path | title |
/learnings/emacs_cheatsheet |
Learnings: Emacs: Cheatsheet |
- Getting things done (without keyboard shortcuts)
- Going to top of buffer
- delete whole line
- delete from here to end of line
- Buffers
- line numbers
- Frames
- Zoom
- Filtering Lines
- Splits
- Switching languages and mode
- Column / rectangle selection
- Deleting duplicate lines
- Parans
- Typing commands
if you want to call something without using the menu or keyboard commands
aka normally you would need to wrap elisp calls in (interactive)
but here you can just call things
ESC < <-- top
ESC > <-- bottom
C-Shift Backspace
OR M-x kill-whole-line
M-x rename-buffer RET name RET
note Buffer menu won't refresh - click over to another window and click back I think that will work
M-: buffer-file-name
M-x display-lines-numbers-mode
C-X b
M-x set-frame-name RET your-name-here-whatever RET
M-x text-scale-increase M-x text-scale-decrease
Go to the top of your buffer!!!!
M-x keep-lines
in minibuffer enter your regex
Go to the top of your buffer!!!
M-x flush-lines
in minibugger enter your regex
M-x split-window TAB
C-X 3: split right
C-X 2: split bottom
M-x delete-window
(when the one you want to close is the currently active one)
C-X 0
M-x *-mode
shows you all the modes you can choose from
M-x markdown-mode
turns the buffer - saved or not - into a Markdown syntax highlighted buffer
now you can NOT use the mouse to select your text, must use (arrow?) keys to select it. AND it won't show just the region you selected.
now use arrow or character movement keys to define your region. It will highlight the columnar selection.
See also CUDA Rectangle selection shortcuts
M-x delete-duplicate-lines
C-M-f forwards to next opening paran