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Security & Crypto | Networking & Database | Software Engineering & Programming Language | System Architecture |
[security] Chronos: Finding Timeout Bugs in Practical Distributed Systems by Deep-Priority Fuzzing with Transient Delay.
[financail] WeRLman: To Tackle Whale (Transactions), Go Deep (RL) | MyTLDR.
[security] Clockwork Finance: Automated Analysis of Economic Security in Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] SoK: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Attacks | MyTLDR.
[security] Tyr: Finding Consensus Failure Bugs in Blockchain System with Behaviour Divergent Model.
[security] Three Birds with One Stone: Efficient Partitioning Attacks on Interdependent Cryptocurrency Networks | MyTLDR.
[security] Quantifying Blockchain Extractable Value: How dark is the forest? | MyTLDR.
[security] SAILFISH: Vetting Smart Contract State-Inconsistency Bugs in Seconds.
[security] SmartPulse: Automated Checking of Temporal Properties in Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] sGUARD: Towards Fixing Vulnerable Smart Contracts Automatically
[finance] On the Just-In-Time Discovery of Profit-Generating Transactions in DeFi Protocols.
[security] Compositional Security for Reentrant Applications | MyTLDR.
[security] High-Frequency Trading on Decentralized On-Chain Exchanges.
[security] Flash Boys 2.0: Frontrunning in Decentralized Exchanges, Miner Extractable Value, and Consensus Instability.
[security] VerX: Safety Verification of Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] VeriSmart: A Highly Precise Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Executable Operational Semantics of Solidity | MyTLDR.
[application] Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts.
[security] Demystifying DeFi MEV Activities in Flashbots Bundle | MyTLDR.
[security] Lanturn: Measuring Economic Security of Smart Contracts Through Adaptive Learning | MyTLDR.
[security] Under the Dark: A Systematical Study of Stealthy Mining Pools (Ab)use in the Wild.
[security] TxPhishScope: Towards Detecting and Understanding Transaction-based Phishing on Ethereum | MyTLDR.
[security] How Hard is Takeover in DPoS Blockchains? Understanding the Security of Coin-based Voting Governance.
[security] Uncle Maker: (Time)Stamping Out The Competition in Ethereum.
[security] TrustBoost: Boosting Trust among Interoperable Blockchains.
[security] Analyzing the Real-World Security of the Algorand Blockchain.
[security] Phoenix: Detect and Locate Resilience Issues in Blockchain via Context-Sensitive Chaos | MyTLDR.
[security] Fuzz on the Beach: Fuzzing Solana Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Empirical Analysis of EIP-1559: Transaction Fees, Waiting Time, and Consensus Security.
[security] Towards Automated Safety Vetting of Smart Contracts in Decentralized Applications | MyTLDR.
[security] VRust: Automated Vulnerability Detection for Solana Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Understanding Security Issues in the NFT Ecosystem.
[security] DETER: Denial of Ethereum Txpool sERvices.
[security] SyncAttack: Double-spending in Bitcoin Without Mining Power.
[security] ACE: Asynchronous and Concurrent Execution of Complex Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] eThor: Practical and Provably Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Bdos: Blockchain denial-of-service.
[SoftwareAnalysis] TokenScope: Automatically Discovering Inconsistent Cryptocurrency Tokens.
[security] Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart Contracts.
[security] Zkay: Specifying and Enforcing Data Privacy in Smart Contracts.
[security] Securify: Practical Security Analysis of Smart Contracts.
[security] BitML: a calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts Massimo.
[security] Betrayal, Distrust, and Rationality: Smart Counter-Collusion Contracts for Verifiable Cloud Computing.
[security] Making Smart Contracts Smarter | MyTLDR.
[security] Formal verification of smart contracts: Short paper.
[security] Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts.
[security] Practical Security Analysis of Zero-Knowledge Proof Circuits | MyTLDR.
[security] Confusum Contractum: Confused Deputy Vulnerabilities in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Panda: Security Analysis of Algorand Smart Contracts.
[security] Proxy Hunting: Understanding and Characterizing Proxy-based Upgradeable Smart Contracts in Blockchains.
[security] The Blockchain Imitation Game.
[security] A Large Scale Study of the Ethereum Arbitrage Ecosystem | MyTLDR.
[security] A Mixed-Methods Study of Security Practices of Smart Contract Developers | MyTLDR.
[security] Smart Learning to Find Dumb Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Snapping Snap Sync: Practical Attacks on Go Ethereum Synchronising Nodes | MyTLDR.
[security] Token Spammers, Rug Pulls, and Sniper Bots: An Analysis of the Ecosystem of Tokens in Ethereum and in the Binance Smart Chain (BNB) | MyTLDR.
[security] Automated Inference on Financial Security of Ethereum Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Your Exploit is Mine: Instantly Synthesizing Counterattack Smart Contract | MyTLDR.
[security] Anatomy of a High-Profile Data Breach: Dissecting the Aftermath of a Crypto-Wallet Case.
[security] Mixed Signals: Analyzing Ground-Truth Data on the Users and Economics of a Bitcoin Mixing Service.
[security] Is Your Wallet Snitching On You? An Analysis on the Privacy Implications of Web3.
[security] How to Peel a Million: Validating and Expanding Bitcoin Clusters.
[security] Total Eclipse of the Heart – Disrupting the InterPlanetary File System.
[security] Evil Under the Sun: Understanding and Discovering Attacks on Ethereum Decentralized Applications.
[security] EOSAFE: Security Analysis of EOSIO Smart Contracts.
[security] SmarTest: Effectively Hunting Vulnerable Transaction Sequences in Smart Contracts through Language Model-Guided Symbolic Execution | MyTLDR.
[security] Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable Does Not Imply Exploited.
[security] EVMPatch: Timely and Automated Patching of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] ETHBMC: A Bounded Model Checker for Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] TXSPECTOR: Uncovering Attacks in Ethereum from Transactions.
[security] An Ever-evolving Game: Evaluation of Real-world Attacks and Defenses in Ethereum Ecosystem.
[security] BlockSci: Design and applications of a blockchain analysis platform
[security] The art of the scam: Demystifying honeypots in ethereum smart contracts.
[application] FastKitten: Practical Smart Contracts on Bitcoin.
[security] Tracing Transactions Across Cryptocurrency Ledgers.
[security] Erays: Reverse Engineering Ethereum's Opaque Smart Contracts.
[security] teEther: Gnawing at Ethereum to Automatically Exploit Smart Contracts.
[application] Arbitrum: Scalable, private smart contracts.
[security] Enter the Hydra: Towards principled bug bounties and exploit-resistant smart contracts.
[security] SmartPool: Practical Decentralized Pooled Mining.
[security] Abusing the Ethereum Smart Contract Verification Services for Fun and Profit.
[security] Double and Nothing: Understanding and Detecting Cryptocurrency Giveaway Scams | MyTLDR.
[security] Partitioning Ethereum without Eclipsing It.
[security] LOKI: State-Aware Fuzzing Framework for the Implementation of Blockchain Consensus Protocols.
[security] BlockScope: Detecting and Investigating Propagated Vulnerabilities in Forked Blockchain Projects.
[security] Smarter Contracts: Detecting Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts with Deep Transfer Learning | MyTLDR.
[application] Bitcontracts: Supporting Smart Contracts in Legacy Blockchains.
[Sercurity] As Strong As Its Weakest Link: How to Break Blockchain DApps at RPC Service.
[Sercurity] SquirRL: Automating Attack Analysis on Blockchain Incentive Mechanisms with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
[security] SODA: A Generic Online Detection Framework for Smart Contracts.
[security] Broken Metre: Attacking Resource Metering in EVM.
[security] YODA: Enabling computationally intensive contracts on blockchains with Byzantine and Selfish nodes.
[security] Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks.
[security] "Zeus": Analyzing Safety of Smart Contracts.
[security] Chainspace: A Sharded Smart Contracts Platform.
[security] SolCMC: Solidity Compiler’s Model Checker | MyTLDR.
[security] Synthesis of super-optimized smart contracts using max-smt.
[security] TxT: Real-Time Transaction Encapsulation for Ethereum Smart Contracts
[security] Demystifying the Composition and Code Reuse in Solidity Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Understanding Solidity Event Logging Practices in the Wild.
[security] EtherDiffer: Differential Testing on RPC Services of Ethereum Nodes.
[security] TransRacer: Function Dependence-Guided Transaction Race Detection for Smart Contracts
[security] DeepInfer: Deep Type Inference from Smart Contract Bytecode | MyTLDR.
[security] MANDO-GURU: vulnerability detection for smart contract source code by heterogeneous graph embeddings.
[security] An Empirical Study of Blockchain System Vulnerabilities: Modules, Types, and Patterns.
[security] Declarative Smart Contracts.
[security] SolSEE: a source-level symbolic execution engine for solidity
[security] ÐArcher: Detecting On-Chain-Off-Chain Synchronization Bugs in Decentralized Applications.
[application] Making Smart Contract Development More Secure and Easier.
[application] iBatch: Saving Ethereum Fees via Secure and Cost-Effective Batching of Smart-Contract Invocations.
[security] Towards Automated Verification of Smart Contract Fairness.
[security] ModCon: a model-based testing platform for smart contracts.
[security] HARVEY:A Greybox Fuzzer for Smart Contracts.
[security] EVMFuzzer: Detect EVM vulnerabilities via fuzz testing.
[security] A graph-based framework for analysing the design of smart contracts.
[security] SmartState: Detecting State-Reverting Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts via Fine-Grained State-Dependency Analysis | MyTLDR.
[security] iSyn: Semi-automated Smart Contract Synthesis from Legal Financial Agreements | MyTLDR.
[security] Beyond “Protected” and “Private”: An Empirical Security Analysis of Custom Function Modifiers in Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Automated Generation of Security-Centric Descriptions for Smart Contract Bytecode.
[security] Detecting State Inconsistency Bugs in DApps via On-Chain Transaction Replay and Fuzzing | MyTLDR.
[security] ItyFuzz: Snapshot-Based Fuzzer for Smart Contract
[security] Toward Automated Detecting Unanticipated Price Feed in Smart Contract | MyTLDR.
[security] DeFiTainter: Detecting Price Manipulation Vulnerabilities in DeFi Protocols.
[security] Definition and Detection of Defects in NFT Smart Contracts.
[security] WASAI: uncovering vulnerabilities in Wasm smart contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Finding permission bugs in smart contracts with role mining | MyTLDR.
[security] eTainter: detecting gas-related vulnerabilities in smart contracts.
[security] Park: accelerating smart contract vulnerability detection via parallel-fork symbolic execution.
[security] SmartDagger: a bytecode-based static analysis approach for detecting cross-contract vulnerability.
[security] SpCon: Finding Smart Contract Permission Bugs with Role Mining
[security] Empirical Evaluation of Smart Contract Testing: What Is the Best Choice?.
[security] SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient Integrated Development Environment for Smart Contracts..
[security] Echidna: effective, usable, and fast fuzzing for smart contracts.
[security] EShield: protect smart contracts against reverse engineering.
[security] SAFEVM: a safety verifier for Ethereum smart contracts.
[security] Exploiting the laws of order in smart contracts.
[security] DeFiWarder: Protecting DeFi Apps from Token Leaking Vulnerabilities | MyTLDR.
[security] SmartCoCo: Checking Comment-code Inconsistency in Smart Contracts via Constraint Propagation and Binding.
[security] Learning Contract Invariants Using Reinforcement Learning.
[security] Reentrancy Vulnerability Detection and Localization: A Deep Learning Based Two-phase Approach.
[security] Identifying Solidity Smart Contract API Documentation Errors.
[security] Xscope: Hunting for Cross-Chain Bridge Attacks
[secutiry] Property-Based Automated Repair of DeFi Protocols
[security] Towards Effective Static Analysis Approaches for Security Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts
[security] GASOL: Gas Analysis and Optimization for Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Automating User Notice Generation for Smart Contract Functions.
[security] Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] SMARTIAN: Enhancing Smart Contract Fuzzing with Static and Dynamic Analyses.
[security] SigRec: Automatic Recovery of Function Signatures in Smart Contracts.
[security] Cross-Contract Static Analysis for Detecting Practical Reentrancy Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts.
[security] Demystifying Loops in Smart Contracts.
[security] Summary-Based Symbolic Evaluation for Smart Contracts.
[security] Finding Ethereum Smart Contracts Security Issues by Comparing History Versions.
[security] Manticore: A User-Friendly Symbolic Execution Framework for Binaries and Smart Contracts.
[security] MuSC: A Tool for Mutation Testing of Ethereum Smart Contract.
[security] Securing Smart Contracts in Blockchain.
[security] ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability.
[security] S-gram: towards semantic-aware security auditing for Ethereum smart contracts.
[security] SCVHunter: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Based on Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network.
[security] When Contracts Meets Crypto: Exploring Developers' Struggleswith Ethereum Cryptographic APIs
[security] PonziGuard: Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum with Contract Runtime Behavior Graph (CRBG).
[security] Revealing Hidden Threats: An Empirical Study of Library Misuse in Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Smart Contract and DeFi Security Tools: Do They Meet the Needs of Practitioners?.
[security] SmartMark: Software Watermarking Scheme for Smart Contracts.
[security] AChecker: Statically Detecting Smart Contract Access Control Vulnerabilities | MyTLDR.
[security] BSHUNTER: Detecting and Tracing Defects of Bitcoin Scripts.
[security] Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts.
[security] Turn the Rudder: A Beacon of Reentrancy Detection for Smart Contracts on Ethereum
[security] Smart Contract Security: a Practitioners’ Perspective.
[security] Empirical Review of Automated Analysis Tools on 47,587 Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] sFuzz-An Efficient Adaptive Fuzzer for Solidity Smart Contracts.
[security] Smart Contract Development: Challenges and Opportunities.
[security] Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis.
[security] Gap between Theory and Practice : An Empirical Study of Security Patches in Solidity.
[security] Seraph: Enabling Cross-Platform Security Analysis For EVM and WASM Smart Contracts.
[security] Gigahorse: Thorough, Declarative Decompilation of Smart Contracts.
[security] VULTRON: Catching Vulnerable Smart Contracts Once and for All.
[security] ReGuard: Finding Reentrancy Bugs in Smart Contracts.
[security] Forerunner: Constraint-based Speculative Transaction Execution for Ethereum | MyTLDR.
[application] Algorand: Scaling Byzantine Agreements for Cryptocurrencies.
[performance] LVMT: An Efficient Authenticated Storage for Blockchain.
[security] Finding Consensus Bugs in Ethereum via Multi-transaction Differential Fuzzing.
[security] ConFuzz: Towards Large Scale Fuzz Testing of Smart Contracts in Ethereum.
[security] Latency-First Smart Contract: Overclock the Blockchain for a while.
[security] A Decentralized Truth Discovery Approach to the Blockchain Oracle Problem.
[application] S-Store: A Scalable Data Store towards Permissioned Blockchain Sharding.
[security] Code is the (F)Law: Demystifying and Mitigating Blockchain Inconsistency Attacks Caused by Software Bugs.
[application] Counter-Collusion Smart Contracts for Watchtowers in Payment Channel Networks.
[mine] Characterizing Ethereum's Mining Power Decentralization at a Deeper Level.
[application] ET-DeaL: A P2P Smart Contract-based Secure Energy Trading Scheme for Smart Grid Systems.
[application] A Solution for State Conflicts of Smart Contract in Interaction with Non-blockchain.
[application] ChainIDE 2.0: Facilitating Smart Contract Development for Consortium Blockchain.
[application] EncELC: Hardening and Enriching Ethereum Light Clients with Trusted Enclaves.
[application] Interledger Smart Contracts for Decentralized Authorization to Constrained Things.
[graph analysis] Understanding ethereum via graph analysis.
[Finance] Ready, Aim, Snipe! Analysis of Sniper Bots and their Impact on the DeFi Ecosystem.
[Finance] On How Zero-Knowledge Proof Blockchain Mixers Improve, and Worsen User Privacy.
[Finance] Know Your Transactions: Real-time and Generic Transaction Semantic Representation on Blockchain & Web3 Ecosystem | MyTLDR.
[security] BERT4ETH: A Pre-trained Transformer for Ethereum Fraud Detection | MyTLDR.
[Finance] Cyclic Arbitrage in Decentralized Exchanges.
[security] TTAGN: Temporal Transaction Aggregation Graph Network for Ethereum Phishing Scams Detection.
[Finance] Towards Understanding Cryptocurrency Derivatives:A Case Study of BitMEX.
[graph analysis] Temporal Analysis of the Entire Ethereum Blockchain Network.
[Finance] Detecting and Quantifying Wash Trading on Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges.
[application] Towards understanding and demystifying bitcoin mixing services.
[graph analysis] Measurements, Analyses, and Insights on the Entire Ethereum Blockchain Network.
[graph analysis] Traveling the token world: A graph analysis of Ethereum ERC20 token ecosystem.
[security] SMACS: Smart Contract Access Control Service.
[security] Data-Driven Model-Based Analysis of the Ethereum Verifier's Dilemma.
[security] Smart Contracts on the Move.
[mine] Impact of Geo-Distribution and Mining Pools on Blockchains: A Study of Ethereum.
[application] FabZK: Supporting Privacy-Preserving, Auditable Smart Contracts in Hyperledger Fabric.
[security] Towards Model-Driven Engineering of Smart Contracts for Cyber-Physical Systems.
[security] Automated Detection of Under-constrained Circuits in Zero-Knowledge Proofs | MyTLDR.
[security] Practical Smart Contract Sharding with Ownership and Commutativity Analysis.
[security] Behavioral Simulation for Smart Contracts.
[security] Ethainter: A Smart Contract Security Analyzer for Composite Vulnerabilities.
[security] Securing Smart Contract with Runtime Validation.
[security] n-MVTL Attack: Optimal Transaction Reordering Attack on DeFi.
[security] When is Slower Block Propagation More Profitable for Large Miners?.
[security] PrivacyGuard: Enforcing Private Data Usage Control with Blockchain and Off-chain Contract Execution.
[security] Practical Mutation Testing for Smart Contracts.
[application] PDFS: Practical Data Feed Service for Smart Contracts.
[security] The Operational Cost of Ethereum Airdrops.
[security] Annotary: A Concolic Execution System for Developing Secure Smart Contracts.
[security] An Efficient Micropayment Channel on Ethereum.
[security] A Minimal Core Calculus for Solidity Contracts.
[security] Succinctly Verifiable Sealed-Bid Auction Smart Contract.
[security] In Code We Trust? - Measuring the Control Flow Immutability of All Smart Contracts Deployed on Ethereum.
[security] An Empirical Study of Smart Contract Decompilers.
[security] Automatic Identification of Crash-inducing Smart Contracts.
[security] Security Code Recommendations for Smart Contract.
[security] Combine sliced joint graph with graph neural networks for smart contract vulnerability detection.
[security] When They Go Low: Automated Replacement of Low-level Functions in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] A Bytecode-based Approach for Smart Contract Classification.
[security] A Tool to check the Ownership of Solana's Smart Contracts.
[security] On the use of Petri Nets in Smart Contracts modeling, generation and verification.
[security] Analysis Of The Relationship Between Smart Contracts' Categories and Vulnerabilities.
[security] Goal and Policy Based Code Generation and Deployment of Smart Contracts.
[security] Understanding Code Reuse in Smart Contracts.
[security] SMARTSHIELD: Automatic Smart Contract Protection Made Easy.
[security] EthPloit: From Fuzzing to Efficient Exploit Generation against Smart Contracts.
[security] Towards Generating Cost-Effective Test-Suite for Ethereum Smart Contract.
[security] EVM*: From Offline Detection to Online Reinforcement for Ethereum Virtual Machine.
[security] SmartInspect: solidity smart contract inspector.
[security] Smart contracts vulnerabilities: a call for blockchain software engineering?.
[security] The ICO phenomenon and its relationships with ethereum smart contract environment.
[security] Smart contracts: security patterns in the ethereum ecosystem and solidity.
[application] Under-optimized smart contracts devour your money.
[security] Asparagus: Automated Synthesis of Parametric Gas Upper-bounds for Smart Contracts | MyTLDR.
[security] Synthesis-powered optimization of smart contracts via data type refactoring | MyTLDR.
[security] Elipmoc: Advanced Decompilation of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] A Study of Inline Assembly in Solidity Smart Contracts.
[security] SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven Execution for Truly Decentralized Smart Contracts.
[security] Symbolic Value-Flow Static Analysis: Deep, Precise, Complete Modeling of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Rich Specifications for Ethereum Smart Contract Verification.
[security] Pluto: Exposing Vulnerabilities in Inter-Contract Scenarios.
[security] Precise Static Modelling of Ethereum "Memory".
[security] Taming Callbacks for Smart Contract Modularity.
[security] Detecting Nondeterministic Payment Bugs in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Safer Smart Contract Programming with Scilla.
[security] MadMax: surviving out-of-gas conditions in Ethereum smart contracts.
[security] Ethereum's Proposer-Builder Separation: Promises and Realities | MyTLDR.
[security] The Cloud Strikes Back: Investigating the Decentralization of IPFS.
[security] A flash(bot) in the pan: measuring maximal extractable value in private pools.
[security] Challenges in decentralized name management: the case of ENS.
[security] TopoShot: uncovering Ethereum's network topology leveraging replacement transactions.
[measure] Measuring ethereum network peers | MyTLDR.
[security] analyzing ethereum's contract topology.
[security] Abusing the Ethereum Smart Contract Verification Services for Fun and Profit
[performance] Strategic Latency Reduction in Blockchain Peer-to-Peer Networks | MyTLDR.
[security] Characterizing Cryptocurrency-themed Malicious Browser Extensions.
[performance] Tuxedo: Maximizing Smart Contract computation in PoW Blockchains.
[security] Trade or Trick? Detecting and Characterizing Scam Tokens on Uniswap Decentralized Exchange.
[SIGMETRICS2021] Tracking Counterfeit Cryptocurrency End-to-end.
[SIGMETRICS2021] SADPonzi: Detecting and Characterizing Ponzi Schemes in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[SIGMETRICS2020] Understanding (Mis)Behavior on the EOSIO Blockchain.
[security] SolSaviour: A Defending Framework for Deployed Defective Smart Contracts.
[security] SmarTor: Smarter Tor with Smart Contracts.
[security] Finding The Greedy, Prodigal, and Suicidal Contracts at Scale.
[security] Osiris: Hunting for Integer Bugs in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[security] Source Code Obfuscation for Smart Contracts.
[security] SIF: A Framework for Solidity Contract Instrumentation and Analysis.
[security] SolAnalyser: A Framework for Analysing and Testing Smart Contracts.
[security] Fuse: An Architecture for Smart Contract Fuzz Testing Service.
[security] Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: Quantifying the Risk of Unlimited Approval of ERC20 Tokens on Ethereum | MyTLDR.
[security] Elysium: Context-Aware Bytecode-Level Patching to Automatically Heal Vulnerable Smart Contracts
[security] Towards a first step to understand the cryptocurrency stealing attack on ethereum.
[security] Towards Decentralized Adaptive Control of Cryptocurrency Liquidity via Auction.
[applicaton] A Game of NFTs: Characterizing NFT Wash Trading in the Ethereum Blockchain.
[security] Smart Contract Parallel Execution with Fine-Grained State Accesses | MyTLDR.
[Application] Blockchain Machine: A Network-Attached Hardware Accelerator for Hyperledger Fabric.
[security] Fair and Efficient Gossip in Hyperledger Fabri.
[security] TinyEVM: Off-Chain Smart Contracts on Low-Power IoT Devices.
[security] DataEther: Data Exploration Framework For Ethereum.
[security] Read-Uncommitted Transactions for Smart Contract Performance.
[security] MPCSToken: Smart Contract Enabled Fault-Tolerant Incentivisation for Mobile P2P Crowd Services.
[security] SolType: Refinement Types for Arithmetic Overflow in Solidity.
[security] Online detection of effectively callback free objects with applications to smart contracts.
[security] Vandal: A Scalable Security Analysis Framework for Smart Contracts.
[TOSEM] TokenAware: Accurate and Efficient Bookkeeping Recognition for Token Smart Contracts.
[TOSEM] Securing the Ethereum from Smart Ponzi Schemes: Identification Using Static Features.
[TOSEM] TSecuring the Ethereum from Smart Ponzi Schemes: Identification Using Static Features.
[TOSEM] Pied-Piper: Revealing the Backdoor Threats in Ethereum ERC Token Contracts.
[TOSEM] Time-travel Investigation: Toward Building a Scalable Attack Detection Framework on Ethereum.
[TOSEM] Why Do Smart Contracts Self-Destruct? Investigating the Selfdestruct Function on Ethereum.
[TSE] VulHunter: Hunting Vulnerable Smart Contracts at EVM Bytecode-Level via Multiple Instance Learning.
[TSE] Large-Scale Empirical Study of Inline Assembly on 7.6 Million Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[TSE] DEFECTCHECKER: Automated Smart Contract Defect Detection by Analyzing EVM Bytecode.
[TSE] Checking smart contracts with structural code embedding.
[TSE] Code Cloning in Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Platform: An Extended Replication Study.
[TSE] Defining smart contract defects on ethereum.
[TSE] Pluto: Exposing Vulnerabilities in Inter-Contract Scenarios.
[TIFS23] Rethinking Smart Contract Fuzzing: Fuzzing With Invocation Ordering and Important Branch Revisiting.
[TIFS23] EVM-Shield: In-Contract State Access Control for Fast Vulnerability Detection and Prevention.
[TIFS23] Towards Understanding Asset Flows in Crypto Money Laundering Through the Lenses of Ethereum Heists.
[TIFS23] sChain: An Efficient and Secure Solution for Improving Blockchain Storage.
[TIFS23] Breaking the Anonymity of Ethereum Mixing Services Using Graph Feature Learning.
[TIFS22] Behavior-aware Account De-anonymization on Ethereum Interaction Graph.
[TIFS22] TxT: Real-Time Transaction Encapsulation for Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[TIFS21] Hunting Vulnerable Smart Contracts via Graph Embedding Based Bytecode Matching.
[TIFS22] Rethinking Smart Contract Fuzzing: Fuzzing With Invocation Ordering and Important Branch Revisiting.
[TDSC] Highly Available Blockchain Nodes With N-Version Design.
[TDSC] Oracle-Supported Dynamic Exploit Generation for Smart Contracts.
[TDSC] Obfuscating verifiable Random Functions for Proof-of-Stake Blockchains.
[SODA23] Foundations of Transaction Fee Mechanism Design.
[IEEE Computer] The Multibillion Dollar Software Supply Chain of Ethereum.
[SIGKDD23] Demystifying Fraudulent Transactions and Illicit Nodes in the Bitcoin Network for Financial Forensics.
[SIGKDD23] Diga: Guided Diffusion Model for Graph Recovery in Anti-Money Laundering.
[ICDE23] Scaling Blockchain Consensus via a Robust Shared Mempool.
[SC23] FISCO-BCOS:An Enterprise-grade Permissioned Blockchain System with High-performance.
[Usenix ATC22] An Off-The-Chain Execution Environment for Scalable Testing and Profiling of Smart Contracts.
[Usenix ATC21] RainBlock: Faster Transaction Processing in Public Blockchains.
[EORUSYS23] Diablo: A Benchmark Suite for Blockchains | MyTLDR.
[EORUSYS21] Ethanos: efficient bootstrapping for full nodes on account-based blockchain.
[EORUSYS18] Hyperledger fabric: a distributed operating system for permissioned blockchains.
[JSAC22] Detecting Arbitrage on Ethereum Through Feature Fusion and Positive-Unlabeled Learning.
[TPDS] SmartVM: A Smart Contract Virtual Machine for Fast On-Chain DNN Computations.
[CHI22] Impact and User Perception of Sandwich Attacks in the DeFi Ecosystem.
[CHI21] Efect of the Gas Price Surges on User Activity in the DAOs of the Ethereum Blockchain.
[POMACS2021] Trade or Trick? Detecting and Characterizing Scam Tokens on Uniswap Decentralized Exchange.
[HPCA20] BBS: Micro-Architecture Benchmarking Blockchain Systems through Machine Learning and Fuzzy Set.
[VLDB23] ChainDash: An Ad-Hoc Blockchain Data Analytics System.
[VLDB23] Auto-Tuning with Reinforcement Learning for Permissioned Blockchain Systems.
[AsiaCCS22] Eliminating Sandwich Attacks with the Help of Game Theory.
[sigmod23] Semantics-Aware Key-Value store for Blockchain systems.
[sigmod21] Why Do My Blockchain Transactions Fail? A Study of Hyperledger Fabric.
[ICPC] A multi-modal transformer-based code summarization approach for smart contracts.
[ICPC 2022] An Empirical Investigation on the Trade-off between Smart Contract Readability and Gas Consumption.
[ICPC 2022] Peculiar: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Based on Crucial Data Flow Graph and Pre-training Techniques.
[ICPC 2020] Inheritance software metrics on smart contracts.
[ICPC 2019] Recommending Differentiated Code to Support Smart Contract Update.
[ICPC 2019] Enabling clone detection for ethereum via smart contract birthmarks.
[WETSEB 2018] SmartCheck: Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[EDCC 2018] Runtime Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
[ICSCA 2018] Formal Modeling and Verification of Smart Contracts.
[SRDS 2020] Protect Your Smart Contract Against Unfair Payment.
[SRDS 2020] TZ4Fabric: Executing Smart Contracts with ARM TrustZone (Practical Experience Report).
[IJCAI 2020] Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Using Graph Neural Networks.
[ISSRE2019] MPro: Combining Static and Symbolic Analysis for Scalable Testing of Smart Contract.
[CPP2021] Extracting Smart Contracts Tested and Verified in Coq.
[SAC2022] Model checking of vulnerabilities in smart contracts: a solidity-to-CPN approach.
[Eurosp23] EF/CF: High Performance Smart Contract Fuzzing for Exploit Generation.
[CSFW] Kevm: A complete formal semantics of the ethereum virtual machine.
[DAC20] BPU: A blockchain processing unit for accelerated smart contract execution.
[TOPLAS20] Obsidian: Typestate and Assets for Safer Blockchain Programming.
This list is released into the public domain.