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deleted file mode 100644
index f6dc82c6014..00000000000
Binary files a/docs/assets/images/Configure_Single-Sign_On_Login_2.png and /dev/null differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e30355990a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/images/pro_login_settings.png differ
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index 00000000000..cfce118c390
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/images/sso_betaui_1.png differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/assets/images/Configure_Single-Sign_On_Login.png
rename to docs/assets/images/sso_classic_ui.png
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/images/sso_oauth_beta_ui.png differ
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/assets/images/sso_saml_login.png
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index 0a8c0f21854..e59723c58f6 100644
--- a/docs/content/en/about_defectdojo/about_docs.md
+++ b/docs/content/en/about_defectdojo/about_docs.md
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ cascade:
+DefectDojo Inc. and open-source contributors maintain this documentation to support both the Community and Pro editions of DefectDojo.
### What is DefectDojo?
DefectDojo is a DevSecOps platform. DefectDojo streamlines DevSecOps by serving as an aggregator and single pane of glass for your security tools. DefectDojo has smart features to enhance and tune the results from your security tools including the ability to merge findings, remember false positives, and distill duplicates. DefectDojo also integrates with JIRA, provides metrics / reports, and can also be used for traditional pen test management.
diff --git a/docs/content/en/api/api-v2-docs.md b/docs/content/en/api/api-v2-docs.md
index b1ae1b8d890..04939c98379 100644
--- a/docs/content/en/api/api-v2-docs.md
+++ b/docs/content/en/api/api-v2-docs.md
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ weight: 2
DefectDojo\'s API is created using [Django Rest
Framework](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/). The documentation of
each endpoint is available within each DefectDojo installation at
-[`/api/v2/doc/`](https://demo.defectdojo.org/api/v2/) and can be accessed by choosing the API v2
+[`/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui`](https://demo.defectdojo.org/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui/)) and can be accessed by choosing the API v2
Docs link on the user drop down menu in the header.
The documentation is generated using [drf-spectacular](https://drf-spectacular.readthedocs.io/) at [`/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui/`](https://demo.defectdojo.org/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui/), and is
interactive. On the top of API v2 docs is a link that generates an OpenAPI v3 spec.
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ To interact with the documentation, a valid Authorization header value
is needed. Visit the `/api/key-v2` view to generate your
API Key (`Token `) and copy the header value provided.
Each section allows you to make calls to the API and view the Request
URL, Response Body, Response Code and Response Headers.
If you're logged in to the Defect Dojo web UI, you do not need to provide the authorization token.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ For example: :
### Alternative authentication method
-If you use [an alternative authentication method](../social-authentication/) for users, you may want to disable DefectDojo API tokens because it could bypass your authentication concept. \
+If you use [an alternative authentication method](../archived_docs/integrations/social-authentication/) for users, you may want to disable DefectDojo API tokens because it could bypass your authentication concept. \
Using of DefectDojo API tokens can be disabled by specifying the environment variable `DD_API_TOKENS_ENABLED` to `False`.
Or only `api/v2/api-token-auth/` endpoint can be disabled by setting `DD_API_TOKEN_AUTH_ENDPOINT_ENABLED` to `False`.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ The json object result is: :
{{< /highlight >}}
See [Django Rest Framework\'s documentation on interacting with an
-API](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/api-clients/) for
+API](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) for
additional examples and tips.
## Manually calling the API
@@ -178,4 +178,4 @@ Example for importing a scan result:
| [.Net/C# library](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DefectDojo.Api/) | working (2021-06-08) | |
| [dd-import](https://github.com/MaibornWolff/dd-import) | working (2021-08-24) | dd-import is not directly an API wrapper. It offers some convenience functions to make it easier to import findings and language data from CI/CD pipelines. |
-Some of the api wrappers contain quite a bit of logic to ease scanning and importing in CI/CD environments. We are in the process of simplifying this by making the DefectDojo API smarter (so api wrappers / script can be dumber).
+Some of the api wrappers contain quite a bit of logic to ease scanning and importing in CI/CD environments. We are in the process of simplifying this by making the DefectDojo API smarter (so api wrappers / script can be dumber).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/content/en/customize_dojo/user_management/configure_sso.md b/docs/content/en/customize_dojo/user_management/configure_sso.md
index 6517256b9ee..b6c6bde825c 100644
--- a/docs/content/en/customize_dojo/user_management/configure_sso.md
+++ b/docs/content/en/customize_dojo/user_management/configure_sso.md
@@ -1,64 +1,547 @@
-title: "Configure SSO login"
+title: "SSO Configuration (OAuth, SAML)"
description: "Sign in to DefectDojo using OAuth or SAML login options"
pro-feature: true
Users can connect to DefectDojo with a Username and Password, but if you prefer, you can allow users to authenticate using a Single Sign\-On or SSO method. You can set up DefectDojo to work with your own SAML Identity Provider, but we also support many OAuth methods for authentication:
-* Auth0
-* Azure AD
-* GitHub Enterprise
-* GitLab
-* Google
-* KeyCloak
-* Okta
+* **[Auth0](./#auth0-setup)**
+* **[Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)](./#azure-active-directory-setup)**
+* **[GitHub Enterprise](./#github-enterprise)**
+* **[GitLab](./#gitlab)**
+* **[Google](./#google-auth)**
+* **[KeyCloak](./#keycloak)**
+* **[Okta](./#okta)**
-All of these methods can only be configured by a Superuser in DefectDojo.
-## Set Up SAML Login
+All of these methods can only be configured by a Superuser in DefectDojo. DefectDojo Pro users can quickly set up SSO through their system settings, while Open Source users will need to configure these settings on the back-end via the local_settings.py file. This article covers both methods of configuration.
-If you would like to add DefectDojo to your SAML Identity Provider, here is the process to follow:
+## Disable username / password use
+You may wish to disable traditional username/password login on your instance.
-1. Start from **Plugin Manager \> Enterprise Settings** in DefectDojo.
+DefectDojo Pro users can uncheck the "Allow Login via Username and Password" box on the Login Settings form: **Enterprise Settings > Login Settings**.
+Open-Source users can set environment variables in local_settings.py to disable the Login form:
+### ⚠️ Login Fallback
+In case your OAuth or SAML integration stops working, you can always return to the standard login method by adding the following to your DefectDojo URL:
+- `your-instance.cloud.defectdojo.com` + `/login?force_login_form`
-2. Open the SAML tab from this page to configure your sign\-on settings.
+We recommend having at least one DefectDojo admin set up with a username and password as a fallback.
+## Auth0 Setup
+Both DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source users will need to complete these steps to create an integration:
+1. Inside your Auth0 dashboard, create a new application (Applications /
+ Create Application / Single Page Web Application).
+2. On the new application set the following fields:
+ - Name: "Defectdojo"
+ - Allowed Callback URLs:
+ `https://your-instance.cloud.defectdojo.com/complete/auth0/`
+3. Copy the following info from the application:
+ - Domain
+ - Client ID
+ - Client Secret
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select Auth0, and use these values from Auth0 to complete the form:
+ - **Auth0 OAuth Key**: enter your **Client ID**
+ - **Auth0 OAuth Secret**: enter your **Client Secret**
+ - **Auth0 Domain**: enter your **Domain**.
+2. Check the box for 'Enable Auth0 OAuth' to add the "Login With Auth0" button to the DefectDojo login page.
+### Open-Source
+Open-Source users will need to map these variables in the local_settings.py file. (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)).
+1. Fill out the variables as follows:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and you should now see a **Login with Auth0**
+ button on the login page.
+## Azure Active Directory Setup
+Users can log in to DefectDojo via Azure AD. DefectDojo can leverage Azure AD Groups to automatically import User Group membership.
+Both DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source users will need to complete these steps to create an integration:
+1. Navigate to the following address and follow instructions to create
+ a new app registration
+ -
+2. Once you register an app, take note of the following information:
+ - **Application (client) ID**
+ - **Directory (tenant) ID**
+ - Under Certificates & Secrets, create a new **Client Secret**
+ - **Application ID URI**
+3. Under Authentication > Redirect URIs, add a *WEB* type of uri where
+ the redirect points to:
+ `https://your-instance.cloud.defectdojo.com/complete/azuread-tenant-oauth2/`
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select Azure AD, and use these values from Azure to complete the form:
+ - **Azure AD OAuth Key**: enter your **Application (client) ID**
+ - **Azure AD OAuth Secret**: enter the **Client Secret** which was created in step 2
+ - **Azure AD Resource**: **by default this should be set to `https://graph.microsoft.com/`**. This should be set a the URI which DefectDojo can use to pull additional info (such as Azure AD Group names) from the [web API](https://docs.azure.cn/en-us/entra/identity-platform/security-best-practices-for-app-registration#application-id-uri). This field only needs to be changed if your Group Names are stored on a different API resource from the Microsoft Graph Web API.
+ - **Azure AD Tenant ID**: enter the **Directory (tenant) ID**
+ - **Azure AD Groups Filter**: here, you can enter a regex string to restrict the User Groups you wish to import.
+2. Check the **Enable Azure AD OAuth** box. Submit the form, and `Login With Azure AD` will be added as an option to the Login menu.
+#### Pro Azure Group Mapping
+Group synchronization allows you to import [User Group](../create_user_group/) membership from Azure AD. DefectDojo's User Groups govern the Products and Product Types a given user can access via [RBAC](../set_user_permissions/).
+To import groups from Azure AD users, you can check the **Enable Azure AD OAuth Grouping** box on the form. All User Groups found in Azure will be matched with an existing User Group in DefectDojo. If an imported Azure User Group is missing from DefectDojo, a new User Group will be created automatically.
+If you only want to import a subset of Groups from Azure, you can use regex in the Azure AD Groups Filter field. For example, `'^team-.*'` and `'teamA|teamB|groupC'` are regex strings that can be used to restrict the Groups that will be imported to DefectDojo. Regex is used to filter out Group Names.
+##### Sending Groups from Azure AD
+The Azure AD token need to be configured to include Group IDs. Without this step, the token will not contain any notion of a Group, so users will not be mapped correctly in DefectDojo.
+To update the format of the token, add a [Group Claim](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/hybrid/connect/how-to-connect-fed-group-claims) that applies to whatever Group type you are using.
+If unsure of what type that is, select `All Groups`. Do not activate `Emit groups as role claims` within the Azure AD "Token configuration" page.
+Application API permissions need to be updated with the `Group.Read.All` permission so that groups can be read on behalf of the user that has successfully signed in.
+##### Group Cleaning
+If **Enable Azure AD OAuth Group Cleaning** is enabled, groups created by Azure AD in DefectDojo will be automatically removed if they contain no users. Otherwise, Azure-created Groups will be left as-is, even without assigned Users.
+When a user is removed from a given group in Azure AD, they will also be removed from the corresponding group in DefectDojo.
+### Open-Source
+Open-Source users will need to map these variables in the local_settings.py file. (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)).
+1. Add the following information to the settings file:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and you should now see a **Login with Azure AD** button on the login page.
+#### Open-Source Azure Group Mapping
+To import groups from Azure AD users, the following environment variable needs to be set:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+This will ensure the user is added to all the groups found in the Azure AD Token. Any missing groups will be created in DefectDojo (unless filtered). This group synchronization allows for product access via groups to limit the products a user can interact with.
+The Azure AD token returned by Azure will also need to be configured to include group IDs. Without this step, the token will not contain any notion of a group, and the mapping process will report that the current user is not a member of any groups. To update the format of the token, add a group claim that applies to whatever group type you are using.
+If unsure of what type that is, select `All Groups`. Do not activate `Emit groups as role claims` within the Azure AD "Token configuration" page.
+Application API permissions need to be updated with the `Group.Read.All` permission so that groups can be read on behalf of the user that has successfully signed in.
+To limit the amount of groups imported from Azure AD, a regular expression can be used as the following:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+##### Automatic Cleanup of User-Groups
+To prevent authorization creep, old Azure AD groups a user is not having anymore can be deleted with the following environment parameter:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+When a user is removed from a given group in Azure AD, they will also be removed from the corresponding group in DefectDojo.
+If there is a group in DefectDojo, that no longer has any members, it will be left as is for record purposes.
+## GitHub Enterprise
+Both DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source users will need to complete these steps to create an integration:
+1. Navigate to your GitHub Enterprise Server and follow instructions to create a new OAuth App [https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server/developers/apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server/developers/apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app)
+2. Choose a name for your application, e.g. "DefectDojo".
+3. For the Redirect URI, enter the DefectDojo URL with the following
+ format
+ - `https://the_hostname_you_have_dojo_deployed:your_server_port/complete/github-enterprise/`
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select GitHub Enterprise, and use these values from GitHub to complete the form:
+ - **GitHub Enterprise OAuth Key**: enter your GitHub Enterprise OAuth App Client ID
+ - **GitHub Enterprise OAuth Secret**: enter your GitHub Enterprise Client Secret
+ - **GitHub Enterprise URL**: enter the GitHub URL for your organization, likely `https://github..com/`
+ - **GitHub Enterprise API URL**: enter the URL for your organization's GitHub API (e.g. `https://github..com/api/v3/`)
+2. Check off the box for 'Enable GitHub Enterprise OAuth'. Submit the form, and 'Login With GitHub' should now be visible on the login page.
+### Open-Source
+Open-Source users will need to map these variables in the local_settings.py file. (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)).
+1. Add the following variables to your `local_settings.py` file:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_KEY=(str, 'GitHub Enterprise OAuth App Client ID'),
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_SECRET=(str, 'GitHub Enterprise OAuth App Client Secret'),
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_URL=(str, 'https://github..com/'),
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_API_URL=(str, 'https://github..com/api/v3/'),
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and you should now see a **Login with GitHub Enterprise**
+ button on the login page.
+## GitLab
+In a similar fashion to that of Google and Okta, using GitLab as a
+OAuth2 provider carries the same attributes and a similar procedure.
+Follow along below.
+1. Navigate to your GitLab settings page and got to the Applications
+ section
+ -
+ - **OR**
+ - **https://the_hostname_you_have_gitlab_deployed:your_gitlab_port/profile/applications**
+2. Choose a name for your application, "DefectDojo" for example.
+3. For the Redirect URI, enter your DefectDojo URL as follows:
+ - **https://your-dojo-instance.cloud.defectdojo.com/complete/gitlab/**
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select GitLab, and use these values from GitLab to complete the form:
+ - **GitLab OAuth Key**: enter your Application ID from GitLab
+ - **GitLab OAuth Secret**: enter the Secret from GitLab
+ - **GitLab API URL**: enter the URL for your GitLab deployment (e.g. `https://gitlab.com`)
+2. Check the 'Enable GitLab OAuth' box, and submit the form. `Login With GitLab` will be added as an option to the Login menu.
+### Open-Source
+Open-Source users will need to map these variables in the local_settings.py file. (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)).
+1. Add the following variables to your `local_settings.py` file:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_API_URL=(str, 'https://gitlab.com'),
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+ Additionally, if you want to import your Gitlab projects as DefectDojo
+ products, add the following line to your settings:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+ **Important:** if you enable this setting on already working instance with a GitLab integrations, it will require new grant "read_repository" by user
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and you should now see a **Login with Gitlab** button on the login page.
+## Google Auth
+Google accounts can be used for user creation and login.
+Upon login with a Google account, a new user will be created if one does not already exist. Existing DefectDojo users will be matched to Google accounts based on their Google username (the name prior to the @ symbol on their Google Account).
+In order to use Google Authentication, a Google Authentication Server will need to be set up. Both DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source users will need to complete these steps to create an integration:
+1. Navigate to the following address and either create a new account,
+ or login with an existing one: [Google Developers
+ Console](https://console.developers.google.com)
+2. Once logged in, find the key shaped button labeled **Credentials**
+ on the left side of the screen. Click **Create Credentials**, and
+ choose **OAuth Client ID**:
+ ![image](images/google_1.png)
+3. Select **Web Applications**, and provide a descriptive name for the
+ client (such as "DefectDojo").
-3. Complete the SAML form. Start by setting an **Entity ID** \- this is either a label or a URL which your SAML Identity Provider can point to, and use to identify DefectDojo. This is a required field.
+4. Enter `https://your-instance.cloud.defectdojo.com/complete/google-oauth2/` in the **Authorized Redirect URLs** section.
+5. Now with the authentication client created, note the **Client ID** and
+ **Client Secret Key**.
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select Google, and use these values to complete the form:
+ - **Google OAuth Key** should be set to your **Client ID**.
+ - **Google OAuth Secret** should be set to your **Client Secret Key**.
+ - **Whitelisted Domains** can be set to the domain name used by your organization. However, this will allow login from any user with this domain name in their Google email address.
+ - Alternatively, if you only want to allow specific Google email addresses to log in to DefectDojo, you can enter those in the **Whitelisted E-mail Addresses** section of the form. `(appsecuser1@xyz.com,appsecuser2@xyz.com)`, etc.
+2. Check the **Enable Azure AD OAuth** box. Submit the form, and `Login With Google` will be added as an option to the Login menu.
+### Open-Source
+Open-Source users will need to map these variables in the local_settings.py file. (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)).
+1. Add the following variables to your `local_settings.py` file:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+ To authorize users you will need to set the following:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_WHITELISTED_DOMAINS = ['example.com', 'example.org']
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+ As an environment variable:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+ or
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+ As an environment variable:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_WHITELISTED_EMAILS = email@example.com,email2@example.com
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and `Login With Google` will be added as an option to the Login menu.
+## KeyCloak
+Both DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source users will need to complete these steps to create an integration:
+This guide assumes you already have a KeyCloak Realm set up. If not, you will need to create one: see [KeyCloak Documentation](https://wjw465150.gitbooks.io/keycloak-documentation/content/server_admin/topics/realms/create.html).
+1. Navigate to your keycloak realm and add a new client of type openid-connect. Choose a name for the client id.
+2. In the client settings:
+ * Set `access type` to `confidential`
+ * Under `valid Redirect URIs`, add the URI to your DefectDojo installation, e.g.`https://yourorganization.cloud.defectdojo.com` or `https:///*`
+ * Under `web origins`, add the same (or '+')
+ * Under `Fine grained openID connect configuration` -> `user info signed response algorithm`: set to `RS256`
+ * Under `Fine grained openID connect configuration` -> `request object signature algorithm`: set to `RS256`
+ * -> save these settings in keycloak (hit save button)
+3. Under `Scope` -> `Full Scope Allowed` set to `off`.
+4. Under `mappers` -> add a custom mapper here:
+ * Name: `aud`
+ * Mapper type: `audience`
+ * Included audience: select your client/client-id here
+ * Add ID to token: `off`
+ * Add access to token: `on`
+5. Under `credentials`: copy the value of the secret.
+6. In your realm settings -> keys: copy the "Public Key" (signing key).
+7. In your realm settings -> general -> endpoints: look into openId endpoint configuration and copy the values of your Authorization and Token endpoints.
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select KeyCloak, and use these values to complete the form:
+ - **KeyCloak OAuth Key**: Enter your client name (from step 1)
+ - **KeyCloak OAuth Secret**: Enter the your client credentials secret (from step 5)
+ - **KeyCloak Public Key**: Enter the Public Key from your realm settings (from step 6)
+ - **KeyCloak Resource**: Enter the Authorization Endpoint URL (from step 7)
+ - **KeyCloak Group Limiter**: Enter the Token Endpoint URL (from step 7)
+ - **KeyCloak OAuth Login Button Text** Choose the text you want to use for the DefectDojo login button.
+2. Check the 'Enable KeyCloak OAuth' button, and submit the form. A login button should now be visible on the login page with the text you have set.
+### Open-Source
+Edit the local_settings.py file (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)) with the following information:
+1. {{< highlight python >}}
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+or, alternatively, for helm configuration, add this to the `extraConfig` section:
+Optionally, you *can* set `DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_KEYCLOAK_LOGIN_BUTTON_TEXT` in order to customize the login button's text caption.
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and `Login With ____` (your login button text) will be added as an option to the Login menu.
+## Okta
+In a similar fashion to that of Google, using Okta as a OAuth2 provider
+carries the same attributes and a similar procedure.
+Both DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source users will need to complete these steps to create an integration:
+1. Navigate to the following address and either create a new account,
+ or login with an existing one: [Okta Account
+ Creation](https://www.okta.com/developer/signup/)
+2. Once logged in, enter the **Applications** and click **Add
+ Application**:
+ ![image](images/okta_1.png)
+3. Select **Web Applications**.
+ ![image](images/okta_2.png)
+4. Add the pictured URLs in the **Login Redirect URLs** section. This
+ part is very important. If there are any mistakes here, the
+ authentication client will not authorize the request, and deny
+ access. Check the **Implicit** box as well.
+ ![image](images/okta_3.png)
+5. Once all URLs are added, finish by clicking **Done**.
+6. Return to the **Dashboard** to find the **Org-URL**. Note this value
+ as it will be important when configuring DefectDojo.
+ ![image](images/okta_4.png)
+7. Now, with the authentication client created, the **Client ID** and
+ **Client Secret** Key need to be copied over to the settings.
+ Click the newly created client and copy the values:
+ ![image](images/okta_5.png)
+### Pro Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can set up this integration from the OAuth Settings page, which is nested under **Enterprise Settings**.
+1. In DefectDojo's OAuth Settings page, select Okta, and use these values to complete the form:
+ - **Okta OAuth Key**: set this to your Client ID from step 7 above.
+ - **Okta OAuth Secret**: set this to your Client Secret from step 7 above.
+ - **Okta Tenant ID**: set this to your Okta Org-URL: `https://{your-org-url}/oauth2` for example
+ -
+2. Check the 'Enable Okta OAuth' button, and submit the form. A 'Login With Okta' button should now be visible on the DefectDojo login screen.
+### Open-Source
+1. Edit the local_settings.py file (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)) with the following:
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ DD_SOCIAL_AUTH_OKTA_OAUTH2_API_URL=(str, 'https://{your-org-url}/oauth2'),
+ {{< /highlight >}}
+If during the login process you get the following error: *The
+'redirect_uri' parameter must be an absolute URI that is whitelisted
+in the client app settings.* and the `redirect_uri` HTTP
+GET parameter starts with `http://` instead of
+`https://` you need to add
+`SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS = True` in your local_settings.py file.
+2. Restart DefectDojo, and 'Login With Okta' should appear on the login screen.
+## SAML Configuration
+DefectDojo Pro users can follow this guide to set up a SAML configuration using the DefectDojo UI. Open-Source users can set up SAML via environment variables, using the following [guide](./#open-source-saml).
+1. Open the SAML Settings page to view the SAML form. This page is located under the **Enterprise Settings** option on the sidebar.
+2. Complete the SAML form. Start by setting an **Entity ID** \- this is either a label or a URL which your SAML Identity Provider can point to, and use to identify DefectDojo. This is a required field.
-4. If you wish, set **Login Button Text** in DefectDojo. This text will appear on the button or link users click to initiate the login process.
+3. If you wish, set **Login Button Text** in DefectDojo. This text will appear on the button or link users click to initiate the login process.
-5. You can also set a **Logout URL** to redirect your users to once they have logged out of DefectDojo.
+4. You can also set a **Logout URL** to redirect your users to once they have logged out of DefectDojo.
-6. The **NameID Format** has four options \- Persistent, Transient, Entity and Encrypted.
+5. The **Name ID Format** has four options: Persistent, Transient, Entity and Encrypted.
-\- If you want your users to be consistently identified by SAML, use **Persistent.**
-\- If you would prefer that users have a different SAML ID each time they access
-DefectDojo, choose **Transient**.
-\- If you’re ok with all of your users sharing a SAML NameID, you can select **Entity.**
-\- If you would like to encrypt each user’s NameID, you can use **Encrypted** as your NameID format.
+ - If you would prefer that users have a different SAML ID each time they access
+ DefectDojo, choose **Transient**.
+ - If you want your users to be consistently identified by SAML, use **Persistent.**
+ - If you’re ok with all of your users sharing a SAML NameID, you can select **Entity.**
+ - If you would like to encrypt each user’s NameID, you can use **Encrypted** as your NameID format.
-7. **Required Attributes** are the attributes that DefectDojo requires from the SAML response.
+6. **Required Attributes** are the attributes that DefectDojo requires from the SAML response.
-8. **Attribute Mapping** contains a formula for how you want these attributes to be matched to a user. For example, if your SAML response returns an email, you can associate it with a DefectDojo user with the formula **email\=email**.
-The left side of the ‘\=’ sign represents the attribute you want to map from the SAML response. The right side is a user’s field in DefectDojo, which you want this attribute to map to.
+7. **Attribute Mapping** contains a formula for how you want these attributes to be matched to a user. For example, if your SAML response returns an email, you can associate it with a DefectDojo user with the formula **email=email**.
-This is a required field for this form.
+The left side of the ‘=’ sign represents the attribute you want to map from the SAML response. The right side is a user’s field in DefectDojo, which you want this attribute to map to.
-9. **Remote SAML Metadata** is the URL where your SAML Identity Provider is located.
+8. **Remote SAML Metadata** is the URL where your SAML Identity Provider is located.
-10. If you would prefer to upload your own SAML Metadata, you can upload an XML file to **Local SAML Metadata**. You will need at least one metadata source before you can successfully use SAML.
-11. Finally, check the **Enable SAML** checkbox at the bottom of this form to confirm that you want to use SAML to log in. Once this is enabled, you will see the **Login With SAML** button on the DefectDojo Login Page.
+9. Finally, check the **Enable SAML** checkbox at the bottom of this form to confirm that you want to use SAML to log in. Once this is enabled, you will see the **Login With SAML** button on the DefectDojo Login Page.
-### Additional SAML Options
+#### Additional SAML Options
* **Create Unknown User** allows you to decide whether or not to automatically create a new user in DefectDojo if they aren’t found in the SAML response.
@@ -72,18 +555,119 @@ This is a required field for this form.
* **Enable SAML Debugging** will log more detailed SAML output for debugging purposes.
-## Set up OAuth Login (Google, Gitlab, Auth0…)
+### Open-Source SAML
-1. Start by navigating to the **Plugin Manager \> Enterprise Settings** page in DefectDojo.
+1. Navigate to your SAML IdP and find your metadata.
+2. Edit the local_settings.py file (see [Configuration](../../os_getting_started/configuration)) with the following information:
-2. From here, navigate to the OAuth tab and select the service you want to configure from the list.
+ {{< highlight python >}}
+ DD_SAML2_ENABLED=(bool, **True**),
+ # SAML Login Button Text
+ DD_SAML2_LOGIN_BUTTON_TEXT=(str, 'Login with SAML'),
+ # If the metadata can be accessed from a url, try the
+ # Otherwise, downlaod a copy of the metadata into an xml file, and
+ # list the path in DD_SAML2_METADATA_LOCAL_FILE_PATH
+ DD_SAML2_METADATA_LOCAL_FILE_PATH=(str, '/path/to/your/metadata.xml'),
+ # Fill in DD_SAML2_ATTRIBUTES_MAP to corresponding SAML2 userprofile attributes provided by your IdP
+ # format: SAML attrib:django_user_model
+ 'Email': 'email',
+ 'UserName': 'username',
+ 'Firstname': 'first_name',
+ 'Lastname': 'last_name'
+ }),
+ # May configure the optional fields
+ {{< /highlight >}}
-3. Complete the relevant OAuth form.
-4. Finally, check the **Enable \_\_ OAuth** button from below, and click **Submit**.
-Users should now be able to sign in using the OAuth service you selected. A button will be added to the DefectDojo Login page to enable them to sign on using this method.
\ No newline at end of file
+NOTE: *DD_SAML2_ATTRIBUTES_MAP* in k8s can be referenced as extraConfig (e.g. `DD_SAML2_ATTRIBUTES_MAP: 'Email'='email', 'Username'='username'...`)
+NOTE: *DD_SITE_URL* might also need to be set depending on the choices you make with the metadata.xml provider. (File versus URL).
+4. Checkout the SAML section in dojo/`dojo/settings/settings.dist.py` and verfiy if it fits your requirement. If you need help, take a look at the [plugin
+5. Restart DefectDojo, and you should now see a **Login with SAML** button (default setting of DD_SAML2_LOGIN_BUTTON_TEXT) on the login page.
+NOTE: In the case when IDP is configured to use self signed (private) certificate,
+than CA needs to be specified by define environments variable
+REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE that points to the path of private CA certificate.
+#### Advanced Configuration
+The [https://github.com/IdentityPython/djangosaml2](djangosaml2) plugin has a lot of options. For details take a look at the [plugin documentation](https://djangosaml2.readthedocs.io/contents/setup.html#configuration).
+All default options in DefectDojo can overwritten in the local_settings.py file. If you want to change the organization name, you can add the following lines:
+{{< highlight python >}}
+ SAML_CONFIG['contact_person'] = [{
+ 'given_name': 'Extra',
+ 'sur_name': 'Example',
+ 'company': 'DefectDojo',
+ 'email_address': 'dummy@defectdojo.com',
+ 'contact_type': 'technical'
+ }]
+ SAML_CONFIG['organization'] = {
+ 'name': [('DefectDojo', 'en')],
+ 'display_name': [('DefectDojo', 'en')],
+ },
+{{< /highlight >}}
+#### Migration from django-saml2-auth
+Up to relase 1.15.0 the SAML integration was based on [https://github.com/fangli/django-saml2-auth](django-saml2-auth). Which the switch to djangosaml2 some parameters has changed:
+* DD_SAML2_ASSERTION_URL: not necessary any more - automatically generated
+* DD_SAML2_DEFAULT_NEXT_URL: not necessary any more - default forwarding from defectdojo is used
+* DD_SAML2_NEW_USER_PROFILE: not possible any more - default profile is used, see User Permissions
+* DD_SAML2_ATTRIBUTES_MAP: Syntax has changed
+* DD_SAML2_CREATE_USER: Default value changed to False, to avoid security breaches
+## Other Open-Source Options
+### RemoteUser
+This implementation is suitable if the DefectDojo instance is placed behind HTTP Authentication Proxy.
+Dojo expects that the proxy will perform authentication and pass HTTP requests to the Dojo instance with filled HTTP headers.
+The proxy should check if an attacker is not trying to add a malicious HTTP header and bypass authentication.
+Values which need to be set:
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_ENABLED` - Needs to be set to `True`
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_USERNAME_HEADER` - Name of the header which contains the username
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_EMAIL_HEADER`(optional) - Name of the header which contains the email
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_FIRSTNAME_HEADER`(optional) - Name of the header which contains the first name
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_LASTNAME_HEADER`(optional) - Name of the header which contains the last name
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_GROUPS_HEADER`(optional) - Name of the header which contains the comma-separated list of groups; user will be assigned to these groups (missing groups will be created)
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_GROUPS_CLEANUP`(optional) - Same as [#automatic-import-of-user-groups](AzureAD implementation)
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_TRUSTED_PROXY` - Comma separated list of proxies; Simple IP and CIDR formats are supported
+* `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_LOGIN_ONLY`(optional) - Check [Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/auth-remote-user/#using-remote-user-on-login-pages-only)
+*WARNING:* There is possible spoofing of headers (for all `DD_AUTH_REMOTEUSER_xxx_HEADER` values). Read Warning in [Django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/auth-remote-user/#configuration)
+### User Permissions
+When a new user is created via the social-auth, only the default permissions are active. This means that the newly created user does not have access to add, edit, nor delete anything within DefectDojo. There are two parameters in the System Settings to influence the permissions for newly created users:
+#### Default group
+When both the parameters `Default group` and `Default group role` are set, the new user will be a member of the given group with the given role, which will give him the respective permissions.
+#### Groups from Identity Providers
+Some Identity Providers are able to send list of groups to which should user belongs. This functionality is implemented only for Identity Providers mentioned below. For all others, we will be more than happy for contribution (hint: functions `assign_user_to_groups` and `cleanup_old_groups_for_user` from [`dojo/pipeline.py`](https://github.com/DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo/blob/master/dojo/pipeline.py) might be useful).
+### Other Providers
+In an effort to accommodate as much generality as possible, it was
+decided to implement OAuth2 with the
+ecosystem as it has a library of compatible providers with documentation
+of implementation. Conveniently, each provider has an identical
+procedure of managing the authenticated responses and authorizing access
+within a given application. The only difficulty is creating a new
+authentication client with a given OAuth2 provider.
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diff --git a/docs/content/en/open_source/api-v2-docs.md b/docs/content/en/open_source/api-v2-docs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 04939c98379..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/en/open_source/api-v2-docs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-title: "DefectDojo API v2"
-description: "DefectDojo's API lets you automate tasks, e.g. uploading scan reports in CI/CD pipelines."
-draft: false
-weight: 2
-DefectDojo\'s API is created using [Django Rest
-Framework](http://www.django-rest-framework.org/). The documentation of
-each endpoint is available within each DefectDojo installation at
-[`/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui`](https://demo.defectdojo.org/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui/)) and can be accessed by choosing the API v2
-Docs link on the user drop down menu in the header.
-The documentation is generated using [drf-spectacular](https://drf-spectacular.readthedocs.io/) at [`/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui/`](https://demo.defectdojo.org/api/v2/oa3/swagger-ui/), and is
-interactive. On the top of API v2 docs is a link that generates an OpenAPI v3 spec.
-To interact with the documentation, a valid Authorization header value
-is needed. Visit the `/api/key-v2` view to generate your
-API Key (`Token `) and copy the header value provided.
-Each section allows you to make calls to the API and view the Request
-URL, Response Body, Response Code and Response Headers.
-If you're logged in to the Defect Dojo web UI, you do not need to provide the authorization token.
-## Authentication
-The API uses header authentication with API key. The format of the
-header should be: :
- Authorization: Token
-For example: :
- Authorization: Token c8572a5adf107a693aa6c72584da31f4d1f1dcff
-### Alternative authentication method
-If you use [an alternative authentication method](../archived_docs/integrations/social-authentication/) for users, you may want to disable DefectDojo API tokens because it could bypass your authentication concept. \
-Using of DefectDojo API tokens can be disabled by specifying the environment variable `DD_API_TOKENS_ENABLED` to `False`.
-Or only `api/v2/api-token-auth/` endpoint can be disabled by setting `DD_API_TOKEN_AUTH_ENDPOINT_ENABLED` to `False`.
-## Sample Code
-Here are some simple python examples and their results produced against
-the `/users` endpoint: :
-{{< highlight python >}}
-import requests
-url = ''
-headers = {'content-type': 'application/json',
- 'Authorization': 'Token c8572a5adf107a693aa6c72584da31f4d1f1dcff'}
-r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True) # set verify to False if ssl cert is self-signed
-for key, value in r.__dict__.items():
- print(f"'{key}': '{value}'")
- print('------------------')
-{{< /highlight >}}
-This code will return the list of all the users defined in DefectDojo.
-The json object result looks like : :
-{{< highlight json >}}
- [
- {
- "first_name": "Tyagi",
- "id": 22,
- "last_login": "2019-06-18T08:05:51.925743",
- "last_name": "Paz",
- "username": "dev7958"
- },
- {
- "first_name": "saurabh",
- "id": 31,
- "last_login": "2019-06-06T11:44:32.533035",
- "last_name": "",
- "username": "saurabh.paz"
- }
- ]
-{{< /highlight >}}
-Here is another example against the `/users` endpoint, this
-time we will filter the results to include only the users whose user
-name includes `jay`:
-{{< highlight python >}}
-import requests
-url = ''
-headers = {'content-type': 'application/json',
- 'Authorization': 'Token c8572a5adf107a693aa6c72584da31f4d1f1dcff'}
-r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True) # set verify to False if ssl cert is self-signed
-for key, value in r.__dict__.items():
- print(f"'{key}': '{value}'")
- print('------------------')
-{{< /highlight >}}
-The json object result is: :
-{{< highlight json >}}
- {
- "first_name": "Jay",
- "id": 22,
- "last_login": "2015-10-28T08:05:51.925743",
- "last_name": "Paz",
- "username": "jay7958"
- },
- {
- "first_name": "",
- "id": 31,
- "last_login": "2015-10-13T11:44:32.533035",
- "last_name": "",
- "username": "jay.paz"
- }
-{{< /highlight >}}
-See [Django Rest Framework\'s documentation on interacting with an
-API](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) for
-additional examples and tips.
-## Manually calling the API
-Tools like Postman can be used for testing the API.
-Example for importing a scan result:
-- Verb: POST
-- URI:
-- Headers tab:
- add the authentication header
- : - Key: Authorization
- - Value: Token c8572a5adf107a693aa6c72584da31f4d1f1dcff
-- Body tab
- - select \"form-data\", click \"bulk edit\". Example for a ZAP scan:
- engagement:3
- verified:true
- active:true
- lead:1
- tags:test
- scan_type:ZAP Scan
- minimum_severity:Info
- skip_duplicates:true
- close_old_findings:false
-- Body tab
- - Click \"Key-value\" edit
- - Add a \"file\" parameter of type \"file\". This will trigger
- multi-part form data for sending the file content
- - Browse for the file to upload
-- Click send
-## Clients / API Wrappers
-| Wrapper | Status | Notes |
-| -----------------------------| ------------------------| ------------------------|
-| [Specific python wrapper](https://github.com/DefectDojo/defectdojo_api) | working (2021-01-21) | API Wrapper including scripts for continous CI/CD uploading. Is lagging behind a bit on latest API features as we plan to revamp the API wrapper |
-| [Openapi python wrapper](https://github.com/alles-klar/defectdojo-api-v2-client) | | proof of concept only where we found out the the OpenAPI spec is not perfect yet |
-| [Java library](https://github.com/secureCodeBox/defectdojo-client-java) | working (2021-08-30) | Created by the kind people of [SecureCodeBox](https://github.com/secureCodeBox/secureCodeBox) |
-| [Image using the Java library](https://github.com/SDA-SE/defectdojo-client) | working (2021-08-30) | |
-| [.Net/C# library](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DefectDojo.Api/) | working (2021-06-08) | |
-| [dd-import](https://github.com/MaibornWolff/dd-import) | working (2021-08-24) | dd-import is not directly an API wrapper. It offers some convenience functions to make it easier to import findings and language data from CI/CD pipelines. |
-Some of the api wrappers contain quite a bit of logic to ease scanning and importing in CI/CD environments. We are in the process of simplifying this by making the DefectDojo API smarter (so api wrappers / script can be dumber).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/integrations/social-authentication.md b/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/integrations/social-authentication.md
index 640beaeff18..5536c195627 100644
--- a/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/integrations/social-authentication.md
+++ b/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/integrations/social-authentication.md
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ title: "Authentication via OAuth2/SAML2"
description: "OAuth2/SAML2 let users authenticate against enterprise directories."
draft: false
weight: 3
+exclude_search: true
## Auth0
diff --git a/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/notifications.md b/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/notifications.md
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--- a/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/notifications.md
+++ b/docs/content/en/open_source/archived_docs/notifications.md
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ title: "Notifications"
description: "DefectDojo can inform you about changes on different channels."
draft: false
weight: 6
+exclude_search: true
## Notifications
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{{ .Title }}
Official documentation for DefectDojo Pro and Open-Source editions, maintained by DefectDojo Inc. and the Open-Source community.