 4 inches had fallen on southern Minnesota.
+An area of low pressure area over the Midwest carried light to
+moderate snow across parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
+northern Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan.
+Schools and some businesses closed in parts of Nebraska. Snowplows
+were pulled off the roads in northeastern Nebraska's Cuming County
+during the morning because of hazardous driving conditions and
+Travel was discouraged in Minnesota as blowing snow cut visibility
+to less than half a mile and about three dozen school districts
+canceled classes. Wisconsin also had scattered school closings.
+A line of mixed precipitation trailed southward from the storm
+system, spreading scattered show showers and freezing rain into
+western sections of Kentucky and Tennessee.
+Farther south, scattered rain showers extended across Arkansas,
+Mississippi, and Louisiana and into eastern Texas.
+Those showers were expected to move eastward into Alabama, Georgia,
+and northwestern Florida during the night.
+Farther west, isolated snow showers were scattered over parts of
+Wyoming, western South Dakota, eastern Colorado, and western
+sections of Nebraska and Kansas.
+In the Northeast, a few light snow showers were scattered from
+Pennsylvania across upstate New York into northern New England.
+Elsewhere, fog formed in some western parts of Washington, and
+showers were expected to move into the region from the Pacific.
+Monday's temperatures around the Lower 48 ranged from a morning low
+of 11 below zero at Phillips, Wis., to midday readings of 77 at
+Oceanside, Calif., and Brownsville, Texas. The lowest wind chill was
+58 below at Jamestown, N.D.
+On the Net:
+National Weather Service:
+Intellicast: http://www.intellicast.com
+Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com
+********* 0.375 ace_rothdev/PRI20001031_2000_1824.txt
+From BBC News in London, I am Gregor Craigy for The World. A
+Singapore Airlines 747 flying from Taiwan to Los Angeles has
+crashed. Flight SQ006 was carrying 179 passengers and crew when it
+crashed in flames shortly after take off. At least 65 people are
+known to have been killed and around 30 passengers remain
+unaccounted for. David Chezan reports.
+Survivors from the Singapore Airlines flight described how the plane
+was taxing down the runway when there was a loud noise and the
+aircraft split in two. An American passenger said he had almost
+decided not to board the plane because of what he called
+unbelievable wind and rain. Survivors described how the tail section
+turned over several times, leaving passengers hanging by their
+safety belts, some were quickly engulfed by flames. One survivor
+described saying a man, as he put it, "lit up like a torch." "Flames
+shot up right next to me and there was jet fuel all over the place,"
+he said. David Chezan, BBC News.
+********* 0.375 ace_rothdev/VOA20001020_2100_1853.txt
+The US navy now says the USS Cole was being refueled when an
+explosion ripped through it in Yemen last week, killing 17. The
+revised accounting of the incident was given in a navy statement
+Friday raising new questions about how the small boat carrying the
+explosives was able to get near the ship and set off the blast.
+********* 0.381818181818 ace_rothdev/APW20001017_1313_0396.txt
+ST. LOUIS (AP) _ As Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore
+prepared to perch on stools and take voters' questions in a crucial
+third debate, the sudden death of Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan cast a
+pall over their final meeting.
+After talk of cancellation or a postponement for mourning, plans
+were made early Tuesday to continue the 9 p.m. EDT event on
+schedule, officials of both campaigns said.
+``In the end, there was general agreement that Mel Carnahan would
+have wanted us to go forward,'' a senior Bush campaign official
+said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
+Bush's wife, Laura, canceled plans for a morning rally. Bush
+campaign officials also decided to tone down a post-debate rally,
+and were even considering canceling it. Gore hadn't planned any
+events before the debate.
+Carnahan, a Democrat who was running for the Senate, campaigned with
+Gore whenever the vice president was in Missouri and would have
+accompanied Gore aboard Air Force II to a Kansas City rally on
+Wednesday. Gore called Mrs. Carnahan with his condolences after the
+news broke Monday night, aides said.
+``We're all waking up, honestly, to the tragedy and the pain of it
+and the shock of it,'' Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph
+Lieberman said Tuesday morning on CNN.
+The Bush and Gore campaigns did not talk to each other directly
+about the possibility of postponement, but went through the debate
+commission's director, Janet Brown, in a series of pre-dawn phone
+Eventually, Brown recommended that the debate should go on, and
+neither side objected, according to campaign officials.
+The commission was to announce the plans later Tuesday, with each
+candidate given time at the debate's start to say a few words about
+Carnahan, who died Monday night in the crash of a small plane.
+With the larger bloc of uncommitted voters across the nation
+apparently holding the key to the election, both candidates were
+clearly mindful of the high stakes if the encounter goes forward as
+The informal question-and-answer format is one Gore is comfortable
+with, and he promised on Monday to ``just have an open meeting,'' as
+he had done many times before.
+Bush, who has less formal debate experience than the vice president
+but whose standing in public opinion polls rose after the first two
+face-offs, vowed to ``just tell it like it is.''
+The debate, just three weeks before the Nov. 7 election, will be
+held on the campus of Washington University.
+While the moderator will be the same as in the Boston and
+Winston-Salem, N.C., debates _ Jim Lehrer of PBS _ questions this
+time will come from the audience.
+The Gallup polling organization, assigned by the Commission on
+Presidential Debates to recruit questioners, started with a random
+sample of all registered voters in St. Louis and its suburbs, and
+then screened out all but ``uncommitted voters,'' said Frank
+Newport, Gallup's executive editor.
+The result was a group of area voters who say they could support
+either Gore or Bush _ though they might be leaning one way or the
+The theater-in-the-round stage will be informally set with two
+stools and surrounded by 100 questioners and an additional 500
+Tuesday night's debate marks the beginning of the final stretch.
+And, with polls continuing to show the race to be neck-and-neck, any
+stumble could have major impact on a contest in which both
+candidates are fiercely wooing a dwindling band of undecided voters.
+Gore held a mock debate on Monday, inviting 23 voters to the
+Innsbrook resort outside St. Louis to help him practice.
+``I'm going to do what I've done a lot of times in Tennessee, and
+that is, just have an open meeting,'' Gore said.
+In 16 years in Congress, Gore held some 1,000 town meetings with
+Tennessee constituents, and they've become a regular feature of his
+presidential campaign.
+After an uncharacteristically muted demeanor in last week's debate,
+Gore, was looking to do better this time.
+``I don't think you play it safe,'' said Gore's campaign chairman,
+William Daley, previewing the Tuesday night encounter. ``I think you
+try to be very natural and lay out in a forward way the compelling
+reasons for the election to go your way.''
+Bush had long resisted the town-hall-style session, but in recent
+weeks on the campaign trail has been doing them almost daily.
+``I've felt comfortable about it,'' the Republican said Monday.
+********* 0.392857142857 ace_rothdev/APW20001022_1735_0376.txt
+ROME, Italy (AP) _ A little mountain village in northern Italy
+buried five victims of last week's devastating high water and
+mudslides on Sunday, the day a state of emergency finally ran out.
+Floodwaters throughout the region, including the raging Po River,
+have ebbed, emptying into the Adriatic and revealing a rising toll
+of damage. Some roads and bridges are still closed and could remain
+so for some time, officials say.
+The death toll from the raging floodwaters and fearsome mudslides
+reached 37 combined for the Alpine region of northern Italy and
+southern Switzerland. Eighteen of those were from the Valle d'Aosta
+in the Italian Alps.
+At the church of San Maurizio in Fenis, a mountain hamlet near the
+city of Aosta, villagers paid their final respects to five local
+victims. Among them, double losses for two families _ a father and
+son in one, a mother and daughter in another.
+Amid the grief in communities throughout the stricken area, life was
+slowly returning to something resembling normal. But thousands were
+still unable to go back to their drenched or damaged homes and a
+huge task of rebuilding lay ahead. Authorities estimate the damage
+in the hundreds of million of dollars.
+********* 0.407407407407 ace_rothdev/NYT20001124_2050_0257.txt
+HONG KONG _ For most of this year, Asia's economies have performed a
+sort of levitating act _ growing by double-digit rates month after
+month even as economists predicted they would fall to earth.
+That dichotomy was on vivid display here Friday: Hong Kong reported
+that its economic output surged 10.4 percent in the third quarter,
+and it raised its projection for full-year growth to 10 percent from
+8.5 percent.
+Yet a block away, the International Monetary Fund warned in a news
+conference that Asian economies could be hit hard by soaring oil
+prices and turmoil in the financial markets. The IMF said a $5
+increase in the price of a barrel of oil could slow the growth rates
+of Asian countries next year.
+``The prospects for growth in 2001 have weakened,'' said David
+Robinson, assistant director of research at the fund. ``There has
+also been increased political instability across the world, not
+least in Asia.''
+Several Asian countries _ notably the Philippines, Taiwan, and
+Indonesia _ have been gripped by political tumult in recent weeks.
+The Philippines president, Joseph Estrada, was impeached last week,
+while Chen Shui-bian, the president of Taiwan, is trying to fend off
+a recall vote.
+Even in more stable countries, like Malaysia and South Korea,
+Robinson said the Fund was concerned by the haphazard pace of
+economic reforms. In many countries, the banks and corporations
+remain financially shaky.
+``We're still seeing chaebols in deep trouble,'' he said, referring
+to Korea's heavily indebted conglomerates.
+But Robinson acknowledged that these weaknesses had not yet been
+reflected in the economic performance of the countries. On Tuesday,
+South Korea reported a 9.2 percent increase in its third-quarter
+output _ beating the estimates of most analysts and extending a
+string of powerful quarters.
+Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore have also beaten expectations,
+while Hong Kong's growth rate was nearly three percentage points
+above a median forecast of 12 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.
+Like other Asian economies, Hong Kong has been buoyed by an
+unquenchable appetite for its exports, principally in the United
+States. Exports surged 17.7 percent in the third quarter. Hong Kong
+has done a particularly booming business in repackaging and shipping
+goods from mainland China.
+Consumer spending rose by a much less impressive 5.6 percent, as
+retail sales slackened from the second quarter. And consumer prices
+fell 2 percent, extending a decline that began during the crisis.
+Ian Perkin, chief economist at the Hong Kong General Chamber of
+Commerce said the double-digit growth in Hong Kong and other Asian
+countries masked their underlying condition. While the region's
+growth in exports has been torrid, domestic demand has remained
+``We haven't built up our domestic economies yet,'' he said. ``The
+recovery has relied almost completely on export growth.
+``If consumer spending slows down in the States, it will have a
+devastating effect on Asia,'' said Perkin. ``2001 could be a crunch
+Robinson of the IMF was similarly wary about next year. In October,
+the IMF projected that the world economy would grow 4.2 percent in
+2001, while Asia as a region would grow 6.6 percent. On Friday,
+Robinson said the growth rate could be lower, though he would not
+say by how much.
+A principal culprit of possibly slower growth is the dependence of
+many Asian countries on imported oil. Oil prices have risen $5 per
+barrel since the IMF issued its semi-annual economic outlook in
+Asia has little control over oil, but Robinson said the region could
+improve its economic prospects by calming its political waters.
+One bright spot in the Asian landscape is China, which is on track
+to record 8 percent growth in 2000. Robinson said the main question
+facing Chinese leaders was whether they need to spend billions of
+dollars in public funds to further stimulate an economy that was
+already expanding.
+Like Perkin, Robinson said Asia's future depended in large part on
+the health of the United States. But he disputed those who predict
+dramatically slowing growth _ the so-called hard landing _ for the
+American economy.
+``The chances of that happening are less than 40 percent,'' he said,
+``substantially less.''
+********* 0.408602150538 ace_rothdev/APW20001225_2035_0477.txt
+WASHINGTON (AP) _ All else being equal, Duane Roelands would prefer
+to dash off short instant text messages to co-workers and friends
+with the service offered by Microsoft _ the one he finds easiest to
+But for Roelands, all else is not equal: His office, clients and
+nearly everyone else he knows use America Online's messaging system.
+Now, he does too.
+``There are features that I want and I like,'' said Roelands, a Web
+developer, who likens it to the battle between VHS and Beta video
+recorders in the 1980s. ``But the reality is if I use the better
+product, I get less functionality.''
+For this reason, instant messaging rivals like Microsoft, AT&T
+and ExciteAtHome maintain their users ought to be able to send
+messages to anyone else, regardless of what service they happen to
+have. That's not currently possible.
+The companies are lobbying the Federal Communications Commission to
+require AOL to make its product compatible with those offered by
+competitors as a condition of its merger with Time Warner.
+So far, the agency appears to favor a more tailored approach. The
+commission's staff has recommended that AOL be required to make its
+system work with at least one other provider, but the requirement
+would apply only to advanced instant messaging services offered over
+Time Warner's cable lines.
+How the agency defines advanced services is unclear. They could
+refer to features beyond text messaging, such as video
+teleconferencing, the sharing of files or messaging over interactive
+Today, consumers more commonly take advantage of the garden variety
+functions. They type short real-time phrases to others, allowing
+them to ``chat'' back-and-forth using text. Unlike e-mail, it's
+instantaneous and gets the recipient's attention right away.
+People can communicate with international friends without the hefty
+phone bills. And the service has taken hold with those who have
+hearing or speech disabilities.
+Unlike the telephone, people can discreetly interact with others _
+or decide not to.
+``It's communications that can be ignored,'' said Jonathan Sacks, a
+vice president at AOL, which runs the two leading messaging services
+_ ICQ and AIM _ with 140 million users. ``On the telephone, you
+can't see when somebody is near the phone. You can't see when it's
+convenient for them to communicate with you.''
+AOL rivals say that if instant messaging is to be as ubiquitous as
+the phone network, it has to work the same way: People who use
+different providers must still be able to contact one another. They
+continue to lobby the FCC, hoping to see the conditions broadened
+before the agency issues its final decision.
+``It's really important to get this right before innovation is
+squashed because one company has a monopoly,'' said Jon Englund,
+vice president of government affairs for ExciteAtHome. ``It's
+absolutely critical that Internet uses have real choice among
+competing platforms.''
+AOL has said it wants to work toward interoperability, but first
+needs to protect consumer privacy and security to prevent the kinds
+of problems that have emerged in the e-mail world, like spamming _
+unwanted junk messages.
+Company officials disagreed that AOL's market share was keeping out
+competitors. AOL executives cited a recent study by Media Metrix
+indicating that the messaging services offered by Yahoo! and
+Microsoft are the fastest growing in the United States.
+Why all the fuss over a free product that anyone, even those who
+don't subscribe to AOL, can use?
+Some pointed to the recent demise of two instant messaging
+competitors _ iCAST and Tribal Voice _ as evidence that AOL's
+dominance could prevent choices in the market.
+Another concern is that AOL could use its substantial customer base
+to tack on new advanced services and then charge for them.
+Rivals said the ability of various services to work together will
+become increasingly important in the future. For example, as instant
+messaging migrates to cell phones or hand-held computer organizers,
+consumers won't want to have to install multiple services on these
+devices, said Brian Park, senior product for Yahoo! Communications
+``You can have the best service and the coolest features, but nobody
+is going to use it if it doesn't communicate with other services,''
+Park said.
+On the Net:
+America Online corporate site: http://corp.aol.com
+IMUnified, coalition formed by AT&T, ExciteAtHome, Microsoft:
+********* 0.422535211268 ace_rothdev/NYT20001002_1754_0290.txt
+Swarms of jellyfish consumed so many fish eggs and larvae in the
+Gulf of Mexico this summer that some scientists are talking about
+the potential for serious future threats to commercial and
+recreational fisheries in the northern Gulf.
+The jellyfish, a native species and an invading one, appeared in
+prime spawning areas just as breeding season for many of the Gulf's
+most important species kicked into high gear.
+According to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the number of
+jellyfish in the Gulf has been rising for at least 13 years.
+Scientists say the jellyfish are exploiting three major
+human-induced changes in the environment: thousands of oil rigs and
+artificial reefs established to attract game fish have greatly
+increased the breeding habitat for jellyfish, which need a hard
+surface for spawning; nitrogen pollution from farm runoff and
+industrial sources feeds plankton blooms, providing extra food for
+jellyfish; and commercial fishermen take great numbers of menhaden,
+a soft-finned, bony fish that competes with jellyfish for the
+Dr. Monty Graham, a researcher at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in
+Alabama, worries that with all these advantages jellyfish cannot
+help but multiply at an astonishing rate.
+Making matters much worse, he said, is the advent of Phyllorhiza
+punctata, or Australian spotted jellyfish. The giant species,
+previously unreported in the Gulf, is a 25-pound bruiser of a
+jellyfish native to the Pacific.
+Some time ago the basketball-size jellyfish established themselves
+in the Caribbean. This summer, after apparently riding ocean
+currents north, they concentrated themselves in the passes between
+the barrier islands that separate the Mississippi Sound from the
+Gulf of Mexico.
+The Australian jellyfish have now mostly died off in the Gulf. But
+fishery scientists worry that they may already have affected next
+year's fish populations. And scientists say the animals were
+spawning prodigiously, broadcasting millions of their own eggs as
+they ate the eggs and larvae of native species.
+Popular sport fish, including redfish, speckled trout, white trout
+and Spanish mackerel, as well as commercially important species like
+crabs and menhaden, spawn just outside the barrier islands. This
+year, their eggs and larvae had to drift with tidal currents through
+the jellyfish-choked passes to reach the estuaries that serve as
+nurseries for the baby fish.
+``These things are incredibly efficient at turning the water over,
+cleaning it of everything in it,'' Graham said. ``We're finding them
+with 200 fish eggs in their guts.''
+The newcomers had a frighteningly effective feeding pattern that
+involved swimming to the surface, then diving down to the bottom,
+scouring the water of virtually every living thing smaller than a BB
+pellet. After flowing through the jellyfish gantlet, scientists
+said, the water was almost devoid of living things.
+``You really have two problems in terms of commercially important
+fish,'' said Harriet M. Perry, director of the fisheries section of
+the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Mississippi. ``First the
+jellies are ingesting the larvae and eggs of these commercially
+important species, and then the fish larvae must compete with these
+incredibly efficient jellies for the same food source.''
+Perry said she worried that the Phyllorhiza might become permanent
+residents. Graham said he feared that their offspring might appear
+in larger numbers next spring.
+He noted, though, that the newcomers represented a small threat
+compared with the monstrous herds of native moon jellyfish still
+swarming offshore below Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana in a huge
+swath roughly 100 miles long and 30 miles wide.
+It is these jellyfish that worry Dr. Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz, a
+larval specialist with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
+Lyczkowski-Shultz said the long-term picture might be bleak if the
+jellyfish populations continued to grow at their current pace. ``It
+could be totally devastating,'' she said.
+********* 0.423076923077 ace_rothdev/NYT20001106_1705_0187.txt
+CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. _ Nearly 17 months after he first issued his call
+for a ``fresh start after a season of cynicism,'' Gov. George W.
+Bush ended his quest for the presidency Monday on a nearly identical
+note, pledging to purge Washington of what he cast as a crippling
+The course that Bush charted over his final hours on the campaign
+trail, plotted with as much concern for symbolism as for raw
+electoral arithmetic, left no doubt about where he placed the blame
+for that atmosphere. His first major rally was in Tennessee and his
+last was planned for Arkansas, the home states, respectively, of
+Vice President Al Gore and President Clinton.
+The Texas governor's words made equally clear that he saw himself as
+the country's best hope for bridging ideological divides, healing
+partisan wounds and making sure that Americans could gaze upon the
+White House with unfettered respect.
+``There's a better day ahead if we have a leader who's willing to
+unite the country, to bring people together, to elevate the people's
+business above everyday politics,'' Bush said at a rally inside a
+hangar at the airport here, where supporters' chants evoked the
+nearness of the moment of decision.
+``One more day!'' they roared. ``One more day!''
+What the nation needed, Bush told them, was ``a president who can
+unite this nation, a president who puts aside the endless partisan
+bickering that seems to gridlock our nation's capitol, a president
+who puts the people first, a president who lifts this nation's
+``I'll be that president,'' he added, a sentence that was equal
+parts promise and prediction. It underscored the optimism that Bush
+has, from the very beginning, sought to project to voters.
+His schedule over the course of a 16-hour day was also an expression
+of that confidence.
+In between Tennessee and Arkansas, his campaign plane touched down
+in Wisconsin and Iowa, and while any one of those four states could
+wind up providing the key to a Bush victory, none have as many
+electoral votes as such battlegrounds as Michigan and Pennsylvania.
+But they are genuine tossups that were initially predicted to be
+much more hospitable to Gore. By visiting them Monday, Bush
+emphasized the breadth of his appeal and the sometimes surprising
+vulnerability of the vice president.
+He did not let his assertion of strength and confidence distract him
+from the important business of beseeching supporters to grant him
+victory. With just 24 hours before Election Day, Bush in many ways
+stripped campaigning to its essence: coaxing and cajoling, pleading
+and persuading.
+``I want you to understand that I can't win without you,'' Bush told
+a crowd of more than 1,000 people at a convention center in Green
+Bay, Wis. ``I hope you redouble your efforts to make sure people get
+out to the polls.''
+Minutes later, he added: ``When you go out there and tell the folks
+where we stand on the issues and where we stand when it comes to
+bringing people together to get things done, and you tell them that
+the core of this campaign is the inherent trust in the American
+people, I believe it doesn't matter what political party they're in.
+They're going to come our way.''
+In Chattanooga, Bush repeatedly needled Gore, which was much of the
+point of going to Tennessee, where Gore is not at all certain to
+prevail on Tuesday.
+The Texas governor claimed that Gore's decades of experience in
+Washington had estranged him from the rest of the country by making
+him too trusting of federal government and too fond of federal
+``My opponent vows to carry his home state,'' Bush said. ``He may
+win Washington, D.C., but he's not going to win Tennessee.
+``He forgot his roots,'' Bush added. ``He forgot where he's from. He
+trusts Washington. We trust the people.''
+********* 0.425925925926 ace_rothdev/APW20001203_1456_0329.txt
+WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. (AP) _ Republican Rep. J.C. Watts joked
+Saturday night that he had revised returns on the presidential
+election: ``Al Gore, 9,834 lawsuits. George W. Bush, 7,652.''
+Watts, chairman of the House Republican Conference, bantered about
+the Florida election dispute in a speech prepared for a dinner of
+The Gridiron Club at the Greenbrier Hotel.
+``I knew things had really deteriorated when Yasser Arafat offered
+to broker a peace between Bush and Gore,'' Watts said.
+The Gridiron Club is an organization of 60 Washington journalists.
+Its dinners feature parodies of politics and government, and
+humorous speeches by political figures.
+Watts noted that the presidential election of 1876 was so disputed
+that a congressional commission was created to settle it. ``I didn't
+know this until Strom Thurmond told me he cast the deciding vote.
+``Strom will be 98 next Tuesday,'' Watts said. ``Of course, he was
+only 67 when the recount of Florida ballots began.''
+Watts said he had fond memories of Florida because he was the
+quarterback when the University of Oklahoma won the Orange Bowl
+there in 1980 and 1981. ``But our victory in '81 was by a single
+point and it was weeks before it was confirmed,'' he said. ``By the
+way, I recently learned Al Gore was pulling for Florida State and
+demanded a recount.''
+As is traditional in Gridiron speeches, Watts concluded on a serious
+note. ``Once-in-a-century oddities may leave an election result up
+in the air for a time, but the fundamental strength of our democracy
+is never in doubt,'' he said.
+``Better a process driven by an army of lawyers than an outrage led
+by an army with guns,'' he said.
+********* 0.440677966102 ace_rothdev/APW20001023_2100_0686.txt
+LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) _ The wife of Patrick Roy, the NHL's
+winningest goalie, called 911 because she was afraid of what her
+husband would do as they argued about in-laws, according to a police
+report released Monday.
+Michele Roy was not hurt during the dispute at their home early
+Sunday, but Roy admitted pulling a bedroom door off its hinges and
+damaging another after his wife called Greenwood Village police and
+hung up without speaking, the report said.
+The somber Colorado Avalanche goalie, accompanied by his parents,
+sister and brother, stood with his hands clasped behind his back
+during a brief court appearance.
+The initial hearing was postponed until Nov. 7. Roy remained free on
+a $750 bail and left by a side door without comment. His wife was
+The judge also issued a restraining order that is standard in
+domestic-dispute cases, which requires Roy to refrain from alcohol
+and illegal drugs and possession of guns or weapons. He was
+permitted to return home to his family and is allowed to travel with
+the team to out-of-state games.
+After the Avalanche's practice, Roy read a brief statement, noting
+that he could not comment on his arrest on the advice of his lawyer.
+He also asked that the public respect his family's privacy.
+``Obviously, this is creating a distraction, and my wish is that
+this distraction will be over soon,'' he said. ``I am thankful for
+the support I am getting from my family and every one of my
+Colorado players showed unified support for Roy, saying they believe
+he will remain focused after an eight-game (6-0-2) unbeaten streak
+to start the season. The team's next game is at home Wednesday
+against Nashville.
+``We've always stuck together and we'll stick by Patrick,''
+defenseman Ray Bourque said. ``We know he is a quality person and a
+great family man.''
+Defenseman Aaron Miller said, ``Until we find out exactly what's
+going on, we're not going to let it bother us or distract us. I
+think I speak for the whole team that we're behind Patty 100
+Roy, 35, was arrested and charged Sunday with misdemeanor criminal
+mischief which occurred during an act of domestic violence.
+If convicted, he faces a maximum of one year in the county jail and
+a $1,000 fine, said a spokesman for the Arapahoe County district
+attorney's office.
+Officers responded to the 911 hang-up call at Roy's residence, where
+Michele Roy told them the two had been arguing.
+Roy was honored Friday night for winning his 448th game three days
+before, a 4-3 victory in overtime against the Washington Capitals.
+He broke the mark set by Terry Sawchuk.
+********* 0.461538461538 ace_rothdev/CHTB_171_ENG.txt
+The eighth Andes parliament meeting was convened in Lima on the 13th.
+Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru presided over the opening
+President Fujimori appealed at the opening ceremony for the countries
+of the Andes to strive together to achieve local integration, in
+order to shake off the state of being undeveloped.
+He also appealed for all countries to unite as one to deal with
+foreign debt, drug trafficking and violent activities. This session
+of the Andes parliament meeting will last until the 16th.
+********* 0.485148514851 ace_rothdev/APW20001207_2118_0838.txt
+WASHINGTON (AP) _ Fossil remains of a 120 million-year-old bird with
+unique feathers cast doubt on the theory of birds evolving from
+dinosaurs, some experts say, but others disagree.
+Two Chinese researchers report that a fossil called Protopteryx _
+from a group of flying animals called Enantiornithine _ includes
+feathers that are ``different from those of all other known fossil
+and modern feathers.''
+Fucheng Zhang and Zhonghe Zhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
+suggest in the journal Science that the discovery supports the idea
+that feathers evolved from scales, like those found in reptiles. The
+study was to be published Friday.
+Some researchers who oppose the idea that birds evolved from
+dinosaurs embraced the new fossil as proof that birds and dinosaurs
+evolved independently from a common reptilian ancestor.
+But others say Protopteryx adds nothing to the dino-bird debate.
+``There is nothing in the skeleton of this bird that disputes the
+dinosaur origin of birds,'' said Thomas R. Holtz Jr., a University
+of Maryland paleobiologist and specialists on bird evolution. ``The
+fact that this Protopteryx has these weird flat feathers really
+doesn't affect that issue.''
+Alan Feduccia, an evolutionary biologist at the University of North
+Carolina, said the Chinese study of Protopteryx ``is a hot paper ...
+that directly contradicts the idea that birds evolved from
+The new fossil was unveiled the day after researchers announced that
+another ancient Chinese bird, called Microraptor zhaoianus,
+supported the dinosaur origin of birds.
+In the study, Zhang and Zhou described the feather and bone
+structure found in a fossil of a starling-sized bird uncovered in
+northern China, the site of many dinosaur fossil finds.
+The Chinese researchers said the feathers have some of the
+characteristics of modern feathers, but the structure is more
+primitive than feathers found on Archaeopteryx, the earliest known
+Archaeopteryx appeared about 145 million years ago, while
+Protopteryx was dated as more recent, about 120 million years ago.
+Microraptor, which was about the size of a crow, lived about 125
+million years ago.
+Some elements of the Protopteryx wing bone and muscle structure
+match those of modern birds, said Zhang and Zhou, but the wing
+retains a claw found on some primitive birdlike animals. In modern
+birds, that claw has disappeared and been replaced with a structure
+that adds lift to the wing. Nonetheless, Protopteryx is thought to
+have been a competent flier.
+Most dinosaur researchers believe birds evolved 150 to 180 million
+years ago from a dinosaur group called Theropods. Researchers cite
+fundamental skeleton similarities to support the theory. The
+evolution of feathers, however, has been less clear.
+Some experts believe feathers evolved specifically to support
+flight, while others say feathers evolved first to provide warmth or
+protection from water.
+Fossils of three theropods bear hairlike images that some say could
+be the early precursors to feathers.
+But Feduccia dismisses the theropod hair as ``dino fuzz'' and cites
+the Zhang and Zhou paper as proof that feathers evolved from
+reptilian scales and that this could mean that birds evolved
+independent of dinosaurs.
+``Bird feathers are very closely related to scales,'' said Feduccia.
+``It is clear they evolved from elongated scales. Dino fuzz has
+nothing to do with feathers.''
+Larry Martin, a University of Kansas paleontologist, said the
+Chinese researchers' paper ``is the strongest evidence yet that bird
+feathers evolved for flight and that they were derived from
+Holtz, however, notes that Protopteryx, with its primitive feathers,
+lived millions of years after Archaeopteryx, which had feathers
+almost identical to those of modern birds.
+``This means the feathers on Protopteryx were probably an
+evolutionary reversal,'' said Holtz, adding that there are many
+examples where such reversals occur in nature.
+``This just shows that feathers are extremely adaptable
+structures,'' he said.
+Michael Novacek, a dinosaur expert at the American Museum of Natural
+History in New York, says that the Zhang and Zhou study is
+``ambiguous'' on the issue of dinosaurs and birds.
+``The fact that you see a resemblance between scales and feathers
+doesn't eliminate dinosaurs as close relatives to birds,'' said
+Novacek. He, too, said that evolution reversals are not rare. He
+said, for example, that whale ancestors lived on land and had fur,
+but evolution carried the huge mammals back to the sea.
+Holtz said the Zhang and Zhou study is important because it adds new
+understanding about the Enantiornithine, a bird group that dominated
+the latter part of the age of dinosaurs.
+``The Enantiornithine got clobbered in the extinction event'' that
+killed off the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago, he said.
+This was followed by the dominance of another bird group, the
+Ornithurae, which later evolved into modern birds, said Holtz.
+On the Net:
+Science journal: http://www.eurekalert.org
+********* 0.581967213115 ace_rothdev/NYT20001217_2241_0165.txt
+Booking Your Ticket:
+_ Fly nonstop. The fewer connections you make, the lower the chance
+that you will suffer a delay.
+_ Pick airports with care. If you have to connect, choose the
+least-congested airport possible; some airports, like Chicago O'Hare
+and La Guardia in New York, experience chronic delays. Take into
+consideration the weather and the season; an airport in the South
+might have fewer winter snowstorms but more spring and summer
+_ Check times between connecting flights. Airlines often book tight
+connections and do not take responsibility if you miss yours. Assume
+each leg of your flight will arrive late, and book connections that
+allow ample time.
+_ Check on-time records. The Transportation Department requires
+major domestic airlines to make the on-time record for every flight
+available to consumers. You can check online at
+www.dot.gov/airconsumer. That site also reports each airline's
+on-time record for the previous month.
+_ Travel on off-peak days and at off-peak times. Saturday is usually
+the least-traveled day of the week; so are major holidays. Monday
+mornings and Friday afternoons are peak travel times for business
+travelers. Flights leaving earlier in the day are less likely to be
+delayed, because of the cascading effect that disruptions have on
+airline schedules.
+_ Use smaller airports. Instead of Los Angeles International, for
+example, consider flying into Burbank or John Wayne Airport in
+Orange County, Calif., or use Westchester County Airport instead of
+JFK in New York.
+_ Avoid electronic tickets. Though they are convenient and more
+secure than an easily lost paper ticket, they are not transferable
+between most airlines if you need to switch carriers because of
+_ Watch for labor disruptions. Check newspapers and Web sites like
+www.thenewfoundlandgroup.com to identify airlines experiencing labor
+strife, which often increases cancellations and delays.
+_ Leave a number. Make sure the airline you book with has a phone
+number at which you can be notified of delays or cancellations.
+_ Use a travel agent. A good one can be a great ally in the event of
+a problem _ and may save you time and money.
+Day of Departure:
+_ Be informed. Check your flight's status before heading to the
+airport. Automated telephone services or airline Web sites often
+provide more up-to-date information than do ticket agents. The
+Federal Aviation Administration's Web site, www.fly.faa.gov, has
+real-time information on operations at the biggest airports.
+_ Pack defensively. Take along a change of clothes and a toothbrush
+in your carry-on bag. If traveling with an infant, take 24 hours'
+worth of diapers and extra formula. When possible, avoid checking
+luggage, in case you need to switch flights or carriers. Ship your
+gifts ahead.
+_ Educate yourself. Find out what your airline promises to do for
+passengers in the event of a delay. Print out a copy of the policy
+from the airline's Web site, and carry it with you _ in case the
+airline representatives need a reminder.
+If a Flight Is Delayed:
+_ Keep your cool. Becoming angry at airline personnel is
+counterproductive. Sympathy for their plight will sometimes produce
+_ Don't stand in line. To get on another flight, it is often more
+effective to call the airline from the airport than to wait at the
+ticket counter. Carry a cell phone; if delays are widespread, public
+telephones may be in demand.
+_ Check the competition. If another airline has seats to your
+destination, ask your airline to endorse your ticket to the other
+_ Get what you paid for. If you paid full fare or are a high-mileage
+frequent flier, let the airline know. Your odds of getting a seat on
+the next flight out will increase, or the airline might pay for your
+hotel, if you are delayed overnight.
+_ Consider driving. If the last leg of your flight is a 200-mile
+hop, renting a car might be a better choice than waiting out a
+Getting Even:
+_ Write a letter. The airlines have pledged to respond to consumer
+complaints within 60 days. They almost always offer a refund,
+reimbursement of expenses, a discount on your next ticket _ or all
+three. Be sure to save the relevant paperwork.
+_ Make it a federal case. Send a copy of your letter to Washington.
+Complaints are charged against each airline in the Transportation
+Department's monthly Air Travel Consumer Report and serve as a basis
+for rule making and enforcement action. Write to:
+Aviation Consumer Protection Div. (C-75)
+Department of Transportation
+400 Seventh St. S.W.
+Washington, DC 20590
+********* 0.594202898551 ace_rothdev/NYT20001125_1558_0117.txt
+GROSSE POINTE PARK, Mich. _ It is deer hunting season in Michigan,
+and hunters who climb trees with loaded shotguns have state
+officials redoubling safety education efforts.
+Two men have been killed, and a third has been injured since the
+hunting season opened on Nov. 15. All three accidents involved
+shotguns, elevated platforms and a practice relatively new to
+Michigan hunters _ shooting at deer from trees. The Michigan season,
+one of the busiest, continues through Nov. 30.
+Firearm hunting from elevated platforms has long been legal in other
+states with heavy hunting, like New York and Pennsylvania. But the
+practice is only in its third season in Michigan, and officials say
+it appears that hunters still have a lot to learn about safety. Lt.
+Suzanne Koppelo, hunter safety administrator of the law enforcement
+division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources &UR; , &LR;
+said that since firearm platform hunting began in Michigan there had
+been seven shooting accidents linked to the practice. Three were
+fatal. Two hunters shot themselves on platforms and another was
+killed on the ground by a hunter shooting from a platform. ``If
+hunters exercised the kind of caution one would expect at heights of
+20-some feet, it would be almost a nonissue,'' said Koppelo. ``But
+given human nature, that's not the case.''
+More than 750,000 licensed hunters are taking to the Michigan woods
+this year, where they are expected to kill about 500,000 of the
+state's 1.9 million deer. The numbers reinforce the need to improve
+education about platform hunting with firearms, Koppelo said.
+The practice is more commonly associated with hunters using bows and
+arrows. Instead of hiding on the ground or walking through the
+woods, they wait quietly, typically at a height of 15 to 20 feet,
+and fire down at deer that wander below.
+Despite the hunter killed from the platform, Sgt. Larry D. Sargent,
+hunter education field coordinator for the law enforcement division,
+says the practice does offer one safety advantage: errant shots
+typically thump harmlessly to the ground, rather than whistling
+through the woods and striking other people.
+The problems primarily arise when hunters get in and out of
+``It's kind of hard climbing a tree with a gun,'' Rob Williams said,
+as he and a hunting partner, Art Bush, waited on a recent morning in
+a conventional earthbound hunting blind about 20 miles west of
+For Williams, Rule No. 1 is not to climb a tree with a loaded gun.
+He says that when he hunts from a platform he climbs up with a rope
+dangling from his belt to his gun, which he leaves unloaded on the
+ground. When he is secure in his stand, he pulls his gun up after
+him and loads it. Sargent says this is proper procedure.
+One accident this year, however, illustrates the importance of
+following each step of the safety procedures. A 16-year-old hunter
+used a haul line, but it was tied to the trigger guard and he left
+the gun loaded, Koppelo said. The teen-ager's gun went off and he
+was shot in the foot.
+Others are hurt falling out of trees. Koppelo said that state
+officials were trying to keep count of these injuries but that it
+was difficult, since they relied on hunters reporting minor
+``A lot of guys are embarrassed,'' Sargent said. ``They'll say they
+fell working in the yard or something.''
+Others, Koppelo says, do not want to report accidents for fear the
+law will be changed. And she adds that though anecdotal reports show
+Michigan's large hunting population to be taking slowly to firearm
+deer hunting from platforms, most expect the practice to catch on as
+it has in other states.
+As Peter Thompson, a 16-year-old hunter, said, ``Usually the deer
+don't look up.''
+********* 0.611111111111 ace_rothdev/APW20001016_1325_0321.txt
+NEW YORK (AP) _ The price of a college degree continues to rise
+faster than inflation, with tuition and fees at public four-year
+colleges up an average 4.4 percent this fall, even more at private
+schools, a new survey has found. And loans provide a growing chunk
+of the extra money students need to pay for those degrees.
+Average in-state tuition and fees at public, four-year schools is
+$3,510 per semester _ $148 more than last year, according to figures
+released Monday by the College Board. On-campus room and board now
+averages $4,960, up 5.1 percent.
+At private four-year colleges, tuition and fees average $16,332, up
+5.2 percent from last year. Room and board on campus is now $6,209,
+a 4.2 percent increase.
+Only public two-year schools, chiefly community colleges, stayed
+below the current inflation rate _ but barely. Tuition rose this
+year to $1,705, up 3.4 percent, the survey found.
+Private two-year schools boosted tuition and fees to $7,458, a 7
+percent rise.
+This pattern follows an old, familiar trend, said Joni Finney, a
+policy analyst at the National Center for Public Policy and Higher
+Education in San Jose, Calif. ``Colleges and universities have a
+very difficult time controlling their costs,'' she said.
+``These institutions were underfunded in the early part of the
+'90s,'' Finney said. ''... But they've more than made up for lost
+But Stanley Eikenberry, president of the American Council on
+Education, an umbrella group for higher education, said in a
+statement, ``Given the large, fixed costs of most campuses, in
+personnel and facilities especially, these numbers show institutions
+are working hard to hold the line on increases.''
+The recent increases push past inflation. The Consumer Price Index
+rose 2.7 percent in 1999; the first eight months of this year,
+consumer prices rose at an annual rate of 3.5 percent. Last year,
+college tuition and fees rose less than 5 percent.
+Despite the increases, college remains affordable and a good
+investment, said College Board President Gaston Caperton in a
+statement with the surveys. ``In both earning potential and learning
+potential, you cannot beat the value of a college education,'' the
+former West Virginia governor said.
+The College Board's figures concern the costs for 6.4 million
+full-time undergraduates _ 54 percent attending four-year public
+institutions, 27 percent at four-year private schools, 17 percent at
+two-year community colleges and 1 percent at private two-year
+A majority of students need grants or loans _ or both _ but their
+exact numbers are unknown, a College Board spokesman said.
+Last school year, loans made up 59 percent of a record $68 billion
+in financial aid. A decade ago, loans made up just over 41 percent
+of student financial help.
+The pool of money from federal, state and school sources last year
+was 4 percent greater than a year earlier, but 88 percent more than
+a decade before, taking inflation into account.
+The New York-based College Board is a nonprofit organization that
+administers the SATs and promotes higher education.
+It surveyed more than 3,000 schools to find out undergraduate
+charges for 2000-2001. The companion survey on financial aid, was
+based on federal, state and school statistics from 1999-2000.
+Current grant and loan figures are not available until the school
+year ends.
+On the Net: http://www.collegeboard.org
+American Council on Education: http://www.acenet.edu
+********* 6.0 ace_rothdev/ABC20001128_1830_0646.txt
+in the "moneyscope," economic trends. consumer confidence in the
+economy has fallen to its lowest level in more than a year. affected
+by falling stock prices and the undecided presidential election. on
+wall street today, technology stocks dragged the market down,
+particularly the nasdaq. it's lost 19% of its value since election
+********* 7.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001214_1400_0609.txt
+a survey on hunger finds requests from major cities for food and
+shelter rose this year, in spite of a healthy economy. the u.s.
+conference of mayors found requests for food were up 17% from last
+year. demand for emergency food assistance for families with
+children rose 16%, and shelter requests went up 15%. officials
+expect those trends to continue into next year.
+********* 8.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001205_1400_0960.txt
+the united nations is denying iraqi claims that the two are in
+urgent talks to settle a dispute. iraq halted oil exports five days
+ago. baghdad is insisting that its customers pay a 50 cent surcharge
+on every barrel of oil. it's also threatening to boycott the sale of
+oil to countries it views as hostile. it didn't give any specific
+examples, but the united states is an obvious target. iraq is the
+sixth largest supplier of crude oil to the u.s.
+********* 10.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001204_1400_0906.txt
+pepsi hopes to take quaker oats to a whole new level. i'm myron
+kandel at the cnnfn newsdesk in new york. pepsi says it expects to
+double quaker's snack food growth rate. after a month-long
+courtship, they agreed to buy quaker oats for $13.4 billion there
+stock, but the assumption of $761 million in debt. that comes to 2%
+less a share than pepsi's original offer. the deal gives pepsi
+access to quaker oats' gatorade sport drink as well as quaker's
+profitable snacks business, which makes up about 60% of its revenue.
+besides gatorade, they make such products as granola bars, captain
+crunch cereal. in addition to soft drink, pepsi also owns tropicana
+juices and frito lay products.
+********* 15.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001203_0900_0606.txt
+americans are slowly finding out there are many health benefits
+associated with soy. holly firfer has details in this edition of
+"feeling fit."
+this little bean native to northern china is a complete protein. a
+main source of protein for millions of asians, soy is also rich in
+vitamin b-6 and dietary fiber. studies have shown it can lower
+cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. and
+just last year, the fda approved labeling on soy products touting
+the benefits in reducing heart disease. many soy products can now be
+found on your local grocer's shelf.
+these are green, immature soybeans in the pod that are known in
+japan as edemame. a bowl of cereal with some soy milk to put on it.
+if someone is allergic to regular milk, soy milk is a wonderful
+some experts also claim soy may slow cancer growth, prevent
+osteoporosis and reduce hot flashes during menopause. experts do
+caution that soy should be eaten in moderation. and, although soy is
+a protein, it can be associated with some food allergies, so check
+with your doctor. for "feeling fit," i'm holy firfer.
+********* 19.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001217_1400_0883.txt
+the federal reserve considers interest rates. and some key economic
+reports come out this week. kitty pilgrim has more in today's
+edition of "ahead of the curve."
+wall street will be on fed watch this week. on tuesday, the federal
+reserve open market committee meets for the final time this year to
+discuss interest rates. recent economic reports indicate the economy
+is slowing, leading analysts to believe that the fed will most
+likely ease the inflation-fighting policy and take a more neutral
+stance. now, the fed has held rates steady in its last four
+meetings. also tuesday, october international trade figures are out.
+the deficit is expected to drop from september's record high of
+$34.3 billion, to just over $33 billion. also this week, november
+housing starts, which are forecast to hold steady. and the revised
+third-quarter gross domestic product is expected to remain in line
+with previous figures, up to .4%. rounding out the week, november
+personal income and outlays figures and november durable goods.
+personal income and spending are both expected to rise. and sales of
+durable goods should climb slightly for the month, as well. to stay
+"ahead of the curve" all week long, watch "the moneyline news hour"
+with willow bay and stewart varney, week nights at on cnn. kitty
+pilgrim, "cnn financial news," new york.
+********* 19.0 ace_rothdev/CNN20001219_1400_1513.txt
+the "jingle cats" are putting a new twist on the term "meow mix."
+denise dillon introduces us to a group of singing felines with
+several under their collars. 7777
+if nine caroling cats crooning christmas classics doesn't put you in
+the holiday mood, maybe nothing will. yes, it's that time of year.
+the jingle cats are back, and can be found just about anywhere. they
+have cassettes and and their very own video, which is also out on
+dvd. the man behind the music, creator mike spalla, says he owes it
+all to his cat, cheesepuff, and her finely tuned vocal cords.
+i was hired to do some christmas music, and it was just "jingle
+bells," and i brought my cat with me to the studio, and i was
+working on the song and the cat jumped up into the record booth and
+started meowing along, meowing to me. 7777
+cheesepuff and friends first clawed their way onto the music charts
+in 1993 with the release of their "meowy christmas" cd, featuring 20
+classic christmas hits. it was such a success, the following year,
+the feline group released another holiday song collection, "here
+comes santa claws." spalla says they have a following of some very
+unique fans.
+there's a certain kind of person that's in tune with a cat. they're
+thoughtful. they must be more intelligent or something. 7777
+the cats are such a hit, spalla has taken on a couple of new groups.
+"jingle babies," and, of course, "jingle dogs." denise dillon,
+"headline news."
+now, you know it is the holidays.
+********* 22.0 ace_rothdev/MNB20001102_2100_2766.txt
+we have a major development to report tonight involving the crash of
+that singapore airlines 747 in taiwan this week. taiwanese officials
+thousand now say, they confirm the pilot made a wrong turn. simply
+down the wrong runway. correspondent ned colt has our report.
+tonight it appears at least 82 are dead from what may have been a
+wrong turn. sources close to the investigation tell nbc news that
+singapore airlines flight 6 tried to take off on a runway closed for
+repairs. she crash site today, the trail of evidence on the closed
+runway. chunks of wreck eage, fuselage, stretching in a straight
+line for hundreds of yards. twisted overturned construct
+construction equipment. this is what the 747 slammed into tuesday
+night in a blinding rain storm. today investigators say the pilot
+had confirmed with pilots the control tower moments before taking
+off he had turned onto the correct runway but pilots behind him say
+he turned onto the wrong runway. they the plane took off, clicking
+the construction equipment, slamming into the ground and then
+breaking up. as the plane taking off this passenger noticed she
+didn't see any runway lights.
+i used to see the lights going bay and by and i looked out and said
+it's pitch black out here. reporter lee, flying in from california,
+unsure if his wife was alive. today, identifying his remains. and
+tonight survivor john diaz begins the long tripe trip him home to
+i just want to get home. never been so ready to get back to the
+united states.
+his flight number a reminder singapore airlines 006. the same flight
+he survived tuesday night.
+********* 23.0 ace_rothdev/NBC20001008_1830_0203.txt
+in washington, u.s. officials are working overtime to find some way
+to defuse the volatile situation in the middle east as the two sides
+attack each other. nbc's joe johns reports.
+secretary of state albright today turned up the pressure on
+palestinian leader yasser arafat to stop the violence.
+he has been able in the past to control large portions of this. we
+expect him to be able to control this.
+israelis have long argued that arat can and should do just that.
+so if mr. arafat can in one single word stop the violence and get
+back to the negotiations table, i think he will find readiness and
+willingness on the israeli side to reach a reasonable agreement.
+but as protests in support of the palestinians sprang up from egypt
+to morocco to iraq, arafat's advisers suggested that his power to
+stop the violence may be limited.
+president arafat cannot give orders to a people, to a whole nation,
+that is being killed every day and being asked to lie back and to
+die quietly, not to defend themselves.
+the disagreement over which side should bear the greatest blame
+spilled over to the united nations. a security council resolution
+criticized israel. the u.s. tried to water down the measure, then
+abstained from voting. the administration, hoping to de-escalate the
+violence, is appealing to both sides.
+that requires even greater efforts on the part of the palestinian
+authority to try to control the crowds, to keep them away from
+israeli fixed positions and on the israeli side that would enable
+them to restrain the use of live fire.
+aids to president clinton say he has proposed a middle east summit
+in egypt as early as this week. aids do not rule out the possibility
+of the president attending if israeli and palestinian leaders agree
+to the meeting. joe johns, nbc news, the white house.
+********* 42.0 ace_rothdev/MNB20001103_2100_0996.txt
+it will be one of the first election returns on tuesday. it will
+also be among the most important. as we continue our coverage of
+presidential politics with a look at the last-minute battle to win a
+crucial swing state, florida. 25 electoral votes. it's being fought
+over hard wsm a look at how the candidates are getting out the vote
+there, here's nbc news correspondent kerry sanders.
+the image of florida, both fact and fiction. a great getaway, a
+state where a mouse wields more power than the a tropical paradise.
+while the mild winters make this comfortable living for almost three
+million seniors, the largest elderly population in the united
+states, this year it is not the weather drawing al gore and george
+w. bush to the sunshine state. both candidates list 25 reasons to
+keep coming back, florida's 25 electoral votes. polls show florida
+is still up for grabs.
+both candidates have been here almost equally. in fact, it's almost
+i dare you politics. each of them dares the other one to spend less
+time, money, and energy than they are at their own peril.
+elderly voters once again in florida, the most important voting bloc
+because they actually vote more than any other group. in this
+election, 45% of those going to the voting booth are expected to be
+over the age of 65. the issue most important to them, social
+pay down the nation's debt, strengthen social security, cut taxes
+for middle class family, save our environment. experience. vision.
+values. al gore.
+why does al gore say one thing when the truth is another? his
+attacks on george bush's social security plan, exaggerations. the
+truth, nonpartisan analysis confirms george bush's plan sets aside
+$2.4 trillion to strengthen social security.
+both candidates repeatedly talking about that one issue. but in
+florida where there are more than 550 children born every day,
+families drive the other campaign issues. polls show education, the
+environment, and the candidate's character will influence who voters
+choose. and in this diverse state with a 15% hispanic population,
+both candidates courting their votes in ways not seen in any
+previous election. following both conventions, gore and bush granted
+their first live tv interviews to this man.
+ speak spanish
+his name, jorge ramos, the tom brokaw of spanish language news.
+the race gets really, really close. and let's suppose that states
+like florida and illinois might decide the election lest maybe,
+maybe hispanic votes might decide, too, who would be the next
+president of the united states. the largest hispanic voting bloc of
+florida, republican voter who is do not seem to be crossing the
+party line. gore wanted the young cuban boy, eli a n gonzalez to
+stay in this country. joe lieberman brings gore's support he
+probably would have gotten here anyway. sizable jewish and
+african-american voting blocs. of the 10 largest states, florida is
+the most republican. the republican governor here, jeb bush was once
+expected to deliver his brother this state. the managers of both
+campaigns saying in the end, the wipper may simply be determined by
+who gets more people to the voting booth. kerry sanders, nbc news,
+********* 45.0 ace_rothdev/NBC20001026_1830_0047.txt
+good evening. there isn't a national poll in the race between vice
+president al gore and governor george w. bush that shows a clear
+advantage for one or the other with two weekends to go. according to
+today's msnbc/reuters tracking poll, gore is hanging onto a
+two-point lead over bush for the second day in a row. but all these
+polls, it's important to point out , are within a margin of error
+that could flip the results. what they're really telling us is that
+the race appears to be a dead heat. and with time running short, the
+final strategies are taking a sharper form. nbc's david gregory is
+with the governor again tonight, claire shipman with the vice
+president. claire, the gore campaign worried about ralph nader.
+ reporter:
+tom, the greening of al gore today -- his environmental message
+hasn't always been a priority on the campaign trail, but now, with
+fears of ralph nader's growing support, it could be critical. al
+gore, today hopscotching across the midwest, reminding voters of his
+environmentalist credentials.
+together, we can clean up the environment.
+ reporter:
+seizing on a new u.n. report about global warming, he pitches his
+message in diners.
+one that i've worked on a lot, one people don't talk about, is
+global warming.
+ reporter:
+and even to tv personality queen latifah.
+the environment is at stake in this election.
+ reporter:
+why? it's a message that appeals to those critical undecided voters
+and especially the supporters of this man, ralph nader. once a minor
+distraction, gore aides now fear nader could cost them the election.
+how much can nader hurt? take oregon, a state gore was counting on.
+a recent poll has bush at 45%, gore at 41% and nader at 10%. in
+traditionally democratic minnesota, bush has 44%, gore 41%, nader
+8%. here in wisconsin, gore has an edge in one poll, bush in
+another. nader remains steady at 5%. those statistics have democrats
+cranking up the head on nader supporters. former gore rival bill
+bradley, on the stump today in washington state. pro-choice
+organizations are spending big money for ads like this one to make
+the case that a vote for nader could mean the end of a woman's right
+to choose.
+before voting nader, consider the risk. it's your choice.
+environmental groups are also getting involved. some prominent
+democrats are thinking about a full-page ad in "the new york times."
+and look for states like oregon and minnesota to figure prominently
+on gore's travel schedule in the final week. tom?
+thanks very much, nbc's claire shipman tonight. as for governor
+bush, he had some high-powered help today on the campaign trail and
+a more pointed commentary on the vice president. nbc's david gregory
+with the vice president in pittsburgh tonight.
+ reporter:
+tom, making it abundantly clear that the clinton/gore scandals of
+the past eight years will be a major theme in the closing days of
+this campaign, bush attacks the vice president for being a failed
+leader and promises if he's elected americans will once again be
+able to respect their government. bush campaigns today in this tough
+battleground state alongside the popular retired general colin
+powell and again hints strongly powell will be a member of his
+cabinet if elected. today's address focuses on "responsible
+leadership" and how on issues like social security and medicare, the
+clinton/gore administration has failed to pr
+they are going out as they came in -- their guide, the nightly
+polls. their goal, the morning headlines. their legacy, the
+fruitless search for a legacy.
+ reporter:
+with the race so tight, advisers are hunkered down trying to for the
+final push. plotting out the final push that, aides say, is likely
+to include visits to eight different states bill clinton carried the
+last two elections. tom?
+david gregory tonight with governor bush, not with vice president
+gore, obviously.
diff --git a/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/results_java.txt b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/results_java.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a37cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/cap_ratio_experiment/results_java.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+this is numCap*1.0 / numDot, that is
+#(Strings.allPunctuation(tok)) / #(Strings.capitalized(tok.toCharArray()))
+0.11 vs 0.85 is separator
+~/coref/arkref [git:master] % sort -gk1 Raw Text alignment ***
+S1 Jerusalem 7-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip missiles with nuclear warheads , capable of reaching Israel , within ten years .
+S2 The official , who wished to remain anonymous , told journalists : `` Iran will start accumulating nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position , within the space of 10 years , to produce nuclear warheads that can be fitted to missiles capable of striking Israel . ''
+S3 The official made these statements after Tehran announced today Saturday that it had `` successfully '' completed a new test on the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a range of 1300 kilometers .
+S4 The official further said : `` Iran is not capable of developing a nuclear program without Moscow 's help . ''
+S5 He said that according to information obtained by Israel , tests on the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile were in fact `` successful and reached their maximum range of 1300 kilometers which allows them to reach strategic centers in Israel . ''
+S6 The official said that the design of the Shahab missile is based on a North Korean missile called Nodong , itself developed from the Soviet Scud missile .
+S7 The official also stressed that Iran regards the `` destruction of Israel as legitimate , '' saying that `` Tehran is embroiled in strategic terrorist activities targeting Israel , especially alongside Palestinian and Lebanese organizations . ''
+S8 The official further considered that `` the Shahab missile will not come into operation for two years and that an improved range of 2000 kilometers would only be achieved after this period . ''
+S9 Israel 's Deputy Defense Minister , Ephraim Sneh , said today Saturday that Israel would `` know how to find a suitable response '' to the Iranian Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a 1300 kilometer range .
+S10 Sneh said on army radio that `` Israel will prepare itself to find a suitable response to this threat , '' without giving any further details .
+S11 The Iranian army announced today Saturday that it had `` successfully '' completed a new test on Shahab 3 ground-ground missiles .
+S12 An official at the Iranian Ministry of Defense told Tehran Radio that the `` Shahab 3 defense missile was tested a second time to ensure it conforms to international standards . ''
+S13 In July 1998 , the first test on this missile was announced .
+S14 It is capable of reaching the majority of countries in the region , including Israel .
+*** ACE alignments ***
+ace offset diff histogram: {-1452=1, -1294=1, -667=1, -735=1, -21=1, -909=1, -256=1, -981=1, 114=6, 562=1, -503=1, -1603=1, -1136=1}
+Using offset: 114
+*** Resolve ***
+== S1 Jerusalem 7-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip missiles with nuclear warheads , capable of reaching Israel , within ten years .
+= Resolving M1 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NP (NNP Jerusalem) (CD 7-15)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP AFP)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (: -) (NP (NP (DT A) (JJ high) (NN level)) (SBAR (S (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN said) (NP (NP (NN today)))))))) (NP (NP (NNP Saturday)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ believes) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Iran)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN set) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB begin) (S (VP (VBG acquiring) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NN capability)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ military) (NNS purposes))) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD 2005)))))))))) (CC and) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN position) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB equip) (NP (NNS missiles)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ capable) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG reaching) (NP (NNP Israel)))))) (, ,)))))) (PP (IN within) (NP (NN ten) (NNS years)))))))))))) (. .))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M1 NP[Jerusalem 7-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip missiles with nuclear warheads , capable of reaching Israel , within ten years .]
+= Resolving M2 | S1 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP AFP))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M2 NP[AFP]
+= Resolving M3 | S1 | | O | (JJ Israeli)
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M3 JJ[Israeli]
+= Resolving M4 | S1 | | O | (NN army)
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M4 NN[army]
+= Resolving M5 | S1 | Sg Per | O | (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M5 NP[Israeli army official]
+= Resolving M6 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M6 NP[Israel]
+M6 gold antecedent candidates:
+M3 ,
+= Resolving M7 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M7 NP[Iran]
+= Resolving M8 | S1 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M8 JJ[nuclear]
+= Resolving M9 | S1 | | O | (JJ military)
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M9 JJ[military]
+= Resolving M10 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (NNS missiles))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M10 NP[missiles]
+= Resolving M11 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M11 NP[nuclear warheads]
+= Resolving M12 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M12 -> M6 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+== S2 The official , who wished to remain anonymous , told journalists : `` Iran will start accumulating nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position , within the space of 10 years , to produce nuclear warheads that can be fitted to missiles capable of striking Israel . ''
+= Resolving M13 | S2 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT The) (NN official)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous)))))))) (, ,))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M13 -> M5 NP[The official , who wished to remain anonymous ,] -> NP[Israeli army official]
+= Resolving M14 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous))))))))
+RIGHT resolved appos : M14 -> M13 SBAR[who wished to remain anonymous] -> NP[The official , who wished to remain anonymous ,]
+= Resolving M15 | S2 | Pl Per | O | (NP (NNS journalists))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M15 NP[journalists]
+= Resolving M16 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M16 -> M7 NP[Iran] -> NP[Iran]
+= Resolving M17 | S2 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M17 -> M8 JJ[nuclear] -> JJ[nuclear]
+= Resolving M18 | S2 | | O | (JJ military)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M18 -> M9 JJ[military] -> JJ[military]
+= Resolving M19 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel)))))))))))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M19 -> M11 NP[nuclear warheads that can be fitted to missiles capable of striking Israel] -> NP[nuclear warheads]
+= Resolving M20 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))))))))
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M20 SBAR[that can be fitted to missiles capable of striking Israel]
+M20 gold antecedent candidates:
+M19 , M11 ,
+= Resolving M21 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M21 -> M10 NP[missiles capable of striking Israel] -> NP[missiles]
+= Resolving M22 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M22 -> M6 NP[striking Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+== S3 The official made these statements after Tehran announced today Saturday that it had `` successfully '' completed a new test on the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a range of 1300 kilometers .
+= Resolving M23 | S3 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M23 -> M13 NP[The official] -> NP[The official , who wished to remain anonymous ,]
+= Resolving M24 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M24 NP[Tehran]
+M24 gold antecedent candidates:
+M16 , M7 ,
+= Resolving M25 | S3 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M25 -> M24 NP[it] -> NP[Tehran]
+= Resolving M26 | S3 | | O | (CD 3)
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M26 CD[3]
+= Resolving M27 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M27 NP[the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile]
+M27 gold antecedent candidates:
+M26 ,
+== S4 The official further said : `` Iran is not capable of developing a nuclear program without Moscow 's help . ''
+= Resolving M28 | S4 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M28 -> M23 NP[The official] -> NP[The official]
+= Resolving M29 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M29 -> M16 NP[Iran] -> NP[Iran]
+= Resolving M30 | S4 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M30 -> M17 JJ[nuclear] -> JJ[nuclear]
+= Resolving M31 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Moscow)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M31 NNP[Moscow]
+== S5 He said that according to information obtained by Israel , tests on the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile were in fact `` successful and reached their maximum range of 1300 kilometers which allows them to reach strategic centers in Israel . ''
+= Resolving M32 | S5 | Mal Sg Per | O | (NP (PRP He))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M32 -> M28 NP[He] -> NP[The official]
+= Resolving M33 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M33 -> M6 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M34 | S5 | | O | (CD 3)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M34 -> M26 CD[3] -> CD[3]
+= Resolving M35 | S5 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M35 -> M27 NP[the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile] -> NP[the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile]
+= Resolving M36 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP$ their))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M36 -> M34 NP[their] -> CD[3]
+= Resolving M37 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP them))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M37 -> M36 NP[them] -> NP[their]
+= Resolving M38 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M38 -> M33 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+== S6 The official said that the design of the Shahab missile is based on a North Korean missile called Nodong , itself developed from the Soviet Scud missile .
+= Resolving M39 | S6 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M39 -> M28 NP[The official] -> NP[The official]
+= Resolving M40 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M40 NNP[Shahab]
+M40 gold antecedent candidates:
+M37 , M36 , M35 , M34 , M27 , M26 ,
+= Resolving M41 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M41 -> M35 NP[the Shahab missile] -> NP[the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile]
+= Resolving M42 | S6 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (JJ Korean)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M42 JJ[Korean]
+= Resolving M43 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ North) (JJ Korean)) (NN missile)) (VP (VBN called) (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved other : M43 -> M41 NP[a North Korean missile called Nodong] -> NP[the Shahab missile]
+= Resolving M44 | S6 | | O | (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M44 S[Nodong]
+M44 gold antecedent candidates:
+M43 ,
+= Resolving M45 | S6 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved pronoun : M45 -> M41 NP[itself] -> NP[the Shahab missile]
+= Resolving M46 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Soviet)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M46 NNP[Soviet]
+= Resolving M47 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Scud)
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M47 NNP[Scud]
+= Resolving M48 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Soviet) (NNP Scud) (NN missile))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved other : M48 -> M41 NP[the Soviet Scud missile] -> NP[the Shahab missile]
+== S7 The official also stressed that Iran regards the `` destruction of Israel as legitimate , '' saying that `` Tehran is embroiled in strategic terrorist activities targeting Israel , especially alongside Palestinian and Lebanese organizations . ''
+= Resolving M49 | S7 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M49 -> M39 NP[The official] -> NP[The official]
+= Resolving M50 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M50 -> M29 NP[Iran] -> NP[Iran]
+= Resolving M51 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M51 -> M6 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M52 | S7 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M52 -> M24 NP[Tehran] -> NP[Tehran]
+= Resolving M53 | S7 | Per | O | (JJ terrorist)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M53 JJ[terrorist]
+= Resolving M54 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M54 -> M51 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M55 | S7 | | O | (JJ Palestinian)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M55 JJ[Palestinian]
+= Resolving M56 | S7 | | O | (JJ Lebanese)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M56 JJ[Lebanese]
+= Resolving M57 | S7 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ Palestinian) (CC and) (JJ Lebanese) (NNS organizations))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M57 NP[Palestinian and Lebanese organizations]
+== S8 The official further considered that `` the Shahab missile will not come into operation for two years and that an improved range of 2000 kilometers would only be achieved after this period . ''
+= Resolving M58 | S8 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M58 -> M49 NP[The official] -> NP[The official]
+= Resolving M59 | S8 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M59 -> M40 NNP[Shahab] -> NNP[Shahab]
+= Resolving M60 | S8 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved other : M60 -> M48 NP[the Shahab missile] -> NP[the Soviet Scud missile]
+== S9 Israel 's Deputy Defense Minister , Ephraim Sneh , said today Saturday that Israel would `` know how to find a suitable response '' to the Iranian Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a 1300 kilometer range .
+= Resolving M61 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Israel)
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M61 -> M51 NNP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M62 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (NP (NNP Israel) (POS 's)) (NNP Deputy) (NNP Defense) (NNP Minister)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh)) (, ,))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M62 NP[Israel 's Deputy Defense Minister , Ephraim Sneh ,]
+= Resolving M63 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh))
+RIGHT resolved appos : M63 -> M62 NP[Ephraim Sneh] -> NP[Israel 's Deputy Defense Minister , Ephraim Sneh ,]
+= Resolving M64 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M64 -> M61 NP[Israel] -> NNP[Israel]
+= Resolving M65 | S9 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M65 JJ[Iranian]
+M65 gold antecedent candidates:
+M52 , M50 , M29 , M25 , M24 , M16 , M7 ,
+= Resolving M66 | S9 | | O | (CD 3)
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M66 -> M34 CD[3] -> CD[3]
+= Resolving M67 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Iranian) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (CD 1300) (JJ kilometer) (NN range))))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M67 -> M60 NP[the Iranian Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a 1300 kilometer range] -> NP[the Shahab missile]
+== S10 Sneh said on army radio that `` Israel will prepare itself to find a suitable response to this threat , '' without giving any further details .
+= Resolving M68 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Sneh))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M68 -> M63 NP[Sneh] -> NP[Ephraim Sneh]
+= Resolving M69 | S10 | | O | (NN army)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M69 -> M4 NN[army] -> NN[army]
+= Resolving M70 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NN army) (NN radio))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M70 NP[army radio]
+= Resolving M71 | S10 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M71 -> M64 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M72 | S10 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M72 -> M71 NP[itself] -> NP[Israel]
+== S11 The Iranian army announced today Saturday that it had `` successfully '' completed a new test on Shahab 3 ground-ground missiles .
+= Resolving M73 | S11 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M73 -> M65 JJ[Iranian] -> JJ[Iranian]
+= Resolving M74 | S11 | | O | (NP (DT The) (JJ Iranian) (NN army))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved other : M74 -> M69 NP[The Iranian army] -> NN[army]
+= Resolving M75 | S11 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M75 -> M74 NP[it] -> NP[The Iranian army]
+= Resolving M76 | S11 | | O | (CD 3)
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M76 -> M34 CD[3] -> CD[3]
+= Resolving M77 | S11 | Pl | O | (NP (ADJP (`` ``) (NN successfully) ('' '')) (ADJP (VBN completed) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ new) (NN test)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Shahab) (CD 3))))) (JJ ground-ground) (NNS missiles))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved other : M77 -> M21 NP[`` successfully '' completed a new test on Shahab 3 ground-ground missiles] -> NP[missiles capable of striking Israel]
+== S12 An official at the Iranian Ministry of Defense told Tehran Radio that the `` Shahab 3 defense missile was tested a second time to ensure it conforms to international standards . ''
+= Resolving M78 | S12 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT An) (NN official)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Iranian) (NNP Ministry)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Defense))))))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+WRONG resolved other : M78 -> M58 NP[An official at the Iranian Ministry of Defense] -> NP[The official]
+= Resolving M79 | S12 | Sg | O | (NNP Iranian)
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M79 -> M73 NNP[Iranian] -> JJ[Iranian]
+= Resolving M80 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Defense))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M80 NP[Defense]
+= Resolving M81 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Tehran) (NNP Radio))
+Single legal resolution
+WRONG resolved other : M81 -> M70 NP[Tehran Radio] -> NP[army radio]
+= Resolving M82 | S12 | | O | (CD 3)
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M82 -> M76 CD[3] -> CD[3]
+= Resolving M83 | S12 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (`` ``) (NN Shahab) (CD 3) (NN defense) (NN missile))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M83 -> M60 NP[the `` Shahab 3 defense missile] -> NP[the Shahab missile]
+= Resolving M84 | S12 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M84 -> M82 NP[it] -> CD[3]
+== S13 In July 1998 , the first test on this missile was announced .
+= Resolving M85 | S13 | Sg | O | (NP (DT this) (NN missile))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M85 -> M83 NP[this missile] -> NP[the `` Shahab 3 defense missile]
+== S14 It is capable of reaching the majority of countries in the region , including Israel .
+= Resolving M86 | S14 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP It))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M86 -> M85 NP[It] -> NP[this missile]
+= Resolving M87 | S14 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (NN majority)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS countries)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Israel))))))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M87 NP[the majority of countries in the region , including Israel]
+= Resolving M88 | S14 | | O | (NP (NP (NNS countries)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Israel))))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M88 NP[countries in the region , including Israel]
+= Resolving M89 | S14 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NN region))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M89 NP[the region]
+= Resolving M90 | S14 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+Finding antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved other : M90 -> M71 NP[Israel] -> NP[Israel]
+*** Entity Report ***
+S1 Jerusalem 7-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - A high level Israeli army official has said today Saturday that Israel believes Iran is set to begin acquiring nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position to equip missiles with nuclear warheads , capable of reaching Israel , within ten years .
+ singleton M1 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NP (NNP Jerusalem) (CD 7-15)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP AFP)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (: -) (NP (NP (DT A) (JJ high) (NN level)) (SBAR (S (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN said) (NP (NP (NN today)))))))) (NP (NP (NNP Saturday)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ believes) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Iran)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN set) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB begin) (S (VP (VBG acquiring) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NN capability)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ military) (NNS purposes))) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD 2005)))))))))) (CC and) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN position) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB equip) (NP (NNS missiles)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ capable) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG reaching) (NP (NNP Israel)))))) (, ,)))))) (PP (IN within) (NP (NN ten) (NNS years)))))))))))) (. .))
+ singleton M2 | S1 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP AFP))
+ E30 singleton M3 | S1 | | O | (JJ Israeli)
+ E31 entity_4_69_74_75 M4 | S1 | | O | (NN army)
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M5 | S1 | Sg Per | O | (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M6 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ E5 entity_7_16_29_50 M7 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ E34 entity_8_17_30 M8 | S1 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ E35 entity_9_18 M9 | S1 | | O | (JJ military)
+ E36 entity_10_21_77 M10 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (NNS missiles))
+ E37 entity_11_19 M11 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M12 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+S2 The official , who wished to remain anonymous , told journalists : `` Iran will start accumulating nuclear capability for military purposes from 2005 and will be in a position , within the space of 10 years , to produce nuclear warheads that can be fitted to missiles capable of striking Israel . ''
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M13 | S2 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT The) (NN official)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous)))))))) (, ,))
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M14 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous))))))))
+ singleton M15 | S2 | Pl Per | O | (NP (NNS journalists))
+ E5 entity_7_16_29_50 M16 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ E34 entity_8_17_30 M17 | S2 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ E35 entity_9_18 M18 | S2 | | O | (JJ military)
+ E37 entity_11_19 M19 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel)))))))))))
+ E37 singleton M20 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))))))))
+ E36 entity_10_21_77 M21 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M22 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))
+S3 The official made these statements after Tehran announced today Saturday that it had `` successfully '' completed a new test on the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a range of 1300 kilometers .
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M23 | S3 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ E5 entity_24_25_52 M24 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+ E5 entity_24_25_52 M25 | S3 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M26 | S3 | | O | (CD 3)
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M27 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+S4 The official further said : `` Iran is not capable of developing a nuclear program without Moscow 's help . ''
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M28 | S4 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ E5 entity_7_16_29_50 M29 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ E34 entity_8_17_30 M30 | S4 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ singleton M31 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Moscow)
+S5 He said that according to information obtained by Israel , tests on the Shahab 3 ground-ground missile were in fact `` successful and reached their maximum range of 1300 kilometers which allows them to reach strategic centers in Israel . ''
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M32 | S5 | Mal Sg Per | O | (NP (PRP He))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M33 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M34 | S5 | | O | (CD 3)
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M35 | S5 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M36 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP$ their))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M37 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP them))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M38 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+S6 The official said that the design of the Shahab missile is based on a North Korean missile called Nodong , itself developed from the Soviet Scud missile .
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M39 | S6 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ E1 entity_40_59 M40 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M41 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+ singleton M42 | S6 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (JJ Korean)
+ E15 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M43 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ North) (JJ Korean)) (NN missile)) (VP (VBN called) (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))))
+ E15 singleton M44 | S6 | | O | (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))
+ E15 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M45 | S6 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+ singleton M46 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Soviet)
+ E17 singleton M47 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Scud)
+ E17 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M48 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Soviet) (NNP Scud) (NN missile))
+S7 The official also stressed that Iran regards the `` destruction of Israel as legitimate , '' saying that `` Tehran is embroiled in strategic terrorist activities targeting Israel , especially alongside Palestinian and Lebanese organizations . ''
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M49 | S7 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ E5 entity_7_16_29_50 M50 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M51 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ E5 entity_24_25_52 M52 | S7 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+ singleton M53 | S7 | Per | O | (JJ terrorist)
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M54 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ singleton M55 | S7 | | O | (JJ Palestinian)
+ singleton M56 | S7 | | O | (JJ Lebanese)
+ singleton M57 | S7 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ Palestinian) (CC and) (JJ Lebanese) (NNS organizations))
+S8 The official further considered that `` the Shahab missile will not come into operation for two years and that an improved range of 2000 kilometers would only be achieved after this period . ''
+ E29 entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M58 | S8 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ E1 entity_40_59 M59 | S8 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M60 | S8 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+S9 Israel 's Deputy Defense Minister , Ephraim Sneh , said today Saturday that Israel would `` know how to find a suitable response '' to the Iranian Shahab 3 ground-ground missile with a 1300 kilometer range .
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M61 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Israel)
+ E24 entity_62_63_68 M62 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (NP (NNP Israel) (POS 's)) (NNP Deputy) (NNP Defense) (NNP Minister)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh)) (, ,))
+ E24 entity_62_63_68 M63 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M64 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ E5 entity_65_73_79 M65 | S9 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M66 | S9 | | O | (CD 3)
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M67 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Iranian) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (CD 1300) (JJ kilometer) (NN range))))
+S10 Sneh said on army radio that `` Israel will prepare itself to find a suitable response to this threat , '' without giving any further details .
+ E24 entity_62_63_68 M68 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Sneh))
+ E31 entity_4_69_74_75 M69 | S10 | | O | (NN army)
+ entity_70_81 M70 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NN army) (NN radio))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M71 | S10 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M72 | S10 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+S11 The Iranian army announced today Saturday that it had `` successfully '' completed a new test on Shahab 3 ground-ground missiles .
+ E5 entity_65_73_79 M73 | S11 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+ E14 entity_4_69_74_75 M74 | S11 | | O | (NP (DT The) (JJ Iranian) (NN army))
+ E14 entity_4_69_74_75 M75 | S11 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M76 | S11 | | O | (CD 3)
+ entity_10_21_77 M77 | S11 | Pl | O | (NP (ADJP (`` ``) (NN successfully) ('' '')) (ADJP (VBN completed) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ new) (NN test)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Shahab) (CD 3))))) (JJ ground-ground) (NNS missiles))
+S12 An official at the Iranian Ministry of Defense told Tehran Radio that the `` Shahab 3 defense missile was tested a second time to ensure it conforms to international standards . ''
+ entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 M78 | S12 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT An) (NN official)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Iranian) (NNP Ministry)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Defense))))))
+ E5 entity_65_73_79 M79 | S12 | Sg | O | (NNP Iranian)
+ singleton M80 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Defense))
+ entity_70_81 M81 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Tehran) (NNP Radio))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M82 | S12 | | O | (CD 3)
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M83 | S12 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (`` ``) (NN Shahab) (CD 3) (NN defense) (NN missile))
+ E1 entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 M84 | S12 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+S13 In July 1998 , the first test on this missile was announced .
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M85 | S13 | Sg | O | (NP (DT this) (NN missile))
+S14 It is capable of reaching the majority of countries in the region , including Israel .
+ E1 entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 M86 | S14 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP It))
+ singleton M87 | S14 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (NN majority)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS countries)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Israel))))))
+ singleton M88 | S14 | | O | (NP (NP (NNS countries)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Israel))))
+ singleton M89 | S14 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NN region))
+ E30 entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 M90 | S14 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+*** Pairwise Evaluation ***
+** Analysis of gold clusters (for Recall) **
+E1 96 / 153 missing links
+ M27 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M27 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+ M26 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M26 | S3 | | O | (CD 3)
+ M35 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M35 | S5 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+ M36 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M36 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP$ their))
+ M37 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M37 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP them))
+ M34 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M34 | S5 | | O | (CD 3)
+ M41 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M41 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+ M40 | entity_40_59 | M40 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+ M60 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M60 | S8 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+ M59 | entity_40_59 | M59 | S8 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+ M67 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M67 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Iranian) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (CD 1300) (JJ kilometer) (NN range))))
+ M66 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M66 | S9 | | O | (CD 3)
+ M76 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M76 | S11 | | O | (CD 3)
+ M83 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M83 | S12 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (`` ``) (NN Shahab) (CD 3) (NN defense) (NN missile))
+ M82 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M82 | S12 | | O | (CD 3)
+ M84 | entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 | M84 | S12 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+ M85 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M85 | S13 | Sg | O | (NP (DT this) (NN missile))
+ M86 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M86 | S14 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP It))
+ M31 | singleton | M31 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Moscow)
+ M15 | singleton | M15 | S2 | Pl Per | O | (NP (NNS journalists))
+E5 33 / 45 missing links
+ M24 | entity_24_25_52 | M24 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+ M25 | entity_24_25_52 | M25 | S3 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+ M52 | entity_24_25_52 | M52 | S7 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+ M50 | entity_7_16_29_50 | M50 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ M29 | entity_7_16_29_50 | M29 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ M65 | entity_65_73_79 | M65 | S9 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+ M79 | entity_65_73_79 | M79 | S12 | Sg | O | (NNP Iranian)
+ M73 | entity_65_73_79 | M73 | S11 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+ M7 | entity_7_16_29_50 | M7 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ M16 | entity_7_16_29_50 | M16 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ M77 | entity_10_21_77 | M77 | S11 | Pl | O | (NP (ADJP (`` ``) (NN successfully) ('' '')) (ADJP (VBN completed) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ new) (NN test)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Shahab) (CD 3))))) (JJ ground-ground) (NNS missiles))
+ M87 | singleton | M87 | S14 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (NN majority)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS countries)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Israel))))))
+ M88 | singleton | M88 | S14 | | O | (NP (NP (NNS countries)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN region))) (, ,) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Israel))))
+ M89 | singleton | M89 | S14 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NN region))
+ M78 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M78 | S12 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT An) (NN official)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Iranian) (NNP Ministry)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Defense))))))
+ M1 | singleton | M1 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NP (NNP Jerusalem) (CD 7-15)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP AFP)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (: -) (NP (NP (DT A) (JJ high) (NN level)) (SBAR (S (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN said) (NP (NP (NN today)))))))) (NP (NP (NNP Saturday)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ believes) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Iran)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN set) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB begin) (S (VP (VBG acquiring) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NN capability)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ military) (NNS purposes))) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD 2005)))))))))) (CC and) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN position) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB equip) (NP (NNS missiles)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ capable) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG reaching) (NP (NNP Israel)))))) (, ,)))))) (PP (IN within) (NP (NN ten) (NNS years)))))))))))) (. .))
+ M80 | singleton | M80 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Defense))
+ M81 | entity_70_81 | M81 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Tehran) (NNP Radio))
+E14 0 / 1 missing links
+ M74 | entity_4_69_74_75 | M74 | S11 | | O | (NP (DT The) (JJ Iranian) (NN army))
+ M75 | entity_4_69_74_75 | M75 | S11 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+E15 2 / 3 missing links
+ M43 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M43 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ North) (JJ Korean)) (NN missile)) (VP (VBN called) (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))))
+ M44 | singleton | M44 | S6 | | O | (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))
+ M45 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M45 | S6 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+ M42 | singleton | M42 | S6 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (JJ Korean)
+E17 1 / 1 missing links
+ M48 | entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 | M48 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Soviet) (NNP Scud) (NN missile))
+ M47 | singleton | M47 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Scud)
+ M46 | singleton | M46 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Soviet)
+ M53 | singleton | M53 | S7 | Per | O | (JJ terrorist)
+ M57 | singleton | M57 | S7 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ Palestinian) (CC and) (JJ Lebanese) (NNS organizations))
+ M55 | singleton | M55 | S7 | | O | (JJ Palestinian)
+ M56 | singleton | M56 | S7 | | O | (JJ Lebanese)
+E24 0 / 3 missing links
+ M62 | entity_62_63_68 | M62 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (NP (NNP Israel) (POS 's)) (NNP Deputy) (NNP Defense) (NNP Minister)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh)) (, ,))
+ M63 | entity_62_63_68 | M63 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh))
+ M68 | entity_62_63_68 | M68 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Sneh))
+ M70 | entity_70_81 | M70 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NN army) (NN radio))
+ M2 | singleton | M2 | S1 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP AFP))
+E29 0 / 36 missing links
+ M23 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M23 | S3 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ M28 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M28 | S4 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ M32 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M32 | S5 | Mal Sg Per | O | (NP (PRP He))
+ M39 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M39 | S6 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ M49 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M49 | S7 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ M58 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M58 | S8 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ M5 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M5 | S1 | Sg Per | O | (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official))
+ M13 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M13 | S2 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT The) (NN official)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous)))))))) (, ,))
+ M14 | entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 | M14 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous))))))))
+E30 12 / 78 missing links
+ M22 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M22 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))
+ M90 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M90 | S14 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M71 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M71 | S10 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M72 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M72 | S10 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+ M64 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M64 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M61 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M61 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Israel)
+ M54 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M54 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M51 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M51 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M38 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M38 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M33 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M33 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M3 | singleton | M3 | S1 | | O | (JJ Israeli)
+ M6 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M6 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ M12 | entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 | M12 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+E31 0 / 1 missing links
+ M69 | entity_4_69_74_75 | M69 | S10 | | O | (NN army)
+ M4 | entity_4_69_74_75 | M4 | S1 | | O | (NN army)
+E34 0 / 3 missing links
+ M30 | entity_8_17_30 | M30 | S4 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ M8 | entity_8_17_30 | M8 | S1 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ M17 | entity_8_17_30 | M17 | S2 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+E35 0 / 1 missing links
+ M9 | entity_9_18 | M9 | S1 | | O | (JJ military)
+ M18 | entity_9_18 | M18 | S2 | | O | (JJ military)
+E36 0 / 1 missing links
+ M21 | entity_10_21_77 | M21 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))
+ M10 | entity_10_21_77 | M10 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (NNS missiles))
+E37 2 / 3 missing links
+ M11 | entity_11_19 | M11 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))
+ M19 | entity_11_19 | M19 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel)))))))))))
+ M20 | singleton | M20 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))))))))
+** Analysis of predicted clusters (for Precision) **
+entity_10_21_77 2 / 3 bad links
+ gold E36 || M10 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (NNS missiles))
+ gold E36 || M21 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))))
+ gold E6 || M77 | S11 | Pl | O | (NP (ADJP (`` ``) (NN successfully) ('' '')) (ADJP (VBN completed) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ new) (NN test)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Shahab) (CD 3))))) (JJ ground-ground) (NNS missiles))
+entity_11_19 0 / 1 bad links
+ gold E37 || M11 | S1 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads))
+ gold E37 || M19 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (NP (JJ nuclear) (NNS warheads)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN fitted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNS missiles)) (ADJP (JJ capable)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel)))))))))))
+entity_24_25_52 0 / 3 bad links
+ gold E5 || M24 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+ gold E5 || M25 | S3 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+ gold E5 || M52 | S7 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Tehran))
+entity_26_34_36_37_66_76_82_84 0 / 28 bad links
+ gold E1 || M26 | S3 | | O | (CD 3)
+ gold E1 || M34 | S5 | | O | (CD 3)
+ gold E1 || M36 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP$ their))
+ gold E1 || M37 | S5 | Pl MaybePer | O | (NP (PRP them))
+ gold E1 || M66 | S9 | | O | (CD 3)
+ gold E1 || M76 | S11 | | O | (CD 3)
+ gold E1 || M82 | S12 | | O | (CD 3)
+ gold E1 || M84 | S12 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+entity_27_35_41_43_45_48_60_67_83_85_86 26 / 55 bad links
+ gold E1 || M27 | S3 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+ gold E1 || M35 | S5 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile))
+ gold E1 || M41 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+ gold E15 || M43 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ North) (JJ Korean)) (NN missile)) (VP (VBN called) (S (VP (VBG Nodong)))))
+ gold E15 || M45 | S6 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+ gold E17 || M48 | S6 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Soviet) (NNP Scud) (NN missile))
+ gold E1 || M60 | S8 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NNP Shahab) (NN missile))
+ gold E1 || M67 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Iranian) (NNP Shahab) (CD 3) (JJ ground-ground) (NN missile)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (CD 1300) (JJ kilometer) (NN range))))
+ gold E1 || M83 | S12 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (`` ``) (NN Shahab) (CD 3) (NN defense) (NN missile))
+ gold E1 || M85 | S13 | Sg | O | (NP (DT this) (NN missile))
+ gold E1 || M86 | S14 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP It))
+entity_40_59 0 / 1 bad links
+ gold E1 || M40 | S6 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+ gold E1 || M59 | S8 | Sg | O | (NNP Shahab)
+entity_4_69_74_75 4 / 6 bad links
+ gold E31 || M4 | S1 | | O | (NN army)
+ gold E31 || M69 | S10 | | O | (NN army)
+ gold E14 || M74 | S11 | | O | (NP (DT The) (JJ Iranian) (NN army))
+ gold E14 || M75 | S11 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+entity_5_13_14_23_28_32_39_49_58_78 9 / 45 bad links
+ gold E29 || M5 | S1 | Sg Per | O | (NP (JJ Israeli) (NN army) (NN official))
+ gold E29 || M13 | S2 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT The) (NN official)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous)))))))) (, ,))
+ gold E29 || M14 | S2 | | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD wished) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB remain) (ADJP (JJ anonymous))))))))
+ gold E29 || M23 | S3 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ gold E29 || M28 | S4 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ gold E29 || M32 | S5 | Mal Sg Per | O | (NP (PRP He))
+ gold E29 || M39 | S6 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ gold E29 || M49 | S7 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ gold E29 || M58 | S8 | Sg Per | O | (NP (DT The) (NN official))
+ gold E10 || M78 | S12 | Sg Per | O | (NP (NP (DT An) (NN official)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Iranian) (NNP Ministry)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Defense))))))
+entity_62_63_68 0 / 3 bad links
+ gold E24 || M62 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (NP (NNP Israel) (POS 's)) (NNP Deputy) (NNP Defense) (NNP Minister)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh)) (, ,))
+ gold E24 || M63 | S9 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Ephraim) (NNP Sneh))
+ gold E24 || M68 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP Sneh))
+entity_65_73_79 0 / 3 bad links
+ gold E5 || M65 | S9 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+ gold E5 || M73 | S11 | | O | (JJ Iranian)
+ gold E5 || M79 | S12 | Sg | O | (NNP Iranian)
+entity_6_12_22_33_38_51_54_61_64_71_72_90 0 / 66 bad links
+ gold E30 || M6 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M12 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M22 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (JJ striking) (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M33 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M38 | S5 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M51 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M54 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M61 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NNP Israel)
+ gold E30 || M64 | S9 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M71 | S10 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+ gold E30 || M72 | S10 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP itself))
+ gold E30 || M90 | S14 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+entity_70_81 1 / 1 bad links
+ gold E26 || M70 | S10 | Sg | O | (NP (NN army) (NN radio))
+ gold E13 || M81 | S12 | NPer | ORGANIZATION | (NP (NNP Tehran) (NNP Radio))
+entity_7_16_29_50 0 / 6 bad links
+ gold E5 || M7 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ gold E5 || M16 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ gold E5 || M29 | S4 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+ gold E5 || M50 | S7 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Iran))
+entity_8_17_30 0 / 3 bad links
+ gold E34 || M8 | S1 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ gold E34 || M17 | S2 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+ gold E34 || M30 | S4 | | O | (JJ nuclear)
+entity_9_18 0 / 1 bad links
+ gold E35 || M9 | S1 | | O | (JJ military)
+ gold E35 || M18 | S2 | | O | (JJ military)
+*** Numbers ***
+Pairwise Eval: tp=183 fp=42 fn=146 20000715_AFP_ARB.0072.eng
+Doc Prec = 0.813 Doc Rec = 0.556 20000715_AFP_ARB.0072.eng
+*** Input ace_rothdev/20000815_AFP_ARB_0071_ENG ***
+CAPRATIO 2.042654
+*** Stanford <-> Raw Text alignment ***
+S1 Beirut 8-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - Lebanon has asked the international peacekeeping force operating in the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to prevent this from happening .
+S2 According to official sources , the Lebanese authorities contacted the peacekeeping high command and asked it to put an end to infringements by Israel , which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese territory , in particular dumping sand and building slopes .
+S3 The source added that if this is confirmed , then such acts constitute a provocation and an infringement of Lebanese sovereignty .
+S4 Witnesses said two Israeli bulldozers started work today Tuesday on a slope in the Abbad sector inside Lebanese territory on the border between Lebanon and Israel .
+S5 These witnesses told Agence France Presse that an Israeli army patrol equipped with ultra-modern binoculars penetrated a few meters into Lebanese territory but withdrew back to Israeli territory as soon as a peacekeeping patrol arrived .
+S6 Families in southern Lebanon visit this area where , according to tradition , the burial site of Sheikh Abbad , who died 500 years ago , is located .
+S7 For their part , Israelis also regard the site as a shrine because , according to them , Rabbi Ashi lived there in the 5th century .
+S8 The Israeli army had previously carried out operations inside Lebanese territory in the same border region on August 11 .
+S9 Last Friday , an Israeli bulldozer crossed the wire fence in Wadi Marjayoun near the Israeli village of Matla and spread sand over a length of hundreds of meters and a width of six meters in order to expose the footprints of people crossing the border or tire prints of cars from the Lebanese side .
+*** ACE alignments ***
+ace offset diff histogram: {547=1, 123=34}
+Using offset: 123
+*** Resolve ***
+== S1 Beirut 8-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - Lebanon has asked the international peacekeeping force operating in the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to prevent this from happening .
+= Resolving M1 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NP (NNP Beirut) (CD 8-15)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP (NNP AFP)) (-RRB- -RRB-)) (: -) (NP (NP (NNP Lebanon)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN asked) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ international) (JJ peacekeeping) (NN force) (NN operating)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN south) (S (VP (VP (TO to) (VP (VB investigate) (NP (NP (NNS reports)) (VP (VBG indicating) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG penetrating) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN shared) (NN border)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS countries)))))))))))) (CC and) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB prevent) (NP (DT this)) (PP (IN from) (S (VP (VBG happening)))))))))))))))) (. .))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M1 NP[Beirut 8-15 -LRB- AFP -RRB- - Lebanon has asked the international peacekeeping force operating in the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to prevent this from happening .]
+= Resolving M2 | S1 | Sg | O | (NP (NNP AFP))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M2 NP[AFP]
+= Resolving M3 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NP (NNP Lebanon)) (SBAR (S (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN asked) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ international) (JJ peacekeeping) (NN force) (NN operating)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN south) (S (VP (VP (TO to) (VP (VB investigate) (NP (NP (NNS reports)) (VP (VBG indicating) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG penetrating) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN shared) (NN border)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS countries)))))))))))) (CC and) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB prevent) (NP (DT this)) (PP (IN from) (S (VP (VBG happening))))))))))))))))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M3 NP[Lebanon has asked the international peacekeeping force operating in the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to prevent this from happening]
+= Resolving M4 | S1 | Sg | O | (NN force)
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M4 NN[force]
+= Resolving M5 | S1 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (NN south) (S (VP (VP (TO to) (VP (VB investigate) (NP (NP (NNS reports)) (VP (VBG indicating) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NNP Israel)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG penetrating) (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN shared) (NN border)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS countries)))))))))))) (CC and) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB prevent) (NP (DT this)) (PP (IN from) (S (VP (VBG happening)))))))))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M5 NP[the south to investigate reports indicating that Israel is penetrating the shared border between the two countries and to prevent this from happening]
+= Resolving M6 | S1 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NNP Israel))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M6 NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M7 | S1 | Sg | O | (NP (NP (DT the) (VBN shared) (NN border)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS countries))))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M7 NP[the shared border between the two countries]
+= Resolving M8 | S1 | | O | (NP (DT the) (CD two) (NNS countries))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M8 NP[the two countries]
+== S2 According to official sources , the Lebanese authorities contacted the peacekeeping high command and asked it to put an end to infringements by Israel , which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese territory , in particular dumping sand and building slopes .
+= Resolving M9 | S2 | Pl | O | (NP (JJ official) (NNS sources))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M9 NP[official sources]
+= Resolving M10 | S2 | | O | (JJ Lebanese)
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M10 JJ[Lebanese]
+M10 gold antecedent candidates:
+M3 ,
+= Resolving M11 | S2 | | O | (NP (DT the) (JJ Lebanese) (NNS authorities))
+No legal candidates
+RIGHT resolved null : M11 NP[the Lebanese authorities]
+= Resolving M12 | S2 | Sg | O | (NP (DT the) (JJ peacekeeping) (JJ high) (NN command))
+No legal candidates
+NOCHANCE resolved null : M12 NP[the peacekeeping high command]
+= Resolving M13 | S2 | Sg NPer | O | (NP (PRP it))
+trying to resolve as a pronoun
+Finding pronoun antecedent by shortest syntactic path
+RIGHT resolved pronoun : M13 -> M12 NP[it] -> NP[the peacekeeping high command]
+= Resolving M14 | S2 | Sg NPer | LOCATION | (NP (NP (NNP Israel)) (, ,) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG carrying) (PRT (RP out)) (NP (NP (NNS operations)) (PP (IN inside) (NP (JJ Lebanese) (NN territory)))) (, ,) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ particular) (JJ dumping) (NN sand) (CC and) (NN building) (NNS slopes))))))))
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M14 -> M6 NP[Israel , which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese territory , in particular dumping sand and building slopes] -> NP[Israel]
+= Resolving M15 | S2 | Pl | O | (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG carrying) (PRT (RP out)) (NP (NP (NNS operations)) (PP (IN inside) (NP (JJ Lebanese) (NN territory)))) (, ,) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ particular) (JJ dumping) (NN sand) (CC and) (NN building) (NNS slopes)))))))
+RIGHT resolved appos : M15 -> M14 SBAR[which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese territory , in particular dumping sand and building slopes] -> NP[Israel , which is carrying out operations inside Lebanese territory , in particular dumping sand and building slopes]
+= Resolving M16 | S2 | | O | (JJ Lebanese)
+Single legal resolution
+RIGHT resolved other : M16 -> M10 JJ[Lebanese] -> JJ[Lebanese]
+= Resolving M17 | S2 | Sg | O | (NP (JJ Lebanese) (NN territory))
+No legal candidates
+WRONG resolved null : M17 NP[Lebanese territory]
+M17 gold antecedent candidates: