Videoinfo is a simple tool for aggregating video metadata and capturing/uploading screenshots.
First, you'll want to install the prerequisite binaries and make sure they are in your PATH.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'videoinfo'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself with:
$ gem install videoinfo
There are only a few configuration options:
Videoinfo.mediainfo_binary = '/path/to/mediainfo' # defaults to 'mediainfo'
Videoinfo.ffmpeg_binary = '/path/to/ffmpeg' # defaults to 'ffmpeg'
Videoinfo.image_host = # can be any object that responds to upload(File)
Videoinfo.interactive = true # defaults to true when using the command line, false otherwise
$ videoinfo -h
Usage: videoinfo [options] "MOVIENAME/SHOWNAME" file
-i, --image-host=IMAGEHOST The image host to use for uploading screenshots. Default: Imgur
-s, --screenshots=SCREENSHOTS The number of screenshots to create, max 6. Default: 2
-e, --episode=EPISODE The TV show episode or season number. Formats: S01E01 or S01
-n, --no-prompt Disable interactive mode
-h, --help Show this message
$ videoinfo -s 5 -i Imgur 'Hackers' Hackers.1995.mkv > hackers.txt
Is your movie "Hackers (1995)" (tt0113243)? [Y/n] y
The simpliest way to analyze a movie is with Videoinfo.analyze_movie()
result = Videoinfo.analyze_movie('hackers', 'Hackers.1995.mkv', 0) # => #<Videoinfo::Results::MovieResult>
result.imdb_id # => "0113243"
result.title # => "Hackers"
result.plot_summary # => "A young boy is arrested..."
result.release_date # => "15 September 1995 (USA)"
result.rating # => 6.2
result.rating_over_ten # => "6.2 / 10"
result.genres # => ["Action", "Crime", "Drama", "Thriller"]
result.director # => "Iain Softley"
result.writers # => ["Rafael Moreu"]
result.runtime # => 107
result.imdb_url # => ""
result.wiki_url # => ""
result.trailer_url # => ""
result.screenshot_urls # => ["", ...]
result.mediainfo # => "General..."
Or, you can be more explicit:
movie ='hackers', 'Hackers.1995.mkv', 5)
movie.populate_result! # => #<Videoinfo::Results::MovieResult>
movie.result # => #<Videoinfo::Results::MovieResult>
movie.search_imdb # => [#<Imdb::Movie>, ...]
movie.search_wiki # => ""
movie.search_youtube # => ""
movie.read_mediainfo # => "General..."
movie.capture_screenshots # => [#<Tempfile:/var/folders/l1/qf5v1rlj6n99n20_rhwrp_5r0000gn/T/ss_20.20140803-67537-ur85vi.png>, ...]
Videoinfo.upload_screenshot(file) # => ""
It works with TV shows too:
result = Videoinfo.analyze_tv('survivor s01e01', 'survivor.s01e01.mkv', 0) # => #<Videoinfo::Results::TvResult>
tv ='survivor s01e01', 'survivor.s01e01.mkv', 3)
You are welcome to submit patches with bug fixes or feature additions. Please make sure to test your changes throughly and keep to the style you see throughout the rest of the code base. Indent with 2 spaces and no trailing spaces at the end of lines. Just follow the steps below.
- Fork and clone the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a Pull Request
- Code:
git clone [email protected]:ryanjohns/videoinfo.git
- Home:
- Bugs:
- mediainfo:
- ffmpeg:
Videoinfo is released under the MIT License.