- The PageLab reporting app is built on Django. It consumes Lighthouse report data objects and visualizes URL audits, averages and historical page trends.
- node 8+
- python 3+
- postgres 9.6+
- PageLab node app
Note: We are using python 3, so any command should use python3
for the command, not python
If you accidentally use python
you will get an error like: "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed..."
- Ensure you have the dependencies installed.
- Clone the repo.
- From the repo root directory, run
pip3 install -r admin/requirements.txt
to install Django and all it's requirements for the app. - There are some local variables and settings needed for your implementation. They can either be set as environment variables, or you can add a
file alongside the Django defaultsettings.py
file in theadmin/pageaudit/pageaudit/
directory with them. Replace the___
with your local Postgres DB user ID/PW.
- Create a database called
(default), or create a variable calledDJANGO_DB_NAME
and set it to your local database name.
A sample data set is available to be loaded via Django's manage.py loaddata
command. The sample data set contains:
- 51 URLs (50 with runs)
- Each URL has ~13 test runs.
- Superuser with ID/PW:
- The sample data set file is available here: https://github.com/ecumike/page-lab-sampledata
- Run
./manage.py migrate
so Django can create and setup your database as needed. - Start the app by running
(in this root directory). - To view the site, open a browser to
- To view the Django admin, goto
- We try and follow the Django and Python coding design and style guides as found here:
You can pre-populate the app with the sample data set as above, and/or you can add URLs via the Django admin and run a few test runs via the Node app.
- To populate the PageLab Django app with data, goto the Django admin and add a couple URLs to test.
- Install the PageLab node app.
- Run the PageLab node app.
- The PageLab node app will test each URL you have in the Django app once, then stop.
- Go back and view the site at
and you should see some reports.
We are using:
- Tachyons for the main app theme.
- Eva icons for the icons.
- Hint.css for the tooltip.
- Micromodal.js for the modal overlays.