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Incompatible with Atom 1.39.0 - Discussion on Current state of affairs #707

timmay7 opened this issue Jul 23, 2019 · 58 comments


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timmay7 commented Jul 23, 2019


There is blocker issue

I'm not sure that @daviwil will fix it soon. Please switch to PlatformIO IDE for VSCode which has a built-in terminal.

[x] I have reset Atom to defaults prior to submitting report.


It cannot be installed into Atom 1.39.0.

Maintainer EDIT

This ticket WILL NOW be used for discussions of issues related to the project and dependencies and other related information.

Fell free to add your considered thoughts and opinions below. Any offtopic, aggressive or otherwise inflammatory posts will be hidden or possibly deleted depending on the nature of post contents. This is because of trying to foster healthy discussions.

We are all project users all suffering from variants degrees of frustration, Its OK to vent in a considerate manner, anything else is not productive.

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UziTech commented Jul 23, 2019

duplicate of #700

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I get a little bug icon on the bottom of the window. If you click that, you get some info about incompatibility. YOu also get the option to rebuild the package. Clicking that option seems to work. After restarting atom, the package works.

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@pdxwolfy Thanks for providing that information, though can you provide a screenshot so as to help those of us who need to see exactly what they should be looking for?

Also node-gyp has been reported to fail with any other python version higher than 2.7.0 most people use higher or current versions of python. Did you install anything specific to that? If so please provide this information if possible with step-by-step instructions so that the less technical of users can follow.

Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.

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Hi the-j0k3r,

Yes, I have both python2 and python3 installed via homebrew, and node-gyp seems to install fine now (I have had problems with it recently, but I completely uninstalled all traces of python from homebrew (including pyenv) and then reinstalled python2 and python3, and now it seems to work.

Unfortunately, I can't post a screen shot now since it was only present before I rebuilt the package. When I started Atom before that, there was a little bug icon down on the right side of the status line. I clicked that icon to see what it was about, and that's when I got the message about incompatibility. There was a clickable item on the screen that said "Rebuild packages", and I did. When it finished, it restarted Atom, and the complaint about incompatibility was gone, and the terminal was once again working. I'm sorry that I can't provide more info than that.

Oh, the tab that had the messages about incompatibility was labeled "Incompatible Packages"; you can get there with. You can open it from the command pallette

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the-j0k3r commented Jul 24, 2019

Installed Atom 1.39 then tried to install platformio-ide-terminal


@pdxwolfy sadly I see no such icon, but I will retry.

Also, homebrew is macOS, Im on Windows 10 pro 1809 Atom sadly doesnt seem to be consistent across OS's Its similar but not exactly the same

What I did

  1. Installed chocolatey as its easier to manage packages
  2. installed python 2
  3. Installed nodejs
  4. Installed node-gyp (which wont work because apm specifies some outdated version 3.7.0 and wont work with any other)
  5. Installed platformio-ide-terminal via Atom > File > Install > platformio-ide-terminal

Did not see any icon and failure as above.

I will try installing older Atom 1.38.2 and platformio-ide-terminal 2.9.1 and then letting Atom upgrade.

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UziTech commented Jul 24, 2019

@the-j0k3r try the following

  1. clone the platformio-ide-terminal repo
  2. use npm i to install dependencies
  3. apm link to install the package
  4. Open Atom and you will see the icon at the bottom.

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OK heres how I got to see the bug ICON

  1. Installed Atom 1.38.2
  2. Installed platformio-ide-terminal via Atom > File > Install > platformio-ide-terminal
  3. upgraded Atom to 1.39.0

Result failure same as above

3rd try, what @UziTech suggested.

PS C:\Users\Joker\Downloads\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master> npm i              
> [email protected] install C:\Users\Joker\Downloads\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\node_modules\node-pty-prebuilt
> prebuild-install || node scripts/install.js

prebuild-install WARN install No prebuilt binaries found (target=12.6.0 runtime=node arch=x64 libc= platform=win32)

C:\Users\Joker\Downloads\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\node_modules\node-pty-prebuilt>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-lifecycle\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild --build_v8_with_gn=false )  else (node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild --build_v8_with_gn=false )
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Warning: unrecognized setting VCCLCompilerTool/MultiProcessorCompilation
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
MSBUILD : error MSB4132: The tools version "2.0" is unrecognized. Available tools versions are "4.0".
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:262:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:203:13)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:272:12)
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.18362
gyp ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--build_v8_with_gn=false"
gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\Joker\Downloads\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\node_modules\node-pty-prebuilt
gyp ERR! node -v v12.6.0
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0
gyp ERR! not ok
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] install: `prebuild-install || node scripts/install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\Joker\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-07-24T05_27_28_211Z-debug.log
PS C:\Users\Joker\Downloads\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master\platformio-atom-ide-terminal-master>

Both Atom 1.38.2 + upgrade or @UziTech instructions result in


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the-j0k3r commented Jul 24, 2019

Tried also with nodejs 8.9.3 but node-gyp is severely outdated in Atom more specifically apm, node-pty-prebuilt has lost its maintainer/developer to Microsoft. No idea, its extremely frustrating also becaise all devs are bailing Atom and related plugins/dependencies


@UziTech Due to the sheer number of direct project dependencies and the indirect dependencies ( dependencies of the dependencies) its impossible to satisfy your suggestion of taking responsibility for their failures (hence wontfix label will be staying whether this is ideal or not while I take care of the issue tracker here.
Feel free to join discussion on this here also), Rationale for this decision: no project I know of that doesn't develop its own dependencies accepts this premise you have suggested in the other issue report I hid as offtopic. (this is why Im opening this up for discussion, we dont need offtopic clutter in issues I hope youll agree.)

I admit, as a issue tracker contributor for this project and because of #543 and the lack of developer contributors for this project have forced me to adopt the strict constrictions regarding such dependencies. It would be insane amount of reports that no one looks at from a developer standpoint in 95% of cases (because only 5% of those cases had developers pushing contributions to address them in most recent times after the main developer called it quits).

Also issue reports quality are extremely poor in this project as most people ignore the issue templates which were added to at least provide actionable information in order to find fixes/workarounds to that do provide full information, I have endeavored to find/post/repost workarounds as they are found.

As of Atom 1.39.0 and OS depending (for successful) node-gyp rebuilds, ALL terminals that depend on node-pty-prebuilt are dead (the dev/maintainer now works for Microsoft and responds to no emails/contact attempts).

We need alternatives (for terminals and dependencies and developers to implement them) and other than VScode.

Atom devs that used such terminals will either do something about it or ignore the issue unless someone capable comes along that is able to address these issues.

Im trying not to sound/come across as caustic or as a troll if any of this is offensive, I will pre-emptively apologise as its not my intention.

@the-j0k3r the-j0k3r changed the title Incompatible with Atom 1.39.0 Incompatible with Atom 1.39.0 - Discussion on Current state of affairs Jul 24, 2019
@the-j0k3r the-j0k3r reopened this Jul 24, 2019
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VepretskiyD commented Jul 24, 2019

I was able to rebuild the package on Windows 10 x64 1903 and now it's working in Atom 1.39.0 x64.

  1. Install Python 2.7.15 (x64) and Python 3.7.4 (x86 and x64)
  2. npm install --global --production windows-build-tools (it took about 10 minutes to complete)
  3. npm install -g node-gyp
  4. And finally win10, atom v1.0.13, terminal-plus v0.4.3 not working jeremyramin/terminal-plus#15 (comment)
    Node.js version is 10.16.0

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the-j0k3r commented Jul 29, 2019

Solution #3

Here is a solution that will almost certainly work for all OS/platforms that have prebuilt modules in that repo.

See choose a platform that matches your OS, I recommend you stick to stable builds only around 0.8.1 at this time. scan the hell out of these with antivirus or audit the code.

Close Atom, Download the asset for your platform, replace the contents of Atom/packages/platformio-ide-terminal/node-pty-prebuilt etc etc with the downloaded bits from there.

Open Atom, if all worked platformio-ide-terminal should just work.

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have a same error. trying that latest fix/release.
But hope it will be released at normal way from repository maintainer

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rkdass commented Jul 30, 2019

Incase anyone is still struggling with getting platformio-atom-ide running on a mac, I was able to get it running on my MBP (v10.14.6) by downgrading Atom to (v1.28.2) using

I had to click on the little "bug" icon on the bottom right to rebuild platformio-atom-ide (I had disabled/uninstalled) for compatibility issues it when I was trying to get it to work on Atom (v.1.39.1), then rebuild Atom. Finally, re-install platformio-atom-ide and it's working again.

Aside: I was worried that it by downgrading Atom it would wipe all my settings preferences but thankfully it didn't. Hope this helps!

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I've managed to install the package on linux by following these steps:
1- Downloading the latest release from the platformio repo.
2- Extract the release and run npm install (ensure you have npm gyp and npm make installed gloablly).
3- Download the latest node pty prebuilt release and replace the build folder in /node_modules/node-pty-prebuilt.
4- Copy the entire platformio folder to your atom packages folder.

@the-j0k3r the-j0k3r mentioned this issue Jul 30, 2019
2 tasks
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the-j0k3r commented Jul 30, 2019

@rkdass see #707 (comment) that was for macOS

also downgrade to 1.28.2, you meant 1.38.2, but thats not really a solution. you can try also #707 (comment) re:

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Rebuilding the packages (as offered in Atom after clicking the bug icon) worked for me, thanks!

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There is blocker issue

I'm not sure that @daviwil will fix it soon. Please switch to PlatformIO IDE for VSCode which has a built-in terminal.

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Is it time to change the editor

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Mac OS/OSX Fix

For me, it was a problem with python using version 3, which was causing node-gyp intall to fail.

I managed to install this package on the latest version of Atom (v1.39.1) on Mac OS using the following steps:

  1. Edit /Applications/

    Change line 37 from exec python "${ARGS[@]}" to exec python2 "${ARGS[@]}" and line 40 from exec python "$@" to exec python2 "$@"

  2. apm install platformio-ide-terminal should now succeed

  3. When I opened Atom, I had to rebuild the package

  4. You might want to reverse the edits in

Hope this helps someone

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utotch commented Jul 31, 2019

the above solution did not work for me.
In my env on Mac, atom always checks compatibility and fail even though I edited to embed python2.7.

This bug really suffers me and I waste a long time today. I hope this will be solved as fast as possible...

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utotch commented Aug 1, 2019

This solution works for me on Mac.

> apm install [email protected]
> apm install [email protected]

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the-j0k3r commented Aug 1, 2019

@utotch Its your choice of course to stay with Atom 1.38.2 but platformio-ide-terminal should be version 2.9.1.

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utotch commented Aug 1, 2019

Because the combination above is the only way to start up Atom successfully in my environment.

Of course I wanted to use the recent version of Atom and plugins as far as possible.
I tried possible combinations but failed.

I was really tired to solve this problem because I couldn’t work almost a whole day and waist a time. sad.

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the-j0k3r commented Aug 1, 2019

OK once @ivankravets merges #753 and makes a release we can all go back to work without disruptions.

If that doesnt work for everyone else, I have no other solution at this time.

Redirect issues related to node-pty-prebuilt-multiarch to

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Please upgrade to

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T-vK commented Oct 31, 2020

For me this was still an issue by default. I had to click the bug button on the very bottom of the atom window:
and then click the Rebuild Packages button:
Then click the Reload Atom button:
Then it finally works and the buttons show up:

My system:

  • Using Linux (Fedora 31 x64)
  • Fresh install of Atom (v1.52.0) (Using the officially provided rpm)
  • Telemetry disabled
  • github package disabled (because it prevented be from opening any files)
  • Latest platformio-ide-terminal (v2.10.0) installed and enabled

@platformio platformio locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Oct 31, 2020
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