All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Support for XWT (#295)
- TwoColorAreaSeries (#299)
- Delta values in AxisChangedEventArgs (#276)
- Enable Git source server (added GitLink build step) (#267,#266)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinIOS to OxyPlot.MonoTouch (#327)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinAndroid to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android (#327)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinForms to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms (#327)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinForms.iOS to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS (#327)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsIOS to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Classic (#327)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsAndroid to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android (#327)
- Renamed OxyPlot.XamarinFormsWinPhone to OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WP8 (#327)
- Xamarin Forms references updated to 1.3.1 (#293)
- Changed OxyPlot.Xamarin.Android target to Android level 10 (#223)
- Separated WPF Plot and PlotView (#252,#239)
- OxyPlot.Metro project (superseded by OxyPlot.WindowsUniversal) (#241)
- Fix exception for default tracker format strings (#265)
- Fix center-aligned legends (#79)
- Fix Markdown links to tag comparison URL with footnote-style links.
- WPF dispatcher issue (#311,#309)
- Custom colors for scatters (#307)
- Rotated axis labels (#303,#301)
- Floating point error on axis labels (#289,#227)
- Performance of CandleStickSeries (#290)
- Tracker text for StairStepSeries (#263)
- XamarinForms/iOS view not updating when model is changed (#262)
- Improved WPF rendering performance (#260,#259)
- Null reference with MVVM binding (#255)
- WPF PngExporter background (#234)
- XamlExporter background (#233)
- .NET 3.5 build (#229)
- Support WinPhone 8.1 in core NuGet package (#161)
2014.1.546 - 2014-10-22
- Support data binding paths ("Point.X") (#210)
- Support for Xamarin.Forms (#204)
- Support for Windows Universal apps (#190)
- Improve TrackerFormatString consistency (#214)
- Support LineColor.BrokenLineColor
- LabelFormatString for ScatterSeries (#12)
- Changed tracker format strings arguments (#214)
- Rename OxyPenLineJoin to LineJoin
- Rename LineStyle.Undefined to LineStyle.Automatic
- Improved text rendering for Android and iOS (#209)
- Custom shape outline for PointAnnotation (#174)
- Synchronize Wpf.Axis.MinimumRange (#205)
- TrackerHitResult bug (#198)
- Position of axis when PositionAtZeroCrossing = true (#189)
- Expose ScatterSeries.ActualPoints (#201)
- Add overridable Axis.FormatValueOverride (#181)
- PngExporter text formatting (#170)