diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-artifact.yaml b/.github/workflows/build-artifact.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a12953f21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build-artifact.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+name: Build Artifacts
+ push:
+ branches: [ sge ]
+ # pull_request:
+ # branches: [ master ]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ build_packages:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - env: mainnet
+ cfg: "chains/mainnet/sge.json"
+ - env: testnet
+ cfg: "chains/testnet/sge.json"
+ - env: staging
+ cfg: "chains/testnet/sge_stage.json"
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Environment
+ run: export NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=4096"
+ - name: Git Checkout Latest
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Update config
+ run: |
+ if [ ${{ matrix.env }} != "mainnet" ]; then cp ${{ matrix.cfg }} chains/mainnet/sge.json; fi
+ rm chains/testnet/*
+ cp chains/mainnet/sge.json chains/testnet/sge.json
+ - name: Remove Google Analytics
+ run: |
+ sed -i '25,40d' index.html
+ - name: Install
+ run: yarn install --ignore-engines
+ - name: Build
+ run: yarn build
+ - name: Pack
+ run: |
+ mv dist/ pingpub
+ tar -czf pingpub_${{ matrix.env }}.tar.gz ./pingpub/
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ id: upload
+ with:
+ name: pingpub_${{ matrix.env }}.tar.gz
+ path: pingpub_${{ matrix.env }}.tar.gz
+ retention-days: 1
+ build_image_staging:
+ needs: build_packages
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ PINGPUB_AMI_STAGING: ${{ steps.extract.outputs.PINGPUB_AMI }}
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ contents: read
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout aws-infra
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: 'saage-tech/aws-infra'
+ token: ${{ secrets.UPDATE_TGL }}
+ - name: Download
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ - name: Assume role
+ uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
+ with:
+ role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME_STAGING }}
+ aws-region: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION_STAGING }}
+ - name: Packer Init
+ run: |
+ cp pingpub_staging.tar.gz/pingpub_staging.tar.gz ./packer/blockexplorer/files/pingpub.tar.gz
+ cd packer/blockexplorer
+ packer init .
+ - name: Packer Build
+ working-directory: packer/blockexplorer
+ run: |
+ packer build -var-file=staging.pkvars.hcl blockexplorer.pkr.hcl
+ - name: Extract AMI_ID
+ id: extract
+ working-directory: packer/blockexplorer
+ run : |
+ AMI_ID=$(jq -r '.builds[-1].artifact_id' packer-manifest.json | cut -d ":" -f2)
+ echo $AMI_ID
+ build_image_testnet:
+ needs: build_packages
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ PINGPUB_AMI_TESTNET: ${{ steps.extract.outputs.PINGPUB_AMI }}
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ contents: read
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout aws-infra
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: 'saage-tech/aws-infra'
+ token: ${{ secrets.UPDATE_TGL }}
+ - name: Download
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ - name: Assume role
+ uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
+ with:
+ role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME_TESTNET }}
+ aws-region: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION_TESTNET }}
+ - name: Packer Init
+ run: |
+ cp pingpub_testnet.tar.gz/pingpub_testnet.tar.gz ./packer/blockexplorer/files/pingpub.tar.gz
+ cd packer/blockexplorer
+ packer init .
+ - name: Packer Build
+ working-directory: packer/blockexplorer
+ run: |
+ packer build -var-file=testnet.pkvars.hcl blockexplorer.pkr.hcl
+ - name: Extract AMI_ID
+ id: extract
+ working-directory: packer/blockexplorer
+ run : |
+ AMI_ID=$(jq -r '.builds[-1].artifact_id' packer-manifest.json | cut -d ":" -f2)
+ echo $AMI_ID
+ build_image_mainnet:
+ needs: build_packages
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ PINGPUB_AMI_MAINNET: ${{ steps.extract.outputs.PINGPUB_AMI }}
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ contents: read
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout aws-infra
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: 'saage-tech/aws-infra'
+ token: ${{ secrets.UPDATE_TGL }}
+ - name: Download
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ - name: Assume role
+ uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
+ with:
+ role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME_MAINNET }}
+ aws-region: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION_MAINNET }}
+ - name: Packer Init
+ run: |
+ cp pingpub_mainnet.tar.gz/pingpub_mainnet.tar.gz ./packer/blockexplorer/files/pingpub.tar.gz
+ cd packer/blockexplorer
+ packer init .
+ - name: Packer Build
+ working-directory: packer/blockexplorer
+ run: |
+ packer build -var-file=mainnet.pkvars.hcl blockexplorer.pkr.hcl
+ - name: Extract AMI_ID
+ id: extract
+ working-directory: packer/blockexplorer
+ run : |
+ ls -la
+ AMI_ID=$(jq -r '.builds[-1].artifact_id' packer-manifest.json | cut -d ":" -f2)
+ echo $AMI_ID
+ update_ami:
+ needs: [ build_image_staging, build_image_testnet, build_image_mainnet ]
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ contents: write
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout terragrunt code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: 'saage-tech/terragrunt-live-sgenetwork'
+ token: ${{ secrets.UPDATE_TGL }}
+ - name: Replace AMI IDs
+ env:
+ MAINNET_AMI: ${{ needs.build_image_mainnet.outputs.PINGPUB_AMI_MAINNET }}
+ TESTNET_AMI: ${{ needs.build_image_testnet.outputs.PINGPUB_AMI_TESTNET }}
+ STAGING_AMI: ${{ needs.build_image_staging.outputs.PINGPUB_AMI_STAGING }}
+ run: |
+ cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/staging/us-east-1/blockchain/pingpub/instance/pingpub-priv
+ sed -i "s/aws_instance_ami =.*/aws_instance_ami = \"${STAGING_AMI}\"/g" terragrunt.hcl
+ cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/testnet/us-east-1/public-testnet-20221028/pingpub/instances/pingpub-priv
+ sed -i "s/aws_instance_ami =.*/aws_instance_ami = \"${TESTNET_AMI}\"/g" terragrunt.hcl
+ cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/mainnet/ap-northeast-2/blockchain/pingpub/instance/pingpub-priv
+ sed -i "s/aws_instance_ami =.*/aws_instance_ami = \"${MAINNET_AMI}\"/g" terragrunt.hcl
+ - name: Check terragrunt HCL mainnet
+ uses: gruntwork-io/terragrunt-action@v2
+ with:
+ tf_version: v1.3.3
+ tg_version: v0.42.3
+ tg_dir: mainnet/ap-northeast-2/blockchain/pingpub/instance/pingpub-priv
+ tg_command: 'hclfmt'
+ - name: Check terragrunt HCL testnet
+ uses: gruntwork-io/terragrunt-action@v2
+ with:
+ tf_version: v1.3.3
+ tg_version: v0.42.3
+ tg_dir: testnet/us-east-1/public-testnet-20221028/pingpub/instances/pingpub-priv
+ tg_command: 'hclfmt'
+ - name: Check terragrunt HCL staging
+ uses: gruntwork-io/terragrunt-action@v2
+ with:
+ tf_version: v1.3.3
+ tg_version: v0.42.3
+ tg_dir: staging/us-east-1/blockchain/pingpub/instance/pingpub-priv
+ tg_command: 'hclfmt'
+ - name: Commit changes
+ uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
+ with:
+ commit_message: Automated Change - PingPub update
+ #push_options: --force
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/config-check.yaml b/.github/workflows/config-check.yaml
index a9bad362ac..91dd2c1bf4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/config-check.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/config-check.yaml
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
name: Config Checker
- # push:
- # branches: [ master ]
+ push:
+ branches: [ master, sge ]
# branches: [ master ]
diff --git a/.github/workflows/sync_repos.yaml b/.github/workflows/sync_repos.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1151e1abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/sync_repos.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+name: Sync repo
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 1 * * 3"
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ get_state:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ EXPLORER: ${{ steps.status.outputs.EXPLORER }}
+ UPDATE: ${{ steps.status.outputs.UPDATE }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Get commits
+ id: status
+ run: |
+ echo "EXPLORER=$(git ls-remote -h https://github.com/ping-pub/explorer.git master | cut -f1)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ grep '^${EXPLORER}$' pingpub.commit && echo "UPDATE=0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT || export echo "UPDATE=1" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ repo_sync:
+ needs: get_state
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ if: needs.get_state.outputs.UPDATE == 0 #Should be changed later
+ steps:
+ - name: Clone SGE Repo
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ ref: 'sge'
+ - name: Clone Original Repo
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ repository: 'ping-pub/explorer'
+ ref: 'master'
+ path: 'original'
+ - name: Update files
+ run: |
+ rm original/chains/mainnet/cosmos.json original/chains/mainnet/neutron.json original/chains/mainnet/nolus.json
+ rm original/chains/mainnet/osmosis.json original/chains/testnet/crossfi.json
+ cp -r ./original/* ./
+ rm -rf original/
+ echo $UPDATE > pingpub.commit
+ - name: Commit changes
+ uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
+ with:
+ branch: 'sge'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/testnet-deploy.yaml b/.github/workflows/testnet-deploy.yaml
index 55391d0122..02887afacb 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/testnet-deploy.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/testnet-deploy.yaml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ jobs:
- name: print
run: echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}
- name: Git Checkout Latest
uses: actions/checkout@v2
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 342d5900e3..051bc973d9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Your donation will help us make better products. Thanks in advance.
## Hire us
-You can hire us by submiting an issue and fund the issue on [IssueHunter](https://issuehunt.io/r/ping-pub/explorer)
+You can hire us by submitting an issue and fund the issue on [IssueHunter](https://issuehunt.io/r/ping-pub/explorer)
## Contributors
diff --git a/chains/mainnet/axelar.json b/chains/mainnet/axelar.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 28bd6d986b..0000000000
--- a/chains/mainnet/axelar.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- "chain_name": "axelar",
- "api": [
- "https://rest.axelar.lava.build/lava-referer-97409c72-1a82-4861-8651-119c15151cbe"
- ],
- "rpc": [
- "https://tm.axelar.lava.build/lava-referer-97409c72-1a82-4861-8651-119c15151cbe"
- ],
- "snapshot_provider": "",
- "sdk_version": "0.45.6",
- "coin_type": "118",
- "min_tx_fee": "800",
- "addr_prefix": "axelar",
- "logo": "/logos/axelar.svg",
- "theme_color": "#161723",
- "assets": [
- {
- "base": "uaxl",
- "symbol": "AXL",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "axelar",
- "logo": "/logos/axelar.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "uusdc",
- "symbol": "axlUSDC",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "usd-coin",
- "logo": "/logos/usdc.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "uusdt",
- "symbol": "axlUSDT",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "tether",
- "logo": "/logos/usdt.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "dai-wei",
- "symbol": "axlDAI",
- "exponent": "18",
- "coingecko_id": "dai",
- "logo": "/logos/dai.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "weth-wei",
- "symbol": "axlWETH",
- "exponent": "18",
- "coingecko_id": "ethereum",
- "logo": "/logos/weth.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "wmatic-wei",
- "symbol": "axlWMATIC",
- "exponent": "18",
- "coingecko_id": "matic-network",
- "logo": "/logos/wmatic.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "wavax-wei",
- "symbol": "axlWAVAX",
- "exponent": "18",
- "coingecko_id": "avalanche-2",
- "logo": "/logos/wavax.svg"
- },
- {
- "base": "dot-planck",
- "symbol": "axlDOT",
- "exponent": "10",
- "coingecko_id": "polkadot",
- "logo": "/logos/dot.svg"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/chains/mainnet/cosmos.json b/chains/mainnet/cosmos.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bd610640d..0000000000
--- a/chains/mainnet/cosmos.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- "chain_name": "cosmos",
- "registry_name": "cosmoshub",
- "api": [
- {"provider": "notional", "address": "https://api-cosmoshub-ia.cosmosia.notional.ventures"},
- {"provider": "blockapsis", "address": "https://lcd-cosmoshub.blockapsis.com:443"},
- {"provider": "WhisperNode🤐", "address": "https://lcd-cosmoshub.whispernode.com:443"},
- {"provider": "pupmos", "address": "https://api-cosmoshub.pupmos.network"},
- {"provider": "publicnode", "address": "https://cosmos-rest.publicnode.com"},
- {"provider": "staketab", "address": "https://cosmos-rest.staketab.org"},
- {"provider": "nodestake", "address": "https://api.cosmos.nodestake.top"},
- {"provider": "Golden Ratio Staking", "address": "https://rest-cosmoshub.goldenratiostaking.net"}
- ],
- "rpc": [
- {"provider": "icycro", "address": "https://cosmos-rpc.icycro.org"},
- {"provider": "dragonstake", "address": "https://rpc.cosmos.dragonstake.io"},
- {"provider": "Golden Ratio Staking", "address": "https://rpc-cosmoshub.goldenratiostaking.net"}
- ],
- "sdk_version": "0.45.1",
- "coin_type": "118",
- "min_tx_fee": "800",
- "addr_prefix": "cosmos",
- "logo": "/logos/cosmos.svg",
- "assets": [{
- "base": "uatom",
- "symbol": "ATOM",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "cosmos",
- "logo": "/logos/cosmos.svg"
- }]
diff --git a/chains/mainnet/neutron.json b/chains/mainnet/neutron.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 864e67f10b..0000000000
--- a/chains/mainnet/neutron.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- "chain_name": "neutron",
- "api": [
- {"provider": "Polkachu", "address": "https://neutron-api.polkachu.com"},
- {"provider": "NodeStake", "address": "https://api.neutron.nodestake.top"},
- {"provider": "Allnodes", "address": "https://neutron-rest.publicnode.com"}
- ],
- "rpc": [
- {"provider": "Polkachu", "address": "https://neutron-rpc.polkachu.com"},
- {"provider": "NodeStake", "address": "https://rpc.neutron.nodestake.top"},
- {"provider": "Allnodes", "address": "https://neutron-rpc.publicnode.com:443"}
- ],
- "provider_chain": {
- "api": ["https://api-cosmoshub-ia.cosmosia.notional.ventures"]
- },
- "features": ["dashboard", "blocks", "ibc", "cosmwasm", "uptime", "parameters", "state-sync", "consensus", "supply", "widget"],
- "sdk_version": "0.45.1",
- "coin_type": "118",
- "min_tx_fee": "8000",
- "assets": [{
- "base": "untrn",
- "symbol": "NTRN",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "neutron",
- "logo": "/logos/neutron.svg"
- }],
- "addr_prefix": "neutron",
- "theme_color": "#161723",
- "logo": "/logos/neutron.svg"
diff --git a/chains/mainnet/nolus.json b/chains/mainnet/nolus.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 81bdd48470..0000000000
--- a/chains/mainnet/nolus.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- "chain_name": "nolus",
- "coingecko": "nolus",
- "api": [
- {"provider": "Nolus", "address": "https://pirin-cl.nolus.network:1317"},
- {"provider": "LavenderFive", "address": "https://nolus-api.lavenderfive.com:443"},
- {"provider": "Allnodes", "address": "https://nolus-rest.publicnode.com"}
- ],
- "rpc": [
- {"provider": "Nolus", "address": "https://pirin-cl.nolus.network:26657"},
- {"provider": "LavenderFive", "address": "https://nolus-rpc.lavenderfive.com:443"},
- {"provider": "Allnodes", "address": "https://nolus-rpc.publicnode.com:443"}
- ],
- "snapshot_provider": "",
- "sdk_version": "v0.47.6",
- "coin_type": "118",
- "min_tx_fee": "0",
- "addr_prefix": "nolus",
- "logo": "/logos/nolus.svg",
- "assets": [{
- "base": "unls",
- "symbol": "NLS",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "nolus",
- "logo": "/logos/nolus.svg"
- }]
diff --git a/chains/mainnet/osmosis.json b/chains/mainnet/osmosis.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 35669f39a9..0000000000
--- a/chains/mainnet/osmosis.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- "chain_name": "osmosis",
- "coingecko": "osmosis",
- "api": ["https://lcd.osmosis.zone","https://api-osmosis-ia.cosmosia.notional.ventures", "https://osmosis-api.polkachu.com", "https://lcd-osmosis.blockapsis.com"],
- "rpc": ["https://rpc.osmosis.zone", "https://rpc-osmosis-ia.cosmosia.notional.ventures:443", "https://osmosis-rpc.polkachu.com:443", "https://osmosis.validator.network:443", "https://rpc-osmosis.blockapsis.com:443"],
- "snapshot_provider": "",
- "sdk_version": "0.46.1",
- "coin_type": "118",
- "min_tx_fee": "800",
- "addr_prefix": "osmo",
- "logo": "/logos/osmosis.jpg",
- "theme_color": "#812cd6",
- "assets": [{
- "base": "uosmo",
- "symbol": "OSMO",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "osmosis",
- "logo": "/logos/osmosis.jpg"
- },{
- "base": "uion",
- "symbol": "ION",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "ion",
- "logo": "/logos/osmosis.jpg"
- },{
- "base": "usomm",
- "symbol": "SOMM",
- "exponent": "6",
- "coingecko_id": "somm",
- "logo": ""
- }]
diff --git a/chains/mainnet/sge.json b/chains/mainnet/sge.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7aa59816c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chains/mainnet/sge.json
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ "chain_name": "sge",
+ "alias": "sge",
+ "api": [
+ "https://api.sgenetwork.io/",
+ "https://rest.cosmos.directory/sge",
+ "https://sge-api.lavenderfive.com",
+ "https://sge-api.polkachu.com",
+ "https://api.sge.nodestake.top",
+ "https://sge-api.sr20de.xyz"
+ ],
+ "rpc": [
+ "https://rpc.sgenetwork.io/",
+ "https://rpc.cosmos.directory/sge",
+ "https://sge-rpc.lavenderfive.com",
+ "https://sge-rpc.polkachu.com",
+ "https://rpc.sge.nodestake.top",
+ "https://sge-rpc.sr20de.xyz"
+ ],
+ "snapshot_provider": "",
+ "addr_prefix": "sge",
+ "coin_type": "494",
+ "min_tx_fee": "8000",
+ "assets": [
+ {
+ "base": "usge",
+ "symbol": "SGE",
+ "exponent": "6",
+ "coingecko_id": "sge",
+ "logo": "/logos/sge.png"
+ }
+ ],
+ "logo": "/logos/sge.png",
+ "sdk_version": "0.45.8"
diff --git a/chains/testnet/crossfi.json b/chains/testnet/crossfi.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5414f3f202..0000000000
--- a/chains/testnet/crossfi.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- "chain_name": "crossfi-testnet-1",
- "api": ["https://crossfi-testnet-api.forpeaky.xyz"],
- "rpc": ["https://crossfi-testnet-rpc.forpeaky.xyz"],
- "coingecko": "",
- "snapshot_provider": "",
- "sdk_version": "0.47.1",
- "coin_type": "118",
- "min_tx_fee": "500",
- "addr_prefix": "crossfi"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chains/testnet/sge.json b/chains/testnet/sge.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ed609176a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chains/testnet/sge.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "chain_name": "sge",
+ "alias": "sge",
+ "api": [
+ { "provider": "sge-network", "address": "https://lcd-1317.testnet.sgenetwork.io"},
+ { "provider": "stavr.tech", "address": "https://sge.api.t.stavr.tech" }
+ ],
+ "rpc": [
+ { "provider": "sge-network", "address": "https://lcd-26657.testnet.sgenetwork.io" },
+ { "provider": "stavr.tech", "address": "https://sge.rpc.t.stavr.tech" }
+ ],
+ "snapshot_provider": "",
+ "addr_prefix": "sge",
+ "coin_type": "494",
+ "min_tx_fee": "8000",
+ "assets": [
+ {
+ "base": "usge",
+ "symbol": "SGE",
+ "exponent": "6",
+ "coingecko_id": "sge",
+ "logo": "/logos/sge.png"
+ }
+ ],
+ "logo": "/logos/sge.png",
+ "sdk_version": "0.45.8"
diff --git a/chains/testnet/sge_stage.json b/chains/testnet/sge_stage.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4005d5a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chains/testnet/sge_stage.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "chain_name": "sge",
+ "alias": "sge",
+ "api": [
+ { "provider": "sge-network", "address": "https://lcd-1317.staging.sgenetwork.io"}
+ ],
+ "rpc": [
+ { "provider": "sge-network", "address": "https://lcd-26657.staging.sgenetwork.io"}
+ ],
+ "snapshot_provider": "",
+ "addr_prefix": "sge",
+ "coin_type": "494",
+ "min_tx_fee": "8000",
+ "assets": [
+ {
+ "base": "usge",
+ "symbol": "SGE",
+ "exponent": "6",
+ "coingecko_id": "sge",
+ "logo": "/logos/sge.png"
+ }
+ ],
+ "logo": "/logos/sge.png",
+ "sdk_version": "0.45.8"
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index 3c1c9f9468..156b08af67 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
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