Follow is composed of several modules:
- Follow-Doc: Document Management
- Follow-WF: Workflow
- Follow-GI: Identity Management
- Follow-GC: Knowledge Management
- Follow-SR: Services and Tickets
- Follow-tp: Transport Request
The most popular module, Siga-Doc, is able to control the processing of digital or physical documents, administrative processes or files, using digital certificate signature or simply signing with login and password. This module was developed following the requirements of e-Arq, so it has a high degree of adherence.
To learn more about Siga-Doc, click [here] (
Be sure to check out the new [User Manual] (, a contribution from the State Government of São Paulo!
See also the documentation for the developer: [Javadoc] (
To install a trial version of Siga-Doc using Docker, click [here] (
For questions, please contact us through [forum] (!forum/siga-doc).