Wrapper around mitmproxy. Install, configure and run a local debug proxy alongside WordPress, allowing interception, analysis and replay of every HTTP(S) request and response.
- Install wp-cli
- Add wp-cli package index:
composer config repositories.wp-cli composer http://wp-cli.org/package-index/
- Install command:
composer require pixline/wp-cli-proxy=dev-master
config Add proxy configuration constants to wp-config.php (or dump them to console).
install Install mitmproxy
start Start mitmproxy
version Return wp-cli + mitmproxy versions
wp proxy config [--dump]
wp proxy install
wp proxy start [<port>] [--flags=<flags>]
wp proxy version
See wp proxy <subcommand> --help
(or source code) for details.
proxy start:
port: 1234
flags: --palette=solarized_dark
install support- minor refactoring
- First public release
Copyright (c) 2013+ Paolo Tresso / SWERgroup
Plugin released under the MIT License