May 25 - add the first commit Specifics: a basic node that supports mDNS discovery and does gossip pubsub exchange of randomly generated text.
May 26 - add some utility functions for random seeding and a crypto wallet.
May 26 - start using tokio async; gradual switch; - update wallet to use updated crate functions for key generation
May 27 - replace asyc_std with tokio
May 28 - add rendezvous discovery; use mdns tokio for mdns discovery; introduce clap cli argument parsing; reorganize into modules;
May 29 - cli args with clap;
May 30 - add Kademlia DHT support;
Jun 4 - add handling of incoming connection errors; set handshake timeout to allow for enough time to handle connection negotiations;
Jun 5 - replace const values used in net and peer layers with defaults and config file node.toml; the app uses the defaults/config values from now on.
Jun 9 - add simple gRPC service to inject messages instead of generating them randomly; use tonic crate to generate gRPC artifacts;