AID is a command line script to make infinite Anydesk IDs and then choose from them to get a good one. The reason of this was to get a good id for my PC and due to Anydesk not allowing to get a custom id.
• Internet Connection.
• Notepad++.
• Basic knowledge.
• Time.
Was bored and wanted a good Anydesk ID for my pc. Anydesk regenerates after each new install and clearing the temp files in Roaming folders. And it takes effort to manually do that xD. So created this bat file to generate IDs automatically.
• Make sure you uninstalled Anydesk.exe.
• If you had it installed please run "clear.bat" to delete temp files. (it will delete your old anydesk id so make backup if you want to)
• Unzip the downloaded zip in C:\
• You can check it first using AID - 1.bat and it will generate 1 Anydesk ID in output folder.
• If it works, delete or copy the AD1 generated in Output so the directory is clear.
• Run AID.bat as administrator.
• Wait for generating 100 IDs.
• Once all 100 folders are generated. Use "open.bat" to open all in np++.
• Press "Ctrl+W" to close the unwanted ones until you find a good one.
• Once the 100 ids are generated you can copy them all in to another folder and re run the AID.bat to generate 100 more.
• You can repeat it infinitely.
• Let me know if you have anything in mind at @qaziabdullah Telegram.