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Push Chain Devnet

This package provides access to the Push Chain's Devnet. Visit the Developer Docs or to learn more.

How to use in your app?


yarn add @pushchain/devnet


npm install @pushchain/devnet

Import SDK

import { PushChain } from '@pushchain/devnet';

Initialize SDK

Read-only mode (without signer)

Here below we will initialize the SDK without the signer. This is useful when you only need to read data from the Push Chain.

// Initialize PushChain class instance. Defaults to devnet.
const pushChain = await PushChain.initialize();

With signer

The UniversalSigner is only required when sending transactions. You can instantiate PushChain without a signer if you only need read-only operations like fetching transactions or blocks.

In the example below we are using viem to sign the transaction.

import { hexToBytes } from 'viem';
import { generatePrivateKey, privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts';

const randomPrivateKey = generatePrivateKey();
const account = privateKeyToAccount(randomPrivateKey);

const signer: UniversalSigner = {
  address: account.address,
  signMessage: async (data: Uint8Array) => {
    const signature = await account.signMessage({
      message: { raw: data },
    return hexToBytes(signature);

const pushChain = await PushChain.initialize(signer);


Param Type Default Remarks
universalSigner UniversalSigner null Signer responsible for signing when sending transactions. Only used for send function ENV devnet Push Chain environment


Initializing PushChain class is the first step before proceeding to Transaction APIs. Please refer Initialize SDK Section

Fetch Transactions

Fetch transactions by hash, category, or address. You can also fetch all transactions and filter them by various parameters like timestamp, category, etc.

// pushChain.tx.get(reference, {options?})
const transaction = await pushChain.tx.get('177482c5a504f3922875c216f71a2b236f344cfbf334f97c8f59547e1e21fb23');


Param Type Remarks Default
reference UniversalAccount, string, '*' Specifies the query target: '*' for all transactions, a transaction hash, or a UniversalAccount. *
options.raw boolean If true, returns the raw BlockResponse. If false, returns a SimplifiedBlockResponse. For most cases use default raw = false. false
options.category string Filters transactions by category (e.g., application-specific tags). undefined
options.startTime number (timestamp) Fetches transactions starting from this timestamp. Current timestamp
options.order Order ('ASC' or 'DESC') Determines the sort order of transactions ('ASC' for ascending, 'DESC' for descending). 'DESC' number Specifies the page number for paginated results. 1
options.limit number Sets the maximum number of transactions to fetch per page. 30
options.filterMode 'both', 'sender', 'recipient' Determines the query type: 'both' fetches all, 'sender' fetches sent, 'recipient' fetches received. 'both'

Example: Retrieving by hash

Fetch a transaction that has the hash 177482c5a504f3922875c216f71a2b236f344cfbf334f97c8f59547e1e21fb23.

const transaction = await pushChain.tx.get('177482c5a504f3922875c216f71a2b236f344cfbf334f97c8f59547e1e21fb23');

Example: Retrieving by category

const transactionByCategory = await pushChain.tx.get('*', {
  category: 'CUSTOM:SAMPLE_TX',

Example: Retrieving by sender address

We will fetch transactions sent by this CAIP-10 address: push:devnet:pushconsumer1l8wd6ucrwf43stuavxwfc9jmr5emlkr66guml6.

const transctionBySender = await pushChain.tx.get(
    chainId: CONSTANTS.Chain.Push.devnet.chainId,
    account: 'pushconsumer1l8wd6ucrwf43stuavxwfc9jmr5emlkr66guml6',
  { filterMode: 'sender' }

Example: Retrieving by receiver address

We will fetch transactions received by this CAIP-10 address: push:devnet:pushconsumer1l8wd6ucrwf43stuavxwfc9jmr5emlkr66guml6.

const transctionBySender = await pushChain.tx.get(
    chainId: CONSTANTS.Chain.Push.devnet.chainId,
    account: 'pushconsumer1l8wd6ucrwf43stuavxwfc9jmr5emlkr66guml6',
  { filterMode: 'recipient' }

Send Transaction

Send a transaction to one or more recipients. You can specify the transaction category and data payload.

const tx = await pushChain.tx.send(
      account: 'ySYrGNLLJSK9hvGGpoxg8TzWfRe8ftBtDSMECtx2eJR',
    category: 'MY_CUSTOM_CATEGORY',
    data: 'Hello old friend from Solana!',


Param Type Remarks
recipients UniversalAccount[] An array of recipient addresses in a chain-agnostic format. Each address specifies the destination for the transaction.
options.category string The category of the transaction, used to classify or tag the transaction (e.g., example-category). Uint8Array Serialized data payload for the transaction.

Example: Send an email to a Solana address

Here below is an example of sending an Email to a Solana address. The payload is a simply JSON object with a title and message.

const email = {
  title: 'Hello from Ethereum!',
  message: 'This is a cross-chain email to Solana.',

const recipients = [
    account: 'ySYrGNLLJSK9hvGGpoxg8TzWfRe8ftBtDSMECtx2eJR',

const tx = await pushChain.tx.send(recipients,
    category: 'MY_EMAIL_APP',
    data: JSON.stringify(email),


Initializing PushChain class is the first step before proceeding to Block APIs. Please refer Initialize SDK Section

Fetch Blocks

Fetch blocks by hash or timestamp.

// pushChain.block.get(reference, {options?})
const block = await pushChain.block.get('36939148bee59c6e1a9d4e6e6fb4e72d407f8667324714c206e64e1485f0f5ee');


Param Type Remarks Default
reference string, '*' Specifies the query target: '*' for all blocks or a block hash. *
options.raw boolean If true, returns the raw BlockResponse. If false, returns a SimplifiedBlockResponse. For most cases use default raw = false. false
options.startTime number (timestamp) Fetches blocks starting from this timestamp. Current timestamp
options.order Order ('ASC' or 'DESC') Determines the sort order of blocks ('ASC' for ascending, 'DESC' for descending). 'DESC' number Specifies the page number for paginated results. 1
options.limit number Sets the maximum number of transactions to fetch per page. 30

Example: Fetch block by hash

Fetch a Block that has the hash 36939148bee59c6e1a9d4e6e6fb4e72d407f8667324714c206e64e1485f0f5ee.

const block = await pushChain.block.get('36939148bee59c6e1a9d4e6e6fb4e72d407f8667324714c206e64e1485f0f5ee');

Example: Retrieving by time

const yesterday = Math.floor( - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const blockByTime = await pushChain.block.get('*', {
  startTime: yesterday,


Converts CAIP-10 address to UniversalAccount

Converts a chain-agnostic address (e.g. eip155:1:0xabc...) into a UniversalAccount.

const universalAccount = PushChain.utils.account.toUniversal('push:devnet:push1xkuy...');
// => { chain: 'PUSH', chainId: 'DEVNET', address: 'push1xkuy...' }

Converts UniversalAccount to CAIP-10 address

Converts a UniversalAccount into a chain-agnostic address (CAIP) string.

const chainAgnosticStr = PushChain.utils.account.toChainAgnostic({
  chain: 'ETHEREUM',
  chainId: '1',
  address: '0xabc123...'
// => 'eip155:1:0xabc123...'

Converts an EVM (Ethereum) address to a Push (bech32m) address

Converts an EVM (Ethereum) address to a Push (bech32m) address.

const pushAddr = PushChain.utils.account.evmToPush('0x35B84d6848D16415177c64D64504663b998A6ab4');
// => 'push1xkuy66zg69jp29muvnty2prx8wvc5645f9y5ux'

Converts a Push (bech32m) address back to an EVM (Ethereum) address in checksum format

const evmAddr = PushChain.utils.account.pushToEvmAddress('push1xkuy66zg69jp29muvnty2prx8wvc5645f9y5ux');
// => '0x35B84d6848D16415177c64D64504663b998A6ab4'

Serialize Transaction

Serializes a Transaction into a Uint8Array. Note: The SDK handles transaction serialization automatically - this utility is only needed for an advanced use case where manual serialization is required.

const serializedTx = PushChain.utils.tx.serialize(myTx);

Deserialize Transaction

Deserializes a Uint8Array back into a Transaction object. Note: The SDK handles transaction deserialization automatically - this utility is only needed for an advanced use case where manual deserialization is required.

const deserializedTx = PushChain.utils.tx.deserialize(serializedTx);

Serialize Transaction Payload Data

Serializes transaction data (e.g. InitDid) based on the transaction category. Note: The SDK handles transaction data serialization automatically - this utility is only needed for an advanced use case where manual serialization is required.

const initDidData = { /* ...  */ };
const serializedData = PushChain.utils.tx.serializeData(initDidData, TxCategory.INIT_DID);

Deserialize Transaction Payload Data

Deserializes transaction data (e.g. InitDid) from a Uint8Array based on the transaction category. Note: The SDK handles transaction data deserialization automatically - this utility is only needed for an advanced use case where manual deserialization is required.

const deserializedData = PushChain.utils.tx.deserializeData(serializedData, TxCategory.INIT_DID);

Serialize Block

Serializes a GeneratedBlock into a Uint8Array. Note: The SDK handles block serialization automatically - this utility is only needed for an advanced use case where manual serialization is required.

const encodedBlock = PushChain.utils.block.serialize(myBlock);

Deserialize Block

Deserializes a Uint8Array back into a GeneratedBlock object. Note: The SDK handles block deserialization automatically - this utility is only needed for an advanced use case where manual deserialization is required.

const decodedBlock = PushChain.utils.block.deserialize(encodedBlock);