title | description | draft | menu | category | weight | level | ||||||
Additional Learning |
Deeper Learning and Context to Prepare you for Web3 |
false |
lecture |
150 |
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{{< youtube ldEDa6_CT7k >}}
- MIT Distributed Systems Course
- MIT 6.824 Course Schedule & Resources
- A Tour of Go is the comprehensive must-have first stop for learning golang
- Effective Go is a comprehensive manual
- Go Comments and Conventions is a supplement
- Functional Options for friendly APIS
- Slice Tricks for Go
- PLs Distributed Systems Curriculum (with Golang). Includes a tutorial on debugging and lots of good coding exercises for learning distributed systems with Go
- Coursera on The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
- MIT Press book on Designing an Internet
- Summary: Why the Internet was designed to be the way it is, and how it could be different, now and in the future.
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{{< youtube FX_AXNDsZ9k >}}
{{< youtube 9UjqJTCg_h4 >}}
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