There are multiple methods that can be used to install PolarStreams on Kubernetes:
Use the following steps to deploy PolarStreams on Kubernetes using Kustomize.
We recommend running PolarStreams in its own Kubernetes namespace. In the instructions here we’ll use streams
as a namespace
but you’re free to choose your own.
kubectl create namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml streams > namespace.yaml
This example configuration file deploys PolarStreams as a cluster with 3 replicas.
cat <<-'KUSTOMIZATION' > kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
# Override the defautl namespace.
namespace: streams
# Include PolarStreams recommended base.
# Override the image tag to pin the version used.
- name: polarstreams/polar
newTag: latest
# The namespace previously created to keep the resources in.
- namespace.yaml
kubectl kustomize
kubectl apply -k .
Kubernetes command line tool should create the Namespace, StatefulSet and other resources. You can checkout PolarStreams
logs of a broker by using kubectl logs -n streams statefulset/polar
Use the following steps to deploy PolarStreams on Kubernetes using Helm.
Follow the Helm documentation to install the Helm CLI to your machine.
Add the Polar chart repository
helm repo add polar
Install the Polar Helm Chart to deploy Polar to a namespace called streams
helm upgrade -i polar polar/polar -n streams --create-namespace
Once the chart has been installed successfully, check the logs of a broker by using kubectl logs -n streams statefulset/polar
The Polar Helm chart is also available from an OCI registry. Execute the command to install the chart to a namespace called streams
helm upgrade -i <release_name> oci:// --version=<version>