Here is a compiled list of resources that may be useful for competitive programming and programming in general.
- Kattis
- HackerRank
- Codeforces
- CodingBat
- UVa Online Judge
- AtCoder
- LeetCode - Focuses on interview problems
- r/ProgrammerHumor - Memes and jokes in various languages
- r/learnprogramming
- r/gamedev
- r/webdev
- USACO (Unofficial)
- CP Community
- The Programmer's Hangout
- Discord.js Official
- Ahmad's CP Library (Java)
- indy's Code Library (Java)
- SuprDewd's CP repo (C++)
- AlgoDS (Java)
- Java Algorithm Implementations
- BenQ's CP repo (C++)
- CE Programming - Toolchain and libraries for C programming on the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE calculators
- free-programming-books - Lots of books and resources for many programming languages and etc.
- Node Version Manager for Windows
- Windows Terminal - Microsoft's new Windows Terminal
- CP Book (There is a pdf of CP3 in Google Classroom)
- Free Books for many languages
- Intro USACO Book - Java
- Intro USACO Book - C++
- Stack Overflow - ⭐ You will find most answers to your questions here
- GeeksforGeeks - Has lots of useful information/articles on algorithms, data structures, and etc.
- Java - Keep in mind that competitions use Java 8 if Java is allowed to be used
- Node.js (JavaScript)
- .NET Core/Framework (C#)
- MinGW (C, C++)
- Python
- LaTeX
- Git - Version-control system
- Cmder - Windows Terminal
- Chocolatey - Package manager for Windows
- Unity - Game engine in C#
- Unreal Engine Game engine in C++
- Android Studio - Android development
- Dark Reader - Enable Dark mode for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari 😎
- Bookmarlet Creator (JavaScript with jQuery Support)
- Methods to Solve - UVa and Kattis Problems sorted by topic (with hints!)
- Online CP Contest Calendar
- Java Operator Precedence
- Big-O Cheat Sheet - Complexities of common data structures and sorting algorithms
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Google Cloud
- G Suite
- Heroku - Build, run, and operate applications in the cloud
- USACO Guide