index 57f86d170c..bb35297b2e 100644
@@ -18,3 +18,36 @@ You'll find test files in each module. Please make sure to add test coverage for
## Say Hello
Questions? Ideas? Reach out and say hi on our [Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/regen-network/regen-ledger). We look forward to collaborating!
+And for some inspiration...
+## The Words of Maya Angelou
+> We, unaccustomed to courage
+exiles from delight
+live coiled in shells of loneliness
+until love leaves its high holy temple
+and comes into our sight
+to liberate us into life.
+> Love arrives
+and in its train come ecstasies
+old memories of pleasure
+ancient histories of pain.
+Yet if we are bold,
+love strikes away the chains of fear
+from our souls.
+> We are weaned from our timidity
+In the flush of love's light
+we dare be brave
+And suddenly we see
+that love costs all we are
+and will ever be.
+Yet it is only love
+which sets us free.
+> ― Maya Angelou