Note that MovieChat-1K is specifically designed for long video comprehension tasks, the majority of questions are open-ended, with only a quarter classified as multiple-choice questions, marked by initiators such as ‘Do,’ ‘Does,’ ‘Is,’ or ‘Are.’ We also compute the word distributions of our provided question-answer pairs, which includes common objects (people, clothes, etc.), time (day, night, etc.), scenes (indoor, outdoor, etc.), and so on.
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Sentence length distribution
Dense Captions
Dense Captions
To facilitate a more detailed understanding of long videos, we provide a dense caption for each video. MovieChat-1K exhibits diverse caption lengths in the segmented clip level. Approximately two-thirds of the clips have captions with 100-149 words, while one-fifth of the clip captions have fewer than 100 words. About 11% of clips have long captions with more than 150 words.