diff --git a/inst/AntaresViz.xlsx b/inst/AntaresViz.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47b0150
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/AntaresViz.xlsx differ
diff --git a/inst/GraphicalCharter.csv b/inst/GraphicalCharter.csv
index b3a88fd..19c2e20 100644
--- a/inst/GraphicalCharter.csv
+++ b/inst/GraphicalCharter.csv
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-name red green blue formula
-pumpedStorage 17 71 185 PSP
-"import/export" 150 150 150 -(BALANCE + `ROW BAL.`)
-mustRunTotal 120 136 194 mustRunTotal
-mustRunPartial 120 236 194 mustRunPartial
-mustRun 220 236 94 mustRun
-bioenergy 22 106 87 `MISC. NDG`
-wind 116 205 185 WIND
-solar 242 116 6 SOLAR
-nuclear 245 179 0 NUCLEAR
-hydraulic 39 114 178 `H. ROR`+`H. STOR`
-gas 243 10 10 GAS
-coal 172 140 53 COAL
-other 173 255 47 `MISC. DTG` + `MIX. FUEL`
-load 135 86 39 LOAD
-renewable 0 255 0 WIND+SOLAR+`H. ROR`+`H. STOR`+`MISC. NDG`
-renewableNoDispatchable 0 255 0 WIND+SOLAR+`H. ROR`+`MISC. NDG`
-thermalDispatchable 100 100 100 NUCLEAR+LIGNITE+COAL+GAS+OIL+`MIX. FUEL`+`MISC. DTG`
-hydraulicDispatchable 39 114 178 `H. STOR`
-lignite 180 130 43 LIGNITE
-oil 131 86 162 OIL
-mixFuel 127 84 156 `MIX. FUEL`
-"misc. DTG" 173 255 47 `MISC. DTG`
-hydraulicRor 61 96 125 `H. ROR`
-hydraulicStor 84 151 208 `H. STOR`
-totalProduction 235 155 166 NUCLEAR+LIGNITE+COAL+GAS+OIL+`MIX. FUEL`+`MISC. DTG`+WIND+SOLAR+`H. ROR`+`H. STOR`+`MISC. NDG` + pmax(0, PSP)
-netLoad 101 180 197 netLoad
-thermalAvailability 1 1 1 `AVL DTG`
\ No newline at end of file
+import/export;150;150;150;-(BALANCE + `ROW BAL.`);BALANCE,ROW BAL.
+bioenergy;22;106;87;`MISC. NDG`;MISC. NDG
+hydraulic;39;114;178;`H. ROR`+`H. STOR`;H. ROR,H. STOR
+other;173;255;47;`MISC. DTG` + `MIX. FUEL`;MISC. DTG,MIX. FUEL
+renewableNoDispatchable;0;255;0;WIND+SOLAR+`H. ROR`+`MISC. NDG`;WIND,SOLAR,H. ROR,MISC. NDG
+hydraulicDispatchable;39;114;178;`H. STOR`;H. STOR
+mixFuel;127;84;156;`MIX. FUEL`;MIX. FUEL
+misc. DTG;173;255;47;`MISC. DTG`;MISC. DTG
+hydraulicRor;61;96;125;`H. ROR`;H. ROR
+hydraulicStor;84;151;208;`H. STOR`;H. STOR
+thermalAvailability;1;1;1;`AVL DTG`;AVL DTG
diff --git a/inst/application/global.R b/inst/application/global.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa08f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/global.R
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# choose a directory
+# shared inputs
+.global_shared_prodStack <- data.frame(
+ module = "prodStack",
+ panel = "prodStack",
+ input = c("dateRange", "unit", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5", "legend", "drawPoints", "stepPlot"),
+ type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput",
+ "checkboxInput", "checkboxInput", "checkboxInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+.global_shared_plotts <- data.frame(
+ module = "plotts",
+ panel = "tsPlot",
+ input = c("dateRange", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5", "legend", "drawPoints", "stepPlot"),
+ type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput",
+ "checkboxInput", "checkboxInput", "checkboxInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+.global_shared_plotMap <- data.frame(
+ module = "plotMap",
+ panel = "Map",
+ input = c("dateRange", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5"),
+ type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+.global_shared_exchangesStack <- data.frame(
+ module = "exchangesStack",
+ panel = "exchangesStack",
+ input = c("dateRange", "unit", "mcYear", "mcYearh", "timeSteph5", "legend", "drawPoints", "stepPlot"),
+ type = c("dateRangeInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput", "selectInput",
+ "checkboxInput", "checkboxInput", "checkboxInput"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+.global_shared_input <- rbind(.global_shared_prodStack, .global_shared_plotts, .global_shared_plotMap, .global_shared_exchangesStack)
+.global_build_input_data <- function(data){
+ data$input_id <- paste0(data$module, "-shared_", data$input)
+ data$last_update <- NA
+ data$update_call <- ""
+ class(data$last_update) <- c("character")
+ data <- data.table(data)
+ data
+# compare
+.global_compare_prodstack <- c("mcYear", "main", "unit", "areas", "legend",
+ "stack", "stepPlot", "drawPoints")
+.global_compare_exchangesStack <- c("mcYear", "main", "unit", "area",
+ "legend", "stepPlot", "drawPoints")
+.global_compare_tsPlot <- c("mcYear", "main", "variable", "type", "confInt", "elements",
+ "aggregate", "legend", "highlight", "stepPlot", "drawPoints", "secondAxis")
+.global_compare_plotMap <- c("mcYear", "type", "colAreaVar", "sizeAreaVars", "areaChartType", "showLabels",
+ "popupAreaVars", "labelAreaVar","colLinkVar", "sizeLinkVar", "popupLinkVars")
+#----- generate help for antaresRead function
+# library(tools)
+# add.html.help <- function(package, func, tempsave = paste0(getwd(), "/temp.html")) {
+# pkgRdDB = tools:::fetchRdDB(file.path(find.package(package), "help", package))
+# topics = names(pkgRdDB)
+# rdfunc <- pkgRdDB[[func]]
+# tools::Rd2HTML(pkgRdDB[[func]], out = tempsave)
+# }
+# add.html.help("antaresRead", "readAntares", "inst/application/www/readAntares.html")
+# add.html.help("antaresRead", "removeVirtualAreas", "inst/application/www/removeVirtualAreas.html")
+# add.html.help("antaresRead", "writeAntaresH5", "inst/application/www/writeAntaresH5.html")
diff --git a/inst/application/src/scripts/directoryInput.R b/inst/application/src/scripts/directoryInput.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0df04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/scripts/directoryInput.R
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#' Choose a Folder Interactively (Mac OS X)
+#' Display a folder selection dialog under Mac OS X
+#' @param default which folder to show initially
+#' @param caption the caption on the selection dialog
+#' @details
+#' Uses an Apple Script to display a folder selection dialog. With \code{default = NA},
+#' the initial folder selection is determined by default behavior of the
+#' "choose folder" Apple Script command. Otherwise, paths are expanded with
+#' \link{path.expand}.
+#' @return
+#' A length one character vector, character NA if 'Cancel' was selected.
+if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Darwin') {
+ choose.dir = function(default = NA, caption = NA) {
+ command = 'osascript'
+ args = '-e "POSIX path of (choose folder{{prompt}}{{default}})"'
+ if (!is.null(caption) && !is.na(caption) && nzchar(caption)) {
+ prompt = sprintf(' with prompt \\"%s\\"', caption)
+ } else {
+ prompt = ''
+ }
+ args = sub('{{prompt}}', prompt, args, fixed = T)
+ if (!is.null(default) && !is.na(default) && nzchar(default)) {
+ default = sprintf(' default location \\"%s\\"', path.expand(default))
+ } else {
+ default = ''
+ }
+ args = sub('{{default}}', default, args, fixed = T)
+ suppressWarnings({
+ path = system2(command, args = args, stderr = TRUE)
+ })
+ if (!is.null(attr(path, 'status')) && attr(path, 'status')) {
+ # user canceled
+ path = NA
+ }
+ return(path)
+ }
+} else if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == 'Linux') {
+ choose.dir = function(default = NA, caption = NA) {
+ command = 'zenity'
+ args = '--file-selection --directory --title="Choose a folder"'
+ suppressWarnings({
+ path = system2(command, args = args, stderr = TRUE)
+ })
+ #Return NA if user hits cancel
+ if (!is.null(attr(path, 'status')) && attr(path, 'status')) {
+ # user canceled
+ return(default)
+ }
+ #Error: Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent
+ if(length(path) == 2){
+ path = path[2]
+ }
+ return(path)
+ }
+#' Directory Selection Control
+#' Create a directory selection control to select a directory on the server
+#' @param inputId The \code{input} slot that will be used to access the value
+#' @param label Display label for the control, or NULL for no label
+#' @param value Initial value. Paths are exapnded via \code{\link{path.expand}}.
+#' @details
+#' This widget relies on \link{\code{choose.dir}} to present an interactive
+#' dialog to users for selecting a directory on the local filesystem. Therefore,
+#' this widget is intended for shiny apps that are run locally - i.e. on the
+#' same system that files/directories are to be accessed - and not from hosted
+#' applications (e.g. from shinyapps.io).
+#' @return
+#' A directory input control that can be added to a UI definition.
+#' @seealso
+#' \link{updateDirectoryInput}, \link{readDirectoryInput}, \link[utils]{choose.dir}
+directoryInput = function(inputId, label, value = NULL) {
+ if (!is.null(value) && !is.na(value)) {
+ value = path.expand(value)
+ }
+ tagList(
+ singleton(
+ tags$head(
+ tags$script(src = 'js/directory_input_binding.js')
+ )
+ ),
+ div(
+ class = 'form-group directory-input-container',
+ shiny:::`%AND%`(label, tags$label(label)),
+ div(
+ span(
+ class = 'col-xs-9 col-md-11',
+ style = 'padding-left: 0; padding-right: 5px;',
+ div(
+ class = 'input-group shiny-input-container',
+ style = 'width:100%;',
+ div(class = 'input-group-addon', icon('folder-o')),
+ tags$input(
+ id = sprintf('%s__chosen_dir', inputId),
+ value = value,
+ type = 'text',
+ class = 'form-control directory-input-chosen-dir',
+ readonly = 'readonly'
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ span(
+ class = 'shiny-input-container',
+ tags$button(
+ id = inputId,
+ class = 'btn btn-default directory-input',
+ '...'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+#' Change the value of a directoryInput on the client
+#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
+#' @param inputId The id of the input object.
+#' @param value A directory path to set
+#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \link{\code{choose.dir}}. Only used
+#' if \code{value} is \code{NULL}.
+#' @details
+#' Sends a message to the client, telling it to change the value of the input
+#' object. For \code{directoryInput} objects, this changes the value displayed
+#' in the text-field and triggers a client-side change event. A directory
+#' selection dialog is not displayed.
+updateDirectoryInput = function(session, inputId, value = NULL, ...) {
+ if (is.null(value)) {
+ value = choose.dir(...)
+ }
+ session$sendInputMessage(inputId, list(chosen_dir = value))
+#' Read the value of a directoryInput
+#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
+#' @param inputId The id of the input object
+#' @details
+#' Reads the value of the text field associated with a \code{directoryInput}
+#' object that stores the user selected directory path.
+readDirectoryInput = function(session, inputId) {
+ session$input[[sprintf('%s__chosen_dir', inputId)]]
diff --git a/inst/application/src/server/02_load_data.R b/inst/application/src/server/02_load_data.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646e0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/server/02_load_data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Importation de nouvelles donnees
+ if(input$import_data > 0){
+ isolate({
+ if(!is.null(opts())){
+ # not a .h5 file, so read data
+ if(!opts()$h5){
+ # Treat mcYears
+ if(input$read_type_mcYears == "synthetic"){
+ mcYears <- NULL
+ } else if(input$read_type_mcYears == "all"){
+ mcYears <- "all"
+ } else {
+ mcYears <- as.numeric(input$read_mcYears)
+ }
+ # import data
+ data <- withCallingHandlers({
+ tryCatch({
+ readAntares(areas = input$read_areas, links = input$read_links, clusters = input$read_clusters,
+ districts = input$read_districts, misc = input$read_misc,
+ thermalAvailabilities = input$read_thermalAvailabilities,
+ hydroStorage = input$read_hydroStorage, hydroStorageMaxPower = input$read_hydroStorageMaxPower,
+ reserve = input$read_reserve, linkCapacity = input$read_linkCapacity,
+ mustRun = input$read_mustRun, thermalModulation = input$read_thermalModulation,
+ select = input$read_select, mcYears = mcYears, timeStep = input$read_timeStep,
+ opts = opts(),
+ # parallel = input$read_parallel,
+ simplify = TRUE, showProgress = FALSE)},
+ error = function(e){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "Error reading data",
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ paste("Please update input. Error : ", e, sep = "\n")
+ ))
+ list()
+ })},
+ warning = function(w){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "Warning reading data",
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ w
+ ))
+ }
+ )
+ # removeVirtualAreas
+ if(input$rmva_ctrl){
+ if(length(data) > 0){
+ data <- withCallingHandlers({
+ tryCatch({
+ removeVirtualAreas(x = data,
+ storageFlexibility = input$rmva_storageFlexibility,
+ production = input$rmva_production,
+ reassignCosts = input$rmva_reassignCosts,
+ newCols = input$rmva_newCols)},
+ error = function(e){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "removeVirtualAreas : error",
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ paste("Please update input. Error : ", e, sep = "\n")
+ ))
+ list()
+ })},
+ warning = function(w){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "removeVirtualAreas : warning",
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ w
+ ))
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ if(length(data) > 0){
+ # save params
+ params <- list(
+ areas = input$read_areas, links = input$read_links, clusters = input$read_clusters,
+ districts = input$read_districts, misc = input$read_misc,
+ thermalAvailabilities = input$read_thermalAvailabilities,
+ hydroStorage = input$read_hydroStorage, hydroStorageMaxPower = input$read_hydroStorageMaxPower,
+ reserve = input$read_reserve, linkCapacity = input$read_linkCapacity,
+ mustRun = input$read_mustRun, thermalModulation = input$read_thermalModulation,
+ select = input$read_select, mcYears = mcYears, timeStep = input$read_timeStep,
+ parallel = input$read_parallel
+ )
+ n_list <- length(list_data_all$antaresDataList) + 1
+ list_data_all$antaresDataList[[n_list]] <- data
+ # write params and links control
+ list_data_all$params[[n_list]] <- params
+ list_data_all$opts[[n_list]] <- opts()
+ if(!is.null(input$read_links)){
+ list_data_all$have_links[n_list] <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ list_data_all$have_links[n_list] <- FALSE
+ }
+ have_areas <- is.null(input$read_areas) & is.null(input$read_links) & is.null(input$read_clusters) &
+ is.null(input$read_districts) | !is.null(input$read_areas)
+ if(have_areas){
+ list_data_all$have_areas[n_list] <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ list_data_all$have_areas[n_list] <- FALSE
+ }
+ names(list_data_all$antaresDataList)[[n_list]] <- current_study_path()
+ }
+ } else {
+ params <- list(
+ areas = input$read_areas, links = input$read_links,
+ clusters = input$read_clusters, districts = input$read_districts,
+ select = input$read_select
+ )
+ # a .h5 file, so return opts...
+ n_list <- length(list_data_all$antaresDataList) + 1
+ list_data_all$antaresDataList[[n_list]] <- opts()
+ # write params and links control
+ list_data_all$params[[n_list]] <- params
+ list_data_all$opts[[n_list]] <- opts()
+ if(!is.null(input$read_links)){
+ list_data_all$have_links[n_list] <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ list_data_all$have_links[n_list] <- FALSE
+ }
+ have_areas <- is.null(input$read_areas) & is.null(input$read_links) & is.null(input$read_clusters) &
+ is.null(input$read_districts) | !is.null(input$read_areas)
+ if(have_areas){
+ list_data_all$have_areas[n_list] <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ list_data_all$have_areas[n_list] <- FALSE
+ }
+ names(list_data_all$antaresDataList)[[n_list]] <- current_study_path()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if(input$import_data > 0){
+ updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "tab_data", selected = "Analysis")
+ }
+# control : have data
+output$have_data <- reactive({
+ length(list_data_all$antaresDataList) > 0
+outputOptions(output, "have_data", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/server/03_data_selection.R b/inst/application/src/server/03_data_selection.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33190c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/server/03_data_selection.R
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# gestion de la liste
+output$info_list <- renderUI({
+ list_data <- list_data_all$antaresDataList
+ if(length(list_data) > 0){
+ isolate({
+ # affichage du nom de l'etude
+ study <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(i) {
+ study_name <- paste0("list_study_", i)
+ div(
+ h4(textOutput(study_name)), style = 'height:24px', align = "center")
+ })
+ # checkbox de selection
+ check_list <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(i) {
+ check_name <- paste0("list_study_check", i)
+ div(
+ checkboxInput(check_name, "Include study in analysis", value = TRUE), align = "center")
+ })
+ # bouton pour afficher les parametres
+ params_list <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(i) {
+ btn_name <- paste0("list_study_params", i)
+ div(
+ actionButton(btn_name, "View parameters"), align = "center")
+ })
+ # bouton pour supprimer les donnees
+ rm_list <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(i) {
+ btn_name <- paste0("list_study_rm", i)
+ div(
+ actionButton(btn_name, "Remove study"), align = "center")
+ })
+ # format et retour
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3, do.call(tagList, study)),
+ column(3, do.call(tagList, params_list)),
+ column(3, do.call(tagList, check_list)),
+ column(3, do.call(tagList, rm_list))
+ )
+ })
+ }else {
+ # element vide si pas de donnees
+ fluidRow()
+ }
+# creation des outputs
+# - titre de l'etude
+# - print des parametres
+ # lancement lors de la recuperation des donnees formatees
+ list_data_tmp <- list_data_all$antaresDataList
+ if(length(list_data_tmp) > 0){
+ isolate({
+ ctrl <- lapply(1:length(list_data_tmp), function(i) {
+ study_name <- paste0("list_study_", i)
+ study_params <- paste0("list_study_params", i)
+ output[[study_name]] <- renderText({
+ paste0("Study : ", names(list_data_tmp)[i])
+ })
+ output[[study_params]] <- renderPrint({
+ str(list_data_all$params[[i]])
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+# observe locaux pour l'affichage des parametres
+# et pour la suppression des etudes
+for(j in 1:16){
+ local({
+ l_j <- j
+ observe({
+ if(!is.null(input[[paste0("list_study_params", l_j)]])){
+ if(input[[paste0("list_study_params", l_j)]] > 0){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ verbatimTextOutput(paste0("list_study_params", l_j))
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ observe({
+ if(!is.null(input[[paste0("list_study_rm", l_j)]])){
+ if(input[[paste0("list_study_rm", l_j)]] > 0){
+ isolate({
+ # print("remove")
+ # print(l_j)
+ # print(object_size(list_data_all$antaresDataList))
+ # print(object_size(list_data_all$antaresDataList[l_j]))
+ # print(mem_change(list_data_all$antaresDataList[l_j] <- NULL))
+ # print(object_size(list_data_all$antaresDataList))
+ # print(object_size(list_data_all$antaresDataList[l_j]))
+ list_data_all$antaresDataList[l_j] <- NULL
+ list_data_all$params[l_j] <- NULL
+ gc(reset = TRUE)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/server/04_shared_input.R b/inst/application/src/server/04_shared_input.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b450c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/server/04_shared_input.R
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+input_data <- reactiveValues(data = .global_build_input_data(.global_shared_input), cpt = 0)
+ input_data$cpt
+ current_input_data <- input_data$data
+ for (ii in 1:nrow(current_input_data)){
+ local({
+ i <- ii
+ observe({
+ current_value <- input[[current_input_data[i, input_id]]]
+ if(!is.null(current_value) & input$is_shared_input){
+ isolate({
+ current_input_data[i, last_update := as.character(Sys.time())]
+ if(isolate(current_input_data$update_call[i]) != ""){
+ eval(parse(text = isolate(current_input_data$update_call[i])))
+ isolate(current_input_data[i, update_call := ""])
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ current_nav <- input[['nav-id']]
+ current_input_data <- isolate(input_data$data)
+ data_shared_input <- current_input_data[panel %in% current_nav]
+ if(nrow(data_shared_input) > 0 & input$is_shared_input){
+ for(ii in 1:nrow(data_shared_input)){
+ local({
+ i <- ii
+ last_update_input <- current_input_data[!panel %in% current_nav &
+ input%in%data_shared_input[i, input] &
+ !is.na(last_update)][order(last_update, decreasing = TRUE)]
+ if(nrow(last_update_input) >= 1){
+ if(data_shared_input[i, type] %in% "dateRangeInput"){
+ if(!is.null(isolate({input[[data_shared_input[i, input_id]]]}))){
+ updateDateRangeInput(session, data_shared_input[i, input_id],
+ start = isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]][1]}),
+ end = isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]][2]}))
+ } else {
+ expr <- paste0("updateDateRangeInput(session, '", data_shared_input[i, input_id],
+ "', start = '", isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]][1]}),
+ "', end = '", isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]][2]}), "')")
+ isolate({
+ input_data$data[input_id %in% data_shared_input[i, input_id], update_call := expr]
+ })
+ }
+ } else if(data_shared_input[i, type] %in% "selectInput"){
+ if(!is.null(isolate({input[[data_shared_input[i, input_id]]]}))){
+ updateSelectInput(session, data_shared_input[i, input_id],
+ selected = isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]]}))
+ } else {
+ expr <- paste0("updateSelectInput(session, '", data_shared_input[i, input_id],
+ "', selected = '", isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]]}), "')")
+ isolate({
+ input_data$data[input_id %in% data_shared_input[i, input_id], update_call := expr]
+ })
+ }
+ }else if(data_shared_input[i, type] %in% "checkboxInput"){
+ if(!is.null(isolate({input[[data_shared_input[i, input_id]]]}))){
+ updateCheckboxInput(session, data_shared_input[i, input_id],
+ value = isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]]}))
+ } else {
+ expr <- paste0("updateCheckboxInput(session, '", data_shared_input[i, input_id],
+ "', value = ", isolate({input[[last_update_input[1, input_id]]]}), ")")
+ input_data$data[input_id %in% data_shared_input[i, input_id], update_call := expr]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/server/05_modules.R b/inst/application/src/server/05_modules.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0904045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/server/05_modules.R
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ ind_keep_list_data <- ind_keep_list_data()
+ isolate({
+ if(input$update_module > 0){
+ if(is.null(ind_keep_list_data)){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ "No study selected"
+ ))
+ } else {
+ # plotts and prodStack
+ ind_areas <- ind_keep_list_data$ind_areas
+ if(length(ind_areas) > 0){
+ # init / re-init module prodStack
+ id_prodStack <- paste0("prodStack_", round(runif(1, 1, 100000000)))
+ # update shared input table
+ input_data$data[grepl("^prodStack", input_id), input_id := paste0(id_prodStack, "-shared_", input)]
+ output[["prodStack_ui"]] <- renderUI({
+ mwModuleUI(id = id_prodStack, height = "800px", fluidRow = TRUE)
+ })
+ .compare <- input$sel_compare_prodstack
+ if(input$sel_compare_mcyear){
+ .compare <- unique(c(.compare, "mcYear"))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(.compare)){
+ list_compare <- vector("list", length(.compare))
+ names(list_compare) <- .compare
+ # set main with study names
+ if(length(ind_areas) != 1){
+ list_compare$main <- names(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_areas])
+ }
+ .compare <- list_compare
+ } else {
+ .compare = NULL
+ }
+ mod_prodStack <- prodStack(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_areas], xyCompare = "union",
+ h5requestFiltering = list_data_all$params[ind_areas],
+ unit = "GWh", interactive = TRUE, .updateBtn = TRUE,
+ .updateBtnInit = TRUE, compare = .compare, .runApp = FALSE)
+ if("MWController" %in% class(modules$prodStack)){
+ modules$prodStack$clear()
+ }
+ modules$prodStack <- mwModule(id = id_prodStack, mod_prodStack)
+ # init / re-init module plotts
+ id_ts <- paste0("plotts_", round(runif(1, 1, 100000000)))
+ # update shared input table
+ input_data$data[grepl("^plotts", input_id), input_id := paste0(id_ts, "-shared_", input)]
+ output[["plotts_ui"]] <- renderUI({
+ mwModuleUI(id = id_ts, height = "800px", fluidRow = TRUE)
+ })
+ .compare <- input$sel_compare_tsPlot
+ if(input$sel_compare_mcyear){
+ .compare <- unique(c(.compare, "mcYear"))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(.compare)){
+ list_compare <- vector("list", length(.compare))
+ names(list_compare) <- .compare
+ # set main with study names
+ if(length(ind_areas) != 1){
+ list_compare$main <- names(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_areas])
+ }
+ .compare <- list_compare
+ } else {
+ .compare = NULL
+ }
+ mod_plotts <- plot(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_areas], xyCompare = "union",
+ h5requestFiltering = list_data_all$params[ind_areas],
+ interactive = TRUE, .updateBtn = TRUE,
+ .updateBtnInit = TRUE, compare = .compare, .runApp = FALSE)
+ if("MWController" %in% class(modules$plotts)){
+ modules$plotts$clear()
+ }
+ modules$plotts <- mwModule(id = id_ts, mod_plotts)
+ list_data_controls$n_areas <- length(ind_areas)
+ list_data_controls$have_areas <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ list_data_controls$have_areas <- FALSE
+ }
+ # exchange
+ ind_links <- ind_keep_list_data$ind_links
+ if(length(ind_links) > 0){
+ # init / re-init module exchangesStack
+ id_exchangesStack <- paste0("exchangesStack_", round(runif(1, 1, 100000000)))
+ # update shared input table
+ input_data$data[grepl("^exchangesStack", input_id), input_id := paste0(id_exchangesStack, "-shared_", input)]
+ output[["exchangesStack_ui"]] <- renderUI({
+ mwModuleUI(id = id_exchangesStack, height = "800px", fluidRow = TRUE)
+ })
+ .compare <- input$sel_compare_exchangesStack
+ if(input$sel_compare_mcyear){
+ .compare <- unique(c(.compare, "mcYear"))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(.compare)){
+ list_compare <- vector("list", length(.compare))
+ names(list_compare) <- .compare
+ # set main with study names
+ if(length(ind_links) != 1){
+ list_compare$main <- names(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_links])
+ }
+ .compare <- list_compare
+ } else {
+ .compare = NULL
+ }
+ mod_exchangesStack <- exchangesStack(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_links], xyCompare = "union",
+ h5requestFiltering = list_data_all$params[ind_links],
+ interactive = TRUE, .updateBtn = TRUE,
+ .updateBtnInit = TRUE, compare = .compare, .runApp = FALSE)
+ if("MWController" %in% class(modules$exchangesStack)){
+ modules$exchangesStack$clear()
+ }
+ modules$exchangesStack <- mwModule(id = id_exchangesStack, mod_exchangesStack)
+ # save data and params
+ list_data_controls$n_links <- length(ind_links)
+ list_data_controls$have_links <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ list_data_controls$have_links <- FALSE
+ }
+ if(!list_data_controls$have_areas & !list_data_controls$have_links){
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ "No study with at least one area and/or link selected"
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input_data$cpt <- isolate(input_data$cpt) +1
+ })
+# control : have link in data
+output$have_data_links <- reactive({
+ list_data_controls$have_links
+outputOptions(output, "have_data_links", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
+# control : have areas in data
+output$have_data_areas <- reactive({
+ list_data_controls$have_areas
+outputOptions(output, "have_data_areas", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
+# change page
+ if(input$update_module > 0){
+ if(list_data_controls$have_areas & list_data_controls$n_areas >= 1){
+ updateNavbarPage(session, inputId = "nav-id", selected = "prodStack")
+ } else if(list_data_controls$have_links & list_data_controls$n_links >= 1){
+ updateNavbarPage(session, inputId = "nav-id", selected = "exchangesStack")
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/server/06_module_map.R b/inst/application/src/server/06_module_map.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b61c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/server/06_module_map.R
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# list of opts for set layout
+layout <- reactive({
+ ind_keep_list_data <- ind_keep_list_data()
+ isolate({
+ if(!is.null(ind_keep_list_data)){
+ ind_map <- unique(sort(c(ind_keep_list_data$ind_areas, ind_keep_list_data$ind_links)))
+ if(length(ind_map) > 0){
+ if(packageVersion("antaresRead") <= '2.0.0'){
+ readLayout(opts = list_data_all$opts[ind_map][[1]])
+ } else {
+ readLayout(opts = list_data_all$opts[ind_map])
+ }
+ }else{
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ })
+ml <- reactiveVal()
+# module for set and save layout
+ml_builder <- callModule(antaresViz:::changeCoordsServer, "ml", layout,
+ what = reactive("areas"), stopApp = FALSE)
+ ml(ml_builder())
+ ml_file <- input$import_layout
+ if (!is.null(ml_file)){
+ tmp_ml <- try(readRDS(ml_file$datapath), silent = TRUE)
+ if("mapLayout" %in% class(tmp_ml)){
+ ml(tmp_ml)
+ } else {
+ showModal(modalDialog(
+ title = "Invalid map layout file",
+ easyClose = TRUE,
+ footer = NULL,
+ "Must be a valid .RDS file (class 'mapLayout')"
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+# control : have a not null layout, and so print map module ?
+print_map <- reactiveValues(value = FALSE)
+ if(!is.null(ml())){
+ print_map$value <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ print_map$value <- FALSE
+ }
+output$current_layout <- renderLeafletDragPoints({
+ if(!is.null(ml())){
+ plotMapLayout(ml())
+ }
+output$must_print_map <- reactive({
+ print_map$value
+outputOptions(output, "must_print_map", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
+ ml <- ml()
+ ind_keep_list_data <- ind_keep_list_data()
+ isolate({
+ if(input$update_module > 0){
+ if(!is.null(ind_keep_list_data)){
+ ind_map <- unique(sort(c(ind_keep_list_data$ind_areas, ind_keep_list_data$ind_links)))
+ if(length(ind_map) > 0){
+ if(!is.null(ml)){
+ # init / re-init module plotMap
+ id_plotMap <- paste0("plotMap_", round(runif(1, 1, 100000000)))
+ # update shared input table
+ input_data$data[grepl("^plotMap", input_id), input_id := paste0(id_plotMap, "-shared_", input)]
+ output[["plotMap_ui"]] <- renderUI({
+ mwModuleUI(id = id_plotMap, height = "800px", fluidRow = TRUE)
+ })
+ .compare <- input$sel_compare_plotMap
+ if(input$sel_compare_mcyear){
+ .compare <- unique(c(.compare, "mcYear"))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(.compare)){
+ list_compare <- vector("list", length(.compare))
+ names(list_compare) <- .compare
+ # set main with study names
+ if(length(ind_map) != 1){
+ list_compare$main <- names(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_map])
+ }
+ .compare <- list_compare
+ } else {
+ .compare = NULL
+ }
+ mod_plotMap <- plotMap(list_data_all$antaresDataList[ind_map], ml,
+ interactive = TRUE, .updateBtn = TRUE,
+ .updateBtnInit = TRUE, compare = .compare,
+ h5requestFiltering = list_data_all$params[ind_map],
+ xyCompare = "union", .runApp = FALSE)
+ if("MWController" %in% class(modules$plotMap)){
+ modules$plotMap$clear()
+ }
+ modules$plotMap <- mwModule(id = id_plotMap, mod_plotMap)
+ # save data and params
+ list_data_controls$n_maps <- length(ind_map)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+# download layout
+output$download_layout <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = function() {
+ paste('mapLayout-', Sys.Date(), '.RDS', sep='')
+ },
+ content = function(con) {
+ saveRDS(ml(), file = con)
+ }
+# change page
+ if(!is.null(input[['ml-done']])){
+ if(input[['ml-done']] > 0){
+ updateNavbarPage(session, inputId = "nav-id", selected = "Map")
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/tests/size_app.R b/inst/application/src/tests/size_app.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9363367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/tests/size_app.R
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ui <- fluidPage(
+ uiOutput("io"),
+ actionButton("goButton", "Go!")
+server <- function(input, output, session) {
+ tmp_prodstack <- NULL
+ data <- reactiveValues(opts = setSimulationPath("C:\\Users\\Datastorm\\Desktop\\antares\\20171114-1533eco-base_30mc.h5"))
+ output$io <- renderUI({
+ mwModuleUI(paste0("mod2"), height = "800px")
+ })
+ observe({
+ print("object_size(session)")
+ print(object_size(session))
+ input$goButton
+ isolate({
+ prodStack <- prodStack(data$opts, xyCompare = "union",
+ unit = "GWh", interactive = TRUE, .updateBtn = TRUE,
+ .updateBtnInit = TRUE, .runApp = FALSE)
+ if("MWController" %in% class(tmp_prodstack)){
+ tmp_prodstack$clear()
+ }
+ tmp_prodstack <<- mwModule(id = paste0("mod2"), prodStack)
+ })
+ })
+shinyApp(ui, server)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/01_ui_import_data.R b/inst/application/src/ui/01_ui_import_data.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0578880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/01_ui_import_data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+tabPanel("Import Data",
+ h3("Antares study selection"),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(7,
+ directoryInput('directory', label = 'Select an antares study',
+ value = '')
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.ctrl_is_antares_study | output.ctrl_is_antares_h5",
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("study_path", "Select a simulation", choices = NULL, selected = NULL)
+ ),
+ column(2,
+ div(br(),
+ actionButton("init_sim", "Set simulation", icon = icon("check-circle")),
+ align = "center"
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.ctrl_is_antares_study === false & output.ctrl_is_antares_h5 === false",
+ column(5,
+ h3(textOutput("directory_message"), style = "color : red")
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_study",
+ hr(),
+ div(fluidRow(
+ column(6,
+ h3("ANTARES Simulation :", align = "right")
+ ),
+ column(6,
+ h3(textOutput("current_opts"), align = "left")
+ )
+ )),
+ tabsetPanel(id = "args",
+ source("src/ui/02_ui_read_data.R", local = T)$value,
+ source("src/ui/03_ui_convert_h5.R", local = T)$value
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/02_ui_read_data.R b/inst/application/src/ui/02_ui_read_data.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20bdcee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/02_ui_read_data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+tabPanel("Read data",
+ h3("readAntares parameters"),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("read_areas", "Areas :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("read_links", "Links :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("read_clusters", "Clusters : ", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("read_districts", "Districts :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.current_opts_h5 === false",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3,
+ checkboxInput("read_misc", "misc", FALSE),
+ checkboxInput("read_reserve", "reserve", FALSE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ checkboxInput("read_thermalAvailabilities", "thermalAvailabilities", FALSE),
+ checkboxInput("read_linkCapacity", "linkCapacity", FALSE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ checkboxInput("read_hydroStorage", "hydroStorage", FALSE),
+ checkboxInput("read_mustRun", "mustRun", FALSE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ checkboxInput("read_hydroStorageMaxPower", "hydroStorageMaxPower", FALSE),
+ checkboxInput("read_thermalModulation", "thermalModulation", FALSE)
+ )
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("read_timeStep", "timeStep :", choices = c("hourly", "daily", "weekly",
+ "monthly", "annual"))
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ radioButtons("read_type_mcYears", "mcYears :",
+ c("synthetic", "all", "custom"), inline = TRUE)
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "input.read_type_mcYears === 'custom'",
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("read_mcYears", "Choose mcYears :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ )
+ )
+ # ,column(3,
+ # checkboxInput("read_parallel", "parallel", FALSE)
+ # )
+ )
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(12,
+ selectInput("read_select", "Select :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL,
+ width = "100%", multiple = TRUE)
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.current_opts_h5 === false",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3,
+ h4("removeVirtualAreas :")
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ checkboxInput("rmva_ctrl", "enabled", FALSE)
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "input.rmva_ctrl",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("rmva_storageFlexibility", "storageFlexibility :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("rmva_production", "production :", choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ br(),
+ checkboxInput("rmva_reassignCosts", "reassignCosts", FALSE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ br(),
+ checkboxInput("rmva_newCols", "newCols", FALSE)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ div(actionButton("import_data", "Validate & import data", icon = icon("upload")), align = "center")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/04_ui_analysis.R b/inst/application/src/ui/04_ui_analysis.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69341e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/04_ui_analysis.R
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data === true",
+ div(h3("Analysis parameters"), align = "center"),
+ h3("Studies :"),
+ uiOutput("info_list"),
+ h3("Compare :"),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("sel_compare_prodstack", "prodStack :", choices = .global_compare_prodstack, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("sel_compare_exchangesStack", "exchangesStack :", choices = .global_compare_exchangesStack, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("sel_compare_tsPlot", "tsPlot : ", choices = .global_compare_tsPlot, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ ),
+ column(3,
+ selectInput("sel_compare_plotMap", "plotMap :", choices = .global_compare_plotMap, selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE)
+ )
+ ),
+ checkboxInput("sel_compare_mcyear", "mcYear on all modules ?", FALSE),
+ br(),
+ div(actionButton("update_module", "Launch Analysis", icon = icon("upload")), align = "center")
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data === false",
+ h3("No data imported from 'Import Data' panel", style = "color : red")
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/05_ui_prodstack.R b/inst/application/src/ui/05_ui_prodstack.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a7ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/05_ui_prodstack.R
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ fluidRow(
+ column(12,
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data",
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data_areas",
+ uiOutput("prodStack_ui")
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data_areas === false",
+ h3("No areas imported")
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data === false",
+ h3("No data imported")
+ )
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/06_ui_exchange.R b/inst/application/src/ui/06_ui_exchange.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1154103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/06_ui_exchange.R
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ fluidRow(
+ column(12,
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data",
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data_links",
+ uiOutput("exchangesStack_ui")
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data_links === false",
+ h3("No links imported")
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data === false",
+ h3("No data imported")
+ )
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/07_ui_tsplot.R b/inst/application/src/ui/07_ui_tsplot.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/07_ui_tsplot.R
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ fluidRow(
+ column(12,
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data",
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data_areas",
+ uiOutput("plotts_ui")
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data_areas === false",
+ h3("No areas imported")
+ )
+ ),
+ conditionalPanel(condition = "output.have_data === false",
+ h3("No data imported")
+ )
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/09_ui_params.R b/inst/application/src/ui/09_ui_params.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d576d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/09_ui_params.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ fluidRow(
+ column(2, checkboxInput("is_shared_input", label = "Share inputs between modules ?", value = TRUE)),
+ column(2, h4("readAntares RAM limit (in Go) : ")),
+ column(3, div(numericInput("ram_limit", label = NULL,
+ min = 1, max = 10, value = {
+ if(!is.null(getOption("maxSizeLoad"))){
+ getOption("maxSizeLoad")
+ } else {10}
+ }), align = "center")),
+ column(2, h4("antaresViz data module (in Mb) : ")),
+ column(3, div(numericInput("data_module", label = NULL,
+ min = 1, max = 10, value = {
+ if(!is.null(getOption("antaresVizSizeGraph"))){
+ getOption("antaresVizSizeGraph")
+ } else {200}
+ }), align = "center"))
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/application/src/ui/10_ui_help.R b/inst/application/src/ui/10_ui_help.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c037a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/application/src/ui/10_ui_help.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ HTML(text = "For any questions, please contact RTE-ANTARES-RPACKAGE Team .
readAntares | R Documentation |
is a swiss-army-knife function used to read almost every
+possible time series of an antares Project at any desired time resolution
+(hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annual).
It was first designed to read
+output time series, but it can also read input time series. The input time
+series are processed by the function to fit the query of the user (timeStep,
+synthetic results or Monte-Carlo simulation, etc.). The few data that are not
+read by readAntares
can generally by read with other functions of the
+package starting with "read" (readClusterDesc
, readBindingConstraints
+readAntares(areas = NULL, links = NULL, clusters = NULL, + districts = NULL, misc = FALSE, thermalAvailabilities = FALSE, + hydroStorage = FALSE, hydroStorageMaxPower = FALSE, reserve = FALSE, + linkCapacity = FALSE, mustRun = FALSE, thermalModulation = FALSE, + select = NULL, mcYears = NULL, timeStep = c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", + "monthly", "annual"), opts = simOptions(), parallel = FALSE, + simplify = TRUE, showProgress = TRUE) ++ + +
areas |
+ Vector containing the names of the areas to import. If
+ |
links |
+ Vector containing the name of links to import. If |
clusters |
+ Vector containing the name of the areas for which you want to
+import results at cluster level. If |
districts |
+ Vector containing the names of the districts to import. If |
misc |
+ Vector containing the name of the areas for which you want to +import misc. + |
thermalAvailabilities |
+ Should thermal availabilities of clusters be imported ? If TRUE, the column +"thermalAvailability" is added to the result and a new column "availableUnits" +containing the number of available units in a cluster is created.If synthesis is set to TRUE then +"availableUnits" contain the mean of avaible units on all MC Years. + |
hydroStorage |
+ Should hydro storage be imported ? + |
hydroStorageMaxPower |
+ Should hydro storage maximum power be imported ? + |
reserve |
+ Should reserve be imported ? + |
linkCapacity |
+ Should link capacities be imported ? + |
mustRun |
+ Should must run productions be added to the result? If TRUE,
+then four columns are added: |
thermalModulation |
+ Should thermal modulation time series be imported ? If |
select |
+ Character vector containing the name of the columns to import. If this
+argument is |
mcYears |
+ Index of the Monte-Carlo years to import. If |
timeStep |
+ Resolution of the data to import: hourly (default), daily, +weekly, monthly or annual. + |
opts |
+ list of simulation parameters returned by the function
+ |
parallel |
+ Should the importation be parallelized ? (See details) + |
simplify |
+ If TRUE and only one type of output is imported then a +data.table is returned. If FALSE, the result will always be a list of class +"antaresData". + |
showProgress |
+ If TRUE the function displays information about the progress of the +importation. + |
If parameters areas
, links
, clusters
and districts
+are all NULL
, readAntares
will read output for all areas.
+By default the function reads synthetic results if they are available.
is able to read input time series, but when they are not
+stored in output, these time series may have changed since a simulation has
+been run. In such a case the function will remind you this danger with a
When individual Monte-Carlo simulations are read, the function may crash +because of insufficient memory. In such a case, it is necessary to reduce +size of the output. Different strategies are available depending on your +objective: +
+ + Use a larger time step (parameter timeStep
Filter the elements to import (parameters areas
and districts
Select only a few columns (parameter select
read only a subset of Monte-Carlo simulations (parameter
). For instance one can import a random sample of
+100 simulations with mcYears = sample(simOptions()$mcYears, 100)
If simplify = TRUE
and only one type of output is imported
+then the result is a data.table.
Else an object of class "antaresDataList" is returned. It is a list of +data.tables, each element representing one type of element (areas, links, +clusters) +
+ + +If you import several elements of the same type (areas, links, clusters), you
+can use parallelized importation to improve performance. Setting the
+parameter parallel = TRUE
is not enough to parallelize the
+importation, you also have to install the package
+and a package that provides a parallel backend (for instance the package
Before running the function with argument parallel=TRUE
, you need to
+register your parallel backend. For instance, if you use package "doParallel"
+you need to use the function registerDoParallel
once per
, getAreas
, getDistricts
+## Not run: +# Import areas and links separately + +areas <- readAntares() # equivalent to readAntares(areas="all") +links <- readAntares(links="all") + +# Import areas and links at same time + +output <- readAntares(areas = "all", links = "all") + +# Add input time series to the object returned by the function +areas <- readAntares(areas = "all", misc = TRUE, reserve = TRUE) + +# Get all output for one area + +myArea <- sample(simOptions()$areaList, 1) +myArea + +myAreaOutput <- readAntares(area = myArea, + links = getLinks(myArea, regexpSelect=FALSE), + clusters = myArea) + +# Or equivalently: +myAreaOutput <- readAntaresAreas(myArea) + +# Use parameter "select" to read only some columns. + +areas <- readAntares(select = c("LOAD", "OV. COST")) + +# Aliases can be used to select frequent groups of columns. use showAliases() +# to view a list of available aliases + +areas <- readAntares(select="economy") + + +## End(Not run) ++ + + diff --git a/inst/application/www/removeVirtualAreas.html b/inst/application/www/removeVirtualAreas.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..842c7fb --- /dev/null +++ b/inst/application/www/removeVirtualAreas.html @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +
removeVirtualAreas | R Documentation |
This function removes virtual areas from an antaresDataList
object and
+corrects the data for the real areas. The antaresDataList
+should contain area and link data to function correctly.
+removeVirtualAreas(x, storageFlexibility = NULL, production = NULL, + reassignCosts = FALSE, newCols = TRUE) ++ + +
x |
+ An object of class |
storageFlexibility |
+ A vector containing the names of the virtual +storage/flexibility areas. + |
production |
+ A vector containing the names of the virtual production +areas. + |
reassignCosts |
+ If TRUE, the production costs of the virtual areas are +reallocated to the real areas they are connected to. If the virtual areas +are connected to a virtual hub, their costs are first reallocated to the +hub and then the costs of the hub are reallocated to the real areas. + |
newCols |
+ If |
Two types of virtual areas have been defined corresponding to different types +of modeling in Antares and different types of post-treatment to do: +
+ +Flexibility/storage areas are areas created to model +pumping unit or any other flexibility that behave as a storage. For those +virtual areas, the important results are flows on the links. +
+Production areas are areas created to isolate some generation from +the "real" areas. They can be isolate for several reasons: to distinguish +time-series (for example wind onshore/offshore), to select some specific +unit to participate to day-ahead reserve, etc. +
performs different corrections:
Correct the balance of the real areas by removing the flows +to or from virtual areas. +
+ If parameter reassignCosts
is TRUE, then the costs of the
+virtual areas are reassigned to the real areas they are connected to. The
+affected columns are OV. COST
+and NP COST
. If a virtual area is connected to a single real area,
+all its costs are attributed to the real area. If it is connected to
+several real areas, then costs at a given time step are divided between
+them proportionally to the flows between them and the virtual area.
For each storage/flexibility area, a column named like the area is
+created. It contains the values of the flow between the virtual area and
+the real areas. This column is interpreted as a production of
+electricity: it is positive if the flow from the virtual area to the real
+area is positive and negative otherwise. If parameter newCols
, the values are added to the variable PSP
and the
+columns is removed.
If the parameter production
is specified, then the non null
+productions of the virtual areas are either added to the ones of the real
+areas they are connected to if newCols = FALSE
or put in new
+columns if newCols = TRUE
. In the second case the columns are
+named *_virtual
where "*
" is a type of
+production (wind, solar, nuclear, ...). Productions that are zero for
+all virtual areas are omited.
+If virtual production areas contains clusters then they will be move to the
+real area.
Finally, virtual areas and the links connected to them are removed +from the data. +
+The functions makes a few assumptions about the network. if they are +violated it will not act correctly: +
+ +storage/flexibility +areas can be connected to other storage/flexibility areas (hubs), but at +least one of them is connected to a real area. That means that there is +no group of virtual areas disconnected from the real network. If such a +group exists, you can either remove them manually or simply not import +them. +
+production areas are connected to one and only one real area. They +cannot be connected to virtual areas. But a real area may by connected to +several production areas. +
+An antaresDataList
object in which virtual areas have been removed and
+data of the real has been corrected. See details for an explanation of the
+## Not run: + +# Assume we have a network with two virtual areas acting as pump storage and +# an area representing offshore production +# +# offshore +# | +# real area - psp in +# \ +# psp out +# + +data <- readAntares(areas="all", links="all") + +# Remove pump storage virtual areas + +correctedData <- removeVirtualAreas(data, + storageFlexibility = c("psp in", "psp out"), + production = "offshore") + +## End(Not run) + ++ + + diff --git a/inst/application/www/spinner.gif b/inst/application/www/spinner.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d79561d Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/application/www/spinner.gif differ diff --git a/inst/application/www/writeAntaresH5.html b/inst/application/www/writeAntaresH5.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..addf33a --- /dev/null +++ b/inst/application/www/writeAntaresH5.html @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +
writeAntaresH5 | R Documentation |
Convert antares output to h5 file +
+ + ++writeAntaresH5(path = getwd(), timeSteps = c("hourly", "daily", "weekly", + "monthly", "annual"), opts = simOptions(), writeMcAll = TRUE, + compress = 1, misc = FALSE, thermalAvailabilities = FALSE, + hydroStorage = FALSE, hydroStorageMaxPower = FALSE, reserve = FALSE, + linkCapacity = FALSE, mustRun = FALSE, thermalModulation = FALSE, + allData = FALSE, writeAllSimulations = FALSE, nbCores = 4, + removeVirtualAreas = FALSE, storageFlexibility = NULL, + production = NULL, reassignCosts = FALSE, newCols = TRUE, + overwrite = FALSE, supressMessages = FALSE) ++ + +
path |
timeSteps |
opts |
writeMcAll |
compress |
misc |
thermalAvailabilities |
hydroStorage |
hydroStorageMaxPower |
reserve |
linkCapacity |
mustRun |
thermalModulation |
allData |
writeAllSimulations |
nbCores |
removeVirtualAreas |
storageFlexibility |
production |
reassignCosts |
newCols |
overwrite |
supressMessages |
+ +## Not run: +# Write simulation one by one +setSimulationPath("C:/Users/MyUser/Mystudy", 1) +writeAntaresH5() + +# Write all simulations +setSimulationPath("C:/Users/MyUser/Mystudy") +writeAntaresH5(writeAllSimulations = TRUE) + +# Choose timestep to write +setSimulationPath("C:/Users/MyUser/Mystudy", 1) +writeAntaresH5(timeSteps = "hourly") + +# Write with additionnal information +writeAntaresH5(timeSteps = "hourly", + misc = TRUE, thermalAvailabilities = TRUE, + hydroStorage = TRUE, hydroStorageMaxPower = TRUE, reserve = TRUE, + linkCapacity = TRUE, mustRun = TRUE, thermalModulation = TRUE) + +# Write all data with a shorcut +writeAntaresH5(allData = TRUE) + + +## End(Not run) ++ + + diff --git a/inst/color.csv b/inst/color.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2dcc13 --- /dev/null +++ b/inst/color.csv @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +red;green;blue;Column +17;71;185;PSP +120;136;194;mustRunTotal +120;236;194;mustRunPartial +220;236;94;mustRun +22;106;87;MISC. NDG +116;205;185;WIND +242;116;6;SOLAR +245;179;0;NUCLEAR +243;10;10;GAS +172;140;53;COAL +135;86;39;LOAD +39;114;178;H. STOR +180;130;43;LIGNITE +131;86;162;OIL +127;84;156;MIX. FUEL +173;255;47;MISC. DTG +61;96;125;H. ROR +84;151;208;H. STOR +101;180;197;netLoad +1;1;1;AVL DTG diff --git a/inst/htmlwidgets/leafletDragPoints.js b/inst/htmlwidgets/leafletDragPoints.js index 8e6041a..b3de06f 100644 --- a/inst/htmlwidgets/leafletDragPoints.js +++ b/inst/htmlwidgets/leafletDragPoints.js @@ -14,14 +14,22 @@ HTMLWidgets.widget({ ).addTo(map); var points = []; + var mapLayer; + var markersLayer = []; + + function clear_polyline() { + map.removeLayer( linesFeatureLayer ); + } // Function that updates shiny input function updateShinyInput() { var coords = points.map(function(p) { return p.marker.getLatLng(); }); - Shiny.onInputChange(el.id + "_coords", coords); - Shiny.onInputChange(el.id + "_mapcenter", map.getCenter()); + if(HTMLWidgets.shinyMode){ + Shiny.onInputChange(el.id + "_coords", coords); + Shiny.onInputChange(el.id + "_mapcenter", map.getCenter()); + } } map.on("moveend", updateShinyInput); @@ -32,37 +40,66 @@ HTMLWidgets.widget({ return { renderValue: function(x) { + if(x.init){ + for(var i=0;i