diff --git a/.husky/post-checkout b/.husky/post-checkout
deleted file mode 100755
index ca7fcb400..000000000
--- a/.husky/post-checkout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'post-checkout' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
-git lfs post-checkout "$@"
diff --git a/.husky/post-commit b/.husky/post-commit
deleted file mode 100755
index 52b339cb3..000000000
--- a/.husky/post-commit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'post-commit' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
-git lfs post-commit "$@"
diff --git a/.husky/post-merge b/.husky/post-merge
deleted file mode 100755
index a912e667a..000000000
--- a/.husky/post-merge
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-command -v git-lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting the 'post-merge' file in the hooks directory (set by 'core.hookspath'; usually '.git/hooks').\n"; exit 2; }
-git lfs post-merge "$@"
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/createGroupV2.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/createGroupV2.ts
index b543e40d6..00f11a07a 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/createGroupV2.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/createGroupV2.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export interface ChatCreateGroupTypeV2 extends EnvOptionsType {
   groupImage: string | null;
   rules: Rules | null;
   isPublic: boolean;
-  groupType: 'default' | 'space';
+  groupType: 'default' | 'spaces';
   config: {
     meta: string | null;
     scheduleAt: Date | null;
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/helpers/payloadHelper.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/helpers/payloadHelper.ts
index c206c0a7b..5455ff458 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/helpers/payloadHelper.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/chat/helpers/payloadHelper.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import {
+  SpaceInfoDTO,
 } from '../../types';
 import { ENV } from '../../constants';
 import { IPGPHelper, PGPHelper, pgpDecrypt } from './pgp';
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import { MessageObj } from '../../types/messageTypes';
 import * as CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
 import { getAllGroupMembers } from '../getAllGroupMembers';
+import { ChatListType, SpaceListType } from '../../pushapi/pushAPITypes';
 export interface ISendMessagePayload {
   fromDID: string;
   toDID: string;
@@ -332,6 +334,57 @@ export const groupDtoToSpaceDtoV2 = async (
   return spaceDto;
+export const groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto = (
+  groupInfoDto: GroupInfoDTO
+): SpaceInfoDTO => {
+  const spaceInfoDto: SpaceInfoDTO = {
+    spaceName: groupInfoDto.groupName,
+    spaceImage: groupInfoDto.groupImage,
+    spaceDescription: groupInfoDto.groupDescription,
+    isPublic: groupInfoDto.isPublic,
+    spaceCreator: groupInfoDto.groupCreator,
+    spaceId: groupInfoDto.chatId,
+    scheduleAt: groupInfoDto.scheduleAt,
+    scheduleEnd: groupInfoDto.scheduleEnd,
+    status: groupInfoDto.status ?? null,
+    rules: groupInfoDto.rules ?? null,
+    meta: groupInfoDto.meta ?? null,
+    sessionKey: groupInfoDto.sessionKey ?? null,
+    encryptedSecret: groupInfoDto.encryptedSecret ?? null,
+  };
+  return spaceInfoDto;
+export const spaceDtoToSpaceInfoDto = (spaceDto: SpaceDTO): SpaceInfoDTO => {
+  return {
+    spaceName: spaceDto.spaceName,
+    spaceImage: spaceDto.spaceImage,
+    spaceDescription: spaceDto.spaceDescription,
+    isPublic: spaceDto.isPublic,
+    spaceCreator: spaceDto.spaceCreator,
+    spaceId: spaceDto.spaceId,
+    scheduleAt: spaceDto.scheduleAt,
+    scheduleEnd: spaceDto.scheduleEnd,
+    status: spaceDto.status,
+    rules: spaceDto.rules,
+    meta: spaceDto.meta,
+    sessionKey: null,
+    encryptedSecret: null,
+    inviteeDetails: spaceDto.inviteeDetails,
+  };
+export const mapSpaceListTypeToChatListType = (type: SpaceListType): ChatListType => {
+  switch (type) {
+    case SpaceListType.SPACES:
+      return ChatListType.CHATS;
+    case SpaceListType.REQUESTS:
+      return ChatListType.REQUESTS;
+    default:
+      throw new Error(`Unsupported SpaceListType: ${type}`);
+  }
 export const convertSpaceRulesToRules = (spaceRules: SpaceRules): Rules => {
   return {
     entry: spaceRules.entry,
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/PushAPI.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/PushAPI.ts
index 8beea967d..812e54117 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/PushAPI.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/PushAPI.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
 } from '../pushstream/pushStreamTypes';
 import { ALPHA_FEATURE_CONFIG } from '../config';
+import { Space } from './space';
 import { Video } from './video';
 import { isValidCAIP10NFTAddress } from '../helpers';
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ export class PushAPI {
   private progressHook?: (progress: ProgressHookType) => void;
   public chat: Chat; // Public instances to be accessed from outside the class
+  public space: Space;
   public video: Video;
   public profile: Profile;
@@ -74,6 +76,13 @@ export class PushAPI {
+    this.space = new Space(
+      this.account,
+      this.env,
+      this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      this.signer,
+      this.progressHook
+    );
     this.profile = new Profile(
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/pushAPITypes.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/pushAPITypes.ts
index 48753dbc4..57ff674b1 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/pushAPITypes.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/pushAPITypes.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
 import Constants, { ENV } from '../constants';
+import {
+  ChatStatus,
+  ProgressHookType,
+  Rules,
+  SpaceData,
+  SpaceRules,
+} from '../types';
 import type { PushStream } from '../pushstream/PushStream';
-import { ChatStatus, ProgressHookType, Rules } from '../types';
 export enum ChatListType {
+export enum SpaceListType {
 export interface PushAPIInitializeProps {
   env?: ENV;
   progressHook?: (progress: ProgressHookType) => void;
@@ -33,6 +45,15 @@ export interface ManageGroupOptions {
   accounts: string[];
+export interface ManageSpaceOptions {
+  role: 'SPEAKER' | 'LISTENER';
+  accounts: string[];
+export interface RemoveFromSpaceOptions {
+  accounts: string[];
 export interface RemoveFromGroupOptions {
   role?: 'ADMIN' | 'MEMBER';
   accounts: string[];
@@ -58,16 +79,58 @@ export interface GroupUpdateOptions {
   rules?: Rules | null;
+export interface SpaceUpdateOptions {
+  name?: string;
+  description?: string;
+  image?: string;
+  scheduleAt?: Date | null;
+  scheduleEnd?: Date | null;
+  status?: ChatStatus | null;
+  meta?: string | null;
+  rules?: SpaceRules | null;
 export interface InfoOptions {
   overrideAccount?: string;
+export interface SpaceCreationOptions {
+  description: string;
+  image: string;
+  participants: {
+    speakers: string[];
+    listeners: string[];
+  };
+  schedule: {
+    start: Date;
+    end?: Date;
+  };
+  rules?: SpaceRules;
+  private: boolean;
+export interface SpaceQueryOptions {
+  page: number;
+  limit: number;
 export interface ParticipantStatus {
   pending: boolean;
   role: 'admin' | 'member';
   participant: boolean;
+export interface SpaceParticipantStatus {
+  pending: boolean;
+  role: 'SPEAKER' | 'LISTENER';
+  participant: boolean;
+export interface SpaceInitializeOptions {
+  spaceId: string;
+  setSpaceData: (fn: (data: SpaceData) => SpaceData) => void;
 export interface VideoInitializeOptions {
   stream: PushStream;
   config: {
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/space.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/space.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..004bbc026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushapi/space.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+import { ENV } from '../constants';
+import {
+  SignerType,
+  ProgressHookType,
+  SpaceInfoDTO,
+  GroupInfoDTO,
+  SpaceAccess,
+  SpaceIFeeds,
+  IFeeds,
+  Message,
+  MessageWithCID,
+  IMessageIPFS,
+  GroupParticipantCounts,
+  ChatMemberProfile,
+  SpaceMemberProfile,
+} from '../types';
+import {
+  GetGroupParticipantsOptions,
+  ManageSpaceOptions,
+  RemoveFromSpaceOptions,
+  SpaceCreationOptions,
+  SpaceInitializeOptions,
+  SpaceListType,
+  SpaceParticipantStatus,
+  SpaceQueryOptions,
+  SpaceUpdateOptions,
+} from './pushAPITypes';
+import * as PUSH_SPACE from '../space';
+import * as PUSH_CHAT from '../chat';
+import { User } from './user';
+import { PushAPI } from './PushAPI';
+import {
+  ChatUpdateGroupProfileType,
+  updateGroupProfile,
+} from '../chat/updateGroupProfile';
+import { updateGroupConfig } from '../chat/updateGroupConfig';
+import {
+  groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto,
+  mapSpaceListTypeToChatListType,
+} from '../chat';
+import { isValidETHAddress } from '../helpers';
+import { Chat } from './chat';
+import { Signer as PushSigner } from '../helpers';
+import { SpaceV2 } from '../space/SpaceV2';
+import { Space as SpaceV1 } from '../space/Space';
+export class Space {
+  private chatInstance: Chat;
+  constructor(
+    private account: string,
+    private env: ENV,
+    private decryptedPgpPvtKey?: string,
+    private signer?: SignerType,
+    private progressHook?: (progress: ProgressHookType) => void
+  ) {
+    this.chatInstance = new Chat(
+      this.account,
+      this.env,
+      { feature: [] },
+      this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      this.signer
+    );
+  }
+  async create(
+    name: string,
+    options: SpaceCreationOptions
+  ): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error('Signer is required to create a space.');
+    }
+    const createSpaceOptions: PUSH_SPACE.ChatCreateSpaceTypeV2 = {
+      signer: this.signer,
+      pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      spaceName: name,
+      spaceDescription: options.description || null,
+      listeners: options.participants.listeners,
+      speakers: options.participants.speakers,
+      spaceImage: options.image || null,
+      isPublic: !options.private,
+      rules: options.rules || {},
+      config: {
+        scheduleAt: options.schedule.start,
+        scheduleEnd: options.schedule.end || null,
+      },
+      env: this.env,
+    };
+    return await PUSH_SPACE.createV2(createSpaceOptions);
+  }
+  async update(
+    spaceId: string,
+    options: SpaceUpdateOptions
+  ): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    let group = null;
+    try {
+      group = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupInfo({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        env: this.env,
+      });
+      if (!group) {
+        throw new Error('Space not found');
+      }
+    } catch (error) {
+      throw new Error('Space not found');
+    }
+    const updateGroupProfileOptions: ChatUpdateGroupProfileType = {
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      groupName: options.name ? options.name : group.groupName,
+      groupDescription: options.description
+        ? options.description
+        : group.groupDescription,
+      groupImage: options.image ? options.image : group.groupImage,
+      rules: options.rules ? options.rules : group.rules,
+      account: this.account,
+      pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      env: this.env,
+    };
+    const updateGroupConfigOptions = {
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      meta: options.meta ? options.meta : group.meta,
+      scheduleAt: options.scheduleAt ? options.scheduleAt : group.scheduleAt,
+      scheduleEnd: options.scheduleEnd
+        ? options.scheduleEnd
+        : group.scheduleEnd,
+      status: options.status ? options.status : group.status,
+      account: this.account,
+      pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      env: this.env,
+    };
+    await updateGroupProfile(updateGroupProfileOptions);
+    const groupDto = await updateGroupConfig(updateGroupConfigOptions);
+    return groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto(groupDto);
+  }
+  async info(spaceId: string): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    const groupDto = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupInfo({
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      env: this.env,
+    });
+    return groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto(groupDto);
+  }
+  participants = {
+    list: async (
+      chatId: string,
+      options?: GetGroupParticipantsOptions
+    ): Promise<{ members: SpaceMemberProfile[] }> => {
+      const { page = 1, limit = 20 } = options ?? {};
+      const getGroupMembersOptions: PUSH_CHAT.FetchChatGroupInfoType = {
+        chatId,
+        page,
+        limit,
+        env: this.env,
+      };
+      const chatMembers = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupMembers(
+        getGroupMembersOptions
+      );
+      const members: SpaceMemberProfile[] = chatMembers.map(
+        (member: ChatMemberProfile): SpaceMemberProfile => {
+          return {
+            address: member.address,
+            intent: member.intent,
+            role:
+              member.role.toUpperCase() === 'ADMIN' ? 'SPEAKER' : 'LISTENER',
+            userInfo: member.userInfo,
+          };
+        }
+      );
+      return { members };
+    },
+    count: async (chatId: string): Promise<GroupParticipantCounts> => {
+      const count = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupMemberCount({
+        chatId,
+        env: this.env,
+      });
+      return {
+        participants: count.overallCount - count.pendingCount,
+        pending: count.pendingCount,
+      };
+    },
+    status: async (
+      chatId: string,
+      accountId: string
+    ): Promise<SpaceParticipantStatus> => {
+      const status = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupMemberStatus({
+        chatId: chatId,
+        did: accountId,
+        env: this.env,
+      });
+      return {
+        pending: status.isPending,
+        role: status.isAdmin ? 'SPEAKER' : 'LISTENER',
+        participant: status.isMember,
+      };
+    },
+  };
+  async permissions(spaceId: string): Promise<SpaceAccess> {
+    const getGroupAccessOptions: PUSH_CHAT.GetGroupAccessType = {
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      did: this.account,
+      env: this.env,
+    };
+    return await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupAccess(getGroupAccessOptions);
+  }
+  async add(
+    spaceId: string,
+    options: ManageSpaceOptions
+  ): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    const { role, accounts } = options;
+    const validRoles = ['SPEAKER', 'LISTENER'];
+    if (!validRoles.includes(role)) {
+      throw new Error('Invalid role provided.');
+    }
+    if (!accounts || accounts.length === 0) {
+      throw new Error('accounts array cannot be empty!');
+    }
+    accounts.forEach((account) => {
+      if (!isValidETHAddress(account)) {
+        throw new Error(`Invalid account address: ${account}`);
+      }
+    });
+    let response: GroupInfoDTO;
+    if (role === 'SPEAKER') {
+      response = await PUSH_CHAT.addAdmins({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        admins: accounts,
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    } else {
+      response = await PUSH_CHAT.addMembers({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        members: accounts,
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    }
+    return groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto(response);
+  }
+  async remove(
+    spaceId: string,
+    options: RemoveFromSpaceOptions
+  ): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    const { accounts } = options;
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    if (!accounts || accounts.length === 0) {
+      throw new Error('Accounts array cannot be empty!');
+    }
+    accounts.forEach((account) => {
+      if (!isValidETHAddress(account)) {
+        throw new Error(`Invalid account address: ${account}`);
+      }
+    });
+    const adminsToRemove = [];
+    const membersToRemove = [];
+    for (const account of accounts) {
+      const status = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupMemberStatus({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        did: account,
+        env: this.env,
+      });
+      if (status.isAdmin) {
+        adminsToRemove.push(account);
+      } else if (status.isMember) {
+        membersToRemove.push(account);
+      }
+    }
+    if (adminsToRemove.length > 0) {
+      await PUSH_CHAT.removeAdmins({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        admins: adminsToRemove,
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    }
+    if (membersToRemove.length > 0) {
+      await PUSH_CHAT.removeMembers({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        members: membersToRemove,
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    }
+    return await this.info(spaceId);
+  }
+  async modify(
+    spaceId: string,
+    options: ManageSpaceOptions
+  ): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    const { role, accounts } = options;
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    const validRoles = ['SPEAKER', 'LISTENER'];
+    if (!validRoles.includes(role)) {
+      throw new Error('Invalid role provided.');
+    }
+    if (!accounts || accounts.length === 0) {
+      throw new Error('accounts array cannot be empty!');
+    }
+    accounts.forEach((account) => {
+      if (!isValidETHAddress(account)) {
+        throw new Error(`Invalid account address: ${account}`);
+      }
+    });
+    let newRole = null;
+    if (role === 'SPEAKER') {
+      newRole = 'ADMIN';
+    } else {
+      newRole = 'MEMBER';
+    }
+    const response = await PUSH_CHAT.modifyRoles({
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      newRole: newRole as 'ADMIN' | 'MEMBER',
+      members: accounts,
+      env: this.env,
+      account: this.account,
+      signer: this.signer,
+      pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+    });
+    return groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto(response);
+  }
+  async join(spaceId: string): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    const status = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupMemberStatus({
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      did: this.account,
+      env: this.env,
+    });
+    if (status.isPending) {
+      await PUSH_CHAT.approve({
+        senderAddress: spaceId,
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    } else if (!status.isMember) {
+      await PUSH_CHAT.addMembers({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        members: [this.account],
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    }
+    return await this.info(spaceId);
+  }
+  async leave(spaceId: string): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    const status = await PUSH_CHAT.getGroupMemberStatus({
+      chatId: spaceId,
+      did: this.account,
+      env: this.env,
+    });
+    let response: GroupInfoDTO;
+    if (status.isAdmin) {
+      response = await PUSH_CHAT.removeAdmins({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        admins: [this.account],
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    } else {
+      response = await PUSH_CHAT.removeMembers({
+        chatId: spaceId,
+        members: [this.account],
+        env: this.env,
+        account: this.account,
+        signer: this.signer,
+        pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+        overrideSecretKeyGeneration: false,
+      });
+    }
+    return groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto(response);
+  }
+  async search(
+    term: string,
+    options?: SpaceQueryOptions
+  ): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO[]> {
+    const { page = 1, limit = 20 } = options ?? {};
+    const response = await PUSH_SPACE.search({
+      searchTerm: term,
+      pageNumber: page,
+      pageSize: limit,
+      env: this.env,
+    });
+    return response.map((space) => PUSH_CHAT.spaceDtoToSpaceInfoDto(space));
+  }
+  async trending(options?: SpaceQueryOptions): Promise<SpaceIFeeds[]> {
+    const { page = 1, limit = 20 } = options ?? {};
+    const response = await PUSH_SPACE.trending({
+      page: page,
+      limit: limit,
+      env: this.env,
+    });
+    return response;
+  }
+  async list(
+    type: SpaceListType,
+    options?: {
+      /**
+       * @default 1
+       */
+      page?: number;
+      limit?: number;
+      overrideAccount?: string;
+    }
+  ): Promise<IFeeds[]> {
+    const accountToUse = options?.overrideAccount || this.account;
+    const listParams = {
+      account: accountToUse,
+      pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey,
+      page: options?.page,
+      limit: options?.limit,
+      env: this.env,
+      toDecrypt: !!this.signer, // Set to false if signer is undefined or null,
+    };
+    switch (type) {
+      case SpaceListType.SPACES:
+        return await PUSH_SPACE.spaces(listParams);
+      case SpaceListType.REQUESTS:
+        return await PUSH_SPACE.requests(listParams);
+      default:
+        throw new Error('Invalid Space List Type');
+    }
+  }
+  async accept(spaceId: string): Promise<string> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    return this.chatInstance.accept(spaceId);
+  }
+  async reject(spaceId: string): Promise<void> {
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+    }
+    return this.chatInstance.reject(spaceId);
+  }
+  get chat() {
+    return {
+      send: async (
+        recipient: string,
+        options: Message
+      ): Promise<MessageWithCID> => {
+        return this.chatInstance.send(recipient, options);
+      },
+      decrypt: async (messages: IMessageIPFS[]) => {
+        if (!this.signer) {
+          throw new Error(PushAPI.ensureSignerMessage());
+        }
+        return await this.chatInstance.decrypt(messages);
+      },
+      latest: async (target: string) => {
+        return await this.chatInstance.latest(target);
+      },
+      history: async (
+        target: string,
+        options?: { reference?: string | null; limit?: number }
+      ) => {
+        return await this.chatInstance.history(target, options);
+      },
+    };
+  }
+  async initialize(options: SpaceInitializeOptions): Promise<SpaceV2> {
+    const { setSpaceData, spaceId } = options;
+    if (!this.signer) {
+      throw new Error('Signer is required for push space');
+    }
+    if (!this.decryptedPgpPvtKey) {
+      throw new Error(
+        'PushSDK was initialized in readonly mode. Space functionality is not available.'
+      );
+    }
+    const chainId = await new PushSigner(this.signer).getChainId();
+    if (!chainId) {
+      throw new Error('Chain Id not retrievable from signer');
+    }
+    // Initialize the spacev1 instance with the provided options
+    const spaceV1Instance = new SpaceV1({
+      signer: this.signer!,
+      chainId,
+      pgpPrivateKey: this.decryptedPgpPvtKey!,
+      setSpaceData: setSpaceData,
+      address: this.account,
+      env: this.env,
+    });
+    // Call the space v1 initialize() method to populate the space data
+    await spaceV1Instance.initialize({ spaceId });
+    const spaceInfo = await this.info(spaceId);
+    // Return an instance of the space v2 class
+    return new SpaceV2({
+      spaceV1Instance,
+      spaceInfo,
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/DataModifier.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/DataModifier.ts
index 57cf9b387..c28704df8 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/DataModifier.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/DataModifier.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { SpaceRules } from '../types';
 import {
@@ -6,7 +7,6 @@ import {
-  GroupMember,
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import {
+  SpaceRequestEvent,
+  SpaceRemoveEvent,
-  VideoEvent,
+  VideoEvent
 } from './pushStreamTypes';
 import { VideoCallStatus, VideoPeerInfo } from '../types';
 import { VideoDataType } from '../video';
@@ -381,6 +383,35 @@ export class DataModifier {
+  public static convertToProposedNameForSpace(
+    currentEventName: string
+  ): ProposedEventNames {
+    switch (currentEventName) {
+      case 'create':
+        return ProposedEventNames.CreateSpace;
+      case 'update':
+        return ProposedEventNames.UpdateSpace;
+      case 'request':
+        return ProposedEventNames.SpaceRequest;
+      case 'accept':
+        return ProposedEventNames.SpaceAccept;
+      case 'reject':
+        return ProposedEventNames.SpaceReject;
+      case 'leaveSpace':
+        return ProposedEventNames.LeaveSpace;
+      case 'joinSpace':
+        return ProposedEventNames.JoinSpace;
+      case 'remove':
+        return ProposedEventNames.SpaceRemove;
+      case 'start':
+        return ProposedEventNames.StartSpace;
+      case 'stop':
+        return ProposedEventNames.StopSpace;
+      default:
+        throw new Error(`Unknown current event name: ${currentEventName}`);
+    }
+  }
   public static handleToField(data: any): void {
     switch (data.event) {
       case ProposedEventNames.LeaveGroup:
@@ -400,6 +431,353 @@ export class DataModifier {
+  public static handleSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw = false): any {
+    // Check the eventType and map accordingly
+    switch (data.eventType) {
+      case 'create':
+        return this.mapToCreateSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'update':
+        return this.mapToUpdateSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'request':
+        return this.mapToRequestSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'remove':
+        return this.mapToRemoveSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'joinSpace':
+        return this.mapToJoinSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'leaveSpace':
+        return this.mapToLeaveSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'start':
+        return this.mapToStartSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      case 'stop':
+        return this.mapToStopSpaceEvent(data, includeRaw);
+      default:
+        // If the eventType is unknown, check for known messageCategories
+        switch (data.messageCategory) {
+          case 'Approve':
+            return this.mapToSpaceApproveEvent(data, includeRaw);
+          case 'Reject':
+            return this.mapToSpaceRejectEvent(data, includeRaw);
+          // Add other cases as needed for different message categories
+          default:
+            console.warn(
+              'Unknown eventType or messageCategory for space:',
+              data.eventType,
+              data.messageCategory
+            );
+            return data;
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  private static mapToCreateSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      meta: {
+        name: string;
+        description: string;
+        image: string;
+        owner: string;
+        private: boolean;
+        rules: SpaceRules;
+      };
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const baseEventData: BaseEventData = {
+      event: data.eventType,
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.spaceCreator,
+      meta: {
+        name: data.spaceName,
+        description: data.spaceDescription,
+        image: data.spaceImage,
+        owner: data.spaceCreator,
+        private: !data.isPublic,
+        rules: data.rules || {},
+      },
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      baseEventData.raw = {
+        verificationProof: data.verificationProof || '',
+      };
+    }
+    return baseEventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToUpdateSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      meta: {
+        name: string;
+        description: string;
+        image: string;
+        owner: string;
+        private: boolean;
+        rules: SpaceRules;
+      };
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const baseEventData: BaseEventData = {
+      event: data.eventType,
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.spaceCreator,
+      meta: {
+        name: data.spaceName,
+        description: data.spaceDescription,
+        image: data.spaceImage,
+        owner: data.spaceCreator,
+        private: !data.isPublic,
+        rules: data.rules || {},
+      },
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      baseEventData.raw = {
+        verificationProof: data.verificationProof || '',
+      };
+    }
+    return baseEventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToRequestSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    const eventData: SpaceRequestEvent = {
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.from,
+      to: data.to,
+      event: MessageEventType.Request,
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      eventData.raw = { verificationProof: data.verificationProof };
+    }
+    return eventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToSpaceApproveEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: any;
+      spaceId: any;
+      from: any;
+      to: any[];
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const baseEventData: BaseEventData = {
+      event: 'request',
+      origin: data.messageOrigin === 'other' ? 'self' : 'other',
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.chatId,
+      from: data.fromCAIP10,
+      to: [data.toCAIP10],
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      baseEventData.raw = {
+        verificationProof: data.verificationProof || '',
+      };
+    }
+    return baseEventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToSpaceRejectEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      to: null;
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const baseEventData: BaseEventData = {
+      event: 'reject',
+      origin: data.messageOrigin === 'other' ? 'other' : 'self',
+      timestamp: data.timestamp.toString(),
+      spaceId: data.chatId,
+      from: data.fromCAIP10,
+      to: null,
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      baseEventData.raw = {
+        verificationProof: data.verificationProof || '',
+      };
+    }
+    return baseEventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToRemoveSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      to: null;
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const eventData: BaseEventData = {
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.from,
+      to: data.to,
+      event: 'remove',
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      eventData.raw = { verificationProof: data.verificationProof };
+    }
+    return eventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToJoinSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      to: null;
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const eventData: BaseEventData = {
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.from,
+      to: data.to,
+      event: data.eventType,
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      eventData.raw = { verificationProof: data.verificationProof };
+    }
+    return eventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToLeaveSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      to: null;
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const eventData: BaseEventData = {
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.from,
+      to: data.to,
+      event: data.eventType,
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      eventData.raw = { verificationProof: data.verificationProof };
+    }
+    return eventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToStartSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      to: null;
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const eventData: BaseEventData = {
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.from,
+      to: null,
+      event: data.eventType,
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      eventData.raw = { verificationProof: data.verificationProof };
+    }
+    return eventData;
+  }
+  private static mapToStopSpaceEvent(data: any, includeRaw: boolean): any {
+    type BaseEventData = {
+      event: string;
+      origin: string;
+      timestamp: string;
+      spaceId: string;
+      from: string;
+      to: null;
+      raw?: {
+        verificationProof: string;
+      };
+    };
+    const eventData: BaseEventData = {
+      origin: data.messageOrigin,
+      timestamp: data.timestamp,
+      spaceId: data.spaceId,
+      from: data.from,
+      to: null,
+      event: data.eventType,
+    };
+    if (includeRaw) {
+      eventData.raw = { verificationProof: data.verificationProof };
+    }
+    return eventData;
+  }
   public static convertToProposedNameForVideo(
     currentVideoStatus: VideoCallStatus
   ): VideoEventType {
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/PushStream.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/PushStream.ts
index 6fdc051fe..bdd3c3f70 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/PushStream.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/PushStream.ts
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import {
+  SpaceEventType,
 } from './pushStreamTypes';
 import { createSocketConnection } from './socketClient';
@@ -100,7 +102,9 @@ export class PushStream extends EventEmitter {
       !this.listen ||
       this.listen.length === 0 ||
       this.listen.includes(STREAM.CHAT) ||
-      this.listen.includes(STREAM.CHAT_OPS);
+      this.listen.includes(STREAM.CHAT_OPS) ||
+      this.listen.includes(STREAM.SPACE) ||
+      this.listen.includes(STREAM.SPACE_OPS);
     const shouldInitializeNotifSocket =
       !this.listen ||
       this.listen.length === 0 ||
@@ -224,7 +228,6 @@ export class PushStream extends EventEmitter {
       this.pushChatSocket.on(EVENTS.DISCONNECT, async () => {
         await handleSocketDisconnection('chat');
-        //console.log(`Chat Socket Disconnected`);
       this.pushChatSocket.on(EVENTS.CHAT_GROUPS, (data: any) => {
@@ -298,6 +301,57 @@ export class PushStream extends EventEmitter {
+      this.pushChatSocket.on('SPACES', (data: any) => {
+        try {
+          const modifiedData = DataModifier.handleSpaceEvent(data, this.raw);
+          modifiedData.event = DataModifier.convertToProposedNameForSpace(
+            modifiedData.event
+          );
+          DataModifier.handleToField(modifiedData);
+          if (this.shouldEmitSpace(data.spaceId)) {
+            if (
+              data.eventType === SpaceEventType.Join ||
+              data.eventType === SpaceEventType.Leave ||
+              data.eventType === MessageEventType.Request ||
+              data.eventType === SpaceEventType.Remove || 
+              data.eventType === SpaceEventType.Start ||
+              data.eventType === SpaceEventType.Stop
+            ) {
+              if (shouldEmit(STREAM.SPACE)) {
+                this.emit(STREAM.SPACE, modifiedData);
+              }
+            } else {
+              if (shouldEmit(STREAM.SPACE_OPS)) {
+                this.emit(STREAM.SPACE_OPS, modifiedData);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        } catch (error) {
+          console.error('Error handling SPACES event:', error, 'Data:', data);
+        }
+      });
+      this.pushChatSocket.on('SPACES_MESSAGES', (data: any) => {
+        try {
+          const modifiedData = DataModifier.handleSpaceEvent(data, this.raw);
+          modifiedData.event = DataModifier.convertToProposedNameForSpace(
+            modifiedData.event
+          );
+          DataModifier.handleToField(modifiedData);
+          if (this.shouldEmitSpace(data.spaceId)) {
+            if (shouldEmit(STREAM.SPACE)) {
+              this.emit(STREAM.SPACE, modifiedData);
+            }
+          }
+        } catch (error) {
+          console.error('Error handling SPACES event:', error, 'Data:', data);
+        }
+      });
     if (this.pushNotificationSocket) {
@@ -413,6 +467,17 @@ export class PushStream extends EventEmitter {
     return this.options.filter.chats.includes(dataChatId);
+  private shouldEmitSpace(dataSpaceId: string): boolean {
+    if (
+      !this.options.filter?.spaces ||
+      this.options.filter.spaces.length === 0 ||
+      this.options.filter.spaces.includes('*')
+    ) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    return this.options.filter.spaces.includes(dataSpaceId);
+  }
   private shouldEmitChannel(dataChannelId: string): boolean {
     if (
       !this.options.filter?.channels ||
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/pushStreamTypes.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/pushStreamTypes.ts
index b72b26831..6b2be17c5 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/pushStreamTypes.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/pushstream/pushStreamTypes.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export type PushStreamInitializeProps = {
   filter?: {
     channels?: string[];
     chats?: string[];
+    spaces?: string[];
     video?: string[];
   connection?: {
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ export enum STREAM {
@@ -53,6 +56,16 @@ export enum GroupEventType {
   Remove = 'remove',
+export enum SpaceEventType {
+  CreateSpace = 'createSpace',
+  UpdateSpace = 'updateSpace',
+  Join = 'joinSpace',
+  Leave = 'leaveSpace',
+  Remove = 'remove',
+  Stop = 'stop',
+  Start = 'start' 
 export enum VideoEventType {
   REQUEST = 'video.request',
   APPROVE = 'video.approve',
@@ -74,6 +87,17 @@ export enum ProposedEventNames {
   CreateGroup = 'chat.group.create',
   UpdateGroup = 'chat.group.update',
   Remove = 'chat.group.participant.remove',
+  CreateSpace = 'space.create',
+  UpdateSpace = 'space.update',
+  SpaceRequest = 'space.request',
+  SpaceAccept = 'space.accept',
+  SpaceReject = 'space.reject',
+  LeaveSpace = 'space.participant.leave',
+  JoinSpace = 'space.participant.join',
+  SpaceRemove = 'space.participant.remove',
+  StartSpace = 'space.start',
+  StopSpace = 'space.stop'
 export interface Profile {
@@ -151,6 +175,34 @@ export interface RemoveEvent extends GroupMemberEventBase {
   event: GroupEventType.Remove;
+export interface SpaceMemberEventBase {
+  event: SpaceEventType | MessageEventType;
+  origin: MessageOrigin;
+  timestamp: string;
+  spaceId: string;
+  from: string;
+  to: string[];
+  raw?: GroupEventRawData;
+export interface JoinSpaceEvent extends SpaceMemberEventBase {
+  event: SpaceEventType.JoinSpace;
+export interface LeaveSpaceEvent extends SpaceMemberEventBase {
+  event: SpaceEventType.LeaveSpace;
+export interface SpaceRequestEvent extends SpaceMemberEventBase {
+  event: MessageEventType.Request;
+export interface SpaceRemoveEvent extends SpaceMemberEventBase {
+  event: SpaceEventType.Remove;
 export interface MessageEvent {
   event: MessageEventType;
   origin: MessageOrigin;
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/SpaceV2.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/SpaceV2.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d80f6608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/SpaceV2.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import { SPACE_INVITE_ROLES } from '../payloads/constants';
+import { SpaceInfoDTO } from '../types';
+import Space from './Space';
+import { ChatUpdateSpaceType } from './update';
+export class SpaceV2 {
+  private spaceV1Instance: Space;
+  private spaceInfo: SpaceInfoDTO;
+  constructor({
+    spaceV1Instance,
+    spaceInfo,
+  }: {
+    spaceV1Instance: Space;
+    spaceInfo: SpaceInfoDTO;
+  }) {
+    this.spaceV1Instance = spaceV1Instance;
+    this.spaceInfo = spaceInfo;
+  }
+  async activateUserAudio() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.createAudioStream();
+  }
+  async start() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.start();
+  }
+  async join() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.join();
+  }
+  async update(updateSpaceOptions: ChatUpdateSpaceType) {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.update(updateSpaceOptions);
+  }
+  async leave() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.leave();
+  }
+  async stop() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.stop();
+  }
+  async requestForMic() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.requestToBePromoted({
+      promotorAddress: this.spaceInfo.spaceCreator,
+    });
+  }
+  async acceptMicRequest({
+    address,
+    signal,
+  }: {
+    address: string;
+    signal: any;
+  }) {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.acceptPromotionRequest({
+      promoteeAddress: address,
+      spaceId: this.spaceInfo.spaceId,
+      signalData: signal,
+    });
+  }
+  async rejectMicRequest({ address }: { address: string }) {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.rejectPromotionRequest({
+      promoteeAddress: address,
+    });
+  }
+  async inviteToPromote({ address }: { address: string }) {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.inviteToPromote({
+      inviteeAddress: address,
+    });
+  }
+  async acceptPromotionInvite({ signal }: { signal: any }) {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.acceptPromotionInvite({
+      invitorAddress: this.spaceInfo.spaceCreator,
+      spaceId: this.spaceInfo.spaceId,
+      signalData: signal,
+    });
+  }
+  async rejectPromotionInvite() {
+    await this.spaceV1Instance.rejectPromotionInvite({
+      invitorAddress: this.spaceInfo.spaceCreator,
+    });
+  }
+  media({ video, audio }: { video?: boolean; audio?: boolean }) {
+    if (typeof video === 'boolean') {
+      this.spaceV1Instance.enableVideo({ state: video });
+    }
+    if (typeof audio === 'boolean') {
+      this.spaceV1Instance.enableAudio({ state: audio });
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/createV2.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/createV2.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0023b997d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/createV2.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import Constants from '../constants';
+import { EnvOptionsType, SignerType, SpaceInfoDTO, SpaceRules } from '../types';
+import {
+  convertSpaceRulesToRules,
+  groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto,
+} from './../chat/helpers';
+import { createGroupV2 } from '../chat';
+export interface ChatCreateSpaceTypeV2 extends EnvOptionsType {
+  account?: string | null;
+  signer?: SignerType | null;
+  pgpPrivateKey?: string | null;
+  spaceName: string;
+  spaceDescription: string | null;
+  spaceImage: string | null;
+  listeners: Array<string>;
+  speakers: Array<string>;
+  isPublic: boolean;
+  rules?: SpaceRules | null;
+  config: {
+    scheduleAt: Date;
+    scheduleEnd: Date | null;
+  };
+export async function createV2(
+  options: ChatCreateSpaceTypeV2
+): Promise<SpaceInfoDTO> {
+  const {
+    signer,
+    spaceName,
+    spaceDescription,
+    listeners,
+    spaceImage,
+    speakers,
+    isPublic,
+    env = Constants.ENV.PROD,
+    pgpPrivateKey = null,
+    rules,
+    config,
+  } = options || {};
+  const spaceRules = rules ? convertSpaceRulesToRules(rules) : null;
+  try {
+    const group = await createGroupV2({
+      signer,
+      groupName: spaceName,
+      groupDescription: spaceDescription,
+      members: listeners,
+      groupImage: spaceImage,
+      admins: speakers,
+      isPublic: isPublic,
+      env,
+      pgpPrivateKey,
+      groupType: 'spaces',
+      config: {
+        meta: null,
+        scheduleAt: config.scheduleAt,
+        scheduleEnd: config.scheduleEnd ?? null,
+        status: 'PENDING',
+      },
+      rules: spaceRules,
+    });
+    return groupInfoDtoToSpaceInfoDto(group);
+  } catch (err) {
+    console.error(`[Push SDK] - API  - Error - API ${createV2.name} -:  `, err);
+    throw new Error(
+      `[Push SDK] - API  - Error - API ${createV2.name} -: ${err}`
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/index.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/index.ts
index eb2a6ca34..f02efd454 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/index.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/space/index.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ export * from './approve';
 export * from './requests';
 export * from './getAccess';
 export * from './search';
+export * from './createV2';
 export {spaceFeed as space} from './spaceFeed';
 export * from './Space'
diff --git a/packages/restapi/src/lib/types/index.ts b/packages/restapi/src/lib/types/index.ts
index 841229adc..9ea2175a0 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/src/lib/types/index.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/src/lib/types/index.ts
@@ -398,6 +398,11 @@ export interface GroupAccess {
   rules?: Rules;
+export interface SpaceAccess {
+  entry: boolean;
+  rules?: SpaceRules;
 export interface GroupMemberStatus {
   isMember: boolean;
   isPending: boolean;
@@ -438,6 +443,13 @@ export interface ChatMemberProfile {
   userInfo: UserV2;
+export interface SpaceMemberProfile {
+  address: string;
+  intent: boolean;
+  role: string;
+  userInfo: UserV2;
 export interface GroupMembersInfo {
   totalMembersCount: number;
   members: ChatMemberProfile[];
@@ -514,6 +526,23 @@ export interface GroupInfoDTO {
   encryptedSecret: string | null;
+export interface SpaceInfoDTO {
+  spaceName: string;
+  spaceImage: string | null;
+  spaceDescription: string;
+  isPublic: boolean;
+  spaceCreator: string;
+  spaceId: string;
+  scheduleAt?: Date | null;
+  scheduleEnd?: Date | null;
+  status?: ChatStatus | null;
+  rules?: Rules | null;
+  meta?: string | null;
+  sessionKey: string | null;
+  encryptedSecret: string | null;
+  inviteeDetails?: { [key: string]: SPACE_INVITE_ROLES };
 export interface SpaceDTO {
   members: {
     wallet: string;
diff --git a/packages/restapi/tests/lib/space/space.test.ts b/packages/restapi/tests/lib/space/space.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f535e758b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/restapi/tests/lib/space/space.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+import { ethers } from 'ethers';
+import Constants from '../../../src/lib/constants';
+import {
+  adjectives,
+  animals,
+  colors,
+  uniqueNamesGenerator,
+} from 'unique-names-generator';
+import { PushAPI } from '../../../src/lib/pushapi/PushAPI'; // Ensure correct import path
+const _env = Constants.ENV.DEV;
+let spaceName: string;
+let spaceDescription: string;
+const spaceImage =
+  '';
+const meta = 'Random Group Meta';
+let userAlice: PushAPI;
+let userBob: PushAPI;
+let userJohn: PushAPI;
+describe('PushAPI.space', () => {
+  let account1: string;
+  let account2: string;
+  let account3: string;
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    spaceName = uniqueNamesGenerator({
+      dictionaries: [adjectives, colors, animals],
+    });
+    spaceDescription = uniqueNamesGenerator({
+      dictionaries: [adjectives, colors, animals],
+    });
+    const WALLET1 = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
+    const signer1 = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET1.privateKey);
+    account1 = `eip155:${signer1.address}`;
+    userAlice = await PushAPI.initialize(signer1, { env: _env });
+    const WALLET2 = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
+    const signer2 = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET2.privateKey);
+    account2 = `eip155:${signer2.address}`;
+    userBob = await PushAPI.initialize(signer2, { env: _env });
+    const WALLET3 = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
+    const signer3 = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET3.privateKey);
+    account3 = `eip155:${signer3.address}`;
+    userJohn = await PushAPI.initialize(signer3, { env: _env });
+  });
+  describe('space', () => {
+    it('create space', async () => {
+      const space = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      expect(space.spaceImage).to.equal(spaceImage);
+      expect(space.spaceName).to.equal(spaceName);
+      expect(space.spaceDescription).to.equal(spaceDescription);
+    });
+    it('update space', async () => {
+      const space = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      expect(space.spaceImage).to.equal(spaceImage);
+      expect(space.spaceName).to.equal(spaceName);
+      expect(space.spaceDescription).to.equal(spaceDescription);
+      const updatedGroup = await userAlice.space.update(space.spaceId, {
+        name: 'Updated Test Grp',
+        description: 'Updated Test Grp Description',
+        meta: 'Updated Meta',
+      });
+      expect(updatedGroup.spaceImage).to.equal(spaceImage);
+      expect(updatedGroup.spaceName).to.equal('Updated Test Grp');
+      expect(updatedGroup.spaceDescription).to.equal(
+        'Updated Test Grp Description'
+      );
+      expect(updatedGroup.meta).to.equal('Updated Meta');
+    });
+    it('should retrieve space info correctly', async () => {
+      const newSpace = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      // Retrieve space info
+      const spaceInfo = await userAlice.space.info(newSpace.spaceId);
+      // Assertions to validate the returned data
+      expect(spaceInfo.spaceId).to.equal(newSpace.spaceId);
+      expect(spaceInfo.spaceName).to.equal(newSpace.spaceName);
+      expect(spaceInfo.spaceImage).to.equal(newSpace.spaceImage);
+      expect(spaceInfo.spaceDescription).to.equal(newSpace.spaceDescription);
+      expect(spaceInfo.isPublic).to.equal(true);
+      expect(spaceInfo.spaceCreator).to.equal(account1);
+      expect(spaceInfo.status).to.equal('PENDING');
+      expect(spaceInfo.sessionKey).to.be.null;
+      expect(spaceInfo.encryptedSecret).to.be.null;
+      expect(spaceInfo.rules).to.be.an('object');
+    });
+    it('should retrieve participant counts correctly', async () => {
+      // Create a new space
+      const newSpace = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      // Retrieve participant counts for the space
+      const participantCounts = await userAlice.space.participants.count(
+        newSpace.spaceId
+      );
+      // Assertions to validate the returned data
+      expect(participantCounts).to.be.an('object');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('participants');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('pending');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.equal(1);
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.equal(0);
+    });
+    it('should retrieve participant counts correctly with add', async () => {
+      // Create a new space
+      const newSpace = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      await userAlice.space.add(newSpace.spaceId, {
+        role: 'LISTENER',
+        accounts: [account2],
+      });
+      // Retrieve participant counts for the space
+      const participantCounts = await userAlice.space.participants.count(
+        newSpace.spaceId
+      );
+      // Assertions to validate the returned data
+      expect(participantCounts).to.be.an('object');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('participants');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('pending');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.equal(1);
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.equal(1);
+    });
+    it('should retrieve participant counts correctly with join', async () => {
+      // Create a new space
+      const newSpace = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      await userAlice.space.add(newSpace.spaceId, {
+        role: 'LISTENER',
+        accounts: [account3],
+      });
+      await userBob.space.join(newSpace.spaceId);
+      // Retrieve participant counts for the space
+      const participantCounts = await userAlice.space.participants.count(
+        newSpace.spaceId
+      );
+      // Assertions to validate the returned data
+      expect(participantCounts).to.be.an('object');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('participants');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('pending');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.equal(2);
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.equal(1);
+    });
+    it('should retrieve participant counts correctly with remove', async () => {
+      // Create a new space
+      const newSpace = await userAlice.space.create(spaceName, {
+        description: spaceDescription,
+        image: spaceImage,
+        participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+        schedule: {
+          start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+        },
+        private: false,
+      });
+      await userAlice.space.add(newSpace.spaceId, {
+        role: 'LISTENER',
+        accounts: [account3],
+      });
+      await userBob.space.join(newSpace.spaceId);
+      await userAlice.space.remove(newSpace.spaceId, {
+        accounts: [account3],
+      });
+      // Retrieve participant counts for the space
+      const participantCounts = await userAlice.space.participants.count(
+        newSpace.spaceId
+      );
+      // Assertions to validate the returned data
+      expect(participantCounts).to.be.an('object');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('participants');
+      expect(participantCounts).to.have.property('pending');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.be.a('number');
+      expect(participantCounts.participants).to.equal(2);
+      expect(participantCounts.pending).to.equal(0);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/initialize.test.ts b/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/initialize.test.ts
index 6346fae44..426ce0b50 100644
--- a/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/initialize.test.ts
+++ b/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/initialize.test.ts
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ describe('PushStream.initialize functionality', () => {
     const stream = await userAlice.initStream(
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ describe('PushStream.initialize functionality', () => {
     // Create and update group
-    const createdGroup = await user.chat.group.create(
+    const createdGroup = await userAlice.chat.group.create(
diff --git a/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/space.test.ts b/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/space.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9ccffe94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/restapi/tests/lib/stream/space.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import * as path from 'path';
+import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
+dotenv.config({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../.env') });
+import { expect } from 'chai'; // Assuming you're using chai for assertions
+import { ethers } from 'ethers';
+import { PushAPI } from '../../../src/lib/pushapi/PushAPI';
+import CONSTANTS from '../../../src/lib/constantsV2';
+import * as util from 'util';
+import { PushStream } from '../../../src/lib/pushstream/PushStream';
+describe.only('PushStream.initialize functionality', () => {
+  it('Should initialize new stream and listen to events', async () => {
+    const spaceDescription = 'Hey There!!!';
+    const spaceImage =
+      '';
+    const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider();
+    const WALLET = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
+    const signer = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET.privateKey, provider);
+    const userAlice = await PushAPI.initialize(signer, {
+    });
+    const WALLET2 = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
+    const signer2 = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET2.privateKey);
+    const account2 = `eip155:${signer2.address}`;
+    const userBob = await PushAPI.initialize(signer2, {
+    });
+    const userAliceStream = await userAlice.initStream(
+      [
+      ],
+      { raw: true }
+    );
+    userAliceStream.on(CONSTANTS.STREAM.CONNECT, () => {
+      console.log('Stream Connected');
+    });
+    await userAliceStream.connect();
+    userAliceStream.on(CONSTANTS.STREAM.DISCONNECT, () => {
+      console.log('Stream Disconnected');
+    });
+    const CREATE_GROUP_REQUEST_2 = {
+      description: spaceDescription,
+      image: spaceImage,
+      participants: { listeners: [], speakers: [] },
+      schedule: {
+        start: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
+      },
+      private: false,
+    };
+    const createdSpace = await userAlice.space.create(
+      'test',
+    );
+    /*const updatedGroup = await userAlice.space.update(createdSpace.spaceId, {
+      name: 'Updated Test Grp',
+      description: 'Updated Test Grp Description',
+      meta: 'Updated Meta',
+    });
+    //await userBob.space.join(updatedGroup.spaceId);
+    //await userBob.space.leave(updatedGroup.spaceId);*/
+    const createEventPromise = (
+      expectedEvent: string,
+      eventType: string,
+      expectedEventCount: number,
+      stream: PushStream
+    ) => {
+      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        let eventCount = 0;
+        if (expectedEventCount == 0) {
+          resolve('Done');
+        }
+        const receivedEvents: any[] = [];
+        stream.on(eventType, (data: any) => {
+          try {
+            receivedEvents.push(data);
+            eventCount++;
+            console.log(
+              `Event ${eventCount} for ${expectedEvent}:`,
+              util.inspect(data, {
+                showHidden: false,
+                depth: null,
+                colors: true,
+              })
+            );
+            expect(data).to.not.be.null;
+            if (eventCount === expectedEventCount) {
+              resolve(receivedEvents);
+            }
+          } catch (error) {
+            console.error('An error occurred:', error);
+            reject(error);
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    };
+    const onDataReceived = createEventPromise(
+      2,
+      userAliceStream
+    );
+    let timeoutTriggered = false;
+    const timeout = new Promise((_, reject) => {
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        timeoutTriggered = true;
+        reject(new Error('Timeout after 5 seconds'));
+      }, 5000);
+    });
+    // Wrap the Promise.allSettled inside a Promise.race with the timeout
+    try {
+      const result = await Promise.race([
+        Promise.allSettled([onDataReceived]),
+        timeout,
+      ]);
+      if (timeoutTriggered) {
+        console.error('Timeout reached before events were emitted.');
+      } else {
+        (result as PromiseSettledResult<any>[]).forEach((outcome) => {
+          if (outcome.status === 'fulfilled') {
+            //console.log(outcome.value);
+          } else if (outcome.status === 'rejected') {
+            console.error(outcome.reason);
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    } catch (error) {
+      console.error(error);
+    }
+  });
diff --git a/packages/socket/src/lib/constants.ts b/packages/socket/src/lib/constants.ts
index b4639acc5..6f49a3294 100644
--- a/packages/socket/src/lib/constants.ts
+++ b/packages/socket/src/lib/constants.ts
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ export const EVENTS = {
   // Chat
\ No newline at end of file