- Form Legal Entity for Company
- LLC vs S Corp
- Pros
- Can pick how you want to be taxed (proprietorship, partnership, or S Corp)
- Can often (state dependent) be created with just one natural person
- Not required to comply with a formal management structure
- Cons
- Might have additional fees (state dependent)
- Equity compensation for employees is not straightforward
- Pros
- S Corp
- Pros
- More flexibility to pay employees with equity
- Pros
a. Open a business bank account and get a credit card for it b. Draft mission statement
Quit Publicis a. Get healthcare
Choose product name / Buy Domain a. Buy using company account, not personal
Create company service accounts
- Cloud provider
- Git hosting
- monitoring / analytics
Create sales funnel a. This will involve setting up a company account on some cloud provider b. Can just forward incoming emails to our personal accounts for now c. We need some way to reply to emails with a company domain in the 'from' field d. Would be great to have analytics around this, but we should be careful not to be invasive
- We really just want to be able to analyze referals and bounces e. A/B testing framework would be great here
- Not an immediate need though
Create prototype a. Don't worry about market positioning or advanced features yet. Just need something that provides some value to our users. b. Components
- DB
- Service layer
- UI
Demo product to anyone we can steal 10 minutes from
- mail server
- Collaboration / shared storage
- Project / ticket tracker