Since the change to SPI framing carrying semantic information about the Length of packets, the serial protocol no longer can be expected to work. It needs to be updated to support some kind of framing.
This information is provide for users of legacy versions of the software.
UART/SPI pins exposed on cc1110 debug header:
PIN - SPI_alt2 / UART1_alt2
P1.4 - CT / SSN
P1.5 - RT / SCK
P1.6 - TX / MOSI
P1.7 - RX / MISO
P1.4 - CT / SSN -> UART_1_RTS (GP129) (pin 63)
P1.5 - RT / SCK -> UART_1_CTS (GP128) (pin 65)
P1.6 - TX / MOSI -> UART_1_RX (GP130) (pin 61)
P1.7 - RX / MISO -> UART_1_TX (GP131) (pin 46)
Perform the build. The output file will be stored at output/uart0_alt1_SRF_ERF_US/uart0_alt1_SRF_ERF_US.hex
make -f Makefile.uart0_alt1 BOARD_TYPE=SRF_ERF
Installation is bit more complicated, as you will need to attach connectors to the SRF pins manually (you can't use the wiring points on the board itself).
This XRF blog post maps cc-debugger connector to the XRF pin names.
However, the XRF pins are not the same as the SRF pin locations. For that, you can use the SRF OpenMicros Data to map things to the correct ERF locations.
- SRF Pin 5 - DDATA (also known as DD)
- SRF Pin 6 - DCLOCK (also known as DC)
- SRF Pin 9 - 3.3v (also known as VDD)
- SRF Pin 10 - Ground (also known as GND)
- SRF Pin 15 - Reset
To install the firmware:
make -f Makefile.uart0_alt1 BOARD_TYPE=SRF_ERF install
make -f Makefile.usb_ep0 install
Shows up as a serial device on linux.
If you have CCTL on your device stick, you can re-program the firmware without requiring the cc-debugger. To compile firmware that's compatible with CCTL, set the CODE_LOC and CODE_LOC_NAME parameters:
make -f Makefile.uart0_alt1 BOARD_TYPE=SRF_ERF CODE_LOC=0x400 CODE_LOC_NAME=CCTL
Then, compile the cctl writer program:
cd /where/you/want/the/cctl/code/to/live
git clone
cd cctl
git checkout 24mhz_clock_and_erf_stick_hack
cd cctl-prog
make clean all
Then connect the ERF stick over the serial port (normally /dev/ttyUSB0), and write the firmware:
./cctl-prog -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -f /path/to/subg_rfspy/output/uart0_alt1_SRF_ERF_WW_CCTL/uart0_alt1_SRF_ERF_WW_CCTL.hex
Waiting 10s for bootloader, reset board now
Reset the board by disconnecting the +ve lead, and you should then see:
....Bootloader detected
Erasing, programming and verifying page 1
Erasing page 31
Programming complete