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User Guide

Welcome to K-Michelson: a formal verification framework for Michelson using assertions written in Michelson!

This guide assumes you have successfully installed K-Michelson according to the instructions in

Table of Contents

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Introduction to K-Michelson
  3. Quick start and examples
  4. Writing Your Own K-Michelson Tests
  5. Cross-Validating K-Michelson
  6. K-Michelson Test Grammar Reference

Introduction to K-Michelson

The main purpose of this toolkit is to enable Michelson smart contract developers to test their contracts more easily and thoroughly.

Testing with K-Michelson is easier because it is a local client with a simple test format (.tzt) which is just a slight extension of Tezos scripts (.tz) that you are used to writing. That means you do not need to:

  • spin up a local test net;

  • define a transaction set to produce your desired blockchain state;

  • bake any blocks.

Testing with K-Michelson is more thorough because it enables you to:

  • test at a finer level of granularity than is possible with (.tz) tests, i.e., Michelson expressions that are not valid scripts can be tested;

  • test operation and big_map emitting instructions, which is difficult to achieve normally because we cannot COMPARE such values;

  • verify correctness of concrete and symbolic Michelson programs. That is, while traditional testing allows checking pairs of input and output values, K-Michelson allows testing over classes of inputs (such as all integers). This is explained in greater detail in the symbolic test below.

A secondary purpose of K-Michelson is to provide a formal, executable, and human-readable semantics of the Michelson blockchain programming language using the K Framework. In this sense, it acts as:

  • a programming language design aid. Since K semantics are easy to modify and extend, it can be used to explore modifications to the language. Since K semantics are exectuable, it can be used to test potential modifications.

  • an additional reference implementation for cross-validation testing purposes; by cross-validating alternate Michelson interpreter results, we can increase confidence in the language design correctness.

See Cross-Validating K-Michelson for more information.

Quick start and examples

The tzt test format is similar to the Tezos script format. A minimal test must include the code, input and output parameters. The code field specifies the Michelson expression to be tested. The input field specifies the initial stack. The output field specifies the expected final stack.

For example, this test asserts adding 5 to 5 produces 10.

# add_5_5.tzt
code { ADD } ;
input { Stack_elt int 5 ; Stack_elt int 5 } ;
output { Stack_elt int 10 }

These tzt tests we may be run with the interpret subcommand of the kmich script:

./kmich interpret add_5_5.tzt

When the kmich script finishes executing a test, it returns an exit code indicating whether an error occurred, i.e., 0 indicates success and a non-zero code indicates an error.

This script is a thin wrapper around K tools such as krun, kprove, and provides a more user friendly, but constrained interface, for running tests. To see the full range of options avaialable, run:

./kmich help

Additional example concrete unit tests reside in the /tests/unit folder in this archive. The file /tests/unit/concate_bytes_00.tzt is a unit test for the CONCAT instruction.

code { CONCAT } ;
input { Stack_elt bytes 0xFF ; Stack_elt bytes 0xcd } ;
output { Stack_elt bytes 0xffcd }

These may be run using a similar command:

./kmich interpret tests/unit/concat_bytes_00.tzt

The test runner will consider a concrete test passed (i.e. return a 0 exit code) if and only if:

  1. The test file follows the .tzt format properly;
  2. The code block is well-typed with respect to the input and output stacks;
  3. Given the provided input, after executing the code, the Michelson interpreter returns exactly the output stack.

Symbolic tests

Tests may also be run over classes of inputs instead of particular concrete values. To do so, we may use "symbolic variables" in the input and output fields such as $N in the next example. We call tests that use symbolic variables "symbolic tests", and all other tests "concrete tests". Concrete tests are already sufficient to explore a wide range of script behaviors and can be executed much more quickly. Symbolic tests allow us to perform a full proof of correctness when required, but are much more expensive to run.

In the next test, we assert that N + 1 > 0 for any natural number N:

# n_plus_1.tzt
code { ADD ; CMPGT }
input { Stack_elt nat $N ; Stack_elt nat 1 ; Stack_elt nat 0 ; }
output { Stack_elt bool True }

Symbolic unit tests are run using the kmich symbtest subcommand:

./kmich symbtest n_plus_1.tzt

For tests that use loops, K-Michelson needs each loop to be annotated with a "loop invariant". Invariants are required to hold when the program reaches the loop, and also at the end of each loop iteration.

input { Stack_elt nat $N0 } ;
code { INT ;
       DUP ;
       PUSH nat 0 ;
       SWAP ;
       GT ;
       LOOP @I {
           PUSH nat 1 ;
           ADD ;
           DIP {
             PUSH nat 1 ;
             SWAP ;
           } ;
           DUP 2 ;
       } ;
       DIP { DROP }
} ;
invariant @I
  { Stack_elt bool $GUARD ; Stack_elt nat $C ; Stack_elt int $N }
  { { PUSH int $N ; PUSH nat $N0 ; INT ; CMPGE ; PUSH int $N ; GE ; AND }
  ; { PUSH int $N ; PUSH nat $N0 ; SUB ; PUSH nat $C ; INT ; CMPEQ }
  ; { PUSH int $N ; GT ; PUSH bool $GUARD ; CMPEQ }
  } ;
output { Stack_elt nat $C } ;
postcondition { { PUSH nat $N0 ; PUSH nat $C ; COMPARE ; EQ } }

We can use the precondition field (not shown above) to specify test preconditions, i.e., a list of boolean functions that must hold before code executes for the test to succeed; in particular, preconditions can constrain symbolic input values. The postcondition field specifies the test postconditions, i.e., a list of boolean functions that must hold after code executes for the test to succeed; in particular, postconditions can constrian symbolic output values. The invariant field specifies loop invariants for LOOP and LOOP_LEFT; in particular, loop invariants are necessary when looping with symbolic values. One invariant field is required for each loop in the code.

Additional example symbolic unit tests reside in the /tests/symbolic folder in this archive. The file /tests/symbolic/add-party.tzt is a unit test which tests whether adding two numbers of opposite parity (an even and odd number) always produces an odd number:

code { ADD } ;
input { Stack_elt nat $I1 ; Stack_elt nat $I2 } ;
output { Stack_elt nat $I3 } ;

precondition { { PUSH nat 2 ; PUSH nat $I1 ; EDIV ;
                 IF_NONE { PUSH bool False }
                         { CDR ; PUSH nat 1 ; COMPARE ; EQ } } ;

               { PUSH nat 2 ; PUSH nat $I2 ; EDIV ;
                 IF_NONE { PUSH bool False }
                         { CDR ; PUSH nat 0 ; COMPARE ; EQ } } } ;

postcondition { { PUSH nat 2 ; PUSH nat $I3 ; EDIV ;
                  IF_NONE { PUSH bool False }
                          { CDR ; PUSH nat 1 ; COMPARE ; EQ } } }

These may be run similarly:

./kmich symbtest tests/symbolic/add-parity.tzt

Since K-Michelson is derived from the K Framework, it also allows us to use the full power kprove for more advanced proofs, but a full definition of such tests is outside the scope of this document. Consult the K Framework documentation for more details if needed.

The test runner will consider a symbolic test passed (i.e. return a 0 exit code) if and only if:

  1. The test file follows the extended .tzt format properly;
  2. The code block is well-typed with respect to the (possibly symbolic) input and output stacks;
  3. Given the provided input stack:
    • each predicate p in the precondition holds;
    • symbolically executing the code produces actual output stack S
    • the expected output stack matches actual output stack S with assignment α;
    • each predicate q in the postcondition, after applying substitution α, holds.

Clearly, the satisfaction conditions for symbolic tests are much more complex than concrete tests. On the flip side, symbolic tests have much more expressive power than concrete tests; they can prove correctness of a program for any valid input as opposed to just some valid input.

Writing Your Own K-Michelson Tests

As mentioned above, K-Michelson supports concrete and symbolic tests. We consider both cases separately.

Concrete Tests

Writing your own concrete tests is as simple as writing three fields:

  1. an input stack
  2. a code block to execute using (1)
  3. an expected output stack after executing (2)

An easy way to get started is to copy the concrete test template below and replace each instance of FIXME with a valid expression of the correct type such that the resulting Michelson expression in the code field is well-typed with respect to the input stack and output stack.

See the field type reference for more information.

input { FIXME } ;
code { FIXME } ;
output { FIXME }

For example, suppose we have the following simple concrete test:

# simple_v1 - passing test
input { Stack_elt int 5 ; Stack_elt int 9 } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int 7 }

In words, this test does the following:

  1. Check if the first stack element is less than the second;
  2. If yes, return the first stack element plus two;
  3. Otherwise, return the first stack element minus two.

This test passes according to our definition of successful concrete test because, given the input stack, we observe that 5 < 9, and so obtain the final output stack 5 + 2 which equals 7.

When we swap the two input stack elements (as shown below), it also succeeds:

# simple_v2 - passing test with swapped stack
input { Stack_elt int 9 ; Stack_elt int 5 } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int 7 }

This is because, given the input stack, we see that 9 < 5 is not true, and so obtain the final output stack 9 - 2 which also equals 7.

On the other hand, the following test fails:

# simple_v3 - failing test
input { Stack_elt int 5 ; Stack_elt int 9 } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int 8 }

This is because, our final actual output stack is 7 but our expected output stack is 8.

Symbolic Tests

For symbolic tests, the situation is slightly more complex. As in the concrete case, the three fields above are required. However, in the case of symbolic tests, the input and output fields are slightly more flexible, because they support symbolic as well as concrete stacks. Before we continue, it will be helpful to review what concrete and symbolic stacks look like and what we can do with them.

Symbolic Stacks and Matching

In K-Michelson, we use the following stack notation:

{ Stack_elt type-1 value-1 ; Stack_elt type-2 value-2 ; ... }

where value-1 occurs at the top of the stack, value-2 is the second from the top, etc. We divide our stacks into concrete and symbolic variants. Let us describe them below. As a simple example, the following stack is concrete:

# Concrete Stack A
{ Stack_elt bool true ; Stack_elt int -15 ; Stack_elt nat 87 }

On the other hand, the following stack is symbolic (we interchangeably use the word abstract):

# Abstract Stack B
{ Stack_elt bool $T ; Stack_elt int -15 ; Stack_elt nat $P }

Why? Because it has two variables, T and P. Concrete stacks have no variables, by definition.

Furthermore, we say that a stack called B matches a stack called A if and only if:

  1. each concrete value in stack B is equivalent to a concrete element in the corresponding position in stack A
  2. each variable in stack B matches the type of the element in the corresponding position in stack A.
  3. if a variable in stack B occurs more than once, the corresponding values at each position in A are equivalent.

In the example above, B does indeed match A becuase:

  1. The only concrete value -15 with type int occurs as position 2 in both stack B and stack A.

  2. Variable T in stack B at position 1 has type bool. The concrete value true in stack A at position 1 also has type bool. Similarly, the variable P in stack B at position 3 has type nat and the element at position 3 in stack A also has type nat.

  3. Since no variables are duplicated in this example, this condition holds trivially.

Writing Tests by Abstraction

A common way that symbolic tests are written is through abstraction, that is, we replace concrete values in the input and output stacks with more general symbolic values. For example, suppose we want to abstract the simple concrete test we saw above:

# simple_v1 - passing test
input { Stack_elt int 5 ; Stack_elt int 9 } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int 7 }
Input Stack Abstraction

We could try abstracting the test's input stack as follows:

# simple_v4 - failing test with abstracted input stack
input { Stack_elt int $I ; Stack_elt int $J } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int 7 }

Clearly, at this point, the test is incorrect. Why? In the abstracted stack, information about the relationship between the two stack values is lost. This means, for one thing, that both branches of the IF are possible, depending on whether I < J is true or false.

Additionally, we need to sure that for any two integers I and J that:

  • if I < J is true, then 7 = I + 2
  • if I < J is not true, then 7 = I - 2

But we can find examples where this does not follow. For example, let I equal 4.

  • if J equals 5, then I < J is true but 7 != 4 + 2
  • if J equals 2, then I < J is not true but 7 != 4 - 2

For this reason, we need to introduce preconditions to constrain our input stack. For example, we may want to reintroduce the constraint that the second stack element is greater than the first. We can add this constraint using a precondition:

# simple_v5 - failing test with abstracted and constrained input stack
input { Stack_elt int $I ; Stack_elt int $J } ;
precondition {
               { PUSH int $J ; PUSH int $I ; CMPLT }
             } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int 7 }

Note that when we PUSH elements onto our stack, they appear in reverse order relative to our stack notation, i.e., if we have the stack:

{ Stack_elt int 1 ; Stack_elt int 0 }

and then perform a PUSH int 2, we would have the result stack:

{ Stack_elt int 2 ; Stack_elt int 1 ; Stack_elt int 0 }

With this explanation, bbserve that, given this precondition, the second branch of the IF expression is no longer viable. Thus, we have simplified our test state space. However, our test is still incorrect, since the counterexample that we saw above where I equals 4 and J equals 5 still holds.

To resolve this problem, we also need to abstract our output stack.

Output Stack Abstraction

We can abstract our output stack using the same mechanism we saw for abstracting our input stack:

# simple_v6 - passing test with:
# - abstracted and constrained input stack
# - abstracted output stack
input { Stack_elt int $I ; Stack_elt int $J } ;
precondition {
               { PUSH int $J ; PUSH int $I ; CMPLT }
             } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int $K }

Here, the concrete value 7 was replaced by the variable K. Perhaps surprisingly, this test now passes. Why? There is a fundamental asymmetry between abstracting the input stack and the output stack.

When we abstract the input stack, we need to check that the test passes for all possible instances of our input variables.

When we abstract the expected output stack, we only need to check that the test passes for any possible instance of our output variables.

The upshot of all of this is: for this version of our symbolic test, the test will pass if it well-typed, that is, if it produces a singleton stack with an integer.

We may rightly feel that this test is too weak, since we can type-check Michelson contracts directly using the type-checker; a complex test like ours is entirely unnecessary.

Instead, much as we did for input stacks, we can constrain our output stack with postconditions. Let's add a postcondition that makes our test more meaningful:

# simple_v7 - passing test with:
# - abstracted and constrained input stack
# - abstracted and constrained output stack
input { Stack_elt int $I ; Stack_elt int $J } ;
precondition {
               { PUSH int $J ; PUSH int $I ; CMPLT }
             } ;
code { DUP ; DIP { CMPLT } ; SWAP ; IF { PUSH int 2 } { PUSH int -2 } ; ADD } ;
output { Stack_elt int $K } ;
postcondition {
                { PUSH int $I ; PUSH int $K ; CMPGT }

This postcondition (correctly) asserts that our output value K has a value which is greater than our input argument I. It must hold because, by our precondition, the exact value of our output stack will be I + 2. When we substitute K for I + 2 by stack matching, we see that I + 2 > I, as required.

Aside on Stack Abstraction and Constraints

In general, due to the asymmetry between abstracted input and output stacks:

  • abstracting our input stack makes a test less likely to pass;
  • abstracting our output stack makes a test more likely to pass.

In the end, if we fully abstract both our input and output stacks with unique and non-repeated variable names, a successful test run just means that our Michelson expression was well-typed.

To compensate for the imprecision introduced by abstraction, we can add constraints via preconditions and postconditions, as we did above. These constraints reverse the trends above, that is:

  • adding more constraints via preconditions to an abstract input stack makes a test more likely to pass:
  • adding more constraints via postconditions to an abstract output stack makes a test less likely to pass.

One way to think about constraints is that they make an abstract stack less abstract, because the constraints forbid some assignments of variables to values that would otherwise be permitted.

For example, the abstract stack { Stack_elt int $I } permits I to be any integer, including, for example, -5. Adding the constraint { PUSH int $I ; ISNAT } means that all negative (non-natural) values are forbidden, and thus, the assignment of I to -5 is forbidden.

Symbolic Tests with Loops

Note that our simple test did not have any loops. That was intentional. Adding loops almost always complicates the analysis and verification of programs. The problem can observed even in short programs:

# loop-parity.tzt - test which infinitely loops
input { Stack_elt nat $N_INIT ; Stack_elt bool True } ; # N E
code { DUP ;                                            # N N E
       INT ; GT ;                                       # (N>0) N E
       LOOP { DIP { NOT } ;                             # N ¬E
              PUSH int 1 ; SWAP ; SUB ;                 # (N-1) ¬E
              DUP ;                                     # (N-1) (N-1) ¬E
              GT                                        # (N-1>0) (N-1) ¬E
            } ;                                         # N E
       DROP                                             # E
     } ;
output { Stack_elt bool $EVENNESS_RESULT }

The code for program is only 7 lines long. For readability, we have annotated each line with a representation of the stack which results from executing that line of code, where the leftmost item represents the stack top and the rightmost item represents the stack bottom. The program consists of a simple loop which counts down from N_INIT to 0. Each time the loop iterates once, it flips the value of the boolean E (for evenness) in the second position of the input stack.

Here is our burning question: is the final value of that boolean, i.e., the value of the variable $EVENNESS_RESULT, True or False?

Given just the information in the test above, it seems that there may be cases when it is True, and others when it is False. With some careful thought, we may realize that if we additionally know whether the value N is even or odd, we can compute the final value of the program. That is, the result is True if N is even and False if N is odd. We can express this requirement as a postcondition:

# loop-parity.tzt - test which infinitely loops with
# - postcondition
input { Stack_elt nat $N_INIT ; Stack_elt bool True } ; # N E
code { INT ; DUP ;                                      # N N E
       GT ;                                             # (N>0) N E
       LOOP @I { DIP { NOT } ;                          # N ¬E
                 PUSH int 1 ; SWAP ; SUB ;              # (N-1) ¬E
                 DUP ;                                  # (N-1) (N-1) ¬E
                 GT                                     # (N-1>0) (N-1) ¬E
               } ;                                      # N E
       DROP                                             # E
     } ;
output { Stack_elt bool $EVENNESS_RESULT } ;
postcondition { # EVENNESS_RESULT = (N % 2) == 0
                { PUSH nat 2 ; PUSH nat $N_INIT ;
                  EDIV ; ASSERT_SOME ; CDR ;
                  PUSH nat 0 ; CMPEQ ;
                  PUSH bool $EVENNESS_RESULT ; CMPEQ } }

Unfortunately, even after adding a postcondition, we still cannot complete the proof. This is because the K-Michelson verifies programs using symbolic execution, i.e., by executing the program all possible ways and checking that we get the result we want each time. In particular, this means the framework does not know how many times to execute a loop. Depending on the initial value of variable N, we may need to execute the loop body 100 times, or 500. This means we will never be sure we have executed the loop all possible ways, and the runner will get stuck executing the program for larger and larger values of N.

How can we escape this endless cycle? It seems clear that we shouldn't need to execute the loop in all possible ways -- we can argue by induction that the post-condition holds. We claim that the current value of $E$ equals True if the difference between N and it's current value is even, otherwise it is False. When N's initial value is 0 its clear that this since E is initially True, and the body is not executed. When N is greater than $0$, the body reduces the value of N by 1 and flips E. By applying the inductive hypothesis, our claim must hold.

This is called a loop invariant . It allows us to summarize the properties of an loop we care about, so that we do not need to execute it to arbitrary depth. in a finite way.

In K-Michelson, we write loop invariants in a two step process:

  1. in the code field, we must annotate each symbolic loop with a unique name, e.g. @MYLOOP;
  2. for each named symbolic loop, we introduce an invariant field of the form invariant @MYLOOP which defines the loop invariant for loop @MYLOOP using a stack predicate list (see the field types reference for more info).

In general, it is impossible to develop a method that will always give us the loop invariants that we want, so writing good loop invariants will always be somewhat of an art.

As an example, we can extend our previous test case to add a loop invariant:

# loop-parity.tzt - failing test with
# - postcondition
# - loop invariant
input { Stack_elt nat $N ; Stack_elt bool True } ; # N E
code { INT ; DUP ;                                 # N N E
       GT ;                                        # (N>0) N E
       LOOP @I { DIP { NOT } ;                     # N ¬E
                 PUSH int +1 ; SWAP ; SUB ;        # (N-1) ¬E
                 DUP ;                             # (N-1) (N-1) ¬E
                 GT                                # (N-1>0) (N-1) ¬E
               } ;                                 # N E
       DROP                                        # E
     } ;
output { Stack_elt bool $EVENNESS_RESULT } ;
postcondition { # EVENNESS_RESULT = (N % 2) == 0
                { PUSH nat 2 ; PUSH nat $N ;
                  EDIV ; ASSERT_SOME ; CDR ;
                  PUSH nat 0 ; CMPEQ ;
                  PUSH bool $EVENNESS_RESULT ; CMPEQ } } ;
invariant @I
          { Stack_elt bool $GUARD ; Stack_elt int $CURRENT ; Stack_elt bool $EVENNESS }
          {  # CURRENT >= 0
           ; { PUSH int 0 ; PUSH int $CURRENT ; CMPGE }

             # GUARD = CURRENT > 0
           ; { PUSH int $CURRENT ; GT ; PUSH bool $GUARD ; CMPEQ }

             # EVENNESS = (N - CURRENT) % 2 == 0
           ; { PUSH nat 2 ;
               PUSH int $CURRENT ; PUSH nat $N ; INT ; SUB ;
               EDIV ; ASSERT_SOME ; CDR ;
               PUSH nat 0 ; CMPEQ ; PUSH bool $EVENNESS ; CMPEQ }

The invariant has three parts:

  1. a name written with an at-sign @ followed by an alphanumeric pattern (above the name is @I)

  2. a stack pattern describing the stack shape when the looping instruction is encountered (above the stack pattern is { Stack_elt bool $GUARD ; Stack_elt int $CURRENT ; Stack_elt bool $EVENNESS })

  3. an invariant specification which is a list of Michelson blocks which consume an empty stack and produce a stack with a single boolean value on top (above the invariant specification has three clauses representing the predicates CURRENT >= 0, GUARD = CURRENT > 0, and EVENNESS = (N - CURRENT) % 2 == 0); note that invariant specification blocks may reference any variables which are bound by the stack pattern

The most important part is (3) whose purpose is to serve as a finite summary of the infinite loop behavior. The exact criteria that are needed for a loop invariant are beyond the scope of this tutorial. Intuitively, a loop invariant defines what must be true immediately before the loop and also after each loop iteration. We then can replace the loop execution by its summarized logical form in our proof.

In the above example, we carefully chose our three predicates in our invariant specification to precisely describe our loop behavior. Let us consider each of them briefly below:

  1. CURRENT >= 0 - This invariant follows from a straightforward analysis of the loop; since the value of CURRENT varies between the positive-valued N and 0, it must always be greater than 0 during loop execution.

  2. GUARD = CURRENT > 0 - This invariant defines the value of loop guard variable (i.e., the loop will continue as long as the guard is true); we see that the GUARD holds if and only CURRENT > 0.

  3. EVENNESS = (N - CURRENT) % 2 == 0 - This is the key component of the invariant; it describes the partially computed EVENNESS_RESULT. After any number of loop iterations, EVENNESS will be true if and only if N - CURRENT is even.

To complete our proof, we must show that our postcondition EVENNESS_RESULT = (N % 2) == 0 is true. We can do so by the following chain of deduction:

  1. Since we know that the loop will terminate when GUARD is false, putting invariants (1) and (2) together lets us determine that when the loop terminates, CURRENT = 0.

  2. By plugging this assignment into (3), we know that when the loop terminates, EVENNESS = (N - 0) % 2 == 0 which reduces to EVENNESS = (N % 2) == 0.

  3. The value of EVENNESS_RESULT is identical to EVENNESS at loop termination, i.e., EVENNESS_RESULT = EVENNESS.

  4. Using the assignment dervied in (3), we can replace each occurence of EVENNESS_RESULT in our postcondition by EVENNESS. But then, note that this is exactly the fact we derived in (2). QED.

Final Words on Loop Invariants

There is one other detail one should be aware of when write loop invariants. In particular, one must be careful to check that the loop invariant is truly an invariant, i.e., that the invariant always holds immediately before the loop and after each loop iteration. For more information on this advanced topic, see our primer on loop invariants

Cross-Validating K-Michelson

As part of its goal to be a human-readable language semantics and aid programming language design, K-Michelson supports a cross-valdiation test mode. In this mode, concrete unit tests (under /tests/unit) are executed in the following manner:

  1. The unit test is executed by K-Michelson.

  2. The same unit test is executed by tezos-client, the reference Michelson interpreter.

  3. The results are compared. If they are identical, the test succeeds; otherwise, the test fails.

To use this mode, use the /lib/tezos-client-unit-test command, e.g.,

./lib/tezos-client-unit-test tests/unit/concat_bytes_00.tzt

Note that this mode has additional dependencies and build requirements compared to the concrete or symbolic unit tests. See for details.

K-Michelson Test Grammar Reference

Type (1)-(2) tests use the .tzt format, first defined in here. The .tzt format is a slight extension of the .tz format. For convenience, we briefly explain the .tzt grammar here.

The .tzt format can be understood as schemas applied to the Micheline format. More abstractly, it is an unordered set of typed fields that optionally contain associated data.

Michelson Grammar Extensions

In the standard Michelson grammar, there are no literals for the operation and big_map types. The .tzt format adds support for these literals because tests may need to refer to these kinds of values.

  1. operation literals have the following form:

    • Create_contract contract (option key_hash) mutez T byte where contract's storage type is T

    • Transfer_tokens T mutez address byte where the contract value at address has parameter type T

    • Set_delegate (option key_hash) byte

    where in each case the final byte argument represents a cryptographic nonce.

  2. big_map literals have the following form:

    • a natural number identifier referring to an indexed big_map in the big_maps field (see description below)

      Ex. 2

    • a standard map literal

      Ex. { Elt 1 True ; Elt 3 False } (literal of type big_map nat bool)

    • a pair of a big_map identifier and a map literal (the map literal represents a difference list)

      Ex. Pair 2 { Elt 1 False } (refers to the big_map { Elt 1 False ; Elt 3 False } if 2 identifies the map { Elt 1 True ; Elt 3 False })

Field Types

We list the set of possible types below. Note that each field can accept only one type.

  • expression - an arbitrary Michelson expression

    Ex. { PUSH int 1; PUSH int -2; ADD }

    Ex. {}

  • stack - a typed Michelson stack which is equivalent to a list of stack stack elements of the form Stack_elt type value

    Ex. { Stack_elt int -1 ; Stack_elt (set int) { Elt 0 ; Elt 3 } }

    Ex. { Stack_elt bool True }

    Ex. {}

  • result stack - a typed Michelson stack or a stack representing a failed computation which comes in four forms:

    Ex. Any stack literal

    Ex. (Failed D) where D is any Michelson data literal

    Ex. (MutezOverflow I J) where I and J are mutez literals

    Ex. (MutezUnderflow I J) where I and J are mutez literals

    Ex. (GeneralOverflow I J) where I and J are number literals

  • type - any Michelson type

    Ex. bool :flag

    Ex. pair nat int

  • timestamp - a Michelson timestamp literal

    Ex. 0

    Ex. "2019-09-26T10:59:51Z"

  • mutez - a Michelson mutez literal

    Ex. 0 (minimum value)

    Ex. 9223372036854775807 (maximum value)

  • address - a Michelson address literal

    Ex. "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"

    Ex. "KT1BEqzn5Wx8uJrZNvuS9DVHmLvG9td3fDLi"

  • chain_id - a Michelson chain_id literal

    Ex. 0x00000000 (minimum value)

    Ex. 0xFFFFFFFF (maximum value)

  • contract type map - a map of contract addresses to their parameter types where each map entry has the form Contract address type

    Ex. { Contract "KT1BEqzn5Wx8uJrZNvuS9DVHmLvG9td3fDLi" nat ; Contract "KT1HgAM3pNzkqd1Ps8iunMGNopFRFKHWoPdW" (list int) }

    Ex. { Contract "KT1BEqzn5Wx8uJrZNvuS9DVHmLvG9td3fDLi" nat }

    Ex. {}

  • big_map index map - a map of natural number indices to big_map literals where each map entry has the form Big_map nat type type map_literal

    Ex. { Big_map 1 string int { Elt "bar" 1 ; Elt "foo" 2 } ; Big_map 2 string bool { Elt "a" True ; Elt "b" False } }

    Ex. {}

  • predicate list - a list of Michelson predicates where each predicate has the form { expression } where the expression takes an empty input stack and produces a stack containing a single boolean

    Ex. { { PUSH int $I ; EQ } ; { PUSH list int $L ; SIZE ; GT } }

    Ex. {}

    Ex. { { ADD ; EQ } } (invalid: input stack type non-empty)

    Ex. { { PUSH nat 0 ; PUSH bool True } } (invalid: output stack is not single boolean value)

  • stack predicate list - a pair of a stack binder, i.e. a fully symbolic stack, and a predicate list such that the bound stack variables are available in the predicate list


    { Stack_elt bool $CONT ; Stack_elt nat $N }
    { { PUSH nat $N ; INT ; GT ; PUSH bool $CONT ; CMPEQ } }

    (this stack predicate list describes, e.g., a loop variable N with loop continuation guard CONT, such that the loop will continue to iterate while N > 0)

Field List

The set of required fields and their types is listed below:

  • code (expression) the Michelson code to be tested

  • input (stack) the input stack supplied to the code in the code field

  • output (result stack) the expected output stack of the code field given the input stack defined in input

The format also allows for optional fields which have default values. The set of optional fields is defined below:

  • parameter (type, default unit) defines the contract type pushed by the SELF instruction

  • now (timestamp, default 0) defines the result timestamp of the NOW instruction

  • sender (address, default "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx") defines the result of the SENDER instruction

  • source (address, default "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx") defines the result of the SOURCE instruction

  • chain_id (chain_id, default 0x7a06a770) defines the result of the CHAIN_ID instruction

  • self (address, default "KT1BEqzn5Wx8uJrZNvuS9DVHmLvG9td3fDLi") defines the address of the contract pushed by the SELF instruction

  • amount (mutez, default 0) defines the amount of mutez returned by the AMOUNT instruction

  • balance (mutez, default 0) defines the amount of mutez returned by the BALANCE instruction

  • other_contracts (contract type map, default {}) defines the set of other contracts which are available for this contract to invoke.

  • big_maps (big_map index map, default {}) defines a mapping from natural number indices to big_map literals; this allows us to write big_map literals in the other fields as just an index.

    This feature is helpful when the big_map literal is large.

  • precondition (predicate list, default {}) defines a list of predicates which constrain any symbolic values in the input stack.

  • postcondition (predicate list, default {}) defines a list of predicates which constrain any symbolic values in the output stack.

  • invariant @L (stack predicate list, default {} {}) defines a loop invariant for a LOOP or LOOP_LEFT instruction annotated with a special @L annotation.

The format admits some fields which are ignored for compatibility reasons. The set of ignored fields is defined below:

  • storage (type) defines the storage type of the contract in .tz files