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Zookeeper Operator Helm Chart

Installs Zookeeper Operator to create/configure/manage Zookeeper clusters atop Kubernetes.


This chart bootstraps a Zookeeper Operator deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.15+ with Beta APIs
  • Helm 3.2.1+

Installing the Chart

To install the zookeeper-operator chart, use the following commands:

$ helm repo add pravega
$ helm repo update
$ helm install [RELEASE_NAME] pravega/zookeeper-operator --version=[VERSION]
  • [RELEASE_NAME] is the release name for the zookeeper-operator chart.
  • [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] is the name of the zookeeper-operator deployment so created. (If [RELEASE_NAME] contains the string zookeeper-operator, [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] = [RELEASE_NAME], else [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] = [RELEASE_NAME]-zookeeper-operator. The [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] can however be overridden by providing --set fullnameOverride=[DEPLOYMENT_NAME] along with the helm install command)
  • [VERSION] can be any stable release version for zookeeper-operator from 0.2.8 onwards.

This command deploys a zookeeper-operator on the Kubernetes cluster in its default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the zookeeper-operator chart, use the following command:

$ helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the zookeeper-operator chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
additionalEnv Additional Environment Variables []
additionalSidecars Additional Sidecars Configuration []
additionalVolumes Additional volumes required for sidecars []
affinity Specifies scheduling constraints on pods {}
annotations Operator pod annotations {}
crd.create Create zookeeper CRD true
disableFinalizer Disable finalizer for zookeeper clusters, PVCs clean-up will be skipped. false
global.imagePullSecrets Lists of secrets to use to pull zookeeper-operator image from a private registry []
hooks.backoffLimit backoffLimit for batch jobs 10
hooks.delete Create pre-delete hook which ensures that the operator cannot be deleted until the zookeeper cluster custom resources have been cleaned up true
hooks.image.repository Image repository for batch jobs "lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectl"
hooks.image.tag Image tag for batch jobs "v1.16.10"
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository Image repository pravega/zookeeper-operator
image.tag Image tag 0.2.15
labels Operator pod labels {}
nodeSelector Map of key-value pairs to be present as labels in the node in which the pod should run {}
rbac.create Create RBAC resources true
resources Specifies resource requirements for the container {}
serviceAccount.create Create service account true Name for the service account zookeeper-operator
tolerations Specifies the pod's tolerations []
watchNamespace Namespaces to be watched ""