This folder defines a docker image suitable for testing things in a browser.
The image is based on the same Node version as the rest of Taskcluster, but
includes a copy of the ESR version of Firefox. Tests should not be
particularly sensitive to the Firefox version. The image label is based on the
Node version defined in the root package.json
To generate the docker image, install jq and run ./
Test the image with the following, which approximates what runs in CI:
docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/repo taskcluster/browser-test:10.14.0 bash -c '
git clone /repo /build &&
cd /build/clients/client-web &&
yarn &&
{ Xvfb :99 -screen 0 640x480x8 -nolisten tcp & } &&
sleep 2 &&
CHROME_BIN=firefox DISPLAY=:99 yarn test'