Liquidswap widget could be used as DAPP inside wallet. Work still in progress.
can be used without wallet adapter.
It needs just several properties:
- Account address of wallet;
const dataAccount = '0x15fd61229f6e12b51adbff45b7b74310c7eaf9c24ef8c13b653c8f2a07bc1d14';
- Network information: name and chainId;
const dataNetwork = { name: 'mainnet', chainId: '1' };
- Transaction info: status and hash;
interface ITransactionStatus {
status: 'pending' | 'success' | 'error' | 'rejected';
hash: string | null
const transactionStatus: ITransactionStatus = { status: 'pending', hash: null };
- Custom Fee to set up widget with fee swap;
const dataFee = {
feeBasisPoint: "10",
feeStruct: {
'scripts::swap': 'address::module::function',
'scripts_v2::swap': 'address::module::function',
'scripts::swap_into': 'address::module::function',
'scripts_v2::swap_into': 'address::module::function',
Properties are passed as strings (data-attributes), so to pass Object you need to use JSON.stringify(); They will be extruded with JSON.parse(); Properties are reactive, so any change to props will update widget's internal store;
data-fee={JSON.stringify(dataFee)} // optional
Also, widget will dispatch to Custom Events:
- 'signAndSubmitTransaction' - this event will be containing payload with transaction. Just accept props inside handler and you will find prop 'detail' with full transaction payload;
- 'transactionProcessed' - this event will be fired after widget accepts hash and status of transaction and correctly resolves it with.
** IMPORTANT ** Then parent receives 'transactionProcessed' - You need to update status with 'pending' and hash should be set to null. Otherwise, it will be led to bugs due to incorrect source of truth.