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GraSphInv is a program for gravity inversion using adaptive inversion mesh refinement in the spherical coordinate system. A-priori constraints can be used in the inversion. Wavelet compression can be used to reduce memory consumption.

The input data can be any combination of components of vector gravity field or gravity gradient tensor. The output is a 3D distribution of density contrasts.

1 Installation

1.1 Prerequisites

1.1.1 Compiler

The inversion program is written in C++. One of the following compilers can be used to compile the program:

The versions we have tested are given in brackets

The default is oneAPI compiler for which the command is icpx. You can modify the file GraSphInv/Config.cmake to specify a compiler. For example, change set(ENV{CXX} icpx) to set(ENV{CXX} g++) to use a g++ compiler. Since MKL is only supported by intel compilers, if the g++ compiler is used, you may need to change set(USE_MKL TRUE) to set(USE_MKL FALSE) in file GraSphInv/Config.cmake.

1.1.2 Third-party libraries

(1) Eigen

We use the Eigen library for basic linear algebra operations. Eigen is a template library, so you don't need to worry about the installation. A copy of Eigen can be found in GraSphInv/src/3rd_party_lib/eigen.

(2) GNU Scientific Library (GSL)

gsl is only used to calculate wavelet transforms. Follow the instructions in the gsl source code package to install it (some usual installation steps, configure, make, make install).

(3) NetCDF (optional)

Netcdf library is used to write the inverison model to netcdf4 format (.nc files). But if you don't need netcdf4 outputs, it is not necessary to compile this inversion program with netcdf library.

A downside of netcdf format is that before a final model is written into a netcdf file, all cells in the irregular model mesh need to be subdivided into the size of the smallest cell in the mesh. However, the irregular mesh is kept as it is in the .vtk or .txt outputs.

#The fastest way to install netcdf:
#For ubuntu users
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-c++4-dev
#For Fedora users
sudo yum install netcdf-devel
sudo yum install netcdf-cxx-devel
#For CentOS, old releases of Ubuntu or Fedora, 
# it is recommended to build netcdf-c netcdf-cxx from the source code.

To disable netcdf library before building the program, open the file GraSphInv/Config.cmake, change




1.2 Build

The building tools GNU make and cmake should be installed before building the program, which are available on most linux platforms.

Steps to build the program:

(1) cd the GraSphInv directory

(2) mkdir build

(3) cd build

(4) cmake ..

(5) make

(6) make install

After make install, all executable programs can be found in the GraSphInv/bin directory. Optionally, one may want to add GraSphInv/bin directory to the environmental variable PATH in ~/.bashrc, so that it is not necessary to copy the executable files to working directories every time. For example, open the ~/.bashrc file

$ vim ~/.bashrc

and add the following lines:

export PATH=/home/yyzhong/GraSphInv/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}                                                                                                                                                           
export PYTHONPATH=/home/yyzhong/GraSphInv/bin${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}

where /home/yyzhong/ should be changed the path to GraSphInv in your computer.

2 Usage

2.1 Inversion

After compiling the source code, you will see a program called GraSphInv. The command is the program name followed by the filename of a configuration file.

GraSphInv [configuration_file_name]

The configuration file contains only three lines: the first line is the filename of a configuration file for data, the second line is the filename of the configuration file for the inversion region, the third line is the filename of the configuration file for inversion parameters. Then a main configuration file is like this:


where config_data is the file that describes input data, config_inversion is the file for inversion parameters, and config_model is the file that specify the inversion region and initial mesh discretization.

2.2 Crustal correction

RemoveCrustalEffect is a program for crustal correction. See Examples/Tibet50kmH_0_25x0_25/data/Crust_Correction as an example.

3. Some examples

3.1 Inversion of gr data

(1) Preparation of synthetic data

There two executable programs for generating synthetic observed data. Synthetic_data is used to generate gravity anomalies, and Synthetic_data_ggt is used to generate gravity gradient tensor data.

$ cd Examples/Synthetic_test1
$ Synthetic_data #generate gravity data
$ Synthetic_data_ggt #generate gravity gradient data

(2) Preparation of synthetic constaint models.

After running Synthetic_data, you can see a data file dobs_g_r, and a model file of a velocity model used as constraint: crg_model. Use the python script to convert the velocity model to a reference density model:


Now, you have a data file dobs_g_r, a reference density model file ref_model, a velocity constraint model file crg_model.

(3) Inversion using gr component, without a-priori constraints.

# copy the data file to a separate directory
$ cp ./dobs_g_r ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion
# change to that directory
$ cd ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion

You will see four configuration files in the Adaptive_Inversion folder:

├── config              : configuration file
├── config_data         : data configuration file
├── config_inversion    : configuration for inversion parameters
└── config_model        : configuration for the inversion region

There are comments in these file, you can open them to see the formats and usage of them.

Next, run the inversion:

$ GraSphInv config

If GraSphInv/bin has not been added to the environment variable PATH, then you may need to copy it to the present working directory.

The resulting model will be stored in ada_result.txt, ada_result.vtk and files.

Then plot the inversion result

$ cd plots
# show the inverted model
$ bash
# or
$ bash
# show the comparison between the observed data and the predicted data
$ bash

In file gr_inversion/Adaptive_Inversion/config_inversion, line 50 specify whether the mesh will be refined:

#maximum times of refinement. If it's 0, the mesh will not be refined.

You can compare it with Non-adaptive_Inversion/config_inversion and see the difference.

See Examples/Synthetic_test1/gr_inv/Non-adaptive_Inversionas an example for inversion using an fixed uniform mesh.

3.2 Inversion with a-priori constraints

(1) Using a reference and initial model (which may be from direct paramter relationshisp between density and velocity)

# go to the Synthetic_test1 folder
$ cd Examples/Synthetic_test1
# copy the data file
$ cp ./dobs_g_r ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion_pet
# copy the reference model file
$ cp ./ref_model ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion_pet
# go to the directory Adaptive_Inversion_pet
$ cd ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion_pet

# have a look at the configuration files
$ vim config
$ vim config_data
$ vim config_model
$ vim config_inversion

# run the inversion
$ GraSphInv config

Line 76 in file config_inversion

ref_model xyz 40 40 20 0 

specifies the reference model file ref_model. xyz means the coordinates are ordered as latitude, longitude, depth. If the order is "radius, latitude, longitde", then it should be zxy. In addition, 40 40 20 are the number of grid nodes along latitude, longitude and depth, whose order is also subject to the order of xyz. The last number represents the coordinate that changes fastest in the file, with 0 indicating latitude changes fastest, 1 indicating longitude changes fastest.

For example, the following file should be described by xyz 3 2 1 0

# lat lon dep value
20   100   50
21   100   50
22   100   50
20   101   50
21   101   50
22   101   50

The following file should be described by yxz 2 3 1 1

# lon lat dep
100 20 50
101 20 50
100 21 50
101 21 50
100 22 50
101 22 50

(2) Cross gradient constraint

# go to the Synthetic_test1 folder
$ cd Examples/Synthetic_test1
# copy the data file
$ cp ./dobs_g_r ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion_crg
# copy the velocity model file
$ cp ./crg_model ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion_crg
# go to the directory Adaptive_Inversion_crg 
$ cd ./gr_inv/Adaptive_Inversion_crg

# have a look at the configuration files
$ vim config
$ vim config_data
$ vim config_model
$ vim config_inversion

# run the inversion
$ GraSphInv config

3.3 Inversion with wavelet compression

See Examples/Synthetic_test1/gr_inv_wavelet or Examples/Synthetic_test1/gr_inv_wavelet/Non-adaptive_Inversion as an example for inversion using wavelet compression.

Lines 13 and 16 in gr_inv_wavelet/Adaptive_Inversion specify whether to use wavelet compression and a relative theshold which affects the compression ratio. A larger threshold leads to more compression, and also larger approximation error.

# 0 or 1: full sensitivity matrix
# 2: wavelet compression

3.4 Inversion of gravity gradient tensor

Go to the Synthetic_test1 directory and run

$ Synthetic_data_ggt

to get synthetic gravity gradient tensor data.

Copy the GGT data to ggt_inv directory.

$ cp ./dobs_T_rr ./dobs_T_rphi ./dobs_T_rtheta ./dobs_T_thetatheta ./dobs_T_thetaphi ./dobs_T_phiphi ./ggt_inv
$ cd ./ggt_inv

Combine 5 GGT components into one file,


Specify the number of used components, and the order of different components in the data configuration file config_data:

#How many components will be use?

#gravity component markers
#0:V   1:gr   2:g_theta   3:g_phi   4:T_rr   5:T_rtheta   6:T_rphi   
#7:T_thetatheta   8:T_thetaphi   9:T_phiphi
4 5 6 7 8

Run the inversion

GraSPhInv config

Then use the shell scripts to in the /plot/ subdirectory to display the inversion results.

4 Output

4.1 Description

An inverted model can be written to three different formats: *.txt, *.vtk, *.nc.

  • txt Each line represent a cell. But you cannot directly visualized the result in this format. You need to use python, matlab or GMT to interpolate the values onto regular grids and then plot the results.
  • vtk The shape of a tesseroid is approximated by a polyhedron in *.vtk file. You can open a vtk file using Paraview, but it is triky to view spherical coordinates in paraview.
  • nc The netcdf library is used to write results into *.nc files. However, it is difficult to store an irregular mesh into a *.nc file. Here the workaround is to divide the adaptively refined mesh into a regular mesh where each cell has the same size as the smallest cell in the adaptively refined mesh.

4.2 Visualization

GMT, python matplotlib, Paraview can be used to visualize the inversion results.

We also provide a python script to interpolate inverted values at 3D scattered points to regular meshes on 2D cross-sections. To use, scipy >=1.7.2 is required.

5 References

Yiyuan Zhong, Zhengyong Ren, Jingtian Tang, Yufeng Lin, Bo Chen & Yangfan Deng, Yingde Jiang (2022). Constrained gravity inversion with adaptive inversion grid refinement in spherical coordinates and its application to mantle structure beneath Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB022916.

author = {Zhong, Yiyuan and Ren, Zhengyong and Tang, Jingtian and Lin, Yufeng and Chen, Bo and Deng, Yangfan and Jiang, Yingde},
title = {Constrained Gravity Inversion With Adaptive Inversion Grid Refinement in Spherical Coordinates and Its Application to Mantle Structure Beneath Tibetan Plateau},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},
volume = {127},
number = {5},
pages = {e2021JB022916},
doi = {},
year = {2022}