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dolp on micropython

Here's the external module for micropython that exposes dolp APIs.

In release folder there are some ready to upload micropython binaries with this module compiled on top.

Get started

Upload to your board the binary corresponding to the hardware you're going to use. Access the REPL via USB Serial (more on raspberry and micropython)

On linux:

$ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0

Access the Paste mode by pressing Ctrl-E, then paste your program and press Ctrl-D. As an example, try to paste the following simple program (you can find it also in examples):

import random

import dolp

arduinoImg = bytearray(b'\x0F\x08\x3c\x66\xc2\x92\xd2\x46\x6c\x38\x6c\x46\xd2\x92\xc2\x66\x3c')
maskImg = bytearray(b'\x0F\x08\x3c\x66\xc2\x92\xd2\x46\x6c\x38\x6c\x46\xd2\x92\xc2\x66\x3c') 


def logo_update(logo):
	if not logo.is_moving():
		logo.move_to(random.randint(0, 128), random.randint(0, 64), 6)

for i in range(10):
	e = dolp.new_entity()
	e.configure(random.randint(0, 128), random.randint(0,64), 10, 10)
	e.set_image(arduinoImg, maskImg)

while True:

How to build:

If you are trying to port this module to another rp2040 board or you want to customize dolp configuration or hardware configuration, then you need to build the binary yourself.

These are the steps.

  • Clone micropython repo with its submodules (you'd better cherry-pick the needed submodules):
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
  • Build cross-compiler:
$ cd micropython
$ make -C mpy-cross
  • Go to the board folder:
$ cd ports/rp2/
  • Change the configuration according to your needs in your board's directory (i.e. ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT). You may need to disable some feature to save memory.

  • Build:

$ make -j 8 BOARD=ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT USER_C_MODULES=/path-to-dolp/dolp/micropython/micropython.cmake