requires ""
requires ""
imports DOMAINS
In K, the configuration
captures a system's state, while rule
s define how a
system transitions from one state to the next state. In this file, we define a
configuration for Michelson which captures two kinds of execution state:
- Tezos blockchain context: all of the Tezos blockchain state that is accessible to a Michelson script, such as the current block creation time, the current script address, etc...
- Additional test context: additional state needed to execute Michelson code in precise configurations such as expected input and output stacks, pre- and post-conditions, etc...
- Michelson runtime state: additional runtime state needed to execute a Michelson script such as the Michelson script's current continuation and stack, etc...
Note that for K-Michelson, all context cells have write-once per test semantics, i.e., they may only be written during test initialization and remain unchanged for the remainder of the test. This is precisely because K-Michelson is an intra-contract semantics, i.e., we only consider blockchain state for a single contract execution.
We first declare a special directive #Init
, which we will use to initialize
the interpreter state so that we can execute Michelson code. We will see it's
definition later.
syntax KItem ::= "#Init"
Here we declare our K-Michelson state configuration. We separate it into type
(1)-(3) configuration cells as listed above. By convention, we nest all state
cells inside a topmost cell, which we call <michelsonTop>
The values of many of these cells are accessible via Michelson instructions.
<mynow> #Timestamp(0) </mynow>
<mychainid> #ChainId(.Bytes) </mychainid>
<knownaddrs> .Map </knownaddrs>
<bigmaps> .Map </bigmaps>
<myaddr> #Address("InvalidMyAddr") </myaddr>
<paramtype> .Map </paramtype>
<storagetype> .Type </storagetype>
<script> .Data </script>
<storagevalue> .Data </storagevalue>
<mybalance> #Mutez(0) </mybalance>
<nonce> #Nonce(0) </nonce>
<paramvalue> .Data </paramvalue>
<myamount> #Mutez(0) </myamount>
<sourceaddr> #Address("InvalidSourceAddr") </sourceaddr>
<senderaddr> #Address("InvalidSenderAddr") </senderaddr>
These cells are used to initialize the test context.
<inputstack> { .StackElementList } </inputstack>
<expected> ({ .StackElementList }):OutputStack </expected>
<pre> .BlockList </pre>
<post> .BlockList </post>
<invs> .Map </invs>
These cells store the Michelson interpreter runtime state.
<k> $PGM:Pgm ~> #Init </k>
<stack> (.Stack):InternalStack </stack>
<returncode exit=""> 111 </returncode>
<assumeFailed> false </assumeFailed>
<trace> .K </trace>
<symbols> .Map </symbols>
<cutpoints> .Set </cutpoints>
<savedContext> NoContext </savedContext>
<currentContext> _default </currentContext>
The following runtime state cells are not supported by the symbolic interpreter.
<importMap> .Map </importMap>
<fileLocation parser="PATH,STRING-SYNTAX"> $PATH:String </fileLocation>
syntax TestName ::= "_default"
syntax TestContextStruct ::= TestContext(K, TestName, ContextCell)
| "NoContext"
syntax KItem ::= #SwapContext(TestName, K)
| "#LoadContext"
// ----------------------------
rule <k> #SwapContext(NewCtxtName, NewCont) ~> Cont:K
=> NewCont ~> #Init ~> #LoadContext
=> TestContext(Cont, CtxtName, <context> Context </context>)
<currentContext> CtxtName => NewCtxtName </currentContext>
(<context> Context </context> => initContextCell)
rule <k> #LoadContext => Cont </k>
<savedContext> TestContext(Cont, CtxtName, <context> Context </context>) => NoContext </savedContext>
<currentContext> _ => CtxtName </currentContext>
<context> _ => Context </context>
This is the main execution semantics for Michelson. It contains the rewrite rule semantics for the all Michelson instructions, as well as logic for transforming values from their Micheline representations to K internal representations. It also contains the .tzt file loading and contract initialization logic.
We implement the unit test section of the .tzt format described by the Tezos foundation here. This file implements the behavior of the 'code,' 'input,' and 'output' applications discussed in that document.
imports MATCHER
takes care of initialization.
rule <k> #Init
=> #ConvertBigMapsToNative
~> #EnsureLocalEntrypointsInitialized
~> #ConvertParamToNative
~> #ConvertStorageToNative
~> #ExecutePreConditions
~> #InitInputStack
~> #ExecuteScript
~> #ExecutePostConditions
Below are the rules for loading specific groups.
rule <k> parameter T:Type => .K ... </k>
<paramtype> .Map => #BuildAnnotationMap(.FieldAnnotation, T) </paramtype>
rule <k> parameter FA:FieldAnnotation T:Type => .K ... </k>
<paramtype> .Map => #BuildAnnotationMap(FA, T) </paramtype>
rule <k> storage T => .K ... </k>
<storagetype> .Type => T </storagetype>
rule <k> code C => .K ... </k>
<script> .Data => C </script>
rule <k> G:Group ; Gs:Groups => G:Group ~> Gs ... </k>
rule <k> now I => .K ... </k>
<mynow> #Timestamp(0 => I) </mynow>
rule <k> sender A => .K ... </k>
<senderaddr> #Address("InvalidSenderAddr" => A) </senderaddr>
rule <k> source A => .K ... </k>
<sourceaddr> #Address("InvalidSourceAddr" => A) </sourceaddr>
rule <k> chain_id M => .K ... </k>
<mychainid> #ChainId(_ => M) </mychainid>
rule <k> self A => .K ... </k>
<myaddr> #Address("InvalidMyAddr" => A) </myaddr>
rule <k> amount I => .K ... </k>
<myamount> #Mutez(0 => I) </myamount>
requires #IsLegalMutezValue(I)
rule <k> balance I => .K ... </k>
<mybalance> #Mutez(0 => I) </mybalance>
requires #IsLegalMutezValue(I)
rule <k> other_contracts { M } => .K ... </k>
<knownaddrs> .Map => #OtherContractsMapToKMap(M) </knownaddrs>
rule <k> big_maps { M } => .K ... </k>
<bigmaps> .Map => #BigMapsEntryListToKMap(M) </bigmaps>
syntax Map ::= #BigMapsEntryListToKMap(BigMapEntryList) [function]
syntax Map ::= #BigMapsEntryToKMap(BigMapEntry) [function]
rule #BigMapsEntryListToKMap(.BigMapEntryList) => .Map
rule #BigMapsEntryListToKMap(E ; Es) => #BigMapsEntryToKMap(E) #BigMapsEntryListToKMap(Es)
syntax KItem ::= "#BigMap" "(" MapLiteral "," Type ")"
rule #BigMapsEntryToKMap(Big_map I T1 T2 { } ) => I |-> #BigMap({ }, big_map .AnnotationList T1 T2)
rule #BigMapsEntryToKMap(Big_map I T1 T2 ML:NeMapLiteral) => I |-> #BigMap(ML, big_map .AnnotationList T1 T2)
rule <k> invariant Annot { Stack } { Blocks } => . ... </k>
<invs> .Map
=> (Annot |-> { Stack } { Blocks })
rule <k> input LS => .K ... </k>
<inputstack> { .StackElementList } => LS </inputstack>
rule <k> output OS => .K ... </k>
<expected> { .StackElementList } => OS </expected>
rule <k> precondition { Bs } => .K ... </k>
<pre> .BlockList => Bs </pre>
rule <k> postcondition { Bs } => .K ... </k>
<post> .BlockList => Bs </post>
rule <k> test Name { TestBlock } => #SwapContext(Name, TestBlock) ... </k>
The following unit test groups are not supported by the symbolic interpreter.
rule <k> import Path as Name => .K ... </k>
<importMap> Imports => Imports[Name <- loadFile(Dir,Path)] </importMap>
<fileLocation> Dir </fileLocation>
requires validPath(Path)
andBool notBool Name in_keys(Imports)
rule <k> include Name => Imports[Name] ... </k>
<importMap> Imports </importMap>
requires Name in_keys(Imports)
rule <k> include-file Path => loadFile(Dir,Path) ... </k>
<fileLocation> Dir </fileLocation>
requires validPath(Path)
syntax Bool ::= validPath(String) [function]
// -----------------------------------------
rule validPath(Path) => lengthString(Path) >=Int 0
andBool substrString(Path,0,1) =/=String "/"
syntax Pgm ::= loadFile(String, String) [function]
| parseFile(KItem) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------
rule loadFile(Dir, Path)
=> parseFile(#system("parser_PGM \"" +String Dir +String "/" +String Path +String "\""))
rule parseFile(#systemResult(0, Stdout, _)) => #parseKORE(Stdout)
syntax KItem ::= "#EnsureLocalEntrypointsInitialized"
rule <k> #EnsureLocalEntrypointsInitialized => .K ... </k>
<paramtype> LocalEntrypointMap => #AddDefaultEntry(LocalEntrypointMap, #Type(unit)) </paramtype>
syntax KItem ::= "#ConvertBigMapsToNative"
rule <k> #ConvertBigMapsToNative => .K ... </k>
<bigmaps> BigMaps => #ConvertBigMapsToNative(BigMaps) </bigmaps>
syntax Map ::= "#ConvertBigMapsToNative" "(" Map ")" [function]
rule #ConvertBigMapsToNative(.Map) => .Map
rule #ConvertBigMapsToNative(I |-> #BigMap(D, T) BigMaps)
=> (I |-> #MichelineToNative(D, T, .Map, .Map))::Map #ConvertBigMapsToNative(BigMaps)
syntax KItem ::= "#ConvertParamToNative"
rule <k> #ConvertParamToNative => .K ... </k>
<paramvalue> D:Data => #MichelineToNative(D, #Type({ LocalEntrypoints [ %default ] }:>TypeName), .Map, BigMaps) </paramvalue>
<paramtype> LocalEntrypoints </paramtype>
<bigmaps> BigMaps </bigmaps>
rule <k> #ConvertParamToNative => .K ... </k>
<paramvalue> .Data </paramvalue>
syntax KItem ::= "#ConvertStorageToNative"
rule <k> #ConvertStorageToNative => .K ... </k>
<storagevalue> D:Data => #MichelineToNative(D, #ConvertToType(T), .Map, BigMaps) </storagevalue>
<storagetype> T => #ConvertToType(T) </storagetype>
<bigmaps> BigMaps </bigmaps>
rule <k> #ConvertStorageToNative => .K ... </k>
<storagevalue> .Data </storagevalue>
<storagetype> T => #ConvertToType(T) </storagetype>
syntax Type ::= #ConvertToType(MaybeType) [function]
rule #ConvertToType(.Type) => unit .AnnotationList
rule #ConvertToType(T:Type) => T
Executing Michelson code without type information leads to non-determinism.
For example, the CONCAT
instruction, when applied to an empty list, produces
either an empty string
or empty bytes
. Without knowing the type of the list,
the resulting type of value is unknown.
To correctly check the typing of a unit test, we need the following info:
- the contract parameter type --- only used in typing the
instruction - the input stack types --- which depend on (1) because
- the output stack types --- which depend on (1) for the same reason
- a Michelson script
Currently, we implement runtime type checking. We may adopt static type
checking at a later time. All type checking requires looking at the top
fragment of of the stack only, with the exception of instructions which
have code in their immediate arguments (1-2) or execute lambda
s (3).
- Checking if-like instructions
requires checking that both branches produce the same the stack type. - Checking iterating instructions
, andMAP
requires checking thet loop body code preserves the original stack type. - Checking function-call instruction
requires checking the code returns a singleton stack of the correct type.
We currently do not implement the full typing semantics for cases (1)-(2). Practically, this means that only executed code is type-checked, i.e. untaken branches are not checked and loops are only checked for the exact number of iterations for which they are run. This means that, even if some execution succeeds, executing the other branch of an if instruction or executing a loop a different number of times may cause the program to get stuck.
TODO: the type of a MAP
instruction over an empty list
or map
currently incorrectly calculated, as we assume it is equivalent to the original
or list
that was passed in, which disagrees with the intended
semantics that the type matches whatever the to-be executed code block does.
instruction is interesting because its resulting type is the
universal stack type which unifies with all other stack types. However, due
to its unique semantics, it poisons all further computation, so that entire
program returns a (Failed D)
. For this reason, from our experimentation, we
have observed the reference implementation makes two requirements on FAILWITH
instruction placement:
It must occur last in the code block it appears in (this makes sense, because all code following it is unreachable, i.e., dead).
It may not occur in positions that would prevent a concrete type from being inferred. From our understanding, this can happen in two ways:
- code of the form
IF_X { ... ; FAILWITH } { ... ; FAILWITH }
which prevents inferring a concrete stack type for theIF_X
instruction; - code of the form
MAP { ... ; FAILWITH }
which prevents the inferring a concrete value type for the resultingmap key_ty val_ty
orlist ty
that it produces.
- code of the form
Currently, we do not enforce these restrictions, but we may do so in a future version.
syntax KItem ::= "#InitInputStack"
rule <k> #InitInputStack => #StackToNative(Actual, .Stack) ... </k>
<inputstack> { Actual } </inputstack>
syntax KItem ::= #StackToNative(StackElementList, Stack)
// -----------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #StackToNative(Stack_elt T D ; Stack, Stack')
=> #StackToNative(Stack, [ #Name(T) #MichelineToNative(D, T, Addrs, BigMaps) ] ; Stack')
<knownaddrs> Addrs </knownaddrs>
<bigmaps> BigMaps </bigmaps>
requires notBool isSymbolicData(D)
rule <k> #StackToNative(.StackElementList, Stack) => .K ... </k>
<stack> _ => reverseStack(Stack) </stack>
rule <k> (.K => #CreateSymbol(X, T))
~> #StackToNative(Stack_elt T X:SymbolicData ; Stack, Stack')
<symbols> Symbols </symbols>
requires notBool X in_keys(Symbols)
rule <k> #StackToNative(Stack_elt T X:SymbolicData ; Stack, Stack')
=> #StackToNative(Stack, [ TN D ] ; Stack')
<symbols> X |-> #TypedSymbol(TN, D) ... </symbols>
requires TN ==K #Name(T)
syntax KItem ::= "#ExecutePreConditions"
rule <k> #ExecutePreConditions => ASSUME { Preconditions } ... </k>
<pre> Preconditions </pre>
syntax KItem ::= "#ExecutePostConditions"
rule <k> #ExecutePostConditions
=> BIND Expected { ASSERT { Postconditions } }
<expected> Expected </expected>
<post> Postconditions </post>
syntax KItem ::= "#ExecuteScript"
rule <k> #ExecuteScript
=> #if Script ==K .Data #then {} #else Script #fi
<script> Script </script>
When the <k>
cell is empty, we consider execution successful.
rule <k> .K </k>
<returncode> 111 => 0 </returncode>
We handle sequence and block semantics here.
rule I:Instruction ; Is => I ~> Is [structural]
rule {} => .K [structural]
rule { Is:DataList } => Is [structural]
instruction lets users terminate execution at any point.
rule <k> FAILWITH _A ~> Rk
=> Aborted("FAILWITH instruction reached", D, Rk, Rs)
~> Rk
<stack> [ _Type D:Data ] ; Rs => ( Failed D ) </stack>
contains error information when a contract fails at runtime.
syntax Error ::= Aborted(message: String,
stackTop: KItem,
restOfStack: K,
restOfContinuation: K)
It then consumes the rest of the program:
rule <k> Aborted(_, _, _, _) ~> (_:DataList => .K) ... </k>
rule <k> Aborted(_, _, _, _) ~> (_:Data => .K) ... </k>
Currently, if a program aborts due to the FAILWITH instruction, we throw away the abortion debug info:
rule <k> (Aborted(_, _, _, _) => .K) ~> #ExecutePostConditions ... </k>
The control flow instruction's implementations in K should look extremely similar to their formal description in the Michelson documentation. Keeping this similarity, unless absolutely prevented for performance or K style reasons, was a major design goal of the semantics.
rule <k> IF _A BT _ => BT ... </k>
<stack> [ bool true ] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> IF _A _ BF => BF ... </k>
<stack> [ bool false ] ; SS => SS </stack>
Here we handle concrete loop semantics.
rule <k> LOOP .AnnotationList Body
=> Body ~> LOOP .AnnotationList Body
<stack> [ bool true ] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> LOOP .AnnotationList _ => .K ... </k>
<stack> [ bool false ] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> LOOP_LEFT .AnnotationList Body
=> Body
~> LOOP_LEFT .AnnotationList Body
<stack> [ (or LX _) Left D ] ; SS
=> [ LX D ] ; SS
rule <k> LOOP_LEFT .AnnotationList _ => .K ... </k>
<stack> [ (or _ RX) Right D ] ; SS
=> [ RX D ] ; SS
Here we handle symbolic loop semantics.
rule <k> LOOP A .AnnotationList Body
=> CUTPOINT(!Id, Invariant) ;
LOOP .AnnotationList {
Body ;
CUTPOINT(!Id, Invariant)
<invs> A |-> Invariant ... </invs>
rule <k> LOOP_LEFT A .AnnotationList Body
=> CUTPOINT(!Id, Invariant) ;
LOOP_LEFT .AnnotationList {
Body ;
CUTPOINT(!Id, Invariant)
<invs> A |-> Invariant ... </invs>
The #IsDuplicable
-predicate indicates wether values of a certain type can be
passes as arguments to the DUP
-instruction. Currently only ticket
s cannot be
duplicated. Special attention is required for container-types because
duplicating a container with ticket effectively also duplicates the ticket itself.
syntax Bool ::= #IsDuplicable(TypeName) [function, functional]
rule #IsDuplicable(_:NumTypeName) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(string) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(bytes) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(mutez) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(bool) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(key_hash) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(timestamp) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(address) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(pair T1 T2) => #IsDuplicable(T1) andBool #IsDuplicable(T2)
rule #IsDuplicable(option T) => #IsDuplicable(T)
rule #IsDuplicable(key) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(unit) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(signature) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(operation) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(chain_id) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(list T) => #IsDuplicable(T)
rule #IsDuplicable(set T) => #IsDuplicable(T)
rule #IsDuplicable(contract T) => #IsDuplicable(T)
rule #IsDuplicable(ticket _T) => false
rule #IsDuplicable(or LTy RTy) => #IsDuplicable(LTy) andBool #IsDuplicable(RTy)
rule #IsDuplicable(lambda _IT _OT) => true
rule #IsDuplicable(map KT VT) => #IsDuplicable(KT) andBool #IsDuplicable(VT)
rule #IsDuplicable(big_map KT VT) => #IsDuplicable(KT) andBool #IsDuplicable(VT)
It is sometimes useful to create "pseudo-instructions" like this to schedule operations to happen in the future.
syntax Instruction ::= #Push(TypeName,Data)
rule <k> #Push(T,D) => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [ T D ] ; SS </stack>
instruction uses the #Push
pseudo-instruction to replace the
element it pops off for its block.
rule <k> DIP _A B => B ~> #Push(T,D) ... </k>
<stack> [ T D ] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> DIP _A 0 B => B ... </k>
rule <k> DIP _A N B
=> .
~> DIP .AnnotationList { DIP .AnnotationList N -Int 1 B }
requires N >Int 0
is implemented in a recursive style, like in the Michelson
rule <k> DROP _A => . ... </k>
<stack> _:StackElement ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> DROP _A I
=> DROP .AnnotationList
~> DROP .AnnotationList I -Int 1
requires I >Int 0
rule <k> DROP _A 0 => . ... </k>
and SWAP
are essentially lifted directly from the docs.
rule <k> DUP _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T X] ; SS => [T X] ; [T X] ; SS </stack>
requires #IsDuplicable(T)
rule <k> SWAP _A => . ... </k>
<stack> X:StackElement ; Y:StackElement ; SS
=> Y ; X ; SS
and DUG n
are both implemented using two internal instructions:
and X_UP
which descend down to the n
th stack position and then
climb back up, respectively.
rule <k> DIG _A N => DIG_DOWN(N, .Stack) ... </k>
syntax Instruction ::= "DIG_DOWN" "(" Int "," Stack ")"
| "DIG_UP" "(" Stack "," StackElement ")"
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> DIG_DOWN(N, A) => DIG_DOWN(N -Int 1, F ; A) ... </k>
<stack> F ; SS => SS </stack>
requires N >Int 0
rule <k> DIG_DOWN(0, A) => DIG_UP(A, F) ... </k>
<stack> F ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> DIG_UP(F ; A, T) => DIG_UP(A, T) ... </k>
<stack> SS => F ; SS </stack>
rule <k> DIG_UP(.Stack, T) => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => T ; SS </stack>
rule <k> DUG _A N => DUG_DOWN(N, .Stack, T) ... </k>
<stack> T ; SS => SS </stack>
syntax Instruction ::= "DUG_DOWN" "(" Int "," Stack "," StackElement ")"
| "DUG_UP" "(" K ")"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> DUG_DOWN(N, S, R) => DUG_DOWN(N -Int 1, T ; S, R) ... </k>
<stack> T ; SS => SS </stack>
requires N >Int 0
rule <k> DUG_DOWN(0, S, R) => DUG_UP(S) ... </k>
<stack> SS => R ; SS </stack>
rule <k> DUG_UP(T:StackElement ; S) => DUG_UP(S) ... </k>
<stack> SS => T ; SS </stack>
rule <k> DUG_UP(.Stack) => .K ... </k>
The #IsPushable
-predicate indicates wether values of a certain type can be
passes as arguments to the PUSH
-instruction. Special attention is required
by container-types which may contain non-pushable types.
syntax Bool ::= #IsPushable(TypeName) [function, functional]
rule #IsPushable(_:NumTypeName) => true
rule #IsPushable(string) => true
rule #IsPushable(bytes) => true
rule #IsPushable(mutez) => true
rule #IsPushable(bool) => true
rule #IsPushable(key_hash) => true
rule #IsPushable(timestamp) => true
rule #IsPushable(address) => true
rule #IsPushable(pair T1 T2) => #IsPushable(T1) andBool #IsPushable(T2)
rule #IsPushable(option T) => #IsPushable(T)
rule #IsPushable(key) => true
rule #IsPushable(unit) => true
rule #IsPushable(signature) => true
rule #IsPushable(operation) => false
rule #IsPushable(chain_id) => true
rule #IsPushable(list T) => #IsPushable(T)
rule #IsPushable(set T) => #IsPushable(T)
rule #IsPushable(contract _T) => false
rule #IsPushable(ticket _T) => false
rule #IsPushable(or LTy RTy) => #IsPushable(LTy) andBool #IsPushable(RTy)
rule #IsPushable(lambda _IT _OT) => true
rule #IsPushable(map KT VT) => #IsPushable(KT) andBool #IsPushable(VT)
rule #IsPushable(big_map _KT _VT) => false
puts its syntactic argument on the stack when it is a Value
rule <k> PUSH _A T X => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [ #Name(T) X ] ; SS </stack>
requires isValue(#Name(T), X) andBool #IsPushable(#Name(T))
If it is not a Value
converts its argument to a Value
, either by
converting the parse-time representation to an internal one or else by looking
up/creating a new symbol in the symbol table.
rule <k> PUSH _ T (X => #MichelineToNative(X, T, .Map, .Map)) ... </k>
requires notBool isValue(#Name(T), X)
andBool notBool isSymbolicData(X)
rule <k> PUSH _ T (X:SymbolicData => D) ... </k>
<symbols> X |-> #TypedSymbol(TN, D) ... </symbols>
requires #Name(T) ==K TN
rule <k> (.K => #CreateSymbol(X, T)) ~> PUSH A T X:SymbolicData ... </k>
<symbols> Symbols </symbols>
requires notBool X in_keys(Symbols)
are specialized versions of PUSH
rule <k> UNIT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [ unit Unit] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> LAMBDA _A T1 T2 C => . ... </k>
<stack> SS
=> [ (lambda #Name(T1) #Name(T2)) #Lambda(#Name(T1), #Name(T2), C) ] ; SS
instruction replaces the stack and schedules the restoration of the
old stack after the completion of the lambda code.
rule <k> EXEC _A
=> Code
~> #PostExecStackFix(RetType, SS)
<stack> [ ArgType D ]
; [ (lambda ArgType RetType) #Lambda(ArgType, RetType, Code) ]
; SS
=> [ ArgType D ]
syntax Instruction ::= #PostExecStackFix(TypeName,Stack)
// -----------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #PostExecStackFix(RetType, SS) => .K ... </k>
<stack> [ RetType D ] => [ RetType D ] ; SS </stack>
demonstrates why lambdas have their type information preserved, as
otherwise we would be unable to produce an appropriate PUSH
instruction for
the expanded lambda.
rule <k> APPLY _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ T0 D ] ;
[ (lambda (pair T0 T1) T2)
#Lambda((pair T0 T1), T2, { C } )
] ;
=> [ (lambda T1 T2) #Lambda(T1, T2, { PUSH .AnnotationList #Type(T0) D ;
PAIR .AnnotationList ;
{ C }
} )
] ;
rule <k> EQ _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ bool I ==Int 0 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> NEQ _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ bool I =/=Int 0 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> LT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ bool I <Int 0 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> GT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ bool I >Int 0 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> LE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ bool I <=Int 0 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> GE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ bool I >=Int 0 ] ; SS </stack>
We add lemmas for symbolic reasoning which normalize integer comparisons to greater than; this lets us avoid writing symmetric lemmas for both cases.
rule A <Int B => B >Int A [simplification]
rule A <=Int B => B >=Int A [simplification]
rule <k> OR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ bool B1 ]
; [ bool B2 ]
; SS
=> [ bool (B1 orBool B2) ] ; SS
rule <k> AND _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ bool B1 ]
; [ bool B2 ]
; SS
=> [ bool (B1 andBool B2) ] ; SS
rule <k> XOR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ bool B1 ]
; [ bool B2 ]
; SS
=> [ bool (B1 xorBool B2) ] ; SS
rule <k> NOT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ bool B ] ; SS
=> [ bool (notBool B) ] ; SS
For symbolic reasoning purposes, we add a few lemmas about boolean logic.
rule false ==Bool B => notBool B [simplification]
rule true ==Bool B => B [simplification]
rule B ==Bool false => notBool B [simplification]
rule B ==Bool true => B [simplification]
rule notBool (notBool B) => B [simplification]
rule notBool B1 ==Bool notBool B2 => B1 ==Bool B2 [simplification]
Michelson int
and nat
datatypes are both represnted using the K Int
These operations map directly to their K equivalents.
rule <k> NEG _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ _:NumTypeName I ] ; SS => [ int 0 -Int I ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> ABS _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ nat absInt(I) ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> ISNAT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ (option nat) Some I ] ; SS </stack>
requires I >=Int 0
rule <k> ISNAT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ int I ] ; SS => [ (option nat) None ] ; SS </stack>
requires I <Int 0
rule <k> INT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ (nat => int) _:Int ] ; _ </stack>
rule <k> ADD _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ T1:NumTypeName I1 ] ;
[ T2:NumTypeName I2 ] ;
=> [ BinOpNumType(T1,T2) I1 +Int I2 ] ;
rule <k> SUB _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ _:NumTypeName I1 ] ;
[ _:NumTypeName I2 ] ;
=> [ int I1 -Int I2 ] ;
rule <k> MUL _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ T1:NumTypeName I1 ] ;
[ T2:NumTypeName I2 ] ;
=> [ BinOpNumType(T1,T2) I1 *Int I2 ] ;
rule <k> EDIV _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ T1:NumTypeName _:Int ] ;
[ T2:NumTypeName 0 ] ;
=> [ (option (pair BinOpNumType(T1,T2) nat)) None ] ;
rule <k> EDIV _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ T1:NumTypeName I1:Int ] ;
[ T2:NumTypeName I2:Int ] ;
=> [ (option (pair BinOpNumType(T1,T2) nat))
Some (Pair (I1 /Int I2) (I1 %Int I2))
] ;
requires I2 =/=Int 0
syntax NumTypeName ::= BinOpNumType(NumTypeName, NumTypeName) [function, functional]
rule BinOpNumType(_:NumTypeName, int) => int
rule BinOpNumType(int, _:NumTypeName) => int
rule BinOpNumType(nat, nat) => nat
For symbolic reasoning purposes, we add some simple lemmas about arithmetic:
rule V:Int -Int V:Int => 0 [simplification]
Bitwise operations on Michelson int
s map directly onto K Int
and LSR
operations produce exceptions when their shift arugment
rule <k> OR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ nat I1 ] ; [ nat I2 ] ; SS => [ nat I1 |Int I2 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> AND _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ _:NumTypeName I1 ] ; [ nat I2 ] ; SS => [ nat I1 &Int I2 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> XOR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ nat I1 ] ; [ nat I2 ] ; SS => [ nat I1 xorInt I2 ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> NOT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ _:NumTypeName I ] ; SS => [ int ~Int I ] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> LSL _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ nat X ] ; [ nat S ] ; SS => [ nat X <<Int S ] ; SS </stack>
requires S <=Int 256
rule <k> LSL _A ~> Rk
=> Aborted("LSL out of range", S, Rk, Rs)
~> Rk
<stack> [ nat C:Int ] ; [ nat S:Int ] ; Rs => ( GeneralOverflow C S ) </stack>
requires S >Int 256
rule <k> LSR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ nat X ] ; [ nat S ] ; SS => [ nat X >>Int S ] ; SS </stack>
requires S <=Int 256
rule <k> LSR _A ~> Rk
=> Aborted("LSR out of range", S, Rk, Rs)
~> Rk
<stack> [ nat X ] ; [ nat S ] ; Rs => ( GeneralOverflow X S ) </stack>
requires S >Int 256
instruction is defined over all comparable datatypes.
rule <k> COMPARE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [ TY V1 ] ; [ TY V2 ] ; SS => [ int #DoCompare(V1, V2) ] ; SS </stack>
requires #IsComparable(TY)
syntax Bool ::= #IsComparable(TypeName) [function, functional]
// Comparables
rule #IsComparable(_:NumTypeName) => true
rule #IsComparable(string) => true
rule #IsComparable(bytes) => true
rule #IsComparable(mutez) => true
rule #IsComparable(bool) => true
rule #IsComparable(key_hash) => true
rule #IsComparable(timestamp) => true
rule #IsComparable(address) => true
rule #IsComparable(pair T1 T2) => #IsComparable(T1) andBool #IsComparable(T2)
rule #IsComparable(option _) => true
// Nullary Incomparables
rule #IsComparable(key) => false
rule #IsComparable(unit) => false
rule #IsComparable(signature) => false
rule #IsComparable(operation) => false
rule #IsComparable(chain_id) => false
// Unary Incomparables
rule #IsComparable(list _) => false
rule #IsComparable(set _) => false
rule #IsComparable(contract _) => false
rule #IsComparable(ticket _) => false
// Bianry Incomparables
rule #IsComparable(or _ _) => false
rule #IsComparable(lambda _ _) => false
rule #IsComparable(map _ _) => false
rule #IsComparable(big_map _ _) => false
We define COMPARE
in terms of a #DoCompare
syntax Int ::= #DoCompare(Data, Data) [function]
rule #DoCompare(V, V) => 0
rule #DoCompare(false, true) => -1
rule #DoCompare(true, false) => 1
rule #DoCompare(I1:Int, I2:Int) => -1 requires I1 <Int I2
rule #DoCompare(I1:Int, I2:Int) => 1 requires I1 >Int I2
rule #DoCompare(I1:String, I2:String) => -1 requires I1 <String I2
rule #DoCompare(I1:String, I2:String) => 1 requires I1 >String I2
rule #DoCompare(None, Some _ ) => -1
rule #DoCompare(Some _, None ) => 1
rule #DoCompare(Some V1, Some V2) => #DoCompare(V1, V2)
rule #DoCompare((Pair A1 _ ), (Pair B1 _ )) => -1 requires #DoCompare(A1, B1) ==Int -1
rule #DoCompare((Pair A1 A2), (Pair B1 B2)) => #DoCompare(A2, B2) requires #DoCompare(A1, B1) ==Int 0
rule #DoCompare((Pair A1 _ ), (Pair B1 _ )) => 1 requires #DoCompare(A1, B1) ==Int 1
rule #DoCompare(B1:Bytes, B2:Bytes) => #DoCompare(Bytes2Int(B1, BE, Unsigned), Bytes2Int(B2, BE, Unsigned))
rule #DoCompare(#KeyHash(S1), #KeyHash(S2)) => #DoCompare(S1, S2)
rule #DoCompare(#Mutez(I1), #Mutez(I2)) => #DoCompare(I1, I2)
rule #DoCompare(#Timestamp(I1), #Timestamp(I2)) => #DoCompare(I1, I2)
rule #DoCompare(#Address(S1), #Address(S2)) => #DoCompare(S1, S2)
The #DoCompare
function requires additional lemmas for symbolic execution.
rule 0 ==Int #DoCompare(V1, V2) => V1 ==K V2 [simplification]
rule 0 =/=Int #DoCompare(V1, V2) => V1 =/=K V2 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(V1, V2) ==Int 0 => V1 ==K V2 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(V1, V2) =/=Int 0 => V1 =/=K V2 [simplification]
rule 0 >Int #DoCompare(I1:Bool, I2:Bool) => (notBool I1) andBool I2 [simplification]
rule 0 >=Int #DoCompare(I1:Bool, I2:Bool) => I1 impliesBool I2 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(I1:Bool, I2:Bool) >=Int 0 => I2 impliesBool I1 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(I1:Bool, I2:Bool) >Int 0 => I1 andBool (notBool I2) [simplification]
rule 0 >Int #DoCompare(I1:Int, I2:Int) => I2 >Int I1 [simplification]
rule 0 >=Int #DoCompare(I1:Int, I2:Int) => I2 >=Int I1 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(I1:Int, I2:Int) >=Int 0 => I1 >=Int I2 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(I1:Int, I2:Int) >Int 0 => I1 >Int I2 [simplification]
rule 0 >Int #DoCompare(I1:String, I2:String) => I1 <String I2 [simplification]
rule 0 >=Int #DoCompare(I1:String, I2:String) => I1 <=String I2 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(I1:String, I2:String) >=Int 0 => I1 >=String I2 [simplification]
rule #DoCompare(I1:String, I2:String) >Int 0 => I1 >String I2 [simplification]
// TODO: at some point this rule should be builtin
rule X ==String X => true [simplification]
rule X <String X => false [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:Bool, _:Bool)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:Int, _:Int)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:String, _:String)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:Bytes, _:Bytes)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:KeyHash, _:KeyHash)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:Mutez, _:Mutez)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:Timestamp, _:Timestamp)) => #Top [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#DoCompare(_:Address, _:Address)) => #Top [simplification]
rule X::String ==String Y::String => false
requires #Not ( { X #Equals Y } )
rule #Address(X:String) ==K #Address(Y:String) => X ==String Y [simplification]
rule <k> CONCAT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [string S1] ; [string S2] ; SS => [string S1 +String S2] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> CONCAT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [(list string) L] ; SS => [string #ConcatStrings(L, "")] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SIZE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [string S] ; SS => [nat lengthString(S)] ; SS </stack>
syntax String ::= #ConcatStrings(InternalList, String) [function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------
rule #ConcatStrings(.InternalList, A) => A
rule #ConcatStrings([| S1 |] ;; DL, A) => #ConcatStrings(DL, A +String S1)
The actual out of bounds conditions here are determined by experimentation.
Earlier versions of the semantics didn't check if O was in bounds, resulting in
Slice("", 0, 0) => Some ""
rather than the correct
#SliceString("", 0, 0) => None
rule <k> SLICE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [nat O] ; [nat L] ; [string S] ; SS => [option string #SliceString(S, O, L)] ; SS </stack>
syntax OptionData ::= #SliceString(String, Int, Int) [function]
rule #SliceString(S, O, L) => Some substrString(S, O, O +Int L)
requires O >=Int 0
andBool L >=Int 0
andBool O <Int lengthString(S)
andBool (O +Int L) <=Int lengthString(S)
rule #SliceString(_, _, _) => None [owise]
The bytes instructions have a stubbed implementation for the time being, since the actual serialization format is not formally unspecified.
rule <k> PACK _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T V] ; SS => [bytes #Packed(T,V)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> UNPACK _A _ => . ... </k>
<stack> [bytes #Packed(T,V)] ; SS => [option T Some V] ; SS </stack>
operation over two bytes is relatively straightforward since we
already have helper functions to extract bytes content.
rule <k> CONCAT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [bytes B1] ; [bytes B2] ; SS => [bytes B1 +Bytes B2] ; SS </stack>
over lists of bytes is somewhat more involved, since we need to
distinguish this case from lists of strings.
rule <k> CONCAT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [(list bytes) L] ; SS => [bytes #ConcatBytes(L, .Bytes)] ; SS </stack>
syntax Bytes ::= #ConcatBytes(InternalList, Bytes) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------
rule #ConcatBytes(.InternalList, A) => A
rule #ConcatBytes([| B |] ;; DL, A) => #ConcatBytes(DL, A +Bytes B)
is relatively simple, except that we must remember to divide by two,
since bytes length is measured in terms of number of bytes, not characters in
the hex string.
rule <k> SIZE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [bytes B] ; SS => [nat lengthBytes(B)] ; SS </stack>
The remaining operations are defined in terms of the same operations on strings, allowing for code reuse.
rule <k> SLICE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [nat O:Int] ; [nat L:Int] ; [bytes B:Bytes] ; SS => [option bytes #SliceBytes(B, O, L)] ; SS </stack>
syntax OptionData ::= #SliceBytes(Bytes, Int, Int) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------
rule #SliceBytes(S, O, L) => Some substrBytes(S, O, O +Int L)
requires O >=Int 0
andBool L >=Int 0
andBool O <Int lengthBytes(S)
andBool (O +Int L) <=Int lengthBytes(S)
rule #SliceBytes(_, _, _) => None [owise]
rule <k> PAIR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [LTy L] ; [RTy R] ; SS => [pair LTy RTy Pair L R] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> UNPAIR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [pair LTy RTy Pair L R] ; SS => [LTy L] ; [RTy R] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> CAR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [pair LTy _ Pair L _] ; SS => [LTy L] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> CDR _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [pair _ RTy Pair _ R] ; SS => [RTy R] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> EMPTY_SET _A T:Type => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [set #Name(T) .Set] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> MEM _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T X] ; [set T S:Set] ; SS => [bool X in S] ; SS </stack>
// True to insert, False to remove.
rule <k> UPDATE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T D] ; [bool true] ; [set T S:Set] ; SS => [set T (SetItem(D) S)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> UPDATE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T D] ; [bool false] ; [set T SetItem(D) S] ; SS => [set T S] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> UPDATE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T D] ; [bool false] ; [set T S:Set] ; SS => [set T S:Set] ; SS </stack>
requires notBool(D in S)
rule <k> SIZE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [set _ S:Set] ; SS => [nat size(S)] ; SS </stack>
Note that, according to the Michelson documentation, set iteration order is actually defined (the set is iterated over in ascending order). For simplicity we implement this by repeatedly selecting the minimal element.
rule <k> ITER _A _ => . ... </k>
<stack> [set _ .Set] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> ITER _A Body
=> Body
~> #Push(set T,S -Set SetItem(#MinimalElement(Set2List(S))))
~> ITER .AnnotationList Body
<stack> [set T S] ; SS => [T #MinimalElement(Set2List(S))] ; SS </stack>
requires size(S) >Int 0
syntax Data ::= #MinimalElement(List) [function]
syntax Data ::= #MinimalElementAux(List, Data) [function]
rule #MinimalElement(ListItem(H) L) => #MinimalElementAux(L, H)
rule #MinimalElementAux(.List, M) => M
rule #MinimalElementAux(ListItem(H) L, M)
=> #MinimalElementAux(L, M) requires #DoCompare(M, H) <=Int 0
rule #MinimalElementAux(ListItem(H) L, M)
=> #MinimalElementAux(L, H) requires #DoCompare(M, H) ==Int 1
Internally, we represent map
s and big_map
s identically using K maps.
For this reason, many map operations share an identical representation upto
typing (shared operations use a generic MapTypeName
rule <k> GET _A => #AssumeHasType(M[K], VT) ... </k>
<stack> [KT K] ; [_:MapTypeName KT VT M:Map] ; SS => [option VT Some {M[K]}:>Data] ; SS </stack>
requires K in_keys(M)
rule <k> GET _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [KT K] ; [_:MapTypeName KT VT M:Map] ; SS => [option VT None] ; SS </stack>
requires notBool K in_keys(M)
rule <k> MEM _A => #AssumeHasType(M[K], VT) ... </k>
<stack> [KT K] ; [_:MapTypeName KT VT M:Map] ; SS => [bool true] ; SS </stack>
requires isValue(KT, K)
andBool K in_keys(M)
rule <k> MEM _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [KT K] ; [_:MapTypeName KT _ M:Map] ; SS => [bool false] ; SS </stack>
requires notBool K in_keys(M)
rule <k> UPDATE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [KT K] ; [option VT Some V] ; [MT:MapTypeName KT VT M:Map] ; SS => [MT KT VT M[K <- V]] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> UPDATE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [KT K] ; [option VT None] ; [MT:MapTypeName KT VT M:Map] ; SS => [MT KT VT M[K <- undef]] ; SS </stack>
We need some simplications for dealing with map lookups:
rule _:Map [ K1 <- V1 ][K2] => V1 requires K1 ==K K2 [simplification]
rule _:Map [ K1 <- undef ][K2] => None requires K1 ==K K2 [simplification]
rule M:Map [ K1 <- _ ][K2] => M[K2] requires K1 =/=K K2 [simplification]
rule M:Map [ K1 <- undef ][K2] => M[K2] requires K1 =/=K K2 [simplification]
rule K2 in_keys(M:Map[K1 <- _]) => K1 ==K K2 orBool K2 in_keys(M) [simplification]
rule <k> EMPTY_MAP A KT VT => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [#Name(map A KT VT) .Map] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SIZE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [map _ _ M:Map] ; SS => [nat size(M)] ; SS </stack>
operation over maps is defined via psuedoinstruction #DoMap
rule <k> MAP _A Body
=> #DoMap(#MapOpInfo(KT, VT, NoneType, M, .Map, Body))
<stack> [map KT VT M] ; SS => SS </stack>
takes a MapOpInfo
struct that holds the original map and newly built
map, as well as typing information. The map instruction proceeds as follows.
Let the map have p
entries in sorted order:
{ Elt key₁ val₁ ; Elt key₂ val₂ ; ... ; Elt keyₚ valₚ }
We apply the map code
, replacing the map on top of the stack with each
map entry in sorted order, and then build the new map by pairing each key
with the corresponding code
generated value (with a possibly new type),
as described by the MAP
typing rule below.
Γ ⊢ code :: ( pair key_ty val_ty1 ) : A ⇒ val_ty2 : A
Γ ⊢ MAP code :: map key_ty val_ty1 : A ⇒ map key_ty val_ty2 : A
syntax MapOpInfo ::= #MapOpInfo(keyType :TypeName,
origValType :TypeName,
newValType :MaybeTypeName,
origMap :Map,
newMap :Map,
mapBody :Block)
syntax Instruction ::= #DoMap(MapOpInfo)
// -------------------------------------
rule <k> #DoMap(#MapOpInfo(KT, VT, NVT, M1, M2, B))
=> B
~> #DoMapAux(#MinKey(M1),
#MapOpInfo(KT, VT, NVT, M1[#MinKey(M1) <- undef], M2, B))
<stack> SS
=> [pair KT VT Pair #MinKey(M1) {M1[#MinKey(M1)]}:>Data] ;
requires size(M1) >Int 0
rule <k> #DoMap(#MapOpInfo(KT, VT, NVT, .Map, M, _)) => .K ... </k>
<stack> SS => [map KT #DefaultType(NVT,VT) M] ; SS </stack>
syntax Instruction ::= #DoMapAux(Data, MapOpInfo)
// ----------------------------------------------
rule <k> #DoMapAux(K, #MapOpInfo(KT, VT, NVT, M1, M2, B))
=> #DoMap(#MapOpInfo(KT, VT, NVT', M1, M2[K <- V], B))
<stack> [NVT' V] ; SS => SS </stack>
requires #CompatibleTypes(NVT,NVT')
syntax Data ::= #MinKey(Map) [function]
// ------------------------------------
rule #MinKey(M) => #MinimalElement(keys_list(M))
We define auxiliary functions for computing the result type of MAP
syntax MaybeTypeName ::= TypeName
| "NoneType"
syntax Bool ::= #CompatibleTypes(MaybeTypeName, TypeName) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #CompatibleTypes(NoneType, _ ) => true
rule #CompatibleTypes(T1:TypeName, T2) => T1 ==K T2
syntax TypeName ::= #DefaultType(MaybeTypeName, TypeName) [function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
rule #DefaultType(T:TypeName, _) => T
rule #DefaultType(NoneType, T) => T
is relatively easy to implement using a straightforward recursive style,
since it does not need to track the new map while keeping it off the stack.
rule <k> ITER _A _ => . ... </k>
<stack> [map _ _ .Map] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> ITER _A Body
=> Body
~> #Push(map KT VT, M[#MinKey(M) <- undef])
~> ITER .AnnotationList Body
<stack> [map KT VT M:Map] ; SS
=> [pair KT VT Pair #MinKey(M) {M[#MinKey(M)]}:>Data] ; SS
requires size(M) >Int 0
rule <k> EMPTY_BIG_MAP A KT VT => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [#Name(big_map A KT VT) .Map] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SOME _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T X] ; SS => [option T Some X] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> NONE _A T:Type => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [option #Name(T) None] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> IF_NONE _A BT _ => BT ... </k>
<stack> [option _ None] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> IF_NONE _A _ BF => BF ... </k>
<stack> [option T Some V] ; SS => [T V] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> LEFT _A RTy:Type => . ... </k>
<stack> [LTy X:Data] ; SS => [or LTy #Name(RTy) Left X] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> RIGHT _A LTy:Type => . ... </k>
<stack> [RTy X:Data] ; SS => [or #Name(LTy) RTy Right X] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> IF_LEFT _A BT _ => BT ... </k>
<stack> [or LTy _ Left V] ; SS => [LTy V] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> IF_LEFT _A _ BF => BF ... </k>
<stack> [or _ RTy Right V] ; SS => [RTy V] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> CONS _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T V] ; [list T L] ; SS => [list T [| V |] ;; L] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> NIL _A T => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [list #Name(T) .InternalList] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> IF_CONS _A BT _
=> #AssumeHasType(E, T)
~> BT
<stack> [list T [| E |] ;; L] ; SS => [T E] ; [list T L] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> IF_CONS _A _ BF => BF ... </k>
<stack> [list _ .InternalList ] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> SIZE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [list _ L:InternalList] ; SS => [nat size(L)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> ITER _A _ => . ... </k>
<stack> [list _ .InternalList] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> ITER _A Body
=> #AssumeHasType(E, T)
~> Body
~> #Push(list T,L)
~> ITER .AnnotationList Body
<stack> [list T [| E |] ;; L] ; SS => [T E] ; SS </stack>
operation over list
s is defined in terms of a helper function.
rule <k> MAP _A Body
=> #DoMap(T, NoneType, L, .InternalList, Body)
<stack> [list T L] ; SS => SS </stack>
syntax Instruction ::= #DoMap(TypeName, MaybeTypeName, InternalList, InternalList, Block)
| #DoMapAux(TypeName, MaybeTypeName, InternalList, InternalList, Block)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #DoMap(T, NT, .InternalList, Acc, _) => .K ... </k>
<stack> SS => [list #DefaultType(NT,T) #ReverseList(Acc, .InternalList)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> #DoMap(T, NT, [| E |] ;; L, Acc, B)
=> B
~> #DoMapAux(T, NT, L, Acc, B)
<stack> SS => [T E] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> #DoMapAux(T, NT, L, Acc, B)
=> #DoMap(T, NT', L, [| E |] ;; Acc, B)
<stack> [NT' E] ; SS => SS </stack>
requires #CompatibleTypes(NT,NT')
syntax InternalList ::= #ReverseList(InternalList, InternalList) [function, functional]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #ReverseList(E ;; L, L') => #ReverseList(L, E ;; L')
rule #ReverseList(.InternalList, L') => L'
Timestamps are simply wrapped ints in Michelson, so the implementation of simple arithmetic over them is straightforward. The differing argument types however forces us to use two rules for each operation.
rule <k> ADD _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [timestamp #Timestamp(I1)] ; [int I2] ; SS => [timestamp #Timestamp(I1 +Int I2)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> ADD _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [int I1] ; [timestamp #Timestamp(I2)] ; SS => [timestamp #Timestamp(I1 +Int I2)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SUB _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [timestamp #Timestamp(I1)] ; [int I2] ; SS => [timestamp #Timestamp(I1 -Int I2)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SUB _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [timestamp #Timestamp(I1)] ; [timestamp #Timestamp(I2)] ; SS => [int I1 -Int I2] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> CREATE_CONTRACT _:AnnotationList { C } => . ... </k>
<stack> [option key_hash Delegate:OptionData] ;
[mutez #Mutez(Initial)] ;
[_ Storage:Data] ;
=> [operation Create_contract { C } Delegate Initial Storage O ] ;
[address #Address("@Address(" +String Int2String(!_:Int) +String ")")] ;
<nonce> #Nonce(O) => #NextNonce(#Nonce(O)) </nonce>
rule <k> TRANSFER_TOKENS _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [T D] ; [mutez #Mutez(M)] ; [contract T #Contract(A, T)] ; SS
=> [operation Transfer_tokens D #Mutez(M) A O] ; SS
<nonce> #Nonce(O) => #NextNonce(#Nonce(O)) </nonce>
rule <k> SET_DELEGATE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [option key_hash D] ; SS => [operation Set_delegate D O] ; SS </stack>
<nonce> #Nonce(O) => #NextNonce(#Nonce(O)) </nonce>
Each operation
value must have a unique nonce.
The nonce generation process is unspecified by the Michelson semantics.
We implement it here.
syntax OperationNonce ::= #NextNonce(OperationNonce) [function]
rule #NextNonce(#Nonce(I)) => #Nonce(I +Int 1)
These instructions push fresh contract
literals on the stack corresponding
to the given addresses/key hashes.
syntax Instruction ::= CONTRACT(FieldAnnotation, TypeName)
rule <k> CONTRACT AL:AnnotationList T:Type => CONTRACT(#GetFieldAnnot(AL), #Name(T)) ... </k>
rule <k> CONTRACT(FA, T) => . ... </k>
<stack> [address A:Address] ; SS
=> [option contract T Some #Contract(A . FA, T) ] ; SS
<knownaddrs> ContractMap </knownaddrs>
requires A . FA in_keys(ContractMap)
andBool ContractMap [ A . FA ] ==K T
rule <k> CONTRACT(_FA, T) => . ... </k>
<stack> [address _] ; SS => [option contract T None] ; SS </stack>
<knownaddrs> _ </knownaddrs> [owise]
rule <k> IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT _AL => . ... </k>
<stack> [key_hash #KeyHash(A)] ; SS
=> [contract unit #Contract(#Address(A) . %default, unit)] ; SS
These instructions push blockchain state on the stack.
rule <k> BALANCE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [mutez B] ; SS </stack>
<mybalance> B </mybalance>
rule <k> ADDRESS _AL => . ... </k>
<stack> [contract T #Contract(A . _, T)] ; SS => [address A] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SOURCE _AL => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [address A] ; SS </stack>
<sourceaddr> A </sourceaddr>
rule <k> SENDER _AL => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [address A] ; SS </stack>
<senderaddr> A </senderaddr>
syntax Instruction ::= SELF(FieldAnnotation)
rule <k> SELF AL:AnnotationList => SELF(#GetFieldAnnot(AL)) ... </k>
rule <k> SELF(FA::FieldAnnotation) => .K ... </k>
<stack> SS
=> [contract {LocalEntrypointMap [ FA ]}:>TypeName
#Contract(A . FA, {LocalEntrypointMap [ FA ]}:>TypeName)]
; SS
<paramtype> LocalEntrypointMap </paramtype>
<myaddr> A </myaddr>
ensures FA in_keys( LocalEntrypointMap )
andBool isTypeName(LocalEntrypointMap [ FA ])
rule <k> AMOUNT _A => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [mutez M] ; SS </stack>
<myamount> M </myamount>
rule <k> CHAIN_ID _A => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [chain_id C] ; SS </stack>
<mychainid> C </mychainid>
rule <k> NOW _A => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [timestamp N] ; SS </stack>
<mynow> N </mynow>
The cryptographic operations are simply stubbed for now.
syntax String ::= #Blake2BKeyHash(String) [function]
rule #Blake2BKeyHash(S) => S
rule <k> HASH_KEY _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [key #Key(S)] ; SS => [key_hash #KeyHash(#Blake2BKeyHash(S))] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> BLAKE2B _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [bytes B:MichelsonBytes] ; SS => [bytes #Blake2B(B)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SHA256 _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [bytes B:MichelsonBytes] ; SS => [bytes #SHA256(B)] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> SHA512 _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [bytes B:MichelsonBytes] ; SS => [bytes #SHA512(B)] ; SS </stack>
syntax MichelsonBytes ::= #SignBytes(Key, Signature, MichelsonBytes)
// FIXME: The haskell backend does not support distinguishing these rules.
rule <k> CHECK_SIGNATURE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> #Key(K)
~> #Signature(S)
~> #SignBytes(#Key(K), #Signature(S), _)
=> true
rule <k> CHECK_SIGNATURE _A => . ... </k>
<stack> #Key(_)
~> #Signature(_)
~> _:MichelsonBytes
=> false
</stack> [owise]
Mutez operations need to check their results since mutez
is not an unlimited
precision type.
This internal instruction checks and produces the appropriate error case if the
value is invalid.
syntax Instruction ::= #ValidateMutezAndPush(Mutez, Int, Int)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #ValidateMutezAndPush(#Mutez(I), _, _) => . ... </k>
<stack> SS => [mutez #Mutez(I)] ; SS </stack>
requires #IsLegalMutezValue(I)
rule <k> #ValidateMutezAndPush(#Mutez(I), I1, I2) ~> Rk
=> Aborted("Mutez out of bounds", I, Rk, Rs) ~> Rk </k>
<stack> Rs => #FailureFromMutezValue(#Mutez(I), I1, I2) </stack>
requires notBool #IsLegalMutezValue(I)
syntax FailedStack ::= #FailureFromMutezValue(Mutez, Int, Int) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #FailureFromMutezValue(#Mutez(I), I1, I2) => ( MutezOverflow I1 I2 ) requires I >=Int #MutezOverflowLimit
rule #FailureFromMutezValue(#Mutez(I), I1, I2) => ( MutezUnderflow I1 I2 ) requires I <Int 0
rule #FailureFromMutezValue(#Mutez(I), I1, I2) => ( MutezOverflow I1 I2 ) requires I >=Int #MutezOverflowLimit [simplification]
rule #FailureFromMutezValue(#Mutez(I), I1, I2) => ( MutezUnderflow I1 I2 ) requires I <Int 0 [simplification]
rule #Ceil(#FailureFromMutezValue(#Mutez(I), _I1, _I2)) => #Bottom
requires notBool(I >=Int #MutezOverflowLimit orBool I <Int 0)
Other than the mutez validation step, these arithmetic rules are essentially identical to those defined over integers.
rule <k> ADD _A
=> #ValidateMutezAndPush(#Mutez(I1 +Int I2), I1, I2)
~> .
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(I1)] ; [mutez #Mutez(I2)] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> SUB _A
=> #ValidateMutezAndPush(#Mutez(I1 -Int I2), I1, I2)
~> .
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(I1)] ; [mutez #Mutez(I2)] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> MUL _A
=> #ValidateMutezAndPush(#Mutez(I1 *Int I2), I1, I2)
~> .
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(I1)] ; [nat I2] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> MUL _A
=> #ValidateMutezAndPush(#Mutez(I1 *Int I2), I1, I2)
~> .
<stack> [nat I1] ; [mutez #Mutez(I2)] ; SS => SS </stack>
rule <k> EDIV _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(_)] ; [mutez #Mutez(0)] ; SS => [option pair nat mutez None] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> EDIV _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(_)] ; [nat 0] ; SS => [option pair mutez mutez None] ; SS </stack>
rule <k> EDIV _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(I1)] ;
[mutez #Mutez(I2)] ;
=> [option pair nat mutez Some (Pair (I1 /Int I2) #Mutez(I1 %Int I2))] ;
requires I2 >Int 0
rule <k> EDIV _A => . ... </k>
<stack> [mutez #Mutez(I1)] ;
[nat I2] ;
=> [option pair mutez mutez Some (Pair #Mutez(I1 /Int I2) #Mutez(I1 %Int I2))] ;
requires I2 >Int 0
rule <k> TICKET _A => . ...</k>
<stack> [T X] ;
[nat N] ;
=> [(ticket T) #Ticket(Addr, X, N)] ;
<myaddr> Addr </myaddr>
requires #IsComparable(T)
rule <k> READ_TICKET _A => . ...</k>
<stack> [(ticket T) #Ticket(Addr, X, N)] ;
=> [(pair address (pair T nat)) (Pair Addr (Pair X N))] ;
[(ticket T) #Ticket(Addr, X, N)] ;
rule <k> JOIN_TICKETS _A => . ...</k>
<stack> [(pair (ticket CTy) (ticket CTy))
(Pair #Ticket(S, X, N1) #Ticket(S, X, N2))
] ;
=> [(option (ticket CTy)) (Some #Ticket(S, X, (N1 +Int N2)))] ;
rule <k> JOIN_TICKETS _A => . ...</k>
<stack> [(pair (ticket CTy) (ticket CTy))
(Pair #Ticket(#Address(S1), X1, _N1) #Ticket(#Address(S2), X2, _N2))
] ;
=> [(option (ticket CTy)) None] ;
requires S1 =/=String S2
orBool X1 =/=K X2
rule <k> SPLIT_TICKET _A => . ...</k>
<stack> [(ticket CTy) #Ticket(S, X, N3)] ;
[(pair nat nat) (Pair N1 N2)] ;
=> [(option (pair (ticket CTy) (ticket CTy)))
Some (Pair #Ticket(S, X, N1) #Ticket(S, X, N2))
] ;
requires N1 +Int N2 ==Int N3
rule <k> SPLIT_TICKET _A => . ...</k>
<stack> [(ticket CTy) #Ticket(_S, _X, N3)] ;
[(pair nat nat) (Pair N1 N2)] ;
=> [(option (pair (ticket CTy) (ticket CTy))) None] ;
requires notBool N1 +Int N2 ==Int N3
We introduce several pseudo-instructions that are used for debugging:
is an instruction that cannot be evaluated and causes the program to get stuckPAUSE
non-determinstically chooses to either do nothing or elseSTOP
; it optionally traces at its pause point.TRACE
appends its string content to the<trace>
cell as a debugging aid for complex programs.
rule <k> PAUSE => .K ... </k>
rule <k> PAUSE => STOP ... </k>
rule <k> PAUSE(S) => TRACE(S) ~> PAUSE ... </k>
rule <k> TRACE(S) => .K ... </k>
<trace> .K => S ... </trace>
These operations are used internally for implementation purposes.
syntax Instruction ::= "ASSERT" "{" BlockList "}"
| "ASSUME" "{" BlockList "}"
rule <k> ASSERT { .BlockList } => .K ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT { B; Bs }
=> B ~> #AssertTrue ~> ASSERT { Bs } ~> #RestoreStack(SS)
<stack> SS => .Stack </stack>
rule <k> ASSUME { .BlockList } => .K ... </k>
rule <k> ASSUME { B; Bs }
=> B ~> #AssumeTrue ~> ASSUME { Bs } ~> #RestoreStack(SS)
<stack> SS => .Stack </stack>
syntax Instruction ::= #RestoreStack(K)
rule <k> #RestoreStack(SS) => .K ... </k>
<stack> _ => SS </stack>
syntax Instruction ::= "#AssertTrue"
rule <k> #AssertTrue => #Assert(B) ... </k>
<stack> [bool B:Bool] ; SS => SS </stack>
syntax Instruction ::= "#AssumeTrue"
rule <k> #AssumeTrue => #Assume(B) ... </k>
<stack> [bool B:Bool] ; SS => SS </stack>
syntax KItem ::= #Assert(BoolExp) [strict, result(Bool)]
rule <k> #Assert(true) => . ... </k>
rule <k> #Assert(false) => #AssertFailed ... </k>
syntax KItem ::= "#AssertFailed" [klabel(#AssertFailed), symbol]
syntax KItem ::= #Assume(BoolExp) [strict, result(Bool)]
rule <k> #Assume(true) => . ... </k>
rule <k> #Assume(BExp:Bool) => . ... </k>
ensures BExp
TODO: We let this rule run in both symbolic and concrete cases, to avoid a
possible bug in the haskell backend that prevents the => #Bottom
rule from
executing when using krun
rule <k> #Assume(false) ... </k>
<returncode> 111 => 0 </returncode>
Note that the first value is a KItem
and not heated/cooled. This is to work
around the need for sort coersion in the map GET
syntax BoolExp ::= Bool
| KItem "==" Data
rule <k> D1 == D2 => (D2 ~> D1 == #hole) ... </k> requires notBool isValue(D2)
rule <k> (D2 ~> D1 == #hole) => D1 == D2 ... </k> requires isValue(D2)
rule <k> D1 == D2 => D1 ==K D2 ... </k> requires isValue(D2)
rule isBool(_L == _R) => false [simplification]
A cutpoint is a semantic construct that internalizes the notion of a reachability logic circularity (or claim). When we reach a cutpoint, we need to generalize our current state into one which corresponds to the reachability logic circularity that we wish to use.
syntax Instruction ::= CUTPOINT( id: Int, invariant: Invariant)
rule <k> CUTPOINT(I, { Shape } { Predicates })
=> BIND { Shape } { ASSERT { Predicates }}
~> #GeneralizeStack(Shape, .Stack)
~> BIND { Shape } { ASSUME { Predicates }}
<cutpoints> (.Set => SetItem(I)) VisitedCutpoints </cutpoints>
requires notBool I in VisitedCutpoints
rule <k> CUTPOINT(I, { Shape } { Predicates })
=> BIND { Shape } { ASSERT { Predicates }}
~> #Assume(false)
<cutpoints> VisitedCutpoints </cutpoints>
requires I in VisitedCutpoints
In stack-based languages like Michelson, state generalization means that we abstract out pieces of the stack which are non-invariant during loop execution.
syntax KItem ::= #GeneralizeStack(StackElementList, Stack)
rule <k> #GeneralizeStack(.StackElementList, SS) => . ... </k>
<stack> _ => reverseStack( SS ) </stack>
rule <k> #GeneralizeStack(Stack_elt T D ; SS, SS')
=> #GeneralizeStack(SS, [#Name(T) D] ; SS')
requires notBool isSymbolicData(D)
rule <k> (.K => #MakeFresh(T))
~> #GeneralizeStack(Stack_elt T D:SymbolicData ; SS, SS')
rule <k> ( V
~> #GeneralizeStack(Stack_elt T D:SymbolicData ; SS, SS')
=> #GeneralizeStack(Stack_elt T V ; SS, SS')
requires isValue(#Name(T),V)
syntax Instruction ::= "BIND" OutputStack Block
rule <k> BIND Shape Block
=> #Bind(Shape, Stack)
~> Block
~> #RestoreSymbols(Symbols)
<symbols> Symbols </symbols>
<stack> Stack </stack>
syntax KItem ::= #Bind(OutputStack, InternalStack)
rule <k> #Bind({ .StackElementList }, .Stack) => .K ... </k>
rule <k> #Bind(S1:FailedStack, S2:FailedStack) => .K ... </k>
requires #Matches(S1, S2)
rule <k> #Bind( { Stack_elt T S:SymbolicData ; SS => SS }
, [ TN D ] ; SS' => SS'
<symbols> Syms => S |-> #TypedSymbol(TN, D) Syms </symbols>
requires notBool S in_keys(Syms)
andBool TN ==K #Name(T)
rule <k> #Bind( { Stack_elt T S:SymbolicData ; SS => SS }
, [ TN D1 ] ; SS' => SS'
<symbols> S |-> #TypedSymbol(TN, D2) ... </symbols>
requires D1 ==K D2
andBool TN ==K #Name(T)
rule <k> #Bind( { Stack_elt T ED ; SS => SS }
, [ TN AD ] ; SS' => SS'
<knownaddrs> KnownAddrs </knownaddrs>
<bigmaps> BigMaps </bigmaps>
requires #ConcreteMatch(ED, T, KnownAddrs, BigMaps, AD)
andBool TN ==K #Name(T)
// NOTE: this function protects against unification errors
syntax Bool ::= #ConcreteMatch(Data, Type, Map, Map, Data) [function]
rule #ConcreteMatch(_:SymbolicData, _, _, _, _) => false
rule #ConcreteMatch(ED, T, Addrs, BigMaps, AD) => #Matches(#MichelineToNative(ED,T,Addrs,BigMaps),AD)
requires notBool isSymbolicData(ED)
syntax KItem ::= #RestoreSymbols(Map)
rule <k> #RestoreSymbols(Symbols) => .K ... </k>
<symbols> _ => Symbols </symbols>
The following macros have one-step mappings to Michelson code.
rule <k> CMPEQ _ => COMPARE .AnnotationList ; EQ .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> CMPNEQ _ => COMPARE .AnnotationList ; NEQ .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> CMPLT _ => COMPARE .AnnotationList ; LT .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> CMPGT _ => COMPARE .AnnotationList ; GT .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> CMPLE _ => COMPARE .AnnotationList ; LE .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> CMPGE _ => COMPARE .AnnotationList ; GE .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> IFEQ _ B1 B2 => EQ .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFNEQ _ B1 B2 => NEQ .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFLT _ B1 B2 => LT .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFGT _ B1 B2 => GT .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFLE _ B1 B2 => LE .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFGE _ B1 B2 => GE .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFCMPEQ _ B1 B2 => CMPEQ .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFCMPNEQ _ B1 B2 => CMPNEQ .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFCMPLT _ B1 B2 => CMPLT .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFCMPGT _ B1 B2 => CMPGT .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFCMPLE _ B1 B2 => CMPLE .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> IFCMPGE _ B1 B2 => CMPGE .AnnotationList ; IF .AnnotationList B1 B2 ... </k>
rule <k> FAIL _ => UNIT .AnnotationList ; FAILWITH .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT _ => IF .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_EQ _ => IFEQ .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_NEQ _ => IFNEQ .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_LT _ => IFLT .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_LE _ => IFLE .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_GT _ => IFGT .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_GE _ => IFGE .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_CMPEQ _ => IFCMPEQ .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_CMPNEQ _ => IFCMPNEQ .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_CMPLT _ => IFCMPLT .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_CMPLE _ => IFCMPLE .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_CMPGT _ => IFCMPGT .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_CMPGE _ => IFCMPGE .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_NONE _ => IF_NONE .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_SOME _ => IF_SOME .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_LEFT _ => IF_LEFT .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> ASSERT_RIGHT _ => IF_RIGHT .AnnotationList {} { FAIL .AnnotationList } ... </k>
rule <k> IF_SOME _ B1 B2 => IF_NONE .AnnotationList B2 B1 ... </k>
rule <k> IF_RIGHT _ B1 B2 => IF_LEFT .AnnotationList B2 B1 ... </k>
rule <k> SET_CAR _ => CDR .AnnotationList ; SWAP .AnnotationList ; PAIR .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> SET_CDR _ => CAR .AnnotationList ; PAIR .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> MAP_CAR _ Body
=> DUP .AnnotationList ;
CDR .AnnotationList ;
DIP .AnnotationList { CAR .AnnotationList ; Body } ;
SWAP .AnnotationList ;
PAIR .AnnotationList
rule <k> MAP_CDR _ Body
=> DUP .AnnotationList ;
CDR .AnnotationList ;
Body ;
SWAP .AnnotationList ;
CAR .AnnotationList ;
PAIR .AnnotationList
// NOTE: there is no DUP 1 macro --- presumably becuase this is equal to DUP
rule <k> DUP _ 2 => DIP .AnnotationList { DUP .AnnotationList } ; SWAP .AnnotationList ... </k>
rule <k> DUP _ N => DIP .AnnotationList (N -Int 1) { DUP .AnnotationList } ; DIG .AnnotationList N ... </k>
requires N >Int 2
The following macros require two or more steps to fully process. We first convert the macro token into a string and trim off any unneeded prefixes/suffixes.
syntax DataList ::= #DUP(String) [function]
| #CDAR(String) [function]
| "#SET_CDAR" "(" String ")" [function]
| "#MAP_CDAR" "(" String "," Block ")" [function]
| #DIP(String, Block) [function]
rule <k> M:DUPMacro _ => #DUP( #Trim(1,1,#DUPMacroToString(M))) ... </k>
rule <k> M:CDARMacro _ => #CDAR( #Trim(1,1,#CDARMacroToString(M))) ... </k>
rule <k> M:SetCDARMacro _ => #SET_CDAR(#Trim(5,1,#SetCDARMacroToString(M))) ... </k>
rule <k> M:MapCDARMacro _ B => #MAP_CDAR(#Trim(5,1,#MapCDARMacroToString(M)), B) ... </k>
rule <k> M:DIPMacro _ B => #DIP( #Trim(1,1,#DIPMacroToString(M)), B) ... </k>
Complex macro evaluation proceeds by interpreting the trimmed string as Michelson instructions.
macro is equivalent toDUP n
is the number ofU
s, whereDUP n
duplicates then
th stack element. Thus, we can infer a typing rule of the form:x1 ... xn S => x1 xn ... xn S
.rule #DUP(S) => DUP .AnnotationList lengthString(S)
macro evaluates to successiveCAR
instructions for eachA
in the string. Thus, we can infer a typing rule of the form:ptype(...x...) S => x S
is a nested pair type of the required structure.rule #CDAR(S) => CAR .AnnotationList ; #CDAR( #Advance(1,S) ) requires lengthString(S) >Int 0 andThenBool #CharAt(0, S) ==String "A" rule #CDAR(S) => CDR .AnnotationList ; #CDAR( #Advance(1,S) ) requires lengthString(S) >Int 0 andThenBool #CharAt(0, S) ==String "D" rule #CDAR("") => { }
macro sets a designated leaf element in a nestedpair
type with depthn
which depends on the sequence ofA
s andD
s in the macro. Thus, we can infer a typing rule of the form:ptype(...x...) x S => ptype(...x...) S
.rule #SET_CDAR(S) => { DUP .AnnotationList ; DIP .AnnotationList { CAR .AnnotationList ; { #SET_CDAR( #Advance(1,S) ) } } ; CDR .AnnotationList ; SWAP .AnnotationList ; PAIR .AnnotationList } requires lengthString(S) >=Int 2 andThenBool #CharAt(0, S) ==String "A" rule #SET_CDAR(S) => { DUP .AnnotationList ; DIP .AnnotationList { CDR .AnnotationList ; { #SET_CDAR( #Advance(1,S) ) } } ; CAR .AnnotationList ; PAIR .AnnotationList } requires lengthString(S) >=Int 2 andThenBool #CharAt(0, S) ==String "D" rule #SET_CDAR("A") => SET_CAR .AnnotationList rule #SET_CDAR("D") => SET_CDR .AnnotationList
MAP_C[AD]+R code
assumes the following conditions:- the macro is applied to a stack of the for
ptype S
is a nestedpair
type with a designated leaf of depthn
which depends on the sequence ofA
s andD
s in the macro; - the designated leaf value is
with typex
; - for the given
, we can infer a typing rule of the formx S => x S
macro transforms the pair by applyingcode
to leaf valuev
. Thus, we can infer a typing rule of the form:ptype(...x...) S => ptype(...x...) S
.rule #MAP_CDAR(S, Body) => { DUP .AnnotationList ; DIP .AnnotationList { CAR .AnnotationList ; { #MAP_CDAR( #Advance(1,S), Body ) } } ; CDR .AnnotationList ; SWAP .AnnotationList ; PAIR .AnnotationList } requires lengthString(S) >=Int 2 andThenBool #CharAt(0, S) ==String "A" rule #MAP_CDAR(S, Body) => { DUP .AnnotationList ; DIP .AnnotationList { CDR .AnnotationList ; { #MAP_CDAR( #Advance(1,S), Body ) } } ; CAR .AnnotationList ; PAIR .AnnotationList } requires lengthString(S) >=Int 2 andThenBool #CharAt(0, S) ==String "D" rule #MAP_CDAR("A", Body) => MAP_CAR .AnnotationList Body rule #MAP_CDAR("D", Body) => MAP_CDR .AnnotationList Body
- the macro is applied to a stack of the for
macro evaluates toDIP n
is the number ofI
s in the string. Technically, this macro accepts a variant of roman numerals with charactersMDCLXVI
where different letters increase the value ofn
by more than 1, but, for simplicity, we only accept the consecutiveI
s. Its typing rule is equivalent to the typing rule forDIP n code
rule #DIP(S,Body) => DIP .AnnotationList lengthString(S) Body
The following two macros are left for future implementation work.
rule <k> M:PairMacro _ => #Eval(#Trim(1,1,#PairMacroToString(M)), M) ... </k>
rule <k> M:UnpairMacro _ => #Eval(#Trim(2,1,#UnpairMacroToString(M)), M) ... </k>
syntax String ::= #Trim(Int, Int, String) [function]
// -------------------------------------------------
rule #Trim(B, E, S) => substrString(S, B, lengthString(S) -Int E)
syntax String ::= #CharAt(Int, String) [function]
// ----------------------------------------------
rule #CharAt(N, S) => substrString(S, N, N +Int 1)
syntax String ::= #Advance(Int, String) [function]
// ------------------------------------------------
rule #Advance(N, S) => substrString(S, N, lengthString(S))
syntax TypedSymbol ::= #TypedSymbol(TypeName, Data)
rule [[ #MichelineToNative(S:SymbolicData, T, _, _) => D ]]
<symbols> S |-> #TypedSymbol(TN, D) ... </symbols>
requires TN ==K #Name(T)
rule [[ #MichelineToNative(S:SymbolicData, T, _, _) => S ]]
<symbols> Syms:Map </symbols>
requires notBool (S in_keys(Syms))
is responsible for setting up the initial symbol table.
syntax KItem ::= #CreateSymbol(SymbolicData, Type)
// -----------------------------------------------
rule <k> (.K => #MakeFresh(T)) ~> #CreateSymbol(_, T) ... </k>
rule <k> (V ~> #CreateSymbol(N, T)) => . ... </k>
<symbols> M => M[N <- #TypedSymbol(#Name(T), V)] </symbols>
requires isValue(#Name(T), V)
The isValue
predicate indicates if a Data
has been fully evaluated.
It has an untyped and typed variant.
syntax Bool ::= isValue(Data) [function, functional]
// -------------------------------------------------
rule isValue(_:SimpleData) => true
rule isValue(None) => true
rule isValue(Some V) => isValue(V)
rule isValue(Left V) => isValue(V)
rule isValue(Right V) => isValue(V)
rule isValue(Pair L R) => isValue(L) andBool isValue(R)
rule isValue(_) => false [owise]
syntax Bool ::= isValue(TypeName, Data) [function, functional]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
rule isValue(nat, V:Int) => true requires V >=Int 0
rule isValue(int, _:Int) => true
rule isValue(mutez, #Mutez(V:Int)) => true requires #IsLegalMutezValue(V)
rule isValue(bool, _:Bool) => true
rule isValue(bytes, _:Bytes) => true
rule isValue(string, _:String) => true
rule isValue(unit, Unit) => true
rule isValue(key, #Key(_:String)) => true
rule isValue(key_hash, #KeyHash(_:String)) => true
rule isValue(signature, #Signature(_:String)) => true
rule isValue(timestamp, #Timestamp(_:Int)) => true
rule isValue(address, #Address(_:String)) => true
rule isValue(chain_id, #ChainId(_:Bytes)) => true
rule isValue(operation, _:BlockchainOperation) => true
rule isValue(contract T, #Contract(_:Entrypoint,T)) => true
rule isValue(option _, None) => true
rule isValue(option T, Some V) => isValue(T, V)
rule isValue(pair T1 T2, Pair LV RV) => isValue(T1, LV) andBool isValue(T2, RV)
rule isValue(or T1 _T2, Left V) => isValue(T1, V)
rule isValue(or _T1 T2, Right V) => isValue(T2, V)
rule isValue(lambda T1 T2, #Lambda(T1,T2, _:Block)) => true
rule isValue(list _, _:InternalList) => true
rule isValue(set _, _:Set) => true
rule isValue(_:MapTypeName _ _, _:Map) => true
rule isValue(ticket T, #Ticket(A, X, N)) => isValue(address, A) andBool isValue(T, X) andBool isValue(nat, N)
rule isValue(_,_) => false [owise]
syntax Data ::= "#hole"
rule <k> Pair V1 V2 => (V1 ~> Pair #hole V2) ... </k> requires notBool isValue(V1)
rule <k> Pair V1 V2 => (V2 ~> Pair V1 #hole) ... </k> requires isValue(V1) andBool notBool isValue(V2)
rule <k> (V1 ~> Pair #hole V2) => Pair V1 V2 ... </k> requires isValue(V1)
rule <k> (V2 ~> Pair V1 #hole) => Pair V1 V2 ... </k> requires isValue(V2)
rule <k> Some V => (V ~> Some #hole) ... </k> requires notBool isValue(V)
rule <k> (V ~> Some #hole) => Some V ... </k> requires isValue(V)
rule <k> Left V => (V ~> Left #hole) ... </k> requires notBool isValue(V)
rule <k> (V ~> Left #hole) => Left V ... </k> requires isValue(V)
rule <k> Right V => (V ~> Right #hole) ... </k> requires notBool isValue(V)
rule <k> (V ~> Right #hole) => Right V ... </k> requires isValue(V)
is responsible for generating a fresh value of a given type.
syntax Data ::= #MakeFresh(Type)
rule <k> #MakeFresh(nat _:AnnotationList) => #Assume(?V >=Int 0) ~> ?V:Int ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(mutez _:AnnotationList) => #Assume(#IsLegalMutezValue(?V)) ~> #Mutez(?V:Int) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(bool _:AnnotationList) => ?_:Bool ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(int _:AnnotationList) => ?_:Int ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(bytes _:AnnotationList) => ?_:Bytes ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(string _:AnnotationList) => ?_:String ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(unit _:AnnotationList) => Unit ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(key _:AnnotationList) => #Key(?_:String) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(key_hash _:AnnotationList) => #KeyHash(?_:String) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(signature _:AnnotationList) => #Signature(?_:String) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(timestamp _:AnnotationList) => #Timestamp(?_:Int) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(address _:AnnotationList) => #Address(?_:String) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(chain_id _:AnnotationList) => #ChainId(?_:Bytes) ... </k>
// TODO: should we expand into the three separate kinds of Blockchain operations?
rule <k> #MakeFresh(operation _:AnnotationList) => ?_:BlockchainOperation ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(list _:AnnotationList _:Type) => ?_:InternalList ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(set _:AnnotationList _:Type) => ?_:Set ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(map _:AnnotationList _:Type _:Type) => ?_:Map ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(big_map _:AnnotationList _:Type _:Type) => ?_:Map ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(contract _:AnnotationList T) => #Contract(#Address(?_:String ) . ?_:FieldAnnotation, #Name(T)) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(pair _:AnnotationList T1 T2)
=> (Pair #MakeFresh(T1) #MakeFresh(T2))
rule <k> #MakeFresh(option _:AnnotationList _) => None ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(option _:AnnotationList T) => Some #MakeFresh(T) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(or _:AnnotationList T1 _T2) => Left #MakeFresh(T1) ... </k>
rule <k> #MakeFresh(or _:AnnotationList _T1 T2) => Right #MakeFresh(T2) ... </k>
We implement fresh lambdas as fresh uninterpreted functions.
rule <k> #MakeFresh(lambda _:AnnotationList T1 T2)
=> #Lambda(#Name(T1), #Name(T2), { #Uninterpreted(!_Id, #Name(T1), #Name(T2)) })
syntax Instruction ::= #Uninterpreted(id: Int, arg: TypeName, return: TypeName)
syntax Data ::= uninterpreted(id: Int, arg: Data) [function, functional, no-evaluators]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule <k> #Uninterpreted(Id, ArgT, RetT)
=> #Assume(uninterpreted(Id, Arg) == #MakeFresh(#Type(RetT)))
<stack> [ArgT Arg] ; SS => [RetT uninterpreted(Id, Arg):Data] ; SS </stack>
requires isValue(ArgT, Arg)
Michelson containers are parametric over a type. However, they are implemented
in K as non-parametric containers such as InternalList
, Map
and Set
all allow arbitary Data
When unfolding a symbolic container, we thus need to add a constraint forcing
the item to be of the correct type.
syntax KItem ::= #AssumeHasType(KItem, TypeName)
rule <k> #AssumeHasType(_, _) => .K ... </k>
rule <k> #AssumeHasType(E, T) => #Assume(E == #MakeFresh(#Type(T))) ... </k>
This function implements a relaxed equality check between two data elements.
In particular, it handles the wildcard match behavior described in the .tzt
format proposal and discards list type information as discussed earlier.
module MATCHER
syntax Bool ::= #Matches(Data, Data) [function] // Expected, Actual
// This covers any structurally different data. (e.g. (Left 1) vs (Right 1))
rule #Matches(D1, D2) => D1 ==K D2 [owise]
rule #Matches(_:Wildcard, _) => true
rule #Matches(.InternalList, .InternalList) => true
rule #Matches(L1 ;; Ls1, L2 ;; Ls2)
=> #Matches(L1, L2) andBool #Matches(Ls1, Ls2)
rule #Matches(.Set, .Set) => true
rule #Matches(SetItem(S1) Ss1, SetItem(S2) Ss2)
=> #Matches(S1, S2) andBool #Matches(Ss1, Ss2)
rule #Matches(.Map, .Map) => true
rule #Matches((K |-> V1) M1, (K |-> V2) M2)
=> #Matches(V1, V2) andBool #Matches(M1, M2)
syntax Data ::= FailedStack
rule #Matches(Create_contract { C } O1 M1 D1 I1,
Create_contract { C } O2 M2 D2 I2)
=> #Matches(I1, I2) andBool
#Matches(O1, O2) andBool
#Matches(M1, M2) andBool
#Matches(D1, D2)
rule #Matches(Transfer_tokens D1 M1 A1:Entrypoint I1,
Transfer_tokens D2 M2 A2:Entrypoint I2)
=> #Matches(I1, I2) andBool
#Matches(D1, D2) andBool
#Matches(M1, M2) andBool
A1 ==K A2
rule #Matches(Set_delegate O1 I1,
Set_delegate O2 I2)
=> #Matches(I1, I2) andBool #Matches(O1, O2)
rule #Matches(Pair L1 R1, Pair L2 R2)
=> #Matches(L1, L2) andBool #Matches(R1, R2)
rule #Matches(Some D1, Some D2) => #Matches(D1, D2)
rule #Matches(Left D1, Left D2) => #Matches(D1, D2)
rule #Matches(Right D1, Right D2) => #Matches(D1, D2)